錯誤0001108109--12-31Q3P10年5.6255.6250.068750.068755.255.250.04750.0475.10875.108750.068750.068750.061250.0612510.87510.8756.87510.87510.87510.87510.87510.8756.8755.625http://fasb.org/us-gaap/2024#其他長期資產http://fasb.org/us-gaap/2024#其他長期資產http://fasb.org/us-gaap/2024#CurrentLongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationshttp://fasb.org/us-gaap/2024#CurrentLongTermDebtAndCapitalLeaseObligationshttp://fasb.org/us-gaap/2024#長期負債非流動http://fasb.org/us-gaap/2024#長期負債非流動0001108109US-GAAP:員工股票期權成員2024-04-012024-06-300001108109美國通用會計原則限制性股票單位累計成員2024-01-012024-03-310001108109us-gaap:留存收益成員2023-06-3000011081092024-03-310001108109us-gaap:留存收益成員2023-01-012023-03-3100011081092024-04-272023-07-012023-09-300001108109cyh:可贖回的非控股權益成員2024-04-012024-06-300001108109cyh:其他可能的待決事項成員us-gaap:有待解決的訴訟成員2023-12-310001108109cyh: 高級擔保票據成員cyh: 到期日爲2029年的高級擔保票據成員2023-12-310001108109cyh: 可贖回的非控制權益成員2023-09-300001108109us-gaap: 受限股票會員2024-09-300001108109us-gaap:留存收益成員2024-04-012024-06-300001108109cyh: 南阿肯色醫療中心成員2024-09-300001108109按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh: 高級擔保票據成員cyh:2032年到期的10875美元指數優先擔保票據會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:優先擔保票據會員按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:2029年到期的六個美元指數優先擔保票據會員2023-12-310001108109cyh:Ponca City Alliancehealth會員2024-09-300001108109us-gaap:2018會計年度成員美國國內國家成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:Cleveland Tennova Healthcare會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:截至2031年應付4.75美元的高級擔保票據成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:截至2026年應付8美元的高級擔保票據成員2024-09-300001108109cyh:初級優先擔保票據成員cyh:截至2030年應付6125%的初級優先擔保票據成員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2024-09-300001108109us-gaap:非控制權益成員2024-07-012024-09-3000011081092023-09-300001108109US-GAAP:普通股成員2023-06-300001108109cyh:優先擔保票據會員cyh:2027年到期的8%首選擔保票據會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:融資租賃和融資責任會員2024-09-300001108109US-GAAP:員工股票期權成員2024-01-012024-03-310001108109us-gaap:留存收益成員2023-03-310001108109us-gaap:留存收益成員2023-12-310001108109us-gaap:非控制權益成員2022-12-310001108109cyh:醫療補助會員2023-07-012023-09-300001108109cyh:託管護理和其他第三方支付方會員2023-01-012023-09-300001108109cyh:金融租賃Rou資產會員US-GAAP:建築和建築改良會員2023-12-310001108109cyh:優先擔保票據會員cyh:到期日2027年的8%優先擔保票據會員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2024-09-3000011081092024-04-272024-01-012024-03-310001108109us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Memberus-gaap:重複計量公允價值會員2024-09-300001108109us-gaap: 受限股票會員2024-06-3000011081092024-04-272023-04-012023-06-300001108109cyh:醫療保險會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:自付收入會員2024-07-012024-09-300001108109us-gaap:其他綜合收益的累計成員2024-04-012024-06-3000011081092024-04-272023-01-012023-03-310001108109cyh:初級優先保證票據會員cyh:2029年到期的6.875%初級優先保證票據會員2023-12-310001108109cyh:融資租賃Rou資產會員us-gaap:傢俱和固定資產會員2023-12-310001108109按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:高級擔保票據會員cyh:2030年到期的525高級擔保票據會員2023-12-310001108109cyh:可贖回的非控股權益會員2024-03-310001108109US-GAAP:員工股票期權成員2023-12-310001108109cyh: 管理護理和其他第三方支付會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh: 醫療保險託管會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh: 高級擔保票據會員cyh: 2028年到期的6.875%優先票據會員2024-09-300001108109us-gaap:留存收益成員2023-09-300001108109cyh: 初級優先擔保票據會員cyh: 2029年到期的6.875%初級優先擔保票據會員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2023-12-310001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:截至2026年到期的8%高級擔保票據成員2023-12-3100011081092024-04-272024-04-012024-06-300001108109cyh:自付收入成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:初級優先擔保票據成員cyh:截至2029年到期的6.875%初級優先擔保票據成員2023-12-310001108109cyh:賓夕法尼亞州斯克蘭頓會員cyh:莫西斯泰勒醫院會員2024-07-300001108109按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:初級優先擔保票據會員cyh:到期2029年的百分之六點八七五初級優先擔保票據會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:初級優先擔保票據會員cyh:到期2030年的百分之六千一百二十五初級優先擔保票據會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據會員cyh:5625年到期的高級擔保票據會員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2023-12-310001108109us-gaap:SeniorNotesMembercyh:6875%到期於2028年的高級票據會員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2024-09-300001108109srt:最大成員2024-09-300001108109cyh:共享服務中心會員2023-01-012023-09-300001108109cyh:共享服務中心會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109us-gaap:其他綜合收益的累計成員2024-09-300001108109cyh:醫療保險會員2023-07-012023-09-300001108109US-GAAP:普通股成員2023-12-310001108109cyh:優先擔保票據會員按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:2029年到期的優先擔保票據會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:自費收入會員2023-01-012023-09-300001108109cyh:融資租賃及融資義務會員2023-12-3100011081092024-04-272024-06-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:截至2031年的四點七五的高級擔保票據成員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2023-12-310001108109cyh:聯合健康伍德沃德成員2024-09-300001108109us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2024-09-300001108109cyh:勇健康布魯克斯維爾成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109US-GAAP:員工股票期權成員2024-09-300001108109cyh:初級優先擔保票據會員cyh: 到期日2030年的初級優先擔保票據會員6125%2023-12-310001108109us-gaap:SeniorNotesMember按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh: 到期日2028年的高級票據6875%會員2023-12-310001108109cyh: 高級擔保票據會員cyh: 到期日2027年的高級擔保票據會員8%us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2023-12-310001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:2029年到期的高級擔保票據成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109US-GAAP:員工股票期權成員2023-01-012023-09-300001108109按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員2024-09-300001108109cyh:其他可能的未決條件成員us-gaap:有待解決的訴訟成員2024-09-300001108109srt:最大成員2023-01-012023-09-300001108109美國通用會計原則限制性股票單位累計成員cyh:2009會員計劃srt:董事會主席成員2023-03-012023-03-010001108109cyh:高級擔保票據會員cyh:5625到期2027年的高級擔保票據會員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2024-09-3000011081092024-10-180001108109us-gaap:SeniorNotesMembercyh:2028年到期的6875%高級票據會員2023-01-012023-12-310001108109cyh:高級擔保票據會員按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:2027年到期的5625美元指數優先擔保債券會員2023-12-310001108109cyh:可贖回的非控制權益會員2024-07-012024-09-300001108109cyh:ABL融資工具慣例條款會員cyh:基於資產的貸款融資工具會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:出售或被視爲待售的醫院會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:南阿肯色醫療中心會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:可贖回的非控制權益會員2023-06-300001108109cyh:第二千零九計劃成員2024-01-012024-09-3000011081092023-12-310001108109美國通用會計原則限制性股票單位累計成員2024-06-300001108109cyh:可贖回的非控股權益成員2024-09-300001108109cyh:優先擔保票據成員按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:到期日2032年10875的優先擔保票據成員2023-12-310001108109cyh:Plateau醫療中心成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Memberus-gaap:重複計量公允價值會員2023-12-310001108109cyh:醫療補助會員2023-01-012023-09-300001108109us-gaap:非控制權益成員2024-09-300001108109cyh:截止2032年到期的優先擔保票據會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:調整其他長期資產在業績不佳的醫院的賬面價值會員2023-01-012023-09-300001108109cyh:其他會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:融資租賃Rou資產會員us-gaap:傢俱和固定資產會員2024-09-300001108109us-gaap:留存收益成員2024-03-310001108109美國通用會計原則限制性股票單位累計成員2024-03-310001108109cyh:其他成員2023-12-310001108109US-GAAP:普通股成員2024-09-300001108109us-gaap:留存收益成員2022-12-310001108109cyh:優先擔保票據成員cyh:到期日2032年,票面利率爲10875%的優先票據成員2023-12-3100011081092024-04-272023-09-300001108109cyh:可贖回的非控制權益成員2022-12-310001108109us-gaap:SeniorNotesMembercyh:到期日2028年,利率6875%的高級票據成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:優先保障次級票據成員cyh:到期日2029年,利率6.875%的優先保障次級票據成員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2024-09-300001108109cyh:醫療補助成員2024-07-012024-09-300001108109美國通用會計準則: 公允價值輸入一級成員us-gaap:重複計量公允價值會員2023-12-310001108109cyh:高級擔保票據會員cyh:2029年到期的高級擔保票據會員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2023-12-310001108109US-GAAP:員工股票期權成員2024-07-012024-09-300001108109cyh:坦諾娃克利夫蘭醫院會員2024-09-300001108109按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員2023-12-310001108109cyh:可贖回的非控制權益會員2024-01-012024-03-310001108109cyh:初級優先擔保票據成員cyh:2029年到期的六點八七五百分比初級優先擔保票據成員2024-09-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:2030年到期的525美元高級擔保票據成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109us-gaap:其他綜合收益的累計成員2023-06-300001108109us-gaap:其他綜合收益的累計成員2023-09-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:2031年到期的四點七五美元高級擔保票據成員2024-09-300001108109cyh : 高原醫院會員2024-09-300001108109cyh : 高級擔保票據會員cyh : 截至2030年到期的高級擔保票據會員2023-01-012023-12-310001108109cyh : 可贖回的非控制權益會員2023-12-310001108109us-gaap: 受限股票會員2024-01-012024-03-310001108109cyh : 高級擔保票據會員cyh : 截至2026年到期的8%高級擔保票據會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh : 高級擔保票據會員cyh:截止至2031年的4.75美元的高級擔保票據會員2023-01-012023-12-310001108109cyh:Medicare託管護理會員2023-01-012023-09-300001108109cyh:Bravera Health Spring Hill會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:可贖回的非控制權益會員2023-04-012023-06-300001108109按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:高級擔保票據會員cyh:截至2026年的8%高級擔保票據會員2023-12-310001108109us-gaap:SeniorNotesMembercyh:2028年到期的6875%高級票據會員2023-12-310001108109cyh:高級擔保票據會員cyh:2031年到期的4.75%高級擔保票據會員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2024-09-300001108109us-gaap: 受限股票會員2024-07-012024-09-300001108109US-GAAP:普通股成員2024-03-310001108109us-gaap:LetterOfCreditMembercyh:資產抵押貸款設施會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:第二修正與重述協議,修正與重述的基於資產貸款信貸協議成員2024-06-050001108109cyh:聯盟健康伍德沃德成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109us-gaap:留存收益成員2024-09-300001108109us-gaap:其他綜合收益的累計成員2023-04-012023-06-300001108109美國通用會計原則限制性股票單位累計成員2024-09-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:5625到期的高級擔保票據2027年成員2023-01-012023-12-310001108109us-gaap: 受限股票會員2024-04-012024-06-300001108109cyh:醫療保險和其他第三方付款方會員2024-07-012024-09-300001108109cyh:Bravera Health Seven Rivers會員2024-09-300001108109us-gaap:非控制權益成員2023-09-300001108109cyh:ABL設施和其他債務會員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2024-09-300001108109cyh:ABL設施和其他債務會員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2023-12-310001108109us-gaap:LetterOfCreditMembercyh:資產質押貸款設施成員2024-09-300001108109按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:初級優先擔保票據成員cyh:2030年到期的6125%初級優先擔保票據成員2023-12-310001108109cyh:資產質押貸款設施成員2024-09-300001108109cyh:融資租賃ROU資產成員US-GAAP:建築和建築改良會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:優先擔保票據成員cyh:2032年到期的10875%高級票據成員2024-09-300001108109cyh:自付收入成員2023-07-012023-09-300001108109US-GAAP:普通股成員2024-06-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:2027年到期的5625高級擔保票據成員2024-07-012024-09-300001108109cyh:其他可能的未決事項成員us-gaap:有待解決的訴訟成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:基於資產的貸款設施成員2023-12-310001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:到期日2030年的高級擔保票據成員2024-09-300001108109美國通用會計原則限制性股票單位累計成員cyh:2009年計劃成員導演成員2023-03-012023-03-010001108109us-gaap:重複計量公允價值會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:截至2027年到期的8%優先擔保票據成員2024-09-300001108109us-gaap:非控制權益成員2023-03-310001108109us-gaap:非控制權益成員2023-07-012023-09-3000011081092023-01-012023-09-300001108109cyh:可贖回的非控制權益成員2023-07-012023-09-3000011081092024-04-272023-12-310001108109us-gaap:其他綜合收益的累計成員2023-07-012023-09-300001108109cyh:優先次級擔保票據成員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMembercyh : 2030年到期的優先保險票據成員2023-12-310001108109cyh : Bravera Health Brooksville成員2024-09-300001108109cyh : 管理護理和其他第三方支付方成員2023-07-012023-09-300001108109cyh : 高級擔保票據成員cyh : 2029年到期的6美元擔保票據成員2023-01-012023-12-310001108109美國通用會計原則限制性股票單位累計成員cyh : 2009年計劃成員cyh : 新非管理董事成員2024-06-012024-06-010001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMembercyh:高級擔保票據,截止日期爲2030年,利率爲525的成員2023-12-310001108109US-GAAP:員工股票期權成員2024-06-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:高級擔保票據,截止日期爲2030年,利率爲525的成員2023-12-310001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:高級擔保票據,截止日期爲2027年,利率爲8%的成員2023-01-012023-12-310001108109us-gaap:非控制權益成員2024-03-310001108109cyh:Greenbrier Valley Medical Center會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109us-gaap:非控制權益成員2024-01-012024-03-310001108109us-gaap:一系列不重要的營業收購2024-01-012024-09-300001108109US-GAAP:普通股成員2023-03-310001108109cyh:高級擔保票據會員cyh:到期日2032年的10875美元指數高級擔保票據會員2023-01-012023-12-310001108109按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:ABL設施和其他債務成員2023-12-310001108109cyh:優先擔保票據成員按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:2031年到期的優先擔保票據,利率爲四點七五成員2023-12-310001108109cyh:優先擔保票據成員cyh:2028年到期的6875%的高級票據成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109us-gaap:非控制權益成員2024-04-012024-06-300001108109us-gaap:留存收益成員2024-01-012024-03-310001108109美國通用會計原則限制性股票單位累計成員cyh:二〇〇九年會員計劃srt:董事會主席成員2024-03-012024-03-0100011081092024-04-272023-03-310001108109cyh:高級擔保票據會員cyh:六年到期2029年高級擔保票據會員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2024-09-300001108109us-gaap:非控制權益成員2023-12-3100011081092024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:Bravera Health Seven Rivers會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:優先擔保票據會員cyh:到期日2032年,利率10875%的高級票據會員2024-06-052024-06-050001108109us-gaap:留存收益成員2023-04-012023-06-300001108109us-gaap:非控制權益成員2023-04-012023-06-300001108109cyh:Alliancehealth Ponca City會員2024-01-012024-09-3000011081092024-01-012024-03-3100011081092024-04-272024-03-3100011081092023-06-300001108109us-gaap:SeniorNotesMembercyh:2028年到期的6875美元指數高級票據會員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2023-12-310001108109美國通用會計準則: 公允價值輸入一級成員us-gaap:重複計量公允價值會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據會員cyh:2026年到期的8美元指數高級擔保票據會員2023-01-012023-12-310001108109cyh:高級擔保票據會員按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:2031年到期的4.75美元的高級擔保票據會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:路德教康復醫院會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據會員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMembercyh:2030年到期的525美元的高級擔保票據會員2024-09-300001108109US-GAAP:員工股票期權成員2024-03-310001108109cyh:醫療保險會員2023-01-012023-09-300001108109cyh:二次修正和重述協議,用於修正和重述資產擔保貸款授信協議的會員us-gaap:LetterOfCreditMember2024-06-050001108109us-gaap:其他綜合收益的累計成員2023-12-310001108109us-gaap:SeniorNotesMembercyh:6875美元註銷2028年到期的高級票據會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:擔保高級票據會員cyh:於2029年到期的6%擔保高級票據會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:初級優先擔保票據會員cyh:6.875%初級優先擔保票據,2029年到期會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:醫療補助會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109us-gaap:其他綜合收益的累計成員2024-01-012024-03-310001108109us-gaap:其他綜合收益的累計成員2023-01-012023-03-310001108109cyh:優先擔保票據會員按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:截至2030年到期的525優先擔保票據會員2024-09-300001108109按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:ABL融資設施和其他債務會員2024-09-300001108109美國通用會計原則限制性股票單位累計成員2024-04-012024-06-300001108109us-gaap:其他綜合收益的累計成員2024-03-310001108109CYH:調整受表現不佳的醫院成員其他長期資產賬面價值2024-01-012024-09-300001108109CYH:融資租賃ROU資產成員2023-12-310001108109CYH:基於績效授予於2018年3月12日或之後的獎勵成員CYH:首席執行官和首席財務官成員CYH:受限股票績效單位成員2024-03-012024-03-010001108109CYH:優先擔保票據成員cyh:到期日爲2032年、票面利率爲10875%的高級票據成員2024-06-050001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:到期日爲2032年、票面利率爲10875%的高級擔保票據成員2023-12-310001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:到期日爲2027年、票面利率爲8%的高級擔保票據成員2023-12-310001108109us-gaap:重複計量公允價值會員2023-12-310001108109us-gaap:非控制權益成員2023-01-012023-03-310001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:2032年到期的10875美元指數高級擔保債券會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:格林布里爾谷醫院會員2024-09-3000011081092024-04-272024-07-012024-09-300001108109cyh:初級優先擔保票據會員cyh:2030年到期的6125美元指數初級優先擔保票據會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:醫療保險會員2024-07-012024-09-300001108109cyh:醫療保險管理護理會員2023-07-012023-09-3000011081092023-01-012023-03-3100011081092022-12-3100011081092023-03-310001108109cyh:出售的或視爲持有待售的醫院會員2023-01-012023-09-300001108109us-gaap: 受限股票會員2024-03-3100011081092023-07-012023-09-300001108109us-gaap:其他綜合收益的累計成員2024-06-300001108109cyh:地區醫院會員cyh:斯克蘭頓會員2024-07-300001108109cyh:限制股票和限制股票單位會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:可贖回的非控制權益會員2023-03-310001108109cyh:優先擔保票據會員cyh:到期日2032年、票面利率10875的優先擔保票據會員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2024-09-300001108109us-gaap:其他綜合收益的累計成員2022-12-3100011081092023-01-012023-12-310001108109us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2023-12-310001108109cyh:6875美元到期的高級票據2028年到期會員2024-01-012024-09-3000011081092024-04-272022-12-310001108109us-gaap:其他綜合收益的累計成員2023-03-310001108109cyh:基於績效的獎勵將在2018年3月12日或之後授予會員cyh:限制性股票績效單位會員cyh:其他高級執行官成員2024-03-012024-03-010001108109US-GAAP:普通股成員2022-12-310001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:截止2027年的5625號高級擔保票據成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:截止2027年的5625號高級擔保票據成員2023-12-310001108109cyh:金融租賃Rou資產成員2024-09-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMembercyh:2026年到期的8%優先擔保票據會員2023-12-3100011081092023-04-012023-06-300001108109US-GAAP:員工股票期權成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:戴維斯地區醫療中心會員us-gaap:後續事件會員cyh:北卡羅來納州斯泰茨維爾會員2024-10-010001108109cyh:優先次級擔保票據會員cyh:2030年到期的6125%優先次級擔保票據會員2023-01-012023-12-310001108109美國通用會計原則限制性股票單位累計成員2023-03-012023-03-010001108109cyh:Bravera Health Spring Hill會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109US-GAAP:普通股成員2023-09-300001108109us-gaap:留存收益成員2023-07-012023-09-300001108109us-gaap:留存收益成員2024-06-300001108109cyh:賓夕法尼亞州威爾克斯巴里會員cyh:威爾克斯巴里綜合醫院會員2024-07-300001108109cyh:限制股份績效單元會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:2009年度計劃成員2024-09-3000011081092024-04-272024-09-300001108109cyh:戴維斯區域醫療中心成員cyh:北卡羅來納州斯坦茨維爾成員2024-09-302024-09-300001108109美國通用會計原則限制性股票單位累計成員2023-12-310001108109cyh:Senior Secured Notes成員cyh:到期日2027年的8% Senior Secured Notes成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109us-gaap:SeniorNotesMember按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh: 到期日爲2028年的6875美元指數高級票據會員2024-09-300001108109cyh: 戴維斯地區醫院會員cyh: 北卡羅來納州斯坦斯維爾會員2024-08-160001108109cyh: 可贖回的非控制性利益會員2024-06-300001108109us-gaap: 受限股票會員2023-12-310001108109cyh: 高級擔保票據會員cyh: 到期日爲2032年的10875美元指數高級擔保票據會員us-gaap:EstimateOfFairValueFairValueDisclosureMember2023-12-310001108109cyh:路德教康復醫院會員2024-09-300001108109us-gaap:非控制權益成員2023-06-300001108109us-gaap:其他綜合收益的累計成員2024-07-012024-09-300001108109cyh:優先擔保票據會員按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:到期日爲2027年的5625美元優先擔保票據會員2024-09-300001108109cyh:受限股票和受限股票單位會員2024-01-012024-09-3000011081092024-06-3000011081092024-04-272023-06-300001108109cyh:初級優先擔保票據會員cyh:六點八七五百分比2029年到期初級優先擔保票據會員2023-01-012023-12-310001108109us-gaap:留存收益成員2024-07-012024-09-300001108109cyh:醫療保險管理護理會員2024-07-012024-09-300001108109cyh:優先擔保票據會員cyh:截至2027年的5625優先擔保票據會員2024-09-300001108109美國通用會計原則限制性股票單位累計成員2024-03-012024-03-010001108109cyh:ABL融資方的慣例契約成員cyh:資產抵押貸款融資方成員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:優先擔保票據成員cyh:截至2031年的票面利率爲4.75%的優先擔保票據成員2023-12-3100011081092024-04-012024-06-300001108109美國通用會計原則限制性股票單位累計成員cyh:2009年計劃成員導演成員2024-03-012024-03-010001108109按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:初級優先擔保票據成員cyh:到2030年到期的初級優先擔保票據成員6125%2024-09-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員cyh:到2032年到期的高級擔保票據成員108.75%2024-09-3000011081092024-09-300001108109us-gaap:非控制權益成員2024-06-3000011081092024-07-012024-09-300001108109cyh:高級擔保票據成員按照美國會計準則:計入報告金額公平價值披露成員cyh:到2027年到期的高級擔保票據成員8%2023-12-310001108109us-gaap: 受限股票會員2024-01-012024-09-300001108109cyh:可贖回的非控制權益成員2023-01-012023-03-31cyh:醫院xbrli:純形cyh:項目xbrli:股份cyh:董事iso4217:美元指數iso4217:美元指數xbrli:股份




華盛頓特區 20549


表格 10-Q






截至季度期 9月30日 2024


TRANSITION 根據1934年《證券交易所法案》第13或第15(d)條的報告




委員會檔案編號 001-15925











4000 Meridian Boulevard

富蘭克林, 田納西州













普通股,面額為 $0.01



















請用勾號標明註冊人是否爲殼公司(根據《交易所法》第120億.2條的定義)。 是

截至2024年10月18日,尚未發行的 138,948,058 註冊人的普通股股份,面值$0.01。



Community Health Systems, Inc.








































簡化合並損益表 – 截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月(未經審計)














簡化合並全面損失表 – 截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月(未經審計)














簡化合並資產負債表 – 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日(未經審計)














合併現金流量表摘要 - 截至2024年9月30日及2023年9月30日的九個月(未經審計)
































































































Risk Factors
























































































(In millions, except share and per share data)





Three Months Ended



Nine Months Ended




September 30,



September 30,















Net operating revenues

















Operating expenses:













Salaries and benefits


































Other operating expenses

















Lease cost and rent

















Depreciation and amortization

















Impairment and (gain) loss on sale of businesses, net

















Total operating expenses

















(Loss) income from operations

















Interest expense, net

















Gain from early extinguishment of debt














Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates

















(Loss) income before income taxes

















(Benefit from) provision for income taxes

















Net loss

















Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests

















Net loss attributable to Community Health Systems,
   Inc. stockholders

















Loss per share attributable to Community Health
   Systems, Inc. stockholders:















































Weighted-average number of shares outstanding:
















































See accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements.






(In millions)





Three Months Ended



Nine Months Ended




September 30,



September 30,















Net loss

















Other comprehensive income (loss), net of income taxes:













Net change in fair value of available-for-sale debt securities,
   net of tax

















Amortization and recognition of unrecognized pension cost
  components, net of tax















Other comprehensive income (loss)

















Comprehensive loss

















Less: Comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling

















Comprehensive loss attributable to Community Health
   Systems, Inc. stockholders


















See accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements.





(In millions, except share data)





September 30,



December 31,









Current assets:







Cash and cash equivalents









Patient accounts receivable


















Prepaid income taxes









Prepaid expenses and taxes









Other current assets









Total current assets









Property and equipment









Less accumulated depreciation and amortization









Property and equipment, net


















Deferred income taxes









Other assets, net









Total assets
















Current liabilities:







Current maturities of long-term debt









Current operating lease liabilities









Accounts payable









Accrued liabilities:







Employee compensation









Accrued interest


















    Total current liabilities









Long-term debt









Deferred income taxes









Long-term operating lease liabilities









Other long-term liabilities









Total liabilities









Redeemable noncontrolling interests in equity of consolidated subsidiaries
















Community Health Systems, Inc. stockholders’ deficit:







Preferred stock, $.01 par value per share, 100,000,000 shares authorized; none issued







Common stock, $.01 par value per share, 300,000,000 shares authorized; 138,936,058
   shares issued and outstanding at September 30, 2024, and
136,774,911 shares issued
   and outstanding at December 31, 2023









Additional paid-in capital









Accumulated other comprehensive loss









Accumulated deficit









Total Community Health Systems, Inc. stockholders’ deficit









Noncontrolling interests in equity of consolidated subsidiaries









Total stockholders’ deficit









Total liabilities and stockholders’ deficit










See accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements.





(In millions)





Nine Months Ended




September 30,









Cash flows from operating activities:







Net loss









Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by operating activities:







Depreciation and amortization









Deferred income taxes









Stock-based compensation expense









Impairment and (gain) loss on sale of businesses, net









Gain from early extinguishment of debt








Other non-cash expenses, net









Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of effects of acquisitions and divestitures:







Patient accounts receivable









Supplies, prepaid expenses and other current assets









Accounts payable, accrued liabilities and income taxes


















Net cash provided by operating activities









Cash flows from investing activities:







Acquisitions of facilities and other related businesses









Purchases of property and equipment









Proceeds from disposition of hospitals and other ancillary operations









Proceeds from sale of property and equipment









Purchases of available-for-sale debt securities and equity securities









Proceeds from sales of available-for-sale debt securities and equity securities









Purchases of investments in unconsolidated affiliates









Increase in other investments









Net cash used in investing activities









Cash flows from financing activities:







Repurchase of restricted stock shares for payroll tax withholding requirements









Deferred financing costs and other debt-related costs








Proceeds from noncontrolling investors in joint ventures









Redemption of noncontrolling investments in joint ventures









Distributions to noncontrolling investors in joint ventures









Other borrowings









Issuance of long-term debt








Proceeds from ABL Facility









Repayments of long-term indebtedness









Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities









Net change in cash and cash equivalents









Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period









Cash and cash equivalents at end of period









Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:







Interest payments









Income tax payments, net










See accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements.









The unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements of Community Health Systems, Inc. (the “Parent Company”) and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 and for the three-month and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). In the opinion of management, such information contains all adjustments, consisting only of normal recurring adjustments, necessary for a fair presentation of the results for such periods. All intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated. The results of operations for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the full fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the condensed consolidated financial statements. Actual results could differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions.

Certain information and disclosures normally included in the notes to the consolidated financial statements have been condensed or omitted as permitted by the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). The Company believes the disclosures are adequate to make the information presented not misleading. The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto for the year ended December 31, 2023, contained in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on February 21, 2024 (“2023 Form 10-K”).

Noncontrolling interests in less-than-wholly-owned consolidated subsidiaries of the Parent Company are presented as a component of total equity in the condensed consolidated balance sheets to distinguish between the interests of the Parent Company and the interests of the noncontrolling owners. Noncontrolling interests that are redeemable or may become redeemable at a fixed or determinable price at the option of the holder or upon the occurrence of an event outside of the control of the Company are presented in mezzanine equity in the condensed consolidated balance sheets.

Substantially all of the Company’s operating expenses are “cost of revenue” items. Operating expenses that could be classified as general and administrative by the Company include the Company’s corporate office costs at its Franklin, Tennessee office, which were $72 million and $61 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $228 million and $187 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The increase in corporate office costs during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same periods in 2023 is primarily due to the impact of certain non-recurring adjustments.

Throughout these notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements, Community Health Systems, Inc., and its consolidated subsidiaries are referred to on a collective basis as the “Company.” This drafting style is not meant to indicate that the publicly-traded Parent Company or any particular subsidiary of the Parent Company owns or operates any asset, business, or property. The hospitals, operations and businesses described in this filing are owned and operated, and management services provided, by distinct and indirect subsidiaries of Community Health Systems, Inc.

Revenue Recognition.

Net Operating Revenues

Net operating revenues are recorded at the transaction price estimated by the Company to reflect the total consideration due from patients and third-party payors in exchange for providing goods and services in patient care. These services are considered to be a single performance obligation and have a duration of less than one year. Revenues are recorded as these goods and services are provided. The transaction price, which involves significant estimates, is determined based on the Company’s standard charges for the goods and services provided, with a reduction recorded for price concessions related to third party contractual arrangements as well as patient discounts and other patient price concessions. During each of the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the impact of changes to the inputs used to determine the transaction price was considered immaterial.




Currently, several states utilize supplemental reimbursement programs for the purpose of providing reimbursement to providers that is not specifically tied to an individual’s care, some of which offsets a portion of the cost of providing care to Medicaid and indigent patients. The programs are funded with a combination of state and federal resources, including, in certain instances, fees or taxes levied on the providers. The programs are generally authorized by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) for a specified period of time and require CMS’s approval to be extended. Under these supplemental programs, the Company recognizes revenue and related expenses in the period in which amounts are estimable and payment is reasonably assured. Reimbursement under these programs is reflected in net operating revenues. Taxes or other program-related costs are reflected in other operating expenses.

The Company’s net operating revenues for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 have been presented in the following table based on an allocation of the estimated transaction price with the patient between the primary patient classification of insurance coverage (in millions):




Three Months Ended



Nine Months Ended




September 30,



September 30,
































Medicare Managed Care


































Managed Care and other third-party payors




















































Patient Accounts Receivable

Patient accounts receivable are recorded at net realizable value based on certain assumptions determined by each payor. For third-party payors including Medicare, Medicare Managed Care, Medicaid and Managed Care, the net realizable value is based on the estimated contractual reimbursement percentage, which is based on current contract prices or historical paid claims data by payor. For self-pay accounts receivable, which includes patients who are uninsured and the patient responsibility portion for patients with insurance, the net realizable value is determined using estimates of historical collection experience without regard to aging category. These estimates are adjusted for estimated conversions of patient responsibility portions, expected recoveries and any anticipated changes in trends.

Patient accounts receivable can be impacted by the effectiveness of the Company’s collection efforts. Additionally, significant changes in payor mix, business office operations, economic conditions or trends in federal and state governmental healthcare coverage could affect the net realizable value of accounts receivable. The Company also continually reviews the net realizable value of accounts receivable by monitoring historical cash collections as a percentage of trailing net operating revenues, as well as by analyzing current period net operating revenues and admissions by payor classification, days revenue outstanding, the composition of self-pay receivables between pure self-pay patients and the patient responsibility portion of third-party insured receivables, the impact of recent acquisitions and dispositions and the impact of current macroeconomic conditions and other events.

Final settlements for some payors and programs are subject to adjustment based on administrative review and audit by third parties. As a result of these final settlements, the Company has recorded amounts due to third-party payors of $138 million and $97 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, and these amounts are included in accrued liabilities-other in the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheets. Amounts due from third-party payors were $146 million and $130 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, and are included in other current assets in the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheets. Substantially all Medicare and Medicaid cost reports are final settled through 2019.




Charity Care

In the ordinary course of business, the Company renders services to patients who are financially unable to pay for hospital care. The Company’s policy is to not pursue collections for such amounts; therefore, the related charges for those patients who are financially unable to pay and that otherwise do not qualify for reimbursement from a governmental program are not reported in net operating revenues, and are thus classified as charity care. The Company determines amounts that qualify for charity care based on the patient’s household income relative to the federal poverty level guidelines, as established by the federal government.

These charity care services are estimated to be $304 million and $355 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $906 million and $1.0 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, representing the value (at the Company’s standard charges) of these charity care services that are excluded from net operating revenues. The estimated cost incurred by the Company to provide these charity care services to patients who are unable to pay was approximately $31 million and $39 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $89 million and $111 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The estimated cost of these charity care services was determined using a ratio of cost to gross charges and applying that ratio to the gross charges associated with providing care to charity patients for the period.

Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company recorded a net expense of approximately $294 million, comprised of (i) an approximate $259 million impairment charge recorded to reduce the carrying value of four hospitals that were deemed held-for-sale based on the difference between carrying value of the hospital disposal group compared to the estimated fair value less costs to sell, and (ii) an approximate $39 million impairment charge recorded to reduce the carrying value of several assets that were idled, disposed of or held-for-sale, partially offset by a gain of approximately $4 million related to the sale of one hospital. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, approximately $127 million of goodwill was allocated from the hospital operations reporting unit associated with the disposal groups for which impairment charges or a gain on sale was recorded during the period.

During the nine months ended September 30, 2023, the Company recorded a net gain of approximately $9 million, comprised of a gain of approximately $63 million related to the sale of three hospitals, partially offset by (i) an approximate $21 million impairment charge to adjust the carrying value of long-lived assets at a hospital that was sold at a sales price below carrying value, (ii) an approximate $25 million impairment charge recorded to reduce the carrying value of two hospitals that were deemed held-for-sale based on the difference between carrying value of the hospital disposal group compared to the estimated fair value less costs to sell, and (iii) an approximate $8 million impairment charge recorded to reduce the carrying value of several assets that were idled, disposed of or held-for-sale. During the nine months ended September 30, 2023, approximately $84 million of goodwill was allocated from the hospital operations reporting unit associated with the disposal groups for which impairment charges or a gain on sale was recorded during the period.

The Company will continue to evaluate the potential for impairment of the long-lived assets of hospitals and other held-and-used businesses as well as evaluate offers for potential sales, as applicable. Based on such analysis, additional impairment charges may be recorded in the future.

New Accounting Pronouncements. In November 2023, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2023-07, “Segment Reporting (Topic 280), Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures.” This ASU includes additional requirements for the disclosure of significant segment expenses and segment measure(s) of profit or loss, as well as new disclosure requirements for entities with a single reportable segment and certain qualitative information about the chief operating decision maker. This ASU is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2023 and interim periods beginning after December 15, 2024. The amendments in this ASU must be applied retrospectively to all periods presented. Early adoption is permitted. The Company is currently evaluating the impact that adoption of this ASU will have on its condensed consolidated financial statements.

In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, “Income Taxes (Topic 740), Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures.” This ASU establishes new requirements for the categorization and disaggregation of information in the rate reconciliation as well as for disaggregation of income taxes paid. Additionally, this ASU modifies and eliminates certain existing requirements for indefinitely reinvested foreign earnings and unrecognized tax benefits. This ASU is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2024 and interim periods beginning after December 15, 2025. The amendments in this ASU should be applied on a prospective basis and early adoption is permitted. The Company is currently evaluating the impact that adoption of this ASU will have on its condensed consolidated financial statements.




The Company has evaluated all other recently issued, but not yet effective, ASUs and does not expect the eventual adoption of such ASUs to have a material impact on its consolidated financial position or results of operations.


Stock-based compensation awards have been granted under the Community Health Systems, Inc. Amended and Restated 2009 Stock Option and Award Plan, which was most recently amended and restated as of March 22, 2023 and most recently approved by the Company’s stockholders at the annual meeting of stockholders held on May 9, 2023 (the “2009 Plan”).

The 2009 Plan provides for the grant of incentive stock options intended to qualify under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) and for the grant of stock options which do not so qualify, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock, restricted stock units (“RSUs”), performance-based shares or units and other share awards. Persons eligible to receive grants under the 2009 Plan include the Company’s directors, officers, employees and consultants. To date, all options granted under the 2009 Plan have been “nonqualified” stock options for tax purposes. Generally, these options vest in one-third increments on each of the first three anniversaries of the option grant date and expire on the tenth anniversary of the option grant date. The exercise price of all options granted under the 2009 Plan is equal to the fair value of the Company’s common stock on the option grant date. As of September 30, 2024, 3,858,715 shares of unissued common stock were reserved for future grants under the 2009 Plan.

The following table reflects the impact of total compensation expense related to stock-based equity plans on the reported operating results for the respective periods (in millions):




Three Months Ended



Nine Months Ended




September 30,



September 30,















Effect on income before income taxes

















Effect on net loss


















At September 30, 2024, $23 million of unrecognized stock-based compensation expense related to outstanding unvested stock options, restricted stock and restricted stock units (the terms of which are summarized below) was expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 21 months. Of that amount, $4 million relates to outstanding unvested stock options expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 19 months and $19 million relates to outstanding unvested restricted stock and RSUs expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 21 months. There were no modifications to awards during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.


The fair value of stock options was estimated using the Black Scholes option pricing model with the following assumptions and weighted-average fair values during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:




Three Months Ended
September 30,


Nine Months Ended
September 30,










Expected volatility









Expected dividends







Expected term






6 years


6 years

Risk-free interest rate










In determining the expected term, the Company examined concentrations of option holdings and historical patterns of option exercises and forfeitures, as well as forward-looking factors, in an effort to determine if there were any discernible employee populations. From this analysis, in determining the expected term for both of the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company identified one population, consisting of persons receiving grants of stock options. The computation of expected term was performed using the simplified method for all stock options granted in the periods presented. The simplified method was used as a result of the Company determining that historical exercise data does not provide a reasonable basis for the expected term of its grants, due primarily to the limited number of stock option exercises that have occurred.


The risk-free interest rate is based on the U.S. Treasury yield curve in effect at the time of the grant. The pre-vesting forfeiture rate is based on historical rates and forward-looking factors for each population identified. The Company adjusts the estimated forfeiture rate to its actual experience.




The expected volatility rate was estimated based on historical volatility. In determining expected volatility, the Company also reviewed the market-based implied volatility of actively traded options of its common stock and determined that historical volatility utilized to estimate the expected volatility rate did not differ significantly from the implied volatility.

Options outstanding and exercisable under the 2009 Plan as of September 30, 2024, and changes during each of the three-month periods following December 31, 2023, was as follows (in millions, except share and per share data):




































Value as of












September 30,














Outstanding at December 31, 2023








































Forfeited and cancelled














Outstanding at March 31, 2024






































Forfeited and cancelled














Outstanding at June 30, 2024






































Forfeited and cancelled












Outstanding at September 30, 2024










7 years





Exercisable at September 30, 2024










6 years






The weighted-average grant date fair value of stock options granted during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was $2.19 and $4.61, respectively. The aggregate intrinsic value (calculated as the number of in-the-money stock options multiplied by the difference between the Company’s closing stock price on the last trading day of the reporting period ($6.07) and the exercise price of the respective stock options) in the table above represents the amount that would have been received by the option holders had all option holders exercised their options on September 30, 2024. This amount changes based on the market value of the Company’s common stock. No stock options were exercised during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and the three months ended September 30, 2023. The aggregate intrinsic value of options exercised during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was less than $1 million. The aggregate intrinsic value of options vested and expected to vest approximates that of the outstanding options.


The Company has also awarded restricted stock under the 2009 Plan to employees of certain subsidiaries. With respect to time-based vesting restricted stock that has been awarded under the 2009 Plan, the restrictions on these shares have generally lapsed in one-third increments on each of the first three anniversaries of the award date. In addition, certain of the restricted stock awards granted to the Company’s senior executives have contained performance objectives required to be met in addition to any time-based vesting requirements. If the applicable performance objectives are not attained, these awards will be forfeited in their entirety. For performance-based awards, the performance objectives are measured cumulatively over a three-year period. If the applicable target performance objective is met at the end of the three-year period, then the restricted stock award subject to such performance objective will vest in full on the third anniversary of the award date. Additionally, for these performance-based awards, based on the level of achievement for the applicable performance objective within the parameters specified in the award agreement, the number of shares to be issued in connection with the vesting of the award may be adjusted to decrease or increase the number of shares specified in the original award. Notwithstanding the above-mentioned performance objectives and vesting requirements, the restrictions with respect to restricted stock granted under the 2009 Plan may lapse earlier in the event of death, disability, change in control of the Company or, other than for performance-based awards, termination of employment by the Company for any reason other than for cause of the holder of the restricted stock. On March 1, 2024, restricted stock awards subject to performance objectives granted on March 1, 2021 vested based on the Company’s cumulative performance compared to performance objectives for the 2021 through 2023 performance period, which were set prior to the date of grant. Such awards vested at 80% of the number of shares originally granted to the Company’s then executive chairman, chief executive officer and chief financial officer based on the performance objectives applicable to the then executive chairman, chief executive officer and chief financial officer, and at 100% of the number of shares originally granted to other senior executives based on the performance objectives applicable to such other senior executives. Restricted stock awards subject to performance objectives that have not yet been satisfied are not considered outstanding for purposes of determining




diluted earnings per share unless the performance objectives have been satisfied on the basis of results through the end of each respective reporting period.

Restricted stock outstanding under the 2009 Plan as of September 30, 2024, and changes during each of the three-month periods following December 31, 2023, was as follows:














Average Grant







Date Fair Value


Unvested at December 31, 2023




































Unvested at March 31, 2024




































Unvested at June 30, 2024


































Unvested at September 30, 2024










RSUs have been granted to the Company’s non-management directors under the 2009 Plan. Each of the Company’s then serving non-management directors received grants under the 2009 Plan of 62,718 RSUs and 29,268 RSUs with a grant date of March 1, 2024 and 2023, respectively. Both the March 2024 and 2023 grants had a grant date fair value of approximately $180,000. In addition to the grants set forth above, on March 1, 2024 and March 1, 2023, the Chairman of the Board of Directors was awarded an additional grant of 92,334 RSUs and 43,089 RSUs, respectively, each with a grant date fair value of approximately $265,000, as additional compensation for serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Pursuant to the Company’s non-management director compensation program, on June 1, 2024, a new non-management director, who was elected to the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting of the Company’s stockholders on May 7, 2024, received a grant of 62,718 RSUs (the same number of RSUs granted to the other non-management directors on March 1, 2024), which had a grant date fair value of approximately $248,000. Vesting of RSUs granted to non-management directors occurs in one-third increments on each of the first three anniversaries of the award date or upon the director’s earlier cessation of service on the Board of Directors, other than for cause. Each non-management director may elect, prior to the beginning of the calendar year in which the award is granted, to defer the receipt of shares of the Company’s common stock issuable upon vesting until either his or her (i) separation from service with the Company or (ii) attainment of an age specified in advance by the non-management director. A total of five directors elected to defer the receipt of shares of the Company’s common stock upon vesting of the RSUs granted on March 1, 2024 to a future date, and a total of four directors elected to defer the receipt of shares of the Company’s common stock upon vesting of the RSUs granted on March 1, 2023 to a future date. The new non-management director elected to defer the receipt of shares of the Company’s common stock upon vesting of the RSUs granted on June 1, 2024 to a future date.




RSUs outstanding under the 2009 Plan as of September 30, 2024, and changes during each of the three-month periods following December 31, 2023, was as follows:














Average Grant







Date Fair Value


Unvested at December 31, 2023


































Unvested at March 31, 2024


































Unvested at June 30, 2024






























Unvested at September 30, 2024












The Company accounts for all transactions that represent business combinations using the acquisition method of accounting, where the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest in the acquired entity are recognized and measured at their fair values on the date the Company obtains control in the acquiree. Such fair values that are not finalized for reporting periods following the acquisition date are estimated and recorded as provisional amounts. Adjustments to these provisional amounts during the measurement period (defined as the date through which all information required to identify and measure the consideration transferred, the assets acquired, the liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interests has been obtained, limited to one year from the acquisition date) are recorded when identified. Goodwill is determined as the excess of the fair value of the consideration conveyed in the acquisition over the fair value of the net assets acquired.

The Company accounts for asset acquisitions pursuant to a cost accumulation model. Direct transaction costs are recognized as part of the cost of an acquisition. The Company also evaluates which elements of a transaction should be accounted for as part of an asset acquisition and which should be accounted for separately. The cost of an asset acquisition, including transaction costs, is allocated to identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on a relative fair value basis. Goodwill is not recognized in an asset acquisition.

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, one or more subsidiaries of the Company paid approximately $1 million to acquire the operating assets and related businesses of certain physician practices and clinics that operate within the communities served by the Company’s affiliated hospitals. The purchase price for these transactions was primarily allocated to working capital and property and equipment.


There was one hospital divestiture completed during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024. The following table provides a summary of hospitals that the Company divested (or, in the case of Lutheran Rehabilitation Hospital, in which the Company sold a majority interest) during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and the year ended December 31, 2023:


















City, State




Effective Date

2024 Divestiture:









Tennova Healthcare - Cleveland


Hamilton Health Care Systems, Inc.


Cleveland, TN




August 1, 2024

2023 Divestitures:









Greenbrier Valley Medical Center


Vandalia Health, Inc.


Ronceverte, WV




January 1, 2023

Plateau Medical Center


Vandalia Health, Inc.


Oak Hill, WV




April 1, 2023

Medical Center of South Arkansas


SARH Holdings, Inc.


El Dorado, AR




July 1, 2023

Lutheran Rehabilitation Hospital


Select Medical Corporation


Fort Wayne, IN




September 1, 2023

AllianceHealth Ponca City


Integris Health


Ponca City, OK




November 1, 2023

AllianceHealth Woodward


Integris Health


Woodward, OK




November 1, 2023

Bravera Health Brooksville


Tampa General Hospital


Brooksville, FL




December 1, 2023

Bravera Health Spring Hill


Tampa General Hospital


Spring Hill, FL




December 1, 2023

Bravera Health Seven Rivers


Tampa General Hospital


Crystal River, FL




December 1, 2023










On July 30, 2024, the Company entered into a definitive agreement for the sale of substantially all of the assets of Regional Hospital of Scranton (186 licensed beds) and Moses Taylor Hospital (122 licensed beds) in Scranton, Pennsylvania, as well as Wilkes-Barre General Hospital (369 licensed beds) in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and certain related businesses to affiliates of WoodBridge Healthcare, Inc. These hospitals were classified as held-for-sale as of September 30, 2024.

On August 16, 2024, the Company entered into a definitive agreement for the sale of substantially all of the assets of Davis Regional Medical Center (144 licensed beds) in Statesville, North Carolina, to Iredell Memorial Hospital, Inc. This hospital was classified as held-for-sale as of September 30, 2024. This disposition was completed on October 1, 2024, as further described in Note 13.

The following table discloses amounts included in the condensed consolidated balance sheets for the hospitals classified as held-for-sale as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 (in millions). Other current assets primarily includes patient accounts receivable and prepaid expenses while Other assets, net, primarily includes the net property and equipment and goodwill for the hospitals held-for-sale. No divestitures or potential divestitures meet the criteria for reporting as a discontinued operation as of September 30, 2024 or December 31, 2023.




September 30,



December 31,


Other current assets









Other assets, net









Accrued liabilities











The changes in the carrying amount of goodwill for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 are as follows (in millions):


Balance, as of December 31, 2023









Accumulated impairment losses









Goodwill acquired as part of acquisitions during current year




Goodwill allocated to hospitals divested or held-for-sale





Balance, as of September 30, 2024









Accumulated impairment losses













Goodwill allocated to hospitals divested or held-for-sale reflects the net activity of changing the classification of entities as held-and-used or held-for-sale during the nine months ended September 30, 2024.


Goodwill is allocated to each identified reporting unit, which is defined as an operating segment or one level below the operating segment (referred to as a component of the entity). Management has determined that the Company’s operating segment meets the criteria to be classified as a reporting unit.

Goodwill is evaluated for impairment annually and when an event occurs or circumstances change that, more likely than not, reduce the fair value of the reporting unit below its carrying value. The Company performed its last annual goodwill impairment evaluation during the fourth quarter of 2023 using an October 31, 2023 measurement date, which indicated no impairment.

The determination of fair value in the Company’s goodwill impairment analysis is based on an estimate of fair value for the reporting unit utilizing known and estimated inputs at the evaluation date. Some of those inputs include, but are not limited to, the most recent price of the Company’s common stock and fair value of long-term debt, the Company’s recent financial results, estimates of future revenue and expense growth, estimated market multiples, expected capital expenditures, income tax rates, costs of invested capital and a discount rate.

Future estimates of fair value could be adversely affected if the actual outcome of one or more of the assumptions described above changes materially in the future, including as a result of any decline in the Company’s stock price and the fair value of its long-term debt, an increase in the volatility of the Company’s stock price and the fair value of its long-term debt, lower-than-expected hospital volumes and/or net operating revenues, higher market interest rates, increased operating costs or other adverse impacts on the Company’s financial results. Such changes impacting the calculation of fair value could result in a material impairment charge in the future.



The total amount of unrecognized benefit that would affect the effective tax rate, if recognized, was $46 million at September 30, 2024. A total of $4 million of interest and penalties is included in the amount of the liability for uncertain tax positions at September 30, 2024. It is the Company’s policy to recognize interest and penalties related to unrecognized benefits in its condensed consolidated statements of loss as income tax expense.

It is possible the amount of unrecognized tax benefit could change in the next 12 months as a result of a lapse of the statute of limitations and settlements with taxing authorities; however, the Company does not anticipate the change will have a material impact on the Company’s condensed consolidated results of operations or financial position.

The Company’s income tax return for the 2018 tax year remains under examination by the Internal Revenue Service. The Company believes the result of this examination will not be material to its consolidated results of operations or consolidated financial position. The Company has extended the federal statute of limitations through June 30, 2025 for Community Health Systems, Inc. for the tax period ended December 31, 2018.

The Company’s (benefit from) provision for income taxes was $(64) million and $19 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $(13) million and $84 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The Company’s effective tax rates were 15.3% and (57.6)% for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and 3.7% and 600.0% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The decrease in the provision for income taxes and the difference in the Company’s effective tax rate for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same periods in 2023 was primarily due to an increase in tax benefit associated with impairment and (gain) loss on sale of businesses, net compared to the prior period.

Cash paid for income taxes, net of refunds received, resulted in a net payment of $48 million and $132 million during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, and $24 million and $61 million during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively.





Long-term debt, net of unamortized debt issuance costs and discounts or premiums, as applicable, consists of the following (in millions):




September 30,



December 31,









8% Senior Secured Notes due 2026








8% Senior Secured Notes due 2027









5⅝% Senior Secured Notes due 2027









6⅞% Senior Notes due 2028









6% Senior Secured Notes due 2029









5¼% Senior Secured Notes due 2030









4¾% Senior Secured Notes due 2031









10⅞% Senior Secured Notes due 2032









6⅞% Junior-Priority Secured Notes due 2029









6⅛% Junior-Priority Secured Notes due 2030









ABL Facility









Finance lease and financing obligations


















Less: Unamortized deferred debt issuance costs









Total debt









Less: Current maturities









Total long-term debt










On June 5, 2024, CHS/Community Health Systems, Inc. (“CHS”) completed the offering of an additional $1.225 billion aggregate principal amount of its outstanding 10.875% Senior Secured Notes due 2032 (the “Tack-On Notes”) at an issue price of 102.000%, plus accrued and unpaid interest from December 22, 2023 to the closing date (which equaled approximately $60 million). The Tack-On Notes are part of the same series as, and rank equally with, the 10⅞% Senior Secured Notes due 2032 issued in December 2023. Following the issuance of the Tack-On Notes, the total aggregate principal amount of outstanding 10⅞% Senior Secured Notes due 2032 is $2.225 billion.


Proceeds from the offering of the Tack-On Notes, together with cash on hand, were used to redeem all $1.116 billion of the outstanding 8.000% Senior Secured Notes due 2026, to fund repurchases of the Company’s 6⅞% Senior Notes due 2028 as noted below, to pay related fees and expenses and for general corporate purposes.


The 10⅞% Senior Secured Notes due 2032 bear interest at a rate of 10.875% per year payable semi-annually in arrears on February 15 and August 15, which payments commenced on August 15, 2024. The 10⅞% Senior Secured Notes due 2032 are unconditionally guaranteed on a senior-priority secured basis by the Company and each of CHS’ current and future domestic subsidiaries that provide guarantees under the ABL Facility, any capital market debt securities of CHS (including CHS’ outstanding senior notes) and certain other long-term debt of CHS. The 10⅞% Senior Secured Notes due 2032 and the related guarantees are secured by shared (i) first-priority liens on the Non-ABL Priority Collateral and (ii) second-priority liens on the ABL Priority Collateral that secures on a first-priority basis the ABL Facility, in each case subject to permitted liens described in the indenture governing the 10⅞% Senior Secured Notes due 2032.


Approximately $98 million of the proceeds from the Tack-On Notes, as described above, was used to extinguish $130 million principal value of the Company’s 6⅞% Senior Notes due 2028, resulting in a pre-tax gain from early extinguishment of debt of approximately $32 million. Together with the issuance of the Tack-On Notes, a pre-tax and after-tax gain from early extinguishment of debt of $26 million and $27 million, respectively, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, resulted from these transactions. There were no financing transactions in the comparable prior year periods.





On June 5, 2024, the Company and CHS entered into the Second Amendment and Restatement Agreement (the “Amendment”) to refinance and replace the amended and restated asset-based loan (“ABL”) credit agreement (the “ABL Credit Agreement” and, as amended by the Amendment, the “Amended and Restated ABL Credit Agreement”), dated as of November 22, 2021, with JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as administrative agent, and the lenders and other agents party thereto. Pursuant to the Amended and Restated ABL Credit Agreement, the lenders have extended to CHS a revolving asset-based loan facility (the “ABL Facility”) in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $1.0 billion, subject to borrowing base capacity. The ABL Facility includes borrowing capacity available for letters of credit of $200 million. CHS and all domestic subsidiaries of CHS that guarantee CHS’ other outstanding senior and senior secured indebtedness guarantee the obligations of CHS under the ABL Facility. Subject to certain exceptions, all obligations under the ABL Facility and the related guarantees are secured by a perfected first-priority security interest in substantially all of the receivables, deposit, collection and other accounts and contract rights, books, records and other instruments related to the foregoing of the Company, CHS and the guarantors, as well as a perfected junior-priority third lien security interest in substantially all of the other assets of the Company, CHS and the guarantors, subject to customary exceptions and intercreditor arrangements. Principal amounts outstanding under the ABL Facility will be due and payable in full on June 5, 2029.


During the three months ended September 30, 2024, the Company extinguished approximately $143 million principal value of the 5⅝% Senior Secured Notes due 2027 through open market repurchases utilizing cash on hand. An immaterial pre-tax and after-tax loss from early extinguishment of debt resulted from these repurchases.


At September 30, 2024, the Company had outstanding borrowings of $372 million and approximately $438 million of additional borrowing capacity (after taking into consideration the $66 million of outstanding letters of credit) under the ABL Facility. The issued letters of credit were primarily in support of potential insurance-related claims and certain bonds. Letters of credit were reduced during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 by $15 million, primarily in relation to a professional liability claim that was settled and funded during the nine months ended September 30, 2024.

The ABL Facility contains customary representations and warranties, subject to limitations and exceptions, and customary covenants restricting the Company’s ability, subject to certain exceptions, to, among other things (1) declare dividends, make distributions or redeem or repurchase capital stock, (2) prepay, redeem or repurchase other debt, (3) incur liens or grant negative pledges, (4) make loans and investments and enter into acquisitions and joint ventures, (5) incur additional indebtedness or provide certain guarantees, (6) engage in mergers, acquisitions and asset sales, (7) conduct transactions with affiliates, (8) alter the nature of the Company’s, CHS’ or the guarantors’ businesses, (9) grant certain guarantees with respect to physician practices, (10) engage in sale and leaseback transactions or (11) change the Company’s fiscal year. The Company is also required to comply with a consolidated fixed coverage ratio, upon certain triggering events described below, and various affirmative covenants. The consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio is calculated as the ratio of (x) consolidated EBITDA (as defined in the ABL Facility) less capital expenditures to (y) the sum of consolidated interest expense (as defined in the ABL Facility), scheduled principal payments, income taxes and restricted payments made in cash or in permitted investments. For purposes of calculating the consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio, the calculation of consolidated EBITDA as defined in the ABL Facility is a trailing 12-month calculation that begins with the Company’s consolidated net income, with certain adjustments for interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, net income attributable to noncontrolling interests, stock compensation expense, restructuring costs, and the financial impact of other non-cash or non-recurring items recorded during any such 12-month period. The consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio is a required covenant only in periods where the total borrowings outstanding under the ABL Facility reduce the amount available in the facility to less than the greater of (i) $95 million or (ii) 10% of the calculated borrowing base. As a result, in the event the Company has less than $95 million available under the ABL Facility, the Company would need to comply with the consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio. At September 30, 2024, the Company is not subject to the consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio as such triggering event had not occurred during the twelve months ended September 30, 2024.

The Company paid interest of $202 million and $198 million on borrowings during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $562 million and $583 million on borrowings during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.





The fair value of financial instruments has been estimated by the Company using available market information as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, and valuation methodologies considered appropriate. The estimates presented in the table below are not necessarily indicative of amounts the Company could realize in a current market exchange (in millions):




September 30, 2024



December 31, 2023









































Cash and cash equivalents

















Investments in equity securities

















Available-for-sale debt securities

















Trading securities






























8% Senior Secured Notes due 2026















8% Senior Secured Notes due 2027

















5⅝% Senior Secured Notes due 2027

















6⅞% Senior Notes due 2028

















6% Senior Secured Notes due 2029

















5¼% Senior Secured Notes due 2030

















4¾% Senior Secured Notes due 2031

















10⅞% Senior Secured Notes due 2032

















6⅞% Junior-Priority Secured Notes due 2029

















6⅛% Junior-Priority Secured Notes due 2030

















ABL Facility and other debt


















The carrying value of the Company’s long-term debt in the above table is presented net of unamortized deferred debt issuance costs. The estimated fair value is determined using the methodologies discussed below in accordance with accounting standards related to the determination of fair value based on the U.S. GAAP fair value hierarchy as discussed in Note 8. The estimated fair value for financial instruments with a fair value that does not equal its carrying value is considered a Level 1 valuation. The Company utilizes the market approach and obtains indicative pricing through publicly available subscription services such as Bloomberg to determine fair values where relevant.

Cash and cash equivalents. The carrying amount approximates fair value due to the short-term maturity of these instruments (less than three months).

Investments in equity securities. Estimated fair value is based on closing price as quoted in public markets.

Available-for-sale debt securities. Estimated fair value is based on closing price as quoted in public markets or other various valuation techniques.

Trading securities. Estimated fair value is based on closing price as quoted in public markets.

Senior Notes, Senior Secured Notes and Junior-Priority Secured Notes. Estimated fair value is based on the closing market price for these notes.

ABL Facility and other debt. The carrying amount of the ABL Facility and all other debt approximates fair value due to the nature of these obligations.





Fair Value Hierarchy

Fair value is a market-based measurement, not an entity-specific measurement. Therefore, a fair value measurement should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. As a basis for considering market participant assumptions in fair value measurements, the Company utilizes the U.S. GAAP fair value hierarchy that distinguishes between market participant assumptions based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity (observable inputs that are classified within Levels 1 and 2 of the hierarchy) and the reporting entity’s own assumption about market participant assumptions (unobservable inputs classified within Level 3 of the hierarchy).

The inputs used to measure fair value are classified into the following fair value hierarchy:

Level 1: Quoted market prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2: Observable market-based inputs or unobservable inputs that are corroborated by market data.

Level 3: Unobservable inputs that are supported by little or no market activity and are significant to the fair value of the assets or liabilities. Level 3 includes values determined using pricing models, discounted cash flow methodologies, or similar techniques reflecting the Company’s own assumptions.

In instances where the determination of the fair value hierarchy measurement is based on inputs from different levels of the fair value hierarchy, the level in the fair value hierarchy within which the entire fair value measurement falls is based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. The Company’s assessment of the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires judgment of factors specific to the asset or liability. Transfers between levels within the fair value hierarchy are recognized by the Company on the date of the change in circumstances that requires such transfer. There were no transfers between levels during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.

The following table sets forth, by level within the fair value hierarchy, the financial assets and liabilities recorded at fair value on a recurring basis as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 (in millions):




September 30,



Level 1



Level 2



Level 3


Investments in equity securities















Available-for-sale debt securities















Trading securities















Total assets




















December 31,



Level 1



Level 2



Level 3


Investments in equity securities















Available-for-sale debt securities















Trading securities















Total assets
















Investments in equity securities classified as Level 1 are measured using quoted market prices. Level 2 available-for-sale debt securities and trading securities primarily consist of bonds and notes issued by the United States government and its agencies and domestic and foreign corporations. The estimated fair values of these securities are determined using various valuation techniques, including a multi-dimensional relational model that incorporates standard observable inputs and assumptions such as benchmark yields, reported trades, broker/dealer quotes, issuer spreads, benchmark securities, bids/offers and other pertinent reference data.





The Company utilizes operating and finance leases for the use of certain hospitals, medical office buildings, and medical equipment. The components of lease cost and rent expense for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 are as follows (in millions):




Three Months Ended
September 30,



Nine Months Ended
September 30,


Lease Cost













Operating lease cost:













Operating lease cost

















Short-term rent expense

















Variable lease cost

















Sublease income

















Total operating lease cost

















Finance lease cost:













Amortization of right-of-use assets

















Interest on finance lease liabilities

















Total finance lease cost


















Supplemental balance sheet information related to leases is as follows (in millions):




Balance Sheet Classification


September 30, 2024



December 31, 2023


Operating Leases:









Operating lease right-of-use assets


Other assets, net

















Finance Leases:









Finance lease right-of-use assets


Property and equipment








Land and improvements








Buildings and improvements










Equipment and fixtures










Property and equipment










Less accumulated depreciation and amortization










Property and equipment, net

















Current finance lease liabilities


Current maturities of long-term debt









Long-term finance lease liabilities


Long-term debt










Supplemental cash flow information related to leases for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 is as follows (in millions):




Nine Months Ended
September 30,


Cash flow information







Cash paid for amounts included in the measurement of lease liabilities:







Operating cash flows from operating leases (1)









Operating cash flows from finance leases









Financing cash flows from finance leases









Right-of-use assets obtained in exchange for new finance lease liabilities








Right-of-use assets obtained in exchange for new operating lease liabilities










Included in the change in other operating assets and liabilities in the condensed consolidated statements of cash flows.





Authorized capital shares of the Company include 400,000,000 shares of capital stock consisting of 300,000,000 shares of common stock and 100,000,000 shares of preferred stock. Each of the aforementioned classes of capital stock has a par value of $0.01 per share. Shares of preferred stock, none of which were outstanding as of September 30, 2024, may be issued in one or more series having such rights, preferences and other provisions as determined by the Board of Directors without approval by the holders of common stock.

The Company is a holding company, which operates through its subsidiaries. The ABL Facility and the indentures governing each series of the Company’s outstanding notes contain various covenants under which the assets of the subsidiaries of the Company are subject to certain restrictions relating to, among other matters, dividends and distributions, as referenced in the paragraph below.

The ABL Facility and the indentures governing each series of the Company’s outstanding notes restrict the Company’s subsidiaries from, among other matters, paying dividends and making distributions to the Company, which thereby limits the Company’s ability to pay dividends and/or repurchase stock. As of September 30, 2024, under the most restrictive test in these agreements (and subject to certain exceptions), the Company has approximately $300 million of capacity to pay permitted dividends and/or repurchase shares of stock or make other restricted payments.


The schedule below presents the reconciliation of the carrying amount of total equity, equity attributable to the Company’s stockholders, and equity attributable to noncontrolling interests as of September 30, 2024, and during each of the three-month periods following December 31, 2023 (in millions).









Community Health Systems, Inc. Stockholders




















(Loss) Income











Balance, December 31, 2023






























Comprehensive income (loss)




























Distributions to noncontrolling


























Adjustment to redemption value of
   redeemable noncontrolling


























Cancellation of restricted stock for
   tax withholdings on vested shares

























Other reclassifications of
   noncontrolling interests


























Share-based compensation

























Balance, March 31, 2024






























Comprehensive income (loss)




























Distributions to noncontrolling interests


























Purchases of subsidiary shares from noncontrolling


























Adjustment to redemption value of redeemable
   noncontrolling interests


























Other reclassifications of
   noncontrolling interests


























Share-based compensation

























Balance, June 30, 2024






























Comprehensive income (loss)




























Distributions to noncontrolling interests


























Purchases of subsidiary shares from noncontrolling

























Adjustment to redemption value of redeemable
   noncontrolling interests


























Disposition of less-than-wholly owned entity


























Share-based compensation

























Balance, September 30, 2024


































The following schedule presents the reconciliation of the carrying amount of total equity, equity attributable to the Company’s stockholders, and equity attributable to the noncontrolling interests as of September 30, 2023, and during each of the three-month periods following December 31, 2022 (in millions):








Community Health Systems, Inc. Stockholders




















(Loss) Income











Balance, December 31, 2022






























Comprehensive income (loss)




























Distributions to noncontrolling


























Purchases of subsidiary shares
   from noncontrolling interests
























Contributions from noncontrolling


























Adjustment to redemption value of
   redeemable noncontrolling


























Cancellation of restricted stock for
   tax withholdings on vested

























Share-based compensation

























Balance, March 31, 2023






























Comprehensive income (loss)




























Distributions to noncontrolling interests


























Contributions from noncontrolling interests

























Purchases of subsidiary shares from noncontrolling


























Noncontrolling interest in acquired entity
























Adjustment to redemption value of redeemable
   noncontrolling interests


























Share-based compensation

























Balance, June 30, 2023






























Comprehensive income (loss)




























Distributions to noncontrolling interests


























Other reclassifications of noncontrolling interests




























Adjustment to redemption value of redeemable
   noncontrolling interests


























Share-based compensation

























Balance, September 30, 2023
























































Three Months Ended



Nine Months Ended




September 30,



September 30,















Net loss attributable to Community Health Systems,
   Inc. stockholders

















Transfers to the noncontrolling interests:













Net increase in Community Health Systems,
   Inc. paid-in-capital for purchase of
   subsidiary partnership interests
















Net transfers to the noncontrolling interests
















Change to Community Health Systems, Inc. stockholders’
   deficit from net loss attributable to
   Community Health Systems, Inc. stockholders and
   transfers to noncontrolling interests



































The following table sets forth the components of the denominator for the computation of basic and diluted earnings per share for net loss attributable to Community Health Systems, Inc. stockholders:




Three Months Ended



Nine Months Ended




September 30,



September 30,















Weighted-average number of shares outstanding — basic

















Effect of dilutive securities:













Restricted stock awards













Employee stock options













Other equity-based awards













Weighted-average number of shares outstanding — diluted


















The Company generated a loss attributable to Community Health Systems, Inc. stockholders for each of the three- and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, so the effect of dilutive securities is not considered because their effect would be antidilutive. If the Company had generated income during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the effect of restricted stock awards, employee stock options, and other equity-based awards on the diluted shares calculation would have been an increase of 1,883,693 shares and 224,178 shares, respectively. If the Company had generated income during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the effect of restricted stock awards, employee stock options, and other equity-based awards on the diluted shares calculation would have been an increase of 1,064,103 shares and 298,184 shares, respectively.




Three Months Ended



Nine Months Ended




September 30,



September 30,















Dilutive securities outstanding not included in the computation
   of earnings per share because their effect is antidilutive:













Employee stock options and restricted stock awards



















The Company is a party to various legal, regulatory and governmental proceedings incidental to its business. Based on current knowledge, management does not believe that loss contingencies arising from pending legal, regulatory and governmental matters will have a material adverse effect on the consolidated financial position or liquidity of the Company. However, in light of the inherent uncertainties involved in pending legal, regulatory and governmental matters, some of which are beyond the Company’s control, and the very large or indeterminate damages sought in some of these matters, an adverse outcome in one or more of these matters could be material to the Company’s results of operations or cash flows for any particular reporting period.

With respect to all legal, regulatory and governmental proceedings, the Company considers the likelihood of a negative outcome. If the Company determines the likelihood of a negative outcome with respect to any such matter is probable and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated, the Company records an accrual for the estimated loss for the expected outcome of the matter. If the likelihood of a negative outcome with respect to material matters is reasonably possible and the Company is able to determine an estimate of the possible loss or a range of loss, whether in excess of a related accrued liability or where there is no accrued liability, the Company discloses the estimate of the possible loss or range of loss. However, the Company is unable to estimate a possible loss or range of loss in some instances based on the significant uncertainties involved in, and/or the preliminary nature of, certain legal, regulatory and governmental matters.




The table below presents a reconciliation of the beginning and ending liability balances (in millions) during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, with respect to the Company’s determination of the contingencies of the Company in respect of which an accrual has been recorded. The liability as of September 30, 2024 is comprised of individually insignificant amounts for various matters.

Summary of Recorded Amounts










Balance as of December 31, 2023










Reserve for insured claim





Cash payments





Balance as of September 30, 2024






In accordance with applicable accounting guidance, the Company establishes a liability for litigation, regulatory and governmental matters for which, based on information currently available, the Company believes that a negative outcome is known or is probable and the amount of the loss is reasonably estimable. For all such matters (whether or not discussed in this contingencies footnote), such amounts have been recorded in other accrued liabilities in the condensed consolidated balance sheets and are included in the table above. Due to the uncertainties and difficulty in predicting the ultimate resolution of these contingencies, the actual amount could differ from the estimated amount reflected as a liability in the condensed consolidated balance sheets.




The Company has evaluated all material events occurring subsequent to the balance sheet date for events requiring disclosure or recognition in the condensed consolidated financial statements.


On October 1, 2024, the Company completed the sale of substantially all of the assets of Davis Regional Medical Center (144 licensed beds) in Statesville, North Carolina, to Iredell Memorial Hospital, Inc. pursuant to a definitive agreement which was entered into on August 16, 2024. The net proceeds from this sale of approximately $13 million were received at a preliminary closing on September 30, 2024.



Item 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

You should read this discussion together with our condensed consolidated financial statements and the accompanying notes included herein.

Throughout this Form 10-Q, we refer to Community Health Systems, Inc., or the Parent Company, and its consolidated subsidiaries in a simplified manner and on a collective basis, using words like “we,” “our,” “us” and the “Company.” This drafting style is suggested by the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, and is not meant to indicate that the publicly-traded Parent Company or any particular subsidiary of the Parent Company owns or operates any asset, business or property. The hospitals, operations and businesses described in this filing are owned and operated by distinct and indirect subsidiaries of Community Health Systems, Inc.

We are one of the nation’s largest healthcare companies. Our affiliates are leading providers of healthcare services, developing and operating healthcare delivery systems in 39 distinct markets across 15 states. As of September 30, 2024, our subsidiaries own or lease 70 affiliated hospitals, with more than 11,000 beds, and operate more than 1,000 sites of care, including physician practices, urgent care centers, freestanding emergency departments, occupational medicine clinics, imaging centers, cancer centers and ambulatory surgery centers. We generate revenues by providing a broad range of general and specialized hospital healthcare services and outpatient services to patients in the communities in which we are located. For the hospitals and other sites of care that we own and operate, we are paid for our services by governmental agencies, private insurers and directly by the patients we serve.

Acquisition and Divestiture Activity


During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we paid approximately $1 million to acquire the operating assets and related businesses of certain physician practices and clinics that operate within the communities served by our hospitals. The purchase price for these transactions was primarily allocated to working capital and property and equipment.

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, as reflected in the table below, we completed the divestiture of one hospital in Tennessee. This hospital represented annual net operating revenues in 2023 of approximately $188 million and we received total net proceeds of approximately $161 million in connection with this disposition.

The following table provides a summary of hospitals that we divested (or, in the case of Lutheran Rehabilitation Hospital, in which we sold a majority interest) during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and the year ended December 31, 2023.






City, State




Effective Date

2024 Divestiture:









Tennova Healthcare - Cleveland


Hamilton Health Care Systems, Inc.


Cleveland, TN




August 1, 2024

2023 Divestitures:









Greenbrier Valley Medical Center


Vandalia Health, Inc.


Ronceverte, WV




January 1, 2023

Plateau Medical Center


Vandalia Health, Inc.


Oak Hill, WV




April 1, 2023

Medical Center of South Arkansas


SARH Holdings, Inc.


El Dorado, AR




July 1, 2023

Lutheran Rehabilitation Hospital


Select Medical Corporation


Fort Wayne, IN




September 1, 2023

AllianceHealth Ponca City


Integris Health


Ponca City, OK




November 1, 2023

AllianceHealth Woodward


Integris Health


Woodward, OK




November 1, 2023

Bravera Health Brooksville


Tampa General Hospital


Brooksville, FL




December 1, 2023

Bravera Health Spring Hill


Tampa General Hospital


Spring Hill, FL




December 1, 2023

Bravera Health Seven Rivers


Tampa General Hospital


Crystal River, FL




December 1, 2023

In addition, on October 1, 2024, we completed the sale of substantially all of the assets of Davis Regional Medical Center (144 licensed beds) in Statesville, North Carolina, to Iredell Memorial Hospital, Inc. pursuant to the terms of a definitive agreement which was entered into on August 16, 2024. The net proceeds from this sale of approximately $13 million were received at a preliminary closing on September 30, 2024.

On July 30, 2024, we entered into a definitive agreement for the sale of substantially all of the assets of Regional Hospital of Scranton (186 licensed beds) and Moses Taylor Hospital (122 licensed beds) in Scranton, Pennsylvania as well as Wilkes-Barre General Hospital (369 licensed beds) in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and certain related businesses to affiliates of WoodBridge Healthcare, Inc. After giving effect to an amendment to this definitive agreement entered into on October 2, 2024 (which, among other things, reduced the purchase price payable to us by $5 million), the total purchase price payable to us at the closing will be $115 million (inclusive of a $10 million prepayment for services to be provided by us pursuant to an information transition services agreement), subject to certain purchase price adjustments. For additional information about this potential disposition, see the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by us on July 30, 2024.



There can be no assurance that this potential disposition will be completed, or if this potential disposition is completed, the ultimate timing of the completion of this potential disposition.

Moreover, we may give consideration to divesting certain additional hospitals and non-hospital businesses. Generally, these hospitals and non-hospital businesses are not in one of our strategically beneficial services areas, are less complementary to our business strategy and/or have lower operating margins. In addition, we continue to receive interest from potential acquirers for certain of our hospitals and non-hospital businesses. As such, we may sell additional hospitals and/or non-hospital businesses if we consider any such disposition to be in our best interests. We expect proceeds from any such divestitures to be used for general corporate purposes (including potential debt repayments and/or debt repurchases) and capital expenditures.

Overview of Operating Results

Net operating revenues increased from $3.086 billion for the three months ended September 30, 2023 to $3.090 billion for the three months ended September 30, 2024. On a same-store basis, net operating revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2024 increased $150 million compared to the same period in 2023.

We had net loss of $(355) million during the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $(52) million for the same period in 2023. Net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2024 included the following:

an after-tax charge of $13 million for expense related to costs associated with our multi-year initiative to modernize and consolidate technology platforms and associated processes,
an after-tax charge of $223 million resulting from the impairment of certain long-lived assets that were idled, disposed of or held-for-sale as well as divestiture related costs, partially offset by the gain related to the sale of a hospital, and
an after-tax charge of $116 million for a change in estimate for professional liability claims accrual.

Additionally, certain of our facilities in Florida, Georgia and Tennessee have experienced an interruption in their business and incurred additional costs as a direct result of Hurricane Helene, which made landfall in late September 2024 and Hurricane Milton, which made landfall in early October 2024. Hurricane Helene resulted in an estimated loss of operating revenues together with incremental expenses directly related to hurricane response efforts of approximately $7 million on a pre-tax basis during the three months ended September 30, 2024. No insurance proceeds related to Hurricane Helene were received or recognized during the three months ended September 30, 2024. Further, taking into account the timing of these events, it is expected that additional net operating revenues will be lost and incremental operating expenses will be incurred for remediation and restoration efforts in the fourth quarter of 2024 and one or more future periods. Insurance proceeds, which are expected to cover substantially all of our costs related to these events, are expected to be received in one or more future periods.

Net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2023 included the following:

an after-tax charge of $18 million for expense related to government and other legal matters and related costs,
an after-tax charge of $5 million for expense related to costs associated with our multi-year initiative to modernize and consolidate technology platforms and associated processes,
an after-tax charge of $24 million for the gain related to the sale of a hospital and the impairment of long-lived assets that were idled, disposed of or held-for-sale, and
an after-tax charge of $1 million for restructuring charges related to the closure of businesses as well as service line closures and consolidations at certain hospitals.

Consolidated inpatient admissions for the three months ended September 30, 2024, decreased 4.1%, compared to the same period in 2023. Consolidated adjusted admissions for the three months ended September 30, 2024, decreased 3.7%, compared to the same period in 2023. Same-store inpatient admissions for the three months ended September 30, 2024, increased 2.4%, compared to the same period in 2023, and same-store adjusted admissions for the three months ended September 30, 2024, increased 2.6%, compared to the same period in 2023.

Net operating revenues increased from $9.308 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to $9.369 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. On a same-store basis, net operating revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 increased $454 million compared to the same period in 2023.

We had net loss of $(334) million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $(70) million for the same period in 2023. Net loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 included the following:

an after-tax benefit of $27 million for gain from early extinguishment of debt,



an after-tax charge of $33 million for expense related to costs associated with our multi-year initiative to modernize and consolidate technology platforms and associated processes,
an after-tax charge of $244 million resulting from the impairment of certain long-lived assets that were idled, disposed of or held-for-sale as well as divestiture related costs, partially offset by the gain related to the sale of a hospital, and
an after-tax charge of $116 million for a change in estimate for professional liability claims accrual.

Net loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 included the following:

an after-tax charge of $10 million for expense related to costs associated with our multi-year initiative to modernize and consolidate technology platforms and associated processes,
an after-tax charge of $26 million for expense related to government and other legal matters and related costs,
an after-tax charge of $6 million resulting from a loss on the sale of one hospital and impairment of long-lived assets that were idled, disposed of or held-for-sale, partially offset by gains for the sale of three hospitals, and
an after-tax charge of $9 million for restructuring charges related to the closure of businesses as well as service line closures and consolidations at certain hospitals.

Consolidated inpatient admissions for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, decreased 3.1%, compared to the same period in 2023. Consolidated adjusted admissions for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, decreased 3.4%, compared to the same period in 2023. Same-store inpatient admissions for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, increased 3.0%, compared to the same period in 2023, and same-store adjusted admissions for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, increased 2.5%, compared to the same period in 2023.

Self-pay revenues represented approximately 1.1% and 1.5% of net operating revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and 1.4% and 1.0% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The amount of foregone revenue related to providing charity care services as a percentage of net operating revenues was approximately 9.8% and 11.5% for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and 9.7% and 10.8% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. Direct and indirect costs incurred in providing charity care services as a percentage of net operating revenues was approximately 1.0% and 1.3% for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and 1.0% and 1.2% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

Overview of Legislative and Other Governmental Developments

The healthcare industry is subject to changing political, regulatory, and economic influences that may affect our business. In recent years, the U.S. Congress and certain state legislatures have introduced and passed a large number of proposals and legislation affecting the healthcare system, including laws intended to impact access to health insurance and reduce healthcare costs and government spending. The most prominent of these efforts, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, or collectively, the Affordable Care Act, affects how healthcare services are covered, delivered and reimbursed, and expanded health insurance coverage through a combination of public program expansion and private sector health insurance reforms. The Affordable Care Act has been, and continues to be, subject to legislative and regulatory changes and court challenges. To increase access to health insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, or the ARPA, temporarily enhanced subsidies for individuals eligible to purchase coverage through Affordable Care Act marketplaces. Subsequent legislation extended these enhanced subsidies, but absent further congressional action, the enhanced subsidies will expire at the end of 2025. In addition, COVID-related legislation enacted during the early stages of the pandemic required states to maintain continuous Medicaid enrollment, among other conditions, in order to receive a temporary increase in federal funds for Medicaid expenditures. The expiration of this “continuous coverage” requirement in April 2023 has resulted in significant Medicaid coverage disruptions and disenrollments. Although it was originally anticipated that states would complete unwinding-related Medicaid renewals by June 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, or CMS, required certain states to pause procedural disenrollments due to noncompliant renewal systems, and CMS has approved state implementation of other flexibilities and mitigation strategies that extended timelines for completion. These and other changes and initiatives may impact the number of individuals that elect to obtain public or private health insurance or the scope of such coverage, if obtained.



Of critical importance to us is the potential impact of any changes specific to the Medicaid program, including the funding and expansion provisions of the Affordable Care Act and subsequent legislation or agency initiatives. Historically, the states with the greatest reductions in the number of uninsured adult residents have been those that have expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. A number of states have opted out of the Medicaid coverage expansion provisions, but could ultimately decide to expand their programs at a later date. Of the 15 states in which we operated hospitals as of September 30, 2024, nine states have taken action to expand their Medicaid programs. The other six states have not, including Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi and Texas, where we operated a significant number of hospitals as of September 30, 2024. Some states use, or have applied to use, waivers granted by CMS to implement expansion, impose different eligibility or enrollment conditions, or otherwise implement programs that vary from federal standards.

Other recent reform initiatives and proposals at the federal and state levels include those focused on price transparency and limiting out-of-network charges, which may impact prices, our competitive position and the relationships between hospitals, insurers, patients, and ancillary providers (such as anesthesiologists, radiologists, and pathologists). For example, the No Surprises Act imposes various requirements on providers and health plans intended to prevent “surprise” medical bills. Among other restrictions and requirements, the law prohibits providers from charging patients an amount beyond the in-network cost sharing amount for services rendered by out-of-network providers, subject to limited exceptions. For services for which balance billing is prohibited (even when no balance billing occurs), the No Surprises Act may limit the amounts received by out-of-network providers from health plans, and also establishes a dispute resolution process for providers and payors to handle payment disputes that cannot be resolved through direct negotiations. The regulations and related guidance implementing the No Surprises Act have been and continue to be subject to legal challenges. The No Surprises Act also requires providers to provide a good faith estimate of expected charges to uninsured or self-pay patients for scheduled items and services, in advance of the date of the scheduled item or service or upon request. Based on these estimates, patients may invoke a patient-provider dispute resolution process established by the regulations to challenge charges in certain circumstances.

Other trends toward transparency and value-based purchasing may impact the competitive position and patient volumes of providers. For example, the CMS Care Compare website makes available to the public certain data that hospitals submit in connection with Medicare reimbursement claims, including hospital performance data on quality measures and patient satisfaction. In addition, Medicare reimbursement for hospitals is adjusted based on quality and efficiency measures, and CMS currently administers various accountable care organizations and bundled payment demonstration projects. The CMS Innovation Center has highlighted the need to accelerate the movement to value-based care and drive broader system transformation.

The federal deficit and other federal and state budgetary pressures have affected government healthcare program expenditures, and we anticipate these effects will continue. For example, the payment reductions required by the Budget Control Act of 2011 and subsequent legislation are currently set to continue through April 2032. Further, the ARPA increased the federal budget deficit in a manner that triggers an additional statutorily mandated sequestration under the Pay-As-You Go Act of 2010. As a result, an additional Medicare spending reduction of up to 4% was required to take effect in January 2022. However, Congress has delayed implementation of this payment reduction until 2025. It is possible that future deficit reduction legislation will impose additional spending reductions.

We did not receive or recognize any significant level of payments or benefits under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or the CARES Act, or other COVID-19 related stimulus and relief legislation, during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, and do not expect to receive or recognize any significant level of payments or benefits under the CARES Act and other existing legislation related to COVID-19 in future periods.

Reimbursement by government programs may be affected by broad shifts in payment policy. For example, recent changes related to the 340B Drug Pricing Program have implications for all hospitals reimbursed under the outpatient prospective payment system, or PPS, including those, like ours, that do not participate in the program. In 2018, CMS implemented a payment policy that reduced Medicare payments for 340B hospitals for most drugs obtained at 340B-discounted rates and that resulted in increased payments for non-340B hospitals. In June 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court, in American Hospital Association v. Becerra, invalidated past payment cuts for hospitals participating in the 340B Drug Pricing Program. In light of the U.S. Supreme Court decision and to achieve budget neutrality, CMS implemented a reduction of approximately 3.1% to payment rates for non-drug services under the outpatient PPS for calendar year 2023. In addition, HHS directed that $9 billion be paid to affected 340B providers in one-time lump sum payments as the remedy for calendar years 2018 through 2022. Moreover, in order to comply with budget neutrality requirements, HHS finalized a corresponding offset in future non-drug item and service payments for all outpatient PPS providers (except new providers) that will reduce the outpatient PPS conversion factor by 0.5% annually. This adjustment will start in calendar year 2026 and continue for approximately 16 years. This reduction to payment rates adversely affected our results for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, and the reduction to the outpatient PPS conversion factor as noted above is anticipated to adversely impact our future results.

In June 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court issued decisions affecting judicial review of federal agency-related actions that increase judicial scrutiny of agency authority, shift greater responsibility for statutory interpretation to courts, and expand the timeline in which a plaintiff can sue regulators. In particular, in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, the U.S. Supreme Court overruled its prior ruling



in Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., which held that when a statute is ambiguous or silent, courts should not substitute their own judgments regarding the actions of those agencies so long as the agencies’ interpretation of the enabling federal statute was reasonable. In Loper Bright, the U.S. Supreme Court held that courts must instead exercise their independent judgment when deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority, and that courts may not defer to an agency interpretation simply because a statute is ambiguous. The Loper Bright decision, as well as certain other recent decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, could have significant impacts on government agency regulation, particularly within the heavily-regulated healthcare industry, and may have broad implications for our business. As a result of these decisions, there may be an increase in legal challenges to regulations and guidance issued by federal agencies responsible for regulating various aspects of our business. These potential legal challenges, if successful, could have a negative or positive impact on our business, and any such impact could be material. In addition to potential changes to regulations and agency guidance as a result of legal challenges, these recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions may result in increased regulatory uncertainty, inconsistent judicial interpretations, and delays in and other impacts to the agency rulemaking process, any of which could adversely impact our business and operations.

Sources of Revenue

The following table presents the approximate percentages of net operating revenues by payor source for the periods indicated. The data for the periods presented are not strictly comparable due to the effect that businesses acquired, sold, closed or opened during each of the respective periods, as applicable, have had on these statistics.




Three Months Ended



Nine Months Ended




September 30,



September 30,
































Medicare Managed Care


































Managed Care and other third-party payors




















































As shown above, we receive a substantial portion of our revenues from the Medicare, Medicare Managed Care and Medicaid programs. Included in Managed Care and other third-party payors is net operating revenues from insurance companies with which we have insurance provider contracts, insurance companies for which we do not have insurance provider contracts, workers’ compensation carriers and non-patient service revenue, such as gain (loss) on investments, rental income and cafeteria sales. We generally expect the portion of revenues received from the Medicare, Medicare Managed Care and Medicaid programs to increase over the long-term due to the general aging of the population and other factors, including health reform initiatives. There has been a trend toward increased enrollment in Medicare Managed Care and Medicaid managed care programs, which may adversely affect our net operating revenues. We may also be impacted by regulatory requirements imposed on insurers, such as minimum medical-loss ratios and specific benefit requirements. Furthermore, in the normal course of business, managed care programs, insurance companies and employers actively negotiate the amounts paid to hospitals. Our relationships with payors may be impacted by price transparency initiatives and out-of-network billing restrictions, including those in the No Surprises Act. There can be no assurance that we will retain our existing reimbursement arrangements or that third-party payors will not attempt to further reduce the rates they pay for our services.

Net operating revenues include amounts estimated by management to be reimbursable by Medicare and Medicaid under prospective payment systems and provisions of cost-based reimbursement and other payment methods. In addition, we are reimbursed by non-governmental payors using a variety of payment methodologies. Amounts we receive for the treatment of patients covered by Medicare, Medicaid and non-governmental payors are generally less than our standard billing rates. We account for the differences between the estimated program reimbursement rates and our standard billing rates as contractual allowance adjustments, which we deduct from gross revenues to arrive at net operating revenues. Final settlements under some of these programs are subject to adjustment based on administrative review and audit by third parties. We account for adjustments to previous program reimbursement estimates as contractual allowance adjustments and report them in the periods that such adjustments become known. Contractual allowance adjustments related to final settlements and previous program reimbursement estimates impacted net operating revenues by an insignificant amount in each of the three- and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.

The payment rates under the Medicare program for hospital inpatient and outpatient acute care services are based on prospective payment systems, which depend upon a patient’s diagnosis or the clinical complexity of services provided to a patient, among other factors. These rates are indexed for inflation annually, although increases have historically been less than actual inflation. CMS has published the final rule establishing payment rates for federal fiscal year 2025 (which began October 1, 2024) for hospital inpatient acute care services reimbursed under the prospective system, increasing payment rates by approximately 2.9%. This increase reflects a market basket increase of 3.4%, reduced by a 0.5 percentage point productivity adjustment. Hospitals that do not submit required



patient quality data are subject to a reduction in payments. We are complying with this data submission requirement. Payments may also be affected by various other adjustments, including those that depend on patient-specific or hospital specific factors. For example, the “two midnight rule” establishes admission and medical review criteria for inpatient services limiting when services to Medicare beneficiaries are payable as inpatient hospital services. Reductions in the rate of increase or overall reductions in Medicare reimbursement may cause a decline in the growth of our net operating revenues.

Payment rates under the Medicaid program vary by state. In addition to the base payment rates for specific claims for services rendered to Medicaid enrollees, several states utilize supplemental reimbursement programs to make separate payments that are not specifically tied to an individual’s care, some of which offset a portion of the cost of providing care to Medicaid and indigent patients. These programs are funded with a combination of state and federal resources, including, in certain instances, fees or taxes levied on the providers. The programs are generally authorized by CMS for a specified period of time and require CMS’s approval to be extended. We are unable to predict whether or on what terms CMS will extend the supplemental programs in the states in which we operate. Under these supplemental programs, we recognize revenue and related expenses in the period in which amounts are estimable and payment is reasonably assured. Reimbursement under these programs is reflected in net operating revenues and included as Medicaid revenue in the table above, and fees, taxes or other program related costs are reflected in other operating expenses.

Results of Operations

Our hospitals and other sites of care offer a broad variety of inpatient and outpatient medical and surgical services. These include general acute care, emergency room, general and specialty surgery, critical care, internal medicine, obstetrics, diagnostic services, psychiatric and rehabilitation services. Utilization of services and our results of operations are dependent on a multitude of factors including seasonal fluctuations in demand. Historically, the strongest demand for hospital services generally occurs during the winter months, and the weakest demand generally occurs during the summer months.

The following tables summarize, for the periods indicated, selected operating data.




Three Months Ended



Nine Months Ended




September 30,



September 30,















Operating results, as a percentage of net operating revenues:













Net operating revenues

















Operating expenses (a)

















Depreciation and amortization

















Impairment and (gain) loss on sale of businesses, net

















(Loss) income from operations

















Interest expense, net

















Gain from early extinguishment of debt














Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates

















(Loss) income before income taxes

















Benefit from (provision for) income taxes

















Net loss

















Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests

















Net loss attributable to Community Health
   Systems, Inc. stockholders




















Three Months Ended September 30,



Nine Months Ended September 30,















Percentage increase (decrease) from prior year:













Net operating revenues

















Admissions (b)

















Adjusted admissions (c)

















Average length of stay (d)
















Net loss attributable to Community Health
   Systems, Inc. stockholders

















Same-store percentage increase from prior year (e):













Net operating revenues

















Admissions (b)

















Adjusted admissions (c)





















Operating expenses include salaries and benefits, supplies, other operating expenses, and lease cost and rent.
Admissions represents the number of patients admitted for inpatient treatment.
Adjusted admissions is a general measure of combined inpatient and outpatient volume. We computed adjusted admissions by multiplying admissions by gross patient revenues and then dividing that number by gross inpatient revenues.
Average length of stay represents the average number of days inpatients stay in our hospitals.
Excludes information for businesses divested or closed during each of the respective periods, as applicable.

Items (b) through (e) are metrics used to manage our performance. These metrics provide useful insight to investors about the volume and acuity of services we provide, which aid in evaluating our financial results.

Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023

Net operating revenues increased to $3.090 billion for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $3.086 billion for the same period in 2023. Net operating revenues on a same-store basis from hospitals that were operated throughout both periods increased $150 million, or 5.1%, during the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023. On a period-over-period basis, the increase in same-store net operating revenues was primarily attributable to higher inpatient and outpatient volumes, increased reimbursement rates, favorable changes in payor mix and higher revenues from supplemental reimbursement programs, partially offset by lower acuity and increased patient claim denials. Non-same-store net operating revenues decreased $146 million during the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, due to the divestiture of hospitals in 2024 and 2023. On a consolidated basis, inpatient admissions decreased by 4.1% and adjusted admissions decreased by 3.7% during the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023. On a same-store basis, net operating revenues per adjusted admission increased 2.5%, while inpatient admissions increased by 2.4% and adjusted admissions increased by 2.6% for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023.

Operating expenses, as a percentage of net operating revenues, increased from 94.4% during the three months ended September 30, 2023 to 106.6% during the three months ended September 30, 2024. Operating expenses, excluding depreciation and amortization and impairment and (gain) loss on sale of businesses, as a percentage of net operating revenues, increased from 89.5% for the three months ended September 30, 2023 to 94.2% for the three months ended September 30, 2024. Salaries and benefits, as a percentage of net operating revenues, increased from 43.4% for the three months ended September 30, 2023 to 44.0% for the three months ended September 30, 2024, primarily due to inflationary wage increases. Supplies, as a percentage of net operating revenues, decreased from 15.8% for the three months ended September 30, 2023 to 15.2% for the three months ended September 30, 2024, primarily due to changes in the mix of services and the benefit of cost savings initiatives. Other operating expenses, as a percentage of net operating revenues, increased from 27.7% for the three months ended September 30, 2023 to 32.6% for the three months ended September 30, 2024, primarily due to a change in estimate for the professional liability claims accrual and increased costs for outsourced medical specialists, partially offset by decreased costs for contract labor. Lease cost and rent, as a percentage of net operating revenues, decreased from 2.6% for the three months ended September 30, 2023 to 2.4% for the three months ended September 30, 2024.

Depreciation and amortization, as a percentage of net operating revenues, decreased from 4.1% for three months ended September 30, 2023 to 3.8% for the three months ended September 30, 2024, primarily due to a reduction in the amortization of capitalized internal-use software.

Impairment and (gain) loss on sale of businesses, net was an expense of $267 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $26 million for the same period in 2023. The expense recognized during the three months ended September 30, 2024 was comprised of (i) an approximate $259 million impairment charge recorded to reduce the carrying value of four hospitals that were deemed held-for-sale based on the difference between carrying value of the hospital disposal group compared to the estimated fair value less costs to sell, and (ii) an approximate $12 million impairment charge recorded to reduce the carrying value of several assets that were idled, disposed of or held-for-sale, partially offset by of a gain of approximately $4 million related to the sale of one hospital. The expense recognized during the three months ended September 30, 2023 related primarily to divestiture activity during the respective period as discussed more specifically under “Acquisition, Divestiture and Closure Activity” herein.


Interest expense, net, increased by $8 million to $216 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $208 million for the same period in 2023 due primarily to financing activities in 2023 and 2024.

Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates, as a percentage of net operating revenues, remained consistent at 0.1% for both of the three-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.

The net results of the above-mentioned changes resulted in loss before income taxes increasing $386 million to $(419) million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 from $(33) million for the same period in 2023.



Our (benefit from) provision for income taxes for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was $(64) million and $19 million, respectively, and the effective tax rates were 15.3% and (57.6)% for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The decrease in the (benefit from) provision for income taxes and the difference in our effective tax rate for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023 was due to an increase in tax benefit associated with impairment and (gain) loss on sale of businesses, net for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.

Net loss, as a percentage of net operating revenues, was (11.5)% for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to (1.7)% for the same period in 2023.

Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests as a percentage of net operating revenues was 1.2% for both of the three-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.

Net loss attributable to Community Health Systems, Inc. stockholders was $(391) million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $(91) million for the same period in 2023.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023

Net operating revenues increased to $9.369 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $9.308 billion for the same period in 2023. Net operating revenues on a same-store basis from hospitals that were operated throughout both periods increased $454 million, or 5.2%, during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023. On a period-over-period basis, the increase in same-store net operating revenues was primarily attributable to higher inpatient and outpatient volumes, increased reimbursement rates, favorable changes in payor mix and higher revenues from supplemental reimbursement programs, partially offset by lower acuity and increased patient claim denials. Non-same-store net operating revenues decreased $393 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, due to the divestiture of hospitals in 2024 and 2023. On a consolidated basis, inpatient admissions decreased by 3.1% and adjusted admissions decreased by 3.4% during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023. On a same-store basis, net operating revenues per adjusted admission increased 2.6%, while inpatient admissions increased by 3.0% and adjusted admissions increased by 2.5% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023.

Operating expenses, as a percentage of net operating revenues, increased from 93.2% during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to 97.2% during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Operating expenses, excluding depreciation and amortization and impairment and (gain) loss on sale of businesses, as a percentage of net operating revenues, increased from 89.2% for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to 90.3% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Salaries and benefits, as a percentage of net operating revenues, decreased from 43.4% for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to 43.3% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Supplies, as a percentage of net operating revenues, decreased from 16.1% for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to 15.4% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, primarily due to changes in the mix of services, the benefit of cost savings initiatives and an increase in net operating revenues. Other operating expenses, as a percentage of net operating revenues, increased from 27.1% for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to 29.2% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, primarily due to a change in estimate for the professional liability claims accrual, increased expense for supplemental reimbursement programs and outsourced medical specialists, partially offset by decreased costs for contract labor and an increase in net operating revenues. Lease cost and rent, as a percentage of net operating revenues, decreased from 2.6% for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to 2.4% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024.

Depreciation and amortization, as a percentage of net operating revenues, decreased to 3.8% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 from 4.1% for the same period in 2023, primarily due to an increase in net operating revenues and a reduction in the amortization of capitalized internal-use software.

Impairment and (gain) loss on sale of businesses, net was an expense of $294 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to a gain of approximately $9 million for the same period in 2023. The expense recognized during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was comprised of (i) an approximate $259 million impairment charge recorded to reduce the carrying value of four hospitals that were deemed held-for-sale based on the difference between carrying value of the hospital disposal group compared to the estimated fair value less costs to sell, and (ii) an approximate $39 million impairment charge recorded to reduce the carrying value of several assets that were idled, disposed of or held-for-sale, partially offset by of a gain of approximately $4 million related to the sale of one hospital. The gain recognized during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 related primarily to divestiture activity during the respective period as discussed more specifically under “Acquisition, Divestiture and Closure Activity” herein.


Interest expense, net, increased by $22 million to $643 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $621 million for the same period in 2023 due primarily to financing activities in 2023 and 2024.



Gain from early extinguishment of debt of $25 million was recognized during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as a result of the refinancing and extinguishment of certain of our outstanding notes as discussed further under "Liquidity" below. There were no financing transactions during the nine months ended September 30, 2023.

Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates, as a percentage of net operating revenues, remained consistent at 0.1% for both of the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.

The net results of the above-mentioned changes resulted in (loss) income before income taxes decreasing $361 million to a loss of $(347) million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 from income of $14 million for the same period in 2023.

Our (benefit from) provision for income taxes for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was $(13) million and $84 million, respectively, and the effective tax rates were 3.7% and 600.0% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The decrease in the (benefit from) provision for income taxes and the difference in our effective tax rate for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023 was due to an increase in tax benefit associated with impairment and (gain) loss on sale of businesses, net for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.

Net loss, as a percentage of net operating revenues, was (3.6)% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to (0.8)% for the same period in 2023.

Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests as a percentage of net operating revenues was 1.2% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to 1.1% for the same period in 2023.

Net loss attributable to Community Health Systems, Inc. stockholders was $(446) million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $(180) million for the same period in 2023.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Net cash provided by operating activities increased $144 million, from approximately $120 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, to approximately $264 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The increase in cash provided by operating activities is primarily due to increased collections of patient accounts receivable and lower cash paid for interest, partially offset by increased income tax payments. Cash paid for interest was $562 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $583 million for the same period in 2023. Cash paid for income taxes, net of refunds received, resulted in a net payment of $132 million and $61 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.

Net cash used in investing activities was approximately $132 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to approximately $206 million for the same period in 2023. Net cash used in investing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was impacted by a decrease of $106 million in cash used for the purchase of property and equipment and an increase of $51 million in cash proceeds from dispositions of hospitals and other ancillary operations, partially offset by a decrease of $95 million in cash from the net impact of the purchases and sales of available-for-sale debt and equity securities.

Our net cash used in financing activities was approximately $137 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to net cash provided by financing activities of approximately $59 million for the same period in 2023, a change of $196 million. This was primarily due to the net impact of our debt borrowings and repayments during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023.


Net working capital was approximately $1.0 billion at September 30, 2024 and $1.1 billion at December 31, 2023. Net working capital decreased by approximately $84 million between December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024. The decrease is primarily due to decreases in patient accounts receivable, supplies and prepaid expenses and taxes and increases in accrued interest and other current liabilities during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, partially offset by increases in prepaid income taxes and other current assets and decreases in accounts payable, current operating lease liabilities and accrued liabilities for employee compensation.

In addition to cash flows from operations, available sources of capital include amounts available under the asset-based loan (ABL) credit agreement, or the ABL Credit Agreement, and anticipated access to public and private debt markets as well as proceeds from the disposition of hospitals or other investments such as our minority equity interests in various businesses, as applicable.

Pursuant to the ABL Credit Agreement, the lenders have extended to CHS/Community Health Systems, Inc., or CHS, a revolving asset-based loan facility, or ABL Facility. The maximum aggregate amount under the ABL Facility is $1.0 billion, subject to



borrowing base capacity. At September 30, 2024, we had outstanding borrowings of $372 million and approximately $438 million of additional borrowing capacity (after taking into consideration $66 million of outstanding letters of credit) under the ABL Facility. The issued letters of credit were primarily in support of potential insurance-related claims and certain bonds. Letters of credit were reduced during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 by $15 million, primarily in relation to a professional liability claim that was settled and funded during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Principal amounts outstanding under the ABL Facility, if any, will be due and payable in full on June 5, 2029.

2024 Financing Activity

On June 5, 2024, CHS completed the offering of an additional $1.225 billion aggregate principal amount of its outstanding 10.875% Senior Secured Notes due 2032, or the Tack-On Notes, at an issue price of 102.000%, plus accrued and unpaid interest from December 22, 2023 to the closing date (which equaled approximately $60 million). The Tack-On Notes are part of the same series as, and rank equally with, the 10⅞% Senior Secured Notes due 2032 issued in December 2023. Proceeds from the offering of the Tack-On Notes, together with cash on hand, were used to redeem all of the remaining $1.116 billion of outstanding 8.000% Senior Secured Notes due 2026, to fund senior note repurchases in the amount of approximately $98 million resulting in the extinguishment of $130 million principal amount of the 6⅞% Senior Notes due 2028, pay related fees and expenses and for general corporate purposes.

On June 5, 2024, the ABL Credit Agreement, as noted above, was amended and restated to, among other things, extend the maturity to June 5, 2029.

For additional information regarding the issuance of the Tack-On Notes and the amendment of the ABL Credit Agreement, see the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by us on June 5, 2024.

During the three months ended September 30, 2024, we extinguished approximately $143 million principal value of the 5⅝% Senior Secured Notes due 2027 through open market repurchases utilizing cash on hand.

Additional Liquidity Information

Our ability to meet the restricted covenants and financial ratios and tests in the ABL Facility and the indentures governing our outstanding notes can be affected by events beyond our control, and we cannot assure you that we will meet those tests. A breach of any of these covenants could result in a default under the ABL Facility and/or the indentures that govern our outstanding notes. Upon the occurrence of an event of default under the ABL Facility or indentures that govern our outstanding notes, all amounts outstanding under the ABL Facility and the indentures that govern our outstanding notes may become immediately due and payable and all commitments under the ABL Facility to extend further credit may be terminated.

As of September 30, 2024, approximately $20 million of our outstanding debt of approximately $11.5 billion is due within the next 12 months.

Net proceeds from divestitures, if any, are expected to be used for general corporate purposes (including potential debt repayments and/or debt repurchases) and capital expenditures.

We believe that our current levels of cash, internally generated cash flows and current levels of availability for additional borrowing under the ABL Facility, our anticipated continued access to the capital markets, and the use of proceeds from any potential future dispositions as noted above, will be sufficient to finance acquisitions, capital expenditures, working capital requirements, and any debt repurchases or other debt repayments we may elect to make or be required to make through the next 12 months and the foreseeable future thereafter. However, ongoing negative economic conditions (including inflationary conditions and elevated interest rate levels) have resulted in, and may continue to result in, significant disruptions of financial and capital markets, which could reduce our ability to access capital and negatively affect our liquidity in the future.

As noted above, during the three months ended September 30, 2024, we extinguished a portion of a series of our outstanding notes through open market purchases, and we may elect from time to time to continue to purchase our outstanding debt, including through open market purchases, privately negotiated transactions or otherwise. Any such debt repurchases will depend upon prevailing market conditions, our liquidity requirements, contractual restrictions, applicable securities law requirements and other factors.

There have been no material changes outside of the ordinary course of business to our upcoming cash obligations during the three months ended September 30, 2024, from those disclosed under “Capital Resources” in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations in the 2023 Form 10-K.



Capital Resources

Cash expenditures for purchases of facilities and other related businesses were approximately $1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $35 million for the same period in 2023. Our expenditures for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 were primarily related to physician practices and clinics.

Capital expenditures relate primarily to expansion and renovation of existing facilities, construction of additional access points such as free-standing emergency departments and ambulatory surgery centers, investments in higher acuity service lines and information technology infrastructure, as well as routine expenditures for equipment, minor renovations and other upgrades. In addition, we have incurred costs for hurricane-related repairs and expect to incur costs for capital expenditures needed to remediate damage sustained during hurricanes Helene and Milton. An estimate of total capital expenditures for such remedial efforts, the majority of which is expected to be covered by insurance, is not currently known. Capital expenditures totaled $251 million and $357 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. We expect total capital expenditures of approximately $350 million to $400 million in 2024.

Pursuant to a hospital purchase agreement from our March 1, 2016 acquisition of Northwest Health - Starke, formerly known as Starke Hospital, we committed to spend up to $15 million toward the construction of a replacement facility in Knox, Indiana. Construction is required to be completed within five years of the date we enter into a new lease with Starke County, Indiana, the hospital lessor, or in the event we do not enter into a new lease with Starke County, construction is to be completed by September 30, 2026. We have not entered into a new lease with the lessor for Northwest Health - Starke.

Reimbursement, Legislative and Regulatory Changes

Ongoing legislative and regulatory efforts, and judicial interpretations, could reduce or otherwise adversely affect the payments we receive from Medicare and Medicaid and other payors. Within the statutory framework of the Medicare and Medicaid programs, there are substantial areas subject to administrative rulings, interpretations and discretion, and which are at times subject to court challenges, which may further affect payments made under those programs. We expect legal challenges to healthcare regulations and agency guidance, including those related to Medicare and Medicaid payment policies, to increase as a result of recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions as noted above. The increased potential for legal challenges may result in delays in and other impacts to the agency rulemaking process. Further, the federal and state governments might, in the future, reduce the funds available under the Medicare and Medicaid programs, require repayment of previously received funds or require more stringent utilization and quality reviews of hospital facilities. Additionally, there may be a continued rise in managed care programs and further restructuring of the financing and delivery of healthcare in the United States. These events could cause our future financial results to be adversely impacted. We cannot estimate the impact of Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement changes that have been enacted or otherwise determined or that are currently or may in the future be under consideration. We cannot predict whether additional reimbursement reductions will be made or whether any such changes or other restructuring of the financing and delivery of healthcare would have a material adverse effect on our business, financial conditions, results of operations, cash flow, capital resources and liquidity.

Critical Accounting Policies

The discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations are based upon our condensed consolidated financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, or U.S. GAAP. The preparation of these financial statements requires us to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities, revenues and expenses, and related disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of our condensed consolidated financial statements. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions.

Critical accounting policies are defined as those policies that involve a significant level of estimation uncertainty and have had or are reasonably likely to have a material impact on the financial condition or results of operations of the registrant. We believe that our critical accounting policies are limited to those described below. The following information should be read in conjunction with our significant accounting policies included in Note 1 of the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements included under Part II, Item 8 of the 2023 Form 10-K.

Revenue Recognition

Net operating revenues include amounts estimated by management to be reimbursable by Medicare and Medicaid under prospective payment systems and provisions of cost-reimbursement and other payment methods. In addition, we are reimbursed by non-governmental payors using a variety of payment methodologies. Amounts we receive for treatment of patients covered by these programs are generally less than our standard billing rates. Explicit price concessions are recorded for contractual allowances that are calculated and recorded through a combination of internally- and externally-developed data collection and analysis tools to automate



the monthly estimation of required contractual allowances. Within these automated systems, payors’ historical paid claims data and contracted amounts are utilized to calculate the contractual allowances. This data is updated on a monthly basis. All hospital contractual allowance calculations are subjected to monthly review by management to ensure reasonableness and accuracy. We account for the differences between the estimated program reimbursement rates and the standard billing rates as contractual allowance adjustments, which is one component of the deductions from gross revenues to arrive at net operating revenues. The process of estimating contractual allowances requires us to estimate the amount expected to be received based on payor contract provisions. The key assumption in this process is the estimated contractual reimbursement percentage, which is based on payor classification, historical paid claims data and, when applicable, application of the expected managed care plan reimbursement based on contract terms.

Due to the complexities involved in these estimates, actual payments we receive could be different from the amounts we estimate and record. If the actual contractual reimbursement percentage under government programs and managed care contracts differed by 1% at September 30, 2024 from our estimated reimbursement percentage, net loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 would have changed by approximately $99 million, and net accounts receivable at September 30, 2024 would have changed by $127 million. Final settlements under some of these programs are subject to adjustment based on administrative review and audit by third parties. We account for adjustments to previous program reimbursement estimates as contractual allowance adjustments and report them in the periods that such adjustments become known. Contractual allowance adjustments related to final settlements and previous program reimbursement estimates impacted net operating revenues by an insignificant amount for the three- and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.

Patient Accounts Receivable

Substantially all of our accounts receivable are related to providing healthcare services to patients at our hospitals and affiliated businesses. Collection of these accounts receivable is our primary source of cash and is critical to our operating performance. Our primary collection risks relate to uninsured patients and outstanding patient balances for which the primary insurance payor has paid some but not all of the outstanding balance, with the remaining outstanding balance (generally deductibles and co-payments) owed by the patient. For all procedures scheduled in advance, our policy is to verify insurance coverage prior to the date of the procedure. Insurance coverage is not verified in advance of procedures for walk-in and emergency room patients.

We estimate any adjustments to the transaction price for implicit price concessions by reserving a percentage of all self-pay accounts receivable without regard to aging category, based on collection history, adjusted for expected recoveries and any anticipated changes in trends. Our ability to estimate the transaction price and any implicit price concessions is not impacted by not utilizing an aging of our net accounts receivable as we believe that substantially all of the risk exists at the point in time such accounts are identified as self-pay. The percentage used to reserve for all self-pay accounts is based on our collection history. We believe that we collect substantially all of our third-party insured receivables, which include receivables from governmental agencies.

Patient accounts receivable can be impacted by the effectiveness of our collection efforts and, as described in our significant accounting policies included in Note 1 of the Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included under Part I, Item 1 of this Form 10-Q, numerous factors may affect the net realizable value of accounts receivable. If the actual collection percentage differed by 1% at September 30, 2024 from our estimated collection percentage as a result of a change in expected recoveries, net loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 would have changed by $38 million, and net accounts receivable at September 30, 2024 would have changed by $48 million. We also continually review our overall reserve adequacy by monitoring historical cash collections as a percentage of trailing net operating revenues, as well as by analyzing current period net operating revenues and admissions by payor classification, days revenue outstanding, the composition of self-pay receivables between pure self-pay patients and the patient responsibility portion of third-party insured receivables and the impact of recent acquisitions and dispositions.

Our policy is to write-off gross accounts receivable if the balance is under $10 or when such amounts are placed with outside collection agencies. We believe this policy accurately reflects our ongoing collection efforts and is consistent with industry practices. We had approximately $1.5 billion at September 30, 2024 and $1.7 billion at December 31, 2023, being pursued by various outside collection agencies. We expect to collect less than 4%, net of estimated collection fees, of the amounts being pursued by outside collection agencies. As these amounts have been written-off, they are not included in our accounts receivable. Collections on amounts previously written-off are recognized as a recovery of net operating revenues when received. However, we take into consideration estimated collections of these future amounts written-off in determining the implicit price concessions used to measure the transaction price for the applicable portfolio of patient accounts receivable.

All of the following information is derived from our hospitals, excluding clinics, unless otherwise noted.

Patient accounts receivable from our hospitals represent approximately 98% of our total consolidated accounts receivable.



Days revenue outstanding, adjusted for the impact of receivables for state Medicaid supplemental payment programs and divested facilities, was 58 days at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.

Total gross accounts receivable (prior to allowance for contractual adjustments and implicit price concessions) was approximately $17.1 billion and $16.8 billion as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The approximate percentage of total gross accounts receivable (prior to allowance for contractual adjustments and implicit price concessions) summarized by payor and aging categories is as follows:


As of September 30, 2024:















% of Gross Receivables




0 - 90



90 - 180



180 - 365



Over 365
















Medicare Managed Care


































Managed Care and other third-party payors



































As of December 31, 2023:















% of Gross Receivables




0 - 90



90 - 180



180 - 365



Over 365


















Medicare Managed Care


































Managed Care and other third-party payors



































The approximate percentage of total gross accounts receivable (prior to allowances for contractual adjustments and implicit price concessions) summarized by payor-type is as follows:




September 30,



December 31









Insured receivables









Self-pay receivables



















The combined total at our hospitals and clinics for the estimated implicit price concessions for self-pay accounts receivable and allowances for other self-pay discounts and contractuals, as a percentage of gross self-pay receivables, was approximately 90% at September 30, 2024 and 91% at December 31, 2023. If the receivables that have been written-off, but where collections are still being pursued by outside collection agencies, were included in both the allowances and gross self-pay receivables specified above, the percentage of combined allowances to total self-pay receivables would have been 93% at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.


At September 30, 2024, we had approximately $3.9 billion of goodwill recorded, all of which resides at our hospital operations reporting unit. Goodwill represents the excess of the fair value of the consideration conveyed in an acquisition over the fair value of net assets acquired. Goodwill is evaluated for impairment annually and when an event occurs or circumstances change that, more likely than not, reduce the fair value of the reporting unit below its carrying value. We performed our last annual goodwill impairment evaluation during the fourth quarter of 2023 using the October 31, 2023 measurement date, which indicated no impairment.

The determination of fair value in our goodwill impairment analysis is based on an estimate of fair value for the hospital operations reporting unit utilizing known and estimated inputs at the evaluation date. Some of those inputs include, but are not limited to, the most recent price of our common stock and fair value of our long-term debt, our recent financial results, estimates of future revenue and expense growth, estimated market multiples, expected capital expenditures, income tax rates, costs of invested capital and a discount rate.

Future estimates of fair value could be adversely affected if the actual outcome of one or more of the assumptions described above changes materially in the future, including as a result of any decline in or increased volatility of our stock price and the fair value of



our long-term debt, lower than expected hospital volumes and/or net operating revenues, higher market interest rates, increased operating costs or other adverse impacts on our financial results. Such changes impacting the calculation of our fair value could result in a material impairment charge in the future.

Professional Liability Claims

As part of our business of providing healthcare services, we are subject to legal actions alleging liability on our part. We accrue for losses resulting from such liability claims, as well as loss adjustment expenses that are out-of-pocket and directly related to such liability claims. These direct out-of-pocket expenses include fees of outside counsel and experts. We do not accrue for costs that are part of our corporate overhead, such as the costs of our in-house legal and risk management departments. The losses resulting from professional liability claims primarily consist of estimates for known claims, as well as estimates for incurred but not reported claims. The estimates are based on specific claim facts, our historical claim reporting and payment patterns, the nature and level of our hospital operations, and actuarially determined projections. The actuarially determined projections are based on our actual claim data, including historic reporting and payment patterns. As discussed below, since we purchase excess insurance on a claims-made basis that transfers risk to third-party insurers, the estimated liability for professional and general liability claims includes an amount for the losses covered by our excess insurance. We also record a receivable for the expected reimbursement of losses covered by our excess insurance. Since we believe that the amount and timing of our future claims payments are reliably determinable, we discount the amount we accrue for losses resulting from professional liability claims.

The net present value of the projected payments was discounted using a weighted-average risk-free rate of approximately 3.8% and 3.7% at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. This liability is adjusted for new claims information in the period such information becomes known to us. Professional liability expense includes the losses resulting from professional liability claims and loss adjustment expense, as well as excess insurance premiums, and is presented within other operating expenses in the accompanying condensed consolidated statements of loss.

Our processes for obtaining and analyzing claims and incident data are standardized across all of our businesses and have been consistent for many years. We monitor the outcomes of the medical care services that we provide and for each reported claim, we obtain various information concerning the facts and circumstances related to that claim. In addition, we routinely monitor current key statistics and volume indicators in our assessment of utilizing historical trends. The average lag period between claim occurrence and payment of a final settlement is between three and four years, although the facts and circumstances of individual claims could result in the timing of such payments being different from this average. Since claims are paid promptly after settlement with the claimant is reached, settled claims represent approximately 3% or less of the total liability at the end of any period.

For purposes of estimating our individual claim accruals, we utilize specific claim information, including the nature of the claim, the expected claim amount, the year in which the claim occurred and the laws of the jurisdiction in which the claim occurred. Once the case accruals for known claims are determined, information is stratified by loss layers and retentions, accident years, reported years and geography. Several actuarial methods are used to produce estimates of ultimate paid losses and reserves for incurred but not reported claims. Each of these methods uses our company-specific historical claims data and other information. Company-specific data includes information regarding our business, including historical paid losses and loss adjustment expenses, historical and current case loss reserves, actual and projected hospital statistical data, a variety of hospital census information, employed physician information, professional liability retentions for each policy year, geographic information and other data. Significant assumptions are made on the basis of the aforementioned information in estimating reserves for incurred but not reported claims. A 1% change in assumptions for either severity or frequency as of September 30, 2024 would have increased or decreased the reserve by approximately $10 million.

Based on these analyses, we periodically review and determine our estimate of the professional liability claims. The determination of management’s estimate, including the preparation of the reserve analysis that supports such estimate, involves subjective judgment of management. Changes in reserve data or the trends and factors that influence reserve data may signal fundamental shifts in our future claim development patterns or may simply reflect single-period anomalies. Even if a change reflects a fundamental shift, the full extent of the change may not become evident until years later. Moreover, since our methods and models use different types of data and we select our liability from the results of all of these methods, we typically cannot quantify the precise impact of such factors on our estimates of the liability. Due to our standardized and consistent processes for handling claims and the long history and depth of our company-specific data, our methodologies have historically produced reliably determinable estimates of ultimate paid losses. Management considers any changes in the amount and pattern of its historical paid losses up through the most recent reporting period to identify any fundamental shifts or trends in claim development experience in determining the estimate of professional liability claims. However, due to the subjective nature of this estimate and the impact that previously unforeseen shifts in actual claim experience can have, future estimates of professional liability could be adversely impacted when actual paid losses develop unexpectedly based on assumptions and settlement events that were not previously known or anticipated.

During the three months ended September 30, 2024, in connection with our periodic review of the professional liability claims accrual, we, with input from our third-party actuary, considered recent increases in the amounts we have paid to resolve outstanding



professional liability claims arising in prior periods as well as recent increases in individual claim accruals for unresolved prior period claims. The emergence in the period of adverse developments, including from social inflationary pressures, impacted our actuarially determined estimate for the resolution of professional liability claims and resulted in an upward revision to our estimate of the professional liability claims accrual in the amount of $149 million during the three months ended September 30, 2024, the majority of which increase in estimate related to divested locations.

We are primarily self-insured for professional liability claims; however, we obtain excess insurance that transfers the risk of loss to a third-party insurer for claims in excess of our self-insured retentions. Our excess insurance is underwritten on a claims-made basis. For claims reported prior to June 1, 2002, substantially all of our professional and general liability risks were subject to a less than $1 million per occurrence self-insured retention and for claims reported from June 1, 2002 through June 1, 2003, these self-insured retentions were $2 million per occurrence. Substantially all claims reported after June 1, 2003 and before June 1, 2005 are self-insured up to $4 million per claim. Substantially all claims reported on or after June 1, 2005 and before June 1, 2014 are self-insured up to $5 million per claim. Substantially all claims reported on or after June 1, 2014 and before June 1, 2018 are self-insured up to $10 million per claim. Substantially all claims reported on or after June 1, 2018 are self-insured up to $15 million per claim. Management, on occasion, has selectively increased the insured risk at certain hospitals based upon insurance pricing and other factors and may continue that practice in the future.

Excess insurance for all hospitals has been purchased through commercial insurance companies and generally covers us for liabilities in excess of the self-insured retentions. The excess coverage consists of multiple layers of insurance, the sum of which totals up to $95 million per occurrence and in the aggregate for claims reported on or after June 1, 2003, up to $145 million per occurrence and in the aggregate for claims reported on or after January 1, 2008, up to $195 million per occurrence and in the aggregate for claims reported on or after June 1, 2010, and up to at least $215 million per occurrence and in the aggregate for claims reported on or after June 1, 2015. In addition, for integrated occurrence professional liability claims, there is an additional $50 million of excess coverage for claims reported on or after June 1, 2014 and an additional $75 million of excess coverage for claims reported on or after June 1, 2015 through June 1, 2020. The $75 million in integrated occurrence coverage will also apply to claims reported between June 1, 2020 and June 1, 2025 for events that occurred prior to June 1, 2020 but which were not previously known or reported. For certain policy years prior to June 1, 2014, if the first aggregate layer of excess coverage becomes fully utilized, then the self-insured retention will increase to $10 million per claim for any subsequent claims in that policy year until our total aggregate coverage is met. Beginning June 1, 2018, this drop-down provision in the excess policies attaches over the $15 million per claim self-insured retention.

Income Taxes

We must make estimates in recording provision for income taxes, including determination of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities and any valuation allowances that might be required against the deferred tax assets. We believe that future income will enable us to realize certain deferred tax assets, subject to the valuation allowance we have established.

The total amount of unrecognized benefit that would impact the effective tax rate, if recognized, was $46 million at September 30, 2024. A total of $4 million of interest and penalties is included in the amount of liability for uncertain tax positions at September 30, 2024. It is our policy to recognize interest and penalties related to unrecognized benefits in our condensed consolidated statements of loss as income tax expense.

It is possible the amount of unrecognized tax benefit could change in the next 12 months as a result of a lapse of the statute of limitations and settlements with taxing authorities; however, we do not anticipate the change will have a material impact on our consolidated results of operations or consolidated financial position.

Our federal income tax return for the 2018 tax year is under examination by the Internal Revenue Service. We believe the result of this examination will not be material to our consolidated results of operations or consolidated financial position. In addition, we have extended our federal statute of limitations through March 31, 2026 for the tax period ended December 31, 2018.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In November 2023, the Financial Accounting Standards Board, or FASB, issued Accounting Standards Update, or ASU, 2023-07, “Segment Reporting (Topic 280), Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures.” This ASU includes additional requirements for the disclosure of significant segment expenses and segment measure(s) of profit or loss, as well as new disclosure requirements for entities with a single reportable segment and certain qualitative information about the chief operating decision maker. This ASU is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2023 and interim periods beginning after December 15, 2024. The amendments in this ASU must be applied retrospectively to all periods presented. Early adoption is permitted. We are currently evaluating the impact that adoption of this ASU will have on our condensed consolidated financial statements.



In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, “Income Taxes (Topic 740), Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures.” This ASU establishes new requirements for the categorization and disaggregation of information in the rate reconciliation as well as for disaggregation of income taxes paid. Additionally, this ASU modifies and eliminates certain existing requirements for indefinitely reinvested foreign earnings and unrecognized tax benefits. This ASU is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2024 and interim periods beginning after December 15, 2025. The amendments in this ASU should be applied on a prospective basis and early adoption is permitted. We are currently evaluating the impact that adoption of this ASU will have on our condensed consolidated financial statements.

We have evaluated all other recently issued, but not yet effective, ASUs and do not expect the eventual adoption of such ASUs to have a material impact on our consolidated financial position or results of operations.




This Form 10-Q contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve risks and uncertainties. Statements that are predictive in nature, that depend upon or refer to future events or conditions or that include words such as “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “estimates,” “thinks,” and similar expressions are forward-looking statements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause our actual results and performance to be materially different from any future results or performance expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. A number of factors could affect the future results of the Company or the healthcare industry generally and could cause the Company’s expected results to differ materially from those expressed in this Form 10-Q. These factors include, among other things:

general economic and business conditions, both nationally and in the regions in which we operate, including the impact of current negative macroeconomic conditions, inflationary conditions, the current high interest rate environment, and current geopolitical instability, as well as the potential impact on us of political, financial, credit and capital conditions;
the impact of current or future federal and state health reform initiatives;
the extent to and manner in which states adopt changes to Medicaid programs, implement health insurance exchanges or alter or reduce the provision of, or payment for, healthcare to state residents through legislation, regulation or otherwise;
changes related to health insurance enrollment, including those affecting the beneficiary enrollment process and the stability of health insurance exchanges;
risks associated with our substantial indebtedness, leverage and debt service obligations, including our ability to refinance such indebtedness on acceptable terms or to incur additional indebtedness, and our ability to remain in compliance with debt covenants;
demographic changes;
changes in, or the failure to comply with, federal, state or local laws or governmental regulations affecting our business;
judicial developments impacting the Company or the healthcare industry, including the potential impact of the recent decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court regarding the actions of federal agencies;
potential adverse impact of known and unknown legal, regulatory and governmental proceedings and other loss contingencies, including governmental investigations and audits, and federal and state false claims act litigation;
our ability, where appropriate, to enter into and maintain provider arrangements with payors and the terms of these arrangements, which may be further affected by the increasing consolidation of health insurers and managed care companies and vertical integration efforts involving payors and healthcare providers;
changes in, or the failure to comply with, contract terms with payors and changes in reimbursement policies, methodologies or rates paid by federal or state healthcare programs or commercial payors;
security breaches, cyber-attacks, loss of data, other cybersecurity threats or incidents, including those experienced with respect to our information systems or the information systems of third parties with whom we conduct business, and any actual or perceived failures to comply with legal requirements governing the privacy and security of health information or other regulated, sensitive or confidential information, or legal requirements regarding data privacy or data protection;
the development, adoption and use of emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning;
any potential impairments in the carrying value of goodwill, other intangible assets, or other long-lived assets, or changes in the useful lives of other intangible assets;
the effects related to the sequestration spending reductions pursuant to both the Budget Control Act of 2011 and the Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 and the potential for future deficit reduction legislation;
increases in the amount and risk of collectability of patient accounts receivable, including decreases in collectability which may result from, among other things, self-pay growth and difficulties in recovering payments for which patients are responsible, including co-pays and deductibles;
the efforts of insurers, healthcare providers, large employer groups and others to contain healthcare costs, including the trend toward value-based purchasing;
the impact of competitive labor market conditions, including in connection with our ability to hire and retain qualified nurses, physicians, other medical personnel and key management, and increased labor expenses arising from inflation and/or competition for such positions;



the inability of third parties with whom we contract to provide hospital-based physicians and the effectiveness of our efforts to mitigate such non-performance including through acquisitions of outsourced medical specialist businesses, engagement with new or replacement providers, employment of physicians and re-negotiation or assumption of existing contracts;
any failure to obtain medical supplies or pharmaceuticals at favorable prices;
liabilities and other claims asserted against us, including self-insured professional liability claims;
trends toward treatment of patients in less acute or specialty healthcare settings, including ambulatory surgery centers or specialty hospitals or via telehealth;
changes in medical or other technology;
any failure of our ongoing process of redesigning and consolidating key business functions, including through the implementation of a new core enterprise resource planning system, to proceed as expected or to be completed successfully;
changes in U.S. GAAP;
the availability and terms of capital to fund any additional acquisitions or replacement facilities or other capital expenditures;
our ability to successfully make acquisitions or complete divestitures, our ability to complete any such acquisitions or divestitures on desired terms or at all, the timing of the completion of any such acquisitions or divestitures, and our ability to realize the intended benefits from any such acquisitions or divestitures;
the impact that changes in our relationships with joint venture or syndication partners could have on effectively operating our hospitals or ancillary services or in advancing strategic opportunities;
our ability to successfully integrate any acquired hospitals and/or outpatient facilities, or to realize expected benefits from acquisitions such as increased growth in patient service revenues;
the impact of severe weather conditions and climate change, as well as the timing and amount of insurance recoveries in relation to severe weather events;
our ability to obtain adequate levels of insurance, including general liability, professional liability, cyber liability and directors and officers liability insurance;
timeliness of reimbursement payments received under government programs;
effects related to pandemics, epidemics, or outbreaks of infectious diseases on our business, results of operations, financial condition, and/or cash flows;
any failure to comply with our obligations under license or technology agreements;
challenging economic conditions in non-urban communities in which we operate;
the concentration of our revenue in a small number of states;
our ability to realize anticipated cost savings and other benefits from our current strategic and operational cost savings initiatives;
any changes in or interpretations of income tax laws and regulations; and
the risk factors set forth in our 2023 Form 10-K and our other filings filed with the SEC.

Although we believe that these forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, these assumptions are inherently subject to significant regulatory, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies, which are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and may be beyond our control. Accordingly, we cannot give any assurance that our expectations will in fact occur, and we caution that actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Given these uncertainties, prospective investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this filing. We undertake no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements, or to make any other forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.



Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk

During the three months ended September 30, 2024, there have been no material changes in the quantitative and qualitative disclosures set forth in Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk in our 2023 Form 10-K.

Item 4. Controls and Procedures

Our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, with the participation of other members of management, have evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, as of the end of the period covered by this report. Based on such evaluations, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that, as of such date, our disclosure controls and procedures were effective (at the reasonable assurance level) to ensure that the information required to be included in this report has been recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms and to ensure that the information required to be included in this report was accumulated and communicated to management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.

There have been no changes in our internal control over financial reporting during the three months ended September 30, 2024 that have materially affected or are reasonably likely to materially affect our internal controls over financial reporting.




From time to time, we receive inquiries or subpoenas from state regulators, state Medicaid Fraud Control units, fiscal intermediaries, CMS, the U.S. Department of Justice and other government entities regarding various Medicare and Medicaid issues. In addition, we are subject to other claims and lawsuits arising in the ordinary course of our business including lawsuits and claims related to billing and collection practices at our hospitals. Based on current knowledge, management does not believe that loss contingencies arising from pending legal, regulatory and governmental matters, including the matters described herein, will have a material adverse effect on the consolidated financial position or liquidity of the Company. However, in light of the inherent uncertainties involved in pending legal, regulatory and governmental matters, some of which are beyond our control, and the very large or indeterminate damages sought in some of these matters, an adverse outcome in one or more of these matters could be material to our results of operations or cash flows for any particular reporting period. Settlements of suits involving Medicare and Medicaid issues routinely require both monetary payments as well as corporate integrity agreements. Additionally, qui tam or “whistleblower” actions initiated under the FCA may be pending but placed under seal by the court to comply with the FCA’s requirements for filing such suits. In September 2014, the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice announced that all qui tam cases will be shared with their Division to determine if a parallel criminal investigation should be opened. The Criminal Division has also frequently stated an intention to pursue corporations in criminal prosecutions, including in its most recent Memorandum dated September 15, 2022. From time to time, we detect issues of non-compliance with federal healthcare laws pertaining to claims submission and reimbursement practices and/or financial relationships with physicians. We avail ourselves of various mechanisms to address potential overpayments arising out of these issues, including repayment of claims, rebilling of claims, and participation in voluntary disclosure protocols offered by CMS and the Office of Inspector General. Participating in voluntary repayments and voluntary disclosure protocols can have the potential for significant settlement obligations or even enforcement action.

The following legal proceedings are described in detail because, although certain legal proceedings may not be required to be disclosed in this Part II, Item 1 under SEC rules, due to the nature of the business of the Company, we believe that the following discussion of these matters may provide useful information to security holders. This discussion does not include claims and lawsuits covered by medical professional liability, general liability or employment practices insurance and risk retention programs, none of which claims or lawsuits would in any event be required to be disclosed in this Part II, Item 1 under SEC rules.

Government Investigations and Qui Tam Litigation

On January 11, 2024, we received a CID from the Department of Justice for documents and information relating to a variety of subjects, including practices and procedures related to utilization review, inpatient admissions and inpatient dialysis at our hospitals. Based upon our review of the CID, the documents we have reviewed and the witnesses we have interviewed, we believe at this time that the CID relates to allegations made by a former employee at one of our hospitals in 2022 and that these allegations were thoroughly and fully investigated to our satisfaction at the time they were originally made. We continue to cooperate fully with this investigation.

Commercial Litigation and Other Lawsuits

Tower Health, f/k/a Reading Health System, et al v. CHS/Community Health Systems, Inc., et al. This breach of contract action is pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The plaintiffs allege breaches of an asset purchase agreement in connection with the sale of Pottstown Memorial Medical Center. The alleged breaches regard plaintiffs’ contention that the defendants failed to disclose certain conditions related to the physical plant of the hospital, along with various other alleged breaches of the asset purchase agreement. The plaintiffs filed an amended complaint on July 22, 2019. Trial for this matter began May 3, 2021, and closed on October 5, 2021. On September 6, 2022, the District Court issued a Memorandum Opinion denying all of Tower Health’s claims and entering a judgment in favor of the Company. The district Court also awarded the Company its attorneys’ fees and costs. On October 4, 2022, Tower Health filed a Rule 59 motion to alter or amend the District Court’s judgment and a Rule 15 motion to amend its pleadings. The Company has filed oppositions to both motions and has separately moved for its attorney’s fees. On August 11, 2023, the District Court denied Tower Health’s Rule 59 and Rule 15 motions. Tower Health appealed the District Court's judgment to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Judicial District. The Third Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the District Court's opinion and ordered the case remanded to the District Court on October 2, 2024. The District Court will now hear our application for attorney's fees.

Daniel H. Golden, as Litigation Trustee of the QHC Litigation Trust, and Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, solely in its capacity as indenture trustee v. Community Health Systems, Inc., et al. A complaint in this case was filed on October 25, 2021 in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware against various persons, including the Company, certain subsidiaries of the Company, certain former executive officers of the Company and Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC. Plaintiff Daniel H. Golden is the litigation trustee for a litigation trust, which was formed under the plan of reorganization of Quorum Health Corporation, or



QHC, and certain affiliated entities confirmed by order of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware wherein QHC and certain affiliated entities contributed various causes of action to such litigation trust. Plaintiff Wilmington Savings Fund Society is the indenture trustee for certain notes issued by QHC. The complaint seeks damages and other forms of recovery arising out of certain alleged actions taken by the Company and the other defendants in connection with the spin-off of QHC, which was completed on April 29, 2016, and includes claims for unjust enrichment and for avoidance of certain transactions and payments by QHC to the Company connected with the spin-off, including the $1.21 billion special dividend paid by QHC to the Company as part of the spin-off transactions. We filed a motion to dismiss on January 14, 2022, and oral argument on that motion was heard on July 21, 2022. On March 16, 2023, the District Court granted in part and denied in part our motion to dismiss. We continue to vigorously defend this case.

Item 1A. Risk Factors

The following supplements the Companys risk factors previously disclosed in the 2023 Form 10-K by adding the following risk factor. Except as set forth below, there have been no material changes with regard to the risk factors previously disclosed in the 2023 Form 10-K.

Recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions affecting the review of federal agency actions could adversely impact our business and operations.

In June 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court issued decisions affecting judicial review of federal agency-related actions that increase judicial scrutiny of agency authority, shift greater responsibility for statutory interpretation to courts, and expand the timeline in which a plaintiff can sue regulators. In particular, in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, the U.S. Supreme Court overruled its prior ruling in Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., which held that when a statute is ambiguous or silent, courts should not substitute their own judgments regarding the actions of those agencies so long as the federal agencies’ interpretation of the enabling federal statute was reasonable (this was commonly known as “Chevron deference”). In Loper Bright, the U.S. Supreme Court, held that courts must instead exercise their independent judgment when deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority, and that courts may not defer to an agency interpretation simply because a statute is ambiguous.

The Loper Bright decision, as well as certain other recent decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, could have significant impacts on government agency regulation, particularly within the heavily-regulated healthcare industry, and may have broad implications for our business. As a result of these decisions, there may be an increase in legal challenges to regulations and guidance issued by federal agencies responsible for regulating various aspects of our business, including HHS and certain of its agencies, such as CMS, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Office of Inspector General. Certain of these potential legal challenges, if successful, could have a material negative impact on our business, including through impacts on Medicare and Medicaid payment and coverage, the availability of coverage and subsidies to our patients under the Affordable Care Act and other policies affecting the size of the uninsured population, the administration of state Medicaid programs, the enforcement and interpretation of fraud and abuse laws, and other legal matters discussed in the risk factor “If we fail to comply with extensive laws and government regulations, including fraud and abuse laws, we could suffer penalties or be required to make significant changes to our operations” included in Part I, Item 1A of the 2023 Form 10-K. In addition to potential changes to regulations and agency guidance as a result of legal challenges, these U.S. Supreme Court decisions may result in increased regulatory uncertainty, inconsistent judicial interpretations, and delays in and other impacts to the agency rulemaking process, any of which could also adversely impact our business and operations.



Item 2. Unregistered Sale of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds

The following table contains information about our purchases of common stock during the three months ended September 30, 2024.




of Shares
Purchased (a)



Paid per



of Shares
Purchased as
Part of
Plans or
Programs (b)



Number of
Shares That
May Yet Be
Under the
Plans or
Programs (b)


July 1, 2024 -













July 31, 2024













August 1, 2024 -













August 31, 2024















September 1, 2024 -













September 30, 2024





























4,801 shares were withheld to satisfy the payment of tax obligations related to the vesting of restricted stock awards.
We had no publicly announced repurchase programs for shares of our common stock during the three months ended September 30, 2024.

The ABL Facility and the indentures governing each series of our outstanding notes restrict our subsidiaries from, among other matters, paying dividends and making distributions to us, which thereby limits our ability to pay dividends and/or repurchase stock. As of September 30, 2024, under the most restrictive test in these agreements (and subject to certain exceptions), we have approximately $300 million of capacity to pay permitted dividends and/or repurchase shares of stock or make other restricted payments.

Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities


Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures

Not applicable.

Item 5. Other Information

None. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, during the three months ended September 30, 2024, no director or officer of the Company adopted or terminated any “Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement,” or any “non-Rule 10b-5 trading arrangement,” as such terms are defined in Item 408(a) of Regulation S-K.



Item 6. Exhibits









Asset Purchase Agreement, dated as of April 18, 2024, by and among CHS/Community Health Systems, Inc., certain subsidiaries of CHS/Community Health Systems, Inc. and Hamilton Health Care Systems, Inc. and certain of its affiliates, as amended (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.1 to Community Health Systems, Inc.'s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on August 1, 2024 (No. 001-15925)




Asset Purchase Agreement, dated as of July 30, 2024, by and among, CHS/Community Health Systems, Inc., certain subsidiaries of CHS/Community Health Systems, Inc. and WoodBridge Healthcare, Inc. and certain of its affiliates, as amended.




Certification of Chief Executive Officer pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002




Certification of Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002




Certification of Chief Executive Officer pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002




Certification of Chief Financial Officer pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002




The following financial information from our quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, filed with the SEC on October 24, 2024, formatted in Inline Extensible Business Reporting Language: (i) the condensed consolidated statements of loss for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, (ii) the condensed consolidated statements of comprehensive loss for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, (iii) the condensed consolidated balance sheets at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, (iv) the condensed consolidated statements of cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, and (v) the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements. The instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document.




Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101)


* Filed herewith.

** Furnished herewith.





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.













/s/ Tim L. Hingtgen


Tim L. Hingtgen
Director and


Chief Executive Officer










/s/ Kevin J. Hammons


Kevin J. Hammons


President and


Chief Financial Officer










/s/ Jason K. Johnson


Jason K. Johnson


Senior Vice President and


Chief Accounting Officer


Date: October 24, 2024