EX-10.6 8 ex10_6.htm EXHIBIT 10.6












您(「您」或「執行人員」),自2023年12月5日起擔任Nxu公司(「Nxu」或「公司」)的臨時首席財務官。經過審查您的表現,我們希望取消「臨時」稱號,並任命您爲公司的致富金融(臨時代碼)。特此,您被提供擔任Nxu公司的首席財務官職位。請將此通訊作爲一封提供信和對您就業關係基本條款的協議(「提供信」)。該提供信受Nxu公司就所有Nxu員工相關的就業政策和程序以及您在就業之前必須執行的任何其他文件的約束,如下所列。您將繼續負責管理財務和會計團隊,並直接向Nxu公司首席執行官Mark Hanchett (「CEO」)彙報。


































(a)A類。 根據本協議生效日期,您的初始薪酬包括年度底薪30萬美元,按照公司的正常發薪慣例支付,並須受到所有法定扣繳和扣除。


(b)       股權 報酬您應享有的股權報酬詳列於附件A(以下簡稱「股權報酬」)。


(c)       業務費用的報銷您有權承擔執行職務所產生的合理開支,並應在公司收到相關適當文件後(載明金額、業務目的和付款情況),根據公司的書面費用報銷政策、員工出差政策及隨時生效的書面預批核政策,得獲得所有這些業務開支的報銷。


(d)       追回政策根據適用法律或規定的要求,任何適用的股票交易所上市標準或任何追索政策, 由公司根據任何該等法律、規定或股票交易所上市標準所採納,或者符合良好企業治理 慣例的,授予您的任何激勵性薪酬(無論根據本協議還是其他方式)將受適用的追索政策 或程序的規定約束,該等政策可能包括根據本協議或其他方式支付或應支付的金額的 沒收和/或索回,包括授予您的激勵性股權獎。








(e)融資 獎金。公司打算與公司之間簽訂一份協議和合並計劃,即Verde Bioresins, Inc.,NXU Merger Sub, Inc. 和 NXU 合併子有限責任公司(「合併協議」)。視預期交易的完成而定 根據合併協議(「交易」),公司打算在2025年12月31日之前嘗試獲得融資 通過一項或多筆交易將公司股權證券出售給一個或多個與兩者無關的第三方 該公司和Verde Bioresins, Inc.(每筆此類交易均爲 「收盤後融資」)。前提是你受僱於 公司截至交易完成之日,自公司籌集至少500萬美元之日起三十(30)天內 由於一項或多次收盤後融資,公司應一次性向高管支付一筆款項,金額等於 (a) a 分數 (i),其分子是公司在此類收盤後融資中籌集的金額(前提是該金額應爲 應視爲不超過1,000萬美元) 和 (ii) 其分母爲1,000萬美元, (b) 行政長官的六個月 截至交易完成之日的基本工資(”融資獎金”)。如果本公司 隨後在2025年12月31日之前完成任何額外的收盤後融資,融資獎金應增加一定金額 等於 (A) 的超額部分,等於 (1) 分數 (x) 的分數,其分子是公司籌集的累計金額 在所有收盤後融資中(前提是該金額應視爲不超過1,000萬美元)以及(y)其分母 是 1000 萬美元 (2) 截至交易完成之日高管的六個月基本工資 結束了 (B) 先前支付給高管的融資獎金總額。爲避免疑問,(i) 行政人員不必這樣做 在交易完成後繼續工作以獲得融資獎金;(ii)融資資格 獎金必須由高管及時執行且不得以本文所附的形式實質性撤銷一般性新聞稿 附錄 b 與任何終止僱傭關係有關;(iii) 融資獎金(如果有)應在 2025 年日曆內發放 年;(iv)如果公司無法在2025年通過一項或多次收盤後融資籌集至少500萬美元,則融資獎金 不得支付,高管在這方面沒有其他權利,而且 (v) 在任何情況下都不會 「總融資獎金」 截至交易完成之日,支付給高管的金額超過相當於高管六個月基本工資的金額。










4.1        因死亡而終止。如果行政人員在任期內死亡,本協議應終止,但應支付基本工資、股權報酬、獎金報酬和本協議第2條另有規定的其他金額。在此終止後,不應給予執行人員的遺產任何遣散福利。


4.2        高層主管有權終止合同高層主管可在提前三十(30)天書面通知公司後辭職並終止就業,且無需承擔進一步的責任。


4.3        終止 由行政人員出於理由。就本第 4.3 節而言,行政人員終止本協議,以」不錯 原因」指由行政人員在沒有行政人員的情況下,因以下任何事件而引起的終止本協議 表達書面同意,本公司在發出行政人員書面通知之日起計三十 (30) 天內未得到解決的書面同意 致本公司,但須在活動發生後三十 (30) 天內由行政人員向本公司提供書面通知 發生及行政人員必須於本公司治療期結束後 30 天內終止僱傭:(i) 重大減少 在行政人員的基本薪酬 (不包括任何影響本公司所有高階層主管的任何全面減免) 超過 10%);(ii) 將任何可導致行政人員違反適用法律或法規的任何職責, 包括《AICPA 行為準則》;(iii) 公司任何導致執行人權力重大減少的行為, 職責或責任;或 (iv) 本公司嚴重違反本協議。儘管上述規定,無論 (y) 任何行政人員的基本薪酬或行政人員的職責、權力或職責或行政人員的任何變更 合併協議生效期間的主要工作地點,以及 (z) 合併協議所擬的任何交易, 包括完成交易本身或行政人員辭任本公司或會員職位 董事會為本協議而構成良好理由的事件。










4.4       終止 由公司爲公益而作。如果發生一項或多項情況,公司可以根據本協議終止高管的聘用 下文 (a) 至 (e) 小節中列出的以下事件 (”原因”)並且沒有付款、遣散費或其他福利 因應計和未支付的基本工資、股權薪酬以外的原因解僱應向高管支付 以及截至終止之日到期的獎金補償(如有)(定義見下文):


(a) 行政人員 犯有欺詐、挪用資金或故意惡意行爲的行爲;


(b) 執行官被判犯有重罪或任何涉及道德敗壞或涉及公司或其關聯公司【定義如下】財產的犯罪或罪行,或對公司造成不利影響的任何其他犯罪;




(d) 行政人員違反本協議的任何重要條款,或違反與公司(或其關聯公司)之間的任何其他協議的重要條款,或者不按照董事會的合理指示行事(這些指示與本協議和行政人員在公司的職位一致),如屬可彌補,行政人員未能在公司通知行政人員後的三十(30)天內彌補違約或失敗;或


(e) 主管 由於身體或精神疾病、受傷 或持續超過六(6)個月(無論是否連續)無法在所有重要方面履行主管的工作職責("殘疾”).


4.5        公司無正當理由解僱僅在根據其條款終止並且導致放棄其中規定的交易後,如果公司終止執行董事的僱傭關係(除非由於執行董事的死亡、殘疾或由於原因),則(i)執行董事有權接收作爲補償基礎提供的服務的任何已計提並應付款項如第2條規定,(ii)在第4.6條描述的釋放撤銷期限屆滿後的下一個定期發薪日期按一次性支付150,000美元,減去適用的稅費和預扣稅款,並(iii)按照展示A中概述的股權補償繼續向執行董事支付。爲避免疑慮,在併購協議生效期間或交易完成後,執行董事沒有根據本第4條享有任何補償福利的權利。








4.6       發佈作爲執行人在第4.3條或4.5條獲得離職補償金或第2(e)條獲得融資獎金的條件,執行人應向公司提供一份與本附件b所附表格實質相符的有效行政性放棄,並且在適用法律賦予執行人撤銷權利過期之前不得撤銷該行政性放棄。公司應在分離日期後十(10)天內或在此日期後即日,向執行人提供行政性放棄,而執行人在分離日期後二十一(21)天內(或更長的,適用法律對於完全有效的放棄所要求的最短期限)交付已執行的行政性放棄給公司。如果執行人未在此期限內歸還行政性放棄,執行人將沒有權利獲得本協議第2(e)條、第4.3條或第4.5條所規定的福利。










在您受僱期間,您同意不得,也不得要求您的關聯方和代表人不得向任何個人、合夥企業(包括有限責任合夥企業)、公司、有限責任公司、協會、股份公司、信託、合資公司、非法人組織或政府機構(以下簡稱「第三方」持有),除非(i)針對您的法律、財務、稅收或會計顧問,或者(ii)受到法律強制,任何保密信息都不能因任何原因或目的而透露給第三方,您不得,也不得要求您的關聯方或代表人利用保密信息進行自身用途或爲除了公司或其關聯公司或子公司(以下簡稱「公司集團」及其各成員,合稱「公司集團成員」)之外的任何人謀利。如果您或您的任何關聯方或代表人受到法律強制透露任何保密信息,您應及時書面通知公司有關請求或要求,以便公司可能在公司自費成本下尋求適當的保護令或放棄遵守本部分規定。如果在缺乏保護令或未收到本文下的放棄通知的情況下,您或您的任何關聯方或代表人受到法律要求向任何法院透露任何保密信息,您或您的關聯方應根據情況向法院透露保密信息; 在每種情況下,該B類股東和/或該B類股東的家庭成員需獨立控制在此類帳戶、計劃或信託中持有的B類普通股實時;作爲您或您的關聯方,將商業上合理的努力以公司的請求和獨家費用獲得,保密信息的一部分將被披露的命令或其他保證,作爲公司指定的保密信息應受保密對待的保護措施。








根據本協議,「」終止將意味着:(a)高管因犯有任何涉嫌詐騙或不誠實的重罪或罪行被判有罪或認罪,或不予辯護; (b)高管參與任何針對公司的欺詐; (c)高管對公司的職責存在重大違約; (d)在董事會發出書面通知並有合理機會糾正(如果被視爲可糾正)後,高管的工作職責持續不滿意的表現; (e)高管故意損壞公司任何財產; (f)高管行爲不當,或違反公司政策造成損害; (g)高管違反與公司的任何書面協議; 及(h)經董事會善意和合理的裁定,高管表現出嚴重不適任,包括但不限於涉及道德敗壞,腐敗,不誠實或其他損害公司聲譽或前景的行爲。機密信息「」指的是有關公司業務或事務的機密或專有性質的任何信息; 但是,“保密信息”不包括以下信息:(i) 是或變得普遍爲公衆所知, 並不是由您違反本協議向收件方披露導致的;或(ii) 可供您或您的關聯公司以非機密方式獲得的信息,只要您所知的該來源並未受制於與公司簽訂的禁止披露該等信息的保密協議。


本協議或其他任何內容均不得解釋限制高管向平等就業機會委員會(EEOC)、國家勞工關係委員會、職業安全與健康管理局、證券交易委員會或任何其他聯邦、州或地方政府機構或委員會(「政府機構」)提出控訴或投訴的能力,也不得限制高管與任何政府機構溝通或以其他方式參與可能由任何政府機構進行的調查或訴訟,包括提供文件或其他信息,無需通知公司。本協議或公司其他政策或協議中的任何保密規定均不得禁止或限制高管(或高管的律師)對金融業監管局或任何其他自律組織或政府機構在本協議的詢問或進行受聯邦法律或法規保護的其他披露時作出回應。高管理解並承認,高管無需事先獲得公司的授權就可進行此類報告或披露,並且高管無需通知公司高管已作出此類報告或披露。此外,儘管存在高管的保密和保密義務,但高管特此根據《捍衛商業祕密法》獲得以下建議:「任何個人根據任何聯邦或州商業祕密法對披露商業祕密不會因 (A)向聯邦、州或地方政府官員,直接或間接,或向律師(i)保密且(ii)僅爲了報告或調查可疑的法律違規行爲而進行的披露; 或 (B)在訴訟或其他程序中提交的投訴或其他文件中進行的披露而承擔刑事或民事責任。如果訴訟是根據《捍衛商業祕密法》的規定進行的,這些文件中包含商業祕密的任何個人均可向個人的律師披露商業祕密的信息並在法庭訴訟中使用商業祕密信息,只要個人 (A)提交任何包含商業祕密的文件時進行封存; 及 (B) 除了根據法庭命令外,不得披露商業祕密。」




本協議未經公司書面同意不得轉讓 在整個夏天提供所有的優惠,下載麥當勞應用程序開始賺取MyMcDonald's Rewards積分;每花費1美元= 100個獎勵積分。累計積分以兌換免費餐單項目,如麥香雞三明治或熊孩子樂餐。本協議未經公司事先書面同意,除非(a)作爲公司員工普遍適用的內部重組的一部分而向公司的關聯公司轉讓,或者(b)向公司業務的全部或實質性全部資產的任何繼承人或受讓人(無論是直接還是間接,通過購買、合併、合併或其他方式)轉讓,並且應對公司、其繼承人和任何被許可受讓人產生約束力並有效。您不得未經公司事先書面同意轉讓本協議的任何權利、責任或義務。


















所有通知和其他通信根據此優惠必須以書面形式,並且如果親自送達,通過掛號信郵寄或通過隔夜遞送服務(附有確認收據)送達,將被視爲已經送達給當事方在任何時候指定的地址。任何通知或其他通訊將被視爲已發送:(a) 在親自送達日期;(b) 在美國郵政存入資金之後的第三天屆滿;或(c) 通過隔夜遞送服務確認送達日期。






12.完整協議; 修改.






每方同意: (a) 執行和交付其他文件;以及 (b) 做和完成其他任何一方可能合理要求的行爲和事情,以實現該報價的意圖和達成目的。






























/s/ Mark Hanchett  
Mark Hanchett,Nxu的董事長兼首席執行官



員工簽名: /s/ 莎拉·溫特  














-2023年8月21日,Executive獲得了19萬美元的限制性股票單位(「RSU」)補助金。 根據RSU交易所計劃,2024年2月23日,Executive的47,500美元的限制性股票單位被交換爲非合格股票期權。 Executive有142,500美元的未償還限制性股票單位,其中11,875美元截至2024年9月30日歸屬。公司和高管特此致辭 希望將基礎權益獎勵下到期的限制性股票單位數量設定到2024年9月30日的原始歸屬日期。這個數字 限制性股票單位的計算方法是將11,875美元除以2024年8月14日的收盤股價(0.3399美元)(計算日期”), 結果裁定了34,936個限制性股票單位。在2024年9月30日之後的歸屬期內,高管無權獲得任何限制性股票單位。 公司已確定,合併協議的執行將使其能夠延遲交付部分限制性股票單位 在不影響其持續經營能力的情況下進行授權。合併協議執行後,公司 將分期向參與者交付限制性股票單位,金額視公司確定可以在不使用的情況下交付給高管的金額 危及公司繼續經營的能力。此類限制性股票單位應交付至 (A) 日期(以較早者爲準) 所有受延遲歸屬限制的限制性股票單位已交付給參與者,或 (B) 不遲於 5 個工作日的日期 直到交易結束(例如較早的日期,”截止日期”)。尚未交付的任何 RSU 截至截止日期的參與者將被沒收,不加考慮。


-根據修改日期生效,執行人持有修訂後的2023年全員授權計劃下的期權。 所有的股票期權都具有每股行使價格高於修改日期當天公司股票的當前公允市場價值。 執行人在控制權變更之前立即同意放棄所有未行使的股票期權,無論是否已獲行使,且不得獲得任何對價, 前提是每股行使價格,根據修改日期至控制權變更日期之間的公司資本結構變化進行調整,仍高於控制權變更當天的公司收盤股價。




儘管在本附錄A中有相反規定,在任何情況下,除非公司在擬議結算日期前的工作日向Verde Bioresins, Inc.(「法律顧問」)提供實質上與併購協議簽署日期前向法律顧問提供的更新的、反映當日擬定結算的RSUs的大致影響的第280G條的分析形式,並且法律顧問已確認爲可接受的(不會被不合理地拒絕、附加條件或延遲),則任何根據第280G條向法律顧問提供的最新分析均應將結算的RSUs視爲經受公司所有權或有效控制權變更的專員支付,並應假定融資獎金將全額支付,並且不應通過對執行人渲染或即將渲染的服務的估值來減少支付給執行人的任何專員支付的價值。 雙方明確認同意不應結算任何RSUs,以致結算將導致執行人根據本段描述的分析受第4999條規定的所得稅的徵收;但是,經公司和執行人請求,Verde Bioresins, Inc.可以在律師的單獨判斷下考慮在收到確鑿證據後,使得執行人已向公司爲此目的設立的託管帳戶匯入足額金額,以滿足交易關閉時公司根據第4999條的稅收保留義務,容許此類RSUs結算。










本協議和一般解除(本「協議和一般解除」)由Sarah Wyant(「執行官」)和NXU,Inc.(「僱主」)於______________________,20__年訂立並簽署。








2.各方一致同意,本協議第1部分中描述的支付是僱主、Verde Bioresins Inc.以及它或它們各自的過去和現在的子公司和附屬公司,以及各自的官員、董事、所有者、成員、股東、僱員、代理人、顧問、顧問、保險人、律師、任何一項履約人的接班人或受讓人(統稱爲「被釋放方」)對僱員可能因僱傭僱主或任何其附屬機構或終止該僱傭而產生的或以任何方式有關的所有索賠的全面、最終和完全和解。爲避免疑問,本協議和綜合解除對於執行解僱本協議的僱員所享有的唯一和專有權利,執行人不得根據僱主的離職計劃(如果有的話)或其他任何提供離職福利的協議或安排或僱傭協議提供的福利。




4.在適用法律和第6(e)、(f)和11款的範圍內,執行官同意執行官不會鼓勵或協助任何人對僱主或其他被解除的人提起訴訟或提出行政訴訟,除非根據合法傳票或其他強制性法律程序需要提供證詞或文件,屆時執行官同意立即通知僱主收到此類傳票的情況,以便僱主有機會提出異議。 在適用法律和第6(e)、(f)和11款的範圍內,如果任何法院對僱主或其任何附屬公司的任何法律訴訟有管轄權或假定有管轄權,執行官將要求法院退出或以偏見駁回案件。 執行官進一步聲明,執行官已書面向僱主報告執行官在與僱主或其附屬公司的任職期間遭受的任何與工作有關的傷害。




5.Executive covenants not to sue, and fully and forever releases and discharges Employer and all other Releasees from any and all legally waivable claims, liabilities, damages, demands, and causes of action or liabilities of any nature or kind, whether now known or unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with Executive’s employment with Employer or any of its affiliates or the termination of such employment. This release includes but is not limited to claims arising under federal, state or local laws concerning employment discrimination, termination, retaliation and equal opportunity, including but not limited to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended (the “ADEA”), the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988, as amended, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (including but not limited to fiduciary claims), claims for attorneys’ fees or costs, any and all statutory or common law provisions relating to or affecting Executive’s employment with Employer or its affiliates, and any and all claims in contract, tort, or premised on any other legal theory. Executive acknowledges that Executive is releasing claims based on age, race, color, sex, sexual orientation or preference, marital status, religion, national origin, citizenship, veteran status, disability and other legally protected categories. This provision is intended to constitute a general release of all of Executive’s presently existing covered claims against the Releasees arising out of or in any way connected with Executive’s employment with Employer or any of its affiliates or the termination of such employment, to the maximum extent permitted by law.


6.Nothing in this Agreement and General Release shall be construed to: (a) waive any rights or claims of Executive that arise after Executive signs this Agreement and General Release; (b) waive any rights or claims of Executive to enforce the terms of this Agreement and General Release; (c) waive any claim for worker’s compensation or unemployment benefits; (d) waive any rights or claims for the provision of accrued benefits conferred to Executive or Executive’s beneficiaries under the terms of Employer’s medical, dental, life insurance or defined contribution retirement benefit plans; (e) limit Executive’s ability to file a charge or complaint with the EEOC, the National Labor Relations Board, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Securities and Exchange Commission or any other federal, state or local governmental agency or commission (“Government Agencies”); (f) limit Executive’s ability to communicate with any Government Agencies or otherwise participate in any investigation or proceeding that may be conducted by any Government Agency, including providing documents or other information, without notice to the Company; (g) release claims challenging the validity of this Agreement under the ADEA; (h) release the Releasees or any of them from any claim that by law cannot be waived or released; (i) release any existing rights that Executive may have, if any, to indemnification pursuant to the Employer’s or an affiliate’s governing documents and/or any directors’ and officers’ insurance policy of the Employer for acts committed during the course of Executive’s employment; or (j) waive any rights of Executive with respect to vested equity. Executive expressly waives and agrees to waive (y) any right to recover monetary damages for personal injuries in any charge, complaint or lawsuit filed by Executive or anyone else on behalf of Executive for any released claims and (z) any right to receive any monetary relief from any action brought by Executive or on Executive’s behalf pursuant to the Federal False Claims Act, 31 U.S. Code § 3729, any federal law with a qui tam recovery provision, or any similar state law. This Agreement and General Release does not limit Executive’s right to receive an award for information provided to any Government Agencies.


7.Executive acknowledges that all Confidential Information (as defined in the Employment Agreement) regarding Employer’s or any Company Group Member’s (as defined in the Employment Agreement) business compiled, created or obtained by, or furnished to, Executive during the course of or in connection with Executive’s employment with Employer or any Company Group member is the exclusive property of Employer or such Company Group member. Upon or before execution of this Agreement and General Release, Executive will return to Employer all originals and copies of any material containing Confidential Information, and Executive further agrees that Executive will not, directly or indirectly, use or disclose such information in violation of the Employment Agreement. Executive will also return to Employer upon or before execution of this Agreement and General Release any other items in Executive’s possession, custody or control that are the property of Employer, including, but not limited to, Executive’s files, credit cards, identification card, data storage devices, passwords and office keys.




8.Executive acknowledges that (a) Executive has been given at least twenty-one (21)1 calendar days to consider this Agreement and General Release and that modifications hereof which are mutually agreed upon by the parties hereto, whether material or immaterial, do not restart the twenty-one day period; (b) Executive has seven (7) calendar days from the date Executive executes this Agreement and General Release in which to revoke it; and (c) this Agreement and General Release will not be effective or enforceable nor the amounts set forth in Section 1 paid unless the seven- day revocation period ends without revocation by Executive. Revocation can be made by delivery and receipt of a written notice of revocation to Britt Ide at britt@ideenergy.com by midnight on or before the seventh calendar day after Executive signs this Agreement and General Release.


9.Executive acknowledges that Executive has been advised to consult with an attorney of Executive’s choice with regard to this Agreement and General Release. Executive hereby acknowledges that Executive understands the significance of this Agreement and General Release, and represents that the terms of this Agreement and General Release are fully understood and voluntarily accepted by Executive.


10.Executive agrees that Executive will treat the existence and terms of this Agreement and General Release as confidential and will not discuss this Agreement and General Release, its terms or the circumstances surrounding Executive’s separation from service with Employer or its affiliates with anyone other than: (a) Executive’s counsel or tax or financial advisor as necessary to secure their professional advice, (b) Executive’s spouse or (c) as may be required by law.


11.Any non-disclosure provision in this Agreement and General Release does not prohibit or restrict Executive (or Executive’s attorney) from responding to any inquiry about this Agreement and General Release or its underlying facts and circumstances by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, any other self-regulatory organizations or Government Agencies, or making other disclosures that are protected under the whistleblower provisions of federal law or regulation. Executive understands and acknowledges that Executive does not need the prior authorization of the Employer to make any such reports or disclosures and that Executive is not required to notify the Employer that Executive has made such reports or disclosures.


12.Following the termination of Executive’s employment, subject to Sections 6(e) and (f) and 11 and whether or not the Executive is entitled to the Financing Bonus or severance, Executive shall not make any negative statements or communications about any Company Group Member or any of their respective direct or indirect equity holders, directors, managers, officers or employees. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Agreement is intended to require any person to make any untruthful statement or to violate any law.


13.In the event of any lawsuit against Employer or any of its affiliates that relates to alleged acts or omissions by Executive during Executive’s employment with Employer or any affiliate, to the extent permitted by applicable law Executive agrees to cooperate with Employer and its affiliates by voluntarily providing truthful and full information as reasonably necessary for Employer and its affiliates to defend against such lawsuit, provided that the Employer shall reimburse Executive’s reasonable expenses incurred in providing such assistance (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and lodging and meals) subject to Executive’s delivery of written notice to the Employer prior to the time such expenses are incurred.



1 Change to forty-five (45) days in the case of a group termination under the ADEA.




14.This Agreement and General Release shall be binding on Employer and Executive and upon their respective heirs, representatives, successors and assigns, and shall run to the benefit of the Releasees and each of them and to their respective heirs, representatives, successors and assigns.


15.This Agreement and General Release (and, to the extent explicitly provided herein, the Employment Agreement) set forth the entire agreement between Executive and Employer, and fully supersede any and all prior agreements or understandings between them regarding their subject matter; provided, however, that nothing in this Agreement and General Release is intended to or shall be construed to limit, impair or terminate any obligation of Executive pursuant to any non- competition, non-solicitation, confidentiality or intellectual property agreements that have been signed by Executive where such agreements by their terms continue after Executive’s employment with Employer terminates, including, but not limited to, the provisions of Section 6 of the Employment Agreement. This Agreement and General Release may only be modified by written agreement signed by both parties.


16.The Employer and Executive agree that in the event any provision of this Agreement and General Release is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable by any court or administrative agency of competent jurisdiction, or in the event that any provision cannot be modified so as to be valid and enforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement and General Release and the remainder of this Agreement and General Release shall remain in full force and effect.


17.This Agreement and General Release will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule (whether of the State of Delaware or any other jurisdiction) that would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of Delaware.


18.All judicial proceedings brought against any party arising out of or relating to this Agreement and General Release, or any obligations or liabilities hereunder, shall be brought and maintained in the courts of the State of Delaware or the federal courts located in the State of Delaware. By executing this Agreement and General Release, each party irrevocably: (a) accepts generally and unconditionally the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such courts; (b) waives, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law any objection which they may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any such dispute brought in such court or any defense of inconvenient forum for the maintenance of such dispute; and (c) agrees that the provisions of this Section 18 relating to jurisdiction and venue shall be binding and enforceable to the fullest extent permissible under applicable law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Employer may seek injunctive or equitable relief to enforce the terms of this Agreement and General Release in any court of competent jurisdiction.


19.Each of the parties hereto hereby irrevocably waives all right to trial by jury in any action, proceeding or counterclaim arising out of or relating to this Agreement and General Release.


20.The language of all parts of this Agreement and General Release in all cases shall be construed as a whole, according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any of the parties.



[Signature Page Follows]








  NXU, Inc.









  Sarah Wyant





