EX-99.1 2 er-9302024xerdoc.htm EX-99.1 3RD QUARTER 2024 FINANCIAL RESULTS Document



淨利潤爲 6,700萬美元,每股稀釋收益爲0.11美元
淨利潤,不含特殊項目1主要由於之後資金缺口不明確及公司市值的下降而產生。 8900萬美元,每股攤薄收益0.15美元
第三季度營業收入記錄 69億美元
流動性216.6%$104億,遠遠超過未償債務。 $80億
公司宣佈了一個2.5 億美元加速股票回購計劃,該計劃是公司25 億美元股票回購授權計劃的一部分

鮑勃·喬丹,總裁,首席執行官,以及董事會副主席表示:「我們正處於一個令人興奮的時刻,因爲我們正在執行上個月在投資者日上概述的『西南航空。更好。』計劃。這一變革性計劃代表了我們團隊的奉獻和辛勤工作的結晶。我們正全力以赴地實施計劃中包含的一系列務實和戰略舉措,並期待回歸我們預期的強勁財務表現。我們完全致力於執行我們的計劃,並定期報告我們的進展。我們第三季度的利潤和強勁的運營業績反映了我們正在採取的行動,以實施我們的計劃並實現2027年至少15%甚至更高的ROIC的目標。」3 ,基於我們當前的進展、展望以及對我們能夠執行我們的計劃的信心,我們打算通過加速股份回購計劃回購首批2.5億美元的西南航空普通股,這是上個月宣佈的25億美元股份回購授權的一部分。” ,基於我們對能夠執行我們的計劃的當前進展、展望以及信懇智能,我們打算通過加速股份回購計劃回購首批2.5億美元的西南航空普通股,這是上個月宣佈的25億美元股份回購授權的一部分。”

Aircraft (d)796
(b) 可用座位英里("ASMs"或"容量")。 公司的航班時間表已發佈至2025年6月4日。 公司預計2025年第一季度的容量將同比下降1%至3%。
(d) 財產上的飛機,期末。公司仍在計劃大約20架波音737-8("-8")飛機的交付,並預計2024年將有41架飛機退役,包括37架波音737-700("-700")和四架波音737-800("-800")。波音737-7("-7")的交付計劃取決於美國聯邦航空管理局("FAA")向波音公司("波音")和公司頒發所需的認證和批准。FAA最終將確定-7認證和投入運營的時間,波音可能繼續面臨製造挑戰,因此公司無法保證當前的估計和時間表能夠實現。




2024年第三季度經濟燃料成本爲每加侖2.55美元1——在公司先前的指引區間之內——和 包括每加侖0.07美元的溢價費用和每加侖0.02美元的有利現金結算來自燃油衍生合同合同
截至2024年10月16日,公司在2024年第四季度至2027年底結算的燃料衍生品合約的公允市場價值爲 1.44 億美元
公司的多年燃料套期保值計劃繼續提供保護,防範能源價格的激增。 公司當前的燃料衍生品合約包含基於西德克薩斯中質原油和布倫特原油,以及像暖氣油這樣的精煉產品的組合工具。

每加侖經濟燃油價格敏感性4 提供的下表中的數據假設基於市場價格截至時與布倫特原油和精煉產品之間的關係 2024年10月16日.

4Q 20242024
$60$1.85 - $1.95$2.50 - $2.60
$70$2.05 - $2.15$2.55 - $2.65
當前市場(a)$2.25 - $2.35$2.60 - $2.70
$90$2.70 - $2.80$2.70 - $2.80
$100$2.90 - $3.00$2.75 - $2.85
$110$3.10 - $3.20$2.80 - $2.90

此外,公司正在提供其預計燃料消耗的最大百分比6 在下表中列出的燃料衍生合約覆蓋的百分比:
(a) 根據公司目前的可用座位英里計劃。到2024年第四季,公司目前對59%進行避險。


公司第三季度的CASm-X增加幅度達到先前預期區間的較好一端。公司繼續採取緊急措施來控制成本,包括提供自願休假計劃,控制招聘以應對人手過剩的問題。公司也繼續期待從上個月公佈的成本計劃中獲得的節省,在未來三年內逐步增加,以在2027年達到超過 $50000萬的運行成本節省。



本公司於2024年第三季度收到九架-8型飛機,退役15架飛機(14架-700型飛機和一架-800型飛機),當季結束後,持有 811 架飛機。
鑑於公司與波音的持續討論以及預期的飛機交付延遲,公司仍然計劃於2024年交付約20 -8架飛機,這與表格中顯示的合約60檔擺盤有所不同。公司還選擇在2024年退役另外六架飛機,使該年的總飛機退役數量達到約41架(其中37架-700和四架-800),導致2024年底的機隊規模約為796架飛機。




the boeing company
202427 58 — 85 (c)
202540 30 73 
202660 — 26 86 
202719 46 25 90 
202815 50 25 90 
202938 34 18 90 
203045 — 45 90 
203145 — 45 90 
289 (a)218 (b)187 694 
(a) 波音和該公司獲得FAA發放的必要認證和批准,決定-7的交機時間。 FAA將最終判斷-7認證和投入服務的時間,因此公司不保證目前的估計和時間表正確。
(b) 公司有彈性將確定的訂單或期權指定為-7s或-8s,根據合同中所述的書面事先通知。
(c) 包括截至2024年9月30日已收到的19架-8交機。鑒於公司與波音持續進行的討論以及預期的飛機交機延遲,公司仍計劃在2024年交付約20架-8飛機。

2024年7月25日之前的737檔擺盤 (a):
the boeing company
202427 58 — 85 
202540 21 12 73 
202659 — 27 86 
202719 46 25 90 
202815 50 25 90 
202938 34 18 90 
203045 — 45 90 
203145 — 45 90 
288 209 197 694 


公司淨現金為正。7 經調整後的負債佔投資資本("杠杆")比例為46%,截至2024年9月30日 8 46%,截至2024年9月30日
公司截至2024年9月30日截至今日已通過支付分紅派息歸還 431萬美元 至其股東。
根據公司董事會於2024年9月授權的250億美元股份回購計劃,公司計劃很快推出2500萬美元的首期加速股份回購計劃(「2024年第四季度ASR計劃」)。在啟動2024年第四季度ASR 計劃後,公司將有225億美元剩餘於最近授權的250億美元股份回購計劃之下。
公司在2024年第三季支付了1100萬美元以清償債務和租賃負債,其中包括50萬美元與租賃歸還和租賃買斷交易相關的本金以及600萬美元的租賃付款 公司在2024年第三季支付了1100萬美元以清償債務和租賃負債,其中包括500萬美元與租賃歸還和租賃買斷交易相關的本金以及600萬美元的租賃付款

西南航空快速獎勵® 由JP摩根大通發行的Premier和Priority信用卡在J.D. Power 2024年美國信用卡滿意度研究中名列前茅,成為兩大最受顧客滿意的共同品牌航空公司信用卡。9
西南航空的“再造以創新”的計畫在2024年的Skift IDEA大獎中,獲得了人們和社區類別的Changemakers獎。
被丹佛商業雜誌譽為 2024年公益合作夥伴獲獎者。

SAFFiRE Renewables,西南航空可再生能源投資組合的一部分,在堪薩斯州自由市的Conestoga Energy Arkalon Energy設施開始在其試點工廠建設。這標誌著SAFFiRE將玉米殘莖轉化為豐富的低碳飼料,以製造可持續航空燃料的重要一步。




8See Note Regarding Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures for an explanation of the Company's leverage calculation.
9Southwest Rapid Rewards Premier Card, issued by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., received the highest score in the Airline Co-Brand Credit Cards segment of the J.D. Power 2024 U.S. Credit Card Satisfaction Study. This study profiles the experiences of customers from the largest credit card issuers. Visit jdpower.com/awards for more details.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Specific forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements related to (i) the Company’s planned shareholder returns; (ii) the Company’s initiatives, strategic priorities and focus areas, goals, and opportunities, including with respect to returning to strong financial performance, creating

shareholder value, restoring margins, shareholder returns, improved operational efficiency, capital allocation, Customer Experience enhancements, and improved return on invested capital; (iii) the Company's financial and operational outlook, expectations, goals, plans, and projected results of operations, including with respect to its initiatives, and including factors and assumptions underlying the Company's expectations and projections; (iv) the Company’s plans and expectations with respect to its network, its capacity, its network optimization efforts, its network plan, and capacity and network adjustments, and including factors and assumptions underlying the Company's expectations and projections; (v) the Company's expectations with respect to fuel costs, hedging gains, and fuel efficiency, and the Company's related management of risks associated with changing jet fuel prices, including factors underlying the Company's expectations; (vi) the Company's plans, estimates, and assumptions related to repayment of debt obligations, interest expense, effective tax rate, and capital spending, including factors and assumptions underlying the Company's expectations and projections; (vii) the Company’s fleet plans and expectations, including with respect to fleet utilization, fleet modernization, flexibility, and expected fleet deliveries and retirements, and including factors and assumptions underlying the Company's plans and expectations; (viii) the Company’s plans and expectations with respect to marketing and distribution evolution and its continued efforts to advance revenue management techniques; (ix)
the Company’s labor plans and expectations, including the Company’s hiring and headcount plans and expectations; and (x) the Company’s plans and expectations with respect to redeye flying and reducing turn times. These forward-looking statements are based on the Company's current estimates, intentions, beliefs, expectations, goals, strategies, and projections for the future and are not guarantees of future performance. Forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and other factors that are difficult to predict and that could cause actual results to vary materially from those expressed in or indicated by them. Factors include, among others, the impact of fears or actual outbreaks of diseases, extreme or severe weather and natural disasters, actions of competitors (including, without limitation, pricing, scheduling, capacity, and network decisions, and consolidation and alliance activities), consumer perception, economic conditions, banking conditions, fears or actual acts of terrorism or war, sociodemographic trends, and other factors beyond the Company's control, on consumer behavior and the Company's results of operations and business decisions, plans, strategies, and results; (ii) the Company's ability to timely and effectively implement, transition, operate, and maintain the necessary information technology systems and infrastructure to support its operations and initiatives, including with respect to revenue management and assigned and premium seating; (iii) the cost and effects of the actions of activist shareholders; (iv) the Company’s ability to obtain and maintain adequate infrastructure and equipment to support its operations and initiatives; (v) the impact of fuel price changes, fuel price volatility, volatility of commodities used by the Company for hedging jet fuel, and any changes to the Company's fuel hedging strategies and positions, on the Company's business plans and results of operations; (vi) the Company's dependence on The Boeing Company (“Boeing”) and Boeing suppliers with respect to the Company's aircraft deliveries, Boeing MAX 7 aircraft certifications, fleet and capacity plans, operations, maintenance, strategies, and goals; (vii) the Company's dependence on the Federal Aviation Administration with respect to safety approvals for the new cabin layout and the certification of the Boeing MAX 7 aircraft; (viii) the Company's dependence on other third parties, in particular with respect to its technology plans, its plans and expectations related to revenue management, operational reliability, fuel supply, maintenance, Global Distribution Systems, environmental sustainability, and the impact on the Company's operations and results of operations of any third party delays or nonperformance; (ix) the Company’s ability to timely and effectively prioritize its initiatives and focus areas and related expenditures; (x) the impact of labor matters on the Company's business decisions, plans, strategies, and results; (xi) the impact of governmental regulations and other governmental actions on the Company's business plans, results, and operations; (xii) the Company's dependence on its workforce, including its ability to employ and retain sufficient numbers of qualified Employees with appropriate skills and expertise to effectively and efficiently maintain its operations and execute the Company’s plans, strategies, and initiatives; (xiii) the emergence of additional costs or effects associated with the cancelled flights in December 2022, including litigation, government investigation and actions, and internal actions; and (xiv) other factors, as described in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the detailed factors discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, and in the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2024.

Investor Contact:
Southwest Airlines Investor Relations

Media Contact:
Southwest Airlines Media Relations


Southwest Airlines Co.
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Income
(in millions, except per share amounts)
Three months endedNine months ended
September 30,September 30,
20242023Percent Change20242023Percent Change
Passenger $6,250 $5,912 5.7$18,673 $17,426 7.2
Freight43 44 (2.3)131 131 
Other577 569 1.41,749 1,711 2.2
     Total operating revenues6,870 6,525 5.320,553 19,268 6.7
Salaries, wages, and benefits3,070 2,728 12.59,010 7,991 12.8
Fuel and oil1,417 1,564 (9.4)4,548 4,514 0.8
Maintenance materials and repairs335 326 2.81,046 836 25.1
Landing fees and airport rentals493 457 7.91,468 1,324 10.9
Depreciation and amortization438 375 16.81,250 1,107 12.9
Other operating expenses1,079 958 12.63,188 2,868 11.2
     Total operating expenses6,832 6,408 6.620,510 18,640 10.0
OPERATING INCOME38 117 (67.5)43 628 (93.2)
Interest expense63 63 191 193 (1.0)
Capitalized interest(9)(4)125.0(24)(15)60.0
Interest income(121)(156)(22.4)(392)(425)(7.8)
Other (gains) losses, net16 (23)n.m.(1)(44)(97.7)
     Total other income(51)(120)(57.5)(226)(291)(22.3)
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES89 237 (62.4)269 919 (70.7)
PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES22 44 (50.0)65 202 (67.8)
NET INCOME$67 $193 (65.3)$204 $717 (71.5)
Basic$0.11 $0.32 (65.6)$0.34 $1.20 (71.7)
Diluted$0.11 $0.31 (64.5)$0.34 $1.15 (70.4)
Basic599 596 0.5598 595 0.5
Diluted601 640 (6.1)643 639 0.6

Southwest Airlines Co.
Reconciliation of Reported Amounts to Non-GAAP Financial Measures (excluding special items)
(See Note Regarding Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures)
(in millions, except per share and per ASM amounts)(unaudited)
 Three months endedNine months ended
September 30,PercentSeptember 30,Percent
Fuel and oil expense, unhedged$1,409 $1,616 $4,500 $4,608 
Add: Premium cost of fuel contracts designated as hedges34 30 114 91 
Deduct: Fuel hedge gains included in Fuel and oil expense, net(26)(82)(66)(185)
Fuel and oil expense, as reported$1,417 $1,564 (9.4)$4,548 $4,514 0.8
Add (Deduct): Fuel hedge contracts settling in the current period, but for which (gains) losses were reclassified from AOCI14 (11)14 (12)
Add: Premium cost of fuel contracts not designated as hedges5 — 5 — 
Fuel and oil expense, excluding special items (economic)$1,436 $1,553 (7.5)$4,567 $4,502 1.4
Total operating expenses, net, as reported$6,832 $6,408 $20,510 $18,640 
Deduct: Labor contract adjustment (a) (96)(9)(180)
Add (Deduct): Fuel hedge contracts settling in the current period, but for which (gains) losses were reclassified from AOCI14 (11)14 (12)
Add: Premium cost of fuel contracts not designated as hedges5 — 5 — 
Deduct: Litigation settlements — (7)(12)
Deduct: Professional advisory fees(13)— (20)— 
Total operating expenses, excluding special items$6,838 $6,301 8.5$20,493 $18,436 11.2
Deduct: Fuel and oil expense, excluding special items (economic)(1,436)(1,553)(4,567)(4,502)
Operating expenses, excluding Fuel and oil expense and special items$5,402 $4,748 13.8$15,926 $13,934 14.3
Deduct: Profitsharing expense(18)(38)(49)(158)
Operating expenses, excluding Fuel and oil expense, special items, and profitsharing$5,384 $4,710 14.3$15,877 $13,776 15.3
Operating income, as reported$38 $117 $43 $628 
Add: Labor contract adjustment (a) 96 9 180 
Add (Deduct): Fuel hedge contracts settling in the current period, but for which (gains) losses were reclassified from AOCI(14)11 (14)12 
Deduct: Premium cost of fuel contracts not designated as hedges(5)— (5)— 
Add: Litigation settlements — 7 12 
Add: Professional advisory fees13 — 20 — 
Operating income, excluding special items$32 $224 (85.7)$60 $832 (92.8)

 Three months endedNine months ended
September 30,PercentSeptember 30,Percent
Other (gains) losses, net, as reported$16 $(23)$(1)$(44)
Add (Deduct): Mark-to-market impact from fuel contracts settling in future periods(29)33 (31)26 
Deduct: Premium cost of fuel contracts not designated as hedges(5)— (5)— 
Add: Unrealized mark-to-market adjustment on available for sale securities —  
Other (gains) losses, net, excluding special items$(18)$10 n.m.$(37)$(14)164.3
Income before income taxes, as reported$89 $237 $269 $919 
Add: Labor contract adjustment (a) 96 9 180 
Add (Deduct): Fuel hedge contracts settling in the current period, but for which (gains) losses were reclassified from AOCI(14)11 (14)12 
Add (Deduct): Mark-to-market impact from fuel contracts settling in future periods29 (33)31 (26)
Add: Litigation settlements — 7 12 
Add: Professional advisory fees13 — 20 — 
Deduct: Unrealized mark-to-market adjustment on available for sale securities —  (4)
Income before income taxes, excluding special items$117 $311 (62.4)$322 $1,093 (70.5)
Provision for income taxes, as reported$22 $44 $65 $202 
Add: Net income tax impact of fuel and special items (b)6 27 16 55 
Provision for income taxes, net, excluding special items$28 $71 (60.6)$81 $257 (68.5)
Net income, as reported$67 $193 $204 $717 
Add: Labor contract adjustment (a) 96 9 180 
Add (Deduct): Fuel hedge contracts settling in the current period, but for which (gains) losses were reclassified from AOCI(14)11 (14)12 
Add (Deduct): Mark-to-market impact from fuel contracts settling in future periods29 (33)31 (26)
Add: Litigation settlements — 7 12 
Add: Professional advisory fees13 — 20 — 
Deduct: Unrealized mark-to-market adjustment on available for sale securities —  (4)
Deduct: Net income tax impact of special items (b)(6)(27)(16)(55)
Net income, excluding special items$89 $240 (62.9)$241 $836 (71.2)

 Three months endedNine months ended
September 30,PercentSeptember 30,Percent
Net income per share, diluted, as reported$0.11 $0.31 $0.34 $1.15 
Add: Impact of special items0.01 0.14 0.06 0.29 
Add (Deduct): Net impact of net income above from fuel contracts divided by dilutive shares0.02 (0.03)0.03 (0.02)
Deduct: Net income tax impact of special items (b) (0.04)(0.03)(0.09)
Add: GAAP to Non-GAAP diluted weighted average shares difference (c)$0.01 $— $ $— 
Net income per share, diluted, excluding special items$0.15 $0.38 (60.5)$0.40 $1.33 (69.9)
Operating expenses per ASM (cents)¢15.11 ¢14.51 ¢15.34 ¢14.93 
Deduct: Impact of special items(0.03)(0.24)(0.03)(0.16)
Deduct: Fuel and oil expense divided by ASMs(3.14)(3.52)(3.40)(3.61)
Deduct: Profitsharing expense divided by ASMs(0.03)(0.08)(0.04)(0.12)
Operating expenses per ASM, excluding Fuel and oil expense, special items, and profitsharing (cents)¢11.91 ¢10.67 11.6¢11.87 ¢11.04 7.5
(a) Represents incremental expense associated with contract ratification bonuses for various workgroups related to additional compensation for services performed by Employees outside of the applicable fiscal period. See the Note Regarding Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures for further information.
(b) Tax amounts for each individual special item are calculated at the Company's effective rate for the applicable period and totaled in this line item.
(c) Adjustment related to GAAP and Non-GAAP diluted weighted average shares difference due to the Convertible Notes being anti-dilutive for GAAP but dilutive for Non-GAAP for the three months ended September 30, 2024.

Southwest Airlines Co.
Comparative Consolidated Operating Statistics
Relevant comparative operating statistics for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 are included below. The Company provides these operating statistics because they are commonly used in the airline industry and, as such, allow readers to compare the Company’s performance against its results for the prior year period, as well as against the performance of the Company’s peers. 
Three months endedNine months ended
September 30,PercentSeptember 30,Percent
Revenue passengers carried (000s)35,516 35,349 0.5105,897 101,296 4.5
Enplaned passengers (000s)44,711 44,598 0.3132,875 127,050 4.6
Revenue passenger miles (RPMs) (in millions) (a)36,735 35,624 3.1108,044 100,676 7.3
Available seat miles (ASMs) (in millions) (b)45,219 44,169 2.4133,717 124,810 7.1
Load factor (c)81.2 %80.7 %0.5 pts.80.8 %80.7 %0.1 pts.
Average length of passenger haul (miles)1,034 1,008 2.61,020 994 2.6
Average aircraft stage length (miles)770 735 4.8763 726 5.1
Trips flown364,609 374,926 (2.8)1,090,337 1,074,136 1.5
Seats flown (000s) (d)58,119 59,494 (2.3)173,588 170,116 2.0
Seats per trip (e)159.4 158.7 0.4159.2 158.4 0.5
Average passenger fare$175.97 $167.24 5.2$176.34 $172.03 2.5
Passenger revenue yield per RPM (cents) (f)17.01 16.60 2.517.28 17.31 (0.2)
RASM (cents) (g)15.19 14.77 2.815.37 15.44 (0.5)
PRASM (cents) (h)13.82 13.38 3.313.96 13.96 
CASM (cents) (i)15.11 14.51 4.115.34 14.93 2.7
CASM, excluding Fuel and oil expense (cents)11.97 10.97 9.111.94 11.32 5.5
CASM, excluding special items (cents)15.12 14.27 6.015.33 14.77 3.8
CASM, excluding Fuel and oil expense and special items (cents)11.95 10.75 11.211.91 11.16 6.7
CASM, excluding Fuel and oil expense, special items, and profitsharing expense (cents)11.91 10.67 11.611.87 11.04 7.5
Fuel costs per gallon, including fuel tax (unhedged)$2.50 $2.89 (13.5)$2.70 $2.91 (7.2)
Fuel costs per gallon, including fuel tax$2.52 $2.80 (10.0)$2.73 $2.85 (4.2)
Fuel costs per gallon, including fuel tax (economic)$2.55 $2.78 (8.3)$2.74 $2.85 (3.9)
Fuel consumed, in gallons (millions)562 557 0.91,663 1,578 5.4
Active fulltime equivalent Employees73,463 74,181 (1.0)73,463 74,181 (1.0)
Aircraft at end of period (j)811 817 (0.7)811 817 (0.7)
(a) A revenue passenger mile is one paying passenger flown one mile. Also referred to as "traffic," which is a measure of demand for a given period.
(b) An available seat mile is one seat (empty or full) flown one mile. Also referred to as "capacity," which is a measure of the space available to carry passengers in a given period.
(c) Revenue passenger miles divided by available seat miles.
(d) Seats flown is calculated using total number of seats available by aircraft type multiplied by the total trips flown by the same aircraft type during a particular period.
(e) Seats per trip is calculated by dividing seats flown by trips flown.
(f) Calculated as passenger revenue divided by revenue passenger miles. Also referred to as "yield," this is the average cost paid by a paying passenger to fly one mile, which is a measure of revenue production and fares.
(g) RASM (unit revenue) - Operating revenue yield per ASM, calculated as operating revenue divided by available seat miles. Also referred to as "operating unit revenues," this is a measure of operating revenue production based on the total available seat miles flown during a particular period.
(h) PRASM (Passenger unit revenue) - Passenger revenue yield per ASM, calculated as passenger revenue divided by available seat miles. Also referred to as “passenger unit revenues,” this is a measure of passenger revenue production based on the total available seat miles flown during a particular period.
(i) CASM (unit costs) - Operating expenses per ASM, calculated as operating expenses divided by available seat miles. Also referred to as "unit costs" or "cost per available seat mile," this is the average cost to fly an aircraft seat (empty or full) one mile, which is a measure of cost efficiencies.
(j) Included three Boeing 737 Next Generation aircraft in storage as of September 30, 2023.

Southwest Airlines Co.
Non-GAAP Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)
(See Note Regarding Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures)
(in millions)
Twelve months ended
September 30, 2024
Operating loss, as reported$(361)
TWU 555 contract adjustment
SWAPA contract adjustment354 
Net impact from fuel contracts(14)
Professional advisory fees20 
DOT settlement107 
Litigation settlements
Operating income, non-GAAP$122 
Net adjustment for aircraft leases (a)128 
Adjusted operating income, non-GAAP (A)$250 
Non-GAAP tax rate (B)24.3 %(d)
Net operating profit after-tax, NOPAT (A* (1-B) = C)$189 
Debt, including finance leases (b)$8,005 
Equity (b)10,528 
Net present value of aircraft operating leases (b)910 
Average invested capital $19,443 
Equity adjustment for hedge accounting (c) (39)
Adjusted average invested capital (D)$19,404 
Non-GAAP ROIC, pre-tax (A/D)1.3 %
Non-GAAP ROIC, after-tax (C/D)1.0 %
(a) Net adjustment related to presumption that all aircraft in fleet are owned (i.e., the impact of eliminating aircraft rent expense and replacing with estimated depreciation expense for those same aircraft). The Company makes this adjustment to enhance comparability to other entities that have different capital structures by utilizing alternative financing decisions.
(b) Calculated as an average of the five most recent quarter end balances or remaining obligations. The Net present value of aircraft operating leases represents the assumption that all aircraft in the Company’s fleet are owned, as it reflects the remaining contractual commitments discounted at the Company's estimated incremental borrowing rate as of the time each individual lease was signed.
(c) The Equity adjustment in the denominator adjusts for the cumulative impacts, in Accumulated other comprehensive income and Retained earnings, of gains and/or losses that will settle in future periods, including those associated with the Company's fuel hedges. The current period impact of these gains and/or losses is reflected in the Net impact from fuel contracts in the numerator.
(d) The GAAP twelve month rolling tax rate as of September 30, 2024, was (186.0) percent, and the Non-GAAP twelve month rolling tax rate was 24.3 percent. The GAAP twelve month rolling tax rate as of September 30, 2024 is negative primarily due to the Company's pre-tax book loss for the twelve months ended September 30, 2024. See Note Regarding Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures for additional information.

Southwest Airlines Co.
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
(in millions)
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Current assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents$8,503 $9,288 
     Short-term investments879 2,186 
     Accounts and other receivables1,177 1,154 
     Inventories of parts and supplies, at cost770 807 
     Prepaid expenses and other current assets601 520 
          Total current assets11,930 13,955 
Property and equipment, at cost:
     Flight equipment26,394 26,060 
     Ground property and equipment7,955 7,460 
     Deposits on flight equipment purchase contracts428 236 
     Assets constructed for others87 62 
 34,864 33,818 
     Less allowance for depreciation and amortization15,091 14,443 
 19,773 19,375 
Goodwill970 970 
Operating lease right-of-use assets1,101 1,223 
Other assets1,073 964 
 $34,847 $36,487 
Current liabilities:
     Accounts payable$1,518 $1,862 
     Accrued liabilities2,096 3,606 
     Current operating lease liabilities202 208 
     Air traffic liability6,743 6,551 
     Current maturities of long-term debt2,930 29 
          Total current liabilities13,489 12,256 
Long-term debt less current maturities5,075 7,978 
Air traffic liability - noncurrent1,957 1,728 
Deferred income taxes2,094 2,044 
Noncurrent operating lease liabilities888 985 
Other noncurrent liabilities933 981 
Stockholders' equity:
     Common stock888 888 
     Capital in excess of par value4,180 4,153 
     Retained earnings16,178 16,297 
     Accumulated other comprehensive income(37)— 
     Treasury stock, at cost(10,798)(10,823)
          Total stockholders' equity10,411 10,515 
$34,847 $36,487 

Southwest Airlines Co.
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
(in millions) (unaudited)
Three months ended September 30,Nine months ended September 30,
Net income$67 $193 $204 $717 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization438 375 1,250 1,107 
Unrealized mark-to-market adjustment on available for sale securities —  (4)
Unrealized/realized gain (loss) on fuel derivative instruments15 (21)17 (14)
Deferred income taxes19 57 62 214 
Changes in certain assets and liabilities:
Accounts and other receivables193 (216)(80)(405)
Other assets(13)(35)4 74 
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities(196)352 (1,668)645 
Air traffic liability(377)(59)421 750 
Other liabilities(18)(89)(136)(180)
Cash collateral received from (provided to) derivative counterparties(8)40 (28)(6)
Other, net(7)19 (60)(159)
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities113 616 (14)2,739 
Capital expenditures(517)(842)(1,594)(2,812)
Assets constructed for others(10)(8)(26)(23)
Purchases of short-term investments(636)(1,620)(3,845)(5,347)
Proceeds from sales of short-term and other investments1,621 2,406 5,160 5,914 
Other, net — (29)— 
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities458 (64)(334)(2,268)
Payroll Support Program stock warrants repurchase — (6)— 
Proceeds from Employee stock plans15 13 46 36 
Payments of long-term debt and finance lease obligations(11)(11)(27)(78)
Payments of cash dividends(216)(214)(431)(428)
Other, net2 (1)(19)
Net cash used in financing activities(210)(213)(437)(466)
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD$8,503 $9,497 $8,503 $9,497 

The Company's unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States ("GAAP"). These GAAP financial statements may include (i) unrealized noncash adjustments and reclassifications, which can be significant, as a result of accounting requirements and elections made under accounting pronouncements relating to derivative instruments and hedging and (ii) other charges and benefits the Company believes are unusual and/or infrequent in nature and thus may make comparisons to its prior or future performance difficult.
As a result, the Company also provides financial information in this release that was not prepared in accordance with GAAP and should not be considered as an alternative to the information prepared in accordance with GAAP. The Company provides supplemental non-GAAP financial information (also referred to as "excluding special items"), including results that it refers to as "economic," which the Company's management utilizes to evaluate its ongoing financial performance and the Company believes provides additional insight to investors as supplemental information to its GAAP results. The non-GAAP measures provided that relate to the Company’s performance on an economic fuel cost basis include Operating expenses, non-GAAP excluding Fuel and oil expense; Operating expenses, non-GAAP excluding Fuel and oil expense and profitsharing; Operating income, non-GAAP; Other (gains) losses, net, non-GAAP; Income before income taxes, non-GAAP; Provision for income taxes, net, non-GAAP; Net income, non-GAAP; Net income per share, diluted, non-GAAP; and Operating expenses per ASM, non-GAAP, excluding Fuel and oil expense and profitsharing (cents). The Company's economic Fuel and oil expense results differ from GAAP results in that they only include the actual cash settlements from fuel hedge contracts - all reflected within Fuel and oil expense in the period of settlement. Thus, Fuel and oil expense on an economic basis has historically been utilized by the Company, as well as some of the other airlines that utilize fuel hedging, as it reflects the Company’s actual net cash outlays for fuel during the applicable period, inclusive of settled fuel derivative contracts. Any net premium costs paid related to option contracts that are designated as hedges are reflected as a component of Fuel and oil expense, for both GAAP and non-GAAP (including economic) purposes in the period of contract settlement. The Company believes these economic results provide further insight into the impact of the Company's fuel hedges on its operating performance and liquidity since they exclude the unrealized, noncash adjustments and reclassifications that are recorded in GAAP results in accordance with accounting guidance relating to derivative instruments, and they reflect all cash settlements related to fuel derivative contracts within Fuel and oil expense. This enables the Company's management, as well as investors and analysts, to consistently assess the Company's operating performance on a year-over-year or quarter-over-quarter basis after considering all efforts in place to manage fuel expense. However, because these measures are not determined in accordance with GAAP, such measures are susceptible to varying calculations, and not all companies calculate the measures in the same manner. As a result, the aforementioned measures, as presented, may not be directly comparable to similarly titled measures presented by other companies.

Further information on (i) the Company's fuel hedging program, (ii) the requirements of accounting for derivative instruments, and (iii) the causes of hedge ineffectiveness and/or mark-to-market gains or losses from derivative instruments is included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023.

The Company’s GAAP results in the applicable periods may include other charges or benefits that are also deemed "special items," that the Company believes make its results difficult to compare to prior periods, anticipated future periods, or industry trends. Financial measures identified as non-GAAP (or as excluding special items) have been adjusted to exclude special items. For the periods presented, in addition to the items discussed above, special items include:

1.Incremental expense associated with contract ratification bonuses for various workgroups related to additional compensation for services performed by Employees outside the applicable fiscal period;
2.Charges associated with tentative litigation settlements regarding certain California state meal-and-rest-break regulations for flight attendants and an arbitration award in favor of the Company's Pilots relating to a collective-bargaining matter;
3.Expenses associated with incremental professional advisory fees related to activist investor activities, which were not budgeted by the Company, are not associated with the ongoing operation of the airline, and are difficult to predict in future periods;
4.Unrealized mark-to-market adjustment associated with certain available for sale securities; and

5.A charge associated with a settlement reached with the Department of Transportation as a result of the Company's December 2022 operational disruption.

Because management believes special items can distort the trends associated with the Company’s ongoing performance as an airline, the Company believes that evaluation of its financial performance can be enhanced by a supplemental presentation of results that exclude the impact of special items in order to enhance consistency and comparativeness with results in prior periods that do not include such items and as a basis for evaluating operating results in future periods. The following measures are often provided, excluding special items, and utilized by the Company’s management, analysts, and investors to enhance comparability of year-over-year results, as well as to industry trends: Operating expenses, non-GAAP excluding Fuel and oil expense; Operating expenses, non-GAAP excluding Fuel and oil expense and profitsharing; Operating income, non-GAAP; Other (gains) losses, net, non-GAAP; Income before income taxes, non-GAAP; Provision for income taxes, net, non-GAAP; Net income, non-GAAP; Net income per share, diluted, non-GAAP; and Operating expenses per ASM, non-GAAP, excluding Fuel and oil expense and profitsharing (cents).

The Company has also provided its calculation of return on invested capital, which is a measure of financial performance used by management to evaluate its investment returns on capital. Return on invested capital is not a substitute for financial results as reported in accordance with GAAP and should not be utilized in place of such GAAP results. Although return on invested capital is not a measure defined by GAAP, it is calculated by the Company, in part, using non-GAAP financial measures. Those non-GAAP financial measures are utilized for the same reasons as those noted above for Net income, non-GAAP and Operating income, non-GAAP. The comparable GAAP measures include charges or benefits that are deemed "special items" that the Company believes make its results difficult to compare to prior periods, anticipated future periods, or industry trends, and the Company’s profitability targets and estimates, both internally and externally, are based on non-GAAP results since "special items" cannot be reliably predicted or estimated. The Company believes non-GAAP return on invested capital is a meaningful measure because it quantifies the Company's effectiveness in generating returns relative to the capital it has invested in its business. Although return on invested capital is commonly used as a measure of capital efficiency, definitions of return on invested capital differ; therefore, the Company is providing an explanation of its calculation for non-GAAP return on invested capital in the accompanying reconciliation in order to allow investors to compare and contrast its calculation to the calculations provided by other companies.

The Company has also provided adjusted debt, invested capital, and adjusted debt to invested capital (leverage), which are non-GAAP measures of financial performance. Management believes these supplemental measures can provide a more accurate view of the Company's leverage and risk, since they consider the Company’s debt and debt-like obligation profile and capital. Leverage ratios are widely used by investors, analysts, and rating agencies in the valuation, comparison, rating, and investment recommendations of companies. Although adjusted debt, invested capital, and leverage ratios are commonly-used financial measures, definitions of each differ; therefore, the Company is providing an explanation of its calculations for non-GAAP adjusted debt and adjusted equity in the accompanying reconciliation below in order to allow investors to compare and contrast its calculations to the calculations provided by other companies. Invested capital is adjusted debt plus adjusted equity. Leverage is calculated as adjusted debt divided by invested capital.

September 30, 2024
(in millions)
Current maturities of long-term debt, as reported$2,930 
Long-term debt less current maturities, as reported5,075 
Total debt8,005 
Add: Net present value of aircraft rentals833 
Adjusted debt (A)$8,838 
Total stockholders' equity, as reported$10,411 
Deduct: Accumulated other comprehensive income, as reported(37)
Deduct: Cumulative retained earnings impact of unrealized gains (losses) associated with ineffective fuel hedge derivatives(24)
Adjusted equity (B)$10,472 
Invested capital (A+B)$19,310 
Leverage: Adjusted debt to invested capital (A/(A+B))46 %