また、2024年9月30日に終了した四半期中、会社は石炭その他の鉱山に関連する死亡事故がなく、連邦採石安全衛生レビュー委員会における保留中の法的手続きもなく、健康や安全基準の義務違反のパターン、またはそのようなパターンが存在する可能性についてのMandatory healthやstory standards that could significantly and substantially saly contribute Dysticonical to the cause and effect of wo arl other mine health or safety アイacnic of the mine and safety standards that are of such that are of such that are of such nature as could have significantly and substantially contributed to the cause and effect of coal or otherwise mine health or safety hazards under section 104(e) of the Mine Safety Act.