EX-10.C 4 ex_731075.htm EXHIBIT 10(C) ex_731075.htm













賛成 役員 」「Crime Cam 24/7」 管理職



ユニオンパシフィック 株式会社


」「Crime Cam 24/7」




















第1条 補足プランの範囲と定義 2
第二条 年金の金額と支払い 7
第三条 支払方法 26
第四条 ベスティング 27
第五条 特定の従業員移動 29
第6条 老後生活の生存者手当 30
第7条 資金調達 32
第8章 管理 33
第9章 修正または終了 35
第10章 一般条項 36
第11条 非カバー雇用への転送 38
第12条 請求手続き 39









1.1    イントロダクションこの補足プラン(409Aグランドファーザードコンポーネント)は、2009年1月1日まで改正され、その後も改正され、2024年8月1日よりさらに改正され、その後も随時改正されることがあります。このプランは、1989年1月1日以降に退職またはその他の雇用を終了させる一部の役員や管理職、または高給取りの従業員に特定の給付権利を設定します。1989年1月1日以前に退職またはその他の雇用を終了した個人の権利は、退職または雇用終了時に有効だった補足プランの条件に従いますが、ここで別段の定めがある場合を除きます。この補足プランは非課税の追加退職金制度であり、選ばれた一部の会社の管理職や高給取りの従業員に遅延報酬を提供するために主に維持され、1974年修正版労働者年金保障法(以下、「ERISA」)のセクション201、301、401に基づいて、ERISAのタイトルIの部分2、3および4の規定の対象外となることを意図しています。


1.2    適用可能性補足計画は、2009年1月1日に2つの部品に分割されました。この文書の条件に示されているように、そのような部品の1つは、2004年12月31日時点で補足計画の条件の下で獲得されかつ完全に成熟していた利益にのみ適用されますが、2004年12月31日時点で補足計画の条件が2004年10月3日以降実質的に修正されていなかったものです。この409Aグランドファーザードコンポーネントによって規定される補足計画給付は、参加者の獲得利益を、実際にはサービスから離脱した日または2004年12月31日の早い方の日にサービスから離脱したかのように測定し、その日に適用される補足計画、年金制度、および異なる適用可能なコードの制限を適用します(ここで修正されていない限り)。補足計画の他の部品によって獲得された他の金額に関しては、参加者の権利は、ユニオンパシフィックコーポレーションおよび関連会社の役員およびマネージャーのための「補足年金計画(409Aノングランドファーザードコンポーネント)」によって規定される補足計画の部品によって規制されます。1989年1月1日を以て有効とし、その後の時期において修正されることがあるすべての修正を含む。


1.3    定義この補足プラン(409Aグランドファーザードコンポーネント)において使用される以下の用語は、下記に明示された意味を持ちます。ただし、文脈に明らかな異なる意味が要求される場合を除き。


「管理者」とは、ユニオンパシフィック株式会社および関連会社の給与従業員のための年金制度において定義されている「指名責任者 - プラン管理」と同義とします。






(c)「早期補足年金の退職日」とは、2.9(a)(ii)(B)および(b)(ii)(B)、2.10(b)(ii)および2.12(b)(ii)項に従い、参加者がセクション4.2の補足計画(409Aグランドファーザードコンポーネント)給付金に授与を受け取った後、通常の退職日の前に雇用終了した日を指し、かつ55歳を達成し、10年の授権勤務を完了した後または65歳を達成した後の日を指します。これは、2004年10月3日以前にセクション1.3(p)に基づいて追加された勤務または最高5年(5年を超えない)を考慮して決定した年齢の追加と、ユニオンパシフィックの最高経営責任者によって2004年10月3 . 2004年12月31日以前の日付は、年金計画の条件においては早期退職日として認められないことに注意してください。4を超えない)が承認され、または参加者によって信用された場合、雇用終了日または2.7、2.9、2.10、2.11または2.12に基づいて。










(i) 受取人がベストされた2004年12月31日までにユニオンパシフィック株式会社およびその子会社のエグゼクティブインセンティブプランに基づき授与されたインセンティブ報酬(1988年4月15日に改訂され再度発効され、その後随時改訂される場合があり、およびその後継者を含む「エグゼクティブインセンティブプラン」という);


(ii)    for 1999 and later years, vested incentive compensation foregone by a Participant on or before October 3, 2004 for an award under the Executive Incentive Premium Exchange Program of Union Pacific Corporation and Subsidiaries;


(iii)    such other vested incentive compensation as may be included in Incentive Compensation for a Participant on or before October 3, 2004 at the discretion of the Board of Directors of Union Pacific; or




(iv)    the amount of retention stock (or retention units) awarded to a Participant by the Compensation and Benefits Committee of the Company’s Board of Directors (or any successor thereto) on or before October 3, 2004 in lieu of a cash award under the Executive Incentive Plan,


but only to the extent that such incentive compensation or retention stock (or retention units) is not taken into account in computing the Participant’s Final Average Compensation for reasons other than the annual compensation limit under section 401(a)(17) of the Code or the provisions of Alternative II-D set forth in Section 3.01(c) of the Pension Plan (each as determined as of the earlier of the date of the Participant’s Separation from Service or December 31, 2004). Awards of Incentive Compensation shall be taken into account at the time such awards would have been paid but for the Participant’s election, on or before October 3, 2004, to forego or defer payment under a plan of the Company or an Affiliated Company; provided, however, that for purposes of calculating a Participant’s benefit under this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) no more than the three highest awards of Incentive Compensation shall be counted in the Participant’s highest 36 consecutive months of Compensation determined as of the earlier of the date of the Participant’s Separation from Service or December 31, 2004, and taking all Incentive Compensation into account.


(h)“    Normal Supplemental Pension” means the pension provided for in Section 2.1.


(i)“    Participant” means any Employee of the Company on or after the Effective Date who is or once was a Covered Employee under the Pension Plan and:


(i)    whose Total Credited Service under Section 1.3(p) includes years that are not taken into account as Credited Service under the Pension Plan (including years not taken into account due to application of the provisions of Alternative II-D set forth in Section 3.01(c) of the Pension Plan) as of December 31, 2004;


(ii)    who has Incentive Compensation within the 120-calendar-month period immediately preceding the earlier of the date on which the Participant ceases to be a Covered Employee or December 31, 2004;


(iii)    whose Final Average Compensation is not fully recognized under the Pension Plan due to application of the annual compensation limit under section 401(a)(17) of the Code or the provisions of Alternative II-D set forth in Section 3.01(c) of the Pension Plan, each determined as of the earlier of the date of the Participant’s Separation from Service or December 31, 2004;


(iv)    whose benefit under the Pension Plan is (or would have been if the Participant had a Separation from Service on December 31, 2004) reduced as a result of the limitation described in Section 5.02 of the Pension Plan, determined no later than December 31, 2004; or




(v)    who is credited with additional years of age as described in Section 1.3(c)(ii), and


who has been designated by the Administrator as eligible to participate in the Supplemental Plan.


In the event of the death or incompetency of a Participant, the term shall mean the Participant’s personal representative or guardian for whatever amounts remain payable to the Participant under the terms of the Supplemental Plan.


(j)“    Pension Plan” means the Pension Plan for Salaried Employees of Union Pacific Corporation and Affiliates, as in effect on the earlier of the date of the Participant’s Separation from Service or December 31, 2004, unless the context indicates otherwise.


(k)“    Postponed Supplemental Pension” means the pension provided for in Section 2.3.


(l)“    Special 1990-1992 Window Participant” means a Pension Plan participant who retired under an early retirement window program described in Section 6.07 or 6.09 of the Pension Plan and who was prohibited under Section 6.12 (prior to 1999, Section 6.11) of the Pension Plan from receiving the benefits of the window program in any payment from the Pension Plan made for a month prior to November 1, 1994.


(m)“    Supplemental Plan” shall mean the Supplemental Pension Plan for Officers and Managers of Union Pacific Corporation and Affiliates, as amended and restated effective January 1, 1989, and as it may thereafter be amended from time to time. The Supplemental Plan is comprised of the following components, each of which is set forth in a separate document: (1) The Supplemental Pension Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) for Officers and Managers of Union Pacific Corporation and Affiliates, and (2) The Supplemental Pension Plan (409A Non-Grandfathered Component) for Officers and Managers of Union Pacific Corporation and Affiliates.


(n)“    Surviving Spouse” means:


(i)    where payments to the Participant have not begun under the Supplemental Plan at the time of the Participant’s death, the spouse who was legally married to the Participant continuously during the 12 months ending on the date of the Participant’s death;


(ii)    where payments to the Participant have begun under the Supplemental Plan prior to January 1, 1995 and prior to the Participant’s death, the spouse who was legally married to the Participant continuously during the 12 months ending on the date that such payments began or who was legally married to the Participant on the date such payments began and for a period of at least 12 months ending on or before the date of the Participant’s death;


(iii)    where payments to the Participant have begun under the Supplemental Plan on or after January 1, 1995 but prior to the Participant’s death:


(A)    in the case of a Participant whose Supplemental Plan and Pension Plan benefit began on the same date or who is not vested in a Pension Plan benefit, the spouse who was legally married to the Participant on the date that his Supplemental Plan payments began;




(B)    in the case of a Participant whose Supplemental Plan benefits began on a date earlier than the date on which his Pension Plan benefits began, the spouse who was legally married to the Participant on the date his Pension Plan benefits began; or


(C)    in the case of a Participant whose Supplemental Plan benefits began but whose vested Pension Plan benefits had not started prior to this death, the spouse who was legally married to the Participant on the date of his death;


provided, however, that, for benefits starting before July 25, 2002, the Surviving Spouse shall be determined as described in this paragraph (iii) unless the Administrator advised the Participant to the contrary.


(o)“    Surviving Spouse’s Pension” means the pension provided for in Section 2.4.


(p)“    Total Credited Service” means:


(i)    all years of Credited Service (and portions thereof) as of December 31, 2004 as set forth in the Article IV of the Pension Plan, including Credited Service for years of Employment as of December 31, 2004 that are not taken into account under the Pension Plan solely due to application of the provisions of Alternative II-D set forth in Section 3.01(c) of the Pension Plan;


(ii)    such additional years of training prior to the Participant’s Employment Commencement Date, as may have especially qualified the Participant for service with the Company, as determined by the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, and which were awarded on or before October 3, 2004;


(iii)    such additional years of service, not exceeding five (5), as may be approved by the Chief Executive Officer of Union Pacific prior to the Participant’s termination of Employment, and which were awarded on or before October 3, 2004; and


(iv)    such additional years of service as may be credited to the Participant on or before December 31, 2004 pursuant to Section 2.7, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 or 2.12.


(q)“    Total Offset Service” means (i) all years of “offset service” (including portions thereof) as of December 31, 2004 and as set forth in Article V of the Pension Plan, including years of offset service for years of Employment as of December 31, 2004 that are not taken into account under the Pension Plan solely due to application of the provisions of Alternative II-D set forth in Section 3.01(c) of the Pension Plan; and (ii) any additional years as credited in accordance with Section 1.3(p)(ii), (iii) or (iv).


(r)“    Union Pacific” means Union Pacific Corporation, or any successor to that corporation.


(s)“    Vesting Service” means (i) all years of Vesting Service (including portions thereof) as set forth in Article IV of the Pension Plan; and (ii) any additional years as credited in accordance with Section 1.3(p)(ii), (iii) or (iv).


(t)    Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all other capitalized terms shall have the respective meanings set forth in the definition provisions of Article II of the Pension Plan.





Amount and Payment of Pension


2.1    Normal Supplemental Pension. Subject to the provisions of Articles Three, Five and Eleven, a Participant retiring on a Normal Retirement Date under the Pension Plan (including a Participant who has become a Disabled Participant under the Pension Plan and who ceases to be such on the Normal Retirement Date) shall be entitled to receive a Normal Supplemental Pension, in the form of a single life annuity commencing on the Participant’s Normal Retirement Date, equal to the excess, if any, of:


(a)    the annual Accrued Benefit payable at Normal Retirement Date computed on the basis of the formula provided in Section 5.01 of the Pension Plan as of the earlier of the Participant’s actual Separation from Service or December 31, 2004 (assuming the Participant had a Separation from Service on that date), determined without regard to the limitation described in Section 5.02 of the Pension Plan (determined no later than December 31, 2004), and including under such formula any amounts of Final Average Compensation that were excluded from consideration for the Participant under the Pension Plan and all Incentive Compensation payable to the Participant within the 120-calendar-month period immediately preceding the date on which the Participant ceases to be a Covered Employee (or, if earlier, December 31, 2004), and utilizing Total Credited Service up to 40 years in place of Credited Service under Article IV of the Pension Plan and Total Offset Service up to 40 years in place of “offset service” under Article V of the Pension Plan, over


(b)    the annual nonforfeitable Accrued Benefit payable at Normal Retirement Date actually determined to be due under the terms of the Pension Plan, as of the earlier of the date of the Participant’s Separation from Service or December 31, 2004.


For purposes of determining benefits under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component), any actuarial adjustments for a delay in the commencement of payment beyond the Normal Retirement Date or otherwise that apply under the Pension Plan in calculating the benefit described in (b), above, shall also apply to calculate the benefit described in (a), above. Such actuarial adjustments shall be applied in a manner that does not cause benefits due under this 409A Grandfathered Component after December 31, 2004 to become subject to section 409A of the Code.


2.2    Early Supplemental Pension.


(a)    Participant Retires on Early Retirement Date. The following provisions apply to a Participant retiring on an Early Retirement Date under the Pension Plan on or before December 31, 2004, or who retires on an Early Retirement Date under the Pension Plan after December 31, 2004 and who was eligible to retire on an Early Retirement Date as of December 31, 2004 if he had Separated from Service on such date:


(i)    Benefit Payable on Normal Retirement Date. Subject to the provisions of Articles Three, Five and Eleven, a Participant retiring on such an Early Retirement Date under the Pension Plan shall be entitled to receive a Normal Supplemental Pension in the form of a single life annuity commencing at Normal Retirement Date, computed in accordance with Section 2.1 based on Total Credited Service, Total Offset Service, etc. A Participant retiring on an Early Retirement Date shall include a Participant who has become a Disabled Participant under the Pension Plan and who ceases to be a Disabled Participant on an Early Retirement Date.




(ii)    Benefit Payable on Early Retirement Date. In lieu of the benefit described in (i), above, subject to the provisions of Articles Three, Five and Eleven, such Participant may receive an Early Supplemental Pension, in the form of a single life annuity commencing at the date prior to his Normal Retirement Date on which he elects to start his pension under the Pension Plan. The Early Supplemental Pension shall be computed in the same manner as the Normal Supplemental Pension, but with the amounts described in Sections 2.1(a) and (b) adjusted for payment as of the early benefit start date in accordance with Section 6.03 of the Pension Plan, taking into account any additional years of age described in Section 1.3(c)(ii) for purposes of adjusting both the gross and offset portions of the benefit in Section 2.1(a) (except as provided otherwise in Section 2.11 or 2.12).


(b)    Participant Retires on Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date. The following provisions apply to a Participant retiring on an Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date on or before December 31, 2004, or who retires on an Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date after December 31, 2004 and who was eligible to retire on an Early Supplemental Retirement Date as of December 31, 2004 if he had Separated from Service on such date:


(i)    Participant Is Eligible to Start Pension Plan Benefit. Subject to the provisions of Articles Three, Five and Eleven, a Participant retiring on such an Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date who is (or would have been) eligible to start a benefit under the Pension Plan upon the earlier of his retirement or December 31, 2004 may receive a Normal or Early Supplemental Pension as described in subsection (a); provided, however, that, for purposes of determining the Early Supplemental Pension as described in (a)(ii), above:


(A)    the amount described in Section 2.1(a) shall be adjusted for payment as of the early benefit start date in accordance with Section 6.03 of the Pension Plan, taking into account any additional years of age described in Section 1.3(c)(ii) for purposes of adjusting both the gross and offset portions of the benefit in Section 2.1(a) (except as provided otherwise in Section 2.11 or 2.12); and


(B)    the amount described in Section 2.1(b) shall be adjusted for payment as of the early benefit start date in accordance with Section 6.04 of the Pension Plan.


(ii)     Participant Is Not Eligible to Start Pension Plan Benefit. Subject to the provisions of Article Three, Five and Eleven, a Participant retiring on an Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date who either is not (or would not have been) vested in or eligible to start a benefit under the Pension Plan upon the earlier of his retirement or December 31, 2004 shall receive an Early Supplemental Pension, in the form of a single life annuity commencing on the first day of the month following his Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date, the amount of which shall be determined as follows:




(A)    Prior to the earliest date, if any, that the Participant is eligible to start benefits under the Pension Plan, the Early Supplemental Pension payable under this provision shall be computed in the same manner as the Normal Supplemental Pension, except that:


(I)     the amount described in Section 2.1(a) shall be adjusted for payment as of the early benefit start date as described in Section 6.03 of the Pension Plan for Pension Plan payments starting on an Early Retirement Date, taking into account any additional years of age described in Section 1.3(c)(ii) for purposes of adjusting both the gross and offset portions of the benefit in Section 2.1(a) (except as provided otherwise in Section 2.11 or 2.12); and


(II)    the amount described in Section 2.1(b) shall be zero for purposes of determining the Early Supplemental Pension payable prior to the earliest date, if any, on which the Participant is eligible to start benefits under the Pension Plan.


(B)    On and after the earliest date, if any, that the Participant is eligible to start benefits under the Pension Plan, the Early Supplemental Pension shall equal the excess of:


(I)    the amount described in Section 2.2(b)(ii)(A)(I), above, calculated as of the early benefit start date on which payments under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) began, over


(II)    the amount described in Section 2.1(b) reduced for early payment in accordance with Section 6.04 of the Pension Plan as of such “earliest date” whether or not the Participant’s Pension Plan benefit starts on that date.


Effective for benefits starting before July 25, 2002, payments under this subparagraph (b)(ii) were made as described above unless the Administrator advised the Participant to the contrary.


2.3    Postponed Supplemental Pension. Subject to the provisions of Articles Three, Five and Eleven, a Participant who retires on a Postponed Retirement Date shall be entitled to a Postponed Supplemental Pension, in the form of a single life annuity commencing at the Postponed Retirement Date, which is equal to the Normal Supplemental Pension, computed in accordance with Section 2.1 based on his Total Credited Service, Total Offset Service, etc. as of the Participant’s Postponed Retirement Date (instead of his Normal Retirement Date), or, if earlier, as of his Required Beginning Date. If a Participant’s benefits begin on his Required Beginning Date and prior to his termination of Employment, the Participant’s benefits shall be adjusted thereafter as described in Section 8.06 of the Pension Plan.


2.4    Surviving Spouses Pension (Post-Retirement Automatic Survivor Annuity).


(a)    The Surviving Spouse of a Participant who dies while receiving a Normal or Postponed Supplemental Pension or an Early Supplemental Pension determined under Section 2.2(a) on a date that qualifies as an Early Retirement Date shall be entitled to a Surviving Spouse’s Pension equal to one-half of the single life annuity amount of the Normal, Early, or Postponed Supplemental Pension payable to such deceased Participant under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component). Such Surviving Spouse’s Pension shall be payable to such Spouse in equal monthly payments for life, commencing on the first day of the month immediately following the death of such Participant.




(b)    The Surviving Spouse of a Participant who dies while receiving an Early Supplemental Pension determined under Section 2.2(b), on an Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date (i.e., a date that does not qualify as an Early Retirement Date), shall be entitled to a Surviving Spouse’s Pension. The Surviving Spouse’s Pension shall be payable in equal monthly payments for the Surviving Spouse’s life, commencing on the first day of the month immediately following the Participant’s death, which shall equal one-half of the single life annuity amount calculated for the Participant under Section 2.2(b)(i)(A) or 2.2(b)(ii)(A)(I), as appropriate, as of the Participant’s early benefit start date; provided, however, that monthly payments to the Surviving Spouse shall be reduced by any pre-retirement survivor benefit that the Surviving Spouse is entitled to receive from the Pension Plan attributable to the Participant’s accrued benefit under the Pension Plan as of the earlier of the Participant’s Separation from Service or December 31, 2004 from the earliest date following the Participant’s death that such survivor benefit is payable from the Pension Plan, even if benefits to the Surviving Spouse have not started on that earliest date. Effective for benefits starting before July 25, 2002, payments under this subsection (b) were made as described above unless the Administrator advised the Participant and/or Surviving Spouse to the contrary.


(c)     The Surviving Spouse’s Pension described in this Section 2.4 is payable in addition to any other death benefit that may be payable to the Surviving Spouse or other beneficiary of the Participant under the form of payment in which the Participant’s Supplemental Pension is paid pursuant to Article Three. However, except with respect to Participants who qualify for the enhancements described in Sections 2.7, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 or 2.12, in no event shall the Surviving Spouse who is entitled to the Surviving Spouse’s Pension, if also designated as the Participant’s beneficiary under a joint and survivor annuity payable under the Supplemental Plan, receive a total benefit from the Supplemental Plan that is more than 100% of the retirement income otherwise payable to the Participant under the Supplemental Plan.


2.5    Suspension of Benefits.


(a)    Date of Benefit Suspension. Notwithstanding any provisions of Article Two or Article Four to the contrary, the payment of the pension to which a Participant is otherwise entitled under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) shall be suspended during any period for which payment of a pension to which such Participant may otherwise be entitled under the Pension Plan is (or would be) suspended under the terms of the Pension Plan due to such Participant’s return to Employment. The pension payable to the Participant under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) which has been suspended shall resume on the same date as payments to the Participant under the Pension Plan resume (or would resume if the Participant had been entitled to such a pension, or the terms of the Pension Plan as in effect on October 3, 2004 applied to the payments to the Participant under the Pension Plan).


(b)    Resumption of Payments. Upon the resumption of payment of such pension hereunder to such Participant, the resumed benefits shall be recalculated taking into account any increases in the Participant’s Total Credited Service, Total Offset Service, Incentive Compensation, age and so forth. However, no actuarial or other adjustment shall be made to reflect such suspension. The resumed benefit shall be offset, in a manner prescribed by the Administrator, by (i) any benefit paid during a month in which benefits should have been suspended but were not, which has not previously been repaid to the Company by the Participant, and (ii) the Actuarial Equivalent of any benefits paid prior to Normal Retirement Date.




(c)    Form of Resumed Payments. The resumed payments (including any additional benefits earned during the period of suspension on or before December 31, 2004) under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) shall be paid to the Participant in the same form of payment as the Participant elects for his resumed payments under the Pension Plan. If the Participant is not entitled to any benefits under the Pension Plan, the resumed payments under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) shall resume in the same form of payment in effect for the Participant before payments were suspended.


2.6    Benefits for Special 1990-1992 Window Participants. Each Special 1990-1992 Window Participant (or the Surviving Spouse or other beneficiary of a Special 1990-1992 Window Participant) shall receive from the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) in each month the individual receives a payment from the Pension Plan prior to November 1, 1994, an amount equal to the excess of:


(a)    the amount that would have been payable to the individual from the Pension Plan for that month, had the provisions of Section 6.12 (prior to 1999, Section 6.11) of the Pension Plan not applied; over


(b)    the amount actually paid to the individual from the Pension Plan for that month.


2.7    Window Benefits for Highly Compensated Employees. Each Participant who was a Covered Employee under the Pension Plan, who retired under an early retirement window program described in Section 6.06, 6.07 or 6.09 of the Pension Plan but on the relevant date was excluded from participation in the Pension Plan pursuant to Section 3.01(c) of the Pension Plan or was excluded from participation in the window program due to his status as an officer, shall be deemed for all purposes under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) to have the additional years of service and the additional years of age that would have been credited to the Participant under the Pension Plan pursuant to such program if Section 3.01(c) of the Pension Plan had not applied to the Participant; provided, however, that service credited pursuant to this Section shall not cause the Participant’s Total Credited Service or Total Offset Service to exceed 40 years, and no Participant’s deemed age shall exceed 65 years.


2.8    1991 Cost-of-Living Increase. Effective December 1, 1991, the monthly benefit payment to any person who is (a) a former employee of the Company then receiving retirement benefits under this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) (regardless of the employee’s termination date), or (b) a beneficiary or surviving spouse then receiving death benefits under this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) shall be increased by the percentage shown in the following table.




Participant’s Benefit Start Date or

Surviving Spouse’s Benefit Start

Date for Pre-Retirement Death Benefits

Increase in Supplemental Pension

1978 or earlier




















1988 or later



However, such increase shall only be applied to the portion, if any, of the amount being received due to participation in this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) that does not exceed the difference between $108,963 per year and the amount being received by such person under the Pension Plan as increased by resolutions of the Board of Directors of Union Pacific unanimously adopted on June 27, 1974 and May 31, 1979 (before adjustment to reflect the increases effective December 1, 1991).


2.9    1999 Window Program.


(a)    1999 5x5 Program.


(i)    Effective July 1, 1999, the benefit enhancements described in subsection (ii) shall be provided to any Participant who is a Covered Employee under the Pension Plan who satisfies the requirements of (i)(A) and (B).


(A)    The requirements of this subparagraph are satisfied by a Covered Employee:


(I)    whose 1998 Compensation, as defined in Section 2.18(c) of the Pension Plan, is at least $110,000 and whose annual salary rate as of July 1, 1999 is less than $140,000;


(II)    who is at least age 55 by July 1, 2000;


(III)    whose most recent date of hire as an Employee is before June 30, 1994;


(IV)    who, as of July 1, 1999, is not a loaned executive, is not on long-term disability under the Union Pacific Long-Term Disability Plan, has not previously been accepted to participate in a voluntary force reduction program, does not have an existing termination agreement in effect or is not on a leave of absence (except those granted a leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act or as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act);




(V)    who agrees to terminate employment with the Company and all Affiliated Companies on the date selected by the Company, which date shall not occur after July 15, 2000, and continues to provide satisfactory service as determined by the Company until that date; and


(VI)    who elects to receive the benefit enhancements described in subsection (ii) during the period beginning July 1, 1999, and ending July 31, 1999, by submission of a written election and execution of other documents, including a waiver of any and all rights or claims (other than to benefits under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) or the Pension Plan) that the Employee may have against Company and any Affiliated Company, the Supplemental Plan, the Pension Plan and their officers, agents and employees, in the form and manner prescribed by the Company and does not revoke such waiver within the time prescribed by the Company.


(B)    The requirements of this paragraph are satisfied by a Covered Employee who, as of May 18, 1999, is employed in one of the following departments, provided that the number of Covered Employees of such department satisfying paragraph (A) or the comparable requirements set forth in the Pension Plan for Covered Employees whose 1998 Compensation, as defined in Section 2.18(c) of the Pension Plan, is less than $110,000 do not exceed the department’s numerical limit set forth below. The departments referred to below consist entirely of Union Pacific Railroad Company Covered Employees, unless indicated to the contrary.


Departments Departmental Limit
Corporate Relations (excluding Government Affairs) 4
Engineering (excluding employees who report directly to a Regional office) 80
Finance (excluding Accounting, Real Estate and Tax) 3
Human Resources – Development & Training 5
Human Resources - Other 8
Information Technologies/Union Pacific Technologies (excluding UPT employees working exclusively on commercial business) 100
Labor Relations 24
Law (excluding Little Rock) 10
Marketing & Sales - Damage Prevention 3
Marketing & Sales - Marketing Services (including NDMC) 20




Departments Departmental Limit
Marketing & Sales - NCSC (excluding ICSC) 13
Marketing & Sales - Agricultural Products 7
Mechanical - Car (excluding employees who report directly to a Regional office) 15
Mechanical - Locomotive (excluding employees who report to directly to a Regional office) 18
Network Design and Integration 20
Risk Management - Police 10
Risk Management - Other 21
Supply 21
Operating Support Services/Quality 6



In the event the number of Covered Employees satisfying paragraph (A) or the comparable requirements set forth in the Pension Plan for Covered Employees whose 1998 Compensation, as defined in Section 2.18(c) of the Pension Plan, is less than $110,000 exceeds a Departmental Limit, such Covered Employees shall be ranked based upon their combined age and Vesting Service (as determined under Article IV of the Pension Plan), as of July 1, 1999, and the benefit enhancements described in subsection (ii) or in the Pension Plan shall be provided to the Covered Employees with the greatest combined age and Vesting Service up to the Departmental Limit.


(ii)    Each Covered Employee described in subsection (i) shall:


(A)    for purposes of calculating Vesting Service, Total Credited Service and Total Offset Service and determining actuarial reductions for payments beginning before Normal Retirement Date, receive an additional 5 years of service (up to a maximum of 40 years of service) and shall be deemed to have attained an age 5 years older than his actual age (up to a maximum of age 65),


(B)    be treated as having satisfied the requirements to have an Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date if he has not satisfied the requirements to have an Early Retirement Date under the Pension Plan, and


(C)    be treated as having been a Covered Employee for 60 full consecutive months for purposes of applying Section 4.02(c)(3) of the Pension Plan when calculating Total Credited Service and Total Offset Service under this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component).




(b)    1999 5x5 Program II.


(i)    Effective December 1, 1999, the benefit enhancements described in subsection (ii) shall be provided to any Participant who is a Covered Employee under the Pension Plan who satisfies the requirements of (i)(A) and (B).


(A)    The requirements of this subparagraph are satisfied by a Covered Employee:


(I)    whose 1998 Compensation, as defined in Section 2.18(c) of the Pension Plan, is at least $110,000 and whose annual salary rate as of December 1, 1999 is less than $140,000 (but excluding any Covered Employee in the Marketing and Sales Department whose annualized 1999 base salary is more than $85,000);


(II)    who is at least age 55 by July 1, 2000;


(III)    whose most recent date of hire as an Employee is before June 30, 1994;


(IV)    who, as of December 1, 1999, is not a loaned executive, is not on long-term disability under the Union Pacific Long-Term Disability Plan, has not previously been accepted to participate in a voluntary force reduction program, does not have an existing termination agreement in effect or is not on a leave of absence (except those granted a leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act or as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act);


(V)    who agrees to terminate employment with the Company and all Affiliated Companies on the date selected by the Company, which date shall not occur after July 15, 2000, and continues to provide satisfactory service as determined by the Company until that date; and


(VI)    who elects to receive the benefit enhancements described in subsection (ii) during the period beginning December 1, 1999, and ending December 31, 1999, by submission of a written election and execution of other documents, including a waiver of any and all rights or claims (other than to benefits under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) or the Pension Plan) that the Employee may have against the Company and any Affiliated Company, the Supplemental Plan, the Pension Plan and their officers, agents and employees, in the form and manner prescribed by the Company, and does not revoke such waiver within the time prescribed by the Company.


(B)    The requirements of this subparagraph are satisfied by a Covered Employee who, as of December 1, 1999, is employed in one of the following departments, provided that the number of Covered Employees of such department satisfying paragraph (A) or the comparable requirements set forth in the Pension Plan for Covered Employees whose 1998 Compensation, as defined in Section 2.18(c) of the Pension Plan, is less than $110,000 do not exceed the department’s numerical limit set forth below. The departments referred to below consist entirely of Union Pacific Railroad Company Covered Employees, unless indicated to the contrary.





Departmental Limit

Western Regional Staff (excluding Service Unit staff)


Northern Regional Staff (excluding Service Unit staff)


Southern Regional Staff (excluding Service Unit staff)


Commissary Services


Information Technologies/Union Pacific Technologies (excluding UPT employees working exclusively on commercial business)


Marketing & Sales - Commodity Groups


Marketing & Sales - Marketing Services (including NDMC)






In the event the number of Covered Employees satisfying paragraph (A) or the comparable requirements set forth in the Pension Plan for Covered Employees whose 1998 Compensation, as defined in Section 2.18(c) of the Pension Plan, is less than $110,000 exceeds a Departmental Limit, such Covered Employees shall be ranked based upon their combined age and Vesting Service (as determined under Article IV of the Pension Plan), as of December 1, 1999, and the benefit enhancements described in subsection (ii) or in the Pension Plan shall be provided to the Covered Employees with the greatest combined age and Vesting Service up to the Departmental Limit.


(ii)    Each Covered Employee described in subsection (a) shall:


(A)    for purposes of calculating Vesting Service, Total Credited Service and Total Offset Service and determining actuarial reductions for payments beginning before Normal Retirement Date, receive an additional 5 years of service (up to a maximum of 40 years of service) and shall be deemed to have attained an age 5 years older than his actual age (up to a maximum of age 65),


(B)    be treated as having satisfied the requirements to have an Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date if he has not satisfied the requirements to have an Early Retirement Date under the Pension Plan,


(C)    be treated as having been a Covered Employee for 60 full consecutive months for purposes of applying Section 4.02(c)(3) of the Pension Plan when calculating Total Credited Service and Total Offset Service under this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component), and


(D)    for purposes of calculating benefits payable under this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component), have the Railroad Retirement Annuity used for his governmental offset described in Section 5.01(b) of the Pension Plan determined as if his termination of Employment occurred on December 31, 1999.




2.10    2000 VERP


(a)    Effective April 1, 2000, the benefit enhancements described in subsection (b) shall be provided to any Participant who is a Covered Employee under the Pension Plan who satisfies the requirements of (a)(i) and (ii).


(i)    The requirements of this subparagraph are satisfied by a Covered Employee:


(A)    whose 1999 Compensation, as defined in Section 2.18(c) of the Pension Plan, is at least $110,000 and whose annual salary rate as of April 1, 2000 is less than $140,000;


(B)    who is at least age 55 by December 31, 2000;


(C)    whose most recent date of hire as an Employee is on or before March 31, 1995;


(D)    who, as of April 1, 2000, is not a loaned executive, is not on long-term disability under the Union Pacific Long-Term Disability Plan, has not previously been accepted to participate in a voluntary force reduction program, does not have an existing termination agreement in effect or is not on a leave of absence (except those granted a leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act or as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act);


(E)    who agrees to terminate employment with the Company and all Affiliated Companies on the date selected by the Company, which date shall not occur after December 31, 2000, and continues to provide satisfactory service as determined by the Company until that date; and


(F)    who elects to receive the benefit enhancements described in subsection (b) during the period beginning April 1, 2000, and ending April 30, 2000, by submission of a written election and execution of other documents, including a waiver of any and all rights or claims (other than to benefits under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) or the Pension Plan) that the Employee may have against the Company and any Affiliated Company, the Supplemental Plan, the Pension Plan and their officers, agents and employees, in the form and manner prescribed by the Company, and does not revoke such waiver within the time prescribed by the Company.


(ii)    The requirements of this subparagraph are satisfied by a Covered Employee who, as of April 1, 2000, is employed in one of the following departments, provided that the number of Covered Employees of such department satisfying subparagraph (i) or the comparable requirements set forth in the Pension Plan for Covered Employees whose 1999 Compensation, as defined in Section 2.18(c) of the Pension Plan, is less than $110,000 do not exceed the department’s numerical limit set forth below. The departments referred to below consist entirely of Union Pacific Railroad Covered Employees, unless indicated to the contrary.






Eligible Employees

Departmental Limit

Network Design & Integration - Business Planning (Bulk), Service Scheduling



Network Design & Integration - Car Management



Harriman Dispatching Center - Administrative Support in Locomotive Management, Bulk Operations & Operations Support - Administration



Harriman Dispatching Center - Directors in Locomotive Management, Bulk Operations and Operations Support - Administration



Harriman Dispatching Center - Managers in Locomotive Management, Bulk Operations and Operations Support - Administration



Mechanical Department- Car - Perishables - UPFE



Risk Management - UPRR - Police





In the event the number of Covered Employees satisfying subparagraph (i) or the comparable requirements set forth in the Pension Plan for Covered Employees whose 1999 Compensation, as defined in Section 2.18(c) of the Pension Plan, is less than $110,000 exceeds a Departmental Limit, such Covered Employees shall be ranked based upon their combined age and Vesting Service (as determined under Article IV of the Pension Plan) as of April 1, 2000, and the benefit enhancements described in subsection (b) or in the Pension Plan shall be provided to the Covered Employees with the greatest combined age and Vesting Service up to the Departmental Limit.


(b)    Each Covered Employee described in subsection (a) shall:


(i)    for purposes of calculating Vesting Service, Total Credited Service and Total Offset Service and determining actuarial reductions for payments beginning before Normal Retirement Date, receive an additional 5 years of service (up to a maximum of 40 years of service) and shall be deemed to have attained an age 5 years older than his actual age (up to a maximum of age 65),


(ii)    be treated as having satisfied the requirements to have an Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date if he has not satisfied the requirements to have an Early Retirement Date under the Pension Plan, and


(iii)    be treated as having been a Covered Employee for 60 full consecutive months for purposes of Section 4.02(c)(3) of the Pension Plan when calculating Total Credited Service and Total Offset Service under this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component).




2.11    2001 VERP


(a)    Effective March 1, 2001, the benefit enhancements described in subsection (b) shall be provided to any Participant who is a Covered Employee under the Pension Plan who satisfies the requirements of (a)(i) and (ii).


(i)    The requirements of this subparagraph are satisfied by a Covered Employee:


(A)    whose 2000 Compensation, as defined in Section 2.18(c) of the Pension Plan, is at least $110,000 and whose annual salary rate as of December 31, 2000 is less than $140,000;


(B)    who is at least age 52 on or before May 1, 2001;


(C)    who is an active non-agreement employee on a Band D or lower position working in one of the departments listed in subparagraph (a)(ii) as of December 31, 2000;


(D)    who, as of March 1, 2001, is not a loaned executive, is not on long-term disability under the Union Pacific Long-Term Disability Plan, or is not on a leave of absence (except those granted a leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act or as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act);


(E)    who agrees to terminate employment with the Company and all Affiliated Companies on the date selected by the Company, which date shall not occur after September 30, 2001, and continues to provide satisfactory service as determined by the Company until that date; and


(F)    who elects to receive the benefit enhancements described in subsection (b) during the period beginning February 2, 2001, and ending March 5, 2001, by submission of a written election and execution of other documents, including a waiver of any and all rights or claims (other than to benefits under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) or Pension Plan) that the Employee may have against the Company and any Affiliated Company, the Supplemental Plan, the Pension Plan and their officers, agents and employees, in the form and manner prescribed by the Company, and does not revoke such waiver within the time prescribed by the Company.


(ii)    The requirements of this subparagraph are satisfied by a Covered Employee who, as of December 31, 2000, is employed in one of the following departments, and is a Covered Employee on March 1, 2001, provided that the number of Covered Employees of such department satisfying subparagraph (i) or the comparable requirements set forth in the Pension Plan for Covered Employees whose 2000 Compensation, as defined in Section 2.18(c) of the Pension Plan, is less than $110,000 do not exceed the department’s numerical limit set forth below. The departments referred to below consist entirely of Union Pacific Railroad Covered Employees, unless indicated to the contrary.





Sub Group

Departmental Limit

Corporate Relations




Government Affairs - Omaha






Accounting - Omaha (excluding VP and Contr. Staff)



Accounting - St. Louis



Banking & Credit



Financial Analysis



Planning & Analysis (excluding Bus. Dev. Planning)



Real Estate - Admin.



Real Estate - Contracts



Real Estate - Facility Man



Real Estate - Field Ops



Real Estate - Ops Supp





Human Resources

Planning & Development



Administrative Staff



All Other Groups





Labor Relations







Operations & Non-Ops



Peer Support





Marketing & Sales

Ag Products









Customer Relations



Energy - Acct. Mgt.






Sub Group

Departmental Limit


Energy - Logistics



Industrial Products












Revenue Information Mgt.









CMS & Timekeeping






HDC (excluding Train Dispatchers)



Locomotive - North Little Rock



Locomotive - Oper. Regions



Locomotive - All Other



Operating Practices & Safety



Operating Region - Northern (excluding Train Dispatchers & Metra)









All Other



Operating Region - Southern (excluding Train Dispatchers)



Operating Region - Western (excluding Train Dispatchers):



Admin. & Train Mgt.






Engineering - Bridge



Engineering - Environmental



Engineering - Signal



Engineering - Track









Sub Group

Departmental Limit


Region Staff






Risk Mgt. - Claims & Health Services



Risk Mgt. - Police (excluding Internal Placement)



Support Serv. - Jt. Fac. & NRPC Op.



Support Serv. - All Other









Corporate Audit




In the event the number of Covered Employees satisfying subparagraph (i) or the comparable requirements set forth in the Pension Plan for Covered Employees whose 2000 Compensation, as defined in Section 2.18(c) of the Pension Plan, is less than $110,000 exceeds a Departmental Limit, such Covered Employees shall be ranked based upon their combined age and Vesting Service (as determined under Article IV of the Pension Plan) as of March 31, 2001, and the benefit enhancements described in subsection (b) or in the Pension Plan shall be provided to the Covered Employees with the greatest combined age and Vesting Service up to the Departmental Limit.


(b)    Each Covered Employee described in subsection (a) shall:


(i)    for purposes of calculating Vesting Service, Total Credited Service and Total Offset Service and determining actuarial reductions for payments beginning before Normal Retirement Date, receive an additional 10 years in the aggregate (other than for purposes of determining any actuarial reduction for payment before Normal Retirement Date for any governmental or other offset described in Section 5.01(a)(1)(C) or in Table I, Section XII, Part1 C or D of the Pension Plan), which shall first be applied to the Covered Employee’s age (up to a maximum of age 65) then to service (up to a maximum of 40 years of service),


(ii)    be treated as having completed 5 years of actual Vesting Service for purposes of Sections 4.1 and 4.2, and


(iii)    be treated as having been a Covered Employee for 60 full consecutive months for purposes of applying Section 4.02(c)(3) of the Pension Plan when calculating Total Credited Service and Total Offset Service under this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component).




(c)    Effective April 1, 2001:


(i)    notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Section 2.11(a)(i)(E), but only with the consent of the Covered Employee, the termination date selected by the Company for a Covered Employee in Real Estate - Contracts, Real Estate - Field Ops, and Real Estate - Ops Supp may be any date on or before December 31, 2001.


(ii)    The Departmental Limit is increased for the subgroups listed in Section 2.11(a)(ii) as set forth below:



Sub Group

Revised Departmental Limit


Accounting - Omaha (excluding VP and Contr. Staff)



Real Estate - Ops Supp


Human Resources

All Other Groups


Labor Relations

Operations & Non-Ops


Marketing & Sales

Ag Products



Energy - Logistics



Industrial Products






Operating Practices & Safety






All Other



Engineering - Signal



Engineering - Track



Region Staff







To be eligible for the benefit enhancement described in Section 2.11(b), a Covered Employee must be described in Section 2.11(a)(i) and (ii) who, but for the increase in the Departmental Limit, would not have received the benefit enhancement described in 2.11(b) and who elects to receive the benefit enhancement described in Section 2.11(b) by submitting a written election during the period beginning April 2, 2001 and ending April 9, 2001.


2.12    Railroad 1996 Voluntary Early Retirement Program.


(a)    Effective March 20, 1996, the benefit enhancements described in subsection (b) shall be provided to any Participant who is a Covered Employee under the Pension Plan who:




(i)    is actively employed on March 20, 1996 by: (A) Union Pacific Railroad Company ("Railroad"); (B) Union Pacific Motor Freight Company ("Motor Freight"); (C) Union Pacific Technologies Transportation System, Inc. ("UPTTS") or Union Pacific Distribution Services Company ("UPDS") (collectively, the "VERP Companies");


(ii)    is not a Grade 28 or above on March 20, 1996;


(iii)    is not on terminal vacation or on a leave of absence (other than one required by the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993) on March 20, 1996;


(iv)    is not a loaned executive, in a temporary position or in the internal placement program on March 20, 1996;


(v)    has not previously been accepted to participate in a voluntary force reduction program;


(vi)    does not have an existing termination agreement in effect with the VERP Companies;


(vii)    is employed on March 20, 1996: (A) in Omaha, Nebraska by the Railroad's Information Technologies Department or Marketing and Sales Department; (B) in Omaha, Nebraska by UPTTS; (C) in Omaha, Nebraska by UPDS, or (D) by Union Pacific Motor Freight Company;


(viii)    had at least 10 years of Vesting Service under the Pension Plan as of March 20, 1996 and will attain the age of at least 52 by July 1, 1996;


(ix)    had total pay in 1995 as reported on Form W-2, plus amounts not included in taxable income due to a salary deferral election made pursuant to the terms of a qualified cash or deferred arrangement (within the meaning of section 401(k) of the Code) or a cafeteria plan (within the meaning of section 125 of the Code) maintained by the Employer of $125,000 or more;


(x)    elects not earlier than March 20, 1996 and not later than April 20, 1996 by submission of a written election in the form and manner prescribed by the Administrator to retire and terminate Employment with the benefit enhancements described in this Section; and


(xi)    remains actively employed by the VERP Companies through the date communicated to the Covered Employee in writing on or before March 20, 1996, which date shall not thereafter be changed for any reason and shall not be earlier than May 1, 1996 nor later than April 30, 1997, except that the dates for the Railroad's Information Technologies Department are July 1, 1996 and June 30, 1997, respectively.




(b)    Each Covered Employee described in subsection (a) shall:


(i)    for purposes of calculating Vesting Service, Total Credited Service and Total Offset Service and determining actuarial reductions for payments beginning before Normal Retirement Date, receive an additional 10 years in the aggregate (other than for purposes of determining any actuarial reduction for payment before Normal Retirement Date for any governmental or other offset described in Section 5.01(a)(1)(C) or in Table I, Section XII, Part 1 C or D of the Pension Plan), which shall first be applied to the Covered Employee's age (up to a maximum of age 65) then to service (up to a maximum of 40 years of service);


(ii)    be treated as having satisfied the requirements to have an Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date if he has not satisfied the requirements to have an Early Retirement Date under the Pension Plan; and


(iii)    be treated as having been a Covered Employee for 60 full consecutive months for purposes of applying Section 4.02(c)(3) of the Pension Plan when calculating Total Credited Service and Total Offset Service under this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component).





Manner of Payment


3.1    Payments For Retirements Under Section 2.1, 2.2(a), 2.2(b)(i) and 2.3. Except as provided in Section 3.3, if (a) a Participant retires on a Normal Retirement Date, an Early Retirement Date, an Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date, or a Postponed Retirement Date under Section 2.1, 2.2(a), 2.2(b)(i) or 2.3, and (b) at retirement is eligible to start both a Supplemental Pension under Article Two of this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) and a pension under the Pension Plan, payment of the Supplemental Pension shall begin on the date the Participant’s Pension Plan benefits begin pursuant to his election under the Pension Plan (and not earlier or later). In addition, the Supplemental Pension shall be paid in the same form, and shall be subject to the same adjustment for form of payment and the same Beneficiary designation, as apply to the Participant’s Pension Plan benefit; provided, however, that in the event the Participant is eligible for and elects a level income option under the Pension Plan, the Supplemental Pension shall be paid as a single life annuity.


3.2    Payments For Retirements Under Section 2.2(b)(ii). Except as provided in Section 3.3, if a Participant retires on an Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date, and at retirement either is not vested in or is not eligible to start a pension under the Pension Plan, payment of his Supplemental Pension shall begin on the first day of the month next following the Participant’s Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date. The Participant’s Supplemental Pension will be paid in the form of a single life annuity. The Participant is not eligible to elect payment of his Supplemental Pension in any other form.


3.3    Payments Starting Before July 25, 2002. Effective for benefits starting before July 25, 2002, the Administrator may have permitted a Participant described in Section 3.1 or 3.2 who was retiring on an Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date that did not qualify as an Early Retirement Date under the Pension Plan to elect, in the manner prescribed by the Administrator, to receive payment of his Supplemental Pension in any form of payment described in Article VIII of the Pension Plan that would have been available to the Participant had he retired on an Early Retirement Date under the Pension Plan. If the Participant was permitted to and elected a form of payment other than a single life annuity, the Supplemental Pension payments are actuarially adjusted for the form of payment elected by the Participant, as determined by the Administrator, using factors for that purpose set forth in the Pension Plan.







4.1    Termination Prior to Vesting.


(a)    A Participant who is not eligible to retire on an Early or Normal Retirement Date on or before December 31, 2004 shall not be entitled to any benefit under this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component), unless:


(i)    the Participant’s Employment terminates before April 27, 1989, and after the completion of 10 years of Vesting Service (including within such Vesting Service not less than 5 years of actual Vesting Service under the Pension Plan); or


(ii)    except as provided in Section 2.11(b)(ii) or Article Five, a Participant completes 5 years of actual Vesting Service under the Pension Plan (treating as actual service for this purpose, service described in Section 1.3(p)(ii)) as of the earlier of the date the Participant’s Employment terminates or December 31, 2004; provided, however, that the Chief Executive Officer of Union Pacific may reduce the required years of actual Vesting Service to 3 if the Chief Executive Officer of Union Pacific determines that such change would not be disadvantageous to the Company in the case of any Participant. The Chief Executive Officer of Union Pacific shall make such determination by the earlier of the date the Participant terminates Employment or October 3, 2004.


4.2    Termination After Vesting. Except as provided in Section 2.11(b)(ii) or 4.4 or Articles Five and Eleven, a Participant not eligible to retire on an Early or Normal Retirement Date on or before December 31, 2004 who is entitled to a benefit under this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) under Section 4.1 shall be entitled to receive, commencing on the Participant’s Normal Retirement Date, the Normal Supplemental Pension computed under Section 2.1 as of the date the Participant terminated Employment or ceased to be a Disabled Participant. In lieu thereof, such Participant shall receive a Supplemental Pension commencing on the earliest of:


(i)    any date prior to the Participant’s Normal Retirement Date on which the Participant starts his benefit payments from the Pension Plan;


(ii)    in the case of a Participant who is credited with additional years of age described in Section 1.3(c)(ii) and, as a result, would be deemed to reach age 55 and become eligible to start his Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) benefits earlier than his Pension Plan benefits, the first day of the month following the later of (A) the Participant’s termination of Employment, or (B) the Participant’s 55th birthday (determined taking into account additional years of age described in Section 1.3(c)(ii)); or


(iii)    in the case of a Participant who is not vested under the Pension Plan, the first day of the month following the later of (A) the Participant’s termination of Employment, or (B) the Participant’s 55th birthday (determined taking into account additional years of age described in Section 1.3(c)(ii)), or the first day of any month thereafter that is prior to the Participant’s Normal Retirement Date on which the Participant elects to start payment of his Supplemental Pension.




The election described in (iii) must be made in writing, in a form prescribed by the Administrator, at least six (6) months before, and in the tax year of the Participant immediately preceding, the elected benefit start date. Any Supplemental Pension paid to the Participant commencing prior to Normal Retirement Date shall equal (I) the amount described in Section 2.1(a) adjusted for early payment as of the early benefit start date in accordance with Section 6.04 of the Pension Plan (taking into account any additional years of age described in Section 1.3(c)(ii) for purposes of adjusting both the gross and offset portions of the benefit except as provided otherwise in Section 2.11), reduced by (II) the amount described in Section 2.1(b), if any, adjusted for payment as of the early benefit start date in accordance with Section 6.04 of the Pension Plan. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, if the Participant’s Supplemental Pension begins prior to his Pension Plan benefit, the reduction described in (II) shall be calculated and apply beginning on the earliest date benefits are payable to the Participant under the Pension Plan, even if the Participant’s Pension Plan benefits do not actually start on that earliest date.


4.3    Form of Vested Benefit.


(a)    Benefits Payable Under Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) and Pension Plan. Except as provided in Section 4.4, if a Participant is entitled to benefits under both the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) and the Pension Plan and benefits under both Plans start on the same date, the Supplemental Pension determined under Section 4.2 shall be paid in the same form, and shall be subject to the same adjustment for form of payment and the same Beneficiary designation, as apply to the Participant’s Pension Plan benefit. The Participant’s Supplemental Pension determined under Section 4.2 shall be adjusted for form of payment, as appropriate, pursuant to Article VIII of the Pension Plan. If, however, such Participant’s Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) benefit starts before his Pension Plan benefit, the Participant’s Supplemental Pension will be paid in the form of a single life annuity.


(b)    No Benefits Payable Under Pension Plan. Except as provided in Section 4.4, in the event a Participant is entitled to a benefit from the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) but is not vested in a benefit under the Pension Plan, the Participant shall receive payment of his Supplemental Pension determined under Section 4.2 in the automatic form of payment described in Section 8.02 of the Pension Plan that would have applied to the Participant had he been eligible for and started payment under the Pension Plan on the same day. The Participant’s Supplemental Pension determined under Section 4.2 shall be adjusted for form of payment, as appropriate, pursuant to Article VIII of the Pension Plan.


4.4    Payments Starting Before July 25, 2002. The rules set forth in Sections 4.2 and 4.3, above, applied to Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) benefits starting before July 25, 2002, unless the Administrator advised the Participant to the contrary.





Certain Employee Transfers


5.1    Transfers into Supplemental Plan from Resources Supplemental Plan. If any employee who is a participant in the Supplemental Pension Plan for Exempt Salaried Employees of Union Pacific Resources Company and Affiliates is transferred on or before October 15, 1996 to the Company and becomes a Participant after such transfer, such employee shall retain no rights in the other supplemental pension plan and shall receive all benefits to which entitled under this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component), based upon Total Credited Service and Total Offset Service which shall include, as to such employee, any service which would have been used in determining the Participant’s benefits under such other supplemental pension plan.


5.2    Transfers to Resources Supplemental Plan. If a Participant is transferred on or before October 15, 1996 to an Affiliated Company participating in the Supplemental Pension Plan for Exempt Salaried Employees of Union Pacific Resources Company and Affiliates and becomes a participant in the supplemental pension plan of the Affiliated Company after such transfer, such former Participant shall retain no rights in this Supplemental Plan if such other supplemental pension plan has provisions that substantially conform to the transfer provisions for the protection of transferees that are contained in Section 5.1.


5.3    No Duplication of Benefits. There shall under no circumstances be any duplication of benefits under this Supplemental Plan or any supplemental pension plan of an Affiliated Company or former Affiliated Company by reason of the same period of employment.





Pre-Retirement Survivors Benefit


6.1    Eligibility. The Surviving Spouse of a Participant who either (a) terminates Employment or ceases to be a Disabled Participant due to death, or (b) (i) terminates Employment other than due to death after becoming entitled to a Supplemental Pension under Article Two or Article Four, and (ii) dies prior to the commencement of payment of the Supplemental Pension shall receive the benefit determined pursuant to Section 6.2.


6.2    Surviving Spouses Benefit.


(a)    Subsidized Death Benefits.


(i)    Except as provided in subsection (ii) or Section 6.4, the benefit payable to the Surviving Spouse of a Participant described in Section 6.1 who dies:


(A)    on or after January 1, 1994 while a Disabled Participant, but before Early or Normal Retirement Date under the terms of the Pension Plan;


(B)    on or after the Effective Date during Employment, but before Early or Normal Retirement Date under the terms of the Pension Plan;


(C)    on or after the Effective Date during Employment, but after Early or Normal Retirement Date under the terms of the Pension Plan; or


(D)    on or after the Effective Date after terminating Employment or ceasing to be a Disabled Participant, provided that such termination or cessation occurred after Early or Normal Retirement Date under the terms of the Pension Plan; and provided further that such Early or Normal Retirement Date occurs on or before December 31, 2004


shall be a monthly annuity payable for the Surviving Spouse’s life. Monthly payments to the Surviving Spouse shall equal one-half of the monthly Supplemental Pension such Participant would have received (assuming, for a Participant described in Section 6.1(a), the Participant had vested) in the form of a single life annuity (in the form of a Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity for a Participant described in (B) whose death occurs prior to 1994), if the Participant had survived (but accrued no additional benefits after death) and started his Supplemental Pension on the date Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) benefits begin to the Surviving Spouse under Section 6.3. Notwithstanding anything in the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) to the contrary, the Surviving Spouse’s benefit with respect to a Participant described in (A) or (B), above, shall be determined by applying, for purposes of any adjustment for payment prior to Normal Retirement Date, the early retirement reduction factors of Section 6.03 of the Pension Plan.


(ii)    Except as provided in Section 6.4, the benefit payable to the Surviving Spouse of a Participant described in Section 6.1, who dies other than under circumstances described in Section 6.2(a)(i) but after becoming eligible for an Early Supplemental Pension under Section 2.2 based on an Early Supplemental Pension Retirement Date or who dies under circumstances described in Section 6.2(a)(i) but is described in Section 6.3(b), shall be an annuity payable for the Surviving Spouse’s life calculated as follows:




(A)    In the case of a Participant who is entitled to both a pension under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) and a pension under the Pension Plan, monthly payments to the Surviving Spouse shall equal one-half of the monthly Supplemental Pension in the form of a single life annuity calculated for the Participant as described in Section 2.2(b)(i)(A) as if the Participant had survived (but accrued no additional benefits after death) and started his Supplemental Pension on the date Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) benefits begin to the Surviving Spouse under Section 6.3, reduced by any survivor benefit that the Surviving Spouse is entitled to receive from the Pension Plan (attributable to the Participant’s accrued benefit under the Pension Plan as of the earlier of the date of the Participant’s Separation from Service or December 31, 2004) from the earliest date on or following the date payments begin to the Surviving Spouse that such survivor benefit is payable from the Pension Plan (whether or not such survivor benefit begins on the earliest date under the Pension Plan).


(B)    In the case of a Participant who is entitled to a pension under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) but is not vested in a pension under the Pension Plan, monthly payments to the Surviving Spouse shall equal one-half of the monthly Supplemental Pension in the form of a single life annuity calculated for the Participant as described in Section 2.2(b)(ii)(A)(I) as if the Participant had survived (but accrued no additional benefits after death) and started his Supplemental Pension on the date Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) benefits begin to the Surviving Spouse under Section 6.3.


(b)    Non-Subsidized Death Benefits. Except as provided in Section 6.4, the benefit payable to the Surviving Spouse of a Participant described in Section 6.1 who dies under circumstances other than those described in Section 6.2(a) shall be an annuity payable for the Surviving Spouse’s life with monthly payments equal to:


(i)    Prior to the earliest date, if any, on which the Surviving Spouse is eligible to start any survivor benefit payable under the Pension Plan, 50% of the monthly Supplemental Pension the Participant would have received in the form of a Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity determined as if the Participant is not entitled to a pension under the Pension Plan if the Participant had survived (and accrued no additional benefits after his death) and started his Supplemental Pension on the date Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) benefits begin to the Surviving Spouse under Section 6.3; and


(ii)    On or after the earliest date, if any, on which the Surviving Spouse is eligible to start any survivor benefit payable under the Pension Plan, the amount described in (i), above, reduced by any survivor benefit that the Surviving Spouse is entitled to receive from the Pension Plan attributable to the Participant’s accrued benefit under the Pension Plan as of the earlier of the Participant’s Separation from Service or December 31, 2004 beginning on such earliest date (whether or not such survivor benefit begins on the earliest date under the Pension Plan).




6.3    Timing of Surviving Spouses Benefit. Except as provided in Section 6.4, the benefit to which a Surviving Spouse of a Participant shall be entitled pursuant to Section 6.2(a) or (b) shall be paid monthly to such Surviving Spouse, commencing as of the date such Surviving Spouse elects, or is required to, start payment of any benefit to which the Surviving Spouse is entitled under the Pension Plan. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence:


(a)     if the Surviving Spouse is not entitled to any payment from the Pension Plan, the Surviving Spouse shall receive payment of any Supplemental Pension to which the Surviving Spouse is entitled under Section 6.2 beginning as of the later of (i) the first of the month following the Participant’s 55th birthday (determined taking into account any additional years of age described in Section 1.3(c)(ii)), or (ii) the first of the month following the date of the Participant’s death.


(b)    if the deceased Participant would have been entitled or required to start his Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) benefit on an earlier date than the Participant would have been entitled to start his Pension Plan benefit had he survived, the Surviving Spouse shall receive payment of any Supplemental Pension to which the Surviving Spouse is entitled under Section 6.2 beginning as of the later of (i) the earliest date as of which the Participant would have been eligible or required to start payments pursuant to Article Two, Three or Four, as appropriate, or (ii) the first of the month following the date of the Participant’s death.


Payments to the Surviving Spouse shall end with the payment made for the month in which the Surviving Spouse dies.


6.4    Payments Starting Before July 25, 2002. The rules for pre-retirement death benefits set forth in Sections 6.2 and 6.3, above, applied to Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) pre-retirement death benefits starting before July 25, 2002, unless the Administrator advised the Participant and/or Surviving Spouse to the contrary.





7.1    Funding. The Company’s obligations hereunder shall constitute a general, unsecured obligation of the Company payable solely out of its general assets, and no Participant or former Participant shall have any right to any specific assets of the Company. To the extent that any Participant or former Participant acquires a right to receive payments under the Plan, such right shall be no greater than the right of an unsecured general creditor of the Company. The Board of Directors of Union Pacific may, but shall not be required to, authorize Union Pacific to establish a trust to hold assets to be used to discharge the Company’s obligations hereunder, provided that such trust shall not confer upon Participants or former Participants any rights other than the rights of unsecured general creditors of the Company.


7.2    Payment to James Otto. On or about December 1, 2000, James Otto was paid in a single sum the actuarial equivalent value of the portion of his Supplemental Pension, payable in the form of a 50% joint and survivor annuity with his spouse as beneficiary, that was not funded through annuity purchases. Such single sum payment of $501.40 was in full settlement of the Supplemental Plan’s obligation to pay such remaining benefit to James Otto or his Surviving Spouse or other beneficiary.







8.1    Responsibilities and Powers of Administrator. Except for the responsibilities and powers elsewhere herein given specifically to the Board of Directors of Union Pacific, the Administrator shall have all responsibilities for the operation and administration of the Supplemental Plan and shall have all powers and discretionary authority necessary to carry out those responsibilities hereunder. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Administrator shall have full power and discretionary authority to:


(a)    keep and maintain such accounts and records with respect to Participants, former Participants and Special 1990-1992 Window Participants as are deemed necessary or proper;


(b)    determine all questions of the eligibility for participation and benefits and of the status and rights of Participants, former Participants, Special 1990-1992 Window Participants and any other person hereunder, make all required factual determinations, interpret and construe the Supplemental Plan in connection therewith and correct defects, resolve ambiguities therein and supply omissions thereto;


(c)    adopt from time to time mortality and other tables and interest rates upon which all actuarial calculations shall be based, including the determination of the appropriate factors for the adjustment of pension payments; and


(d)    adopt from time to time rules and regulations governing this Supplemental Plan.


The Administrator shall carry out all responsibilities and exercise all powers in accordance with the terms of the Supplemental Plan. The determination of the Administrator as to any questions involving the responsibilities hereunder shall be final, conclusive and binding on all persons.


8.2    Certification and Payment of Benefits. The Administrator shall compute the amount and manner of payment of benefits to which the Participants, Special 1990-1992 Window Participants, former or retired Participants, Surviving Spouses and beneficiaries become entitled. All payments of benefits shall be made directly by the Company upon the instructions of the Administrator.


8.3    Reports to Board of Directors. As the Administrator deems necessary or proper or as the Board of Directors of Union Pacific may require, but in any event at least once during each calendar year, the Administrator shall report to such Board on the operation and administration of the Supplemental Plan and on any other matter concerning the Supplemental Plan deemed advisable or required by such Board.


8.4    Designation and Delegation. The Administrator may designate other persons to carry out such of the responsibilities hereunder for the operating and administration of the Supplemental Plan as the Administrator deems advisable and delegate to the persons so designated such of the powers as the Administrator deems necessary to carry out such responsibilities. Such designation and delegation shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the Administrator deems necessary or proper. Any action or determination made or taken in carrying out responsibilities hereunder by the persons so designated by the Administrator shall have the same force and effect for all purposes as if such action or determinations had been made or taken by the Administrator.




8.5    Outside Services. The Administrator may engage counsel and such clerical, medical, financial, actuarial, accounting and other specialized services as is deemed necessary or desirable for the operation and administration of the Supplemental Plan. The Administrator and persons so designated shall be entitled to rely, and shall be fully protected in any action or determination or omission taken or made or omitted in good faith in so relying, upon any opinions, reports or other advice which is furnished by counsel or other specialist engaged for that purpose.


8.6    Expenses. All expenses, including any fees for outside services under Section 8.5, incurred by the Administrator and by persons designated by the Administrator under Section 8.4 in the operation and administration of the Supplemental Plan shall be paid by the Company. Neither the Administrator nor any other person who is an employee of the Company or an Affiliated Company shall receive any compensation solely for services in carrying out any responsibility hereunder.


8.7    Bonding. No bond or other security shall be required of the Administrator or of any person designated under Section 8.4.


8.8    Liability. The Administrator and persons designated by him under Section 8.4 shall use ordinary care and diligence in the performance of their duties. The Company shall indemnify and defend the Administrator and each other person so designated under Section 8.4 against any and all claims, loss, damages, expense (including reasonable counsel fees), and liability arising from any action or failure to act or other conduct in their official capacity, except when the same is due to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Administrator or other persons.


8.9    Finality of Actions. Any action required of Union Pacific, the Company, the Board of Directors of Union Pacific, or the Chief Executive Officer of Union Pacific (the “CEO”) under this Supplemental Plan, or made by the Administrator acting on their behalf, shall be made in the Company’s, the Board’s or the CEO’s sole discretion, not in a fiduciary capacity and need not be uniformly applied to similarly situated persons. Any such action shall be final, conclusive and binding on all persons interested in the Supplemental Plan.





Amendment or Termination


9.1    Amendment or Termination. The Board of Directors of Union Pacific, acting by written resolution, reserves the right to modify, alter, amend or terminate the Supplemental Plan from time to time and to modify, withdraw or terminate the Supplemental Plan, to any extent that it may deem advisable; provided, that no such modification, alteration, amendment or termination shall impair any rights which have accrued to Participants hereunder to the date of such modification, alteration, amendment or termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the chief human resources officer of Union Pacific Railroad Company or such other officer or employee of Union Pacific Railroad Company or Union Pacific with similar authority, may make all technical, administrative, regulatory and compliance amendments to the Supplemental Plan, and any other amendment that will not significantly increase the cost of the Supplemental Plan to the Company, as he or she shall deem necessary or appropriate. This Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) is intended to be exempt from the requirements of Section 409A, based on the grandfathering provisions set forth in section 1.409A‑6 of the Treasury Regulations. Such grandfathered status is predicated, in part, on the basis that the terms and conditions of this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathering Component) have not been materially modified on or after October 3, 2004.





General Provisions


10.1    Certain Rights Reserved. Nothing herein contained shall confer upon any Employee or other person the right (a) to continue in Employment or service of the Company or affect any right that the Company may have to terminate the Employment or service of (or to demote or to exclude from future participation in the Supplemental Plan) any such Employee or other person at any time for any reason, (b) to participate in the Supplemental Plan, or (c) to receive an annual base salary of any particular amount.


10.2    Alienability of Benefits.


(a)    This section 10.2(a) is effective with respect to a domestic relations order directed to the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) which is determined to be an Approved DRO (as defined below) on or after November 5, 2015.


(1)     Payments under the Supplemental Plan may not be assigned, transferred, pledged or hypothecated, and to the extent permitted by law, no such payments shall be subject to legal process or attachment for the payment of any claims against any person entitled to receive the same. Compliance with the provisions and conditions of any domestic relations order assigning a portion of a Participant’s benefit to an alternate payee (as defined in Section 414(p)(8) of the Code) (“Alternate Payee”) relating to an individual’s Supplemental Plan benefits, which the Administrator (i) has determined is a lawful order of a domestic relations court and (ii) has approved as consistent with the terms of the Supplemental Plan (an “Approved DRO”), shall not be considered a violation of this provision.


(2)    An Approved DRO must identify the Alternate Payee and this Supplemental Pension Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) as the plan to which the DRO applies, describe the amount payable to the Alternate Payee (or the formula by which such amount may be determined), must not require the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) to provide increased benefits (determined on the basis of actuarial value) nor require the payment of benefits to an Alternate Payee which are required to be paid to another Alternate Payee in accordance with another previously Approved DRO, and must conform to the following additional requirements:


(A)    an Approved DRO must, with respect to the timing and form of benefit payment(s), (1) if no DRO is directed with respect to the Participant's benefit under the Pension Plan, provide for a designated or ascertainable percentage or dollar amount of the Participant's periodic benefit to be paid as, when and if payable to the Participant from the Supplemental Pension Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) (a "stream of payments formula"), and (2) if a DRO is directed with respect to both the Participant's benefit under the Pension Plan and the Participant’s benefit under this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component), provide for a stream of payments formula, or, if such a DRO assigns to the Alternate Payee a separate interest with respect to a portion of the Participant's Pension Plan benefit and a separate interest with respect to a portion of the Participant’s benefit under this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component), provide for payment beginning at the same time, and in the same form, as the Alternate Payee's separate interest under the Pension Plan is payable;




(B)    under no circumstances may any benefit under an Approved DRO be payable before such time as the Administrator is able to determine the amount payable to the Alternate payee and the time and form of payment; and


(C)    an Approved DRO that provides for a stream of payments formula may designate and identify a contingent Alternate Payee to receive any remaining payments due under the terms of an Approved DRO following the death of the initial Alternate Payee, but only if such contingent Alternate Payee is the spouse, former spouse, child or other dependent of the Participant.


(b)    Prior to November 5, 2015, this Section 10.2 read as follows: Payments under the Supplemental Plan may not be assigned, transferred, pledged or hypothecated, and to the extent permitted by law, no such payments shall be subject to legal process or attachment for the payment of any claims against any person entitled to receive the same. Effective on and after July 25, 2002, compliance with the provisions and conditions of any domestic relations order relating to an individual’s Supplemental Plan benefits, which the Administrator has determined must be complied with under the terms of applicable law, shall not be considered a violation of this provision.


10.3    Payment Due an Incompetent. If it shall be found that any person to whom a payment is due hereunder is unable to care for that person’s affairs because of physical or mental disability, as determined by a licensed physician, the Administrator shall have the authority to cause the payments becoming due such person to be made to the legally appointed guardian of any such person or to the spouse, brother, sister, or other person as it shall determine. Payments made pursuant to such power shall operate as a complete discharge of the Company’s obligations.


10.4    Governing Law. The Supplemental Plan shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska (without regard to the legislative or judicial conflict of laws rules of any state), except to the extent superseded by any federal law.


10.5    Successors. This Supplemental Plan shall be binding upon any successor (whether direct or indirect, by purchase, merger, consolidated or otherwise) to all or substantially all of the business and/or assets of the Company in the same manner and to the same extent that the Company would be bound to perform if no such succession had taken place.


10.6    Titles and Headings Not To Control. The titles and Articles of the Supplemental Plan and the headings of Sections and subsections of the Supplemental Plan are placed herein for convenience of reference only and, as such, shall have no force and effect in the interpretation of the Supplemental Plan.


10.7    Severability. If any provisions of the Supplemental Plan shall be held unlawful or otherwise invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the unlawfulness, invalidity, or unenforceability shall not affect any provision of the Plan or part thereof, each of which shall remain in full force and effect.


10.8    Determination and Withholding of Taxes. The Administrator shall have full authority to satisfy the responsibility of Union Pacific or any Affiliated Company to withhold taxes with respect to a Participant or former Participant, including FICA taxes, by withholding such taxes from any distributions under the Plan to the Participant or former Participant or his beneficiary or estate. The Administrator shall also have full authority, with or without the consent of the Participant of former Participant, to withhold from the individual’s compensation from any and all sources, any FICA or other taxes applicable to benefits accrued under the Supplemental Plan.






Transfers to Non-Covered Employment


11.1    Notwithstanding any other provision of this Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) to the contrary, if a Participant is transferred on or before December 31, 2004 to the employment of an Affiliated Company that has not adopted the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) (“non-covered employment”), upon the approval of the Chief Executive Officer of Union Pacific, any benefits to which such Participant (or his Surviving Spouse or other beneficiary) would be entitled under the Pension Plan, the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component), or both, by treating such Participant’s non-covered employment that occurred on or before December 31, 2004 as if it were service covered by such Plans and by aggregating such service with the Participant’s other service covered by the Plans, shall be provided to the Participant under this Section 11.1 to the extent that such benefits exceed the aggregate of (a) the Participant’s benefits under the Pension Plan, (b) the Participant’s benefits under the Supplemental Plan (409A Grandfathered Component) determined without regard to this Section 11.1, and (c) the Participant’s benefits under any pension plan of the Affiliated Company that are based on the Participant’s non-covered employment and/or employment otherwise covered by the Pension and Supplemental Plans.





Claims Procedure


12.1    Application for Benefits. Each Participant, former Participant, Special 1990-1992 Window Participant, Surviving Spouse or other beneficiary, or alternate payee under a domestic relations order believing himself or herself eligible for a benefit under this Supplemental Plan shall apply for such benefit by completing and filing with the Administrator an application for benefits on a form supplied by the Administrator.


12.2    Claims Before January 1, 2002. The following provisions are effective prior to January 1, 2002: In the event that any claim for benefits is denied in whole or in part, the person whose claim has been so denied shall be notified of such denial in writing by the Administrator. The notice advising of the denial shall specify the reason or reasons for denial, make specific reference to pertinent provisions of the Supplemental Plan, describe any additional material or information necessary for the claimant to perfect the claim (explaining why such material or information is needed), and shall advise the claimant of the procedure for the appeal of such denial. All appeals shall be made by the following procedure:


(a)    The person whose claim has been denied shall file with the Administrator a notice of desire to appeal the denial. Such notice shall be filed within 60 days of notification by the Administrator of claim denial, shall be made in writing, and shall set forth all of the facts upon which the appeal is based. Appeals not timely filed shall be barred.


(b)    The Administrator shall consider the merits of the claimant’s written presentations, the merits of any facts or evidence in support of the denial of benefits, and such other facts and circumstances as the Administrator shall deem relevant.


(c)    The Administrator shall ordinarily render a determination upon the appealed claim within 60 days after receipt which determination shall be accompanied by a written statement as to the reasons therefor. However, in special circumstances the Administrator may extend the response period for up to an additional 60 days, in which event it shall notify the claimant in writing prior to commencement of the extension. The determination so rendered shall be binding upon all parties.


12.3    Claims On or After January 1, 2002. The following provisions are effective on and after January 1, 2002:


(a)    Claim for Benefits. A claim for Supplemental Plan benefits may be filed by:


(i)     any person (or his duly authorized representative) who has applied for and/or received benefits from the Supplemental Plan pursuant to Section 12.1 and who believes that the amount and/or form of benefits provided (including no benefits) or any change in or termination or reduction of benefits previously provided results in a denial of benefits to which he is entitled for any reason (whether under the terms of the Supplemental Plan or by reason of any provision of law); or




(ii)    any Employee or other individual (or his duly authorized representative) who believes himself to be entitled to benefits from the Supplemental Plan.


A claim for benefits must be filed with the Administrator, in writing and in accordance with such other requirements as may be prescribed by the Administrator. Any claim shall be processed as follows:


(A)    When a claim for benefits has been filed by the claimant (or his duly authorized representative), such claim for benefits shall be evaluated and the claimant shall be notified by the Administrator of the approval or denial within a reasonable period of time, but not later than 90 days after the receipt of such claim unless special circumstances require an extension of time for processing the claim. If such an extension of time for processing is required, written notice of the extension shall be furnished to the claimant prior to the termination of the initial 90-day period and shall specify the special circumstances requiring an extension and the date by which a final decision will be reached (which date shall not be later than 180 days after the date on which the claim was received).


(B)    A claimant shall be given written notice in which the claimant shall be advised as to whether the claim is granted or denied, in whole or in part. If a claim is denied, in whole or in part, the claimant shall be given written notice which shall contain (I) the specific reasons for the denial, (II) references to the specific Supplemental Plan provisions upon which the denial is based, (III) a description of any additional material or information necessary to perfect the claim and an explanation of why such material or information is necessary, (IV) a statement that the claimant is entitled to receive, upon request and free of charge, reasonable access to, and copies of, all documents, records, and other information relevant to the claim, (V) the claimant’s rights to seek review of the denial and time limits and other aspects of the Supplemental Plan’s claim review procedures, and (VI) a statement of the claimant’s right to bring a civil action under ERISA section 502(a) following an adverse determination upon review.


(b)    Review of Claim Denial. If a claim for benefits is denied, in whole or in part, the claimant (or his duly authorized representative) shall have the right to request that the Administrator review the denial, provided that the claimant files in accordance with such requirements as may be prescribed by the Administrator a written request for review with the Administrator within 60 days after the date on which the claimant received written notification of the denial. A claimant (or his duly authorized representative) may review relevant documents, records and other information relevant to the claim (or receive copies free of charge) and may submit to the Administrator with the written request for review documents, records, written comments and other information relevant to the claim for benefits, which shall be considered upon review whether or not such information and other items were available when the claim was originally determined. Requests for review not timely filed shall be barred. A timely request for claim review shall be processed as follows:


(i)    Within a reasonable period of time, but not later than 60 days after a request for review is received, the review shall be made and the claimant shall be advised in writing of the decision on review, unless special circumstances require an extension of time for processing the review. If an extension is needed, the claimant shall be given a written notification within such initial 60-day period specifying the reasons for the extension and when such review shall be completed (provided that such review shall be completed within 120 days after the date on which the request for review was filed). However, if the period for deciding the claim has been extended under this paragraph (i) due to a claimant’s failure to provide information necessary to decide a claim, the period for making a decision on review shall be tolled from the date the claimant is sent written notice of the extension until the date on which the claimant responds to the request for information (or such earlier date as may be prescribed by the Administrator in accordance with applicable law and regulations).




(ii)    The decision on review shall be forwarded to the claimant in writing and shall include (A) specific reasons for the decision, (B) references to the specific Plan provisions upon which the decision is based, (C) a statement that the claimant is entitled to receive, upon request and free of charge, reasonable access to, and copies of, all documents, records, and other information relevant to the claim, and (D) a statement of the claimant’s right to bring an action under ERISA section 502(a). A decision on review shall be final and binding on all persons for all purposes.


(c)    Exhaustion of Claims Review Process. A claimant shall have no right to seek review of a denial of benefits, or to bring any action in any court to enforce a claim for benefits prior to his filing a claim for benefits and exhausting his rights to review under this Section 12.3.


12.4    Claims Related to Corrections Under Pension Plan Compliance Statement. Notwithstanding any provision of the Supplemental Plan to the contrary, any individual whose Supplemental Plan benefit is recalculated or adjusted in connections with corrections made under the Compliance Statement dated October 25, 2001 (that was issued for the Pension Plan under the Internal Revenue Service Voluntary Compliance Resolution Program) and who believes that such recalculation and/or adjustment results in a denial of benefits to which he is entitled for any reason (whether under the terms of the Supplemental Plan or by reason of any provision of law) may file a claim with the Administrator, in writing, stating the reasons he disagrees with such recalculation and/or adjustment and providing proof of any service, compensation or other facts that he believes should be taken into account. In order to be considered by the Supplemental Plan, such written claim and proof must be received by the Administrator by the date specified in the written notice of such recalculation and/or adjustment that is sent by the Administrator (or his delegate), by first class mail, to the person’s address reflected in Supplemental Plan records on the date of the mailing. The deadline for filing a claim under this Section 12.4 that is specified in the written notice from the Administrator shall be a date not earlier than 90 days after the date such notice is mailed to the person. Any claim described in this Section 12.4 that is not received by the date specified in the written notice of recalculation and/or adjustment shall be denied on the grounds that it is untimely.