根据1934年证券交易法第13条或第15条递交的季度报告 |
根据1934年证券交易法第13或15(d)条进行的过渡报告 |
过渡期从 至
(国家或其他管辖区的 公司成立或组织) |
(内部税务服务雇主识别号码) |
,(主要行政办公地址) |
(邮政编码) |
每一类的名称 |
交易 符号: |
在其上注册的交易所的名称 |
请在以下复选框内表明注册者是否已在过去的12个月内(或注册者被要求提交这些文件的较短期间内)提交了根据规则405 of Regulation S-T所需提交的每个交互式数据文件。
☒ |
加速文件提交人 |
☐ |
非加速文件提交人 |
☐ |
较小的报告公司 |
新兴成长公司 |
如果是新兴增长型公司,请用复选标记表示注册人是否选择不使用根据《交易法》第13(a)条规定提供的任何新的或修订的财务会计准则的延长过渡期。 ____
请用勾勾表示是否注册人是一个空壳公司(如法案第120亿.2条定义的那样) 是 ☐ 否
A类普通股,每股价值0.01美元 |
普通股B类,每股面值$0.01 |
(每个类的标题) |
(股数) |
目录2024年6月4日,Nano Dimension股份有限公司(“注册人”)发布了一份新闻稿,题为“大使乔吉特·莫斯巴赫加盟Nano Dimension董事会”,现附上99.1展览,并成为本文档的一部分。
第I部分 |
财务信息 |
页码 |
项目1。 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
8 |
事项二 |
20 |
第3项。 |
26 |
事项4。 |
26 |
第二部分 |
其他信息 |
项目1。 |
27 |
项目1A。 |
27 |
事项二 |
28 |
第3项。 |
28 |
事项4。 |
28 |
项目5。 |
28 |
项目6。 |
29 |
30 |
EX-31.1章节 302 CEO认证
EX-31.2 第302节 CFO 认证
EX-32.1 第 906 节 CEO 认证
EX-32.2 财务主管认证 906
第一部分。 财务信息
项目1. 简明综合财务报表财务报表(未经审计)
浓缩合并 B资产负债表
9月28日, |
12月30日 |
资产 |
流动资产: |
现金及现金等价物 |
$ |
$ |
应收账款 |
存货 |
预付费用和其他流动资产 |
应收所得税 |
- |
总流动资产 |
固定资产净额 |
租赁权资产 |
商誉 |
无形资产, 净额 |
第三方生产预付款 |
应收票据 |
— |
其他 |
总资产 |
$ |
$ |
负债和股东权益 |
流动负债: |
应付账款 |
$ |
$ |
应计费用及其他流动负债 |
当前经营租赁负债 |
流动负债合计 |
递延所得税,净额 |
非流动经营租赁负债 |
其他负债 |
负债合计 |
(见注1) |
股东权益: |
0.000001 |
B类普通股,$2,443,750股已发行并流通截至2023年12月31日和2024年3月31日。 |
额外实收资本 |
累计其他综合损失 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
保留盈余 |
股东权益合计 |
负债和股东权益合计 |
$ |
$ |
13周年结束 |
三十九周结束 |
9月28日, |
度报告 |
9月28日, |
度报告 |
营业收入 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
减除消费税 |
营业收入 |
营业成本 |
毛利润 |
营业费用: |
广告、促销和销售费用 |
一般及管理费用 |
无形资产减值损失 |
酿酒资产减值 |
营业费用总计 |
营业利润 |
其他收入: |
利息收入 |
其他支出 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
总其他收入 |
所得税前收益 |
所得税费用 |
净收入 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
每股普通股净收益 - 基本 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
每股稀释后净利润 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
加权平均普通股股份数量 - 基本 |
加权平均普通股股份数量 - 稀释 |
净收入 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
其他综合收益(损失): |
外币翻译调整 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
— |
其他综合收益(损失) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
— |
综合收益 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
三十九周结束 |
9月28日, |
度报告 |
现金流量来源于经营活动: |
净收入 |
$ |
$ |
调整净利润以计入经营活动现金流量: |
折旧和摊销 |
无形资产减值损失 |
酿酒资产减值 |
出售房地产、厂房和设备的收益 |
( |
) |
— |
租赁资产的变动 |
股票补偿费用 |
延迟所得税 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
其他非现金费用 |
经营性资产和负债变动: |
应收账款 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
存货 |
( |
) |
预付费用、应收所得税和其他资产 |
( |
) |
第三方生产预付款 |
其他 |
( |
) |
应付账款 |
应计费用、应付所得税和其他负债 |
经营租赁负债 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
经营活动产生的现金流量净额 |
投资活动中使用的现金流量: |
兑付应收票据的现金 |
( |
) |
— |
购置固定资产 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
出售固定资产的收入 |
投资活动产生的净现金流出 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
筹资活动产生的现金流量: |
回购和养老A类普通股 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
行使股票期权和出售投资股份所得 |
融资租赁支付的现金 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
支付股权激励奖励和投资股份的代扣税款 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
筹集资金净额 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
现金及现金等价物净变动额 |
( |
) |
期初现金及现金等价物余额 |
期末现金及现金等价物 |
$ |
$ |
现金流量补充披露: |
净所得税支付 |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
为计量租赁负债支付的现金 |
经营租赁的经营现金流出 |
$ |
$ |
融资租赁的经营现金流出 |
$ |
$ |
融资租赁的筹资现金流出 |
$ |
$ |
以金融租赁义务换得的使用权资产 |
$ |
$ |
供应商应付账款和购置固定资产的应付账款和应计费用增加(减少) |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
( |
) |
非现金融资活动的应付费用增加 - 应付股份回购的已征收车上税 |
$ |
$ |
非现金投资活动 - 应付费用和应收票据减少 |
$ |
$ |
- |
A级 |
累积的 |
A级 |
普通股 |
B类 |
B类 |
额外的 |
其他 |
总费用 |
普通股 |
股份, |
普通股 |
普通股 |
实收资本 |
综合 |
留存收益 |
股东的 |
股份 |
股票名义价值 |
股份 |
股票, 前值 |
资本 |
损失 |
收益 |
股权 |
截至2023年12月30日的余额 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
$ |
净收入 |
期权行使和限制股份 |
— |
( |
) |
( |
) |
股票补偿费用 |
回购和养老A类普通股 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
外币翻译调整 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
2024年3月30日的余额 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
$ |
净收入 |
期权行权和受限 |
— |
股票补偿费用 |
回购和养老A类普通股 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
外币翻译调整 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
2024年6月29日余额 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
$ |
净收入 |
行权和受限股 |
— |
股票补偿费用 |
回购和养老A类普通股 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
外币翻译调整 |
2024年9月28日余额 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
$ |
A 级 |
累积 |
A 级 |
常见 |
B 级 |
B 级 |
额外 |
其他 |
总计 |
常见 |
股票, |
常见 |
常见 |
付费 |
全面 |
已保留 |
股东 |
股票 |
标准杆数 |
股票 |
股票,面值 |
资本 |
损失 |
收益 |
股权 |
截至2022年12月31日的余额 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
$ |
净亏损 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
已行使和限制的股票期权 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
股票薪酬支出 |
A类普通股的回购和报废 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
外币折算调整 |
截至2023年4月1日的余额 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
$ |
净收入 |
已行使和限制的股票期权 |
股票薪酬支出 |
A类普通股的回购和报废 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
外币折算调整 |
截至 2023 年 7 月 1 日的余额 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
$ |
净收入 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
已行使和限制的股票期权 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
股票薪酬支出 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
A类普通股的回购和报废 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
— |
— |
— |
— |
( |
) |
( |
) |
外币折算调整 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
( |
) |
— |
( |
) |
截至 2023 年 9 月 30 日的余额 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
$ |
A. 组织和报告基础
波斯顿啤酒公司及其部分子公司(以下简称“公司”)专注于在美国和部分国际市场销售酒精饮料,商标包括“The Boston Beer Company®”、“Twisted Tea Brewing Company®”、“Hard Seltzer Beverage Company”、“Angry Orchard® Cider Company”、“Dogfish Head® Craft Brewery”、“Dogfish Head Distilling Co.”、“Angel City® Brewing Company”、“Coney Island® Brewing Company”、“Green Rebel Brewing Co.”、“Truly Distilling Co.”和“Sun Cruiser Beverage Co.”。
b. 最近的会计准则公告
2023年11月,FASB发布了ASU 2023-07—黑石矿产有限合伙企业及附属企业(主题280): 报告性板块披露的改进。该ASU旨在通过加强对重要部门费用的披露,从而改进可报告部门的披露要求。此ASU适用于根据主题280《部门报告》要求报告部门信息的所有公众实体。ASU 2023-07自2023年12月15日后开始的财政年度和2024年12月15日后开始的财政年度内的中间期间生效。允许提前采用该标准,并应以追溯方式应用。ASU 2023-07将在2024年12月28日结束的公司财年生效。公司将于2024年第四季度采纳此ASU披露,并认为采纳不会对其合并财务报表和披露产生重大影响。
2023年12月,FASB发布了ASU 2023-09—所得税(主题 740): 改进所得税披露这份ASU旨在通过改进与税率协调和所付所得税信息相关的所得税披露,以及提高所得税披露的效果,以回应投资者对更多关于所得税信息透明度的要求。这份ASU将于2024年12月15日后开始的年度期间对公开实体有效。允许提前采用。ASU 2023-09将于2025年12月27日结束的财政年度第一季度对公司生效。公司目前正在评估采纳这份ASU将对其合并财务报表和披露产生的影响。
C. 营业收入确认
当与客户签订的合同条款下的义务得到履行时,公司就会确认收入;通常,这种情况发生在产品控制权的转让中。收入是按转让产品而预计收到的对价金额来衡量的。如果收入确认条件未得到满足,公司将推迟收入,直到所有条件都得到满足。截至2024年9月28日和2023年12月30日,公司已延期 $
客户促销折扣计划由公司在特定时间段内与分销商签订。向分销商提供的折扣补偿被记录为净收入的减少,并且 $
客户计划和激励措施是酒精饮料行业的常见做法。根据支出的性质,与客户计划和激励措施相关的支付金额记作净收入减少额或广告、促销和销售费用。向分销商支付的客户激励和其他款项主要基于某些营销和广告活动的表现。根据适用的州法律法规,这些推广公司产品的活动可能包括但不限于销售点和商品投放、样品、产品展示、零售场所的促销计划以及mealswanlilro.avel和娱乐。向客户支付的与这些计划相关的金额,这些金额被记录为净收入减少或作为十三项计划的广告、促销和销售费用,以及 截至2024年9月28日的三十九周为美元
D. 库存
9月28日, |
12月30日, |
(以千为单位) |
现有库存: |
原材料 |
$ |
$ |
在制品 |
成品 |
当前库存总量 |
开多期货库存 |
19,782 |
$ |
$ |
截至2024年9月28日和2023年12月30日,公司已记录了库存过时降值准备金。 $
E. 商誉与无形资产
商誉。 商誉减值测试的指导允许实体评估定性因素,以确定事件或情况的存在是否导致更可能是预计报告单位的估计公允价值小于其账面价值,或者直接进行定量减值测试。在定量评估中,公司报告单位的估计公允价值将与其账面价值进行比较,包括商誉在内。公司报告单位的公允价值估计通常基于利润法,使用贴现现金流量方法,并辅以市场法,考虑公司的市值和企业价值。如果公司报告单位的估计公允价值小于其报告单位的账面价值,将确认商誉减值。在估计公司报告单位的公允价值时,管理层必须对诸如未来现金流量、未来营收、未来盈利、资本成本等项目进行假设和预测。在公允价值估计中使用的假设基于历史趋势以及最新经营计划中使用的预测和假设。这些假设反映了管理层对未来经济和竞争条件的估计,因此可能会因市场条件的变化而发生变化。如果这些估计或其相关假设在未来发生变化,公司可能需要确认公司商誉的减值损失,这可能对公司的财务报表造成重大不利影响。
无形资产。 公司的无形资产主要包括商标和通过公司的Dogfish Head收购取得的客户关系。客户关系按其预计有用生命进行摊销。截至2024年9月28日,被确定具有无限有用生命的Dogfish Head商标没有进行摊销。对于无限有生命的无形资产减值测试的指导允许实体评估定性因素,以确定是否存在事件或情况表明无限有生命的无形资产遭到减值,或直接进行定量减值测试。在定量评估下,商标通过将商标的账面价值与其预计公允价值进行比较来进行减值评估。商标的预计公允价值是基于使用免除版税方法的收入方法计算的。如果预计公允价值低于商标的账面价值,则会确认减值损失,以将商标的账面价值减少到其预计公允价值。
公司的年度减值测试日期是每个财政年度的9月1日。2024年,此测试导致公司的Dogfish Head、Coney Island和Angel City商标资产分别减值$。
公司评估了Dogfish Head品牌的负面趋势,包括截至2024年9月28日的三十九周中品牌的偏离计划表现,这归因于品牌啤酒产品的持续销量下降、精酿啤酒行业板块的整体下滑,以及其铁罐鸡尾酒产品由于竞争加剧导致销量低于预期。公司更新了对Dogfish Head品牌的预测,包括用于判断Dogfish Head商标公允价值的预测营业收入和特许权利率假设,进一步降低了由上述因素导致的营业收入以及由于预计商标所产生的收益减少而减少了特许权利率假设。由于进行了这项评估,Dogfish Head商标资产的账面价值为$
截至2024年9月28日 |
截至2024年9月28日 |
截至2023年12月30日 |
预计 |
毛利 |
累积的 |
账面净值 |
毛利 |
累积的 |
账面净值 |
寿命(年) |
数值 |
摊销 |
数值 |
数值 |
摊销 |
数值 |
(以千为单位) |
商标 |
无限期 |
$ |
$ |
— |
$ |
$ |
$ |
— |
$ |
客户关系 |
( |
) |
( |
) |
总无形资产,净值 |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
$ |
$ |
( |
) |
$ |
2024年第四季度开始,公司将对Dogfish Head商标资产的无限使用年限进行变更,并开始摊销剩余的$
财年 |
金额(以千为单位) |
2024年余下的时间 |
$ |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
2029 |
此后 |
2025财年(剩余九个月) 19,003 2026财年 24,240 2027财年 22,064 2028财年 21,577 2029财年 18,823 2030财年 16,317 总摊销费用 |
$ |
F. 第三方生产预付款
根据当前的产量预测,公司认为将无法达到未来年度在某些第三方生产设施的订货量承诺,并将支付不足费用。公司在合同期内将不足费用视为营业成本的一部分予以支出。在2024年9月28日结束的十三周和三十九周内,公司分别支付了 $
预期将产生违约费用 |
(单位百万) |
2024年余下的时间 |
$ |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
2029 |
此后 |
预计将产生的总违约费用 |
$ |
G. 应收票据
公司和City Brewing于2024年1月2日签订了一项贷款和安防协议,当时公司支付了$
公司分别从Simon Langelier, Health Diplomats Pte Ltd和Mario Gobbo那里收到了数额为$
H. 每股净利润
普通股每股净利润 - 基本
13周年结束 |
三十九周结束 |
9月28日, |
2020年9月30日 |
9月28日, |
2020年9月30日 |
(以千为单位,每股数据除外) |
(以千为单位,每股数据除外) |
净收入 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
基本净利润分配: |
A类普通股 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
B类普通股 |
未归属的受益参股份 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
基本加权平均股份数量: |
A类普通股 |
B类普通股 |
未归属的受益参股份 |
基本每股净利润: |
A类普通股 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
B类普通股 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
以下表格列出了摊薄每股净利润的计算,假定将所有B类普通股转换为A类普通股,截至2024年9月28日的十三周和三十九周,以及截至2023年9月30日的十三周和三十九周:eeks and thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024 and for the thirteen weeks and thirty-nine ended September 30, 2023:
13周年结束 |
2024年9月28日 |
2023年9月30日 |
Earnings to |
普通股 |
每股收益 |
Earnings to |
普通股 |
每股收益 |
(以千为单位,每股数据除外) |
如报告 - 基本 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
加:稀释普通股的影响 |
股票奖励 |
— |
— |
B类普通股 |
未取得权益参与者的净影响 |
— |
— |
— |
每股净收益- |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
三十九周结束 |
2024年9月28日 |
2023年9月30日 |
Earnings to |
普通股 |
每股收益 |
Earnings to |
普通股 |
每股收益 |
(以千为单位,每股数据除外) |
按报告 - 基本 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
添加:稀释普通股的影响 |
股票奖励 |
— |
— |
B类普通股 |
未归属不受限制的参与结果 |
— |
— |
— |
每股净收益- |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
I. 承诺和应急情况
截至 2024年9月28日,不可取消合同义务下预计现金流出如下:
承诺 |
(以千为单位) |
原料和包装(不包括啤酒花和麦芽) |
$ |
啤酒花和麦芽 |
品牌压力位 |
设备和机械 |
其他 |
承诺总额 |
$ |
13周年结束 |
三十九周结束 |
9月28日, |
2020年9月30日 |
9月28日, |
2020年9月30日 |
有效税率 |
截至2024年9月28日和2023年12月30日,公司持有一只“AAA”级的货币市场基金。公司认为“AAA”级的货币市场基金是一家规模庞大、信誉极高的投资级机构。截至2024年9月28日和2023年12月30日,公司的现金及现金等价物余额为 $
由于没有市场活动的可观察输入,公司的Dogfish Head商标无形资产的公允价值被分类为公允价值层次的第3级。在对商标资产进行定量评估时,公司通过计算商标资产的账面价值超过其预估公允价值的金额来衡量减值的数量。预估的公允价值是基于使用免除版税法的收入方法确定的,该方法假设第三方愿意支付版税以利用商标资产的相关益处,而不是拥有该商标。公司用于估算Dogfish Head商标无形资产的公允价值的现金流量预测涉及几个假设,包括(i) 预计营业收入增长,(ii) 估计的版税率,(iii) 预期从商标所有权中获得的税后版税节省以及(iv) 用于推导商标资产预估公允价值的折现率。
股份 |
加权授予日期公允价值的平均数 |
加权授予日期公允价值的平均数 |
总计 |
截至2023年12月30日的未行权总数 |
$ |
已行权 |
行使 |
( |
) |
被取消/到期 |
( |
) |
2024年9月28日未偿还金额 |
$ |
$ |
2024年9月28日可行使 |
$ |
$ |
于2024年9月28日取得并预计会取得 |
$ |
$ |
2024 |
预期波动性 |
% |
无风险利率 |
% |
预期分红 |
% |
锻炼因素 |
发帖限制折扣 |
% |
普通股数量 |
加权平均公允价值 |
2023年12月30日未授予的股份 |
$ |
已行权 |
34,105 |
( |
) |
被取消 |
( |
) |
2024年9月28日尚未获得归属权 |
$ |
2024年5月7日,公司向所有非雇员董事授予了一组限制性股票单位,其中所有股份从授予日期起分配。 受限股票单位的公允价值为$
13周年结束 |
三十九周结束 |
9月28日, |
2020年9月30日 |
9月28日, |
2020年9月30日 |
(以千为单位) |
(以千为单位) |
广告、促销和销售费用中包括的金额 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
一般及管理费用中包括的金额 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
共计股份奖励支出 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
During the thirteen and thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024, the Company repurchased and subsequently retired
N. Licensing Agreements
Pepsi Licensing Agreement
On August 9, 2021, the Company signed a series of agreements with PepsiCo, Inc. (“Pepsi”) to develop, market, and sell alcohol beverages. Under the agreements, the Company is responsible for developing, manufacturing, and marketing a flavored malt beverage product under the HARD MTN DEW® brand. As part of the agreements, Pepsi provides certain proprietary ingredients and also licenses the Company the use of its HARD MTN DEW® trademark in connection with manufacturing, promoting, marketing, and distributing the developed product, primarily through the Pepsi distribution network.
The Company began shipping flavored malt beverages to Pepsi during the first quarter of 2022. Pursuant to the terms of the agreements, the Company makes payments to Pepsi for proprietary ingredients, freight costs to ship the product to Pepsi, and certain marketing services. The cost of the proprietary ingredients above fair market value are recorded within net revenue at the time revenue is recognized for the flavored malt beverages sold to Pepsi and were $
On February 24, 2024, the Company and Pepsi amended the terms of these agreements, most notably to change distribution from the Pepsi Distribution network to the Company’s distribution network.
O. Related Party Transactions
In connection with the Dogfish Head Transaction, the Company entered into a lease with the Dogfish Head founders and other owners of buildings used in certain of the Company’s restaurant operations. The lease is for
The following is a discussion of the significant factors affecting the consolidated operating results, financial condition and liquidity and cash flows of the Company for the thirteen and thirty-nine week periods ended September 28, 2024, as compared to the thirteen and thirty-nine week period ended September 30, 2023. This discussion should be read in conjunction with the Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, and the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company and Notes thereto included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 30, 2023.
Thirteen Weeks Ended September 28, 2024 compared to Thirteen Weeks Ended September 30, 2023
Thirteen Weeks Ended |
September 28, |
September 30, |
Amount |
% change |
Per barrel |
Barrels sold |
2,243 |
2,286 |
(43 |
) |
(1.9 |
)% |
Per barrel |
% of net |
Per barrel |
% of net |
Net revenue |
$ |
605,477 |
$ |
269.94 |
100.0 |
% |
$ |
601,599 |
$ |
263.14 |
100.0 |
% |
$ |
3,878 |
0.6 |
% |
$ |
6.80 |
Cost of goods |
325,236 |
145.00 |
53.7 |
% |
326,951 |
143.01 |
54.3 |
% |
(1,715 |
) |
(0.5 |
)% |
1.99 |
Gross profit |
280,241 |
124.94 |
46.3 |
% |
274,648 |
120.13 |
45.7 |
% |
5,593 |
2.0 |
% |
4.81 |
Advertising, promotional, and |
147,986 |
65.98 |
24.4 |
% |
152,579 |
66.74 |
25.4 |
% |
(4,593 |
) |
(3.0 |
)% |
(0.76 |
) |
General and administrative |
43,818 |
19.54 |
7.2 |
% |
42,241 |
18.48 |
7.0 |
% |
1,577 |
3.7 |
% |
1.06 |
Impairment of intangible assets |
42,584 |
18.99 |
7.0 |
% |
16,426 |
7.18 |
2.7 |
% |
26,158 |
159.2 |
% |
11.81 |
Impairment of brewery assets |
20 |
0.01 |
0.0 |
% |
1,900 |
0.83 |
0.3 |
% |
(1,880 |
) |
(98.9 |
)% |
(0.82 |
) |
Total operating expenses |
234,408 |
104.52 |
38.7 |
% |
213,146 |
93.23 |
35.4 |
% |
21,262 |
10.0 |
% |
11.29 |
Operating income |
45,833 |
20.42 |
7.6 |
% |
61,502 |
26.90 |
10.2 |
% |
(15,669 |
) |
(25.5 |
)% |
(6.48 |
) |
Other income |
3,265 |
1.46 |
0.5 |
% |
2,565 |
1.12 |
0.4 |
% |
700 |
27.3 |
% |
0.34 |
Income before income tax provision |
49,098 |
21.88 |
8.1 |
% |
64,067 |
28.02 |
10.6 |
% |
(14,969 |
) |
(23.4 |
)% |
(6.14 |
) |
Income tax provision |
15,584 |
6.95 |
2.6 |
% |
18,772 |
8.21 |
3.1 |
% |
(3,188 |
) |
(17.0 |
)% |
(1.26 |
) |
Net income |
$ |
33,514 |
$ |
14.93 |
5.5 |
% |
$ |
45,295 |
$ |
19.81 |
7.5 |
% |
$ |
(11,781 |
) |
(26.0 |
)% |
$ |
(4.88 |
) |
Net revenue. Net revenue increased by $3.9 million, or 0.6%, to $605.5 million for the thirteen weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to $601.6 million for the thirteen weeks ended September 30, 2023 primarily as a result of price increases of $11.2 million and lower returns of $3.2 million, partially offset by lower shipment volume of $11.4 million.
Volume. Total shipment volume decreased by 1.9% to 2,243,000 barrels for the thirteen weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to 2,286,000 barrels for the thirteen weeks ended September 30, 2023, reflecting decreases in the Company’s Truly, Dogfish Head, Samuel Adams and Angry Orchard brands, partially offset by increases in its Twisted Tea, Sun Cruiser and Hard Mountain Dew brands.
The Company believes distributor inventory as of September 28, 2024 averaged approximately five and a half weeks on hand which was slightly higher than the Company’s target level of four to five weeks. The Company expects that distributor inventory will return to target levels during the fourth quarter.
Net revenue per barrel. Net revenue per barrel increased by 2.6% to $269.94 per barrel for the thirteen weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to $263.14 per barrel for the comparable period in 2023, primarily due to price increases and lower returns.
Cost of goods sold. Cost of goods sold was $145.00 per barrel for the thirteen weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to $143.01 per barrel for the thirteen weeks ended September 30, 2023. The 2024 increase in cost of goods sold of $1.99, or 1.4% per barrel was primarily due to increases in inventory obsolescence of $7.6 million, or $3.39 per barrel, and inflationary impacts of $3.5 million, or $1.56 per barrel, partially offset by contract renegotiations and recipe optimization savings of $6.3 million, or $2.81 per barrel.
Inflationary impacts of $3.5 million consist primarily of increased internal brewery costs of $1.8 million and increased material costs of $1.7 million.
Gross profit. Gross profit was $124.94 per barrel for the thirteen weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to $120.13 per barrel for the thirteen weeks ended September 30, 2023.
The Company includes freight charges related to the movement of finished goods from its manufacturing locations to distributor locations in its advertising, promotional and selling expense line item. As such, the Company’s gross margins may not be comparable to those of other entities that classify costs related to distribution differently.
Advertising, promotional, and selling expenses. Advertising, promotional and selling expenses decreased by $4.6 million, or 3.0%, to $148.0 million for the thirteen weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to $152.6 million for the thirteen weeks ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to decreased freight to distributors of $2.8 million from improved efficiencies and lower volumes. Brand and selling costs decreased $1.8 million, primarily due to lower salaries and benefit costs.
Advertising, promotional and selling expenses were 24.4% of net revenue, or $65.98 per barrel, for the thirteen weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to 25.4% of net revenue, or $66.74 per barrel, for the thirteen weeks ended September 30, 2023. This decrease per barrel is primarily due to advertising, promotional, and selling expenses decreasing at a higher rate than the decrease in shipments. The Company invests in advertising and promotional campaigns that it believes will be effective, but there is no guarantee that such investments will generate sales growth.
The Company conducts certain advertising and promotional activities in its distributors’ markets, and the distributors make contributions to the Company for such efforts. These amounts are included in the Company’s condensed consolidated statements of comprehensive operations as reductions to advertising, promotional and selling expenses. Historically, contributions from distributors for advertising and promotional activities have amounted to between 2% and 3% of net sales. The Company may adjust its promotional efforts in the distributors’ markets, if changes occur in these promotional contribution arrangements, depending on industry and market conditions.
General and administrative expenses. General and administrative expenses increased by $1.6 million, or 3.7%, to $43.8 million for the thirteen weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to $42.2 million for the thirteen weeks ended September 30, 2023, primarily due increased professional fees.
Impairment of intangible assets. Impairment of intangible assets reflects a $42.6 million non-cash impairment charge recorded primarily for the Dogfish Head brand, taken as a result of the Company’s annual impairment analysis as of September 1, 2024. The impairment determination was primarily based on the latest forecasts of brand performance which has been below projections made on the acquisition date. In the third quarter of 2023, the Company recorded an impairment charge of $16.4 million for the Dogfish Head brand.
Impairment of brewery assets. Impairment of brewery assets of $0.02 million decreased by $1.9 million from the comparable period of 2023, due to lower write-offs of equipment at Company-owned breweries.
Income tax provision. The Company's effective tax rate of 31.7% increased from 29.3% in the prior year. The increased effective tax rate is due to increased non-deductible compensation and the impact of the impairment charge which resulted in lower pre-tax income compared to the prior year.
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended September 28, 2024 compared to Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended September 30, 2023
Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended |
September 28, |
September 30, |
Amount |
% change |
Per barrel |
Barrels sold |
5,997 |
6,175 |
(178 |
) |
(2.9 |
)% |
Per barrel |
% of net |
Per barrel |
% of net |
Net revenue |
$ |
1,610,627 |
$ |
268.57 |
100.0 |
% |
$ |
1,614,903 |
$ |
261.53 |
100.0 |
% |
$ |
(4,276 |
) |
(0.3 |
)% |
$ |
7.04 |
Cost of goods |
877,580 |
146.34 |
54.5 |
% |
910,430 |
147.44 |
56.4 |
% |
(32,850 |
) |
(3.6 |
)% |
(1.10 |
) |
Gross profit |
733,047 |
122.23 |
45.5 |
% |
704,473 |
114.09 |
43.6 |
% |
28,574 |
4.1 |
% |
8.14 |
Advertising, promotional, and |
412,484 |
68.78 |
25.6 |
% |
427,369 |
69.21 |
26.5 |
% |
(14,885 |
) |
(3.5 |
)% |
(0.43 |
) |
General and administrative |
142,226 |
23.72 |
8.8 |
% |
130,834 |
21.19 |
8.1 |
% |
11,392 |
8.7 |
% |
2.53 |
Impairment of intangible assets |
42,584 |
7.10 |
2.6 |
% |
16,426 |
2.66 |
1.0 |
% |
26,158 |
159.2 |
% |
4.44 |
Impairment of brewery assets |
3,751 |
0.63 |
0.2 |
% |
3,916 |
0.63 |
0.2 |
% |
(165 |
) |
(4.2 |
)% |
- |
Total operating expenses |
601,045 |
100.23 |
37.3 |
% |
578,545 |
93.69 |
35.8 |
% |
22,500 |
3.9 |
% |
6.54 |
Operating income |
132,002 |
22.00 |
8.2 |
% |
125,928 |
20.40 |
7.8 |
% |
6,074 |
4.8 |
% |
1.60 |
Other income |
9,226 |
1.54 |
0.6 |
% |
5,840 |
0.95 |
0.4 |
% |
3,386 |
58.0 |
% |
0.59 |
Income before income tax provision |
141,228 |
23.54 |
8.8 |
% |
131,768 |
21.35 |
8.2 |
% |
9,460 |
7.2 |
% |
2.19 |
Income tax provision |
42,778 |
7.13 |
2.7 |
% |
37,394 |
6.06 |
2.3 |
% |
5,384 |
14.4 |
% |
1.07 |
Net income |
$ |
98,450 |
$ |
16.41 |
6.1 |
% |
$ |
94,374 |
$ |
15.29 |
5.8 |
% |
$ |
4,076 |
4.3 |
% |
$ |
1.12 |
Net revenue. Net revenue decreased by $4.3 million, or 0.3%, to $1.611 billion for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to $1.615 billion for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 30, 2023, primarily as a result of lower shipment volume of $46.4 million, partially offset by price increases of $31.8 million and lower returns of $11.5 million.
Volume. Total shipment volume decreased by 2.9% to 5,997,000 barrels for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to 6,175,000 barrels for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 30, 2023, reflecting decreases in the Company’s Truly, Hard Mountain Dew, Samuel Adams, Dogfish Head and Angry Orchard brands, partially offset by increases in its Twisted Tea and Sun Cruiser brands.
Net revenue per barrel. Net revenue per barrel increased by 2.7% to $268.57 per barrel for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to $261.53 per barrel for the comparable period in 2023, primarily due to price increases and lower returns.
Cost of goods sold. Cost of goods sold was $146.34 per barrel for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to $147.44 per barrel for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 30, 2023. The 2024 decrease in cost of goods sold of $1.10, or 0.7%, per barrel was primarily due to contract renegotiations and recipe optimization savings of $16.7 million, or $2.78 per barrel, partially offset by inflationary impacts of $11.7 million, or $1.95 per barrel.
Inflationary impacts of $11.7 million consist primarily of increased internal brewery costs of $6.5 million and material costs of $5.2 million.
Gross profit. Gross profit was $122.23 per barrel for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to $114.09 per barrel for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 30, 2023.
Advertising, promotional, and selling expenses. Advertising, promotional and selling expenses decreased by $14.9 million, or 3.5%, to $412.5 million for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to $427.4 million for thirty-nine weeks ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to decreased freight to distributors of $9.2 million from lower rates and volumes. Brand and selling costs decreased $5.7 million primarily due to lower consulting costs.
Advertising, promotional and selling expenses were 25.6% of net revenue, or $68.78 per barrel, for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to 26.5% of net revenue, or $69.21 per barrel, for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 30, 2023. This decrease per barrel is primarily due to advertising, promotional, and selling expenses decreasing at a higher rate than the decrease in shipments. The Company invests in advertising and promotional campaigns that it believes will be effective, but there is no guarantee that such investments will generate sales growth.
General and administrative expenses. General and administrative expenses increased by $11.4 million, or 8.7%, to $142.2 million for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to $130.8 million for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to higher salaries and benefits costs, resulting from Chief Executive Officer transition costs recorded in the first quarter and inflation costs.
Impairment of intangible assets. Impairment of intangible assets reflects a $42.6 million non-cash impairment charge recorded primarily for the Dogfish Head brand, taken as a result of the Company’s annual impairment analysis as of September 1, 2024. The impairment determination was primarily based on the latest forecasts of brand performance which has been below projections made on the acquisition date. In the third quarter of 2023, the Company recorded an impairment charge of $16.4 million for the Dogfish Head brand.
Impairment of brewery assets. Impairment of brewery assets of $3.8 million decreased by $0.2 million from the comparable period of 2023, due to lower write-offs of equipment at Company-owned breweries.
Income tax provision. The Company’s effective tax rate of 30.3% increased from 28.4% in the prior year. The increased effective tax rate is due to higher non-deductible compensation primarily related to Chief Executive Officer transition costs.
The Company’s primary sources of liquidity are its existing cash balances, cash flows from operating activities and amounts available under its revolving credit facility. The Company’s material cash requirements include working capital needs, satisfaction of contractual commitments, stock repurchases, and investment in the Company’s business through capital expenditures.
Cash decreased to $255.6 million as of September 28, 2024 from $298.5 million as of December 30, 2023, primarily reflecting repurchases of the Company's Class A common stock, a note receivable issued, purchases of property, plant, and equipment, and payments of tax withholdings on stock-based payment awards and investment shares, partially offset by net cash provided by operating activities.
Cash provided by operating activities consists of net income, adjusted for certain non-cash items, such as depreciation and amortization, stock-based compensation expense, and other non-cash items included in operating results, and changes in operating assets and liabilities, such as accounts receivable, inventory, accounts payable, and accrued expenses.
Cash provided by operating activities for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024 was comprised of net income of $98.5 million and non-cash items of $118.4 million, partially offset by a net increase in operating assets and liabilities of $9.9 million. Cash provided by operating activities for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 30, 2023 was comprised of net income of $94.4 million, non-cash items of $94.7 million, and a net decrease in operating assets and liabilities of $43.3 million. The decrease in cash provided by operating activities for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024 compared to September 30, 2023 is primarily due to lower inventory reduction compared to the prior year, partially offset by higher net income.
The Company used $72.7 million in investing activities during the thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to $47.1 million during the thirty-nine weeks ended September 30, 2023. The increase in investing activity cash outflows is due to a $20.0 million note receivable issued. For both periods, capital investments were made mostly in the Company’s breweries to drive efficiencies and cost reductions and support product innovation and future growth.
Cash used in financing activities was $177.1 million during the thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024, as compared to $55.1 million during the thirty-nine weeks ended September 30, 2023. The $122.0 million increase in financing activity cash outflows in 2024 compared to 2023 is primarily due to higher repurchases of the Company's Class A common stock in the current period.
During the period from December 31, 2023 through October 18, 2024, the Company repurchased and subsequently retired 647,728 shares of its Class A Common Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $190.9 million. On October 2, 2024, the Board of Directors authorized an increase in the share buyback expenditure limit set for the program from $1.2 billion to $1.6 billion. As of October 18, 2024, the Company had repurchased a cumulative total of approximately 14.7 million shares of its Class A Common Stock for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $1.1 billion and had approximately $476 million remaining on the $1.6 billion stock repurchase expenditure limit set by the Board of Directors.
The Company expects that its cash balance as of September 28, 2024 of $255.6 million, along with its projected future operating cash flow and its unused line of credit balance of $150.0 million, will be sufficient to fund future cash requirements. The Company’s $150.0 million credit facility has a term not scheduled to expire until December 16, 2027. As of the date of this filing, the Company was not in violation of any of its covenants to the lender under the credit facility.
Critical Accounting Policies
Valuation of Goodwill and Indefinite Lived Intangible Assets
The Company has recorded intangible assets with indefinite lives and goodwill for which impairment testing is required at least annually or more frequently if events or circumstances indicate that these assets might be impaired. The Company performs its annual impairment tests and re-evaluates the useful lives of other intangible assets with indefinite lives at the annual impairment test measurement date in the third quarter of each fiscal year or when circumstances arise that indicate a possible impairment or change in useful life might exist.
Significant judgement is required to estimate the fair value of the Dogfish Head trademark. Accordingly, the Company obtains the assistance of third-party valuation specialists as part of the impairment evaluation. In estimating the fair value of the trademark, management must make assumptions and projections regarding future cash flows based upon future revenues, the market-based royalty rate, the discount rate, and the after-tax royalty savings expected from ownership of the trademark. The assumptions and projections used in the estimate of fair value are consistent with recent trends and represent the projections used in Company’s current strategic operating plans which include reductions in revenues from the Dogfish Head beer products. These assumptions reflect management’s estimates of future economic and competitive conditions and consider many factors including macroeconomic conditions, industry growth rates, and competitive activities and are, therefore, subject to change as a result of changing market conditions. Beginning in the fourth quarter of 2024, the Company will change the indefinite useful life of the Dogfish Head trademark asset and begin amortizing the remaining $14.4 million balance over an estimated useful life of 10 years.
The Company performed a sensitivity analysis on its significant assumptions used in the Dogfish Head trademark fair value calculation and determined the following:
A decrease in the annual forecasted revenue growth rate of 1.0% would result in a 4.9% decrease to the current fair value of $14.4 million.
A decrease in the discount rate of 1.5% would result in a 8.3% increase to the current fair value of $14.4 million and an increase in the discount rate of 1.5% would result in a 6.9% decrease to the current fair value of $14.4 million.
In this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and in other documents incorporated herein, as well as in oral statements made by the Company, statements that are prefaced with the words “may,” “will,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “continue,” “estimate,” “project,” “intend,” “designed” and similar expressions, are intended to identify forward-looking statements regarding events, conditions, and financial trends that may affect the Company’s future plans of operations, business strategy, results of operations and financial position. These statements are based on the Company’s current expectations and estimates as to prospective events and circumstances about which the Company can give no firm assurance. Further, any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect subsequent events or circumstances. Forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as a prediction of actual future financial condition or results. These forward-looking statements, like any forward-looking statements, involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or anticipated. Such risks and uncertainties include the factors set forth below in addition to the other information set forth in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and in the section titled “Risk Factors” in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 30, 2023.
Since December 30, 2023, there have been no significant changes in the Company’s exposures to interest rate or foreign currency rate fluctuations. The Company currently does not enter into derivatives or other market risk sensitive instruments for the purpose of hedging or for trading purposes.
As of September 28, 2024, the Company conducted an evaluation under the supervision and with the participation of the Company’s management, including the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer (its principal executive officer and principal financial officer, respectively) regarding the effectiveness of the design and operation of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”). Based upon that evaluation, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) were effective as of September 28, 2024 to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Company in reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the requisite time periods and that such disclosure controls and procedures were effective to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to its management, including its principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
There were no changes in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the thirteen weeks ended September 28, 2024 that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.
For information regarding the Company's legal proceedings, refer to Note I of the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
In addition to the other information set forth in this report, careful consideration should be given to the factors discussed in Part I, "Item 1A. Risk Factors" in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 30, 2023, which could materially affect the Company’s business, financial condition or future results. The risks described in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K are not the only risks facing the Company. Additional risks and uncertainties not currently known to the Company or that it currently deems to be immaterial also may materially adversely affect its business, financial condition and/or operating results.
In 1998, the Company's Board of Directors ("the Board") authorized the Company's share buyback program. In October 2024, the Board authorized an increase in the share buyback expenditure limit set for the program from $1.2 billion to $1.6 billion. The Board did not specify a date upon which the authorization would expire. Share repurchases for the periods included herein were effected through open market transactions.
As of October 18, 2024, the Company had repurchased a cumulative total of approximately 14.7 million shares of its Class A Common Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $1.1 billion and had $476 million remaining on the $1.6 billion share buyback expenditure limit set by the Board.
During the thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 2024, the Company repurchased and subsequently retired 595,732 shares of its Class A Common Stock, including 1,319 unvested investment shares issued under the Investment Share Program of the Company’s Employee Equity Incentive Plan, as illustrated in the table below:
Period |
Total Number of Shares |
Average Price Paid |
Total Number of Shares |
Approximate Dollar |
December 31, 2023 - February 3, 2024 |
61,817 |
$ |
349.89 |
61,525 |
$ |
244,893 |
February 4, 2024 - March 2, 2024 |
53,335 |
345.82 |
53,328 |
226,450 |
March 3, 2024 - March 30, 2024 |
33,386 |
298.76 |
33,330 |
216,490 |
March 31, 2024 - May 4, 2024 |
86,768 |
288.13 |
86,741 |
191,494 |
May 5, 2024 - June 1, 2024 |
69,743 |
273.32 |
69,339 |
172,497 |
June 2, 2024 - June 29, 2024 |
64,486 |
294.91 |
64,366 |
153,499 |
June 30, 2024 - August 3, 2024 |
84,144 |
285.37 |
84,067 |
129,502 |
August 4, 2024 - August 31, 2024 |
72,999 |
274.42 |
72,744 |
109,504 |
September 1, 2024 - September 28, 2024 |
69,054 |
275.29 |
68,973 |
90,505 |
Total |
595,732 |
$ |
295.74 |
594,413 |
$ |
90,505 |
As of October 18, 2024, the Company had 9.4 million shares of Class A Common Stock outstanding and 2.1 million shares of Class B Common Stock outstanding.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Insider Trading Arrangements
No trading plans were
Exhibit No. |
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Inline XBRL Instance Document – the instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document.
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Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema With Embedded Linkbase Documents
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Cover page formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101
* Filed with this report
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this Form 10-Q to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
(Registrant) |
Date: October 24, 2024 |
/s/ Michael Spillane |
Michael Spillane |
President and Chief Executive Officer |
(Principal Executive Officer) |
Date: October 24, 2024 |
/s/ Diego Reynoso |
Diego Reynoso |
Chief Financial Officer |
(Principal Financial Officer) |