盧森堡,2024年10月24日 – Nexa Resources S.A.(“nexa resources”或“nexa”或“該公司”)(紐交所標的:NEXA)今日重申其 2024 年採礦部門鋅和鉛總生產量的預測指引,更新了部分礦山的生產預測,並降低了採礦現金成本和資本支出的預測。本報告中的數字屬於前瞻性聲明,為初步且未經審計。2024 年第三季度財務業績將於2024年10月31日(交易結束後)發布。
§ | 2024年鋅的總生產量保持不變,預計Cerro Lindo、Vazante和Atacocha的生產量增加將抵銷Aripuanã的減少和Morro Agudo出售後停止於2024年4月30日的採礦活動所造成的產量減少。我們將Cerro Lindo、Vazante和Atacocha的鋅生產指引分別增加了15%、9%和14%(在指引區間的中點處)。相反地,Aripuanã的指引減少了26%,Morro Agudo則減少了64%。 El Porvenir 的鋅生產指引幾乎未變。 |
§ | 2024年的鉛生產指引也保持不變。 預計Cerro Lindo、El Porvenir和Atacocha的生產增加將抵消Aripuanã和Morro Agudo的減少(從2024年5月1日起不再列入指引)。我們將Cerro Lindo、El Porvenir和Atacocha的鉛生產指引分別提高了24%、12%和9%,相反,Aripuanã和Morro Agudo的指引分別削減了23%和58%。Vazante的鉛生產指引保持不變。 |
§ | 2024年銅和白銀生產指引仍保持不變,分別為30-35公噸和11-13百萬盎司。 |
§ | 我們冶煉部門2024年的金屬銷售指引仍然不變,為580-605kt。 |
§ | 我們的礦山運行成本、轉換成本以及扣除副產品信貸後的現金成本在冶煉部門仍然不變。 |
§ | 由於倫敦金屬交易所價格上升和年初至今表現,銅銷售每磅的現金成本經修改向下調整了64%(範圍為每磅0.03-0.20美元),增加了副產品貢獻,並輕微降低處理費用(TCs)。 |
§ | 我們的2024年資本支出指引已經由1100萬美元調低,從31100萬美元降至30000萬美元,主要是由於正面的外匯影響以及持續的努力和計劃,優化資金配置。 |
§ | 我們2024年度勘探與專案評估及其他費用指引保持在9,300萬美元。 |
2024年生產指引 – 采礦領域
採礦生產 | 2024e | 2024e | |||||||
(濃縮金屬) | 之前 | 更新 | |||||||
鋅 | 公噸 | 323 | - | 381 | 323 | - | 381 | ||
Cerro Lindo | 73 | - | 86 | 84 | - | 99 | |||
El Porvenir | 51 | - | 57 | 50 | - | 58 | |||
Atacocha | 8 | - | 9 | 9 | - | 11 | |||
Vazante | 130 | - | 148 | 140 | - | 163 | |||
Morro Agudo (1) | 18 | - | 23 | 7 | - | 7 | |||
Aripuanã | 42 | - | 57 | 31 | - | 42 | |||
採礦生產 | 2024e | 2024e | |||||||
(濃縮金屬) | 之前 | 更新 | |||||||
鉛 | 公噸 | 66 | - | 82 | 66 | - | 82 | ||
Cerro Lindo | 11 | - | 13 | 13 | - | 17 | |||
El Porvenir | 23 | - | 28 | 25 | - | 32 | |||
Atacocha | 11 | - | 12 | 12 | - | 13 | |||
瓦贊特 | 1 | - | 1 | 1 | - | 1 | |||
莫羅·阿古杜 (1) | 4.3 | - | 6.6 | 2.3 | - | 2.3 | |||
阿里普阿納 | 16 | - | 20 | 12 | - | 16 |
(1) 僅考慮2024年1月至4月的四個月運營。
§ | Cerro Lindo: 根據表現和生產預測,我們已經將Cerro Lindo的鋅和鉛生產指引提高 (在指引範圍的中點) 至2024年,鋅更新的生產指引預計將在84-99千噸之間,鉛則在13-17千噸之間。這次增加主要是由於較高的平均品位和更多開採的礦石量。 |
§ | 埃爾波韋尼爾: 根據績效和生產預測, 我們增加了 El Porvenir 的主導生產指導 (在引導範圍的中點) 為了 2024 年增加 12%,導致更新的鉛生產指引為 25-32 千克。埃爾波韋尼爾鋅生產指標仍然接近 不變。鉛引導率的增加主要歸因於金屬回收量較高,以及採礦礦量略有較高。 |
§ | Atacocha: 基於表現和產量預測,我們提高了Atacocha的鋅和鉛生產指引 (在指引區間的中間) 至2024年,鋅和鉛生產指引分別提高了14%和9%。因此,更新後的鋅生產指引為9-11公噸,鉛生產為12-13公噸。這一改善是由於開採的礦石體積增加,金屬回收率略有提高,以及鋅平均品位較高,部分抵銷了鉛平均品位稍微降低的影響。 |
§ | Vazante: 根據績效和生產預測,我們已將Vazante的鋅生產指引提高 (在指引區間的中點) 到2024年,我們將Vazante的鋅生產指引增加了9%,更新後的鋅生產區間為140-163kt。鉛生產指引保持不變。鋅生產指引增加主要源於開採礦石量增加,部分抵消了鋅平均品位降低和輕微的金屬回收降低。 |
§ | 莫羅阿古多: 如前所披露,我們宣布在 保持分紅策略一致,重點是保留營運活動產生的重要凈現金流供再投資之用 現已停止,Nexa所屬的採礦活動於2024年4月30日結束。因此,鋅和鉛的年度生產量已納入我們的更新指引:鋅7,000噸,鉛2.3噸,僅反映了2024年1月至4月的四個月運營。 |
§ | Aripuanã: 根據表現和生產預測,我們已經降低了Aripuanã的鋅和鉛預測 (在區間的中點) 為了2024年,鋅的預測已經降低了26%,鉛的預測降低了23%。現在更新的生產指引為鋅31-42kt,鉛12-16kt。預測的降低主要歸因於較低的開採和處理礦石量,工作日減少,主要是由於今年早些月份公開的瓶頸活動加上同期的高雨季,以及短期的礦場計劃包含低於預期的礦石等級。此外,遇到了過濾回路和浮選系統的挑戰,導致較低的產量。儘管遇到這些挑戰,我們仍致力於改善運營表現,期望增加工廠通過率,降低運營成本,同時保持濃縮品位並在接下來的時期最大化金屬回收。 |
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§ | 鋅及其他金屬的生產量。 |
§ | 2024年的商品價格預測已更新:(鋅:每磅1.21美元,銅:每磅4.14美元,市凈率:每磅0.95美元,銀:每盎司27.8美元,金:每盎司2,328美元);以及2024年第四季:(鋅:每磅1.21美元,銅:每磅4.18美元,市凈率:每磅0.97美元,銀:每盎司30.0美元,金:每盎司2,450美元),與之前的2024年預測比較 - (鋅:每磅1.13美元,銅:每磅3.76美元,市凈率:每磅0.95美元,銀:每盎司23.5美元,金:每盎司1,945美元)。 |
§ | Updated foreign exchange rates for 2024e – (BRL/USD: 5.25 and Soles/USD: 3.74); and 4Q24e – (BRL/USD: 5.32 and Soles/USD: 3.71) versus previous 2024e – (BRL/USD: 4.90 and Soles/USD: 3.67); and |
§ | 2024 zinc treatment charges (“TCs”) of US$165/t concentrate versus the previous 2024e estimate of US$174/t concentrate. |
Mining Operating costs | Cash Cost (US$/lb) |
Cash Cost (US$/lb) | ||||||
2024e | 2024e | |||||||
Previous | Updated | |||||||
Mining Cash Cost (1) | 0.23 | - | 0.42 | 0.03 | - | 0.20 | ||
Cerro Lindo | (0.22) | - | 0.03 | (0.56) | - | (0.28) | ||
El Porvenir | (0.02) | - | 0.25 | (0.09) | - | 0.18 | ||
Atacocha | (0.27) | - | (0.02) | (0.85) | - | (0.59) | ||
Vazante | 0.52 | - | 0.60 | 0.46 | - | 0.52 | ||
Morro Agudo (2) | 0.80 | - | 1.24 | 0.93 | - | 0.93 |
(1) C1 Weighted Cash cost net of by-products credits is measured with respect to zinc sold per mine.
(2) Considers only the four months of operations from January to April 2024.
Note: Consolidated cash costs do not include Aripuanã.
Full-year cash cost guidance has been revised downward by 64% (the mid-point of the guidance range) to US$0.03-0.20/lb from the previous US$0.23-0.42/lb. This adjustment is based on year-to-date performance and forecasts of higher-than-expected LME metal prices, leading to higher by-products contribution (in both prices and volumes), as well as slightly lower TCs, positively impacting our mining segment.
In Peru, cash costs have decreased across all mines, primarily due to higher by-products contribution and slightly lower TCs.
In Brazil, the updated cash cost guidance for Vazante reflects the positive effects of higher by-products contribution (in both prices and volumes), slightly lower TCs, and the depreciation of the Brazilian real against the U.S. dollar.
For Morro Agudo, as mentioned above, the sale transaction was completed on July 1, 2024, with mining activities ceasing on April 30, 2024. The year-to-date cash cost performance, reflecting only the four months of operations from January to April 2024, has been incorporated into our updated guidance.
2024 CAPEX
In line with our ongoing capital allocation strategy, we have revised our capital expenditures guidance downward by US$11 million, bringing the updated figure from US$311 million to US$300 million.
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We plan to invest US$261 million in sustaining investments (unchanged vs. the previous guidance), with US$187 million allocated to mining, and US$74 million to smelting (vs. US$200 million and US$61 million, respectively, in the previous guidance).
Health, safety and environmental (“HS&E”) capital expenditures are now projected at US$20 million (down from US$24 million in the prior guidance). This reduction reflects efficiency improvements. This optimization allows us to maintain our commitment to safety and environmental standards while strategically aligning expenditures across other priority areas.
Other non-expansion capital expenditures are forecasted to total US$16 million in 2024 (vs. US$21 million in the previous guidance).
CAPEX | 2024e | 2024e | ||
(US$ million) | Previous | Updated | ||
Non-Expansion | 307 | 297 | ||
Sustaining (1) | 261 | 261 | ||
HS&E | 24 | 20 | ||
Others (2) | 21 | 16 | ||
Expansion projects (3) | 4 | 3 | ||
TOTAL | 311 | 300 |
(1) Investments in tailing dams and mine development are included in sustaining expenses.
(2) Modernization, IT and others.
(3) Includes Vazante deepening (US$2 million), among several other projects to improve operational performance.
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The financial results for the third quarter of 2024 will be published on Thursday, October 31, 2024, after trading hours. Nexa will host a conference call to discuss the results on Friday, November 1, 2024, at 9:00am (EST).
About Nexa
Nexa is a large-scale, low-cost integrated zinc producer with over 65 years of experience developing and operating mining and smelting assets in Latin America. Nexa currently owns and operates five long-life mines, three of which are located in the central Andes region of Peru, and two of which are located in Brazil (one in the state of Minas Gerais and one in the state of Mato Grosso). Nexa also currently owns and operates three smelters, two of which are located in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil, and one of which is Cajamarquilla, located in Lima, which is the largest smelter in the Americas.
Nexa was among the top five producers of mined zinc globally in 2023 and one of the top five metallic zinc producers worldwide in 2023, according to Wood Mackenzie.
For further information, please contact:
Investor Relations Team
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Use of Non-IFRS Financial Measures
Nexa’s management uses non-IFRS measures such as Adjusted EBITDA, cash cost net of by-products, all in sustaining cash cost net of by-products, among other measures, for internal planning and performance measurement purposes. We believe these measures provide useful information about the financial performance of our operations that facilitates period-to-period comparisons on a consistent basis.
Mining segment | Cash cost net of by-products credits: for our mining operations, cash cost after by-products credits includes all direct costs associated with mining, concentrating, leaching, solvent extraction, on-site administration and general expenses, any off-site services essential to the operation, concentrate freight costs, marketing costs and property and severance taxes paid to state or federal agencies that are not profit-related. Treatment and refining charges on metal sales, which are typically recognized as a deduction component of sales revenues, are added to cash cost. Cash cost net of by-products credits is measured with respect to zinc sold per mine.
All forward-looking non-IFRS financial measures in this release, including cash cost guidance, are provided only on a non-IFRS basis. This is due to the inherent difficulty of forecasting the timing or amount of items that would be included in the most directly comparable forward-looking IFRS financial measures. As a result, reconciliation of the forward-looking non-IFRS financial measures to IFRS financial measures is not available without unreasonable effort and the Company is unable to assess the probable significance of the unavailable information.
See “Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Statements” below.
This Guidance Update contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements as defined in applicable securities laws (collectively referred to in this News Release as “forward-looking statements”). All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. The words “guidance”, “believe,” “will,” “may,” “may have,” “would,” “estimate,” “continues,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “plans,” “expects,” “budget,” “scheduled,” “forecasts” and similar words are intended to identify estimates and forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Nexa to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Actual results and developments may be substantially different from the expectations described in the forward-looking statements for a number of reasons, many of which are not under our control, among them, the activities of our competition, the future global economic situation, weather conditions, market prices and conditions, exchange rates, and operational and financial risks. The unexpected occurrence of one or more of the abovementioned events may significantly change the results of our operations on which we have based our estimates and forward-looking statements. Our estimates and forward-looking statements may also be influenced by, among others, legal, political, environmental or other risks that could materially affect the potential development of our projects, including risks related to outbreaks of contagious diseases or health crises impacting overall economic activity regionally or globally, as well as risks relating to ongoing or future investigations by local authorities with respect to our business and operations and the conduct of our customers, including the impact to our financial statements regarding the resolution of any such matters.
These forward-looking statements related to future events or future performance and include current estimates, predictions, forecasts, beliefs and statements as to management’s expectations with respect to, but not limited to, the business and operations of the Company and mining production our growth strategy, the impact of applicable laws and regulations, future zinc and other metal prices, smelting sales, CAPEX, expenses related to exploration and project evaluation, estimation of mineral reserves and mineral resources, mine life and our financial liquidity.
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Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of factors and assumptions that, while considered reasonable and appropriate by management, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies and may prove to be incorrect. Statements concerning future production costs or volumes are based on numerous assumptions of management regarding operating matters and on assumptions that demand for products develops as anticipated, that customers and other counterparties perform their contractual obligations, full integration of mining and smelting operations, that operating and capital plans will not be disrupted by issues such as mechanical failure, unavailability of parts and supplies, labor disturbances, interruption in transportation or utilities, and adverse weather conditions, and that there are no material unanticipated variations in metal prices, exchange rates, or the cost of energy, supplies or transportation, among other assumptions.
We assume no obligation to update forward-looking statements except as required under securities laws. Estimates and forward-looking statements refer only to the date when they were made, and we do not undertake any obligation to update or revise any estimate or forward-looking statement due to new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. Estimates and forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and do not guarantee future performance, as actual results or developments may be substantially different from the expectations described in the forward-looking statements. Further information concerning risks and uncertainties associated with these forward-looking statements and our business can be found in our annual report on Form 20-F and in our other public disclosures available on our website and filed under our profile on SEDAR ( and on EDGAR (
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