資訊發佈 |
即時新聞稿: |
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2024年10月22日 |
David D. Brown |
(276) 326-9000 |
第一社區銀行股份公司宣佈 第三季度 2024結果及季度現金股利
維吉尼亞州布盧菲爾德 - 第一社區銀行股份公司(納斯達克: FCBC)(www.firstcommunitybank.com)(以下簡稱「公司」)今天報告了截至 2024年9月30日的未經審計財務業績和其他財務信息。公司報告了淨利潤爲$13.03百萬美元的淨利潤,對應每股基本和攤薄收益分別爲 $0.71 每股攤薄,截至該季度結束 2024年9月30日淨利潤爲該公司 九之額外聯邦稅項負債。2024年9月30日。38.56賺取的股份中的一部分(詳見下面的第9條說明)可能發放給持有未釋放股權的人員。儘管這些股份的支付需要基於公司普通股的成交量加權平均價格達到股價目標,但是這些人員需要完成與這些未釋放股權獎勵相關聯的剩餘服務期才有資格獲得業績股份。因此,這些未釋放的業績股份屬於股權分類獎勵,其總髮放日公允價值爲100萬美元或4美元每股。2.09每股攤薄普通股份。
公司還宣佈向普通股股東派發每股31美分的季度現金股息。0.31每股普通股。季度股息將支付給截至 2024年11月8日號股東,並預計將於 2024年11月22日左右支付。這標誌着連續第 39年向普通股股東定期支付股息。
公司正在與受颶風赫蓮(Hurricane Helene)影響的北卡羅來納州、田納西州、弗吉尼亞州和西弗吉尼亞州南部的借款人和客戶合作,應對災難性洪水、停電和斷水問題。這包括爲受影響的借款人提供還款救濟。我們將在未來幾周繼續監測與資產質量相關的情況。
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淨利潤爲$13.03對於在2023年6月30日結束的三個月,爲 第三季度是同一季度的2024,較去年同季度減少了$1.61百萬,或10.98%。2023。淨利潤爲$38.56百萬美元。九2024年前8個月,相較於2023年同期增加了233萬美元,增幅爲6.42%。 |
o | 淨利息收益較2023年同季度減少175萬美元,主要是由於付給帶息存款利率的提高。 | |
o | 淨利息收益率爲4.41%,較同季度下降了10個點子。2023收益資產收益率較2023年同期上升了26個點子,這歸因於利息收入增加,由於收益增加而導致。儘管貸款和可供出售證券的收益率都有所增加;但平均餘額下降了。與2023年同期相比,存款銀行帶息存款的平均餘額增加了21959萬美元;但利率與2023年同期相比沒有改變。與同期相比,帶息負債的收益率增加了58個點子 2023,這主要是由於帶息存款負債率的提高。2023非利息收入較2023年同季度增加了約83萬美元,增幅爲8.63%。 | |
o | 。與年同季度相比,非利息收入增加約83萬美元,增幅爲8.63%。 2023第3季度非利息收入2024 included a gain of $82.5萬 from the sale of two closed branch properties; noninterest income for the same period of 2023 included a gain of $20.4萬 for the sale of a closed branch property. Noninterest expense increased $126萬, or 5.52%. | |
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Annualized return on average assets ("ROA") was 1.60%對於第三 quarter and 1.60% for the first 九本月公司沒有簽訂任何新的租賃協議。2024。我們最近收購的費用佔成本費用的1.74% 和 1.49%對應的相同期間分別爲 2023。年化普通股權益平均roe爲 10.04%,淨利潤率爲第三 季度和 10.08% 第一季度 九個月 2024與 11.63% 和 10.25% 相應時期 2023年化的普通股權益資本平均回報("ROTCE")分別爲2024年第三季度14.46%和2024年前九個月14.61%,而2023年同期分別爲17.11%和14.94%。 |
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合併資產總計$3.22到2030年9月到期的債券爲100億美元,利率爲% 2024年9月30日. |
o | 貸款減少了$12819萬,或4.98%,從2023年12月31日。可供出售證券減少了$11429萬,或40.68%,從 2023年12月31日。存款減少了$6307萬,或2.32%。這些資產負債表變化的淨影響導致現金及現金等價物增加了$19892萬,或170.86%。 | |
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公司在2024年的這個季度回購了12,854股普通股。 第三2024年前兩個月,公司以總成本46.9萬美元回購了257,294股普通股。九2024年前幾個月裏,公司以總成本8.72百萬美元回購了257,294股普通股。 |
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壞賬貸款與總貸款比例相比2023年同期上升至。0.82%當與2023年同期相比時,公司經歷了淨覈銷情況。第三四分之一的 2024美元113萬,或 0.18%年化平均貸款比淨銷賬爲146萬美元,或 0.22%,同期年化平均貸款2023. |
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信用損失撥備佔總貸款額 1.44%位於2024年9月30日相比之下,1.41%位於2023年12月31日,和 1.39%當PFSA有借款時,特定限制還包括200%的流動資產限制。2023年9月30日. |
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每股賬面價值爲 2024年9月30日,爲 $ 28.47,比年底增加了$1.27。 2023. |
除了根據美國通用會計準則(「GAAP」)編制的基本報表,公司還使用某些非GAAP財務指標,爲財務和運營決策提供有用信息,評估趨勢,並與其他金融機構進行財務結果比較。本新聞稿中呈現的非GAAP財務指標包括「每股有形賬面價值」,「平均有形淨資產回報率」,「調整後收益」,「調整後稀釋每股收益」,「調整後資產平均回報率」,「調整後普通股權平均回報率」,「調整後有形普通股權平均回報率」,以及基於完全應稅當量(「FTE」)基礎的某些財務指標。 FTE基準根據21%的聯邦法定所得稅率計算。 使用非GAAP財務指標時,在本新聞稿的附表中可以找到可比的GAAP財務指標,以及與該可比GAAP財務指標的調和。 儘管公司認爲某些非GAAP財務指標有助於理解其業務和表現,但它們是補充性的,不能取代或比財務指標更重要的是,要根據GAAP編制的財務指標,可能與其他金融機構報告的指標不可比。
First Community Bankshares, Inc. 是一家總部位於弗吉尼亞州布魯菲爾德的金融控股公司,通過其全資子公司第一社區銀行提供銀行產品和服務。第一家社區銀行運營53 截至當日,弗吉尼亞州、西弗吉尼亞州、北卡羅來納州和田納西州的分行銀行網點 2024年9月30日。第一社區銀行通過其信託部門及其全資子公司第一社區财富管理提供财富管理、投資建議和服務,後者共同管理和管理美元1.64 十億截至合併資產中 2024年9月30日。該公司報告的合併資產爲美元3.22 十億截至 2024年9月30日。該公司的普通股在納斯達克全球精選市場上市,交易代碼爲 「FCBC」。更多投資者信息可在公司網站www.firstcommunitybank.com上查閱。
綜合收入簡明綜合損益表(未經審核) |
結束於三個月的期間 |
九個月結束了 |
九月三十日, |
6月30日, |
三月三十一日, |
12月31日, |
九月三十日, |
九月三十日, |
(以千為單位,除股份和每股數據外的金額) |
2024 |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
利息收入 |
貸款的利息和費用 |
$ | 32,120 | $ | 32,696 | $ | 33,418 | $ | 33,676 | $ | 33,496 | $ | 98,234 | $ | 93,051 | ||||||||||||||
證券利息 |
1,070 | 1,211 | 1,698 | 1,888 | 1,912 | 3,979 | 6,068 | |||||||||||||||||||||
銀行存款利息 |
3,702 | 2,882 | 913 | 438 | 697 | 7,497 | 2,044 | |||||||||||||||||||||
利息收入總額 |
36,892 | 36,789 | 36,029 | 36,002 | 36,105 | 109,710 | 101,163 | |||||||||||||||||||||
利息費用 |
存入資金的利息 |
5,298 | 4,877 | 4,365 | 3,935 | 2,758 | 14,540 | 5,406 | |||||||||||||||||||||
借款利息 |
- | - | 35 | 4 | - | 35 | 136 | |||||||||||||||||||||
總利息費用 |
5,298 | 4,877 | 4,400 | 3,939 | 2,758 | 14,575 | 5,542 | |||||||||||||||||||||
淨利息收益 |
31,594 | 31,912 | 31,629 | 32,063 | 33,347 | 95,135 | 95,621 | |||||||||||||||||||||
信用損失準備 |
1,360 | 144 | 1,011 | 1,029 | 1,109 | 2,515 | 6,956 | |||||||||||||||||||||
備妥後的淨利息收入 |
30,234 | 31,768 | 30,618 | 31,034 | 32,238 | 92,620 | 88,665 | |||||||||||||||||||||
非利息收入 |
10,452 | 9,342 | 9,259 | 10,462 | 9,622 | 29,053 | 26,990 | |||||||||||||||||||||
非利息支出 |
24,177 | 24,897 | 23,386 | 26,780 | 22,913 | 72,460 | 68,397 | |||||||||||||||||||||
稅前收入 |
16,509 | 16,213 | 16,491 | 14,716 | 18,947 | 49,213 | 47,258 | |||||||||||||||||||||
所得稅支出 |
3,476 | 3,527 | 3,646 | 2,932 | 4,307 | 10,649 | 11,022 | |||||||||||||||||||||
凈利潤 |
$ | 13,033 | $ | 12,686 | $ | 12,845 | $ | 11,784 | $ | 14,640 | $ | 38,564 | $ | 36,236 | ||||||||||||||
每個普通股的盈利 |
基礎 |
$ | 0.71 | $ | 0.69 | $ | 0.70 | $ | 0.64 | $ | 0.78 | $ | 2.10 | $ | 2.03 | ||||||||||||||
稀釋 |
$ | 0.71 | $ | 0.71 | $ | 0.71 | $ | 0.66 | $ | 0.79 | $ | 2.09 | $ | 2.06 | ||||||||||||||
每股普通股的現金股息 |
Regular |
0.31 | 0.29 | 0.29 | 0.29 | 0.29 | 0.89 | 0.87 | |||||||||||||||||||||
加權平均流通股數 |
基礎 |
18,279,612 | 18,343,958 | 18,476,128 | 18,530,114 | 18,786,032 | 18,366,249 | 17,816,505 | |||||||||||||||||||||
稀釋 |
18,371,907 | 18,409,876 | 18,545,910 | 18,575,226 | 18,831,836 | 18,432,023 | 17,857,494 | |||||||||||||||||||||
績效比率 |
平均資產報酬率 |
1.60 | % | 1.58 | % | 1.60 | % | 1.43 | % | 1.74 | % | 1.60 | % | 1.49 | % | ||||||||||||||
普通股平均權益回報率 |
10.04 | % | 10.02 | % | 10.18 | % | 9.39 | % | 11.63 | % | 10.08 | % | 10.25 | % | ||||||||||||||
平均有形普通股權益的回報率(1) |
14.46 | % | 14.54 | % | 14.82 | % | 13.82 | % | 17.11 | % | 14.61 | % | 14.94 | % |
(1) |
A non-GAAP financial measure defined as net income divided by average stockholders' equity less average goodwill and other intangible assets. |
Three Months Ended |
Nine Months Ended |
September 30, |
June 30, |
March 31, |
December 31, |
September 30, |
September 30, |
(Amounts in thousands) |
2024 |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Noninterest income |
Wealth management |
$ | 1,071 | $ | 1,064 | $ | 1,099 | $ | 1,052 | $ | 1,145 | $ | 3,234 | $ | 3,127 | ||||||||||||||
Service charges on deposits |
3,661 | 3,428 | 3,310 | 3,637 | 3,729 | 10,399 | 10,359 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Other service charges and fees |
3,697 | 3,670 | 3,450 | 3,541 | 3,564 | 10,817 | 10,106 | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Loss) gain on sale of securities |
- | - | - | - | - | - | (21 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Other operating income |
2,023 | 1,180 | 1,400 | 2,232 | 1,184 | 4,603 | 3,419 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Total noninterest income |
$ | 10,452 | $ | 9,342 | $ | 9,259 | $ | 10,462 | $ | 9,622 | $ | 29,053 | $ | 26,990 | ||||||||||||||
Noninterest expense |
Salaries and employee benefits |
$ | 13,129 | $ | 12,491 | $ | 12,581 | $ | 12,933 | $ | 12,673 | $ | 38,201 | $ | 36,954 | ||||||||||||||
Occupancy expense |
1,270 | 1,309 | 1,378 | 1,252 | 1,271 | 3,957 | 3,715 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Furniture and equipment expense |
1,574 | 1,687 | 1,545 | 1,489 | 1,480 | 4,806 | 4,389 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Service fees |
2,461 | 2,427 | 2,449 | 2,255 | 2,350 | 7,337 | 6,653 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Advertising and public relations |
967 | 933 | 796 | 843 | 968 | 2,696 | 2,457 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Professional fees |
221 | 330 | 372 | 787 | 172 | 923 | 780 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Amortization of intangibles |
536 | 530 | 530 | 536 | 536 | 1,596 | 1,195 | |||||||||||||||||||||
FDIC premiums and assessments |
365 | 364 | 369 | 376 | 392 | 1,098 | 1,135 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Merger expense |
- | - | - | - | - | - | 2,393 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Litigation expense |
- | 1,800 | - | 3,000 | - | 1,800 | - | |||||||||||||||||||||
Other operating expense |
3,654 | 3,026 | 3,366 | 3,309 | 3,071 | 10,046 | 8,726 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Total noninterest expense |
$ | 24,177 | $ | 24,897 | $ | 23,386 | $ | 26,780 | $ | 22,913 | $ | 72,460 | $ | 68,397 |
Three Months Ended |
Nine Months Ended |
September 30, |
June 30, |
March 31, |
December 31, |
September 30, |
September 30, |
(Amounts in thousands, except per share data) |
2024 |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Adjusted Net Income for diluted earnings per share |
$ | 13,033 | $ | 12,686 | $ | 12,845 | $ | 12,314 | $ | 14,855 | $ | 38,564 | $ | 36,828 | ||||||||||||||
Non-GAAP adjustments: |
Loss (gain) on sale of securities |
- | - | - | - | - | - | 21 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Merger expense |
- | - | - | - | - | - | 2,393 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Day 2 provision for allowance for credit losses - Surrey |
- | - | - | - | - | - | 1,614 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Litigation expense |
- | 1,800 | - | 3,000 | - | 1,800 | - | |||||||||||||||||||||
Other items(1) |
(825 | ) | - | - | - | (204 | ) | (825 | ) | - | ||||||||||||||||||
Total adjustments |
(825 | ) | 1,800 | - | 3,000 | (204 | ) | 975 | 4,028 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tax effect |
(198 | ) | 432 | - | 720 | (49 | ) | 234 | 532 | |||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted earnings, non-GAAP |
$ | 12,406 | $ | 14,054 | $ | 12,845 | $ | 14,594 | $ | 14,700 | $ | 39,305 | $ | 40,324 | ||||||||||||||
Adjusted diluted earnings per common share, non-GAAP |
$ | 0.68 | $ | 0.76 | $ | 0.69 | $ | 0.79 | $ | 0.78 | $ | 2.13 | $ | 2.26 | ||||||||||||||
Performance ratios, non-GAAP |
Adjusted return on average assets |
1.53 | % | 1.75 | % | 1.60 | % | 1.77 | % | 1.75 | % | 1.63 | % | 1.66 | % | ||||||||||||||
Adjusted return on average common equity |
9.56 | % | 11.10 | % | 10.18 | % | 11.63 | % | 11.68 | % | 10.27 | % | 11.40 | % | ||||||||||||||
Adjusted return on average tangible common equity (2) |
13.77 | % | 16.11 | % | 14.82 | % | 17.11 | % | 17.18 | % | 14.89 | % | 16.62 | % |
(1) |
Includes other non-recurring income and expense items. |
(2) |
A non-GAAP financial measure defined as adjusted earnings divided by average stockholders' equity less average goodwill and other intangible assets. |
Three Months Ended September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
Average |
Average Yield/ |
Average |
Average Yield/ |
(Amounts in thousands) |
Balance |
Interest(1) |
Rate(1) |
Balance |
Interest(1) |
Rate(1) |
Assets |
Earning assets |
Loans(2)(3) |
$ | 2,455,807 | $ | 32,201 | 5.22 | % | $ | 2,604,885 | $ | 33,566 | 5.11 | % | ||||||||||||
Securities available for sale |
133,654 | 1,099 | 3.27 | % | 284,659 | 1,952 | 2.72 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Interest-bearing deposits |
270,440 | 3,701 | 5.44 | % | 50,855 | 697 | 5.44 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Total earning assets |
2,859,901 | 37,001 | 5.15 | % | 2,940,399 | 36,215 | 4.89 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Other assets |
371,358 | 393,001 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total assets |
$ | 3,231,259 | $ | 3,333,400 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Liabilities and stockholders' equity |
Interest-bearing deposits |
Demand deposits |
$ | 656,780 | $ | 234 | 0.14 | % | $ | 699,066 | $ | 165 | 0.09 | % | ||||||||||||
Savings deposits |
886,766 | 3,735 | 1.68 | % | 862,121 | 1,941 | 0.89 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Time deposits |
245,020 | 1,329 | 2.16 | % | 263,940 | 652 | 0.98 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Total interest-bearing deposits |
1,788,566 | 5,298 | 1.18 | % | 1,825,127 | 2,758 | 0.60 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Borrowings |
Retail repurchase agreements |
1,054 | - | 0.05 | % | 1,254 | - | N/M | |||||||||||||||||
Total borrowings |
1,054 | - | 0.05 | % | 1,254 | - | N/M | |||||||||||||||||
Total interest-bearing liabilities |
1,789,620 | 5,298 | 1.18 | % | 1,826,381 | 2,758 | 0.60 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Noninterest-bearing demand deposits |
877,472 | 964,093 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Other liabilities |
47,892 | 43,574 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total liabilities |
2,714,984 | 2,834,048 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Stockholders' equity |
516,275 | 499,352 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity |
$ | 3,231,259 | $ | 3,333,400 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Net interest income, FTE(1) |
$ | 31,703 | $ | 33,457 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Net interest rate spread |
3.97 | % | 4.29 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||
Net interest margin, FTE(1) |
4.41 | % | 4.51 | % |
(1) |
Interest income and average yield/rate are presented on a FTE, non-GAAP, basis using the federal statutory income tax rate of 21%. |
(2) |
Nonaccrual loans are included in the average balance; however, no related interest income is recorded during the period of nonaccrual. |
(3) |
Interest on loans includes non-cash and accelerated purchase accounting accretion of $592 thousand and $874 thousand for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. |
Nine Months Ended September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
Average |
Average Yield/ |
Average |
Average Yield/ |
(Amounts in thousands) |
Balance |
Interest(1) |
Rate(1) |
Balance |
Interest(1) |
Rate(1) |
Assets |
Earning assets |
Loans(2)(3) |
$ | 2,501,209 | $ | 98,479 | 5.26 | % | $ | 2,523,814 | $ | 93,261 | 4.94 | % | ||||||||||||
Securities available for sale |
172,331 | 4,073 | 3.16 | % | 306,435 | 6,191 | 2.70 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Interest-bearing deposits |
182,773 | 7,499 | 5.48 | % | 51,759 | 2,047 | 5.29 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Total earning assets |
2,856,313 | 110,051 | 5.15 | % | 2,882,008 | 101,499 | 4.71 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Other assets |
372,663 | 366,243 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total assets |
$ | 3,228,976 | $ | 3,248,251 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Liabilities and stockholders' equity |
Interest-bearing deposits |
Demand deposits |
$ | 662,433 | $ | 570 | 0.11 | % | $ | 682,820 | $ | 225 | 0.04 | % | ||||||||||||
Savings deposits |
875,797 | 10,730 | 1.64 | % | 850,411 | 3,731 | 0.59 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Time deposits |
247,088 | 3,240 | 1.75 | % | 272,435 | 1,450 | 0.71 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Total interest-bearing deposits |
1,785,318 | 14,540 | 1.09 | % | 1,805,666 | 5,406 | 0.40 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Borrowings |
Federal funds purchased |
839 | 35 | 5.52 | % | 3,532 | 135 | 5.11 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Retail repurchase agreements |
1,061 | - | 0.05 | % | 1,674 | 1 | 0.06 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Total borrowings |
1,900 | 35 | 2.46 | % | 5,206 | 136 | 3.49 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Total interest-bearing liabilities |
1,787,218 | 14,575 | 1.09 | % | 1,810,872 | 5,542 | 0.41 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Noninterest-bearing demand deposits |
883,013 | 924,591 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Other liabilities |
47,772 | 40,014 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total liabilities |
2,718,003 | 2,775,477 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Stockholders' equity |
510,973 | 472,774 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity |
$ | 3,228,976 | $ | 3,248,251 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Net interest income, FTE(1) |
$ | 95,476 | $ | 95,957 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Net interest rate spread |
4.06 | % | 4.30 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||
Net interest margin, FTE(1) |
4.46 | % | 4.45 | % |
(1) |
Interest income and average yield/rate are presented on a FTE, non-GAAP, basis using the federal statutory income tax rate of 21%. |
(2) |
Nonaccrual loans are included in the average balance; however, no related interest income is recorded during the period of nonaccrual. |
(3) |
Interest on loans includes non-cash and accelerated purchase accounting accretion of $2.04 million and $1.95 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. |
September 30, |
June 30, |
March 31, |
December 31, |
September 30, |
(Amounts in thousands, except per share data) |
2024 |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
Assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ | 315,338 | $ | 329,877 | $ | 248,905 | $ | 116,420 | $ | 113,397 | ||||||||||
Debt securities available for sale, at fair value |
166,669 | 129,686 | 166,247 | 280,961 | 275,332 | |||||||||||||||
Loans held for investment, net of unearned income |
2,444,113 | 2,473,268 | 2,519,833 | 2,572,298 | 2,593,472 | |||||||||||||||
Allowance for credit losses |
(35,118 | ) | (34,885 | ) | (35,461 | ) | (36,189 | ) | (36,031 | ) | ||||||||||
Loans held for investment, net |
2,408,995 | 2,438,383 | 2,484,372 | 2,536,109 | 2,557,441 | |||||||||||||||
Premises and equipment, net |
49,654 | 50,528 | 51,333 | 50,680 | 51,205 | |||||||||||||||
Other real estate owned |
346 | 100 | 374 | 192 | 243 | |||||||||||||||
Interest receivable |
9,883 | 9,984 | 10,719 | 10,881 | 10,428 | |||||||||||||||
Goodwill |
143,946 | 143,946 | 143,946 | 143,946 | 143,946 | |||||||||||||||
Other intangible assets |
13,550 | 14,085 | 14,615 | 15,145 | 15,681 | |||||||||||||||
Other assets |
115,980 | 116,230 | 115,470 | 114,211 | 116,552 | |||||||||||||||
Total assets |
$ | 3,224,361 | $ | 3,232,819 | $ | 3,235,981 | $ | 3,268,545 | $ | 3,284,225 | ||||||||||
Liabilities |
Deposits |
Noninterest-bearing |
$ | 869,723 | $ | 889,462 | $ | 902,396 | $ | 931,920 | $ | 944,301 | ||||||||||
Interest-bearing |
1,789,530 | 1,787,810 | 1,779,819 | 1,790,405 | 1,801,835 | |||||||||||||||
Total deposits |
2,659,253 | 2,677,272 | 2,682,215 | 2,722,325 | 2,746,136 | |||||||||||||||
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase |
954 | 894 | 1,006 | 1,119 | 1,029 | |||||||||||||||
Interest, taxes, and other liabilities |
43,460 | 45,769 | 45,816 | 41,807 | 41,393 | |||||||||||||||
Total liabilities |
2,703,667 | 2,723,935 | 2,729,037 | 2,765,251 | 2,788,558 | |||||||||||||||
Stockholders' equity |
Common stock |
18,291 | 18,270 | 18,413 | 18,502 | 18,671 | |||||||||||||||
Additional paid-in capital |
168,691 | 168,272 | 173,041 | 175,841 | 180,951 | |||||||||||||||
Retained earnings |
342,121 | 334,756 | 327,389 | 319,902 | 313,489 | |||||||||||||||
Accumulated other comprehensive loss |
(8,409 | ) | (12,414 | ) | (11,899 | ) | (10,951 | ) | (17,444 | ) | ||||||||||
Total stockholders' equity |
520,694 | 508,884 | 506,944 | 503,294 | 495,667 | |||||||||||||||
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity |
$ | 3,224,361 | $ | 3,232,819 | $ | 3,235,981 | $ | 3,268,545 | $ | 3,284,225 | ||||||||||
Shares outstanding at period-end |
18,290,938 | 18,270,273 | 18,413,088 | 18,502,396 | 18,671,470 | |||||||||||||||
Book value per common share |
$ | 28.47 | $ | 27.85 | $ | 27.53 | $ | 27.20 | $ | 26.55 | ||||||||||
Tangible book value per common share(1) |
19.86 | 19.20 | 18.92 | 18.60 | 18.00 |
(1) |
A non-GAAP financial measure defined as stockholders' equity less goodwill and other intangible assets, divided by shares outstanding. |
September 30, |
June 30, |
March 31, |
December 31, |
September 30, |
(Amounts in thousands) |
2024 |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2023 |
Allowance for Credit Losses |
Balance at beginning of period: |
Allowance for credit losses - loans |
$ | 34,885 | $ | 35,461 | $ | 36,189 | $ | 36,031 | $ | 36,177 | ||||||||||
Allowance for credit losses - loan commitments |
441 | 746 | 746 | 758 | 964 | |||||||||||||||
Total allowance for credit losses beginning of period |
35,326 | 36,207 | 36,935 | 36,789 | 37,141 | |||||||||||||||
Adjustments to beginning balance: |
Allowance for credit losses - loans - Surrey acquisition for purchased credit deteriorated loans |
- | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||
Allowance for credit losses - loan commitments |
- | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||
Net Adjustments |
- | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||
Provision for credit losses: |
Provision for credit losses - loans |
1,360 | 449 | 1,011 | 1,041 | 1,315 | |||||||||||||||
(Recovery of) provision for credit losses - loan commitments |
- | (305 | ) | - | (12 | ) | (206 | ) | ||||||||||||
Total provision for credit losses - loans and loan commitments |
1,360 | 144 | 1,011 | 1,029 | 1,109 | |||||||||||||||
Charge-offs |
(1,799 | ) | (1,599 | ) | (2,448 | ) | (2,105 | ) | (2,157 | ) | ||||||||||
Recoveries |
672 | 574 | 709 | 1,222 | 696 | |||||||||||||||
Net (charge-offs) recoveries |
(1,127 | ) | (1,025 | ) | (1,739 | ) | (883 | ) | (1,461 | ) | ||||||||||
Balance at end of period: |
Allowance for credit losses - loans |
35,118 | 34,885 | 35,461 | 36,189 | 36,031 | |||||||||||||||
Allowance for credit losses - loan commitments |
441 | 441 | 746 | 746 | 758 | |||||||||||||||
Ending balance |
$ | 35,559 | $ | 35,326 | $ | 36,207 | $ | 36,935 | $ | 36,789 | ||||||||||
Nonperforming Assets |
Nonaccrual loans |
$ | 19,754 | $ | 19,815 | $ | 19,617 | $ | 19,356 | $ | 18,366 | ||||||||||
Accruing loans past due 90 days or more |
176 | 19 | 30 | 104 | 59 | |||||||||||||||
Modified loans past due 90 days or more |
- | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||
Total nonperforming loans |
19,930 | 19,834 | 19,647 | 19,460 | 18,425 | |||||||||||||||
346 | 100 | 374 | 192 | 243 | |||||||||||||||
Total nonperforming assets |
$ | 20,276 | $ | 19,934 | $ | 20,021 | $ | 19,652 | $ | 18,668 | ||||||||||
Additional Information |
Total modified loans |
$ | 2,320 | $ | 2,290 | $ | 2,177 | $ | 1,873 | $ | 1,674 | ||||||||||
Asset Quality Ratios |
Nonperforming loans to total loans |
0.82 | % | 0.80 | % | 0.78 | % | 0.76 | % | 0.71 | % | ||||||||||
Nonperforming assets to total assets |
0.63 | % | 0.62 | % | 0.62 | % | 0.60 | % | 0.57 | % | ||||||||||
Allowance for credit losses to nonperforming loans |
176.21 | % | 175.88 | % | 180.49 | % | 185.97 | % | 195.55 | % | ||||||||||
Allowance for credit losses to total loans |
1.44 | % | 1.41 | % | 1.41 | % | 1.41 | % | 1.39 | % | ||||||||||
Annualized net charge-offs (recoveries) to average loans |
0.18 | % | 0.16 | % | 0.27 | % | 0.14 | % | 0.22 | % |