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本免费的书面招股说明书涉及Health in Tech公司(以下简称“公司”) Class A普通股的首次公开发行,这些股票正在根据一份注册声明进行注册,应与最初在2024年8月30日向证券交易委员会(SEC)提交的初步招股说明书一起阅读,并与本展示相关的发行有关的链接:https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/2019505/000121390024085090/ea0200040-11.htm 公司已向SEC提交了注册声明(包括初步招股说明书),涉及此次通讯的拟议发行。注册声明尚未生效。在您进行投资之前,您应该阅读注册声明中的初步招股说明书(包括其中描述的风险因素)以及我们与SEC提交的其他文件以获取更全面的关于我们和拟议发行的信息。您可以通过访问SEC网站www.sec.gov上的EDGAR免费获取这些文件。或者,我们或承销商的代表将安排向您发送招股说明书,如果您通过电子邮件联系Kristopher Kessler(电子邮件:k.kessler@amtruinvest.com,电话:(949) 347-5222)请求刊登在美国信托投资服务公司的招股说明书。2份免费招股说明书



免责声明3 本介绍资料仅由公司为信息目的而编制。本介绍资料中包含的信息尚未经独立核实。公司或其任何关联公司、顾问或代表或承销商均不就本介绍资料中呈现或包含的信息或意见的准确性、公平性、完整性或正确性作出明示或暗示的陈述、担保或承诺,您不应依赖这些信息。通过查看或访问本介绍资料中包含的信息,您承认并同意,公司或其任何关联公司、顾问或代表或承销商均不承担任何责任(无论是否因疏忽或其他原因)由于本介绍资料中呈现或包含的任何信息所导致的任何损失或与介绍相关的任何问题。本介绍资料中呈现或包含的信息可能随时更改,其准确性不受保证。公司或其任何关联公司、顾问或代表或承销商未作出承诺,在本介绍资料日期之后更新任何此类信息。本介绍资料不应被解释为法律、税务、投资或其他建议。本介绍资料包含反映公司对未来意图、信念或目前期望的声明。这些声明可以通过使用“期望”、“计划”、“将”、“估计”、“项目”、“打算”或类似含义的词语来识别。这些前瞻性声明不能保证未来业绩,并且基于公司运营和其他因素的多项假设,其中许多因素超出公司的控制,因此实际结果可能与这些前瞻性声明大不相同。对此类声明应当谨慎,您不应过度依赖任何此类前瞻性声明。公司或其任何关联公司、顾问或代表或承销商无义务并不承诺修订前瞻性声明以反映新提供的信息、未来事件或情况。本介绍资料不构成出售或购买或认购公司证券在美国或其他地方出售的邀约。本介绍资料的任何部分均不构成或可依赖于任何合同或承诺。具体而言,这些材料不构成根据1933年美国证券法及根据该法制定的法规的“招股说明书”。本介绍资料未包含有关公司或其证券的所有相关信息,特别是与投资公司证券的风险和特别注意事项有关的信息。在评估其业务时,公司使用某些非通用会计准则措施作为审阅和评估其运营和财务绩效的补充措施。这些非通用会计准则财务指标作为分析工具存在局限性,当评估公司的运营和财务绩效时,投资者不应孤立地考虑它们,也不应将其视为按照美国通用会计准则编制的任何合并利润表数据的替代品。作为本次介绍的参与者,您同意不得以任何形式拍摄、复制或以其他方式复制本介绍资料,也不得将本介绍资料传递给任何其他人以达到任何目的。



Health In Tech,Inc.发行概要 纳斯达克/ HIt交易所/ 逐笔明细初始公开发行 交易类型230万股A类普通股 股份发行15% 超额配售选择价格每股$4.00 - $5.00 计价区间 系统增强,服务扩展,销售和分销渠道扩展;人才培养与留任,营运资金以及其他一般公司用途。 资金用途 为高管、董事和创始人提供12个月的锁定期 产品区间 美国Trust Investment Services, Inc. 承销商



Health In Tech通过数字创新正在改变医疗保健






公司简介 • 一家 保险 科技 平台公司,提供一个旨在通过纵向整合、流程简化和自动化来改进 医疗 行业流程的市场。 • 人工智能支持的销售平台为小企业提供自资的医疗保险计划,大约两分钟即可完成。 • 单一的标准交易平台可随时提供从病历到医保资格的安全访问。 • 为小企业提供多样化的产品和服务。 • 截至2023年12月 • 保单金额包括业务支付的医疗保险计划的所有保费和其他费用 • 期末计费的生效人数同比增长2.32倍,约为19100万美元 总保单销售量* 21,213 已注册员工* 42个州 1,002家企业 客户 300多名 经纪人,TPA和其他第三方机构 7家






Integrated business platform 2006 2008 2017 9 International Captive Exchange (ICE) 2013 an MGU specializing in underwriting and providing administrative functions on behalf of stop loss carriers. 2014 Launched Stone Mountain Risk (SMR) Create programs, select network and manage critical vendors 2017 Launched eDIYBS AI backed underwriting and quoting platform HI CARD began initial R&D 2021 Member Benefit Utilization and Accessible, Transparent Data



1 Massive and Growing TAM An estimated of $189 billion* of annual medical insurance premium is generated by small business in 2023 2 Marketplace Innovator and Leader Integrated sales marketplace and end - to - end solution systems provides self - funded health plan for small businesses 4 Unique Distribution Model Coordinate with extensive network of over 300 brokers, TPAs, and third - party agencies covering 90% of small business 5 Dedicated Management with Extensive Industry Experiences Extensive industry experience with track record of success 3 Proprietary Tech and Data Proprietary platforms built on highly integrated machine learning assets support rapid growth and drive network effects 6 Robust Growth Potential with Continued Innovation Key Investment Highlights Clear growth pathway with multi - faceted strategies and multiple revenue potentials 10 Market data from Frost and Sullivan’s research report on the self - funded medical plan market in the U.S. conducted. Frost & Sull ivan was commissioned by the Company to provide information on the self - funded medical plan market in the U.S.



Source: US Small Business Administration(SBA), U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Frost & Sullivan Account for 99.9% of all U.S. firms 61.7 million employees in the U.S. Account for 46.4% of total employs Total Employees of Small Businesses (as of the end of 2022) $11.5 trillion GDP Account for 45% of total GDP GDP Contribution of Small Businesses (in 202 2 ) 33.2 million small businesses in the U.S. Number of Small Businesses (as of the end of 202 2 ) Account for 99.9% of all U.S. firms Overview of Small Businesses in the U.S. Snapshot of Massive and Growing Market Opportunities of Small Businesses in the U.S. 11



Overview of Small Business Self - funded Medical Plan Market in the U.S. Annual Medical Insurance Premium of Small Businesses Source: Frost & Sullivan Forecasted Annual Medical Insurance Premium of Small Businesses USD Billion, 2018 - 2027E 145.5 156.7 164.4 173.3 179.2 188.8 198.9 210.0 222.5 236.5 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023E 2024E 2025E 2026E 2027E 2022 - 2027E 2018 - 2022 CAGR 5.7% 5.3% Total Key Takeaways • Annual medical insurance premium of small businesses in the U.S. has undergone steady growth historically, increasing from USD145.5 billion in 2018 to USD179.2 billion in 2022, representing a five - year CAGR of 5.3%. • It is projected that the cutting - edge technologies, such as AI, big data and blockchain, will bring an innovation revolution to medical insurance industry in the U.S. It is estimated that small business annual medical insurance premium in the U.S. will reach USD236.5 billion in 2027, representing a CAGR of 5.7% from 2022 to 2027. 12 yw0JQ1



MGUs Patients Insurers Providers The Industry’s Smart Platform with End - to End Solution Ecosystem 13



14 Stone Mountain Risk - SMR SMR is a program manager specializing in customized self - funded benefits plans for small businesses . Creates Health Plans Selects Networks Manages Vendors Sets Up Benefits Plans self - funded benefits plan Reference - based Pricing Group Insurance Captive s Community Health Plans Association Health Programs



15 Underwrite Modeling and Risk Management Develop and maintain underwriting model Design risk criteria Assess the risk Underwrite policy Monitor claims activities Provide reinsurance reporting Provide monthly reinsurance filings Provide Risk - Mitigating and Stop - Loss Solutions Contractual Relationship Stop loss Carriers Web - based SaaS Platform AI machine learning technology



16 Typical Quoting Procedure The typical manual quoting time from beginning to end is 12 - 14 Days Brokers gather health application Brokers create insurance package Underwriters produce manual quotes Nurses review health applications Underwriters finalize quote proposal Brokers present bindable proposal 01 02 03 04 05 05



17 Proprietary eDIYBS The typical quoting time in eDIYBS from beginning to end is about 2 Minutes 4 Tiers SMR Risk - Mitigating and Stop - Loss Solutions AI backed technology and process simplification that saves sales time 12 P lans yw0



Health Intelligence Card (HI Card): Power on Integration HI Card provides a single, standardized transaction platform for providers, payers, and patients alike. With HI Card, every party in the healthcare transaction has secure real - time access to the same vital patient information – from medical and drug histories to coverage eligibility and more. 24 / 7 Transparency Unlimited Access to Data x Providers x Patients /Employers x TPAs x Medical management x Brokers x S top - loss carriers Patient seeks care Patient logs into HI Card Portal prior to their doctor visit Patient checks in with HI Card Patient’s plan and eligibility is accessed by providers and administrators Providers update patient’s records and billing within 24 hours onto HI Card and share all the data with insurance carrier Patient simply pays a co - pay and receives car e Payers process claims and submits a copy for HI Card 18



HI - Performance Network: Power on Savings Health in Tech’s HI - Performance Network, powered by HI Card, is a series of hospital facilities and providers that delivers Medicare - based reimbursement pricing. 19 50 States 10 , 235 Hospitals Provider Locations 1,59 3 , 202



Unique Distribution Channels Leverage advanced quoting tools and HI Card to add strategic relationships with large insurance brokerage firms HIT coordinates all aspects of programs 20 Registered on o ur p latforms and s elling o ur s ervices 17 Third - Party Administrators (TPAs) 192 brokers 118 additional third - party agencies All numbers above are valued as of December 31, 2023.



21 Dedicated Management Team GLENN HILLYER CGO Over 25 years of experience in largest TPA, stop loss insurance. Prior to joining the company, Mr. Hillyer was the Chief Marketing Officer at Free Market Administrators and worked in HealthSmart , Lucent Health DEL LOCKETT COO Over 20 years of experience in TPA, Managing General Agency and Captive Health Insurance. Prior to joining the company, Mr. Lockett was owner and operator at Sawgrass Benefit Consultant and President and Director of Operations at Claim Doc, and work in Fidelity Life and Healthcare Statements JULIA QIAN CFO Over 20 years of leadership experience in global financial Services, capital markets and Fortunate 100 companies. Prior to joining the Company, Ms. Qian was Managing Director at The Blueshirt Group and was Senior Vice President at Citi FinTech, Citi Group , and had leadership position in GM, J&J and Dow Lori Babcock COS Over 10 years of experience in staffing, account executive, and human resources. Prior to joining the company, Ms. Babcock was the Controller at Stone Mountain Risk. CEO/Founder Over 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur and has founded multiple successful companies in medical insurance sectors includes AIG and CB. Mr. Johnson has extensive knowledge in stop loss insurance and healthcare. TIM JOHNSON CTO Over 10 years of strategic leadership experience in engineering. Prior to joining the company, Mr. Yousuf was the Founder and CEO of risq , Engineering Leader for Pricing at Airbnb, Director of Engineering at Hippo Insurance Services , and had critical tech positions in eBay and StubHub Imran Yousuf



Robust Growth Potential with Continued Innovation 22 C ontinue investing and scaling to address the needs of small - and medium - sized businesses. Introduce ancillary products that expand our offerings F urther monetize our platforms through success fee - based service arrangements for products that can be relabeled for multiple customers. Monetize our platforms x Limited Medical Plan x Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) Plan x Dental / Vision Coverage x Critical illness / Cancer / GAP / Life Policy Attract more TPAs, MGUs, and brokers to use our platforms Establish a national network of healthcare resources to offer discounts to patients



23 Revenue Composition and Key Growth Driver Revenue Composition Revenues from underwriting modelling Revenues from fees HI Card: consistent monthly fee per employee SMR : charge a set fee per employee per month ICE: % of premiums received as the carrier Key Growth Driver The number of enrolled employees billed



19,101 1H23 1H24 YoY: - 5.1 % Number of total enrolled employees billed for first half year Significant Growth in Client Base 24 Number of total enrolled employees billed by Year 11,725 21,213 FY22 FY23 YoY: 80.9% 20,123



Accelerating Revenue Growth 25 5.8 19.2 FY22 FY23 Revenues from underwriting modeling Revenues from fees 46.7% 53.3% YoY: 231.9% Revenues by Year ($ in millions) 43.0% 57.0% 8.7 10.1 1H23 1H24 Revenues from underwriting modeling Revenues from fees 53.0% 47.0% 33.8% 66.2% YoY: 16.5% Revenues for first half year ($ in millions)



Gross Profit 26 8.20 8.16 1H23 1H24 Gross Profit for first half year ($ in millions) YoY: - 0.5% Gross Margin (%) 94.3% 80.6% 5.4 16.8 FY22 FY23 Gross Profit by Year ($ in millions) YoY: 211.1% 94.2% 88.0% Gross Margin (%)



Income from Continuing Operations 27 Income from continuing operations, net of income taxes by Year ($ in millions) 0.1 FY22 FY23 YoY: 2400% 2.5 Income from continuing operations, net of income taxes for first half year ($ in millions) 1.1 0.4 1H23 1H24 YoY: - 59.1%



Optimizing Operational Efficiency With Growing Profitability 28 Operating Expenses (% of Revenue) Sales & marketing expenses 20.2% 17.7% FY22 FY23 General & administrative expenses 56.7% 42.2% FY22 FY23 Research & development expenses 13.8% 10.5% FY22 FY23 0.1 FY22 FY23 YoY: 2400% Income from continuing operations, net of income taxes by year ($ in millions) 2.5



Adjusted EBITDA 29 1.3 4.8 FY22 FY23 YoY: 269.2% For the Years Ended December 31, 2022 2023 $ 79,742 $ 2,476,660 Income from continuing operations, net of income taxes 4,572 (38,805) Interest (income) expenses - 339,300 Depreciation and amortization 121,268 945,236 Income tax expense 566,038 - Stock - based compensation expense 507,308 1,076,734 Public company readiness costs 1,199,186 2,322,465 Total net adjustments $ 1,278,928 $ 4,799,125 Adjusted EBITDA Adjusted EBITDA by Year ($ in millions) Adjusted EBITDA for first half year ($ in millions) 2.8 1.1 1H23 1H24 YoY: - 59.3% For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2023 2024 $ 1,071,965 $ 438,543 Income from continuing operations, net of income taxes 702 274,349 Interest (income) expenses 83,147 269,574 Depreciation and amortization 336,898 154,466 Income tax expense 1,299,713 - Public company readiness costs deemed not capitalizable 1,720,460 698,389 Total net adjustments $ 2,792,425 $ 1,136,932 Adjusted EBITDA



Financial Results for 2Q’24 and FY23 For the Years Ended December 31, 2022 2023 $ 5,769,781 $ 19,151,502 Total revenue s 3,076,162 8,226,852 Revenues from underwriting modeling 2,693,619 10,924,650 Revenues from fees 334,188 2,303,911 Cost of revenues $ 5,435,593 $ 16,847,591 Gross profit 79,742 2,476,660 Income from continuing operations, net of income taxes (243,342) 3,957,914 Net income $ 1,278,928 $ 4,799,125 Adjusted EBITDA 30 Selected Income Statement Data by Year For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2023 2024 $ 8,696,476 $ 10,127,421 Total revenue s 4,086,209 3,423,740 Revenues from underwriting modeling 4,610,267 6,703,681 Revenues from fees 496,710 1,964,638 Cost of revenues $ 8,199,766 $ 8,162,783 Gross profit 1,071,965 438,543 Income from continuing operations, net of income taxes 2,553,219 438,543 Net income $ 2,792,425 $ 1,136,932 Adjusted EBITDA Selected Income Statement Data for first half year