被收購公司:Banco de Sabadell, S.A.
委託文件編號: 333-281111
BBVA-Sabadell 微網站
1. | 爲什麼西班牙畢爾巴鄂銀行向薩瓦德爾銀行股東發起這項收購要約? |
• | 最終目標是將這兩家銀行合併,構建一個 更強大、更具競爭力和更具盈利能力的實體 並在資產、貸款和存款方面樹立市場標杆。新銀行將擁有更大的規模,這將使我們更能夠應對金融板塊面臨的結構性挑戰,同時在日益全球化的板塊內有效地進行必要的數字化轉型投資。 |
• | 互補性和產生相關協同效應的能力 使這項交易對西班牙畢爾巴鄂銀行和薩瓦德爾銀行的股東在財務上具有吸引力。 |
• | BBVA在其經營市場上堅定不移,並將從一個實力的位置上加大對企業、文化、科學和社會項目的支持。它不僅通過其核心銀行業務,還通過其在加泰羅尼亞、瓦倫西亞社區以及其他地區設立的各種基金會來實現這一目標。 並從一個強勢地位出發,加大對企業以及文化、科學和社會項目的支持。它不僅通過其核心銀行業務,還通過其在加泰羅尼亞、巴倫西亞社區和其他薩瓦德爾銀行業務所在地的各種基金會來實現這一點。 |
• | 該交易也將對 我們的其他利益相關者產生積極影響. |
○ | 我們客戶 由於雙方業務的協同效應、更廣泛的產品範圍和新銀行更加全球化的影響力,將受益於獨特的價值主張。 |
○ | 員工將能夠在一個更全球化的實體內獲得新的職業和增長機會。 |
○ | 合併後的銀行將能夠 向家庭和企業提供更多貸款 (每年大約50億歐元 額外貸款)並通過稅收爲公共資金做出貢獻。 |
○ | 這將最終帶來更大的經濟和社會 progress 進步. |
2. | 西班牙畢爾巴鄂銀行爲何在西班牙薩瓦德爾銀行董事會拒絕合併提議後向股東發出要約? |
• | 在2019年12月,四月中旬, 西班牙畢爾巴鄂銀行董事長會見了西班牙薩瓦德爾銀行董事長,傳達了西班牙畢爾巴鄂銀行重新開始談判的興趣,這些談判最終未能在2020年實現。他們被要求在4月30日提交具體提議,但 |
當天,一次泄漏給媒體的事件引發了接下來的事件。在得知Banco Sabadell的董事會於5月6日拒絕了提出的合併要約後, BBVA希望給Sabadell近20萬名股東提供機會 決定是否交換他們的股份爲BBVA的股份。BBVA認爲雙方都將受益,因此建議直接向Sabadell的股東,即其合法所有者,提出這一提議,以便他們權衡,而不會引發任何衝突。 |
• | 根據歐洲和西班牙有關收購要約的規定,接受與否的決定不取決於目標公司的董事會,而是完全取決於其股東。其董事會必須遵守中立規則,以防止任何可能妨礙要約成功的行動(未經股東大會事先批准)。 |
3. | 使這項交易對Banco de Sabadell的股東具有吸引力的是什麼? |
• | 該要約代表 30%的溢價較4月29日收盤價上漲百分之1;提高了42%2 高於4月29日之前一個月的成交量加權平均價格;並 50%2 超過前三個月的加權平均價格. |
• | 假設100%接受,Banco Sabadell股東將獲得約16%的股份此外,以股份提出的要約讓薩瓦德爾銀行的股東能夠從未來與西班牙兩家銀行整合產生的額外價值中受益,持有西班牙兩家銀行約16%的股份。,從合併實體創造的附加價值中受益。 |
• | 鑑於兩家公司(85000萬歐元)合併預期產生的協同效應, 每股收益將增加約27%3巴達洛銀行股東的收益將增加27%. |
1 根據2024年5月1日發佈的市場通訊中的條款。
2 根據2024年5月1日發佈的市場通訊中包含的條款,以及對應日期巴達洛銀行和BBVA的成交量加權平均價(VWAP)。
3 巴達洛銀行股東的每股收益(EPS)增長,計算方式爲以下兩個數字之間的變化:
- 2026年初估計EPS:巴達洛銀行每股24歐元的預估EPS。此EPS計算公式爲:根據2024年4月29日彭博社發佈的分析師一致預測,巴達洛銀行2026年預估淨利潤爲12.5億歐元,除去當天銀行已實施的3.4億歐元股票回購計劃的總股數後的巴達洛銀行股東人數(估計爲52.8億股)之間的商。
- 2026年最終估計EPS:綜合銀行(BBVA+Sabadell)2026年預估EPS爲每股30歐元,調整後,考慮了初始比率1股BBVA兌換4.83股巴達洛銀行的換股率。此EPS考慮了:分子部分的2026年彭博社於2024年4月29日發佈的BBVA和巴達洛銀行的預估淨收益(分別爲80.9億歐元和12.5億歐元)之和,加上假定完全實施情況下的稅收(60300萬歐元)的淨協同效應;分母部分的綜合銀行股數(68.6億股),考慮100%吸納率(基於前述的52.8億巴達洛銀行股份),根據指定的兌換比率進行調整。
4. | 爲什麼提供給選擇接受該報價的Banco Sabadell股東的考慮金額進行調整? |
• | 調整是爲了反映兩家銀行支付的股息,並且 已經預料到 在2024年5月9日公開的報價條款中。 目的是 是爲了 確保如果銀行分紅,則報價的經濟條件保持不變,而事實確實如此。如果銀行分紅,此舉旨在確保報價的經濟條件保持不變。 |
• | 因此,接受要約的Banco Sabadell股東 將獲得一份新的BBVA股份以及€0.29現金,用於每5.0196份Banco Sabadell股份 他們交換的股份數量4換言之: |
○ | 現在的交換比率爲 每5.0196份Banco Sabadell股份可獲得1份新發行的BBVA股份5 反映2024年10月1日Banco Sabadell支付的每股0.08歐元的分紅派息的影響。 |
○ | 此外, 每5.0196股Banco Sabadell的普通股中增加現金支付 €0.29 作爲2024年10月10日BBVA支付的分紅派息的結果。 |
5. | 爲什麼收購要用股份而不是現金支付? |
• | 以股份提出的要約保護了西班牙兩家銀行的股東,使其免受宏觀經濟或外部因素的影響,從而使利益得以一致。 針對任何宏觀經濟或外部因素,從而使利益保持一致。 |
• | 此外,以股份提出的要約讓薩瓦德爾銀行的股東能夠從未來與西班牙兩家銀行整合產生的額外價值中受益,持有西班牙兩家銀行約16%的股份。 受益於未來與BBVA的整合所產生的額外價值假設巴坎歐銀行的股東全部接受要約,他們將持有BBVA約16%的股份,從而使他們能夠受益於整合帶來的協同效應(每年8.5億歐元)。 |
• | 我們預計 利潤增長兩位數 今年,同時釋放資本 保持目前的股東分配政策目前和將來的銀行以及對分析師的承諾,以在超過12的資本以上的情況下進行分配。 承諾分紅派息超過12%的資本6. |
• | 對於那些寧願選擇現金的Banco Sabadell股東,一旦接受要約,他們可以立即通過出售BBVA股份來獲得現金。 BBVA股票非常流動. |
6. | 是什麼使BBVA股東認爲這是一筆有吸引力的交易? |
• | 對於這兩家銀行的股東來說,財務條款都非常有吸引力,考慮到解鎖協同效應的巨大潛力 釋放潛力,獲得顯著的協同效應. |
4 考慮調整以反映2024年10月1日Banco Sabadell支付的每股0.08歐元的分紅,以及BBVA於2024年10月10日支付的每股0.29歐元的分紅。
5 先前:每4.83股Banco Sabadell可換髮1股BBVA新股。
6 基於 pro-forma Basel IV fully-loaded CET1 ratio, subject to regulatory approvals.
• | 具體來說,對於BBVA股東7: |
○ | 增長 每股收益8 將會逐漸增加,自併購第一年開始,每年增加 3.5% 一旦節省完全實現(在併購後的第三年) |
○ | 有形賬面價值每股將增加約 1% 在合併日期 |
○ | BBVA股東的增量投入資本回報(ROIIC)9 約爲20%,較資本成本顯著 更高,並與其他投資選項相比表現良好,特別是潛在的股票回購 |
7. | 是否有獨立專家對Banco Sabadell進行了估值? |
• | BBVA的董事會在決策過程中獲得了J.P. Morgan和UBS的建議 摩根大通和瑞銀 在決策過程中,這兩家在收購方面擁有豐富經驗的領先投資銀行發表的報告中, BBVA提出收購所有巴倫西亞銀行股份的考慮被認爲是 從財務角度看,對於BBVA來說是合理的,並且基於當前市場條件。 |
8. | 爲什麼巴倫西亞銀行的股票價值接近BBVA提出的收購價值?這是否意味着這個收購要約不夠吸引人? |
• | 一旦宣佈收購交易,目標銀行的股價常常會與提供的交易所價格趨於一致,特別是當交易將通過股票交換來進行時。 |
• | 這種趨同並不意味着該要約不夠具吸引力,而是股價已經在很大程度上包含了該要約。換句話說,在沒有這個要約的情況下,股價將有所不同。 |
• | 因此,通過將溢價與交易公告前的股價進行比較來評估交易的吸引力 (在這種情況下,4月29日). |
• | 在這個意義上, BBVA的報價暗示了30%的溢價百分比高於4月29日收盤價10;提高了42%11 高於4月29日之前一個月的成交量加權平均價格;並 50%11 超過前三個月的加權平均價格. |
7 根據2024年5月9日提出的報價中包含的條款。
8 根據截至4月29日的共識數據,考慮估計的協同效應。
9 計算截至2026年的數值,考慮到從合併中獲得的估計協同效應,並不包括資產管理和託管合資企業可能產生的任何潛在影響。使用的公式爲:[西班牙對BBVA股東的增量結果/合併對CET1的影響]。依據4月29日的共識數據。
10 根據2024年5月1日向市場發佈的通信中包含的條款。
11 根據2024年5月1日向市場發佈的通信中包含的條款,並基於相應日期 Banco Sabadell 和 BBVA 的成交量加權平均價格(VWAP)。
9. | 在提出報價之前,與Banco Sabadell進行了哪些談判和/或事先聯繫? |
• | 我們一直以友好的方式對待。 |
• | 在2019年12月,四月中旬, BBVA主席接觸了Banco Sabadell的主席,探討潛在的合併,基於在2020年談判達成的條款,但提出了實質性更好的財務要約。 |
• | 4月30日,BBVA向Banco Sabadell董事會提交了一份合併的書面提議。 Banco Sabadell於5月6日拒絕了這一提議。 |
• | 5月8日,BBVA董事會同意向其股東展示與提交給Banco Sabadell董事會的相同財務條款的要約,以便讓他們決定。這一決定導致BBVA董事會在隨後的公開要約發佈前一天,即5月9日宣佈消息。 |
10. | 該交易對BBVA的CET1比率的預計影響是什麼? |
• | 我們預期 影響有限 約爲 CET1的 基礎 點數,假設100%接受 -38 基礎 點表示12. |
11. | BBVA對兩家銀行合併所涉及的重組費用估計是多少? 一旦完成對Banco Sabadell股份的購買要約? |
• | 一旦BBVA收購了不低於 Banco Sabadell股本50.01%的股權,BBVA將有意合併這兩家銀行。 |
• | 合併的重組成本預計約爲€1.45億歐元稅前。這將記錄在合併年度的損益表中。 |
• | 重要的是要注意,與其他市場先例不同,這筆交易將涉及 較低的 重組成本/與人員支出相關的節省。這是因爲BBVA和Banco Sabadell在過去幾年裏已經 進行了重大的網絡優化 在過去幾年中。 大部分的協同效應與 節約的技術和系統成本相關,以及其他一般行政費用。與較低的重組成本相關。 |
12. | 合併過程中預計的協同效應是什麼? |
• | 兩家銀行合併的預計協同效應價值爲 €850在稅前的百萬。主要概念包括: |
12 資本的更新影響(基於對因2024年10月10日BBVA支付的現金股息進行補償所致要約的考量的初步估計 -30 基於2024年5月9日提出的要約中預見的對於因BBVA於2024年10月10日支付的現金股息的補償的調整而作出的bps調整。
○ | 控件成本節省 預計約爲 €750百萬 稅前其中,4.5億歐元對應一般開支(科技和行政成本),3億歐元對應人員成本。 |
作爲成本優化和調整流程的一部分,BBVA估計西班牙整合銀行的分支機構中將有不到10%關閉 13 (相當於距離小於500米的870個分支機構中的300個)。
○ | 在資金方面的儲蓄 成本預估爲 €100在稅前的百萬。。 這些儲蓄將隨着薩瓦德爾批發融資工具到期而逐漸積累。 |
13. | 您是否預計會出現任何業務損失(即負的營業收入協同效應),因此 交易? |
• | BBVA未納入任何正面或負面的營業收入協同效應 到已披露的數字中。 |
• | BBVA的意圖是 增加合併銀行的增長計劃每年向家庭和企業額外貸款500億歐元。 |
14. | 如果對薩巴德爾銀行的收購要約最終成功,是否可能解鎖宣佈的協同效應,同時保持兩家獨立法律銀行,即不進行合併? |
• | 在向Banco Sabadell股東提出的要約取得成功的情況下, 該交易將獲得多個機構的批准。 (包括 西班牙競爭監管機構,CNMC,歐洲中央銀行, 西班牙金融市場監管機構,CNMV) 以及來自BBVA和薩巴德爾銀行的股東 接受要約的股東。 |
• | 之後,BBVA的意圖是進行銀行合併。它覺得不會出現這種情況的可能性很小 在這種情況下,這種情況不太可能發生. |
• | 無論如何, 即使沒有合併,由於大部分協同效應仍然可以實現,該控件仍然具有吸引力。 |
15. | 您的計算是否考慮了解體Banco Sabadell現有聯盟的費用? |
• | 根據公開信息,BBVA已經進行了一項 估算分析 解除這些現有聯盟的潛在成本. |
13 2024年6月30日,西班牙 BBVA 在西班牙擁有1,881家分支機構,而 Banco Sabadell 則擁有1,159家;換句話說,總共有3040家分支機構。
• | BBVA的計算包括由於變更控制而產生的財務處罰 Banco Sabadell在養老金、銀行保險和支付領域的現有聯盟,以及相應的公允價值調整。 |
• | 無論如何,一旦BBVA獲得足夠的信息以做出充分知情的決定,就會開始與Banco Sabadell合作伙伴就每項現有協議展開談判,並根據爲股東和客戶創造價值的標準做出最佳決策。 |
16. | 該交易將對金融包容性產生什麼影響,即對農村地區、老年人等獲得金融服務的影響? |
• | BBVA致力於確保沒有人被拒絕獲得金融服務。 該銀行不會放棄任何一個它是唯一存在的銀行的地方. |
• | 事實上,近年來,BBVA和金融行業與西班牙經濟部密切合作,擴大金融服務的供應範圍,不會讓任何人掉隊。 與西班牙經濟部緊密合作,以擴大金融服務的可及性,不讓任何社區落後。在確保持續獲得金融服務方面取得了重大進展。 農村地區 而對於那些 年齡超過60歲的, 以及其他業績。 |
17. | 這筆交易將對 BANCO SABADELL 在加泰羅尼亞或瓦倫西亞社區等具有強大影響力的地域板塊產生什麼影響? |
• | BBVA 全心全意地致力於並扎根於這些地域板塊中 尤其是在其覆蓋範圍內,特別是巴薩德銀行最爲強勢的加泰羅尼亞和瓦倫西亞地區。這些是關鍵地域板塊, 西班牙國民銀行將加強對業務、藝術與文化、科學以及更廣泛的社區的支持, 通過其自身的銀行業務以及通過其 非獲利實體 基金會。 |
• | 新銀行將在西班牙設立兩個運營總部:一個位於薩瓦德爾銀行位於聖庫加特德巴列斯(巴塞羅那)的企業中心,另一個位於西班牙銀行城市BBVA在馬德里的總部。兩個:一個位於巴塞羅那聖庫加特德瓦列斯(Sant Cugat del Vallès)的巴薩德銀行公司中心,另一個位於馬德里的BBVA城。 |
• | 還有 Sabadell 品牌將繼續與 BBVA 品牌並存。 在那些這樣做有商業意義的地區或業務中。 |
• | 最後,巴塞羅那作爲歐洲初創企業中心的作用將通過結合兩家銀行的項目和倡議得到進一步增強。 作爲歐洲初創企業中心的巴塞羅那角色將通過進一步結合兩家銀行的項目和倡議得到加強。 通過結合兩家銀行的項目和倡議,進一步增強巴塞羅那作爲歐洲初創企業中心的地位。 |
Extraordinary meeting of BBVA shareholders and regulatory approvals
18. | What does the approval of the capital increase at BBVA’s Extraordinary Meeting mean? |
• | On July 5th, with 96 percent votes in favor, BBVA’s Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting largely approved the capital increase needed to cover the share exchange offered to Banco Sabadell shareholders. |
• | This milestone marks a highly significant step needed to move forward in the most attractive project in the European banking sector. |
• | The approval of the capital increase at the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting was one of the conditions established in the acquisition offer made to Banco Sabadell shareholders (together with a minimum of 50.01 percent of Banco Sabadell shareholders taking up the offer and obtaining regulatory approval14). |
19. | What other authorizations does BBVA need to secure before the share exchange? |
• | BBVA has already received two of the most relevant authorizations: the green light from the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and the non-opposition from the European Central Bank, on Sept 3 and 5, respectively. |
• | Everything is moving ahead according to plan and the next steps needed are the approval of the Spanish Competition authority (CNMC), the authorization of the Spanish financial markets regulator (CNMV) and the uptake of the offer by Banco Sabadell shareholders representing the majority of its share capital (more than 50.01 percent). |
Competition laws
20. | Does the operation involve any problems from a competition standpoint? |
• | From BBVA’s standpoint, we do not see any competition issues resulting from the combination of both banks, as the businesses of BBVA and Banco Sabadell are complementary. |
○ | Analysis of the combined market share of both banks suggest that it will remain moderate on a national level in the most relevant segments, and BBVA would not be the leading actor. Specifically, the resulting national market share would be 22 percent for lending; 20 percent for deposits; and 17 percent for branches. |
○ | On both a national and provincial level, the combined market shares would not surpass those of previous bank mergers. |
14 CNMC and Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).
○ | The integration of both banks would not exceed the market share thresholds established in EU competition guidelines (market share over 25 percent or an increase of more than 10 percent). . |
• | In any event, market shares and concentration levels must always be viewed in the context of other equally important factors, such as the rapid pace of change, high competitiveness, low barriers to entry—which are now becoming even lower, in step with the increasing digitization of financial services—and customers’ ability to switch service providers at no cost. In fact, in terms of digitization, 85 percent of the interactions between banks and customers take place on digital channels. |
• | The Spanish financial sector is highly competitive due to the significant competition from larger and smaller operators, including new players and fintech companies. |
Estimated timeline
21. | When do you expect the bid to be approved? |
• | Since the announcement of the offer, on May 9th, through the opening of the acceptance window, once the approval of the CNMW has been obtained, we estimate that the process could take about six months. |
• | The acceptance period for the share exchange for Banco Sabadell shareholders will take from 30 to 70 natural days. |
• | Both estimates are based on the existing terms for regulatory approvals. |
• | This schedule is an estimate and there is no guarantee that it will be followed exactly as described. |
22. | What period are you considering for the merger of both entities? What authorizations is the merger subject to? |
• | We estimate that the merger will take between 6 and 8 months more, so the integrations should conclude by mid-2025. |
• | The merger requires the authorization of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Enterprise. |
Banco Sabadell shareholders
23. | What do Banco Sabadell’s shareholders have to do and when? |
• | Banco Sabadell’s shareholders must decide whether to exchange their shares in Banco Sabadell for shares in BBVA within the period indicated in the terms of the bid, once it has been approved by the CNMV. |
• | Banco Sabadell shareholders wishing to take up the offer, should present in writing a statement of acceptance, within the terms of the acceptance, to the bank participating in Iberclear, where they have their shares in custody, either in person, or by electronic means or by any other means admitted by said entities. |
24. | Can any Banco Sabadell shareholder accept the bid or do certain requirements need to be met? |
• | The bid extends to all Banco Sabadell shareholders. |
25. | What happens to those Banco Sabadell shareholders who decide not to take up the offer? |
• | BBVA intends to press ahead with the merger between BBVA and Banco Sabadell as swiftly as possible following the settlement of the offer. The exchange ratio will be equivalent, insofar as possible, to the consideration proposed in the offer. |
• | Banco Sabadell shareholders who choose not to take up the offer during the acceptance period will retain their shares in Banco Sabadell until both banks are ultimately merged. |
• | As a result of the offer, the number of shares outstanding of Banco Sabadell in the hands of shareholders other than BBVA may fall significantly. Therefore, during the period (between the completion of the offer and the merger) in which Banco Sabadell remains a listed company, this situation may affect the liquidity of its shares. |
• | If at least 90 percent of Banco Sabadell’s share capital accepts the offer, BBVA will exercise its squeeze-out right on the remaining shares of Banco Sabadell’s share capital that did not take up the offer, under the same terms as the offer, as adjusted to the new exchange ratio (one new BBVA share plus €0.29 in cash for every 5.0196 Banco Sabadell). If this were to occur, BBVA would become the holder of all (100 percent) of Banco Sabadell’s capital stock and Banco Sabadell would automatically be delisted. |
26. | As for the dividend, will Banco Sabadell’s shareholders receive less than they would if they retained their shares in that bank? |
• | BBVA is proposing the combination of two great banks, so that together they can achieve more than they could hope to achieve by going it alone. In addition to the attractive premium received from the transaction, Banco Sabadell shareholders will benefit from the increased capacity to generate earnings and the significant potential for synergies (€850 million gross annually once the merger takes place). Therefore, Banco Sabadell shareholders will benefit from the increase in earnings per share of |
approximately 27 percent.15 |
• | This higher earnings per share would also translate into sustainable dividends over time, as BBVA maintains its attractive shareholder distribution policy, which involves payouts of 40 to 50 percent of profit, with the possibility of combining cash dividends and share buybacks, as well as the commitment to distribute excess capital over 12 percent.16 |
27. | What dividend policy will BBVA pursue following the settlement of the offer? |
• | BBVA will continue to pursue its current shareholder return policy, whereby shareholders receive between 40 and 50 percent of the bank’s profits, with the additional option to combine cash dividends and share buybacks. Under its existing policy, BBVA has also pledged to pay out any surplus capital beyond 12 percent.17 |
Banco Sabadell customers
28. | What will happen to Sabadell’s customers, especially SMEs? |
• | The purpose of the transaction is to complement our strengths with those of Banco Sabadell. The integration represents a clear commitment to SMEs. We want to combine our experience with Sabadell’s and together, build the best bank for all individual customers, businesses and SME clients. |
• | BBVA remains firmly committed to further bolstering Banco Sabadell’s existing management model for small and medium-sized companies. In fact, barring a deterioration in its financial position, BBVA will maintain, for at least 12 months, the existing working capital facilities of all SMEs. |
29. | In what ways will the commercial offering improve for Sabadell customers? |
• | Following the transaction, BBVA estimates that the resulting entity will be able to lend roughly €5 billion more each year to both households and businesses. |
15 Increase in earnings per share (EPS) for Sabadell shareholders, calculated as the variation between the following two figures:
- Initial estimated EPS in 2026: estimated EPS for Banco Sabadell of €0.24/share. This EPS is calculated as the quotient between: estimated net profit in 2026 for Banco Sabadell of €1.25 billion according to analyst consensus published in Bloomberg on April 29, 2024; and the number of Banco Sabadell shareholders after deducting the total amount of shares included in the €340 million share buyback plan that the bank had in place on that date (estimated at 5.28 billion shares).
- Estimated final EPS in 2026: estimated EPS in 2026 (adjusted for the initial exchange ratio of one share of BBVA for every 4.83 shares of Banco Sabadell) for the resulting bank (BBVA+Sabadell) of €0.30/share. This EPS takes into consideration: in the numerator, 1) the sum of the estimated net earnings in 2026 of BBVA and Banco Sabadell according to analyst consensus published in Bloomberg on April 29, 2024 (€8.09 billion and €1.25 billion respectively); plus 2) the net synergies (assuming complete implementation) from taxes (€603 million); in the denominator, the number of shares of the resulting bank (6.86 billion shares), considering 100 percent uptake (based on the above mentioned 5.28 billion Banco Sabadell shares), adjusted for the indicated exchange ratio.
16 Based on a pro-forma Basel IV fully-loaded CET1 ratio, subject to regulatory approvals.
17 Based on a pro-forma Basel IV fully-loaded CET1 ratio, subject to regulatory approvals.
• | Customers of both banks will be able to benefit from a better value proposition, because the two franchises complement one another, the product range will become wider and the resulting bank will command a global reach. Banco Sabadell’s customers also stand to benefit from a new network of branches and ATMs, with a greater presence across the country. |
• | The increased scale of the new bank will pave the way for further investments in the development of new capabilities, resulting in a better and more innovative range of products. |
• | The greater diversification and strength of the combined entity will make it more resilient to adverse macroeconomic events, making it more adept at supporting its customers when they need it the most. |
• | In addition, Banco Sabadell enterprise customers will be better able to expand into wider international markets within the BBVA footprint. This will bring them fresh business opportunities and boost their potential for growth. |
In connection with the proposed transaction, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. has filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) a Registration Statement on Form F-4 that includes an offer to exchange/prospectus. INVESTORS AND SECURITY HOLDERS ARE URGED TO READ THE REGISTRATION STATEMENT, OFFER TO EXCHANGE/PROSPECTUS AND ALL OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE FILED WITH THE SEC REGARDING THE PROPOSED TRANSACTION WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION. All such documents filed with the SEC will be available free of charge at the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.
This communication shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, nor shall there be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. This document is not an offer of securities for sale into the United States or elsewhere. No offering of securities shall be made in the United States except pursuant to registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or an exemption therefrom.
Forward-Looking Statements
This communication includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws with respect to the proposed transaction, including the anticipated timing of the transaction and statements regarding the consequences of the transaction. These forward-looking statements are generally identified by terminology such as “believe,” “may,” “will,” “potentially,” “estimate,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “could,” “would,” “should,” “project,” “target,” “plan,” “expect,” or the negatives of these terms or variations of them or similar terminology. The absence of these words, however, does not mean that the statements are not forward-looking. These forward-looking statements are based upon current expectations, beliefs, estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable as and when made by BBVA and its management, are inherently uncertain. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. For example, the expected timing and likelihood of completion of the transaction, including the timing, receipt and terms and conditions of any required governmental and regulatory approvals of the transaction (including the required authorization or no-opposition by the Spanish National Securities Market Commission, the European Central Bank and certain anti-trust and regulatory authorities), that could reduce anticipated benefits of the transaction or cause BBVA to not be able to complete the transaction, risks related to disruption of management time from ongoing business operations, the risk that matters relating to the transaction could have adverse effects on the market price of the shares of BBVA, the risk that the transaction could have an adverse effect on the ability of BBVA or Banco Sabadell to retain customers and retain and hire key personnel and maintain relationships with their suppliers and customers and on their operating results and businesses generally, the risk that problems may arise in successfully integrating the businesses of the companies, which may result in a combined company (if applicable) not operating as effectively and efficiently as expected, the risk that the combined company may be unable to achieve synergies or that it takes longer than expected to achieve those synergies, and other factors. All such factors are difficult to predict and are beyond BBVA’s control, including those detailed in BBVA’s annual reports on Form 20-F and current reports on Form 6-K that are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. BBVA undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof.