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GAAPに基づく利益率は19.2%、+1,560 bps;営業利益率*は20.3%、+150 bps


GEエアロスペースの会長兼CEOであるH. Lawrence Culp, Jr.は、「GEエアロスペースチームは強い結果を出しました。需要により注文が28%増加しました。収益は25%増加し、主にサービスによるものでした。強力な業績と第4四半期の見通しを考慮して、今年の収益と現金のガイダンスを引き上げています。」

カルプは続けて言った。「FLIGHT DECKを活用して、安全性や品質を損なうことなく、エンジンのサービスと納品をより速く行うことに焦点を当てています。やるべきことはまだたくさんありますが、エンジン納品は時系列で20%以上改善し、同時にアフターマーケットの能力も拡大してきました。私たちの進む道は明確であり、GE Aerospaceは単独の会社としての初年度に堅実な成績を収めることができると確信しています。」

トップ15サプライヤーサイトにおけるサプライチェーンの制約に対処するためにFLIGHt DECkを使用した行動計画を実行し続け、優先サプライヤーサイトの一部からの素材のアウトプットが順次増加しています。
LEAP内部ショップの訪問数は前年比20%以上増加し、ポーランドに専用のLEAP MROショップを追加してアフターマーケットの成長をサポートするための能力拡大を継続しました。
セキュリティが確保されたナローボディが勝者として選ばれました Avolon 75機のA320機を動かすために150基のLEAP-1Aエンジンを発注し、 EVA Air 4機の787を動かすためのGEnxエンジンを発注して、 Qatar Airways 20機の777を動かすためのGE9Xエンジンを40基発注しました。
との約束を確定しました ポーランド国防省 200台以上の当社のT700エンジンが、予定されていた96機のボーイング・アパッチ・ガーディアンヘリコプターの買収に使われました 選択された 米国空軍生存空挺作戦センター(SAOC)ボーイング747-8に動力を供給しているGENX-20bエンジンのオーバーホールとアップグレードを行います。
* 非GAAP財務指標

利益率19.2 %3.6 %1,560 ベーシスポイント19.1 %33.9 %(1,480) ベーシスポイント
継続的 eps1.560.20F4.347.25(40)%
営業活動による現金フロー (CFOA)1,9131,790%4,4993,35434 %
1,8181,59414 %5,2654,22625 %
20.3 %18.8 %150 ベーシスポイント20.9 %18.1 %280ベーシスポイント
1.150.9225 %3.282.3043 %
1,8051,716%4,5723,48731 %
(a- 保険、利子およびその他の金融料金、米国税務公平性、非営業利益コスト(収入)、保有および売却された所有権利益およびその他の株式、ビジネス利益の取得および売却による利益(損失)、リストラクチャリング及びその他の費用などを除外)
(c- PP&Eおよび内部使用ソフトウェアへの総追加を含みます。分離現金支出および企業&その他のリストラキャッシュ支出は除外されています。

アディティブ製造業の採用が遅れたことにより、Colibrium Additive報告部門で中間減損テストを実施し、26億1000万ドルのキャッシュフローロスにつながりました。Colibrium AdditiveはGE Aerospaceの現在と将来のテクノロジーにとって重要なビジネスであり、最も価値を創造できる分野に焦点を当て続けています。


調整後eps* $2.95$3.95-$4.20$4.20-$4.35


ディフェンス&プロペラ技術: 中一桁から高一桁の売上高成長を引き続き予想し、営業利益は現在の10億〜13億ドルの範囲の下限であると予想しています

* 非GAAP財務指標
(a – FCF* 変換: FCF* / 調整後の利益*

(in 000s)$9,799$7,60329 %$27,266$20,45033 %
収益7,0036,457%19,23117,42610 %
1,7991,54516 %4,8974,14818 %
25.7 %23.9 %180 
25.5 %23.8 %170 

Orders of $9.8 billion increased 29%, with both services and equipment up more than 20%. Revenue of $7.0 billion was up 8% with services growing 10% from higher spare parts sales, increasing shop visit workscopes and improved pricing. Equipment revenue was up 5%, with customer mix and price more than offsetting lower units. Profit of $1.8 billion was up 16%, with margins expanding 180 basis points, from higher services volume and price, which offset inflation and investments.

Defense & Propulsion Technologies
Three months ended September 30Nine months ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)
20242023Year on Year20242023Year on Year
Orders$3,044$2,54819 %$8,408$7,905%
Segment Profit/(Loss)
220269(18)%82067122 %
Segment Profit/(Loss) Margin
9.8 %12.2 %(240)
11.8 %10.3 %150 

Orders of $3.0 billion were up 19%, primarily from strong demand in Defense & Systems. Revenue of $2.2 billion grew 2%, driven by Propulsion & Additive Technologies, which was up 9% primarily driven by Avio Aero. This was partially offset by Defense & Systems revenue, which was down (2)% due to lower engine units and unfavorable engine mix, which more than offset price. Profit of $220 million, was down (18)% year-over-year, with margins down (240) basis points, driven by inflation, engine mix, and investments, which more than offset price improvement.

* Non-GAAP Financial Measure

Financial Measures That Supplement GAAP

We believe that presenting non-GAAP financial measures provides management and investors useful measures to evaluate performance and trends of the total company and its businesses. This includes adjustments in recent periods to GAAP financial measures to increase period-to-period comparability following actions to strengthen our overall financial position and how we manage our business.

In addition, management recognizes that certain non-GAAP terms may be interpreted differently by other companies under different circumstances. In various sections of this report we have made reference to the following non-GAAP financial measures in describing our (1) revenues, specifically Adjusted revenues, (2) profit, specifically Operating profit and Operating profit margin; Adjusted earnings (loss) and Adjusted earnings (loss) per share (EPS), (3) cash flows, specifically free cash flows (FCF), and (4) guidance, specifically 2024 Operating profit, 2024 Adjusted EPS and 2024 FCF.

The reasons we use these non-GAAP financial measures and the reconciliations to their most directly comparable GAAP financial measures follow. Certain columns, rows or percentages within these reconciliations may not add or recalculate due to the use of rounded numbers. Totals and percentages presented are calculated from the underlying numbers in millions.

Three months ended September 30Nine months ended September 30
(Dollars in millions)20242023V%20242023V%
Total revenues (GAAP)$9,842 $9,302 %$27,890 $25,893 %
Less: Insurance revenues899 842 2,649 2,480 
Adjusted revenues (Non-GAAP)$8,943 $8,461 %$25,241 $23,412 %
Total costs and expenses (GAAP)$8,970 $8,124 10 %$24,529 $22,883 %
Less: Insurance cost and expenses728 742 2,108 2,248 
Less: U.S. tax equity cost and expenses
— — 
Less: interest and other financial charges251 270 762 767 
Less: non-operating benefit cost (income)(207)(244)(628)(731)
Less: restructuring & other378 44 525 130 
Less: goodwill impairments251 — 251 — 
Less: separation costs74 147 408 474 
Add: noncontrolling interests(10)(5)
Adjusted costs (Non-GAAP)$7,481 $7,166 %$21,089 $20,003 %
Other income (loss) (GAAP)$1,021 $(845)F$1,965 $5,755 (66)%
Less: U.S. tax equity
Less: gains (losses) on retained and sold ownership interests and other equity securities357 (1,110)598 5,155 
Less: gains (losses) on purchases and sales of business interests
356 — 375 (108)
Adjusted other income (loss) (Non-GAAP)$356 $299 19 %$1,112 $817 36 %
Profit (loss) (GAAP)$1,893 $333 F$5,327 $8,765 (39)%
Profit (loss) margin (GAAP)19.2 %3.6 %1,560 bps19.1 %33.9 %(1,480) bps
Operating profit (loss) (Non-GAAP)
$1,818 $1,594 14 %$5,265 $4,226 25%
Operating profit (loss) margin (Non-GAAP)
20.3%18.8%150 bps20.9%18.1%280 bps
We believe that adjusting profit to exclude the effects of items that are not closely associated with ongoing operations provides management and investors with a meaningful measure that increases the period-to-period comparability. Gains (losses) and restructuring and other items are impacted by the timing and magnitude of gains associated with dispositions, and the timing and magnitude of costs associated with restructuring and other activities. We also use Operating profit* as a performance metric at the company level for our annual executive incentive plan for 2024.

*Non-GAAP Financial Measure

Three months ended September 30Nine months ended September 30
(In millions, Per-share amounts in dollars)2024202320242023
Earnings (loss) from continuing operations (GAAP)$1,705 $1.56 $215 $0.20 $4,766 $4.34 $7,966 $7.25 
Insurance earnings (loss) (pre-tax)172 0.16 100 0.09 543 0.49 235 0.21 
Tax effect on Insurance earnings (loss)(37)(0.03)(23)(0.02)(116)(0.11)(54)(0.05)
Less: Insurance earnings (loss) (net of tax) 135 0.12 77 0.07 427 0.39 181 0.17 
U.S. tax equity earnings (loss) (pre-tax)(59)(0.05)(47)(0.04)(154)(0.14)(143)(0.13)
Tax effect on U.S. tax equity earnings (loss)70 0.06 54 0.05 189 0.17 173 0.16 
Less: U.S. tax equity earnings (loss) (net of tax)11 0.01 0.01 35 0.03 31 0.03 
Non-operating benefit (cost) income (pre-tax) (GAAP)207 0.19 244 0.22 628 0.57 731 0.67 
Tax effect on non-operating benefit (cost) income(43)(0.04)(51)(0.05)(132)(0.12)(154)(0.14)
Less: Non-operating benefit (cost) income (net of tax)164 0.15 193 0.18 496 0.45 578 0.53 
Gains (losses) on purchases and sales of business interests (pre-tax)
356 0.33 — — 375 0.34 (108)(0.10)
Tax effect on gains (losses) on purchases and sales of business interests(10)(0.01)(6)(0.01)(5)— (3)— 
Less: Gains (losses) on purchases and sales of business interests (net of tax)346 0.32 (6)(0.01)371 0.34 (111)(0.10)
Gains (losses) on retained and sold ownership interests and other equity securities (pre-tax)
357 0.33 (1,110)(1.01)598 0.54 5,155 4.69 
Tax effect on gains (losses) on retained and sold ownership interests and other equity securities(a)(b)
— — — — (1)— — — 
Less: Gains (losses) on retained and sold ownership interests and other equity securities (net of tax)357 0.33 (1,110)(1.01)597 0.54 5,155 4.69 
Restructuring & other (pre-tax)
Tax effect on restructuring & other79 0.07 0.01 110 0.10 27 0.02 
Less: Restructuring & other (net of tax)(298)(0.27)(35)(0.03)(415)(0.38)(103)(0.09)
Goodwill impairments (pre-tax)(251)(0.23)— — (251)(0.23)— — 
Tax effect on goodwill impairments
Less: goodwill impairments (net of tax)(251)(0.23)— — (251)(0.23)— — 
Separation costs (pre-tax)
Tax effect on separation costs61 0.06 247 0.22 311 0.28 244 0.22 
Less: Separation costs (net of tax)(13)(0.01)100 0.09 (97)(0.09)(230)(0.21)
Less: Excise tax and accretion of preferred share redemption— — (28)(0.03)— — (58)(0.05)
Adjusted earnings (loss) (Non-GAAP)$1,255 $1.15 $1,016 $0.92 $3,602 $3.28 $2,523 $2.30 
(a) Includes tax benefits available to offset the tax on gains (losses) on equity securities.
(b) Includes related tax valuation allowances.
Earnings-per-share amounts are computed independently. As a result, the sum of per-share amounts may not equal the total.
The service cost for our pension and other benefit plans are included in Adjusted earnings*, which represents the ongoing cost of providing pension benefits to our employees. The components of non-operating benefit costs are mainly driven by capital allocation decisions and market performance. We believe the retained cost in Adjusted earnings* provides management and investors a useful measure to evaluate the performance of the total company and increases period-to-period comparability. We also use Adjusted EPS* as a performance metric at the company level for our performance stock units granted in 2024.

*Non-GAAP Financial Measure

FREE CASH FLOWS (FCF) (NON-GAAP)Three months ended September 30Nine months ended September 30
(In millions)20242023V%20242023V%
Cash flows from operating activities (CFOA) (GAAP)$1,913 $1,790 %$4,499 $3,354 34 %
Add: gross additions to property, plant and equipment and internal-use software(266)(222)(765)(612)
Less: separation cash expenditures
Less: Corporate & Other restructuring cash expenditures
Free cash flows (FCF) (Non-GAAP)
$1,805 $1,716 %$4,572 $3,487 31 %
We believe investors may find it useful to compare free cash flows* performance without the effects of separation cash expenditures and Corporate & Other restructuring cash expenditures (associated with the separation-related program announced in the fourth quarter of 2022). We believe this measure will better allow management and investors to evaluate the capacity of our operations to generate free cash flows. We also use FCF* as a performance metric at the company level for our annual executive incentive plan and performance stock units granted in 2024.

We cannot provide a reconciliation of the differences between the non-GAAP expectations and corresponding GAAP measure for Operating profit* in 2024 without unreasonable effort due to the uncertainty of timing of any gains or losses related to acquisitions & dispositions, the timing and magnitude of the financial impact related to the mark-to-market of our remaining investment in GE HealthCare and the timing and magnitude of restructuring expenses. Although we have attempted to estimate the amount of gains and restructuring charges for the purpose of explaining the probable significance of these components, this calculation involves a number of unknown variables, resulting in a GAAP range that we believe is too large and variable to be meaningful.

We cannot provide a reconciliation of the differences between the non-GAAP expectations and corresponding GAAP measure for Adjusted EPS* in 2024 without unreasonable effort due to the uncertainty of timing of any gains or losses related to acquisitions & dispositions, the timing and magnitude of the financial impact related to the mark-to-market of our remaining investment in GE HealthCare and the timing and magnitude of restructuring expenses. Although we have attempted to estimate the amount of gains and restructuring charges for the purpose of explaining the probable significance of these components, this calculation involves a number of unknown variables, resulting in a GAAP range that we believe is too large and variable to be meaningful.

We cannot provide a reconciliation of the differences between the non-GAAP expectations and corresponding GAAP measure for free cash flows* in 2024 without unreasonable effort due to the uncertainty of timing for separation and restructuring related cash expenditures.

*Non-GAAP Financial Measure

Caution Concerning Forward Looking Statements:

This release and certain of our public communications and SEC filings may contain statements related to future, not past, events. These forward-looking statements often address our expected future business and financial performance and financial condition, and often contain words such as "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "believe," "seek," "see," "will," "would," "estimate," "forecast," "target," "preliminary," or "range." Forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain, such as statements about the impacts of macroeconomic and market conditions and volatility on our business operations, financial results and financial position; conditions affecting the aerospace and defense industry, including our customers and suppliers; our expected financial performance, including cash flows, revenues, margins, earnings and earnings per share; planned and potential transactions; our credit ratings and outlooks; our funding and liquidity; our businesses’ cost structures and plans to reduce costs; restructuring, impairment or other financial charges; or tax rates.

For us, particular areas where risks or uncertainties could cause our actual results to be materially different than those expressed in our forward-looking statements include:
changes in macroeconomic and market conditions and market volatility (including risks related to recession, inflation, supply chain constraints or disruptions, interest rates, values of securities and other financial assets, oil, jet fuel and other commodity prices and exchange rates), and the impact of such changes and volatility on our business operations and financial results;
global economic trends, competition and geopolitical risks, including impacts from the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and related sanctions and risks related to conflict in the Middle East; demand or supply shocks from events such as a major terrorist attack, war, natural disasters or actual or threatened public health pandemics or other emergencies; or an escalation of sanctions, tariffs or other trade tensions between the U.S. and China or other countries;
market or other developments that may affect demand or the financial strength and performance of airframers, airlines, suppliers and other key aerospace and defense industry participants, such as demand for air travel, supply chain or other production constraints, shifts in U.S. or foreign government defense programs and other industry dynamics;
pricing, cost, volume and the timing of sales, investment and production by us and our customers, suppliers or other industry participants;
the impact of actual or potential safety or quality issues or failures of our products or third-party products with which our products are integrated, including design, production, performance, durability or other issues, and related costs and reputational effects;
operational execution, including our performance amidst market growth and ramping newer product platforms, meeting delivery and other contractual obligations, improving turnaround times in our services businesses and reducing costs over time;
the amount and timing of our earnings and cash flows, which may be impacted by macroeconomic, customer, supplier, competitive, contractual, financial or accounting (including changes in estimates) and other dynamics and conditions;
our capital allocation plans, including the timing and amount of dividends, share repurchases, acquisitions, organic investments and other priorities;
our decisions about investments in research and development or new products, services and platforms, and our ability to launch new products in a cost-effective manner, as well as technology developments and other dynamics that could shift the demand or competitive landscape for our products and services;
our success in executing planned and potential transactions, including the timing for such transactions, the ability to satisfy any applicable pre-conditions and the expected benefits;
downgrades of our credit ratings or ratings outlooks, or changes in rating application or methodology, and the related impact on our funding profile, costs, liquidity and competitive position;
capital or liquidity needs associated with our run-off insurance operations and mortgage portfolio in Poland (Bank BPH), the amount and timing of any required future capital contributions and any strategic options that we may consider;
changes in law, regulation or policy that may affect our businesses, such as trade policy and tariffs; government defense budgets; regulation, incentives and emissions offsetting or trading regimes related to climate change; and the effects of tax law changes;
the impact of regulation; government investigations; regulatory, commercial and legal proceedings or disputes; environmental, health and safety matters; or other legal compliance risks, including the impact of shareholder and related lawsuits, Bank BPH and other proceedings that are described in our SEC filings;

the impact related to information technology, cybersecurity or data security breaches at GE Aerospace or third parties; and
the other factors that are described in the "Risk Factors" section in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, as such descriptions may be updated or amended in any future reports we file with the SEC.

These or other uncertainties may cause our actual future results to be materially different than those expressed in our forward-looking statements. We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements. This document includes certain forward-looking projected financial information that is based on current estimates and forecasts. Actual results could differ materially.

Additional Information
CFM International is a 50/50 JV that produces CFM56 and LEAP engine families. RISE is a program of CFM International. CFM RISE is a registered trademark. Engine Alliance is a 50/50 JV that produces the GP7200 engine.

GE Aerospace’s Investor Relations website at www.geaerospace.com/investor-relations, as well as GE Aerospace’s LinkedIn and other social media accounts, contain a significant amount of information about GE Aerospace, including financial and other information for investors. GE Aerospace encourages investors to visit these websites from time to time, as information is updated and new information is posted.

Additional financial information can be found on the Company’s website at: www.geaerospace.com/investor-relations under Events and Reports.

Conference Call and Webcast
GE Aerospace will discuss its results during its investor conference call today starting at 7:30 a.m. ET. The conference call will be broadcast live via webcast, and the webcast and accompanying slide presentation containing financial information can be accessed by visiting the Events and Reports page on GE Aerospace’s website at: www.geaerospace.com/investor-relations. An archived version of the webcast will be available on the website after the call.

About GE Aerospace
GE Aerospace is a global aerospace propulsion, services, and systems leader with an installed base of approximately 44,000 commercial and 26,000 military aircraft engines. With a global team of 52,000 employees building on more than a century of innovation and learning, GE Aerospace is committed to inventing the future of flight, lifting people up, and bringing them home safely. Learn more about how GE Aerospace and its partners are defining flight for today, tomorrow and the future at www.geaerospace.com.

GE Aerospace Investor Contact:
Blaire Shoor, 857.472.9659

GE Aerospace Media Contact:
Nicole Sizemore, 203.945.9783