“我们很高兴地报告我们业务的又一次强劲表现,继续彰显我们业务模式的明显差异化。” Abacus的首席执行官杰伊·杰克逊说。“在本季度,我们宣布了对Carlisle Management Company SCA和FCF Advisors的重要收购交易。我们很高兴地欢迎他们加入Abacus大家庭。此外,我们进一步加强了我们的管理团队,Corey McLaren加入担任资本市场董事总经理,Robert F. Phillips担任我们的新资深副总裁兼投资者关系和企业事务高级副总裁。我们还与Lorisco合作推出了PREADISAN™,一种革命性的健康预测和精算技术工具,使我们能够为客户提供前所未有的长寿预测个性化以及高度定制的财务解决方案。我们致力于执行我们的长期增长计划,并为股东创造价值。”
Abacus is a leading global alternative asset manager and market maker, specializing in use of advanced longevity and actuarial technology to purchase life insurance policies from consumers seeking liquidity while creating a high-returning asset class of insurance products, uncorrelated to market fluctuations, for institutional investors.
With nearly $3 billion in assets under management, including pending acquisitions, Abacus is the only publicly traded global alternative asset manager focused on lifespan-based financial products traded on the Nasdaq exchange.
Abacus has invested in two new verticals: ABL Wealth, which provides longevity-based wealth management services and investment offerings, and ABL Tech, which offers ground-breaking technology services for pension funds, governments, insurance companies, retirement associations and more that provides advanced real-time data tracking and analysis. With each new channel, we are revolutionizing the future of life insurance.