vision marine technologies股份有限公司。
vision marine technologies 公司是根据加拿大魁北克省法律成立的一家公司(以下统称为其附属公司和关联公司,包括但不限于,在注册声明(下文定义)中被披露或描述为vision marine technologies公司的子公司或关联公司"公司确认其与ThinkEquity LLC(以下简称为“协议”)就本协议达成一致第五章 定义和引用 第5.1节 定义 第1.1节中所指的术语包括其单数形式以及复数形式,其相对应的意思当然依然是如此。如下所示:
1. 股票的发行和出售。本公司同意,在本协议期限内,不时根据这些条款 在遵守本文规定的条件的前提下,它可以通过代理人发行和出售普通股(”配售股份”) 本公司没有面值(”普通股”)的总发行价格高达11,750,000美元; 提供的, 但是,在任何情况下,公司都不得通过代理人发行或出售如此数量或金额的配售额 (a) 超过有效注册声明(定义)中注册的普通股数量或美元金额的股份 以下)本次发行所依据的,(b) 超过已授权但未发行的普通股(减去普通股)的数量 可在行使、转换或交换本公司的任何未偿还证券时发行或以其他方式从公司预留的证券 授权股本),(c)超过F-3表格(包括普通股在内)允许出售的普通股的数量或美元金额 其I.b.5号指令(如果适用)或(d)超过了公司提交的普通股的数量或美元金额 招股说明书补充资料(定义见下文)((a)、(b)、(c)和(d)中较小的一个,”最大金额”)。尽管如此 此处包含的任何相反规定,本协议各方同意遵守本协议中规定的限制 部分 1 根据本协议发行和出售的配售股份的金额应由公司全权负责, 代理人对此类合规不承担任何义务。通过代理人发行和出售配售股份将是 根据公司提交的注册声明(定义见下文)生效,证券将宣布该声明生效 和交易委员会(”佣金”),尽管本协议中的任何内容均不得解释为要求 公司将使用注册声明发行普通股。
该公司已提起诉讼, 根据经修订的1933年《证券法》的规定(”《证券法》”),以及 其下的规则和条例(”《证券法》条例”),委员会a F-3表格(文件编号 333-267893)上的注册声明,包括与某些证券有关的基本招股说明书,包括 配售股票将由公司不时发行,并以参考方式纳入公司拥有的文件 根据经修订的1934年《证券交易法》的规定提交或将要提交(”交易所 法案”)以及相关的规则和条例(”《交易法》条例”)。这个 公司已经为注册声明中包含的基本招股说明书准备了招股说明书或招股说明书补充文件, 哪些招股说明书或招股说明书补充文件与公司不时发行的配售股份有关( ”招股说明书补充资料”)。公司将向代理人提供该文件的副本供代理人使用 招股说明书作为此类注册声明的一部分,并由与配售相关的招股说明书补充文件补充 本公司将不时发行股票。公司可以不时提交一份或多份额外的注册声明 不时将包含基本招股说明书和相关的招股说明书或招股说明书补充文件(如果适用)(应为 招股说明书补充资料),涉及配售股份。除非上下文另有要求,否则此类登记 声明,包括作为其一部分提交或以引用方式纳入其中的所有文件,以及任何信息 包含在随后根据第 424 (b) 条向委员会提交的招股说明书(定义见下文)中 《证券法条例》或根据《证券法》第4300条被视为此类注册声明的一部分 法规,或《证券法条例》规定的其他规定,此处称为”注册 声明。”如果公司根据《证券法条例》第462(b)条提交任何注册声明, 则在提交此类申请后,“注册声明” 一词应包括根据以下规定提交的注册声明 规则 462 (b)。基本招股说明书或基本招股说明书,包括以引用方式纳入其中的所有文件,包含在 注册声明,必要时可由招股说明书补充文件进行补充,其形式为此类招股说明书的形式 或者公司最近根据以下规定向委员会提交了招股说明书和/或招股说明书补充文件 《证券法条例》第424(b)条,以及当时发布的发行人自由写作招股说明书(定义) 下面),此处称为”招股说明书.”
本处提到的任何关于《注册声明书》、任何《招股说明书补充协议》、说明书或任何发行人自由书面说明书的内容应被视为指涉并包括在内其中引用的文件(“已纳入的文件”),其中,除非情况另有要求,本处提到的任何关于《注册声明书》、任何《招股说明书补充协议》、说明书或任何发行人自由书面说明书的“修订”、“修订”或“补充”条款应被视为指涉并包括于《交易所法》生效之日之后或《招股说明书补充协议》、说明书或该发行人自由书面说明书之日期之后的任何文件的提交,适用情况下,并被引用。对于本协议目的,所有涉及《注册声明书》、《说明书》或对其进行的任何修订或补充的引用应被视为包括根据其电子数据收集分析和检索系统向证券交易委员会提交的最新副本,或适用时,当交易委员会使用交互式数据电子申请系统时(统称为“您可以在我们最近完成的财政年度的经审计的合并财务报表和管理层的讨论和分析中找到有关Equinox Gold的财务信息。这些文件可以在我们的网站www.equinoxgold.com、在线备份文件系统Sedar(www.sedarplus.ca)以及EDGAR(www.sec.gov/edgar)上找到。”).
2. 股份发行每当公司希望在此之下发行和出售配售股票时(每次为“有关ATEX请通过电子邮件通知代理商(或双方约定的其他方法)需要发行的配售股份数量,请求销售的时期,一天内可售出的最大配售股份数量限制以及不得低于的最低价格(“销售通知附件所附的格式为 附件1。发行通知将由公司列出的任何个人发出 附表3 (同时抄送给名单中其他公司个人)并 应寄送给代理机构名单中涉及的各人 附表3如所修改的。 附表3 可能不时进行修订。除非(i)代理机构根据其唯一判断在收到放置通知后的两个(2)业务日内以任何理由拒绝接受其中包含的条款,(ii)根据该放置通知下的全部放置股份已全部卖出,(iii)公司暂停或终止放置通知,或(iv)根据该协议的规定已经终止。 第12节。 2023年计划的生效日期。。公司支付给代理机构的任何折扣、佣金或其他与放置股份销售相关的补偿金额应根据所述条款进行计算。 时间表2。特此明确承认并同意,除非公司向代理送达放置通知并且代理不根据上述规定拒绝该放置通知,否则公司和代理对放置或任何放置股份均无任何义务,并且仅根据其中明确规定的条款而非本文件中的条款。在本协议条款与放置通知条款之间发生冲突的情况下,放置通知的条款将控制。
3. 代理人出售配售股份受本协议条款约束的各方继任人或允许的受让人应享有本协议条款的利益,遵守协议条款。即便有异议,该协议和其中的权利和义务也可由每个投资者和每个天使方转让给其关联公司或其公司股份的任何受让人(在遵守本协议的前提下进行的转让),而无需事先征得其他各方的同意。除本协议明示规定外,非本协议当事人及其后继人和受让人均不得根据第三方权利条例 (香港法例第 623 章)享有本协议任何条款的权利或利益。 第5(a)节,代理人,在配售通知规定的期间,将竭尽商业合理努力,符合其正常的交易和销售惯例以及适用的州和联邦法律、规则和法规以及纳斯达克资本市场的规则(“交易所”),以 卖出指定金额的配售股份,并根据该等配售通知的条款进行。代理人将在不迟于在销售配售股份后的交易日开盘时(如下文所定义)向公司提供书面确认,详细说明当天销售的配售股份数量,公司应支付给代理人的薪酬,以及公司应支付的净收益(如下文所定义),并列明代理人所作的扣款(如下文所述 第2节 与此类销售有关),以及公司应支付的净收益(如下文所定义),并列明代理人所作的扣款(如下文所述 第5(b)节从销售所获得的总收入中扣除。根据定位通知书的条款,代理商可以通过任何法律允许的方法进行销售,被视为《证券法规》第415(a)(4)条规定的“市场上市发行”,包括在交易所或任何其他现有的普通股交易市场上直接或间接进行的销售,在销售时的市场价格或与该市场价格相关的价格进行协商的交易和/或法律允许的其他方法。 尽管前述,(i)未经公司事先书面同意,不得在私下协商的交易中进行销售;(ii) 公司声明,根据本协议进行的绝大多数销售将向公众而非在私下协商的交易中进行。 “交易日”是指在交易所交易普通股的任何日子。
4. 销售暂停公司或代理人可能在书面通知(包括通过电子邮件发送给对方方在名单上的每个个人)的情况下,暂停任何出售安排股份的行为。 附表3,根据时间表随时可能作出修改,如果收件人确认查收此类通讯,其中任何一个被发送通知的个人,则除了自动回复外,也可以通过电话(立即由对方名单上的每个个人通过可验证电子邮件确认)。 附表3“停职。”); 在每种情况下,该B类股东和/或该B类股东的家庭成员需独立控制在此类帐户、计划或信托中持有的B类普通股实时;, 公司对于以下情况,不应承担责任:根据第10(b)部分书面信息可靠地提供。在此期间,暂停不影响或损害任何一方在收到该通知前就根据此处买卖发行股份而负有的任何义务。在暂停生效期间,根据协议对于向代理交付股份证书、意见书或保障书的任何义务将被豁免。各方同意,除非通知是向列名于其中的个人之一发出的,否则根据该通知将不会对其他任何一方产生效力。 第7(l)款, 7(m)和7(n) 对于向代理交付股份证书、意见书或保障书的义务,将被豁免。各方同意,根据本协议作出的通知,除非向以下个人之一发出,否则不会对其他任何一方产生效力。 (a)委员会负责管理本《2023年计划》,并可以将其职责和权力全部或部分委托给任何子委员会。 委员会可以制定本《2023年计划》的规则和条例。 委员会应按其所确定的时间和地点召开会议。 委员会成员中的多数人构成法定人数。 不会对其中任意另一方产生效力,除非通知发给名单上的个人之一。 附表3 据此,如有必要,日程安排可能会不时进行修订。尽管本协议的其他条款,但在公司持有重要非公开信息的任何时期内,公司和代理商同意:(i) 不会进行任何认购股份的销售,(ii) 公司不会要求销售任何认购股份,以及(iii) 代理商不必进行或要求销售任何认购股份。
5. 销售和交付给代理商;结算.
(a) 销售配售股份. 根据此处所述的陈述和保证,并遵守此处所述的条款和条件,在代理商接受配售通知条款,并且未拒绝,暂停或按照本协议的条款终止对其中所描述的质押股票的销售的情况下,在指定期间内,代理商会尽商业上合理的努力,在其正常交易和销售惯例,以及适用的法律和法规的前提下,最多销售顶多规定的配售股份数量,并在其他方面根据此处所载的配售通知条款进行销售。公司承认并同意 (i) 代理商将无法成功销售配售股票, (ii) 代理商将不对公司或任何其他人或实体承担任何责任或义务,如果由于代理商未根据本协议的要求采取商业上合理的努力,而不将配售股票出售给任何原因, (iii) 代理商在本协议项下原则上没有义务根据本协议主体向发布方收购配售股份,除非代理商与公司另有约定。
(b) 配售股份的清算. 除非在适用的放置通知中另有规定,放置股份的结算将在销售日(每个如"21世纪医疗改革法案)或者是行业标准交易的较早日(行业板块的规的练)之后的第一个交易日进行。推销交易后结算日向公司支付的款项("结算日”)的总额将等于代理商收取的总销售价格,扣除代理商根据公司支付的销售提成、折扣或其他补偿。净募资补款日将收到的放置股份的总销售价格。 第2节 关于此事,并且(ii)任何政府机构就此类销售而征收的任何交易费。
(c) 股票配售交割在每个结算日之前,公司将或将使其过户代理通过其存入资金和提取保管系统或经由各方互相同意的其他交付方式以电子方式转移通过信贷代理或其被指定人的账户(前提是代理至少在结算日前一个交易日书面通知公司已指定了这样的被指定人)到中央证券结算公司,在所有情况下,这些股份应是可以自由交易、可转让、注册股份且为完好交付形式。在每个结算日,代理将以即日资金支付相关净收益到公司在结算日或之前所指定的账户。公司同意,如果公司或其过户代理(如适用)未能履行在结算日交付放置股份的义务,公司同意除下文规定的权利和义务外,公司将(i)使代理免受因公司或其过户代理(如适用)的上述违约而产生的任何损失、索赔、损害或费用(包括合理的法律费用和费用)的保护,且(ii)支付给代理任何佣金、折扣或其他报酬,如果没有这样的违约,公司本应有权获得这些报酬。 第10(a)条 她在此书中约定,公司或其过户代理(如适用)违约未能在结算日交付放置股份的义务,公司同意不仅不限制在此约定的权利和义务之外的任何其他事项,而且公司应(i)对代理因公司或其过户代理(如适用)的违约而导致的任何损失、索赔、损害或费用(包括合理的法律费用和费用)承担责任,且(ii)向代理支付任何佣金、折扣或其他报酬,如果没有这样的违约,代理本应有权获得这些报酬。
(d) 面值;登记. 如有发行股份的证书,则其面额和注册名称应按照代理商在结算日期前至少一个完整的业务日(如下定义)以书面形式要求的方式进行。如有发行股份的证书,公司将在结算日期前一天的纽约时间中午不迟于商业日的上午向代理商提供检查和包装。
(e) 发行规模的限制. 在任何情况下,如果公司销售的所发行股份的总毛销售款超过(i)与本协议项下所有发行股份销售一起的【最大金额】和(ii)公司董事会(以下简称董事会)或其合法授权委员会或合法授权执行委员会随时授权发行和销售的金额(以下简称合同项下最大金额),则公司不得导致或要求发行或销售任何发行股份。董事会公司在任何情况下均不得导致或要求按照本协议发行价低于董事会或其合法授权委员会或合法授权执行委员会随时授权的最低价发行任何发行股份。此外,在任何情况下,公司不得导致或允许根据本协议发售的发行股份的总发售金额超出【最大金额】。
(f) 通过代理商销售公司同意,任何出售要约、任何买入要约的征求,或任何股份发售只能由代理商或经代理商进行,并且只能由单一代理商,在任何单一给定日期,且在任何情况下公司不得要求超过一名代理商在同一天出售股份。
6. 公司的陈述和担保公司向代理商陈述并保证,并同意自本协议签订日起及每个适用时间(如下所定义)起:
(a) 注册声明; 招股说明书; 交易所上市公司及本协议所 contempl 出的交易符合《F-3 表格》(包括总则 I.A 和 I.B)在《证券法》下规定的适用条件。注册声明已向委员会提交,并于 2022 年 12 月 21 日获得委员会的批准生效。招股说明书补充将在“分销计划”部分将代理人列为代理人。公司未收到,也没有接到、委员会的任何禁止或暂停使用注册声明或威胁或开始上诉以达到此目的的通知。根据《证券法》第 415 条的要求,注册声明和通过此处所 contempl 出的配售股份的发行和出售符合该条例的要求,并在所有重大方面符合该条例。在注册声明或招股说明书中需要描述或作为注册声明的附件进行提交的任何法规、法规、合同或其他文件均已描述或提交。注册声明、招股说明书以及在本协议签订日或之前向委员会提交的所有内含的引用文件的副本均已交付,或可通过 EDGAR 途径提供给代理人及其律师。公司未分发,并且在各清偿日期及完成配售股份的分销之一较晚发生之前,不会分发与配售股份的发售有关的任何发售材料,而不是已得到代理人同意的注册声明和招股说明书及任何发行者自由书面招股说明书(如下定义)。
(b) 股票交易所挂牌。 普通股票已在交易所以“VMAR”标的上市,并且公司未采取任何意在或可能导致撤销普通股票在交易所上市的行动,也未收到交易所正考虑终止此类上市的任何通知,除非在注册声明和招股说明书中另有说明。
(c) 根据《交易法》第 12 (b) 条进行注册。 该公司已向委员会提交了注册声明 在 8-A 表格(文件编号 001-39730)上(”《交易法》注册声明”) 规定根据以下规定进行注册 根据《普通股交易法》第12(b)条。《交易法》注册声明在该日期之前生效 在这里。公司没有采取任何旨在终止普通股注册或可能具有终止普通股注册效果的行动 根据《交易法》,公司也没有收到任何关于委员会正在考虑终止此类注册的通知。 据该公司所知,除非另有规定,否则它符合联交所所有适用的上市要求 发表在《交易法报告》中。
(d) 没有止损订单,以太经典。无论是委员会,还是据公司所知,任何州的监管机构都没有发布任何阻止或暂停使用注册声明或招股说明书的任何命令,也没有就此类命令提起或据公司所知,威胁要提起任何诉讼。公司已经遵守了委员会要求额外信息(如果有的话)。
(e) 符合证券法和交易所法注册声明、招股说明书、任何发行人自由撰写的招股说明书或其修正或补充部分(包括任何招股说明书包装纸)以及注册声明、招股说明书、任何发行人自由撰写的招股说明书或其修正或补充部分中所引用的文件,在这些文件被提交给证监会或根据《证券法》或《证券交易法》生效时,均或将符合《证券法》和《证券交易法》的要求,具体情况视情况而定。在每个结算日,注册声明、招股说明书、任何发行人自由撰写的招股说明书或其修正或补充部分(包括任何招股说明书包装纸)以及注册声明、招股说明书、任何发行人自由撰写的招股说明书或其修正或补充部分中所引用的文件,截止到该日期或下一个修改日,将符合《证券法》和《证券交易法》的要求,具体情况视情况而定。
(f) 没有错误陈述或遗漏注册声明生效时并未包含或将不包含任何不实陈述的重大事实或遗漏需要在其中陈述或必要使其中陈述不误导的重大事实。招股说明书及任何修订和补充,于当日及每个适用时间(以下定义),并未包含或将不包含任何不实陈述的重大事实或遗漏必要使其中陈述在制作时的情况下不误导的重要事实。注册声明中所引用的文件,招股说明书,或任何招股书补充,并未包含或将不包含任何不实陈述的重大事实或遗漏必要在该文件中陈述或必要使文件中的陈述在制作时的情况下不误导的重要事实。前述内容不适用于在任何此类文件中的陈述或遗漏,该文件依赖于,并符合,代理商专门为用于准备文件而向公司提供的信息。
(g) 交易所文件披露自2020年11月23日起,公司的提交到委员会的文件中都没有包含任何不实陈述的重要事实,也没有遗漏任何必要的重要事实,以使其中的陈述在制作时的情况下不具误导性;而且公司已经按照《交易所法案》及《交易所法案规定》的要求向委员会提交了所有必要的文件。
(h) 金融 信息。注册中包含或以引用方式纳入的公司的合并财务报表 声明、招股说明书和发行人自由写作招股说明书(如果有)公允地列出了以下方面的财务状况和业绩 公司在适用日期和期限内的运营;此类财务报表已编制 符合国际会计准则委员会发布的《国际财务报告准则》 (”国际财务报告准则”),在所涉期间始终适用(前提是未经审计的中期财务 报表须经过年终审计调整,这些调整预计总体上不会很重要,也不包含全部 (国际财务报告准则要求的脚注);注册声明中包含的支持附表正确地提供了信息 必须在其中注明。除其中所列内容外,无需提供历史或预计财务报表 包含在《证券法》或《证券法条例》下的注册声明或招股说明书中。形式上 以及注册声明中包含的调整后财务信息和相关附注(如果有)的形式上, 招股说明书和任何发行人自由写作招股说明书均已根据以下要求正确编制和编写 《证券法》、《证券法条例》、《交易法》和《交易法条例》(如适用),并出现 公平地说,其中显示的信息以及编制这些信息时使用的假设是合理的,所使用的调整也是合理的 其中适于使其中提到的交易和情况生效。中包含的所有披露 注册声明、招股说明书以及任何有关 “非国际财务报告准则财务指标” 的发行人免费撰写招股说明书 (该术语由委员会的规则和条例定义),如果有,应遵守《交易法》G条和 在适用的范围内,《证券法》第S-k条第10项。每份注册声明、招股说明书和 任何发行人自由写作招股说明书都会披露所有重要的资产负债表外交易、安排、债务(包括 或有债务),以及公司与未合并实体或其他可能拥有 当前或未来对公司财务状况的重大影响,财务状况的变化,经营业绩, 流动性、资本支出、资本资源或收入或支出的重要组成部分。除非中披露的那样 注册声明、招股说明书和任何发行人自由写作招股说明书,(a) 既不是公司也不是其任何直接招股说明书,以及 间接子公司(定义见下文),包括注册声明中披露或描述的每个实体, 招股说明书以及作为公司子公司的任何发行人自由写作招股说明书均承担了任何重大负债或 直接或或有债务,或在正常业务过程中以外的任何重大交易,(b) 公司没有申报或支付任何股息,也没有就其股本进行任何形式的分配,(c)有 公司或其任何子公司的股本没有发生任何变化,或者,除业务过程外,没有任何变化 任何股票薪酬计划下的补助金,以及(d)公司的长期薪酬没有发生任何重大不利变化或 短期债务。
(i) 遵守EDGAR文件提交要求。。根据本协议提供给代理商用于销售配售股份的招股说明书,与根据《证券法》提交给委员会的EDGAR的电子传输副本内容相同,除非根据《证券法》下制定的S-t条例允许的范围。
(j) 组织形式公司及其各个附属公司均合法组织,作为公司依法有效存在,并良好地依法合规经营,其各自所在地的法律下有效。公司及其各个附属公司已按照法律要求取得合法的外国公司执照或资格用以开展业务,并在其他各自经营场所的法律下保持良好地位,拥有公司及其各自所需的所有法人权利和权力,并拥有截至本协议签署日期为止所需的所有授权、批准、登记、命令、许可证、资格、登记证明和从所有政府监管官员和机构获得的许可和许可证。公司及其各附属公司所拥有或持有的各自财产以及所从事的各自业务均如注册说明书和招股说明书中所述,并拥有上述日期一切权利。但在未获得合法资格或保持良好地位、或未具备上述权力或授权的情况下,如不会对公司及全部附属公司总体收入、业务、运营、收益、资产、状况(财务或其他方面)、前景、股东权益或业绩构成重大不利影响或合理预期会对公司的资产、业务、运营、收益、财务状况(财务或其他方面)、前景、股东权益或业绩造成重大不利影响,或妨碍或实质干扰履行本协议所拟定的交易(以下简称:“Material Adverse Effect”).
(k) 板 董事人数。董事会由注册声明和招股说明书中披露的人员组成。这个 担任董事会成员的人员的资格和董事会的整体组成符合《交易法》, 《交易法条例》、2002 年的《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》以及据此颁布的规则(”萨班斯-奥克斯利法案 法案”) 适用于本公司及联交所的上市规则。的审计委员会中至少有一名(1)名成员 董事会符合 “审计委员会财务专家” 的资格,因为该术语的定义见法规 S-k 和 联交所的上市规则。此外,在董事会任职的人员中至少有大多数符合以下条件 根据联交所上市规则的定义,“独立”。
(l) 子公司所列子公司 附表4 (统称为“)”,在适用的法定时效期满前持续有效。在适用的存续期限指定于本文件所规定的存续期限到期之前,未经在此之前规定通知提出有关任何陈述和保证的赔偿要求,将无效,且任何对赔偿的权利在该存续期限届满后已不可撤销地放弃。对于此类侵犯所提出的可赔偿损失的任何正确要求,应该在此处规定的存续期限内及时提出。子公司仅是公司唯一的重要子公司(按照《证券交易委员会制定的规则1-02中定义的术语》)。除注册声明书和招股说明书中所载外,公司直接或间接拥有所有子公司的股权利益,没有任何留置权、抵押、安全性利益、负担、优先购买权或其他限制,并且所有子公司的股权利益均属有效发行,已全部支付,不可调查,并且没有优先购买权或类似权利。没有任何子公司被直接或间接禁止向公司支付任何分红,也不能对这些子公司的股本进行任何其他分配,不得向公司偿还公司给予该子公司的任何贷款或垫款,也不能将任何此类子公司的财产或资产转让给公司或公司的任何其他子公司。除本文件、注册声明、招股说明书和任何发行者自由书面说明书中披露的内容外,公司没有子公司,也没有对任何其他公司、合资企业或其他业务实体的任何名义或实际利益,直接或间接的兴趣。
(m) 协议披露注册声明、招股说明书和任何发行人免费书面说明中描述的协议和文件在所有重大方面符合其中包含的描述或通过引用所涵盖的内容,并且根据《证券法》和《证券法规》的规定,不存在在注册声明、招股说明书和任何发行人免费书面说明中需要描述或作为注册声明的附件提交给委员会或通过引用纳入注册声明、招股说明书和任何发行人免费书面说明的协议或其他文件。公司作为一方的或对公司有约束力或可能会受到影响的每份协议或其他文件(无论如何描述或分类),以及(i)在注册声明、招股说明书和任何发行人免费书面说明中提到的或(ii)对公司业务具有重要性的协议或其他文件,经公司合法授权并经公司有效签署,从各方面来看均有效力并且可根据其条款对公司以及据公司所知的其他各方强制执行,除非(x)此等可执行性可能受限于破产、破产清偿、重组或类似影响债权人权利的法律,(y)在联邦和州证券法下可能对任何赔偿或贡献规定的执行性受到限制,以及(z)具体履行的赔偿及禁令以及其他形式的衡平救济的救济可能受到衡平抗辩和对任何可能提起相关诉讼法院的裁断自由裁量权制约。公司尚未转让此类协议或文件,并且公司以及据公司所知,任何其他方均未违约,并且据公司所知,尚无发生可能构成违约的事件。据公司最佳知识,公司履行此类协议或文件的重要条款将不会违反任何现行适用的法律、规则、法规、判决、命令或有管辖权的管辖公司或其任何资产或业务的国内或外国政府机关关于环保法律和法规的法律,包括但不限于环保法律。
(n) 监管。i.定价透露包和招股说明书中有关联邦、州、地方和所有外国监管对发售和公司业务及当前考虑的业务的影响的披露在所有方面正确无误,根据证券法在注册声明、定价透露包或招股说明书中没有需要披露的其他监管规定,其未作披露。ii.除了在定价透露包和招股说明书中描述的情况之外,公司和其受控实体已遵守,已采取所有步骤确保其股东、董事和高管(以P制定或直接或间接拥有或受控的PRC居民或公民为特定人员)遵守适用于适用的规则和条例,而这些规则和条例是适用于适用的关闭日期,以近期发展的规模为准,涉及到有关海外投资的PRC居民和公民(“PRC海外投资和上市管理条例”),其中包括要求P制定或直接或间接拥有或受控的PRC公司或个人在海外投资和上市管理条例下向适用的PRC政府机构进行任何注册和其他程序(包括SAFE的任何适用规则和法规)。公司未出售任何公司证券,也未代表公司或受益于公司控制、被控制或与公司共同控制的任何人出售公司证券,除非在《注册声明》和《招股书》中披露。在《注册声明》和《招股书》中给出信息的各自日期之后,除非另有说明或在本处或《注册声明》和《招股书》中披露,公司未:(i)发行任何证券或负担任何借款等责任或义务,直接或间接;或(ii)宣布或支付任何股息或在其资本股上进行任何其他分配。
(o) 《法规》注册声明和招股说明书中关于联邦、州、地方以及所有外国监管对认购股份和公司当前设想的业务影响的披露准确、正确且在所有重要方面完整,且不需要在注册声明和招股说明书中披露未披露的其他此类监管。
(p) 没有违规或违约。公司或其子公司均未(i)违反其章程或公司组织文件;(ii)违约,也没有发生任何可能构成违约的事件,无论是需要通知、等待时间或两者兼具,在向公司或其子公司是一方的任何抵押、按揭、信托契约、贷款协议或任何其他协议或文书中的任何条款、契约或条件的履行或遵守中;或(iii)违反任何法律或法规或任何政府机构的判决、命令、规则或法规,但对于上述(ii)和(iii)项的每一类违反或违约,由于任何此类违反或违约不可能或合计理由合理地预期会对主要不利影响造成重大影响。据公司所知,在任何重大合同或其他协议下,该协议有公司或其子公司是一方的各方均未在任何方面违约,如果该违约可能合理地预期将对重大不利影响有重大影响。
(q) 没有出现重大不利变化根据注册声明、招股说明书和发行人自由书面说明(如有)披露的信息截至相应日期,公司自身并没有发生(i)任何重大不利影响或导致公司合理预期会产生重大不利影响的任何事态发展,(ii)公司及其子公司合计所采取的任何重大交易,(iii)任何由公司或任何子公司承担的明显义务或债务(包括任何资产负债表之外的义务),对公司及其子公司合计来说具有重大意义的,(iv)公司或任何子公司的股本或未偿长期负债的任何重大变化,或(v)公司或任何子公司的股本上已宣布、支付或发出的任何股利或分配,除非以上各种情况在业务的正常进行过程中或如注册声明或招股说明书中披露的其他情况下。公司没有在委员会面前提出任何对信息保密的申请。除本协议中预期发行的配售股份外,就在公司或其业务、前景、资产、运营、资产或财务状况方面发生或存在的事件、责任、事实、情形、事件或发展,公司都没有发生或存在或合理预期将发生或存在,该情况要求公司根据适用证券法在作出或被视为作出此声明时披露,而公司却没有公开披露的任何情况。
(r) 资本化 公司的授权、发行和已发行股本情况如注册声明和招股说明书中所述(但除公司现有股票期权计划下发放额外期权或由于在此前行使或转换为本公司普通股的证券时发行普通股数量的变更之情况),并且该授权股份与注册声明和招股说明书中描述的相符。公司在注册声明和招股说明书中所列证券的描述在所有重大方面是完整且准确的。除注册声明或招股说明书中披露或拟议事项外,在其中所指日期,公司没有任何未行使的购买期权,或订购认股权证,或转换为或可转换为普通股的证券或债务,或可交换或出售的股票或其他证券的合同或承诺。
(s) 优秀证券所有发行并已发行的公司证券都已得到充分授权并已有效发行,全部已付清且不可评估,并且已按照所有美国联邦和州证券法以及所有加拿大省级证券法的规定发行;持有人没有撤销权、优先购买权、参与权或类似的权利,或看跌权,也不因为是这样的持有人而承担个人责任;并且这些证券中没有一项违反公司任何证券持有人的优先购买权、优先购买权或参与权,或公司授予的类似合同权利。已授权的普通股与备案声明和招股说明书中包含的所有与其相关的声明在各方面均一致。已发行的普通股的出售在任何相关时间皆要么根据证券法和适用州的证券法或“蓝天”法进行注册,适用于加拿大证券法(如下文所定义),要么基于这些普通股购买者的陈述和保证部分地豁免了此类注册要求。
(t) Authorization of Placement Shares. The Placement Shares, when issued and delivered pursuant to the terms approved by the Board or a duly authorized committee thereof, or a duly authorized executive committee, against payment therefor as provided herein, will be duly and validly authorized and issued and fully paid and nonassessable, free and clear of any pledge, lien, encumbrance, security interest or other claim, including any statutory or contractual preemptive rights, resale rights, rights of first refusal or other similar rights, and will be registered pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act. The Placement Shares, when issued, will conform in all material respects to the description thereof set forth in or incorporated into the Prospectus.
(u) Authorization; Enforceability. The Company has full legal right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement and perform the transactions contemplated hereby. This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Company and is a legal, valid and binding agreement of the Company enforceable against the Company in accordance with its terms, except (i) to the extent that enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or similar laws affecting creditors’ rights generally and by general equitable principles and (ii) the indemnification and contribution provisions of Section 10 hereof may be limited by federal or state securities laws and public policy considered in respect thereof.
(v) No Consents Required. No consent, approval, authorization, order, registration or qualification of or with any Governmental Authority is required for the execution, delivery and performance by the Company of this Agreement, the issuance and sale by the Company of the Placement Shares, except for such consents, approvals, authorizations, orders and registrations or qualifications as may be required under applicable state securities laws or by the bylaws and rules of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) or the Exchange in connection with the sale of the Placement Shares by the Agent.
(w) No Preferential Rights. Except as set forth in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, (i) no person, as such term is defined in Rule 1-02 of Regulation S-X promulgated under the Securities Act (each, a “Person”), has the right, contractual or otherwise, to cause the Company to issue or sell to such Person any Common Shares or shares of any other capital stock or other securities of the Company, (ii) no Person has any preemptive rights, resale rights, rights of first refusal, rights of co-sale, or any other rights (whether pursuant to a “poison pill” provision or otherwise) to purchase any Common Shares or shares of any other capital stock or other securities of the Company, (iii) no Person has the right to act as an underwriter or as a financial advisor to the Company in connection with the offer and sale of the Common Shares, and (iv) no Person has the right, contractual or otherwise, to require the Company to register under the Securities Act any Common Shares or shares of any other capital stock or other securities of the Company, or to include any such shares or other securities in the Registration Statement or the offering contemplated thereby, whether as a result of the filing or effectiveness of the Registration Statement or the sale of the Placement Shares as contemplated thereby or otherwise.
(x) Independent Public Accounting Firm. To the knowledge of the Company, Ernst & Young LLP, the Company’s former independent registered public accounting firm, and M&K CPAS, LLC, the Company’s current independent registered public accounting firm (together, the “Auditors”), whose reports are filed with the Commission and included or incorporated by reference in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, are independent registered public accounting firms as required by the Securities Act and the Securities Act Regulations and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. Except as set out in the Exchange Act Reports, the Auditors have not, during the periods covered by the financial statements included or incorporated by reference in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, provided to the Company any non-audit services, as such term is used in Section 10A(g) of the Exchange Act. To the Company’s knowledge, neither of the Auditors are in violation of the auditor independence requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act with respect to the Company.
(y) No Litigation. Except as set forth in the Registration Statement or the Prospectus, there are no actions, suits or proceedings by or before any Governmental Authority pending, nor, to the Company’s knowledge, any audits or investigations by or before any Governmental Authority, to which the Company or a Subsidiary is a party or to which any property of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries is the subject that, individually or in the aggregate, if determined adversely to the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect or materially and adversely affect the ability of the Company to perform its obligations under this Agreement , to the Company’s knowledge, no such actions, suits, proceedings, audits or investigations are threatened or contemplated by any Governmental Authority or threatened by others; and (i) there are no current or pending audits, investigations, actions, suits or proceedings by or before any Governmental Authority that are required under the Securities Act to be described in the Prospectus that are not so described; and (ii) there are no contracts or other documents that are required under the Securities Act to be filed as exhibits to the Registration Statement that are not so filed.
(z) Regulatory Filings. Except as disclosed in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has failed to file with the applicable Governmental Authorities any required filing, declaration, listing, registration, report or submission, except for such failures that, individually or in the aggregate, would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect; except as disclosed in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, all such filings, declarations, listings, registrations, reports or submissions were in compliance with applicable laws when filed and no deficiencies have been asserted by any applicable regulatory authority with respect to any such filings, declarations, listings, registrations, reports or submissions, except for any deficiencies that, individually or in the aggregate, would not have a Material Adverse Effect.
(aa) Intellectual Property. Except as disclosed in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, the Company and its Subsidiaries own, or have obtained valid and enforceable licenses for, or otherwise has the rights to use, all foreign and domestic patents, patent applications, inventions, all rights, whether conveyed by operation of law or contract, to any and all inventions made by an employee working in the scope of his or her employment, trademarks, service marks, trade names, corporate names, trademark registrations, trademark applications, service mark registrations, logos, trade dress, designs, data, database rights, Internet domain names, websites, web content, copyrights, moral rights, works of authorship, licenses, technology, proprietary information and know-how (including trade secrets and other unpatented and/or unpatentable proprietary or confidential information, systems or procedures), and all other worldwide intellectual property and proprietary rights, including registrations and applications for registration thereof (including all rights pertaining to the foregoing anywhere in the world, including rights arising under international treaties and conventions), and all common law rights to intellectual property and associated goodwill (collectively, the “Intellectual Property”), necessary for the conduct of their respective businesses as now conducted except to the extent that the failure to own, possess, license or otherwise hold adequate rights to use such Intellectual Property would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect. Where the Company and its Subsidiaries owns the Intellectual Property (the “Owned Intellectual Property”), the Owned Intellectual Property is owned by the Company or its Subsidiaries as sole and exclusive owner with good, valid and marketable title thereto, free and clear of all encumbrances. Where the Company or its Subsidiaries license the Intellectual Property (the “Licensed Intellectual Property”), to the knowledge of the Company, the Company or its Subsidiaries have valid and enforceable licenses to use any the Licensed Intellectual Property used by it in connection with, and as required for business of the Company and its Subsidiaries. No licenses have been granted by the Company or its Subsidiaries for the Owned Intellectual Property, except as described in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus.
(bb) No Pending Action. Except as disclosed in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus (i) there are no rights of third parties to any such Intellectual Property owned by the Company and its Subsidiaries; (ii) to the Company’s knowledge, there is no infringement by third parties of any such Intellectual Property; (iii) there is no pending or, to the Company’s knowledge, threatened action, suit, proceeding or claim by others challenging the Company’s and its Subsidiaries’ rights in or to any such Intellectual Property, and the Company is unaware of any facts which could form a reasonable basis for any such action, suit, proceeding or claim; (iv) there is no pending or, to the Company’s knowledge, threatened action, suit, proceeding or claim by others challenging the validity or scope of any such Intellectual Property; (v) there is no pending or, to the Company’s knowledge, threatened action, suit, proceeding or claim by others that the Company and its Subsidiaries infringe or otherwise violate any patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret or other proprietary rights of others; (vi) to the Company’s knowledge, there is no third-party U.S. patent or published U.S. patent application which contains claims for which an Interference Proceeding (as defined in 35 U.S.C. § 135) has been commenced against any patent or patent application described in the Prospectus as being owned by or licensed to the Company; and (vii) the Company and its Subsidiaries have complied with the terms of each agreement pursuant to which Intellectual Property has been licensed to the Company or such Subsidiary, and all such agreements are in full force and effect, except, in the case of any of clauses (i)-(vii) above, for any such infringement by third parties or any such pending or threatened suit, action, proceeding or claim as would not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect.
(cc) No Material Defects. To the Company’s knowledge, there are no material defects in any of the patents or patent applications included in the Intellectual Property. All registrations, filings and actions necessary to preserve the rights of the Company and its Subsidiaries to its Owned Intellectual Property have been made or taken in accordance with the provisions of any applicable law, rule, regulation, judgment, order or decree of any Governmental Authority and all such Owned Intellectual Property is valid and subsisting, in compliance with any existing applicable law, rule, regulation, judgment, order or decree of any Governmental Authority (including payment of filing, examination and maintenance fees and proofs of use) and is not subject to any unpaid maintenance fees or taxes or actions.
(dd) Protection of Intellectual Property. The Company and its Subsidiaries have taken all reasonable measures, in accordance with sound industry practices, to protect, maintain and safeguard their Intellectual Property, including the execution of appropriate nondisclosure, confidentiality agreements and invention assignment agreements and invention assignments with their employees or service providers. All employees and other developers of Owned Intellectual Property have executed written contracts with the Company or its Subsidiaries which (i) protect the confidentiality of all Intellectual Property, (ii) effect the full and irrevocable assignment to the Company and its Subsidiaries of all of the Intellectual Property conceived or reduced to practice by them for the Company or its Subsidiaries; and (iii) provide that employees and developers have waived all their non-assignable rights (including moral rights) in such Intellectual Property in favor of the Company and its Subsidiaries.
(ee) Duty of Candor and Good Faith. The duty of candor and good faith as required by the United States Patent and Trademark Office during the prosecution of the United States patents and patent applications within the Intellectual Property have been complied with; and in all foreign offices having similar requirements, all such requirements have been complied with. None of the Owned Intellectual Property or technology (including information technology and outsourced arrangements) employed by the Company or its Subsidiaries has been obtained or is being used by the Company or its Subsidiary in violation of any contractual obligation binding on the Company or its Subsidiaries or any of their respective officers, directors or employees or otherwise in violation of the rights of any persons.
(ff) Trade Secrets. The Company and its Subsidiaries have taken reasonable and customary actions to protect their rights in and prevent the unauthorized use and disclosure of trade secrets and confidential business information (including confidential source code, ideas, research and development information, know-how, formulas, compositions, technical data, designs, drawings, specifications, research records, records of inventions, test information, financial, marketing and business data, customer and supplier lists and information, pricing and cost information, business and marketing plans and proposals) owned by the Company and its Subsidiaries, and, there has been no unauthorized use or disclosure of the trade secrets or confidential business information.
(gg) IT Assets. Except as could not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, (i) the computers, software, servers, networks, data communications lines, and other information technology systems owned, licensed, leased or otherwise used by the Company or its Subsidiaries (excluding any public networks) (collectively, the “IT Assets”) operate and perform as is necessary for the operation of the business of the Company and its Subsidiaries as currently conducted and as proposed to be conducted as described in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, and (ii) to the knowledge of the Company, such IT Assets are not infected by viruses, disabling code or other harmful code.
(hh) Cybersecurity. Except as may be included or incorporated by reference in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, (x) to the Company’s knowledge, there has been no material security breach or other material compromise of or relating to any of the Company’s information technology and computer systems, networks, hardware, software, data (including the data of their respective customers, employees, suppliers, vendors and any third party data maintained by or on behalf of them), equipment or technology (collectively, “IT Systems and Data”) and none that would result in a legal or contractual obligation of the Company to notify any other person about such occurrence; and (y) the Company has not been notified of, and has no knowledge of any event or condition that would reasonably be expected to result in, any material security breach or other material compromise to their IT Systems and Data; (ii) the Company and the Subsidiaries are presently in compliance with all applicable laws or statutes and all judgments, orders, rules and regulations of any court or arbitrator or governmental or regulatory authority, internal policies and contractual obligations relating to the privacy and security of IT Systems and Data and to the protection of such IT Systems and Data from unauthorized use, access, misappropriation or modification, except as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect; (iii) the Company and the Subsidiaries have implemented and maintained commercially reasonable safeguards to maintain and protect its material confidential information and the integrity, continuous operation, redundancy and security of all IT Systems and Data; and (iv) the Company and the Subsidiaries have implemented backup and disaster recovery technology consistent with commercially reasonable industry standards and practices.
(ii) Exchange Act Reports. The Company has filed in a timely manner all reports required to be filed pursuant to Sections 13(a), 13(e), 14 and 15(d) of the Exchange Act (the “Exchange Act Reports”) during the preceding twelve (12) months (except to the extent that Section 15(d) requires reports to be filed pursuant to Sections 13(d) and 13(g) of the Exchange Act, which shall be governed by the next clause of this sentence); and the Company has filed in a timely manner all reports required to be filed pursuant to Sections 13(d) and 13(g) of the Exchange Act since February 23, 2021, except where the failure to timely file could not reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Material Adverse Effect.
(jj) Minute Books. The minute books of the Company and each Subsidiary have been made available to the Agent and counsel for the Agent, and such books (i) contain a complete summary of all meetings and actions of the Board (including each committee of the Board) and shareholders of the Company (or analogous governing bodies and interest holders, as applicable), and each of its Subsidiaries since the time of its respective incorporation or organization through the date of the latest meeting and action, and (ii) accurately in all material respects reflect all transactions referred to in such minutes. There are no material transactions, agreements, dispositions, or other actions of the Company and each Subsidiary that are not properly approved and/or accurately and fairly recorded in the minute books of the Company or its Subsidiary, as applicable.
(kk) Market Capitalization. At the time the Registration Statement was originally declared effective, and at the time the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F was filed with the Commission, the Company met or will meet the then applicable requirements for the use of Form F-3 under the Securities Act, including, but not limited to, General Instruction I.B.5 of Form F-3. The Company is not a shell company (as defined in Rule 405 under the Securities Act) and has not been a shell company for at least 12 calendar months previously and if it has been a shell company at any time previously, has filed current Form 10 information (as defined in Instruction I.B.5 of Form F-3) with the Commission at least 12 calendar months previously reflecting its status as an entity that is not a shell company.
(ll) No Material Defaults. Neither the Company nor any of the Subsidiaries has defaulted on any installment on indebtedness for borrowed money or on any rental on one or more long-term leases or any dividend, which defaults, individually or in the aggregate, would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. The Company has not filed a report pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act since the filing of its last Annual Report on Form 20-F, indicating that it (i) has failed to pay any dividend or sinking fund installment on preferred stock or (ii) has defaulted on any installment on indebtedness for borrowed money or on any rental on one or more long-term leases, which defaults, individually or in the aggregate, would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.
(mm) Certain Market Activities. Neither the Company, nor any of the Subsidiaries, nor to the Company’s knowledge, any of their respective directors, officers or controlling persons has taken, directly or indirectly, any action designed, or that has constituted or would reasonably be expected to cause or result in, under the Exchange Act or otherwise, the stabilization or manipulation of the price of any security of the Company to facilitate the sale or resale of the Placement Shares.
(nn) Broker/Dealer Relationships. Neither the Company nor any of the Subsidiaries (i) is required to register as a “broker” or “dealer” in accordance with the provisions of the Exchange Act or (ii) directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls or is a “person associated with a member” or “associated person of a member” (within the meaning set forth in the FINRA Manual).
(oo) No Reliance. The Company has not relied upon the Agent or legal counsel for the Agent for any legal, tax or accounting advice in connection with the offering and sale of the Placement Shares.
(pp) Taxes. Each of the Company and its Subsidiaries has filed all returns (as hereinafter defined) required to be filed with taxing authorities prior to the date hereof or has duly obtained extensions of time for the filing thereof. Each of the Company and its Subsidiaries has paid all taxes (as hereinafter defined) shown as due on such returns that were filed and has paid all taxes imposed on or assessed against the Company or such respective Subsidiary. The provisions for taxes payable, if any, shown on the financial statements filed with or as part of the Registration Statement are sufficient for all accrued and unpaid taxes, whether or not disputed, and for all periods to and including the dates of such consolidated financial statements. Except as disclosed in writing to the Agent, (i) no issues have been raised (and are currently pending) by any taxing authority in connection with any of the returns or taxes asserted as due from the Company or its Subsidiaries, and (ii) no waivers of statutes of limitation with respect to the returns or collection of taxes have been given by or requested from the Company or its Subsidiaries. The term “taxes” means all federal, state, local, foreign and other net income, gross income, gross receipts, sales, use, ad valorem, transfer, franchise, profits, license, lease, service, service use, withholding, payroll, employment, excise, severance, stamp, occupation, premium, property, windfall profits, customs, duties, or other taxes, fees, assessments, or charges of any kind whatever, together with any interest and any penalties, additions to tax, or additional amounts with respect thereto. The term “returns” means all returns, declarations, reports, statements, and other documents required to be filed in respect to taxes.
(qq) Compliance with Laws. The Company: (i) is and at all times has been in compliance with all statutes, rules, or regulations applicable to the ownership, testing, development, manufacture, packaging, processing, use, distribution, marketing, labeling, promotion, sale, offer for sale, storage, import, export, storage, or disposal of any product manufactured or distributed by the Company (“Applicable Laws”), except as could not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect; (ii) has not received any notice of adverse finding, warning letter, untitled letter, or other correspondence or notice from any Governmental Authority alleging or asserting noncompliance with any Applicable Laws or any licenses, certificates, approvals, clearances, authorizations, permits, and supplements or amendments thereto required by any such Applicable Laws (“Authorizations”); (iii) possesses all material Authorizations and such Authorizations are valid and in full force and effect and are not in material violation of any term of any such Authorizations; (iv) has not received notice of any claim, action, suit, proceeding, hearing, enforcement, investigation, arbitration, or other action from any Governmental Authority or third party alleging that any product operation or activity conducted by the Company is in violation of any Applicable Laws or Authorizations and has no knowledge that any such Governmental Authority or third party is considering any such claim, litigation, arbitration, action, suit, investigation, or proceeding; (v) has not received notice that any Governmental Authority has taken, is taking or intends to take action to limit, suspend, modify, or revoke any Authorizations and has no knowledge that any such Governmental Authority is considering such action; (vi) has filed, obtained, maintained, or submitted all material reports, documents, forms, notices, applications, records, claims, submissions, and supplements or amendments as required by any Applicable Laws or Authorizations and that all such reports, documents, forms, notices, applications, records, claims, submissions, and supplements or amendments were complete and correct in all material respects on the date filed (or were corrected or supplemented by a subsequent submission); and (vii) has not, either voluntarily or involuntarily, initiated, conducted, or issued or caused to be initiated, conducted or issued, any recall, market withdrawal or replacement, safety alert, post-sale warning, or other notice or action relating to the alleged lack of safety or efficacy of any product or any alleged product defect or violation and, to the Company’s knowledge, no third party has initiated, conducted or intends to initiate any such notice or action.
(rr) Application of Takeover Provisions. The Company and the Board have taken all necessary action, if any, in order to render inapplicable any control share acquisition, business combination, poison pill (including any distribution under a rights agreement) or other similar anti-takeover provision under the Company’s constating documents or the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation that is or could become applicable as a result of the Agent and the Company fulfilling their obligations or exercising their rights under this Agreement.
(ss) Title to Real and Personal Property. Except as set forth in the Registration Statement or the Prospectus, the Company and its Subsidiaries have good and marketable title in fee simple to all items of real property owned by them and good and valid title to all personal property described in the Registration Statement or Prospectus as being owned by them that are material to the business of the Company or such Subsidiary, in each case free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and claims, except those matters that (i) do not materially interfere with the use made and proposed to be made of such property by the Company and any of its Subsidiaries or (ii) would not reasonably be expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Material Adverse Effect. Any real or personal property described in the Registration Statement or Prospectus as being leased by the Company and any of its Subsidiaries is held by them under valid, existing and enforceable leases, except those that (A) do not materially interfere with the use made or proposed to be made of such property by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or (B) would not be reasonably expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Material Adverse Effect. Each of the properties of the Company and its Subsidiaries complies with all applicable codes, laws and regulations (including, without limitation, building and zoning codes, laws and regulations and laws relating to access to such properties), except if and to the extent disclosed in the Registration Statement or Prospectus or except for such failures to comply that would not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to interfere in any material respect with the use made and proposed to be made of such property by the Company and its Subsidiaries or otherwise have a Material Adverse Effect. None of the Company or its subsidiaries has received from any Governmental Authorities any notice of any condemnation of, or zoning change affecting, the properties of the Company and its Subsidiaries, and the Company knows of no such condemnation or zoning change which is threatened, except for such that would not reasonably be expected to interfere in any material respect with the use made and proposed to be made of such property by the Company and its Subsidiaries or otherwise have a Material Adverse Effect, individually or in the aggregate.
(tt) Environmental Laws. Except as disclosed in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus and except as would not, singly or in the aggregate, be reasonably expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect, (A) none of the Company, any of the Subsidiaries nor any of the properties of the Company is in violation of any Environmental Laws (as defined below), (B) the Company, the Subsidiaries and the properties of the Company have all permits, authorizations and approvals required under any applicable Environmental Laws and are each in compliance with their requirements, (C) there are no pending or, to the Company’s knowledge, threatened administrative, regulatory or judicial actions, suits, demands, demand letters, claims, liens, notices of noncompliance or violation, investigation or proceedings relating to any Environmental Law or Hazardous Material (as defined below) against the Company or any of the Subsidiaries or otherwise with regard to the properties of the Company, (D) there are no events or circumstances that would reasonably be expected to form the basis of an order for clean-up or remediation, or an action, suit or proceeding by any private party or governmental body or agency, against or affecting the properties of the Company, the Company or any of the Subsidiaries relating to Hazardous Materials or any Environmental Laws and (E) none of the properties of the Company is included or proposed for inclusion on the National Priorities List issued pursuant to CERCLA (as defined below) by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or on any similar list or inventory issued by any other federal, state or local governmental authority having or claiming jurisdiction over such properties pursuant to any other Environmental Laws. As used herein, “Hazardous Material” shall mean any flammable explosives, radioactive materials, chemicals, pollutants, contaminants, wastes, hazardous wastes, toxic substances, mold, and any hazardous material as defined by or regulated under any Environmental Law, including, without limitation, petroleum or petroleum products, and asbestos-containing materials. As used herein, “Environmental Law” shall mean any applicable foreign, federal, state or local law (including statute or common law), ordinance, rule, regulation or judicial or administrative order, consent decree or judgment relating to the protection of human health, the environment (including, without limitation, ambient air, surface water, groundwater, land surface or subsurface strata) or wildlife, including, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Secs. 9601-9675 (“CERCLA”), the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, as amended, 49 U.S.C. Secs. 5101-5127, the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Secs. 6901-6992k, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, 42 U.S.C. Secs. 11001-11050, the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. Secs. 2601-2692, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, 7 U.S.C. Secs. 136-136y, the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. Secs. 7401-7671q, the Clean Water Act (Federal Water Pollution Control Act), 33 U.S.C. Secs. 1251-1387, and the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. Secs. 300f-300j-26, as any of the above statutes may be amended from time to time, and the regulations promulgated pursuant to any of the foregoing.
(uu) Periodic Review. In the ordinary course of business, the Company and its Subsidiaries conduct periodic reviews of the effect of Environmental Laws on their business and assets, in the course of which they identify and evaluate associated costs and liabilities (including, without limitation, any capital or operating expenditures required for clean-up, closure of properties or compliance with Environmental Laws or governmental permits issued thereunder, any related constraints on operating activities and any potential liabilities to third parties). On the basis of such reviews, the Company and its Subsidiaries have reasonably concluded that such associated costs and liabilities would not have, singularly or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect.
(vv) Compliance with FTC, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. There is no complaint to or audit, proceeding, investigation (formal or informal) or claim currently pending against the Company or its Subsidiaries, or to the knowledge of the Company, any of its customers (specific to the customer’s use of the products or services of the Company) by the Federal Trade Commission, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and any office contained therein (“HHS”), or any similar authority in any jurisdiction other than the United States or any other Governmental Authority, or by any person in respect of the collection, use or disclosure of personal data by the Company or its Subsidiaries, and, to the knowledge of the Company, no such complaint, audit, proceeding, investigation or claim is threatened.
(ww) Export and Import Laws. The Company and, to the Company’s knowledge, each of its affiliates, and any director, officer, agent or employee of, or other person associated with or acting on behalf of the Company, has acted at all times in compliance in all material respects with applicable Export and Import Laws (as defined below) and there are no claims, complaints, charges, investigations or proceedings pending or expected or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened between the Company or any of its Subsidiaries and any governmental authority under any Export or Import Laws. The term “Export and Import Laws” means the Arms Export Control Act, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended, the Export Administration Regulations, and all other laws and regulations of the United States government regulating the provision of services to non-U.S. parties or the export and import of articles or information from and to the United States of America, and all similar laws and regulations of any foreign government regulating the provision of services to parties not of the foreign country or the export and import of articles and information from and to the foreign country to parties not of the foreign country.
(xx) Accounting Controls. The Company and its Subsidiaries maintain systems of “internal control over financial reporting” (as defined under Rules 13a-15 and 15d-15 under the Exchange Act Regulations) that comply with the requirements of the Exchange Act and have been designed by, or under the supervision of, their respective principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with IFRS, including, but not limited to, internal accounting controls sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that (i) transactions are executed in accordance with management’s general or specific authorizations; (ii) transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS and to maintain asset accountability; (iii) access to assets is permitted only in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization; and (iv) the recorded accountability for assets is compared with the existing assets at reasonable intervals and appropriate action is taken with respect to any differences. The Company’s internal control over financial reporting is effective and the Company is not aware of any material weaknesses in its internal control over financial reporting (other than as set forth in the Prospectus). The Auditors and the audit committee of the Board have been advised of: (i) all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal controls over financial reporting which are known to the Company’s management and that have adversely affected or are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Company’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and (ii) any fraud known to the Company’s management, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Company’s internal controls over financial reporting. Except as set forth in the Prospectus, since the date of the latest audited financial statements of the Company included in the Prospectus, there has been no change in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting (other than as set forth in the Prospectus).
(yy) Evaluation of Controls. The Company has established disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15 and 15d-15) for the Company and designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that material information relating to the Company and each of its Subsidiaries is made known to the certifying officers by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F, is being prepared. The Company’s certifying officers have evaluated the effectiveness of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of the Form 20-F for the fiscal year most recently ended (such date, the “Evaluation Date”). The Company presented in its Form 20-F for the fiscal year most recently ended the conclusions of the certifying officers about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures based on their evaluations as of the Evaluation Date and the disclosure controls and procedures are effective. Since the Evaluation Date, there have been no significant changes in the Company’s internal controls (as such term is defined in Item 307(b) of Regulation S-K under the Securities Act) or, to the Company’s knowledge, in other factors that could significantly affect the Company’s internal controls.
(zz) Sarbanes-Oxley. The Company is, and as of each Applicable Time will be, in material compliance with the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act applicable to it, and has implemented or will implement such programs and taken reasonable steps to ensure the Company’s future compliance (not later than the relevant statutory and regulatory deadlines therefor) with all of the material provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. There is and has been no failure on the part of the Company or, to the Company’s knowledge, any of the Company’s directors or officers, in their capacities as such, to comply in all material respects with any applicable provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. Each of the principal executive officer and the principal financial officer of the Company (or each former principal executive officer of the Company and each former principal financial officer of the Company as applicable) has made all certifications required by Sections 302 and 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act with respect to all reports, schedules, forms, statements and other documents required to be filed by it or furnished by it to the Commission. For purposes of the preceding sentence, “principal executive officer” and “principal financial officer” shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
(aaa) Finder’s Fees. Neither the Company nor any of the Subsidiaries has incurred any liability for any finder’s fees, brokerage commissions or similar payments in connection with the transactions herein contemplated, except as may otherwise exist with respect to Agent pursuant to this Agreement.
(bbb) Payments Within Twelve (12) Months. Except as described in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, the Company has not made any direct or indirect payments (in cash, securities, or otherwise) to: (i) any person, as a finder’s fee, consulting fee, or otherwise, in consideration of such person raising capital for the Company or introducing to the Company persons who raised or provided capital to the Company; (ii) any FINRA member; or (iii) any person or entity that has any direct or indirect affiliation or association with any FINRA member, within the twelve (12) months prior to the date of this Agreement, other than the payment to the Agent as provided hereunder in connection with the Placement Shares, a payment to the Agent in connection with an offering of September 16, 2024 and a payment to Joseph Gunnar & Co., LLC in connection with an offering of December 13, 2023.
(ccc) Use of Proceeds. None of the Net Proceeds of the sale of the Placement Shares will be paid by the Company to any participating FINRA member or its affiliates, except as specifically authorized herein.
(ddd) FINRA Affiliation. There is no (i) officer or director of the Company, (ii) beneficial owner of five percent (5%) or more of any class of the Company’s securities or (iii) to the Company’s knowledge, beneficial owner of the Company’s unregistered equity securities which were acquired during the 180-day period immediately preceding the filing of the Registration Statement that is an affiliate or associated person of a FINRA member participating in the offering of the Placement Shares (as determined in accordance with the rules and regulations of FINRA). The Company (i) does not have any material lending or other relationship with any bank or lending affiliate of the Placement Agent and (ii) does not intend to use any of the proceeds from the sale of the Placement Shares to repay any outstanding debt owed to any affiliate of the Agent.
(eee) Information. All information provided by the Company in its and, to the Company’s knowledge, all information provided in the Company’s officers’ and directors’ FINRA questionnaires to counsel for the Agent specifically for use by counsel for the Agent in connection with its Public Offering System filings (and related disclosure) with FINRA is true, correct, and complete in all material respects.
(fff) Labor Disputes. No labor dispute with the employees of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries exists or, to the knowledge of the Company, is imminent. To the knowledge of the Company, no director, officer, consultant, employee or former employee of the Company or its Subsidiaries is in or has been in violation of any material term of any employment contract, patent disclosure agreement, invention assignment agreement, non-competition agreement, non-solicitation agreement, proprietary information agreement, nondisclosure agreement or any other contract or agreement, or any restrictive covenant in favor of any third party, where the basis of such violation relates to such individual’s employment with the Company or its Subsidiaries, and the continued employment of each such director, officer, consultant or employee does not subject the Company to any liability with respect to any of the foregoing matters.
(ggg) Employment Benefit Laws. The Company is not in violation of or has not received notice of any violation with respect to any federal, state, provincial or foreign law relating to discrimination in the hiring, promotion or pay of employees, nor any applicable federal, state, provincial or foreign wages and hours law, nor any state law precluding the denial of credit due to the neighborhood in which a property is situated, the violation of any of which could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.
(hhh) ERISA. The Company and any “employee benefit plan” (as defined under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, and the regulations and published interpretations thereunder (collectively, “ERISA”)) established or maintained by the Company or its “ERISA Affiliates” (as defined below) are in compliance in all material respects with ERISA. “ERISA Affiliate” means, with respect to the Company, any member of any group of organizations described in Sections 414(b),(c),(m) or (o) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations and published interpretations thereunder (the “Code”) of which the Company is a member. No “reportable event” (as defined under ERISA) has occurred or is reasonably expected to occur with respect to any “employee benefit plan” established or maintained by the Company or any of its ERISA Affiliates. No “employee benefit plan” established or maintained by the Company or any of its ERISA Affiliates, if such “employee benefit plan” were terminated, would have any “amount of unfunded benefit liabilities” (as defined under ERISA). Neither the Company nor any of its ERISA Affiliates has incurred or reasonably expects to incur any material liability under (i) Title IV of ERISA with respect to termination of, or withdrawal from, any “employee benefit plan” or (ii) Sections 412, 4971, 4975 or 4980B of the Code. Each “employee benefit plan” established or maintained by the Company or any of its ERISA Affiliates that is intended to be qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code is so qualified and, to the knowledge of the Company, nothing has occurred, whether by action or failure to act, which would cause the loss of such qualification.
(iii) Investment Company Act. Neither the Company nor any of the Subsidiaries is or, after giving effect to the offering and sale of the Placement Shares, will be an “investment company” or an entity “controlled” by an “investment company,” as such terms are defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Investment Company Act”).
(jjj) Money Laundering Laws. The operations of the Company and its Subsidiaries are and have been conducted at all times in compliance with applicable financial record keeping and reporting requirements of the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act of 1970, as amended, the money laundering statutes of all jurisdictions to which the Company or its Subsidiaries are subject, the rules and regulations thereunder and any related or similar rules, regulations or guidelines, issued, administered or enforced by any Governmental Authority (collectively, the “Money Laundering Laws”); and no action, suit or proceeding by or before any Governmental Authority involving the Company or any of its Subsidiaries with respect to the Money Laundering Laws is pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened.
(kkk) Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements. There are no transactions, arrangements, or other relationships between and/or among the Company, any of its affiliates (as such term is defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act Regulations) and any unconsolidated entity, including, but not limited to, any structured finance, special purpose, or limited purpose entity that could reasonably be expected to materially affect the Company’s or any of its Subsidiaries’ liquidity or the availability of or requirements for their capital resources which have not been described or incorporated by reference in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus as required.
(lll) Underwriter Agreements. The Company is not a party to any agreement with an agent or underwriter for any other “at the market” or continuous equity transaction.
(mmm) Forward-Looking Statements. No forward-looking statement (within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Exchange Act) (a “Forward-Looking Statement”) contained in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus has been made or reaffirmed without a reasonable basis or has been disclosed other than in good faith.
(nnn) Agent Purchases. The Company acknowledges and agrees that Agent has informed the Company that the Agent may, to the extent permitted under the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, purchase and sell Common Shares for its own account while this Agreement is in effect, provided, that the Company shall not be deemed to have authorized or consented to any such purchases or sales by the Agent.
(ooo) Margin Securities. The Company owns no “margin securities” as that term is defined in Regulation U of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the “Federal Reserve Board”), and none of the proceeds from the sale of the Placement Shares will be used, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of purchasing or carrying any margin security, for the purpose of reducing or retiring any indebtedness which was originally incurred to purchase or carry any margin security or for any other purpose which might cause any of the Common Shares to be considered a “purpose credit” within the meanings of Regulation T, U, or X of the Federal Reserve Board.
(ppp) Insurance. (i) The Company carries or is entitled to the benefits of insurance, with reputable insurers, in such amounts and covering such risks which the Company believes are adequate, including, but not limited to, directors and officers insurance coverage at least equal to US$5,000,000, and all such insurance is in full force and effect. The Company has no reason to believe that it will not be able (A) to renew its existing insurance coverage as and when such policies expire or (B) to obtain comparable coverage from similar institutions as may be necessary or appropriate to conduct its business as now conducted and at a cost that would not result in a Material Adverse Effect.
(ii) All policies, binders, slips, certificates, and other agreements of insurance, in effect as of the date hereof (including all applications, supplements, endorsements, riders and ancillary agreements in connection therewith) that are issued by the Company and any of its Subsidiaries and any and all marketing materials, agents agreements, brokers agreements or managing general agents agreements are, to the extent required under applicable requirements of law, on forms approved by applicable insurance regulatory authorities or which have been filed and not objected to by such authorities within the period provided for objection, and such forms comply in all material respects with the requirements of law applicable thereto and, as to premium rates established by the Company and its Subsidiaries that are required to be filed with or approved by insurance regulatory authorities, the rates have been so filed or approved, the premiums charged conform thereto in all material respects, and such premiums comply in all material respects with the requirements of law applicable thereto.
(iii) The Company and its Subsidiaries are in compliance with all applicable solvency and risk-based capital ratios.
(qqq) No Improper Practices. (i) Neither the Company nor the Subsidiaries, nor to the Company’s knowledge, any director, officer, or employee of the Company or any Subsidiary nor, to the Company’s knowledge, any agent, affiliate, or other person acting on behalf of the Company or any Subsidiary has, in the past five years, made any unlawful contributions to any candidate for any political office (or failed fully to disclose any contribution in violation of applicable law) or made any contribution or other payment to any official of, or candidate for, any federal, state, municipal, or foreign office or other person charged with similar public or quasi-public duty in violation of any applicable law or of the character required to be disclosed in the Prospectus; (ii) no relationship, direct or indirect, exists between or among the Company or any Subsidiary or, to the Company’s knowledge, any affiliate of any of them, on the one hand, and the directors, officers and shareholders of the Company or any Subsidiary, on the other hand, that is required by the Securities Act to be described in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus that is not so described; (iii) no relationship, direct or indirect, exists between or among the Company or any Subsidiary or, to the Company’s knowledge, any affiliate of them, on the one hand, and the directors, officers, or shareholders of the Company or any Subsidiary, on the other hand, that is required by the rules of FINRA to be described in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus that is not so described; (iv) except as described in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, there are no material outstanding loans or advances (except normal advances for business expenses in the ordinary course of business) or material guarantees of indebtedness by the Company or any Subsidiary to or, to the Company’s knowledge, for the benefit of any of their respective officers or directors or any of the members of the families of any of them; (v) the Company has not offered, or caused any placement agent to offer, Common Shares to any person with the intent to influence unlawfully (A) a customer or supplier of the Company or any Subsidiary to alter the customer’s or supplier’s level or type of business with the Company or any Subsidiary or (B) a trade journalist or publication to write or publish favorable information about the Company or any Subsidiary or any of their respective products or services, and (vi) neither the Company nor any Subsidiary nor any director, officer, or employee of the Company or any Subsidiary nor, to the Company’s knowledge, any agent, affiliate, or other person acting on behalf of the Company or any Subsidiary has (A) violated or is in violation of any applicable provision of the FCPA (as defined below) or any other applicable anti-bribery or anti-corruption law (collectively, “Anti-Corruption Laws”), (B) promised, offered, provided, attempted to provide, or authorized the provision of anything of value, directly or indirectly, to any person for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business, influencing any act or decision of the recipient, or securing any improper advantage; or (C) made any payment of funds of the Company or any Subsidiary or received or retained any funds in violation of any Anti-Corruption Laws.
(rrr) Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. None of the Company and any of its Subsidiaries or, to the Company’s knowledge, any director, officer, agent, employee or affiliate of the Company and its Subsidiaries or any other person acting on behalf of the Company and its Subsidiaries, has, directly or indirectly, given or agreed to give any money, gift or similar benefit (other than legal price concessions to customers in the ordinary course of business) to any customer, supplier, employee or agent of a customer or supplier, or official or employee of any governmental agency or instrumentality of any government (domestic or foreign) or any political party or candidate for office (domestic or foreign) or other person who was, is, or may be in a position to help or hinder the business of the Company (or assist it in connection with any actual or proposed transaction) that (i) might subject the Company to any damage or penalty in any civil, criminal or governmental litigation or proceeding, (ii) if not given in the past, might have had a Material Adverse Effect or (iii) if not continued in the future, might adversely affect the assets, business, operations or prospects of the Company. The Company has taken reasonable steps to ensure that its accounting controls and procedures are sufficient to cause the Company to comply in all material respects with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder (collectively, the “FCPA”) or employee; (iv) violated or is in violation of any provision of the FCPA or any applicable non-U.S. anti-bribery statute or regulation; (v) made any bribe, rebate, payoff, influence payment, kickback or other unlawful payment; or (vi) received notice of any investigation, proceeding or inquiry by any Governmental Authority regarding any of the matters in clauses (i)-(v) above; and the Company and, to the knowledge of the Company, the Company’s affiliates have conducted their respective businesses in compliance with the FCPA and have instituted and maintain policies and procedures designed to ensure, and which are reasonably expected to continue to ensure, continued compliance therewith.
(sss) Integration. Neither the Company, nor any of its affiliates, nor any person acting on its or their behalf has, directly or indirectly, made any offers or sales of any security or solicited any offers to buy any security, under circumstances that would cause the Placement Shares to be integrated with prior offerings by the Company for purposes of the Securities Act that would require the registration of any such securities under the Securities Act
(ttt) Status Under the Securities Act. The Company was not and is not an ineligible issuer as defined in Rule 405 under the Securities Act at the times specified in Rules 164 and 433 under the Securities Act in connection with the offering of the Placement Shares.
(uuu) No Misstatement or Omission in an Issuer Free Writing Prospectus. Each Issuer Free Writing Prospectus, as of its issue date and as of each Applicable Time (as defined in Section 23 below), did not, does not and will not include any information that conflicted, conflicts or will conflict with the information contained in the Registration Statement or the Prospectus, including any incorporated document deemed to be a part thereof that has not been superseded or modified. The foregoing sentence does not apply to statements in or omissions from any Issuer Free Writing Prospectus based upon and in conformity with written information furnished to the Company by the Agent specifically for use therein.
(vvv) No Conflicts. Neither the execution of this Agreement, nor the issuance, offering or sale of the Placement Shares, nor the consummation of any of the transactions contemplated herein and therein, nor the compliance by the Company with the terms and provisions hereof and thereof will conflict with, or will result in a breach of, any of the terms and provisions of, or has constituted or will constitute a default under, or has resulted in or will result in the creation or imposition of any lien, charge or encumbrance upon any property or assets of the Company pursuant to the terms of any contract or other agreement to which the Company may be bound or to which any of the property or assets of the Company is subject, except (i) such conflicts, breaches or defaults as may have been waived and (ii) such conflicts, breaches and defaults that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect; nor will such action result (x) in any violation of the provisions of the organizational or governing documents of the Company, or (y) in any material violation of the provisions of any statute or any order, rule or regulation applicable to the Company or of any Governmental Authority having jurisdiction over the Company.
(www) Compliance with OFAC. None of the Company and its Subsidiaries or, to the Company’s knowledge, any director, officer, agent, employee or affiliate of the Company and its Subsidiary or any other person acting on behalf of the Company and its Subsidiary, is currently subject to any U.S. sanctions administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury (“OFAC”), and the Company will not, directly or indirectly, use the proceeds of the Offering hereunder, or lend, contribute or otherwise make available such proceeds to any subsidiary, joint venture partner or other person or entity, for the purpose of financing the activities of any person currently subject to any U.S. sanctions administered by OFAC.
(xxx) Stock Transfer Taxes. On each Settlement Date, all stock transfer or other taxes (other than income taxes) which are required to be paid in connection with the sale and transfer of the Placement Shares to be sold hereunder will be, or will have been, fully paid or provided for by the Company and all laws imposing such taxes will be or will have been fully complied with in all material respects.
(yyy) Statistical and Market-Related Data. The statistical, demographic and market-related data included in the Registration Statement and Prospectus are based on or derived from sources that the Company believes to be reliable and accurate or represent the Company’s good faith estimates that are made on the basis of data derived from such sources.
(zzz) Foreign Private Issuer. The Company is a “foreign private issuer” within the meaning of Rule 405 under the Securities Act.
(aaaa) Emerging Growth Company. The Company is, and has been since its initial public offering, an “emerging growth company”, as defined in Section 2(a) of the Securities Act.
(bbbb) Passive Foreign Investment Company Status. Based on the Company’s gross income and gross assets and the nature of the Company’s business, the Company was not a Passive Foreign Investment Company within the meaning of Section 1297 of the Code for the taxable year ended August 31, 2024.
(cccc) Additional representations related to Canadian legal matters.
(i) The Company is a reporting issuer in the Province of Quebec and is not included on a list of defaulting reporting issuers maintained by the securities regulators of such jurisdiction. All information filed by or on behalf of the Company since October 1, 2021 with the Canadian Securities Commissions (as defined below), and available for public viewing on SEDAR+, is collectively referred to herein as the “Canadian Public Disclosure Documents”.
(ii) Subject to conducting the offering of Placement Shares as provided for in the section titled “Manner of Distribution” in the Prospectus, the Company is not required to file a prospectus with the securities commissions or other securities regulatory authorities in Canada (the “Canadian Securities Commissions”) pursuant to National Instrument 41-101 – General Prospectus Requirement (“NI 41-101”) and the respective rules and regulations made thereunder, together with applicable published national, multilateral and local instruments, policy statements, notices, blanket rulings and orders of the Canadian Securities Commissions, and all discretionary rulings and orders applicable to the Company, if any, of the Canadian Securities Commissions (collectively, “Canadian Securities Laws”) with respect to the offer and sale of the Placement Shares.
(iii) The Company is in compliance in all material respects with its timely and continuous disclosure obligations under all applicable Canadian Securities Laws and the Company is not in default of its filings under, nor has it failed to file or publish any document required to be filed or published under all applicable Canadian Securities Laws and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, there has not occurred any Material Adverse Effect since the respective dates as of which information is given in the Canadian Public Disclosure Documents which has not been publicly disclosed on a non-confidential basis and the Company has not filed any confidential material change reports since the date of such statements which remain confidential as at the date hereof.
(iv) The Canadian Public Disclosure Documents contain no untrue statement of a material fact as at the dates thereof nor do they omit to state a material fact which, at the date thereof, was required to have been stated or was necessary to prevent a statement that was made from being false or misleading in the circumstances in which it was made and were prepared in accordance with and comply with Canadian Securities Laws.
(v) There are no reports or information that, in accordance with the requirements of the Canadian Securities Commissions or applicable Canadian Securities Laws, must be made publicly available in connection with the offering of the Placement Shares that have not been made publicly available, as required. There are no documents required to be filed with the Canadian Securities Commissions as of the date hereof in connection with the offering of the Placement Shares that have not been filed as required, other than the filing of the Registration Statement and any post-closing filings required to be made by the Company pursuant to the Canadian Securities Laws
(vi) Assuming that the Agent does not maintain a permanent establishment in Canada, is not otherwise subject to taxation in Canada, or is exempt therefrom, the issuance, delivery and sale of the Placement Shares to be sold hereunder are not subject to any tax imposed by Canada or any political subdivision thereof.
(vii) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company is in compliance in all material respects with the labor and employment laws and collective bargaining agreements and extension orders applicable to employees in Canada.
(viii) The Company has not engaged in any form of solicitation, advertising or any other action constituting an offer under Canadian Securities Laws in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby which would require the Company to file a prospectus in Canada under Canadian Securities Laws.
(ix) The Company has duly designated Corporation Service Company, 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808, as its authorized agent to receive service of process as set forth in Section 18.
(x) Subject to the conditions, exceptions and qualifications set forth in the Registration Statement, and the Prospectus, an application to enforce, in Canada, a final and conclusive judgment against the Company for a definitive sum of money entered by any court in the United States may be brought in Canada.
(xi) Neither the Company nor any of its properties or assets has any immunity from the jurisdiction of any court or from any legal process (whether through service or notice, attachment prior to judgment, attachment in aid of execution or otherwise) under the laws of Canada.
Any certificate signed by an officer of the Company and delivered to the Agent or to counsel for the Agent pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement shall be deemed to be a representation and warranty by the Company, as applicable, to the Agent as to the matters set forth therein.
7. Covenants of the Company. The Company covenants and agrees with Agent that:
(a) Registration Statement Amendments. After the date of this Agreement and during any period in which a Prospectus relating to any Placement Shares is required to be delivered by Agent under the Securities Act (including in circumstances where such requirement may be satisfied pursuant to Rule 172 under the Securities Act or similar rule), (i) the Company will notify the Agent promptly of the time when any subsequent amendment to the Registration Statement, other than documents incorporated by reference, has been filed with the Commission and/or has become effective or any subsequent supplement to the Prospectus has been filed and of any request by the Commission for any amendment or supplement to the Registration Statement or Prospectus or for additional information, (ii) the Company will prepare and file with the Commission, promptly upon the Agent’s request, any amendments or supplements to the Registration Statement or Prospectus that, in the Agent’s reasonable opinion, may be necessary or advisable in connection with the distribution of the Placement Shares by the Agent (provided, however, that the failure of the Agent to make such request shall not relieve the Company of any obligation or liability hereunder, or affect the Agent’s right to rely on the representations and warranties made by the Company in this Agreement and provided, further, that the only remedy the Agent shall have with respect to the failure to make such filing shall be to cease making sales under this Agreement until such amendment or supplement is filed); (iii) the Company will not file any amendment or supplement to the Registration Statement or Prospectus relating to the Placement Shares or a security convertible into the Placement Shares unless a copy thereof has been submitted to Agent within a reasonable period of time before the filing and the Agent has not objected thereto (provided, however, that the failure of the Agent to make such objection shall not relieve the Company of any obligation or liability hereunder, or affect the Agent’s right to rely on the representations and warranties made by the Company in this Agreement and provided, further, that the only remedy the Agent shall have with respect to the failure by the Company to obtain such consent shall be to cease making sales under this Agreement) and the Company will furnish to the Agent at the time of filing thereof a copy of any document that upon filing is deemed to be incorporated by reference into the Registration Statement or Prospectus, except for those documents available via EDGAR; and (iv) the Company will cause each amendment or supplement to the Prospectus to be filed with the Commission as required pursuant to the applicable paragraph of Rule 424(b) of the Securities Act or, in the case of any document to be incorporated therein by reference, to be filed with the Commission as required pursuant to the Exchange Act, within the time period prescribed (the determination to file or not file any amendment or supplement with the Commission under this Section 7(a), based on the Company’s reasonable opinion or reasonable objections, shall be made exclusively by the Company).
(b) Notice of Commission Stop Orders. The Company will advise the Agent, promptly after it receives notice or obtains knowledge thereof, of the issuance or threatened issuance by the Commission of any stop order suspending the effectiveness of the Registration Statement, of the suspension of the qualification of the Placement Shares for offering or sale in any jurisdiction, or of the initiation or threatening of any proceeding for any such purpose; and it will promptly use its commercially reasonable efforts to prevent the issuance of any stop order or to obtain its withdrawal if such a stop order should be issued. The Company will advise the Agent promptly after it receives any request by the Commission for any amendments to the Registration Statement or any amendment or supplements to the Prospectus or any Issuer Free Writing Prospectus or for additional information related to the offering of the Placement Shares or for additional information related to the Registration Statement, the Prospectus or any Issuer Free Writing Prospectus.
(c) Delivery of Prospectus; Subsequent Changes. During any period in which a Prospectus relating to the Placement Shares is required to be delivered by the Agent under the Securities Act with respect to the offer and sale of the Placement Shares, (including in circumstances where such requirement may be satisfied pursuant to Rule 172 under the Securities Act or similar rule), the Company will comply with all requirements imposed upon it by the Securities Act, as from time to time in force, and to file on or before their respective due dates all reports and any definitive proxy or information statements required to be filed by the Company with the Commission pursuant to Sections 13(a), 13(c), 14, 15(d) or any other provision of or under the Exchange Act. If the Company has omitted any information from the Registration Statement pursuant to Rule 430B under the Securities Act, it will use its best efforts to comply with the provisions of and make all requisite filings with the Commission pursuant to said Rule 430B and to notify the Agent promptly of all such filings. If during such period any event occurs as a result of which the Prospectus as then amended or supplemented would include an untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances then existing, not misleading, or if during such period it is necessary to amend or supplement the Registration Statement or Prospectus to comply with the Securities Act, the Company will promptly notify the Agent to suspend the offering of Placement Shares during such period and the Company will promptly amend or supplement the Registration Statement or Prospectus (at the expense of the Company) so as to correct such statement or omission or effect such compliance.
(d) Listing of Placement Shares. Prior to the date of the first Placement Notice, the Company will use its reasonable best efforts to cause the Placement Shares to be listed on the Exchange.
(e) Delivery of Registration Statement and Prospectus. The Company will furnish to the Agent and its counsel (at the expense of the Company) copies of the Registration Statement, the Prospectus (including all documents incorporated by reference therein) and all amendments and supplements to the Registration Statement or Prospectus that are filed with the Commission during any period in which a Prospectus relating to the Placement Shares is required to be delivered under the Securities Act (including all documents filed with the Commission during such period that are deemed to be incorporated by reference therein), in each case as soon as reasonably practicable and in such quantities as the Agent may from time to time reasonably request and, at the Agent’s request, will also furnish copies of the Prospectus to each exchange or market on which sales of the Placement Shares may be made; provided, however, that the Company shall not be required to furnish any document (other than the Prospectus) to the Agent to the extent such document is available on EDGAR.
(f) Earning Statement. The Company will make generally available to its security holders as soon as practicable, but in any event not later than 15 months after the end of the Company’s current fiscal quarter, an earning statement covering a 12-month period that satisfies the provisions of Section 11(a) and Rule 158 of the Securities Act.
(g) Use of Proceeds. The Company will use the Net Proceeds as described in the Prospectus in the section entitled “Use of Proceeds.”
(h) Notice of Other Sales. Without the prior written consent of the Agent, the Company will not, directly or indirectly, offer to sell, sell, contract to sell, grant any option to sell or otherwise dispose of any Common Shares (other than the Placement Shares offered pursuant to this Agreement) or securities convertible into or exchangeable for Common Shares, warrants or any rights to purchase or acquire, Common Shares during the period beginning on the fifth (5th) Trading Day immediately prior to the date on which any Placement Notice is delivered to Agent hereunder and ending on the fifth (5th) Trading Day immediately following the final Settlement Date with respect to Placement Shares sold pursuant to such Placement Notice (or, if the Placement Notice has been terminated or suspended prior to the sale of all Placement Shares covered by a Placement Notice, the date of such suspension or termination); and will not directly or indirectly in any other “at the market” or continuous equity transaction offer to sell, sell, contract to sell, grant any option to sell or otherwise dispose of any Common Shares (other than the Placement Shares offered pursuant to this Agreement) or securities convertible into or exchangeable for Common Shares, warrants or any rights to purchase or acquire, Common Shares prior to the termination of this Agreement; provided, however, that such restrictions will not be required in connection with the Company’s issuance or sale of (i) Common Shares, options to purchase Common Shares or other equity awards or Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of options, pursuant to any equity compensation plan, employee or director stock option or benefits plan, stock ownership plan, employee stock purchase plan or dividend reinvestment plan (but not Common Shares subject to a waiver to exceed plan limits in its dividend reinvestment plan) of the Company whether now in effect or hereafter implemented, (ii) Common Shares issuable upon conversion of securities or the exercise of warrants, options or other rights in effect or outstanding, and disclosed in filings by the Company available on EDGAR or otherwise in writing to the Agent and (iii) Common Shares or securities convertible into or exchangeable for Common Shares as consideration for mergers, acquisitions, other business combinations or strategic alliances occurring after the date of this Agreement which are not issued for capital raising purposes.
(i) Change of Circumstances. The Company will, at any time during the pendency of a Placement Notice advise the Agent promptly after it shall have received notice or obtained knowledge thereof, of any information or fact that would alter or affect in any material respect any opinion, certificate, letter or other document required to be provided to the Agent pursuant to this Agreement.
(j) Due Diligence Cooperation. The Company will cooperate with any reasonable due diligence review conducted by the Agent or its representatives in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, including, without limitation, providing information and making available documents and senior corporate officers, during regular business hours and at the Company’s principal offices, as the Agent may reasonably request.
(k) Required Filings Relating to Placement of Placement Shares. The Company shall disclose, in its annual report on Form 20-F and its reports on Form 6-K when disclosing interim financial statements or results, as applicable, to be filed by the Company with the Commission from time to time, the number of the Placement Shares sold through the Agent under this Agreement, and the Net Proceeds to the Company from the sale of the Placement Shares pursuant to this Agreement during the relevant period or, in the case of an Annual Report on Form 20-F, during the fiscal year covered by such Annual Report and the completed quarters since last such disclosure. The Company agrees that on such dates as the Securities Act shall require, the Company will (i) file a prospectus supplement with the Commission under the applicable paragraph of Rule 424(b) under the Securities Act (each and every filing date under Rule 424(b), a “Filing Date”), which prospectus supplement will set forth, within the relevant period, the amount of Placement Shares sold through the Agent, the Net Proceeds to the Company and the compensation payable by the Company to the Agent with respect to such Placement Shares, and (ii) deliver such number of copies of each such prospectus supplement to each exchange or market on which such sales were effected as may be required by the rules or regulations of such exchange or market.
(l) Representation Dates; Certificate. Prior to the date of the first Placement Notice and each time the Company:
(i) files the Prospectus relating to the Placement Shares or amends or supplements (other than a prospectus supplement relating solely to an offering of securities other than the Placement Shares) the Registration Statement or the Prospectus relating to the Placement Shares by means of a post-effective amendment, sticker, or supplement but not by means of incorporation of documents by reference into the Registration Statement or the Prospectus relating to the Placement Shares;
(ii) files an annual report on Form 20-F under the Exchange Act (including any Form 20-F/A containing amended financial information or a material amendment to the previously filed Form 20-F); or
(iv) files a report on Form 6-K containing financial information that is incorporated by reference into the Registration Statement and Prospectus, including but not limited to interim financial information for the six-months ended December 31 (each date of filing of one or more of the documents referred to in clauses (i) through (iii) shall be a “Representation Date”);
the Company shall furnish the Agent with a certificate dated the Representation Date, in the form and substance satisfactory to the Agent and its counsel, substantially similar to the form previously provided to the Agent and its counsel, modified, as necessary, to relate to the Registration Statement and the Prospectus as amended or supplemented. The requirement to provide a certificate under this Section 7(l) shall be waived for any Representation Date occurring at a time a Suspension is in effect, which waiver shall continue until the earlier to occur of the date the Company delivers instructions for the sale of Placement Shares hereunder (which for such calendar quarter shall be considered a Representation Date) and the next occurring Representation Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Company subsequently decides to sell Placement Shares following a Representation Date when a Suspension was in effect and did not provide the Agent with a certificate under this Section 7(l), then before the Company delivers the instructions for the sale of Placement Shares or the Agent sells any Placement Shares pursuant to such instructions, the Company shall provide the Agent with a certificate in conformity with this Section 7(l) dated as of the date that the instructions for the sale of Placement Shares are issued.
(m) Legal Opinion. (i) Prior to the date of the first Placement Notice and (ii) within three (3) Trading Days of each Representation Date with respect to which the Company is obligated to deliver a certificate pursuant to Section 7(l) for which no waiver is applicable and excluding the date of this Agreement, the Company shall cause to be furnished to the Agent:
(A) a written opinion of Dentons Canada LLP, Canadian counsel to the Company (“Canadian Counsel”), addressed to the Agent, in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent and its counsel;
(B) a written opinion and negative assurance of Ortoli Rosenstadt LLP counsel to the Company (“U.S. Counsel”), addressed to the Agent, in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent and its counsel;
(C) a written opinion and negative assurance letter of Kennedy Lenart Spraggins LLP, special intellectual property counsel for the Company (“IP Counsel”), addressed to the Agent, in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent and its counsel; and
of other counsel satisfactory to the Agent, in form and substance satisfactory to Agent and its counsel, substantially similar to the form previously provided to the Agent and its counsel, modified, as necessary, to relate to the Registration Statement and the Prospectus as then amended or supplemented; provided, however, the Company shall be required to furnish to Agent no more than one opinion hereunder per calendar quarter; provided, further, that in lieu of such opinions for subsequent periodic filings under the Exchange Act, counsel may furnish the Agent with a letter (a “Reliance Letter”) to the effect that the Agent may rely on a prior opinion delivered under this Section 7(m) to the same extent as if it were dated the date of such letter (except that statements in such prior opinion shall be deemed to relate to the Registration Statement and the Prospectus as amended or supplemented as of the date of the Reliance Letter).
(n) Comfort Letter. (i) Prior to the date of the first Placement Notice and (ii) within five (5) Trading Days of each Representation Date with respect to which the Company is obligated to deliver a certificate pursuant to Section 7(l) for which no waiver is applicable and including the date of this Agreement, the Company shall cause each of the Auditors to furnish the Agent letters (the “Comfort Letters”), dated the date each Comfort Letter is delivered, which shall meet the requirements set forth in this Section 7(n); provided, that if requested by the Agent, the Company shall cause the Comfort Letters to be furnished to the Agent within ten (10) Trading Days of the date of occurrence of any material transaction or event, including the restatement of the Company’s financial statements. The Comfort Letters from the Auditors shall be in a form and substance satisfactory to the Agent, (A) confirming that each of the Auditors is an independent registered public accounting firm within the meaning of the Securities Act and the PCAOB, (B) stating, as of such date, the conclusions and findings of such firm with respect to the financial information and other matters ordinarily covered by accountants’ “comfort letters” to underwriters in connection with registered public offerings (each of the first such letters, the “Initial Comfort Letters”) and (C) updating the Initial Comfort Letters with any information that would have been included in the Initial Comfort Letters had they been given on such date and modified as necessary to relate to the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, as amended and supplemented to the date of such letter.
(o) Market Activities. The Company will not, directly or indirectly, (i) take any action designed to cause or result in, or that constitutes or would reasonably be expected to constitute, the stabilization or manipulation of the price of any security of the Company to facilitate the sale or resale of Common Shares or (ii) sell, bid for, or purchase Common Shares in violation of Regulation M, or pay anyone any compensation for soliciting purchases of the Placement Shares other than the Agent.
(p) Investment Company Act. The Company will conduct its affairs in such a manner so as to reasonably ensure that neither it nor any of its Subsidiaries will be or become, at any time prior to the termination of this Agreement, required to register as an “investment company,” as such term is defined in the Investment Company Act.
(q) No Offer to Sell. Other than an Issuer Free Writing Prospectus approved in advance by the Company and the Agent in its capacity as agent hereunder, neither the Agent nor the Company (including its agents and representatives, other than the Agent in its capacity as such) will make, use, prepare, authorize, approve or refer to any written communication (as defined in Rule 405 under the Securities Act), required to be filed with the Commission, that constitutes an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy Placement Shares hereunder.
(r) Blue Sky and Other Qualifications. The Company will use its commercially reasonable efforts, in cooperation with the Agent, to qualify the Placement Shares for offering and sale, or to obtain an exemption for the Placement Shares to be offered and sold, under the applicable securities laws of such states and other jurisdictions (domestic or foreign) as the Agent may designate and to maintain such qualifications and exemptions in effect for so long as required for the distribution of the Placement Shares (but in no event for less than one year from the date of this Agreement); provided, however, that the Company shall not be obligated to file any general consent to service of process or to qualify as a foreign corporation or as a dealer in securities in any jurisdiction in which it is not so qualified or to subject itself to taxation in respect of doing business in any jurisdiction in which it is not otherwise so subject. In each jurisdiction in which the Placement Shares have been so qualified or exempt, the Company will file such statements and reports as may be required by the laws of such jurisdiction to continue such qualification or exemption, as the case may be, in effect for so long as required for the distribution of the Placement Shares (but in no event for less than one year from the date of this Agreement).
(s) Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The Company and the Subsidiaries will maintain and keep accurate books and records reflecting their assets and maintain internal accounting controls in a manner designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with IFRS and including those policies and procedures that (i) pertain to the maintenance of records that in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the Company, (ii) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit the preparation of the Company’s consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS, (iii) that receipts and expenditures of the Company are being made only in accordance with management’s and the Company’s directors’ authorization, and (iv) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of the Company’s assets that could have a material effect on its financial statements. The Company and the Subsidiaries will maintain such controls and other procedures, including, without limitation, those required by Sections 302 and 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and the applicable regulations thereunder that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the Commission’s rules and forms, including, without limitation, controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to the Company’s management, including its principal executive officer and principal financial officer, or persons performing similar functions, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure and to ensure that material information relating to the Company or the Subsidiaries is made known to them by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which such periodic reports are being prepared.
(t) Secretary’s Certificate; Further Documentation. Prior to the date of the first Placement Notice, the Company shall deliver to the Agent a certificate of the Secretary of the Company (or, in the absence of a Secretary, the Chief Financial Officer or the Chief Executive Officer) and attested to by an executive officer of the Company, dated as of such date, certifying as to (i) the Certificate of Incorporation of the Company, (ii) the Bylaws of the Company, (iii) the resolutions of the Board authorizing the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the issuance of the Placement Shares and (iv) the incumbency of the officers duly authorized to execute this Agreement and the other documents contemplated by this Agreement. Within five (5) Trading Days of each Representation Date, the Company shall have furnished to the Agent such further information, certificates and documents as the Agent may reasonably request.
(u) Renewal of Registration Statement. If, immediately prior to the third anniversary of the initial effective date of the Registration Statement (the “Renewal Date”), any of the Placement Shares remain unsold and this Agreement has not been terminated, the Company will, prior to the Renewal Date, file a new shelf registration statement or, if applicable, an automatic shelf registration statement relating to the Common Shares that may be offered and sold pursuant to this Agreement (which shall include a prospectus reflecting the number or amount of Placement Shares that may be offered and sold pursuant to this Agreement), in a form satisfactory to the Agent and its counsel, and, if such registration statement is not an automatic shelf registration statement, will use its reasonable best efforts to cause such registration statement to be declared effective within 180 days after the Renewal Date. The Company will take all other reasonable actions necessary or appropriate to permit the public offer and sale of the Placement Shares to continue as contemplated in the expired registration statement and this Agreement. From and after the effective date thereof, references herein to the “Registration Statement” shall include such new shelf registration statement or such new automatic shelf registration statement, as the case may be.
8. Payment of Expenses. The Company will pay all expenses incident to the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, including (i) the preparation and filing of the Registration Statement, including any fees required by the Commission, and the printing or electronic delivery of the Prospectus as originally filed and of each amendment and supplement thereto, in such number as the Agent shall deem necessary, (ii) the printing and delivery to the Agent of this Agreement and such other documents as may be required in connection with the offering, purchase, sale, issuance or delivery of the Placement Shares, (iii) the preparation, issuance and delivery of the certificates, if any, for the Placement Shares to the Agent, including any stock or other transfer taxes and any capital duties, stamp duties or other duties or taxes payable upon the sale, issuance or delivery of the Placement Shares to the Agent, (iv) the fees and disbursements of the counsel, accountants and other advisors to the Company, (v) the costs associated with bound volumes of the public offering materials as well as commemorative mementos and lucite tombstones, each of which the Company or its designee will provide within a reasonable time after the Closing in such quantities as ThinkEquity may reasonably request, in an amount not to exceed US$3,000, (vi) the fees and expenses of Agent, inclusive of the US$20,000 advance for accountable expenses previously paid by the Company to the Agent, including but not limited to the fees and expenses of the counsel to the Agent, payable upon the execution of this Agreement, in an amount not to exceed US$152,000 (in addition, the Company shall reimburse the Agent upon request for such costs, fees and expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement in an amount not to exceed US$7,500 following the Company’s filing of its quarterly filings for its first three fiscal quarters, and US$10,000 for the fiscal fourth quarter of each year), (vii) the qualification or exemption of the Placement Shares under state securities laws in accordance with the provisions of Section 7(r) hereof, including filing fees, but excluding fees of the Agent’s counsel, (viii) the printing and delivery to the Agent of copies of any Permitted Issuer Free Writing Prospectus and the Prospectus and any amendments or supplements thereto in such number as the Agent shall deem necessary, (ix) all fees, expenses and disbursements relating to the registration or qualification of such Shares under the “blue sky” securities laws of such states and other jurisdictions as the Agent may reasonably designate, (x) the costs of all mailing and printing of the Offering documents (including, without limitation, this Agreement, any blue sky surveys, Registration Statements, Prospectuses and all amendments, supplements and exhibits thereto), (xi) the fees and expenses of the transfer agent and registrar for the Common Shares, (xii) the filing and other fees incident to any review by FINRA of the terms of the sale of the Placement Shares including the fees of the Agent’s counsel (subject to the cap, set forth in clause (v) above), (xiii) all fees, expenses and disbursements relating to due diligence matters and the background checks of the Company’s officers and directors in an amount not to exceed US$10,000 in the aggregate, and (xiv) the fees and expenses incurred in connection with the listing of the Placement Shares on the Exchange, including any fees charged by The Depository Trust Company.
9. Conditions to Agent’s Obligations. The obligations of the Agent hereunder with respect to a Placement will be subject to the continuing accuracy and completeness of the representations and warranties made by the Company herein, to the due performance by the Company of its obligations hereunder, to the completion by the Agent of a due diligence review satisfactory to it in its reasonable judgment, and to the continuing satisfaction (or waiver by the Agent in its sole discretion) of the following additional conditions:
(a) Registration Statement Effective. The Registration Statement shall have become effective and shall be available for the sale of all Placement Shares contemplated to be issued by any Placement Notice.
(b) No Material Notices. None of the following events shall have occurred and be continuing: (i) receipt by the Company of any request for additional information from the Commission or any other federal or state Governmental Authority during the period of effectiveness of the Registration Statement, the response to which would require any post-effective amendments or supplements to the Registration Statement or the Prospectus; (ii) the issuance by the Commission or any other federal or state Governmental Authority of any stop order suspending the effectiveness of the Registration Statement or the initiation of any proceedings for that purpose; (iii) receipt by the Company of any notification with respect to the suspension of the qualification or exemption from qualification of any of the Placement Shares for sale in any jurisdiction or the initiation or threatening of any proceeding for such purpose; or (iv) the occurrence of any event that makes any statement of a material fact made in the Registration Statement or the Prospectus or any document incorporated or deemed to be incorporated therein by reference untrue or that requires the making of any changes in the Registration Statement, the Prospectus or documents so that, in the case of the Registration Statement, it will not contain an untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading and, that in the case of the Prospectus, it will not contain an untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.
(c) No Misstatement or Material Omission. Agent shall not have advised the Company that the Registration Statement or Prospectus, or any amendment or supplement thereto, contains an untrue statement of fact that in the Agent’s reasonable opinion is material, or omits to state a fact that in the Agent’s reasonable opinion is material and is required to be stated therein or is necessary to make the statements therein not misleading.
(d) Material Changes. Except as contemplated in the Prospectus, or disclosed in the Company’s reports furnished or filed with the Commission, there shall not have been any material adverse change in the authorized share capital of the Company or any Material Adverse Effect or any development that would reasonably be expected to cause a Material Adverse Effect, or a downgrading in or withdrawal of the rating assigned to any of the Company’s securities (other than asset backed securities) by any rating organization or a public announcement by any rating organization that it has under surveillance or review its rating of any of the Company’s securities (other than asset backed securities), the effect of which, in the case of any such action by a rating organization described above, in the reasonable judgment of the Agent (without relieving the Company of any obligation or liability it may otherwise have), is so material as to make it impracticable or inadvisable to proceed with the offering of the Placement Shares on the terms and in the manner contemplated in the Prospectus.
(e) Legal Opinions. The Agent shall have received the opinions of Canadian Counsel, U.S. Counsel and IP Counsel required to be delivered pursuant to Sections 7(m)(A), 7(m)(B) and 7(m)(C) on or before the date on which such delivery of such opinions is required pursuant to Sections 7(m)(A), 7(m)(B) and 7(m)(C).
(f) Comfort Letters. The Agent shall have received the Comfort Letters required to be delivered pursuant to Section 7(n) on or before the date on which such delivery of such Comfort Letters are required pursuant to Section 7(n).
(g) Representation Certificate. The Agent shall have received the certificate required to be delivered pursuant to Section 7(l) on or before the date on which delivery of such certificate is required pursuant to Section 7(l).
(h) No Suspension. Trading in the Common Shares shall not have been suspended on the Exchange and the Common Shares shall not have been delisted from the Exchange.
(i) Other Materials. On each date on which the Company is required to deliver a certificate pursuant to Section 7(l), the Company shall have furnished to the Agent such appropriate further information, opinions, certificates, letters and other documents as the Agent may reasonably request. All such opinions, certificates, letters and other documents will be in compliance with the provisions hereof.
(j) Securities Act Filings Made. All filings with the Commission required by Rule 424 under the Securities Act to have been filed prior to the issuance of any Placement Notice hereunder shall have been made within the applicable time period prescribed for such filing by Rule 424.
(k) Approval for Listing. The Placement Shares shall either have been (i) approved for listing on the Exchange, subject only to notice of issuance, or (ii) the Company shall have filed an application for listing of the Placement Shares on the Exchange at, or prior to, the issuance of any Placement Notice and the Exchange shall have reviewed such application and not provided any objections thereto.
(l) FINRA. If applicable, FINRA shall have raised no objection to the terms of this offering and the amount of compensation allowable or payable to the Agent as described in the Prospectus.
(m) No Termination Event. There shall not have occurred any event that would permit the Agent to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 12(a).
10. Indemnification and Contribution.
(a) Company Indemnification. The Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Agent, its affiliates and their respective partners, members, directors, officers, employees and agents and each person, if any, who controls the Agent or any affiliate within the meaning of Section 15 of the Securities Act or Section 20 of the Exchange Act as follows:
(i) against any and all loss, liability, claim, damage and expense whatsoever, as incurred, joint or several, arising out of or based upon any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in the Registration Statement (or any amendment thereto), or the omission or alleged omission therefrom of a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, or arising out of any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact included in any related Issuer Free Writing Prospectus or the Prospectus (or any amendment or supplement thereto), or the omission or alleged omission therefrom of a material fact necessary in order to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading;
(ii) against any and all loss, liability, claim, damage and expense whatsoever, as incurred, joint or several, to the extent of the aggregate amount paid in settlement of any litigation, or any investigation or proceeding by any Governmental Authority, commenced or threatened, or of any claim whatsoever based upon any such untrue statement or omission, or any such alleged untrue statement or omission; provided that (subject to Section 10(d) below) any such settlement is effected with the written consent of the Company, which consent shall not unreasonably be delayed or withheld; and
(iii) against any and all expense whatsoever, as incurred (including the fees and disbursements of counsel), reasonably incurred in investigating, preparing or defending against any litigation, or any investigation or proceeding by any Governmental Authority, commenced or threatened, or any claim whatsoever based upon any such untrue statement or omission, or any such alleged untrue statement or omission (whether or not a party), to the extent that any such expense is not paid under (i) or (ii) above,
provided, however, that this indemnity agreement shall not apply to any loss, liability, claim, damage or expense to the extent arising out of any untrue statement or omission or alleged untrue statement or omission made solely in reliance upon and in conformity with the Agent Information (as defined below).
(b) Agent Indemnification. Agent agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and its directors and each officer of the Company who signed the Registration Statement, and each person, if any, who controls the Company within the meaning of Section 15 of the Securities Act or Section 20 of the Exchange Act against any and all loss, liability, claim, damage and expense described in the indemnity contained in Section 10(a), as incurred, but only with respect to untrue statements or omissions, or alleged untrue statements or omissions, made in the Registration Statement (or any amendments thereto), the Prospectus (or any amendment or supplement thereto) or any Issuer Free Writing Prospectus (or any amendment or supplement thereto) in reliance upon and in conformity with information relating to the Agent and furnished to the Company in writing by the Agent expressly for use therein. The Company hereby acknowledges that the only information that the Agent has furnished to the Company expressly for use in the Registration Statement, the Prospectus or any Issuer Free Writing Prospectus (or any amendment or supplement thereto) are the statements set forth in the seventh and eighth paragraphs under the caption “Plan of Distribution” in the Prospectus (the “Agent Information”).
(c) Procedure. Any party that proposes to assert the right to be indemnified under this Section 10 will, promptly after receipt of notice of commencement of any action against such party in respect of which a claim is to be made against an indemnifying party or parties under this Section 10, notify each such indemnifying party of the commencement of such action, enclosing a copy of all papers served, but the omission so to notify such indemnifying party will not relieve the indemnifying party from (i) any liability that it might have to any indemnified party otherwise than under this Section 10 and (ii) any liability that it may have to any indemnified party under the foregoing provision of this Section 10 unless, and only to the extent that, such omission results in the forfeiture of substantive rights or defenses by the indemnifying party. If any such action is brought against any indemnified party and it notifies the indemnifying party of its commencement, the indemnifying party will be entitled to participate in and, to the extent that it elects by delivering written notice to the indemnified party promptly after receiving notice of the commencement of the action from the indemnified party, jointly with any other indemnifying party similarly notified, to assume the defense of the action, with counsel reasonably satisfactory to the indemnified party, and after notice from the indemnifying party to the indemnified party of its election to assume the defense, the indemnifying party will not be liable to the indemnified party for any other legal expenses except as provided below and except for the reasonable costs of investigation subsequently incurred by the indemnified party in connection with the defense. The indemnified party will have the right to employ its own counsel in any such action, but the fees, expenses and other charges of such counsel will be at the expense of such indemnified party unless (1) the employment of counsel by the indemnified party has been authorized in writing by the indemnifying party, (2) the indemnified party has reasonably concluded (based on advice of counsel) that there may be legal defenses available to it or other indemnified parties that are different from or in addition to those available to the indemnifying party, (3) a conflict or potential conflict exists (based on advice of counsel to the indemnified party) between the indemnified party and the indemnifying party (in which case the indemnifying party will not have the right to direct the defense of such action on behalf of the indemnified party) or (4) the indemnifying party has not in fact employed counsel to assume the defense of such action or counsel reasonably satisfactory to the indemnified party, in each case, within a reasonable time after receiving notice of the commencement of the action; in each of which cases the reasonable fees, disbursements and other charges of counsel will be at the expense of the indemnifying party or parties. It is understood that the indemnifying party or parties shall not, in connection with any proceeding or related proceedings in the same jurisdiction, be liable for the reasonable fees, disbursements and other charges of more than one separate firm (plus local counsel) admitted to practice in such jurisdiction at any one time for all such indemnified party or parties. All such fees, disbursements and other charges will be reimbursed by the indemnifying party promptly as they are incurred. An indemnifying party will not, in any event, be liable for any settlement of any action or claim effected without its written consent. No indemnifying party shall, without the prior written consent of each indemnified party, settle or compromise or consent to the entry of any judgment in any pending or threatened claim, action or proceeding relating to the matters contemplated by this Section 10 (whether or not any indemnified party is a party thereto), unless such settlement, compromise or consent (1) includes an express and unconditional release of each indemnified party, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to such indemnified party, from all liability arising out of such litigation, investigation, proceeding or claim and (2) does not include a statement as to or an admission of fault, culpability or a failure to act by or on behalf of any indemnified party.
(d) Settlement Without Consent if Failure to Reimburse. If an indemnified party shall have requested an indemnifying party to reimburse the indemnified party for reasonable fees and expenses of counsel, such indemnifying party agrees that it shall be liable for any settlement of the nature contemplated by Section 10(a)(ii) effected without its written consent if (1) such settlement is entered into more than 45 days after receipt by such indemnifying party of the aforesaid request, (2) such indemnifying party shall have received notice of the terms of such settlement at least 30 days prior to such settlement being entered into and (3) such indemnifying party shall not have reimbursed such indemnified party in accordance with such request prior to the date of such settlement.
(e) Contribution. In order to provide for just and equitable contribution in circumstances in which the indemnification provided for in the foregoing paragraphs of this Section 10 is applicable in accordance with its terms but for any reason is held to be unavailable or insufficient from the Company or the Agent, the Company and the Agent will contribute to the total losses, claims, liabilities, expenses and damages (including any investigative, legal and other expenses reasonably incurred in connection with, and any amount paid in settlement of, any action, suit or proceeding or any claim asserted) to which the Company and the Agent may be subject in such proportion as shall be appropriate to reflect the relative benefits received by the Company on the one hand and the Agent on the other hand. The relative benefits received by the Company on the one hand and the Agent on the other hand shall be deemed to be in the same proportion as the total net proceeds from the sale of the Placement Shares (before deducting expenses) received by the Company bear to the total compensation received by the Agent from the sale of Placement Shares on behalf of the Company. If, but only if, the allocation provided by the foregoing sentence is not permitted by applicable law, the allocation of contribution shall be made in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect not only the relative benefits referred to in the foregoing sentence but also the relative fault of the Company, on the one hand, and the Agent, on the other hand, with respect to the statements or omission that resulted in such loss, claim, liability, expense or damage, or action in respect thereof, as well as any other relevant equitable considerations with respect to such offering. Such relative fault shall be determined by reference to, among other things, whether the untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material fact or omission or alleged omission to state a material fact relates to information supplied by the Company or the Agent, the intent of the parties and their relative knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or prevent such statement or omission. The Company and the Agent agree that it would not be just and equitable if contributions pursuant to this Section 10(e) were to be determined by pro rata allocation or by any other method of allocation that does not take into account the equitable considerations referred to herein. The amount paid or payable by an indemnified party as a result of the loss, claim, liability, expense, or damage, or action in respect thereof, referred to above in this Section 10(e) shall be deemed to include, for the purpose of this Section 10(e), any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by such indemnified party in connection with investigating or defending any such action or claim to the extent consistent with Section 10(c) hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 10(e), the Agent shall not be required to contribute any amount in excess of the commissions received by it under this Agreement and no person found guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation (within the meaning of Section 11(f) of the Securities Act) will be entitled to contribution from any person who was not guilty of such fraudulent misrepresentation. For purposes of this Section 10(e), any person who controls a party to this Agreement within the meaning of the Securities Act, any affiliates of the Agent and any officers, directors, partners, employees or agents of the Agent or any of its affiliates, will have the same rights to contribution as that party, and each director of the Company and each officer of the Company who signed the Registration Statement will have the same rights to contribution as the Company, subject in each case to the provisions hereof. Any party entitled to contribution, promptly after receipt of notice of commencement of any action against such party in respect of which a claim for contribution may be made under this Section 10(e), will notify any such party or parties from whom contribution may be sought, but the omission to so notify will not relieve that party or parties from whom contribution may be sought from any other obligation it or they may have under this Section 10(e) except to the extent that the failure to so notify such other party materially prejudiced the substantive rights or defenses of the party from whom contribution is sought. Except for a settlement entered into pursuant to the last sentence of Section 10(c) hereof, no party will be liable for contribution with respect to any action or claim settled without its written consent if such consent is required pursuant to Section 10(c) hereof.
11. Representations and Agreements to Survive Delivery. The indemnity and contribution agreements contained in Section 10 of this Agreement and all representations and warranties of the Company herein or in certificates delivered pursuant hereto shall survive, as of their respective dates, regardless of (i) any investigation made by or on behalf of the Agent, any controlling persons, or the Company (or any of their respective officers, directors, employees or controlling persons), (ii) delivery and acceptance of the Placement Shares and payment therefor or (iii) any termination of this Agreement.
12. Termination.
(a) The Agent may terminate this Agreement, by notice to the Company, as hereinafter specified at any time (1) if there has been, since the time of execution of this Agreement or since the date as of which information is given in the Prospectus, any change, or any development or event involving a prospective change, in the condition, financial or otherwise, or in the business, properties, earnings, results of operations or prospects of the Company and its Subsidiaries considered as one enterprise, whether or not arising in the ordinary course of business, which individually or in the aggregate, in the sole judgment of the Agent is material and adverse and makes it impractical or inadvisable to market the Placement Shares or to enforce contracts for the sale of the Placement Shares, (2) if there has occurred any material adverse change in the financial markets in the United States or the international financial markets, any outbreak of hostilities or escalation thereof or other calamity or crisis or any change or development involving a prospective change in national or international political, financial or economic conditions, in each case the effect of which is such as to make it, in the judgment of the Agent, impracticable or inadvisable to market the Placement Shares or to enforce contracts for the sale of the Placement Shares, (3) if trading in the Common Shares has been suspended or limited by the Commission or the Exchange, or if trading generally on the Exchange has been suspended or limited, or minimum prices for trading have been fixed on the Exchange, (4) if any suspension of trading of any securities of the Company on any exchange or in the over-the-counter market shall have occurred and be continuing, (5) if a major disruption of securities settlements or clearance services in the United States shall have occurred and be continuing, or (6) if a banking moratorium has been declared by either U.S. Federal or New York authorities. Any such termination shall be without liability of any party to any other party except that the provisions of Section 8 (Payment of Expenses), Section 10 (Indemnification and Contribution), Section 11 (Representations and Agreements to Survive Delivery), Section 17 (Governing Law and Time; Waiver of Jury Trial) and Section 18 (Consent to Jurisdiction) hereof shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding such termination. If the Agent elects to terminate this Agreement as provided in this Section 12(a), the Agent shall provide the required notice as specified in Section 13 (Notices).
(b) The Company shall have the right, by giving ten (10) days’ notice as hereinafter specified to terminate this Agreement in its sole discretion at any time after the date of this Agreement. Any such termination shall be without liability of any party to any other party except that the provisions of Section 8, Section 10, Section 11, Section 17 and Section 18 hereof shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding such termination.
(c) The Agent shall have the right, by giving ten (10) days’ notice as hereinafter specified to terminate this Agreement in its sole discretion at any time after the date of this Agreement. Any such termination shall be without liability of any party to any other party except that the provisions of Section 8, Section 10, Section 11, Section 17 and Section 18 hereof shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding such termination.
(d) This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect unless terminated pursuant to Sections 12(a), (b), or (c) above or otherwise by mutual agreement of the parties; provided, however, that any such termination by mutual agreement shall in all cases be deemed to provide that Section 8, Section 10, Section 11, Section 17 and Section 18 shall remain in full force and effect.
(e) Any termination of this Agreement shall be effective on the date specified in such notice of termination; provided, however, that such termination shall not be effective until the close of business on the date of receipt of such notice by the Agent or the Company, as the case may be. If such termination shall occur prior to the Settlement Date for any sale of Placement Shares, such Placement Shares shall settle in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
13. Notices. All notices or other communications required or permitted to be given by any party to any other party pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing, unless otherwise specified, and if sent to the Agent, shall be delivered to:
ThinkEquity LLC
17 State Street, 41st Floor
New York, New York 10004
Attn: Head of Investment Banking
E-mail: notices@think-equity.com
with a copy to:
Cozen O’Connor LLP
2501 – 550 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 2B5
Attn: Andrew B. Stewart
Telephone: 236-317-5567
Email: ABStewart@cozen.com
and if to the Company, shall be delivered to:
Vision Marine Technologies Inc.
730 Boulevard du Cure-Boivin
Boisbriand, Québec J7G 2A7, Canada
Attention: Chief Financial Office
Telephone No: 514-214-4380
Email: rs@v-mti.com
with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Ortoli Rosenstadt LLP
366 Madison Ave., 3rd Floor
New York, New York 10017
Attn: William Rosenstadt, Esq.
Fax No.: 212 826-9307
Email: wsr@orllp.legal
Each party to this Agreement may change such address for notices by sending to the parties to this Agreement written notice of a new address for such purpose. Each such notice or other communication shall be deemed given (i) when delivered personally or by verifiable Electronic Notice on or before 4:30 p.m., New York City time, on a Business Day or, if such day is not a Business Day, on the next succeeding Business Day, (ii) on the next Business Day after timely delivery to a nationally-recognized overnight courier and (iii) on the Business Day actually received if deposited in the U.S. mail (certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid). For purposes of this Agreement, “Business Day” shall mean any day on which the Exchange and commercial banks in the City of New York are open for business.
An electronic communication (“Electronic Notice”) shall be deemed written notice for purposes of this Section 13 if sent to the electronic mail address specified by the receiving party under separate cover. Electronic Notice shall be deemed received at the time the party sending Electronic Notice receives verification of receipt by the receiving party. Any party receiving Electronic Notice may request and shall be entitled to receive the notice on paper, in a nonelectronic form (“Nonelectronic Notice”) which shall be sent to the requesting party within ten (10) days of receipt of the written request for Nonelectronic Notice.
14. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Company and the Agent and their respective successors and the parties referred to in Section 10 hereof. References to any of the parties contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to include the successors and permitted assigns of such party. Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer upon any party other than the parties hereto or their respective successors and permitted assigns any rights, remedies, obligations or liabilities under or by reason of this Agreement, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. Neither party may assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party; provided, however, that the Agent may assign its rights and obligations hereunder to an affiliate thereof without obtaining the Company’s consent but shall provide notice of such assignment to the Company.
15. Adjustments for Stock Splits. The parties acknowledge and agree that all share-related numbers contained in this Agreement shall be adjusted to take into account any stock split, stock dividend or similar event effected with respect to the Placement Shares.
16. Entire Agreement; Amendment; Severability; Waiver. Except with respect to that certain Engagement Letter between the Company and the Agent dated May 27, 2024, this Agreement (including all schedules and exhibits attached hereto and Placement Notices issued pursuant hereto) constitutes the entire agreement and supersedes all other prior and contemporaneous agreements and undertakings, both written and oral, among the parties hereto with regard to the subject matter hereof. Neither this Agreement nor any term hereof may be amended except pursuant to a written instrument executed by the Company and the Agent. In the event that any one or more of the provisions contained herein, or the application thereof in any circumstance, is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable as written by a court of competent jurisdiction, then such provision shall be given full force and effect to the fullest possible extent that it is valid, legal and enforceable, and the remainder of the terms and provisions herein shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable term or provision was not contained herein, but only to the extent that giving effect to such provision and the remainder of the terms and provisions hereof shall be in accordance with the intent of the parties as reflected in this Agreement. No implied waiver by a party shall arise in the absence of a waiver in writing signed by such party. No failure or delay in exercising any right, power, or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise thereof preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any right, power, or privilege hereunder.
19. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Delivery of an executed Agreement by one party to the other may be made by electronic delivery of a portable document format (PDF) file (including any electronic signature covered by the U.S. federal ESIGN Act of 2000, Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, the Electronic Signatures and Records Act or other applicable law, e.g., www.docusign.com).
20. Construction. The section and exhibit headings herein are for convenience only and shall not affect the construction hereof. References herein to any law, statute, ordinance, code, regulation, rule or other requirement of any Governmental Authority shall be deemed to refer to such law, statute, ordinance, code, regulation, rule or other requirement of any Governmental Authority as amended, reenacted, supplemented or superseded in whole or in part and in effect from time to time and also to all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
21. Permitted Free Writing Prospectuses. The Company represents, warrants and agrees that, unless it obtains the prior written consent of the Agent, and the Agent represents, warrants and agrees that, unless it obtains the prior written consent of the Company, it has not made and will not make any offer relating to the Placement Shares that would constitute an Issuer Free Writing Prospectus, or that would otherwise constitute a “free writing prospectus,” as defined in Rule 405, required to be filed with the Commission. Any such free writing prospectus consented to by the Agent or by the Company, as the case may be, is hereinafter referred to as a “Permitted Free Writing Prospectus.” The Company represents and warrants that it has treated and agrees that it will treat each Permitted Free Writing Prospectus as an “issuer free writing prospectus,” as defined in Rule 433, and has complied and will comply with the requirements of Rule 433 applicable to any Permitted Free Writing Prospectus, including timely filing with the Commission where required, legending and record keeping. For the purposes of clarity, the parties hereto agree that all free writing prospectuses, if any, listed in Exhibit 21 hereto are Permitted Free Writing Prospectuses.
22. Absence of Fiduciary Relationship. The Company acknowledges and agrees that:
(a) the Agent is acting solely as agent in connection with the public offering of the Placement Shares and in connection with each transaction contemplated by this Agreement and the process leading to such transactions, and no fiduciary or advisory relationship between the Company or any of its respective affiliates, shareholders (or other equity holders), creditors or employees or any other party, on the one hand, and the Agent, on the other hand, has been or will be created in respect of any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, irrespective of whether or not the Agent has advised or is advising the Company on other matters, and the Agent has no obligation to the Company with respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement except the obligations expressly set forth in this Agreement;
(b) it is capable of evaluating and understanding, and understands and accepts, the terms, risks and conditions of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;
(c) neither the Agent nor its affiliates have provided any legal, accounting, regulatory or tax advice with respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and it has consulted its own legal, accounting, regulatory and tax advisors to the extent it has deemed appropriate;
(d) it is aware that the Agent and its affiliates are engaged in a broad range of transactions which may involve interests that differ from those of the Company and the Agent, and its affiliates have no obligation to disclose such interests and transactions to the Company by virtue of any fiduciary, advisory or agency relationship or otherwise; and
(e) it waives, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any claims it may have against the Agent or its affiliates for breach of fiduciary duty or alleged breach of fiduciary duty in connection with the sale of Placement Shares under this Agreement and agrees that the Agent and its affiliates shall not have any liability (whether direct or indirect, in contract, tort or otherwise) to it in respect of such a fiduciary duty claim or to any person asserting a fiduciary duty claim on its behalf or in right of it or the Company, employees or creditors of Company.
23. Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following terms have the respective meanings set forth below:
“Applicable Time” means (i) each Representation Date, (ii) the time of each sale of any Placement Shares pursuant to this Agreement and (iii) each Settlement Date.
“Governmental Authority” means (i) any federal, provincial, state, local, municipal, national or international government or governmental authority, regulatory or administrative agency, governmental commission, department, board, bureau, agency or instrumentality, court, tribunal, arbitrator or arbitral body (public or private); (ii) any self-regulatory organization; or (iii) any political subdivision of any of the foregoing.
“Issuer Free Writing Prospectus” means any “issuer free writing prospectus,” as defined in Rule 433, relating to the Placement Shares that (1) is required to be filed with the Commission by the Company, (2) is a “road show” that is a “written communication” within the meaning of Rule 433(d)(8)(i) whether or not required to be filed with the Commission, or (3) is exempt from filing pursuant to Rule 433(d)(5)(i) because it contains a description of the Placement Shares or of the offering that does not reflect the final terms, in each case in the form filed or required to be filed with the Commission or, if not required to be filed, in the form retained in the Company’s records pursuant to Rule 433(g) under the Securities Act Regulations.
“Rule 164,” “Rule 172,” “Rule 405,” “Rule 415,” “Rule 424,” “Rule 424(b),” “Rule 430B,” and “Rule 433” refer to such rules under the Securities Act Regulations.
All references in this Agreement to financial statements and schedules and other information that is “contained,” “included” or “stated” in the Registration Statement or the Prospectus (and all other references of like import) shall be deemed to mean and include all such financial statements and schedules and other information that is incorporated by reference in the Registration Statement or the Prospectus, as the case may be.
All references in this Agreement to the Registration Statement, the Prospectus or any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing shall be deemed to include the copy filed with the Commission pursuant to EDGAR; all references in this Agreement to any Issuer Free Writing Prospectus (other than any Issuer Free Writing Prospectuses that, pursuant to Rule 433, are not required to be filed with the Commission) shall be deemed to include the copy thereof filed with the Commission pursuant to EDGAR; and all references in this Agreement to “supplements” to the Prospectus shall include, without limitation, any supplements, “wrappers” or similar materials prepared in connection with any offering, sale or private placement of any Placement Shares by the Agent outside of the United States.
Any references in this Agreement to “US$” or “dollars” are references to United States dollars.
[Signature Page Follows]
If the foregoing correctly sets forth the understanding between the Company and the Agent, please so indicate in the space provided below for that purpose, whereupon this letter shall constitute a binding agreement between the Company and the Agent.
Very truly yours, | |||
By: | /s/ Alexander Mongeon | ||
Name: | Alexander Mongeon | ||
Title: | Chief Executive Officer |
ACCEPTED as of the date first-above written: | |||
By: | /s/ Eric Lord | ||
Name: | Eric Lord | ||
Title: | Head of Investment Banking |
Form of Placement Notice
Notice Parties
Form of Representation Date Certificate Pursuant to Section 7(l)
Exhibit 21
Permitted Free Writing Prospectus