1.1 計画の目的と範囲 - この計画(以下に定義されたこの他の大文字で始まる用語を含む)の目的は、コードのセクション401(a)(17)および415に規定されている制限によりスライフトプランに参加する資格のある従業員に、スライフトプランで許容される範囲を超える給付を提供することです。プランに基づいて給付が提供される範囲は、コードのセクション415に規定されている制限のみである場合、会社は、プランを「ERISAのセクション3(36)で定義された超過給付プラン」として維持することを意図しています。プランに基づく各参加者およびその受益者の権利は、ここで示されている内容に従い、随時修正されたものが適用されます。このプランは2009年1月1日に効力を持ちましたが、明示的にここで定められた他の場合を除き、その後修正され、さらに2024年8月1日にここに記載された通りに改訂および再発効されています.
1.2 適用可能性 - サプリメンタルスリフトプランは2009年1月1日に2つの部品に分割されました。このプランの条件に示されているように、そのうちの1つの部品は、2004年12月31日時点で参加者の口座に記載され、2004年12月31日時点で完全にベストされた金額にのみ適用されます(それ以降の関連する投資の利益および損失も含む)この時点で修正されませんでした。その他の金額に関して、参加者の口座に記載された他の金額に関しては、参加者およびその受益者の権利は、組合パシフィック社「2009年1月1日に施行されたサプリメンタルスリフトプラン(409Aグランドファーザーなしの部門)」として知られるサプリメンタルスリフトプランの部分によって管理されます。この後、適宜修正される時点まで。コードのセクション409Aの対象となるサプリメンタルスリフトプランのすべての金額に関して、2009年1月1日より前には、サプリメンタルスリフトプランはコードのセクション409Aの善意の遵守によって管理されました。
1.3 定義 計画で使用される次の用語は、文脈によって別の意味が明白に必要とされない限り、以下に示す意味を持ちます:
(b)「受益者」とは、参加者が死亡した場合にThrift Planの利益を受け取るために指定した人物を指し、参加者がPlan Administrationによって採用される手続きに従い、本契約書に別の受益者を指定した場合を除きます。参加者がThrift Planの下でそのような指定を行わない場合、参加者は、Plan Administrationによって採用される手続きに従い、本契約書において受益者となる人物を指定しなければなりません。そのような指定がない場合、参加者の受益者はその遺族となります。
1.4 リサイクルプランで定義されている用語 -本プランのすべての目的において、「関連会社」、「取締役会」、「規範」、「会社」、「ERISA」、「指定受託者プラン管理」、「サービスからの分離」という用語は、スリフトプランで指定された意味を持つものとします。ただし、サービスからの分離が発生したかどうかを判断する際には、フォームS-1登録届出書第333-107614号の対象となるオーバーナイト社の新規株式公開は無視されます。
1.5 その他の定義条項 - プランのセクション1.3および1.4で定義された用語は、それぞれの単数形と複数形の両方に等しく適用されるものとします。使用される場合、男性の代名詞は女性を含むものとします。 「選出する」 -「任命する」をも含む。“本規定”、“この中”および“以下に則して”などの言葉は、プランで使用される場合、プラン全体を指し、特定の規定を指すものではないものとします。
2.1 口座の評価 - セクション3.1に基づく分配が保留中である場合、参加者のAおよびb口座に記入された金額の価値は、任命された信託財産管理者によって次のように決定されます:
(b)参加者の Thrift Plan の口座が、会社が共通親会社である一連の企業の管理会社内で維持される他の定義付けされた貢献金プランに移転された後(以下の(c)で定められた場合を除く)、そうした受け譲り先プランに実際に投資されたかのように扱われ、そうした受け譲り先プランに設定された投資方針に従って投資されたものとみなされる(2007年8月8日を有効日とし、そうした受け譲り先プランの参加者に、Vanguard Advisers Managed Account Program に参加する権利がある場合であっても、この権利を考慮しない)。ただし、Plan の目的のための投資選択は、そのような移譲先プランの下で当該参加者が行った選択とは異なる場合があるかもしれません。
(c) effective May 1, 1991 for a Participant who is subject to the restrictions under Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as if such amounts had instead been actually contributed to the Thrift Plan and been invested in accordance with the investment provisions set forth in Article VI (effective August 8, 2007, without regard to Section 6.05A) thereof except that the Participant must make separate investment elections for purposes of this Plan so that no amount will be treated as if it were actually invested in the Company common stock fund and may make other investment elections for purposes of the Plan that differ from those made under the Thrift Plan.
3.1 Payments on Separation from Service -
(a) Except as provided in subparagraph (b), as soon as administratively practicable following the completion of the first valuation of a Participant’s Account pursuant to Section 2.1 which coincides with or next follows the Participant’s Separation from Service, the value of the Participant’s Account at the time of such Separation from Service shall be paid to the Participant or, if such Participant is not living at the time of payment, to such Participant’s Beneficiaries in a single lump-sum payment in cash.
(b) A Participant may elect in writing at least six (6) months prior to his Separation from Service and in the tax year prior to his Separation from Service to have his Account paid to him or, if such Participant is not living at the time of payment, to such Participant’s Beneficiaries, in accordance with one of the following forms:
(1) A single lump-sum distribution as provided in subparagraph (a) payable in the year of the Participant’s Separation from Service or (if elected by the Participant) January of the next year following such Separation from Service;
(2) Annual installments over a period not to exceed fifteen (15) years, such installment period to be elected by the Participant, beginning as soon as administratively practicable following: (A) the Participant’s Separation from Service or (B), if elected by the Participant, January of the next year following such Separation from Service, with (under either option) subsequent installments paid in January of each subsequent year, provided that all subsequent installments will be paid in the next succeeding January, with each installment determined by dividing the value of the Participant’s vested Account by the number of installments remaining to be made; or
(3) A single lump-sum distribution payable in January of a year following the Participant’s Separation from Service that is not later than fifteen (15) years from the Participant’s Separation from Service, such year to be elected by the Participant. The amount of such distribution shall equal the balance in the Participant’s Account at such specified date. Pending the lump-sum distribution as aforesaid, the Participant’s Account shall continue to be invested in accordance with Article Two. At the end of each calendar quarter following the Participant’s Separation from Service, the net increase or decrease in the value of the Account, measured from the first valuation of such Account pursuant to Article Two which coincides with or next follows the Participant’s Separation from Service, shall be determined. The amount of any such net increase for any calendar quarter shall be distributed to the Participant within thirty (30) days following the end of such calendar quarter.
(c) On the death of a Participant whose Account is payable under (b)(2) or (3), the Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration, in her sole discretion, may accelerate one or more installments or payments, and change the form of payment or distribution in accordance with this Section 3.1, of any balance of a Participant’s Account.
3.2 Payments Prior to Separation From Service – A Participant may request a withdrawal from his Account prior to his Separation from Service by filing a request with the Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration. Any withdrawal under this Section will be charged with a 10% early withdrawal penalty that will be withheld from the amount withdrawn and such amount withheld shall be irrevocably forfeited. All withdrawals shall be made pro-rata from the investment funds in which the Participant’s Account are invested at the time of the withdrawal.
3.3 All payments attributable to credits made hereunder on behalf of a Participant shall be made by the Company on its own behalf or on behalf of the Affiliated Company by who such Participant was employed when such credits were made. Such Affiliated Company shall reimburse the Company for all amounts paid on its behalf.
4.1 Responsibilities and Powers of the Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration - The Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration shall be solely responsible for the operation and administration of the Plan and shall have all powers necessary and appropriate to carry out her responsibilities in operating and administering the Plan. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration shall have the responsibility and power to interpret the Plan, to make factual determinations and to determine whether a credit should be made on behalf of a Participant, the amount of the credit and the value of the amount so credited on any subsequent date. The determination of the Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration, made in good faith, shall be conclusive and binding on all persons, including Participants and their Beneficiaries.
4.2 Outside Services - The Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration may engage counsel and such clerical, medical, financial, investment, accounting and other specialized services as she may deem necessary or desirable to the operation and administration of the Plan. The Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration shall be entitled to rely, and shall be fully protected in any action or determination or omission taken or made or omitted in good faith in so relying, upon any opinions, reports or other advice which is furnished by counsel or other specialist engaged for that purpose.
4.3 Indemnification - The Company shall indemnify the Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration against any and all claims, loss, damages, expense (including reasonable counsel fees) and liability arising from any action or failure to act or other conduct in her official capacity, except when the same is due to her own gross negligence or willful misconduct.
4.4 Claims Procedures - The claims procedures set forth in Article XIII of the Thrift Plan shall apply to any claim for benefits hereunder, subject to such changes as the Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration deems necessary or appropriate.
Amendment and Termination
5.1 Amendment - The Board of Directors reserves the right at any time and from time to time, and retroactively if deemed necessary or appropriate to conform with governmental regulations or other policies, to modify or amend in whole or in part any or all of the provisions of the Plan. In addition, the chief human resources officer of Union Pacific Railroad Company or such other officer or employee of Union Pacific Railroad Company or the Company with similar authority may make (a) all technical, administrative, regulatory and compliance amendments to the Plan, (b) any amendment to the Plan necessary or appropriate to conform the Plan to changes in the Thrift Plan, and (c) any other amendment to the Plan that will not significantly increase the cost of the Plan to the Company as he or she deems necessary or appropriate. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary above, no amendment shall operate to reduce the accrued benefit of any individual who is a Participant at the time the amendment is adopted.
5.2 Termination - The Plan is purely voluntary and the Board of Directors reserves the right to terminate the Plan at any time, provided, however, that the termination shall not operate to reduce the accrued benefit of any individual who is a Participant at the time the Plan is terminated.
General Provisions
6.1 Source of Payments - The Plan shall not be funded and all payments hereunder to Participants and their Beneficiaries shall be paid from the general assets of the Company. The Company shall not, by virtue of any provisions of the Plan or by any action of any person hereunder, be deemed to be a trustee or other fiduciary of any property for any Participant or his Beneficiaries and the liabilities of the Company to any Participant or his Beneficiaries pursuant to the Plan shall be those of a debtor only pursuant to such contractual obligations as are created by the Plan and no such obligation of the Company shall be deemed to be secured by any pledge or other encumbrance on any property of the Company. To the extent that any Participant or his Beneficiaries acquire a right to receive a payment from the Company under the Plan, such right shall be no greater than the right of any unsecured general creditor of the Company.
6.2 No Warranties - Neither the Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration nor the Company warrants or represents in any way that the value of each Participant’s Account will increase or not decrease. Such Participant assumes all risk in connection with any change in such value.
6.3 Inalienability of Benefits - No benefit payable under, or interest in, the Plan shall be subject in any manner to anticipation, alienation, sale, transfer, assignment, pledge, encumbrance or charge and any attempt to do so shall be void; nor shall any such benefit or interest be in any manner liable for or subject to garnishment, attachment, execution or levy or liable for or subject to the debts, contracts, liabilities, engagements or torts of any Participant or his Beneficiaries. In the event that the Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration shall find that any Participant or his Beneficiaries has become bankrupt or that any attempt has been made to anticipate, alienate, sell, transfer, assign, pledge, encumber or charge any benefit payable under, or interest in, the Plan, the Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration shall hold or apply such benefit or interest or any part thereof to or for the benefit of such Participant or his Beneficiaries, his spouse, children, parents or other relatives or any of them.
6.4 Expenses - The Company shall pay all costs and expenses incurred in operating and administering the Plan, including the expense of any counsel or other specialist engaged by the Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration.
6.5 No Right of Employment - Nothing herein contained nor any action taken under the provisions hereof shall be construed as giving any Participant the right to be retained in the employ of the Company or any Affiliated Company.
6.6 Limitations on Obligations - Neither the Company, nor any Affiliated Company, nor any officer or employee of either, nor any member of the Board of Directors nor the Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration shall be responsible or liable in any manner to any Participant, Beneficiary or any person claiming through them for any action taken or omitted in connection with the granting of benefits or the interpretation and administration of the Plan.
6.7 Withholding - The Company shall, on its own behalf or on behalf of the Affiliated Companies, withhold from any payment hereunder the required amounts of income and other taxes.
6.8 Headings - The headings of the Sections in the Plan are placed herein for convenience of reference and, in the case of any conflict, the text of the Plan, rather than such heading, shall control.
6.9 Construction - The Plan shall be construed, regulated and administered in accordance with the laws of the State of Utah, without regard to the choice of law principles thereof.
6.10 Payments to Minors, Etc. - Any benefit payable to or for the benefit of a minor, an incompetent person or other person incapable of receipting therefor shall be deemed paid when paid to such person’s guardian or to the party providing or reasonably appearing to provide for the care of such person and such payment shall fully discharge the Named Fiduciary-Plan Administration, the Company, all Affiliated Companies and all other parties with respect thereto.