财务报告 2024年7月至9月
瑞典斯德哥尔摩,2024年10月18日 |
2024年7月至9月财务报告 |
2024年第3季财务亮点 $255500万 净销售 1.6% 净销售额下降 0.8% 有机销售下滑* 8.9% 营业利润率 9.3% 调整后的营业利润率* $1.74 稀释 每股收益,增加了11% $1.84 调整后每股收益*,增加了11% |
2024年全年指引 约1% 有机销售增长 约1%的负增长 外汇期货对净销售的影响 约9.5-10.0% 调整后营业利润 约11亿美元左右 营运现金流
*有关非美国通用会计准则措施,请参阅附表协调表。 |
(金额单位:百万美元,每股资料均指每股)。 |
Q3 2024 |
Q3 2023 |
变化 |
9M 2024 |
9M 2023 |
变化 |
净销售额 |
$2,555 |
$2,596 |
(1.6)% |
$7,774 |
$7,724 |
0.7% |
营收 |
226 |
232 |
(2.4)% |
626 |
453 |
38% |
调整后营业收入1) |
237 |
243 |
(2.3)% |
657 |
586 |
12% |
营业利润率 |
8.9% |
8.9% |
(0.1)pp |
8.1% |
5.9% |
2.2个百分点 |
调整后的营业利润率1) |
9.3% |
9.4% |
(0.1)个百分点 |
8.5% |
7.6% |
0.9个百分点 |
每股盈余-稀释 |
1.74 |
1.57 |
11% |
4.98 |
3.04 |
64% |
每股调整后盈利 - 稀释1) |
1.84 |
1.66 |
11% |
5.30 |
4.48 |
18% |
经营现金流 |
177 |
202 |
(12)% |
639 |
535 |
19% |
资本利用率2) |
22.9% |
24.2% |
(1.3)个百分点 |
21.2% |
15.6% |
5.6个百分点 |
调整后资本利用率回报1,2) |
23.9% |
24.5% |
(0.7)个百分点 |
22.1% |
19.8% |
2.3个百分点 |
1) 不包括与产能调整、反垄断相关事项以及2023财年的Andrews诉讼解决相关影响。非美国通用会计准则(Non-U.S. GAAP)指标,详见协调表。 |
来自总裁兼首席执行官Mikael Bratt的评论 |
轻型车生产在第三季度疲弱,全球下降近5%。这是由存货减少和特别是在美洲以及中国的高比较基准所驱动的。在这种恶劣环境下,奥托立夫成功地比轻型汽车生产增长了4个百分点,几乎实现不变。 |
根据近年来销售趋势和订单接受情况,我们预计在未来几年将与中国国内OEM公司进一步赢得市场份额。 我们与客户的过多通胀补偿谈判符合我们的预期,还有少数谈判仍在进行。 随著年底具有季节性强劲的第四季度,我们重申2024年调整后的营业利润率约为9.5-10.0%的指引。我们预计将处于此区间的较低端,因为我们现在预计全年2024年有机增长为1%,而不是之前预计的2%,这是由于不利的市场组合发展。 我们的营运现金流往全年指引的11亿美元进展顺利,我们的资产负债表仍然强劲,负债杠杆为1.4倍,支持我们持续承诺提供高水准的股东回报和我们的财务目标。
销售和营业收入。这是尽管有一项1400万美元的与供应商和解相关的成本项目。 我们能够取得这些成果主要是由于我们的成本控制,包括持续减少间接员工。我们加速了效率改进,有助于比去年同期减少3100名直接员工,降低了6%。 我很高兴看到我们全球基础上实现了比轻型车生产更大的增长,欧洲和亚洲(中国除外)表现明显优越。由于市场组合严重不利,我们在中国的销售表现不佳,但我们与中国OEM公司的地位持续改善。 |
2024年7月至9月的财务报告 |
全年指引 |
全年指引 |
有机销售增长 |
约为1% |
税率2) |
约占28% |
外汇期货对净销售的影响 |
约1%的负面影响 |
经营现金流3) |
约11亿美元 |
调整后的营业利润率1) |
约9.5-10.0% |
资本支出,净销售额 |
约5.5% |
1) 不包括容量调整、反垄断相关事项和其他离散项影响。2) 不包括飞凡税收项目。3) 不包括飞凡项目。 |
2024年7月至9月财务报告 |
此报告包含标普全球提供的内容;版权所有© 轻型车辆生产预测,2024年1月、7月和10月。保留所有权利。
2024年7月至9月财务报告 |
各地区的净销售额发展 |
营业收入、调整后营业收入和利润率 |
资本支出和折旧及摊销 |
营运现金流 |
资本雇用的回报率 |
现金转换* |
关键定义 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
营运收入及利润*:考虑容量调整、与反垄断相关事项以及2023年Andrews诉讼和解案之后的营运收入。容量调整包括与我们结构效率和业务周期管理方案相关的非经常性成本。 Capex, 净值: 资本支出,净值。
D&A: 折旧及摊销。 现金转换率*: 自由现金流被定义为营运现金流减去资本支出,净额。 |
2024年7月至9月财务报告 |
合并销售额 |
第三季 |
报告的变化 |
货币 |
有机 |
(以百万美元计) |
2024 |
2023 |
(美国通用会计原则) |
影响1) |
change* |
Airbags, Steering Wheels and Other2) |
$1,736 |
$1,761 |
(1.4)% |
(0.7)% |
(0.7)% |
安全带产品及其他2) |
819 |
835 |
(2.0)% |
(1.0)% |
(1.0)% |
总计 |
$2,555 |
$2,596 |
(1.6)% |
(0.8)% |
(0.8)% |
美洲 |
$851 |
$918 |
(7.2)% |
(3.5)% |
(3.8)% |
欧洲 |
700 |
646 |
8.4% |
2.2% |
6.3% |
中国 |
495 |
538 |
(8.1)% |
1.3% |
(9.3)% |
亚洲(中国除外) |
508 |
495 |
2.7% |
(2.1)% |
4.8% |
总计 |
$2,555 |
$2,596 |
(1.6)% |
(0.8)% |
(0.8)% |
1)货币转换效应。 2)包含企业销售。 |
产品销售 - 安全气囊,方向盘和其他 当季有机*销售下降0.7%。销量减少的最大贡献者是乘客气囊,充气窗帘,膝部气囊和驾驶员气囊部分抵销了方向盘,充气器和中央气囊的增长。 |
产品销售 - 安全带产品和其他
Sales for Seatbelt Products and Other declined organically* by 1.0% in the quarter. Sales declined organically in China, while it increased in Asia excluding China and the Americas with Europe being virtually unchanged.
根据地域板块的销售 Our global organic sales* decreased by 0.8% compared to the global LVP decrease of 4.8% (according to S&P Global, October 2024). The outperformance was mainly driven by new product launches and higher prices, partly offset by negative customer and model mix. Our organic sales growth outperformed LVP growth by 12pp in Europe and by 10pp in Asia excluding China while we underperformed by 0.6pp |
in the Americas and by 6.4pp in China. LVP growth in China was heavily tilted to domestic OEMs with typically lower safety content. LVP for global OEMs declined by 15% while it increased by 8.5% for domestic OEMs. Autoliv's sales to domestic OEMs increased by 18% in the quarter following a strong order intake with domestic OEMs in recent years. In India, we grew organically by around 17%, while LVP was close to unchanged. |
Q3 2024 organic growth* |
Americas |
Europe |
中国 |
亚洲地域板块(不含中国) |
全球货币 |
奥托立夫 |
(3.8)% |
6.3% |
(9.3)% |
4.8% |
(0.8)% |
主要增长驱动因素 |
通用汽车、雷诺、大众 |
梅赛德斯、雷诺、福特 |
吉利、奇瑞、宝马 |
现代、铃木、塔塔 |
吉利、奔驰、雷诺 |
主要下降驱动因素 |
Stellantis、电动汽车原始设备制造商、日产 |
Stellantis、沃尔沃、菲斯克 |
理想汽车、大众、本田 |
日产、马自达 |
Stellantis、电动汽车原始设备制造商、通用汽车 |
Q3 2024 |
美洲 |
欧洲 |
中国 |
亚洲(不含中国) |
全球货币 |
LVP (2024年10月) |
(3.2)% |
(6.1)% |
(2.9)% |
(5.3)% |
(4.8)% |
LVP (2024年7月) |
(2.5)% |
(5.4)% |
(7.0)% |
(3.3)% |
(5.5)% |
2024年7月至9月财务报告 |
合并销售额 |
首9个月 |
报告的变动 |
货币 |
有机 |
(以百万美元计) |
2024 |
2023 |
(美国通用会计原则) |
影响1) |
change* |
Airbags, Steering Wheels and Other2) |
$5,264 |
$5,191 |
1.4% |
(1.0)% |
2.4% |
安全带产品及其他2) |
2,511 |
2,533 |
(0.9)% |
(1.2)% |
0.3% |
总计 |
$7,774 |
$7,724 |
0.7% |
(1.1)% |
1.7% |
美洲 |
$2,637 |
$2,665 |
(1.0)% |
(0.2)% |
(0.8)% |
欧洲 |
2,231 |
2,122 |
5.2% |
1.4% |
3.7% |
中国 |
1,423 |
1,488 |
(4.4)% |
(2.0)% |
(2.3)% |
亚洲(中国除外) |
1,483 |
1,449 |
2.3% |
(5.3)% |
7.7% |
总计 |
$7,774 |
$7,724 |
0.7% |
(1.1)% |
1.7% |
1)来自货币汇率变动的影响。2)包括企业销售。 |
按产品销售 - 安全气囊、方向盘和其他 销售额有机增长2.4%。增长最大的贡献者是方向盘,其次是中央安全气囊、充气帘、侧安全气囊和气囊,部分抵消的是乘客安全气囊和膝盖安全气囊的下降。 |
按产品销售 - 安全带产品和其他
根据地域板块的销售 我们的全球有机销售与全球LVP下降1.8%相比增长了1.7%(根据标普全球,2024年10月)。3.5pp的超出表现主要是由新产品推出和价格上涨驱动,部分抵消了负面客户和机型结构。 |
我们的有机销售增长在亚洲(不含中国)超出了12pp,在欧洲超出了7.3pp,在美洲超出了0.8pp,而在中国则低于4.6pp。中国的LVP增长倾向于国内OEM厂商,通常安全内容较低。中国国内OEM的LVP增长了15%,而在前九个月,全球OEM的LVP下降了10%。 |
900万2024年有机增长* |
美洲 |
欧洲 |
中国 |
亚洲(不包括中国) |
全球货币 |
奥托立夫 |
(0.8)% |
3.7% |
(2.3)% |
7.7% |
1.7% |
主要增长驱动因素 |
VW,丰田,现代 |
奔驰,雷诺,宝马 |
吉利,宝马,奇瑞 |
现代,塔塔,铃木 |
奔驰,现代,吉利 |
主要下降驱动因素 |
Stellantis、电动汽车原始设备制造商、日产 |
Stellantis,大众,富豪 |
EV原始设备制造商,本田,通用 |
日产,雷诺 |
Stellantis、电动汽车原始设备制造商、通用汽车 |
2024年前9个月 |
美洲 |
欧洲 |
中国 |
亚洲(不包括中国) |
全球货币 |
LVP(2024年10月) |
(1.6)% |
(3.6)% |
2.3% |
(4.8)% |
(1.8)% |
LVP(2024年1月) |
0.8% |
(1.8)% |
1.4% |
(1.6)% |
(0.4)% |
2024年7月至9月财务报告 |
Nio Onvo L60 |
BMX X3 |
极氪 7X |
Nissan Patrol & Armada |
alfa Romeo Junior |
Audi A6 e-tron |
长安Avatr 15 |
奥迪A5 |
塔塔Curvv |
福特Capri |
奇瑞Luxeed R7 |
Mahindra Thar(ROXX) |
司机/乘客安全气囊 |
安全带 |
侧面安全气囊 |
头部/膨胀式窗帘安全气囊 |
方向盘 |
膝盖安全气囊 |
前置中央安全气囊 |
全腹式安全带 |
火工安全切换开关 |
行人安全气囊 |
引擎盖升降器 |
可作为EV/PHEV使用 |
2024年7月至9月财务报告 |
简明损益表 |
第三季 |
前9个月 |
(金额单位:百万美元,每股资料均指每股)。 |
2024 |
2023 |
变动 |
2024 |
2023 |
变动 |
净销售额 |
$2,555 |
$2,596 |
(1.6)% |
$7,774 |
$7,724 |
0.7% |
销货成本 |
(2,095) |
(2,131) |
(1.7)% |
(6,398) |
(6,432) |
(0.5)% |
毛利润 |
459 |
465 |
(1.3)% |
1,377 |
1,291 |
6.6% |
销售、一般及行政支出 |
(129) |
(119) |
8.4% |
(399) |
(380) |
4.9% |
研发支出、净额 |
(96) |
(107) |
(10)% |
(325) |
(343) |
(5.5)% |
其他收入(费用),净额 |
(9) |
(8) |
11% |
(27) |
(115) |
(76)% |
营收 |
226 |
232 |
(2.4)% |
626 |
453 |
38% |
调整后营业收入1) |
237 |
243 |
(2.3)% |
657 |
586 |
12% |
金融和非营运项目,净额 |
(29) |
(30) |
(3.7)% |
(73) |
(60) |
21% |
税前收入 |
197 |
201 |
(2.2)% |
554 |
393 |
41% |
所得税 |
(58) |
(67) |
(13)% |
(149) |
(131) |
14% |
净利润 |
$139 |
$134 |
3.4% |
$404 |
$262 |
55% |
每股盈余-稀释3) |
$1.74 |
$1.57 |
11% |
$4.98 |
$3.04 |
64% |
每股调整后盈利 - 稀释1,3) |
$1.84 |
$1.66 |
11% |
$5.30 |
$4.48 |
18% |
毛利率 |
18.0% |
17.9% |
0.1个百分点 |
17.7% |
16.7% |
1.0个百分点 |
S,G&A,相对于销售额 |
(5.0)% |
(4.6)% |
(0.5)个百分点 |
(5.1)% |
(4.9)% |
(0.2)个百分点 |
R,D&E,相对于销售额 |
(3.7)% |
(4.1)% |
0.4个百分点 |
(4.2)% |
(4.4)% |
0.3个百分点 |
营业利润率 |
8.9% |
8.9% |
(0.1)个百分点 |
8.1% |
5.9% |
2.2个百分点 |
调整后的营业利润率1) |
9.3% |
9.4% |
(0.1)个百分点 |
8.5% |
7.6% |
0.9个百分点 |
税率 |
29.6% |
33.4% |
(3.8)个百分点 |
27.0% |
33.4% |
(6.4)个百分点 |
其他资料 |
期末股份数(百万)3) |
78.8 |
84.1 |
(6.4)% |
78.8 |
84.1 |
(6.4)% |
加权平均股份数(百万)3) |
79.2 |
84.9 |
(6.6)% |
80.7 |
85.5 |
(5.6)% |
加权平均股份数(百万),稀释后3) |
79.3 |
85.0 |
(6.7)% |
80.9 |
85.7 |
(5.6)% |
1) 非美国通用会计原则衡量,不包括容量调整、反垄断相关事项以及2023财年安德鲁斯诉讼和解的影响。参见调节表。2) 适用时假设稀释效果,并排除库藏股。3) 排除库藏股。 |
2024年第三季度发展 毛利润毛利率 较2023年同季度减少了600万美元,而毛利率较同比提高了0.1个百分点。毛利润的减少主要是因为直接原材料成本增加了1400万美元,主要是与一项和解有关,以及较低的净销售额。这在一定程度上被主要运费和劳动力成本的降低部分抵消,部分是由于客户看涨准确性的提高。 销售、一般和行政管理费用与去年相比,成本增加了1000万美元,主要是由于人员成本增加,因为工资通胀,而员工数量保持不变。数位化、IT项目和许可成本也增加,受通胀影响。与销售额相关的销售、一般和行政管理费用从4.6%增加至5.0%。 研发支出以及营业净利润与去年相比,研发支出以及营业净利润减少了1100万美元,主要是由于高达600万美元的较高工程收入。这种减少在一定程度上也得到了支持,主要来自几项因素,主要是正面的外汇汇率转换影响、较低的人员成本和样品及原型的成本降低。与销售额相关的研发支出以及营业净利润从4.1%降至3.7%。 其他收入(费用),净 与去年同期相比,接近持平,从负900万美元下降到负800万美元。 |
营收毛利润较2023年同期减少600万美元,主要是因为较低的毛利润,较高的S、G和A成本以及部分地抵销较低的研发与工程成本,详见上文的其他收入(费用)。 调整后的营业收入* 与去年同期相比,调整后的营业收入减少600万美元,主要是因为较低的毛利润,较高的S、G和A成本以及部分地抵销较低的研发与工程成本,详见上文的其他收入(费用)。 财务和非营运项目净值相较于一年前的负2900万美元,财务和非营运项目净值为负3000万美元。 税前收入与去年同期相比,毛利润较少,减少400万美元,这主要是由于营业收入减少。 税率营业利润率为29.6%,较去年同期的33.4%低。较低的税率受有利国家组合的影响,较去年同季度影响较大。离散税项,净额,使本季税率降低了1.2pp。离散税项,净额,使去年同期税率增加了0.2pp。 每股收益,稀释与一年前相比增加了$0.17。主要原因是减少股份$0.12和降低税款$0.10,部分抵消了营业利润减少$0.05。 |
2024年7月至9月财务报告 |
2024年前九个月的发展情况 毛利润较2023年同期,营收增加了8500万,毛利率提高了1.0个百分点。毛利润的改善超过一半来自净销售增加,但劳动力成本和高级货运成本的降低也促成了改善,因为客户取消订单较稳定,员工人数也减少。 销售、总务和行政支出与去年相比,成本增加了1800万。成本增加的主要原因是人员成本,受高工资膨胀影响。销售、总务和行政支出与销售额之比从4.9%增加到5.1%。 研发支出、净额与去年相比,成本减少了1900万。更高的工程收入几乎解释了整个改善。研发支出与销售额之比从4.4%降至4.2%。 其他收入(费用),净 较去年同期的11500万减少至2700万,主要由于与前一年度相比较,容量调整价提存减少。 营收增加了17300万,与2023年同期相比,主要是由于毛利增加,以及上述所述的容量调整提存减少。
调整后营业收入* 较去年增加了7100万,主要是由于毛利增加及研发支出减少,净额部分抵销了销售和一般管理成本上升,如上所述。 金融和非营运项目,净额相较于前一年的负$6000万,本数为负$7300万。主要变化是由于由于债务增加和利率期货增加所导致的利息支出增加。 税前收入与去年相比,主要是由于营业收入增加以及财务和非营业项目净额增加,故营收增加了16100万美元。 税率相较于去年同期的33.4%,税率为27.0%。税率降低是由于有利的国家组合,相对于去年。离散性税项净额使本期税率降低了2.8个百分点。去年同期,离散性税项净额使税率降低了0.6个百分点。 每股收益,稀释与去年相比增加1.94美元。主要驱动因素包括营业收入增加了1.67美元,股份减少了0.29美元,税收增加了0.09美元,部分抵销了财务和非营业项目净额增加了0.11美元。
Financial Report July - September 2024 |
Selected Cash Flow and Balance Sheet items
Selected Cash Flow items |
Third quarter |
First 9 months |
(Dollars in millions) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Net income |
$139 |
$134 |
3.4% |
$404 |
$262 |
55% |
Changes in operating working capital |
(68) |
(36) |
88% |
(54) |
(8) |
593% |
Depreciation and amortization |
97 |
95 |
1.8% |
289 |
281 |
2.7% |
Other, net |
10 |
9 |
14% |
1 |
1 |
6% |
Operating cash flow |
177 |
202 |
(12)% |
639 |
535 |
19% |
Capital expenditure, net |
(145) |
(151) |
(4.1)% |
(431) |
(419) |
3% |
Free cash flow1) |
$32 |
$50 |
(36)% |
$208 |
$117 |
79% |
Cash conversion2) |
23% |
37% |
(14)pp |
52% |
45% |
7pp |
Shareholder returns |
- Dividends paid |
(54) |
(56) |
(3.8)% |
(164) |
(169) |
(2.8)% |
- Share repurchases |
(130) |
(120) |
8.2% |
(450) |
(202) |
123% |
Cash dividend paid per share |
$(0.68) |
$(0.66) |
2.7% |
$(2.04) |
$(1.98) |
2.7% |
Capital expenditures, net in relation to sales |
5.7% |
5.8% |
(0.1)pp |
5.5% |
5.4% |
0.1pp |
1) Operating cash flow less Capital expenditure, net. Non-U.S. GAAP measure. See enclosed reconciliation table. 2) Free cash flow relative to Net income. Non-U.S. GAAP measure. See reconciliation table. |
Selected Balance Sheet items |
Third quarter |
(Dollars in millions) |
2024 |
2023 |
Change |
Trade working capital1) |
$1,307 |
$1,303 |
0.3% |
Trade working capital in relation to sales2) |
12.8% |
12.5% |
0.2pp |
- Receivables outstanding in relation to sales3) |
21.5% |
21.0% |
0.5pp |
- Inventory outstanding in relation to sales4) |
9.8% |
9.5% |
0.3pp |
- Payables outstanding in relation to sales5) |
18.4% |
17.9% |
0.5pp |
Cash & cash equivalents |
415 |
475 |
(13)% |
Gross Debt6) |
2,210 |
1,867 |
18% |
Net Debt7) |
1,787 |
1,375 |
30% |
Capital employed8) |
4,085 |
3,861 |
5.8% |
Return on capital employed9) |
22.9% |
24.2% |
(1.3)pp |
Total equity |
2,298 |
2,486 |
(7.6)% |
Return on total equity10) |
24.1% |
21.3% |
2.8pp |
Leverage ratio11) |
1.4 |
1.3 |
0.1pp |
1) Outstanding receivables and outstanding inventory less outstanding payables. 2) Outstanding receivables and outstanding inventory less outstanding payables relative to annualized quarterly sales. Non-U.S. GAAP measure, see reconciliation table. 3) Outstanding receivables relative to annualized quarterly sales. 4) Outstanding inventory relative to annualized quarterly sales. 5) Outstanding payables relative to annualized quarterly sales. 6) Short- and long-term interest-bearing debt. 7) Short- and long-term debt less cash and cash equivalents and debt-related derivatives. Non-U.S. GAAP measure. See reconciliation table. 8) Total equity and net debt. 9) Annualized operating income and income from equity method investments, relative to average capital employed. 10) Annualized net income relative to average total equity. 11) Net debt adjusted for pension liabilities in relation to EBITDA. Non-U.S. GAAP measure. See reconciliation table. |
Third quarter 2024 development Changes in operating working capital impacted operating cash flow by $68 million negative compared to an impact of $36 million negative in the same period the prior year. Almost all of the $68 million impact in the quarter came from increases in inventories due to high customer call off volatility at the end of the quarter and higher receivables, mainly as a result of seasonally higher sales in September. Other, net was $10 million positive compared to $9 million positive in the same period the prior year. Operating cash flow decreased by $25 million to $177 million compared to the same period last year, mainly due to that operating working capital increased by $34 million more than it increased the same period last year, as outlined above.
Capital expenditure, net decreased by $6 million compared to the same period the previous year. The level of Capital expenditure, net, in relation to sales was relatively stable at 5.7% versus 5.8% a year earlier. The level is currently above what we expect for the longer term, due to investments in capacity, mainly in Asia, and in footprint optimization, mainly in Europe and the Americas. Free cash flow* was positive $32 million compared to positive $50 million in the same period the prior year. The decrease was due to the lower operating cash flow partly offset by the lower capital expenditure, net. Cash conversion* defined as free cash flow* in relation to net income, was 23% in the quarter.
Financial Report July - September 2024 |
Trade working capital* increased by $4 million compared to the same period last year, where the main drivers were $13 million in higher accounts receivables, $24 million in higher accounts payable and $15 million in higher inventories. In relation to sales, trade working capital increased from 12.5% to 12.8%. Cash and cash equivalents as of September 30, 2024 was around $0.4 billion, while committed, unused loan facilities, was around $1.2 billion. Net debt* was $1,787 million as of September 30, 2024, which was $412 million higher than a year earlier. |
Total equity as of September 30, 2024, decreased by $188 million compared to September 30, 2023. This was mainly due to $221 million in dividend payments and stock repurchases including taxes of $608 million, partly offset by $632 million from net income. Leverage ratio*: On September 30, 2024, the Company had a leverage ratio of 1.4x compared to 1.3x on September 30, 2023, as the 12 months trailing adjusted EBITDA* increased by around $187 million while the net debt* per the policy increased by around $407 million. |
First nine months 2024 development Operating cash flow increased by $104 million compared to the same period last year, to $639 million, mainly due to higher net income, partly offset by more negative effects from increased operating working capital. Capital expenditure, net increased by $12 million. Capital expenditure, net in relation to sales was relatively stable at 5.5% versus 5.4% the prior year period. The level is currently slightly above what we expect for the longer term, due to investments in capacity, mainly in Asia, and in footprint optimization, mainly in Europe and the Americas. |
Free cash flow* was positive $208 million, compared to positive $117 million in the same period last year. The improvement was due to the higher operating cash flow partly offset by higher capital expenditure, net. Cash conversion* defined as free cash flow* in relation to net income, was 52% in the period. |
Sep 30 |
Jun 30 |
Sep 30 |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
Headcount |
67,200 |
68,700 |
71,200 |
Whereof: Direct headcount in manufacturing |
49,800 |
51,100 |
52,900 |
Indirect headcount |
17,400 |
17,500 |
18,200 |
Temporary personnel |
9% |
9% |
11% |
As of September 30, 2024, total headcount (Full Time Equivalent) decreased by around 4,000, or by 5.6%, compared to a year earlier, despite almost unchanged sales. The indirect workforce decreased by around 800, or by 4.4%, mainly reflecting our structural reduction initiatives. The direct workforce decreased by approximately 3,100, or by 5.9%, partly due to that an improvement in customer call-off accuracy in the third quarter has enabled us to accelerate operating efficiency improvements. |
Compared to June 30, 2024, total headcount (FTE) decreased by around 1,500, or by 2.2%. Indirect headcount decreased by around 100, or by 0.6%, while direct headcount decreased by approximately 1,300, or by 2.5%. |
Financial Report July - September 2024 |
Other Items
• On September 13, 2024, the Autoliv Board of Directors appointed Ms. Adriana Karaboutis as an independent director to the Autoliv Board of Directors effective immediately. With the addition of Ms. Karaboutis, Autoliv has expanded its Board size from eleven to twelve directors. Ms. Karaboutis most recently served as Group Chief Information and Digital Officer of National Grid PLC, one of the world's largest public utility companies. She previously served as EVP Technology, Business Solutions and Corporate Affairs at Biogen Inc., as well as VP and Global CIO of Dell, Inc. Ms. Karaboutis also has more than 20 years at General Motors and Ford in various international leadership positions. Ms. Karaboutis is appointed for a term expiring at the 2025 Annual General Meeting of Stockholders at which time the Board is expected to contract to eleven members with the retirement of Mr. Hasse Johansson. |
• On September 17, 2024, Autoliv announced the appointment of Mr. Fabien Dumont as Executive Vice President & Chief Technology Officer and a member of the Autoliv Executive Management Team. Fabien Dumont previously served as Vice President Engineering in Autoliv China and has been with Autoliv since 1998. In leading the Autoliv China Engineering team, Fabien Dumont has played a vital role in developing innovations and technologies that support the fast-moving Chinese market. • In Q3 2024, Autoliv repurchased and retired 1.33 million shares of common stock at an average price of $97.80 per share under the Autoliv 2022-2024 stock repurchase program. |
Next Report Autoliv intends to publish the quarterly earnings report for the fourth quarter of 2024 on Friday, January 31, 2025. |
Footnotes *Non-U.S. GAAP measure, see enclosed reconciliation tables. |
Inquiries: Investors and Analysts Anders Trapp Vice President Investor Relations Tel +46 (0)8 5872 0671 Henrik Kaar Director Investor Relations Tel +46 (0)8 5872 0614
Inquiries: Media Gabriella Etemad Senior Vice President Communications Tel +46 (0)70 612 6424 Autoliv, Inc. is obliged to make this information public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the VP of Investor Relations set out above, at 12.00 CET on October 18, 2024. |
Definitions and SEC Filings Please refer to www.autoliv.com or to our Annual Report for definitions of terms used in this report. Autoliv’s annual report to stockholders, annual report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10Q, proxy statements, management certifications, press releases, current reports on Form 8-K and other documents filed with the SEC can be obtained free of charge from Autoliv at the Company’s address. These documents are also available at the SEC’s website www.sec.gov and at Autoliv’s corporate website www.autoliv.com. This report includes content supplied by S&P Global; Copyright © Light Vehicle Production Forecast, January, July and October 2024. All rights reserved. S&P Global is a global supplier of independent industry information. The permission to use S&P Global copyrighted reports, data and information does not constitute an endorsement or approval by S&P Global of the manner, format, context, content, conclusion, opinion or viewpoint in which S&P Global reports, data and information or its derivations are used or referenced herein. |
Financial Report July - September 2024 |
“Safe Harbor Statement”
This report contains statements that are not historical facts but rather forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements include those that address activities, events or developments that Autoliv, Inc. or its management believes or anticipates may occur in the future. All forward-looking statements are based upon our current expectations, various assumptions and/or data available from third parties. Our expectations and assumptions are expressed in good faith and we believe there is a reasonable basis for them. However, there can be no assurance that such forward-looking statements will materialize or prove to be correct as forward-looking statements are inherently subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual future results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the future results, performance or achievements expressed in or implied by such forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify these statements by forward-looking words such as “estimates”, “expects”, “anticipates”, “projects”, “plans”, “intends”, “believes”, “may”, “likely”, “might”, “would”, “should”, “could”, or the negative of these terms and other comparable terminology, although not all forward-looking statements contain such words. Because these forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, the outcome could differ materially from those set out in the forward-looking statements for a variety of reasons, including without limitation, general economic conditions, including inflation; changes in light vehicle production; fluctuation in vehicle production schedules for which the Company is a supplier; global supply chain disruptions, including port, transportation and distribution delays or interruptions; supply chain disruptions and component shortages specific to the automotive industry or the Company; disruptions and impacts relating to the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine and the hostilities in the Middle East; changes in general industry and market conditions or regional growth or decline; changes in and the successful execution of our capacity alignment, restructuring, cost reduction and efficiency initiatives and the market reaction thereto; loss of business from increased competition; higher raw material, fuel and energy costs; changes in consumer and customer preferences for end products; |
customer losses; changes in regulatory conditions; customer bankruptcies, consolidations, or restructuring or divestiture of customer brands; unfavorable fluctuations in currencies or interest rates among the various jurisdictions in which we operate; market acceptance of our new products; costs or difficulties related to the integration of any new or acquired businesses and technologies; continued uncertainty in pricing and other negotiations with customers; successful integration of acquisitions and operations of joint ventures; successful implementation of strategic partnerships and collaborations; our ability to be awarded new business; product liability, warranty and recall claims and investigations and other litigation, civil judgments or financial penalties and customer reactions thereto; higher expenses for our pension and other postretirement benefits, including higher funding needs for our pension plans; work stoppages or other labor issues; possible adverse results of pending or future litigation or infringement claims and the availability of insurance with respect to such matters; our ability to protect our intellectual property rights; negative impacts of antitrust investigations or other governmental investigations and associated litigation relating to the conduct of our business; tax assessments by governmental authorities and changes in our effective tax rate; dependence on key personnel; legislative or regulatory changes impacting or limiting our business; our ability to meet our sustainability targets, goals and commitments; political conditions; dependence on and relationships with customers and suppliers; the conditions necessary to hit our medium term financial targets; and other risks and uncertainties identified under the headings “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” in our Annual Reports and Quarterly Reports on Forms 10-K and 10-Q and any amendments thereto. For any forward-looking statements contained in this or any other document, we claim the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and we assume no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements in light of new information or future events, except as required by law. |
Financial Report July - September 2024 |
Consolidated Statements of Income
Third quarter |
First 9 months |
Latest 12 |
Full Year |
(Dollars in millions, except per share data, unaudited) |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
months |
2023 |
Airbags, Steering Wheels and Other1) |
$1,736 |
$1,761 |
$5,264 |
$5,191 |
$7,128 |
$7,055 |
Seatbelt products and Other1) |
819 |
835 |
2,511 |
2,533 |
3,398 |
3,420 |
Total net sales |
2,555 |
2,596 |
7,774 |
7,724 |
10,526 |
10,475 |
Cost of sales |
(2,095) |
(2,131) |
(6,398) |
(6,432) |
(8,619) |
(8,654) |
Gross profit |
459 |
465 |
1,377 |
1,291 |
1,907 |
1,822 |
Selling, general & administrative expenses |
(129) |
(119) |
(399) |
(380) |
(519) |
(500) |
Research, development & engineering expenses, net |
(96) |
(107) |
(325) |
(343) |
(406) |
(425) |
Other income (expense), net |
(9) |
(8) |
(27) |
(115) |
(119) |
(207) |
Operating income |
226 |
232 |
626 |
453 |
863 |
690 |
Income from equity method investments |
2 |
1 |
5 |
4 |
6 |
5 |
Interest income |
3 |
3 |
10 |
10 |
13 |
13 |
Interest expense |
(27) |
(24) |
(81) |
(68) |
(105) |
(93) |
Other non-operating items, net |
(7) |
(11) |
(7) |
(6) |
(4) |
(3) |
Income before income taxes |
197 |
201 |
554 |
393 |
773 |
612 |
Income taxes |
(58) |
(67) |
(149) |
(131) |
(141) |
(123) |
Net income |
139 |
134 |
404 |
262 |
632 |
489 |
Less: Net income attributable to non-controlling interest |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Net income attributable to controlling interest |
$138 |
$134 |
$403 |
$261 |
$630 |
$488 |
Earnings per share - diluted |
$1.74 |
$1.57 |
$4.98 |
$3.04 |
$7.70 |
$5.72 |
1) Including Corporate sales. |
Financial Report July - September 2024 |
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Sep 30 |
Jun 30 |
Mar 31 |
Dec 31 |
Sep 30 |
(Dollars in millions, unaudited) |
2024 |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
Assets |
Cash & cash equivalents |
$415 |
$408 |
$569 |
$498 |
$475 |
Receivables, net |
2,192 |
2,090 |
2,194 |
2,198 |
2,179 |
Inventories, net |
997 |
936 |
997 |
1,012 |
982 |
Prepaid expenses |
172 |
193 |
180 |
173 |
180 |
Other current assets |
90 |
76 |
71 |
93 |
63 |
Total current assets |
3,865 |
3,703 |
4,011 |
3,974 |
3,879 |
Property, plant & equipment, net |
2,317 |
2,197 |
2,192 |
2,192 |
2,067 |
Operating leases right-of-use assets |
173 |
167 |
177 |
176 |
162 |
Goodwill and intangible assets, net |
1,386 |
1,379 |
1,381 |
1,385 |
1,378 |
Investments and other non-current assets |
565 |
564 |
564 |
606 |
500 |
Total assets |
8,306 |
8,010 |
8,324 |
8,332 |
7,987 |
Liabilities and equity |
Short-term debt |
624 |
455 |
310 |
538 |
590 |
Accounts payable |
1,881 |
1,858 |
1,855 |
1,978 |
1,858 |
Accrued expenses |
1,189 |
1,120 |
1,129 |
1,135 |
1,093 |
Operating lease liabilities - current |
44 |
41 |
41 |
39 |
37 |
Other current liabilities |
297 |
312 |
323 |
345 |
274 |
Total current liabilities |
4,034 |
3,785 |
3,658 |
4,035 |
3,851 |
Long-term debt |
1,586 |
1,540 |
1,830 |
1,324 |
1,277 |
Pension liability |
147 |
140 |
149 |
159 |
152 |
Operating lease liabilities - non-current |
130 |
127 |
134 |
135 |
125 |
Other non-current liabilities |
110 |
106 |
111 |
109 |
96 |
Total non-current liabilities |
1,974 |
1,913 |
2,224 |
1,728 |
1,649 |
Total parent shareholders’ equity |
2,288 |
2,298 |
2,428 |
2,557 |
2,473 |
Non-controlling interest |
10 |
13 |
13 |
13 |
13 |
Total equity |
2,298 |
2,311 |
2,442 |
2,570 |
2,486 |
Total liabilities and equity |
$8,306 |
$8,010 |
$8,324 |
$8,332 |
$7,987 |
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow
Third quarter |
First 9 months |
Latest 12 |
Full Year |
(Dollars in millions, unaudited) |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
months |
2023 |
Net income |
$139 |
$134 |
$404 |
$262 |
$632 |
$489 |
Depreciation and amortization |
97 |
95 |
289 |
281 |
385 |
378 |
Other, net |
10 |
9 |
1 |
1 |
(119) |
(119) |
Changes in operating working capital, net |
(68) |
(36) |
(54) |
(8) |
189 |
235 |
Net cash provided by operating activities |
177 |
202 |
639 |
535 |
1,086 |
982 |
Expenditures for property, plant and equipment |
(146) |
(152) |
(440) |
(420) |
(593) |
(572) |
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment |
1 |
0 |
9 |
1 |
12 |
4 |
Net cash used in investing activities |
(145) |
(151) |
(431) |
(419) |
(581) |
(569) |
Free cash flow1) |
32 |
50 |
208 |
117 |
505 |
414 |
Increase in short term debt |
152 |
110 |
85 |
115 |
32 |
61 |
Decrease in long-term debt |
- |
- |
(306) |
(533) |
(306) |
(533) |
Increase in long-term debt |
46 |
1 |
581 |
557 |
583 |
559 |
Dividends paid |
(54) |
(56) |
(164) |
(169) |
(221) |
(225) |
Share repurchases |
(130) |
(120) |
(450) |
(202) |
(600) |
(352) |
Common stock options exercised |
- |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Dividend paid to non-controlling interests |
(4) |
- |
(5) |
(1) |
(5) |
(1) |
Net cash used in financing activities |
11 |
(64) |
(259) |
(232) |
(516) |
(490) |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash |
(36) |
14 |
(33) |
(3) |
(50) |
(20) |
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
6 |
(0) |
(84) |
(119) |
(61) |
(96) |
Cash and cash equivalents at period-start |
408 |
475 |
498 |
594 |
475 |
594 |
Cash and cash equivalents at period-end |
$415 |
$475 |
$415 |
$475 |
$415 |
$498 |
1) Non-U.S. GAAP measure comprised of "Net cash provided by operating activities" and "Net cash used in investing activities". See reconciliation table. |
Financial Report July - September 2024 |
In this report we sometimes refer to non-U.S. GAAP measures that we and securities analysts use in measuring Autoliv's performance. We believe that these measures assist investors and management in analyzing trends in the Company's business for the reasons given below. Investors should not consider these non-U.S. GAAP measures as substitutes, but rather as additions, to financial reporting measures prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. It should be noted that these measures, as defined, may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies.
Components in Sales Increase/Decrease
Since the Company historically generates approximately 75% of sales in currencies other than in the reporting currency (i.e., U.S. dollars) and currency rates have been volatile, we analyze the Company's sales trends and performance as changes in organic sales growth. This presents the increase or decrease in the overall U.S. dollar net sales on a comparable basis, allowing separate discussions of the impact of acquisitions/divestitures and exchange rates. The tables on pages 5 and 6 present changes in organic sales growth as reconciled to the change in the total U.S. GAAP net sales.
Trade Working Capital
Due to the need to optimize cash generation to create value for shareholders, management focuses on operationally derived trade working capital as defined in the table below. The reconciling items used to derive this measure are, by contrast, managed as part of our overall management of cash and debt, but they are not part of the responsibilities of day-to-day operations management.
Sep 30 |
Jun 30 |
Mar 31 |
Dec 31 |
Sep 30 |
(Dollars in millions) |
2024 |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
Total current assets |
$3,865 |
$3,703 |
$4,011 |
$3,974 |
$3,879 |
Total current liabilities |
(4,034) |
(3,785) |
(3,658) |
(4,035) |
(3,851) |
Working capital (U.S. GAAP) |
(169) |
(83) |
353 |
(61) |
28 |
Less: Cash and cash equivalents |
(415) |
(408) |
(569) |
(498) |
(475) |
Prepaid expenses |
(172) |
(193) |
(180) |
(173) |
(180) |
Other current assets |
(90) |
(76) |
(71) |
(93) |
(63) |
Less: Short-term debt |
624 |
455 |
310 |
538 |
590 |
Accrued expenses |
1,189 |
1,120 |
1,129 |
1,135 |
1,093 |
Operating lease liabilities - current |
44 |
41 |
41 |
39 |
37 |
Other current liabilities |
297 |
312 |
323 |
345 |
274 |
Trade working capital (non-U.S. GAAP) |
$1,307 |
$1,169 |
$1,336 |
$1,232 |
$1,303 |
Sep 30 |
Jun 30 |
Mar 31 |
Dec 31 |
Sep 30 |
(Dollars in millions) |
2024 |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
Receivables, net |
$2,192 |
$2,090 |
$2,194 |
$2,198 |
$2,179 |
Inventories, net |
997 |
936 |
997 |
1,012 |
982 |
Accounts payable |
(1,881) |
(1,858) |
(1,855) |
(1,978) |
(1,858) |
Trade working capital (non-U.S. GAAP) |
$1,307 |
$1,169 |
$1,336 |
$1,232 |
$1,303 |
Financial Report July - September 2024 |
Net Debt
Autoliv from time to time enters into “debt-related derivatives” (DRDs) as a part of its debt management and as part of efficiently managing the Company’s overall cost of funds. Creditors and credit rating agencies use net debt adjusted for DRDs in their analyses of the Company’s debt, therefore we provide this non-U.S. GAAP measure. DRDs are fair value adjustments to the carrying value of the underlying debt. Also included in the DRDs is the unamortized fair value adjustment related to a discontinued fair value hedge that will be amortized over the remaining life of the debt. By adjusting for DRDs, the total financial liability of net debt is disclosed without grossing debt up with currency or interest fair values.
Sep 30 |
Jun 30 |
Mar 31 |
Dec 31 |
Sep 30 |
(Dollars in millions) |
2024 |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
Short-term debt |
$624 |
$455 |
$310 |
$538 |
$590 |
Long-term debt |
1,586 |
1,540 |
1,830 |
1,324 |
1,277 |
Total debt |
2,210 |
1,996 |
2,140 |
1,862 |
1,867 |
Cash & cash equivalents |
(415) |
(408) |
(569) |
(498) |
(475) |
Debt issuance cost/Debt-related derivatives, net |
(9) |
(8) |
(9) |
3 |
(17) |
Net debt |
$1,787 |
$1,579 |
$1,562 |
$1,367 |
$1,375 |
Dec 31 |
Dec 31 |
Dec 31 |
Dec 31 |
(Dollars in millions) |
2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
Short-term debt |
$711 |
$346 |
$302 |
$368 |
Long-term debt |
1,054 |
1,662 |
2,110 |
1,726 |
Total debt |
1,766 |
2,008 |
2,411 |
2,094 |
Cash & cash equivalents |
(594) |
(969) |
(1,178) |
(445) |
Debt issuance cost/Debt-related derivatives, net |
12 |
13 |
(19) |
0 |
Net debt |
$1,184 |
$1,052 |
$1,214 |
$1,650 |
Leverage ratio
The non-U.S. GAAP measure “net debt” is also used in the non-U.S. GAAP measure “Leverage ratio”. Management uses this measure to analyze the amount of debt the Company can incur under its debt policy. Management believes that this policy also provides guidance to credit and equity investors regarding the extent to which the Company would be prepared to leverage its operations. Autoliv’s policy is to maintain a leverage ratio commensurate with a strong investment grade credit rating. The Company measures its leverage ratio as net debt* adjusted for pension liabilities in relation to adjusted EBITDA*. The long-term target is to maintain a leverage ratio of around 1.0x within a range of 0.5x to 1.5x.
Sep 30 |
Jun 30 |
Sep 30 |
(Dollars in millions) |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net debt1) |
$1,787 |
$1,579 |
$1,375 |
Pension liabilities |
147 |
140 |
152 |
Debt per the Policy |
$1,934 |
$1,720 |
$1,527 |
Net income2) |
$632 |
$627 |
$418 |
Income taxes2) |
141 |
150 |
188 |
Interest expense, net2, 3) |
93 |
89 |
75 |
Other non-operating items, net2) |
4 |
8 |
5 |
Income from equity method investments2) |
(6) |
(6) |
(4) |
Depreciation and amortization of intangibles2) |
385 |
384 |
371 |
Adjustments2), 4) |
128 |
128 |
136 |
EBITDA per the Policy (Adjusted EBITDA) |
$1,376 |
$1,380 |
$1,189 |
Leverage ratio |
1.4 |
1.2 |
1.3 |
1) Short- and long-term debt less cash and cash equivalents and debt-related derivatives. 2) Latest 12 months. 3) Interest expense including cost for extinguishment of debt, if any, less interest income. 4) Capacity alignments, antitrust related matters and for FY2023 the Andrews litigation settlement. See Items Affecting Comparability below. |
Financial Report July - September 2024 |
Free Cash Flow and Cash Conversion
Management uses the non-U.S. GAAP measure “free cash flow” to analyze the amount of cash flow being generated by the Company’s operations after capital expenditure, net. This measure indicates the Company’s cash flow generation level that enables strategic value creation options such as dividends or acquisitions. For details on free cash flow, see the reconciliation table below. Management uses the non-U.S. GAAP measure “cash conversion” to analyze the proportion of net income that is converted into free cash flow. The measure is a tool to evaluate how efficiently the Company utilizes its resources. For details on cash conversion, see the reconciliation table below.
Third quarter |
First 9 months |
Latest 12 |
Full Year |
(Dollars in millions) |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
months |
2023 |
Net income |
$139 |
$134 |
$404 |
$262 |
$632 |
$489 |
Changes in operating working capital |
(68) |
(36) |
(54) |
(8) |
189 |
235 |
Depreciation and amortization |
97 |
95 |
289 |
281 |
385 |
378 |
Other, net |
10 |
9 |
1 |
1 |
(119) |
(119) |
Operating cash flow |
177 |
202 |
$639 |
$535 |
1,086 |
982 |
Capital expenditure, net |
(145) |
(151) |
(431) |
(419) |
(581) |
(569) |
Free cash flow1) |
$32 |
$50 |
$208 |
$117 |
$505 |
$414 |
Cash conversion2) |
23% |
37% |
52% |
45% |
80% |
85% |
1) Operating cash flow less Capital expenditure, net. 2) Free cash flow relative to Net income. |
Full year |
Full year |
Full year |
Full year |
(Dollars in millions) |
2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
Net income |
$425 |
$437 |
$188 |
$463 |
Changes in operating assets and liabilities |
58 |
(63) |
277 |
47 |
Depreciation and amortization |
363 |
394 |
371 |
351 |
Gain on divestiture of property |
(80) |
- |
- |
- |
Other, net1) |
(54) |
(15) |
13 |
(220) |
Operating cash flow |
713 |
754 |
849 |
641 |
EC antitrust payment |
- |
- |
- |
(203) |
Operating cash flow excl antitrust |
713 |
754 |
849 |
844 |
Capital expenditure, net |
(485) |
(454) |
(340) |
(476) |
Free cash flow2) |
$228 |
$300 |
$509 |
$165 |
Free cash flow excl antitrust payment3) |
$228 |
$300 |
$509 |
$368 |
Cash conversion4) |
54% |
69% |
270% |
36% |
Cash conversion excl antitrust5) |
54% |
69% |
270% |
79% |
1) Including EC antitrust payment 2019. 2) Operating cash flow less capital expenditure, net. 3) For 2019, operating cash flow excluding EC antitrust payment less capital expenditures, net. 4) Free cash flow relative to net income. 5) For 2019, free cash flow excluding EC antitrust payment relative to net income. |
Financial Report July - September 2024 |
Items Affecting Comparability
We believe that comparability between periods is improved through the exclusion of certain items. To assist investors in understanding the operating performance of Autoliv's business, it is useful to consider certain U.S. GAAP measures exclusive of these items.
The following table reconciles Income before income taxes, Net income attributable to controlling interest, Capital employed, which are inputs utilized to calculate Return On Capital Employed (“ROCE”), adjusted ROCE and Return On Total Equity (“ROE”). The Company believes this presentation may be useful to investors and industry analysts who utilize these adjusted non-U.S. GAAP measures in their ROCE and ROE calculations to exclude certain items for comparison purposes across periods. Autoliv’s management uses the ROCE, adjusted ROCE and ROE measures for purposes of comparing its financial performance with the financial performance of other companies in the industry and providing useful information regarding the factors and trends affecting the Company’s business.
As used by the Company, ROCE is annualized operating income and income from equity method investments, relative to average capital employed. Adjusted ROCE is annualized operating income and income from equity method investments, relative to average capital employed as adjusted to exclude certain non-recurring items. The Company believes ROCE and adjusted ROCE are useful indicators of long-term performance both absolute and relative to the Company's peers as it allows for a comparison of the profitability of the Company’s capital employed in its business relative to that of its peers.
ROE is the ratio of annualized income (loss) relative to average total equity for the periods presented. The Company’s management believes that ROE is a useful indicator of how well management creates value for its shareholders through its operating activities and its capital management.
With respect to the Andrews litigation settlement, the Company has treated this specific settlement as a non-recurring charge because of the unique nature of the lawsuit, including the facts and legal issues involved.
Accordingly, the tables below reconcile from U.S. GAAP to the equivalent non-U.S. GAAP measure.
Third quarter 2024 |
Third quarter 2023 |
(Dollars in millions, except per share data) |
Reported |
Adjust-ments1) |
Non-U.S. |
Reported |
Adjust-ments1) |
Non-U.S. |
Operating income |
$226 |
11 |
$237 |
$232 |
11 |
$243 |
Operating margin |
8.9% |
0.4% |
9.3% |
8.9% |
0.4% |
9.4% |
Income before taxes |
197 |
11 |
208 |
201 |
11 |
212 |
Net income attributable to controlling interest |
138 |
8 |
146 |
134 |
8 |
141 |
Return on capital employed2) |
22.9% |
1.0% |
23.9% |
24.2% |
0.4% |
24.5% |
Return on total equity3) |
24.1% |
1.1% |
25.2% |
21.3% |
0.2% |
21.5% |
Earnings per share - diluted |
$1.74 |
0.10 |
$1.84 |
$1.57 |
0.09 |
$1.66 |
1) Effects from capacity alignments, antitrust related matters and for FY 2023 the Andrews litigation settlement. 2) Annualized operating income and income from equity method investments, relative to average capital employed. 3) Annualized income relative to average total equity. |
First 9 months 2024 |
First 9 months 2023 |
Reported |
Adjust-ments1) |
Non-U.S. |
Reported |
Adjust-ments1) |
Non-U.S. |
Operating income |
$626 |
31 |
$657 |
$453 |
133 |
$586 |
Operating margin |
8.1% |
0.4% |
8.5% |
5.9% |
1.7% |
7.6% |
Income before taxes |
554 |
31 |
585 |
393 |
133 |
526 |
Net income attributable to controlling interest |
403 |
26 |
429 |
261 |
123 |
384 |
Capital employed |
4,085 |
26 |
4,111 |
3,861 |
123 |
3,985 |
Return on capital employed2) |
21.2% |
1.0% |
22.1% |
15.6% |
4.2% |
19.8% |
Return on total equity3) |
22.4% |
1.3% |
23.7% |
13.5% |
5.9% |
19.5% |
Earnings per share - diluted |
$4.98 |
0.32 |
$5.30 |
$3.04 |
1.44 |
$4.48 |
1) Effects from capacity alignments, antitrust related matters and for FY 2023 the Andrews litigation settlement. 2) Annualized operating income and income from equity method investments, relative to average capital employed. 3) Annualized income relative to average total equity. |
Financial Report July - September 2024 |
Latest 12 months |
Full year 2023 |
Reported |
Adjust-ments1) |
Non-U.S. |
Reported |
Adjust-ments1) |
Non-U.S. |
Operating income |
$863 |
128 |
$991 |
$690 |
230 |
$920 |
Operating margin |
8.2% |
1.2% |
9.4% |
6.6% |
2.2% |
8.8% |
1) Costs for capacity alignments, antitrust related matters and for FY 2023 the Andrews litigation settlement. |
Full year 2022 |
Full year 2021 |
Reported |
Adjust-ments1) |
Non-U.S. |
Reported |
Adjust-ments1) |
Non-U.S. |
Operating income |
$659 |
(61) |
$598 |
$675 |
8 |
$683 |
Operating margin |
7.5% |
(0.7)% |
6.8% |
8.2% |
0.1% |
8.3% |
1) Costs for capacity alignment and antitrust related matters. |
Full year 2020 |
Full year 2019 |
(Dollars in millions, except per share data) |
Reported |
Adjust-ments1) |
Non-U.S. |
Reported |
Adjust-ments1) |
Non-U.S. |
Operating income |
$382 |
99 |
$482 |
$726 |
49 |
$774 |
Operating margin, % |
5.1% |
1.4% |
6.5% |
8.5% |
0.6% |
9.1% |
1) Costs for capacity alignments and antitrust related matters. |
Items included in non-U.S. GAAP adjustments |
Third quarter 2024 |
Third quarter 2023 |
Adjustment |
Adjustment |
Adjustment |
Adjustment |
Capacity alignments |
$9 |
$0.12 |
$10 |
$0.12 |
The Andrews litigation settlement |
- |
- |
(0) |
(0.00) |
Antitrust related matters |
2 |
0.02 |
1 |
0.01 |
Total adjustments to operating income |
11 |
0.14 |
11 |
0.13 |
Tax on non-U.S. GAAP adjustments1) |
(3) |
(0.04) |
(3) |
(0.04) |
Total adjustments to net income |
$8 |
$0.10 |
$8 |
$0.09 |
Average number of shares outstanding - diluted |
79.3 |
85.0 |
Annualized adjustment on return on capital employed |
$44 |
$44 |
Adjustment on return on capital employed |
1.0% |
0.4% |
Annualized adjustment on return on total equity |
$32 |
$31 |
Adjustment on return on total equity |
1.1% |
0.2% |
1) The tax is calculated based on the tax laws in the respective jurisdiction(s) of the adjustment(s). |
Items included in non-GAAP adjustments |
First 9 months 2024 |
First 9 months 2023 |
Adjustment |
Adjustment |
Adjustment |
Adjustment |
Capacity alignments |
$25 |
$0.31 |
$122 |
$1.42 |
The Andrews litigation settlement |
- |
- |
8 |
0.09 |
Antitrust related matters |
6 |
0.07 |
3 |
0.04 |
Total adjustments to operating income |
31 |
0.39 |
133 |
1.55 |
Tax on non-U.S. GAAP adjustments1) |
(5) |
(0.06) |
(10) |
(0.11) |
Total adjustments to net income |
$26 |
$0.32 |
$123 |
$1.44 |
Average number of shares outstanding - diluted |
80.9 |
85.7 |
Annualized adjustment on return on capital employed |
$42 |
$177 |
Adjustment on return on capital employed |
1.0% |
4.2% |
Annualized adjustment on return on total equity |
$35 |
$164 |
Adjustment on return on total equity |
1.3% |
5.9% |
1) The tax is calculated based on the tax laws in the respective jurisdiction(s) of the adjustment(s). |
Financial Report July - September 2024 |
(Dollars in millions, except per share data, unaudited) |
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
Sales and Income |
Net sales |
$10,475 |
$8,842 |
$8,230 |
$7,447 |
$8,548 |
Airbag sales1) |
7,055 |
5,807 |
5,380 |
4,824 |
5,676 |
Seatbelt sales |
3,420 |
3,035 |
2,850 |
2,623 |
2,871 |
Operating income |
690 |
659 |
675 |
382 |
726 |
Net income attributable to controlling interest |
488 |
423 |
435 |
187 |
462 |
Earnings per share – basic2) |
5.74 |
4.86 |
4.97 |
2.14 |
5.29 |
Earnings per share – diluted2) |
5.72 |
4.85 |
4.96 |
2.14 |
5.29 |
Gross margin3) |
17.4% |
15.8% |
18.4% |
16.7% |
18.5% |
S,G&A in relation to sales |
(4.8)% |
(4.9)% |
(5.3)% |
(5.2)% |
(4.7)% |
R,D&E net in relation to sales |
(4.1)% |
(4.4)% |
(4.7)% |
(5.0)% |
(4.7)% |
Operating margin4) |
6.6% |
7.5% |
8.2% |
5.1% |
8.5% |
Adjusted operating margin5,6) |
8.8% |
6.8% |
8.3% |
6.5% |
9.1% |
Balance Sheet |
Trade working capital7) |
1,232 |
1,183 |
1,332 |
1,366 |
1,417 |
Trade working capital in relation to sales8) |
11.2% |
12.7% |
15.7% |
13.6% |
16.2% |
Receivables outstanding in relation to sales9) |
20.0% |
20.4% |
20.0% |
18.1% |
18.6% |
Inventory outstanding in relation to sales10) |
9.2% |
10.4% |
9.2% |
7.9% |
8.5% |
Payables outstanding in relation to sales11) |
18.0% |
18.1% |
13.5% |
12.5% |
10.8% |
Total equity |
2,570 |
2,626 |
2,648 |
2,423 |
2,122 |
Total parent shareholders’ equity per share |
30.93 |
30.30 |
30.10 |
27.56 |
24.19 |
Current assets excluding cash |
3,475 |
3,119 |
2,705 |
3,091 |
2,557 |
Property, plant and equipment, net |
2,192 |
1,960 |
1,855 |
1,869 |
1,816 |
Intangible assets (primarily goodwill) |
1,385 |
1,382 |
1,395 |
1,412 |
1,410 |
Capital employed |
3,937 |
3,810 |
3,700 |
3,637 |
3,772 |
Net debt6) |
1,367 |
1,184 |
1,052 |
1,214 |
1,650 |
Total assets |
8,332 |
7,717 |
7,537 |
8,157 |
6,771 |
Long-term debt |
1,324 |
1,054 |
1,662 |
2,110 |
1,726 |
Return on capital employed12) |
17.7% |
17.5% |
18.3% |
10.0% |
20.0% |
Return on total equity13) |
19.0% |
16.3% |
17.1% |
9.0% |
23.0% |
Total equity ratio |
31% |
34% |
35% |
30% |
31% |
Cash flow and other data |
Operating Cash flow |
982 |
713 |
754 |
849 |
641 |
Depreciation and amortization |
378 |
363 |
394 |
371 |
351 |
Capital expenditures, net |
569 |
485 |
454 |
340 |
476 |
Capital expenditures, net in relation to sales |
5.4% |
5.5% |
5.5% |
4.6% |
5.6% |
Free Cash flow6,14) |
414 |
228 |
300 |
509 |
165 |
Cash conversion6,15) |
85% |
54% |
69% |
270% |
36% |
Direct shareholder return16) |
577 |
339 |
165 |
54 |
217 |
Cash dividends paid per share |
2.66 |
2.58 |
1.88 |
0.62 |
2.48 |
Number of shares outstanding (millions)17) |
82.6 |
86.2 |
87.5 |
87.4 |
87.2 |
Number of employees, December 31 |
62,900 |
61,700 |
55,900 |
61,000 |
58,900 |
1) Including steering wheels, inflators and initiators. 2) Net of treasury shares. 3) Gross profit relative to sales. 4) Operating income relative to sales. 5) Excluding effects from capacity alignments, antitrust related matters and for FY 2023 the Andrews litigation settlement. 6) Non-US GAAP measure, for reconciliation see tables above. 7) Outstanding receivables and outstanding inventory less outstanding payables. 8) Outstanding receivables and outstanding inventory less outstanding payables relative to annualized fourth quarter sales. 9) Outstanding receivables relative to annualized fourth quarter sales. 10) Outstanding inventory relative to annualized fourth quarter sales. 11) Outstanding payables relative to annualized fourth quarter sales. 12) Operating income and income from equity method investments, relative to average capital employed. 13) Income relative to average total equity. 14) Operating cash flow less Capital expenditures, net. 15) Free cash flow relative to Net income. 16) Dividends paid and Shares repurchased. 17) At year end, excluding dilution and net of treasury shares. |