附錄 99.5
頁碼。 | |||
I | 有關交易本公司證券的政策摘要。 | 1 | |
II | 關於在交易證券時利用內幕信息的情況。 | 1 | |
A | 一般規定 | 1 | |
B | 政策適用於誰? | 2 | |
C | 其他公司的股票 | 3 | |
D | 套期保值和衍生品 | 3 | |
E | 證券質押、按金帳戶 | 3 | |
F | 常規指南 | 3 | |
G | 美國證券法適用於國際交易 | 5 | |
III | 證券交易的其他限制。 | 6 | |
A | 公開轉售-規則144 | 6 | |
B | 私人轉售 | 7 | |
C | 購買公司證券的限制 | 7 | |
D | 申報要求 | 7 |
II. 關於與證券交易有關的內部信息使用
A. 一般規則。
一般規則可以說爲 如下:任何人如果持有材料,則買入或賣出證券均違反聯邦證券法 內幕消息。如果理智的投資者很有可能認爲信息很重要,則信息是重要的 在做出投資決策時。如果沒有以向投資者公開的方式公開披露,則屬於內幕消息 一般是在基礎廣泛的非排斥性基礎上進行的.此外,任何人擁有重要的內幕消息都是非法的 向其他人提供此類信息或建議他們買入或賣出證券。(這叫做”小費”)。 在這種情況下,他們都可能被追究責任。
證券交易委員會 (簡稱“SEC)證券交易所和原告律師側重於揭露內幕交易。違反內幕交易法律可能使內幕交易者面臨刑事罰款高達所獲利潤的三倍和長達十年的監禁,以及民事處罰(高達所獲利潤的三倍)和禁制令。此外,根據適用州法律,還可以對違規情況進行懲罰性賠償。證券法還規定,對內幕交易員工的違法行爲,控制人可能會受到民事處罰,包括位於美國境外的員工。控制人包括董事、高管和主管。這些人可能會面臨的罰款數額爲較大值,即100萬美元或內幕交易者獲利(或避免的損失)的三倍。
內部信息不應屬於可能處理或了解它的個別董事、高級職員或其他僱員。 這是公司的資產。 任何人利用這樣的信息謀求個人利益或將其泄露給公司外部的其他人都會侵犯公司的利益。 更明確地說,在與公司證券交易相關時,這是針對投資公衆成員和公司的欺詐行爲。
對內部消息進行交易的禁令適用於董事、高管和所有其他僱員,以及獲取該信息的其他人。該禁令適用於公司及其子公司的國內和國際僱員。由於他們定期接觸機密信息,公司政策對其董事和某些僱員(「禁止」)在公司證券交易上實施額外限制。窗口組的限制將在下文F節中討論。此外,具有重要信息內幕知識的董事和某些僱員可能不時受到交易的臨時限制。Window Group)。窗口組的限制將在下文F節中討論。此外,具有重要信息內幕知識的董事和某些僱員可能不時受到交易的臨時限制。
C. 其他公司的股票。
僱員、高管和董事 被禁止參與任何避險交易(包括涉及期權、認沽期權、認購期權、預付變量遠期合同、股權掉期、領口套期保值和其它衍生品的交易所及其他基金類型),這些交易旨在對公司股權證券市場價值的任何變化進行對沖或投機。
F. 一般指導方針。
1. 保密內部信息不得向任何人透露,除了公司內職位需要知道的人。 泄密涉及內幕消息從內部人員傳遞給其他人。 有時,這涉及明知故犯的陰謀,即消息來源者爲了獲取「獲知者」非法交易利潤的一部分而傳遞信息。 但是,即使沒有利潤預期,消息來源者如果有理由相信該信息可能被濫用,也可能承擔責任。 向他人透露內部信息就像將自己的生命交到那個人手裏一樣。 所以最安全的選擇是:不要泄密。
2. 公司證券交易 任何員工、高管或董事在持有未向公眾披露的對公司具有重要信息時,不得發出買賣訂單,或建議任何其他人發出公司證券的買賣訂單。這包括針對股票和可轉換證券的購買和銷售訂單,包括進行任何“賣空榜”交易。員工期權的行使並不受此政策約束。然而,通過行使期權而獲得的股票,將被視為任何其他股票,持有重要內幕信息的員工不得出售之。任何持有重要內幕信息的員工、高管或董事應在信息公開披露後的第三個工作日開始交易。
3. 避免投機。投資本公司普通股提供了一個機會,讓我們能夠分享未來的增長 公司。但對公司的投資和分享公司的成長並不意味著基於波動的短期投機 在市場上。此類活動使僱員、執行官或董事的個人利益與最佳利益衝突 本公司及其股東。雖然本政策並不意味著員工、執行官員或董事永遠不得出售 股份,本公司鼓勵員工、行政人員及董事避免頻繁交易公司股票。猜測 公司股票不是公司文化的一部分。
4. 在其他證券的交易中沒有員工、高管或董事應該在得知有可能影響這些證券價值的其他公司的保密消息的情況下,下達買入或賣出訂單,或建議其他人下達買入或賣出訂單,以另一家公司的證券(如供應商、收購目標或競爭對手)為對象。例如,如果員工、高管或董事通過公司來源得知公司打算從另一家公司購買資產,然後由於可能增加或減少其證券價值而下達買入或賣出那家公司股票的訂單,這將違反證券法。
5. 對於窗戶集團的限制窗戶集團由(i)公司董事、執行官、副總裁及其助理和家庭成員組成,(ii)財務報告、業務發展或法務部門的員工子集,以及(iii)可能被不時指定及被公司的致富金融(臨時代碼)及總法律顧問或具有公司類似職責的負責人告知其身份的其他人。窗戶集團對於交易公司證券有以下限制:總法律顧問窗戶集團
● | 自公司每季度和年度收益公佈後的第三個工作日開始,直至當前財季的最後一個月的第16個日曆日(“業務。視窗),受以下限制; |
● | 所有板塊交易均需先審查; |
● | 窗戶集團在進行任何公司證券的交易之前,必須遵循附件b所制定的形式,向公司的致富金融(臨時代碼)官和總法律顧問提交批准請求;對於由致富金融(臨時代碼)官和總法律顧問批准的交易請求,應提交給首席執行官; |
● | 除非出于特殊個人困境的原因,並經過致富金融(臨時代碼)官員和總法律顧問事先審查,否則不得在交易窗口之外進行交易;但如果其中一位官員希望在交易窗口之外進行交易,則需經其他官員事先審查。 |
● | 窗口組的成員也受到對所有員工的一般限制。 |
前述的Window Group限制不適用於符合交易所法第10b5-1條下的證券交易書面計劃。10b5-1計劃 附錄 A 。然而,Window Group成員未經致富金融(臨時代碼)和總法律顧問事先批准,不得進行、修改或終止關於公司證券的10b5-1計劃,批准僅在Window期間內給予。
公司不時也可能對所有董事、董事會成員和窗口集團的其他成員實施交易凍結。 臨時 由於重大未公佈的企業發展,公司可能會時不時對所有董事、董事會成員和窗口集團的其他成員實施交易凍結。這些交易凍結的持續時間可能有所不同。
總結: 公司的每位員工在掌握關於公司的內幕信息時都會受到交易限制。此外, 高級管理人員、董事以及其他Window Group成員在受到上述第5段限制其交易只能在窗口期間進行 並需要獲得預先批准。
III. 其他有關證券交易的限制
A. 公開再銷售-144條例。
1. 持有 期限發行者為上市公司(即接受美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的申報規定至少90天的公司)發行的受限證券在銷售前必須持有並全額付清六個月。非上市公司發行的受限證券則需遵守一年的持有期。持有期要求不適用於由聯營公司持有的證券,這些證券可以在公開市場上購買或根據《證券法》註冊公開發行的證券發行。通常,如果賣方從非公司或公司聯營公司以外的人購買證券,則賣方所購買的證券的持有期可以與出售方的持有期相連,以判定是否已滿足持有期。
2. 目前公開信息在進行銷售之前,公司的最新信息必須公開。提交給證券交易委員會的定期報告通常滿足這一要求。如果賣方不是發行證券的公司的聯營公司(並且至少已經有三個月不再是聯營公司),並且自從從發行者或發行者的聯營公司(較晚者)購買證券以來已經過去了一年,則賣方可以賣出這些證券而無需考慮當前公開信息要求。
144條規定對"聯屬人"出售股票還須符合以下額外條件。 如一個人或實體被視為"聯屬人",因而受這些額外條件約束,如果該人或實體目前是聯屬人,或在過去三個月內曾是聯屬人:
3. 成交量限制資產負債證券數量的銷售量在任何三個月內由聯屬公司銷售的數量不得超過一個階段(或當證券為非參與優先股時的級別),以及由聯屬公司代賬戶出售的相同階段證券的銷售總數。在任何三個月內由聯屬公司銷售的股票的數量不得超過(i)該類股票的未流通股份的一%或(ii)在獲得券商或與市場maker直接執行訂單之前的四個日曆週內該類股票每周平均報告的交易量中的較大者。
4. Manner of Sale. Equity securities held by affiliates must be sold in unsolicited brokers’ transactions, directly to a market-maker or in riskless principal transactions.
5. Notice of Sale. An affiliate seller must file a notice of the proposed sale with the SEC at the time the order to sell is placed with the broker, unless the amount to be sold neither exceeds 5,000 shares nor involves sale proceeds greater than $50,000. See “Filing Requirements”.
Bona fide gifts are not deemed to involve sales of shares for purposes of Rule 144, so they can be made at any time without limitation on the amount of the gift. Donees who receive restricted securities from an affiliate generally will be subject to the same restrictions under Rule 144 that would have applied to the donor, depending on the circumstances.
B. Private Resales.
Directors and officers also may sell securities in a private transaction without registration. Although there is no statutory provision or SEC rule expressly dealing with private sales, the general view is that such sales can safely be made by affiliates if the party acquiring the securities understands he is acquiring restricted securities that must be held for at least six months (if issued by a reporting company that meets the current public information requirements) or one-year (if issued by a non-reporting company) before the securities will be eligible for resale to the public under Rule 144. Private resales raise certain documentation and other issues and must be reviewed in advance by the Company’s General Counsel.
C. Restrictions on Purchases of Company Securities.
In order to prevent market manipulation, the SEC adopted Regulation M under the U.S. Exchange Act. Regulation M generally restricts the Company or any of its affiliates from buying Company stock, including as part of a share buyback program, in the open market during certain periods while a distribution, such as a public offering, is taking place. You should consult with the Company’s General Counsel, if you desire to make purchases of Company stock during any period that the Company is making conducting an offering or buying shares from the public.
D. Filing Requirements.
1. Schedule 13D and 13G. Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act requires the filing of a statement on Schedule 13D (or on Schedule 13G, in certain limited circumstances) by any person or group which acquires beneficial ownership of more than five percent of a class of equity securities registered under the Exchange Act. The threshold for reporting is met if the stock owned, when coupled with the amount of stock subject to options exercisable within 60 days, exceeds the five percent limit.
A report on Schedule 13D is required to be filed with the SEC and submitted to the Company within ten days after the reporting threshold is reached. If a material change occurs in the facts set forth in the Schedule 13D, such as an increase or decrease of one percent or more in the percentage of stock beneficially owned, an amendment disclosing the change must be filed promptly. A decrease in beneficial ownership to less than five percent is per se material and must be reported.
A limited category of persons (such as banks, broker-dealers and insurance companies) may file on Schedule 13G, which is a much abbreviated version of Schedule 13D, as long as the securities were acquired in the ordinary course of business and not with the purpose or effect of changing or influencing the control of the issuer. A report on Schedule 13G is required to be filed with the SEC and submitted to the Company within 45 days after the end of the calendar year in which the reporting threshold is reached.
A person is deemed the beneficial owner of securities for purposes of Section 13(d) if such person has or shares voting power (i.e., the power to vote or direct the voting of the securities) or dispositive power (i.e., the power to sell or direct the sale of the securities). A person filing a Schedule 13D or 13G may disclaim beneficial ownership of any securities attributed to him or her if he or she believes there is a reasonable basis for doing so.
2. Form 144. As described above under the discussion of Rule 144, an affiliate seller relying on Rule 144 must file a notice of proposed sale with the SEC at the time the order to sell is placed with the broker unless the amount to be sold during any three-month period neither exceeds 5,000 shares nor involves sale proceeds greater than $50,000.
Annex A
Overview of 10b5-1 Plans
Under Rule 10b5-1, large stockholders, directors, officers and other insiders who regularly possess material nonpublic information (MNPI) but who nonetheless wish to buy or sell stock may establish an affirmative defense to an illegal insider trading charge by adopting a written plan to buy or sell at a time when they are not in possession of MNPI. A 10b5-1 plan typically takes the form of a contract between the insider and his or her broker.
The plan must be entered into at a time when the insider has no MNPI about the company or its securities (even if no trades will occur until after the release of the MNPI). The plan must:
1. specify the amount, price (which may include a limit price) and specific dates of purchases or sales; or
2. include a formula or similar method for determining amount, price and date; or
3. give the broker the exclusive right to determine whether, how and when to make purchases and sales, as long as the broker does so without being aware of MNPI at the time the trades are made.
Under the first two alternatives, the 10b5-1 plan cannot give the broker any discretion as to trade dates. As a result, a plan that requests the broker to sell 1,000 shares per week would have to meet the requirements under the third alternative. On the other hand, under the second alternative, the date may be specified by indicating that trades should be made on any date on which the limit price is hit. The affirmative defense is only available if the trade is in fact made pursuant to the preset terms of the10b5-1 plan (unless the terms are revised at a time when the insider is not aware of any MNPI and could therefore enter into a new plan). Trades are deemed not to have been made pursuant to the plan if the insider later enters into or alters a corresponding or hedging transaction or position with respect to the securities covered by the plan (although hedging transactions could be part of the plan itself).
Guidelines for 10b5-1 Plans
When can a plan be adopted or amended? Because Rule 10b5-1 prohibits an insider from adopting or amending a plan while in possession of MNPI, allegations of insider trading despite the existence of a 10b5-1 plan are likely to focus on what was known at the time of plan adoption or amendment. It is recommended that companies permit an executive to adopt or amend a 10b5-1 plan only when the executive can otherwise buy or sell securities under the company’s insider trading policy, such as during an open window immediately after the announcement of quarterly earnings.
Should a plan impose a waiting period before trading can begin? Because an insider cannot have MNPI when a plan is adopted or amended, Rule 10b5-1 does not require the plan to include a waiting period before trading can begin. And importantly, including a waiting period (even a lengthy delay) will not correct the fatal flaw of adopting or amending a plan while in possession of MNPI. Many companies, however, require 10b5-1 plans to include a waiting period as a matter of risk management, in order to decrease the likelihood of the scrutiny that can occur when an executive’s trading activity suddenly commences before material news is announced. Practice varies as to length (anywhere from 10 days to the next open window), although the rationale for including a waiting period is usually stronger when the period is long enough to be able to say that any information currently in the insider’s possession should either be stale or public by the time trading commences. This has no bearing on the effectiveness of a 10b5-1 plan, but a longer delay can, as a matter of optics, help an insider demonstrate that he or she was not motivated to make trades by nonpublic information available at the time of plan adoption or amendment.
Should adoption of a plan be announced publicly? Generally speaking, there is no requirement to publicly disclose the adoption, amendment or termination of a 10b5-1 plan, although in some cases public announcement may be advisable due to the identity of the insider, the magnitude of the plan, or other special factors. That said, announcing the adoption of a 10b5-1 plan may be a useful way to head off future public relations issues, since announcing a plan’s adoption prepares the market and should help investors understand the reasons for insider sales when trades are later reported. If a company decides to announce the adoption of a 10b5-1 plan, we do not generally recommend disclosing plan details, other than, perhaps, the aggregate number of shares involved; this is to diminish the ability of market professionals to front-run the insider’s transactions. It is unusual to announce the suspension or termination of a plan.
What else should we consider when amending or modifying a plan? As noted above, an insider may only modify or amend a 10b5-1 plan when he or she is not in possession of MNPI. Even if an insider is not in possession of MNPI at the time of amendment, a pattern of amending or modifying one’s plan raises the question of whether the insider is using the plan as a legitimate tool to diversify his or her risk exposure and monetize assets, or as a way to opportunistically step in and out of the market. Because Rule 10b5-1 provides an affirmative defense but not a safe harbor, insiders and their companies should be aware that the effectiveness of the affirmative defense could be diminished by a pattern of plan amendments and modifications.
Can a plan be terminated or suspended? Unlike amending a plan, a 10b5-1 plan may legally be terminated before its predetermined end date even though the insider is in possession of MNPI (although some brokers’ forms prohibit this as a contractual matter). Because plan sales shortly before the announcement of bad news can generate unwanted attention, an insider may decide to terminate a plan in the face of an impending negative announcement, even though as a technical matter the affirmative defense would be expected to cover the sales. On the other hand, terminating a selling plan before an impending positive announcement may raise the suspicion that the insider is using Rule 10b5-1 as a way to opportunistically time the market, thereby risking the likelihood that his or her future use of the affirmative defense will be successful.
It is generally suggested that plan terminations initiated by an insider take place during an open window, absent special circumstances and approval by the general counsel. It may also make sense for the general counsel to have the ability, but not the responsibility, to terminate the plan. Plans should also allow for mandatory suspension if legally required, for example due to Regulation M or tax reasons.
How long should a plan last? In order to minimize the need for early termination, the term of the plan should be carefully weighed at the outset. An optimal plan term will be long enough to distance the insider, and any current knowledge that he or she may have, from a particular trade but short enough that it will not require termination should the insider’s financial planning strategies change. A short “one-off” 10b5-1 plan can appear to be timed to take advantage of MNPI. On the other hand, the longer the plan term, the greater the likelihood that it will need to be modified or terminated. Most plans tend to have a term of six months to two years.
Should the company pre-clear or review an executive’s plan? It is generally recommended that the company pre-clear or review a proposed 10b5-1 plan, which may provide assurance that the plan complies with best practices. Certain companies disallow the third type of plan (one that gives the broker the right to determine whether, how and when to make purchases) in order to avoid the evidentiary difficulty associated with proving that the executive did not communicate with the broker with respect to trades under the plan. While this is not required, this is a prudent option to consider.
In addition to requiring a 10b-5 plan to be pre-approved by the Company, other limits that are sometimes considered are whether to set a maximum percentage of holdings that can be subject to a 10b5-1 plan, and rules for setting price floors.
Annex B
Request for Approval to Trade in the Securities of Star Fashion Culture Holdings Limited
To: Chief Financial Officer / General Counsel
Print Name
I hereby request approval for myself (or a member of my immediate family or household or a family member whose transactions regarding securities of Star Fashion Culture Holdings Limited are directed by me or are subject to my influence or control) to execute the following transaction relating to the securities of Star Fashion Culture Holdings Limited
Type of transaction (check one):
☐ | SALE |
☐ | OTHER |
Securities involved in transaction:
Number of securities:
Other (please explain):
Name of beneficial owner if other
than yourself:
Relationship of beneficial owner
to yourself:
Signature: Date:
This Authorization is valid until the earlier of thirty (30) calendar days after the date of this Approval or until the commencement of a “blackout” period.
Approved by:
Date: Time: