EX-10.1 2 mmc0930202410qex_101.htm COMMITMENT LETTER MMC & CITIGROUP Document
388 Greenwich Street
紐約,紐約 10013

Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.
1166 美洲大道
注意:Mark McGivney,致富金融(臨時代碼)執行長

Project Bulldog
馬仕蘭萬公司,一家特拉華州公司(以下簡稱為“借款人”或“”),已向花旗(如下所定義)(“我們”, “我們” 或“公司”承諾派對)打算收購(收購)直接或間接,購入您先前向我們確認為“牛頭犬”的全部流通股(目標)。收購將根據本函日期為日期的合併協議和計劃完成(合併協議),由Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC,一家特拉華州有限責任公司,及借款方的全資子公司之間買方”), BD Merger Sub, Inc., a Delaware corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Buyer (“合併子公司”), the Target and TIH Platform Midco, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership. The Acquisition will be effected through a merger of Merger Sub with and into the Target (the “合併”), with the Target being the surviving entity in the Merger and continuing (immediately following the Merger) as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Borrower, in accordance with the Merger Agreement. You have also advised the Commitment Party that in connection with the Acquisition, you intend to obtain the 364-day senior unsecured bridge term loan facility (the “Bridge Facility”) described in this Commitment Letter (as defined below) in an aggregate principal amount equal to $7.75 billion (as such amount may be reduced as set forth in the section under the heading “Mandatory Prepayments” in the Summary of Terms and Conditions attached as 展覽A 根據此,並參照(以下簡稱「條款摘要”或“交易條款表」,以及條款摘要,連同本函及本文件的其他展覽和附表(以下簡稱「承諾書」)。未在此作其他定義的大寫字詞應按照條款摘要所規定的意義解釋。「花旗銀行「”」指的是可能適當以完成本合約所規劃之交易而須參與的花旗集團全球市場有限公司、花旗銀行美國、花旗美國公司、花旗北美公司和/或其任何聯屬公司。
1.    承諾就前述而言,(i) Citi謹此承諾向借款人提供橋式融資本金的100%(Citi,在此能力下,為「初始貸方」),並(ii)Citi謹此承諾擔任橋式融資的唯一行政代理(在此能力下,為「行政代理人。」),所有均依據本承諾書及費用函(如下定義)中所載條款,並僅受資金條件限制(如下定義)約束。 Citi很高興通知您其願意擔任,而您在此同意將Citi聘為唯一首席安排人和唯一主承銷商(在此能力下,為「首席安排人」)擔任橋式融資的首席安排人,為此,首席安排人將盡商業上合理的努力組成一個


銀行和金融機構聯盟(包括首次貸款人)(統稱為「債權人。 ”),並按照第8.2.2條款進行。 第 3 部分 本證明書承諾書和費用證明書,(i)「生效日期」代表貸款文件(如下文所定)的生效日期,應根據「條款前提條件」下「條款表」中所列條款生效,(ii)「資金日期「生效日」指的是完成收購並在銀行根據橋樑協議向借款人發放貸款的日期。
除非您和我們書面同意,否則將不會指派其他代理人、共同代理人、安排人或引薦人,也不會授予其他稱號。 提供 您可以根據您和我們在此日期之前書面同意的“聯合籌劃方案”,授予代理人或共同代理人,但不授予首席安排人或引薦人稱號,在此日期之後您要求的任何更改,需經首席安排人同意後执行(不得以不合理方式拒絕、條件附加或延遲)(該“聯合籌劃方案),或任何其他機構,在擔保額水準方面與該方擔保額的業務銀行按聯合籌劃方案正式聯合整理的本金合理態度相當,具有該稱號的其他貸款人。該工程通曉並同意花旗將在任何與橋梁融資相關的資訊備忘錄和其他營銷材料上擁有左及最高的放置權,並將執行與該放置相關聯的常規角色和責任,包括為橋梁融資保留唯一的實體帳簿。
2.    融資條件雖然承諾書、費用協議書、銜接設施的正式文件(「貸款文件」)或有關交易(如交易條款中所定義)的任何其他協議或承諾的內容,與可用和資助銜接設施的條件(明示或暗示的)在資金日期上是如下(該等條件,「資金條件”):
(a) 簽署和交付貸款文件,其條款應與承諾書一致,並受制於特定基金條款(如下所定義);
(b)其他的資金日期明確設定的資金日期前提條件得到滿足(或由大多數承諾方(如下定義)豁免) 附件 B 此處的
在本條款中,“ 多數承諾方” 意指在任何時間,對橋樑融資承諾總額佔多於該時間的50%的承諾方集體總持有量; 提供 多數承諾方在任何情況下應包括花旗。
儘管承諾書、費用函、貸款文件或涉及交易的其他協議或其他承諾,無論有任何相反規定,(i) 橋樑設施於資金日期的可用性和資金僅受資金條件控制項的條件(明示或暗示),並且在符合(或經大部分承諾方同意豁免)資金條件時,將提供借款人在橋樑設施下的資金請求,(ii) 只有具備融資條件的特定聲明和保證的準確性將作為橋樑設施在資金日期的可用性條件,(iii) 貸款文件條款需構成,使橋樑設施在資金日期的可用性不受損害,如果資金條件得以滿足(或被大部分承諾方豁免)。特定陳述在此文中,“”指(a)目標方就目標和其子公司在合併協議中所作的對貸方利益有重要性的陳述和保證,但僅就借款人(或其子公司或聯屬公司)有權終止合約。

由於違反合併協議中的聲明和保證而導致合併協議中的聲明和保證而拒絕完成收購(」指定合併協議陳述」) 及 (b) 借款人在貸款文件中的聲明和擔保有關 (1) 借款人的公司或其他組織存在,(2) 借款人的企業權力和權力,(3) 貸款文件對借款人的可執行性,(4) 貸款文件的適當授權、執行和交付貸款文件,(5) 貸款文件的執行和交付不衝突附有 (x) 借款人的組織文件或 (y) 任何協議或證明借款人借款金額超過 150,000,000 美元的本金或承諾金額負債的文件(為交易而定)、(6) 聯儲保證金規定、(7) 投資公司法案狀況、(8) 使用未違反制裁(包括 OFAC)和反貪法(包括 FCPA)或 PATRIOT 法,以及 (9) 根據貸款文件而未發生違約事件的事件 (x) 借款人破產或 (y) 未支付借款人應付任何費用(如指明)在學期表或收費信中,如有需要繳付的情況下)(」指定信用協議陳述」)。本段將被稱為」部分資金供應.”
3.    聯合。主要安排人保留權利,在融資日期前或之後,將初始貸款人根據本條款有關橋接設施所承諾的全部或部分承諾分配給一個或多個潛在貸款人; 提供 選擇貸款人及在該等貸款人之間的承諾分配須取得您的同意(該同意,在本條款日期 60 天或之後開始的期間內,不得不得不合理地拒絕、受條件或延遲)(同意您同意(x)將橋接設施有關的承諾合併轉讓給聯合計劃中的金融機構和貸款人(與任何聯合計劃)您在本文日期之後要求的更改,但在主要安排人同意該等更改的情況下(不適用於不合理地拒絕、受條件或延遲))及 (y) 向上述內容所述的貸款人分配承諾 句子 (x) (“主題貸款人」) 根據聯合計劃中規定,或在本協議日期後 60 天之後,如果並且在未達成成功合併(如費用信中定義)的情況下,向主要安排人與您另行決定的分配給主體貸款人(您同意的每個潛在貸款人,a」認可貸款人”); 提供 儘管首席安排人有權合併橋接設施並接受有關的承諾,但初始貸款人不得免除、釋放或重新承擔其下的義務(包括其在資助日期根據其下條款下的承諾資助)與橋接設施的任何合併、轉讓或參與之相關的責任(包括其在資助日期根據其下的承諾提供資金)之全額資助(或較低金額為以下的金額為止)由借款人以書面要求) 的橋樑在融資日期的便利,除非根據 (a) 貸款文件所證明的有效轉讓,但貸款人是認可貸款人的承諾範圍外,在這種情況下的初始貸款人的承諾將由該批准貸款人的承諾減少美元兌美元或 (b) 您和我們所簽署的本承諾信的慣常聯合或修訂,或修改或重新陳述(任何)此類合併、修訂或修訂及重新陳述,a」連接器」) 根據該等條款,認可貸款人同意成為本承諾信的一方,並根據本文所述的條款直接向您延長承諾(在這種情況下,初始貸款人的承諾將由該認可貸款人的承諾按美元減少),並且為了避免任何疑問,不得對橋接設施的可用性增加任何條件,增加您支付的賠償或修改以技術修改以外的任何方式承諾信為實施增加該等認可貸款人的必要性; 提供 進一步 該條款的各方

在不限制閣下在本文所述協助合資工作方面的義務之外,原始貸款人在本條文下的承諾並不需要聯合或收到有關橋接設施的承諾,以及成功完成橋接設施的合資,不會構成橋接設施在融資日期可用的條件。主要安排人打算在您接受本承諾信和收費信後立即開始聯合橋樑設施。直至 (i) 成功合併發行的日期以及 (ii) 資助日後的 60 天(」聯合發行日期」),閣下同意主動協助,並採取商業合理的努力,使目標(在與合併協議一致且不違反合併協議的範圍內)積極協助主管安排商實現橋接設施合理人和您合理滿意的合理性(受第一段規定的程序和您的權利約束) 第三節 此處)。此類協助應包括您 (a) 協助準備機密資料備忘錄和其他慣用的行銷材料,以便與橋接設施合併相關使用(統稱「條款摘要」,資訊材料」)、(b) 採取商業合理的努力,確保主要安排人的合資努力從您現有的銀行關係中獲得實質利益,以及在與合併協議一致且不違反目標現有銀行關係的範圍內,(c) 您盡商業合理的努力在本條日後盡快獲得貸款人的長期非高級人士評級穆迪投資者服務有限公司的抵押債務(」穆迪」),標準普爾金融服務有限公司(」標普」) 及惠譽評級股份有限公司(」惠譽」) 及 (d) 讓您的高級人員及部分顧問,並採取商業合理的努力,使目標的高級人員和部分顧問(在與合併協議一致且不違反合併協議的範圍內)在一次電話會議上出席和就借款人及其附屬公司的業務和前景進行簡報(或者,如果主要安排人認為合理必要的情況下,更多潛在貸款人的電話會議),在未來的時間或時間共同同意。
您進一步同意,直到聯合發行日期之前,您和您的子公司不會(並且您不會採取商業合理的努力(在合併協議一致且不違反合併協議的範圍內)確保目標及其附屬公司不會承擔、發行、公布、發售、置售或安排借款人、目標或其任何債務或股權(或股權掛鈎)證券或任何聯合信貸設施各自的附屬公司,在每個情況下,合理預期會有重大損害主要公司橋接設施的合併發行(即 (i) 任何合資格定期貸款機構(如條款摘要中所定義)、(ii) 發行高級債券(如條款摘要中定義)、(iii) 根據截至 2023 年 10 月 11 日之修訂及重新訂的五年信貸協議(在本日期前修訂、重新修訂、修訂及重新整理、豁免、補充或以其他方式修改)或者,」現有循環信貸協議」) 在借款人中,英國私人有限公司康寶控股有限公司及其指定附屬公司(作為借款人)、貸款人及發行銀行,以及花旗銀行作為行政代理人,以及對現有循環信貸協議或其再融資或更換的任何修訂、重新陳述、補充或其他修改,每種情況下(x)增加總額承諾金額不超過 3,500,000,000 美元(加上累計和未付利息及其任何保費以及折扣、費用、佣金和費用)和 (y) 與花旗合理協調進行(理解並同意,本條件的規定已明白並同意 句子 (y) 如果花旗獲得管理通訊的機會,則將被視為滿意。

有关任何此类再融资或更换的联合,(iv)正常程序购买货款和设备融资和资本租赁,(v) 根据正常程序的营运资本、信用证或透支额度借款,(vi)发行商业票据,(vii)总额不超过1.5億美元的其他债务,(viii)目标公司及其子公司的任何债务不得违反并购协议的规定(包括在此之后征得您或任何从属方同意作出的任何此类负债的效应下存在的没有适当征得您或您的任何从属方同意而需要根据并购协议条款征得您或您的任何从属方同意的情况),以及 (ix)任何联合安排机构同意的任何其他融资,前述情况中的每种情况 款(i) 到 (ix),不会被视为严重影响桥梁融资的主要铺设。
儘管《承諾函》或《費用函》中包含的任何相反規定,您無需提供任何資訊,如果提供該資訊會違反律師客戶特權、法律、規則或法規,或者違反對您、標的企業和/或您或其各自的聯屬公司具約束力的任何保密義務; 提供 您應當已商業上合理的努力(就標的企業或其聯屬公司受拘束之各項義務而言,需一致而不違反《合併協議》之程度)來取得相關機構對機密義務的同意,以允許提供該等資訊,並在合理可行且不受適用法律、規則或法規禁止的情況下,通知我們由於上述保密義務而未提供的資訊;以及(B)所需的基本報表 附件B 乃本文所需連接橋接資金貸款協議所需之唯一基本報表。
據了解和同意,牽頭安排人將與您一同管理所有板塊的撮合事宜,包括在選擇潛在的核准貸款人以及向擬議的核准貸款人提供任何標的時做出決定,何時接受承諾以及最終將承諾分配給已核准貸款人; 提供 核准貸款人的選擇和承諾的分配將受制於本文第一段中所述的程序和您的權利。 第 3 部分 本文理解,在參與橋接設施的貸款人將不會從您那裡獲得補償以獲得其承諾,除非在此記載的條款、條款摘要和費用信函中。
4.    信息。您聲明並保證(在每種情況下,根據您對目標及其附屬公司的知識)(a)有關借款人及其子公司的所有財務預測,以後由您或任何您的代表(代表您)與交易有關提供給承諾方提供的所有財務預測(」投影」) 已經或將根據您當時認為合理的假設以誠信準備(理解,預測存在重大的不確定性和應變,其中許多都超出您控制的,預測性質上本質不確定,並沒有提供保證預測中反映的結果可能會實現,並且該等期間內的實際結果可能與預測涵蓋的期間或期間有所不同。預測結果及此類差異可能是重要) 及 (b) 閣下或閣下的任何代表(代表閣下)與交易有關的預測和一般行業性質的資料以外的所有書面資料(以下簡稱)提供給承諾方(」信息」),整體而言,是或將(截至公佈的日期)在所有重大方面都是正確的,並且不會或不會(截至公佈的日期)包含任何有關重要事實的不真實陳述,或忽略說明該等聲明所需的重要事實所需的重要事實,整體而不會因該等聲明發出的情況而不具實質誤導性(在實施其所有補充和更新後)不時)。如果在任何時間從本條款日期到融資日期和聯合發售日期之後的任何時間,任何聲明和保證

您確認,貴方代表的承諾方將通過在Syndtrak、IntraLinks或其他類似的電子系統上張貼信息材料,向擬議的貸方聯盟提供信息材料。關於橋接設施的聯合融資,除非本文各方另有書面協議,您無義務提供適合分發給任何潛在貸方(每位“公眾貸方”)的信息材料,這些潛在貸方有不希望接收與借款人或其關聯方、目標或其關聯方,或任何前述方面的證券相關的非公開信息(根據美國聯邦證券法的含義,“非公開信息”)。在將信息材料分發給潛在貸方之前,您應向我們提供一份慣例授權函,授權相關人員進行相關信息的傳播,其機密承諾應符合您的要求(據理解並同意,(i)我們為潛在貸方透過Syndtrak(或其他類似的電子系統)提供訪問與橋接設施相關的信息和其他材料的通常程序,以及與此相關的應由潛在貸方接受的機密條款等均符合您的要求,以實現此目的; 您的目的毫無疑問地,橋接設施和相關聯合融資和營銷材料的內容在接受方使用時,信息材料將使我們、您、目標及我們、您及目標各自的關聯方免責不負相關責任)。公眾貸方美國聯邦證券法中指的非公開信息MNPI 代表根據《交易所法》制定的FD法規所規定的重要非公開信息,在任何情況下均應包括根據第2(c)條收到的通知以及通知中包含的信息。 提供 該機密條款對您不應比本處所含條款不利,並且信息材料將使我們、您、目標及我們、您及目標各自的關聯方免責不負與信息材料的內容或相關聯合融資和營銷材料的使用相關的任何責任。
5.    收費、費用、賠償及責任限制您同意支付或致使支付與本承諾信函有關的獨立費用信函所載的費用,該獨立費用信函寫明了本日與您直接相關的日期(「費用信函」)。此外,通過簽署本承諾信函,您同意無論資金到期日是否發生,向承諾方隨時按需支付與橋梁融資、其合併及貸款文件準備相關的所有合理並有文件記錄的從車前費用和支出(在律師費、雜項支出及其他費用的情況下,僅限於承諾方的一名律師的合理並有文件記錄的從車前費用、雜項支出及其他費用,如有合理必要,在任何相關重要管轄區域的一名當地律師,且僅在實際或潛在利益衝突的情況下,一名額外律師(如有合理必要,在任何相關重要管轄區域的額外當地律師)的支出)費用”).
您同意賠償並使Commitment Party及其聯屬公司、控制人、繼受人及其各自的董事、經理、員工、代理商免受損害。

顧問(每個,一個」受賠償的一方」) 所有索賠、損失、損失、責任和費用(如律師的費用、支付費用和費用)(如律師的費用、支付費用和費用,僅限於一名律師向所有賠償方向所有賠償方面的合理和文件證明的本地費用、支付和其他費用(如果合理需要,則包括任何相關重要和司法管轄區的一位本地律師,僅在實際或潛在利益衝突的情況下,另外一名律師(以及在合理的情況下)必要,在任何相關重大司法管轄區的附加一名當地律師)為所有受影響的受賠償方共同)) 可能對任何受賠償一方產生或判決的,因 (a) 本承諾信、費用信函、合併協議或任何交易或 (b) 橋接設施而引起或有關的每個案件,除非該等索賠、損失、損失、責任或費用在最終結案中發生的範圍除外由 (i) 該受賠償當事人或任何其中一項因素而引致的有權管轄法院的可判決其相關人士(如下所定義)的不誠信、嚴重疏忽或故意行為、(ii) 該受償方或其任何關聯人士嚴重違反本承諾信下的義務,或 (iii) 僅在受賠償方之間之間的任何爭議(不是因您或您的任何附屬公司的任何行為或遺漏而引起的),除其身份對受賠償方的索賠以外履行其作為橋樑設施中的代理人、帳簿管理人、安排人員或任何其他類似角色。如果發生調查、訴訟或程序而適用於本段所述的賠償(上述任何一項,a」正在進行」),無論您、您的股權持有人或債權人、目標、其附屬公司或任何其他第三方或受賠償一方提出該程序,無論受償一方是否提出該程序,以及此計劃的交易是否完成,該等賠償都有效。對未經您事先書面同意進行的任何程序進行的解決,您概不負責,但如果您事先得到的書面同意(同意不得不得不合理的拒絕、延遲或條件)或任何該程序中有最終判決,您同意在上述範圍和方式賠償每一方免責。
您亦同意,承諾方及其關聯公司、控制人、繼受人及其各自的高級職員、董事、員工、代理人和顧問(下稱“已釋放方”)根據本承諾書,對您或您的子公司概不負責(無論是直接還是間接,在合同或侵權或其他方面),除非根據主管司法裁判庭的最終、不可上訴的判決,按照您和他們的直接而非特別的、間接的、後果性的或懲罰性賠償金額,因(i) 任何此被豁免人或其任何相關人士的惡意、重大過失或惡意行為,或(ii) 此被豁免人或其任何相關人士違反本承諾書條款所造成。儘管本承諾書的其他規定,任何被豁免人不應對其他人透過電子傳訊或其他信息變換系統獲取的資訊或其他材料所造成的任何損失負責,除非因(i) 任何被豁免人或其任何相關人士的惡意、重大過失或惡意行為,或(ii) 此被豁免人或其任何相關人士違反本承諾書條款所造成,每種情況由主管司法裁判庭最終且不可上訴的判決確定。您對我方或任何被豁免人不負責任何特殊的、間接的、後果性的或懲罰性賠償,與承諾書、費用協議、橋樑融資、其所得款項的使用、交易或任何相關交易有關; 提供 這句話不應限制貴方根據前段所列任何賠償義務。
就本協議而言,“應受賠偿方或釋放方”指的是(a) 任何操控人、受操控聯屬公司或附屬公司,(b) 應受賠偿方或釋放方相應的董事、高級主管或雇員,或其任何子公司、受操控聯屬公司或操控者相關人士聯屬公司、操控者

6.    保密, 其他義務, 雜項。本承諾信及收費信及其內容均為機密,未經我們事先書面同意,未經本公司事先書面同意,不得全部或部分向任何人士或實體披露; 提供, 然而我們明白並同意,您可以 (i) 在司法或行政訴訟中強制或法律規定或政府機關要求披露本承諾書和收費信(在這種情況下,您同意在適用法律允許的範圍內立即通知我們),(ii) 向您和您的附屬公司各自的主任、董事、員工、會計師、律師、公開本承諾信和費用信。以及直接參與研究這項事宜的顧問,(iii) 在向證券交易監察委員會及其他適用監管機構及證券交易所的申報表中披露本承諾信,但不會披露本承諾信,但不會向目標及其股東及其各職員、董事、會計師、律師及其他專業顧問披露本承諾信,但不會披露本承諾信,但不會向目標及其他股東及其各職員、董事、會計師、律師及其他專業顧問,以機密性及需要知道有關交易的費用信息,(v))在部分範圍內其已按照我們合理同意的慣常方式修改收費信,以機密和需要知道的基礎向目標及其股東及其各主任、董事、會計師、律師和其他專業顧問披露收費信;(vi) 在您接受本承諾信和收費信後,披露根據收費信(但不是費用信本身)所需的總費用,以一般披露任何機密資料所包含的綜合來源和用途資料備忘錄或其他市場推廣有關交易的材料或公開文件,(vii) 以機密方式向任何評級機構披露承諾信;(viii) 在閣下接受本條款後,向潛在貸款人披露本承諾信(但不是收費信),如有意見,與我們協調。 第三節 以上及 (ix) 披露承諾書及費用信函及有關本承諾書、收費信或本文所擬交易或執行本條款及其執行有關的任何訴訟、行動或程序有關的承諾書及收費信; 提供 上述限制將於本承諾信終止後兩 (2) 年,根據本承諾信終止後兩 (2) 年的日期,就本承諾信的存在及內容(但不對收費信及其費用及內容)停止適用。儘管本文有任何相反的內容,您仍有授權(但不限於任何形式)向任何人披露有關此計劃的交易的「稅務待遇」和「稅收結構」(如財政規例第 1.6011-4 (c) 條所定義),以及提供給您有關該處理和結構的任何形式材料(包括稅務意見和其他稅務分析)。我們特此通知您,根據《美國愛國人法》(酒吧第三章)的要求。第 107-56 號法律(二零零一年十月二十六日簽署成法律)(」法案」) 以及《基金法規》第三十一條第 1010.230 條的規定 (「」)實惠所有權條例」),我們每個人都需要獲取、驗證和記錄可識別您的信息,這些信息包括您的姓名和地址以及其他可讓我們根據法案和實益所有權條例識別您的信息。

關於此承諾函和費用函所預訂之所有交易方面,您承認並同意,並承認您子公司的理解,即:(a) (i) 有關橋樑融資方案在此所述的安排、結構協助和其他服務,屬於您及您子公司,一方,與承諾方,另一方之間的雙方獨立商業交易,(ii) 您已就您認為適當的程度諮詢了您自己的法律、會計、監管和稅務顧問,並(iii) 您能夠評估並了解並接受此處所預訂之融資交易的條款、風險和條件;(b) 承諾方已經、正在並將會完全作為獨立的當事人行事,除非相關方案另有書面協議,否則承諾方並未、不存在及不會作為您、任何關聯公司或任何其他人或實體的顧問、代理人或受託人;及 (c) 承諾方及其聯屬公司可能參與涉及與您及您關聯公司的利益不同的廣泛範圍交易,承諾方無義務向您或您的關聯公司披露任何此類利益。在法律所允許的最大範圍內,您特此放棄並豁免您可能對承諾方在與本承諾函所預訂之任何交易的任何方面涉及的代理或受託責任違反或被指稱違反之任何索賠。
另外,請注意,由借款人委託花旗提供特定服務,包括就收購進行公平意見的發布。 本協議各方同意不提出任何聲稱,他們可能根據花旗參與提供此類服務一方面引起的實際或潛在利益衝突,另一方面,花旗與本協議各方在此處描述和參考的關係,以及就相關金融交易所作的其他融資交易。
本承諾書和費用函應受紐約州法律管轄,並依據該法律解釋。 提供 儘管前述相反之處,但各方明確同意:如就Merger Agreement中Target及其附屬公司所作的任何陳述和保證的準確性,以及由於任何不準確而使您(或貴公司的附屬公司或聯屬公司)有權根據Merger Agreement終止您(或其)在Merger Agreement下的義務,或拒絕完成Acquisition,或關於是否Acquisition已按照Merger Agreement的條款完成,或對Material Adverse Effect(在Merger Agreement中定義)的解釋,以及是否發生了Material Adverse Effect(在Merger Agreement中定義)等事宜做出決定,則這些事宜在各方同意下均應受特拉華州的Laws(在Merger Agreement中定義)管轄並依據其解釋,而不論可能根據適用的法律衝突原則下其他應受管轄的法律為何。各方均謹此不可撤回地放棄在涉及本承諾書、費用函、本承諾書所預定的交易及其所涉及的行為或承諾方在此談判、履行或執行中引起的事項的任何訴訟、行動或反訴(無論基於合同、侵權或其他事由)中要求以陪審團審理的任何權利。針對任何因本承諾書產生的訴訟、行動或程序,

本條款的規定。 第3節, 4, 56 即使未簽署及交付貸款文件,或並不論此承諾信函的終止或承諾方在此承諾信函下的承諾或保證之內容,本承諾信函仍然保持全面有效。 提供 即(i) 第3節4 如借款文件尚未訂立,本承諾書即告解除;本承諾書之費用返還和賠償責任將自動被正式借款文件相應條款所取代,該等條款如已包括在內。
承諾方應使用其收到與交易有關的所有資料(」機密資訊」) 僅用於提供本承諾信的主旨的服務,並同意保持機密信息的保密性,並不公布、披露或以其他方式披露該等信息,除非機密信息可能會被披露 (a) 給其附屬公司及其附屬公司的各自合作夥伴、董事、官員、員工、受託人、顧問和代理人(理解該等披露的人士將被告知此類機密的機密性質資料及指示保密該等機密資料)、(b) 在任何監管機關(包括任何自我監管機關)要求的範圍內,承諾方同意在合理可行的範圍且不受適用法律、規則、規例或命令禁止的情況下,立即通知您有關披露,(c) 在適用法律、規則或法規或任何傳票或命令或類似法律程序所要求的範圍內(如果承諾方在不禁止的範圍內同意適用法律、規則、規例或命令,即時通知您有關披露)、(d) 在執行本文所述的服務和完成此擬的交易有關,向任何信息材料中列明的保密協議的任何潛在貸款人,(e) 向任何交換或衍生工具交易的潛在對手,但受資訊材料所列明的保密協議或其他方面對您不低於本條款,(f) 與行使有關有關本承諾書、費用信函、橋接設施或執行權利的任何訴訟、行動或程序,(g) 獲得借款人事先書面同意,(h) 取得 CUSIP 號碼和市場數據收集者、貸款業類似服務供應商,以及與橋接設施的管理和管理有關的主要安排人和貸款人的服務供應商有關的服務供應商(i)) 用於建立「盡職調查」辯護,或 (j) 在範圍內此類機密資訊 (x) 在違反本條款之外,除非因違反本條款而公開,或 (y) 從您(或您的代表)以外的來源供承諾方獲得,而承諾方不受您或您的任何子公司所承擔保密或信託義務,而該等機密資訊可供公開使用。儘管有上述規定,承諾方不需要就任何對承諾方有管轄權的政府機構或審查人或監管機構對承諾方對承諾方進行任何監管審查有關的任何允許披露提供通知。本段的條文將自動終止於 (i) 日期之前

本承諾函(包括此處的附件)和費用函,體現了承諾方、您和您的聯屬公司關於橋梁設施的整個協議和理解,並取代了所有先前涉及特定事項的協議和理解。 這些未被涵蓋或澄清在此或條款摘要或費用函中的事項,應根據雙方的共同協議。 未經承諾方授權許可,任何一方均不得進行任何與本承諾函不一致的口頭或書面聲明。 本承諾函僅旨在為當事方及根據此文明確提供的那些被保護當事方的利益而設立。 除非由承諾方和您簽署的書面文件明確規定,否則本承諾函不得修改或放棄其任何條款,或是進行任何修改。 本承諾函不得由任何當事方轉讓(我們作為明確在本承諾函中提及的,根據您和我們執行的加入書所構成的轉讓,應除外)而不經其他當事方的書面事先同意(任何此類轉讓,除非符合本句所述前置括號中提及規定,未經同意即為無效)。 第 3 部分 本承諾函(包括此處的附件)和費用函,體現了承諾方、您和您的聯屬公司關於橋梁設施的整個協議和理解,並取代了所有先前涉及特定事項的協議和理解。 這些未被涵蓋或澄清在此或條款摘要或費用函中的事項,應根據雙方的共同協議。 未經承諾方授權許可,任何一方均不得進行任何與本承諾函不一致的口頭或書面聲明。 本承諾函僅旨在為當事方及根據此文明確提供的那些被保護當事方的利益而設立。 除非由承諾方和您簽署的書面文件明確規定,否則本承諾函不得修改或放棄其任何條款,或是進行任何修改。 本承諾函不得由任何當事方轉讓(我們作為明確在本承諾函中提及的,根據您和我們執行的加入書所構成的轉讓,應除外)而不經其他當事方的書面事先同意(任何此類轉讓,除非符合本句所述前置括號中提及規定,未經同意即為無效)。

(iv) 借款人獨自決定選擇以書面形式終止與首席安排人之間的承諾函,以及 (v) 生效日期。




/s/ 莫琳·瑪羅尼    
    名稱:    莫琳·瑪羅尼
    職稱:    董事總經理

[Project Bulldog – 承諾書簽署頁]




/s/ 馬克·C·麥吉文尼
姓名: 馬克·C·麥吉文尼
職稱: 高級副總裁兼致富金融(臨時代碼)

[Project Bulldog – 承諾函簽署頁]


借款人打算根據今日的併購協議和計劃,直接或間接收購您先前向我們識別為“Bulldog”的公司“目標合併 協議),由Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC,一家特拉華州有限責任公司,及借款方的全資子公司之間買方”), BD Merger Sub, Inc., a Delaware corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Buyer (“合併子公司」,由本日生效的併購協議所規定的匯總現金代價,以及依照併購協議要求由借款人或其關聯企業支付的任何其他金額(以下簡稱為併購代價」。為完成該項併購,借款人打算(i)取得橋梁設施,(ii)支付併購代價,並(iii)支付因上述事項而產生的費用、成本和開支。預計橋梁設施的部分或全部將於資金融通日期或之前被下列方法之一或多者替換或資金融通日期後由下列方法之一或多者加以再融資:(i)透過一個或多個公開發行或私人配售而由借款人發行一個或多個系列的高級無抵押票據優先票據”)及(ii)借款人及其附屬公司的手頭現金。

An $7.75 billion 364-day senior unsecured bridge term loan facility (as such amount may be reduced as set forth in the section under the heading “Mandatory Prepayments” below) (the “Bridge Facility”).
Purpose:The proceeds of the Bridge Facility shall be used by the Borrower to (i) finance all or a portion of the Acquisition Consideration and (ii) pay fees, costs and expenses related to the Transactions.
Availability:The Bridge Facility shall be available in a single drawing on the Funding Date.
Interest Rates and Fees:
As set forth in Schedule I.
Maturity:The Bridge Facility will mature on the date that is 364 days after the Funding Date.
Optional Prepayments and Commitment Reductions:The Borrower may in its sole discretion prepay the Bridge Facility in whole or in part and, if the Bridge Facility is paid in whole, terminate the Loan Documentation, at any time without premium or penalty, subject to reimbursement of the Lenders’ breakage and redeployment costs in the case of prepayment of SOFR borrowings. The commitments under the Bridge Facility may be reduced permanently or terminated by the Borrower at any time without penalty. Optional prepayments and commitment reductions shall be applied ratably to the commitments or loans, as applicable, of each Lender.
Mandatory Prepayments:
The following amounts shall be applied to prepay the loans outstanding under the Bridge Facility within three (3) business days of receipt of such amounts (and, prior to the Funding Date, the commitments under the Bridge Facility, pursuant to the Commitment Letter or Loan Documentation (as applicable), shall be automatically and permanently reduced by such amounts) (it being understood that amounts set forth in clause (a) below shall only be required to be applied to reduce commitments under the Bridge Facility prior to the Funding Date and shall not result in any mandatory prepayment of loans thereafter):

(a)    100.0% of the committed amount of any Qualifying Term Loan Facility (as defined below) entered into for the purpose of financing the Transactions (such reduction to occur automatically upon the later of (x) the effectiveness of definitive documentation for such term loan credit facility and (y) the receipt by the Lead Arranger of a notice from the Borrower that such term loan credit facility constitutes a Qualifying Term Loan Facility);
(b)    100.0% of the Net Cash Proceeds (as defined below) from the incurrence of debt for borrowed money by the Borrower or any of its subsidiaries (excluding (i) intercompany debt of such entities, (ii) borrowings under the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement and any amendment, restatement, amendment and restatement, supplement or other modification to the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement or refinancing or any revolving facility in replacement thereof in an amount up to $3,500,000,000 (plus accrued and unpaid interest and any premium thereon and discounts, fees, commissions and expenses), (iii) any borrowings under ordinary course working capital, letter of credit or overdraft facilities, (iv) issuances of commercial paper, (v) indebtedness with respect to capital leases or purchase money or equipment financings incurred in the ordinary course of business, (vi) any debt the net proceeds of which are to be applied to repay, redeem or otherwise refinance any debt of the Borrower and/or its subsidiaries within twelve months of the maturity thereof, and in each case to pay any fees or other amounts in respect of or otherwise in connection therewith, (vii) other debt (other than the Senior Notes) in an amount not to exceed $150,000,000 in the aggregate and (viii) any Qualifying Term Loan Facility that has reduced commitments under the Bridge Facility pursuant to clause (a) above);

(c)    100.0% of the Net Cash Proceeds from the issuance of any equity interests by the Borrower (other than (i) issuances pursuant to employee stock plans or other benefit or employee incentive arrangements, (ii) equity interests issued or transferred as consideration in connection with any acquisition, (iii) equity interests generating Net Cash Proceeds in an amount not to exceed $150,000,000); and
(d)    100.0% of the Net Cash Proceeds from the sale or other disposition of assets of the Borrower or any of its subsidiaries outside the ordinary course of business (including issuances of stock by the Borrower’s subsidiaries) (except for (i) asset sales (including issuances of stock by the Borrower’s subsidiaries) between or among such entities, (ii) sales or other dispositions of marketable securities and public equity securities and (iii) asset sales (including issuances of stock by the Borrower’s subsidiaries), the net cash proceeds of which do not exceed $25,000,000 in any single transaction or related series of transactions or $150,000,000 in the aggregate), to the extent that such proceeds are not reinvested (or committed to be reinvested) in the business of the Borrower or any of its subsidiaries within twelve (12) months following receipt thereof.
Net Cash Proceeds” means, with respect to any event, the cash (which term, for purposes of this definition, shall include cash equivalents) proceeds actually received by the Borrower or its domestic subsidiaries in respect of such event, including any cash received in respect of any noncash proceeds, but only as and when received, net of the sum, without duplication, of (i) all fees and expenses incurred in connection with such event by the Borrower and its subsidiaries, (ii) in the case of a sale, transfer, lease or other disposition (including pursuant to a sale and leaseback transaction) of an asset, the amount of all payments required to be made by the Borrower and its subsidiaries as a result of such event to repay debt for borrowed money secured by such asset and (iii) the amount of all taxes paid (or reasonably estimated to be payable) by the Borrower and its subsidiaries, and the amount of any reserves established by the Borrower and its subsidiaries in accordance with GAAP or other applicable accounting standards to fund any purchase price adjustment, indemnification and similar contingent liabilities reasonably estimated to be payable, in each case during the year that such event occurred or the next succeeding year and that are directly attributable to the occurrence of such event (as determined reasonably and in good faith by the Borrower); provided that if the amount of such reserves exceeds the amounts charged against such reserve, then such excess, upon determination thereof, shall then constitute Net Cash Proceeds.

Qualifying Term Loan Facility” shall mean a term loan facility entered into by the Borrower for the purpose of financing the Transactions (i) that is subject to conditions precedent to funding that are no more restrictive and no less favorable to the Borrower than the conditions set forth herein to the funding of the Bridge Facility and (ii) the enforcement and remedial provisions of which are not materially less favorable to the Borrower as compared to the enforcement and remedial provisions hereunder, in each case as determined by the Borrower in its reasonable discretion.
The Borrower shall give the Administrative Agent prompt written notice of any commitment reduction or prepayment required pursuant to this section or of having entered into a Qualifying Term Loan Facility.
Amounts prepaid pursuant to any mandatory prepayment of the loans may not be re-borrowed.
Commitment Termination:The commitments in respect of the Bridge Facility will terminate in their entirety automatically upon the funding of the entire amount (or such lesser amount as is requested by the Borrower in writing) of the Bridge Facility on the Funding Date. In addition, (i) at any time after the Effective Date and prior to the Funding Date, the Borrower shall have the right to terminate commitments in respect of the Bridge Facility in whole or in part in its sole discretion and (ii) the commitments of the Lenders will expire on the earliest of (A) the date that is five (5) business days after the “Outside Date” (as defined in the Merger Agreement as in effect on the date hereof, after giving effect to each extension thereof in accordance with the Merger Agreement as in effect on the date hereof, (B) the consummation of the Acquisition without the use of the Bridge Facility and (C) the date of the termination of the Merger Agreement by the Borrower in writing in accordance with its terms.
Conditions Precedent to Effectiveness:The effectiveness of the Loan Documentation on the Effective Date will be subject solely to the satisfaction of the following conditions precedent (subject to the Certain Funds Provision):
(i)    the execution and delivery of the Loan Documentation by the parties thereto, on terms consistent with the Commitment Letter and subject to the Certain Funds Provision; and

(ii)    the Administrative Agent shall have received, at least three (3) business days prior to the Effective Date, all documentation and other information relating to the Borrower (but not, for the avoidance of doubt, the Target or its subsidiaries) that has been reasonably requested in writing at least ten (10) business days prior to the Effective Date by the Administrative Agent on behalf of any such Lender that is required by regulatory authorities under applicable “know your customer” and anti-money laundering rules and regulations, including, without limitation, the PATRIOT Act.
The occurrence of the Effective Date shall be confirmed by a written notice from the Administrative Agent to the Borrower on the Effective Date and shall be conclusive evidence of the occurrence thereof.
Conditions Precedent to Funding:
The loans under the Bridge Facility shall be available on the date (the “Funding Date”) on which the Funding Conditions are satisfied or waived.

Certain Funds Period:
In the event the Loan Documentation is entered into prior to the Funding Date, then during the period from and including the Effective Date to and including the funding of the Bridge Facility on the Funding Date (the “Certain Funds Period”), and notwithstanding (i) that any representation made on the Effective Date (excluding the Specified Representations made on the Funding Date to the extent constituting Funding Conditions) was incorrect, (ii) any failure by the Borrower to comply with the affirmative covenants, negative covenants and/or financial covenants, (iii) any provision to the contrary in the Loan Documentation or otherwise or (iv) that any condition to the occurrence of the Effective Date may subsequently be determined not to have been satisfied, neither the Administrative Agent nor any Lender shall be entitled to (1) cancel or reduce any of its commitments under the Bridge Facility (except as set forth in “Mandatory Prepayments” above), (2) rescind, terminate or cancel the Loan Documentation or exercise any right or remedy or make or enforce any claim under the Loan Documentation, related notes, related fee letter or otherwise it may have to the extent to do so would prevent, limit or delay the making of its loan or the availability of the Bridge Facility, (3) refuse to participate in making its loan; provided that the Funding Conditions have been satisfied or waived or (4) exercise any right of set-off or counterclaim in respect of its loan to the extent to do so would prevent, limit or delay the making of its loan. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary provided herein, (A) the rights and remedies of the Lenders and the Administrative Agent shall not be limited in the event that any applicable Funding Condition is not satisfied or waived by the Majority Commitment Parties on the Funding Date (other than, if such conditions have been satisfied or waived by the Majority Commitment Parties on or prior to the Funding Date, the conditions set forth under the heading “Conditions Precedent to Effectiveness”) and (B) immediately after the expiration of the Certain Funds Period, all of the rights, remedies and entitlements of the Administrative Agent and the Lenders shall be available notwithstanding that such rights were not available prior to such time as a result of the foregoing.
Clean-Up Period:
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, during the period from the Funding Date until the date that is 120 days after the Funding Date (the “Clean-Up Period”), any representation or warranty (other than the Specified Credit Agreement Representations) made by the Target or any of its subsidiaries in connection with the Transactions that would have been breached or inaccurate, or any other default, by reason of any matter or circumstance relating to the Target or any of its subsidiaries with respect to the Transactions (were it not for this provision), will be deemed not to constitute a breach of a representation or warranty or a default for all purposes under the Commitment Letter and the Loan Documentation if, and for so long as the circumstance giving rise thereto: (i) is capable of being remedied and the Borrower or any of its subsidiaries is taking appropriate steps to remedy such breach or inaccuracy; (ii) relates exclusively to the Target or any of its subsidiaries (or any obligation to procure or ensure any action in relation to the Target or any of its subsidiaries); (iii) has not been procured by or approved by the Borrower or any of its subsidiaries (other than the Target or any of its subsidiaries); and (iv) does not have a material adverse effect on the operations or financial condition of the Borrower and its subsidiaries (including the Target and its subsidiaries), taken as a whole, such that the Borrower and its subsidiaries (including the Target and its subsidiaries), taken as a whole, would be unable to perform the payment obligations under the Bridge Facility.

Documentation Principles:The definitive documentation for the Bridge Facility, including, without limitation, the representations and warranties, covenants and events of default contained therein, will be substantially the same as the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement. The Loan Documentation will contain only those conditions to borrowing, mandatory prepayments, representations, warranties, covenants and events of default expressly set forth in this Term Sheet. The phrase “substantially the same as the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement” and words of similar import mean the same as the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement, with modifications (a) as are necessary to reflect the terms specifically set forth in the Commitment Letter (including the nature of the Bridge Facility as a bridge facility) and the Fee Letter and (b) to accommodate the structure of the Acquisition and the operational and strategic requirements of the Borrower and its subsidiaries (including as to the operational and strategic requirements of the Target and its subsidiaries), particularly in light of the industries, businesses, business practices of the Borrower, the Target and their respective subsidiaries, the Borrower’s proposed business plan and the disclosure schedules to the Merger Agreement.
Representations and Warranties:Subject to the Certain Funds Provision, substantially the same as the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement.
Affirmative Covenants:Subject to the Certain Funds Provision, substantially the same as the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement.
Negative Covenants:Subject to the Certain Funds Provision, substantially the same as in the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement.
Financial Covenants:Subject to the Certain Funds Provision, solely the following, in each case, substantially the same as in the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement:

(a)The Borrower will maintain as of the last day of each Measurement Period (as defined in the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement) a Consolidated Leverage Ratio (as defined in the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement) of not more than 3:25: 1.00; provided that subject to terms and conditions substantially the same as in the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement, upon written notice by the Borrower to the Administrative Agent following the consummation by the Borrower and its subsidiaries during a 12-month period of acquisitions (other than the Acquisition) whose aggregate consideration equals or exceeds $500,000,000, the applicable Consolidated Leverage Ratio shall be automatically increased to 3:75:1.00 for a period of four fiscal quarters, commencing with the fiscal quarter in which one of the subject acquisitions is consummated.
(b)The Borrower will maintain for each Measurement Period a Consolidated Interest Coverage Ratio (as defined in the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement) of not less than 4.00:1.00.
Events of Default:Subject to the Certain Funds Provision, substantially the same as the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement.
Assignments and Participations:On or prior to the Funding Date, the making of assignments of and participations in commitments shall be subject to the provisions set forth in the Commitment Letter.
At all times thereafter, assignments of and participations in loans under the Bridge Facility shall be subject to limitations substantially the same as the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement.
Waivers and Amendments:Substantially the same as the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement.
The Borrower will indemnify and hold harmless the Administrative Agent, the Lead Arranger, each Lender and their respective affiliates and controlling persons, successors and assigns and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents and advisors in a manner substantially consistent with Section 5 of the Commitment Letter.

Governing Law:
State of New York; provided that, notwithstanding the foregoing to the contrary, it is understood and agreed that any determinations as to (x) the accuracy of any representations and warranties made by or on behalf of the Target and its subsidiaries in the Merger Agreement and whether as a result of any inaccuracy thereof you (or your subsidiary or affiliate) have the right to terminate your (or its) obligations under the Merger Agreement, or decline to consummate the Acquisition, as a result of a breach of such representations and warranties in the Merger Agreement, (y) the determination of whether the Acquisition has been consummated in accordance with the terms of the Merger Agreement and (z) the interpretation of the definition of Material Adverse Effect (as defined in the Merger Agreement) and whether a Material Adverse Effect (as defined in the Merger Agreement) has occurred shall, in each case, be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the Laws (as defined in the Merger Agreement) of the State of Delaware, regardless of the laws that might otherwise govern under applicable principles of conflicts of laws.
As set forth in Schedule I.
Other:Each of the parties shall (i) waive its right to a trial by jury and (ii) submit to exclusive jurisdiction of any state or federal court located in the Borough of Manhattan, New York. The Loan Documentation will contain customary increased cost, withholding tax, capital adequacy and yield protection and bail-in provisions, in each case the substantially the same as those provisions set forth in the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement, and will contain customary QFC provisions.


At the Borrower’s option, loans will bear interest based on the Base Rate (as defined below) plus the Applicable Margin for Base Rate Loans (as described below) or Adjusted Term SOFR (as defined below) plus the Applicable Margin for Term SOFR Loans (as described below).
A.    Base Rate Option
 “Base Rate” shall mean a fluctuating interest rate per annum in effect from time to time, which rate per annum shall at all times be equal to the highest of (a) the rate of interest announced publicly by Citibank, N.A., in New York, New York, from time to time, as Citibank, N.A.’s base rate, (b) ½ of one percent per annum above the Federal Funds Rate (to be defined in a manner consistent with the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement) and (c) Adjusted Term SOFR for a one-month tenor in effect on such day plus 1.00%. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, in no event shall the Base Rate be less than zero.
Any loan bearing interest at the Base Rate is referred to herein as a “Base Rate Loan”. Base Rate Loans will bear interest at an annual interest rate equal to the Base Rate plus the Applicable Margin for Base Rate Loans (as described below). Interest shall be payable quarterly in arrears on the last day of each March, June, September and December and shall be calculated on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed in a year of 360 days, except that interest computed by reference to the Base Rate at times when the Base Rate is based on the Prime Rate shall be computed on the basis of a year of 365/366 days.
B.    SOFR Option

Adjusted Term SOFR” shall mean an interest rate per annum equal to (a) Term SOFR (to be defined in a manner consistent with the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement) in effect for the applicable Interest Period (as defined below) plus (b) 0.10%; provided that if such rate shall be less than zero, Adjusted Term SOFR shall be deemed to be zero.
Any loan bearing interest at Adjusted Term SOFR (other than a Base Rate Loan for which interest is determined by reference to Adjusted Term SOFR) is referred to herein as a “Term SOFR Loan”. Interest will be determined for periods (“Interest Periods”) of one, three or six months as selected by the Borrower and will be at an annual rate equal to Adjusted Term SOFR plus the Applicable Margin for Term SOFR Loans (as described below). Interest will be paid on the last day of each Interest Period or, in the case of Interest Periods longer than three months, on the day prior to the last day of such Interest Period that occurs at intervals of three months’ duration, and will be calculated on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed in a year of 360 days.
Default Interest:All overdue principal, fees and other obligations under the Bridge Facility shall bear interest at a rate per annum of 2% plus the rate applicable to ABR Loans and shall be payable on demand of the Administrative Agent.
Undrawn Commitment Fee:
The Borrower will pay to the Administrative Agent (for the ratable account of the Lenders) an undrawn commitment fee (the “Undrawn Commitment Fee”) equal to 0.06% per annum (calculated on the basis of actual number of days elapsed in a year of 360 days) on the aggregate amount of the commitments in respect of the Bridge Facility. Such fee shall accrue from and after the date that is the later of (i) ninety (90) days after the date of the Commitment Letter and (ii) the Effective Date to but excluding the earlier to occur of (x) the Funding Date and (y) the termination or expiration of the commitments in respect of the Bridge Facility (such date, the “Fee Payment Date”). Such Undrawn Commitment Fee shall be due and payable in full on the Fee Payment Date. 

Duration Fee:
The Borrower will pay a fee (the “Duration Fee”), for the ratable benefit of the Lenders, in an amount equal to (i) 0.50% of the aggregate principal amount of the loans under the Bridge Facility outstanding on the date that is 90 days after the Funding Date, due and payable in cash on such 90th day (or if such day is not a business day, on the next business day); (ii) 0.75% of the aggregate principal amount of the loans under the Bridge Facility outstanding on the date that is 180 days after the Funding Date, due and payable in cash on such 180th day (or if such day is not a business day, on the next business day); and (iii) 1.00% of the aggregate principal amount of the loans under the Bridge Facility outstanding on the date that is 270 days after the Funding Date, due and payable on such 270th day (or if such day is not a business day, on the next business day).
Other Fees:The Lead Arranger and the Administrative Agent will receive such other fees as will have been agreed in the Fee Letter.
Applicable Margin for ABR Loans:The Applicable Margin for a Base Rate Loan shall be the greater of (i) 0% and (ii) the Applicable Margin for a Term SOFR Loan (as described below) minus 1.0%.
Applicable Margin for SOFR Loans:
The Applicable Margin for a Term SOFR Loan shall be based on the pricing grid (the “Pricing Grid”) set forth on Annex I hereto.
Cost and Yield Protection:Substantially similar to the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement.
Substantially similar to the Existing Revolving Credit Agreement, subject to changes consistent with Section 5 of the Commitment Letter.


Level I Level II Level III Level IV Level V Level VI
Funding Date through 89 days following the Funding Date0.75%0.875%1.00%1.125%1.25%1.50%
90th day following the Funding Date through 179th day following the Funding Date1.00%1.125%1.25%1.375%1.50%1.75%
180th day following the Funding Date through 269th day following the Funding Date1.25%1.375%1.50%1.625%1.75%2.00%
From the 270th day following the Funding Date1.50%1.625%1.75%1.875%2.00%2.25%

The Applicable Margin for Term SOFR Loans means, for any day, the applicable rate set forth below under the column corresponding to the “Pricing Level” that exists on such day.

For purposes of the Pricing Grid, the following terms have the following meanings:

Level I Pricing” applies at any date if, at such date, the Borrower’s long-term senior unsecured debt is rated at least A+ by S&P or A1 by Moody’s.

Level II Pricing” applies at any date if, at such date, Level I is not applicable, the Borrower’s long-term senior unsecured debt is rated at least A by S&P or A2 by Moody’s.

Level III Pricing” applies at any date if, at such date, neither of Level I or Level II is applicable, and the Borrower’s long-term senior unsecured debt is rated at least A- by S&P or A3 by Moody’s.

Level IV Pricing” applies at any date if, at such date, none of Level I, Level II or Level III is applicable, and the Borrower’s long-term senior unsecured debt is rated at least BBB+ by S&P or Baa1 by Moody’s.

Level V Pricing” applies at any date if, at such date, none of Level I, Level II, Level III or Level IV is applicable, and the Borrower’s long-term senior unsecured debt is rated at least BBB by S&P or Baa2 by Moody’s.

Level VI Pricing” applies at any date if, at such date, none of Level I, Level II, Level III, Level IV or Level V applies.

Pricing Level” refers to the determination of which of Level I, Level II, Level III, Level IV, Level V or Level VI applies at any date.

In the event of a split rating of greater than one sub-grade, the rating shall be deemed to be one level higher than the lower of two ratings.

The credit ratings to be utilized for purposes of the foregoing are those assigned to long-term senior unsecured debt of the Borrower without third-party credit enhancement, and any rating assigned to any other debt security of the Borrower shall be disregarded. The rating in effect at any date is that in effect at the close of business on such date.


Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the same meaning as specified with respect thereto in the Commitment Letter to which this Exhibit B is attached or Exhibit A thereto, as the context may require.
The initial borrowing under the Bridge Facility will be subject only to the occurrence of the Effective Date and the following additional conditions precedent:
(i)    The Acquisition shall be consummated substantially concurrently with the funding of the Bridge Facility on the Funding Date in all material respects in accordance with the Merger Agreement as in effect on the date hereof without giving effect to any amendments, modifications, supplements or waivers by you thereto or consents by you thereunder that are materially adverse to the Lenders or the Lead Arranger in their respective capacities as such without the Lead Arranger’s prior written consent (not to be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned), it being agreed that (A) (x) any decrease in the Acquisition Consideration less than or equal to 10% thereof, (y) any decrease in the Acquisition Consideration in excess of 10% thereof accompanied by a dollar-for-dollar reduction in commitments in respect of the Bridge Facility in excess of such 10% decrease and (z) any increase in the Acquisition Consideration that is funded with equity issued as consideration for the Acquisition or with cash on hand, in each case, are not materially adverse to the Lenders and Lead Arranger and (B) any amendment, modification or waiver by you to the provisions of the Merger Agreement that are expressly for the benefit of the Debt Financing Sources (as defined in the Merger Agreement as in effect on the date hereof) is materially adverse to the Lenders and the Lead Arranger; provided that the Lead Arranger shall be deemed to have consented to any such amendments, modifications, supplements or waivers unless it shall object thereto within three (3) business days after receipt of notice thereof.
(ii)    From the Latest Balance Sheet Date (as defined in the Merger Agreement as in effect on the date hereof), there shall not have been any fact, effect, event, change, circumstance or occurrence that has had or would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect (as defined in the Merger Agreement as in effect on the date hereof).
(iii)    The Lead Arranger shall have received (A) audited consolidated financial statements of the Borrower and its subsidiaries for the three (3) most recently-completed fiscal years ended at least sixty (60) days prior to the Funding Date, (B) unaudited consolidated financial statements of the Borrower and its subsidiaries for any subsequent interim financial period (other than the fourth quarter of any fiscal year) ended at least forty (40) days prior to the Funding Date, prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP and (C) the Financial Statements (as defined in the Merger Agreement). The Lead Arranger hereby acknowledges receipt of (x) the financial statements of the Borrower for the periods ended December 31, 2021, December 31, 2022, December 31, 2023, March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2024 and (y) the Financial Statements.
(iv)    The Administrative Agent shall have received (A) customary opinions of counsel to the Borrower (which shall cover, among other things, authority and enforceability of the Loan Documentation), (B) customary corporate resolutions and closing certificates and corporate organizational documents and good standing certificates, (C) a solvency certificate from the chief

financial officer or another financial officer of the Borrower substantially in the form attached as Annex I hereto and (D) a customary request for credit extension.
(v)    The Specified Credit Agreement Representations and the Specified Merger Agreement Representations (to the extent set forth in the definition thereof) shall be true and correct in all material respects as of the Funding Date (except, in the case of Specified Merger Agreement Representations to the extent such representations and warranties expressly relate to an earlier date, in which case the Specified Merger Agreement Representations shall have been true and correct in all material respects as of such earlier date); provided that any representation and warranty that is qualified as to “materiality,” “Material Adverse Effect” or similar language shall be true and correct (after giving effect to any qualification therein) in all respects on such date.
(vi)    All fees payable pursuant to the Fee Letter on or prior to the Funding Date shall have been paid or shall be paid substantially simultaneously with the funding of the Bridge Facility, in each case, in accordance with the terms of the Fee Letter, and all other accrued fees and expenses of the Lead Arranger, the Administrative Agent and the Lenders (including the fees and expenses of counsel (including any local counsel) for the Administrative Agent) payable on or prior to the Funding Date and for which invoices have been presented at least three (3) business days prior to the Funding Date shall have been paid or shall be paid substantially simultaneously with the funding of the Bridge Facility.




[ ], 202[ ]

This Solvency Certificate is delivered pursuant to Section [ ] of the Credit Agreement dated as of [ ], 202[ ] (the “Credit Agreement”), among Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Borrower”), the lenders from time to time party thereto (the “Lenders”) and Citibank, N.A., as Administrative Agent. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Credit Agreement.

The undersigned hereby certifies, solely in [his/her] capacity as an officer of the Borrower and not in [his/her] individual capacity, as follows:

1.I am the [Chief Financial Officer] of the Borrower. I am familiar with the Transactions and have reviewed the Credit Agreement, financial statements referred to in Section [ ] of the Credit Agreement and such documents and made such investigation as I deemed relevant for the purposes of this Solvency Certificate.

2.As of the date hereof, immediately after giving effect to the consummation of the Transactions, on and as of such date (a) the fair value of the assets of the Borrower and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis, at a fair valuation on a going concern basis, will exceed the debts and liabilities, direct, subordinated, contingent or otherwise, of the Borrower and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis; (b) the present fair saleable value of the property of the Borrower and its subsidiaries on a consolidated and going concern basis will be greater than the amount that will be required to pay the probable liability of the Borrower and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis on their debts and other liabilities, direct, subordinated, contingent or otherwise, as such debts and other liabilities become absolute and matured in the ordinary course of business; (c) the Borrower and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis will be able to pay their debts and liabilities, direct, subordinated, contingent or otherwise, as such debts and liabilities become absolute and matured in the ordinary course of business; and (d) the Borrower and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis will not have unreasonably small capital with which to conduct the businesses in which they are engaged as such businesses are now conducted and are proposed to be conducted following the Funding Date.

This Solvency Certificate is being delivered by the undersigned officer only in [his/her] capacity as [Chief Financial Officer] of the Borrower and not individually and the undersigned shall have no personal liability to the Administrative Agent or the Lenders with respect thereto.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Solvency Certificate on the date first written above.


By: ________________________________________