the bancorp公司报告其第三季度财务 结果
2024年10月24日,特拉华州威明顿 – the bancorp公司(“the bancorp”或“公司”或“我们”)(纳斯达克股票代码: TBBK),一家金融控股公司,今天宣布了其2024年第三季度的财务业绩。
1. | 根据下文最近的发展说明,新增了一个CECL因素,增加了信用损失准备金,导致净利润减少了150万美元。 |
2. | 将转移至非应计或调整的房地产桥梁贷款上的以前期间的利息收入逆转,导致净利润减少120万美元。 |
3. | 由于交易处理延迟导致的损失增加了非利息支出,并导致净利润减少了约90万美元。 |
· | The bancorp报告2024年9月30日结束的季度净利润为5150万美元,每股摊薄收益(“EPS”)为1.04美元,相较于2023年9月30日结束的季度净利润为5010万美元,每股摊薄收益为0.92美元,EPS增长13%。虽然这些时期之间净利润增长了3%,但因普通股回购导致流通股减少,所以在2024年大幅增加。 |
· | 截至2024年9月30日,资产收益率和净资产收益率分别为2.5%和26%,相比之下,截至2023年9月30日的季度分别为2.7%和26%(所有百分比均为“年化”)。 |
· | 截至2024年9月30日的这个季度,净利息收入增长了5%,达到9370万美元,而2023年9月30日的这个季度为8890万美元。2024年第三季度的净利息收入因本季度将房地产桥贷款转移到非应计状态及对具有追溯性利率降低的贷款进行修改而导致的以160万美元(扣除税后120万美元)的利息逆转而减少。 |
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· | 截至2024年9月30日,净利息收益率为4.78%,相比于2023年9月30日的5.07%,以及2024年6月30日的4.97%。2024年第三季度的净利息收益率受到上述往期利息逆转的影响而下降。 |
· | 2024年9月30日,贷款净额扣除递延费用和成本为59.1亿美元,相比之下,2023年12月31日为53.6亿美元,而2023年9月30日为52亿美元。这些变化反映了季度相对于上季度的5%增长,以及年度相对之前年度的14%增长。 |
· | 总交易额(“GDV”),代表预付和借记卡的总消费金额,截至2024年9月30日的季度比截至2023年9月30日的季度增加了49.3亿美元,增长15%,达到了379亿美元。这一增长反映出我们与现有合作伙伴的持续有机增长以及过去一年内新增客户的影响。与2023年第三季度相比,总预付、借记卡、ACH和其他付款费用增长了16%,达到了2780万美元。2024年第三季度,消费金融科技费用增加到了160万美元,这是由于我们在2024年初进入信用赞助领域的结果。 |
· | 截至2024年9月30日,小额企业贷款(“SBLs”),包括持有的公允价值,达到了9.792亿美元,同比增长14%,环比季度增长2%,不包括相关担保借款的2850万美元影响。 |
· | 到2024年9月30日,直接租赁融资余额同比增长6%,达到71180万美元,较6月30日略高1%。 |
· | 2024年9月30日,房地产桥梁贷款达到21.9亿美元,比2024年6月30日的21.2亿美元增长了3%, 与2023年9月30日的18.5亿美元相比增长了18%。这些房地产桥梁贷款完全由用于公寓楼的翻新贷款组成。 |
· | 以安防-半导体担保的信用额度(“SBLOC”)、以保险担保的信用额度(“IBLOC”)和投资顾问融资贷款,整体较上年减少7%,较上季度减少不到1%,至2024年9月30日的17.9亿美元。 |
· | 2024年第三季度,72.3亿美元的平均存款和人形机器人-轴承负债的平均利率为2.54%。 2024年第三季度的平均存款为70.1亿美元,较2023年第三季度增加了72090万美元,增长了11%。 |
· | 截至2024年9月30日,一级资本与平均资产(杠杆)、一级资本与风险加权资产、总资本与风险加权资产及普通股一级资本与风险加权资产的比率分别为9.86%、13.62%、14.19%和13.62%,而良好资本化的最低标准分别为5%、8%、10%和6.5%。the bancorp 银行(国家协会)在银行监管下仍然保持良好资本化。 |
· | 2024年9月30日每股普通股账面价值为16.90美元,而2023年9月30日每股普通股账面价值为14.36美元,增长了18%。 |
· | the bancorp回购了1,037,069股其普通股,平均成本为48.21美元/股,在截至2024年9月30日的季度内。由于股票回购,截至2024年9月30日的未上市股票数为4820万,而2023年12月31日的股票数为5320万股,或减少了9%。 |
· | the bancorp强调安全性和稳健性,其资产负债表的风险特征因其贷款领域所支持的抵押品的特殊性质、相关的承销及其资金来源的特征而增强,包括以下要点中强调的内容。这些贷款领域和资金来源即使在市场经历各种经济压力的时期,也促进了收益水平的提高。 |
· | The Bancorp的绝大多数资金来源是由联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)保险的账户和/或小额账户组成,它们仅对利率变化的一部分进行调整。截止到2024年9月30日,公司还与美国政府赞助机构有大约31亿美元的信用额度,并且可以使用其他形式的流动性。 |
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· | 在公司的REBL投资组合中,公司对非多家庭商业房地产业(如办公楼)的投资几乎为零,而是拥有一个主要由公寓楼的再开发桥贷款构成的投资组合。这些贷款一般具有三年的期限并可延长两次一年,以便完成再开发工作并在较长时间内稳定租金,然后通过美国政府赞助机构或其他贷款方以更低的利率再融资。REBL投资组合主要由我们认为是工薪阶层公寓的劳动力住房组成,租金更为可负担。因此,相关抵押品的价值应该比高租金物业更为稳定,即使在经济压力大的情况下。虽然宏观经济环境对多家庭桥贷款领域造成了挑战,但公司的REBL投资组合的稳定性从基础抵押品的估算价值中得以体现。截至2024年9月30日,公司的22亿美元公寓桥贷款投资组合的加权平均原始“现状”贷款与价值比率为70%,基于第三方评估。此外,加权平均原始“稳定”贷款与价值比率,衡量再开发完成后公寓的估算价值,可能提供更大的保护。 |
· | 作为承销过程的一部分,the bancorp在审查潜在借款人的以往康复经验的同时,还会审查其整体财务实力。这些交易还包括借款人必须提供的巨额股本,以及必需的绩效指标。承销通常包括但不限于评估与空置率和租金率相关的当地市场信息,根据地理特定的可负担性指数审查康复后的租金率假设,进行负面资讯搜索,留置物搜索,银行人员和/或指定工程师的实地访查,以及其他信息来源。 |
· | Rehabilitation progress is monitored through ongoing draw requests and financial reporting covenants. This generally allows for early identification of potential issues, and expedited action to address on a timely basis. |
· | Operations and ongoing loan evaluation are overseen by multiple levels of management, in addition to the REBL team’s experienced professional staff and third-party consultants utilized during the underwriting and asset management process. This oversight includes a separate loan committee specific to REBL, which is comprised of seasoned and experienced lending professionals who do not directly report to anyone on the REBL team. There is also a separate loan review department, a surveillance committee and additional staff which evaluate potential losses under the current expected credit losses methodology (“CECL”), all of which similarly do not report to anyone on the REBL team. |
· | SBLOC and IBLOC portfolios are respectively secured by marketable securities and the cash value of life insurance. The majority of SBA 7(a) loans are government guaranteed, while SBA 504 loans are made with 50%-60% LTVs. |
· | Additional details regarding our loan portfolios are included in the related tables in this press release, as is the summarization of the earnings contributions of our payments businesses, which further enhances The Bancorp’s risk profile. The Company’s risk profile inherent in its loan portfolios, funding and earnings levels, may present opportunities to further increase stockholder value, while still prudently maintaining capital levels. |
· | In the second quarter of 2024, the Company purchased approximately $900 million of fixed rate government sponsored entity backed commercial and residential mortgage securities of varying maturities, with an approximate 5.11% weighted average yield, and estimated weighted average lives of eight years, to reduce its exposure to lower levels of net interest income. Such purchases would also reduce the additional net interest income which will result if the Federal Reserve increases rates. While there are many variables and limitations to estimating exposure to changes in rates, such purchases and continuing fixed rate loan originations are projected to reduce such exposure to modest levels. In prior years, The Bancorp deferred adding fixed rate securities when yields were particularly low, which has afforded the flexibility to benefit from, and secure, more advantageous securities and loan rates. |
“We saw strong growth in the third quarter across our Fintech Solutions activities with a robust pipeline”, said Damian Kozlowski, CEO of The Bancorp. “We expect this growth to support an increase in profitability in 2025 and continued gains in EPS. We are issuing preliminary guidance of $5.25 a share for 2025. This 2025 guidance does not include the impact of planned stock buybacks of $150 million. Guidance for 2024 remains $4.35, which includes the positive impact of buybacks during the year. Planned stock buybacks are being reduced in 2025 by $100 million from 2024 levels of $250 million to facilitate the currently planned repayment of senior secured debt of $96 million.”
Conference Call Webcast
You may access the LIVE webcast of The Bancorp's Quarterly Earnings Conference Call at 8:00 AM ET Friday, October 25, 2024, by clicking on the webcast link on The Bancorp's homepage at www.thebancorp.com or you may dial 1.800.225.9448, conference code BANCORP. You may listen to the replay of the webcast following the live call on The Bancorp's investor relations website (archived for one year) or telephonically until Friday, November 1, 2024, by dialing 1.800.839.1162.
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About The Bancorp
The Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: TBBK), headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware, through its subsidiary, The Bancorp Bank, National Association provides a variety of services including providing non-bank financial companies with the people, processes, and technology to meet their unique banking needs. Through its Fintech Solutions, Institutional Banking, Commercial Lending, and Real Estate Bridge Lending businesses, The Bancorp provides partner-focused solutions paired with cutting-edge technology for companies that range from entrepreneurial startups to Fortune 500 companies. With over 20 years of experience, The Bancorp has become a leader in the financial services industry, earning recognition as the #1 issuer of prepaid cards in the U.S., a nationwide provider of bridge financing for real estate capital improvement plans, an SBA National Preferred Lender, a leading provider of securities-backed lines of credit, with one of the few bank-owned commercial vehicle leasing groups. By its company-wide commitment to excellence, The Bancorp has also been ranked as one of the 100 Fastest-Growing Companies by Fortune, a Top 50 Employer by Equal Opportunity Magazine and was selected to be included in the S&P Small Cap 600. For more about The Bancorp, visit https://thebancorp.com/.
Forward-Looking Statements
Statements in this earnings release regarding The Bancorp’s business that are not historical facts, are “forward-looking statements.” These statements may be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology, including, but not limited to the words “intend,” “may,” “believe,” “will,” “expect,” “look,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “estimate,” “continue,” or similar words. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding our annual fiscal 2024 results, our anticipated 2025 profitability, increased growth and the impact of stock buybacks, relate to our current assumptions, projections and expectations about our business and future events, including current expectations about important economic, political, and technological factors, among other factors, and are subject to risks and uncertainties, which could cause the actual results, events, or achievements to differ materially from those set forth in or implied by the forward-looking statements and related assumptions. Factors that could cause results to differ from those expressed in the forward-looking statements also include, but are not limited to the risks and uncertainties referenced or described in The Bancorp’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” sections of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 and Quarterly Reports on Forms 10-Q for the periods ended March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2024, and other documents that the Company files from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release. The Bancorp does not undertake any duty to publicly revise or update forward-looking statements in this press release to reflect events or circumstances that arise after the date of this press release, except as may be required under applicable law.
The Bancorp, Inc. Contact
Andres Viroslav
Director, Investor Relations
Source: The Bancorp, Inc.
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The Bancorp, Inc.
Financial highlights
Three months ended | Nine months ended | |||||||||||||||
September 30, | September 30, | |||||||||||||||
Consolidated condensed income statements | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||||||||||||
(Dollars in thousands, except per share and share data) | ||||||||||||||||
Net interest income | $ | 93,732 | $ | 88,882 | 281,945 | 261,893 | ||||||||||
Provision for credit losses on loans | 3,476 | 1,783 | 7,316 | 4,409 | ||||||||||||
Provision (reversal) for unfunded commitments | 79 | (31 | ) | (340 | ) | (393 | ) | |||||||||
Non-interest income | ||||||||||||||||
Fintech fees | ||||||||||||||||
ACH, card and other payment processing fees | 3,892 | 2,553 | 9,856 | 7,153 | ||||||||||||
Prepaid, debit card and related fees | 23,907 | 21,513 | 72,948 | 67,013 | ||||||||||||
Consumer credit fintech fees | 1,600 | — | 1,740 | — | ||||||||||||
Total fintech fees | 29,399 | 24,066 | 84,544 | 74,166 | ||||||||||||
Net realized and unrealized gains on commercial loans, at fair value | 606 | 525 | 2,205 | 4,171 | ||||||||||||
Leasing related income | 1,072 | 1,767 | 2,889 | 4,768 | ||||||||||||
Other non-interest income | 1,031 | 422 | 2,574 | 2,000 | ||||||||||||
Total non-interest income | 32,108 | 26,780 | 92,212 | 85,105 | ||||||||||||
Non-interest expense | ||||||||||||||||
Salaries and employee benefits | 33,821 | 30,475 | 97,964 | 93,427 | ||||||||||||
Data processing expense | 1,408 | 1,404 | 4,252 | 4,123 | ||||||||||||
Legal expense | 1,055 | 1,203 | 2,509 | 3,110 | ||||||||||||
FDIC insurance | 904 | 806 | 2,618 | 2,233 | ||||||||||||
Software | 4,561 | 4,427 | 13,687 | 12,981 | ||||||||||||
Other non-interest expense | 11,506 | 9,144 | 30,383 | 29,558 | ||||||||||||
Total non-interest expense | 53,255 | 47,459 | 151,413 | 145,432 | ||||||||||||
Income before income taxes | 69,030 | 66,451 | 215,768 | 197,550 | ||||||||||||
Income tax expense | 17,513 | 16,314 | 54,136 | 49,282 | ||||||||||||
Net income | 51,517 | 50,137 | 161,632 | 148,268 | ||||||||||||
Net income per share - basic | $ | 1.06 | 0.93 | 3.18 | 2.70 | |||||||||||
Net income per share - diluted | $ | 1.04 | 0.92 | 3.15 | 2.68 | |||||||||||
Weighted average shares - basic | 48,759,369 | 54,175,184 | 50,807,021 | 54,828,547 | ||||||||||||
Weighted average shares - diluted | 49,478,236 | 54,738,610 | 51,361,104 | 55,336,354 |
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Condensed consolidated balance sheets | September 30, | June 30, | December 31, | September 30, | ||||||||||||
2024 (unaudited) | 2024 (unaudited) | 2023 | 2023 (unaudited) | |||||||||||||
(Dollars in thousands, except share data) | ||||||||||||||||
Assets: | ||||||||||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | ||||||||||||||||
Cash and due from banks | $ | 8,660 | $ | 5,741 | $ | 4,820 | $ | 4,881 | ||||||||
Interest earning deposits at Federal Reserve Bank | 47,105 | 399,853 | 1,033,270 | 898,533 | ||||||||||||
Total cash and cash equivalents | 55,765 | 405,594 | 1,038,090 | 903,414 | ||||||||||||
Investment securities, available-for-sale, at fair value, net of $10.0 million allowance for credit loss | 1,588,289 | 1,581,006 | 747,534 | 756,636 | ||||||||||||
Commercial loans, at fair value | 252,004 | 265,193 | 332,766 | 379,603 | ||||||||||||
Loans, net of deferred fees and costs | 5,906,616 | 5,605,727 | 5,361,139 | 5,198,972 | ||||||||||||
Allowance for credit losses | (31,004 | ) | (28,575 | ) | (27,378 | ) | (24,145 | ) | ||||||||
Loans, net | 5,875,612 | 5,577,152 | 5,333,761 | 5,174,827 | ||||||||||||
Federal Home Loan Bank, Atlantic Central Bankers Bank, and Federal Reserve Bank stock | 21,717 | 15,642 | 15,591 | 20,157 | ||||||||||||
Premises and equipment, net | 28,091 | 28,038 | 27,474 | 28,978 | ||||||||||||
Accrued interest receivable | 42,915 | 43,720 | 37,534 | 34,159 | ||||||||||||
Intangible assets, net | 1,353 | 1,452 | 1,651 | 1,751 | ||||||||||||
Other real estate owned | 61,739 | 57,861 | 16,949 | 18,756 | ||||||||||||
Deferred tax asset, net | 9,604 | 20,556 | 21,219 | 20,379 | ||||||||||||
Other assets | 157,501 | 149,187 | 133,126 | 127,107 | ||||||||||||
Total assets | $ | 8,094,590 | $ | 8,145,401 | $ | 7,705,695 | $ | 7,465,767 | ||||||||
Liabilities: | ||||||||||||||||
Deposits | ||||||||||||||||
Demand and interest checking | $ | 6,844,128 | $ | 7,095,391 | $ | 6,630,251 | $ | 6,455,043 | ||||||||
Savings and money market | 81,624 | 60,297 | 50,659 | 49,428 | ||||||||||||
Total deposits | 6,925,752 | 7,155,688 | 6,680,910 | 6,504,471 | ||||||||||||
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase | — | — | 42 | 42 | ||||||||||||
Short-term borrowings | 135,000 | — | — | — | ||||||||||||
Senior debt | 96,125 | 96,037 | 95,859 | 95,771 | ||||||||||||
Subordinated debenture | 13,401 | 13,401 | 13,401 | 13,401 | ||||||||||||
Other long-term borrowings | 38,157 | 38,283 | 38,561 | 9,861 | ||||||||||||
Other liabilities | 70,829 | 65,001 | 69,641 | 68,533 | ||||||||||||
Total liabilities | $ | 7,279,264 | $ | 7,368,410 | $ | 6,898,414 | $ | 6,692,079 | ||||||||
Shareholders' equity: | ||||||||||||||||
Common stock - authorized, 75,000,000 shares of $1.00 par value; 48,230,334 and 53,867,129 shares issued and outstanding at September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively | 48,231 | 49,268 | 53,203 | 53,867 | ||||||||||||
Additional paid-in capital | 26,573 | 72,171 | 212,431 | 234,320 | ||||||||||||
Retained earnings | 723,247 | 671,730 | 561,615 | 517,587 | ||||||||||||
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) | 17,275 | (16,178 | ) | (19,968 | ) | (32,086 | ) | |||||||||
Total shareholders' equity | 815,326 | 776,991 | 807,281 | 773,688 | ||||||||||||
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $ | 8,094,590 | $ | 8,145,401 | $ | 7,705,695 | $ | 7,465,767 |
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Average balance sheet and net interest income | Three months ended September 30, 2024 | Three months ended September 30, 2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
(Dollars in thousands; unaudited) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Average | Average | Average | Average | |||||||||||||||||||||
Assets: | Balance | Interest | Rate | Balance | Interest | Rate | ||||||||||||||||||
Interest earning assets: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Loans, net of deferred fees and costs(1) | $ | 6,017,911 | $ | 116,367 | 7.73 | % | $ | 5,603,514 | $ | 110,506 | 7.89 | % | ||||||||||||
Leases-bank qualified(2) | 5,151 | 146 | 11.34 | % | 4,585 | 110 | 9.60 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Investment securities-taxable | 1,575,091 | 19,767 | 5.02 | % | 768,364 | 9,647 | 5.02 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Investment securities-nontaxable(2) | 2,927 | 55 | 7.52 | % | 3,005 | 50 | 6.66 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Interest earning deposits at Federal Reserve Bank | 247,344 | 3,387 | 5.48 | % | 639,946 | 8,689 | 5.43 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Net interest earning assets | 7,848,424 | 139,722 | 7.12 | % | 7,019,414 | 129,002 | 7.35 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Allowance for credit losses | (28,254 | ) | (23,147 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Other assets | 222,646 | 338,085 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
$ | 8,042,816 | $ | 7,334,352 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Deposits: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Demand and interest checking | $ | 6,942,029 | $ | 42,149 | 2.43 | % | $ | 6,229,668 | $ | 37,913 | 2.43 | % | ||||||||||||
Savings and money market | 65,079 | 549 | 3.37 | % | 56,538 | 518 | 3.66 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Total deposits | 7,007,108 | 42,698 | 2.44 | % | 6,286,206 | 38,431 | 2.45 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Short-term borrowings | 73,480 | 1,030 | 5.61 | % | — | — | — | |||||||||||||||||
Repurchase agreements | — | — | — | 41 | — | — | ||||||||||||||||||
Long-term borrowings | 38,235 | 689 | 7.21 | % | 9,889 | 128 | 5.18 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Subordinated debentures | 13,401 | 297 | 8.87 | % | 13,401 | 293 | 8.75 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Senior debt | 96,071 | 1,234 | 5.14 | % | 95,714 | 1,234 | 5.16 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Total deposits and liabilities | 7,228,295 | 45,948 | 2.54 | % | 6,405,251 | 40,086 | 2.50 | % | ||||||||||||||||
Other liabilities | 18,362 | 167,673 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total liabilities | 7,246,657 | 6,572,924 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Shareholders' equity | 796,159 | 761,428 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
$ | 8,042,816 | $ | 7,334,352 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Net interest income on tax equivalent basis(2) | $ | 93,774 | $ | 88,916 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Tax equivalent adjustment | 42 | 34 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Net interest income | $ | 93,732 | $ | 88,882 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Net interest margin(2) | 4.78 | % | 5.07 | % |
(1) Includes commercial loans, at fair value. All periods include non-accrual loans. |
(2) Full taxable equivalent basis, using 21% respective statutory federal tax rates in 2024 and 2023. |
7 |
Average balance sheet and net interest income | Nine months ended September 30, 2024 | Nine months ended September 30, 2023 | ||||||||||||||
(Dollars in thousands; unaudited) | ||||||||||||||||
Average | Average | Average | Average | |||||||||||||
Assets: | Balance | Interest | Rate | Balance | Interest | Rate | ||||||||||
Interest earning assets: | ||||||||||||||||
Loans, net of deferred fees and costs(1) | $ | 5,828,938 | $ | 345,497 | 7.90% | $ | 5,772,266 | $ | 324,009 | 7.48% | ||||||
Leases-bank qualified(2) | 4,840 | 379 | 10.44% | 3,920 | 279 | 9.49% | ||||||||||
Investment securities-taxable | 1,255,532 | 46,921 | 4.98% | 773,485 | 28,820 | 4.97% | ||||||||||
Investment securities-nontaxable(2) | 2,905 | 155 | 7.11% | 3,193 | 144 | 6.01% | ||||||||||
Interest earning deposits at Federal Reserve Bank | 486,883 | 19,948 | 5.46% | 640,554 | 24,271 | 5.05% | ||||||||||
Net interest earning assets | 7,579,098 | 412,900 | 7.26% | 7,193,418 | 377,523 | 7.00% | ||||||||||
Allowance for credit losses | (27,993) | (23,192) | ||||||||||||||
Other assets | 280,733 | 269,072 | ||||||||||||||
$ | 7,831,838 | $ | 7,439,298 | |||||||||||||
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity: | ||||||||||||||||
Deposits: | ||||||||||||||||
Demand and interest checking | $ | 6,684,671 | $ | 120,405 | 2.40% | $ | 6,343,711 | $ | 106,984 | 2.25% | ||||||
Savings and money market | 58,777 | 1,453 | 3.30% | 88,738 | 2,465 | 3.70% | ||||||||||
Time deposits | — | — | — | 27,802 | 858 | 4.11% | ||||||||||
Total deposits | 6,743,448 | 121,858 | 2.41% | 6,460,251 | 110,307 | 2.28% | ||||||||||
Short-term borrowings | 55,820 | 2,344 | 5.60% | 6,758 | 234 | 4.62% | ||||||||||
Repurchase agreements | 4 | — | — | 41 | — | — | ||||||||||
Long-term borrowings | 38,371 | 2,060 | 7.16% | 9,945 | 382 | 5.12% | ||||||||||
Subordinated debentures | 13,401 | 880 | 8.76% | 13,401 | 825 | 8.21% | ||||||||||
Senior debt | 95,983 | 3,701 | 5.14% | 97,220 | 3,793 | 5.20% | ||||||||||
Total deposits and liabilities | 6,947,027 | 130,843 | 2.51% | 6,587,616 | 115,541 | 2.34% | ||||||||||
Other liabilities | 73,507 | 117,822 | ||||||||||||||
Total liabilities | 7,020,534 | 6,705,438 | ||||||||||||||
Shareholders' equity | 811,304 | 733,860 | ||||||||||||||
$ | 7,831,838 | $ | 7,439,298 | |||||||||||||
Net interest income on tax equivalent basis(2) | $ | 282,057 | $ | 261,982 | ||||||||||||
Tax equivalent adjustment | 112 | 89 | ||||||||||||||
Net interest income | $ | 281,945 | $ | 261,893 | ||||||||||||
Net interest margin(2) | 4.96% | 4.86% |
(1) Includes commercial loans, at fair value. All periods include non-accrual loans. |
(2) Full taxable equivalent basis, using 21% respective statutory federal tax rates in 2024 and 2023. |
8 |
Allowance for credit losses | Nine months ended | Year ended | ||||||
September 30, | September 30, | December 31, | ||||||
2024 (unaudited) | 2023 (unaudited) | 2023 | ||||||
(Dollars in thousands) | ||||||||
Balance in the allowance for credit losses at beginning of period | $ | 27,378 | $ | 22,374 | $ | 22,374 | ||
Loans charged-off: | ||||||||
SBA non-real estate | 431 | 871 | 871 | |||||
SBA commercial mortgage | — | — | 76 | |||||
Direct lease financing | 3,625 | 2,804 | 3,666 | |||||
IBLOC | — | — | 24 | |||||
Consumer - home equity | 10 | — | — | |||||
Other loans | 6 | 3 | 3 | |||||
Total | 4,072 | 3,678 | 4,640 | |||||
Recoveries: | ||||||||
SBA non-real estate | 102 | 446 | 475 | |||||
SBA commercial mortgage | — | 75 | 75 | |||||
Direct lease financing | 279 | 220 | 330 | |||||
Consumer - home equity | 1 | 299 | 299 | |||||
Total | 382 | 1,040 | 1,179 | |||||
Net charge-offs | 3,690 | 2,638 | 3,461 | |||||
Provision for credit losses on loans | 7,316 | 4,409 | 8,465 | |||||
Balance in allowance for credit losses at end of period | $ | 31,004 | $ | 24,145 | $ | 27,378 | ||
Net charge-offs/average loans | 0.07% | 0.05% | 0.07% | |||||
Net charge-offs/average assets | 0.05% | 0.04% | 0.05% |
9 |
Loan portfolio | September 30, | June 30, | December 31, | September 30, | ||||||||
2024 (unaudited) | 2024 (unaudited) | 2023 | 2023 (unaudited) | |||||||||
(Dollars in thousands) | ||||||||||||
SBL non-real estate | $ | 179,915 | $ | 171,893 | $ | 137,752 | $ | 130,579 | ||||
SBL commercial mortgage | 665,608 | 647,894 | 606,986 | 547,107 | ||||||||
SBL construction | 30,158 | 30,881 | 22,627 | 19,204 | ||||||||
Small business loans | 875,681 | 850,668 | 767,365 | 696,890 | ||||||||
Direct lease financing | 711,836 | 711,403 | 685,657 | 670,208 | ||||||||
SBLOC / IBLOC(1) | 1,543,215 | 1,558,095 | 1,627,285 | 1,720,513 | ||||||||
Advisor financing(2) | 248,422 | 238,831 | 221,612 | 199,442 | ||||||||
Real estate bridge loans | 2,189,761 | 2,119,324 | 1,999,782 | 1,848,224 | ||||||||
Consumer fintech(3) | 280,092 | 70,081 | — | — | ||||||||
Other loans(4) | 46,586 | 46,592 | 50,638 | 55,800 | ||||||||
5,895,593 | 5,594,994 | 5,352,339 | 5,191,077 | |||||||||
Unamortized loan fees and costs | 11,023 | 10,733 | 8,800 | 7,895 | ||||||||
Total loans, including unamortized fees and costs | $ | 5,906,616 | $ | 5,605,727 | $ | 5,361,139 | $ | 5,198,972 | ||||
Small business portfolio | September 30, | June 30, | December 31, | September 30, | |||||||
2024 (unaudited) | 2024 (unaudited) | 2023 | 2023 (unaudited) | ||||||||
(Dollars in thousands) | |||||||||||
SBL, including unamortized fees and costs | $ | 885,263 | $ | 860,226 | $ | 776,867 | $ | 705,790 | |||
SBL, included in loans, at fair value | 93,888 | 104,146 | 119,287 | 126,543 | |||||||
Total small business loans(5) | $ | 979,151 | $ | 964,372 | $ | 896,154 | $ | 832,333 |
(1) SBLOC loans are collateralized by marketable securities, while IBLOC are collateralized by the cash surrender value of insurance policies. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, IBLOC loans amounted to $554.0 million and $646.9 million, respectively.
(2) In 2020 The Bancorp began originating loans to investment advisors for purposes of debt refinancing, acquisition of another firm or internal succession. Maximum loan amounts are subject to loan-to-value ratios of 70% of the business enterprise value based on a third-party valuation, but may be increased depending upon the debt service coverage ratio. Personal guarantees and blanket business liens are obtained as appropriate.
(3) Consumer fintech loans consist primarily of secured credit card loans.
(4) Includes demand deposit overdrafts reclassified as loan balances totaling $960,000 and $1.7 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. Estimated overdraft charge-offs and recoveries are reflected in the allowance for credit losses and are immaterial.
(5) The SBLs held at fair value are comprised of the government guaranteed portion of 7(a) Program loans at the dates indicated.
Small business loans as of September 30, 2024
Loan principal | |||
(Dollars in millions) | |||
U.S. government guaranteed portion of SBA loans(1) | $ | 392 | |
PPP loans(1) | 2 | ||
Commercial mortgage SBA(2) | 349 | ||
Construction SBA(3) | 10 | ||
Non-guaranteed portion of U.S. government guaranteed 7(a) Program loans(4) | 114 | ||
Non-SBA SBLs | 73 | ||
Other(5) | 28 | ||
Total principal | $ | 968 | |
Unamortized fees and costs | 11 | ||
Total SBLs | $ | 979 |
(1) Includes the portion of SBA 7(a) Program loans and PPP loans which have been guaranteed by the U.S. government, and therefore are assumed to have no credit risk.
(2) Substantially all these loans are made under the 504 Program, which dictates origination date LTV percentages, generally 50%-60%, to which The Bancorp adheres.
(3) Includes $9 million in 504 Program first mortgages with an origination date LTV of 50%-60%, and $1 million in SBA interim loans with an approved SBA post-construction full takeout/payoff.
(4) Includes the unguaranteed portion of 7(a) Program loans which are 70% or more guaranteed by the U.S. government. SBA 7(a) Program loans are not made on the basis of real estate LTV; however, they are subject to SBA's "All Available Collateral" rule which mandates that to the extent a borrower or its 20% or greater principals have available collateral (including personal residences), the collateral must be pledged to fully collateralize the loan, after applying SBA-determined liquidation rates. In addition, all 7(a) Program loans and 504 Program loans require the personal guaranty of all 20% or greater owners.
(5) Comprised of $28 million of loans sold that do not qualify for true sale accounting.
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Small business loans by type as of September 30, 2024
(Excludes government guaranteed portion of SBA 7(a) Program and PPP loans)
SBL commercial mortgage(1) | SBL construction(1) | SBL non-real estate | Total | % Total | |||||||||||
(Dollars in millions) | |||||||||||||||
Hotels (except casino hotels) and motels | $ | 88 | $ | — | $ | — | $ | 88 | 16% | ||||||
Funeral homes and funeral services | 20 | — | 28 | 48 | 9% | ||||||||||
Full-service restaurants | 29 | 2 | 2 | 33 | 6% | ||||||||||
Child day care services | 23 | 1 | 1 | 25 | 5% | ||||||||||
Car washes | 16 | 4 | — | 20 | 4% | ||||||||||
General line grocery merchant wholesalers | 17 | — | — | 17 | 3% | ||||||||||
Homes for the elderly | 16 | — | — | 16 | 3% | ||||||||||
Outpatient mental health and substance abuse centers | 15 | — | — | 15 | 3% | ||||||||||
Gasoline stations with convenience stores | 14 | — | — | 14 | 3% | ||||||||||
Fitness and recreational sports centers | 8 | — | 2 | 10 | 2% | ||||||||||
Nursing care facilities | 9 | — | — | 9 | 2% | ||||||||||
Lawyer's office | 9 | — | — | 9 | 2% | ||||||||||
Limited-service restaurants | 4 | 1 | 3 | 8 | 1% | ||||||||||
Caterers | 7 | — | — | 7 | 1% | ||||||||||
All other specialty trade contractors | 7 | — | — | 7 | 1% | ||||||||||
General warehousing and storage | 6 | — | — | 6 | 1% | ||||||||||
Appliance repair and maintenance | 6 | — | — | 6 | 1% | ||||||||||
Other accounting services | 5 | — | — | 5 | 1% | ||||||||||
Plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning contractors | 5 | — | 1 | 6 | 1% | ||||||||||
Other miscellaneous durable goods merchant | 5 | — | — | 5 | 1% | ||||||||||
Packaged frozen food merchant wholesalers | 5 | — | — | 5 | 1% | ||||||||||
Lessors of nonresidential buildings (except miniwarehouses) | 5 | — | — | 5 | 1% | ||||||||||
Other technical and trade schools | 5 | — | — | 5 | 1% | ||||||||||
All other amusement and recreation industries | 4 | — | — | 4 | 1% | ||||||||||
Other(2) | 136 | 8 | 29 | 173 | 30% | ||||||||||
Total | $ | 464 | $ | 16 | $ | 66 | $ | 546 | 100% |
(1) Of the SBL commercial mortgage and SBL construction loans, $121 million represents the total of the non-guaranteed portion of SBA 7(a) Program loans and non-SBA loans. The balance of those categories represents SBA 504 Program loans with 50%-60% origination date LTVs. SBL Commercial excludes $28 million of loans sold that do not qualify for true sale accounting.
(2) Loan types of less than $4 million are spread over approximately one hundred different business types.
State diversification as of September 30, 2024
(Excludes government guaranteed portion of SBA 7(a) Program loans and PPP loans)
SBL commercial mortgage(1) | SBL construction(1) | SBL non-real estate | Total | % Total | |||||||||||
(Dollars in millions) | |||||||||||||||
California | $ | 126 | $ | 3 | $ | 5 | $ | 134 | 25% | ||||||
Florida | 76 | 5 | 4 | 85 | 16% | ||||||||||
North Carolina | 45 | 1 | 5 | 51 | 9% | ||||||||||
New York | 32 | — | 2 | 34 | 6% | ||||||||||
Pennsylvania | 20 | — | 13 | 33 | 6% | ||||||||||
Texas | 21 | 3 | 6 | 30 | 5% | ||||||||||
New Jersey | 21 | — | 7 | 28 | 5% | ||||||||||
Georgia | 25 | 2 | 1 | 28 | 5% | ||||||||||
Other States | 98 | 2 | 23 | 123 | 23% | ||||||||||
Total | $ | 464 | $ | 16 | $ | 66 | $ | 546 | 100% | ||||||
(1) Of the SBL commercial mortgage and SBL construction loans, $121 million represents the total of the non-guaranteed portion of SBA 7(a) Program loans and non-SBA loans. The balance of those categories represents SBA 504 Program loans with 50%-60% origination date LTVs. SBL Commercial excludes $28 million of loans that do not qualify for true sale accounting.
11 |
Top 10 loans as of September 30, 2024
Type(1) | State | SBL commercial mortgage | |||||
(Dollars in millions) | |||||||
General line grocery merchant wholesalers | CA | $ | 13 | ||||
Funeral homes and funeral services | PA | 13 | |||||
Outpatient mental health and substance abuse center | FL | 10 | |||||
Funeral homes and funeral services | ME | 8 | |||||
Hotel | FL | 8 | |||||
Lawyer's office | CA | 8 | |||||
Hotel | VA | 7 | |||||
Hotel | NC | 7 | |||||
General warehousing and storage | PA | 6 | |||||
Appliance repair and maintenance | NY | 6 | |||||
Total | $ | 86 |
(1) The table above does not include loans to the extent that they are U.S. government guaranteed.
12 |
Commercial real estate loans, excluding SBA loans, are as follows including LTV at origination:
Type as of September 30, 2024
Type | # Loans | Balance | Weighted average origination date LTV | Weighted average interest rate | ||||||
(Dollars in millions) | ||||||||||
Real estate bridge loans (multifamily apartment loans recorded at amortized cost)(1) | 172 | $ | 2,190 | 70% | 9.13% | |||||
Non-SBA commercial real estate loans, at fair value: | ||||||||||
Multifamily (apartment bridge loans)(1) | 7 | $ | 113 | 74% | 7.98% | |||||
Hospitality (hotels and lodging) | 2 | 27 | 65% | 9.82% | ||||||
Retail | 2 | 12 | 72% | 8.19% | ||||||
Other | 2 | 9 | 72% | 5.01% | ||||||
13 | 161 | 72% | 8.14% | |||||||
Fair value adjustment | (3) | |||||||||
Total non-SBA commercial real estate loans, at fair value | 158 | |||||||||
Total commercial real estate loans | $ | 2,348 | 70% | 9.07% |
(1) In the third quarter of 2021, we resumed the origination of bridge loans for multi-family apartment rehabilitation which comprise these categories. Such loans held at fair value were originally intended for sale, but are now being retained on the balance sheet. In addition to “as is” origination date appraisals, on which the weighted average origination date LTVs are based, third-party appraisers also estimated “as stabilized” values, which represents additional potential collateral value as rehabilitation progresses, and units are re-leased at stabilized rental rates. The weighted average origination date “as stabilized” LTV was estimated at 61%.
State diversification as of September 30, 2024 | 15 largest loans as of September 30, 2024 | ||||||||||||||
State | Balance | Origination date LTV | State | Balance | Origination date LTV | ||||||||||
(Dollars in millions) | (Dollars in millions) | ||||||||||||||
Texas | $ | 735 | 71% | Texas | $ | 46 | 75% | ||||||||
Georgia | 262 | 70% | Tennessee | 40 | 72% | ||||||||||
Florida | 230 | 68% | Michigan | 38 | 62% | ||||||||||
Michigan | 136 | 68% | Texas | 37 | 64% | ||||||||||
Indiana | 108 | 70% | Texas | 36 | 67% | ||||||||||
New Jersey | 107 | 69% | Florida | 35 | 72% | ||||||||||
Ohio | 92 | 66% | Pennsylvania | 34 | 63% | ||||||||||
Other States each <$65 million | 678 | 71% | Indiana | 34 | 76% | ||||||||||
Total | $ | 2,348 | 70% | New Jersey | 34 | 62% | |||||||||
Texas | 33 | 62% | |||||||||||||
Michigan | 33 | 79% | |||||||||||||
Oklahoma | 31 | 78% | |||||||||||||
Texas | 31 | 77% | |||||||||||||
New Jersey | 31 | 71% | |||||||||||||
Michigan | 29 | 66% | |||||||||||||
15 largest commercial real estate loans | $ | 522 | 70% |
13 |
Institutional banking loans outstanding at September 30, 2024
Type | Principal | % of total | ||
(Dollars in millions) | ||||
SBLOC | $ | 989 | 55% | |
IBLOC | 554 | 31% | ||
Advisor financing | 249 | 14% | ||
Total | $ | 1,792 | 100% |
For SBLOC, we generally lend up to 50% of the value of equities and 80% for investment grade securities. While the value of equities has fallen in excess of 30% in recent years, the reduction in collateral value of brokerage accounts collateralizing SBLOC loans generally has been less, for two reasons. First, many collateral accounts are “balanced” and accordingly have a component of debt securities, which have either not decreased in value as much as equities, or in some cases may have increased in value. Second, many of these accounts have the benefit of professional investment advisors who provided some protection against market downturns, through diversification and other means. Additionally, borrowers often utilize only a portion of collateral value, which lowers the percentage of principal to collateral.
Top 10 SBLOC loans at September 30, 2024
Principal amount | % Principal to collateral | |||
(Dollars in millions) | ||||
$ | 9 | 41% | ||
8 | 84% | |||
8 | 62% | |||
8 | 63% | |||
7 | 44% | |||
5 | 57% | |||
5 | 65% | |||
5 | 58% | |||
5 | 56% | |||
5 | 43% | |||
Total and weighted average | $ | 65 | 58% |
Insurance backed lines of credit (IBLOC)
IBLOC loans are backed by the cash value of eligible life insurance policies which have been assigned to us. We generally lend up to 95% of such cash value. Our underwriting standards require approval of the insurance companies which carry the policies backing these loans. Currently, fifteen insurance companies have been approved and, as of October 17, 2024, all were rated A- (Excellent) or better by AM BEST.
14 |
Direct lease financing by type as of September 30, 2024
Principal balance(1) | % Total | |||
(Dollars in millions) | ||||
Government agencies and public institutions(2) | $ | 131 | 18% | |
Construction | 112 | 16% | ||
Waste management and remediation services | 97 | 14% | ||
Real estate and rental and leasing | 86 | 12% | ||
Health care and social assistance | 29 | 4% | ||
Other services (except public administration) | 22 | 3% | ||
Professional, scientific, and technical services | 22 | 3% | ||
General freight trucking | 21 | 3% | ||
Finance and insurance | 14 | 2% | ||
Transit and other transportation | 13 | 2% | ||
Wholesale trade | 10 | 1% | ||
Educational services | 7 | 1% | ||
Other | 148 | 21% | ||
Total | $ | 712 | 100% |
(1) Of the total $712 million of direct lease financing, $648 million consisted of vehicle leases with the remaining balance consisting of equipment leases.
(2) Includes public universities as well as school districts.
Direct lease financing by state as of September 30, 2024
State | Principal balance | % Total | ||
(Dollars in millions) | ||||
Florida | $ | 108 | 15% | |
New York | 70 | 10% | ||
Utah | 58 | 8% | ||
California | 49 | 7% | ||
Connecticut | 45 | 6% | ||
Pennsylvania | 42 | 6% | ||
New Jersey | 39 | 5% | ||
North Carolina | 36 | 5% | ||
Maryland | 36 | 5% | ||
Texas | 26 | 4% | ||
Idaho | 19 | 3% | ||
Washington | 16 | 2% | ||
Ohio | 14 | 2% | ||
Georgia | 14 | 2% | ||
Alabama | 13 | 2% | ||
Other States | 127 | 18% | ||
Total | $ | 712 | 100% |
15 |
Capital ratios | ||||||||||||||||
Tier 1 capital to average assets ratio | Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets ratio | Total capital to risk-weighted assets ratio | Common equity tier 1 to risk weighted assets | |||||||||||||
As of September 30, 2024 | ||||||||||||||||
The Bancorp, Inc. | 9.86% | 13.62% | 14.19% | 13.62% | ||||||||||||
The Bancorp Bank, National Association | 10.94% | 15.11% | 15.67% | 15.11% | ||||||||||||
"Well capitalized" institution (under federal regulations-Basel III) | 5.00% | 8.00% | 10.00% | 6.50% | ||||||||||||
As of December 31, 2023 | ||||||||||||||||
The Bancorp, Inc. | 11.19% | 15.66% | 16.23% | 15.66% | ||||||||||||
The Bancorp Bank, National Association | 12.37% | 17.35% | 17.92% | 17.35% | ||||||||||||
"Well capitalized" institution (under federal regulations-Basel III) | 5.00% | 8.00% | 10.00% | 6.50% |
Three months ended | Nine months ended | |||||||||||||||
September 30, | September 30, | |||||||||||||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |||||||||||||
Selected operating ratios | ||||||||||||||||
Return on average assets(1) | 2.55% | 2.71% | 2.76% | 2.66% | ||||||||||||
Return on average equity(1) | 25.74% | 26.12% | 26.61% | 27.01% | ||||||||||||
Net interest margin | 4.78% | 5.07% | 4.96% | 4.86% |
(1) Annualized
Book value per share table | September 30, | June 30, | December 31, | September 30, | ||||||||||||
2024 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | |||||||||||||
Book value per share | $ | 16.90 | $ | 15.77 | $ | 15.17 | $ | 14.36 |
Loan delinquency and other real estate owned | September 30, 2024 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30-59 days past due | 60-89 days past due | 90+ days still accruing | Non-accrual | Total past due | Current | Total loans | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SBL non-real estate | $ | 72 | $ | 322 | $ | 758 | $ | 3,047 | $ | 4,199 | $ | 175,716 | $ | 179,915 | ||||||||||||||
SBL commercial mortgage | — | — | 336 | 4,898 | 5,234 | 660,374 | 665,608 | |||||||||||||||||||||
SBL construction | — | — | — | 1,585 | 1,585 | 28,573 | 30,158 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Direct lease financing | 5,791 | 12,883 | 1,260 | 3,919 | 23,853 | 687,983 | 711,836 | |||||||||||||||||||||
SBLOC / IBLOC | 10,251 | 2,014 | 2,383 | — | 14,648 | 1,528,567 | 1,543,215 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Advisor financing | — | — | — | — | — | 248,422 | 248,422 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Real estate bridge loans(1) | — | — | — | 12,300 | 12,300 | 2,177,461 | 2,189,761 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Consumer fintech | 4,021 | 4 | — | — | 4,025 | 276,067 | 280,092 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Other loans | — | — | — | — | — | 46,586 | 46,586 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Unamortized loan fees and costs | — | — | — | — | — | 11,023 | 11,023 | |||||||||||||||||||||
$ | 20,135 | $ | 15,223 | $ | 4,737 | $ | 25,749 | $ | 65,844 | $ | 5,840,772 | $ | 5,906,616 |
(1) The $12.3 million shown in the non-accrual column for real estate bridge loans is collateralized by apartment building property with respective 72% and 56% “as is” and “as stabilized” LTVs, respectively, based upon a May 2024 appraisal. “As stabilized” LTVs represent additional potential collateral value as rehabilitation progresses, and units are re-leased at stabilized rental rates. This loan had a prior six-month payment deferral granted in the fourth quarter of 2024 and did not resume making payments. The table above does not include an $11.2 million loan accounted for at fair value, and, as such, not reflected in delinquency tables. In third quarter 2024, the borrower notified the Company that he would no longer be making payments on the loan, which is collateralized by a vacant retail property. Based upon a July 2024 appraisal, the “as is” LTV is 84% and the “as stabilized” LTV is 62%. Since 2021, real estate bridge lending originations have consisted of apartment buildings, while this loan was originated previously.
Other loan information
Of the $84.4 million special mention and $155.4 million substandard loans at September 30, 2024, $55.3 million were modified in the third quarter of 2024 and received reductions in interest rates and payment deferrals. Included in that total was $26.9 million which had been modified in first quarter 2024 with a six-month payment deferral. The third quarter additional modification was for an additional three-month payment deferral and a partial nine-month payment deferral. Not included in that modification total were $19.3 million which was recapitalized with a new borrower, who negotiated a partial interest deferral and rate reduction, and $37.3 million which is accounted for at fair value, and as such, not reflected in modification totals. While payment deferrals have generally been for three to twelve months, that loan was granted a 15-month payment deferral, followed by a nine-month partial payment deferral, in addition to an interest rate reduction. Going forward, the Company will not be accruing interest on this loan. The weighted average “as is” and “as stabilized” LTVs for the $19.3 million balance were 72% and 68%, respectively, while those LTVs for the $37.3 million were 73% and 65%, respectively. Those respective LTVs for the $26.9 million loan were 65% and 61%. These LTVs are based upon appraisals performed within the past twelve months.
16 |
Other real estate owned year to date activity
September 30, 2024 | ||
Beginning balance | $ | 16,949 |
Transfer from loans, net | 42,120 | |
Transfer from commercial loans, at fair value | 1,744 | |
Advances | 926 | |
Ending balance | $ | 61,739 |
September 30, | June 30, | December 31, | September 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | ||||||||
(Dollars in thousands) | |||||||||||
Asset quality ratios: | |||||||||||
Nonperforming loans to total loans(1) | 0.52% | 0.34% | 0.25% | 0.30% | |||||||
Nonperforming assets to total assets(1) | 1.14% | 0.95% | 0.39% | 0.46% | |||||||
Allowance for credit losses to total loans | 0.52% | 0.51% | 0.51% | 0.46% | |||||||
(1) In the first quarter of 2024, a $39.4 million apartment building rehabilitation bridge loan with a September 30, 2024 balance of $40.3 million was transferred to nonaccrual status. On April 2, 2024, the same loan was transferred from nonaccrual status to other real estate owned. We intend to complete the improvements, which have already begun, on the underlying apartment building. During the time that improvements are being completed, the Company intends to have a property manager lease improved units as they become available, prior to the sale of the property. The $40.3 million loan balance compares to a September 2023 third-party “as is” appraisal of $47.8 million, or an 84% “as is” LTV, with additional potential collateral value as construction progresses, and units are re-leased at stabilized rental rates. Please see “Recent Developments” which summarizes the agreement of sale for this property.
Gross dollar volume (GDV)(1) | Three months ended | ||||||||||
September 30, | June 30, | December 31, | September 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | ||||||||
(Dollars in thousands) | |||||||||||
Prepaid and debit card GDV | $ | 37,898,006 | $ | 37,139,200 | $ | 33,292,350 | $ | 32,972,249 |
(1) Gross dollar volume represents the total dollar amount spent on prepaid and debit cards issued by The Bancorp Bank, N.A.
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Business line quarterly summary | |||||||||||||
Quarter ended September 30, 2024 | |||||||||||||
(Dollars in millions) | |||||||||||||
Balances | |||||||||||||
% Growth | |||||||||||||
Major business lines | Average approximate rates(1) | Balances(2) | Year over year | Linked quarter annualized | |||||||||
Loans | |||||||||||||
Institutional banking(3) | 6.9% | $ 1,792 | (7%) | (1%) | |||||||||
Small business lending(4) | 7.5% | 979 | 14% | 6% | |||||||||
Leasing | 8.1% | 712 | 6% | — | |||||||||
Commercial real estate (non-SBA loans, at fair value) | 8.1% | 158 | nm | nm | |||||||||
Real estate bridge loans (recorded at book value) | 9.1% | 2,189 | 18% | 13% | |||||||||
Consumer fintech loans - interest bearing | 5.5% | 10 | nm | nm | |||||||||
Consumer fintech loans - non-interest bearing(5) | — | 270 | nm | nm | |||||||||
Weighted average yield | 7.6% | $ 6,110 | Non-interest income | ||||||||||
% Growth | |||||||||||||
Deposits: Fintech Solutions group | Current quarter | Year over year | |||||||||||
Prepaid and debit card issuance, and other payments | 2.5% | $ 6,649 | 11% | nm | $ 27.8 | 16% |
(1) Average rates are for the three months ended September 30, 2024.
(2) Loan and deposit categories are based on period-end and average quarterly balances, respectively.
(3) Institutional Banking loans are comprised of SBLOC loans collateralized by marketable securities, IBLOC loans collateralized by the cash surrender value of eligible life insurance policies, and investment advisor financing.
(4) Small Business Lending is substantially comprised of SBA-guaranteed loans. Growth rates exclude $28 million of loans that do not qualify for true sale accounting.
(5) Income related to non-interest-bearing balances is included in non-interest income.
Summary of credit lines available
The Bancorp maintains lines of credit exceeding potential liquidity requirements as follows. The Bancorp also has access to other substantial sources of liquidity.
September 30, 2024 | ||
(Dollars in thousands) | ||
Federal Reserve Bank | $ | 1,974,022 |
Federal Home Loan Bank | 1,106,517 | |
Total lines of credit available | $ | 3,080,539 |
Estimated insured vs uninsured deposits
The vast majority of The Bancorp’s deposits are insured and low balance and accordingly do not constitute the liquidity risk experienced by certain institutions. Accordingly, the deposit base is comprised as follows.
September 30, 2024 | ||
Insured | 93% | |
Low balance accounts | 3% | |
Other uninsured | 4% | |
Total deposits | 100% |
Calculation of efficiency ratio(1)
Three months ended | Year ended | |||||||
September 30, | September 30, | December 31, | ||||||
2024 | 2023 | 2023 | ||||||
(Dollars in thousands) | ||||||||
Net interest income | $ | 93,732 | $ | 88,882 | $ | 354,052 | ||
Non-interest income | 32,108 | 26,780 | 112,094 | |||||
Total revenue | $ | 125,840 | $ | 115,662 | $ | 466,146 | ||
Non-interest expense | $ | 53,255 | $ | 47,459 | $ | 191,042 | ||
Efficiency ratio | 42% | 41% | 41% |
(1) | The efficiency ratio is calculated by dividing GAAP total non-interest expense by the total of GAAP net interest income and non-interest income. This ratio compares revenues generated with the amount of expense required to generate such revenues and may be used as one measure of overall efficiency. |
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Segment Reporting
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 | |||||||||||||||||||
Payments | REBL | Institutional Banking | Commercial | Corporate | Total | ||||||||||||||
Interest income | $ | 33 | $ | 157,010 | $ | 91,987 | $ | 92,316 | $ | 71,442 | $ | 412,788 | |||||||
Interest allocation | 196,251 | (73,570) | (53,111) | (52,499) | (17,071) | — | |||||||||||||
Interest expense | 117,884 | — | 2,607 | 25 | 10,327 | 130,843 | |||||||||||||
Net interest income | 78,400 | 83,440 | 36,269 | 39,792 | 44,044 | 281,945 | |||||||||||||
Provision for credit losses | — | 2,555 | 166 | 4,427 | (172) | 6,976 | |||||||||||||
Non-interest income | 84,639 | 2,646 | 214 | 4,251 | 462 | 92,212 | |||||||||||||
Direct non-interest expense | |||||||||||||||||||
Salaries and employee benefits | 11,433 | 2,917 | 6,784 | 13,653 | 63,177 | 97,964 | |||||||||||||
Data processing expense | 1,155 | 125 | 1,771 | 5 | 1,196 | 4,252 | |||||||||||||
Software | 364 | 78 | 2,253 | 1,343 | 9,649 | 13,687 | |||||||||||||
Other | 6,728 | 2,601 | 1,663 | 5,836 | 18,682 | 35,510 | |||||||||||||
Income before non-interest expense allocations | 143,359 | 77,810 | 23,846 | 18,779 | (48,026) | 215,768 | |||||||||||||
Non-interest expense allocations | |||||||||||||||||||
Risk, financial crimes, and compliance | 20,150 | 1,621 | 2,248 | 3,665 | (27,684) | — | |||||||||||||
Information technology and operations | 10,151 | 539 | 4,449 | 5,533 | (20,672) | — | |||||||||||||
Other allocated expenses | 11,830 | 2,244 | 4,904 | 5,266 | (24,244) | — | |||||||||||||
Total non-interest expense allocations | 42,131 | 4,404 | 11,601 | 14,464 | (72,600) | — | |||||||||||||
Income before taxes | 101,228 | 73,406 | 12,245 | 4,315 | 24,574 | 215,768 | |||||||||||||
Income tax expense | 25,398 | 18,418 | 3,072 | 1,083 | 6,165 | 54,136 | |||||||||||||
Net income | $ | 75,830 | $ | 54,988 | $ | 9,173 | $ | 3,232 | $ | 18,409 | $ | 161,632 |
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