EX-4.1 3 ea021851001ex4-1_libang.htm FORM OF WARRANT





持有該代理人認股權證的登記持有人,通過接受本認股權證,同意不得在此處未提供的情況下出售、轉讓或轉讓本代理人認股權證,並且持有該代理人認股權證的登記持有人同意不得出售、轉讓、轉讓、抵押或設定抵押...不得導致任何人在自發行(以下定義)之日起一百八十(180)天的期間內有效經濟處置該代理人認股權證,除了(I) CRAFt CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC或承銷商或在發行中的指定經銷商,或(II) CRAFt CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC或任何此類承銷商或指定經銷商的正式官員或合夥人,並依照 FINRA 規定本文的第5110(E)(2)條。


此授權在東部時間下午5:00之後作廢 [●].1








1. 代表的逮捕令。這個 根據註明日期的某些承保協議,對此進行認證 [●] (那個”承保協議”), 在兩者之間 立邦國際株式會社 (那個”公司”)和 Craft Capital Management LLC,如 被點名的承銷商代表 附件 A 其中,規定了首次公開募股(”提供”) 公司的普通股,面值每股0.0001美元(”普通股”),Craft Capital 管理有限責任公司 或其分配(”持有者”),作爲本代表認股權證的註冊所有者,有權隨時或 不時或之後 [●], 開始出售公共證券後的180天之日 由公司(”開課日期”)2,以及下午 5:00 或之前, 東部時間, [●]1 (這個”到期日期”),但此後不行, 全部或部分訂閱、購買和接收,最多不超過 [●]3 普通 股票(”股票”),但須根據中的規定進行調整 第 6 部分 在這裏。如果到期日期爲一天 法律或行政命令授權對哪些銀行機構關閉,則可以行使本代表的認股權證 在第二天,根據本文的條款,這不是這樣的日子。自本協議發佈之日起的期限內 截至到期日,公司同意不採取任何終止該代表認股權證的行動。 該代表的認股權證最初可以 $ 行使[●]4 每 分享; 提供的, 然而,在本協議第 6 節規定的任何事件發生時,授予的權利 根據該代表的認股權證,包括每股行使價和行使時將獲得的股份數量, 應按其中規定進行調整。該代表的認股權證是根據承保條款簽發的 規定要約的協議。這個詞”生效日期” 應指註冊聲明的生效日期 與本次發行有關。這個詞”行使價格” 應指初始行使價或調整後的行使價 價格,視情況而定。


2. 行權.


2.1 行使表格爲了行使本代表認股權證,必須填寫並完成附表的行使表格,並將其連同本代表認股權證一併交付給公司,同時支付購買股份數量的行使價格,支付方式爲現金,通過立即到賬的電匯方式支付到公司指定的帳戶,或者支付由公司指定的認證支票或官方銀行支票。如果本代表認股權證所代表的認購權利未能在到期日當天東部時間下午5:00之前行使,該代表認股權證將自動作廢,不再具有任何效力,所有所代表的權利將終止和失效。


1 從完成發行之日起四年半的時間
2 公開證券銷售開始之日起6個月後的日期。
3 在結束日期時進行的發售中5%的股份。
4 在結束日期時進行的發售中股票價格的125%。





2.2 無現金行權在啓動日期之後的任何時間,代表權證可以選擇通過現金或支票支付給公司訂單的方式來行使, 第2.1節 上述,持有人可以選擇通過提交本代表權證交付給公司,連同此處附上的行使表格,領取與本代表權證價值相等的股份數量(或已行使部分),公司將按照以下公式向持有人發行股份:







  X = 分配給持有人的股份數量;
  Y = 如果通過現金行權方式行使本代表權證,將可發行的股份數量。 第2.1節 而不是根據本 第2.2節;
  A = 根據本條款確定的一個股票的公平市場價值 第2節;以及幫助孩子們跟蹤他們夏季口腔衛生習慣的材料。
  B = 在此代表權證項下有效的行權價格在按無現金基礎行使此代表權證的選舉時 第2節.


爲了本 第2.2節股票的公平市場價值定義如下:




(ii) 如果普通股在場外交易(即在場外交易場所OTCQb或OTCQX Markets由OTC Markets Group, Inc.經營,或任何類似的場外交易市場),則公允市值應被視爲在向公司提交行使代表權證的行使形式之前的交易日結束時的收盤買盤價;或


(iii) 如果普通股沒有活躍的公開市場,其價值應爲公司董事會善意確定的公允市場價值。


交易日” 意味着普通股在紐約證券交易所、納斯達克資本市場、納斯達克全球市場、納斯達克全球 精選市場、紐約證券交易所或場外交易公告板(或任何上述任何繼任者)上交易的日期。




2.3 行使的機制。.


(i) 股票行權交付公司應盡商業上合理的努力,通過信貸Holder的首席經紀爲公共公司劃撥其儲戶在美國證券存託公司的帳戶,通過其存入或提款託管系統(“DWAC”),如果公司當時是該系統的參與者,並且(A)已有有效的註冊聲明允許發行股票或重新銷售股票或(B)本代表權利正在通過無現金行權行使,否則應在(A)把行權通知書交還給公司、(B)提交本代表權利(如有必要)以及(C)公司收到上述總體行權價格,直到晚於交易時間之後的第二天交付到股票投資公司或者通過指定地址交付到股票投資公司。 股票交付日期日期之前認爲已發行股票,持有人或任何其他指定的人應被視爲在代表權已行使並支付公司總體行權價格(或通過無現金行使,如果允許)已收到公司並在發行此類股票之前持有人需要支付的所有稅款根據 第2.3(vi)節 的規定。





(ii) 交付新權證 在行使權證之後如果這名代表的權證部分行使,則公司應在持有人的書面要求並在交付股份時繳納此名代表的權證時,向持有人交付一份新的代表權證,證明持有人購買未購買的股份的權利 由此代表的權證要求,這份新的代表權證在其他方面與此代表的權證完全相同。


(iii) 撤銷權如果公司未能導致其過戶代理根據要求向持有人轉發股份,則持有人將有權在股份交付日期後的一個交易日內向公司書面通知後撤銷該行使。 如果公司未能導致其轉讓代理人在「2.3(i)」中規定的股票交付日期前向持有人發送股票,除非此失敗不是由公司的錯誤或疏忽造成的,否則持有人有權在股票交付日期後的一個交易日內書面通知公司撤銷此次行權。 如果公司未能導致其過戶代理在股份交付日期前向持有人轉發股份,除非該失敗並非由於公司的過失或疏忽,否則持有人將有權在股份交付日期後的一個交易日內向公司書面通知後撤銷該行使。


(iv) 買入補償 關於未能在行使時及時交割股份。除了持有人享有的任何其他權利外,如果持有人已經取得了 如果公司倒閉,則根據本代表認股權證條款採取的所有必要行動,以使該持有人獲得股份 促使過戶代理人在股份交割日當天或之前根據行使向持有人轉讓股份,除非 此類失敗不是由公司的過失或疏忽造成的,如果在此日期之後,其經紀人要求持有人 購買(通過公開市場交易或其他方式)或持有人的經紀公司以其他方式購買要交割的普通股 以滿足持有人預期在行使後獲得的銷售額 (a”買入”), 則公司應(A)以現金向持有人支付持有人總購買價格(包括)(x)的金額(如果有) 以此方式購買的普通股的經紀佣金和任何其他適用費用(如果有)超過(y)乘以獲得的金額 (1) 公司在發行時必須向持有人交付的與行使相關的股票數量 (2) 執行產生此類買入義務的賣出定單的價格,以及(B)由持有人選擇,要麼恢復 代表認股權證中未兌現的部分和同等數量的股份(在這種情況下 此類行使應被視爲(已取消)或向持有人交付公司本應發行的普通股數量 及時履行了其根據本協議承擔的行使和交付義務。例如,如果持有人購買總額爲普通股 收購價格爲11,000美元,用於支付對試圖行使股票的買入,總銷售價格爲 根據前一句的第 (A) 條,公司必須向持有人支付10,000美元的購買義務 1,000 美元。持有人應向公司提供書面通知,說明應向持有人支付的買入金額, 應公司的要求提供此類損失金額的證據。此處的任何內容均不限制持有人追求任何其他權利的權利 根據本、法律或衡平法向其提供的補救措施,包括但不限於具體履行法令和/或禁令 對公司在行使代表認股權證後未能及時交付普通股的救濟 根據本協議條款的要求。


(v) 沒有碎股 或應付腳本代表權證行使時不得發行碎股或代表碎股的認股權。對於代表持有人在行使時本應有權購買的任何股票的一部分,公司可以選擇支付現金調整金額,金額爲這部分乘以行使價格,或者向上四捨五入至最接近的整數股。


(vi) 費用、稅收和支出股份發行將由公司免費進行,不需要股東支付任何發行或轉讓稅以及其他附帶費用,所有這些稅費和費用將由公司支付,這些股份將以股東的名義發行,或者由股東指定的名義; 在每種情況下,該B類股東和/或該B類股東的家庭成員需獨立控制在此類帳戶、計劃或信託中持有的B類普通股實時;, 公司對於以下情況,不應承擔責任:根據第10(b)部分書面信息可靠地提供。在股份要以股東以外的名義發行的情況下,此代表權證在行使時應附上本附賣表格,其中須股東和公司共同簽署,並可能要求支付足夠金額以補償任何與此相關的轉讓稅。公司應支付所有轉讓代理的費用,以便當天處理任何行使通知。





3. 轉讓-一般限制。持有人通過接受本條款,同意在銷售開端之日起的180天內,將本代表權證或根據本代表權證發行的證券出售、轉讓、讓渡、抵押或投資,除非轉讓給以下任何一方:(i) 創投資本管理有限責任公司或其他承銷商或參與發行的指定交易商,或(ii) 創投資本管理有限責任公司或任何此類承銷商或指定交易商的真實高級職員或合夥人,必須符合美國金融行業監管局規則5110(e)(1)的規定,並受美國金融行業監管局規則5110(e)(2)所列的例外情況限制;或(b) 導致本代表權證或根據本代表權證發行的證券成爲任何避險、賣出空頭、衍生、看跌或看漲交易的主體,從而有效地處置本代表權證或本證券,依照美國金融行業監管局規則5110(e)(1)的規定,但除美國金融行業監管局規則5110(e)(2)的規定。在發行開始銷售之日起180天后,轉讓給他人需遵守適用證券法或豁免規定。爲了進行任何允許的轉讓,持有人必須交付附附帶此的已簽署和填寫完成的轉讓表格給公司,以及本代表權證並支付所有因此而需支付的轉讓稅,如有的話。公司應在五(5)個工作日內在公司名冊上轉讓本代表權證,並應出具並交付一份新的本代表權證或類似票面的本代表權證予相應的受讓方,明確證明其購買根據本代表權證可購買的股票總數,或根據任何此類轉讓所涉及的任何部分。公司應在公司爲此目的而維護的記錄上註冊本代表權證(“「認股權證登記冊」根據需要,代表權證持有人的名稱 公司可能視爲並對待本代表權證的註冊持有人爲其絕對所有者 用於任何實施本權證或向持有人進行任何分發的目的,以及對於所有其他目的,除非有確切相反的通知。


4. 註冊公司應根據F-1表格(或符合使用該表格資格的情況下的F-3表格)的要求,保持註冊聲明有效,直至以下兩個日期中較早的日期:代表權證擁有人公開出售其權證下的所有股份的日期,或者在沒有數量限制地在三個月期間內可以根據1933年修正案後的證券法規(Rule 144或其他類似豁免)出售代表權證擁有人權證下的所有股份的日期。


5. 新代表的認股權證將被髮行.


5.1 部分行使或轉讓受限於 第3章。資格. 在此,該代表權證可全部或部分行使或轉讓。如果僅部分行使或轉讓,僅當提交該代表權證以進行取消,同時附上已填寫的行使或轉讓表格和足夠支付任何行使價格和/或轉讓稅的資金時,根據此處行使,即可行使或轉讓。 第2節 在此,公司將免費向持有人交付一份新的與該代表權證性質相同的代表權證,以持有人的名義證明持有人有權購買未行使或轉讓的根據此處可購買的股份數量。


5.2 損失替換。 在公司收到合理令公司滿意的證據證明本代表的 授權書遺失、被盜、損毀或毀壞後,公司將自行承擔費用,執行並交付一份新的代表的 授權書,內容和日期相同。任何此類 由於遺失、盜竊、毀壞或破壞而執行和交付的新的代表 的授權書應構成 公司的替代合同義務。





6. 調整.


6.1 行使價和股份數的調整。代表權證的行使價和其下潛在所持股份數量將根據下文規定不時進行調整:


6.1.1 分享分紅派息; 拆分 如果在此日期後,且遵守下述規定,普通股的未償還份數減少,要麼通過普通股合併、組合或再分類或其他類似事件的方式,那麼在該日期生效時,根據未償還股票的減少比例,此處可購買的股票數量將相應減少,且行權價格將相應增加。 Section 6.3 如下面所示,普通股的已發行股份數量因分紅派息而增加,或者因普通股的拆分、分拆、重新分類、企業重組、安排方案或其他類似交易而增加,則在生效日,依據此條款可購買的股份數量將按已發行普通股的增加比例增加,行使價格將相應降低。根據此條款進行的任何調整 第6.1.1節 應在確定有權收到該股利或分配的股東的登記日後立即生效,並在細分、合併或重新分類的生效日期後立即生效。


6.1.2 後續權利發行。 除了根據以下規定進行的任何調整外 第 6.1.1 節 如上所述,在本代表的授權令期間的任何時候 未償還本公司授予、發行或出售根據其條款可轉換爲或可行使的任何公司證券 對於普通股 (”普通股等價物”) 或其他購買股票、認股權證、證券或其他的權利 財產,按普通股所有記錄持有者的比例分配(”購買權”),而不是持有人, 則持有人將有權根據適用於此類購買權的條款收購總購買權 如果持有人持有完全行使本代表後可收購的普通股數量,則持有人本可以收購 在授予、發行或出售此類購買權的記錄之日之前立即獲得認股權證,如果沒有 記錄在案,確定普通股的記錄持有人以授予、發行或出售此類股東的日期 購買權。這方面的規定 第 6.1.2 節不適用於普通股等價物的任何授予、發行或出售 或其他未按所有記錄比例購買公司股份、認股權證、證券或其他財產的權利 普通股持有人。


6.1.3 股份聚合。 如果在此之後,並受其規定約束,普通股的未流通股數量經過合併、組合或重分類普通股或其他類似事件減少,那麼在其生效日期,此處可購買的股份數量應按未流通股減少的比例減少,並且行權價應相應增加。 Section 6.3 如果在此之後,並受以下規定約束,普通股的未流通股數量因合併、組合或重分類普通股或其他類似事件而減少,則在其生效日期,此處可購買的股份數量應按未流通股減少的比例減少,並且行權價應相應增加。


6.1.4 股份更換 在公司重新組織等情況下在除了適用於變更的普通股的任何分類或重新組織的情況下 6.1.1, 6.1.2或。6.1.3 若公司的普通股除了一項改變被覆蓋在此處的變更外,或者隻影響此類普通股的面值,或者在公司與另一家公司或其他實體進行任何股份重組、合併、併購或合併的情況下(除了一種情況,即公司是持續公司且不導致普通股的任何分類或重新組織),或者公司全部或實質上全部財產被出售或轉讓給另一家公司或實體的情況,或者在任何直接或間接的出售要約、要約或交換要約(無論是公司還是其他人)已完成,持有普通股的人被允許出售、提交或交換其股票以換取其他證券、現金或財產,並且該股東已接受了50%或更多的普通股,在公司在一項或多項相關交易中直接或間接地實施了普通股的任何重新分類、重新組織或資本重組或根據此進行的任何強制性股份交換,使普通股有效地轉換爲或換取其他證券、現金或財產,或者(在公司在一項或多項相關交易中最終實現了一項股票購買協議或與其他人或一組人進行的其他業務結合(包括但不限於重新組織、資本重組、分拆或安排方案),從而使該其他人或一組人獲得50%以上的普通股(不包括任何由另一人或其他與另一人進行或參與、或與另一人進行或參與的相關的、關聯的普通股),則本代表權證的持有人在此後有權(直到本代表權證的行使權利到期之日)在此之後行使權利時,根據在此類事件前可立即按照本代表權證最低支付的同等行使價格,獲得在此類再分類、重新組織、股份重組或合併或合併,或在轉讓之後進行的解散後,或由可通過行使本代表權證獲得的公司股票數量的持有人獲得的其他證券或財產(包括現金);如果任何重新分類也導致 第6.1.1節, 6.1.2 6.1.3,則應根據這個進行調整。 第6.1.1節, 和這個 第6.1.4節本條款應是本次交易所載明的任何單獨的保密協議的補充,而非替代;本款所要求的所有通知應根據本協議的第11.1節作出。 第6.1.4節 同樣適用於連續的重新分類、重組、股份重構或合併、銷售或其他轉讓。





6.1.5 代表權證形式的更改。代表權證的形式無需更改,因爲根據本協議的任何更改 第6.1節,並且在此類更改之後發行的任何代表權證可能會載明與最初代表權證中載明的相同行使價格和相同股數。持有人接受發行新代表權證,反映強制或允許更改,並不被視爲放棄在起始日期之後出現或計算調整的任何權利。


6.2 代表代表權證公司與其他公司或實體進行合併、股份重組或合併的情況下(除非合併或股份重組或合併不導致已發行普通股份的任何重新分類或更改),由合併或股份重組或合併形成的公司或其他實體應向持有人出具一份補充代表權證,規定每份已發行或將要發行的代表權證的持有人隨後有權(直至該代表權證的規定到期之日)在行使此類代表權證時,按照在合併、股份重組或合併發生時,持有公司相應數量股份的人將獲得的股份和其他有權利的東西和財產的種類和數量來接收。此類補充代表權證應規定調整與本 第6節本節的上述規定同樣適用於連續的合併、股份重組或合併。


6.3 分數份額的清除公司不得在行使本代表認股權證時發行股份的零部分,也不得要求發行虛擬股份或支付現金以代替任何分數份額,雙方的意圖是通過將任何分數猜漲跌至最接近的整數股票或其他證券、財產或權利來清除所有分數份額。


6.4 持有人須知.


6.4.1 行使價格調整每當行權價格根據本文件的任何規定進行調整時,公司應及時通過傳真或電子郵件向持有人發送通知,詳細說明調整後的行權價格以及由此引起的認股權證股數的調整事實,並簡要陳述需要進行該調整的事實;但是,公司可以通過提交此通知向SEC遞交一份8-k表的最新報告,10-Q季度報告或10-k年度報告,以滿足此通知要求。 第6節公司應及時向持有人提供通知,說明經調整後的行權價格以及對股份數量造成的任何調整,並簡要說明需要進行此調整的事實。


6.4.2 通知允許持有人行使權利如果(A)公司宣佈向普通股股東分配股利(或任何其他形式的分配),(B)公司宣佈向普通股股東進行特別的非經常性現金股息或對普通股進行贖回,(C)公司授權向所有持有普通股的股東授予購買或認購任何類別的資本股權股份或任何權利的權利或認股權證,(D)在與普通股的任何股份再分類、公司參與的任何合併或合併、公司全部或幾乎全部資產的出售或轉讓或普通股轉爲其他證券、現金或財產的任何強制性股份交換涉及時需要公司股東的批准,或(E)公司授權公司的任何自願或非自願的解散、清算或公司事務的終結,則在上述各種情況下,公司應在下文指定的適用記錄日或生效日至少提前10天向持有人發出通知,其中指明(x)爲此類股利、分配、贖回、權利或認股權證的目的而將作出記錄的日期, 或者如果不作記錄,則確定有資格獲得該股利、分配、贖回、權利或認股權證的普通股持有人的日期,或(y)預計進行此種再分類、合併、合併、出售、轉讓或股份交換的日期、生效日期或近似日期,並預計在作出該種再分類、合併、合併、出售、轉讓或股份交換的日期爲止,普通股持有人被授權交換其普通股以換取應於此種再分類、合併、合併、出售、轉讓或股份交換後交付的證券、現金或其他財產; 在每種情況下,該B類股東和/或該B類股東的家庭成員需獨立控制在此類帳戶、計劃或信託中持有的B類普通股實時; 未提供此類通知或其中的任何缺陷或提供的方式不妥將不影響應在該通知中指明的公司行動的有效性。持有人在從該通知日期開始到觸發該通知的事件的有效日期結束期間仍有權行使本代表權證,除非本處明確另有規定。儘管有上述規定,如果公司通過全國分佈的新聞發佈或通過向美國證券交易委員會公開披露併合法文件提交公告適用事件,持有人無需通知。





7. 預訂和列表; 登記權.


7.1 公司應將代表的認股權證和認股權股份註冊在註冊聲明中。公司應始終保留並從其授權的普通股中保持所需數量的股份,僅用於行使該代表的認股權,即在行使其中所應發行的股份或其他證券、財產或權利。公司承諾並同意,在按照本協議的規定行使該代表的認股權並支付行權價後,所有可行使的股份和其他證券應當合法有效地發行,已足額支付並不再需要徵稅,並不受任何股東的優先購買權或類似權利的約束,並且沒有任何留置權、稅收和收費。只要該代表的認股權仍然有效存在,公司應盡商業上合理的努力,要求所有可行使的股份在全部國家證券交易所(或按照適用情形,在由OTC Markets Group, Inc.運營的OTCQb或OTCQX市場上,或任何類似的場外交易市場)中進行掛牌(在發行的官方通知下)上市,當時供公衆購買的股份可能會在其上市並/或報價。


在其它情況下,公司沒有爲股份維護有效的註冊聲明,且任何持有人無法進行無現金行權 第2.2節 根據此處,代表證券權證行使後發行的所有股份均可在行使此代表證券權證時進行交易 第2.2節如果公司向美國證券交易委員會提交註冊普通股(排除在Form F-4或S-8表格,或其他形式或背景中不適當的「跟隨」註冊聲明(包括但不限於「通用架」註冊聲明或與此相關的任何招股書補充 )","這樣,在代表證券權證的期限內,公司應儘快但在不超過預定提交日期的20天前向持有人書面通知該擬議申請備案,該通知應描述將在該發行中包含的證券金額和類型、擬採用的分發方法以及提議主承銷商的姓名或承銷商,如果有的話,並在該通知中提供給持有人申請書中請求的股份的銷售登記機會(一個“James Trust的註冊權利將在以下情況下終止:(i)《規則144》或《證券法》下的另一種類似的例外情況可用於不受成交量或銷售方式限制地無限制公開銷售James Trust的所有可註冊證券,但受到指定例外情況的限制;或(ii)James Trust及其關聯公司不再持有至少(a)所有已發行股票的2%或(b)4,146,466股普通股。公司應合理努力使這些股份被包括在該註冊中,並應合理努力促使擬議承銷的主體或主體同意通過「跟隨」註冊以同等條件容許請求的股份被包括其中, 並按照其擬定的分發方法出售或處置這些股份。提議通過涉及主承銷商的「跟隨」登記分銷其證券的所有持有人應與爲此類「跟隨」登記選擇的主承銷商或主承銷商簽訂一份符合慣例形式的承銷協議。儘管本節7.2的規定,但請求「跟隨」註冊的權利應根據 FINRA Rule 5110(g)(8)(D)的規定在生效日期的第五個週年結束。


8. Certain Notice Requirements.


8.1 Holder’s Right to Receive Notice. Nothing herein shall be construed as conferring upon the Holder the right to vote or consent or to receive notice as a shareholder for the election of directors or any other matter, or as having any rights whatsoever as a shareholder of the Company. If, however, at any time prior to the expiration of this Representative’s Warrant and its exercise, any of the events described in Section 8.2 shall occur, then, in one or more of said events, the Company shall give written notice of such event at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date fixed as a record date or the date of closing the transfer books (the “Notice Date”) for the determination of the shareholders entitled to such dividend, distribution, conversion or exchange of securities or subscription rights, or entitled to vote on such proposed dissolution, liquidation, winding up or sale. Such notice shall specify such record date or the date of the closing of the transfer books, as the case may be. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company shall deliver to each Holder a copy of each notice given to the other shareholders of the Company at the same time and in the same manner that such notice is given to the shareholders; provided, however, that the Company shall not be obligated to provide any written notice under this Section 8 if it makes a public announcement of the applicable event via nationally distributed press release or via a publicly available and legally compliant filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.





8.2 Events Requiring Notice. The Company shall be required to give the notice described in this Section 8 upon one or more of the following events: (i) if the Company shall take a record of the holders of its shares for the purpose of entitling them to receive a dividend or distribution payable otherwise than in cash, or a cash dividend or distribution payable otherwise than out of retained earnings, as indicated by the accounting treatment of such dividend or distribution on the books of the Company, (ii) the Company shall offer to all the holders of its shares any additional shares of capital equity of the Company or securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of capital equity of the Company, or any option, right or warrant to subscribe therefor, or (iii) a dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the Company (other than in connection with a consolidation or share reconstruction or amalgamation) or a sale of all or substantially all of its property, assets and business shall be proposed.


8.3 Notice of Change in Exercise Price; Notice of Exercise Price. The Company shall, within five (5) business days after an event requiring a change in the Exercise Price pursuant to Section 6 hereof, send notice to the Holder of such event and change (“Price Notice”). The Price Notice shall describe the event causing the change and the method of calculating the same and shall be certified as being true and accurate by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer. The Company shall, within five (5) business days after receipt by the Company of a written request by the Holder, send notice to the Holder of the Exercise Price then in effect and the number of Shares or the amount, if any, of other shares, securities or assets then issuable upon exercise of this Representative’s Warrant and shall be certified as being true and accurate by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer.


8.4 Transmittal of Notices. All notices, requests, consents and other communications under this Representative’s Warrant shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly made when (1) hand delivered, (2) mailed by express mail or private courier service, or (3) if sent by electronic mail, on the day the notice was sent if during regular business hours and, if sent outside of regular business hours, on the following business day, to following addresses or to such other addresses as the Company or Holder may designate by notice to the other party:


If to the Holder:


[      ]

Attention: [      ]

Email: [      ]


with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:


Sichenzia Ross Ference Carmel LLP

1185 Avenue of the Americas, 31st Floor

New York, New York 10036

Attention: Ross David Carmel, Esq.

Email: rcarmel@srfc.law


If to the Company:


Li Bang International Corporation Inc.

No. 190 Xizhang Road, Gushan Town,

Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province

Attention: Mr. Huang Feng, Chief Executive Officer

Email: huangfeng@libangco.com


with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:


Ortoli Rosenstadt LLP

366 Madison Avenue, 3rd Floor

New York, NY 10022-5616

Attention: Mengyi “Jason” Ye, Esq.

Email: jye@orllp.legal





9. Miscellaneous.


9.1 Amendments. The Company and the Holder may from time to time supplement, modify or amend this Representative’s Warrant by a written agreement signed by the Company and the Holder. All modifications or amendments shall require the written consent of and be signed by the party against whom enforcement of the modification or amendment is sought.


9.2 Headings. The headings contained herein are for the sole purpose of convenience of reference, and shall not in any way limit or affect the meaning or interpretation of any of the terms or provisions of this Representative’s Warrant.


9.3 Entire Agreement. This Representative’s Warrant (together with the other agreements and documents being delivered pursuant to or in connection with this Representative’s Warrant) constitutes the entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings of the parties, oral and written, with respect to the subject matter hereof.


9.4 Binding Effect. This Representative’s Warrant shall inure solely to the benefit of and shall be binding upon, the Holder and the Company and their permitted assignees, respective successors, legal representative and assigns, and no other person shall have or be construed to have any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim under or in respect of or by virtue of this Representative’s Warrant or any provisions herein contained.


9.5 Governing Law; Submission to Jurisdiction; Trial by Jury. This Representative’s Warrant shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the internal laws of the State of New York, without giving effect to conflict of laws principles thereof. The Company hereby agrees that any action, proceeding or claim against it arising out of, or relating in any way to this Representative’s Warrant shall be brought and enforced in the New York Supreme Court, County of New York, or in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, and irrevocably submits to such jurisdiction, which jurisdiction shall be exclusive. The Company hereby waives any objection to such exclusive jurisdiction and that such courts represent an inconvenient forum. Any process or summons to be served upon the Company may be served by transmitting a copy thereof by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to it at the address set forth in Section 8.4 hereof. Such mailing shall be deemed personal service and shall be legal and binding upon the Company in any action, proceeding or claim. The Company and the Holder agree that the prevailing party(ies) in any such action shall be entitled to recover from the other party(ies) all of its reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses relating to such action or proceeding and/or incurred in connection with the preparation therefor. The Company (on its behalf and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, on behalf of its shareholders and affiliates) and the Holder hereby irrevocably waive, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all right to trial by jury in any legal proceeding arising out of or relating to this Representative’s Warrant or the transactions contemplated hereby.


9.6 Waiver, etc. The failure of the Company or the Holder to at any time enforce any of the provisions of this Representative’s Warrant shall not be deemed or construed to be a waiver of any such provision, nor to in any way affect the validity of this Representative’s Warrant or any provision hereof or the right of the Company or any Holder to thereafter enforce each and every provision of this Representative’s Warrant. No waiver of any breach, non-compliance or non-fulfillment of any of the provisions of this Representative’s Warrant shall be effective unless set forth in a written instrument executed by the party or parties against whom or which enforcement of such waiver is sought; and no waiver of any such breach, non-compliance or non-fulfillment shall be construed or deemed to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach, non-compliance or non-fulfillment.


9.7 Successors and Assigns. Subject to applicable securities laws, this Representative’s Warrant and the rights and obligations evidenced hereby shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and permitted assigns of the Company and the successors and permitted assigns of Holder. The provisions of this Representative’s Warrant are intended to be for the benefit of any Holder from time to time of this Representative’s Warrant and shall be enforceable by the Holder or holder of this Representative’s Warrant.





9.8 Loss, Theft, Destruction or Mutilation of Warrant. The Company covenants that upon receipt by the Company of evidence reasonably satisfactory to it of the loss, theft, destruction or mutilation of this Representative’s Warrant or any share certificate relating to the Shares, if share certificates are issued, and in case of loss, theft or destruction, of indemnity or security reasonably satisfactory to it (which, in the case of the Representative’s Warrant, shall not include the posting of any bond), and upon surrender and cancellation of such Representative’s Warrant or share certificate, if share certificates are issued, if mutilated, the Company will make and deliver a new Representative’s Warrant or share certificate, if share certificates are issued, of like tenor and dated as of such cancellation, in lieu of such Representative’s Warrant or share certificate, if share certificates are issued.


9.9 Remedies. The Holder, in addition to being entitled to exercise all rights granted by law, including recovery of damages, will be entitled to specific performance of its rights under this Representative’s Warrant. The Company agrees that monetary damages would not be adequate compensation for any loss incurred by reason of a breach by it of the provisions of this Representative’s Warrant and hereby agrees to waive and not to assert the defense in any action for specific performance or other equitable remedy that a remedy at law would be adequate.


9.10 Severability. Wherever possible, each provision of this Representative’s Warrant shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Representative’s Warrant shall be prohibited by or invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this Representative’s Warrant.


9.11 Execution in Counterparts. This Representative’s Warrant may be executed in one or more counterparts, and by the different parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement, and shall become effective when one or more counterparts has been signed by each of the parties hereto and delivered to each of the other parties hereto. Such counterparts may be delivered by facsimile transmission or other electronic transmission.


[Signature Page Follows]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Representative’s Warrant to be signed by its duly authorized officer as of the _______ day of _______.


Name: Feng Huang                    
Title: CEO and Chairman of the Board  





Form of Exercise


The undersigned holder hereby exercises the right to purchase _________________ ordinary shares (“Warrant Shares”) of LI BANG INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION INC. (the “Company”), evidenced by the attached Representative’s Warrant (the “Representative’s Warrant”). Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the respective meanings set forth in the Representative’s Warrant. Please issue the Warrant Shares as to which the Representative’s Warrant is exercised in accordance with the instructions given below and, if applicable, a new Representative’s Warrant representing the number of Warrant Shares for which the Representative’s Warrant has not been exercised.


1. Form of Exercise Price. The Holder intends that payment of the Exercise Price shall be made as:


____________ a “Cash Exercise” with respect to _________________ Warrant Shares; and/or


____________ a “Cashless Exercise” with respect to _______________ Warrant Shares.


2. Payment of Exercise Price. In the event that the holder has elected a Cash Exercise with respect to some or all of the Warrant Shares to be issued pursuant hereto, the holder shall pay the aggregate Exercise Price in the sum of $________ to the Company in accordance with the terms of the Representative’s Warrant.


3. Delivery of Warrant Shares. The Company shall deliver to the holder __________ Warrant Shares in accordance with the terms of the Representative’s Warrant. Please issue said Warrant Shares in the name of the undersigned or in such other name as is specified below:




The Warrant Shares shall be delivered to the following DWAC Account Number:








Date: _______________ __, ______


Name of Registered Holder  







  (Print in Block Letters)  


NOTICE: The signature to this form must correspond with the name as written upon the face of the Representative’s Warrant without alteration or enlargement or any change whatsoever, and must be guaranteed by a bank, other than a savings bank, or by a trust company or by a firm having membership on a registered national securities exchange.







FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned registered owner of this Representative’s Warrant to which this form is attached, hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto the Assignee named below all of the rights of the undersigned to purchase ordinary shares, par value $0.0001 per share, of LI BANG INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION INC. (the “Company”), evidenced by this Representative’s Warrant, with respect to the number of ordinary shares set forth below.


Name of Assignee   Address and Phone Number   No. of Shares


The undersigned also represents that, by assignment hereof, the Assignee acknowledges that this Representative’s Warrant and the ordinary shares to be issued upon exercise hereof or conversion thereof are being acquired for investment and that the Assignee will not offer, sell or otherwise dispose of this Representative’s Warrant or any ordinary shares to be issued upon exercise hereof or conversion thereof except under circumstances which will not result in a violation of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any state securities laws. Further, the Assignee has acknowledged that upon exercise of this Representative’s Warrant, the Assignee shall, if requested by the Company, confirm in writing, in a form satisfactory to the Company, that the ordinary shares so purchased are being acquired for investment and not with a view toward distribution or resale.


Signature of Holder


The undersigned assignee agrees to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Representative’s Warrant.


Signature of Assignee