
ワシントンDC 20549
フォーム 10-Q

[SECURITIES EXCHANGE法の1934年のセクション13または15(d)に基づく四半期報告書

[【取引所法】の第13条または第15条(d) に基づく適用報告書

移行期間:________ から ________ まで

委員会ファイル番号 1-3671
(703) 876-3000

法のセクション12 (b) に従って登録された証券:

以下のすべての規定により、当事者が遵守しているかどうかチェックマークで示してください:(1)前の12ヶ月間(または当事者がそのような報告書を提出することが必要だったより短い期間)において、1934年の証券取引法第13条または第15(d)条によって提出する必要のあるすべての報告書を提出したかどうか、および(2)過去90日間の間、そのような報告書の提出要件を課されていたかどうか。はい ü いいえ ___
規則405(この章の§232.405)に基づき提出が必要なすべてのインタラクティブデータファイルを、登録者が直近の12か月間(または登録者がそのようなファイルを提出する必要があったよりも短い期間)に電子的に提出したかどうかをチェックマークで示してください。はい ü いいえ ___
大型加速ファイラー ü 加速ファイラー___ 非加速ファイラー___
より小規模な報告会社___ 新興成長企業___
新興成長企業の場合は、登録者が取引所法第13条(a)に基づき提供される新規または修正された財務会計基準の適合期間延長を利用しないことを選択している場合は、チェックマークを付けてください。 ___
規定に示された取引所法第120億2条に従い、登録申請者がシェル企業であるかどうかをチェックマークで示してください。 はい___✓印を付しませんでした場合、登録者の内部統制に関するマネジメント評価を報告するよう求められたことを意味します。 ü
274,968,619 発行会社の普通株式1株当たりの帳簿価額が1ドルで、2024年9月29日時点で発行済み株式数は○○株でした。


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項目1. 未監査の連結財務諸表


製品$6,767 $6,163 
サービス4,904 4,408 
11,671 10,571 
一般管理費 (G&A)(635)(601)
オペレーティング利益1,181 1,057 
その他、純額15 19 
所得税前利益1,114 991 
純利益$930 $836 
基本$3.39 $3.07 
希薄化後$3.35 $3.04 


製品$20,061 $17,473 
サービス14,317 13,131 
34,378 30,604 
一般管理費 (G&A)(1,906)(1,792)
オペレーティング利益3,373 2,957 
その他、純額47 65 
所得税前利益3,172 2,757 
純利益$2,634 $2,310 
基本$9.61 $8.45 
希薄化後$9.49 $8.39 



純利益$930 $836 $2,634 $2,310 
未実現のキャッシュフローヘッジに関する変更31 (14)(31)(33)
外貨翻訳調整279 (128)(16)63 
老後生活の計画の資金状況の変化44 169 125 526 
その他の包括利益、税引前354 27 78 556 
その他の包括利益(損失)、税引き後335 (3)60 454 
包括的利益$1,265 $833 $2,694 $2,764 



現金及び現金同等物$2,101 $1,913 
売掛金 3,165 3,004 
未請求の売掛金8,852 7,997 
在庫 10,141 8,578 
その他の流動資産1,484 2,123 
流動資産合計25,743 23,615 
固定資産、装置及び器具、純額6,324 6,198 
無形資産、純額1,583 1,656 
のれん20,757 20,586 
その他の資産2,905 2,755 
非流動資産合計31,569 31,195 
総資産$57,312 $54,810 
新規売と長期借入金の流動負債$2,005 $507 
支払調整3,290 3,095 
顧客の前払金および預り金10,925 9,564 
その他の流動負債3,337 3,266 
流動負債合計19,557 16,432 
新規買債務7,262 8,754 
その他の負債7,520 8,325 
非流動負債合計14,782 17,079 
普通株式482 482 
剰余金3,997 3,760 
留保利益40,730 39,270 
総株主資本 22,973 21,299 
負債および株主資本の合計$57,312 $54,810 


営業活動によるキャッシュフロー - 継続する業務:
純利益$2,634 $2,310 
有形固定資産の減価償却469 446 
無形固定資産およびファイナンスリース資産の償却177 195 
株式報酬費用137 136 
売掛金 (172)(89)
在庫 (1,612)(1,904)
支払調整193 (83)
顧客の前払金および預り金628 2,171 
その他、純額479 42 
営業活動による純現金1,952 3,514 
固定金利ノートの返済 (1,250)
その他、純額150 (40)
現金および現金同等物の純増加額188 110 
期首の現金及び現金同等物残高1,913 1,242 
期末の現金及び現金同等物残高$2,101 $1,352 



2024年6月30日$482 $3,925 $40,191 $(21,128)$(1,434)$22,036 
純利益— — 930 — — 930 
現金配当宣言額— — (391)— — (391)
株主資本に基づく賞与— 72 — 35 — 107 
購入した株式— — — (44)— (44)
その他の包括利益:— — — — 335 335 
2024年9月29日$482 $3,997 $40,730 $(21,137)$(1,099)$22,973 
2023年7月2日$482 $3,614 $38,154 $(21,077)$(1,695)$19,478 
純利益— — 836 — — 836 
現金配当宣言額— — (364)— — (364)
株式ベースの賞与— 57 — 9 — 66 
購入した株式— — — (56)— (56)
その他包括的な損失— — — — (3)(3)
2023年10月1日$482 $3,671 $38,626 $(21,124)$(1,698)$19,957 
2023年12月31日$482 $3,760 $39,270 $(21,054)$(1,159)$21,299 
純利益— — 2,634 — — 2,634 
現金配当宣言額— — (1,174)— — (1,174)
株式報酬— 237 — 100 — 337 
購入した株式— — — (183)— (183)
その他の包括利益:— — — — 60 60 
2024年9月29日$482 $3,997 $40,730 $(21,137)$(1,099)$22,973 
2022年12月31日$482 $3,556 $37,403 $(20,721)$(2,152)$18,568 
純利益— — 2,310 — — 2,310 
現金配当宣言額— — (1,087)— — (1,087)
株式報酬— 115 — 31 — 146 
購入した株式— — — (434)— (434)
その他の包括利益:— — — — 454 454 
2023年10月1日$482 $3,671 $38,626 $(21,124)$(1,698)$19,957 



A. 見積もりの使用
合併と分類の基準。 未監査の連結財務諸表には、ゼネラルダイナミクス社と当社の完全子会社および過半数持分を持つ子会社の口座が含まれています。未監査の連結財務諸表において、全ての関連会社間の残高と取引を取り除きます。
中間の財務諸表。 未監査の連結財務諸表は、証券取引委員会(SEC)の規則および規制に準拠して作成されています。これらの規則および規制により、米国一般会計原則(GAAP)に従って作成された財務諸表に含まれる情報や注記開示の一部を簡略化または省略することが許可されています。
有形固定資産(PPE)は、履歴的原価で持ち分を累積減価償却額を差し引いた額で計上されています。有形固定資産の純額は以下の通りです。 不動産、工場、および設備(PP&E)は、累積減価を差し引いた履歴的原価で持ち分されています。純PP&Eは以下のとおりです。
固定資産$13,393 $13,000 
固定資産総額(固定資産、純額)$6,324 $6,198 
最近の会計基準の発表。 公開されているがまだ有効ではない会計基準の議論については、当社の10-kフォームに記載されている年次報告書の最近の会計に関する公表セクションを参照してください。


B. フォーマット
業績義務。 業績義務とは、契約における顧客への独立した良好またはサービスの移転を約束するものであり、売上高の口座の単位です。 契約の取引価格は、その契約内の各独立した業績義務に割り当てられ、業績義務が満たされたとき、または満たされると売上として認識されます。 当社の契約の大部分には、個々の商品またはサービスを他の約束とは別に識別できないため、単一の業績義務があります。 当社のいくつかの契約には複数の業績義務があり、製品ライフサイクルの多くの段階にわたる契約によるものです(開発、製造、保守およびレジスタンスの多段階をカバー)。 複数の業績義務がある契約の場合、契約の取引価格を契約内の各独立した商品またはサービスのスタンドアロン販売価格の最良見積もりを使用して各業績義務に割り当てます。 スタンドアロン販売価格を推定するために主に使用される方法は、予想されるコストにマージンアプローチを追加することであり、それにより業績義務を満たすための予想されるコストを予測し、その独立した商品またはサービスに適切なマージンを追加します。
売上高は、仕事が進行するにつれて時間が経過するか、特定の時点で充足されます。 顧客に譲渡される製品やサービスからの売上高は、時間の経過とともに計上されました 79償還期限が2025年のUS$782024年9月29日および2024年9月29日を終了した3か月および9か月の期間の売上高のうち、売上高の%があり、 79償還期限が2025年のUS$80% 2023年10月1日および2023年10月1日に終了した3か月および9か月の期間の売上高があります。 ディフェンスセグメントにおける我々のほとんどの売上高は、制御が継続的に顧客に移転されるため、時間の経過に伴って認識されます。通常、売上高は、完了時までの総見積もり費用に対する現時点で発生したコストを用いて、契約義務を充足するための進捗状況を測定するために、時間の経過とともに認識されます。発生したコストは、実施された作業を表し、それにより顧客への制御の移転を最もよく表しています。契約費用には、労務、資材、諸経費、適切な場合には一般管理費が含まれます。
売上高は、時間の経過とともに顧客に譲渡される商品やサービスから計上されました 21償還期限が2025年のUS$22% 2024年9月29日と同様、2023年10月1日に終了した3か月および9か月の売上高の 21償還期限が2025年のUS$20% それぞれ、2023年10月1日に終了した3か月および9か月の 時間の経過とともに顧客に譲渡される大半の売上高は、当社の航空宇宙セグメントにおけるビジネスジェット機の製造に対するものです。これらの契約に基づく売上高は、一般的には航空機の完全な装備が完了した時点で顧客が資産を取得した時点で認識されます
2024年9月29日、私たちは売上高92.6 残存履行義務としての数百万ドルを持っていました。これを総バックログと呼んでいます。残存履行義務の約 55%が2025年末までに売上高として認識することを予測しています。さらに、追加の 30%が2027年末までに、その後の残高をそこで認識する見込みです。
契約見積もり。 当社の売上高の大部分は、数年にわたる長期契約やプログラムから生み出されます。長期契約やプログラムの会計には、総契約売上高と費用を推定するためにさまざまな技術を使用します。契約の利益は、契約の

契約見積もりの調整の影響は、当社の営業利益に反映され、営業費用や経費、あるいは売上高のいずれかに現れます。 契約見積もりの調整の総合的な影響は、当社の売上高、営業利益、希薄化後1株当たりの利益に以下のように反映されました:
3 か月が終了9か月が終わりました
収入$62 $27 $211 $179 
営業利益(12)11 101 98 
希薄化後の1株当たり利益$(0.03)$0.03 $0.29 $0.28 

カテゴリ別売上高。 当社の製品とサービスのポートフォリオは、 9,000 以上のアクティブ契約で構成されています。以下の一連の表は、いくつかのカテゴリ別に売上高を分割して示しています。
航空機製造業$1,686 $1,348 $5,014 $3,715 
航空機サービス796 684 2,492 2,162 
総合航空宇宙2,482 2,032 7,506 5,877 
核動力潜水艦2,630 2,027 7,496 6,186 
水上艦658 697 2,023 2,016 
修理およびその他のサービス311 278 864 851 
総合海洋システム3,599 3,002 10,383 9,053 
軍用車両1,295 1,280 3,850 3,707 
武器システム、兵器および弾薬658 739 2,033 1,650 
エンジニアリングおよびその他のサービス259 205 719 547 
トータル・コンバット・システム2,212 2,224 6,602 5,904 
情報技術(IT)サービス2,220 2,149 6,556 6,445 
C5ISR* ソリューション1,158 1,164 3,331 3,325 
トータル・テクノロジー3,378 3,313 9,887 9,770 
合計売上高$11,671 $10,571 $34,378 $30,604 


固定価格$2,250 $1,666 $1,957 $1,359 $7,232 
コスト払戻し 1,933 238 1,503 3,674 
タイム&マテリアル232  17 516 765 
合計売上高$2,482 $3,599 $2,212 $3,378 $11,671 
固定価格$1,816 $1,513 $1,992 $1,428 $6,749 
コスト払戻し 1,489 220 1,408 3,117 
タイム&マテリアル216  12 477 705 
合計売上高$2,032 $3,002 $2,224 $3,313 $10,571 
2024年9月29日に終了した9か月間航空宇宙Marine システムCombat システム技術総計
固定価格$6,772 $4,893 $5,844 $4,033 $21,542 
コスト還元 5,489 706 4,350 10,545 
タイムアンドマテリアル734 1 52 1,504 2,291 
合計売上高$7,506 $10,383 $6,602 $9,887 $34,378 
固定価格$5,145 $4,687 $5,204 $4,255 $19,291 
コスト還元 4,365 651 4,118 9,134 
タイムアンドマテリアル732 1 49 1,397 2,179 
合計売上高$5,877 $9,053 $5,904 $9,770 $30,604 

2024年9月29日終了の3か月間航空宇宙Marine システムCombat システム技術総計
ディフェンス省(DoD)$83 $3,571 $1,274 $1,981 $6,909 
非ディフェンス  1 1,238 1,239 
外国軍事販売(FMS)9 28 211 7 255 
合計米国政府92 3,599 1,486 3,226 8,403 
米国商業1,586  61 48 1,695 
米国外政府294  631 98 1,023 
非米国商業510  34 6 550 
合計売上高$2,482 $3,599 $2,212 $3,378 $11,671 
DoD$46 $2,970 $1,309 $1,914 $6,239 
非ディフェンス 1 3 1,212 1,216 
FMS14 31 143 14 202 
合計 米国政府60 3,002 1,455 3,140 7,657 
米国商業1,375  53 49 1,477 
米国外政府67  692 105 864 
非米国の商業530  24 19 573 
合計売上高$2,032 $3,002 $2,224 $3,313 $10,571 
2024年9月29日に終了した9か月間航空宇宙Marine システムCombat システム技術総計
DoD$187 $10,280 $3,742 $5,767 $19,976 
非ディフェンス 1 6 3,586 3,593 
FMS30 98 675 28 831 
総計米国政府217 10,379 4,423 9,381 24,400 
米国商業4,225 2 180 146 4,553 
米国外政府989 2 1,890 326 3,207 
海外の商業2,075  109 34 2,218 
合計売上高$7,506 $10,383 $6,602 $9,887 $34,378 
DoD$241 $8,948 $3,184 $5,654 $18,027 
非米国防総省 2 8 3,582 3,592 
FMS53 101 435 33 622 
合計米国政府294 9,051 3,627 9,269 22,241 
米国の商業3,558 1 159 151 3,869 
米国外政府317 1 2,044 297 2,659 
非米国の商業1,708  74 53 1,835 
合計売上高$5,877 $9,053 $5,904 $9,770 $30,604 

契約残高。 収益認識のタイミング、請求および現金の入金は、売掛金、未請求債権(契約資産)、および顧客の前受金と預金(契約負債)を連結貸借対照表に反映させます。私たちのディフェンスセグメントでは、合意された契約条件に従い、作業の進行に応じて請求金額が進行します。一定期間(例:2週間毎または月次)または契約上のマイルストーンの達成時を条件に請求が行われます。一般的に、収益認識の後に請求が行われ、その結果、契約資産が発生します。ただし、私たちは時折、収益が認識される前に、特に国際契約において、お客様から前受金や預金を受け取ることがあり、これにより契約負債が発生します。これらの資産と負債は、報告期末ごとに契約毎に連結貸借対照表に報告されます。私たちの航空宇宙セグメントでは、一般的に、契約締結時や契約上のマイルストーン達成時に顧客から預託金を受け取ります。これらの預託金は、収益が認識されると清算されます。 2024年9月29日終了の9か月間における契約資産および負債残高の変動は、その他の要因によってほとんど影響を受けませんでした。
2024年9月29日と2023年10月1日に終了した3か月と9か月期間に認識された売上高であり、各年の初めに契約債務残高に含まれていた売上高は、それぞれ$1.1十億ドルと$4.5 十億ドル、および十億ドルでした。この売上高は主にビジネスジェット機の販売を表しています。869と $3.5 ビジネスジェット機の販売を主たるものとしたものでした。

C. 1株当たり利益
基本権利総数加重平均274,393 272,585 274,004 273,242 
ストックオプションおよび制限株式/RSUの希薄化効果*3,495 2,160 3,514 2,204 
希薄化後に加重平均株式数277,888 274,745 277,518 275,446 
*    未発行のオプション、および期間中の当社の普通株式の平均市場価格を上回る行使価格を持つ行使可能なオプションは除外されており、これらのオプションを含める効果は希釈効果を持たないため、これらのオプションの合計は 1,277962 2024年9月29日終了の3か月および9か月期間には 4,4644,101 2023年10月1日終了の3か月および9か月期間には それぞれ


D. 所得税
繰延税金 pass負債。 当社の繰延税金資産および負債は、連結貸借対照表のその他の流動資産および負債に含まれています。 当社の繰延税金負債の純額は、以下の通りです:
逆強制法適用資産$28 $28 
純資産の繰延税金 pass値$(553)$(627)
税の不確定要素。 私たちは、内国歳入庁(IRS)のコンプライアンス保証プロセス(CAP)に参加しており、当社の連邦法人税の一本化された税申告のリアルタイム監査を受けています。IRSは2022年までの当社の一本化された連邦所得税申告書を審査しました。2023年12月31日および2024年12月31日に終了する税年度について、IRSは、不遵守のリスクがIRSの審査リソースの継続的な使用を正当化しない納税者向けのCAPの段階に私たちを置いています。
税務当局によって審査可能なすべての期間について、最新の利用可能な情報に基づいて、定期的に pass-through 自分たちの負債および未定負債を評価します。我々が税務上の立場が維持されない可能性が 50% を超えると信じる場合、連結財務諸表における税務負債に関する予測額、利息を記録します。所得税に関連する利息または遅延損害金も所得税費用の一部として含めます。
全セクターの既知の事実と状況、適用される税法に基づいて、2024年9月29日時点での未認識税額償却の総額は、当社の業績、財務状況、現金流にとって重要でないと考えています。さらに、次の12か月間で未認識税額償却が大幅に変動する可能性のある税務上の立場が存在し、個別にはもちろん、それが合算されても、当社の業績、財務状況、現金流に重要な影響を与える可能性があります。 なし 次の12か月間で未払税金の未払税額が著しく変動し、個別にまたは合算することで、当社の業績、財務状況、現金流に重要な影響を与える可能性がある税務上の立場が存在します。


E. 請求されていない債権
未請求の債権は、長期契約に認識された売上高(契約費用と見積もり利益)から関連する前受金および進行請求を差し引いた金額を表します。これらの金額は、合意された契約条件に従って請求されます。 未請求債権は、以下の通りでした:
請求書未収金$41,814 $40,552 
未請求売上高$8,852 $7,997 
2024年9月29日と2023年12月31日には、未請求の純売掛金にはドルが含まれていました1.4 10億と $1.2 それぞれ、10億です 当社の戦闘システム部門の大規模な国際追跡車両契約に関連しています。2010年に締結されたこの契約では、2021年と2022年に未請求売掛金が積み上がりました。お客様は、2023年の第1四半期に契約に基づく支払いを再開しました。

F. 在庫
当社の在庫の大部分はビジネスジェット機向けです。 当社の在庫は原価または正味実現価値のいずれか低い方を基に計上されています。 作業途中のものは、製造プロセスの中での航空機に関連する主に人件費、材料費、間接費に基づき、生産ロットごとの推定平均単価に基づいています。 ほとんどの原材料は平均価格または先入れ先出し法に基づいて評価されています。 新飛行機の販売に関連して取得した中古飛行機は、下取り価値または推定純実現価値のいずれか低い方を記録しています。
仕掛品$6,767 $5,655 
原材料3,283 2,886 
製品29 22 
中古飛行機62 15 
在庫総額$10,141 $8,578 


G. GOODWILLおよび無形資産
善意。 善意の帳簿価額の変化は、以下の通りでした。
航空宇宙Marine システムCombat システム技術総計
$3,199 $297 $2,812 $14,278 $20,586 
取得(b)7  39 156 202 
286.3(6) (22)(3)(31)
$3,200 $297 $2,829 $14,431 $20,757 
(a)テクノロジー部門の善意は、億ドルの純額の減損損失でした。1.8 億ドルの累積減損損失。
無形資産。 無形資産は次の通りです。
契約とプログラムの無形資産(b)$3,295 $(1,960)$1,335 $3,256 $(1,868)$1,388 
商標や商号540 (302)238 542 (288)254 
テクノロジーとソフトウェア62 (52)10 65 (51)14 
その他60 (60) 64 (64) 
無形資産合計$3,957 $(2,374)$1,583 $3,927 $(2,271)$1,656 
償却費は、連結損益計算書の営業費用および費用に含まれています。無形資産の償却費は、三か月および九か月の期間終了時点でそれぞれ$45と $134 2024年9月29日に終了した3か月および9か月の期間用の償却費, $に対する、割引後の将来最低限度の賃貸料支払い合計額は以下の通りです。47と $147 2023年10月1日に終了した3か月および9か月の期間用の償却費


H. 債務
2024年11月2.375%$500 $500 
2025年4月3.250%750 750 
2025年5月3.500%750 750 
2026年6月1.150%500 500 
2026年8月2.125%500 500 
3.500%750 750 
2027年11月2.625%500 500 
2028年5月3.750%1,000 1,000 
2030年4月3.625%1,000 1,000 
2031年6月2.250%500 500 
2040年4月4.250%750 750 
2041年6月2.850%500 500 
2042年11月3.600%500 500 
2050年4月4.250%750 750 
その他85 90 
合計債務元金9,335 9,340 
未償還債務発行費用および割引の金額が少ない68 79 
合計債務9,267 9,261 
活動資産のうち、1年以内に現金化される見込みのあるもの2,005 507 
新規買債務$7,262 $8,754 
2024年9月29日には、残高店頭買い入れていましたが、 なし 将来的にも商業用手形市場へのアクセスを維持しています。別途、一般企業目的および運転資本需要、および商業用手形発行をサポートするための$4 10億の銀行借入施設を保有しています。このクレジット施設の有効期限は2027年3月です。このクレジット施設を有効期限前または有効期限日に全額または一部で更新または入れ替えることができます。さらにSECに登録されている効力のある発行登録制度を有しており、債務市場へのアクセスが可能です。


I. その他の負債
給与及び賃金$1,180 $1,191 
配当が支払われます。391 362 
リース債務324 325 
労働者災害補償247 237 
1,195 1,151 
その他の流動負債合計$3,337 $3,266 
老後生活の福利厚生$2,058 $2,219 
商業契約における顧客の預金1,847 2,576 
リース債務1,576 1,497 
2,039 2,033 
その他の負債合計$7,520 $8,325 

J. コミットメント及びコンティンジェンシー

必要に応じて、特定の調査または改修の対象となっている場所に対する財務保証を提供しています。責任が発生し、金額が合理的に見積もられる可能性が高い場合に、environmental 種類の費用を計上します。該当する場合、環境責任に関連するコストの保険金を回収を求めます。集金が確実に考慮されるまで、保険金の回収を記録しません。全セクターの既知の事実と分析に基づいて、環境的状況から発生する個々のサイトまたは累計からの弊社の責任が、業績、財務状態、キャッシュフローにとって重要なものであるとは考えていません。また、現在記録されている範囲を超える損失が、業績、財務状態、キャッシュフローにとって重要であるとは考えていません。
政府契約。 政府契約業者として、当社は米国政府の監査や業務に関連する調査を受ける可能性があり、過料、制裁金、補償金、そして損害賠償金を含む請求があります。当社は、これらの継続中の政府監査や調査の結果が当社の業績、財務状況、およびキャッシュフローに重大な影響を与えるとは考えていません。
信用状と保証。 通常の業務遂行において、私たちは金融機関や保険会社と合わせて、約$の総額に相当する為替手形、銀行保証、連帯保証債務書、その他類似した取引を締結しています1.8 2024年9月29日時点で合計約$の契約を締結しており、さらに時折、通常業務の過程で、特定の契約に基づく子会社の支払いまたは業績を保証しています
航空機の取引。 契約バックログの新しい航空機の注文に関連して、一部のガルフストリームの顧客は航空機の取引を選択し、新しい航空機の取引において部分的な対価として提示しています。これらの取引コミットメントは、一般的に取引機の公正市場価値を一般的な日付に設定するために構成されています。 45 また、その顧客は、新しい航空機を納品する直前の多くの日付から少なくとも一般的な日付まで、新しい航空機を受け取らなければならない。その時点で、顧客はオプションを行使するか、その期限が切れるか選択する必要があります。その他の取引コミットメントは、事前に設定された取引価値を保証するために構成されています。
製品保証。 特定の製品販売に関連するお客様に保証を提供しています。関連する製品が納入された期間に見積もられた保証費用を記録します。各貸借対照表の日付ごとに記録される保証 pass費用は、通常、月数に基づいています。

前日残高$597 $603 
保証費用84 57 
調整9 5 
終了残高$614 $591 

K. 株主 株式
シェア リパーチェス 2024年9月29日をもって、当社は自己の発行済株式を 0.7百万株を$183で取得しました。2024年9月29日時点で、取締役会(ボード)が承認した残りの株式は 4 百万株で、弊社の発行済株式の 1.5%に相当します。2023年10月1日をもって、当社は 2 2023年8月31日までの3か月間で、$434 を取得しました。
配当シェアあたり。 当社の取締役会は、2024年9月29日にシェアあたりの配当を$1.42と $4.26 宣言し、2024年9月29日および2023年10月1日終了の3か月および9か月期間にそれぞれ$1.32 $に対する、割引後の将来最低限度の賃貸料支払い合計額は以下の通りです。3.96 のキャッシュ配当を支払った。390と $1.1 3か月および9か月期間における2024年9月29日終了時点の配当支払額は、合計$363と $1.1十億 2023年10月1日に終了した3か月および9か月の期間用の償却費

Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss. The changes, pretax and net of tax, in each component of accumulated other comprehensive loss (AOCL) consisted of the following:
Changes in Unrealized Cash Flow HedgesForeign Currency Translation AdjustmentsChanges in Retirement Plans’ Funded StatusAOCL
December 31, 2023$11 $673 $(1,843)$(1,159)
Other comprehensive income, pretax(31)(16)125 78 
Provision for income tax, net7  (25)(18)
Other comprehensive income, net of tax(24)(16)100 60 
September 29, 2024$(13)$657 $(1,743)$(1,099)
December 31, 2022$4 $260 $(2,416)$(2,152)
Other comprehensive income, pretax(33)63 526 556 
Provision for income tax, net8  (110)(102)
Other comprehensive income, net of tax(25)63 416 454 
October 1, 2023$(21)$323 $(2,000)$(1,698)
Amounts reclassified out of AOCL related primarily to changes in our retirement plans’ funded status and included pretax recognized net actuarial losses and amortization of prior service credit. See Note O for these amounts, which are included in our net periodic pension and other post-retirement benefit cost (credit).

We have four operating segments: Aerospace, Marine Systems, Combat Systems and Technologies. We organize our segments in accordance with the nature of products and services offered. We measure each segment’s profitability based on operating earnings. As a result, we do not allocate net interest, other income and expense items, and income taxes to our segments.

Summary financial information for each of our segments follows:
Revenue (a)Operating Earnings
Three Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023September 29, 2024October 1, 2023
Aerospace$2,482 $2,032 $305 $268 
Marine Systems3,599 3,002 258 211 
Combat Systems2,212 2,224 325 300 
Technologies3,378 3,313 326 315 
Corporate (b)  (33)(37)
Total$11,671 $10,571 $1,181 $1,057 
Nine Months Ended
Aerospace$7,506 $5,877 $879 $733 
Marine Systems10,383 9,053 735 657 
Combat Systems6,602 5,904 920 796 
Technologies9,887 9,770 941 897 
Corporate (b)  (102)(126)
Total$34,378 $30,604 $3,373 $2,957 
(a)See Note B for additional revenue information by segment.
(b)Corporate operating costs consisted primarily of equity-based compensation expense.
Fair value is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in the principal or most advantageous market in an orderly transaction between marketplace participants. Various valuation approaches can be used to determine fair value, each requiring different valuation inputs. The following hierarchy classifies the inputs used to determine fair value into three levels:
Level 1 – quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
Level 2 – inputs, other than quoted prices, observable by a marketplace participant either directly or indirectly.
Level 3 – unobservable inputs significant to the fair value measurement.
We did not have any significant non-financial assets or liabilities measured at fair value on September 29, 2024, or December 31, 2023.
Our financial instruments include cash and equivalents, accounts receivable and payable, marketable securities held in trust and other investments, short- and long-term debt, and derivative financial instruments. The carrying values of cash and equivalents and accounts receivable and payable on the Consolidated Balance Sheet approximate their fair value. The following tables present the fair values of our other financial assets and liabilities on September 29, 2024, and December 31, 2023, and the basis for determining their fair values:

Quoted Prices in Active Markets for Identical Assets
(Level 1)
Significant Other Observable Inputs
(Level 2)
Significant Unobservable Inputs
(Level 3)
Financial Assets (Liabilities)September 29, 2024
Measured at fair value:
Marketable securities held in trust:
Cash and equivalents$3 $3 $ $3 $ 
Available-for-sale debt securities132 132  132  
Commingled equity funds50 50 50   
Commingled fixed-income funds6 6 6   
Other investments45 45 28  17 
Cash flow hedge assets64 64  64  
Cash flow hedge liabilities(65)(65) (65) 
Measured at amortized cost:
Short- and long-term debt principal(9,335)(8,876) (8,876) 
December 31, 2023
Measured at fair value:
Marketable securities held in trust:
Cash and equivalents$21 $21 $ $21 $ 
Available-for-sale debt securities115 115  115  
Commingled equity funds49 49 49   
Commingled fixed-income funds6 6 6   
Other investments40 40 23  17 
Cash flow hedge assets109 109  109  
Cash flow hedge liabilities(61)(61) (61) 
Measured at amortized cost:
Short- and long-term debt principal(9,340)(8,764) (8,764) 
Our Level 1 assets include commingled equity and fixed-income funds that are valued using a unit price or net asset value (NAV). These funds are actively traded and valued using quoted prices for identical securities from the market exchanges. The fair value of our Level 2 assets and liabilities, which consist primarily of fixed-income securities, cash flow hedges and our fixed-rate notes, is determined under a market approach using valuation models that incorporate observable inputs such as interest rates, bond yields and quoted prices for similar assets. Our Level 3 assets include direct private equity investments that are measured using inputs unobservable to a marketplace participant.

We are exposed to market risk, primarily from foreign currency exchange rates, commodity prices and investments. We may use derivative financial instruments to hedge some of these risks as described below. We do not use derivative financial instruments for trading or speculative purposes.
Foreign Currency Risk. Our foreign currency exchange rate risk relates to receipts from customers, payments to suppliers and intercompany transactions denominated in foreign currencies. To the extent possible, we include terms in our contracts that are designed to protect us from this risk. Otherwise, we

enter into derivative financial instruments, principally foreign currency forward purchase and sale contracts, designed to offset and minimize our risk. The dollar-weighted one-year average maturity of these instruments generally matches the duration of the activities that are at risk.
Commodity Price Risk. We are subject to commodity price risk, primarily on long-term, fixed-price contracts. To the extent possible, we include terms in our contracts that are designed to protect us from these risks. Some of the protective terms included in our contracts are considered derivative financial instruments but are not accounted for separately, because they are clearly and closely related to the host contract. We have not entered into any material commodity hedging contracts but may do so as circumstances warrant. We do not believe that changes in commodity prices will have a material impact on our results of operations or cash flows.
Investment Risk. Our investment policy allows for purchases of fixed-income securities with an investment-grade rating and a maximum maturity of up to five years. On September 29, 2024, and December 31, 2023, we held $2.1 billion and $1.9 billion in cash and equivalents, respectively, but held no material marketable securities other than those held in trust to meet some of our obligations under workers’ compensation and non-qualified pension plans. On September 29, 2024, and December 31, 2023, we held marketable securities in trust of $191. These marketable securities are reflected at fair value on the Consolidated Balance Sheet in other current and noncurrent assets. See Note M for additional details.
Hedging Activities. We had notional forward exchange contracts outstanding of $7.1 billion and $5.7 billion on September 29, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively. These derivative financial instruments are cash flow hedges, and are reflected at fair value on the Consolidated Balance Sheet in other current assets and liabilities. See Note M for additional details.
Changes in fair value (gains and losses) related to derivative financial instruments that qualify as cash flow hedges are deferred in AOCL until the underlying transaction is reflected in earnings. Alternatively, gains and losses on derivative financial instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting are recorded each period in earnings. All gains and losses from derivative financial instruments recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Earnings are presented in the same line item as the underlying transaction, generally operating costs and expenses.
Net gains and losses recognized in earnings on derivative financial instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting were not material to our results of operations for the three- and nine-month periods ended September 29, 2024, and October 1, 2023. Net gains and losses reclassified to earnings from AOCL related to qualified hedges were also not material to our results of operations for the three- and nine-month periods ended September 29, 2024, and October 1, 2023, and we do not expect the amount of these gains and losses that will be reclassified to earnings during the next 12 months to be material.
We had no material derivative financial instruments designated as fair value or net investment hedges on September 29, 2024, and December 31, 2023.
Foreign Currency Financial Statement Translation. We translate foreign currency balance sheets from our international businesses’ functional currency (generally the respective local currency) to U.S. dollars at the end-of-period exchange rates, and statements of earnings at the average exchange rates for each period. The resulting foreign currency translation adjustments are a component of AOCL.
We do not hedge the fluctuation in reported revenue and earnings resulting from the translation of these international operations’ results into U.S. dollars. The impact of translating our non-U.S. operations’ revenue and earnings into U.S. dollars was not material to our results of operations for the

three- and nine-month periods ended September 29, 2024, and October 1, 2023. In addition, the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on non-U.S. cash balances was not material for the nine-month periods ended September 29, 2024, and October 1, 2023.

We provide retirement benefits to eligible employees through a variety of plans:
Defined contribution
Defined benefit
Pension (qualified and non-qualified)
Other post-retirement benefit
For our defined benefit plans, net periodic benefit cost (credit) for the three- and nine-month periods ended September 29, 2024, and October 1, 2023, consisted of the following:
Pension BenefitsOther Post-retirement Benefits
Three Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1,
September 29, 2024October 1,
Service cost$19 $17 $1 $1 
Interest cost157 163 7 7 
Expected return on plan assets(206)(207)(8)(8)
Net actuarial loss (gain)48 183 (7)(7)
Prior service (credit) cost(2)(4)1 1 
Net periodic benefit cost (credit) $16 $152 $(6)$(6)
Nine Months Ended
Service cost$56 $50 $3 $3 
Interest cost471 488 21 22 
Expected return on plan assets(617)(622)(25)(24)
Net actuarial loss (gain)146 550 (23)(23)
Prior service (credit) cost(5)(11)2 2 
Net periodic benefit cost (credit)$51 $455 $(22)$(20)
Our contractual arrangements with the U.S. government provide for the recovery of pension and other post-retirement benefit costs related to employees working on government contracts. The amount allocated to U.S. government contracts is determined in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), which may result in a timing difference with the amount determined under GAAP. We defer this difference on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. At this time, cumulative benefit costs exceed the amount allocated to contracts, and the difference is reported in other current assets. To the extent there is a non-service component of net periodic benefit cost (credit) for our defined benefit plans, it is reported in other income (expense) in the Consolidated Statement of Earnings.


(Dollars in millions, except per-share amounts or unless otherwise noted)

General Dynamics is a global aerospace and defense company that offers a broad portfolio of products and services in business aviation; ship construction and repair; land combat vehicles, weapons systems and munitions; and technology products and services.
Our company is organized into four operating segments: Aerospace, Marine Systems, Combat Systems and Technologies. We refer to the latter three collectively as our defense segments. Our primary customer is the U.S. government, including the Department of Defense (DoD), the intelligence community and other U.S. government agencies. We also have significant business with non-U.S. governments and a diverse base of corporate and individual buyers of business jet aircraft and related services. The following discussion should be read in conjunction with our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and with the unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements included in this Form 10-Q.

With approximately 70% of our revenue from work for the U.S. government, government spending levels — particularly defense spending — influence our financial performance. The Congress has not yet passed a defense appropriations bill for the government’s fiscal year 2025 even though the new year began on October 1, 2024. However, on September 26, 2024, a continuing resolution (CR) was signed into law, providing funding for federal agencies through December 20, 2024. When the government operates under a CR, all programs of record are funded at the prior year’s appropriated levels until the current year appropriations bill is signed into law. Therefore, the DoD is prohibited from starting new programs or increasing funding on existing programs unless there is an exception for the program included in the CR. We do not anticipate the current CR having a material impact on our results of operations, financial condition or cash flows. However, the impact to our business from an extended CR or government shutdown that may result from any continuing delay by Congress to pass a new defense appropriations bill is currently uncertain and would depend on the duration and government implementation of the CR or shutdown. For additional information, see the Risk Factors in Part I, Item 1A, in our most recent Form 10-K filing.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic caused significant disruptions to national and global economies and government activities, including supply chain and staffing challenges. Additionally, in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United States and several other countries imposed economic and trade sanctions, export controls and other restrictions targeting Russia and Belarus. Lastly, the impact of the conflict in the Middle East continues to evolve. The disruptions caused by these events continue to impact global economies and businesses. The primary impact to our business is supply chain challenges, including inflationary pressures.

In our Aerospace segment, supply chain challenges have paced our ability to ramp up production at the rate we would have liked, in response to strong customer demand for our aircraft and have caused out-of-sequence manufacturing, which increases costs and decreases operational efficiency. In addition, the conflict in the Middle East has impacted the delivery schedule for our Israel-based supplier of mid-cabin aircraft. Within our defense segments, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in supply chain challenges that continue to impact our Marine Systems segment. The Russia-Ukraine conflict and increased threat environment have created additional demand for certain of our products and services, particularly in our Combat Systems segment.
Earlier this year, our ultra-long-range, ultra-large-cabin G700 aircraft received U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) type certification, which paved the way for customer deliveries in the second quarter of 2024. Deliveries were impacted in the third quarter by late supply chain deliveries, additional type certification procedures due to complex interiors, a quality escape from a vendor that was identified and rectified and timing of regional weather events. These impacts are largely behind us and we expect to deliver about 42 G700 aircraft in all this year.


The following paragraphs explain how we recognize revenue and operating costs in our operating segments and the terminology we use to describe our operating results.
In the Aerospace segment, we record revenue on contracts for new aircraft when the customer obtains control of the asset, which is generally upon delivery and acceptance by the customer of the fully outfitted aircraft. Revenue associated with the segment’s services businesses is recognized as work progresses or upon delivery of services. Fluctuations in revenue from period to period result from the number and mix of new aircraft deliveries, and the level and type of aircraft services performed during the period.
The majority of the Aerospace segment’s operating costs relates to new aircraft production on firm orders and consists of labor, material, subcontractor and overhead costs. The costs are accumulated in production lots, recorded in inventory and recognized as operating costs at aircraft delivery based on the estimated average unit cost in a production lot. While changes in the estimated average unit cost for a production lot impact the level of operating costs, the amount of operating costs reported in a given period is based largely on the number and type of aircraft delivered. Operating costs in the Aerospace segment’s services businesses are recognized generally as incurred.
For new aircraft, operating earnings and margin are a function of the prices of our aircraft, our operational efficiency in manufacturing and outfitting the aircraft, and the mix of ultra-large-cabin, large-cabin and mid-cabin aircraft deliveries. Aircraft mix can also refer to the stage of program maturity for our aircraft models. A new aircraft model typically has lower margins in its initial production lots, and then margins generally increase as we realize efficiencies in the production process. Additional factors affecting the segment’s earnings and margin include the volume, mix and profitability of services work performed, the market for pre-owned aircraft, and the level of general and administrative (G&A) and net research and development (R&D) costs incurred by the segment.

In the defense segments, revenue on long-term government contracts is recognized generally over time as the work progresses, either as products are produced or as services are rendered. Typically, revenue is recognized over time using costs incurred to date relative to total estimated costs at completion to measure progress toward satisfying our performance obligations. Incurred costs represent work performed, which corresponds with, and thereby best depicts, the transfer of control to the customer. Contract costs include labor, material, overhead and, when appropriate, G&A expenses. Variances in costs recognized from period to period reflect primarily increases and decreases in production or activity levels on individual contracts. Because costs are used as a measure of progress, year-over-year variances in costs result in corresponding variances in revenue, which we generally refer to as volume.
Operating earnings and margin in the defense segments are driven by changes in volume, performance or contract mix. Performance refers to changes in profitability based on adjustments to estimates at completion on individual contracts. These adjustments result from increases or decreases to the estimated value of the contract, the estimated costs to complete the contract or both. Therefore, changes in costs incurred in the period compared with prior periods do not necessarily impact profitability. It is only when total estimated costs at completion on a given contract change without a corresponding change in the contract value (or vice versa) that the profitability of that contract may be impacted. Contract mix refers to changes in the volume of higher- versus lower-margin work. Higher or lower margins can result from a number of factors, including contract type (e.g., fixed-price/cost-reimbursable) and type of work (e.g., development/production). Contract mix can also refer to the stage of program maturity for our long-term production contracts. New long-term production contracts typically have lower margins initially, and then margins generally increase as we achieve learning curve improvements or realize other cost reductions.

Three Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023Variance
Revenue$11,671 $10,571 $1,100 10.4 %
Operating costs and expenses(10,490)(9,514)(976)10.3 %
Operating earnings1,181 1,057 124 11.7 %
Operating margin10.1 %10.0 %
Nine Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023Variance
Revenue$34,378 $30,604 $3,774 12.3 %
Operating costs and expenses(31,005)(27,647)(3,358)12.1 %
Operating earnings3,373 2,957 416 14.1 %
Operating margin9.8 %9.7 %
We had strong growth in consolidated revenue during 2024, including double digit percentage growth in our Aerospace, Marine Systems and Combat Systems segments over the first nine months. Operating margin increased 10 basis points in both the third quarter and the first nine months of 2024.


Following is a discussion of operating results for each of our operating segments. For the Aerospace segment, results are analyzed by specific types of products and services, consistent with how the segment is managed. For the defense segments, the discussion is based on markets and the lines of products and services offered with a supplemental discussion of specific contracts and programs when significant to the results. Additional information regarding our segments can be found in Note L to the unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements in Part I, Item 1.
Three Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023Variance
Revenue$2,482 $2,032 $450 22.1 %
Operating earnings305 268 37 13.8 %
Operating margin12.3 %13.2 %
Gulfstream aircraft deliveries (in units)28 27 3.7 %
Nine Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023Variance
Revenue$7,506 $5,877 $1,629 27.7 %
Operating earnings879 733 146 19.9 %
Operating margin11.7 %12.5 %
Gulfstream aircraft deliveries (in units)89 72 17 23.6 %
Operating Results
The increase in the Aerospace segment’s revenue in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 consisted of the following:
Third QuarterNine Months
Aircraft manufacturing$315 $1,299 
Aircraft services135 330 
Total increase$450 $1,629 
Aircraft manufacturing revenue increased in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 due primarily to the number and mix of aircraft deliveries, including initial deliveries of our ultra-long-range, ultra-large-cabin G700 aircraft. Aircraft services revenue was up in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 due to increased customer demand for aircraft maintenance based on established maintenance cycles, a larger installed base and customer flight activity.

The increase in the segment’s operating earnings in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 consisted of the following:
Third QuarterNine Months
Aircraft services$53 $105 
Aircraft manufacturing(5)76 
G&A/other expenses(11)(35)
Total increase$37 $146 
Aircraft services operating earnings increased in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 due to higher volume. Although aircraft manufacturing revenue increased in 2024, operating earnings have not increased at the same rate, reflecting additional costs associated with the first lot of G700 aircraft and out of station work caused by late supply chain deliveries. G&A/other expenses have increased in 2024 due in part to the R&D efforts supporting the extended FAA certification processes. In total, the Aerospace segment’s operating margin decreased 90 basis points in the third quarter and 80 basis points in the first nine months of 2024 compared with the prior-year periods.
2024 Outlook
We expect the Aerospace segment’s 2024 revenue to be approximately $12.3 billion, with operating margin of approximately 13.2%.
Three Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023Variance
Revenue$3,599 $3,002 $597 19.9 %
Operating earnings258 211 47 22.3 %
Operating margin7.2 %7.0 %
Nine Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023Variance
Revenue$10,383 $9,053 $1,330 14.7 %
Operating earnings735 657 78 11.9 %
Operating margin7.1 %7.3 %
Operating Results
The increase in the Marine Systems segment’s revenue in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 consisted of the following:
Third QuarterNine Months
U.S. Navy ship construction$470 $959 
U.S. Navy ship engineering, repair and other services127 371 
Total increase$597 $1,330 
Revenue from U.S. Navy ship construction and engineering was up in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 due primarily to increased volume on the Columbia-class and Virginia-class submarine programs. The Marine Systems segment’s operating margin continues to reflect the impact of supply chain challenges.

2024 Outlook
We expect the Marine Systems segment’s 2024 revenue to be approximately $13.9 billion with operating margin of approximately 6.9%.
Three Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023Variance
Revenue$2,212 $2,224 $(12)(0.5)%
Operating earnings325 300 25 8.3 %
Operating margin14.7 %13.5 %
Nine Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023Variance
Revenue$6,602 $5,904 $698 11.8  %
Operating earnings920 796 124 15.6  %
Operating margin13.9 %13.5 %
Operating Results
The change in the Combat Systems segment’s revenue in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 consisted of the following:
Third QuarterNine Months
Weapons systems and munitions$(63)$429 
U.S military vehicles57 222 
International military vehicles(6)47 
Total change$(12)$698 
Weapons systems and munitions revenue increased in the first nine months of 2024 due to heightened demand for artillery products, including facility expansion efforts to achieve higher production rates. In the third quarter, revenue was down due to program timing. Revenue from U.S. military vehicles was up in the third quarter and first nine months due primarily to higher volume on the U.S. Army’s M10 Booker combat vehicle program.
Overall, the Combat Systems segment’s operating margin increased 120 basis points in the third quarter and 40 basis points in the first nine months of 2024 driven by favorable contract mix and strong operating performance.
2024 Outlook
We expect the Combat Systems segment’s 2024 revenue to be approximately $8.7 billion with operating margin of approximately 14.4%.

Three Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023Variance
Revenue$3,378 $3,313 $65 2.0 %
Operating earnings326 315 11 3.5 %
Operating margin9.7 %9.5 %
Nine Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023Variance
Revenue$9,887 $9,770 $117 1.2 %
Operating earnings941 897 44 4.9 %
Operating margin9.5 %9.2 %
Operating Results
The increase in the Technologies segment’s revenue in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 consisted of the following:
Third QuarterNine Months
Information technology (IT) services$71 $111 
C5ISR* solutions(6)
Total increase$65 $117 
*Command, control, communications, computers, cyber, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
The Technologies segment’s revenue was up in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 due to higher volume of IT services, including the ramp-up of new programs. Overall, the Technologies segment’s operating margin increased 20 basis points in the third quarter and 30 basis points in the first nine months of 2024 due to strong operating performance.
2024 Outlook
We expect the Technologies segment’s 2024 revenue to be approximately $13 billion with operating margin of approximately 9.5%.
Corporate operating costs totaled $33 in the third quarter and $102 in the first nine months of 2024 compared with $37 in the third quarter and $126 in the first nine months of 2023 and consisted primarily of equity-based compensation expense. Corporate operating costs are expected to be approximately $140 in 2024.


Three Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023Variance
Revenue$6,767 $6,163 $604 9.8 %
Operating costs(5,760)(5,148)(612)11.9 %
Nine Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023Variance
Revenue$20,061 $17,473 $2,588 14.8 %
Operating costs(17,074)(14,704)(2,370)16.1 %
The increase in product revenue in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 consisted of the following:
Third QuarterNine Months
Aircraft manufacturing$315 $1,299 
Ship construction470 959 
Weapons systems and munitions(63)429 
Other, net(118)(99)
Total increase$604 $2,588 
Aircraft manufacturing revenue increased in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 due to additional aircraft deliveries. Ship construction revenue increased due primarily to higher volume on the Columbia-class and Virginia-class submarine programs. Weapons systems and munitions revenue increased in the first nine months of 2024 due to heightened demand for artillery products. The primary drivers of the increase in product operating costs were the changes in volume on the programs described above.
Three Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023Variance
Revenue$4,904 $4,408 $496 11.3 %
Operating costs(4,095)(3,765)(330)8.8 %
Nine Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023Variance
Revenue$14,317 $13,131 $1,186 9.0 %
Operating costs(12,025)(11,151)(874)7.8 %

The increase in service revenue in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 consisted of the following:
Third QuarterNine Months
Ship services$127 $371 
Aircraft services135 330 
C5ISR solutions/IT services123 264 
Other, net111 221 
Total increase$496 $1,186 
Ship services revenue increased in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 due to higher volume on the Columbia-class submarine program. Aircraft services revenue was up due to additional maintenance work. C5ISR solutions and IT services revenue was up due to higher volume, including the ramp-up of new programs. The primary drivers of the increase in service operating costs were the changes in volume on the programs described above.
As a percentage of revenue, G&A expenses decreased to 5.5% in the first nine months of 2024 compared with 5.9% in the first nine months of 2023. We expect G&A expenses as a percentage of revenue in 2024 to be generally consistent with 2023.
Net other income was $47 in the first nine months of 2024 compared with $65 in the first nine months of 2023, and represents primarily the non-service components of pension and other post-retirement benefits. In 2024, we expect net other income to be approximately $60.
Net interest expense was $248 in the first nine months of 2024 compared with $265 in the prior-year period, reflecting the repayment of our scheduled debt maturities in 2023. See Note H to the unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements in Part I, Item 1, for additional information regarding our debt obligations, including interest rates. We expect 2024 net interest expense to be approximately $320.
Our effective tax rate was 17.0% in the first nine months of 2024 compared with 16.2% in the prior-year period. For 2024, based on increased U.S. and foreign tax credits, tax benefits from equity-based compensation and other timing items, we anticipate a full-year effective tax rate of approximately 17.0%.

Our total backlog, including funded and unfunded portions, was $92.6 billion at the end of the third quarter of 2024 compared with $91.3 billion at the end of the second quarter. Our total backlog is equal to our remaining performance obligations under contracts with customers as discussed in Note B to the unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements in Part I, Item 1. Our total estimated contract value, which combines total backlog with estimated potential contract value, was $137.6 billion on September 29, 2024.

The following table details the backlog and estimated potential contract value of each segment at the end of the third and second quarters of 2024:
FundedUnfundedTotal BacklogEstimated Potential Contract ValueTotal
Estimated Contract Value
September 29, 2024
Aerospace$18,859 $937 $19,796 $254 $20,050 
Marine Systems29,008 11,463 40,471 9,578 50,049 
Combat Systems17,289 682 17,971 8,016 25,987 
Technologies9,794 4,602 14,396 27,093 41,489 
Total$74,950 $17,684 $92,634 $44,941 $137,575 
June 30, 2024
Aerospace$19,126 $911 $20,037 $372 $20,409 
Marine Systems29,912 11,436 41,348 3,983 45,331 
Combat Systems16,003 673 16,676 5,816 22,492 
Technologies9,365 3,875 13,240 28,283 41,523 
Total$74,406 $16,895 $91,301 $38,454 $129,755 

Aerospace funded backlog represents primarily new aircraft orders for which we have definitive purchase contracts and deposits from customers. Unfunded backlog consists of agreements to provide future aircraft maintenance and support services. The Aerospace segment ended the third quarter of 2024 with backlog of $19.8 billion.
Orders for new Gulfstream aircraft reflected strong demand, yielding a segment book-to-bill ratio (orders divided by revenue) of 1-to-1 for the first nine months of 2024, even as revenue grew by nearly 30% year over year.
Beyond total backlog, estimated potential contract value represents primarily options and other agreements with existing customers to purchase new aircraft and long-term aircraft services agreements. On September 29, 2024, estimated potential contract value in the Aerospace segment was $254.

The total backlog in our defense segments represents the estimated remaining sales value of work to be performed under firm contracts. The funded portion of total backlog includes items that have been authorized and appropriated by the U.S. Congress and funded by customers, as well as commitments by international customers that are approved and funded similarly by their governments. The unfunded portion of total backlog includes the amounts we believe are likely to be funded, but there is no guarantee that future budgets and appropriations will provide the same funding level currently anticipated for a given program.
Estimated potential contract value in our defense segments includes unexercised options associated with existing firm contracts and unfunded work on indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contracts. Contract options represent agreements to perform additional work under existing contracts at the election of the customer. We recognize options in backlog when the customer exercises the option

and establishes a firm order. For IDIQ contracts, we evaluate the amount of funding we expect to receive and include this amount in our estimated potential contract value. This amount is often less than the total IDIQ contract value, particularly when the contract has multiple awardees. The actual amount of funding received in the future may be higher or lower than our estimate of potential contract value.
Total backlog in our defense segments was $72.8 billion on September 29, 2024. In the third quarter of 2024, the Combat Systems and Technologies segments achieved book-to-bill ratios of 1.5-to-1 and 1.3-to-1, respectively. Overall, the total book-to-bill ratio in our defense segments was 1.1-to-1 in the third quarter of 2024. Estimated potential contract value in our defense segments was $44.7 billion on September 29, 2024. We received the following significant contract awards during the third quarter of 2024:
$780 from the U.S. Navy for the construction of an additional John Lewis-class (T-AO-205) fleet replenishment oiler. The contract including options for an additional seven T-AO-205 oilers has a maximum potential value of more than $6.7 billion.
$1.5 billion from the Navy for long-lead materials for Block VI Virginia-class submarines.
$100 from the Navy to provide engineering, technical, design and planning yard support services for operational strategic and attack submarines.
$85 from the Navy for maintenance and modernization on the USS Chung-Hoon, an Arleigh Burke-class (DDG-51) guided missile destroyer.
$80 for advanced nuclear plant studies (ANPS) in support of the Columbia-class submarine program for the Navy.
$885 for various munitions and ordnance. These contracts have a maximum potential value of $1.7 billion.
$465 for two contracts from the U.S. Army for the production of 155mm artillery projectile metal parts. These contracts have a maximum potential value of $1.7 billion.
$395 from the Army for the production of 155mm propelling bag charges.
$190 from the Army to produce Iron Fist Active Protection System kits.
$180 from the Army to produce Stryker Sgt. Stout vehicles.
$100 from the Army for long-lead materials to support the future retrofit of Stryker Sgt. Stout vehicles to a dual Stinger Vehicle Universal Launcher (SVUL) configuration.
$840 for several key contracts for classified customers. These contracts have a maximum potential value of $1 billion.
$605 for multiple awards from the U.S. Space Development Agency to develop and integrate ground systems for the low-Earth orbit satellite network.

$105 from the U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) to continue operating and maintaining Pentagon and regional government-furnished network infrastructures. The contract including options has a maximum potential value of $300.
$185 from the U.S. Department of State (DoS) to manage its global technical security supply chain.
$135 to provide equipment and tools to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to augment its High-Performance Computing Systems.
$130 from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) to provide hybrid cloud services and IT design, engineering, and operations and sustainment services.
$120 from the DoS to provide overseas consular services to support visa application and issuance at U.S. embassies and consulates throughout the world under the Global Support Strategy (GSS) program.

We place a strong emphasis on cash flow generation, which is underpinned by an operating discipline focused on cost control and working capital management. This emphasis gives us the flexibility for prudent capital deployment, while allowing us to step down debt over time, and preserves a strong balance sheet for future opportunities.
We evaluate a variety of capital deployment options based on current market conditions and our long-term outlook, and we believe agility is a key component of our capital deployment strategy as market conditions change over time. Our capital deployment priorities include investments in our products and services to drive long-term growth, a predictable dividend, strategic acquisitions and opportunistic share repurchases.
We believe cash generated by operating activities, supplemented by commercial paper issuances, is sufficient to satisfy our short- and long-term liquidity needs. An additional potential source of capital is the issuance of long-term debt in capital market transactions.
We ended the third quarter of 2024 with a cash and equivalents balance of $2.1 billion compared with $1.9 billion at the end of 2023. The following is a discussion of our major operating, investing and financing activities in the first nine months of 2024 and 2023, as classified on the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows in Part I, Item 1:
Nine Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023
Net cash provided by operating activities$1,952 $3,514 
Net cash used by investing activities(588)(608)
Net cash used by financing activities(1,173)(2,792)

Cash provided by operating activities was $2 billion in the first nine months of 2024 compared with $3.5 billion in the same period in 2023. The primary driver of cash flows in both periods was net earnings. Cash flows in the first nine months of 2024 were affected negatively by growth in operating working capital, particularly driven by the ramp-up in production of new Gulfstream aircraft models in our Aerospace segment and timing in our Combat Systems segment. Cash flows in the first nine months of

2023 were affected positively by a decrease in unbilled receivables due to the receipt of progress payments on large international vehicle contracts in our Combat Systems segment and an increase in customer deposits driven by Gulfstream aircraft orders, offset partially by an increase in inventory due primarily to the ramp-up in production of new Gulfstream aircraft models.

Cash used by investing activities was $588 in the first nine months of 2024 compared with $608 in the same period in 2023. Our investing activities include cash paid for capital expenditures and business acquisitions; purchases, sales and maturities of marketable securities; and proceeds from asset sales. The primary use of cash for investing activities in both periods was capital expenditures. Capital expenditures were $561 in the first nine months of 2024 compared with $600 in the same period in 2023.

Cash used by financing activities was $1.2 billion in the first nine months of 2024 compared with $2.8 billion in the same period in 2023. Financing activities include the use of cash for repurchases of common stock, payment of dividends, and debt and commercial paper repayments. Our financing activities also include proceeds received from debt and commercial paper issuances and employee stock option exercises.
On March 6, 2024, our board of directors (Board) declared an increased quarterly dividend of $1.42 per share, the 27th consecutive annual increase. Previously, the Board had increased the quarterly dividend to $1.32 per share in March 2023. Cash dividends paid were $1.1 billion in the first nine months of 2024 and 2023.
We paid $183 and $434 in the first nine months of 2024 and 2023, respectively, to repurchase our outstanding shares. On September 29, 2024, 4 million shares remained authorized by our Board for repurchase, representing 1.5% of our total shares outstanding.
Fixed-rate notes of $500 mature in November 2024. We currently plan to repay these notes at maturity using cash on hand. For additional information regarding our debt obligations, including scheduled debt maturities and interest rates, see Note H to the unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements in Part I, Item 1.
On September 29, 2024, we had no commercial paper outstanding, but we maintain the ability to access the commercial paper market in the future. Separately, we have a $4 billion committed bank credit facility for general corporate purposes and working capital needs and to support our commercial paper issuances. We also have an effective shelf registration on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that allows us to access the debt markets.

We emphasize the efficient conversion of net earnings into cash and the deployment of that cash to maximize shareholder returns. As described below, we use free cash flow to measure our performance in these areas. While we believe this metric provides useful information, it is not a defined operating measure under U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), and there are limitations associated with its use. Our calculation of this metric may not be completely comparable to similarly

titled measures of other companies due to potential differences in the method of calculation. As a result, the use of this metric should not be considered in isolation from, or as a substitute for, GAAP measures.
We define free cash flow as net cash from operating activities less capital expenditures. We believe free cash flow is a useful measure for investors because it portrays our ability to generate cash from our businesses for purposes such as repaying debt, funding business acquisitions, repurchasing our common stock and paying dividends. We use free cash flow to assess the quality of our earnings and as a key performance measure in evaluating management. The following table reconciles free cash flow with net cash from operating activities, as classified on the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows in Part I, Item 1:
Nine Months EndedSeptember 29, 2024October 1, 2023
Net cash provided by operating activities$1,952 $3,514 
Capital expenditures(561)(600)
Free cash flow$1,391 $2,914 
Cash flows as a percentage of net earnings:
Net cash provided by operating activities74 %152 %
Free cash flow53 %126 %


For a discussion of environmental matters and other contingencies, see Note J to the unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements in Part I, Item 1. Except as otherwise noted in Note J, we do not expect our aggregate liability with respect to these matters to have a material impact on our results of operations, financial condition or cash flows.

Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations is based on the unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements, which have been prepared in accordance with GAAP. The preparation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP requires that we make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, as well as the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. We employ judgment in making our estimates, but they are based on historical experience, currently available information and various other assumptions that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results may differ from these estimates. We believe our judgment is applied consistently and produces financial information that fairly depicts our results of operations for all periods presented.
Accounting for long-term contracts and programs involves the use of various techniques to estimate total contract revenue and costs. Contract estimates are based on various assumptions to project the outcome of future events that often span several years. We review and update our contract-related estimates regularly. We recognize adjustments in estimated profit on contracts under the cumulative catch-up method. Under this method, the impact of the adjustment on profit recorded to date on a contract is recognized in the period the adjustment is identified. The aggregate impact of adjustments in

contract estimates decreased our operating earnings (and diluted earnings per share) by $12 ($0.03) for the three-month period ended September 29, 2024, and increased our operating earnings (and diluted earnings per share) by $101 ($0.29) for the nine-month period ended September 29, 2024, and $11 ($0.03) and $98 ($0.28) for the three- and nine-month periods ended October 1, 2023, respectively. No adjustment on any one contract was material to the unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements for the three- and nine-month periods ended September 29, 2024, or October 1, 2023.
Other critical accounting policies and estimates include long-lived assets and goodwill, commitments and contingencies, and retirement plans. For a full discussion of our critical accounting policies and estimates, see our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.

The outstanding notes described in Note H to the unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements in Part I, Item 1, issued by General Dynamics Corporation (the parent), are fully and unconditionally guaranteed on an unsecured, joint and several basis by several of the parent’s 100%-owned subsidiaries (the guarantors). The guarantee of each guarantor ranks equally in right of payment with all other existing and future senior unsecured indebtedness of such guarantor. A listing of the guarantors is included in an exhibit to this Form 10-Q.
Because the parent is a holding company, its cash flow and ability to service its debt, including the outstanding notes, depends on the performance of its subsidiaries and the ability of those subsidiaries to distribute cash to the parent, whether by dividends, loans or otherwise. Holders of the outstanding notes have a direct claim only against the parent and the guarantors.
Under the relevant indenture, the guarantee of each guarantor is limited to the maximum amount that can be guaranteed without rendering the guarantee voidable under applicable laws relating to fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer or similar laws affecting the rights of creditors generally. Each indenture also provides that, in the event (1) of a merger, consolidation or sale or disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of a guarantor (other than a transaction with the parent or any of its subsidiaries) or (2) there occurs a transfer, sale or other disposition of the voting stock of a guarantor so that the guarantor is no longer a subsidiary of the parent, then the guarantor or the entity acquiring the assets (in the event of a sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of a guarantor) will be released and relieved of any obligations under the guarantee.
The following summarized financial information presents the parent and guarantors (collectively, the combined obligor group) on a combined basis. The summarized financial information of the combined obligor group excludes net investment in and earnings of subsidiaries related to interests held by the combined obligor group in subsidiaries that are not guarantors of the notes.
Nine Months Ended September 29, 2024Year Ended
December 31, 2023
Revenue$13,569 $16,276 
Operating costs and expenses, excluding G&A(12,018)(14,316)
Net earnings615 773 

September 29, 2024December 31, 2023
Cash and equivalents$1,111 $986 
Other current assets4,709 5,012 
Noncurrent assets4,681 4,506 
Total assets$10,501 $10,504 
Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt$2,002 $503 
Other current liabilities2,987 2,890 
Long-term debt7,207 8,700 
Other noncurrent liabilities3,154 3,281 
Total liabilities$15,350 $15,374 
The summarized balance sheet information presented above includes the funded status of the company’s primary qualified U.S. government pension plans as the parent has the ultimate obligation for the plans.

There have been no material changes with respect to this item from the disclosure included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.

Our management, under the supervision and with the participation of the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer, evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) and Rule 15d-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) as of September 29, 2024. Based on this evaluation, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that, on September 29, 2024, our disclosure controls and procedures were effective.
There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the quarter ended September 29, 2024, that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.
The certifications of the company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer required under Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act have been filed as Exhibits 31.1 and 31.2 to this report.

This quarterly report on Form 10-Q contains forward-looking statements, which are based on management’s expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions. Words such as “expects,” “anticipates,” “plans,” “believes,” “forecasts,” “scheduled,” “outlook,” “estimates,” “should” and variations of these words and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Examples include projections of revenue, earnings, operating margin, segment performance, cash flows, contract awards, aircraft production, deliveries and backlog. In making these statements, we rely on assumptions and analyses based on our experience and perception of historical trends; current conditions

and expected future developments; and other factors, estimates and judgments we consider reasonable and appropriate based on information available to us at the time. Forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve factors, risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual future results and trends may differ materially from what is forecast in forward-looking statements due to a variety of factors, including the risk factors discussed in Part I, Item 1A of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. These factors include, among others:
general U.S. and international political and economic conditions;
decreases in U.S. government defense spending or changing priorities within the defense budget;
termination of government contracts due to unilateral government action;
differences in anticipated and actual program performance, including the ability to perform within estimated costs, and performance issues with key suppliers;
expected recovery on contract claims and requests for equitable adjustment;
changing customer demand for business aircraft, including the effects of economic conditions on the business-aircraft market;
changing prices for energy and raw materials;
the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, or other similar outbreaks;
the status or outcome of legal and/or regulatory proceedings;
potential effects of audits and reviews by government agencies of our government contract performance, compliance and internal control systems and policies;
cybersecurity events and other disruptions;
risks and uncertainties relating to our acquisitions and joint ventures; and
potential for increased regulation related to global climate change.
All forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this report or, in the case of any document incorporated by reference, the date of that document. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to General Dynamics or any person acting on our behalf are qualified by the cautionary statements in this section. We do not undertake any obligation to update or publicly release revisions to any forward-looking statements to reflect events, circumstances or changes in expectations after the date of this report. These factors may be revised or supplemented in future SEC filings.



For information relating to legal proceedings, see Note J to the unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements in Part I, Item 1.

There have been no material changes with respect to this item from the disclosure included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.

The following table provides information about our third-quarter purchases of equity securities that are registered pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended:
PeriodTotal Number of SharesAverage Price per ShareTotal Number of Shares Purchased as Part of Publicly Announced ProgramMaximum Number of Shares That May Yet Be Purchased Under the Program
Shares Purchased Pursuant to Share Buyback Program
7/1/24-7/28/2417,300 $288.77 17,300 4,159,557 
7/29/24-8/25/24132,533 287.31 132,533 4,027,024 
8/26/24-9/29/241,892 290.00 1,892 4,025,132 
Shares Delivered or Withheld Pursuant to Restricted Stock Vesting*
7/1/24-7/28/24527 289.80 
7/29/24-8/25/24806 296.57 
8/26/24-9/29/241,256 296.38 
154,314 $287.64 
*Represents shares withheld by, or delivered to, us pursuant to provisions in agreements with recipients of restricted stock granted under our equity compensation plans that allow us to withhold, or the recipient to deliver to us, the number of shares with a fair value equal to the statutory tax withholding due upon vesting of the restricted shares.
We did not make any unregistered sales of equity securities in the third quarter of 2024.

During the quarter ended September 29, 2024, none of our directors or officers adopted or terminated a Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement or a non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement (as such terms are defined under Item 408 of Regulation S-K).


3.3    Amended and Restated Bylaws of General Dynamics Corporation (as amended effective August 7, 2024) (incorporated herein by reference from the company’s current report on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on August 8, 2024)
22    Subsidiary Guarantors (incorporated herein by reference from the company’s quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the period ended October 1, 2023, filed with the SEC on October 25, 2023)
31.1    Certification by CEO pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*
31.2    Certification by CFO pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*
32.1    Certification by CEO pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*
32.2    Certification by CFO pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*
101.INS    Inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) Instance Document – the instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document.
101.SCH    Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document*
101.CAL    Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document*
101.DEF    Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document*
101.LAB    Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document*
101.PRE    Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document*
104    Cover Page Interactive Data File (embedded within the Inline XBRL document and contained in Exhibit 101)

*    Filed or furnished electronically herewith.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

by/s/ William A. Moss
William A. Moss
Vice President and Controller
(Authorized Officer and Chief Accounting Officer)
Dated: October 23, 2024