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2024年10月24日 1 3Q 2024 财务结果



前瞻性声明 2 本新闻稿中包含的某些非历史事实可能构成《1933年证券法》第27(a)条和修订条文和《1934年证券交易法》第21(e)条和修正条文所规定的前瞻性声明,并旨在受到1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法》安全港条款的保护。我们可能在提交给证券交易委员会(“SEC”)的其他文件中,以及在年度股东报告、新闻稿和其他书面材料中,以及我们的高管、董事或员工发表的口头声明中发表前瞻性声明。您可以通过使用“相信”、“期待”、“预期”、“打算”、“估计”、“假设”、“展望”、“将”、“应该”等表达方式来识别前瞻性声明,这些表达方式预测或指示未来事件和趋势,并与历史事项无关,包括关于公司业务、信用质量、财务状况、流动性和营运结果的声明。由于不确定因素和未来发展超出公司控制范围,前瞻性声明可能与本新闻稿中包含的内容有所不同,可能有重大差异。这些因素包括但不限于:利率变化;全国乃至公司经营地区市场的一般经济情况(包括通胀和流动性担忧);资本和债务市场的动荡;来自其他金融机构的竞争压力;消费者行为的变化,原因可能是政治、商业和经济环境的变化,或者立法或监管倡议的变化;公司投资组合中证券和其他资产价值的变化;贷款和租赁违约和核销率的增加;为贷款和租赁损失而设置的足够货币准备;存款水平下降,需要增加借款来资助贷款和投资;营运风险包括但不限于网络安全事故、诈骗、自然灾害和未来大流行病;监管变化;未来信用损失可能高于当前预期的原因可能是经济假设的变化和不利经济发展;存入公司财务报表的商誉和无形资产可能会变得损耗;以制定此类前瞻性声明所使用的假设的变化。前瞻性声明涉及难以预测的风险和不确定性。由于风险,公司的实际结果可能与前瞻性声明中预测的结果有所不同,这些风险包括但不限于公司在其年度报告中概述的风险,以及其提交给SEC的季度报告中更新的风险和其他文件,公司不承担任何更新任何前瞻性声明以反映在发表前瞻性声明后发生的情况或事件。



x 贷款增长了3400万美元。x 客户存款增加了103百万美元。x 保证金增加了7个基础点至3.07%。x 税前、采备先支出收益为3140万美元,较第2季增加420万美元。x 营运支出比第2季减少了50万美元。3 坚实的资产负债表 / 资产质量 x 非按揭贷款比例达0.62%。x 净计提备抵贷款损失380万美元(年化0.16%)。x 贷款损失准备代表131个基准点的覆盖率。x 总风险资本率为12.5%,有形普通股权益(TCE)为8.5%。季度净利润为2010万美元,每股收益为0.23美元 季度股息为每股0.135美元



综合损益表 ▪ 净利润为2010万美元,每股收益为0.23美元。▪ 净利息收益率增加-1%,分别为(1.1)百万美元和84.1百万美元、3.0百万美元和80.0百万美元、83.0百万美元。总净利息收益率从Q2增至300万美元,因为优惠15%,为0.8百万美元和5.5百万美元、-2%、-(0.1)百万美元和6.4百万美元、6.3百万美元。非利息收入改善贷款收益,抵销安防利益(损失)-较高的资金成本。▪ 总营业收入为89.3百万美元。▪ 630万美元的非利息收入与Q2持平。▪ 本季非利息费用下降50万美元联季。▪ Q2的重组费用为80万美元,与与Eastern Funding的专用车辆业务退出相关的资遣费和占用费用相关。▪ 本季信用损失准备金为470万美元,较2Q'24减少了0.9百万美元。0%、0.2百万美元和57.7百万美元、-1%、-(0.5)百万美元和58.4百万美元、57.9百万美元。非利息费用-100%、-(0.8)百万美元和0.8百万美元。重组/并购支出-2%、-(0.5)百万美元和31.9百万美元、15%、4.2百万美元和27.2百万美元、31.4百万美元。税前,税前净收入57%、1.7百万美元和3.0百万美元、-16%、-(0.9)百万美元和5.6百万美元、4.7百万美元。信用损失准备金-8%、-(2.2)百万美元和28.9百万美元、24%、5.1百万美元和21.6百万美元、26.7百万美元。税前收入6%、0.4百万美元和6.2百万美元、25%、1.3百万美元和5.3百万美元、6.6百万美元。税费用-11%、-(2.6)百万美元和22.7百万美元、23%、3.8百万美元和16.3百万美元、20.1百万美元。净利润-12%、-(0.03)美元和0.26美元、28%、0.05美元和0.18美元、0.23美元每股收益0%、349和88,971、0%、98和89,222、89,320每股股份平均摊薄股数(千股)-0.11%、0.81%、0.13%、0.57%、0.70%资产报酬率-1.65%、10.09%、1.40%、7.04%、8.44%股东权益报酬率-0.11%、3.18%、0.07%、3.00%、3.07%净利息收益率0.46%、64.39%、-3.65%、68.50%、64.85%效率比联季(LQ)年度(YoY)金额,如按公司公布的表尾计算,可能略有不同。



余额 - 收益和成本 LQ Δ前一季度3Q24 收益 利息 平均余额 收益 利息 平均余额 收益 利息 平均余额 百万美元 0.15% $ 4.0 $ 23 6.02% $ 145.8 $ 9,687 6.17% $ 149.8 $ 9,710 贷款 0.02% 0.2 13 3.69% 9.8 1,062 3.71% 10.0 1,075 投资及赚取现金 0.14% $ 4.2 $ 36 5.79% $ 155.6 $ 10,749 5.93% $ 159.8 $ 10,785 利息收入资产 0.00% $ 0.1 $ (49) 3.39% $ 59.7 $ 7,075 3.39% $ 59.8 $ 7,026 付息存款 0.14% 1.1 38 5.00% 15.7 1,238 5.14% 16.8 1,276 借款 0.02% $ 1.2 $ (11) 3.65% $ 75.4 $ 8,313 3.67% $ 76.6 $ 8,302 付息负债 0.12% 2.14% 2.26% 净利差 0.07% $ 3.0 3.00% $ 80.2 3.07% $ 83.2 净利收益,TEb / 余额 - 0.2 0.2 减:税收等效基础 (TEB) 调整 3.0 $ 80.0 $ 83.0 $ 净利润 5.50% 8.50% 5.3 1% 5.53% 5.04% 4.61% 4.57% 5.50% 8.50% 5.33% 5.44% 4.75% 4.38% 4.40% 5.00% 8.00% 5.16% 4.93% 3.64% 3.56% 3.78% 联邦基金(上限)牛市 30天平均 SOFR Ameribor 2年期国库券 5年期国库券 10年期国库券 2023年9月30日 2023年12月31日 2024年3月31日 2024年6月30日 2024年9月30日 由于整理表格数字可能略有不同,数值可能略微与公司的盈利公告不同。5



资产负债表摘要 • 总资产增加4200万美元,主要由贷款增长以及现金及等值物增加所推动。 • 贷款增加3400万美元。 • 证券减少100万美元,而现金等值物增加6500万美元。 • 呆帐费用增加500万美元。 • 呆帐费用覆盖率为1.31%。 • 存款减少500万美元。 • 借款增加6900万美元。 • 有形权益与有形资产比率为8.50%*。年增长率(YoY)、连锁季度(LQ)增长率%Δ 3Q23 Δ Δ 3Q24 2Q24百万美元,每股金额除外 4% $ 9,381 $ 374 $ 34 $ 9,755 $ 9,721 总贷款、投资增长7%(119)(8)(5)(127)(122) 呆帐费用增长4% 366, 9262, 29, 9599, 9628 净贷款增长3%(25)、880(1)、856, 855 证券增长153% 247, 161, 65, 343, 408 现金及等值物减少3%(7), 267,(2), 262, 260 无形财产减少14%(85), 611,(49), 575, 526 其他资产及贷款,HFS增长4% 496, 11,181, 42, 11,635, 11,677 总资产增长2% 166, 8,566,(5), 8,737, 8,732 存款增长32% 363, 1,135, 69, 1,429, 1,498 借款减少67%(14), 21,(4), 11, 7 预备未落实贷款增加31%(92), 301,(51), 260, 209 其他负债增长4% 423, 10,023, 9, 10,437, 10,446 总负债增长6% 73, 1,158, 33, 1,198, 1,231 股东权益增长4% $496, $11,181, $42, $11,635, $11,677 总负债及股东权益增长9% $0.87, $10.02, $0.36, $10.53, $10.89 每股净资产增长0% 232, 88,866, 186, 88,912, 89,098 实际流通股数(000)增长0.34%,8.16%,0.27%,8.23%,8.50% 有形权益/有形资产增长2.21%,109.51%,0.46%,111.26%,111.72% 贷款/存款增长为0.04%,1.27%,0.06%,1.25%,1.31% 与公司盈利报告中的表现数字可能因汇总而有所不同。 *盈利报告中的非GAAP指标调和



Loan and Deposit Composition 59% 11% 14% Loans 16% 19% 7% 20% 24% 21% 9% CRE C&I Equipment Consumer Deposits DDA NOW Savings MMkt CDs Brkd Amounts as presented may differ slightly from the Company’s Earnings Release due to rounding to foot schedules presented. %Δ Δ 3Q23 Δ 2Q24 3Q24 $ millions 2% $ 109 $ 5,670 $ (3) $ 5,782 $ 5,779 CRE 24% 217 911 64 1,064 1,128 Commercial S 0% (5) 1,330 (55) 1,380 1,325 Equipment Finance OA N 4% 53 1,470 28 1,495 1,523 Consumer L Total Loans $ 9,755 $ 9,721 $ 34 $ 9,381 $ 374 4% - 4% $ (63) $ 1,745 $ 44 $ 1,638 $ 1,682 Demand deposits - 2% (11) 648 (11) 648 637 NOW 7% 111 1,626 1 1,736 1,737 Savings - 6% (120) 2,161 (33) 2,074 2,041 Money market 22% 327 1,492 101 1,718 1,819 CDs - 9% (78) 894 (107) 923 816 Brokered deposits 2% $ 166 $ 8,566 $ (5) $ 8,737 $ 8,732 Total Deposits Linked Quarter (LQ) 7 Year over Year (YoY) DEPOSITS Customer deposits increased ~$103 million as Brokered deposits decline ~$107 million.



Capital Strength 8 ▪ As of September 30, 2024, the Company maintained capital well above regulatory “well capitalized” requirements. Capital in Excess of "Well Capitalized" Brookline Board Policy Limits Regulatory BASEL III Requirements preliminary estimates* Regulatory Capital Buffer $ Regulatory Capital Buffer % Operating Targets Policy Minimums "Well Capitalized" Minimum Sep - 24 $ millions $ 378.9 3.9% ≥ 8.0% ≥ 7.5% ≥ 6.5% ≥ 4.5% 10.4% Tier 1 Common / RWA $ 242.0 2.5% ≥ 9.5% ≥ 9.0% ≥ 8.0% ≥ 6.0% 10.5% Tier 1 / RWA $ 243.1 2.5% ≥ 11.5% ≥ 11.0% ≥ 10.0% ≥ 8.0% 12.5% Total Risk Based Capital $ 464.7 4.1% ≥ 6.0% ≥ 5.5% ≥ 5.0% ≥ 5.0% 9.1% Leverage Ratio * Regulatory capital ratios are preliminary estimates and may differ from numbers calculated in final Regulatory filings.



Regular Dividends Per Share The Board of Directors announced a dividend of $0.135 per share payable November 29, 2024 to stockholders of record on November 15, 2024. 0.046 9 $0.096 $0.110 $0.210 $0.316 $0.340 $0.340 $0.340 $0.340 $0.340 $0.340 $0.340 $0.340 $0.340 $0.340 $0.340 $0.340 $0.355 $0.360 $0.360 $0.395 $0.440 $0.460 $0.480 $0.520 $0.540 $0.135 $0.135 $0.135 $0.135 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q1'24 Q2'24 Q3'24 Q4'24



QUESTIONS Paul A. Perrault, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Carl M. Carlson, Co - President, Chief Financial and Strategy Officer Thank You. 10






Non Performing Assets and Net Charge Offs Non Performing Assets (NPAs), in millions $ (13.6) $ 26.9 $ 1.6 $ 11.7 $ 13.3 CRE 33.6 19.4 9.2 43.8 53.0 C&I - 4.9 (0.3) 5.2 4.9 Consumer 20.0 51.2 10.5 60.7 Total Non Performing Loans (NPLs) 71.2 0.8 - - 0.8 Other real estate owned 0.8 finance. 0.5 0.3 (0.4) 1.2 Other repossessed assets 0.8 $ 21.3 $ 51.5 $ 10.1 $ 62.7 Total NPAs $ 72.8 0.18% 0.55% 0.11% 0.62% NPLs / Total Loans 0.73% 0.16% 0.46% 0.08% 0.54% NPAs / Total Assets 0.62% Net Charge Offs (NCOs), in millions $ - $ - $ (3.8) $ 3.8 $ - CRE loans (7.2) 11.0 (0.8) 4.6 3.8 C&I loans - - - - - Consumer loans $ (7.2) $ 11.0 $ (4.6) $ 8.4 $ 3.8 Total Net Charge Offs - 0.31% 0.47% - 0.19% 0.35% 0.16% NCOs / Loans (annualized) Linked Quarter (LQ) 3Q24 2Q24 Year over Year (YoY) Δ 3Q23 Δ Amounts as presented may differ slightly from the Company’s Earnings Release due to rounding to foot schedules presented. 12 ▪ NPLs increased $11 million from the prior quarter driven by one large commercial loan in equipment finance. ▪ Net charge offs of $3.8 million in the quarter in C&I, driven by equipment



Key Economic Variables - CECL Select Economic Variables from the Moody’s Baseline Forecasts ▪ The Company uses Moody’s forecasts as inputs into the models used to estimate credit losses under CECL. 13 ▪ The September 2024 Baseline economic forecast was favorable to the June 2024 forecast: ▪ GDP – FAVORABLE ▪ Unemployment – slightly UNFAVORABLE ▪ CRE Price Index – FAVORABLE ▪ We have modified our forecast weightings for 3Q’24: ▪ 50% Moderate Recession; neutral target of 30% ▪ 45% Baseline; neutral target of 40% ▪ 5% Stronger Near Term Growth; neutral target of 30% Stronger Near Term Growth (S1) Baseline Moderate Recession (S3) Weightings of Moody's Forecast for CECL Model 3Q 2024 50% 45% 5% 0% 40% 60% 2Q 2024 0% 40% 60% 1Q 2024 0% 40% 60% 4Q 2023 0% 40% 60% 3Q 2023 Change from Prior CURRENT: 3Q'24 Prior Quarter: Baseline Scenario 2025 2024 2025 2024 2025 2024 310 230 23,637 23,152 23,327 22,922 GDP - 0.2 4.1 4.2 4.1 4.0 Unemployment Rate (0.3) (0.2) 4.0 5.0 4.3 5.2 Fed Fund Rate - (0.2) 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.3 10 Treasury 7.0 1.5 325.3 306.5 318.3 305.0 CRE Price Index



Investment CRE 49% Commercial 20% Equipment Finance 15% Consumer 16% Perm Constr Total % Total % Total % Total % Food & Lodging Manufacturing Finance and Ins Wholesale Trade Professional RE Agents / Brokers Health Care / Social Construction Retail Arts, Entert., Rec Condo Trans./Warehousing Other Services $ 356 18% 234 12% 229 12% 122 6% 153 8% 237 12% 182 9% 50 3% 163 8% 102 5% 45 2% 15 1% 90 5% Residential Home Equity Other Consumer Purchase Mtge $ 1,082 71% 367 24% 58 4% 16 1% Total $ 1,523 100% - Apartment Retail Office Industrial Mixed Use 1 - 4 Family Hotel Land Other 355 $ 1,242 $ 166 837 3 674 36 692 11 468 1 5 19 186 10 38 43 $ 1,408 29% 840 18% 710 15% 703 15% 469 10% 24 1% 196 4% 38 1% 398 8% Total $ 4,459 $ 327 $ 4,786 100% Total $ 1,978 100% Total $ 1,468 100% 44% $ 645 Laundry Eastern Funding Core 11% 158 Fitness/Macrolease 4% 56 Grocery 2% 23 Dry Cleaning 1% 21 Restaurant 1% 11 Car Wash 12% 181 EF CRE 3% 49 Other EF 9% 139 Tow Truck Specialty Vehicle 4% 58 Heavy Tow 2% 33 FedEx 1% 10 Trailer 6% 84 Other Vehicle Specialty Vehicle $ 324 22% Discontinued - Run off mode Total Loans Outstanding $ 9,755 Amounts as presented may differ slightly from the Company’s Earnings Release due to rounding to foot schedules presented. Major Loan Segments with Industry Breakdown $4,796 $1,915 $1,515 $1,495 3Q24 Loans outstanding ($millions) Owner Occupied CRE included in Commercial and Equipment Finance 14



CRE – Loan to Value (LTV) 40% 42% 39% 42% 41% 15% 34% 50% 53% 52% 47% 46% 53% 45% 59% 50% 44% 42% 8% 11% 12% 4% 14% 16% 6% 3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Apartment Retail Office Industrial 50% and lower Mixed Use 50 - 70 Medical Hotel Restaurant Other Non Owner Occupied CRE and Multifamily Exposures at September 30, 2024. Exposures by LTV 70 - 80 80+ 41% 49% 1% 9% 15



33% 41% 33% 21% 28% 21% 53% 52% 29% 12% 7% 15% 8% 14% 9% 21% 12% 7% 7% 6% 11% 9% 5% 3% 5% 10% 17% 26% 24% 21% 30% 11% 24% 20% 15% 11% 20% 12% 13% 22% 31% 1 0 % 6% 17% 6% 6% 7% 18% 8% 9% 3% 2% 0% 4% 4% 5% 2% 0% 3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Apartment Retail Office 2018 and Before Restaurant Other Non Owner Occupied CRE and Multifamily Exposures at September 30, 2024. Exposures by Year of Origination Industrial Mixed Use Medical Hotel 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 3 % CRE - Vintage 8 % 17 % 19 % 9 % 11 % 33 % 16



ICRE Maturities, excludes Construction 3Q24 ICRE Maturities by Size Average Loan Size Number of Loans Outstanding Loan Size $16.4 22 $359.9 $10MM+ 6.9 20 138.8 $5MM - $10MM 2.1 98 208.6 $1MM - $5MM 0.3 188 63.8 Under $1MM $2.4 328 $771.1 Total 17



Office Maturities, excludes Construction 3Q24 ▪ 20% ($137MM) of the Bank’s Office portfolio is maturing before 9/30/2026. Out of the $137MM Office loans maturing, only 12% mature in the next six months, while 47% mature in the second half of 2025. ▪ Recent efforts to extend and/or refinance other Office assets have been largely successful. Mitigating factors include dedicated, well - heeled sponsors, long lease terms, and staggered lease maturities. ▪ Despite deterioration in the Office market and elevated vacancy rates in Boston, the portfolio remains relatively healthy with a 90% overall Pass rating and few credits requiring workouts. Office Maturities by Submarket Average Loan Size Number of Loans Outstanding Bank $5.8 17 $98.9 Brookline Bank 14.3 4 57.0 Boston 3.3 7 23.4 Inside 128 3.1 6 18.6 Other BBK 2.5 15 38.1 Bank Rhode Island 2.4 11 26.4 Providence Cranston Pawtucket 2.9 4 11.7 Other BARI 0.1 2 0.2 PCSB $4.0 34 $137.2 Total Office Maturities - Asset Quality Average LTV Average DSC Average Loan Size Outstanding Loan Size 47% 1.42x $3.9 $126.2 Core 175% 0.58x 5.5 11.0 Criticized + Classified 58% 1.35x $4.0 $137.2 Total 18



Multi - Family Maturities, excludes Construction 3Q24 ▪ 12 % of the Bank’s Multi - Family portfolio is maturing before 9 / 30 / 2026 . ▪ Portfolio is primarily comprised of large Class B multi - family properties ( 84 % ), followed by small 1 - 9 family properties ( 8 % ) . ▪ The portfolio continues to perform strongly with minimal adversely rated credits. There are currently no criticized or classified credits in the maturing multi - family population. Multi - Family Maturities - Asset Quality Average LTV Average DSC Average Loan Size Outstanding Loan Size 50% 1.96x $1.8 $173.3 Core - - - - Criticized + Classified 50% 1.96x $1.8 $173.3 Total 19



ICRE Repricing, excludes Construction and Swapped/Floating Rate Loans 3Q24 ICRE Repricing by Size Average Loan Size Number of Loans Outstanding Loan Size 12.9 3 38.7 $10MM+ 6.5 6 39.2 $5MM - $10MM 2.3 86 193.5 $1MM - $5MM 0.4 135 58.9 Under $1MM $1.4 230 $330.4 Total 20



Consumer Loans – LTV / FICO 21 700+ 86% 650 - 699 7% 600 - 649 3% 599 - N/A 3% 50% or less 32% 50% - 69% 39% 70% - 80% 25% 80%+ 4% 700+ 94% 50% or less 50% - 69% 32% 70% - 80% 32% 80%+ 2% Resid. 1 - 4 58% LTV 1% Resid. 1 - 4 FICO 650 - 699 3% Home Equity FICO Home Equity 34% 56% LTV 3Q24



Well Diversified Deposit Base – 72% of Deposits are Insured* Consumer Deposits 52% (76% insured) Commercial Deposits 44% (61% insured) Municipal Deposits 4% * Insured includes deposits which are collateralized. Excludes brokered deposits which are 100% FDIC insured and have laddered maturities. 28% of Non Brokered Deposits Uninsured 22 3Q24



Securities Portfolio ▪ Highly liquid, risk averse securities portfolio with prudent duration and minimal extension risk. The entire investment portfolio is classified as Available for Sale. ▪ The after tax, mark to market on the portfolio is included in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income in Stockholders’ Equity. Total OCI represents a reduction in stockholders’ equity of 3.2%. UST 50% 23 Agency 22% Corp 1% MBS 23% CMO 2% Municipals 2% 3Q24 Amounts as presented may differ slightly from the Company’s Earnings Release due to rounding to foot schedules presented. Duration Book Yield Unreal. G/L Fair Value Book Value Current Par $ in millions 2.9 2.71% $ (18) $ 424 $ 442 $ 445 U.S. Treasuries 3.9 2.61% (15) 183 198 194 Agency Debentures 1.7 4.60% (0) 12 12 13 Corp Bonds 4.6 3.30% (17) 200 217 228 Agency MBS 4.1 2.96% (1) 19 20 21 Agency CMO 3.0 4.49% 0 18 18 19 Municipals 3.5 2.90% $ (51) $ 855 $ 906 $ 920 Total



Interest Rate Risk Floating (<3m) 34% Adj. 34% Fixed 32% 3Q24 Loan Originations, $459 million Total Loan Portfolio Mix – Duration 2.2 - 0.43% - 0.78% - 1.04% - 0.09% - 0.36% - 1.74% - 2.46% 0.66% 2.25% - 2.26% Forward - Implied Rates 2.58% Cumulative Net Interest Income Change by Quarter 09/30/2024 Flat Balance Sheet , simulations reflect a product weighted beta of 40% on total deposits. - 100bps Ramp Q2 - 24 Q3 - 24 1.65% Q4 - 24 +200bps Ramp Q1 - 25 Floating (<3m) 23% 24 Adj. 38% Fixed 39%



Deposit and Funding Betas - Percentage Change in Cost versus Change in Federal Funds Rate 25 ▪ The Federal Reserve began increasing the Federal Funds rate in March 2022 and increased rates 525 basis points through June 2024. ▪ On Sept 18 , 2024 the FRB reduced the Federal Funds rate by 50 basis points . ▪ Q1’22: 0.25% first increase ▪ Q2’22: 1.25% ▪ Q3’22: 1.50% ▪ Q4’22: 1.25% ▪ Q1’23: 0.50% ▪ Q2’23: 0.25% ▪ Q3’23: 0.25%, last increase ▪ Q4’23: 0.00% ▪ Q1’24: 0.00% ▪ Q2’24: 0.00% ▪ Q3’24: (0.50%) first cut *Betas reflect the change in quarterly funding costs as a percentage of the change in the targeted Federal Funds Rate over the same period. na 13.1% 120.0% 0.70% 0.68% 0.10% 0.08% NOW na 56.8% 494.0% 2.80% 2.76% 0.33% 0.10% Savings na 58.7% 528.0% 3.05% 3.08% 0.41% 0.26% MMA na 80.6% 816.0% 4.56% 4.43% 0.48% 0.73% CDs na 108.0% 912.0% 5.29% 5.25% 0.73% 0.16% Brokerd CDs na 65.1% 598.0% 3.41% 3.39% 0.42% 0.32% Total Interest Bearing 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% DDA na 53.5% 488.0% 2.77% 2.75% 0.33% 0.23% Total Deposit Costs na 66.1% 902.0% 5.19% 5.00% 0.68% 2.05% Borrowings na 58.7% 544.0% 3.09% 3.04% 0.37% 0.30% Total Funding Costs Current Qtr Prior Qtr Prior Year Cycle Start LQ Chg Since 12/21 YoY Chg 3Q24 2Q24 3Q23 4Q21 50% - 0.50% 4.75% - 0. 5.00% 5.50% 5.50% Fed Funds Rate 0.25% BETAS LQ % Chg Through the Cycle** YoY % Chg Since 12/21 3Q24 Rates / Costs Cycle Start 4Q21 Prior Year 3Q23 Prior Qtr 2Q24 Current Qtr 3Q24