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共同 股票和2024年B

可購買最多1,058,823股股票的認購證 普通股

(and可發行普通股股份 行使20240億授權令後)


我們在承保的情況下, 確定承諾基礎,2,117,646個單位(「單位」),每個單位由一(1)股普通股和 購買最多一半(0.5%)普通股的20240億認股權證(「認股權證」,或統稱爲「認股權證」) 基於每台17.00美元的發行價。我們不打算申請任何國家證券的權證上市。 交易所或其他交易市場,我們不相信任何這樣的市場會發展起來。因此,權證的流動性將是 有限,應該被認爲是非流動性的。這些單位沒有獨立的權利,也不會作爲獨立的單位進行認證或頒發 證券。普通股股份和單位的認股權證可以立即分開,並將單獨發行 在這個祭品中。認股權證的行使價爲每股17.00美元,並可從最初的 自發行之日起至原發行之日起五年期滿。


這 發行還涉及在本次發行中出售的授權書行使後可發行的普通股股份。普通股 只能通過隨附的憑證(根據承銷商的憑證除外)在本次發行中購買每支股票 購買額外的普通股股份作爲單位的一部分)。


我們的普通股在 納斯達克股票代碼爲「NNE」。


我們 是一家根據2012年《快速啓動我們的商業初創法案》成立的新興成長型公司,也是一家「小型報告公司」, 定義見修訂後的1934年證券交易法第120億.2條,因此,可以選擇遵守某些減少的公衆 本招股說明書和未來文件的公司報告要求。見“摘要-成爲新興市場的影響 成長型公司”和 摘要-成爲一家小型報告公司的影響.”


投資 我們的普通股是投機性的,風險很高.在做出任何投資決定之前,您應該謹慎 審查並考慮本招股說明書中的所有信息, 包括「風險」下描述的風險和不確定性 因素”從第16頁開始。


既不 美國證券交易委員會或任何州證券委員會均已批准或不批准這些證券或確定 本招股說明書是否真實或完整。任何相反的陳述都是刑事犯罪。


   每 單元    
公共 發行價  $




承銷 折扣(1)  $




收益 對我們來說,在費用之前(2)  $






(1) 代表等於(i)7%的承保折扣 (7%)每單位(或每單位1.19美元),這是我們同意向承銷商支付的承銷折扣。
(2) 不包括同等的非實報費用津貼 本次發行總收益的百分之一(1%),支付給承銷商代表,或報銷 承保人的某些費用。我們還同意向承銷商代表發行認購證 普通股股數等於所包含普通股股數的百分之五(5%) 作爲本次發行中以每股21.25美元的行使價出售的單位的一部分(即一百二十五 本次發行中出售的單位公開發行價格的百分比(125%))。有關其他補償條款的描述 要由承銷商收到,請參閱“承銷.”


我們授予了30天的選擇權 向承銷商代表購買最多額外317,646股普通股和/或額外的認購證 僅購買最多158,823股普通股以彌補超額分配(如果有的話)。如果承銷商代表 全面行使選擇權,總承保折扣將約爲2,898,000美元,額外收益 扣除費用之前,超額配股權行使將約爲4,968,000美元。


的 承銷商預計將於2024年10月25日或前後向買家交付這些單位。


的 基準公司


的 本招股說明書日期爲2024年10月23日





創建 下一代先進核燃料並開發更小、更便宜、更安全的便攜式清潔能源解決方案





效果圖 擬議的「宙斯」微反應堆












效果圖 擬議的「Odin」微反應堆




提出 哈勒燃料加工廠





表 內容


招股書 總結 1
的 提供 11
總結 綜合財務信息 13
風險 因素 16
有關前瞻性陳述的警示說明 36
收益的使用 37
股利政策 37
大寫 38
稀釋 39
管理層對財務狀況和經營成果的討論與分析 41
生意場 49
管理 74
高管和董事薪酬 84
主要股東 89
某些關係和關聯方交易 90
股本說明 92
有資格在未來出售的股份 98
美國聯邦所得稅對非美國持有者的重大影響 100
承銷 104
法律事務 108
專家 108
在那裏您可以找到更多信息 108
財務報表索引 F-1


你 應僅依賴本招股說明書以及由我們或代表我們編寫的任何自由撰寫招股說明書中包含的信息 並交付或提供給您。我們和承銷商都沒有授權任何人向您提供額外或 不同的信息。我們僅在提供報價和銷售的司法管轄區提供出售和尋求購買報價 是允許的。本招股說明書或自由撰寫招股說明書中包含的信息僅截至其日期才準確,無論 其交付時間或由此提供的單位的任何銷售時間。我們的業務、財務狀況、經營業績以及 自那一天以來,前景可能已經發生了變化。


爲 美國以外的投資者:我們和任何承銷商都沒有采取任何措施允許此次發行或 在任何需要爲此採取行動的司法管轄區(美國除外)擁有或分發本招股說明書 States.美國境外持有本招股說明書的人員必須了解並遵守任何 與基金單位的發售以及本招股說明書在美國境外的分發有關的限制。





行業 和市場數據


除非 另有說明,本招股說明書中有關經濟狀況、我們的行業、我們的市場和我們的競爭地位的信息 基於多種來源,包括來自第三方行業分析師和出版物的信息以及我們自己的估計和 research.本招股說明書中包含的部分行業和市場數據基於第三方行業出版物。這些信息 涉及許多假設、估計和限制。


的 行業出版物、調查和預測以及其他公共信息通常表明或暗示其信息已 從據信可靠的來源獲得。本招股說明書中使用的第三方行業出版物均不是在 代表我們。由於多種因素,我們運營的行業面臨高度的不確定性和風險,包括 本招股說明書「風險因素」中描述的人員。這些和其他因素可能會導致結果與 這些出版物中表達的內容。




我們 擁有或擁有我們在業務運營中使用的商標或商品名稱、我們的公司名稱, 徽標和網站名稱。本招股說明書包含對我們以及屬於其他實體的商標和服務商標的引用。 僅爲方便起見,本招股說明書中提及的商標和商品名稱可能不含®或 符號,但此類參考並不旨在以任何方式表明我們不會在最大程度上斷言 適用法律、我們的權利或適用許可人對這些商標和商品名稱的權利。我們無意使用或 展示其他公司的商品名稱、商標或服務標記以暗示與其他公司的關係、背書或贊助 我們被任何其他公司。所有其他商標均爲其各自所有者的財產。






招股書 總結


這 摘要重點介紹了本招股說明書中其他地方出現的某些信息。因爲它只是一個摘要,所以它不包含所有 你在投資於此提供的單位之前應考慮的信息,以及它的全部資格,以及 應與本招股說明書中其他地方提供的更詳細信息一起閱讀。此摘要包含 涉及風險和不確定性的前瞻性陳述,例如關於我們的計劃、目標、預期、 假設,或未來的事件。這些陳述涉及估計、假設、已知和未知風險、不確定性和其他 可能導致實際結果與任何未來結果、表現或成就大不相同的因素 前瞻性陳述所暗示的。請參閱「關於前瞻性陳述的告誡」。在你決定之前 要投資我們的普通股,您還應仔細閱讀整個招股說明書,包括以「風險因素」開頭的內容。 第16頁,《管理層對財務狀況和經營成果的討論與分析》,從 第41頁,以及包括在本招股說明書中的財務報表和相關附註。


除非 如在本招股說明書中所使用的,上下文中所使用的術語「我們」、「我們」 公司,「納米核」和「我們的業務」是指納米核能公司及其合併的子公司。




我們 是一家早期核能公司,正在開發更小、更便宜、更安全的先進便攜式清潔能源解決方案,利用 擁有專利的反應堆設計、知識產權和研究方法,爲可持續的未來做出貢獻。由一個世界引領 一流的科學和管理團隊,我們的商業計劃涉及到核電每個部門的全面參與 從原材料採購到開發尖端先進的核微型反應堆,這是一條橫跨整個行業的道路。我們的 奉獻範圍進一步擴大,包括商業核燃料運輸和諮詢服務。






目前, 我們正處於收入前階段,作爲我們發展戰略的一部分,主要專注於四個業務線:



微觀 核反應堆業務。我們正在開發下一代先進的核微型反應堆,特別是宙斯, 一個固體核心電池反應堆,以及奧丁,一個低壓鹽冷卻劑反應堆。憑藉這些產品,我們正在不斷前進 開發下一代便攜式、可隨需應變的先進核反應堆。通過與 我們世界知名的核科學家和工程師,國家實驗室,以及政府的支持,我們相信我們的反應堆將 有可能對全球能源格局產生影響。我們的目標是在2030-2031年前將其中一款產品商業化。


兩者都有 我們的宙斯奧丁微反應器 已從設計階段進入物理測試工作階段,目前正在進行初步平台建設,以確保模型 精度以及材料和尺寸的優化。我們已經對Zeus和Odin進行並完成了外部設計審計 反應堆設計,爲我們的設計提供外部驗證和幫助。對反應堆進行了設計審計,並 由愛達荷州國家實驗室(INL)完成。我們目前正在爲我們的試驗檯反應堆選址,以此爲目的 使用兩個微反應堆的核材料進行測試實驗。我們已經與美國核監管機構進行了溝通 委員會(或NRC)和能源部,告知他們我們微反應堆設計的現狀和我們的估計內部時間表 微型反應堆的發展,但有一項諒解,即一旦獲得明確的時間表,將允許核管理委員會安排 監督微反應堆許可程序的必要人員。我們已經增加了技術團隊的規模,以加快 反應堆系統的開發,以及招募前NRC人員來監督我們的監管許可程序, 並直接與NRC接觸,以促進商業化規劃。


在……裏面 此外,在2024年8月,我們購買了一輛14000平方英尺FT,田納西州橡樹嶺的兩層建築 1.71美元的萬,作爲我們的核技術總部的所在地。我們預計將增加在該設施工作的人員數量 明年,預計最終將在該設施僱用多達30名人員。


燃料 加工業務。通過我們的子公司HALEU Energy Fuel Inc.,並與能源部協調,我們正在尋求開發 國內高分析低濃縮鈾(HALEU)燃料供應鏈供應燃料-不僅爲我們自己的反應堆- 而是更廣泛的先進核反應堆行業。我們已經確定了我們打算建造這些設施的地點 並已開始組建團隊來設計和開發這些設施。


我們 還對一家激光鈾濃縮技術公司進行了戰略投資並與其達成合作, LIS Technologies Inc.(「List」)(關聯方),支持其技術開發。通過這件事 投資和相關合作,我們的目標是幫助推進LIST的技術,以確保可靠的低濃縮鈾 爲我們未來的運營和更廣泛的核能行業降低成本的燃料供應。通過與 LIST,我們預計將圍繞LIST的濃縮設施建設配套設施,包括反轉化設施 和燃料加工。請看「投資美國唯一一家獲得專利的激光鈾濃縮公司」 以獲取更多信息。

  燃料 運輸業。我們的運輸業務將建立在橡樹嶺國家實驗室INL完成的現有工作基礎上 (或ORNL)和太平洋西北國家實驗室(PNNL),這是美國支持的世界一流的核研究設施。我們 在2024年4月獲得了大容量HALEU燃料運輸籃子設計的獨家許可證,這將成爲基礎 一個完整的交通系統。本許可證授予作爲被許可方的我們獨家使用和開發該技術的權利。 此外,許可人不得將技術許可給指定範圍內的任何其他方。我們相信 這項技術是美國在商業批量運輸HALEU方面最先進的概念。我們目前正在進行 努力修改設計以適應各種不同的燃料形式,這樣我們就可以爲我們的兩個反應堆運輸燃料 此外,我們還能夠爲任何希望運輸商業數量燃料的核能公司提供運輸服務。我們 打算獲得許可,我們的大容量HALEU運輸系統將在北美各地運輸商業數量的HALEU燃料 國際上也是如此。如果開發並商業化,我們相信該產品將成爲國內HALEU運輸的基礎 該公司有能力提供商業批量的HALEU燃料。我們希望我們的燃料運輸業務能夠開始運作。 到2026年。我們還聘請了兩名前聯合包裹服務公司(UPS)高管,其中一人在我們的燃料運輸部門工作 一家子公司,另一家是我們的執行顧問委員會成員,以幫助圍繞我們的技術發展運輸業務。






  核子 諮詢服務。我們還計劃爲不斷擴大的和 核能產業在國內和國際上的復甦。這包括與劍橋核能公司協調 能源中心,開發教育資源。這一商業機會代表着我們最近期的創收機會 機會,因爲我們希望在2024年開始提供這些服務。到2024年底,我們預計將開始提供核服務 爲國內和國際核能行業提供支持和諮詢服務。此外 對於這些提供的服務,我們公司正在研究戰略收購,以擴大我們的業務和諮詢服務,並作爲 截至本招股說明書公佈之日,吾等並未與任何潛在收購目標進行任何實質性磋商。 我們已經與幾個潛在的收購目標進行了初步討論,但尚未達成最終諒解 或協議。結合我們收購現有創收諮詢業務的意圖,我們將重點放在 與某些外部學術機構協調,建立我們自己的內部核諮詢業務,這是我們預期的 在接下來的12個月裏需要大約100美元的萬來招聘更多的員工並建立相應的基礎設施 能夠提供這些服務。


我們 使命是成爲一家以商業爲重點、多元化和垂直一體化的核能公司,奪取市場份額 在非常龐大且不斷髮展的核能領域。爲了實施我們的計劃,自2022年成立以來,我們的管理層一直在 與美國主要政府機構進行溝通,包括能源部、INL和ORLN,這些機構是能源部國家核部門的一部分 實驗室系統。我們公司還與劍橋核能中心的領先研究人員保持重要合作 和加州大學伯克利分校。


由於我們收到了 此次發行的淨收益,在未來12個月內,我們將繼續推進我們先進微反應堆的發展, 宙斯和奧丁,以及我們的垂直整合燃料製造業務,估計支出約爲800美元萬。 這筆撥款包括大約600美元的萬,專門用於與核能有關的產品和技術的研究和開發, 與LIST、關聯方LIST一起,特別關注我們的微反應堆和我們計劃的HALEU燃料處理設施的改進 鈾濃縮公司,我們與之合作,並對其進行了戰略投資。剩餘的200萬美元萬是 用於推動我們的微型反應堆取得進展所必需的雜項費用,包括現有人員的支助 從事行政、財務、會計等行政職能。我們估計,我們的微反應堆示範工作將 在2024年至2026年之間進行,我們的微反應堆許可申請將在2026年至2031年之間處理,我們的微反應堆 將在2030年至2031年之間發射。我們還計劃爲不斷擴大的 和復興的核能產業,無論是國內還是國際。如果我們不能在年底之前收購這樣的業務 2024年,我們將與某些外部學術機構協調,重點建設自己的內部核諮詢業務, 我們預計在未來12個月內將需要大約200億美元的額外萬來招聘更多的員工並建立 能夠提供這些服務的相應基礎設施。儘管如此,概述的支出和我們的 預期時間表只是估計。這些時間表本身就會因某些因素而發生變化,包括調整。 在微型反應堆發展計劃和與許可審批程序相關的不確定性方面。假設這些元素可能會超過 如果我們最初的預期或超出我們的控制範圍,我們不能保證實際支出和時間表的準確性。


截至本招股說明書發佈之日, 我們沒有產生任何收入。自成立以來,截至2024年6月30日,我們累計淨虧損14,942,045美元。


我們 願景、市場機遇和關鍵政府支持


我們 相信我們迄今爲止取得的成就和我們的業務計劃正在使我們的公司成爲美國核工業的領先參與者 通過同時重建和引入國家能力來推動復興的核能工業。我們進一步認爲 我們進入該行業的時機和方法是最佳的,深入了解了國家能力的不足並有了了解 其他商業核能公司,特別是微反應堆公司面臨的困難。幾乎所有微反應器公司 使用從政府補助金或獎勵中獲得的資金預付。即使有私人融資,他們也因缺乏投資者而受到抑制 由於回報時間長且風險高,因此感興趣。


儘管 在我們公司的早期階段,我們相信我們在許多方面都具有競爭力。


  不是 政府資助。大多數SMR和微型反應堆公司依賴政府撥款和資金來推進他們的 概念。因此,一旦無法獲得政府資金,他們的進展可能會停止。目前,我們不依賴政府。 資金,以維持我們的業務運營。雖然我們將在未來尋找可用的政府資助機會,但如果沒有 政府的支持不會阻礙我們在推進研究、商業或技術發展方面的進步。我們的領導層 團隊在成功地從私人和公共來源獲得資金方面擁有豐富的經驗。此外,我們的投資者 BASE包括來自行業專業人士的資本,他們認識到我們公司的巨大潛力。儘管如上所述, 我們有限的經營歷史和早期業務使我們很難評估我們的業務和前景,我們有 一種新的未經驗證的技術模式,可能需要籌集更多資金來實施我們的業務計劃。
  行業 投資者。我們的投資者基礎包括從核工業專業人士那裏籌集的很大一部分資金,這些專業人士已經審查了 我們的計劃、理念和技術,並發現我們公司有巨大的潛力。來自專家的高比例投資 在該行業,有一種認可,爲沒有核背景的投資者提供了投資的信心。






  技術 洞察力。在技術方面,我們受益於對影響內部先行者的問題的洞察 核技術空間。大型SMR公司已經爲發展籌集了數十億美元,但由於發展滯後而停滯不前 開發或獲取推進其反應堆所需的燃料。這導致了我們對降低我們自己燃料風險的調查 通過對我們自己的燃料加工設施進行開發和投資,以及使用具有更多運營歷史的更多常規燃料,來提供更多的燃料。我們相信我們已經發現了某些問題 影響行業,我們正在採取早期行動,克服潛在的障礙。我們未經驗證的新技術模式將 需要投入大量額外資本才能成功部署,即使在此次發行之後也是如此。這勢在必行 業務需求影響了我們多元化經營的戰略決策,以期建立更長遠的目標 我們正在尋求在預期的微反應堆技術商業化推出之前啓動的收入流。
  政府 聯繫人。我們已經獲得了重要的政府高層聯繫,其中幾人是我們執行顧問委員會的成員, 包括退伍軍人和政府退伍軍人。此外,還引入了參與該項目各主要部分的專家。 核工業,從監管到實驗室,再到技術團隊。我們相信,我們將從這些政府接觸中受益 因爲我們公司將能夠接觸到在能源和核部門擁有先進專業知識的高技能人員。 我們期待這些人爲我們提供支持和服務,從而促進我們的雄心壯志和項目的進展。 此外,鑑於核工業已經與政府機構全面交織在一起,接觸政府的價值 監管人員怎麼誇大都不爲過。這些聯繫人爲我們提供指導和見解,讓我們了解傳統的 以及值得我們考慮的非常規挑戰。這種指導是一種寶貴的資源,它加強了我們的努力 系統地降低與我們的業務運營相關的風險。
  世界 班級團隊。我們的技術團隊是世界級的,擁有簡單和可實現的反應堆概念,不需要外來燃料。 他們意識到幾乎所有其他選擇了替代設計的反應堆公司都面臨的所有困難。我們隊 對有關安全、運輸和退役的適用法規要求以及我們的設計有深入的了解 從一開始就納入了所有這些考慮因素。


這個 SMR市場的進入門檻很高,因爲需要專業技術,以及推進反應堆設計所需的更大投資。 到原型,然後通過許可。這種較高的進入門檻對我們有利,給了我們開放的機會。迄今爲止,我們 不知道有任何商業微型反應堆原型、擁有適用政府許可證的微型反應堆公司、微型反應堆或 SMR公司處於創收階段,HALEU燃料加工設施,或HALEU商業運輸系統。這些 在一個巨大的市場上留下了巨大的國家能力差距,這主要是由這種高進入門檻造成的。這些功能 核能公司不願擴展到其重點業務以外的領域,如SMR公司,這也加劇了差距 向燃料和運輸領域擴張,或向燃料加工領域擴張的濃縮公司。我們正在尋求解決所有這些差距 在這個行業裏。


此外, 政府投資並沒有彌補私人投資進入商業核領域的不足。先前策略 購買軍用級核材料以降低混合到某些計劃所需的燃料濃縮水平允許這些 能力差距將持續存在。這創造了行業發展機會。我們已經開始並希望繼續將私有化 對這些欠發達地區進行投資,並迅速將自己確立爲國家基礎設施體系的必要組成部分, 同時爲我們提供發展業務和收入來源的優勢,以降低微反應器開發的風險。


我們 強烈支持能源部和國際原子能機構(IAEA)和平利用核能的目標,我們打算 我們的技術成爲美國外交政策的一部分,以推進和平利用核能、科學技術和 爲需求最大的發展中國家的項目和活動注入新資源。我們商業計劃的一個關鍵部分將尋求 成爲一個能夠提高美國全球能源市場參與度並同時支持全球市場的核技術組織 機會






我們 相信我們的微型反應堆可以通過其創新的設計和能力來應對各種環境和能源挑戰, 包括其在遠程位置的多功能性和可輕鬆部署的特性。我們計劃針對我們的業務發展活動 幾個部門的微反應堆,包括數據中心、人工智能計算機和量子計算;密碼採礦;軍事 應用;救災;運輸(包括航運);採礦項目;海水淡化和綠色氫氣工廠;以及 太空探索。因此,我們打算支持廣泛的清潔能源應用。


我們 也支持美國政府不遲於2050年實現淨零碳排放的長期戰略,但這些 要實現這一目標,就需要在經濟的各個領域採取行動。我們計劃利用我們先進的核反應堆技術,我們的 燃料加工計劃通過我們的子公司HALEU Energy來支持下一代核專業人員。這些投資 對立即加快我們在國內和國際上的減排至關重要。


我們 競爭優勢


我們 相信我們擁有以下與我們各種業務相關的競爭優勢:


微反應器 業務


我們 擁有董事會和管理團隊,在微反領域享有相對於其他集團的競爭優勢 市場和融資經驗。由學術發起的項目往往主要依靠政府撥款和獎勵來取得進展。是否 無論我們是否獲得政府撥款,我們都可以通過我們自己的融資渠道來推進我們的研究、開發和工程。 這種籌款優勢使我們有能力迅速擴張,因爲更多的機會不是由贈款申請決定的 成功。我們相信,與其他開發微型反應堆的公司相比,我們也有專業優勢,因爲我們可以招募到最好的科學家。 和來自任何國家或機構的工程師,而不受位於某些地區的現有人員的限制 學術和專業機構。我們有幸與世界各地的教授和科學家聯繫在一起,有機會 在完全資助的項目上自由工作,幾乎不受限制,利用各自的專長和專家領域。技術上的 參與我們目前反應堆設計的人員已經參與了數十個不同反應堆的設計和開發。 此外,如下所述,我們最近獲得了一項核反應堆冷卻技術,我們相信這將使我們的微反應堆 設計一種競爭優勢。


燃料 加工業務


我們相信,基於我們的市場 研究表明,目前沒有一家公司正在開發CAT II設施來製造非三結構各向同性粒子燃料(TRISO)HALEU SMR和微型反應堆的燃料。幾家公司已經投資建立了自己的設施,爲他們的 核反應堆,如Terrapower和X-Energy,儘管這些設施並不是爲了商業銷售燃料而建立的。目前,Triso開發 也由於技術挑戰而停滯不前,部分原因是沒有可供提取數據的運營歷史,再加上其他技術 面臨的挑戰和目前缺乏資金。發展SMR和微型反應堆的燃料已成爲主要障礙和原因之一 推遲向這些市場擴張的公司。我們回應了在其他反應堆開發公司觀察到的困難,並 採取行動減輕困擾其他開發人員的障礙。第二類燃料加工設施允許加工和處理 鈾235的濃縮度高達20%。我們相信,根據我們的市場調查,我們正在朝着成爲唯一的第二類非TRISO 在國內的設施運營商,使我們的業務在反應堆開發和建立方面具有巨大的競爭優勢 未來收入的多種來源,以降低我們公司的風險。我們一直在尋求降低燃料業務的風險,建立競爭優勢, 通過在現有的美國國家核實驗室附近建設我們的燃料設施,可以促進我們與現有的國家核實驗室的發展 能力,以及與關聯方鈾濃縮技術公司合作,清單,以解決預期的國家 燃料供應短缺。


我們 是能源部HALEU聯盟的成員,該聯盟是能源部建立的HALEU可用性計劃的組成部分, 旨在將HALEU部署在民用國內的研究、開發、示範和商業應用中。我們也是 HALEU供應計劃,該計劃由能源部設立,旨在刺激對額外HALEU生產和私人投資的需求 美國的核燃料供應基礎設施,最終取消了聯邦政府作爲供應商的最初角色。


燃料 運輸業


AS 我們發展了我們的業務並分析了市場,以預測未來影響我們成功的障礙,我們觀察到沒有 存在一家運輸公司,可以在北美各地運輸和運送商業數量的HALEU燃料。 我們認爲,這一國家能力差距對我們擬議的運輸業務既是一個重大風險,也是一個重大機遇 進入核工業的一個新市場,這將使我們公司的收入增加,並將提供 爲我們未來的運營提供額外的安全保障。






我們確定了一種交通工具 研究了由INL、ORNL和PNNL開發的大容量HALEU燃料運輸籃子設計的概念,以及 由美國能源部資助。這項技術的開發是爲了形成完整的HALEU運輸方案的基礎,該方案提供了最先進的 我們可以確定解決方案,以應對在北美各地運輸商業數量的HALEU燃料的技術挑戰。 由於缺乏資金,能源部沒有繼續發展這一概念。2024年4月3日,我們簽訂了一份獨家 與INL(BEA)的管理者Battelle Energy Alliance,LLC簽訂了專利許可協議(BEA許可),並一直在努力 這些團體能夠幫助我們將概念發展成爲政府認證和許可的產品專家 在濃縮燃料的運輸中。


根據東亞銀行許可證,我們 從BEA獲得了一項美國專利的獨家專利使用費許可,該專利可在全球範圍內與所使用的設備和系統相關 用於HALEU運輸。作爲被許可方,BEA許可授予我們獨家使用本專利的權利,許可方是 不得將專利許可給規定範圍內的其他任何人。作爲BEA許可的一部分,我們同意向BEA支付 與本專利的使用有關的全球淨銷售額和任何全球再許可銷售額的使用費,以及某些許可付款。 我們還同意在協議的前48個月內達到與HALEU燃料運輸有關的具體業績里程碑 生效日期。根據BEA許可證,我們有義務補償BEA在準備、提交、起訴、 以及被許可專利的維護。BEA許可證具有無限期,在到期、放棄、 或以其他方式終止東亞銀行許可證所涵蓋的許可專利。BEA許可證也可由BEA在 如果我們對任何重大義務違約,我們可以隨時終止BEA許可證,如果我們提供至少三個月的 向東亞銀行發出書面通知。BEA許可證包含雙方的慣例陳述、擔保和賠償。


至 爲了使我們公司在這一領域具有進一步的優勢,我們聘請了世界上最大的航運公司的兩名前高管 作爲我們的顧問,他們正在幫助我們利用我們獲得許可或開發的技術來發展一家北美運輸公司 爲廣泛的客戶群(包括SMR和微反應堆)交付核燃料(取決於適用的政府許可和認證) 公司、國家實驗室、軍事和能源部項目。


我們 挑戰


我們是一家年輕的公司,正在尋找 發展和開展核能綜合業務。我們的努力面臨並將繼續面臨許多重大挑戰,如 我們的業務涉及複雜的核技術、監管障礙和不斷變化的市場動態。這些挑戰包括,但不是 僅限於以下內容:


  獲得核反應堆、設施所需的許可證和許可證 運輸能力是一個耗時、昂貴、監管嚴格的過程。微型反應堆必須滿足嚴格的安全要求 和環境標準,獲得監管部門的批准可能是一項漫長的努力。此外,確保微型反應堆的安全 在其整個生命週期中是最重要的。開發、實施和維護強大的安全系統和協議是關鍵挑戰。 實施強大的安全措施以防止盜竊、破壞或未經授權的訪問也是監管部門 合規和公共安全。
  建房 運營一個微型反應堆可能是資本密集型的。確保獲得大量必要的資金和管理成本, 包括但不限於運營和維護成本,是我們業務面臨的持續挑戰。
  這個 政治和監管格局可能會發生變化,影響核項目的穩定性和可行性。國際協定 地緣政治因素也會影響核技術的獲取和出口。


最近 事態發展


七月 2024年堅定承諾公開發行


在7月 2024年7月15日,我們完成了承銷後續公開發行(「2024年7月後續發行」)的堅定承諾 總計900,000個單位,包括總計900,000股普通股和900,000個認股權證,以購買至多450,000股 普通股,以每單位20.00美元的發行價(「2024年7月後續發行價」)爲基礎,產生毛收入 收益約1,800美元萬,減去承保折扣和其他費用。在2024年7月的後續發售中發行的單位 沒有獨立的權利,沒有證書,也沒有作爲獨立的證券發行。與2024年7月的 在後續發行中,我們向主管理承銷商授予了從2024年7月15日起可行使30天的選擇權,以購買最多 額外135,000股普通股及135,000股認股權證,將於2024年7月向本公司購買67,500股普通股 發行價,減去承銷折扣和其他費用,以彌補2024年7月後續發行中的超額配售。在7月 12,2024,承銷商就超額配售權證全面行使選擇權,該認股權證於2024年7月15日截止 名義上的對價。


在7月 2024年7月16日,承銷商就超額配售股份全面行使超額配售選擇權,於2024年7月18日, 超額配售股份的購買已完成,爲我們帶來了約270萬美元的萬和 淨收益約爲248萬美元萬。


採辦 Alip Technology的首席執行官


在……上面 2024年6月21日,我們完成了對用於小型核反應堆的新型環形直線感應泵(ALIP)知識產權的收購 來自著名物理學家、研究工程師和項目經理卡洛斯·O·邁達納博士的冷卻。邁達納研究中心的。我們稱這筆交易爲 「收購Alip」。


在……裏面 與這筆交易相關的是,Maidana博士已同意作爲進一步開發ALIP技術的顧問與我們合作 以期達到SBIR第三階段獎的地位。這些努力將建立在美國能源部之前爲技術聚合提供的贈款的基礎上 前幾個階段的萬超過137萬美元。根據我們和Maidana博士之間的諮詢協議,我們將提供資金(估計 約350,000美元)和第三階段項目所需的其他資源,Maidana博士將擔任首席調查員 在這個項目上。


這個 SBIR計劃是一項聯邦倡議,旨在支持小企業進行具有強大潛力的研究和開發 爲了商業化。通過資助這些項目,SBIR計劃旨在刺激技術創新和促進過渡 對可行的產品和服務的研究。SBIR第一階段側重於可行性和技術優勢,第二階段涉及進一步開發 和原型創造,第三階段以商業化爲中心,需要外部資金將創新推向市場。


ALIP技術基於電磁(而不是移動)泵,是我們的奧丁微反應堆的關鍵使能技術 正在開發中。在INL先前宣佈於2024年2月完成對Odin微反應堆設計的審查之後, 我們的工程師一直在努力尋找相關技術,以進一步優化和簡化奧丁的設計。被收購的 將在SBIR第三階段計劃期間改進的ALIP技術就是這一戰略發揮作用的一個例子。






此外, 我們相信,這項技術在一年內作爲所有組件單獨商業化的潛力很大 鹽基冷卻劑反應堆和聚變反應堆。有許多先進的反應堆設計,它們利用鹽基冷卻劑 裂變和聚變能源產業,以及先進材料、空間探索、海洋推進和 高溫和工業加工領域。


這個 我們收購的SBIR第三期項目整合了SBIR之前的幾項工作,具體地說:


格蘭特 編號DE-SC0019835:小型熔鹽電磁泵的研製


格蘭特 編號DE-SC0022805:環形直線多物理分析與設計軟件 感應泵。


格蘭特 編號DE-SC0013992:液態金屬熱磁設計的計算工具 系統。


AS 作爲這筆交易的一部分,邁達納博士將與Alip產品相關的所有知識產權轉讓給了我們,他在 上述贈款和SBIR第三階段計劃的提案。


作爲收購的對價, 我們(I)向Maidana博士發行了50,000股普通股,(Ii)向Maidana博士支付了50,000美元的現金對價。此外,我們 同意向Maidana博士額外交付(X)50,000股普通股和(Y)現金代價50,000美元,視情況而定 在2025年6月21日之前成功完成SBIR第三階段項目,不需要額外的費用或資金要求, 我們。


在美國唯一的投資。 激光濃縮鈾公司的起源和專利    


2024年8月,我們投資了200萬美元 作爲對關聯方List的股權投資,作爲其1,188美元萬種子融資的一部分。這筆額外的資本被列入清單 預計將幫助推動其專有、專利的先進激光濃縮技術的發展。


List是一家總部位於美國的專有公司 開發了一項獲得專利的先進激光技術,利用紅外波長選擇性地激發所需同位素的分子 將它們與其他同位素分開。激光同位素分離技術(L.I.S.T)有着廣泛的應用, 包括成爲唯一一家來自美國(並獲得專利)的激光鈾濃縮公司,以及與傳統方法相比的幾個主要優勢 例如氣體擴散、離心機和現有技術的激光濃縮。L.I.S.t專有的基於激光的工藝更節能 具有極具競爭力的資本和運營成本部署潛力,因爲高吞吐量、高佔空比和 與競爭對手的技術相比,複雜性更低。


L.I.S.t針對LEU(低)進行了優化 用於現有民用核電站的濃縮鈾),用於下一代小型模塊反應堆(SMR)和微反應堆的HALEU 像我們正在開發的那些,用於醫療和科學研究的穩定同位素的生產,以及在量子計算中的應用 半導體技術製造業。對於激光濃縮鈾,這種方法具有足夠的選擇性,將使 單段生產低濃縮鈾,分兩段生產低濃縮鈾。


與我們的投資同時進行 在List中,我們與List達成了一項協議,合作並協助開發他們的技術,以確保在 爲我們未來的運營和更廣泛的核能行業降低成本。通過與List的合作,我們預計 我們將圍繞LIST的濃縮設施建設配套設施,包括去轉化和燃料製造等設施。


我們還租了大約7000 我們位於田納西州橡樹嶺的核技術設施內有一平方英尺的專用空間將上市,以實現下一階段的 重振其專有的基於激光的工藝。我們以每月7,000美元的價格出租這個停車位。租約從九月起生效 2,2024,任期至2034年9月1日。


我們與List的關係是 被認爲是關聯方交易,因爲我們的某些執行董事和高管,包括Jay醬Yu,Jaisun加查, 和羅振儀博士,還擔任List的董事和高級管理人員,James Walker擔任List的顧問。我們的投資 在名單中被我們所有公正的獨立董事一致批准。


美國能源部 獲得代金券獎


2024年9月,我們被批准 能源部加速核能創新門戶(Gain)核能(NE)憑單獎,以表彰其小說的獨立評估 與INL合作的露天布雷頓循環的熱交換器概念。熱交換器概念提供了一種交鑰匙解決方案 我們正在申請專利的、專有的便攜式『Zeus』微型反應器,目前正在開發中。


有了這個代金券獎勵,我們將 與INL合作,對「Zeus」微反應器的換熱器設計進行獨立評估。設計 爲了適應一個45英尺高的立方體容器,正在申請專利的「Zeus」微反應堆配備了一個電力轉換單元, 在不使用液體冷卻劑的情況下產生1到2兆瓦的電力。這種設計的一個關鍵方面是它的散熱能力 從反應堆容器中使用露天布雷頓循環。與INL的合作將涉及開發一個計算模型 分析和驗證對反應堆運行至關重要的熱交換器的關鍵屬性,提供全面評估 它的表現。


美國能源部 核能辦公室(DOE-NE)於2016年啓動了GAIN計劃,以提供技術、監管和財政支持,以幫助 核工業推動創新技術走向商業化。自推出以來,該計劃已頒發了100多張NE代金券。 Gain NE代金券獲得者不會獲得直接的經濟獎勵,因爲代金券爲能源部實驗室(在本例中爲INL)提供資金 幫助企業克服關鍵的技術和商業化挑戰。因此,這些代金券使我們這樣的創新者能夠 美國能源部國家實驗室建築群擁有廣泛的核研究專業知識和能力。


企業 歷史和結構


我們 於2022年2月8日根據內華達州的法律成立。我們主要致力於設計和開發 移動的、易於部署的微型反應堆,開發用於燃料加工的商業CAT II設施,以及創建 商業運輸技術和業務,有能力在整個北美運輸燃料濃縮物U235高達19.75%。


哈盧 能源燃料公司(我們在此稱爲HALEU Energy)於2022年8月30日根據內華達州的法律成立,是我們的全資子公司 附屬公司。通過HALEU Energy,我們正在尋求開發一家國內HALEU燃料加工設施,以供應下一代 先進的核反應堆。






根據內華達州法律於2022年2月9日註冊成立的美國鈾業公司(本文稱爲美國鈾業公司)是我們的 全資子公司。通過美國鈾礦,我們從事鈾礦的收購、勘探和開發。 截至本招股說明書之日,美國鈾礦的資源資產尚未開始運營。


先進燃料運輸公司(在此稱爲先進燃料運輸公司),於2023年6月21日根據 是我們的全資子公司。通過先進的燃料運輸,我們計劃製造一種獲得許可的大容量 HALEU運輸系統,並生產政府許可的大容量HALEU運輸系統,能夠 將商業數量的HALEU燃料運往北美各地。截至日期,先進燃料運輸尚未開始運營 這份招股說明書。


納米核空間公司(該公司 我們在此稱爲納米核空間),於2024年7月24日根據內華達州法律成立,是我們的全資子公司。穿過 納米核空間,我們正在探索我們正在開發的微核反應堆技術的潛在商業應用 在太空中,包括Alip技術。2024年9月,卡洛斯·邁達納博士被任命領導我們的納米核空間活動。


這個 下表彙總了截至本招股說明書之日我們的公司結構,包括我們在美國的100%全資子公司:



摘要 重大風險的


投資 我們的普通股是投機性的,風險很高。這些風險在「風險因素」一節中有更充分的討論。 在這份招股說明書的其他地方。我們建議您閱讀從第16頁開始的「風險因素」和本招股說明書全文。我們的 重大風險可概括如下:


風險 與我們的工業和商業有關


  我們 自我們成立以來,一直虧損,沒有產生任何收入。我們預計我們將繼續蒙受損失, 並預計在可預見的未來,我們不會產生收入。
  我們 是新興市場中的一家處於早期階段的公司,具有未經證實的商業模式、新的未經證實的技術模式和短期 經營歷史,這使得我們很難評估我們目前的業務和前景,並可能增加您的投資風險。
  我們的 商業計劃將要求我們籌集大量額外資本。未來的資本需求將要求我們銷售更多 股權或債務證券將稀釋或從屬於我們普通股股東的權利。此外,我們可能無法 爭取政府撥款,作爲我們資金策略的一部分。
  我們和我們的高級管理人員和董事目前是證券法的當事人。 以及受託責任訴訟,與我們自首次公開募股以來發表的公開聲明有關。我們的聲譽可能會受到損害 如果我們不能駁回這些訴訟,或者我們應該收到不利的結果,我們的業務和運營結果 可能會遭受損失,包括由於我們對董事和高級管理人員承擔的賠償義務。
  這個 按計劃生產和商業化核微型反應堆的失敗將對我們的業務造成不利和實質性的影響, 財務狀況和經營結果。
  我們 正在開發國內的HALEU燃料加工設施,爲下一代先進的核反應堆提供服務。 如果該設施不能按計劃完成並投入運營,將對我們的業務、財務狀況造成不利的實質性影響 條件和操作結果。
  我們 計劃生產一個獲得監管許可的大容量HALEU運輸系統,能夠運輸商業數量的HALEU 北美周圍的燃料。如果此類產品未能按計劃生產和商業化,將造成嚴重的不利影響 影響我們的業務、財務狀況和經營結果。
  我們 計劃爲國內不斷擴大和復興的核能工業提供核服務支助和諮詢服務 國際上也是如此。如果不能按計劃完成,將對我們的業務、財務狀況和結果產生不利和實質性的影響 行動計劃。
  這個 在某些情況下,核能發電的成本可能不具備與其他發電來源的成本競爭力 市場,這可能會對我們的業務產生實質性的不利影響。
  這個 生產核電的SMR市場尚未建立,可能無法實現我們預期的增長潛力,或可能增長更多 比預期的要慢。
  一定的 我們公司的管理人員在其他公司擔任管理、諮詢或董事職務,並可能將他們的時間分配給其他公司 業務,這可能會在履行對我們的義務時帶來一定的風險。






風險 與我們的知識產權相關


  如果 我們沒有開發、獲得批准、保護或執行我們的知識產權或專有權利、我們的業務和 運營結果可能會受到損害。
  我們 依靠我們的非專利專有技術、商業祕密、設計、經驗、工作流程、數據、流程、軟件和專有技術。
  我們 可能被指控侵犯第三方的知識產權和相關法律的內容限制,這可能會造成實質性的影響 並對我們的業務、財務狀況和經營業績造成不利影響。


風險 與監管和合規有關


  我們的 企業受到各種各樣廣泛和不斷演變的政府法律和法規的約束。變更和/或沒有遵守 這樣的法律法規可能會對我們的業務產生實質性的不利影響。
  如果 我們沒有遵守與徵收銷售稅和繳納所得稅有關的法律法規 在我們開展業務的國家,我們可能會因爲不遵守規定而面臨意想不到的成本、費用、罰款和費用, 這可能會損害我們的業務。


一般信息 與我們公司相關的風險


  我們 高度依賴我們的高級管理團隊和其他高技能人才。如果我們不能吸引、留住和維持 高素質的人員,包括我們的高級管理團隊,我們可能無法實施我們的業務戰略和業務 而且手術的結果也會受到損害。
  先生。 我們的總裁,秘書、財務主管兼董事會主席,對我們公司有很大的影響力,因爲 他對我們已發行普通股的相當大比例的所有權。此外,他的利益可能並不總是與利益一致 我們其他股東的利益衝突,這可能會導致損害我們公司的利益衝突。
  我們 已經進行並可能繼續進行戰略性收購,以加快我們的增長。這些收購可能不會成功。 我們可能無法成功整合之前和未來的收購,也無法從未來的收購中獲得足夠的收入, 這可能會導致我們的業務受損。
  我們 有效管理我們業務的預期增長和擴張的能力還需要我們加強運營, 財務和管理控制以及基礎設施、人力資源政策和報告系統。這些增強和改進 將需要大量的資本支出以及寶貴的管理和員工資源的分配。
  我們 由於上市公司的運營,成本將大幅增加,並投入大量管理時間。
  我們 是一家「新興成長型公司」,我們無法確定降低的報告和披露要求是否適用 新興成長型公司將降低我們的普通股對投資者的吸引力。






風險 與我們的證券和本次發行相關


  這個 我們普通股的交易市場是非常新的,持續強勁和流動性強的交易市場可能不會發展或持續下去。 從長遠來看。
  如果您在本次發售中購買證券,您可以 導致您持有的我們普通股的賬面價值立即大幅稀釋。
  這個 我們普通股的交易價格一直並可能繼續波動,您可能會損失全部或部分投資。
  認股權證的發行沒有公開市場。 因此,在此次發行中,對權證的投資應被視爲非流動性。


  如果 證券或行業分析師不會發表關於我們的業務、我們的股票的研究報告或不準確或不利的研究報告。 價格和交易量可能會下降。
  未來 出售我們的普通股或可轉換爲我們普通股的證券可能會壓低我們的股價。
  我們的 此次發行後,董事、高管和主要股東將繼續對我們的公司擁有實質性控制權, 這可能會限制您影響關鍵交易結果的能力,包括控制權的變更。


含意 成爲一家新興的成長型公司


我們 符合2012年JumpStart Our Business Startups Act(「JOBS法案」)定義的「新興成長型公司」。 只要我們仍然是一家新興的成長型公司,我們就可以利用各種報告要求的某些豁免。 適用於其他上市公司。這些規定包括但不限於:


  存在 只允許有兩年的經審計的財務報表和兩年的相關精選財務數據和管理層 對財務狀況和經營披露結果進行討論和分析;
  一個 在評估我們的財務報告內部控制時,豁免遵守核數師的認證要求 根據經修訂的2002年《薩班斯-奧克斯利法案》(「薩班斯-奧克斯利法案」)第404條;
  減少 在我們的定期報告、登記聲明和委託聲明中披露高管薪酬安排;以及
  豁免 要求在高管薪酬或黃金降落傘安排上尋求不具約束力的諮詢投票。


在……裏面 特別是,在這份招股說明書中,我們只提供了一年的審計財務報表,並沒有包括所有高管 如果我們不是一家新興成長型公司,就需要提供與薪酬相關的信息。因此,所包含的信息 本文可能與您從您持有股票的其他上市公司獲得的信息不同。


在……裏面 此外,就業法案允許新興成長型公司利用延長的過渡期來遵守新的或修訂的 適用於上市公司的會計準則。我們並不是選擇「選擇退出」這一條款。我們仍將是一名 新興成長型公司,直至下列中最早的:(I)我們的年度總收入超過1.235美元的第一個財政年度的最後一天 十億美元,(Ii)根據美國證券交易委員會的規則,我們首次有資格成爲大型加速申請者的日期, 或美國證券交易委員會,(Iii)我們在任何三年期間發行超過10美元億的不可轉換債務證券的日期, 及(Iv)本公司首次公開招股完成五週年後財政年度的最後一天(首次公開招股結束) 2024年5月)。


含意 成爲一家規模較小的報告公司


我們 根據修訂後的1934年證券交易法第120億.2條的定義,是一家「較小的報告公司」。我們可以 利用規模較小的報告公司可獲得的某些按比例披露的信息,直到確定後的財政年度 我們的非關聯公司持有的有投票權和無投票權的普通股在我們的最後一個工作日超過25000美元的萬 第二財季,或我們在最近結束的財年和投票期間的年收入不到10000美元萬 在我們第二財季的最後一個工作日,非附屬公司持有的無投票權普通股不到70000美元萬。


企業 信息


我們 於2022年2月8日根據內華達州的法律成立。我們的主要行政辦公室位於時代廣場10號, 30這是郵編:10018。我們的電話號碼是(212)6349206。我們的網站是www.nanonuclearenergy.com。信息 本招股說明書中包含或可通過本網站獲得的內容不構成本招股說明書的一部分,也不被視爲通過引用併入本招股說明書, 投資者不應依賴這些信息來決定是否購買特此提供的單位。





的 提供



2,117,646 各單位, 每個單位由一(1)股普通股和20240億認股權證組成,最多可購買一半(0.50)股 普通股,在確定的承諾基礎上(或2,435,292個單位,如果承銷商的代表行使其超額配售 完整的選項)。20240億認股權證與我們2024年7月公開發行的認股權證大體相似 在此被稱爲「認股權證」。


2,117,646股 普通股和2,117,646股認股權證(購買最多1,058,823股普通股)立即 可分開發行,並將於本次發售中單獨發行,適用於受超額配售選擇權限制的單位。


每份簽發的逮捕令 本次發行的行權價爲每股17.00美元,並可從初始發行日起行使 直到它們在原發行日期的五年紀念日到期。

本次發行前的未償還普通股   30,885,663股普通股
本次發行完成後立即發行的普通股(1)   33,003,309 普通股(如果超額配售選擇權全部行使,則爲33,320,955股普通股)假設 不行使認股權證.
超額配售選擇權   我們已授權保險商的代表 30天選擇權,最多可額外購買317,646股普通股和/或 額外認股權證以公開發售價格購買最多158,823股普通股(減去包銷 折扣)至如有超額配售,則予以補足。可以行使超額配售選擇權 由代表以任何股份和/或認股權證的組合形式持有,但不得超過上述最高金額。

我們從這次發行中獲得的淨收益,在 扣除承保折扣和我們應支付的估計發售費用,將約爲3,260美元萬,或 如果超額配售選擇權全部行使,基於17美元的公開發行價,萬約爲3,760美元 每單位。


我們從此次發行中獲得的淨收益 將用於(I)我們產品和技術的研究和開發,包括微型反應堆和核燃料運輸 設計優化,燃料設施調查和開發,測試工作和範圍研究,以及我們與LIST的工作;(2)市場營銷, 推廣和業務發展活動;以及(3)合規、知識產權保護、增聘員工、 保留更多的承包商,並擴建我們在田納西州橡樹嶺的工廠。我們也可以使用淨收益的一部分 收購、許可和投資於互補產品、技術或其他業務;然而,我們目前還沒有達成協議 或與任何此類交易有關的承諾。請參閱“收益的使用.”

承銷商的認股權證   其註冊聲明 招股說明書也是登記普通股認購權證(我們在此稱爲承銷商認股權證)的一部分 購買121,764股我們的普通股(或5%的普通股包括 作爲單位的一部分 本次發行中出售的股份加上作爲超額配股權一部分出售的股份)和我們的股份 行使承銷商令狀後可發行的普通股。承銷商令正在向 承銷商的代表作爲與本次發行相關的應付承銷賠償的一部分。的 承保人的令狀應包含習慣性的「無現金行使」條款,並可隨時行使, 並在本次會議結束後六個月開始的四年半期間不時全部或部分 發行價爲21.25美元,相當於本次發行中出售的基金單位公開發行價的125%。請 見“承保-承保人的令狀了解更多信息。




納斯達克 符號   「NNE」
風險 因素   投資 我們的普通股是投機性的,風險很高。請參閱“風險因素“開始於 第16頁和本招股說明書中的其他信息,以討論您在決定之前應仔細考慮的因素 投資於我們的普通股。
鎖定   不是 與此次發售相關的鎖定協議將是必需的。儘管如此,關於我們最初的 公開發行,我們、我們的高管、董事和我們現有的股東持有5%(5%)或更多的我們的普通股 本次發行前的股票已同意不提供、發行、出售、簽訂出售合同、保留、授予任何出售選擇權 或在首次公開招股結束後六(6)個月內出售我們的任何證券 (它於2024年5月關閉)。此外,我們公司的每一位現有股東持有我們普通股的5%(5%)以下 我們首次公開發行之前的股票受鎖定協議的約束,泄漏條款限制了某些 在我們首次公開募股結束後的30天至150天期間,其普通股的百分比。 請參閱“承銷“從第104頁開始,了解更多信息。
轉接 座席   這個 我們普通股的轉讓代理和登記處,以及我們認股權證的權證代理是VStock Transfer LLC。


(1) 的 假設本次發行完成時我們將發行的普通股股數爲33,003,309股 本次發行未行使超額配股權,超額配股權基於30,885,663 我們流通的普通股 截至2024年10月16日,截至本招股說明書日期,不包括:



可發行普通股105,882股 以估計發行價125%的行使價行使承銷商的令狀時;




除非 另有說明,本招股說明書反映並假設(i)承銷商代表並未行使其超額配股 期權和(ii)沒有行使上述未行使的認購權或股票期權。




總結 綜合財務信息


的 下表列出了截至以下日期的期末財務和其他數據摘要。我們的財務摘要 截至2023年9月30日的年度以及2022年2月8日(成立)至2022年9月30日期間的信息已 源自本招股說明書中包含的經審計財務報表。我們九個月的財務信息摘要 截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日的財務報表來自本招股說明書中包含的未經審計的財務報表。財務數據 以下內容應與「管理層對財務狀況和結果的討論和分析」一起閱讀 運營”以及本招股說明書其他地方包含的財務報表及其註釋。


報表 行動


    爲 的
    爲 的
一般和 行政   $ 4,553,512     $ 3,722,232  
研發     2,830,367       1,183,750  
變化 或然代價之公平值     385,500       -  
運營虧損     (7,769,379 )     (4,905,982 )
其他收入     109,559       1,753  
淨虧損   $ (7,659,820 )   $ (4,904,229 )
基本信息   $ (0.31 )   $ (0.22 )
稀釋   $ (0.31 )   $ (0.22 )
基本信息     24,919,094       22,121,634  
稀釋     24,919,094       22,121,634  


   為 止年度
   為 日期間
操作 費用          
一般和 行政  $4,749,395   $919,520 
研究 和發展   1,534,000    140,304 
經營虧損   (6,283,395)   (1,059,824)
其他收入   32,994    28,000 
淨 損失  $(6,250,401)  $(1,031,824)
基本  $(0.28)  $(0.06)
稀釋  $(0.28)  $(0.06)




報表 股東權益


為 截至2024年6月30日的九個月


   夾層股權   共同      



   股份      股份      資本   赤字   股權 
截至2023年9月30日餘額   2,000,000   $5,000,000    23,184,869   $2,319   $9,288,553   $(7,282,225)  $      2,008,647 
夾層股權轉換   (2,000,000)   (5,000,000)   2,000,000    200    4,999,800    -    5,000,000 
發行普通股   -    -    3,769,019    376    14,253,561    -    14,253,937 
發行成本   -    -    -    -    (1,538,405)   -    (1,538,405)
收購普通股發行   -    -    50,000    5    786,495    -    786,500 
基於股權的薪酬   -    -    -    -    152,457    -    152,457 
淨虧損   -    -    -    -    -    (7,659,820)   (7,659,820)
截至2024年6月30日餘額   -   $-    29,003,888   $2,900   $27,942,461   $(14,942,045)  $13,003,316 


為 截至2023年6月30日的九個月


   夾層股權   共同       額外
   股份      股份      資本   赤字   股權 
截至2022年9月30日餘額   2,000,000   $5,000,000    20,501,500   $2,050   $3,139,450   $(1,031,824)  $       2,109,676 


   -    2,598,369    260    3,765,109    -    3,765,369 
基於股權的薪酬   -    -    85,000    9    2,114,005    -    2,114,014 
淨虧損   -    -    -    -    -    (4,904,229)   (4,904,229)
截至2023年6月30日餘額   2,000,000   $5,000,000    23,184,869   $2,319   $9,018,564   $(5,936,053)  $3,084,830 


為 截至2023年9月30日的年度


   夾層 股權   永久 股權 
   股份      股份      額外
截至2022年9月30日餘額   -   $-    20,501,500   $2,050   $3,139,450   $(1,031,824)  $2,109,676 
普通股發行   2,000,000    5,000,000    2,598,369    260    3,765,109    -    3,765,369 
基於股權的薪酬   -    -    85,000    9    2,383,994    -    2,384,003 
淨虧損   -    -    -    -    -    (6,250,401)   (6,250,401)
截至2023年9月30日餘額   2,000,000   $5,000,000    23,184,869   $2,319   $9,288,553   $(7,282,225)  $2,008,647 




為 從2022年2月8日(初始)到2022年9月30日期間


   夾層 股權   永久 股權 
   股份      股份      額外
截至2022年2月8日的餘額(初始)           -   $       -    -   $-   $-   $-   $- 
普通股發行   -    -    19,826,500    1,982    2,749,518    -    2,751,500 
基於股權的薪酬   -    -    675,000    68    389,932    -    390,000 
淨虧損   -    -    -    -    -    (1,031,824)   (1,031,824)
截至2022年9月30日餘額   -   $-    20,501,500   $2,050   $3,139,450   $(1,031,824)  $2,109,676 


報表 現金流量








淨虧損  $(7,659,820)  $(4,904,229)
基於股權的薪酬   152,457    2,114,014 
使用權資產攤銷   53,893    - 
研發收購以股權形式支付   786,500    - 
預付費用   (324,331)   (38,588)
存款   (235,235)   - 
應付賬款和應計負債   41,606    147,028 
因關聯方的原因   (35,000)   (10,000)
租賃責任   44,135    - 
或有負債   1,222,000    - 
用於經營活動的現金淨額   (5,953,795)   (2,691,775)
普通股發行所得款項   14,253,937    8,765,369 
產品發售成本   (1,408,405)   - 
支付遞延發售費用   (55,000)   (75,000)
融資活動提供的現金淨額   12,790,532    8,690,369 
現金淨增   6,836,737    5,998,594 
期初現金及現金等價物   6,952,795    2,129,999 
期末現金和現金等價物  $13,789,532   $8,128,593 
從夾層股權轉換爲股東權益  $(5,000,000)  $- 
資產/負債使用權的啓動  $1,926,656   $- 


   爲 止年度
   爲 日期間
淨虧損  $(6,250,401)  $(1,031,824)
調整淨虧損與淨現金 用於經營活動:          
基於股權的薪酬   2,384,003    390,000 
預付費用   (88,409)   (117,448)
應付款和應計 負債   87,234    102,771 
由於 向關聯方   -    35,000 
淨 經營活動所用現金   (3,867,573)   (621,501)
普通股收益 發行   8,765,369    2,751,500 
支付 延期發行成本   (75,000)   - 
淨 融資活動提供的現金   8,690,369    2,751,500 
現金淨增   4,822,796    2,129,999 
期初現金   2,129,999    - 
期末現金  $6,952,795   $2,129,999 




風險 因素


一個 對我們證券的投資是投機性的,風險很高.您應該仔細考慮所描述的風險 下面,我們認爲這些信息代表了我們業務面臨的某些重大風險,以及中其他地方包含的信息 在您決定投資該基金單位之前,請先閱讀本招股說明書。請注意,這裏強調的風險並不是唯一的 我們可能面臨的問題。例如,我們目前未知或我們目前認爲不重要或不太可能的額外風險 發生也可能損害我們的運營。如果發生以下任何事件或我們目前實際未知的任何額外風險 發生時,我們的業務、財務狀況和經營業績可能會受到重大不利影響。在這種情況下,交易價格 我們的證券可能會下跌,您可能會失去全部或部分投資。


風險 與我們的工業和商業有關


我們 自我們成立以來,已經發生了損失,並且沒有產生任何收入。我們預計我們將繼續遭受損失,並且 預計在可預見的未來我們不會產生收入。


自成立以來,我們已經經歷了 截至2024年6月30日,運營虧損嚴重,累計赤字爲1490萬美元,運營現金流爲負。我們 由於相關額外成本和費用,預計未來幾年營業虧損和負現金流將增加 我們的研究與開發(我們在本文中稱爲研發)、業務開發活動以及我們作爲上市公司的地位 公司


至 到目前爲止,我們還沒有產生任何收入。除非我們能夠將反應堆商業化,否則我們預計不會產生任何收入。 和/或其他業務線。由於我們自成立以來發生了虧損和運營現金流爲負,因此 然而,我們可能無法籌集足夠的資金來抵消我們的支出和損失。此外,我們可能會遇到意外的費用,困難, 可能對我們的業務產生不利影響的複雜情況、延誤和其他未知因素。 我們不能預測結果 產生流動資金爲我們的運營提供資金的行動,這些行動是否會產生預期的流動資金爲我們的運營提供資金 或者這些行動的費用是否以合理的條件或根本不存在。我們的持續償付能力是 取決於我們是否有能力獲得額外的營運資金來完成我們的反應堆開發,成功地銷售我們的反應堆 併爲我們的反應堆實現商業化。我們之前的虧損和預期的未來虧損已經並可能繼續產生不利影響。 對我們的股東權益(赤字)和營運資本的影響,並可能導致我們的業務失敗。


我們 是新興市場的一家早期公司,擁有未經驗證的商業模式、未經驗證的新技術模式以及短期運營 歷史,這使得我們很難評估我們當前的業務和前景,並可能增加您投資的風險。


我們 只有有限的運營歷史來評估我們當前和未來的業務前景。我們成立 於2022年2月開始,目前正在開發我們的核微反應堆和其他業務線,如更全面的描述 在《業務”本招股說明書的部分。我們預計需要幾年時間才能開始產生 有意義的收入。此外,爲了實現任何水平,我們將需要在短期和長期內進行大量支出 收入。


As a result of our receipt of the net proceeds of this offering, over the next twelve months, we will continue to progress our development of advanced nuclear microreactors, ZEUS and ODIN, and our vertically integrated fuel manufacturing business, with estimated expenditures to be approximately $8 million. This allocation comprises approximately $6 million dedicated to the research and development of nuclear energy related products and technologies, with a specific focus on the refinement of our microreactors and our HALEU fuel manufacturing processes. The remaining $2 million is earmarked for miscellaneous costs essential to propelling the progress of our microreactors, encompassing the support of current personnel engaged in executive, finance, accounting, and other administrative functions. We estimate that our microreactor demonstration work will be conducted between 2024 and 2026, our microreactor licensing application will be processed between 2026 and 2031, and our microreactors will be launched between 2030 and 2031. We also plan on providing nuclear service support and consultation services for the expanding and resurgent nuclear energy industry, both domestically and internationally. If we are unable to acquire such a business by the end of 2024, we will focus on building our own internal nuclear consultation business in coordination with certain outside academic institutions, which we anticipate would require approximately an additional $2 million over the next twelve months to recruit additional staff and build corresponding infrastructure to be capable of providing these services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the outlined expenditures and our anticipated timelines are estimations only. These are inherently subject to change due to certain factors, including adjustments in the microreactor development plan and uncertainties associated with the licensing approval process. Given that these elements may exceed our initial expectations or lie beyond our control, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the actual expenditures and timelines.


Our limited operating history and early stage of our business makes an evaluation of our business and prospects difficult. You must consider our business and prospects in light of the risks and difficulties we encounter as an early-stage company in the new and rapidly evolving market of the nuclear energy industry. These risks and difficulties include, but are not limited to, the following:


  Obtaining the necessary permits and licenses can be a lengthy and complex process, subject to rigorous safety and environmental regulations. Delays or denials in obtaining these approvals can significantly impact a project’s timeline and cost.
  Ensuring the safety of the reactor during operation and in case of accidents is paramount. Microreactors must be designed with robust safety features to prevent accidents, and emergency response plans must be in place to mitigate any potential incidents.




  安防 需要通過實物安全措施和網絡安全協議來解決包括盜竊或破壞風險在內的關切問題。
  微反應器 項目是非常資本密集型的,獲得足夠的融資可能是一個重大障礙。與成本超支相關的經濟風險, 施工延誤或市場不確定性必須得到有效管理。
  這個 市場波動和 能源政策的變化可能會影響合資企業的盈利能力。
  微反應器 依賴專門的組件和材料,這些組件和材料可能供應有限或交貨期較長。供應鏈中斷可能 影響項目時間表和成本。
  尋址 以及公衆的接受程度。放射性廢物的適當處置和管理以及退役計劃需要從 一開始。如果不考慮這些報廢考慮因素,可能會導致重大負債。此外,任何不利的環境 影響可能會導致公衆的反對和監管部門的處罰。
  公衆 對核技術的看法可能是一個挑戰。 微型反應堆項目很重要。


We may not be able to successfully address any of these risks or others. Failure to adequately do so could seriously harm our business and cause our operating results to suffer.


Our nuclear microreactors are still at the development stage and have not been put into production yet. Developing, producing, and commercializing nuclear reactors is a complex and challenging endeavor due to various technical, regulatory, financial, and public perception obstacles, which may adversely and materially affect our business, financial condition and results of operation. No assurances can be given that we will be able to develop and commercialize our microreactors and other technologies on the timelines we currently anticipate, or at all, and our failure to do so would likely lead to the loss of your investment in our company.


Our business plans will require us to raise substantial additional amounts of capital. Future capital needs will require us to sell additional equity or debt securities that will dilute or subordinate the rights of our common stockholders. In addition, we may be unable to secure government grants as part of our funding strategy.


我們 商業計劃的成本將很高,比我們從這次發行中獲得的淨收益還要高。發展和實施我們的業務 按照目前的計劃,我們將需要籌集大量額外資本,可能是數億美元。我們 預計我們需要對產品和技術的研發以及其他重大投資進行大量投資 在我們能夠產生有意義的收入之前進行投資。此外,我們的成本和費用可能比目前預期的還要高, 並且可能存在目前無法預見的投資或費用。無論如何,我們可能無法籌集足夠的資本 資助這些成本並實現可觀的收入創造。此外,鑑於我們公司還處於相對早期的階段,我們的未來 資本要求也很難精確預測,而且我們的實際資本要求可能與 我們目前預期的。


As a result, even following this offering, we will need to seek equity or debt financing to finance a large portion of our future capital requirements. Such financing might not be available to us when needed or on terms that are acceptable, or at all. We will likely issue additional equity securities and may issue debt securities or otherwise incur debt in the future to fund our business plan. If we issue equity or convertible debt securities to raise additional funds, our existing stockholders will experience dilution, and the new equity (including preferred equity) or debt securities or other indebtedness may have rights, preferences, and privileges senior to those of our existing stockholders. If we incur additional debt, it may increase our leverage relative to our earnings or to our equity capitalization, requiring us to pay additional interest expenses.


Our ability to obtain the necessary capital in the form of equity or debt to carry out our business plan is subject to several risks, including general economic and market conditions, as well as investor sentiment regarding our planned business. These factors may make the timing, amount, terms and conditions of any such financing unattractive or unavailable to us. The prevailing macroeconomic environment may increase our cost of financing or make it more difficult to raise additional capital on favorable terms, if at all. If we are unable to raise sufficient capital, we may have to significantly reduce our spending and/or delay or cancel our planned activities.




We may also seek to raise additional funds through collaborations and licensing arrangements. These arrangements, even if we are able to secure them, may require us to relinquish some rights to our technologies, or to grant licenses on terms that are not favorable to us.


Finally, we plan to apply for government funding in the form of grants or other funding from agencies such as the DOE. We may not receive such funding for a variety of reasons, including the size of our company and the government’s assessment of our prospects. Even if we do receive such funding, the government could condition such funding on contractual provisions such as granting the government rights to our technology or products. Moreover, federal funding is subject to at least annual Congressional appropriations, which may not be forthcoming. The federal budget process is complex — the budget justification and Presidential budget requests are often incomplete; Congress may appropriate different amounts than those requested; and the DOE has varying degrees of discretion to reprogram or transfer appropriated funds. Nonetheless, to the extent Presidential budget requests or DOE budget justifications result in a shift of Congressional appropriations away from SMR funding generally or projects we are developing specifically, those shifts could materially and adversely affect the amount of DOE funding available to us and our business.


As a result of the foregoing, we might not be able to obtain any financing, and we might not have sufficient capital to conduct our business as projected, both of which could mean that we would be forced to curtail or discontinue our operations. If we cannot raise additional capital when we need or want to, our operations and prospects could be negatively affected, and our business could fail.


We and our officers and directors are presently parties to securities law and fiduciary duty lawsuits relating to our public statements made since our initial public offering. Our reputation may be damaged by these suits, and if we are unable to have them dismissed or should we receive adverse outcomes, our business and results of operations may suffer, including as a result of our indemnification obligations to our directors and officers.


On August 9, 2024, a putative securities class action lawsuit was filed against us and certain of our officers in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, captioned Yvette Yang v. Nano Nuclear Energy Inc., et al., No. 1:24-cv-06057 (S.D.N.Y.). The complaint asserts claims for alleged violations of federal securities laws related to statements concerning the our business, including our progress toward our microreactor development. The plaintiff seeks to represent a class of certain persons who purchased or otherwise acquired our common stock during the period from May 8, 2024 through July 18, 2024 and seeks unspecified damages and other relief. We dispute the allegations in the complaint and intends to defend the case vigorously.


In addition, on August 23, 2024, a putative shareholder derivative lawsuit was filed purportedly on behalf of our company, as nominal defendant, against certain of our directors and officers in the Eighth Judicial District Court of Clark County, Nevada, captioned William Latza, Derivatively on Behalf of Nano Nuclear, Inc. v. James Walker, et al., No. A-24-900423-C. The complaint asserts claims for alleged breach of fiduciary duties and corporate waste, among others, related to statements concerning our business and prospects, including our progress toward microreactor development. On behalf of our company, the plaintiff seeks damages from the director and officer defendants and an order directing our company to take actions to reform and improve corporate governance and internal procedures. The director and officer defendants deny all allegations of liability and intend to vigorously defend against all claims. Given the preliminary stage of the lawsuit and the inherent uncertainties of litigation, we cannot determine with certainty the outcome of the case at this time.


Ongoing securities law and fiduciary duty lawsuits may divert significant financial and human resources away from our core business operations, increasing legal expenses and reducing available capital for other strategic initiatives. If the lawsuits result in adverse outcomes, such as judgments or settlements, we could face substantial monetary damages, penalties, or fines, which could negatively impact our financial position, cash flow, and overall business operations. These lawsuits may harm our reputation with investors, suppliers, and business partners. Even if we successfully defend against the claims, the mere existence of these lawsuits may erode confidence in our management, corporate governance, and financial reporting. The uncertainty surrounding the outcome of these lawsuits could create volatility in our stock price, leading to a decrease in investor confidence and possible difficulties in raising future capital.




Our officers and directors, who are critical to our leadership and decision-making, may be distracted by these lawsuits, which could lead to delays or inefficiencies in executing our business strategy. If these lawsuits persist or lead to unfavorable publicity, it may become more challenging to attract and retain qualified employees, including key executives, due to perceived instability or legal risk associated with our company.


The current lawsuits may encourage other parties to file additional claims or lawsuits, increasing our legal risks and further burdening our resources. The case is still at an early stage and we cannot reasonably estimate the amount of any potential financial loss or cost that could result from this lawsuit. If we are unable to have them dismissed or should we receive adverse outcomes, our business and results of operations may suffer. The lawsuits may prompt increased scrutiny from regulatory authorities, leading to additional investigations, fines, or compliance requirements, which could further affect our business.


Further, under certain circumstances, we may have contractual or other legal obligations to indemnify and to incur legal expenses on behalf of investors, directors, officers, employees, or other third parties. Our business contractual and legal obligations related to indemnification and the coverage of legal expenses for investors, directors, officers, employees, and other third parties are critical components of our risk management and corporate governance. These obligations are typically outlined in various agreements, contracts, and corporate bylaws.


In our company, the key aspects of indemnification will be included in our directors and officers (D&O) insurance, our corporate governing documents, and investor agreements and other relevant arrangements. Nuclear companies often purchase director and officer insurance policies to indemnify their directors and officers against personal liability for actions taken in their roles. These policies provide financial protection for individuals in the event of lawsuits, regulatory actions, or other legal proceedings related to their corporate duties. The corporate governing documents may include provisions that obligate our company to indemnify its directors, officers, and sometimes employees to the extent allowed by law, with some conditions or limitations on indemnification as applicable. In cases where investors, such as venture capitalists or private equity firms, are involved, investment agreements may include indemnification clauses that protect the investors from certain liabilities related to their investment in our company. In our agreements with third parties, such as suppliers, partners, or service providers, indemnification provisions may also be included to specify who is responsible for indemnifying the other party in the event of specified breaches, disputes, or liabilities.


We may also be required to cover the legal expenses and other costs on behalf of individuals or third parties incurred during any applicable legal proceedings, which may divest our company’s resources and the management’s attention, thus materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations and result in our inability to establish and grow our business.


The failure of production and commercialization of nuclear micro reactors as planned will adversely and materially affect our business, financial condition, and result of operations.


We are in the process of developing the next-generation advanced nuclear microreactors, ZEUS, a solid core battery reactor, and ODIN, a low-pressure salt coolant reactor. With these products, we are advancing the development of the next generation of portable, on-demand capable, advanced nuclear microreactors. Through a collaboration of our world-renowned nuclear scientists and engineers, the national laboratories, and government support, we believe our reactors will have the potential to impact to the global energy landscape. Our goal is to commercially launch one of these products by 2030-2031. If our plan to develop, manufacture or commercialize these products is delayed, suspended, interrupted, or cancelled for whatever reason, our business, financial condition, and results of operations will be adversely and materially disrupted, and the value of our securities may significantly decline or become worthless.


We are in the process of developing a domestic HALEU fuel processing facility to supply the next generation of advanced nuclear reactors. The failure of completion and operation of such facility as planned will adversely and materially affect our business, financial condition, and result of operations.


Building a nuclear fuel processing facility to produce commercial nuclear fuel for SMRs and Microreactor companies involves a highly specialized and regulated process. There will be specific challenges at each stage of development, including but not limited to the following:


  Obtaining the necessary licenses and permits from regulatory authorities can be a complex and time-consuming process. Compliance with stringent safety, security, and environmental regulations is crucial.
  Ensuring the safety and security of the facility and the nuclear materials within it is of utmost importance. Robust safety measures and security protocols must be implemented to prevent accidents, theft, or unauthorized access.




  Fabricating nuclear fuel assemblies and components requires specialized knowledge and expertise in nuclear materials, metallurgy, and manufacturing processes. Recruiting and retaining a skilled workforce can be a challenge.
  Maintaining strict quality control and assurance processes is essential to ensure the reliability and safety of the nuclear fuel. Any defects or substandard materials can have serious consequences.
  Building and operating a nuclear fuel processing facility can be capital-intensive. Managing costs, including construction, operational, and maintenance expenses, is essential for the facility’s financial viability.
  Construction delays, regulatory approvals, and unforeseen technical challenges can extend the timeline for facility development, potentially affecting market entry and revenue generation.
  The demand for nuclear fuel can fluctuate based on the deployment of SMRs and Microreactors. Competition from other fuel suppliers and alternative energy sources can also affect market share and profitability.


In 2023, we established a subsidiary, HALEU Energy, to concentrate specifically on creating a domestic HALEU fuel processing facility to supply the next generation of advanced nuclear reactors. In February 2023, we were selected as an official founding member of the DOE’s new HALEU Consortium to develop the U.S.’ domestic capability for the manufacture of HALEU and its processing. Currently we are still in the process of developing such facility and target to have such facility in operation as soon as 2028.


In March 2023, we entered into a memorandum of understanding with Centrus Energy Corp. (or Centrus), an energy fuel company who will provide HALEU to support HALEU Energy’s research and development and commercialization on initial test reactor cores and its commercial variant reactors. However, such a memorandum is not binding on both parties with certain exceptions, such as confidentiality. There is no assurance that we will enter into any purchase agreement with Centrus in future.


If our plan to complete and operate such facility is delayed, suspended, interrupted, or cancelled for whatever reason, our business, financial condition and results of operations will be adversely and materially disrupted, and the value of our securities may significantly decline or become worthless.


We plan to produce a regulatorily licensed, high-capacity HALEU transportation system, capable of moving commercial quantities of HALEU fuel around North America and worldwide. The failure of production and commercialization of such products as planned will adversely and materially affect our business, financial condition, and result of operations.


We intend to produce a regulatorily licensed, high-capacity HALEU transportation system, capable of moving commercial quantities of HALEU fuel around North America and beyond. We received an exclusive license for a high capacity HALEU fuel transportation basket design in April 2024, which will form the basis of a complete transportation package able to move the most commonly utilized fuel. The license grants us, as the licensee, exclusive rights for the use and development of certain transportation technology. If developed and commercialized, we believe this product would be the only one of its kind in North America and would serve as the basis for a domestic HALEU transportation company capable of providing commercial quantities of HALEU fuel. We are targeting to have our fuel transportation business in operation by 2027. However, there is no assurance that we can successfully produce such a product and operate such a business as planned. If our plan to produce and commercialize such product is delayed, suspended, interrupted or cancelled for whatever reason, our business, financial condition and results of operations will be adversely and materially disrupted, and the value of our securities may significantly decline or become worthless.




We plan to provide nuclear service support and consultation services for the expanding and resurgent nuclear energy industry, both domestically and internationally. Failure to do so as planned will adversely and materially affect our business, financial condition, and result of operations.


We plan to provide nuclear service support and consultation services for the expanding and resurgent nuclear energy industry, both domestically and internationally. This business opportunity represents our most near-term revenue generating opportunity as we hope to begin providing these services in 2024. By the end of 2024, we expect to start providing nuclear service support and consultation services for the nuclear energy industry, both domestically and internationally. This timeline is based on our plan to acquire a nuclear business services and consultancy provider. We have had preliminary discussions with several potential acquisition targets but have not progressed to definitive understandings or agreements. In combination with our intention to acquire existing revenue generating consultancy businesses, we are focusing on building our own internal nuclear consultation business in coordination with certain outside academic institutions, which we anticipate would require approximately $1 million over the next twelve months to recruit additional staff and build corresponding infrastructure to be capable of providing these services. No assurances can be given that we will be able to successfully establish and grow our own consultation business, and our failure to do so would adversely affect our nearer term revenue prospects. Moreover, the outlined expenditures and the timelines are estimations only. These are inherently subject to change due to certain factors, including adjustments in the microreactor development plan and uncertainties associated with the licensing approval process. Given that these elements may exceed our initial expectations or lie beyond our control, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the actual expenditures and timelines.


The current upsurge in interest in nuclear energy, combined with the increased investment from both private and governmental sources within the nuclear space, as well as the global push for zero carbon technologies, has created a demand for nuclear energy expertise which exceeds supply. The increased demand in personnel and nuclear related business activity will create increased demand for personnel involved in the licensing and regulator aspects of the industry, which provide us with potential to root in this area. We have already identified several nuclear business services and consultancy providers, which have been assessed as potentially suitable for acquisition by our company. However, there is no assurance that we can acquire them successfully or as planned. If our plan to start the consulting services is delayed, suspended, interrupted or cancelled for whatever reason, our business, financial condition and results of operations will be adversely and materially disrupted, and the value of our securities may significantly decline or become worthless.


Providing a nuclear consulting service as a business comes with a unique set of difficulties and challenges due to the complexity and sensitivity of the nuclear industry. These challenges and difficulties include, but are not limited to:


  提供 有價值的核諮詢服務需要對核科學、工程和技術有深入的了解。保持 擁有必要專業知識的團隊可能會很困難。
  諮詢 關於核項目的問題涉及解決安全和安保問題。確保客戶遵守安全協議,並 安全措施是一項至關重要的責任。
  裝卸 敏感的核信息和數據需要嚴格的安全措施和保密協議來保護機密或專有 信息。
  AS 作爲一名顧問,如果我們的建議導致不良結果或不遵守法規,我們可能面臨責任問題。管理 而減輕這些風險是至關重要的。
  這個 核諮詢市場可能競爭激烈,有成熟的諮詢公司和該領域的專家。脫穎而出並穩固 客戶可能很有挑戰性,尤其是對新來者。
  這個 核工業正在隨着新技術、安全標準和市場動態的發展而發展。與時俱進,適應這些 變革對於保持相關性和競爭力至關重要。
  管理 爲具有不同時間表和需求的不同客戶提供多個項目可能是具有挑戰性的。有效的項目管理是必不可少的 在最後期限內完成任務並交付高質量的結果。
  會議 而管理客戶的期望可能是一項艱鉅的任務。客戶可能對他們的核項目的結果有很高的期望, 有效的溝通對於使期望與現實保持一致至關重要。
  利用 數據分析和技術進步可能具有挑戰性,特別是在處理核工業中的遺留系統時。


爲 我們的核諮詢業務要想生存並發展,這對我們建立一支具有多元化專業知識的強大團隊至關重要,保持最新狀態 根據行業趨勢和法規,優先考慮安全性和保密性,並保持高道德標準。有效的溝通, 與客戶和監管機構建立網絡和建立關係對於建立我們的信譽也至關重要 以及對行業的信任。儘管如此,我們無法保證我們能夠解決這些或類似的挑戰和困難, 其失敗可能會對我們的業務、財務狀況和運營結果產生不利和重大影響。




如果 我們的經營業績和增長率出現大幅波動,無法達到收入和盈利預期, 我們的股價可能會在沒有事先通知的情況下迅速下跌。


由於 鑑於我們有限的運營歷史、未經證實且不斷髮展的商業模式以及新興行業的不可預測性,我們可能 無法準確預測我們的增長率。我們的當前和未來費用水平和投資計劃基於估計 未來收入和未來增長率。我們的費用和投資在很大程度上不是固定的,我們預計這些 未來費用將會增加。如果我們的收入低於預期,我們可能無法足夠快地調整支出。


我們 運營結果取決於我們未來將提供的產品和服務需求的增長以及總體情況 世界各地的經濟和商業狀況。出於任何原因對我們的產品和服務的需求軟化都會損害我們的利益 經營結果。過去的恐怖襲擊、武裝敵對行動和戰爭造成了經濟和商業,未來可能造成了經濟和商業 不確定性也可能對我們的運營業績產生不利影響。


我們 收入和經營業績也可能因其他因素而波動,包括:




作爲 由於這些和其他因素,我們預計我們的經營業績可能會出現季度大幅波動。我們認爲 對我們的經營業績進行定期比較可能沒有意義,您不應依賴它們作爲指標 未來的表現。


聯邦 預算延遲、聯邦債務上限限制或政府支出削減可能會對政府支出產生不利影響 我們提供的產品和服務。


聯邦 政府支出削減可能會對與我們的產品或服務相關的美國政府計劃產生不利影響。雖然我們認爲 我們的許多計劃與美國政府的戰略優先事項並不衝突,政府在這些計劃上的支出可以 受到負面宣傳、政治因素和公衆監督。未來預算延遲或削減的風險尚不確定, 支出削減可能會全面適用於美國政府計劃,無論計劃如何與 這些優先事項。如何實施預算削減有許多變量,這將決定其具體影響;然而, 聯邦政府支出的削減可能會對我們提供產品或服務的項目產生不利影響。另外這些 削減可能會對我們計劃下供應商和分包商的生存能力產生不利影響。




的 在某些市場上,核能源發電的成本可能與其他發電源沒有成本競爭力, 這可能會對我們的業務產生重大不利影響。


一些 由於補貼的可再生能源和低成本燃料來源的結合,電力市場的電價非常低,而我們 除非無碳、可靠和/或彈性能源發電的好處足夠大,否則可能無法在這些市場上競爭 在市場上受到重視。鑑於與許多國際市場相比,美國的電價相對較低, 在美國開展業務的風險可能更大。


的 發電核電的SMRS市場尚未建立,可能無法實現我們預期的增長潛力,或者增長速度可能會更慢 比預期


的 SMR的市場尚未建立。我們對整個潛在市場的估計是基於一些內部和第三方 估計,包括我們的潛在合同收入、潛在客戶數量、假設價格和生產成本、我們的能力 利用我們當前的後勤和運營流程以及總體市場狀況。然而,我們的假設和基礎數據 我們的估計可能不正確,支持我們假設或估計的條件可能隨時發生變化,從而減少 這些潛在因素的預測準確性。因此,我們對服務年度總可達市場的估計, 以及我們服務總體可達市場的預期增長率可能被證明是不正確的。


所有 目前,我們以獨立承包商的方式聘用了我們的官員,他們各自擁有管理、諮詢或董事職位 在其他公司擔任職位,並可能將時間分配給其他企業,這可能會在履行義務時帶來一定的風險 跟我們


我們所有的警官現在 被我們作爲獨立承包商聘用,因爲他們每個人都在其他公司擔任管理、諮詢或董事職務 並可能將他們的時間分配給其他企業。我們的首席執行官詹姆斯·沃克先生目前至少分配了 每週10個小時爲Ares Strategic Mining Inc.(或Ares)提供支持,Ares是一家總部位於加拿大的公司,在加拿大證券交易所上市,公司名稱爲 (股票代碼:ARS)從事初級自然資源開採,負責工廠建設、土地購買、運營、 市場營銷、融資、安全法規合規性和股東關係。他還兼任董事會成員。 幾家小盤股上市公司和一家上市顧問。我們的創始人姜瑜先生,總裁秘書兼財務主管, 兼董事會主席,曾同時在多家公司的董事會和管理團隊任職,目前至少配置 每週15個小時,他在其他公司的角色。Mr.Yu還兼任總裁和LIST董事會主席。宰孫 Garcha,我們的首席財務官,目前並將繼續全職與我們合作,目前還擔任 兼職首席財務官和董事榜單。


Our executive officers are not employees of our company, instead, they serve as independent contractors and can be terminated by either party at any time. They may pursue any other activities and engagements during their terms of agreements with us. The exiting external commitments and any future commitments of our officers to other companies may potentially divert their significant time and attention away from the strategic and operational needs of our company. Their divided focus could lead to delays in decision-making, hinder effective communication within our organization, give rise to potential conflicts of interest, and introduce a divergence in priorities, consequently impacting the overall efficacy of leadership. Additionally, the potential for conflicting interests arising from commitments to multiple entities may pose challenges in aligning those officers’ priorities with the long-term goals and interests of our company, thereby introducing an element of uncertainty and potential disruption to our operations. It is essential to acknowledge and address these complexities to ensure that our officers can effectively balance their responsibilities and fulfill their commitments to our company while maintaining transparency and integrity in their various roles. Failure to do so may adversely affect our business, financial conditions, and results of operations.


We may be unable to manage our future growth effectively, which could make it difficult to execute our business strategy.


If our operations grow as planned, we may need to expand our sales and marketing, research and development, supply and manufacturing functions, and there is no guarantee that we will be able to scale our business as planned. If we are not able to achieve and maintain cost-competitiveness in the United States or elsewhere, our business could be materially and adversely affected.


We and our target customers operate in a politically sensitive environment, and the public perception of nuclear energy can affect our target customers and us.


Nuclear energy is closely tied to government policies and regulations due to its potential risks and benefits. Governments often play a central role in the approval, regulation, and funding of nuclear projects. Changes in political leadership or shifts in public sentiment can lead to shifts in nuclear energy policies, which can affect the viability and profitability of nuclear businesses. The regulatory framework for nuclear energy is stringent and subject to public scrutiny. Regulatory decisions can influence the cost, timeline, and feasibility of nuclear projects. Public concerns and political pressure can lead to tighter regulations or stricter enforcement of existing ones. Government policies and incentives, often influenced by public opinion and political considerations, can directly impact the growth and competitiveness of nuclear energy. Favorable policies such as subsidies, tax credits, or incentives for clean energy can attract more customers to the nuclear energy sector.


In addition, public perception of nuclear energy can range from positive to highly skeptical or negative, often influenced by historical events, accidents, and media coverage. Negative public sentiment can lead to protests, legal challenges, and public resistance to new nuclear projects, potentially delaying or preventing their development. Nuclear facilities often need to engage with local communities where they operate. Building and maintaining trust with these communities is crucial for obtaining social acceptance. Public opposition, fueled by concerns about safety or environmental impact, can hinder a company’s ability to establish a presence in a particular location. Public perception of nuclear safety and viability can also influence the willingness of investors and financial institutions to fund nuclear projects. Negative public sentiment can increase financing costs and make it more difficult to secure the necessary capital. However, public preferences for energy sources can influence the demand for nuclear energy. A positive perception of nuclear power as a clean and reliable energy source can boost its market appeal. Conversely, public concerns about nuclear safety and waste disposal can lead to decreased demand, impacting a nuclear company’s customer base. Additionally, public perception of a country’s nuclear industry can affect its ability to export nuclear technology, reactors, and fuel assemblies to international customers. International perceptions of safety and reliability play a role in export decisions.




As a result, the risks associated with nuclear energy materials and the public perception of those risks can affect our business. Opposition by third parties can delay or prevent the construction of new nuclear power plants and can limit the operation of nuclear reactors. Adverse public reaction to developments in the use of nuclear power could directly affect our customers and indirectly affect our business. In the past, adverse public reaction, increased regulatory scrutiny and litigation have contributed to extended construction periods for new nuclear reactors, sometimes delaying construction schedules by decades or more or even shutting down operations. In addition, anti-nuclear groups in Germany successfully lobbied for the adoption of the Nuclear Exit Law in 2002, which lead to the shutdown of all German nuclear power plants as of April 15, 2023. Adverse public reaction could also lead to increased regulation or limitations on the activities of our customers, more onerous operating requirements or other conditions that could have a material adverse impact on our target customers and our business.


Accidents involving nuclear power facilities, including but not limited to events like the Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accidents, or terrorist acts or other high-profile events involving radioactive materials could materially and adversely affect our target customers and the markets in which we operate and increase regulatory requirements and costs that could materially and adversely affect our business.


Our future prospects are dependent upon a certain level of public support for nuclear power. Nuclear power faces strong opposition from certain competitive energy sources, individuals and organizations. The accident that occurred at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan in 2011 increased public opposition to nuclear power in some countries, resulting in a slowdown in, or, in some cases, a complete halt to new construction of nuclear power plants, an early shut down of existing power plants or a dampening of the favorable regulatory climate needed to introduce new nuclear technologies, all of which could negatively impact our business and prospects. As a result of the Fukushima accident, some countries that were considering launching new domestic nuclear power programs delayed or cancelled the preparatory activities they were planning to undertake as part of such programs. If accidents similar to the Fukushima disaster or other events, such as terrorist attacks involving nuclear facilities, occur, public opposition to nuclear power may increase, regulatory requirements and costs could become more onerous, which could materially and adversely affect our business and operations.


Risks Related to Our Intellectual Property


If we fail to develop, gain approval for, protect or enforce our intellectual property or proprietary rights, our business and operating results could be harmed.


We currently own the rights to the significant majority of our intellectual property, including one trademark pending registration. We received an exclusive license for a high capacity HALEU fuel transportation basket design in April 2024, which will form the basis of a complete transportation system to move a range of fuel types. The license grants us, as the licensee, exclusive rights for use and development of the technology. In addition, the licensor is not permitted to license the technology to any other parties within the specified scope. We may enter into other license agreements in future for our business development. There is no assurance that we, as the licensee, will be able to obtain or renew, if at all or in a timely manner, any of the license agreements upon its expiration. Failure to obtain or renew, or early termination of, any such agreement may materially and adversely affect our business, financial conditions and results of operations.


We regard the protection of our trade secrets, trademarks, licenses, trade dress, patents and copyrights (if any, in future), domain names and other intellectual property or proprietary rights as critical to our success. We strive to protect our intellectual property rights by relying on federal, state and common law rights, as well as contractual restrictions. We seek to protect our confidential proprietary information, in part, by entering into consulting agreements, and/or services or employment agreements that contain non-disclosure and non-use provisions with our employees, consultants, advisors and any third parties who have access to our proprietary know-how, information or technology. However, we cannot be certain that we have executed such agreements with all parties who may have helped to develop our intellectual property or who had access to our proprietary information, nor can we be certain that our agreements will not be breached. Any party with whom we have executed such an agreement could potentially breach that agreement and disclose our proprietary information, including our trade secrets, and we may not be able to obtain adequate remedies for such breaches. We cannot guarantee that our trade secrets and other confidential proprietary information will not be disclosed or that competitors will not otherwise gain access to our trade secrets or independently develop substantially equivalent information and techniques. Detecting the disclosure or misappropriation of a trade secret and enforcing a claim that a party illegally disclosed or misappropriated a trade secret is difficult, time-consuming and could result in substantial costs and the outcome of such a claim is unpredictable. Further, the laws of certain foreign countries do not protect proprietary rights to the same extent or in the same manner as the laws of the United States. As a result, we may encounter significant problems in protecting and defending our intellectual property or proprietary rights both in the United States and abroad. If we are unable to prevent the disclosure of our trade secrets to third parties, or if our competitors independently develop any of our trade secrets, we may not be able to establish or maintain a competitive advantage in our market, which could harm our business.




We currently have no registered patents related to our technology, but we have two patent applications with The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), pending approval.   We believe developing technology more comprehensively before patenting it provides our company with certain potential strategic advantages. We are balancing the advantages of comprehensive development with the risk of potential delays in securing patent protection and continue to consult qualified intellectual property counsel so we can make informed decisions regarding the timing of other patent filings and the overall protection strategy. Patent laws, and scope of coverage afforded by them, have recently been subject to significant changes, such as the change to “first-to-file” from “first-to-invent” resulting from the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act. This change in the determination of inventorship may result in inventors and companies having to file patent applications more frequently to preserve rights in their inventions, which may favor larger competitors that have the resources to file more patent applications. Another change to the patent laws may incentivize third parties to challenge any issued patent in the USPTO, as opposed to having to bring such an action in U.S. federal court. Any invalidation of a patent claim could have a significant impact on our ability to protect the innovations contained within our products and could harm our business.


The USPTO and various foreign governmental patent agencies require compliance with a number of procedural, documentary, fee payment and other provisions to maintain patent applications and issued patents. We may fail to take the necessary actions and to pay the applicable fees to obtain or maintain our patents in future. Non-compliance with these requirements can result in abandonment or lapse of a patent or patent application, resulting in partial or complete loss of patent rights in the relevant jurisdiction. In such an event, competitors might be able to use our technologies and enter the market earlier than would otherwise have been the case.


We pursue the registration of our domain names, trademarks and service marks in the United States. We may seek to protect our trademarks, patents and domain names in an increasing number of jurisdictions in future, a process that is expensive and time-consuming and may not be successful or which we may not pursue in every location.


Litigation may be necessary to enforce our intellectual property or proprietary rights, protect our trade secrets or determine the validity and scope of proprietary rights claimed by others. Any litigation of this nature, regardless of outcome or merit, could result in substantial costs, adverse publicity or diversion of management and technical resources, any of which could adversely affect our business and operating results. If we fail to maintain, protect and enhance our intellectual property or proprietary rights, our business may be harmed.


We rely on our unpatented proprietary technology, trade secrets, designs, experiences, workflows, data, processes, software and know-how.


We rely on proprietary information (such as trade secrets, know-how and confidential information) to protect intellectual property that may not be patentable or subject to copyright, trademark, trade dress or service mark protection, or that we believe is best protected by means that do not require public disclosure. We generally seek to protect this proprietary information by entering into consulting agreements, and/or services or employment agreements that contain non-disclosure and non-use provisions with our employees, consultants, contractors and third parties. However, we may fail to enter into the necessary agreements, and even if entered into, these agreements may be breached or may otherwise fail to prevent disclosure, third-party infringement or misappropriation of our proprietary information, may be limited as to their term and may not provide an adequate remedy in the event of unauthorized disclosure or use of proprietary information. We have limited control over the protection of trade secrets used by our current or future partners and suppliers and could lose future trade secret protection if any unauthorized disclosure of such information occurs. In addition, our proprietary information may otherwise become known or be independently developed by our competitors or other third parties. To the extent that our employees, consultants, contractors, advisors and other third parties use intellectual property owned by others in their work for us, disputes may arise as to the rights in related or resulting know-how and inventions. Costly and time-consuming litigation could be necessary to enforce and determine the scope of our proprietary rights, and failure to obtain or maintain protection for our proprietary information could adversely affect our competitive business position. Furthermore, laws regarding trade secret rights in certain markets where we operate may afford little or no protection to its trade secrets.




We also rely on physical and electronic security measures to protect our proprietary information, but we cannot provide assurance that these security measures will not be breached or provide adequate protection for our property. There is a risk that third parties may obtain and improperly utilize our proprietary information to our competitive disadvantage. We may not be able to detect or prevent the unauthorized use of such information or take appropriate and timely steps to enforce our intellectual property rights.


We may be accused of infringing intellectual property rights of third parties and content restrictions of relevant laws, which may materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations.


Third parties may claim that the technology used in the operation of our business infringes upon their intellectual property rights. Although we have not in the past faced any litigation involving direct claims of infringement by us, the possibility of intellectual property claims against us increases as we continue to grow. Such claims, whether having merit, may result in our expenditure of significant financial and management resources, injunctions against us or payment of damages. We may need to obtain licenses from third parties who allege that we have infringed their rights, but such licenses may not be available on terms acceptable to us or at all. These risks have been amplified by the increase in third parties whose sole or primary business is to assert such claims.


The outcome of any claims, investigations and proceedings is inherently uncertain, and in any event defending against these claims could be both costly and time-consuming and could significantly divert the efforts and resources of our management and other personnel. An adverse determination in any such litigation or proceedings could cause us to pay damages, as well as legal and other costs, limit our ability to conduct business or require us to change the manner in which we operate.


Risks Related to Regulation and Compliance


Our business is subject to a wide variety of extensive and evolving government laws and regulations. Changes in and/or failure to comply with such laws and regulations could have a material adverse effect on our business.


We are subject to new or changing international, federal, state, and local regulations, including laws relating to the design, development, manufacturing, marketing, servicing, or sales of our nuclear-fuel related products. Such laws and regulations may require us to pause sales and modify our products, which could result in a material adverse effect on our ability to generate revenues (or any future revenues) and our financial condition generally. Such laws and regulations can also give rise to liability such as fines and penalties, property damage, bodily injury, and cleanup costs. Failure to comply with such regulations could lead to the withdrawal or recall of our products from the market, delay our projected revenues, increase cost, or make our business unviable if we are unable to modify our products to comply. Capital and operating expenses needed to comply with laws and regulations can be significant, and violations may result in substantial fines and penalties, third-party damages, suspension of production or a cessation of our operations. Any failure to comply with such laws or regulations could lead to withdrawal or recall of our products from the market.


Regulatory risk factors associated with our business also include our ability to obtain additional applicable approvals, licenses or certifications from regulatory agencies, if required, and to maintain current approvals, licenses or certifications. Any regulatory delays, delays imposed as a result of regulatory inspections and changing regulatory requirements, may impede our planned actions from being implemented or completed, many of which may be out of our control. Any natural disasters, changes in governmental regulations or in the status of our regulatory approvals or applications or other events that force us to cancel or reschedule our product development and production, could have an adverse impact on our business and financial condition.




We are subject to U.S. and foreign anti-corruption and anti-money laundering laws and regulations. We can face criminal liability and other serious consequences for violations, which can harm our business.


We are subject to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.S. domestic bribery statute contained in 18 U.S.C. § 201, the U.S. Travel Act, the Money Laundering Control Act 18 U.S.C. §§ 1956 and 1957, and other anti-bribery and anti-money laundering laws in countries in which we conduct activities. Anti-corruption laws are interpreted broadly and prohibit companies and their employees, agents, contractors and other collaborators from authorizing, promising, offering or providing, directly or indirectly, improper payments or anything else of value to recipients in the public or private sector, and require that we keep accurate books and records and maintain internal accounting controls designed to prevent any such actions. We can be held liable for the corrupt or other illegal activities of our employees, agents, contractors and other collaborators, even if we do not explicitly authorize or have actual knowledge of such activities.


As we intend to conduct international cross-border business and expand our operations abroad, we may engage business partners and third-party intermediaries to market our products and to obtain necessary permits, licenses and other regulatory approvals overseas. In addition, we or our third-party intermediaries may have direct or indirect interactions with officials and employees of government agencies or state-owned or affiliated entities. We can be held liable for the corrupt or other illegal activities of these third-party intermediaries, our employees, representatives, contractors, partners and agents, even if we do not explicitly authorize such activities. We cannot assure you that all of our employees and agents will not take actions in violation of our policies and applicable law, for which we may be ultimately held responsible. As we intend to expand our international business, our risks under these laws may increase.


Detecting, investigating and resolving actual or alleged violations of anti-corruption laws can require a significant diversion of time, resources and attention from our management. In addition, non-compliance with anti- corruption or anti-bribery laws could subject us to whistleblower complaints, investigations, sanctions, settlements, prosecution, enforcement actions, fines, damages, other civil or criminal penalties, injunctions, suspension or debarment from contracting with certain persons, reputational harm, adverse media coverage and other collateral consequences. If any subpoenas are received or investigations are launched, or governmental or other sanctions are imposed, or if we do not prevail in any possible civil or criminal proceeding, our business, operating results and financial condition could be materially harmed.


If we fail to comply with the laws and regulations relating to the collection of sales tax and payment of income taxes in the various states in which we do business, we could be exposed to unexpected costs, expenses, penalties and fees as a result of our non-compliance, which could harm our business.


By engaging in business activities in the United States, we become subject to various state laws and regulations, including requirements to collect sales tax from our sales within those states, and the payment of income taxes on revenue generated from activities in those states. A successful assertion by one or more states that we were required to collect sales or other taxes or to pay income taxes where we did not could result in substantial tax liabilities, fees and expenses, including substantial interest and penalty charges, which could harm our business.


General Risk Factors Associated with Our Company


We are highly dependent on our senior management team and other highly skilled personnel. If we are unable to attract, retain and maintain highly qualified personnel, including our senior management team, we may not be able to implement our business strategy and our business and results of operations would be harmed.


Our business and prospectus are highly dependent on the continued services of our senior management team, particularly our Chief Executive Officer James Walker, our President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman of the Board Jay Jiang Yu, our Chief Financial Officer Jaisun Garcha, and our Chief Policy Officer Winston Khun Hunn Chow. Our senior management team has extensive experience in the energy and finance industries, and we believe that their depth of experience is instrumental to our continued success. See “Management” for further details. The loss of any one or more members of our senior management team, for any reason, including resignation or retirement, could impair our ability to execute our business strategy and have a material adverse effect on our business and financial condition if we are unable to successfully attract and retain qualified and highly skilled replacement personnel.


In addition, our ability to execute our plans and grow our company will depend in large part on our ability to attract, motivate, develop, retain and maintain a sufficient number of other highly skilled personnel, including engineers, nuclear energy professionals, finance, marketing and sales personnel. Maintaining a diverse team of skilled personnel who can collectively address the technical, regulatory, financial, and operational aspects of our business, including but not limited to, nuclear engineers and scientists, regulatory and licensing experts, safety and security experts, quality control and assurance managers, environmental and waste management experts, and financial and legal professionals, is also essential to our business. Our goal is to build a well-rounded and experienced team with expertise in these areas to ensure the development, operation, and commercialization of our business, while ensuring safety, regulatory compliance, and long-term viability.


However, if we are unable to attract, retain, and maintain our senior management team and other highly skilled personnel, we may not be able to implement our business strategy, and our business, financial condition and results of operations may be adversely and materially affected. If any of our senior management team members were to terminate his or her employment with us, there can be no assurance that we would be able to find suitable replacements in a timely manner, at acceptable cost or at all. The loss of services of senior management team members or the inability to identify, hire, train and retain other qualified and managerial personnel in the future may materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.




Mr. Jay Jiang Yu, our President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman of the Board, has a significant influence over our company due to his ownership of a material percentage of our outstanding common stock. Also, his interests may not always be aligned with the interests of our other stockholders, which may lead to conflicts of interest that harm our company.


As of October 16, 2024, Mr. Jay Jiang Yu, our President and Chairman, beneficially owns an aggregate of approximately 33.88% shares of our common stock and is expected to own approximately 31.75% shares of our common stock upon the completion of this offering assuming no exercise of the over-allotment option for this offering. Due to his ownership of a material percentage of our outstanding common stock, Mr. Yu could have significant influence in determining the outcome of any corporate transaction or other matter submitted to the stockholders for approval, including mergers, consolidations, the appointment of directors and other significant corporate actions. Without the consent of Mr. Yu, we may be prevented from entering into transactions that could be beneficial to us or our other stockholders. Moreover, our interests and the interests of Mr. Yu may not always be aligned, which could create conflicts of interest of Mr. Yu and may not be resolved in favor of all of our stockholders or may otherwise harm our company. For more information regarding Mr. Yu’s ownership of our company, see “Principal Stockholders”.


We have undertaken and may continue pursue strategic acquisitions to accelerate our growth. These acquisitions may not be successful. We may not be able to successfully integrate our previous and future acquisitions or generate sufficient revenues from future acquisitions, which could cause our business to suffer.


If we buy a company, a division of a company or assets that we feel are complementary to our business, there can be no assurance that we will be able to profitably manage such business or successfully integrate such business or assets without substantial costs, delays or other operational or financial problems. There can be no assurance that the businesses or assets we acquire in the future will achieve anticipated revenues and earnings. Additionally:


  the key personnel of the acquired business may decide not to work for us;
  changes in management at an acquired business may impair its relationships with employees and customers;
  we may be unable to maintain uniform standards, controls, procedures and policies among acquired businesses;
  we may be unable to successfully implement infrastructure, logistics and system integration;
  we may be held liable for legal claims (including environmental claims) arising out of activities of the acquired businesses prior to our acquisitions, some of which we may not have discovered during our due diligence, and we may not have indemnification claims available to us or we may not be able to realize on any indemnification claims with respect to those legal claims;
  we will assume risks associated with deficiencies in the internal control of acquired businesses;
  we may not be able to realize the cost savings or other financial benefits we anticipated; and
  our ongoing business may be disrupted or receive insufficient management attention.




We face these and similar risks in connection with our June 2024 acquisition of the ALIP technology. We may not be able to successfully integrate the ALIP technology into our microreactor designs, which could lead to a loss of our investment in this technology. Moreover, we anticipate, pending the successful completion of the SBIR III program for the ALIP technology (which we are funding), that we will seek to separately commercialize the ALIP technology as a means of generating revenues. We are thus faced with the risks that the SBIR Phase III may not be completed on a timely basis or at all, and further that we may be unable to commercially sell or license the technology (or products derived from the technology) to third parties.


Also, future acquisitions may require us to obtain additional equity or debt financing, which may not be available on attractive terms. Moreover, to the extent an acquisition transaction financed by non-equity consideration results in additional goodwill, it will reduce our tangible net worth, which might have an adverse effect on our credit and bonding capacity.


Failure to establish and maintain effective internal control in accordance with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act could have a material adverse effect on our business and stock price.


Prior to the completion of our initial public offering in May 2024, we were a private company with limited accounting personnel to adequately execute our accounting processes and limited supervisory resources with which to address our internal control over financial reporting. As a private company, we did not design or maintain an effective control environment as required of public companies under the rules of the SEC implementing Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and therefore are not required to make a formal assessment of the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting for that purpose. Specifically, we lack a sufficient number of professionals with an appropriate level of accounting knowledge, training and experience to appropriately analyze, record and disclose accounting matters timely and accurately while maintaining appropriate segregation of duties.


Upon becoming a publicly traded company, we became required to comply with the SEC’s rules implementing Sections 302 and 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which require management to certify financial and other information in our quarterly and annual reports and provide an annual management report on the effectiveness of controls over financial reporting. Though we are required to disclose changes made in our internal controls and procedures on a quarterly basis, we are not required to make our first annual assessment of our internal control over financial reporting pursuant to Section 404 until the year following our first annual report required to be filed with the SEC.


Proper system of internal control over financial accounting and disclosure controls and procedures are critical to the operation of a public company. We may be unable to effectively establish such system, especially in light of the fact that we expect to operate as a publicly reporting company. This would leave us without the ability to reliably assimilate and compile financial information about our company and significantly impair our ability to prevent error and detect fraud, all of which would have a negative impact on our company from many perspectives.


Moreover, we do not expect that disclosure control or internal control over financial reporting, even if established, will prevent all error and all fraud. A control system, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the control system’s objectives will be met. Further, the design of a control system must reflect the fact that there are resource constraints, and the benefits of controls must be considered relative to their costs. Because of the inherent limitations in the control system, no evaluation of controls can provide absolute assurance that all control issues and instances of fraud, if any, have been detected. Failure of our control system to prevent error or fraud could materially adversely impact us.




Our ability to effectively manage our anticipated growth and expansion of our operations will also require us to enhance our operational, financial and management controls and infrastructure, human resources policies and reporting system. These enhancements and improvements will require significant capital expenditures and allocation of valuable management and employee resources.


We expect to experience significant growth in the scope and nature of our operations. Our ability to manage our operations and future growth will require us to continue to improve our operational, financial and management controls, compliance programs and reporting system. We may not be able to implement improvements in an efficient or timely manner and may discover deficiencies in existing controls, programs, systems and procedures, which could have an adverse effect on our business, reputation and financial results. Additionally, rapid growth in our business may place a strain on our human and capital resources. Furthermore, we expect to continue to conduct our business internationally and anticipate increased business operations in the United States, Asia, and Europe. Asia and Europe are obvious destinations to launch manufacturing operations given the high demand for clean technologies, developed technical workforce, and strong manufacturing bases with nuclear experience. We will also be targeting developing countries that could benefit from the introduction of mobile, remote, power sources able to unlock a lot of economic resources. These diversified, global operations place increased demands on our limited resources and require us to substantially expand the capabilities of our administrative and operational resources and to attract, train, manage and retain qualified management, technical, experts, engineering, sales and other personnel, the failure of which may adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.


We will incur significantly increased costs as a result of, and devote substantial management time to operating as, a public company.


As a public company, we will incur significant legal, accounting, and other expenses that we did not incur as a private company. For example, we will be subject to the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act and will be required to comply with the applicable requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, as well as rules and regulations subsequently implemented by the SEC, including the establishment and maintenance of effective disclosure and financial controls, changes in corporate governance practices and required filing of annual, quarterly and current reports with respect to our business and operating results. These requirements will increase our legal and financial compliance costs and will make some activities more time-consuming and costly. In addition, our management and other personnel will need to divert attention from operational and other business matters to devote substantial time to these public company requirements. We will also need to hire additional accounting and financial staff with appropriate public company experience and technical accounting knowledge and will need to establish an internal audit function. We also expect that operating as a public company will make it more expensive for us to obtain director and officer liability insurance, and we may be required to accept reduced coverage or incur substantially higher costs to obtain coverage. This could also make it more difficult for us to attract and retain qualified people to serve on our board of directors, our board committees or as executive officers. In addition, after we no longer qualify as an “emerging growth company,” as defined under the JOBS Act we expect to incur additional management time and cost to comply with the more stringent reporting requirements applicable to companies that are deemed accelerated filers or large accelerated filers, including complying with the auditor attestation requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. We are just beginning the process of compiling the system and processing documentation needed to comply with such requirements. We may not be able to complete our evaluation, testing and any required remediation in a timely fashion. In that regard, we currently do not have an internal audit function, and we will need to hire or contract additional accounting and financial staff with appropriate public company experience and technical accounting knowledge.


We cannot predict or estimate the amount of additional costs we may incur as a result of becoming a public company or the timing of such costs.


We are an “emerging growth company,” and we cannot be certain if the reduced reporting and disclosure requirements applicable to emerging growth companies will make our common stock less attractive to investors.


We are an “emerging growth company,” as defined in the JOBS Act, and we may take advantage of certain exemptions from reporting requirements that are applicable to other public companies that are not “emerging growth companies,” including the auditor attestation requirements of Section 404, reduced disclosure obligations regarding executive compensation in our periodic reports and proxy statements, and exemptions from the requirements of holding a non-binding advisory vote on executive compensation and stockholder approval of any golden parachute payments not previously approved. Pursuant to Section 107 of the JOBS Act, as an emerging growth company, we have elected to use the extended transition period for complying with new or revised accounting standards until those standards would otherwise apply to private companies. As a result, our financial statements may not be comparable to the financial statements of issuers who are required to comply with the effective dates for new or revised accounting standards that are applicable to public companies, which may make our common stock less attractive to investors. In addition, if we cease to be an emerging growth company, we will no longer be able to use the extended transition period for complying with new or revised accounting standards.


We will remain an emerging growth company until the earliest of: (1) the last day of the fiscal year following the fifth anniversary of our listing; (2) the last day of the first fiscal year in which our annual gross revenues exceed $1.235 billion; (3) the date on which we have, during the previous rolling three-year period, issued more than $1 billion in non-convertible debt securities; and (4) the date on which we are deemed to be a “large accelerated filer” under the rules of the SEC.


We cannot predict if investors will find our common stock less attractive if we choose to rely on these exemptions. For example, if we do not adopt a new or revised accounting standard, our future results of operations may not be comparable to the results of operations of certain other companies in our industry that adopted such standards. If some investors find our common stock less attractive as a result, there may be a less active trading market for our common stock, and our stock price may be more volatile.




If our estimates or judgments relating to our critical accounting policies prove to be incorrect, our results of operations could be adversely affected.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in our financial statements and accompanying notes appearing elsewhere in this prospectus. We base our estimates on short duration historical experience and on various other assumptions that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances, as provided in the section titled “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations—Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates.” The results of these estimates form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets, liabilities, and equity, and the amount of revenue and expenses. Significant estimates and judgments involve: legal contingencies; valuation of our common stock and equity awards; and income taxes. Our results of operations may be adversely affected if our assumptions change or if actual circumstances differ from those in our assumptions, which could cause our results of operations to fall below the expectations of securities analysts and investors, resulting in a decline in the market price of our common stock.


Our current insurance coverage may not be adequate, and we may not be able to obtain insurance at acceptable rates, or at all.


We currently have director & officer liability insurance for our officers and certain directors. We do not carry any key-man life insurance, business liability and other professional liability insurance. Neither have we purchased any property insurance or business interruption insurance. Even if we purchase these kinds of insurance, the insurance may not fully protect us from the financial impact of defending against product liability or professional liability claims that may occur in future. As we are still at the development stage and we have not produced any products yet, we have determined that our current insurance coverage is sufficient for our business operations in the U.S. However, the local government may take an opposite position against us and we may need to purchase additional insurance to operate our business. If we fail to obtain the insurance as required by the local government, or if we were to incur substantial losses or liabilities due to fire, explosions, floods, other natural disasters or accidents or business interruption, our business and results of operations could be materially and adversely affected.


Our business is subject to the risks of earthquakes, fire, floods and other natural catastrophic events, global pandemics, and interruptions by man-made problems, such as network security breaches, computer viruses or terrorism. Material disruptions of our business or information system resulting from these events could adversely affect our operating results.


We are vulnerable to damage from catastrophic events, such as natural disasters, power loss, and similar unforeseen events beyond our control. The global pandemics or fear of spread of contagious diseases, such as COVID-19, Ebola virus disease (EVD), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), H1N1 flu, H7N9 flu, and avian flu, as well the catastrophic events could disrupt our business operations, reduce or restrict our supply of products and services, incur significant costs to protect our employees and facilities, or result in regional or global economic distress, which may materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations. Actual or threatened war, terrorist activities, political unrest, civil strife, and other geopolitical uncertainty could have a similar adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and results of operations. Any one or more of these events may adversely affect our operation results, or even for a prolonged period of time, which could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations.


We cannot assure you that we are adequately protected from the effects of earthquakes, fire, floods, typhoons, earthquakes, global pandemics, power loss, telecommunications failures, break-ins, war, riots, network security breaches, computer viruses terrorist attacks, or similar events. Any of the foregoing events may give rise to interruptions, damage to our property, delays in production, breakdowns, system failures, technology platform failures, or internet failures, which could cause the loss or corruption of data or malfunctions of our internet system as well as adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations.


If a natural disaster, power outage or other event occurred that prevented us from using all or a significant portion of our headquarters, damaged critical infrastructure, or otherwise disrupted operations, it may be difficult or, in certain cases, impossible for us to continue our business for a substantial period of time. The disaster recovery and business continuity plans we have in place are unlikely to provide adequate protection in the event of a serious disaster or similar event. We may incur substantial expenses as a result of the limited nature of our disaster recovery and business continuity plans, which could have a material adverse effect on our business.


Risks Related to Our Securities and this Offering


The trading market for our common stock is very new, and consistently robust and liquid trading market may not develop or be sustained over the long term.


We only recently conducted our initial public offering in May 2024, and so the trading market for our common stock is very new and unestablished. If a consistently robust and liquid trading market for our common stock does not develop, you may not be able to sell your shares quickly or at the market price. Our ability to raise capital to continue to fund operations by selling our securities and our ability to acquire other companies or technologies by using our securities as consideration may also be impaired.




The trading price of our common stock has been and may continue to be volatile, and you could lose all or part of your investment.


Since our initial public offering, the market for our common stock has been volatile, including significant increases and decreases in the price of our stock. The trading price of our common stock is likely to continue to be volatile and could continue to be subject to fluctuations in response to various factors, some of which are beyond our control. These fluctuations could cause you to lose all or part of your investment in our common stock as you might be unable to sell your shares at or above the price you paid in this offering. Factors that could cause fluctuations in the trading price of our common stock include the following:


  price and volume fluctuations in the overall stock market from time to time;
  volatility in the trading prices and trading volumes of transportation stocks;
  changes in operating performance and stock market valuations of other transportation companies generally, or those in our industry in particular;
  sales of shares of our common stock by us or our stockholders;
  failure of securities analysts to maintain coverage of us, changes in financial estimates by securities analysts who follow our company, or our failure to meet these estimates or the expectations of investors;
  the financial projections we may provide to the public, any changes in those projections, or our failure to meet those projections;
  announcements by us or our competitors of new products, features, or services;
  the public’s reaction to our press releases, other public announcements and filings with the SEC;
  rumors and market speculation involving us or other companies in our industry;
  actual or anticipated changes in our results of operations or fluctuations in our results of operations;
  actual or anticipated developments in our business, our competitors’ businesses or the competitive landscape generally;
  litigation involving us, our industry, or both, or investigations by regulators into our operations or those of our competitors;
  developments or disputes concerning our intellectual property or other proprietary rights;
  announced or completed acquisitions of businesses, products, services or technologies by us or our competitors;
  new laws or regulations or new interpretations of existing laws or regulations applicable to our business;
  changes in accounting standards, policies, guidelines, interpretations or principles;
  any significant change in our management; and
  general economic conditions and slow or negative growth of our markets.


Notwithstanding the foregoing potential causes of volatility, you are cautioned that specific causes volatility are never perfectly clear. Moreover, our relatively small public float may amplify the impact the actions taken by a few stockholders have on the price of our common stock, which may cause the price of our common stock to deviate, potentially significantly, from a price that better reflects the underlying performance of our business.


Also, in recent years, the stock markets generally have experienced extreme price and volume fluctuations that have often been unrelated or disproportionate to the operating performance of listed companies. Broad market and industry factors may significantly affect the market price of our common stock, regardless of our actual operating performance. These fluctuations may be even more pronounced in the trading market for our common stock shortly following this offering. Volatility in our common stock could lead to the loss of some or all of your investment.


In addition, in the past, following periods of volatility in the overall market and in the market price of a particular company’s securities, securities class action litigation has often been instituted against these companies. This litigation, if instituted against us, could result in substantial costs and a diversion of our management’s attention and resources.




There is no public market for the Warrants being offered in this offering, so an investment in the Warrants should be considered illiquid.


There is no established trading market for the Warrants being offered in this offering and we do not expect a market to develop. In addition, we do not intend and are not obligated to apply to list the Warrants on any national securities exchange or other nationally recognized trading system, including The Nasdaq Capital Market. Without an active trading market, the liquidity of the Warrants will be very limited.


If securities or industry analysts do not publish research or publish inaccurate or unfavorable research about our business, our stock price and trading volume could decline.


The trading market for our common stock will depend in part on the research and reports that securities or industry analysts publish about us or our business. If only a limited number of securities or industry analysts commence coverage of our company, the trading price for our stock could be negatively impacted. If one or more of the analysts who covers us downgrades our stock or publishes inaccurate or unfavorable research about our business, our stock price would likely decline. If one or more of these analysts ceases coverage of us or fails to publish reports on us regularly, demand for our stock could decrease, which could cause our stock price and trading volume to decline.


Future sales of our common stock or securities convertible into our common stock may depress our stock price.


Sales of a substantial number of shares of our common stock or securities convertible into our common stock (such as the Warrants issued in this offering) in the public market after the completion of this offering, or the perception that these sales could occur, could adversely affect the market price of our common stock and could materially impair our ability to raise capital through equity offerings in the future.


The common stock sold in this offering will be freely tradable without restriction or further registration under the Securities Act, and shares held by our existing stockholders may also be sold in the public market in the future subject to the restrictions in Rule 144 under the Securities Act and the applicable lock-up agreements and leak-out agreements. Following the consummation of this offering, there will be 33,320,955 shares of common stock outstanding immediately after this offering assuming full exercise of the over-allotment option for this offering, and 33,003,309 shares of common stock assuming no exercise of the over-allotment option. No lock-up agreements will be required in connection with this offering. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in connection with our initial public offering, we and each of our directors and officers named in the section “Management,” and our existing stockholders holding five percent (5%) or more of our common stock prior to this offering have agreed not to sell shares of common stock for a period of six (6) months from the date of the closing of our initial public offering without the prior written consent of the representative of the underwriters, subject to customary exceptions. In addition, each existing stockholder of our company who holds less than five percent (5%) of our common stock prior to our initial public offering is subject to leak-out agreement restricting sales of certain percentages of their common stock during a period ranging from 30 days to 150 days following the closing of our initial public offering. The representative of the underwriters may release these securities from lock-up restrictions at any time, subject to applicable regulations of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (or FINRA). We cannot predict what effect, if any, market sales of securities held by our significant stockholders or any other stockholders or the availability of these securities for future sale will have on the market price of our common stock. See “Underwriting” and “Shares Eligible for Future Sale” for a more detailed description of the restrictions on selling our securities after this offering.




Our failure to meet the continued listing requirements of Nasdaq could result in a delisting of our common stock.


We cannot assure you that our securities will continue to be listed on Nasdaq even if our securities are listed on Nasdaq. Following this offering, in order to maintain our listing on Nasdaq, we will be required to comply with certain Nasdaq continuing listing rules, including those regarding minimum stockholders’ equity, minimum share price, minimum market value of publicly held shares, corporate governance and various additional requirements. If we are unable to satisfy Nasdaq criteria for maintaining our listing, our securities could be subject to delisting. Such a delisting would likely have a negative effect on the price of our common stock and would impair your ability to sell or purchase our common stock when you wish to do so. In the event of a delisting, we can provide no assurance that any action taken by us to restore compliance with continuing listing requirements would allow our common stock to become listed again, stabilize the market price or improve the liquidity of our common stock, prevent our common stock from dropping below the Nasdaq minimum bid price requirement or prevent future non-compliance with Nasdaq’s listing requirements.


Our management will have broad discretion in how we use the net proceeds of this offering and might not use them effectively.


Our management will have considerable discretion over the use of proceeds from this offering. We currently intend to use the net proceeds from this offering for (i) research and development of our products and technologies, including the microreactors, nuclear fuel facilities, and nuclear fuel transportation design optimization, test work and scoping studies; (ii) marketing, promotion and business development activities; and (iii) regulatory compliance, intellectual property protection, hiring additional employees, retaining additional contractors and building out our facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. You will not have the opportunity, as part of your investment decision, to assess whether the proceeds are being used in a manner which you may consider most appropriate. Our management might spend a portion or all of the net proceeds from this offering in ways that our stockholders do not desire or that do not necessarily improve our operating results or enhance the value of our common stock. The failure of our management to apply these proceeds effectively could, among other things, result in unfavorable returns and uncertainty about our prospects, each of which could cause the price of our common stock to decline.


You will experience immediate and substantial dilution as a result of this offering and may experience additional dilution in the future.


You will incur immediate and substantial dilution as a result of this offering. After giving effect to the sale by us of 2,117,646 Units in this offering at a public offering price of $17.00 per Unit, and after deducting underwriting discounts and estimated offering expenses payable by us, investors in this offering can expect an immediate dilution of $14.99 per share at the public offering price. Additionally, to the extent that outstanding warrants, or options we will grant to our officers, directors and employees, are ultimately exercised, you will sustain future dilution. We may also acquire new businesses or finance strategic alliances by issuing equity, which may result in additional dilution to our stockholders. Following the completion of this offering, our board of directors has the authority, within any limitations prescribed by relevant laws and our charter documents, to issue all or any part of our authorized but unissued shares of common stock, including shares issuable upon the exercise of options, or shares of our authorized but unissued preferred stock. Issuances of common stock or voting preferred stock would reduce your influence over matters on which our stockholders vote and, in the case of issuances of preferred stock, would likely result in your interest in us being subject to the prior rights of holders of that preferred stock. See the section entitled “Dilution.”


An investment in our company may involve tax implications, and you are encouraged to consult your own advisors as neither we nor any related party is offering any tax assurances or guidance regarding our company or your investment.


An investment in our company generally involves complex federal, state and local income tax considerations. Neither the Internal Revenue Service nor any State or local taxing authority has reviewed the transactions described herein and may take different positions than the ones contemplated by management. You are strongly urged to consult your own tax and other advisors prior to investing, as neither we nor any of our officers, directors or related parties is offering you tax or similar advice, nor are any such persons making any representations and warrants regarding such matters.




Unanticipated changes in effective tax rates or adverse outcomes resulting from examination of our income or other tax returns could adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.


We will be subject to income taxes in the United States, and our domestic tax liabilities will be subject to the allocation of expenses in differing jurisdictions. Our future effective tax rates could be subject to volatility or adversely affected by a number of factors, including:


  changes in the valuation of our deferred tax assets and liabilities;
  expected timing and amount of the release of any tax valuation allowances;
  tax effects of stock-based compensation;
  costs related to intercompany restructurings; or
  changes in tax laws, regulations or interpretations thereof.


In addition, we may be subject to audits of our income, sales and other transaction taxes by federal, state and local authorities. Outcomes from these audits could have an adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.


Anti-takeover provisions in Nevada law could discourage, delay or prevent a change in control of our company and may affect the trading price of our common stock.


Some of the provisions of Nevada law may have the effect of delaying, deferring or discouraging another person from acquiring control of our company or removing our incumbent officers and directors. These provisions are expected to discourage certain types of coercive takeover practices and inadequate takeover bids. These provisions are also designed to encourage persons seeking to acquire control of us to first negotiate with our board of directors. We believe that the benefits of increased protection against an unfriendly or unsolicited proposal to acquire or restructure us outweigh the disadvantages of discouraging such proposals.


We have never paid dividends on our capital stock, and we do not anticipate to pay dividends for the foreseeable future.


We have never declared or paid any cash dividends on our capital stock, and we do not anticipate paying any cash dividends in the foreseeable future. The payment of dividends, if any, in the future is within the discretion of our board of directors and will depend on our earnings, capital requirements and financial condition and other relevant facts. We currently intend to retain all future earnings, if any, to finance the development and growth of our business. Accordingly, you must rely on the sale of your common stock after price appreciation, which may never occur, as the only way to realize any future gain on your investment.


Our bylaws designate certain courts as the sole and exclusive forum for certain types of actions and proceedings that may be initiated by our stockholders, which could limit our stockholders’ ability to obtain a favorable judicial forum for disputes with us or our directors, officers, or employees.


Our bylaws provide that, unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, a state or federal court located in the State of Nevada shall be the sole and exclusive forum for (i) any derivative action or proceeding brought on behalf of our company, (ii) any action asserting a claim for breach of a fiduciary duty owed by any director, officer or other employee of our company to us or our stockholders, (iii) any actions asserting a claim arising pursuant to any provision of the NRS, our Articles of Incorporation or our amended and restated bylaws, in each case as amended, or (iv) any action asserting a claim governed by the internal affairs doctrine, in each such case subject to such court having personal jurisdiction over the indispensable parties named as defendants therein (the “Nevada Forum Provision”). This, however, shall not apply to claims or causes of action brought to enforce a duty or liability created by the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or any other claim for which the federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction. Our bylaws further provide that, unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the federal district courts of the United States of America shall be the sole and exclusive forum for resolving any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Federal Forum Provision”). In addition, our bylaws provide that any person or entity purchasing or otherwise acquiring any interest in shares of our common stock is deemed to have notice of and consented to the Nevada Forum Provision and the Federal Forum Provision.


Section 27 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, creates exclusive federal jurisdiction over all suits brought to enforce any duty or liability created by the Exchange Act or the rules and regulations thereunder. As a result, the Nevada Forum Provision will not apply to suits brought to enforce any duty or liability created by the Exchange Act or any other claim for which the federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction. We note, however, that there is uncertainty as to whether a court would enforce this provision and that investors cannot waive compliance with the federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder.


We recognize that the Nevada Forum Provision and the Federal Forum Provision in our bylaws may impose additional litigation costs on stockholders in pursuing any such claims, particularly if the stockholders do not reside in or near the State of Nevada. Additionally, the Nevada Forum Provision and the Federal Forum Provision may limit our stockholders’ ability to bring a claim in a forum that they find favorable for disputes with us or our directors, officers or employees, which may discourage such lawsuits against us and our directors, officers and employees even though an action, if successful, might benefit our stockholders. If the Federal Forum Provision is found to be unenforceable, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving such matters. The Federal Forum Provision may also impose additional litigation costs on stockholders who assert that the provision is not enforceable or invalid. The competent courts of the State of Nevada and the United States District Court may also reach different judgments or results than would other courts, including courts where a stockholder considering an action may be located or would otherwise choose to bring the action, and such judgments may be more or less favorable to us than our stockholders.






The information in this prospectus contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements contained in this prospectus other than statements of historical fact, including statements regarding our future operating results and financial position, our business strategy and plans, market growth, and our objectives for future operations, are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.


You can identify some of these forward-looking statements by words or phrases such as “may,” “will,” “could,” “would,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “aim,” “estimate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “is/are likely to,” “potential,” “project,” “target,” “continue” or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. The forward-looking statements in this prospectus are only predictions and are based largely on our current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that we reasonably believe may affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations. Although we believe the expectations reflected in any of our forward-looking statements are reasonable, actual results could differ materially from those projected or assumed in any of our forward-looking statements. Our future financial condition and results of operations, as well as any forward-looking statements, are subject to change and inherent risks and uncertainties.


These forward-looking statements present our estimates and assumptions only as of the date of this prospectus and are subject to many significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Accordingly, you are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the dates on which they are made. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, those summarized below:


  Our ability to design, develop, manufacture and sell our proposed micro nuclear reactors and related technologies we have or may in the future acquire.


  Our ability to develop a domestic HALEU fuel processing facility to supply the next generation of advanced nuclear reactors.
  Our ability to produce a regulatorily licensed, high-capacity HALEU transportation package, capable of moving commercial quantities of HALEU fuel.
  Our ability to provide nuclear service support and consultation services for the expanding and resurgent nuclear energy industry, both domestically and internationally.
  Factors (including technological and governmental matters) that could cause our anticipated timing for completion of developing, regulatory licensing and commercialization of our products and technologies to be incorrect.
  Our ability to source, retain, and expand our technical and business staff to meet the demands of our expanding and diversifying business.
  Our ability to raise the substantial amount of additional funds that will be necessary for our business to succeed, which funds may not be available on acceptable terms or available at all.
  Assumptions relating to the size of the market for our micro nuclear reactors.
  Unanticipated regulations of nuclear energy that add barriers to our business and have a negative effect on our operations.
  Our estimates of expenses, future revenue, capital requirements and our needs for, or ability to obtain, additional financing.
  Our status of an early-stage pre-revenue company with a business model and marketing strategy still being developed and largely untested.
  Our ability to avoid a significant disruption in our information technology system, including security breaches, or our ability to implement new system and software successfully.
  Our ability to obtain and maintain intellectual property protection for our products.
  The other risks identified in this prospectus including, without limitation, those under “Risk Factors,” “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations,” and “Business” as such factors may be updated from time to time in our other filings with the SEC.


The foregoing does not represent an exhaustive list of matters that may be covered by the forward-looking statements contained herein or risk factors that we are faced with. Forward-looking statements necessarily involve risks and uncertainties, and our actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including those set forth above under “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in this prospectus. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to us or persons acting on our behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements contained above and throughout this prospectus. Prior to investing in our common stock, you should read this prospectus and the documents we have filed as exhibits to the registration statement, of which this prospectus is a part, completely and with the understanding that our actual future results may be materially different from what we currently expect. Except as required by applicable law, we do not plan to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements contained herein, whether because of any new information, future events, changed circumstances or otherwise.






We estimate that we will receive net proceeds from this offering of approximately $32.6 million, after deducting estimated offering expenses payable by us, and based upon the public offering price of $17.00 per Unit (excluding any exercise of the over-allotment option for this offering).


We intend to use the net proceeds of this offering as follows:


  approximately $16.7 million, or 51% of the net proceeds from this offering for the research and development of our products and technology, including microreactor and nuclear fuel transportation design optimization, fuel facility investigations and development, test work and scoping studies, and our work with LIST;
  approximately $3.7 million, or 11% of the net proceeds from this offering for marketing and promotion, and business development activities; and
  approximately $12.2 million, or 38% of the net proceeds from this offering for working capital and other general corporate purposes, including regulatory compliance, intellectual property protection, hiring additional employees, retaining additional contractors and building out our facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.


We may change the amount of net proceeds to be used specifically for any of the foregoing purposes. The amounts and timing of our actual expenditures will depend upon numerous factors. We may also use a portion of the net proceeds to acquire, license and invest in complementary products, technologies, or additional businesses; however, we currently have no agreements or commitments with respect to any such transaction.


The foregoing represents our current intentions based upon our present plans and business conditions to allocate and use the net proceeds of this offering. However, the nature, amounts and timing of our actual expenditures may vary significantly depending on numerous factors. As a result, our management has and will retain broad discretion over the allocation of the net proceeds from this offering. We may find it necessary or advisable to use the net proceeds from this offering for other purposes, and we will have broad discretion in the application of net proceeds from this offering. If an unforeseen event occurs or business conditions change, we may use the proceeds of this offering differently than as described in this prospectus. Pending our use of the net proceeds from this offering, we intend to invest the net proceeds in a variety of capital preservation investments, including short-term, investment-grade, interest-bearing instruments, and U.S. government securities.


Moreover, given our limited operating history, early stage of business and a new and unproven technology model, it is difficult to evaluate our business prospects and actual expenditures in the future. Further, our business plan will be very costly, far more costly than the net proceeds we will receive from this offering. To develop and implement our business as currently planned, we will need to raise substantial amounts of additional capital and we intend to raise such additional capital through public or private offerings of equity or equity-linked securities, traditional loans, commercial collaborations such as licenses or joint ventures and, if available or desirable, government funding, including grants. No assurances can be given that we will be able to raise additional capital when needed, and our inability to raise additional capital could lead to the failure of our company.




We have never declared or paid any cash dividends on our capital stock, and we do not anticipate paying any cash dividends in the foreseeable future. The payment of dividends, if any, in the future is within the discretion of our board of directors and will depend on our earnings, capital requirements and financial condition and other relevant facts. We currently intend to retain all future earnings, if any, to finance the development and growth of our business.




Market Information


Our common stock began trading on Nasdaq under the symbol “NNE” on May 8, 2024. The Units have no stand-alone rights and will not be certificated or issued as stand-alone securities. The shares of common stock and the Warrants underlying the Units are immediately separable and will be issued separately in this offering. We do not intend to apply for listing of the Warrants on any national securities exchange or other trading market, and we do not believe any such market will develop. Therefore, the liquidity of the Warrants will be limited and should be considered illiquid.


Holders of Record


As of October 16, 2024, we had approximately 126 stockholders of record. In addition, we believe that a significant number of beneficial owners of our common stock hold their shares in street name.






The following table sets forth our cash and equivalents and capitalization as of June 30, 2024:


  on an actual basis;
  on a pro forma basis to give effect to (i) our July 2024 firm commitment offering (the “Follow-on Offering”) with issuance of 900,000 units, consisting of 900,000 shares of common stock and 900,000 warrants to purchase up to 450,000 shares of common stock (the “Follow-on Warrants”) which took place on July 15, 2024 and the underwriter’s exercise of the full option (“Follow-on Over-allotment Option”) to purchase an additional 135,000 units, consisting of 135,000 shares of common stock (the “Follow-on Over-allotment Shares”) and 135,000 warrants to purchase 67,500 shares of common stock (the “Follow-on Over-allotment Warrants”) which took place on July 16, 2024, less underwriting discounts and other expenses, (ii) the exercise of 127,550 Follow-on Warrants to purchase 63,775 common stock at an exercise price of $20.00 per share, (iii) the exercise of 763,000 stock options to purchase 763,000 common stock at a weighted average exercise price of $1.93, (iv) the issuance of 20,000 shares of common stock pursuant to consulting agreements, (v) the purchase of a 14,000 sq. ft., 2-story building on 1.64 acres in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, (vi) an equity investment of $2,000,000 into LIST; and
  on a pro forma as adjusted basis to give effect to: (i) our issuance and sale of 2,117,646 Units in this offering at the public offering price of $17.00 per Unit and (ii) the deduction of approximately $2,500,000 of underwriting discounts, $460,000 of estimated offering expenses and $360,000 of estimated non-accountable expense allowance payable by us.


You should read this table together with “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and our audited financial statements and related notes and unaudited interim condensed financial statements and related notes thereto included elsewhere in this prospectus.


    As of June 30, 2024  
    Actual     Pro Forma    

Pro Forma

As Adjusted

Cash and cash equivalents   $ 13,789,532     $ 31,470,532     $ 64,130,515  
Total liabilities     3,424,402       3,424,402       3,424,402  
Stockholders’ Equity:                        
Preferred stock, 25,000,000 shares authorized, $0.0001 par value, no shares issued or outstanding, actual, pro forma or pro forma as adjusted                  
Common stock, $0.0001 par value, 275,000,000 shares authorized, 29,003,888, 30,885,663, 33,003,309 shares issued and outstanding, actual, pro forma and pro forma, as adjusted, respectively     2,900       3,088       3,300  
Additional paid-in capital     27,942,461       49,501,073       82,160,844  
Accumulated deficit     (14,942,045 )     (15,109,845 )     (15,109,845 )
Total stockholders’ equity     13,003,316       34,394,316       67,054,299  
Total capitalization   $ 16,427,718     $ 37,818,718     $ 70,478,701  


The number of shares of our common stock to be outstanding upon completion of this offering will be 33,003,309 shares assuming no exercise of the over-allotment for this offering, which is based on 30,885,663 shares of our common stock outstanding as of October 16, 2024, and excludes, as of the date of this prospectus:


  1,058,823 shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of the Warrants;
  105,882 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of the Underwriter’s Warrant at an exercise price of 125% of estimated offering price ;
  63,000 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of a warrant issued to the representative of the underwriters in our July 2024 offering at an exercise price per share of $25.00;
  179,375 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of a warrant issued to the representative of the underwriters in our May 2024 initial public offering at an exercise price per share of $5.00;
  453,725 shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of outstanding common stock purchase warrants issued to investors in our July 2024 offering with an exercise price per share of $20.00;
  3,819,883 shares of our common stock reserved under our 2023 Stock Option Plan #1, with a fixed exercise price of $1.50 per share;
  2,015,226 shares of our common stock reserved under our 2023 Stock Option Plan #2, with a fixed exercise price of $3.00 per share; and
  385,000 shares of our common stock underlying options which are not governed by either our 2023 Stock Option Plan #1 or our Stock Option Plan #2, with a fixed exercise price of $3.00 per share.






If you purchase the Units in this offering, your interest will be diluted immediately to the extent of the difference between the public offering price of $17.00 per Unit and the pro forma as adjusted net tangible book value per share of our common stock immediately upon the consummation of this offering. Net tangible book value per share of common stock is determined by dividing our total tangible assets less total liabilities by the number of outstanding shares of our common stock. As of June 30, 2024, we had a historical net tangible book value of $12,237,893, or $0.42 per share of common stock. Our historical net tangible book value per share represented total tangible assets less total liabilities, divided by 29,003,888 shares of our common stock outstanding as of June 30, 2024.


Our pro forma net tangible book value as of June 30, 2024 was $33,628,893, or $1.09 per share of our common stock based on 30,885,663 shares of our common stock outstanding as of October 16, 2024. Pro forma net tangible book value represents the amount of our historical total tangible assets less our total liabilities, after giving effect to (i) our July 2024 firm commitment offering (the “Follow-on Offering”) with issuance of 900,000 units, consisting of 900,000 shares of common stock and 900,000 warrants to purchase up to 450,000 shares of common stock (the “Follow-on Warrants”) which took place on July 15, 2024 and the underwriter’s exercise of the full option (“Follow-on Over-allotment Option”) to purchase an additional 135,000 units, consisting of 135,000 shares of common stock (the “Follow-on Over-allotment Shares”) and 135,000 warrants to purchase 67,500 shares of common stock (the “Follow-on Over-allotment Warrants”) which took place on July 16, 2024, less underwriting discounts and other expenses, (ii) the exercise of 127,550 Follow-on Warrants to purchase 63,775 common stock at an exercise price of $20.00 per share, (iii) the exercise of 763,000 stock options to purchase 763,000 common stock at a weighted average exercise price of $1.93, (iv) the issuance of 20,000 shares of common stock pursuant to consulting agreements, (v) the purchase of a 14,000 sq. ft., 2-story building on 1.64 acres in Oak Ridge Tennessee, (vi) an equity investment of $2,000,000 into LIST.


After giving further effect to our sale of 2,117,646 Units in this offering at the public offering price of $17.00 per Unit, and after deducting underwriters’ discounts and estimated offering expenses, upon the completion of this offering, our pro forma as adjusted net tangible book value as of June 30, 2024 would have been $66.3 million, or $2.01 per share of common stock. This represents an immediate increase in net tangible book value of $0.92 per share of common stock to existing stockholders and an immediate dilution in net tangible book value of $14.99 per share to new investors of shares in this offering. We determine dilution by subtracting the as pro forma adjusted net tangible book value per share after this offering from the amount of cash that a new investor paid for a share of common stock in this offering.


The following table illustrates this dilution on a per share of common stock basis assuming the representative of underwriters does not exercise its option to purchase additional shares of common stock and/or the Warrants.










Public offering price per Unit   $ 17.00     $ 17.00  
Historical net tangible book value (deficit) per share as of June 30, 2024   $ 0.42     $ 0.42  
Increase in historical net tangible book value (deficit) per share   $ 0.67     $ 0.67  
Pro forma net tangible book value (deficit) per share, as of June 30, 2024, before giving effect to this offering   $ 1.09     $ 1.09  
Increase in pro forma net tangible book value (deficit) per share attributable to new investors in this offering   $ 0.92     $ 1.05  
Pro forma as adjusted net tangible book value per share after giving effect to the offering   $ 2.01     $ 2.14  
Dilution per share to new investors in the offering   $ 14.99     $ 14.86  




If the over-allotment option is exercised in full to purchase 2,435,292 shares of common stock in this offering at the public offering price of $17.00 per Unit, the pro forma as adjusted net tangible book value per share after this offering would be $2.14 per share of common stock, the increase in the pro forma as adjusted net tangible book value per share would be $1.05 per share of common stock and the dilution to new investors purchasing securities in this offering would be $14.86 per share of common stock.


The following charts illustrate our pro forma proportionate ownership, upon completion of this offering by present stockholders and investors in this offering, compared to the relative amounts paid by each. The charts reflect payment by present stockholders as of the date the consideration was received and by investors in this offering at the public offering price. The charts further assume no changes in net tangible book value other than those resulting from the offering. The information set forth in the table below is illustrative only and will be adjusted based on the actual public offering price and other terms of this offering as determined at pricing.


    Units Purchased     Total Consideration     Average Price  







Per Unit


Existing stockholders     30,885,663       94 %     46,470,806       56 %   $ 1.50  
New investors     2,117,646       6 %     35,999,982       44 %   $ 17.00  
Total     33,003,309       100 %     82,470,788       100 %   $ 2.50  


The table above assumes no exercise of the over-allotment option to purchase 2,117,646 shares of common stock and/or additional Warrants to purchase up to 1,058,823 shares of common stock in this offering.


The number of shares of our common stock to be outstanding upon completion of this offering will be 33,003,309 shares assuming no exercise of the over-allotment option for this offering, which is based on 30,885,663 shares of our common stock outstanding as of October 16, 2024, and excludes, as of the date of this prospectus:


  1,058,823 shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of the Warrants;
  105,882 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of the Underwriter’s Warrant at an exercise price of 125% of estimated offering price;

63,000 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of a warrant issued to the representative of the underwriters in our July 2024 offering at an exercise price per share of $25.00;



179,375 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of a warrant issued to the representative of the underwriters in our May 2024 initial public offering at an exercise price per share of $5.00;


  453,725 shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of outstanding common stock purchase warrants issued to investors in our July 2024 offering with an exercise price per share of $20.00;
  3,819,883 shares of our common stock reserved under our 2023 Stock Option Plan #1, with a fixed exercise price of $1.50 per share;
  2,015,226 shares of our common stock reserved under our 2023 Stock Option Plan #2, with a fixed exercise price of $3.00 per share; and
  385,000 shares of our common stock underlying options which are not governed by either our 2023 Stock Option Plan #1 or our Stock Option Plan #2, with a fixed exercise price of $3.00 per share.







You should read the following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations together with the section titled “Summary of Consolidated Financial Information” and our audited financial statements and related notes, each included elsewhere in this prospectus. Data as of and for the year ended September 30, 2023 and for the period from February 8, 2022 (inception) to September 30, 2022 has been derived from our audited consolidated financial statements appearing at the end of this prospectus. Data as of and for the nine months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 has been derived from our unaudited consolidated financial statements appearing at the end of this prospectus. This discussion and other parts of this prospectus contain forward-looking statements, such as those relating to our plans, objectives, expectations, intentions, and beliefs, which involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Our actual results could differ materially from those discussed in these forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, those identified below and those discussed in the sections titled “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” and “Risk Factors” included elsewhere in this prospectus.




We are an early-stage nuclear energy company developing smaller, cheaper, and safer advanced portable clean energy solutions, utilizing proprietary reactor designs, intellectual property and research methods, to develop technology and products that work towards a sustainable future. Led by a world class scientific and management team, we envision a business with comprehensive engagement within almost every sector of the nuclear power industry, from sourcing raw materials, to fuel processing, and finally the deployment of our cutting edge microreactors. Our dedication extends further, to also develop into areas such as fuel transportation and nuclear service support and consulting services.


Currently, we are in the pre-revenue stage and are principally focused on four business lines as part of our development strategy, including our micro nuclear reactor business, our nuclear fuel processing   business, our nuclear fuel transportation business, and our nuclear consultation services business.


Our mission is to become a commercially focused, diversified and vertically integrated technology-driven nuclear energy company that will capture market share in the very large and growing nuclear energy sector. To implement our plans, since our founding in 2022, our management has secured certain connections within key U.S. government agencies, including the DOE, the Idaho National Laboratory (“INL”) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (“ORNL”), each of which are a part of the DOE’s national nuclear laboratory system. Our company also maintains important collaborations with leading researchers from the Cambridge Nuclear Energy Centre and The University of California, Berkeley.


In light of approximately $30 million in net proceeds we generated from our May 2024 initial public offering and our July 2024 underwritten follow-on offering, over the next twelve months, we will continue to progress our development of two advanced nuclear microreactors, ZEUS and ODIN, acquire land and begin design work for fuel processing facilities, and further develop our high capacity HALEU fuel transportation basket design (to which we have an exclusive patent license) to accommodate other fuel forms, with estimated expenditures to be approximately $9 million. This allocation comprises approximately $4 million dedicated to the research and development of products and technology, with a specific focus on the refinement of microreactor technology and fuel processing. The remaining $5 million is earmarked for miscellaneous costs essential to propelling the progress of our microreactors, encompassing the support of current personnel engaged in executive, finance, accounting, and other administrative functions.


We estimate that our microreactor demonstration work and prototype will be conducted and built between 2024 and 2027, and our microreactor licensing application will be made and processed between 2026 and 2031. We anticipate that our microreactors will be launched around 2031, unless the Advance Act succeeds to reduce the licensing time. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there is no assurance that we can meet successfully above-mentioned timelines. We also plan on providing nuclear service support and consultation services for the expanding and resurgent nuclear energy industry, both domestically and internationally. If we are unable to acquire such a business by the end of 2024, we will then focus on building our own internal nuclear consultation business in coordination with certain outside academic institutions, which we anticipate would require approximately an additional $1 million over the next twelve months to recruit additional staff and build corresponding infrastructure to be capable of providing these services.




Notwithstanding the foregoing, the outlined expenditures and the anticipated timelines for execution of our plans discussed above and throughout this Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations are estimations only. These are inherently subject to change due to certain factors, including adjustments in the microreactor development plan and uncertainties associated with the governmental licensing approval process. Given that these elements may exceed our initial expectations or lie beyond our control, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the actual expenditures and timelines.


As of the date of this prospectus, we have not generated any revenues. We have incurred accumulated net losses of $14,942,045 since inception through June 30, 2024.


Factors and Trends Affecting Our Business and Results of Operations


Our Ability to Develop Our Microreactors


In 2022, we began designing our two next-generation advanced nuclear microreactors, ZEUS and ODIN. ZEUS, is a solid core battery reactor, and ODIN, is a low-pressure salt coolant reactor. We aim to complete the detailed design for these reactors in under a two-year timeframe, progress through demonstration and physical test work, and initiate the licensing, certification, and development processes required to build a licensed prototype. Our goal is to commercially launch one of these microreactors in the early 2030s. The success of this endeavor will be dependent on our ability to effectively utilize our relationship with the national laboratories and DOE to advance our microreactor designs through demonstration work and take advantage of the large capabilities offered by the existing national nuclear sites. We have conducted and completed a design audit on the ODIN reactor to provide assistance with design considerations. Additionally, the design audit for the ZEUS reactor was conducted and completed by INL in February 2024. The report was finalized and issued by INL, summarizing their findings for Nano to facilitate the development of the reactor. The technical reactor audit provides an external and neutral perspective to assist the advancement of the concepts and to validate the microreactors’ direction and technology.


Design and Construction of Fuel Processing Facility


We have identified a land package that is suitable for the design, construction and commissioning of our own commercial nuclear High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (“HALEU”) fuel processing facility to supply fuel to our own reactors currently under development, to the U.S. nuclear industry, the U.S. national laboratories, and to supply the DOE’s nuclear fuel needs if necessary. We hope to site our fuel processing facility near a national nuclear laboratory around 2028. We anticipate procuring unfabricated HALEU from a domestic U.S. company and we have signed a memorandum of understanding with Centrus Energy Corp. (NYSE American: LEU) (“Centrus”) to begin HALEU fuel sourcing discussions.


Development of Fuel Transportation Business


We intend to produce a regulatorily licensed, high-capacity HALEU transportation system, capable of moving commercial quantities of HALEU fuel around North America. We hope to have our fuel transportation business in operation by 2028. We received an exclusive license for a high capacity HALEU fuel transportation basket design in April 2024, which will form the basis of a complete transportation system to move a range of fuel types. This license grants us, as the licensee, exclusive rights for use and development of the technology. In addition, the licensor is not permitted to license the technology to any other parties within the specified scope. This technology enables us to transport fuel enriched by Centrus (the only company licensed to enrich to 19.75% U235 in the U.S), deconvert HALEU fuel, and fabricate HALEU fuel. We are seeking to form the first transportation company capable of supplying all emerging SMR and microreactor companies with the fuel they require at their manufacturing facilities to construct their reactors. We also expect to service the national nuclear laboratories and DOE programs which require HALEU by providing the fuel for their programs. Mobile reactors requiring HALEU for remote military bases are also anticipated, with potential military contacts. Our fuel transportation business will build on the work already completed and authorized by the INL and ORNL to create a high-capacity HALEU transportation package, with 18 inner canisters, combined with a basket design and a borated aluminum flux trap. We have also received private funding and support from the former executives of the largest shipping company in the world. These executives are aware of our transportation plans and have agreed to assist us in developing a HALEU transportation company to create the first vertically integrated HALEU commercial quantity delivery service in North America.




Our Business Services and Consulting Business


We have identified an opportunity for more immediate revenue for our company by acquiring more expertise to advance our businesses and deploying those personnel as part of a consulting and services business. We have already identified several nuclear business services and consultancy providers, which have been assessed as potentially suitable for acquisition by our company. We have concentrated on identifying small teams with expert personnel, with good portfolios of work and existing contracts, and good expansion potential, which would provide us with immediate revenue post-acquisition. We believe we are in a competitively advantageous position to expand these acquired businesses with the highly qualified teams it has built over the previous years. This expansion potential can be further complimented by the education programs we are assembling with the Cambridge Nuclear Energy Centre, part of the University of Cambridge, which will involve the sponsorship of MSc and PhD Nuclear programs to produce the next generation of qualified nuclear energy personnel. Part of our education sponsorship programs will involve providing work to the qualifying individuals after they have completed their programs, allowing for further expansion of the nuclear services we are able to offer clients. In furtherance of this effort, in early August 2024 we announced that we have joined the University of Cambridge Nuclear Industry Club to further our collaboration with Cambridge and our efforts to foster and recruit the next generation of nuclear researchers and engineers. With an expanded team we plan to retain with a portion of the proceeds from our 2024 public offerings, we will market our expertise and deploy consultants to both government and private industry nuclear projects. Consultants will be hired out for either hourly rates, or for contractual periods and weekly or monthly rates depending on the project type and scope. The acquisitions and their subsequent expansions will also provide in-house expertise, at greatly reduced costs, which we can utilize for our own research and development, streamlining our company while expanding our technical and human capital capacity.


By the end of 2024, we expect to start providing nuclear service support and consultation services for the nuclear energy industry, both domestically and internationally. This timeline is based on our plan to acquire a nuclear business services and consultancy provider. We have had preliminary discussions with some potential targets but are not presently a party to any definitive understandings or agreements. If we are unable to acquire such a business by the end of 2024, we will then focus on building our own internal nuclear consultation business in coordination with certain outside academic institutions, which we anticipate would require approximately $1 million over twelve months to recruit additional staff and build corresponding infrastructure to be capable of providing these services  . No assurances can be given that we will be able to successfully establish and grow our own consultation business, and our failure to do so would adversely affect our nearer term revenue prospects.


Regulatory Approvals


The regulatory licensing process for our microreactor prototypes is expected to be completed by 2030 or 2031, with manufacturing facilities being constructed during the licensing phase so we are ready to deploy microreactors across the country upon licensing approval. Initial NRC contact will involve early communication from us of the estimated company timelines, so that the regulator can secure the required number of personnel to successfully examine the microreactors. Our ability to successfully license and certify our microreactors will subsequently be dependent on working through the licensing process with the NRC and satisfying their examinations that the reactor is safe to deploy to customers, provided the agreed protocols are adhered to. Our ability to successfully design and construct our own commercial nuclear HALEU fuel processing facility will be dependent on obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals from the NRC to permit the commercial deployment of the microreactors. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (“NRC”) inspects the site construction at new fuel cycle facilities and only approves the facility’s capability to possess nuclear material after ensuring that the facility’s safety controls are robust and able to safely handle these materials. Fuel cycle facilities must comply with the regulatory requirements established by the NRC. The facility will need to acquire an NRC license containing site-specific requirements that the facility is required to comply with. Each license is unique and is specific to the nuclear material and hazards present at the fuel cycle facility. To obtain a license will involve a lot of communication between the NRC and our company. NRC safety oversight includes three important components: NRC inspection, the routine assessment of each licensee’s performance, and enforcement in the case that the regulatory requirements are not met. Our company has identified the potential site and will work with the NRC through the process established under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1970, which will begin when a federal agency develops a proposal to take a major federal action. We have engaged with the DOE and contacted the NRC to advance our fuel processing facility construction intentions. We began scoping studies and cost estimation work for our fuel processing facility in late 2023, with site identification and design team building beginning in 2024, coinciding with engaging experienced licensing and regulatory experts to plan the licensing strategy for developing the facilities. Initial site preparation and construction work is estimated to begin in 2025, with completion of construction and commissioning of a facility occurring nearer 2030.




Technology Acquisitions and Collaborations


During 2024, we have made announcements regarding our acquisition of a complementary nuclear pump technology (the ALIP technology) as well as non-binding memoranda of understanding with third party collaborators to explore the use of our microreactors in remote artificial intelligence datacenters and the use of artificial intelligence in modernizing the nuclear regulatory and licensing process. We expect that a material aspect of our business will involve continuing to develop, identify or seek to collaborate on, or acquire novel and beneficial technology for our company. Our inability to growth our company through such acquisition or collaborations could have a material adverse effect on our business.


Results of Operations


We are an early-stage company, and our historical results may not be indicative of our future results. Accordingly, the drivers of our future financial results, as well as the components of such results, may not be comparable to our historical or future results of operations.


Comparison of the Nine Months Ended June 30, 2024, and the Nine Months Ended June 30, 2023




We have not generated any revenue from our inception through June 30, 2024.




Research and Development Expense


Our R&D expenses represent costs incurred for designing and engineering products, including the costs of developing design tools. All research and development costs related to product development are expensed as incurred.


R&D expenses increased by $1,646,617, or 139%, to $2,830,367 for the nine months ended June 30, 2024, compared to $1,183,750 for the comparative period ended June 30, 2023, primarily due to our acquisition of the ALIP technology which was expensed during the nine months ended June 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended June 30, 2023. R&D expenses primarily reflect the internal and external personnel costs corresponding to the design and analysis of our microreactors as well as the costs to acquire technology and other assets from third parties. During the nine months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, $0 and $420,563, respectively, of our R&D expenses corresponded to equity-based compensation.


General and Administrative Expense


Our G&A expenses consist of compensation costs for personnel in executive, finance, accounting, and other administrative functions. G&A expenses also include legal fees, professional fees paid for accounting, auditing, consulting services, advertising costs, and insurance costs.


G&A expenses increased by $831,280, or 22%, to $4,553,512 for the nine months ended June 30, 2024, compared to $3,722,232 for the comparative period ended June 30, 2023, primarily due to additional office and staff costs to support our R&D activities during the nine months ended June 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended June 30, 2023. During the nine months ended June 30, 2024, G&A expenses primarily consisted of $1.7 million in personnel costs. During the period ended June 30, 2023, G&A primarily consisted of $2.4 million in personnel costs. During the nine months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, $152,457 and $1,693,451, respectively, of our G&A expenses corresponded to equity-based compensation.




Revaluation of contingent consideration


Revaluation of contingent consideration corresponds to equity based contingent consideration corresponding to the ALIP technology we acquired which is revalued at the end of each financial quarter based on the closing stock price of our common shares.


The revaluation of contingent consideration was $385,500 for the nine months ended June 30, 2024, compared to $nil for the comparative period ended June 30, 2023, as a result of our acquisition of the ALIP technology on June 21, 2024.


Other Income


During the nine months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, the company earned interest income of $109,559 and $1,753, respectively, on its cash held at a financial institution.


比較 截至2023年9月30日的年度以及2022年2月8日(初始)至2022年9月30日期間




我們 自成立至2023年9月30日,尚未產生任何收入。




研究 及開發費用


我們 研發費用指設計和工程產品產生的成本,包括開發設計工具的成本。所有 與產品開發相關的研究和開發成本在發生時列爲費用。


R&D 截至2023年9月30日止年度的支出增加了1,393,696美元,即993%,達到1,534,000美元,而比較年度的支出爲140,304美元 截至2022年9月30日止期間,主要是由於我公司於2022年2月8日開始運營,研發有限 2022年2月8日至2022年9月30日的最初八個月期間的活動。研發費用主要反映內部 以及與我們微反應器的設計和分析相應的外部人員成本。截至2023年9月30日止年度 2022年9月30日,我們的研發費用分別爲42萬美元和7萬美元,相當於股權薪酬。




一般 及行政開支


我們 G & A費用包括執行、財務、會計和其他行政職能人員的薪酬費用。G&A 費用還包括法律費用、會計專業費用、審計、諮詢服務、廣告費用和保險 成本作爲一家新的上市公司,我們預計我們將因上市公司成本(例如遵守 SEC和納斯達克的法規。


G&A 截至2023年9月30日止年度的費用增加了3,829,875美元,即417%,至4,749,395美元,而比較年度爲919,520美元 截至2022年9月30日的期間,主要是由於我們公司於2022年2月8日開始運營,並且活動有限 在2022年2月8日至2022年9月30日的最初八個月期間。截至2023年9月30日止年度,G & A 費用主要包括310萬美元的人員費用,其中200萬美元對應於股權薪酬。期間 截至2022年9月30日止期間,G & A主要包括50萬美元的人員成本,其中30萬美元 到基於股權的薪酬。


其他 收入


期間 截至2023年9月30日的一年,該公司從其在金融機構持有的現金中賺取了32,994美元的利息收入。期間 自2022年2月8日成立至2022年9月30日期間,我公司獲得了200小時主題的資助 INL的專家支持,作爲NRIC資源團隊計劃的一部分,金額爲28,000美元。與這筆贈款相關的所有金額均已 截至2022年9月30日賺取。


轉換 某些夾層股權與股東權益的比例


期間 截至2024年3月31日的季度,我們修改了與投資者的認購協議,以終止投資者的贖回權 2,000,000股普通股,導致此類股份從夾層股權重新分類爲股東權益。


流動性 和資本資源


我們相信我們現有的 現金將在本招股說明書發佈之日起至少未來十二個月內爲我們當前的運營和研發計劃提供資金。雖然 截至2024年6月30日的九個月,我們的運營現金流出爲負5,953,795美元,截至2024年6月30日的九個月爲負2,691,775美元 2023年6月30日,截至2024年6月30日,我們擁有約1380萬美元現金(截至9月約爲700萬美元 2023年30日),截至2024年6月30日,流動資金約爲1250萬美元(截至9月約爲690萬美元 2023年30日)。此外,我們從後續發行和後續超額配股中獲得了約1860萬美元的淨收益 2024年7月的期權。


然而, 我們的業務未來發展到產品最終商業化將需要大量的現金資源。 由於我們預計幾年內不會產生有意義的收入,因此我們打算爲未來的資本現金需求提供資金 通過公共或私募股權或債務融資進行的支出、研發和業務開發活動以及一般運營資本, 第三方(包括政府)資助,或這些方法的任何組合。如果我們通過進一步發行籌集額外資金 股權或股權相關工具的投資,我們現有的股東可能會遭受嚴重稀釋。而且,無法給出任何保證 如果有的話,我們將能夠以優惠的條件籌集所需資金,並且我們無法在需要時籌集額外資金 可能會對我們的公司和經營業績產生重大不利影響,並可能導致我們的業務失敗。




Going Concern


As part of issuing our condensed consolidated financial statements, we evaluated whether there were any conditions and events that raise substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern over the twelve months after the date the condensed consolidated financial statements are issued. Since inception, we have incurred significant operating losses, and have an accumulated deficit of approximately $14.9 million and negative operating cash flow during fiscal 2024 and fiscal 2023. Management expects that operating losses and negative cash flows may increase from the 2023 levels because of additional costs and expenses related to our R&D activities. Our continued solvency is dependent upon our ability to obtain additional working capital to complete our reactor development, to successfully market our reactors and to achieve commerciality for our reactors.


To date, we have not generated any revenue. We do not expect to generate any revenue unless and until we are able to commercialize our reactors. We will require additional capital to develop our reactors and to fund operations for the foreseeable future. We expect our costs to increase in connection with advancement of our reactors toward commercialization. While we believe that our existing cash may be sufficient to support the development of our reactors in the near-term, certain costs are not reasonably estimable at this time and we may require additional funding.


Management is of the opinion that sufficient working capital is available to meet our company’s liabilities and commitments as they come due for the next twelve months after the date the condensed consolidated financial statements are issued to conform to the going concern uncertainty period. In order to achieve our company’s long-term strategy, our company expects to raise additional capital or secure other sources of financing to support its growth.


Summary Statement of Cash Flows for the Nine Months Ended June 30, 2024, and the Nine Months Ended June 30, 2023


The following table sets forth the primary sources and uses of cash for the periods presented below:



For the
Nine Months Ended

June 30, 2024


For the
Nine Months Ended

June 30, 2023

Net cash used in operating activities   $ (5,953,795 )   $ (2,691,775 )
Net cash provided by financing activities     12,790,532       8,690,369  
Net increase in cash   $ 6,836,737     $ 5,998,594  


Cash Flows used in Operating Activities


Net cash used by operating activities for the nine months ended June 30, 2024 was $5,953,795, which consisted of our net loss of $7,659,820, net of non-cash items of $992,850, and net of changes in working capital accounts. Net cash used by operating activities for nine months ended June 30, 2023 was $2,691,775, which consisted of our net loss of $4,904,229, net of non-cash items of $2,114,014, and net of changes in working capital accounts. Our cash used in operating activities increased by $3,262,020 during the nine months ended June 30, 2024, due to an increase in net loss and changes in working capital accounts. The significant increase in cash used in operating activities during the nine months ended June 30, 2024, when compared to the nine months ended June 30, 2023, was primarily due to increased R&D activities and additional office and staff costs to support our R&D activities during the nine months ended June 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended June 30, 2023.


Cash Flows provided by Financing Activities


淨現金 截至2024年6月30日的九個月融資活動提供的資金爲12,790,532美元,其中包括收到的現金14,253,937美元 發行普通股減去1,408,405美元的發行成本,減去55,000美元的延期發行成本。淨 截至2023年6月30日的九個月內,融資活動提供的現金爲8,690,369美元,其中包括收到的現金8,765,369美元 從普通股的發行中扣除75,000美元的延期發行成本付款。




我們 根據可取消的經營租賃,簽訂了一份辦公空間短期經營租賃的一方,該租賃於2024年8月底到期 以及我們公司總部的一份長期經營租賃。我們有一項與我們的公司總部相對應的租賃承諾 截至2024年6月30日。截至2023年9月30日,我們沒有任何租賃承諾。我們的公司總部位於10倍 Square,30 th Floor,New York,New York,New York 10018,佔地約7,800平方英尺。我們每月以33,605美元的價格租用這個空間, 每月租賃租金每年上漲2.5%。租賃期限至2031年7月31日結束。


外 紙張排列


作爲 截至2024年6月30日和2023年9月30日,我們尚未參與任何規則和法規中定義的表外安排 SEC的。


總結 截至2023年9月30日的年度以及2022年2月8日(初始)至9月30日期間的現金流量表, 2022


的 下表列出了以下期間現金的主要來源和用途:



爲 止年度







用於經營活動的現金淨額  $(3,867,573)  $(621,501)
融資活動提供的現金淨額   8,690,369    2,751,500 
現金淨增   4,822,796    2,129,999 




現金 運營活動中使用的流程


淨 截至2023年9月30日止年度,經營活動使用的現金爲3,867,573美元,其中包括淨虧損6,250,401美元, 扣除非現金項目2,384,003美元,並扣除營運資金帳戶變化。本期經營活動使用現金淨額 從2022年2月8日(成立)到2022年9月30日爲621,501美元,其中包括扣除非現金後的淨虧損1,031,824美元 390,000美元的項目,扣除流動資金帳戶變化。我們用於經營活動的現金增加了3,246,072美元 截至2023年9月30日的年度,由於淨虧損增加。期間經營活動使用的現金大幅增加 與截至2022年9月30日期間相比,截至2023年9月30日期間主要是由於我們公司 於2022年2月8日開始運營,並在2022年2月8日至9月的最初八個月期間活動有限 2022年30日。


現金 融資活動提供的流量


淨 截至2023年9月30日止年度融資活動提供的現金爲8,690,369美元,其中包括從 發行普通股減去支付的延期發行成本。2月份以來融資活動提供的淨現金 2022年8月8日(成立)至2022年9月30日爲2,751,500美元,其中包括髮行普通股收到的現金。




我們 是可取消經營租賃下辦公空間經營租賃的一方。截至9月,我們沒有任何租賃承諾 2023年30日和2022年9月30日。


外 紙張排列


作爲 截至2023年9月30日和2022年9月30日,我們尚未參與規則和 SEC的規定。


關鍵 會計政策及估計


我們 合併財務報表是根據美國公認會計原則編制的。編制綜合財務報表 要求我們的管理層對報告的費用、資產金額做出一些判斷、估計和假設 和負債以及或有資產和負債的披露。我們考慮會計判斷、估計或假設, 當(1)估計或假設性質複雜或需要高度判斷以及(2)使用不同的 判斷、估計和假設可能會對我們的綜合財務報表產生重大影響。我們重要的會計 政策在本招股說明書其他地方的綜合財務報表中進行了描述。更多的產品信息 關鍵會計政策如下:


基於股權 補償


基於股權 補償是 對所有基於股權的獎勵使用基於公允價值的方法進行計量。獎勵股權工具的成本根據每項確認 工具在授予日期授予期間的公允價值。基於股權的薪酬記錄在一般 以及簡明綜合中期經營報表中的行政費用和研發費用。


新興 成長公司(「EGC」)會計選舉


部分 《JOBS法案》第102(b)(1)條免除了EGCs在私有之前遵守新的或修訂的財務會計準則的要求 公司必須遵守新的或修訂的財務會計準則。《就業法案》規定公司可以選擇 不利用延長的過渡期並遵守適用於非EGCs的要求。IPO後,我們 預計至少在2024年底之前成爲EGC,並將受益於延長的過渡期。我們打算利用 延長過渡期的好處。


Recent Accounting Pronouncements


Our condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this prospectus contain more information about recently adopted accounting pronouncements and recently issued accounting pronouncements not yet adopted, including the timing of their adoption, and our assessment, to the extent we have made one yet, of their potential impact on us.








We are an early-stage nuclear energy company developing smaller, cheaper, and safer advanced portable clean energy solutions utilizing proprietary reactor designs, intellectual property and research methods, to contribute towards a sustainable future. Led by a world class scientific and management team, our business plan involves a comprehensive engagement across every sector of the nuclear power industry, traversing the path from sourcing raw materials through to developing cutting edge advanced nuclear microreactors. Our dedication extends further, encompassing both commercial nuclear fuel transportation and consulting services.


Currently, we are in the pre-revenue stage and are principally focused on four business lines as part of our development strategy:


  微觀 核反應堆業務。我們正在開發下一代先進的核微型反應堆,特別是宙斯, 一個固體核心電池反應堆,以及奧丁,一個低壓鹽冷卻劑反應堆。憑藉這些產品,我們正在不斷前進 開發下一代便攜式、可隨需應變的先進核反應堆。通過與 我們世界知名的核科學家和工程師,國家實驗室,以及政府的支持,我們相信 我們的反應堆將有可能對全球能源格局產生影響。我們的目標是將其中一款產品商業化 到2030-2031年



此外,在2024年8月,它購買了一輛1四千 平方。FT.,位於田納西州橡樹嶺的兩層建築,耗資171萬美元(萬),用於我們的核技術總部。我們預計將增長 未來一年在該設施工作的人員數量,預計最終將在該設施僱用多達30名人員。


燃料加工業務。通過我們的 子公司HALEU Energy Fuel Inc.,並與能源部協調,我們正在尋求開發一種國內高含量低濃縮鈾 (HALEU)燃料供應鏈供應燃料--不僅是我們自己的反應堆--而且是更廣泛的先進核反應堆 總體而言,工業。我們已經確定了我們打算建設設施的地點,並已開始組建團隊來設計和 開發這些設施。


我們還進行了戰略投資,並達成了合作 與一家基於激光的鈾濃縮技術公司LIST(這是一家關聯方)合作,支持他們的技術發展。 通過這項投資和相關合作,我們的目標是幫助推進LIST的技術,以確保可靠的低丰度 爲我們未來的運營和更廣泛的核能行業提供更低成本的鈾燃料。通過與 List,我們預計將圍繞List的濃縮設施建設配套設施,包括去轉化等設施 和燃料製造。請看「投資美國唯一一家獲得專利的激光鈾濃縮公司」 有關更多信息,請訪問

  燃料 運輸業。我們的運輸業務將建立在橡樹嶺國家實驗室INL完成的現有工作基礎上 (或ORNL)和太平洋西北國家實驗室(PNNL),這是美國支持的世界一流的核研究設施。我們 在2024年4月獲得了大容量HALEU燃料運輸籃子設計的獨家許可證,這將成爲基礎 一個完整的燃料運輸系統,能夠移動各種不同的燃料形式。本許可證授予我們,作爲被許可方, 該技術的獨家使用權和開發權。此外,許可方不得許可該技術。 在指定範圍內的任何其他當事人。我們相信這項技術是美國最先進的概念, 商業批量移動HALEU。我們目前正在進行修改設計的工作,以適應各種不同的 燃料形式,所以我們可以爲我們的兩個反應堆運輸燃料,也可以提供運輸服務 對任何希望運輸商業數量燃料的核公司來說。我們打算許可,我們的大容量HALEU運輸 該系統以各種形式在北美和國際上運輸商業數量的HALEU燃料。如果被開發和商業化, 我們相信,這一產品將爲國內HALEU運輸公司提供商業批量奠定基礎 HALEU燃料。我們希望在2026年之前將我們的燃料運輸業務投入運營。我們還請來了兩名UPS前高管, 其中一個在我們的燃料運輸子公司工作,另一個在我們的執行顧問委員會任職,以幫助增長 圍繞我們的技術開展運輸業務。這是一個很大的問題。
  核子 諮詢服務。我們還計劃提供核服務支持和諮詢服務。 爲國內和國際上不斷擴大和復興的核能行業提供資金。這包括與 劍橋核能中心,教育資源的開發。這一商機代表着我們最近期的收入 創造機會,因爲我們希望在2024年開始提供這些服務。到2024年底,我們預計將開始提供核能 爲國內和國際核能行業提供服務支持和諮詢服務。除了這些之外, 提供服務,我們公司正在研究戰略收購,以擴大我們的業務和諮詢服務,包括 截至本招股說明書發佈之日,吾等尚未確定或與任何潛在收購目標進行任何實質性討論。 我們已經與幾個潛在的收購目標進行了初步討論,但尚未達成明確的諒解或 協議。結合我們收購現有創收諮詢業務的意圖,我們正專注於建立 我們自己的內部核諮詢業務與某些外部學術機構協調,我們預計這將需要 在未來12個月內提供約100美元的萬資金,用於招聘更多員工並建立相應的基礎設施,使其能夠 提供這些服務。




Our mission is to become a commercially focused, diversified and vertically integrated nuclear energy company that will capture market share in the very large and growing nuclear energy sector. To implement our plans, since our founding in 2022, our management has had constant communications with key U.S. government agencies, including the DOE, the INL and ORNL, which are a part of the DOE’s national nuclear laboratory system. Our company also maintains important collaborations with leading researchers from the Cambridge Nuclear Energy Centre and The University of California, Berkeley.


As a result of our receipt of the net proceeds of this offering, over the next twelve months, we will continue to progress our development of advanced nuclear microreactors, ZEUS and ODIN, and our vertically integrated fuel manufacturing business, with estimated expenditures to be approximately $8 million. This allocation comprises approximately $6 million dedicated to the research and development of nuclear energy related products and technologies, with a specific focus on the refinement of our microreactors and our HALEU fuel manufacturing processes. The remaining $2 million is earmarked for miscellaneous costs essential to propelling the progress of our microreactors, encompassing the support of current personnel engaged in executive, finance, accounting, and other administrative functions. We estimate that our microreactor demonstration work will be conducted between 2024 and 2026, our microreactor licensing application will be processed between 2026 and 2031, and our microreactors will be launched between 2030 and 2031. We also plan on providing nuclear service support and consultation services for the expanding and resurgent nuclear energy industry, both domestically and internationally. If we are unable to acquire such a business by the end of 2024, we will focus on building our own internal nuclear consultation business in coordination with certain outside academic institutions, which we anticipate would require approximately an additional $2 million over the next twelve months to recruit additional staff and build corresponding infrastructure to be capable of providing these services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the outlined expenditures and the timelines are estimations only. These are inherently subject to change due to certain factors, including adjustments in the microreactor development plan and uncertainties associated with the licensing approval process. Given that these elements may exceed our initial expectations or lie beyond our control, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the actual expenditures and timelines.


As of the date of this prospectus, we have not generated any revenue. We have incurred accumulated net losses of $14,942,045 since inception through June 30, 2024.


The U.S. Nuclear Energy Market


According to the FACT SHEET: President Biden Sets 2030 Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Target Aimed at Creating Good-Paying Union Jobs and Securing U.S. Leadership on Clean Energy Technologies published by the White House in 2021, the United States has taken numerous steps in recent years to reduce its dependence on carbon-emitting energy sources. The U.S. had previously set a goal to reach a 100% carbon pollution-free electricity system by 2035, and President Biden set a target of a 50 to 52% reduction from 2005 levels in economy-wide net greenhouse gas pollution by 2030, underlining the Biden administration’s desire for new energy solutions which are at the core of our business plans. Additionally, the “net zero world” initiative signals the U.S.’s proactive stance in working with countries to lead a global transition to net zero emissions by 2050.


According to an article titled “NEI Survey Shows Even More Interest in Nuclear After Major Policy Actions” released on NEI.org in 2023, in the face of these evolving energy needs, the utility companies that are members of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) are targeting a role for more than 90 gigawatts of nuclear power in support of their decarbonization goals. According to an article titled “U.S. nuclear electricity generation continues to decline as more reactors retire” released on the website of U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) in 2022, while the share of U.S. electricity generated by nuclear energy across all sectors in 2021 was similar to its average share of 19% in the previous decade, its average annual capacity factor remained fixed at 92.7% that same year. By comparison, solar photovoltaics’ annual capacity factor was 24.6% in the same year, while coal’s capacity reached just 49.3%. Further, fuel costs for nuclear verses fossil steam in 2022 were recorded to be just $0.61 per kilowatt hour verses $2.46 per kilowatt hour respectively.


According to an article titled “The Power Interview: Making the U.S. Nuclear Industry Great Again” by Aaron Larson, an unrelated third party, released on powermag.com in September 2023, the market size of the U.S. nuclear power industry has actually declined 1.2% per year on average between 2017 and 2022 due to retiring power plants and a lack of plans to fill the void left behind. In 2012, there were 104 operating nuclear reactors in the United States, but by the end of 2021 there were only 93 operating commercial nuclear reactors at 55 nuclear power plants in 28 states. According to the NRC, as of November 2021, there were 23 shut down commercial nuclear power reactors at 19 sites in various stages of decommissioning. Nevertheless, the market size, measured by revenue, grew 4.9% in 2022 to reach a valuation of $38.1 billion. Furthermore, the U.S. nuclear energy market has been projected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) value of 4.8% from 2022 to 2027, driven largely by the increasing pressure on the American government to reduce its carbon emissions and the increasing amount of electricity being generated from clean energy sources.


Additionally, technological advancements such as SMRs and light water reactors, among others, are expected to further enhance the demand for nuclear energy. For instance, according to a report titled “Small Modular Reactor Market worth $6.8 billion by 2030” released on the MarketsandMarkets.com in 2023, the global SMR market was expected to grow from an estimated of $5.8 billion in 2023 to $6.8 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 2.3% during the forecast period. More specifically, according to an article titled “North America Modular Nuclear Power Market Size” released on finance.yahoo.com in 2023, the North American modular nuclear power market segment was valued at $2.2 billion in 2023 and expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.2% from 2023 to 2028, due to growing demand for supply power for small and medium grid systems, increased interest in compact and less complex electricity generation units, cutting-edge technology in the industry, and robust government support.




According to a 2023 published McKinsey Report titled “What will it take for nuclear power to meet the climate challenge?”, up to 800 gigawatts of new nuclear power could be necessary to meet net-zero targets. In estimating the nuclear power needed to support the energy transition, we used techno-economic grid modelling to project the overall power mix by 2050. Our scenario—based on “Further Acceleration” estimates from a report titled “Global Energy Perspective 2022” released by McKinsey in 2022 for global energy mix, as well as anticipated supply and demand for power—accounts for potential constraints on scale-up in renewables, such as scarcity of land, raw materials, and transmission limitations. Although our scenario does not rely on a full analysis of grid models and energy-transition scenarios, it does estimate roughly how much additional dispatchable, low-carbon generation will be needed to meet net-zero targets. Modelling reveals that the energy transition could require an additional 400 to 800 gigawatts of new nuclear energy—which could represent up to 10 to 20 percent of future global electricity demand—to meet the need for dispatchable power (that is, not wind and solar) by 2050. 800 gigawatts of net additional nuclear capacity would triple the current nuclear capacity of 413 gigawatts and would require approximately 1,000 gigawatts to be generated by new nuclear facilities, as between 100 gigawatts to 250 gigawatts of current capacity will need to also be replaced. This represents a very large market for our proposed microreactors to participate in, with even a small amount of market share capture leading to significant revenue generating opportunities for our company.


An analysis titled “Climate Change Targets: The Role of Nuclear Energy” issued by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) in 2021 found that meeting the average of the International Panel on Climate Change pathways consistent with limiting global warming by 1.5° Celsius by 2050 will require tripling global installed nuclear capacity to reach 1,160 gigawatts by 2050. This can be achieved through a combination of long-term operation of existing nuclear reactors, large-scale so-called “Generation III” nuclear new builds and SMRs for both power and non-power applications. SMRs such as our proposed microreactors will have an essential and increasingly important role to play in addressing the nuclear capacity gap and supporting decarbonization targets. The NEA estimates that by 2050 SMRs could reach 375 gigawatts of installed capacity, contributing to more than 50% of this capacity gap. One of the key features of SMRs is that they target applications of nuclear energy to support the decarbonization of sectors which are difficult to address, particularly in the cement, chemicals, and iron and steel industries that do not require (or cannot support) gigawatt-scale nuclear power generation and/or where variable renewables face limitations.


As indicated in an article titled “Meeting Climate Change Targets: The Role of Nuclear Energy” released by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) in 2022, nuclear energy is already the largest source of non-carbon emitting electricity generation in the 37 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries and is responsible for displacing over 1.6 gigatons of carbon dioxide emissions annually. NEA has estimated that since 1971, nuclear energy has displaced over 66 gigatons of carbon dioxide. The resurgence of nuclear power as a means of achieving net zero emissions by 2050 entails a dramatic increase in investment over the coming decades into new nuclear power plants and the extension of the lifetime of old plants to increase this displacement. Annual global investment in nuclear in this scenario surges to over $100 billion in the first half of the 2030s – over three times the current average investment in the industry of $30 billion per year throughout the 2010s.


Our Vision, Market Opportunity and Key Government Support


We believe our achievements to date and our business plans are positioning our company to be a leading participant in the U.S. nuclear industry through simultaneously rebuilding and introducing national capabilities to drive the resurgent nuclear energy industry. We further believe that our timing and approach into the industry have been optimal, with insight into national capability deficiencies and an understanding of the difficulties faced by other commercial nuclear energy, particularly microreactor, companies. Almost all microreactor companies have advanced using funds acquired from government grants or awards. Even with private funding, they have been stifled by lack of investor interest because of the long return timelines and high risks.


Despite the early stage of our company, we believe we are competitively differentiated in many ways.


  No Government Funding. Most SMR and microreactor companies are reliant on government grants and financing to progress their concepts. Consequently, their progress can cease once government funding is not available. Currently, we do not rely on government funding to sustain our business operations. While we will seek available government funding opportunities in future, the absence of government support does not impede our progress in advancing our research, business, or technological developments. Our leadership team possesses extensive experience in successfully securing funding from both private and public sources. Additionally, our investor base includes capital from industry professionals who recognize the immense potential of our company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, our limited operating history and early stage of business makes an evaluation of our business and prospects very difficult, we have a new and unproven technology model and may need to raise additional capital to implement our business plans.
  Industry Investors. Our investor base includes a large component of capital raised from nuclear industry professionals who have reviewed our plans, concepts, and technologies, and found our company to have enormous potential. The high proportion of investment from experts in the industry has been an endorsement that has provided investors without a nuclear background with the confidence to invest.




  Technical Insight. On the technical front, we have benefited from insight into the problems which affected earlier movers within the nuclear technology space. Large SMR companies have raised billions of dollars for development but have been stalled by the lag in developing or acquiring the fuel necessary to advance their reactors. This led to our investigations into de-risking our own fuel supply by pursuing development and investment into our own fuel processing facility, as well as using more conventional fuel with greater operational history. We believe we have identified certain problems affecting the industry and we are taking early action to surmount potential roadblocks. Our new and unproven technology model will necessitate a significant infusion of additional capital for successful deployment, even following this offering. This imperative business requirement has influenced our strategic decision to diversify our operations, with the aim of establishing nearer term revenue streams which we are seeking to initiate prior to the anticipated commercial launch of microreactor technology.
  Government Contacts. We have secured important high placed government contacts, several of whom sit on our Executive Advisory Board, including former military and government veterans. This was complemented by bringing in experts involved in every major part of the nuclear industry, from regulation to laboratories, to technical teams. We believe we will benefit from those government contacts as our company will be afforded access to highly skilled personnel possessing advanced expertise in the energy and nuclear sectors. We expect these individuals to provide support and services to us, thereby facilitating the progression of our ambitions and projects. Furthermore, given the nuclear industry has been comprehensively intertwined with government agencies, the value of access to government and regulatory personnel cannot be overstated. These contacts provide guidance and insights to us, informing us of both conventional and unconventional challenges that warrant our consideration. Such guidance is an invaluable resource, fortifying our endeavors to systematically mitigate risks associated with our business operations.
  World Class Team. Our technical team is world class, with simple and realizable reactor concepts that do not require exotic fuels and who are aware of all the difficulties faced by almost every other reactor company who has chosen alternative designs. Our team has a deep knowledge of applicable regulatory requirements surrounding safety, transportation, and decommissioning, and our designs have incorporated all these considerations from the outset.


The SMR market has a high barrier to entry because of the expertise required, and the larger investment necessary to progress reactor designs to prototype, and then through licensing. This high barrier to entry has acted in our favor, giving us open opportunities. To date, we are not aware of any commercial microreactor prototypes, microreactor companies with applicable governmental licenses, microreactor or SMR companies in the revenue generating stage, HALEU fuel processing facilities, or commercial transportation system for HALEU. These huge national capability gaps have been left in a large market, caused predominantly by this high barrier to entry. These capability gaps are also exacerbated by nuclear companies being unwilling to branch into areas outside their focused business, such as SMR companies expanding into fuel and transport, or enrichment companies expanding into fuel processing. We are seeking to address all of these gaps in the industry.


Moreover, government investment has not compensated for the lack of private investment going into the commercial nuclear sector. Previous strategies to purchase military grade nuclear materials to down blend to required fuel enrichment level for certain programs have allowed these capability gaps to persist. This creates industry opportunities for development. We have begun and expect to continue to bring private investment to these undeveloped areas and quickly establish ourselves as a necessary component in the national infrastructure system, while providing us with advantages to develop business and revenue sources to de-risk our microreactor development.


We strongly support objectives of DOE and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and we intend for our technology to form part of the U.S. foreign policy to advance the peaceful use of nuclear energy, science and technology, and drive new resources to projects and activities in developing countries with the greatest need. A key part of our business plan will seek to become a nuclear technology organization that can grow the U.S. global energy market engagement and concurrently support global market opportunities.


We believe that our microreactors can address various environmental and energy challenges through their innovative design and capacities, including their versatile and easily deployable nature in remote locations. We plan to target business development activities for our microreactors in several sectors, including data centers, artificial intelligence computer and quantum computing; crypto mining; military applications; disaster relief; transportation (including shipping); mining projects; water desalination and green hydrogen plants; and space exploration. As a result, we intend to support a broad set of clean energy applications.


We also support the long-term strategy of the United States’ Government to reach net zero carbon emissions by no later than 2050, but these goals will require actions spanning every sector of the economy. We plan to utilize our advanced nuclear reactor technologies and our fuel processing plans through our subsidiary HALEU Energy to support the next generation of nuclear professionals. These investments are critical to immediately accelerate our emissions reductions domestically and internationally.


In addition, we believe that the U.S. government is increasingly showing strong support for nuclear energy through various initiatives aimed at advancing nuclear technology, all of which further our business plans and opportunities. This support has taken various forms, as detailed below. Aside from the support for existing nuclear capabilities, all of these initiatives have the potential directly or indirectly benefit and support our company.




  Advanced Reactor Development. The DOE has been actively supporting the development of advanced nuclear reactor technologies. Through programs like the Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP) and the Advanced Reactor Concepts (ARC) program, the U.S. government is providing funding to accelerate the commercialization of next-generation nuclear reactors like our proposed microreactors that are safer, more efficient, and produce less waste.
  Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA). Signed into law in January 2019, this federal legislation aims to streamline the regulatory process for advanced nuclear reactors, making it easier for companies to develop and deploy new nuclear technologies in the United States.
  Loan Guarantees. The U.S. government has provided loan guarantees to support the construction of new nuclear power plants. These guarantees help reduce the financial risk associated with building nuclear facilities and encourage private investment in nuclear energy projects.
  Nuclear Energy Research and Development Funding. The DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy (ONE) provides funding for research and development projects related to nuclear energy. This includes research on advanced reactor technologies, nuclear fuel cycle options, and innovations in nuclear waste management. While we have not yet taken advantage of government funding, we plan to seek such funding in the future should an appropriate opportunity arise.
  Public-Private Partnerships. The U.S. government has encouraged collaboration between the public and private sectors to advance nuclear technology. Initiatives like the Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) help connect industry partners with national laboratories and expertise to accelerate the development and deployment of advanced nuclear technologies. Our collaboration with INL is an example of this trend.
  Support for Existing Nuclear Fleet. The U.S. government recognizes the importance of maintaining the existing fleet of nuclear power plants, which provide a significant portion of the nation’s carbon-free electricity. Various measures have been proposed and implemented to ensure the economic viability of these plants and prevent premature closures.
  Nuclear Energy Export Initiatives. The U.S. government has been working to promote the export of American nuclear technology and expertise to other countries. This supports global efforts to decarbonize energy systems and strengthen international partnerships in the nuclear energy sector.
  Department of Energy Non-Defense Programs for Nuclear Energy and Fossil Energy and Carbon Management. In the federal government’s fiscal 2023 budget, $1.7 billion was allocated for Officer of Nuclear Energy, (NE), and $62 billion was allocated to the DOE over a five-year period to deliver a more equitable clean energy future. A further $892 million was allocated to support research and carbon development for carbon management technologies.


Our Micro Nuclear Reactor Business


A key pillar of our business plan is to provide readily replaceable mobile reactors which we can provide to customers, along with operative personnel, to power projects, residential and commercial enterprises, and major development projects. Our vision is to be a commercial and domestic energy supply leader within the U.S. nuclear industry, and to advance U.S. domestic and foreign policy and national security priorities. The mobile, lower-cost and ultra-safe solid core model of our micro-reactor vision will provide a clean energy option that supports initiatives for sustained international engagement and promotes enhanced and more efficient cooperation and assistance in the application of peaceful uses of nuclear energy, science, and technology. We will also drive resources to projects and activities in developing countries of greatest need by supplying energy to areas removed from the grid.




Our initial energy assessment included the consideration of other energy sources, such as wind and solar. SMRs were initially examined, but it became apparent that the market with far larger potential was in more deployable energy systems which could service remote locations more readily; the only candidate that could satisfy this market was microreactors because of their high-capacity factors. The market has exceedingly large potential, with tens of thousands of mining operations running on diesel fuel, which could financially benefit from a steady source of clean and portable energy over a 20-year period. We identified a large potential customer base for deployable mobile reactors, for remote industrial and manufacturing projects, current and previously uneconomic mining sites, oil, and gas projects, military bases, remote towns and communities, islands or emergency sites (post-earthquake, tsunami, hurricane etc.) to re-establish electrical power during the absence of electric grid availability. Additionally, tens of thousands of mine sites which are not currently economically viable could suddenly be made viable with inexpensive, clean energy, creating the potential to free up huge deposits of mineral wealth. This possibility can be applied most notably to Africa where mineral wealth exists but is often inaccessible due to the power demands of modern mining operations. Similarly, all remote industrial projects could potentially benefit from our microreactors. Wherever diesel generators are deployed, our microreactors could provide a power source with fewer inherent logistical challenges, as they do not require daily refueling like diesel generators.


Other large markets identified included remote habitation and island communities. We believe based on market research that over a hundred remote settlements in Canada run exclusively on diesel. This observation was complimented by the observation that countries with numerous islands, such as Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Sweden, Philippines and others also have large numbers of inhabited islands sustained predominantly by diesel fuel. Catering to this market would open tens of thousands of sales opportunities to our company.


We believe, based on our market research, that if countries are also serious about electrifying their transportation infrastructure, only microreactors would be able to service charging stations for electric vehicles throughout a country. Wind and solar can only be sited where they can generate sufficient output energy, and batteries cannot be shipped to charging stations daily, especially outside of cities, or between urban developments. Microreactors could make it possible to eliminate the need for fossil fueled vehicles, which no other energy form can currently claim.


We also believe the shipping industry is a major area of potential growth for our company. The U.S. Navy has already demonstrated decades of successfully powering large ocean-going ships with nuclear fuel without incident, or any carbon emissions. Oil tankers, shipping container vessels and other large ships all use bunker fuel, which is incredibly polluting and bad for the environment. Global focus will eventually shift to substituting this fuel as soon as a candidate is identified. We believe we will have that replacement technology in our nuclear microreactors. During 2024 and 2025, we also plan to explore potential commercial collaborations with companies in mining and technology industries as they may look to power their operations using advanced nuclear solutions.


Having identified our key markets, we are focusing on developing deployable mobile reactors, to create a highly mobile, flexible, ultra-safe, renewable, sustainable microreactor. At scale, production of these microreactors will enable lower costs and further commercialization, making widespread microreactor adoption possible at cost parity with other renewables and conventional sources of energy. We intend for the reactor to benefit remote settings where services such as water desalination and power for medical facilities would greatly improve the lives of communities removed from national grids. Clean small energy sources can be coupled to water desalination or hydrogen production and integrated to other renewable sources such as solar power, addressing the most pressing needs for human living (water and energy) without carbon dioxide emissions. Multiple units located on one site allow for simple load following without complicated core geometry and core controls. Additionally, a sealed system without the need for refueling or access to the core enables simple yet effective environmental control.




We are developing two advanced portable nuclear micro reactors in technical design and development. The first, “ZEUS”, is a Solid Core Battery Reactor, designed by world-class engineers trained at the University of California—Berkeley, has a fully solid core and utilizes already licensed fuels, enriched up to 20%, where heat is removed solely by thermal conduction. This requires the deployment of high conductivity, high melting materials, and careful materials design. The reactor will use already licensed fuel, so no new fuel developments are necessary. Reactivity will be controlled with control rods outside of the central core. The generated heat will be conducted from the fuel to the outside of the core via thermal conduction through a thermally conductive material, allowing for the elimination of coolant, creating a far safer reactor than historically developed. Heat will be removed from the outside of the core by recirculated air, which delivers the heat to the gas turbine to produce electricity. The gas turbine will be affixed to the reactor to reduce piping and minimize the size of the plant. The benefit of not incorporating a primary liquid loop reduces the manufacturing costs, and enhances simplicity for modelling, testing, optimizing, and constructing. The secondary loop outside the monolith will be inert gas allowing to reach high temperatures and direct heating of a gas turbine which will be compact and small. Without coolant, typical reactor pumps and piping can be removed from the design, allowing for further compactness, with the aim being to construct a full core and electricity generating gas turbine within a container meeting International Organization for Standardization specifications. The smaller power core will also mean less neutrons are absorbed by the non-fissionable materials, allowing for longer operational life despite the small core. On March 27, 2024, we filed an application for a U.S. Provisional Patent – “ZEUS”.



ZEUS Prototype


Our second reactor in development, “ODIN”, will be a Low-Pressure Coolant Reactor, which uses relatively simple uranium and zirconium HALEU hydride. The zirconium hydride densely packs hydrogen and so provides substantial moderation. Low pressure “solar” salt (sodium-potassium nitrate eutectic) coolant will be used to minimize the stress on structural components and improve the reliability and service life. The design will take advantage of the natural convection of the coolant for heat transfer to the power conversion cycle at full power, as well as for decay heat removal during reactor shutdown, operating transients, and off-normal conditions. A nitrogen or open-air Brayton cycle will be used for power conversion due to its simplicity, flexibility, and its wide use within the conventional power industry. Reactivity control system design will have high reliability and robustness through minimizing the number of moving parts.









ODIN Prototype


The aim of our small reactor projects is to advance the development of microreactors with innovative passive cooling mechanisms that do not require the use of a forced flow liquid coolant in the core, avoiding all the associated safety risks and materials challenges. The project aims to complete the design and concept evaluation for these reactors in under a two-year timeframe, progress through demonstration and physical test work, and initiate the licensing, certification, and development processes required to build a licensed prototype. We intend to develop a customer base and funding avenue to ensure the reactor concept finds its path towards commercial deployment in coming years. Both reactors will be designed for safe operation, ease of use, simple maintenance, and functionality. The reactors aim to reduce construction as well as operation and maintenance costs due to in-factory manufacturing and servicing. It is intended to simplify the use and reactor operation to reduce personnel costs.


In 2022, we were awarded subject matter expert (SME) support at INL as part of the National Reactor Innovation Centre (NRIC) Resource Team program. NRIC is a national DOE program led by INL, allowing collaborators to harness the world-class capabilities of the U.S. National Laboratory System. NRIC accelerates the demonstration and deployment of advanced nuclear energy through its mission to inspire stakeholders and the public, empower innovators, and deliver successful outcomes. They are charged with and committed to demonstrating advanced reactors by the end of 2025. The NRIC Resource Team lent substantial manpower and equipment to support the validation and proving the feasibility of our reactor concepts. Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC (BEA) manages INL for the DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy. INL is the U.S.’s center for nuclear energy research and development and performs research in each of DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security, science and the environment. We have an existing collaboration with INL through BEA (Strategic Partnership Project Agreement No. 23SP817), which we will be looking to develop further as we advance our microreactor designs through demonstration work, taking advantage of the large capabilities offered by the INL nuclear site. INL in combination with BEA, will be conducting design audits on both of our reactors.


The design and development of our safe, rapidly built, and deployable microreactors, in cooperation with U.S. industry, and engagement with the NRC to address licensing matters early in the design stage, will accelerate the adoption speed of SMRs and microreactors in the military, industrial and, eventually, commercial, and residential sectors. The NRC was created as an independent agency by Congress in 1974 to ensure the safe use of radioactive materials for beneficial civilian purposes while protecting people and the environment. The path to widespread adoption of nuclear energy as a transformative source of the U.S. and global energy portfolio is challenged by public opinion. Rapid widespread adoption of our reactor technology with NRC approvals and other government support will provide a large set of success stories and pilot projects that build public scientific awareness of sustainability characteristics of fission reactors.




Successful licensing and certification of one of our reactors will enable and accelerate certification and licensing processes for innovative and lower-cost designs in the future. A small portable power source (nuclear power bank) will enable deployment to areas after natural disasters to support first responders, water purification efforts, hydrogen production, or initial construction to regain control of these situations. The possibility of multiple nuclear reactors as part of future emergency response resources is also contemplated.


We will develop a radioactive waste strategy alongside the scoping and design work for ZEUS and ODIN which will meet all the appropriate regulatory and environmental requirements for this type of nuclear reactor. Project investigations are currently in early stages, and further development will involve the DOE and the NRC, particularly with respect to compliance with the federal National Environmental Policy Act of 1970 (NEPA) and other applicable laws and regulations, to competently plan for, and manage, all spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste generated by the facility developed at our proposed facility described further below.


A strategy to manage the long-term disposition of nuclear waste streams will be managed in combination with the DOE’s Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition (SFWD). SFWD covers different aspects of the long-term disposition of waste streams, through its Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology (SFWST) and the Office Integrated of Waste Management (IWM) departments. SFWD conducts research and development to support the development of disposition-path-neutral waste management systems and options in the context of the current inventory of spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste.


Both microreactors went through design audits by external institutions in 2023, which provided external input and assistance to advance the concepts and provide validation of the design direction and technology utilized so far. The ODIN microreactor has already completed its design audit at INL, where the design was interrogated by 10 engineers and scientists. The design and concept were extremely well received and further guidance was provided to assist our technical team to steer the reactor from its current state through to a licensed product ready for deployment. The external design audit for the ZEUS reactor was completed in February 2024, with the more advanced design receiving commendations for its innovative design and simplicity. Both reactors are expected to begin demonstration and physical test work in 2024, with demonstration work expected to be completed in 2026 providing us with working prototypes. The regulatory licensing process for the prototypes is expected to complete by 2030 or 2031, with manufacturing facilities being constructed during the licensing phase so we are ready to deploy microreactors across the country upon licensing approval.


Our HALEU Fuel Processing Business


In 2023, we established a subsidiary, HALEU Energy Fuel Inc., to concentrate specifically on creating a domestic fuel processing facility of High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) to supply the next generation of advanced nuclear reactors. In February 2023, we were selected as an official founding member of the DOE’s new HALEU Consortium to develop the U.S.’ domestic capability for the manufacture of HALEU and its processing. Our commercial and strategic aim for HALEU Energy Fuel is to construct facilities capable of delivering the HALEU fuel processing capability able to fabricate a variety of different fuel forms, with an intended customer base to include other SMR companies, the U.S.’ nuclear laboratories’ HALEU needs, and the DOE. Our proposed processing activity aligns exactly with the DOE’s HALEU fuel mission to return nuclear fuel manufacturing capabilities to the United States.


We intend to design, construct and commission a commercial nuclear fuel processing facility to supply fabricated fuel to the next generation of advanced nuclear reactor companies, our own reactors currently under development, the U.S. nuclear industry, the U.S. national laboratories, and the DOE’s nuclear fuel needs as necessary. The facility’s intended capability is to fabricate a variety of different fuel forms as required by U.S. industry and its customer base, using received fuel from market recognized fuel enrichment sources. Our proposed fuel processing facility is intended to form part of an integrated system with LIST, an enrichment company with which we have an investment and related collaboration agreement. Please see “Investment in the Only U.S. Origin and Patented Laser Uranium Enrichment Company” for further information.




Our vision harmonizes with that of the DOE, while supporting and engaging U.S. interagency nuclear and development goals, such as those of International Security and Nonproliferation (DOS), the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN), the SMR-related climate action goals of the United States Trade and Development Authority (USTDA), and the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC). This vision also aligns with nuclear-related U.S. treaty imperatives related to the IAEA.


We have an existing relationship with INL and ORNL (Strategic Partnership Project Agreement No. 23SP817), which we will be looking to develop further with our proposed new facility. Building on our existing INL relationship, and partnering on the manning of the facility, would provide both INL and the U.S. generally a more competent, efficient, and effectively operational facility.


INL already has existing capabilities to characterize the fuel On-Site at the INL Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF). A principal benefit of our proposed facility would mean that we would not be required to construct similar facilities, saving significant investment in infrastructure, time, cost, and equipment.


The technology being proposed has been realized and developed many times, in many parts of the world. It is a proven technological process, with little uncertainty that such a capability will not be achievable. The starting point for uranium dioxide manufacture is uranium hexafluoride since enrichment processes require gaseous uranium hexafluoride and rely on the very slight difference in molecular weight between uranium 235 and uranium 238. After a series of reactions with different gases, uranium dioxide is left in the form of a fine powder. The powder is sintered (i.e., a process in which the particles of a powder are welded together by pressure and heating to a temperature below its melting point) at about 1700° Celsius to make the fuel pellets. The cylinder-shaped pellets are placed in hollow rods made of a zirconium stainless steel alloy. We anticipate procuring raw HALEU from an established domestic U.S. company and we have signed a memorandum of understanding with this company to begin HALEU fuel sourcing discussions.


Four different methods for the conversion of uranium hexafluoride (called UF6) to ceramic grade uranium dioxide powder have been developed to an industrial scale. Two of them, the ADU (Ammonium Diuranate) and AUC (Ammonium Uranyl Carbonate) processes, are based upon precipitation of uranium compounds from aqueous (or water-based) solutions. The other two follow a dry route in which UF6 is decomposed and reduced by steam and hydrogen in either fluidized beds or rotating kilns. The wet processes are the most often used industrially.


AUC is important as a component in the conversion process of UF6 to uranium dioxide. The ammonium uranyl carbonate is combined with steam and hydrogen at 500–600 °C to yield uranium dioxide. In another process aqueous uranyl nitrate, known as uranyl nitrate liquor (UNL) is treated with ammonium bicarbonate to form ammonium uranyl carbonate as a solid precipitate. This is separated from the solution, dried with methanol and then calcinated with hydrogen directly to uranium dioxide to obtain a powder capable of being sintered. The ex-AUC uranium dioxide powder is free flowing, relatively coarse (10 µ) and porous with specific surface area in the range of 5m2/g and suitable for direct palletization, avoiding the granulation step. Conversion to uranium dioxide is often performed as the first stage of nuclear fuel processing.


The NRC inspects the site construction at new fuel cycle facilities and only approves the facility’s capability to possess nuclear material after ensuring that the facility’s safety controls are robust and able to safely handle these materials. Fuel cycle facilities must comply with the regulatory requirements established by the NRC. The regulations contain the basic safety standards that our fuel facility will need to meet. The facility will need to acquire an NRC license containing site-specific requirements that the facility is required to comply with. Each license is unique and is specific to the nuclear material and hazards present at the fuel cycle facility. To obtain a license will involve a lot of communication between the NRC and our company. NRC safety oversight includes three important components; NRC inspection, the routine assessment of each licensee’s performance, and enforcement in the case that the regulatory requirements were not met.


The NRC will support the regulation of the fuel processing facility by offering guidance documents and generic communication when necessary. These methods of communication support the regulatory process and are not regulations within themselves that require compliance. The NRC makes a continuing effort, in conjunction with interested stakeholders, to enhance and develop regulations and guidance in an efficient and effective way. Stakeholders will be able to track the NRC progress for the licensing at periodic Fuel Facility Stakeholders Meetings.




Our company has identified the potential site and will work with the NRC through the NEPA process, which will begin when a federal agency develops a proposal to take a major federal action. The proposed project would benefit both our company and the United States. We believe a fuel processing facility could be beneficially complimented by the collaboration with an enrichment company, which we have identified and entered into a partnership agreement with.


We have engaged with the DOE and contacted the NRC to advance our fuel processing facility construction intentions. We were included in the DOE’s HALEU consortium, as we have been identified as one of the companies able to assist the U.S. meet its technological and capability nuclear fuel challenges.


Spent nuclear fuel will not be generated by this project. There will be a radioactive waste strategy to address the scrap from the manufacturing process. The waste would consist of uranium-baring scrap materials, for which there exists commercial disposal facilities.


During the first quarter of 2025, we plan to acquire land for the first CAT II non-TRISO HALEU integrated fuel processing facility in the U.S., and to commence the design work on our fuel processing facility in the first half of 2025, coinciding with engaging the relevant licensing and regulatory bodies to facilitate the facility commissioning. Initial site preparation is scheduled to begin in 2025, with completion of construction occurring in 2028.


Our HALEU Fuel Transportation Business


As we have developed our business, capability deficiencies in the U.S. nuclear industry that would affect the future operation of all SMR and microreactor companies became apparent, such as there exists no method of transporting commercial quantities of HALEU across North America. Our proactive approach to mitigate future impediments to our operations culminated in locating research and technology developed by INL, PNNL and ORNL, that had not been advanced because of budget constraints. We entered into the BEA License for a high capacity HALEU fuel transportation basket design on April 3, 2024, which will form the basis of a complete transportation system.


The BEA License grants us, as the licensee, exclusive rights for use and development of the technology. In addition, the licensor is not permitted to license the technology to any other parties within the specified scope. Pursuant to the BEA License, we received an exclusive, royalty-bearing license for a U.S. patent that can be used worldwide related to devices and systems used for HALEU transportation. As part of the BEA License, we agreed to pay BEA royalties on net worldwide sales and any sublicense worldwide sales related to the use of this patent as well as certain licensing payments. We also agreed to meet specific performance milestones related to HALEU fuel transportation within the first 48 months of the agreement’s effective date. Under the BEA License, we are obligated to reimburse BEA for all costs incurred in the preparation, filing, prosecuting, and maintenance of the licensed patent. The BEA License has an indefinite term and will automatically terminate upon the expiration, abandonment, or other termination of the licensed patent covered by the BEA License. The BEA License may also be terminated immediately by BEA in the event of our default of any material obligations, and we may terminate the agreement at any time if we provide at least three months’ written notice to BEA. The BEA License contains customary representations, warranties, and indemnifications of the parties.


We are seeking to form the first transportation company able to supply all emerging SMR and microreactor companies with the fuel they require at their manufacturing facilities to construct their reactors. We also expect to service the national nuclear laboratories and DOE programs which require HALEU by providing the fuel for their programs. Mobile reactors requiring HALEU for remote military bases are also anticipated, with potential military contacts. During 2024, we plan to acquire land for our HALEU transportation base of operations.


Our fuel transportation business will build on the work already completed by the INL and ORNL to create a high-capacity HALEU transportation package, with 18 inner canisters, combined with a basket design and a borated aluminum flux trap. We are receiving support from two former executives of the largest shipping company in the world who are assisting us in developing a North American transportation company using our licensed or developed technology to deliver (subject to applicable government licensing and certification) nuclear fuel for a wide customer base, including SMR and microreactor companies, national laboratories, military, and DOE programs.


Our Business Services and Consulting Business


The current upsurge in interest in nuclear energy, combined with the increased investment from both private and governmental sources within the nuclear space, as well as the global push for zero carbon technologies, has created a demand for nuclear energy expertise which exceeds supply. The shortage of suitably nuclear-qualified persons has resulted in institutions purchasing nuclear support services and consultancy practices, profiting from the surge in demand and the commensurate increase in costs created by this demand. Nuclear personnel are being headhunted and salaries are increasing as demand outpaces supply. The increased demand in personnel and nuclear related business activity will create increased demand for personnel involved in the licensing and regulator aspects of the industry, exacerbating the difficulty of acquiring the necessary personnel to develop nuclear related businesses. This trend will likely increase, as the next generation of nuclear reactors are progressing towards more mature development stages, requiring greater numbers of experienced personnel, and because nuclear personnel take a long time to educate, qualify, and acquire practical experience.




We have identified this trend as an opportunity for more immediate revenue for our company, and to acquire more expertise to advance our business. We have concentrated on identifying small teams with expert personnel, with good portfolios of work and existing contracts, and good expansion potential, which would provide us with immediate revenue post-acquisition. By the end of 2024, we expect to start providing nuclear service support and consultation services for the nuclear energy industry, both domestically and internationally. This timeline is based on our plan to acquire a nuclear business services and consultancy provider. We have had preliminary discussions with several potential acquisition targets but have not progressed to definitive understandings or agreements. In combination with our intention to acquire existing revenue generating consultancy businesses, we are focusing on building our own internal nuclear consultation business in coordination with certain outside academic institutions, which we anticipate would require approximately $1 million over the next twelve months to recruit additional staff and build corresponding infrastructure to be capable of providing these services. No assurances can be given that we will be able to successfully establish and grow our own consultation business, and our failure to do so would adversely affect our nearer term revenue prospects. Moreover, the outlined expenditures and the timelines are estimations only. These are inherently subject to change due to certain factors, including adjustments in the microreactor development plan and uncertainties associated with the licensing approval process. Given that these elements may exceed our initial expectations or lie beyond our control, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the actual expenditures and timelines.


We believe we are in a competitively advantageous position to expand these acquired businesses with the highly qualified teams it has built over the previous years. This expansion potential can be further complimented by the education programs we are assembling with the Cambridge Nuclear Energy Centre, part of the University of Cambridge, which will involve the sponsorship of MSc and PhD Nuclear programs to produce the next generation of qualified nuclear energy personnel. Part of our education sponsorship programs will involve providing work to the qualifying individuals after they have completed their programs, allowing for further expansion of the nuclear services we are able to offer clients.


We also see potential for our business services and consultancy business to grow internationally through the new drive by the United States to promote clean energy partnerships abroad and build capacity for the secure and safe deployment of advanced nuclear reactor technologies under the U.S. Foundational Infrastructure for Responsible Use of Small Modular Reactor Technology (FIRST) Program.


The FIRST program will work with experts from government, academia, industry, and national laboratories to explore options to advance the global goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2065 through deployment of SMRs under the highest standards of safety, security, and nonproliferation. These international partnerships will help countries with no nuclear personnel and infrastructure take advantage of the unique benefits of SMRs that provide round the clock reliable power, complement other clean energy sources, use a small land footprint, and incorporate advanced safety features. Cooperation under FIRST will also deepen strategic ties, support clean energy innovation, and advance technical collaboration between the United States and other countries. These government promoted efforts to expand the utilization of nuclear power across the globe will coincide with ana even further increase in demand for nuclear services, labor, and expertise. We believe we are the only microreactor and SMR company that is currently entering into the provision of nuclear services and putting in place measures to train and educate individuals to expand these expected acquisitions and businesses. We believe we have the potential to be the first SMR and microreactor company to generate revenue, which will help minimizing the risk of encountering financial constraints which may limit our business development plans. With an expanded team we plan to retain with a portion of the proceeds from this offering, we will market our expertise and deploy consultants to both government and private industry nuclear projects. Consultants will be hired out for either hourly rates, or for contractual periods and weekly or monthly rates depending on the project type and scope.


There are currently no known microreactors companies in the revenue generating stage or near revenue, placing an increased risk on investors involved in those companies. Our goal to help mitigate investment risk by providing the first opportunity for public investors to be involved with an microreactor company able to help sustain its own research and development costs, without reliance on continuous financings to make advancements. The acquisitions and their subsequent expansions will also provide in-house expertise, at greatly reduced costs, which we can utilize for our own research and development, streamlining our company while expanding our technical and human capital capacity.


Cambridge Nuclear Energy Centre Collaboration


In accordance with observed market trends and the surging global demand for nuclear personnel, combined with a shortage of suitably nuclear qualified individuals, we have partnered with Cambridge Nuclear Energy Centre, part of the University of Cambridge, to develop a series of nuclear teaching programs to educate the next generation of qualified nuclear individuals capable of facilitating the growing demand and interest in nuclear energy.




Together with the Chair of Cambridge Nuclear Energy Centre, we will design and provide Master’s and Doctorate programs in Nuclear Energy science, physics and engineering related disciplines, to graduate competent engineers and physicists ready for practical deployment to industry, academia, and research and development destinations. The courses will be designed to provide the candidates with practical learning which can be usefully applied to the current nuclear environment and state of industry.


Our strategy includes the employment of graduating personnel upon completion of their programs, to provide further value to our reactor programs, our fuel processing business, and our business services practice. The programs will serve to provide our company with a stream of individuals competent in nuclear science and engineering, at a time when personnel are increasingly difficult to source; mitigating against potential insufficient staffing caused by the labor demand. Concurrently, we expect to be able to provide our graduates with global and dynamic work opportunities which rival and exceed any other company involved within the nuclear energy space, assisting to retain and attract the best personnel.


Our Competitive Strengths


We believe we have the following competitive strengths relating to our various business lines:


Microreactor Business


The nuclear industry and market have a high barrier to entry given the expertise required, and the large investment necessary to progress reactor designs to prototype, and then through licensing. This high barrier to entry has acted in our favor, leaving huge opportunities within the nuclear industry for expansion and new business. We believe, based on our market research, that there are no microreactor prototypes, there is one licensed SMR; there are no microreactor or SMR companies in revenue; there is one SMR and one other microreactor company listed; there are no HALEU fuel processing facilities; there is no transportation system for HALEU; and there is no deconversion facility for HALEU.


These capability gaps are compounded because nuclear companies are largely reluctant to branch into areas outside their focused business objectives, like an SMR company expanding into fuel and transport, or enrichment companies expanding into fuel processing. Unlike these other companies, we are seeking to become a vertically integrated company in the nuclear power sector with multiple streams of revenue, a diversified business to hedge against market changes, and greater control over industries supporting microreactor development, such as fuel and transportation. Our diversified business model will make us highly differentiated from other reactor companies.


We have also benefited from observing the impediments faced by reactor companies that began operations earlier than Nano. Issues with sourcing fuel have delayed development for some companies for several reasons. In response we selected more well-used fuel forms, with larger databases from more operating history, and selected to build our own fuel processing facility, to secure our own fuel supply and create additional business and revenue opportunities.


Microreactors have typically begun their inception as academic concepts, without consideration of the final market, or a competent strategy to finance the microreactor from concept through to being a licensed product ready for distribution. We began our company with a different approach, electing to design a reactor to cater for the largest perceived market. This strategy concurrently provides assurance that our company’s business once operational will be commercially successful, but also that more potential collaborative industry partners who could also assist the development of our microreactor. We also enjoy a competitive advantage over other groups in the microreactor space by having a board of directors and management team with extensive market and financing experience. Academically commenced projects often rely largely on government grants and awards to progress. Whether we receive government grants or not, we can progress our research, development, and engineering, through our own financing channels. This fund-raising advantage has given us the ability to quickly expand, as further opportunities are not dictated by grant application success.




Though our reactor designs were selected for specific markets, the type of reactor we are developing brings great advantages to our business. We are focusing on the 1-1.5 megawatt electric (or Mwe) power outputs, currently no advanced reactor design has reached prototype stage within this commercial space. The more developed concepts and reactor companies are almost all catering to different markets, namely civil nuclear power for large cities and towns. The microreactor space by comparison is relatively undeveloped, with no organizations demonstrably ahead in development.


We believe we have an expertise advantage over other companies developing microreactors, as we can recruit the best scientists, engineers and professionals in the world from any country or institution, without being constrained by the available personnel located within certain academic and professional institutions. We had the fortune to connect with professors and scientists from around the world, with the opportunity to work freely on entirely funded projects, with few constraints, drawing from their specializations and expert areas. The technical personnel involved in the current design of our reactors have been involved with the design and development of dozens of different reactors. The Head of the Zeus Technical team, Massimiliano Fratoni, is a professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the University of California - Berkeley and was a scientist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and a faculty position at The Pennsylvania State University. He has worked on molten salt reactors, liquid-metal-cooled fast reactors, fluoride-cooled high-temperature reactors, reduced-moderation boiling water reactors, small or micro modular reactors. He has over 40 publications in the nuclear field, with the majority being in advanced reactor designs.


The Odin team leads, Ian Farnan and Eugene Schwageraus, have worked on almost every type of reactor, including Thorium based fuel in combination with advanced cladding material, and possess exceptional expertise with reactors used in combination with salts. They have also modelled nuclear systems to assist with national policy making. Mr. Farnan is Chair of the Cambridge Centre for Nuclear Energy, Cambridge Director of the Imperial Cambridge Open (ICO) EPSRC CDT in Nuclear Energy and a founding member of the inter-departmental Cambridge MPhil in Nuclear Energy. He currently leads several EPSRC funded Research consortia in these areas. He has held visiting professor positions at Stanford University, the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization and the European Commission Joint Research Centre, Karlsruhe. Eugene is a Professor in Nuclear Energy Systems Engineering at Cambridge University Engineering Department, and is the Course Director for the MPhil in Nuclear Energy, and was the Head of Nuclear Engineering Department, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, and was a Professor in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. We also introduced two highly regarded researchers Anuj Dubey, Ph.D. and Congjin Ding, Ph.D., led by Mr. Farnan, to our Odin team to advance our ‘ODIN’ microreactor development. Dr. Dubey is a post-doctoral researcher working with the nuclear engineering group at the University of Cambridge. His current research is aimed at developing computational tools for core neutronic and thermal hydraulic analyses of advanced reactor designs. Dr. Dubey leads the Cambridge University contribution to the ongoing European Sodium Fast Reactor (ESFR-SIMPLE) project. Dr. Ding is a Research Associate in the Nuclear Energy group in the University of Cambridge’s Department of Engineering. Her research is on gas-cooled fast reactor designs, with a focus on neutronic analysis, thermal hydraulic modeling, CFD simulation, and computational methods development. Our Odin team also have two recently recruited leading engineers, Major Daniel Lamb, MPhil, and Rui Guo, Ph.D., to continue the development of our innovative advanced nuclear technologies. Major Lamb is a nuclear engineer and an expert in nuclear safeguards and counter-proliferation. He serves as a Major in the US Air Force Reserves, where he leads a group of 176 military and civilian engineers with a budget of $22 million and service contracts worth $26 million servicing utilities and infrastructure worth $2.8 billion supporting US and NATO operations. He has led multi-national engineering teams in the U.S. Air Force as a qualified Civil Engineer and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Officer, supporting operations across Europe and Afghanistan under NATO. Dr. Rui Guo specializes in nuclear materials in the waste and fuel cycle area and has extensive experience in novel experimental characterization and simulation methods for studying nuclear materials. His current research focuses on developing reliable and robust coolant and fuel cycle systems that meet the technical requirements of novel reactor designs, including the our ‘ODIN’ microreactor.




We also recently appointed distinguished nuclear regulatory expert David Tiktinsky as our Head of Nuclear Regulatory Licensing and prominent nuclear reactor licensing expert Eric R. Oesterle as our Head of Microreactor Regulatory Licensing. Mr. Tiktinsky joins us after having served for nearly forty years at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). His extensive governmental experience at the heart of the U.S. nuclear regulatory regime spans various roles, primarily focusing on licensing and regulatory activities for nuclear fuel cycle facilities and medical isotope production. Mr. Tiktinsky is expected to add significant value to us by assisting us in navigating the U.S. nuclear regulatory process in the coming years for our nuclear fuel processing, transportation products and services in development. Mr. Oesterle has over 38 years of licensing, regulatory, project management, engineering, industrial and construction experience in both the public and private sectors, including at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Westinghouse, Bechtel, and OnSite Engineering. His 15-year NRC career included several supervisory roles as Branch Chief for Operating Reactor Licensing, Reactor Safety Systems, License Renewal and Subsequent License Renewal and development of application guidance for new reactors as well as risk-informed, performance-based and technology inclusive application guidance for advanced non-light water reactors, small modular reactors, and microreactors. Mr. Tiktinsky brings extensive overall knowledge of nuclear regulatory licensing and will focus on the licensing requirements for the nuclear fuel processing and fuel transportation aspects of our business plans. Working in parallel with Mr. Tiktinsky, Mr. Oesterle is expected to focus his efforts primarily on the regulatory licensing process for ‘ZEUS’ and ‘ODIN’, our next generation microreactors in development.  


In addition, as described below under “Intellectual Property”, we recently acquired a nuclear reactor cooling technology that we believe will give our microreactor designs a competitive advantage.


Fuel Processing Business


We believe, based on our market research, that no company is currently developing a non-TRISO CAT II facility to fabricate HALEU fuel for SMRs and microreactors. Several companies have invested in establishing their own facilities to manufacture TRISO fuel for their reactors, such as Terrapower and X-Energy, though these facilities were not established to sell fuel commercially. The decision of some companies to pursue TRISO development was in response to previous government investment which supported TRISO fuel development, and necessity, as the more compact designs generate higher temperatures than conventional reactors, requiring fuel which can operate efficiently at higher temperatures. Currently, TRISO development has also stalled due to technical challenges, due partly to no operational history from which to draw data, combined with other technical challenges and current lack of funding. Developing fuel for SMRs and microreactors has become one of the main obstacles and causes of delay for companies expanding into these markets.


We responded to the difficulties observed at other reactor development companies and acted to mitigate against the obstacles afflicting other developers. Firstly, we opted for more conventional fuel forms and avoided TRISO fuel. Secondly, we observed that there was no CAT II facility to fabricate HALEU fuel in conventional forms, precipitating the decision to enter the market to secure our own fuel supply, and to build a commercial business able to supply to a potentially large market.


A CAT III facility allows for the processing and handling of U235 up to 10% U235 enrichment, there are currently three groups in the U.S. authorized to operate a CAT I facility. A CAT II facility allows for the processing and handling of U235 up to 20% U235 enrichment. We believe, based on our market research, that we are progressing towards being the only CAT II facility operator in the country, giving our business an enormous competitive advantage for both reactor development and establishing multiple sources of future revenue to de-risk our company. Currently, we believe, based on our market research, that no SMR or microreactor has any sales revenue, inhibiting the ability for any reactor company to progress, we are building a different and more robust business model.




We have further sought to de-risk our fuel business and establish a competitive advantage, by building our fuel processing facility near a Nuclear National Laboratory with the intention that the operations of both organizations will mutually benefit. The National Laboratory requires fabricated fuel for its programs, and we can benefit from the expertise and capabilities. The partnership enables a less complicated operation to be established, as existing fuel capabilities can be drawn upon.


Fuel Transportation Business


As we developed our business and analyzed the market to anticipate future obstacles which would affect our success, we observed that no transportation company existed which could transport and deliver commercial quantities of HALEU fuel across North America. This national capability gap was identified as a major risk to future operations. In response, we realized this capability gap was another opportunity to enter a new market within the nuclear industry, which would have the benefit of both increased revenue for our company and would provide extra security for our future operations.


We identified a transportation concept which investigated a high capacity HALEU fuel transportation basket design, which has been developed by INL, ORNL and PNNL, and funded by the DOE. The technology was developed around a licensed third-party cask technology to create a full HALEU transportation package, which provided the most advanced solution we identified to address the technological challenge of moving commercial quantities of HALEU fuel around North America. The development of this concept had not been continued by the DOE due to lack of funding. On April 3, 2024, we entered into the BEA License with Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC, the manager of INL (BEA), and have been working with the groups capable of aiding us in the development of the concept into a governmentally certificated and licensed product proficient in the transportation of enriched fuels.


Pursuant to the BEA License, we received an exclusive, royalty-bearing license from BEA for a U.S. patent that can be used worldwide related to devices and systems used for HALEU transportation. The BEA License grants us, as the licensee, exclusive rights for the use of this patent and the licensor is not permitted to license the patent to any other parties within the specified scope. As part of the BEA License, we agreed to pay BEA royalties on net worldwide sales and any sublicense worldwide sales related to the use of this patent as well as certain licensing payments. We also agreed to meet specific performance milestones related to HALEU fuel transportation within the first 48 months of the agreement’s effective date. Under the BEA License, we are obligated to reimburse BEA for all costs incurred in the preparation, filing, prosecuting, and maintenance of the licensed patent. The BEA License has an indefinite term and will automatically terminate upon the expiration, abandonment, or other termination of the licensed patent covered by the BEA License. The BEA License may also be terminated immediately by BEA in the event of our default of any material obligations, and we may terminate the BEA License at any time if we provide at least three months’ written notice to BEA. The BEA License contains customary representations, warranties, and indemnifications of the parties.


To provide our company further advantage in this space, we recruited two former executives of the world’s largest shipping company as our consultants who are assisting us in developing a North American transportation company using our licensed or developed technology to deliver (subject to applicable government licensing and certification) fuel for a wide customer base, including SMR and microreactor companies, national laboratories, military, and DOE programs.


Our Challenges


We are a young company seeking to develop and launch an integrated nuclear energy business. Our efforts face and will continue to face many significant challenges, as our business involves complex nuclear technology, regulatory hurdles, and shifting market dynamics. These challenges include, but are not limited to, the following:


  Obtaining the necessary permits and licenses for nuclear reactors, facilities and transportation capabilities is time-consuming and expensive. Microreactors must meet stringent safety and environmental standards, and gaining regulatory approval can be a lengthy endeavor. Additionally, ensuring the safety of a microreactor throughout its lifecycle is paramount. Developing, implementing, and maintaining robust safety systems and protocols are critical challenges. Implementing robust security measures to protect against theft, sabotage, or unauthorized access is also critical for both regulatory compliance and public safety.
  Building and operating a microreactor is very capital-intensive. Securing the necessary significant funding and managing costs, including but not limited to operational and maintenance costs, are ongoing challenges for our business.
  The political and regulatory landscape can change, impacting the stability and viability of nuclear projects. International agreements and geopolitical factors can also affect nuclear technology access and export.






Our competitors (nearly all of which are significantly larger and have more cash resources than we do) are other power generation systems which provide energy within the 1Mwe-1.5Mwe range. This competition includes fossil fuel power generating units, renewables, long duration storage and other nuclear reactors, including other microreactors. However, as described above in “Competitive Strengths”, we believe we are positioned better than our competition to emerge as a leading supplier of carbon-free round the clock energy generation.


Traditional Energy Sources


According to World Energy Statistics, approximately 87% of global energy generation capacity in 2022 was natural gas, coal, oil and large-scale nuclear. These technologies are highly reliable, cost-effective, dispatchable and land use efficient. However, with the exception of traditional large-scale nuclear, these resources are carbon-intensive, and we expect them to largely be replaced with carbon-free energy over time. Traditional large-scale nuclear power plants, while carbon-free, require significant upfront capital expenditures, have a history of extensive construction times, complex safety systems and do not have business cases apart from utility-scale generation. We believe our carbon-free microreactor technology possesses all the positive attributes of traditional baseload energy and addresses many of the flaws of traditional nuclear power plants, such as large upfront capital costs.




According to World Energy Statistics, approximately 13% of global energy generation capacity in 2022 was wind, solar, hydroelectric, and other renewable power generation sources. Although these sources generate carbon-free power, wind and solar are highly intermittent and non-dispatchable, and hydroelectric is seasonal and subject to curtailment. Additionally, since renewables are weather-dependent, they are too unreliable to support certain end-use cases, including mission-critical applications or industrial applications that require extensive on-site, always-available power. Due to their innovative design SMRs and microreactors, such as the VOYGR plant design by NuScale Energy Corporation (NYSE:SMR) (NuScale), can operate as baseload generation, load-follow renewables and/or support key industrial applications.


Other Advanced Nuclear Reactors


There are several reactor technologies that are in various stages of development, such as high temperature gas-cooled reactors, fast reactors, molten salt reactors, fusion technologies, and others, and commercial SMRs are currently operating in China and Russia. These technologies, like ours, are designed to be clean, safe, and highly reliable. However, these technologies have not received regulatory approval in the United States, and many of the technologies do not have the fuel supply infrastructure necessary to succeed. Currently, we believe, based on our market research, that there are no microreactor prototypes, and no other SMR company other than NuScale – which caters to a different market than our planned market, has applied for approval.


Intellectual Property


BEA License


On April 3, 2024, we entered into a BEA License with Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC, the manager of the INL (BEA), and have been working with the groups capable of aiding us in the development of the concept into a governmentally certificated and licensed product proficient in the transportation of enriched fuels.


Pursuant to the BEA License, we received an exclusive, royalty-bearing license from BEA for a U.S. patent that can be used worldwide related to devices and systems used for HALEU transportation. The BEA License grants us, as the licensee, exclusive rights for the use of this patent and the licensor is not permitted to license the patent to any other parties within the specified scope. As part of the BEA License, we agreed to pay BEA royalties on net worldwide sales and any sublicense worldwide sales related to the use of this patent as well as certain licensing payments. We also agreed to meet specific performance milestones related to HALEU fuel transportation within the first 48 months of the agreement’s effective date. Under the BEA License, we are obligated to reimburse BEA for all costs incurred in the preparation, filing, prosecuting, and maintenance of the licensed patent. The BEA License has an indefinite term and will automatically terminate upon the expiration, abandonment, or other termination of the licensed patent covered by the BEA License.


The BEA License may also be terminated immediately by BEA in the event of our default on any material obligations, and we may terminate the BEA License at any time if we provide at least three months’ written notice to BEA. The BEA License contains customary representations, warranties, and indemnifications of the parties.




Acquisition of ALIP Technology


On June 21, 2024, we closed an acquisition of a novel annular linear induction pump (ALIP) intellectual property used in small nuclear reactor cooling from noted physicist, research engineer and project manager Carlos O. Maidana, PhD. of Maidana Research.


In connection with the transaction, Dr. Maidana has agreed to collaborate with us as a consultant on further development of the ALIP technology with a view towards achieving SBIR Phase III Award status. These efforts will build on previous DOE grants for the technology aggregating over $1.37 million in prior phases. Pursuant to a consulting agreement between us and Dr. Maidana, we will provide funding (estimated to be approximately $350,000) and other resources necessary for the Phase III project, and Dr. Maidana will be the Principal Investigator on this project.


The SBIR program is a federal initiative designed to support small businesses in conducting research and development with strong potential for commercialization. By funding these projects, the SBIR program aims to stimulate technological innovation and facilitate the transition of research into viable products and services. SBIR Phase I focuses on feasibility and technical merit, Phase II involves further development and prototype creation, and Phase III centers on commercialization, requiring external funding to bring the innovation to market.


The ALIP technology, which is based on electromagnetic (rather than moving) pumps, is a key-enabling technology to our ODIN microreactor in development. Following the previously announced completion of INL’s review of the ODIN microreactor design in February 2024, our engineers have diligently worked to identify relevant technologies to further optimize and simplify ODIN’s design. The acquired ALIP technology, to be refined during the SBIR Phase III program, is an example of this strategy in action.


Moreover, we believe there is significant potential for this technology to be separately commercialized within a year as a component for all salt-based coolant reactors. There are numerous advanced reactor designs which utilize salt-based coolants in fission and fusion energy industries, as well as in the advanced materials, space exploration, marine propulsion, and high-temperature and industrial process sectors.


The SBIR Phase III project acquired by us integrates several previous SBIR efforts, specifically:


  Grant Number DE-SC0019835: Development of a Small Electromagnetic Pump for Molten Salt.
  Grant Number DE-SC0022805: Software for Multiphysics Analysis and Design of Annular Linear Induction Pumps.
  Grant Number DE-SC0013992: Computational Tools for the Design of Liquid Metal Thermomagnetic Systems.


As part of this transaction, Dr. Maidana assigned to us all intellectual property rights associated with the ALIP product, his work on the foregoing grants and the proposal for the SBIR Phase III program.


In consideration for the acquisition, we (i) issued 50,000 shares of common stock to Dr. Maidana and (ii) paid Dr. Maidana cash consideration of $50,000. Additionally, we agreed to deliver to Dr. Madana an additional (x) 50,0000 shares of common stock and (y) cash consideration of $50,000, contingent upon the successful completion of SBIR Phase III project prior to June 21, 2025, without additional expense to, or funding requirement by, us.


ZEUS Provisional Patent


On March 27, 2024, we filed an application for a U.S. Provisional patent – “ZEUS” to protect certain key design considerations. In July 2024, we filed another application for a U.S. Provisional Patent to secure our newly acquired annual linear induction pump technology (ALIP). As of October 21, 2024, these two patent applications remain under review by the USPTO. Other than that, for competitive reasons, to date we have not filed for any other U.S. or international patents related to our technology and have opted to maintain such technology as a trade secret. This includes our ODIN microreactor and other technologies. However, we have been in consultation with legal counsel to discuss patenting aspects of our developed technology. In addition, we are implementing a strategy to further the research and progress our microreactor technology to a more finalized form. We believe that developing technology more comprehensively before patenting offers several advantages that can enhance the overall value and protection of the patent. Such advantages include stronger patent claims, reduced risk of invalidity, potential increased market value, minimized prior art, strategic timing, cost savings, better understanding of applications, and trade secrets protection. We plan to file utility or design patents for ZEUS and ODIN microreactors before March 27, 2025.


Overall, we believe developing technology more comprehensively before patenting it provides our company with certain potential strategic advantages. However, we will balance the advantages of comprehensive development with the risk of potential delays in securing patent protection. We will continue to consult qualified intellectual property counsel so we can make informed decisions regarding the timing of patent filings and the overall protection strategy.




As of October 21, 2024, we have one trademark application “Smaller, Cheaper and Safer” on class 11, pending approval from the United States Patent and Trademark office, and one domain name.




We currently have director & officer liability insurance for our officers and certain directors. We do not carry any key-man life insurance, business liability and other professional liability insurance. Neither have we purchased any property insurance or business interruption insurance. Even if we purchase these kinds of insurance, the insurance may not fully protect us from the financial impact of defending against product liability or professional liability claims that may occur in future. As we are still at the development stage and we have not produced any products yet, we have determined that our current insurance coverage is sufficient for our business operations in the U.S.


Research and Development


As of October 21, 2024, our team has spent approximately 2.5 years on research and development and invested over an aggregate of approximately $3.7 million   on research and development related to ZEUS and ODIN from our inception to June 30, 2024 to develop this technology. Prior to forming our company in 2022, our technical teams were involved in microreactor research and development which has helped accelerate the development of our microreactors. Our current research and development efforts are centered on optimizing reactor dimensions, material compositions, simplifying mechanical systems, and lowering the lifecycle cost of our microreactors. Our team is also involved in developing new innovative technologies that will represent future business endeavors, such as fuel processing and fuel transportation.


Our research and development team has nearly 150 years of collective experience related to nuclear energy and reactor design, involving scientists and engineers from the University of Berkeley, California, and the University of Cambridge.


On February 14, 2023, we entered into a Strategic Partnership Project (SPP) agreement with INL for an Expert Review Panel of our ZEUS microreactor design. The SPP agreement is managed by BEA for the DOE. Over a 6-month period, INL will review our ZEUS-related technical information related to reactor design, siting, fuel, and decommissioning strategy and will organize a Panel Review Workshop to discuss numerous areas of the design. This review panel will provide recommendations on the current design as well as outline a path forward for further design and collaboration between us and INL.


In addition, we have been awarded 200 hours of subject matter expert (SME) support at INL as part of the National Reactor Innovation Center (NRIC) Resource Team program. NRIC accelerates the demonstration and deployment of advanced nuclear energy through its mission to inspire stakeholders and the public, empower innovators, and deliver successful outcomes. They are charged with and committed to demonstrating advanced reactors by the end of 2025. The work carried out focused on delivering a thermal-hydraulics model to study the temperature in our ZEUS reactor core as well as the thermal efficiency of the system, a Monte-Carlo model to study criticality and reactivity coefficients in the reactor core during depletion, and an optimized version of the reactor core including thermal-hydraulics and neutronics.


In the future, we expect our research and development expenses to increase significantly as we continue to accelerate the development of our products, services and technologies.


Human Capital Resources


As of October 21, 2024, we had three full time employees and had 34 independent contractors with an aggregate of 51 advanced degrees, including 24 master’s degrees in engineering and science, 13 PhDs and 2 JDs (Juris Doctors - Doctors of Law). We have utilized independent contractor relationships with our senior executive officers, except for Jay Jiang Yu, with whom we have an employment agreement, from our inception to date, but we intend to enter into formal employment agreements with our other senior executive officers after the consummation of this offering.   


The following table provides a breakdown of our staff by function as of October 21, 2024.


Function   Number of
    % of
Management     5       13.51 %
Research and Development (1)     12       32.43 %
Business Operation (1)     16       43.24 %
Administration     4       10.81 %
Total     37       100 %


(1) There was an increase of headcounts for a total of five staff, or approximately 71% of the total research and development personnel in the research and development department in 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. The above-mentioned increases were due to the recruitment of new staff for our research and development.


(2) There was an increase of headcounts for a total of three staff, or approximately 23% of the business operation personnel in the business operation department in 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. The above-mentioned increases were due to the recruitment of new staff for our business operations.  




Our workforce mainly operates on a remote basis. We have a seasoned leadership team with nearly 150 years of cumulative experience in the nuclear industry. Our management team places significant focus and attention on matters concerning our human capital assets, particularly on the specific industry and technical knowledge that are required to implement our nuclear energy-focused business plan. Accordingly, we regularly review staff development and succession plans for each of our functions to identify and develop our pipeline of talent.


We believe we offer our staff competitive compensation packages and an environment that encourages self-development and, as a result, have generally been able to attract and retain qualified personnel and maintain a stable core management team. Our staff are not represented by a labor organization or covered by a collective bargaining agreement. We believe that we maintain a good working relationship with our staff and to date, we have not experienced any labor disputes.


Description of Properties


Our corporate headquarters is located at 10 Times Square, 30th Floor, New York, New York 10018, covering approximately 7,800 square feet. We lease this space for $33,605 per month whereby the monthly lease rent will increase by 2.5% on an annual basis. The lease is effective on April 1, 2024 and has a term ending on July 31, 2031.


In August 2024, we purchased a 1.64-acre land package in the historic Heritage Center Industrial Park in Oak Ridge, Tennessee for $1.71 million. The purchase includes a 14,000 sq. ft., 2-story building to house our Nuclear Technology Headquarters. Situated in a world-class location for innovative nuclear technology research and development, this facility will serve as the central hub for our advanced nuclear technology design and engineering capabilities. The Nuclear Technology Headquarters is near the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Spallation Neutron Source, the National Transportation Research Center, and The University of Tennessee’s Center of Excellence in Engineering. We expect to grow the number of personnel working at the facility over the next year and expect to ultimately employ up to 30 personnel at the facility.


We believe the above-mentioned facilities and offices are adequate and suitable for our current needs and that, should it be needed, suitable additional or alternative space will be available to accommodate any such expansion of our operations.


Material Agreements and Current Memoranda of Understanding


Services Agreement by and between Nano Nuclear Energy Inc. and Cambridge AtomWorks (2024) Limited (“Cambridge AtomWorks”)


On August 2, 2023, we entered into a services agreement with Cambridge AtomWorks LLP, which was replaced on July 29, 2024 with an updated services agreement with Cambridge AtomWorks (2024) Limited (or Cambridge AtomWorks). Through Cambridge AtomWorks, our ODIN development team, led by Ian Farnan and Eugene Schwageraus, provide services to us related to our ODIN microreactor in development. Pursuant to the 2023 agreement, Cambridge AtomWorks conducted a conceptual design feasibility study that analyzed the main design parameters of the ODIN microreactor and the proposed materials used to construct a power plant. These activities have been substantially completed, which led to the execution of the 2024 agreement with AtomWorks.


The responsibilities of Cambridge AtomWorks under the 2024 agreement include progressing the development of the ODIN reactor beyond the conceptual stage to achieve the various intermediate stages of development including, but not limited to, those related to optimizing key system components and functions, with the goal of advancing the ODIN design to be in the position to begin the formal regulatory application process. The 2024 agreement with Cambridge AtomWorks, like its predecessor agreement, contains customary data security and privacy, confidentiality, indemnification, and intellectual property covenants.


In consideration of the services provided, we will pay Cambridge AtomWorks up to $4,864,567 in fees and expense reimbursements. These fees are to be paid over a two-year term and are based on specific activities that Cambridge AtomWorks must perform. The 2024 agreement expires two years from the effective date, or until July 25, 2026, whichever is later.


Memorandum of Understanding by and between Centrus and HALEU Energy


On March 30, 2023, our subsidiary HALEU Energy entered into a memorandum of understanding with Centrus. Pursuant to this agreement, both parties will explore the possibility of Centrus providing High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) to HALEU Energy, as needed, to support HALEU Energy’s research, development, and commercialization efforts, for fuel qualification, for our initial test reactor cores and our commercial variant micro reactors. The parties will also (i) explore the compatibility of HALEU Energy’s engineering and technical needs, and Centrus’ technical and manufacturing capabilities to satisfy those engineering and technical needs; (ii) explore Centrus providing engineering and/or advanced manufacturing services to HALEU Energy; and (iii) explore Centrus providing consulting services to HALEU Energy in the areas of fabrication, deconversion, regulatory and licensing, and transportation.


This is a nonbinding and nonexclusive relationship and has customary covenants regarding confidentiality. The term of this agreement ends on December 31, 2025, and may be extended prior to its expiration by mutual agreement of the parties.




Strategic Partnership Project Agreement No. 23SP817 between Nano Nuclear Energy Inc. and BEA


On February 14, 2023, we entered into a Strategic Partnership Project (SPP) agreement with BEA. Pursuant to the SPP agreement, BEA is the management and operating contractor of the INL and is operating as a contractor for the DOE. The purpose of the SPP agreement is to establish an expert design panel for our ZEUS microreactor design. This review panel will provide recommendations for the current reactor design and outline a path forward for further design and collaboration between BEA and us. The estimated period of performance for completion of the statement of work (“SOW”) outlined in the SPP agreement was six months from the effective date of this SPP agreement (the later of the date signed by the last signatory or the date on which BEA received advance funding from Nano).


On December 6, 2023, we entered into an amendment to the SPP agreement with BEA, pursuant to which the estimated timeline for completion of the SOW was extended from July 6, 2023 through January 3, 2025 and the term of the SPP agreement may be extended by mutual written agreement of both us and BEA.


Services Agreement between Nano Nuclear Energy Inc. and Nuclear Education and Engineering Consulting LLC (“NEEC”)


On January 19, 2024, we entered into a services agreement with NEEC, effective on January 15, 2024. Pursuant to the NEEC agreement, NEEC will support the design and development of a solid core 1 Mwe nuclear reactor according to certain high-level objectives established by us, and in return, NEEC is entitled to a monthly fee of $80,000 or less depending on the workload.


The NEEC agreement contains customary provisions regarding confidentiality, indemnification, data security, and privacy.


The NEEC agreement will expire two years from January 15, 2024 and may be terminated sooner by either party in the event that the other party is in breach, and it may be terminated with or without cause by NEEC upon thirty days’ written notice to us.


Legal Proceedings


On August 9, 2024, a putative securities class action lawsuit was filed against us and certain of our officers in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, captioned Yvette Yang v. Nano Nuclear Energy Inc., et al., No. 1:24-cv-06057 (S.D.N.Y.). The complaint asserts claims for alleged violations of federal securities laws related to statements concerning our business and prospects, including our progress toward microreactor development. The plaintiff seeks to represent a class of certain persons who purchased or otherwise acquired the our common stock during the period from May 8, 2024 through July 18, 2024 and seeks unspecified damages and other relief. We dispute the allegations in the complaint and intend to defend the case vigorously. The case is at an early stage and we cannot reasonably estimate the amount of any potential financial loss or cost that could result from this lawsuit.


In addition, on August 23, 2024, a putative shareholder derivative lawsuit was filed purportedly on behalf of our company, as nominal defendant, against certain of our directors and officers in the Eighth Judicial District Court of Clark County, Nevada, captioned William Latza, Derivatively on Behalf of Nano Nuclear, Inc. v. James Walker, et al., No. A-24-900423-C. The complaint asserts claims for alleged breach of fiduciary duties and corporate waste, among others, related to statements concerning our business and prospects, including our progress toward microreactor development. On behalf of our company, the plaintiff seeks damages from the director and officer defendants and an order directing our company to take actions to reform and improve corporate governance and internal procedures. The director and officer defendants deny all allegations of liability and intend to vigorously defend against all claims. Given the preliminary stage of the lawsuit and the inherent uncertainties of litigation, we cannot determine with certainty the outcome of the case at this time.


In addition, from time to time, we may be subject to various additional claims, lawsuits, and other legal and administrative proceedings that may arise in the ordinary course of business. Some of these claims, lawsuits, and other proceedings may range in complexity and result in substantial uncertainty; it is possible that they may result in damages, fines, penalties, non-monetary sanctions, or relief.


As we continue to grow and develop our products, we anticipate that we will expend significant financial and managerial resources in the defense of our products in the future. We also anticipate that we will expend significant financial and managerial resources to defend against claims that our products and services infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties.




Government Regulation


Microreactor Business


核 安全監管.核技術的商業使用在所有國家都受到監管,並獲得國家監管機構的批准 核電站的設計、建造和運營需要機構,包括我們提議的微反應堆。核安全 監管機構主要考慮核電站設計的安全性和穩健性,以應對適用的內部危險(例如,組件 故障和火災)和外部危險(例如,地震和雪、雨和風等天氣負荷),還考慮環境 建設和運營的影響(例如,水的利用和歷史遺址和動植物物種的保護) 植物核安全監管必須逐個國家解決,儘管監管機構在設計時可能會進行合作 已部署在多個國家。


我們 微反應堆許可策略包括兩個主要目標:(1)使用最有效的許可途徑獲得監管批准 通過儘早參與監管機構並開發完整且高質量的應用程序;以及(2)爲我們的微反應器保持標準設計 通過追求可以在客戶許可證申請中完全引用的NRC標準設計認證,儘可能多的市場。


核子 美國的安全監管審批。在美國建造和運營核電站的申請者 必須按照10 CFR的規定,先提交施工許可證申請,然後再提交運營許可證申請 第50部分或根據第10 CFR第52部分提交綜合許可證申請。使用任一許可途徑的申請人可以 通過引用併入設計認證,從而將其許可證申請的範圍限制在場地特定的信息和運營 程序。希望建造和運營我們的Zeus或Odin微反應堆的客戶可以提高NRC監管的效率 通過引用將我們的一個微反應堆的NRC標準設計認證納入其應用程序,從而獲得批准。根據 通過我們的許可策略,我們希望獲得nrc對我們的標準微反應堆設計的批准和認證,以便納入。 參考未來的客戶許可證申請。設計認證過程確保NRC對設計的審查是 最終和使用我們的NRC標準設計認證的潛在客戶將只需要支持NRC 審查現場具體設計特點(例如,物理安全系統、取水結構、現場應急計劃)、運作 計劃(例如,維護、應急準備)和環境影響。在設計最終階段,NRC不會重新審查 我們的微反應堆設計。


核 國際安全監管批准.我們正在評估開拓國際市場並與國際社會接觸的計劃 監管機構對我們提議的微反應器進行了討論。如果我們尋求美國以外的市場,我們將評估所有國際 可能適用於我們業務的監管要求。


其他 條例.除了核安全法規外,我們還受到核等其他核監管控制 材料保障措施和防擴散限制,以及責任保險制度(例如,《普萊斯-安德森法案》、1960年《巴黎公約》、 1963年《維也納公約》和1997年《補充賠償公約》)。我們只計劃在司法管轄區出售我們的微反應堆 其中核責任完全轉嫁給核電站運營商。


顧客 購買我們的微型反應堆還必須獲得設施所在司法管轄區所需的許可證、執照和保險。 被找到了。在美國,核電站開發商必須獲得根據第10條頒發的NRC建築許可證和運營許可證 CFR第50部分或根據第10 CFR第52部分頒發的建築和運營相結合的許可證。其他美國聯邦許可或執照 核電站所需的可能包括陸軍工程兵團、聯邦航空管理局、美國國務院發佈的 交通部和美國環境保護局。州或地方監管機構也可能要求許可或執照 核電站,包括國家污染物排放消除系統(NPDES)建築雨水排放許可證 活動和建設衛生廢水、廢水處理設施;第401條水質認證;水井許可證; 固體廢物處理許可證;以及適當的建築許可證。




出口 控制。我們的微型反應堆業務受到並遵守嚴格的美國進出口管制法律,包括 工業和安全局的出口管理條例(EAR)條例,該局是美國國防部的一部分 商業,以及美國能源部發布的法規。這些規定的存在是爲了促進國家安全和外交政策利益 並進一步推進其防擴散政策。核技術,也稱爲技術數據,由10CFR Part 810控制, 根據美國能源部的規定。爲在覈反應堆中使用而專門設計或修改的核硬件和代碼受到控制 由NRC根據10 CFR Part 110進行。嚴格內控,落實出口管理措施。 管制條例。附錄A至10 CFR Part 810提供了被認爲是普遍授權的國家/地區的列表,這意味着它們 被認爲是不敏感的。不在這份名單上的國家在分享任何核武器之前都需要得到特別授權 技術根據第110部分,核管理委員會管理核硬件、材料和代碼的進出口,遵循同樣敏感的 各國對陣。嵌入CFR第10部分第810部分的非敏感國家的監管結構。


Fuel Processing and Transportation Businesses


Nuclear Safety Regulation. The commercial nuclear fuel industry is heavily regulated in the United States and regulatory approval is required for the design, safety systems and operation of a nuclear fuel facility such as our proposed HALEU fuel processing facility. Nuclear safety regulators from the NRC consider safety related impacts to the facility from external events (e.g., wildfires, impacts from nearby facilities), natural phenomena hazards (e.g., seismic events, wind, snow, floods), fire protection, environmental conditions and dynamic effects associated with operations, chemical protection, emergency response, criticality control, and instrumentation and control. The facility license application must identify items relied on for safety in order to limit potential radiation and chemical related impacts to workers, the public, and the environment.


A nuclear fuel facility must also consider the impacts of the facility on the environment. An environmental report will be prepared which describes the impact of constructing the facility on the environment; adverse environmental impacts that cannot be avoided; alternatives to the proposed facility construction; the relationship between short-term uses and enhancement of long-term productivity; and irreversible commitments of resources. The NRC will consider environmental impacts in its licensing decision making process. The NRC will need to make an environmental related finding of no significant impact (FONSI) prior to issuance of a license for the fuel facility.


Our regulatory licensing strategy is to design a HALEU nuclear fuel processing facility using proven technology, processes and safety systems and engage the NRC early in the license application development process. Our intent is to produce a high-quality application that can be reviewed and approved by the NRC in the minimum amount of time.


On the fuel transportation side, we are evaluating the availability and use of comprehensive nuclear material packaging. The use of NRC certified transportation packages under applicable federal rules and meeting the appropriate Department of Transportation regulatory requirements for radioactive materials are necessary for nuclear fuel shipments within the United States. Additionally, international shipping requirements which follow IAEA regulations (and those of the recipient country), are needed for any international transport of nuclear fuel.


Nuclear Safety Regulatory Approval in the United States. In order for a nuclear fuel facility to be constructed and operated, a license application and supporting documentation needs to be prepared and submitted for review and approval by NRC. The safety basis for the facility is documented in an integrated safety analysis (ISA). An ISA is a systematic examination of the facility’s processes, equipment, structures, and personnel activities to ensure that all relevant hazards that could result in unacceptable consequences have been adequately evaluated and appropriate protective measures have been identified. NRC fuel cycle facilities are similar to chemical processing plants and ISA techniques that have been applied in the chemical industry are generally applicable to a nuclear fuel facility. A document that contains a summary of the ISA will be submitted to the NRC with the license application.




The license application submitted to the NRC will also include (a) an overview of the site and processes; (b) the licensees organization, (c) the ISA methodology to be used, (d) a radiation protection program, (e) a nuclear criticality safety program; (f) a chemical process safety program; (g) a fire safety program; (h) an emergency management plan; (i) an environmental protection description; (j) a decommissioning plan; (k) a management measures program; (l) a material control and accounting plan ; and (m) a physical protection plan.


An environmental report detailing the potential impacts of the facility (and alternatives) will also be prepared and submitted to the NRC for review. We expect that the NRC will complete its review of our license application and environmental report within 30-months. We believe that the NRC review time can compressed by submitting a high-quality application for a facility using proven technology and following guidance documents prepared by the NRC. Communication with the NRC both during the pre-application period and during the review will help facilitate a successful licensing review.


After obtaining a license from the NRC, we will construct the facility in an expeditious manner. After construction is completed, it is expected that the NRC will perform an operational readiness review of the facility and grant NANO an authorization to operate.


To transport the fuel within the United States, NRC certified transportation packages will be used. If necessary, the package certificate of compliance will be amended by the package certificate holder in order to add our fabricated fuel as an authorized content for the transportation package. The certificate of compliance amendment request, if needed, will follow the appropriate regulatory requirements in the United States that are contained in 10 CFR Part 71.


Nuclear Safety Regulatory Approval Internationally. Since the fuel facility is being licensed to produce our fuel in the United States by the NRC, no international regulatory approvals will be needed.


Shipping of the fuel will occur in the United State using NRC certified transportation packages and following the appropriate regulatory requirements that are necessary for fuel shipments. For international shipments, additional shipping approvals will be needed depending on the country that the fuel will be shipped to. International shipping requirements will be addressed by following IAEA transportation requirements for transport of nuclear fuel and the recipient’s countries requirements.


Other Regulation. In addition to nuclear safety regulations, our fuel processing and transportation businesses are subject to other nuclear regulatory controls such as special nuclear material safeguards and non-proliferation restrictions. Other U.S. federal and state permits such as air quality, liquid effluent controls, and building permits will be required depending on the fuel facility design (types and quantity of waste materials produced) and the state in which the facility will be located which has not yet been determined.


Export controls. Exports related to our fuel processing facility and products are controlled by the NRC under applicable federal regulations. Nuclear fuel processing plant equipment and components are under NRC’s export licensing authority as per Appendix O to 10 CFR Part 110. This includes items that are considered especially designed for the fabrication of nuclear fuel including equipment that: (a) directly processes or controls the production flow of nuclear material; (b) seal the nuclear material with cladding; (c) check the integrity of cladding; (d) check the finished treatment of the sealed fuel; or (e) is used for assembling reactor fuel elements. This section of the regulations also includes equipment or systems of equipment specifically designed or prepared for use in a fuel processing plant. Additionally, 10 CFR 110.9a states that the export control of special nuclear material is also controlled by the NRC.


Many types of controls are required to ensure compliance with NRC export control regulations. For example, 10 CFR 110.28 lists embargoed destinations for exporting nuclear materials and technology. An application to the NRC for a specific license to export special nuclear material will be required. The specific license is issued on a case-by-case basis to a single specified person or entity which submits and is legally responsible for the proposed export transactions as described on NRC Form 7 application submitted to the NRC.


Corporate Information


We were incorporated in the State of Nevada on February 2, 2022. Our principal offices are located at 10 Times Square, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10018, and our telephone number is (212) 634-9206. Our website is www.nanonuclearenergy.com. Our website and the information on or that can be accessed through such website are not part of this prospectus.






Executive Officers and Directors


The following table sets forth information regarding our executive officers and directors as of the date of this prospectus. Unless otherwise stated, the business address for our executive officers and directors is that of our principal executive office at 10 Times Square, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10018.


Name   Age   Position
James Walker   41   Chief Executive Officer and Director
Jay Jiang Yu   44   President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman of the Board of Directors
Jaisun Garcha   44   Chief Financial Officer
Winston Khun Hunn Chow   47   Chief Policy Officer
Dr. Tsun Yee Law   41   Independent Director
Diane Hare   34   Independent Director
Dr. Kenny Yu   38   Independent Director


James Walker has been our Chief Executive Officer and director since 2022. Mr. Walker has over seventeen years of engineering project management experience across various industries, such as construction, mechanical engineering, and nuclear engineering. Since 2020, Mr. Walker has served as the senior executive manager at Ares, where he is responsible for the construction of plants, purchases of land, operations, marketing, financing, safety regulation compliance, and shareholder relations. He is also concurrently serving on the board of directors of several small-cap publicly traded companies in Canada, including Bayhorse Silver Inc. (Ticker: BHS, Canada: TSX Venture) and Xander Resources, Inc. (Ticker: XND, Canada: TSX Venture), and serves as a consultant to LIST. From 2016 to 2020, Mr. Walker served as the head of company strategy of Lithium Energy Products (or Lithium), a company primarily engaged in the exploration of lithium prospects, where he oversaw the company’s projects, resource allocation, grant submissions, and collaborative ventures. Prior to joining Lithium, from 2013 to 2016, Mr. Walker was an engineering project manager for the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence (or the Ministry of Defence). While there, he was responsible for infrastructure projects and worked in each stage of the nuclear product life cycle, from concept to decommissioning. At the Ministry of Defence, Mr. Walker was primarily engaged in design, modelling, rigs, testing, and problem shooting. He also managed multidisciplinary teams involving engineers, managers, contractors and finance and commercial personnel, and served as the project lead and manager for the building of a nuclear material reclamation plant, and as the engineering manager for constructing factories and facilities designed to manufacture reactor cores. Between 2012 and 2013, Mr. Walker was seconded and worked as a nuclear physicist at Rolls-Royce, leading a project to model various configurations of Rolls-Royce’s Zero-Power reactor using probabilistic physics software to digitally replicate real-world behavior and determine program accuracy margins. Prior to this role, Mr. Walker served as a mechanical engineer and a nuclear engineer at the Ministry of Defence.


Mr. Walker holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nottingham, a Master of Science degree in Mining Engineering from the University of Exeter, and a Master of Science degree in Nuclear Engineering from Cranfield University. He is also a Chartered Engineer (CEng, issued 2014) with the IMechE, a Professional Engineer (PEng, issued 2023) with the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, qualified Project Manager with APM in 2015, and a Chartered Physicist with the Institute of Physics in 2023. We believe that Mr. Walker is well qualified to serve as a director of our company because of his extensive experience within the nuclear industry and with public markets and the operation of public and private companies.


Jay Jiang Yu is our founder, and has been our President, Secretary and Treasurer, and Chairman of the Board since 2022. Since 2022, Mr. Yu has served as president and chairman of the board of LIST.   Since 2022, Mr. Yu has been the chairman of the board of directors of St. James Gold Corp. (or St. James Gold), a Canadian-based publicly traded company (Ticker: LORD, Canada: TSX Venture) engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral properties. Since 2008, Mr. Yu has served as the chief executive officer and chairman of the board of directors of I Financial Ventures Group, a corporate advisory and start-up consulting business that advises private and public companies. Mr. Yu is also the founder and chief executive officer of Lunar NYC Inc., a youth-focused 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Earlier in his career, Mr. Yu worked as an analyst in the Corporate & Investment Banking Division at Deutsche Bank, on Wall Street in New York City.




Mr. Yu holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the City College of New York. He has completed core classes from Borough of Manhattan Community College and has taken continuing education classes at Columbia University. We believe Mr. Yu is qualified to serve as a director of our company because of his experience with public companies, capital fundings, structured financing, and other business development services. In 2021, Mr. Yu was honored as one of The Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business.


Jaisun Garcha has been our Chief Financial Officer since 2022. Mr. Garcha has extensive experience and knowledge in financial management, corporate governance, and risk management for public and private companies. Since 2022, Mr. Garcha has served as the part time chief financial officer and a director at LIST. From March 2022 to October 2024, Mr. Garcha served as the chief financial officer of St. James Gold (“St. James”), a Canada-based publicly traded company (Ticker: LORD, Canada: TSX Venture) engaged in mining exploration. From February 2013 to October 2024, Mr. Garcha served as the chief financial officer of Snipp Interactive Inc. (“Snipp Interactive”), a Canada-based publicly traded company (Ticker: SPN, Canada: TSX Venture) engaged in global loyalty and promotion solutions. Prior to this, Mr. Garcha served as the chief financial officer or senior financial consultant of various private and public companies in a wide spectrum of sectors including but not limited to mining, oil and gas exploration, and venture capital. Mr. Garcha began his career as an accountant in 2001. Over the course of his twenty-year career, Mr. Garcha has assisted several companies in going public through initial public offerings and reverse takeovers. Mr. Garcha is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), Certified General Accountant (CGA) and holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of British Columbia and a Master of Business Administration from Laurentian University.


Winston Khun Hunn Chow has been our Chief Policy Officer since 2022. Since June 2023, Mr. Chow has acted as chief of party & senior director of energy programs at the Asia Foundation, a non-profit international development organization focused on improving lives and expanding opportunities across Asia and the Pacific. Prior to this, he served as the chief of party & senior advisor of energy at the Aisa Foundation from November 2020 to June 2023. While these positions, Mr. Chow headed the Asia Foundation’s $11.4 million joint United States and Australian government flagship initiative, Mekong Safeguards, which aims to drive sustainable infrastructure development throughout China, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar. He has worked with governments, banks, and corporations to build sustainable energy, water, and transport infrastructure in these areas. Prior to this, from August 2019 to November 2020, Mr. Chow served as the deputy chief of party at USAID Clean Power Asia of Abt Associates, an organization that uses social science methodologies to help federal agencies understand and address social challenges. In this role, Mr. Chow co-led USAID Clean Power Asia, the U.S. Government’s $15 million flagship regional energy development project in Southeast Asia. From 2016 to 2019, Mr. Chow served as a country representative for the People’s Republic of China at Global Green Growth Institute, an inter-governmental organization that champions green growth and climate resilience. While there, he established and led the China county office of Global Green Growth Institute in Beijing, managing strategic mission scope and implementation, budget, financial accounting, hiring and human resources, strategic communications, and overall government relations and collaboration with China. Prior to this, Mr. Chow worked at DOE, where he managed and represented the DOE’s $2.3 billion clean energy division’s collaborations with China, Japan and Korea, and worked with U.S. and Chinese companies on projects such as the building of the world’s largest CSP solar power plant (Project Delingha). Mr. Chow is the senior China advisor on energy, environment, and social impact at Globality Inc., an AI platform for business consultancy, and he is also a news commentator on energy and environment for the China Global Television Network. Mr. Chow holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master of Public Administration in International Politics from Columbia University, and a Master of Business Administration from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.


Dr. Tsun Yee Law has been our director since 2022. Dr. Law is a physician who holds professional memberships in Doctors for Nuclear Energy and the American College of Nuclear Medicine. Since 2022, Dr. Law has served as a director at LIST. Since 2014, Dr. Law has practiced orthopedic medicine in South Florida, specializing in hip and knee osteoarthritis. He is actively engaged in clinical research with a special focus on robotic and sensor technologies, medical innovation, and healthcare investments. Dr. Law has served as a physician consultant for Flagler Healthcare Investment Property Group since 2015 and has served as a physician consultant for Financial Ventures Group since 2017.




Dr. Law has a Bachelor of Business Administration from Davenport University, a Doctorate of Medicine from American Global University School of Medicine, and a Master of Business Administration from Davenport University. We believe that Dr. Law is qualified to serve as a director of our company because of his education background in nuclear medicine and nuclear energy as well as his business background.


Diane Hare has been our director since April 28, 2023. Ms. Hare has been the chief executive officer of BizLove LLC (or BizLove), a consultancy firm which she founded in 2018, primarily engaged in helping organizations grow by delivering strategic positioning and cross-functional strategies for transformative moments such as mergers and acquisitions, product and service launches, growth strategies, and digital/data priorities. From 2011 to 2018, Ms. Hare worked at Ernst & Young, where she served the fortune 500 and specialized in purpose-driven enterprise transformation. Ms. Hare holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from Iona University and received her Maser of Business Administration in Marketing and International Business from Long Island University. We believe Ms. Hare is qualified to serve as a director of our company because of her experience in business strategy consultancy.


Dr. Kenny Yu has been our director since May 8, 2023. Dr. Yu is a licensed pharmacist in New York and has been the director of Pharmacy Services at NYU Langone Health since 2021. In this role, he provides executive leadership and coordination for all pharmacy services provided within NYU Langone Health to promote the standardization and alignment of practices across all pharmacy sites. Dr. Yu has also served as Educational Advisory Counsel at Apexus LLC, a company engaged in increasing access to medications and improving patient care nationwide. Dr. Yu was the inaugural director of 340B pharmacy services, a drug pricing program, in 2016. In this role, he managed both the compliance and optimization of the 340B program, which he and his team built from the ground up. Dr. Yu holds a Master of Business Administration from George Washington University and a Doctorate in Pharmacy from the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers University. We believe that Dr. Yu is qualified to serve as a director of our company because of his experience in analyzing and interpreting financial information.


Our Executive Advisory Board


We have assembled an Executive Advisory Board comprised of military, scientific and governmental experts. Our Executive Advisory Board provides industry knowledge and important contacts to our management team. The following table sets forth certain information regarding our Executive Advisory Board:


Name   Age   Position
Gen. Wesley K. Clark (Ret.)., KBE   79   Chairman of Executive Advisory Board for Military and Defense
Dr. Robert Gallucci   78   Chairman of the Executive Advisory Board for Nuclear Policy
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo   66   Executive Advisory Board Member
Lt. General Terry G. Robling (Ret.)   70   Chairman of the Executive Advisory Board for Federal and Defense Appropriations and Requirements
Daniel M. Donovan Jr.   67   Chairman of the Executive Advisory Board for Market Intelligence
Mark Nichols   55   Executive Advisor for Military, Defense and Policy
Dr. Lassina Zerbo   61   Chairman of the Executive Advisory Board for Africa
David Huckeba   69   Chairman of the Executive Advisory Board for USA
Ruth Jin   48   Chair of Executive Advisory Board for Corporate Governance
Michelle Amante-Harstine   68   Senior Strategic Advisor to the Executive Advisory Board for U.S. Energy Initiatives
Tom Cuce   60   President of Advanced Fuel Transportation (our subsidiary)
John G. Vonglis   63   Chairman of its Executive Advisory Board for Strategic Initiatives


Gen. Wesley K. Clark (Ret.), KBE has been the Chairman of Executive Advisory Board for Military and Defense since 2023. General Clark graduated first in his class from WestPoint Academy in June 1966 with a bachelor’s degree, and was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to the University of Oxford, where he obtained a M.A. degree in Economics. His military career involved multiple commands and spanned three decades, propelling him into the international spotlight.




From 1994 to 1996, he acted as director of strategic plans and policy for the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon. General Clark then took the role of the lead military negotiator for the Bosnian Peace Accords in 1995 before serving as the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, the second-highest military position within NATO, from July 1997 to May 2000. In 2000, Gen. Clark received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Bill Clinton for his service to the nation, and in 2003 ran for President of the United States. In 2004, Gen. Clark founded and continues to serve as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Wesley K. Clark & Associates, a strategic advisory and consulting firm, and in 2009, he co-founded and became chairman of Enverra, Inc., an investment banking firm. Between 2018 and 2019, Gen. Clark served as a Centennial Fellow at Georgetown University. In 2019, Gen. Clark founded Renew America Together, a non-profit intended to promote and achieve greater common ground in America by reducing partisan division and gridlock. Gen. Clark currently also serves Chairman and Founder of Enverra, Inc., a licensed investment bank; Chairman of Energy Security Partners, LLC, an energy security company; as well as a board member for, among other companies, BNK Petroleum, Leagold Mining, and International Crisis Group. He also serves as the Co-Chair of Growth Energy, Chairman of Clean Terra, Inc., and Chairman of City Year Little Rock, an education advocacy group in that city.


Dr. Robert Gallucci has been the chairman of our Executive Advisory Board for Nuclear Policy since 2023. Dr. Gallucci previously served as U.S. Ambassador-at-Large and Special Envoy for the U.S. Department of State, focusing on the non-proliferation of ballistic missiles and weapons of mass destruction. He was the chief U.S. negotiator during the North Korean nuclear crisis of 1994, and served as Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs and as Deputy Executive Chairman of the United Nations Special Commission following the first Gulf War. Upon leaving public service, Dr. Gallucci served as Dean of the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University for 13 years, and since January 2018, he has been serving as Distinguished Professor in the Practice of Diplomacy at Georgetown University. Dr. Gallucci was named president of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation in 2009. Dr. Gallucci holds a Bachelor of Arts from Stony Brook University, and a Master of Arts and a Doctor of Philosophy from Brandeis University.


Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has been our Executive Advisory Board Member since March 2024. Gov. Cuomo served as the 56th Governor of New York from 2011 to 2021. Before his tenure as governor, he was the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Bill Clinton from 1997 to 2001 and served as New York’s Attorney General from 2007 to 2010. Gov. Cuomo oversaw numerous significant initiatives, including the Clean Energy Standard, during his time in office as well as major infrastructure developments like the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge construction and the LaGuardia Airport redevelopment. He supported social initiatives such as the Marriage Equality Act and managed responses to Hurricane Sandy and the COVID-19 pandemic during his time as governor. Gov. Cuomo received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Fordham University and a Juris Doctor degree from Albany Law School.


Lt. General Terry G. Robling (Ret.) has been chairman of our Executive Advisory Board for Federal and Defense Appropriations and Requirements since August 2024. Lt. General Robling’s 38 years of distinguished service in the United States Marine Corps earned him 31 Department of Defense commendations, including the Order of the Rising Sun from the Emperor of Japan and the Legion of Honour (Rank of Knight) from the President of France. A three-star general, Lt. Gen. Robling culminated his military career as the Commanding General of U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific, where he oversaw all Marine Corps operations in the strategically vital Asia-Pacific region. A naval aviator with over 5,200 flight hours and a graduate of the U.S. Navy Fighter Weapons School (“Top Gun”), Lt. Gen. Robling has participated in numerous combat and operational missions. His leadership roles positioned him as one of the most influential figures in the Marine Corps, responsible for managing large-scale military operations and fostering international partnerships critical to U.S. national security. Following his retirement, Lt. Gen. Robling turned to the private sector, founding a firm specializing in consulting services for large aerospace manufacturers, before eventually taking up the positions of Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of PKL Services Inc., which he held for over five years. Currently, Lt. Gen. Robling is a strategic advisor to numerous companies and sits on the advisory board of multiple non-profit associations. Lt. General Robling received of Bachelor of Science degree from Central Washington University and a Master’s Degree from the National Defense University.


Daniel M. Donovan Jr. has been chairman of our Executive Advisory Board for Market Intelligence since August 2024. From 2015 to 2019 he served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives representing the 11th District of New York. During his time in Congress, Mr. Donovan was a vocal advocate for national security, veterans’ affairs, and disaster recovery, serving on several key committees and subcommittees. As part of the Committee on Homeland Security, he chaired the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communication, and was also an active member of the Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies. Additionally, Mr. Donovan contributed to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, where he served on the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations, as well as the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere. Mr. Donovan also previously serviced as the District Attorney for Richmond County, New York (Staten Island) and as an Assistant District Attorney for New York County. Mr. Donovan received a Bachelor of Arts degree from St. John’s University and a Juris Doctor degree from Fordham University.




Mark Nichols has been our Executive Advisor for Military, Defense and Policy since 2023. Currently, Mr. Nichols is President of Seven Summits LLC, a strategic advisor firm in Washington D.C. Mr. Nichols has an extensive background in European affairs, energy, infrastructure, commodities, emerging markets, and national security. From 2004 to 2011, Mr. Nichols worked at Wesley K. Clark and Associates, focusing on a variety of projects in the energy, defense, and security sectors. Previously during the Clinton Administration, Mr. Nichols was a senior advisor at the State Department in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Europe. He worked on the NATO 50th Anniversary Summit, The Sarajevo Summit and the Stability Pact for Southeast Europe, a multi-billion dollar program with the EU to rebuild the region after the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. Mr. Nichols earned a Bachelor of Arts in European History from Bard College and graduated from Columbia University with a master’s degree in international affairs (SIPA).


Dr. Lassina Zerbo has been the chairman of our Executive Advisory Board for Africa since 2022. Dr. Zerbo is a Burkinabé politician and scientist who served as the Prime Minister of Burkina Faso from 2021 to 2022. Since 1994, he has served as a nuclear science diplomat and a geophysicist, focusing on Africa’s responses to global challenges. Dr. Zerbo currently serves as a chairman of the board of directors at the Rwanda Atomic Energy Board, an organization which establishes nuclear facilities based on the international standards, and coordinates the research and implementation of the Centre for Nuclear Science and Technology project. From 2013 to 2021, Dr. Zerbo served as the 3rd Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, an interim organization tasked with building up the verification regime of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty in preparation for the treaty’s entry into force. Between 1992 and 1994, Dr. Zerbo was a post-doctorate in Airborne Radiometric and Electromagnetic at Geoterrex, Ottawa, and a post-doctorate in Time Domain Electromagnetic and Complex Resistivity at Zonge Engineering and Research Organization in Tucson, Arizona. Dr. Zerbo received a Ph.D. in Geophysics at Université de Paris XI, in Orsay, France in 1992, a Master of Science in Geophysics at Université de Paris VI in, Paris, Jussieu, France in 1989, and a bachelor’s degree in Fundamental and Applied Geology at Université de Caen in Normandie, France in 1988.


David Huckeba has been the chairman of our Executive Advisory Board for the USA since 2022. Mr. Huckeba has been a managing partner of FreightSource LLC, a third-party logistics company engaged in transportation management services, since January 2018. Mr. Huckeba is also currently a partner of Monolith Commercial Group, LLC, a nationwide general contracting firm that specializes in hospitality and hotel renovation. Mr. Huckeba spent 34 years at UPS, where he held various leadership positions in operations, industrial engineering, and corporate transportation planning. Since retiring from UPS in 2010, Mr. Huckeba has started four transportation focused companies, a restaurant and hospitality company with four restaurant concepts, and a hotel and commercial general contracting company. Mr. Huckeba received a Bachelor of Arts in Business from DePaul University.


Ruth Jin has been the Chair of Executive Advisory Board for Corporate Governance since 2023. Ms. Jin has 19 years of experience delivering high-quality and business-focused legal solutions to private fund sponsors and asset managers of all sizes and strategies. Her work encompasses a variety of matters, including fund formation, regulatory compliance, exit strategies, private and public securities offerings, forming a SPAC, and guiding portfolio companies for their initial public offerings. In addition, Ms. Jin has extensive experience advising businesses through all stages of growth from start-up and capital raising right through to initial public offering and their ongoing securities law compliance and periodic reporting. Ms. Jin is recognized as Top 10% Attorneys by Lawyers of Distinction and was selected as a Top Rated Lawyer and a Legal Leader by ALM on New York Magazine and New York Law Journal in 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively. She was also selected as a 2019 Woman Leaders in the Law by ALM on New York Law Journal and New York Magazine and in 2013, she was selected as Rising Star by Super Lawyer magazine, a rating company of outstanding lawyers by Thomson Reuters. Ms. Jin received a Bachelor of Laws from Peking University, a Master of Laws and a Doctor of Juridical Science from University of Tokyo, and a Master of Laws from Georgetown University.


Michelle Amante-Harstine has been the Senior Strategic Advisor to the Executive Advisory Board for U.S. Energy Initiatives since 2023. Since 2022, she has been the Chief Executive Officer of Congressional Energy Engagement, LLC., a company engaged in empowering lasting U.S. bi-partisan energy solutions, and since 2023, she has also been serving on the Tennessee Nuclear Energy Advisory Council. Between 2017 and 2020, Ms. Harstine served on the DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy, where she was a Senior Advisor for Stakeholder Engagement, where she developed strategic relationships, designed, developed, and led inaugural initiatives on Capitol Hill, such as the Atomic Wings Lunch & Learns and the Up & Atom Morning Briefings, bringing together Members of Congress, Congressional staff, industry, educational institutions, national laboratories, Embassy representatives and the Administration. With over 25 years of experience in both the public and private sectors spearheading government, business, community and organization initiatives, Ms. Harstine focuses on advanced nuclear technologies through strategic communication engagements among bipartisan Members of Congress and C-level industry and organization leaders. She developed the U.S. Congressional Energy Leaders Forum, monthly by-invitation only bipartisan programs for U.S. Members of Congress and C-Level nuclear energy leaders and has brought them under the American Nuclear Society with the Nuclear Policy Leadership Dinner & Discussion. She previously launched the National K-12 education initiative “Navigating Nuclear: Energizing Our World” with DOE, the American Nuclear Society and Discovery Education, to engage the ORNL and University Students for two-day immersive programs.




Tom Cuce has been President of Advanced Fuel Transportation Inc. since 2023. His expertise has been honed by over 25 years of driving transformative supply chain solutions and profitability through strategic planning and process optimization across the global logistics and package delivery industry. Mr. Cuce has held numerous positions with UPS, the multinational shipping and receiving and supply chain management company, including Vice-President of Package Operations and Southern California District Manager, before serving as UPS President of Global Transportation. He currently serves on the Advisory Board of several private companies and is the Founder and President of Summit View Solutions. Mr. Cuce received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Management from Manhattan College.


John G. Vonglis has been our Chairman of Executive Advisory Board for Strategic Initiatives since October 2024. Mr. Vonglis served as the Senate-confirmed Chief Financial Officer and Chief Risk Officer of the DOE from 2017 to 2019. As Chief Financia Officer of DOE, Mr. Vonglis oversaw all financial matters for the DOE. He was also appointed by the President as Acting Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), a federal agency focused on advancing early-stage, high-potential, high-impact energy technologies while minimizing risk to taxpayers. Prior to his tenure at the DOE, Mr. Vonglis held several key roles at the U.S. Department of Defense from 2002 to 2009, initially as Director of Management Initiatives for the Under Secretary for Personnel and Readiness (P&R) and lastly as Acting Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Air Force, where he also served as the first Chief Management Officer, performing the duties of the Under Secretary. Mr. Vonglis’ private sector experience includes senior financial and operational roles at prominent advisory, aerospace/defense, financial services, and high-technology firms. Mr. Vonglis is a retired U.S. Army Reserve Colonel with 34 years’ experience in Army and Joint special operations, where he also advised ‘SOFWERX’ and the Army Cyber Institute at West Point. He holds a B.S. and M.B.A. from Fordham University and a Master’s degree in International Public Policy from The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).


Role of the Executive Advisory Board


The role of our Executive Advisory Board is to assist our management with general business and strategic planning, leveraging the expertise of its members in nuclear industry, military and governmental matters. The function of the Executive Advisory Board includes, without any limitation, the following:


  leveraging their professional networks and relationships to connect us with key industry stakeholders, potential partners, clients, and other valuable contacts and marketing resources;
  assessing the impact of our programs, projects and events;
  offering ad hoc support and expertise on specific challenges or opportunities as they arise, serving as a valuable resource for our management team;
  serving as a non-political advocate and ambassador for our company, including seeking new business opportunities for us and connecting us with individuals relevant to the development and advancement of our projects.
  offering strategic advice and counsel to our management team based on the members’ diverse experiences and expertise, contributing to the formulation and execution of effective business strategies; and
  providing industry-specific knowledge and insights to help us navigate market trends and safety standards, anticipate challenges, and identify opportunities for growth and innovation.




Consulting Agreements with the Members of the Executive Advisory Board


We have entered into a consulting agreement with each member of our Executive Advisory Board under similar terms and conditions, except for Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and Mark Nichols. Our arrangement with Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has been formalized through a consulting agreement with Innovation Strategies LLC, who serves as the manager, and is subject to analogous terms and conditions, and our arrangement with Mark Nichols has also been formalized through a consulting agreement with Seven Summits, LLC, who serves as the president, and is subject to analogous terms and conditions. Our Executive Advisory Board members are not employees of our company; instead , they serve as independent contractors and can resign or be terminated by us at any time. They may pursue any other activities and engagements during their terms of agreements with us.


Pursuant to these consulting agreements, each member of our Executive Advisory Board is entitled to certain cash payments and options to purchase shares of our common stock for services rendered. These agreements also contain customary restrictive covenants relating to confidentiality, non-solicitation, non-disparagement, and indemnification. The term of these agreements is between 18 months and 36 months, commencing from their respective effective dates between August 2022 and August 2023, subject to early termination. During the years ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, our executive advisory board was paid a total of $70,000 and $20,000, respectively.


Option Agreements with the Members of the Executive Advisory Board


We have entered into stock option agreements with the members of our Executive Advisory Board pursuant to the 2023 Stock Option Plan #2 (as defined below), except for Tom Cuce and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo who were granted options that are not governed by either our 2023 Stock Option Plan #1 or our Stock Option Plan #2. Under the stock option agreements, each member was granted an option to acquire certain common stock at certain exercise price.


Their options shall fully vest on the effective date of their option agreements and exercisable at any time until their respective expiration date. The following table provides information regarding each stock options held by the named member of our Executive Advisory Board as of the date of this prospectus.




Start date

  Number of
vested (#)

Number of

unvested (#)

price ($)
Gen. Wesley K. Clark KBE  August 30, 2023  August 30, 2023   125,000                -   $3.00   August 30, 2026
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo  March 13, 2024  March 13, 2024   125,000    -   $3.00   March 13, 2027
Mark Nichols  June 7, 2023  June 7, 2023   75,000    -   $3.00   June 7, 2026
Dr. Lassina Zerbo  -  -   -    -   $-   -
Ruth Jin  June 7, 2023  June 7, 2023   50,000    -   $3.00   June 7, 2026
Michelle Amante-Harstine  August 30, 2023  August 30, 2023   50,000    -   $3.00   August 30, 2026
Tom Cuce  August 30, 2023  August 30, 2023   60,000    -   $3.00   August 30, 2026




Family Relationships


There are no family relationships between or among any of the current directors, executive officers or persons nominated or charged to become directors or executive officers.


Number and Terms of Office of Officers and Directors


Our business and affairs are organized under the direction of our board of directors. Our board of directors consists of five directors, including two executive directors and three independent directors.


Our bylaws provide that the number of directors will be fixed by the board of directors within a range of between one and fifteen directors. The directors need not be stockholders unless so required by our articles of incorporation. The minimum or maximum number may be increased or decreased from time to time only by an amendment to the bylaws, which power belongs exclusively to our board of directors.


Our officers are appointed by the board of directors and shall hold office at the discretion of the board of directors until their successors are duly elected and qualified, unless sooner removed. Our board of directors is authorized to appoint officers to the offices set forth in our bylaws.


Director Independence


The Nasdaq listing standards require that a majority of our board of directors be independent. An “independent director” is defined generally as a person who has no material relationship with the listed company (either directly or as a partner, shareholder or officer of an organization that has a relationship with our company). We have three “independent directors” as defined in the Nasdaq listing standards and applicable SEC rules prior to completion of this offering.


Our board has determined that Dr. Tsun Yee Law, Dr. Kenny Yu and Ms. Diane Hare are independent directors under applicable SEC and Nasdaq rules. Our independent directors have regularly scheduled meetings at which only independent directors are present.


Board Committees


Our board of directors has established an Audit Committee, a Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and a Compensation Committee. Our board of directors has adopted a charter for each of these three committees. Copies of each committee’s charter have been posted on the Investor Relations section of our website, which are located at www.nanonuclearenergy.com. Each of the committees of our board of directors shall have the composition and responsibilities described below. Our board of directors may from time to time establish other committees as it deems appropriate.


Audit Committee


Drs. Kenny Yu, Tsun Yee Law and Ms. Diane Hare serve as members of our Audit Committee with Dr. Tsun Yee Law serving as the chairman of the Audit Committee. Each of our Audit Committee members satisfies the “independence” requirements of the Nasdaq listing rules and meets the independence standards under Rule 10A-3 under the Exchange Act. Our board of directors has determined that Ms. Diane Hare possesses accounting or related financial management experience that qualifies her as an “audit committee financial expert” as defined by the rules and regulations of the SEC. Our Audit Committee oversees our accounting and financial reporting processes and the audits of our financial statements. Our Audit Committee performs several functions, including:


  evaluating the performance, independence and qualifications of our independent registered public accounting firm and determining whether to retain our existing independent registered public accounting firm or engage new independent registered public accounting firm;
  reviewing and approving the engagement of our independent registered public accounting firm to perform audit services and any permissible non-audit services;




  reviewing our annual and quarterly financial statements and reports, including the disclosures contained under the caption “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations,” and discussing the statements and reports with our independent registered public accounting firm and management;
  reviewing with our independent registered public accounting firm and management significant issues that arise regarding accounting principles and financial statement presentation and matters concerning the scope, adequacy and effectiveness of our financial controls;
  reviewing our major financial risk exposures, including the guidelines and policies to govern the process by which risk assessment and risk management is implemented; and
  reviewing and evaluating on an annual basis the performance of the audit committee, including compliance of the audit committee with its charter.


Compensation Committee


Drs. Kenny Yu, Tsun Yee Law and Ms. Diane Hare serve as members of our Compensation Committee with Dr. Tsun Yee Law serving as the chairman of the Compensation Committee. All of our Compensation Committee members satisfy the “independence” requirements of the Nasdaq listing rules and meet the independence standards under Rule 10A-3 under the Exchange Act. The functions of this committee include, among other things:


  reviewing, modifying and approving (or if it deems appropriate, making recommendations to the full board of directors regarding) our overall compensation strategy and policies;
  reviewing and approving the compensation, the performance goals and objectives relevant to the compensation, and other terms of employment of our executive officers;
  reviewing and approving (or if it deems appropriate, making recommendations to the full board of directors regarding) the equity incentive plans, compensation plans and similar programs advisable for us, as well as modifying, amending or terminating existing plans and programs;
  reviewing and approving the terms of any employment agreements, severance arrangements, change in control protections and any other compensatory arrangements for our executive officers;
  reviewing with management and approving our disclosures under the caption “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” in our periodic reports or proxy statements to be filed with the SEC; and
  preparing the report that the SEC requires in our annual proxy statement.


Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee


Drs. Kenny Yu, Tsun Yee Law and Ms. Diane Hare serve as members of our Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee with Ms. Diane Hare serving as the chairwoman of the Compensation Committee. All of our Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee members satisfy the “independence” requirements of the Nasdaq listing rules and meet the independence standards under Rule 10A-3 under the Exchange Act. The functions of this committee include, among other things:


  identifying, reviewing and evaluating candidates to serve on our board of directors consistent with criteria approved by our board of directors;
  evaluating director performance on the board and applicable committees of the board and determining whether continued service on our board is appropriate;
  evaluating, nominating and recommending individuals for membership on our board of directors; and
  evaluating nominations by stockholders of candidates for election to our board of directors.




The nominating and corporate governance committee takes into account many factors in determining recommendations for persons to serve on the board of directors, including the following:


  personal and professional integrity, ethics and values;
  experience in corporate management, such as serving as an officer or former officer of a publicly-held company;
  experience as a board member or executive officer of another publicly-held company;
  strong finance experience;
  diversity of expertise and experience in substantive matters pertaining to our business relative to other board members;
  diversity of background and perspective including, without limitation, with respect to age, gender, race, place of residence and specialized experience;
  experience relevant to our business industry and with relevant social policy concerns; and
  relevant academic expertise or other proficiency in an area of our business operations.


Role of Board in Risk Oversight Process


Jay Jiang Yu, our President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman of the Board of Directors, currently beneficially owns approximately 33.88% of the voting power of our common stock, and will own approximately 31.75% of the voting power of our common stock, after the closing of this offering. Periodically, our board of directors assesses these roles and the board of directors leadership structure to ensure the interests of our company and our stockholders are best served. Our board of directors has determined that its current leadership structure is appropriate. Jay Jiang Yu, our President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman of the Board of Directors, and James Walker, our CEO and director, have extensive knowledge of all aspects of our company, our business and risks.


While management is responsible for assessing and managing risks to our company, our board of directors is responsible for overseeing management’s efforts to assess and manage risk. This oversight is conducted primarily by our full board of directors, which has responsibility for general oversight of risks, and standing committees of our board of directors. Our board of directors satisfies this responsibility through full reports by each committee chair regarding the committee’s considerations and actions, as well as through regular reports directly from officers responsible for oversight of particular risks within our company. Our board of directors believes that full and open communications between management and the board of directors are essential for effective risk management and oversight.


Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation


None of our executive officers serves, or in the past has served, as a member of the board of directors or compensation committee, or other committee serving an equivalent function, of any entity that has one or more executive officers who serve as members of our board of directors or our compensation committee. None of the members of our compensation committee is, or has ever been, an officer or employee of our company.


Code of Business Conduct and Ethics


On or prior to the completion of this offering, we will adopt a written code of business conduct and ethics that applies to our employees, officers and directors. A current copy of the code will be posted on the Corporate Governance section of our website, which will be located at www.nanonuclearenergy.com. We intend to disclose future amendments to certain provisions of our code of business conduct and ethics, or waivers of such provisions applicable to any principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, and our directors, on our website identified above or in filings with the SEC.




Involvement in Certain Legal Proceedings


Except as set forth under “Business—Legal Proceedings” above, to the best of our knowledge, none of our directors or executive officers has, during the past ten years:


  been convicted in a criminal proceeding or been subject to a pending criminal proceeding (excluding traffic violations and other minor offenses);
  had any bankruptcy petition filed by or against the business or property of the person, or of any partnership, corporation or business association of which he was a general partner or executive officer, either at the time of the bankruptcy filing or within two years prior to that time;
  been subject to any order, judgment, or decree, not subsequently reversed, suspended or vacated, by any court of competent jurisdiction or federal or state authority, permanently or temporarily enjoining, barring, suspending or otherwise limiting, his involvement in any type of business, securities, futures, commodities, investment, banking, savings and loan, or insurance activities, or to be associated with persons engaged in any such activity;
  been found by a court of competent jurisdiction in a civil action or by the SEC or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to have violated a federal or state securities or commodities law, and the judgment has not been reversed, suspended, or vacated;
  been the subject of, or a party to, any federal or state judicial or administrative order, judgment, decree, or finding, not subsequently reversed, suspended or vacated (not including any settlement of a civil proceeding among private litigants), relating to an alleged violation of any federal or state securities or commodities law or regulation, any law or regulation respecting financial institutions or insurance companies including, but not limited to, a temporary or permanent injunction, order of disgorgement or restitution, civil money penalty or temporary or permanent cease-and-desist order, or removal or prohibition order, or any law or regulation prohibiting mail or wire fraud or fraud in connection with any business entity; or
  been the subject of, or a party to, any sanction or order, not subsequently reversed, suspended or vacated, of any self-regulatory organization (as defined in Section 3(a)(26) of the Exchange Act), any registered entity (as defined in Section 1(a)(29) of the Commodity Exchange Act), or any equivalent exchange, association, entity or organization that has disciplinary authority over its members or persons associated with a member.


From time to time, we may be subject to various legal or administrative claims and proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. Litigation or any other legal or administrative proceeding, regardless of the outcome, is likely to result in substantial cost and diversion of our company’s resources, including our company’s management’s time and attention.




The following table sets forth the aggregate compensation paid to our named executive officers and directors for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023 and 2022. Individuals we refer to as our “named executive officers” include our President and Chairman and any other highly compensated executive officers whose salary and bonus for services rendered in all capacities equaled or exceeded $100,000 during the fiscal years ended September 30, 2023 and 2022.


Summary Compensation Table


名稱 和

主要 位置


   所有 其他
傑伊 姜瑜  2023  -   -   $317,652        -        -   $225,000   $542,652 
總統, 秘書、財務主管兼董事會主席  2022  -   -    -    -    -   $80,000   $80,000 
詹姆斯 沃克  2023  -   -   $317,652    -    -   $90,000   $407,652 
首席 執行官兼董事  2022  -   -    -    -    -   $15,000   $15,000 
齋孫 格切  2023  -   -   $77,786    -    -   $90,000   $167,786 
首席 財務官  2022  -   -   $-    -    -   $30,000   $30,000 
溫斯頓 坤勳周  2023  -   -   $116,059    -    -   $25,000   $141,059 
首席 政策幹事  2022  -   -   $-    -    -   $10,000   $10,000 
博士 羅純宜  2023          $8,553             $15,000   $23,553 
獨立 主任  2022  -   -    -    -    -   $5,000   $5,000 
黛安 野兔  2023          $35,019             $5,000   $40,019 
獨立 主任  2022  -   -    -    -    -    -    - 
博士 於肯尼  2023          $35,019             $5,000   $40,019 
獨立 主任  2022  -   -    -    -    -    -    - 


(1) 包括根據各自與我們的諮詢協議支付和累積的諮詢費或袍金。




保留 與我們的執行官和董事的安排


與Jay Yu的僱傭協議


2024年10月17日,我們進入 與Jiang Jay Yu達成僱傭協議,根據該協議,餘先生將繼續擔任我們的總裁,向我們的董事會彙報 董事。我們董事會的薪酬委員會(該委員會的成員也佔整個董事會的多數) 獨立審查並批准僱傭協議。


就業協議有一個 生效日期爲2024年10月1日,爲期三年,期滿後就業協議將自動續簽 一年期限,除非任何一方至少提前90天提供不延長僱傭協議的書面通知 到續訂日期。於先生每週將爲我們公司的業務和事務提供不少於40小時的時間。


就業協議生效 先生於的基本工資爲420,000美元,有資格獲得年度獎金,有資格獲得基於股權的薪酬獎勵和附加福利, 福利和員工福利與我們的做法一致。僱傭協議還規定餘先生有權被解僱, 在我們的章程和其他管轄文件允許的最大範圍內預付法律費用。


根據就業協議, 如果我們無「理由」解僱餘先生或餘先生因「充分理由」解僱公司(每 如僱傭協議中的定義),在執行和不撤銷索賠解除的情況下,餘先生有權獲得 以下:(i)任何已賺取的按比例分配獎金的100%,(ii)終止後一年的持續基本工資,(iii)補貼 COBRA承保範圍最長18個月,以及(iv)餘先生未償還股權獎勵的處理方式將根據 具有適用的股權計劃和授予協議。


就業協議 包括有利於我們公司的標準限制性契約,包括保密性和一年終止後客戶以及 員工不得招攬和非競爭限制。


Consulting Agreements with Our Executive Officers


We have entered into a consulting agreement with each of our executive officers under similar terms except for Jay Jiang Yu, our President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman of the Board, with whom we have an employment agreement. We previously entered into a consulting agreement with I Financial Ventures Group LLC where Jay Jiang Yu is the sole member and manager and provided relevant services to us, which was terminated on October 17, 2024. In general, except for Jay Jiang Yu, our other executive officers are not employees of our company, instead, they serve as independent contractors and can be terminated by either party at any time. They may pursue any other activities and engagements during their terms of agreements with us.


Pursuant to those consulting agreements, our executive officers are entitled to a retention fee for services so rendered, and at the sole discretion of our company, they are also eligible to receive additional compensation awards and participate in our employee benefit programs. Those agreements also contain customary restrictive covenants relating to confidentiality, non-competition, non-solicitation, and non-disparagement, as well as indemnification.


The term of those consulting agreements is 36 months commencing from their respective effective date of those agreements, subject to early termination.


Independent Director Agreements with Our Independent Directors


我們 已與我們的每位獨立董事簽訂了類似條款的獨立董事協議。總的來說,我們的獨立 董事不是我們公司的員工,相反,他們是獨立承包商,任何一方都可以終止合同。 時間他們可以在與我們的協議期限內從事任何其他活動和參與。


根據 根據這些協議,我們的每位獨立董事都有權(i)在全面執行協議後獲得5,000美元的現金補償 與我們合作,並在該協議一週年時額外支付10,000美元,以換取如此提供的服務;和(ii)授予購買選擇權 40,000股我們公司普通股,行使價爲每股3.00美元,可在三年內行使。這些協定 還包含有關保密、非競爭、非招攬和非貶低的習慣限制性契約,作爲 以及賠償。


的 該等協議的期限爲自該等協議各自生效日期起二十四(24)個月,可續簽 以及提前終止。


2023 股票期權協議


我們 已根據2023年股票期權計劃#1簽訂不合格股票期權協議(或2023年股票期權協議) (as定義如下)和2023年股票期權計劃#2(定義如下),與我們的執行官和董事按類似條款進行。 根據2023年股票期權協議,每位適用的執行官和高級官員均爲 授予 在這兩個期權計劃下以一定的行使價格收購某些普通股的期權。


他們的 期權應於授予之日立即歸屬,但須視其在本公司或其子公司的持續服務而定 適用的歸屬日期。下表提供了有關指定執行官持有的每份股票期權的信息, 截至本招股說明書日期的董事。


































Jay Jiang Yu  2023年2月10日  2023年2月10日   500,000        -   $1.50   2026年2月10日
總裁、秘書、財務主管、董事會主席  2023年6月7日  2023年6月7日   200,000    -   $3.00   2026年6月7日
詹姆斯沃克  2023年2月10日  2023年2月10日   500,000    -   $1.50   2026年2月10日
董事首席執行官兼首席執行官  2023年6月7日  2023年6月7日   200,000    -   $3.00   2026年6月7日
Jaisun Garcha  2023年2月10日  2023年2月10日   150,000    -   $1.50   2026年2月10日
首席財務官  2023年6月7日  2023年6月7日   40,000    -   $3.00   2026年6月7日
溫斯頓坤勳周  2023年2月10日  2023年2月10日   100,000    -   $1.50   2026年2月10日
首席政策官  2023年6月7日  2023年6月7日   100,000    -   $3.00   2026年6月7日
獨立董事  2023年2月10日  2023年2月10日   30,000    -   $1.50   2026年2月10日
獨立董事  2023年6月7日  2023年6月7日   40,000    -   $3.00   2026年6月7日
獨立董事  2023年6月7日  2023年6月7日   40,000    -   $3.00   2026年6月7日


2023 股票期權計劃


對 2023年2月10日和2023年6月7日,我們的董事會爲我們公司通過了兩項不同的股票期權計劃(我們單獨提及, 2023年股票期權計劃#1和2023年股票期權計劃#2;統稱爲2023年股票期權計劃)。目前有3,819,883 2023年股票期權計劃#1下可發行的股票,該計劃下可發行的最大股票數量增加 每年一次。目前2023年股票期權計劃#2項下有2,015,226股可供發行,最高可供發行 從2023年6月30日開始,可用股票數量每季度增加。除此之外,這些計劃的實質內容基本相似。


的 2023年計劃的主要目的是:(a)通過向某些人提供長期激勵和獎勵來提高個人績效 我們的員工、董事和顧問;(b)協助我們的公司吸引、保留和激勵某些員工、董事、 以及有經驗和能力的顧問;及(c)使此類人員的利益與我們股東的利益保持一致。


的 以下對2023年股票期權計劃#1和2023年股票期權計劃#2主要條款的描述是摘要,是有條件的 全文及其所有修正案。






這個 2023年股票期權計劃可由我們的董事會或由董事會任命並由兩名或兩名以上董事會成員組成的委員會管理 (或計劃管理員)。在任何時候,當沒有委員會被任命來管理每個2023年股票期權計劃時, 董事會將擔任計劃管理員。計劃管理人以其專屬自由裁量權選擇可獲得獎勵的個人 被授予,授予的獎勵類型,授予這種獎勵的時間和時間,以及這種獎勵的條款和條件。 計劃管理人還擁有解釋2023年股票期權計劃和任何文書條款的獨家權力 證明任何裁決,並可採用和修改其管理的一般適用的規章制度。計劃管理員 可將行政職責轉授給其所決定的本公司高級職員。除非更早終止,否則每一個 2023年股票期權計劃將在董事會通過並經我公司批准的較早計劃後十年終止 股東。


分享 儲備


的 2023年股票期權計劃#1規定授予購買最多3,247,030股公司普通股的期權。 根據2023年股票期權計劃#1可以期權和出售的普通股的最大總股數將受到限制 每個財政季度第一天的增幅相當於我們普通股流通股總數的15% 前一季度。截至本招股說明書日期,2023年股票期權計劃項下可發行的股票共有3,819,883股 #1.


的 2023年股票期權計劃#2規定授予購買最多1,727,730股公司普通股的期權。 根據2023年股票期權計劃#2可能期權和出售的普通股最大總股數將增加 每個季度上漲,2023年6月20日首次季度上漲,此後每三個月上漲一次。截至本招股說明書日期, 2023年股票期權計劃#2項下有2,015,226股股票可供發行。


的 各項2023年股票期權計劃項下可用的最大股份數量等於以下較小者:(1)相等的股份數量 適用調整日期(或調整日期)普通股已發行股份的15%,減去(a)股數 調整日期之前根據計劃可能期權和出售的普通股的數量,和(b)普通股的股數 根據本公司截至調整日有效的任何其他股票期權計劃可能被期權和出售的;或(2)此類較小的 董事會可能確定的普通股股數。任何受獎勵約束的普通股 不再受裁決約束(由於裁決的行使或和解而除外, 或以股份結算)將再次可供發行,以供未來根據每份2023年股票期權授予獎勵 佈局




我們 公司可能要求參與者向我們公司支付適用聯邦、州、 當地或外國法律對根據2023年股票期權計劃授予的獎勵的授予、歸屬或行使保留。




一個 獎項可授予我們公司(我們稱其爲關聯公司,定義見2023年)的任何高級官員、董事或員工 股票期權計劃),由計劃管理員不時選擇。獎項也可以授予任何顧問、代理人、顧問 或向我們公司或任何相關公司提供服務的獨立承包商,只要該顧問參與者:(a)是 自然人;(b)提供與我們公司證券的要約和銷售無關的真誠服務 在融資交易中;和(c)不直接或間接促進或維護我們公司證券的市場。


類型 期權獎


的 2023年股票期權計劃規定授予股票期權,可能是激勵股票期權(或ICO)或不合格股票 期權(或NSO),使持有人有權以指定價格購買指定數量的普通股(行使 價格),須遵守股票期權授予的條款和條件。期權持有人可以以現金支付期權的行使價格 或通過股票期權管理人批准的任何其他付款方式。每項2023年股票期權計劃均規定 期權的有效期爲自授予日期起10年。




的 ISO的行使價格應至少爲授予日普通股公平市值的100%。如果獲得ISO 擁有我們公司或其母公司所有類別股票總投票權10%以上的收件人 或子公司(我們稱爲百分之十的股東),ISO的行使價不得低於110% 授予日普通股的公平市場價值。




的 授予時確定的與第一次可行使的ICO相關的普通股的總公平市場價值 期權持有人在任何日曆年的時間不得超過100,000美元。超過該限額的期權或其部分通常 被視爲NSO。不得向授予時擁有或被視爲擁有擁有更多股票的任何人授予ISO 超過我們公司或我們公司任何附屬公司總綜合投票權的10%,除非期權行使 價格至少爲授予日普通股公平市值的110%。


變化 對資本結構


在 資本發生某些變化,包括股票分割、股票股息或非常規公司交易,例如 隨着任何重組、合併、整合、資本重組或重新分類,將對數量進行比例調整 各項2023年股票期權計劃下可供發行的股份和種類,各已發行股份的數量和種類 獎勵和/或每個未償獎勵的行使價格。




獎 根據2023年股票期權計劃授予的不得以任何方式轉讓、質押或轉讓,但通過遺囑或適用的方式除外 血統和分配定律,在參與者的一生中只能由參與者行使。儘管 上述情況下,計劃管理員可自行決定允許在參與者去世後進行獎勵轉移。如果計劃 管理人將獎勵轉讓,該獎勵將受該計劃及其所包含的所有條款和條件的約束 在證明該獎項的文書中。


修正案 和終止


我們 董事會可隨時修改、暫停或終止各項2023年股票期權計劃。任何此類終止都不會影響未償債務 獎2023年股票期權計劃的任何修訂、變更、暫停或終止均不會重大損害任何人的權利 參與者,除非參與者與我們公司之間另有協議。須經股東批准 適用法律要求的任何修改,以及(i)增加可供發行的普通股數量 根據每項2023年股票期權計劃以及(ii)更改根據每項計劃有資格獲得獎勵的人員或人員類別 2023年股票期權計劃。除非提前終止,否則2023年2月股票期權計劃將在提前十年後終止 董事會通過該計劃並得到我們公司股東的批准。


補償 董事


我們 截至2023年9月30日和2022年9月30日的財年,董事分別獲得總計25,000美元和5,000美元。


優秀 財年年終股權獎勵


那裏 在結束的財年內,沒有向我們的任何高管和董事發行普通股作爲股權獎勵 2023年9月30日和2022年。






下表載列 截至2024年10月16日,有關我們普通股所有權的某些信息,涉及:(i)每個人,或 據我們所知,我們是我們5%以上普通股的受益所有者的一群附屬人員;(ii)我們的每位董事; (iii)我們的每位指定執行官;及(iv)我們所有現任董事和執行官作爲一個整體。


適用的所有權百分比 基於截至2024年10月16日30,885,663股已發行普通股。此次發行後的受益所有權百分比 假設本次發行中出售和發行單位,並且承銷商代表沒有行使其超額配股 購買額外普通股股份和/或認購證的選擇權。


我們已經確定有利的 根據SEC規則擁有所有權。這些規則通常將證券的受益所有權賦予擁有者 對此類證券擁有唯一或共享的投票權或投資權。此外,根據此類規則,我們認爲未完成 受該人持有的當前可行使或可在60天內行使的期權或認購證約束的普通股 本招股說明書日期。然而,爲了計算所有權百分比,我們不認爲此類股份是流通股 任何其他人的。除以下腳註所示外,根據向我們提供的信息,我們相信 下表中列出的所有者對他們受益的所有普通股股份擁有唯一投票權和投資權 擁有,須遵守適用的社區財產法。


實益擁有人姓名或名稱及地址(1)       百分比(2)         百分比(3)  
I Financial Ventures Group LLC。 (4)     10,700,000       33.88 %     10,700,000       31.75 %
蒙科爾·普拉基猜瓦塔納(5)     2,000,000       6.48 %     2,000,000       6.06 %
Jay Jiang Yu (4)     10,700,000       33.88 %     10,700,000       31.75 %
詹姆斯沃克 (6)     1,000,000       3.17 %     1,000,000       2.97 %
齋孫·加爾查 (7)     440,000       1.42 %     440,000       1.33 %
溫斯頓坤勳周 (8)     500,000       1.61 %     500,000       1.51 %
羅宗宜博士 (9)     130,000       *       130,000       *  
黛安·黑爾 (10)     40,000       *       40,000       *  
餘肯尼博士 (11)     55,000       *       55,000       *  
所有董事和執行官作爲一個整體(七人)     12,865,000       40.79 %     12,865,000       38.23 %




(1) 除另有說明外,本公司董事及行政人員的辦公地址爲時代廣場10號30號。這是Floor,New York,NY 10018。
(2) 基於截至2024年10月16日已發行的30,885,663股普通股。
(3) 基於發行後立即發行的33,003,309股普通股假設 本次發行沒有行使超額配股選擇權。
(4) 代表I Financial Ventures Group LLC持有的10,000,000股普通股。(或i Financial),一家根據特拉華州法律成立的有限責任公司,包括700,000股普通股,可在本招股說明書日期起60天內行使既有期權時發行。我們的總裁、秘書、司庫兼董事會主席江宇是i Financial的唯一股東和董事,並對i Financial持有的證券行使投票權和處置權。I Financial的地址是時代廣場10號30號c/o這是Floor,New York,NY 10018。
(5) 代表投資者蒙科爾·普拉基查瓦塔納持有的2,000,000股普通股。
(6) 代表我們的首席執行官兼董事首席執行官詹姆斯·沃克持有的300,000股普通股,包括在本招股說明書日期起60天內行使既有期權時可發行的700,000股普通股。
(7) 代表我們的首席財務官Jaisun Garcha和董事持有的250,000股普通股,包括在本招股說明書日期起60天內行使既有期權時可發行的190,000股普通股。
(8) 代表我們的首席政策官Winston Khun Hunn Chow持有的300,000股普通股,包括在本招股說明書日期起60天內行使既有期權時可發行的200,000股普通股。
(9) 代表我們的獨立董事羅振義博士持有的100,000股普通股,包括30,000股可於本招股說明書日期起60天內行使既有期權而發行的普通股。
(10) 包括40,000股普通股,根據我們獨立的董事Diane Hare行使既有期權可在本招股說明書日期後60天內發行。
(11) 代表獨立董事餘承東博士持有的15,000股普通股,包括40,000股可於本招股說明書日期起計60天內行使既有期權而發行的普通股。






年二 2022年8月8日(成立)至本招股說明書日期,我們已與關聯人士達成或參與以下交易:




截至2024年6月30日,我們沒有 有任何應付關聯方的款項。截至2023年9月30日,我們應付關聯方款項總計35,000美元,其中30,000美元 應支付給我們的首席執行官James Walker,5,000美元應支付給我們的總裁、秘書、財務主管和董事會主席 Jay Jiang Yu。截至2023年9月30日的應付款項相當於應向高級職員和董事提供服務的未付款項 截至2023年9月30日止年度。


截至6月的九個月 2024年30日,我們向總裁、秘書、財務主管兼董事會主席Jay Jiang Yu支付諮詢費290,000美元,110,000美元 向我們的首席執行官James Walker支付140,000美元向我們的首席財務官Jaisun Garcha支付140,000美元,併產生了董事總數 三名獨立董事的費用爲95,000美元(包括Tsun Yee Law博士的25,000美元、Diane Hare的35,000美元和Kenny博士的35,000美元 餘)已計入綜合經營報表一般及行政費用項下。


For the year ended September 30, 2023, we incurred consulting fees of $225,000 to our President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman of the Board, Jay Jiang Yu, $90,000 to our Chief Executive Officer James Walker, $90,000 to our Chief Financial Officer Jaisun Garcha, $25,000 to our Chief Policy Officer Winston Khun Hunn Chow, and incurred total directors’ fees of $25,000 to three independent directors (including $15,000 for Dr. Tsun Yee Law, $5,000 for Diane Hare and $5,000 for Dr. Kenny Yu), which was included in the accompanying consolidated statement of operation under general and administrative expenses. For the period from inception to September 30, 2022, we incurred consulting fees of $80,000 to its President and Chairman Jay Jiang Yu, $15,000 to our Chief Executive Officer James Walker, $30,000 to our Chief Financial Officer Jaisun Garcha, $10,000 to our Chief Policy Officer Winston Khun Hunn Chow, and incurred total directors’ fees of $5,000 to one independent director, namely Dr. Tsun Yee Law, which was included in the accompanying consolidated statement of operations under general and administrative expenses.


Investment in LIS Technologies


In August 2024, we invested $2,000,000 as an equity investment into LIST as part of its $11.88 million seed funding round. This additional capital into LIST is anticipated to help fuel the development of its proprietary, patented advanced laser enrichment technology.


LIST is a U.S. based, proprietary developer of a patented advanced laser technology, making use of infrared wavelengths to selectively excite the molecules of desired isotopes to separate them from other isotopes. The Laser Isotope Separation Technology (“L.I.S.T”) has a huge range of applications, including being the only U.S.-origin (and patented) laser uranium enrichment company, and several major advantages over traditional methods such as gas diffusion, centrifuges, and prior art laser enrichment. The L.I.S.T proprietary laser-based process is more energy-efficient and has the potential to be deployed with highly competitive capital and operational costs due to high throughput, high duty cycle and reduced complexity compared to competing technologies.


L.I.S.T is optimized for LEU (Low Enriched Uranium) for existing civilian nuclear power plants, HALEU for the next generation of Small Modular Reactors (SMR) and microreactors like the ones we are developing, the production of stable isotopes for medical and scientific research, and applications in quantum computing manufacturing for semiconductor technologies. For laser enrichment of uranium, this method has sufficient selectivity that will enable the production of LEU in a single stage and HALEU in two stages.


Concurrently with our investment in LIST, we entered into an agreement with LIST to collaborate and assist in developing their technologies to secure a fuel supply at a reduced cost to us for our future operations and the wider nuclear energy industry. Through collaboration with LIST, we anticipate that we will build supportive facilities around LIST’s enrichment facility, including such facilities as deconversion and fuel fabrication.


We also leased approximately 7,000 square feet of dedicated space within our Oak Ridge, Tennessee based nuclear technology facility to LIST to enable the next phase of the revitalization of its proprietary laser-based process. We lease this space to LIST for $7,000 per month. The lease is effective on September 2, 2024 and has a term ending on September 1, 2034.


Our relationship with LIST is considered a related party transaction since certain of our executive directors and officers, including Jay Jiang Yu, Jaisun Garcha, and Dr. Tsun Yee Law, also serve as directors and officers for LIST, and James Walker serves as a consultant to LIST. Our investment in LIST was unanimously approved by all of our disinterested independent directors.




See “Business — Facilities and Planned Fuel Processing Facility.


Share Issuances


See “History of Securities Issuances.”




Employment Arrangements with Senior Executives


We have utilized independent contractor relationships with our senior executive officers, except for Jay Jiang Yu, with whom we have an employment agreement, from our inception to date, but in connection with the consummation of this offering, we intend to enter into formal employment agreements with our other senior executive officers.


On February 8, 2022, we entered into an consulting agreement with an affiliate of Jay Jiang Yu, our President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman of the Board, providing for a monthly retention fee of $10,000. During the period from February 8, 2022 (inception) to September 30, 2022, our officers received $135,000 in total cash compensation and our one independent director received a total of $5,000 as directors’ fees. On October 17, 2024, this consulting agreement was terminated. On the same date, we entered into an employment agreement with Jay Jiang Yu pursuant to which Mr. Yu will serve as our President and report to our board of directors.


During the nine months ended June 30, 2024, our officers received $540,000 in total cash compensation and our three independent directors received a total of $95,000 as directors’ fees. During the year ended September 30, 2023, our officers received $430,000 in total cash compensation and our three independent directors received a total of $25,000 as directors’ fees.


See “Executive and Director Compensation — Retention Arrangements with our Executive Officers and Directors.”


Consulting Agreements with the Members of the Executive Advisory Board


We have entered into a consulting agreement with each member of our Executive Advisory Board under similar terms and conditions, except for Mark Nichols. Our arrangement with Mark Nichols, however, has been formalized through a consulting agreement with Seven Summits, LLC, who serves as the president, and is subject to analogous terms and conditions.


止九個月 2024年6月30日,我們的執行顧問委員會總共獲得了40,000美元的報酬。截至2023年9月30日和2022年9月30日止年度,我們的高管 諮詢委員會分別獲得了70,000美元和20,000美元的報酬。


請參閱“管理-諮詢 與執行諮詢委員會成員的協議。




「關聯交易」 是我們或我們的任何子公司過去、現在或將來參與的交易、安排或關係,金額爲 任何一個財政年度涉及金額超過100,000美元,並且任何相關人員曾經、擁有或將擁有直接或間接材料 興趣「相關人員」是指:




我們的董事會打算通過一項 關聯方交易政策。根據該政策,我們的審計委員會將審查所有關聯方交易的所有重大事實 並批准或不批准進入關聯方交易,但某些有限例外情況除外。在確定是否 爲了批准或不批准進行關聯方交易,我們的審計委員會應考慮以下因素: (i)關聯方交易的條款是否不低於無關聯第三方通常可用的條款 在相同或類似的情況下以及(ii)相關人員在交易中的利益程度。此外,政策 將要求我們在提交給SEC的文件中披露的所有關聯方交易均按照 適用的法律、規則和法規。






股份總數 我們被授權發行的股票爲300,000,000股,包括275,000,000股普通股,每股面值0.0001美元,以及25,000,000股 優先股,每股面值0.0001美元。截至2024年10月16日,已發行普通股30,885,663股 並且沒有發行優先股。


我們提供2,117,646 由總計2,117,646股普通股和認購證組成的單位,可購買最多1,058,823股 我們的普通股。該基金單位沒有獨立權利,也不會作爲獨立證券進行認證或發行。股份 普通股和該單位的憑證可以立即分離,並將在本次發行中單獨發行。


以下是 股本以及我們的公司章程和章程並不聲稱是完整的,並且通過引用對其進行了完整的限定 適用法律的條款以及我們的公司章程和章程(經修訂),這些條款作爲註冊證據提交 本招股說明書是其中一部分的聲明。




投票權。持有人 普通股股份有權就股東投票的所有事項投一票。持有人 普通股的股份沒有累積投票權。


法定人數。我們的附則規定 持有不少於三分之一(33 1/3%)有投票權的普通股流通股的股東構成法定人數。 在法定人數不足的情況下,任何股東會議均可由會議主席或會議主席不時休會。 經出席會議的過半數股份持有人投票通過,但不得在該會議上處理任何其他事務。哪裏 除法規或公司章程另有規定外,需要由一個或多個類別或系列進行單獨表決 或經修訂的附例,佔該類別或類別或系列的已發行股份的三分之一(331/3%),親自出席 章程或公司章程或章程另有規定,經修正的多數票贊成 (在選舉董事的情況下)此類股份持有人所投的票的多數票,包括棄權票 或類別或系列應是該類別或類別或系列的行爲。


股息權。持有人 當董事會合法宣佈從資金中抽出時,普通股有權按比例收取股息 爲此目的提供,但須遵守我們的公司章程和章程的規定、任何法定或合同限制 股息的支付以及可能適用於任何發行在外優先股的任何先前權利和優先權。


清算權。後 清算、解散、資產分配或其他清算,普通股持有人有權按比例獲得 在償還負債和任何未償資產的清算優先權後可分配給股東的資產 優先股股份。


其他事項。股份 普通股沒有優先權或優先權收購我們的任何股份或證券,包括持有的股份或證券 在我們的金庫裏。我們普通股的所有流通股均已繳足且無需評估。




我們的公司章程 賦予董事會在未經股東批准的情況下發行一個或多個系列優先股的權力。董事會 董事有權酌情決定指定、權利、資格、偏好、特權和限制,包括 每個系列優先股的投票權、股息權、轉換權、贖回特權和清算優先權。 授權董事會發行優先股並確定其權利和偏好的目的是消除延誤 與股東對特定發行的投票有關。發行優先股,同時提供理想的靈活性 由於可能的收購和其他企業目的,可能會導致第三方更難收購, 或者可能會阻止第三方收購我們的大部分流通投票權股票。




截至本招股說明書日期, 我們已根據2023年股票期權計劃#1和2023年的股票期權保留了以下普通股股票以供發行 股票期權計劃#2:




2024年8月,我們總共發行了25萬份 向我們根據2023年股票期權計劃#1和2023年股票期權計劃行使期權的顧問提供普通股 #2.


2024年9月,我們總共發行了343,000份 向我們根據2023年股票期權計劃#1和2023年股票期權計劃行使期權的顧問提供普通股 #2.




2024 B 權證 本次發行中發行


以下 特此提供的20240億份令狀(我們在本文中稱之爲令狀)的某些條款和規定摘要並不完整 並受我們與VStock之間簽訂的《授權代理協議》條款的約束,並完全受該條款的限制 Transfer,LLC,作爲授權代理人,其形式已作爲本招股說明書的附件提交 是一部分。潛在投資者應仔細審查《授權代理協議》的條款和規定(包括表格 令狀)以獲取令狀條款和條件的完整描述。


可運動性. 該等認購證可於原發行日期行使,並將於原發行日期起五週年到期。每位持有人均可選擇通過交付方式全部或部分行使該等證 向我們發出正式執行的行使通知。在任何情況下,認購證均不得以淨現金結算。


行使 限制.如果持有人(及其附屬公司) 生效後,將立即受益持有超過我們已發行普通股股數的4.99% 該行使,因爲該所有權百分比是根據令狀的條款確定的。然而,任何持有者都可能增加 或降低該百分比,前提是任何增加要到選舉後第61天才生效。


行使 價格.該等認購證的行使價爲每股整股17.00美元。行使價格適當調整 如果某些股票股息和分配、股票拆分、股票合併、重新分類或類似事件影響 我們的普通股以及向我們股東的任何資產分配,包括現金、股票或其他財產。


無現金 行使.如果持有人在行使其許可證時,沒有有效的登記聲明或招股說明書登記 其中所載的股份不可用於向持有人發行該令狀相關股份,則代替現金 如果在行使時預期向我們支付總行使價,則持有人可以選擇 在此類行使時(全部或部分)收到根據公式確定的普通股股數 在逮捕令中列出。


可轉讓性. 在適用法律的限制下,未經我們同意,可以提供出售、出售、轉讓或轉讓授權令。


交換 上市.所提供的授權證沒有既定的交易市場,我們預計不會發展市場。此外, 我們無意申請在任何全國性證券交易所或其他交易市場上市。在沒有活動 在交易市場上,該等證的流動性將受到限制,應被視爲非流動性。


基本 交易.如果發生基本交易,那麼繼任實體將繼承並取代我們,並可以行使 我們可能行使的每一項權利和權力並將承擔我們在該等令狀下的所有義務,其效力與該繼任者相同 逮捕令本身已經點名了該實體。如果我們普通股的持有者可以選擇證券、現金或財產 在基本交易中收到的,則持有人應獲得與其在任何交易中收到的對價相同的選擇 在此類基本交易後行使認購權。


權利 爲貯存商.除非憑證中另有規定或憑藉該持有人對我們普通股的所有權 股票,許可證持有人不擁有我們普通股持有人的權利或特權,包括任何投票權,直到 持有人行使逮捕令。




以下是某些摘要 我們2024年7月後續發行中發行的認購證的條款和規定並不完整,且須遵守並符合其規定 完全由我們VStock Transfer,LLC之間簽訂的《令狀代理協議》的條款,作爲令狀代理人, 其表格已作爲我們2024年7月15日表格8-k當前報告的附件提交。潛在投資者應謹慎行事 審查《令狀代理協議》的條款和規定(包括令狀形式),以獲得對 令狀的條款及條件。




可運動性.認股權證 可在原發行日期行使,並將在原發行五年後到期。認股權證 每位持有人均可選擇通過向我們提交正式簽署的行使通知來全部或部分行使。在任何情況下 該等令狀可以以淨現金結算。


運動限制.一 如果持有人(連同其附屬公司)受益地 行使生效後立即擁有超過我們已發行普通股股數的4.99%,因此 所有權百分比根據令狀的條款確定。然而,任何持有人都可以增加或減少該百分比, 前提是任何增加要到選舉後的第61天才生效。


行權價格.認股權證 每股整股的行使價爲20.00美元,可從初始發行日期起行使,直至到期 原發行日期五週年。如果發生某些情況,行使價格將進行適當調整 股票股息和分配、股票拆分、股票組合、重新分類或影響我們普通股的類似事件, 還包括向我們的股東分配資產,包括現金、股票或其他財產。


無現金 行使.如果持有人在行使其許可證時,沒有有效的登記聲明或招股說明書登記 其中所載的股份不可用於向持有人發行該令狀相關股份,則代替現金 如果在行使時預期向我們支付總行使價,則持有人可以選擇 在此類行使時(全部或部分)收到根據公式確定的普通股股數 在逮捕令中列出。


可轉讓性. 在適用法律的限制下,未經我們同意,可以提供出售、出售、轉讓或轉讓授權令。


交換 上市.所提供的授權證沒有既定的交易市場,我們預計不會發展市場。此外, 我們無意申請在任何全國性證券交易所或其他交易市場上市。在沒有活動 在交易市場上,該等證的流動性將受到限制,應被視爲非流動性。


基本 交易.如果發生基本交易,那麼繼任實體將成功並取代我們,並且可能 行使我們可能行使的一切權利和權力,並將承擔我們在授權令下的所有義務,其效力與 如果逮捕令本身已點名該繼承實體。如果我們普通股的持有者可以選擇證券, 在基本交易中收到的現金或財產,則持有人應獲得與對價相同的選擇 其在此類基本交易後行使授權令時收到。


Rights as a Stockholder. Except as otherwise provided in the Warrants or by virtue of such holder’s ownership of shares of our common stock, the holder of a Warrant does not have the rights or privileges of a holder of our common stock, including any voting rights, until the holder exercises the Warrant.


Underwriter’s Warrant


We have agreed to issue the Underwriter’s Warrant to the representative of the underwriters of this offering as a portion of the underwriting compensation payable in connection with this offering. The Underwriter’s Warrant shall be exercisable for 121,764 shares of our common stock (or 5% of the shares of common stock sold in this offering plus shares sold as part of the over-allotment option). The Underwriter’s Warrant shall contain customary “cashless exercise” provisions and shall be exercisable at any time, and from time to time, in whole or in part, during the four-and-a-half-year period commencing six months after the closing of this offering at an exercise price of $21.25 per share, equal to 125% of the public offering price of the Units offered hereby. The registration statement of which this prospectus is a part also registers the Representative’s Warrant for issuance and the shares of common stock underlying the Representative’s Warrant for resale Please see “Underwriting — Underwriter’s Warrant” for further information.




Underwriter’s Warrant – July 2024 Public Offering


In connection with our public offering in July 2024, we issued a warrant to the representative of the underwriters (The Benchmark Company, who is the same representative of the underwriters for this offering) as a portion of the underwriting compensation payable in connection with such offering. Such warrant is exercisable for 44,118 shares of our common stock. Such warrant contains customary “cashless exercise” provisions and shall be exercisable at any time, and from time to time, in whole or in part, for a term of five years from the first day of the seventh month after the closing of our initial public offering at an exercise price of $25.00 per share.


IPO Underwriter’s Warrant


In connection with our initial public offering in May 2024, we issued a warrant to the representative of the underwriters (The Benchmark Company, who is the same representative of the underwriters for this offering) as a portion of the underwriting compensation payable in connection with such offering. Such warrant is exercisable for 179,375 shares of our common stock. Such warrant contains customary “cashless exercise” provisions and shall be exercisable at any time, and from time to time, in whole or in part, for a term of five years from the first day of the seventh month after the closing of our initial public offering at an exercise price of $5.00 per share.


IPO Lock-Up Agreements


No lock-up agreements will be required in connection with this offering.


However, pursuant to certain “lock-up” agreements, our executive officers, directors and our existing stockholders prior to our initial public offering holding five percent (5%) or more of our common stock and securities exercisable for or convertible into our common stock outstanding immediately upon the closing of our initial public offering(which closed in May 2024), have agreed, subject to certain exceptions, not to offer, sell, assign, transfer, pledge, contract to sell, or otherwise dispose of or announce the intention to otherwise dispose of, or enter into any swap, hedge or similar agreement or arrangement that transfers, in whole or in part, the economic risk of ownership of, directly or indirectly, engage in any short selling of any common stock or securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for any common stock, whether currently owned or subsequently acquired, without the prior written consent of the representative of the underwriters, for a period of six (6) months following the closing of our initial public offering.


In addition, we have agreed, subject to certain exceptions, not to offer, sell, assign, transfer, pledge, contract to sell, or otherwise dispose of or announce the intention to otherwise dispose of, or enter into any swap, hedge or similar agreement or arrangement that transfers, in whole or in part, the economic risk of ownership of, directly or indirectly, engage in any short selling of any common stock or securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for any common stock, whether currently owned or subsequently acquired, without the prior written consent of the representative of the underwriters, for a period of six (6) months following the closing of our initial public offering.


IPO Lock-Up Agreements (With Leak-Out Provisions)


In addition to the arrangements described above under “Lock-Up Agreements”, each existing stockholder of our company who holds less than five percent (5%) of our common stock prior to our initial public offering (who we refer to as the Leak Out Holders) is subject to lock-up agreement with leak-out provisions restricting sales of certain percentages of their common stock during a period ranging from 30 days to 150 days following the closing of our initial public offering as follows:


  (i) Leak Out Holders will be permitted to sell 10% of their common stock after 30 days following the closing of our initial public offering;


  (ii) Leak Out Holders will be permitted to sell an additional 20% of their common stock beginning 60 days following the closing of our initial public offering;


  (iii) Leak Out Holders will be permitted to sell an additional 20% of their common stock beginning 90 days following the closing of our initial public offering;


  (iv) Leak Out Holders will be permitted to sell an additional 25% of their common stock beginning 120 days following the closing of our initial public offering; and


  (v) Leak Out Holders will be permitted to sell the final 25% of their common stock beginning 150 days following the closing of our initial public offering.


Nevada Anti-Takeover Provisions


Nevada law, NRS Sections 78.411 through 78.444, regulate business combinations with interested stockholders. Nevada law defines an interested stockholder as a beneficial owner (directly or indirectly) of 10% or more of the voting power of the outstanding shares of the corporation. Pursuant to Sections NRS 78.411 through 78.444, combinations with an interested stockholder remain prohibited for three years after the person became an interested stockholder unless (i) the transaction is approved by the board of directors or the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares not beneficially owned by the interested party, or (ii) the interested stockholder satisfies certain fair value requirements. NRS 78.434 permits a Nevada corporation to opt-out of the statute with appropriate provisions in its articles of incorporation.


NRS Sections 78.378 through 78.3793 regulates the acquisition of a controlling interest in an issuing corporation. An issuing corporation is defined as a Nevada corporation with 200 or more stockholders of record, of which at least 100 stockholders have addresses of record in Nevada and does business in Nevada directly or through an affiliated corporation. NRS Section 78.379 provides that an acquiring person and those acting in association with an acquiring person obtain only such voting rights in the control shares as are conferred by a resolution of the stockholders of the corporation, approved at a special or annual meeting of the stockholders. Stockholders who vote against the voting rights have dissenters’ rights in the event that the stockholders approve voting rights. NRS Section 378 provides that a Nevada corporation’s articles of incorporation or bylaws may provide that these sections do not apply to the corporation. We have not opted out of these sections in our articles of incorporation and bylaws.


Removal of Directors; Vacancies


Under NRS 78.335, one or more of the incumbent directors may be removed from office by the vote of stockholders representing two-thirds or more of the voting power of the issued and outstanding stock entitled to vote. Our bylaws provide that any newly created position on the board of directors that results from an increase in the total number of directors and any vacancies on the board of directors will be filled only by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining directors, even if less than a quorum.




No Cumulative Voting


The NRS does not permit stockholders to cumulate their votes other than in the election of directors, and then only if expressly authorized by the corporation’s articles of incorporation. Our articles of Incorporation does not expressly authorize cumulative voting.


The combination of these provisions will make it more difficult for our existing stockholders to replace our board of directors as well as for another party to obtain control of us by replacing our board of directors. Because our board of directors has the power to retain and discharge our officers, these provisions could also make it more difficult for existing stockholders or another party to effect a change in management. In addition, the authorization of undesignated preferred stock makes it possible for our board of directors to issue preferred stock with voting or other rights or preferences that could impede the success of any attempt to change our control.


These provisions are intended to enhance the likelihood of continued stability in the composition of our board of directors and its policies and to discourage coercive takeover practices and inadequate takeover bids. These provisions are also designed to reduce our vulnerability to hostile takeovers and to discourage certain tactics that may be used in proxy fights. However, such provisions could have the effect of discouraging others from making tender offers for our shares and may have the effect of delaying changes in our control or management. As a consequence, these provisions may also inhibit fluctuations in the market price of our stock that could result from actual or rumored takeover attempts. We believe that the benefits of these provisions, including increased protection of our potential ability to negotiate with the proponent of an unfriendly or unsolicited proposal to acquire or restructure our company, outweigh the disadvantages of discouraging takeover proposals, because negotiation of takeover proposals could result in an improvement of their terms.


Articles of Incorporation and Bylaw Provisions, As Amended


Our purpose is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may now or hereafter be organized under NRS Section 78 other than the business of a trust company, savings and loan association, thrift company or corporation organized for the purpose of conducting a banking business.


Board of Directors


Our bylaws provides that the number of directors will be fixed by the board of directors within a range of between one and fifteen directors. The directors need not be stockholders unless so required by our articles of incorporation. The minimum or maximum number may be increased or decreased from time to time only by an amendment to the bylaws, which power belongs exclusively to our board of directors.


Requirements for Advance Notification of Director Nominations and Stockholder Proposals


Our bylaws establish advance notice procedures with respect to stockholder proposals and the nomination of candidates for election as directors. In order for any matter to be properly brought before a meeting of our stockholders, the stockholder submitting the proposal or nomination will have to comply with advance notice requirements and provide us with certain information.


For business to be properly brought before an annual meeting, the proposing stockholder must have given written notice of the nomination or proposal, either by personal delivery or by United States mail to the Secretary of our company not later than the close of business on the sixtieth (60th) day nor earlier than the close of business on the ninetieth (90th) day prior to the first anniversary of the preceding year’s annual meeting; provided, however, that in the event that no annual meeting was held in the previous year or the date of the annual meeting has been changed by more than thirty (30) days from the date contemplated at the time of the previous year’s proxy statement, notice by the stockholder to be timely must be so received not earlier than the close of business on the ninetieth (90th) day prior to such annual meeting and not later than the close of business on the later of the sixtieth (60th) day prior to such annual meeting or, in the event public announcement of the date of such annual meeting is first made by our company fewer than seventy (70) days prior to the date of such annual meeting, the close of business on the tenth (10th) day following the day on which public announcement of the date of such meeting is first made by the Corporation. No business shall be conducted at any annual meeting except in accordance with the procedures set forth in our bylaws.


For business to be properly brought before a special meeting of stockholders, the notice of the meeting must set forth the general nature of the business to be considered. No business may be transacted at such special meeting otherwise than specified in such notice. The special meeting may be called for by (i) the Chairman of the board of directors, or (ii) the board of directors pursuant to a resolution adopted by a majority of the total number of authorized directors (whether or not there exist any vacancies in previously authorized directorships at the time any such resolution is presented to the board of directors for adoption), and shall be held at such place, on such date, and at such time as the Board of Directors, shall determine. The board of directors shall determine the time and place of such special meeting, which shall be held not less than thirty-thirty (30) nor more than one hundred twenty (120) days after the date of the receipt of the request.




Authorized but Unissued Capital Stock


Neither Nevada law nor our governing documents require stockholder approval for any issuance of authorized shares, except as provided in NRS 78.2055 with respect to a decrease in the number of issued and outstanding shares of a class or series without a corresponding decrease in the authorized shares. Our authorized but unissued common stock are therefore available for future issuances without stockholder approval and could be utilized for a variety of corporate purposes, including future offerings to raise additional capital, acquisitions and employee benefit plans. The existence of authorized but unissued and unreserved common stock could render more difficult or discourage an attempt to obtain control of us by means of a proxy contest, tender offer, merger or otherwise.


Stockholder Action by Written Consent


Any action required or permitted by the NRS to be taken at a meeting of stockholders may be taken without a meeting if, before or after the action, a written consent to the action is signed by stockholders holding a majority of the voting power of our company or, if different, the proportion of voting power required to take the action at a meeting of stockholders.


History of Securities Issuances


During the past three years, we issued securities that were not registered under the Securities Act as set forth below. The following is a summary of transactions from our inception until the date of this prospectus involving issuance of our securities that were not registered under the Securities Act. The offers, sales and issuances of the securities described below were exempt from registration either (i) under Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder in that the transactions were between an issuer and sophisticated investors or members of its senior executive management and did not involve any offering within the meaning of Section 4(a)(2), or (ii) under Regulation S promulgated under the Securities Act in that offers, sales and issuances were not made to persons in the United States and no directed selling efforts were made in the United States, or (iii) under Rule 144A under the Securities Act in that the shares were offered and sold by the initial purchasers to qualified institutional buyers, or (iv) under Rule 701 promulgated under the Securities Act in that the transactions were under compensatory benefit plans and contracts relating to compensation.


In February 2022, we issued 10,000,000 shares of common stock to I Financial Ventures Group LLC, of which our President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Jay Jiang Yu, is the sole shareholder and director, and received proceeds of $50,000.


Between March 2022 and April 2022, we issued an aggregate of 7,500,000 shares of common stock to certain members of our management team and certain investors, and received an aggregate proceeds of $375,000.


Between February 2022 and September 2022, we issued an aggregate of 675,000 shares of common stock to certain consultants for services received.


Between April 2022 and February 2023, we issued an aggregate of 4,146,869 shares of common stock to certain investors, and received an aggregate proceeds of $4,146,869.


Between April 2023 and September 2023, we issued an aggregate of 2,778,000 shares of common stock to certain investors, and received an aggregate proceeds of $6,945,000.


In January 2024, we issued an aggregate of 822,144 shares of common stock to certain investors, and received an aggregate gross proceeds of $2,466,437, of which $2,106,437 was received in advance as of December 31, 2023, and $360,000 was received in January 2024.


In June 2024, we issued an aggregate of 50,000 shares of common stock to Dr. Maidana as consideration for the ALIP Acquisition.


In August 2024, we issued an aggregate of 20,000 shares of common stock to certain consultants for services received.


In August 2024, we issued an aggregate of 250,000 shares of common stock to consultants who exercised their stock options.


In September 2024, we issued an aggregate of 343,000 shares of common stock to consultants who exercised their stock options.


Transfer Agent and Registrar


The transfer agent and registrar of our common stock is VStock Transfer, LLC. The transfer agent and registrar’s address is 18 Lafayette Place, Woodmere, New York 11598. VStock Transfer, LLC is also the warrant agent for the warrants issued in our July 2024 Follow-on Offering and this offering.




Our common stock is listed on Nasdaq under the symbol “NNE”.






The market for our common stock is very new, and a robust and liquid trading market for our common stock may not develop or be sustained after this offering. Future sales of substantial amounts of our common stock in the public market, or the perception that such sales could occur, could adversely affect market prices prevailing from time to time and could impair our ability to raise capital through the sale of our equity securities. Furthermore, because only a limited number of shares will be available for sale shortly after this offering due to existing contractual and legal restrictions on resale as described below, there may be sales of substantial amounts of our common stock in the public market after the restrictions lapse. This may adversely affect the prevailing market prices for the shares of our common stock, and our ability to raise equity capital in the future.


Based on the number of shares outstanding as of October 16, 2024, upon the closing of this offering, approximately 33,003,309 shares of common stock will be outstanding, based on a public offering price of $17.00 per Unit, offered hereby and further assuming no exercise of the over-allotment option for this offering. Of the shares to be outstanding immediately after completion of the offering, all 2,117,646 Units sold in this offering will be freely tradable except that any shares purchased in this offering by our affiliates, as that term is defined in Rule 144 under the Securities Act, would only be able to be sold in compliance with the Rule 144 limitations described below.


All of our existing stockholders holding five percent (5%) or more of our common stock prior to our initial public offering, our officers and directors have entered into lock-up agreements with the representative of the underwriters under which they have agreed, subject to specific exceptions, not to sell any of our stock for at least 180 days following the closing of our initial public offering, as described below. As a result of these agreements, subject to the provisions of Rule 144 or Rule 701, shares will be available for sale in the public market as follows:


  beginning on the date of this prospectus, all of the shares sold in this offering will be immediately available for sale in the public market (except as described above); and
  beginning 181 days after the date of this prospectus, additional shares will become eligible for sale in the public market, of which shares will be held by affiliates and subject to the volume and other restrictions of Rule 144, as described below.


Rule 144


In general, under Rule 144 as currently in effect, beginning 90 days after the effective date of the registration statement of which this prospectus is a part, any person who is not an affiliate of ours and has held their shares for at least six months, as measured by SEC rule, including the holding period of any prior owner other than one of our affiliates, may sell shares without restriction, provided current public information about us is available. In addition, under Rule 144, any person who is not an affiliate of ours and has held their shares for at least one year, as measured by SEC rule, including the holding period of any prior owner other than one of our affiliates, would be entitled to sell an unlimited number of shares immediately upon the closing of this offering without regard to whether current public information about us is available. Beginning 90 days after the effective date of the registration statement of which this prospectus is a part, a person who is an affiliate of ours and who has beneficially owned restricted securities for at least six months, as measured by SEC rule, including the holding period of any prior owner other than one of our affiliates, is entitled to sell a number of restricted securities within any three-month period that does not exceed the greater of:


  1% of the number of shares of our common stock then outstanding, which will equal approximately 321,142 shares immediately after this offering; and
  the average weekly trading volume of our common stock on Nasdaq during the four calendar weeks preceding the filing of a notice on Form 144 with respect to the sale.


Sales of restricted securities under Rule 144 held by our affiliates are also subject to requirements regarding the manner of sale, notice and the availability of current public information about us. Rule 144 also provides that affiliates relying on Rule 144 to sell shares of our common stock that are not restricted securities must nonetheless comply with the same restrictions applicable to restricted securities, other than the holding period requirement. Notwithstanding the availability of Rule 144, the holders of five percent (5%) or more of our restricted securities have entered into IPO lock-up agreements as described below and their restricted securities will become eligible for sale at the expiration of the restrictions set forth in those agreements.




Rule 701


Under Rule 701 under the Securities Act, shares of our common stock acquired upon the exercise of currently outstanding options or pursuant to other rights granted under our stock plans may be resold, by:


  persons other than affiliates, beginning 90 days after the effective date of the registration statement of which this prospectus is a part, subject only to the manner-of-sale provisions of Rule 144; and
  our affiliates, beginning 90 days after the effective date of the registration statement of which this prospectus is a part, subject to the manner-of-sale and volume limitations, current public information and filing requirements of Rule 144, in each case, without compliance with the six-month holding period requirement of Rule 144.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, all our Rule 701 shares are subject to lock-up agreements as described above and in the section titled “Underwriting” and will become eligible for sale upon the expiration of the restrictions set forth in those agreements.


IPO Lock-Up Agreements


No lock-up agreements will be required in connection with this offering.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, pursuant to certain “lock-up” agreements, our executive officers, directors and all of our existing stockholders and holders prior to our initial public offering holding five percent (5%) or more of our common stock securities exercisable for or convertible into our common stock outstanding immediately upon the closing of our initial public offering (which closed in May 2024), have agreed, subject to certain exceptions, not to offer, sell, assign, transfer, pledge, contract to sell, or otherwise dispose of or announce the intention to otherwise dispose of, or enter into any swap, hedge or similar agreement or arrangement that transfers, in whole or in part, the economic risk of ownership of, directly or indirectly, engage in any short selling of any common stock or securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for any common stock, whether currently owned or subsequently acquired, without the prior written consent of the representative of the underwriters, for a period of six (6) months following the closing of our initial public offering.


In addition, our company has agreed, subject to certain exceptions, not to offer, sell, assign, transfer, pledge, contract to sell, or otherwise dispose of or announce the intention to otherwise dispose of, or enter into any swap, hedge or similar agreement or arrangement that transfers, in whole or in part, the economic risk of ownership of, directly or indirectly, engage in any short selling of any common stock or securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for any common stock, whether currently owned or subsequently acquired, without the prior written consent of the representative of the underwriters, for a period of six (6) months following the closing of our initial public offering.






The following is a summary of the material U.S. federal income tax consequences of the ownership and disposition of our common stock acquired in this offering by a “non-U.S. holder” (as defined below), but does not purport to be a complete analysis of all the potential tax considerations relating thereto. This summary is based upon the provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the Code, Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder, administrative rulings and judicial decisions, all as of the date hereof. These authorities may be changed, possibly retroactively, so as to result in U.S. federal income tax consequences different from those set forth below. We have not sought, and do not intend to seek, any ruling from the Internal Revenue Service, or IRS, with respect to the statements made and the conclusions reached in the following summary, and there can be no assurance that the IRS or a court will agree with such statements and conclusions.


This summary also does not address the tax considerations arising under the laws of any state or local or non-U.S. jurisdiction or under U.S. federal gift and estate tax rules, or rising out of other non-income tax rules, except to the limited extent set forth below. In addition, this discussion does not address tax considerations applicable to an investor’s particular circumstances or to investors that may be subject to special tax rules, including, without limitation:


  banks, insurance companies, regulated investment companies, real estate investment trusts or other financial institutions;
  persons subject to the alternative minimum tax or the tax on net investment income;
  persons subject to special tax accounting rules as a result of any item of gross income with respect to our common stock being taken into account in an applicable financial statement;
  tax-exempt organizations or governmental organizations;
  pension plans and tax-qualified retirement plans;
  controlled foreign corporations, passive foreign investment companies and corporations that accumulate earnings to avoid U.S. federal income tax;
  partnerships or other entities or arrangements treated as partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes (and investors therein);
  brokers or dealers in securities or currencies;
  traders in securities that elect to use a mark-to-market method of accounting for their securities holdings;
  persons that own, or are deemed to own, more than five percent of our capital stock (except to the extent specifically set forth below);
  certain former citizens or long-term residents of the United States;
  persons who hold our common stock as a position in a hedging transaction, “straddle,” “conversion transaction” or other risk reduction transaction or integrated investment;
  persons who hold or receive our common stock pursuant to the exercise of any option or otherwise as compensation;
  persons who do not hold our common stock as a capital asset within the meaning of Section 1221 of the Code (generally, property held for investment); and
  persons deemed to sell our common stock under the constructive sale provisions of the Code.


In addition, if a partnership, entity or arrangement classified as a partnership or flow-through entity for U.S. federal income tax purposes holds our common stock, the tax treatment of a partner generally will depend on the status of the partner and upon the activities of the partnership or other entity. A partner in a partnership or other such entity that will hold our common stock should consult his, her or its own tax advisor regarding the tax consequences of the ownership and disposition of our common stock through a partnership or other such entity, as applicable.




This summary is for informational purposes only and is not tax advice. Each non-U.S. holder is urged to consult its own tax advisor with respect to the application of the U.S. federal income tax laws to its particular situation, as well as any tax consequences of the purchase, ownership and disposition of our common stock arising under the U.S. federal gift or estate tax rules or under the laws of any state, local, non-U.S. or other taxing jurisdiction or under any applicable tax treaty.


Non-U.S. Holder Defined


For purposes of this discussion, a “non-U.S. holder” is a beneficial owner of our common stock that, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, is neither a “U.S. person” nor an entity (or arrangement) treated as a partnership. A “U.S. person” is any person that, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, is or is treated as any of the following:


  an individual who is a citizen or resident of the United States;
  a corporation or other entity taxable as a corporation created or organized in the United States or under the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof, or otherwise treated as such for U.S. federal income tax purposes;
  an estate whose income is subject to U.S. federal income tax regardless of its source; or
  a trust (x) whose administration is subject to the primary supervision of a U.S. court and that has one or more U.S. persons who have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust or (y) that has made a valid election under applicable Treasury Regulations to be treated as a U.S. person.




As described in the section titled “Dividend Policy,” we have never declared or paid cash dividends on our common stock. However, following the completion of this offering, if we do make distributions of cash or property on our common stock to non-U.S. holders, such distributions will constitute dividends for U.S. federal income tax purposes to the extent paid from our current or accumulated earnings and profits, as determined under U.S. federal income tax principles. To the extent those distributions exceed both our current and our accumulated earnings and profits, the excess will first constitute a return of capital and will reduce each non-U.S. holder’s adjusted tax basis in our common stock, but not below zero. Any additional excess will then be treated as capital gain from the sale of stock, as discussed under “Gain on Disposition of common stock.”


Subject to the discussions below on effectively connected income, backup withholding and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or FATCA, any dividend paid to a non-U.S. holder generally will be subject to U.S. federal withholding tax either at a rate of 30% of the gross amount of the dividend or such lower rate as may be specified by an applicable income tax treaty between the United States and such non-U.S. holder’s country of residence. In order to receive a reduced treaty rate, such non-U.S. holder must provide the applicable withholding agent with an IRS Form W-8BEN or W-8BEN-E or other appropriate version of IRS Form W-8 certifying qualification for the reduced treaty rate. A non-U.S. holder of shares of our common stock eligible for a reduced rate of U.S. federal withholding tax pursuant to an income tax treaty may obtain a refund of any excess amounts withheld by filing an appropriate claim for refund with the IRS. If such non-U.S. holder holds our common stock through a financial institution or other agent acting on the non-U.S. holder’s behalf, the non-U.S. holder will be required to provide appropriate documentation to such agent, which then will be required to provide certification to the applicable withholding agent, either directly or through other intermediaries. Each non-U.S. holder should consult its own tax advisors regarding their entitlement to benefits under any applicable income tax treaty.


Dividends received by a non-U.S. holder that are treated as effectively connected with such non-U.S. holder’s conduct of a trade or business within the United States (and, if an applicable income tax treaty so provides, such non-U.S. holder maintains a permanent establishment or fixed base in the United States to which such dividends are attributable) are generally exempt from the 30% U.S. federal withholding tax, subject to the discussion below on backup withholding and FATCA withholding. To claim this exemption, a non-U.S. holder must provide the applicable withholding agent with a properly executed IRS Form W-8ECI or other applicable IRS Form W-8 properly certifying such exemption. Such effectively connected dividends, although not subject to U.S. federal withholding tax, are taxed at the same graduated rates applicable to U.S. persons, net of certain deductions and credits, subject to an applicable income tax treaty providing otherwise. In addition, if a non-U.S. holder is a corporation, dividends such non-U.S. holder receives that are effectively connected with its conduct of a U.S. trade or business may also be subject to a branch profits tax at a rate of 30% or such lower rate as may be specified by an applicable income tax treaty between the United States and such non-U.S. holder’s country of residence. Each non-U.S. holder should consult its own tax advisor regarding the tax consequences of the ownership and disposition of our common stock, including any applicable tax treaties that may provide for different rules.




Gain on Disposition of Common Stock


Subject to the discussion below regarding backup withholding and FATCA withholding, a non-U.S. holder generally will not be required to pay U.S. federal income tax on any gain realized upon the sale or other disposition of our common stock unless:


  the gain is effectively connected with such non-U.S. holder’s conduct of a U.S. trade or business (and, if an applicable income tax treaty so provides, such non-U.S. holder maintains a permanent establishment or fixed base in the United States to which such gain is attributable);
  such non-U.S. holder is an individual who is present in the United States for an aggregate 183 days or more during the taxable year in which the sale or disposition occurs and certain other conditions are met; or
  our common stock constitutes a United States real property interest, or USRPI, by reason of our status as a “United States real property holding corporation,” or USRPHC, for U.S. federal income tax purposes.


We believe that we are not currently and will not become a USRPHC for U.S. federal income tax purposes, and the remainder of this discussion so assumes. However, because the determination of whether we are a USRPHC depends on the fair market value of our U.S. real property interests relative to the fair market value of our U.S. and worldwide real property interests plus our other business assets, there can be no assurance that we will not become a USRPHC in the future. Even if we become a USRPHC, however, as long as our common stock is regularly traded on an established securities market, your common stock will be treated as U.S. real property interests only if you actually (directly or indirectly) or constructively hold more than 5% of such regularly traded common stock at any time during the shorter of the five-year period preceding your disposition of, or your holding period for, our common stock.


A non-U.S. holder described in the first bullet above will be required to pay U.S. federal income tax on the gain derived from the sale (net of certain deductions and credits) under regular graduated U.S. federal income tax rates. In addition, a non-U.S. holder that is a corporation may be subject to the branch profits tax at a 30% rate on a portion of its effectively connected earnings and profits for the taxable year that are attributable to such gain, as adjusted for certain items. A lower rate may be specified by an applicable income tax treaty.


A non-U.S. holder described in the second bullet above will be subject to tax at 30% (or such lower rate specified by an applicable income tax treaty) on the gain derived from the sale, which gain may be offset by U.S. source capital losses of such non-U.S. holder for the taxable year, provided such non-U.S. holder has timely filed U.S. federal income tax returns with respect to such losses.


Each non-U.S. holder should consult its own tax advisor regarding any applicable income tax or other treaties that may provide for different rules.


Information Reporting and Backup Withholding


Generally, we or an applicable withholding agent must report annually to the IRS the amount of dividends paid to a non-U.S. holder, such non-U.S. holder’s name and address, and the amount of tax withheld, if any. A similar report is sent to such non-U.S. holder. Pursuant to any applicable income tax treaty or other agreement, the IRS may make such report available to the tax authority in such non-U.S. holder’s country of residence.


Dividends paid by us (or our paying agent) to a non-U.S. holder may also be subject to backup withholding at a current rate of 24%.




Such information reporting and backup withholding requirements may be avoided, however, if such non-U.S. holder establishes an exemption by providing a properly executed, and applicable, IRS Form W-8, or otherwise establishes an exemption. Generally, such information reporting and backup withholding requirements will not apply to a non-U.S. holder where the transaction is effected outside the United States, through a non-U.S. office of a non-U.S. broker. Notwithstanding the foregoing, backup withholding and information reporting may apply, however, if the applicable withholding agent has actual knowledge, or reason to know, that such non-U.S. holder is a U.S. person.


Backup withholding is not an additional tax; rather, the U.S. federal income tax liability of persons subject to backup withholding will be reduced by the amount of tax withheld. If withholding results in an overpayment of taxes, a refund or credit may generally be obtained from the IRS, provided that the required information is furnished to the IRS in a timely manner.


Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)


Sections 1471 to 1474 of the Code, Treasury Regulations issued thereunder and related official IRS guidance, commonly referred to as FATCA, generally impose a U.S. federal withholding tax of 30% on dividends on our common stock paid to a “foreign financial institution” (as defined under FATCA, and which may include banks, traditional financial institutions, investment funds, and certain holding companies), unless such institution enters into an agreement with the U.S. Department of the Treasury to, among other things, identify accounts held by certain “specified United States persons” or “United States-owned foreign entities” (each as defined under FATCA), report annually substantial information about such accounts, and withhold on certain payments to non-compliant foreign financial institutions and certain other account holders. FATCA also generally imposes a U.S. federal withholding tax of 30% on dividends on our common stock paid to a “non-financial foreign entity” (as specially defined under FATCA), unless such entity provides identifying information regarding each of its direct or indirect “substantial United States owners” (as defined under FATCA), certifies that it does not have any substantial United States owners, or otherwise establishes an exemption. Accordingly, the institution or entity through which our common stock is held will affect the determination of whether such withholding is required.


The withholding obligations under FATCA generally apply to dividends on our common stock. Such withholding will apply regardless of whether the beneficial owner of the payment otherwise would be exempt from withholding pursuant to an applicable tax treaty with the United States, the Code, or other exemptions described above. Under certain circumstances, a non-U.S. holder might be eligible for refunds or credits of such taxes.


根據擬議的法規,FATCA 已取消對總收益付款的預扣稅。這些擬議的法規可能會發生變化。


政府間協議 美國和適用的外國國家之間可以修改本節中描述的要求。潛在投資者 鼓勵您就FATCA預扣稅對其投資和所有權的適用問題諮詢自己的稅務顧問 以及我們普通股的處置。


的前述討論 美國聯邦稅收考慮僅供一般參考。這不是針對投資者特定情況的稅務建議。 每位潛在投資者都應就特定的美國聯邦、州、地方和非美國稅務後果諮詢自己的稅務顧問 購買、持有和處置我們的普通股,包括適用法律任何擬議變更的後果。






與此產品相關, 我們已與作爲代表的The Benchmark Company,LLC(「Benchmark」)簽訂了承保協議 本次發行的承銷商。下面列出的每個承銷商已分別同意在堅定承諾的基礎上向我們購買 下面名稱對面列出的單位,按公開發行價格減去封面頁上列出的承銷折扣 這份招股說明書。





The Benchmark Company LLC   2,117,646


承銷商承諾 購買我們提供的所有單位(超額配股選擇權購買額外證券所涵蓋的單位除外) 如下所述,如果他們購買任何此類證券。承銷商的義務可能會因某些情況而終止 承保協議中規定的事件。此外,根據承銷協議,承銷商的義務 受承保協議中包含的習慣條件、陳述和保證的約束,例如承保人的收到 官員證書和法律意見書。


我們公司已同意賠償 承保人針對特定負債,包括經修訂的1933年證券法下的負債,並出資 承保人可能被要求爲此支付的款項。


承銷商正在提供 這些單位,受事先出售的限制,何時、如果向其發行並被其接受,須經其法律事項批准 承保協議中規定的律師和其他條件。承銷商保留撤回、取消或修改的權利 向公衆提供報價並拒絕全部或部分訂單。




我們 已授予承銷商代表超額配售選擇權。這個選項, 可在本招股說明書發佈之日起30天內行使,允許承銷商 購買最多317,646股普通股及/或額外認股權證 購買最多158,823股普通股(相當於股份數量的15%) 普通股及/或認股權證所涉及的普通股股份數目 在本次發售中),以彌補超額配售,如果有,每單位價格等於 單位公開發行價減去封面上規定的承銷折扣 這份招股說明書。超額配售選擇權可由代表在任何 不超過上述最高金額的股份和/或認股權證的組合。我們會 根據選擇權,有義務將這些額外的證券出售給承銷商 在行使選擇權的範圍內。




下表顯示 公開發行價格、承銷折扣和收益(不計費用)交給我們。該信息假設沒有鍛鍊或完全鍛鍊 承銷商行使超額配股權。












公開發行價   $ 17.00        41,399,964       35,999,982  
承保折扣(1)(2)   $ 1.19        2,897,997       2,519,999  
扣除費用前的收益,付給我們   $ 15.81        38,501,967       33,479,983  


(1)代表承保折扣 相當於每單位百分之七(7%)(或每單位1.19美元)。


(2)不包括(i)不負責任的人 費用津貼等於我們在發行中出售我們的單位收到的總收益的百分之一(1%),並且 (ii)承保人的某些費用的報銷。




承銷商提議 按照本招股說明書封面所載的每單位公開發行價格向公衆出售我們所提供的單位。此外, 承銷商可能會以該價格減去每個單位0.595美元的讓步向其他證券交易商提供部分單位。 發行後,公開發行價格和對經銷商的優惠可能會發生變化。


我們將自付費用 承銷商與本次發行相關的可負擔且有記錄的費用。然而,承銷協議規定 如果發行終止,支付給承銷商的任何預付費用按金將被退回,金額爲 根據FINRA規則5110(g)(4)(A),發行費用實際上並未發生。


我們已同意支付 保險人代表的非實報性費用津貼,相當於收到的總收益的百分之一(1%) 出售本次發售的單位,包括基準公司行使的任何超額配售選擇權。 我們公司還同意支付與此次發行有關的所有合理的、必要的、可問責的和有記錄的自付費用。 包括但不限於:(A)與FINRA審查此次發行有關的所有申請費和通信費;(B) 與證券項下提供的證券的登記、資格或豁免有關的所有費用、開支和支出 由Benchmark指定的外國司法管轄區的法律;(C)承銷商法律顧問(或Benchmark)的費用和費用 法律費用)最高125,000美元;(E)承銷商使用Ipreo的詢價、招股說明書跟蹤和 提供合規軟件;(F)提供服務的「路演」費用。實際自付費用(含 基準法律費用的最高限額爲150,000美元。


我們估計總數 我們應付的發行費用(不包括承保折扣)約爲820,000美元。




我們的普通股在 納斯達克股票代碼爲「NNE」。




vt.在.的基礎上 本次發行結束時,我們已同意發行基準五年期認股權證,以 購買最多121,764股我們的普通股,相當於5%(5%) 作爲本公司在本次發售中出售的單位一部分的普通股股份(包括 作爲超額配售選擇權的一部分出售的股票)。承銷商的認股權證將 可按每單位行使價格相當於21.25美元(或公衆125%)的價格行使 單位發行價)。承銷商的認股權證可隨時行使, 在開始的四年半期間,不時地,全部或部分 本次發行結束後六個月,這一期限不得超過 自本次產品開始銷售之日起五年內,符合財務規定 行業監管機構,或FINRA,規則5110。承銷商的認股權證 也可以在無現金的基礎上行使。承銷商的認股權證被視爲賠償 因此,根據FINRA規則5110,應被禁閉180天。除 根據規則5110,承銷商(或獲准受讓人)的代表 根據該規則)不得出售、轉讓、轉讓、質押或質押承銷商的 認股權證或作爲承銷商認股權證基礎的證券,也不會 從事任何套期保值、賣空、衍生工具、看跌或看漲交易 在一段時間內對期權或標的證券進行有效的經濟處置 自根據本招股說明書開始銷售起計六個月。行權價格和 在行使承銷商的權證時,證券的數量可以在 某些情況,包括股票股息、非常現金股息 或者我們的資本重組、重組、合併或整合。然而,承銷商的 認股權證行權價或相關股份將不會因發行股份而作出調整 以低於承銷商認股權證行使價的價格出售普通股。作爲本招股說明書一部分的登記聲明也登記了代表的授權書 發行和作爲代表轉售認股權證基礎的普通股。






沒有 與此產品相關的鎖定協議。


儘管有上述規定,根據某些「鎖定」協議,我們的執行官、董事 以及我們所有現有股東和可立即行使或轉換爲我們發行的普通股的證券持有人 在我們的首次公開募股(於2024年5月完成)結束後,同意(除某些例外情況外)不要約、出售、轉讓、轉讓、質押、合同 出售或以其他方式處置或宣佈以其他方式處置的意圖,或簽訂任何掉期、對沖或類似協議 或直接或間接轉移參與任何賣空的所有權經濟風險的安排 任何普通股或可轉換爲或可交換或可行使任何普通股的證券,無論是目前擁有還是以後擁有 未經Benchmark事先書面同意而收購,有效期爲首次公開募股結束後六(6)個月。


IPO 鎖定協議(含泄露條款)


在 除了上述「鎖定協議」項下的安排外,我們公司的每位現有股東持有 在首次公開募股結束之前,不到我們普通股的百分之五(5%)(我們將其稱爲Leak Out 持有者)須遵守鎖定協議,其中包含泄漏條款,限制在期間銷售其普通股的某些百分比 首次公開募股結束後30天至150天的期限如下:


  (i) 泄漏 首次公開募股結束後30天后,股東將被允許出售10%的普通股;


  (ii) 泄漏 從我們的初始股票收盤後60天開始,持有者將被允許額外出售20%的普通股 公開募股;


  (iii) 泄漏 從我們的初始股票收盤後90天開始,持有者將被允許額外出售20%的普通股 公開募股;


  (iv) 泄漏 從我們的初始股票收盤後120天開始,持有者將被允許額外出售25%的普通股 公開募股;和


  (v) 泄漏 在我們的首次股票收盤後150天開始,持有者將被允許出售其最後25%的普通股 公開募股。




承銷商無意 確認向其擁有全權委託權的任何帳戶出售此處提供的證券。




電子版招股說明書 可在參與本次發行的承銷商(如果有的話)和參與的承銷商維護的網站上提供 在此產品中可以以電子方式分發招股說明書。承銷商可能同意向其分配一些出售股份 在線經紀帳戶持有人。互聯網發行將由承銷商分配,承銷商將在 與其他分配的基礎相同。除電子格式的招股說明書外,這些網站上的信息不屬於、 也沒有以引用方式納入本招股說明書或本招股說明書組成部分的註冊聲明書中, 經我們或承銷商以承銷商身份批准或認可,投資者不應依賴。




承銷商及其附屬機構 未來可能爲我公司及其附屬公司提供各種投資銀行、商業銀行和其他金融服務 他們已經收到並且將來可能收到慣例費用。然而,除本招股說明書披露外,本公司 目前沒有與承銷商就任何進一步服務做出任何安排。






我們的報價 此次發行中的普通股以及承銷商令的行使價格已由以下各方協商 我們和基準。確定股票公開發行價格時考慮的因素包括我們的歷史和前景 公司、我們業務的發展階段、我們未來的業務計劃及其實施程度, 對我們的管理層、發行時證券市場的總體狀況以及其他因素的評估 認爲相關。




與此產品相關, 承銷商可能從事穩定交易、超額配股交易、銀團承保交易、罰款出價和 購買以彌補賣空造成的頭寸。




These stabilizing transactions, syndicate covering transactions and penalty bids may have the effect of raising or maintaining the market price of the shares of common stock or preventing or retarding a decline in the market price of its shares of common stock. As a result, the price of the common stock in the open market may be higher than it would otherwise be in the absence of these transactions. Neither our company nor the underwriters make any representation or prediction as to the effect that the transactions described above may have on the price of our company’s common stock. These transactions may be effected on Nasdaq, in the over-the-counter market or otherwise and, if commenced, may be discontinued at any time.




Passive Market Making


與此產品相關, 承銷商可以根據規則在納斯達克對我公司普通股進行被動做市交易 《交易法》第m條第103條,在普通股股份的要約或出售開始之前的一段時間內,以及 延伸到分發的完成。被動做市商必須以不超過最高價格的價格展示其出價 該證券的獨立競標。然而,如果所有獨立出價均低於被動做市商的出價,那麼該出價 當超過指定的購買限額時,必須降低。




在美國以外的地方, 我們或承銷商尚未採取任何行動,允許公開發行本招股說明書所提供的證券。 需要爲此目的採取行動的任何司法管轄區。本招股說明書所提供的證券不得直接發行或出售。 或間接地,本招股說明書或任何其他與提供和銷售任何此類產品有關的發售材料或廣告 證券在任何司法管轄區分發或發佈,除非在符合適用的 該司法管轄區的規章制度。建議擁有本招股說明書的人告知自己 並遵守與本招股章程的發售和分發有關的任何限制。本招股說明書不構成 在任何司法管轄區內出售或徵求購買本招股說明書所提供的任何證券的要約 否則,教唆就是非法的。




發行的有效性 我們在此次發行中提供的證券的一部分將由內華達州里諾市的Parsons Behle & Latimer代爲轉讓。埃倫諾夫將爲我們轉交某些法律事務 Grossman & Schole LLP,紐約,紐約。承銷商由新澤西州伍德布里奇的Lucosky Brookman LLP代表。




WithumSmith+Brown,PC(或Withum), 我們的獨立註冊會計師事務所已審計我們截至2023年9月30日和2022年9月30日的合併資產負債表,以及 截至9月30日止年度的相關合並經營報表、股東權益變動和現金流量, 2023年以及2022年2月8日(成立)至2022年9月30日期間,如2024年1月30日的報告所述。 我們已將我們的綜合財務報表納入本招股說明書和註冊表中,以依賴Withum ' 關於他們作爲會計和審計專家的權威的報告。




我們已向SEC提交了一份 根據《證券法》,針對此處提供的單位在表格S-1中提交的登記聲明。本招股說明書,構成 註冊聲明的一部分,不包含註冊聲明或展品中列出的所有信息 隨之歸檔。有關我們和此處提供的普通股的更多信息,請參閱註冊聲明 以及隨之歸檔的物證。本招股說明書中包含的有關任何合同或任何其他文件內容的聲明 不一定完整,請參閱已提交的合同副本或文件以獲取該合同的完整內容 或文件。本招股說明書中與作爲附件提交的合同或文件有關的每項陳述在各方面均由以下人士限定 歸檔的展品。應審查登記聲明的附件,以了解這些合同和文件的完整內容。


我們定期提交文件 根據《交易法》向SEC提供的報告、代理聲明和其他信息。SEC維護一個包含報告的網站, 以電子方式向SEC提交的有關注冊人的代理和信息聲明以及其他信息。的地址 網站是 Www.sec.gov.


我們還維護一個網站 www.nanonuclearenergy.com.您可以在以下情況下儘快在我們的網站上免費訪問這些材料: 它們以電子方式提交給SEC或提供給SEC。我們網站中包含或可以通過我們網站訪問的信息是 不是本招股說明書的一部分,也不包含在本招股說明書中。






截至2024年6月30日(未經審計)和2023年9月30日的簡明合併資產負債表 F-2
截至2024年和2023年6月30日的三個月和九個月未經審計的簡明合併經營報表 F-3
截至2024年和2023年6月30日的三個月和九個月未經審計的簡明合併股東權益報表 F-4
截至2024年和2023年6月30日的九個月未經審計的簡明合併現金流量報表 F-5
未經審計的合併財務報表附註 F-6
獨立註冊會計師事務所報告 F-15
截至2023年9月30日和2022年9月30日的合併資產負債表 F-16
截至2023年9月30日的年度以及2022年2月8日(成立)至2022年9月30日期間的合併經營報表 F-17
截至2023年9月30日止年度及2022年2月8日(成立)至2022年9月30日期間合併股東權益報表 F-18
截至2023年9月30日的年度以及2022年2月8日(成立)至2022年9月30日期間的合併現金流量表 F-19
合併財務報表附註 F-20




納米 核能源公司和子公司


簡明 綜合資產負債表


   2024年6月30日   2023年9月30日 
現金及現金等價物  $13,789,532   $6,952,795 
預付費用   530,188    205,857 
流動資產總額   14,319,720    7,158,652 
遞延發售成本   -    75,000 
存款   235,235    - 
使用權資產   1,872,763    - 
總資產  $16,427,718   $7,233,652 
應付賬款和應計負債  $231,611   $190,005 
因關聯方的原因   -    35,000 
租賃負債,流動   352,281    - 
或有對價   1,222,000    - 
流動負債總額   1,805,892    225,005 
租賃負債,非流動   1,618,510    - 
總負債   3,424,402    225,005 
可能贖回的普通股;截至2024年6月30日爲0股,截至2023年9月30日爲2,000,000股   -    5,000,000 
優先股,面值0.0001美元;截至2024年6月30日已授權25,000,000股,截至2023年9月30日已授權100,000,000股;截至2024年6月30日和2023年9月30日,無發行和未發行   -    - 
普通股,面值0.0001美元;截至2024年6月30日已授權275,000,000股,截至2023年9月30日已授權100,000,000股;截至2024年6月30日和2023年9月30日,已發行和發行股票分別爲29,003,888股和23,184,869股,不包括截至9月30日的2,000,000股,2023年可能贖回   2,900    2,319 
額外實收資本   27,942,461    9,288,553 
累計赤字   (14,942,045)   (7,282,225)
股東權益總額   13,003,316    2,008,647 
總負債、夾層權益和股東權益  $16,427,718   $7,233,652 


的 隨附附註是該等簡明綜合財務報表的組成部分。




納米 核能源公司和子公司


簡明 綜合經營報表



   截至三個月   九個月結束 
   2024年6月30日   2023年6月30日   2024年6月30日   2023年6月30日 
一般和行政  $2,301,307   $2,038,259   $4,553,512   $3,722,232 
研發   2,019,812    663,144    2,830,367    1,183,750 


   385,500    -    385,500    - 
運營虧損   4,706,619    2,701,403    7,769,379    4,905,982 
其他收入   38,372    1,753    109,559    1,753 
淨虧損  $(4,668,247)  $(2,699,650)  $(7,659,820)  $(4,904,229)
基本信息  $(0.17)  $(0.12)  $(0.31)  $(0.22)
稀釋  $(0.17)  $(0.12)  $(0.31)  $(0.22)
基本信息   27,730,227    22,846,298    24,919,094    22,121,634 
稀釋   27,730,227    22,846,298    24,919,094    22,121,634 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.










For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2024








     shares   Amount   capital   deficit   equity 
Balance as of March 31, 2024 --  26,007,013   $2,601   $16,907,165   $(10,273,798)  $         6,635,968 
Offering common stock issuances     2,946,875    294    11,787,206    -    11,787,500 
Offering costs     -    -    (1,538,405)   -    (1,538,405)
R&D acquisition - common stock issuances     50,000    5    786,495    -    786,500 
Net loss --  -    -    -    (4,668,247)   (4,668,247)
Balance as of June 30, 2024 --  29,003,888   $2,900   $27,942,461   $(14,942,045)  $13,003,316 


For the Nine Months Ended June 30, 2024


   Mezzanine Equity   Common      



   Accumulated   Total
   Shares   Amount   shares   Amount   capital   deficit   equity 
Balance as of September 30, 2023   2,000,000   $5,000,000    23,184,869   $2,319   $9,288,553   $(7,282,225)  $         2,008,647 
Mezzanine equity conversion   (2,000,000)   (5,000,000)   2,000,000    200    4,999,800    -    5,000,000 
Offering common stock issuances   -    -    3,769,019    376    14,253,561    -    14,253,937 
Offering costs   -    -    -    -    (1,538,405)   -    (1,538,405)
Acquisition common stock issuances   -    -    50,000    5    786,495    -    786,500 
Equity-based compensation   -    -    -    -    152,457    -    152,457 
Net loss   -    -    -    -    -    (7,659,820)   (7,659,820)
Balance as of June 30, 2024   -   $-    29,003,888   $2,900   $27,942,461   $(14,942,045)  $13,003,316 


For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2023


   Mezzanine Equity   Common      



   Accumulated   Total
   Shares   Amount   shares   Amount   capital   deficit   equity 
Balance as of March 31, 2023   2,000,000   $5,000,000    22,406,869   $2,241   $5,629,112   $(3,236,403)  $         2,394,950 
Common stock issuances   -    -    778,000    78    1,944,922    -    1,945,000 
Equity-based compensation   -    -    -    -    1,444,530    -    1,444,530 
Net loss   -    -    -    -    -    (2,699,650)   (2,699,650)
Balance as of June 30, 2023   2,000,000   $5,000,000    23,184,869   $2,319   $9,018,564   $(5,936,053)  $3,084,830 


For the Nine Months Ended June 30, 2023


   Mezzanine Equity   Common       Additional
   Accumulated   Total
   Shares   Amount   shares   Amount   capital   deficit   equity 
Balance as of September 30, 2022   2,000,000  


5,000,000    20,501,500   $2,050   $3,139,450   $(1,031,824)  $         2,109,676 
Balance    -   $-    20,501,500   $2,050   $3,139,450   $(1,031,824)  $         2,109,676 
Common stock issuances   -   -    2,598,369    260    3,765,109    -    3,765,369 
Equity-based compensation   -    -    85,000    9    2,114,005    -    2,114,014 
Net loss   -    -    -    -    -    (4,904,229)   (4,904,229)
Balance as of June 30, 2023   2,000,000   $5,000,000    23,184,869   $2,319   $9,018,564   $(5,936,053)  $3,084,830 
Balance    2,000,000   $5,000,000    23,184,869   $2,319   $9,018,564   $(5,936,053)  $3,084,830 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements










For the Nine

Months Ended
June 30, 2024


For the Nine

Months Ended
June 30, 2023

Net loss  $(7,659,820)  $(4,904,229)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities:          
Equity-based compensation   152,457    2,114,014 
Amortization of right of use asset   53,893    - 
R&D acquisition paid in equity   786,500    - 
Change in assets and liabilities:          
Prepaid expenses   (324,331)   (38,588)
Deposits   (235,235)   - 
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities   41,606    147,028 
Due to related parties   (35,000)   (10,000)
Lease liability   44,135    - 
Contingent liability   1,222,000    - 
Net cash used in operating activities   (5,953,795)   (2,691,775)
Proceeds from common stock issuances   14,253,937    8,765,369 
Offering costs   (1,408,405)   - 
Payment of deferred offering costs   (55,000)   (75,000)
Net cash provided by financing activities   12,790,532    8,690,369 
Net increase in cash   6,836,737    5,998,594 
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period   6,952,795    2,129,999 
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period  $13,789,532   $8,128,593 
Non-cash transactions:          
Conversion from Mezzanine Equity to Stockholders’ Equity  $(5,000,000)  $- 
Inception of Right of Use Asset / Liability  $1,926,656   $- 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed unaudited consolidated financial statements.






As of June 30, 2024





NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (“NANO” or the “Company”) was incorporated under the laws of the state of Nevada on February 8, 2022 (“Inception”) and is headquartered in New York, New York.


The Company is an early-stage nuclear energy company developing smaller, cheaper, and safer advanced portable clean energy solutions utilizing proprietary reactor designs, intellectual property and research methods. Currently in technical development are “ZEUS”, a solid core battery reactor and “ODIN”, a low-pressure coolant reactor, representing the Company’s first generation of portable, on-demand capable, advanced nuclear micro reactors. The Company envisions readily replaceable mobile reactors which it can provide to customers in several sectors, including data centers, artificial intelligence computer and quantum computing; crypto mining; military applications; disaster relief; transportation (including shipping); mining projects; water desalination and green hydrogen plants; and space exploration.


Through its subsidiary, HALEU Energy Fuel Inc., the Company is also developing a domestic High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (“HALEU”) fuel fabrication facility with a capability to provide a fuel pipeline for the broader advanced nuclear reactor industry and providing fuel to power the Company’s microreactors. Further, through its subsidiary Advanced Fuel Transportation Inc., the Company is developing a high-capacity HALEU transportation product, capable of moving commercial quantities of HALEU fuel around North America. The Company also plans to offer nuclear service support and consultation services.


These condensed consolidated interim financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries American Uranium Inc., HALEU Energy Fuel Inc., and Advanced Fuel Transportation Inc. Each of such subsidiaries is a Nevada corporation.


As used herein, the term “Common Stock” refers to the common stock, $0.0001 par value per share, of the Company.




These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, which assumes the realization of assets and settlement of liabilities in the normal course of business. At June 30, 2024, the Company had working capital of $12,513,828 and accumulated deficit of $14,942,045. For the nine months ended June 30, 2024, the Company had net loss of $7,659,820, and negative cash flows from operations of $5,953,795. At September 30, 2023, the Company had working capital of $6,933,647 and accumulated deficit of $7,282,225. For the year ended September 30, 2023, the Company had net loss of $6,250,401, and negative cash flows from operations of $3,867,573. The application of the going concern concept is dependent on the Company’s ability to secure financing from capital markets or other sources, including investors, government grants or alternative funding and, ultimately, on the Company’s ability to generate revenue and profitable operations. Management is of the opinion that sufficient working capital is available to meet the Company’s liabilities and commitments as they come due at least for the next twelve months after the date the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are issued to conform to the going concern uncertainty period. In order to achieve the Company’s long-term strategy, the Company expects to raise additional capital or secure other sources of financing to support its growth. After June 30, 2024, the Company completed an underwritten follow-on public offering generating gross proceeds of approximately $18.0 million along with a follow-on over-allotment option generating gross proceeds of approximately $2.70 million. See Note 8 for further information. These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not reflect any adjustments or reclassifications of assets and liabilities which would be necessary if the Company were unable to continue as a going concern.




Basis of Presentation


The accompanying unaudited interim condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP for interim financial reporting and the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). References to ASC and ASU included herein refer to the Accounting Standards Codification and Accounting Standards Update established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) as the source of authoritative U.S. GAAP. All intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.


In management’s opinion, the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the same basis as the Company’s annual audited consolidated financial statements. They include all adjustments, consisting of only normal recurring adjustments, necessary for the fair statement of the Company’s financial position as of June 30, 2024, and its results of operations for the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 and cash flows for the nine months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023. The results for the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024 are not necessarily indicative of the results expected for the year or any other periods. The condensed consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2023 has been derived from the Company’s audited financial statements.


Cash and Cash Equivalents


Cash equivalents represent short-term, highly liquid investments, which are readily convertible to cash and have maturities of three months or less at time of purchase, while cash equivalents with an initial maturity of between three and twelve months at time of purchase are considered short-term investments. The Company’s cash equivalents consist of certificates of deposit, are classified as held-to-maturity, and the estimated fair value of the investment approximates its amortized cost.






As of June 30, 2024



Use of Estimates


The preparation of condensed consolidated interim financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make certain estimates, judgments and assumptions. The Company believes that the estimates, judgments and assumptions made when accounting for items and matters such as, but not limited to, equity-based compensation and contingencies are reasonable, based on information available at the time they are made. These estimates, judgments and assumptions can affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as of the date of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements, as well as amounts reported on the statements of operations during the periods presented. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


公平 價值衡量


的 公司按公允價值計量某些金融資產和負債。公允價值是一種基於市場的衡量標準,應該確定 基於市場參與者在爲資產或負債定價時使用的假設。作爲考慮此類假設的基礎, 該公司使用三級分層結構,根據用於各種項目的輸入類型優先考慮公允價值計量 估值技術(市場法、收益法和成本法)。層次結構的級別描述如下:


水平 1 -相同工具在活躍市場上的報價。


水平 2 -活躍市場上類似工具的報價;相同或類似工具在以下市場上的報價 不活躍;以及模型衍生估值,其中所有重要輸入和重要價值驅動因素都可以在活躍市場中觀察到。


水平 3 -源自估值技術的估值,其中一個或多個重要輸入或重要價值驅動因素不可觀察。


的 公司對特定輸入對整個公允價值計量的重要性的評估需要判斷 並考慮資產或負債的特定因素。金融資產和負債整體分類基於 對公允價值計量至關重要的最嚴格的輸入水平。某些金融工具的公允價值, 包括預付費用和應付賬款,由於期限較短,因此接近公允價值。


濃度 信用風險


金融 可能使公司面臨集中信用風險的工具主要包括現金。本公司設有 2024年6月30日和2023年9月30日,其在金融機構的現金餘額以及此類金額超過了聯邦保險限額。 任何損失或無法獲得此類資金都可能對公司的財務狀況產生重大不利影響, 經營結果和現金流。


預付 費用


預付 費用主要涉及在提供服務之前向顧問和供應商支付的款項。




的 公司確認期限超過12個月的租賃的使用權(ROU)資產和租賃負債。租賃分類 無論是融資租賃還是經營租賃。此分類規定租賃費用是否根據實際利息確認 方法或在租賃期內按直線法進行。截至2024年6月30日,公司有一份短期經營租賃, 一份長期經營租賃。截至2023年9月30日,公司有一份短期經營租賃。


長期 租賃(初始期限超過12個月的租賃)按尚未完成的最低租賃付款的現值資本化 支付當租賃中隱含的利率時,公司使用其增量借款利率來確定租賃的現值 不容易確定。短期租賃(初始期限爲12個月或以下的租賃或可由 承租人和出租人,沒有重大處罰)不資本化,而是在租賃期內以直線法計爲費用。的 公司的短期租賃涉及截至2024年6月30日不符合資本化標準的辦公設施 和2023年9月30日。




納米 核能源公司和子公司

注意事項 簡明合併財務報表

As of June 30, 2024



Mezzanine Equity


The Company recognized a tranche of shares of Common Stock as mezzanine equity since such shares were redeemable at the option of the holder, but not mandatorily redeemable. On March 30, 2024, the Company amended its subscription agreement with the holder of such shares to terminate the redemption right, which resulted in a conversion of such shares from mezzanine equity to stockholders’ equity. See Note 5 for further information.


Equity-Based Compensation


Equity-based compensation is measured using a fair value-based method for all equity-based awards. The cost of awarded equity instruments is recognized based on each instrument’s grant-date fair value over the period during which the award vests. Equity-based compensation is recorded as either a general and administrative expense or  a research and development expense in the condensed consolidated statements of operations.


Research and Development


Research and Development (“R&D”) expenses represent costs incurred for designing and engineering products, including the costs of developing design tools, as well as the costs to acquire technology and other assets from third parties. All research and development costs related to product development are expensed as incurred.


Advertising Costs


Advertising costs are expensed as incurred and are recognized as a component of general and administrative expenses on the condensed consolidated statements of operations. Advertising costs expensed were $227,361 and $833,589, respectively, for the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024, and $128,339 and $305,912, respectively, for the three and nine months ended June 30, 2023.


Legal Contingencies


The Company is not aware of any pending legal proceedings against the Company. The Company records liabilities for losses from legal proceedings when it determines that it is probable that the outcome in a legal proceeding will be unfavorable, and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated.


Income Taxes


Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the consolidated financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases. Deferred tax assets, including tax loss and credit carry forwards, and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date. A valuation allowance is recorded when it is “more likely-than-not” that deferred tax assets will not be realized. On a regular basis, the Company evaluates the recoverability of deferred tax assets and the need for a valuation allowance. Such evaluations involve the application of significant judgment. The Company considers multiple factors in its evaluation of the need for a valuation allowance. The Company’s net deferred tax  assets consist primarily of assets related to net operating losses. The Company’s net operating losses and credits have an indefinite life for federal net operating losses (“NOLs”) generated through June 30, 2024. At June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, the Company recorded a full valuation allowance on its deferred tax assets in the amount of approximately $3,580,000 and $1,971,000, respectively. The effective tax rate was 0.0% for the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023. The Company’s effective tax rate for the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 differs from the federal statutory rate of 21% primarily due to a full valuation allowance against its net deferred tax assets where it is more likely than not that the deferred tax assets will not be realized.






As of June 30, 2024



Until an appropriate level of profitability is attained, the Company expects to maintain a full valuation allowance on its deferred tax assets. Any tax benefits or tax expense recorded on its consolidated statements of operations will be offset with a corresponding valuation allowance until such time that the Company changes its determination related to the realization of deferred tax assets. In the event that the Company changes its determination as to the amount of deferred tax assets that can be realized, the Company will adjust its valuation allowance with a corresponding impact to the provision for income taxes in the period in which such a determination is made. For uncertain tax positions that meet a “more likely-than-not” threshold, the Company recognizes the benefit of uncertain tax positions in the condensed consolidated interim financial statements. The Company’s practice is to recognize interest and penalties, if any, related to uncertain tax positions in income tax expense in the consolidated statements of operations. The Company’s 2023 tax returns remain subject to examination by taxing jurisdictions. At June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, the Company does not believe it has any uncertain tax positions that would require either recognition or disclosure in the accompanying condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


Net Loss per Share


Basic net income (loss) per share is computed by dividing net income (loss) attributable to the Company by the weighted average number of shares of Common Stock outstanding during the period. Diluted net income (loss) per share is computed based on the weighted average number of shares of Common Stock outstanding plus the effect of dilutive potential shares of Common Stock outstanding during the period. During the periods when there is a net loss, potentially dilutive shares of Common Stock are excluded from the calculation of diluted net loss per share as their effect is anti-dilutive. During the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, there were no dilutive shares issued or outstanding.


Operating Segments


For the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company was managed as a single operating segment in accordance with the provisions in the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) guidance on segment reporting, which establishes standards for, and requires disclosure of, certain financial information related to reportable operating segments and geographic regions. Furthermore, the Company determined that the Company’s Chairman and President is the Chief Operating Decision Maker as he is responsible for making decisions regarding the allocation of resources and assessing performance as well as for strategic operational decisions and managing the organization as a whole.


Recent Accounting Pronouncements


The Company considers the applicability and impact of all Accounting Standards Updates issued by the FASB. There are no accounting pronouncements which have been issued but are not yet effective that would have a material impact on our current condensed consolidated interim financial statements.




During the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024, the Company earned interest income of $38,372 and $109,559, respectively, on its cash held at a financial institution. During the three and nine months ended June 30, 2023, the Company earned interest income of $1,753.




At June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, the Company had amounts due to related parties of $nil and $35,000, respectively. The amounts due at September 30, 2023 corresponded to unpaid amounts due to officers and directors for services rendered during the year ended September 30, 2023. The aggregate compensation paid, or payable, to officers and directors during the three months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 were $345,000 and $110,000, respectively, and during the nine months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 were $635,000 and $315,000, respectively, which are included in the accompanying condensed consolidated statements of operations under general and administrative expenses.






As of June 30, 2024





The Company is authorized to issue 275,000,000 shares of Common Stock and 25,000,000 shares of preferred stock, with a par value of $0.0001 per share. No shares of preferred stock were outstanding during the periods presented. Holders of Common Stock are entitled to one vote per share.


Issuance of Common Stock for Cash




Upon incorporation of the Company, 10,000,000 shares of Common Stock were issued to an affiliate of the Company’s founder, chairman and president, Jay Jiang Yu, for proceeds of $50,000.


Seed Round


The Company’s initial round of private financing (the “Seed Round”) began in March 2022 and ended in April 2022. During the period from Inception through September 30, 2022, the Company sold 7,500,000 shares of Common Stock at a price of $0.05 per share for proceeds of $375,000 as part of the Seed Round.


Angel Round


The Company’s second round of private financing (the “Angel Round”) began in April 2022 and ended in February 2023. During the period from Inception to September 30, 2022, the Company sold 2,326,500 shares of Common Stock at a price of $1.00 per share for proceeds of $2,326,500 as part of the Angel Round. During the year ended September 30, 2023, the Company sold 1,820,369 shares of Common Stock at a price of $1.00 per share for proceeds of $1,820,369 as part of the Angel Round.


Series A Round


The Company’s third round of private financing (the “Series A Round”) began in April 2023 and ended in June 2023. During the year ended September 30, 2023, the Company sold 778,000 shares of Common Stock at a price of $2.50 per share for proceeds of $1,945,000 as part of the Series A Round.


Series B Round


The Company’s fourth round of private financing (the “Series B Round”) began in December 2023 and ended in January 2024. As of December 31, 2023, the Company received $2,106,437 in subscriptions as part of the Series B Round, and in January 2024, the Company received $360,000 in subscriptions. In January 2024, the Company sold and issued 822,144 shares of Common Stock at a price of $3.00 per share for gross proceeds of $2,466,437 to close the Series B Round.


Initial Public Offering (IPO)


On May 7, 2024, the Company consummated a firm commitment underwritten initial public offering (the “IPO Offering”) of an aggregate of 2,562,500 shares of Common Stock at a price of $4.00 per share (the “IPO Offering Price”), generating gross proceeds of approximately $10,250,000, and net proceeds (after deducting discounts and offering expenses) of approximately $9,000,000. In connection with the IPO Offering, the Company granted the lead managing underwriter an option (the “IPO Over-Allotment Option”), exercisable for 30 days from May 7, 2024, to purchase up to an additional 384,375 shares of Common Stock (the “IPO Over-allotment Shares”) from the Company at the Offering Price, less the underwriting discount, to cover over-allotments in the Offering. On May 21, 2024, the IPO Over-Allotment Option was exercised in full, and on May 22, 2024, the closing of the purchase of the IPO Over-Allotment Shares occurred, generating gross proceeds to the Company of approximately $1,537,500 and net proceeds of approximately $1,414,500. In connection with the IPO Offering, the Company also issued such lead managing underwriter 179,375 warrants exercisable for 179,375 shares of Common Stock at an exercise price per share of $5.00 for a term of five years from the first day of the seventh month after May 7, 2024. In connection with the IPO Offering and IPO Over-Allotment Option, the Company charged issuance costs of $1,538,405 to additional paid-in capital during the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024.


Subsequent to June 30, 2024, the Company consummated a firm commitment underwritten follow-on offering. See Note 8 for further information.


Mezzanine Equity


Pursuant to the terms of a subscription agreement (the “Put Right Subscription Agreement”) signed by the Company during the year ended September 30, 2023 as part of the Series A Round, a subscriber (the “Subscriber”) purchased 2,000,000 shares of Common Stock (the “Put Shares”) for $2.50 per share or $5,000,000 (the “Purchase Price”). The Put Right Subscription Agreement included a right (the “Put Right”) which entitled the Subscriber to elect to sell to the Company any part or all of the Put Shares acquired if: (a) the Company’s initial public offering registration statement (“IPO Registration Statement”) was not declared effective by the SEC by December 31, 2023; (b) the Company committed a material breach of the Agreement and either that breach was not capable of being remedied or, if capable of remedy, the Company did not remedy that breach as soon as possible and in any event within 30 business days of its receipt of a notice from the Subscriber requiring the Company to remedy that breach.






As of June 30, 2024



ASC 480-10-S99-3A provides guidance on the classification and measurement of redeemable securities, which requires classification in temporary equity of securities redeemable for cash or other assets if they are redeemable under certain conditions. One of these conditions is the occurrence of an event that is not solely within the control of the issuer. This condition was applicable up to March 30, 2024, as the Subscriber could have exercised the Put Option and required the Company to redeem the Put Shares since the IPO Registration Statement was not declared effective by the SEC by December 31, 2023. This process involved a significant number of third parties and the SEC’s declaration of effectiveness was ultimately within the SEC’s control. Therefore, this contingently redeemable feature was not considered to be within the control of the Company and was classified within Mezzanine Equity on the accompanying consolidated balance sheet at September 30, 2023. On March 30, 2024, the Subscriber terminated the Put Option at the request of the Company and the amount within Mezzanine Equity was converted to Stockholders’ Equity.


Equity-Based Compensation


Issuance of Common Stock for Consulting fees


During the nine months ended June 30, 2023, the Company issued to two consultants an aggregate of 85,000 shares of Common Stock with an aggregate fair value of $85,000, which represents equity-based compensation and is recorded within operating expenses. The fair value of shares is determined by the value of services rendered as indicated in the corresponding consulting agreements and by reference to recent cash sales of Common Stock to third parties.


Stock Based Compensation


On February 10, 2023, and on June 7, 2023, the Company adopted two distinct stock option plans which are referred to individually, as the 2023 Stock Option Plan #1 and the 2023 Stock Option Plan #2; (collectively, the “2023 Stock Option Plans”). There are 3,370,352 shares available for issuance under the 2023 Stock Option Plan #1, and the maximum number of shares available under the plan may increase on an annual basis on the anniversary date of this option plan if the total number of stock options issued under the 2023 Stock Option Plans is less than 15% of the number of issued shares of Common Stock. There are 1,758,460 shares of Common Stock available for issuance under the 2023 Stock Option Plan #2, and the maximum number of shares available under the plan may increase on a quarterly basis if the total number of stock options issued under the 2023 Stock Option Plans is less than 15% of the number of issued shares of Common Stock. The plans are otherwise substantially similar in their substance.


During the nine months ended June 30, 2024, the Company issued 125,000 fully vested stock options exercisable at $3.00 per common share with expiry on March 13, 2027. The 125,000 options were valued at $152,457 based on a Black-Scholes valuation with the following assumptions (Risk-free interest rate: 4.37%; expected life of options: 1.5 years; estimated volatility: 82.5%; dividend rate: 0%).


During the year ended September 30, 2023, the Company issued 2,050,000 fully vested stock options under Stock Option Plan #1 exercisable at $1.50 per common share with expiry on February 10, 2026, issued 1,450,000 fully vested stock options under Stock Option Plan #2 and 200,000 fully vested stock options which are not governed by the Company’s 2023 Stock Option Plans that are exercisable at $3.00 per common share with expiry on June 7, 2026, and issued 247,000 fully vested stock options under Stock Option Plan #2 and 60,000 fully vested stock options which are not governed by the Company’s 2023 Stock Option Plans that are exercisable at $3.00 per common share with expiry on August 30, 2026. The 2,050,000 options were valued at $584,484 based on a Black-Scholes valuation with the following assumptions (Risk-free interest rate: 4.19%; expected life of options: 1.5 years; estimated volatility: 82.5%; dividend rate: 0%). The 1,450,000 and 200,000 options were valued at $1,444,530 based on a Black-Scholes valuation with the following assumptions (Risk-free interest rate: 4.21%; expected life of options: 1.5 years; estimated volatility: 82.5%; dividend rate: 0%). The 247,000 and 60,000 options were valued at $269,989 based on a Black-Scholes valuation with the following assumptions (Risk-free interest rate: 4.57%; expected life of options: 1.5 years; estimated volatility: 82.5%; dividend rate: 0%).


During the nine months ended June 30, 2024 and during the year ended September 30, 2023, the Company’s assumptions utilized in the Black-Scholes valuation were the following: (1) stock price based on recent sales of Common Stock to unrelated parties; (2) estimated the volatility of its underlying stock by using an average of the historical volatility of a group of comparable publicly traded companies; (3) expected dividend yield was calculated using historical dividend amounts; (4) risk-free rate is based on the United States Treasury yield curve in effect at the time of the grant; (5) expected term was estimated based on the vesting and contractual term of the stock option grant.






As of June 30, 2024



The weighted average grant date fair value of stock options issued during the nine months ended June 30, 2024 was $1.22 per share. There was no remaining stock compensation expense to be recognized at June 30, 2024 as all options vested immediately upon grant.


The weighted average grant date fair value of stock options issued during the year ended September 30, 2023 was $0.57 per share. There was no remaining stock compensation expense to be recognized at September 30, 2023 as all options vested immediately upon grant.


Option Activity


A summary of cumulative option activity under the 2023 Plan is as follows:


   Options outstanding 
   Number of shares  

Weighted average

exercise price per share


Weighted average



(in years)



intrinsic value

(in thousands)

Outstanding – September 30, 2023   4,007,000   $2.23    2.54   $2,004 
Options granted   125,000    3.00    2.96    152 
Outstanding – June 30, 2024   4,132,000   $2.23    2.54   $2,156 
Vested during the period   125,000   $3.00    2.96   $152 
Vested at end of period   -   $-    -   $- 
Exercisable at the end of period   4,132,000   $2.26    2.07   $2,156 






As of June 30, 2024





As of June 30, 2024, the Company has one long-term operating lease for its corporate headquarters located at 10 Times Square, 30th Floor, New York, New York 10018. Lease components in the Company’s long-term operating lease are accounted for following the guidance in ASC 842 for the capitalization of long-term leases. At June 30, 2024, the lease liability is equal to the present value of the remaining lease payments, discounted using a borrowing rate based on similar debt. Lease activity for the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, was as follows:


Balance sheet information related to the Company’s leases is presented below:


Operating leases: 

June 30,



September 30,


Operating right-of-use asset  $1,872,763   $ 
Operating lease liability, current   352,281     
Operating lease liability, long-term   1,618,510     


The following provides details of the Company’s lease expense:



Three Months Ended

June 30,


Nine Months Ended

June 30,

Lease cost:  2024   2023   2024   2023 
Operating lease cost  $103,263   $   $131,632   $ 


Other information related to leases is presented below:


Cash paid for amounts included in the 

Three Months Ended

June 30,


Nine Months Ended

June 30,

measurement of lease liabilities:  2024   2023   2024   2023 
Operating cash outflows from operating leases  $33,605   $   $33,605   $ 



June 30,


Weighted-average discount rate – operating lease   13.5%
Weighted-average remaining lease term – operating lease (in years)   7.3 


As of June 30, 2024, the expected annual minimum lease payments of the Company’s operating lease liabilities were as follows:


For the Years Ended September 30,    
2024  $100,815 
2025   339,411 
2026   418,508 
2027   428,971 
2028   439,695 
Thereafter   1,306,255 
Total future minimum lease payments, undiscounted   3,033,655 
Less: Imputed interest for leases in excess of one year   (1,062,864)
Present value of future minimum lease payments   1,970,791 
Less: Current portion of lease liabilities   (352,281)
Total lease liabilities less current portion  $1,618,510 






As of June 30, 2024





On June 21, 2024, the Company acquired a novel annular linear induction pump (“ALIP”) technology used in small nuclear reactor cooling (“ALIP Acquisition”) from noted physicist, research engineer and project manager Carlos O. Maidana, PhD. In connection with the transaction, Dr. Maidana has agreed to collaborate with the Company as a consultant on further development of the ALIP technology with a view towards achieving SBIR Phase III Award status. These efforts will build on previous Department of Energy (“DOE”) grants for the technology aggregating over $1.37 million in prior phases. Pursuant to a consulting agreement between NANO and Dr. Maidana, NANO will provide funding (estimated to be approximately $350,000) and other resources necessary for the SBIR Phase III project, and Dr. Maidana will be the Principal Investigator on this project. The SBIR program is a federal initiative designed to support small businesses in conducting research and development with strong potential for commercialization. By funding these projects, the SBIR program aims to stimulate technological innovation and facilitate the transition of research into viable products and services. SBIR Phase I focuses on feasibility and technical merit, Phase II involves further development and prototype creation, and Phase III centers on commercialization, requiring external funding to bring the innovation to market. The ALIP technology, which is based on electromagnetic (rather than moving) pumps, is a key-enabling technology to the Company’s ODIN microreactor in development. NANO’s engineers have worked to identify relevant technologies to further optimize and simplify ODIN’s design. The acquired ALIP technology, to be refined during the SBIR Phase III program, is an example of this strategy. The Company also believes there is significant potential for this technology to be separately commercialized within a year as a component for all salt-based coolant reactors. There are numerous advanced reactor designs which utilize salt-based coolants in fission and fusion energy industries, as well as in the advanced materials, space exploration, marine propulsion, and high-temperature and industrial process sectors.


The ALIP SBIR Phase III project acquired by the Company integrates several previous SBIR efforts, specifically:


Grant Number DE-SC0019835: Development of a Small Electromagnetic Pump for Molten Salt.
Grant Number DE-SC0022805: Software for Multiphysics Analysis and Design of Annular Linear Induction Pumps.
Grant Number DE-SC0013992: Computational Tools for the Design of Liquid Metal Thermomagnetic Systems.


As part of this transaction, Dr. Maidana assigned to NANO all intellectual property rights associated with the ALIP technology and product, his work on the foregoing grants and the proposal for the SBIR Phase III program. As consideration for the ALIP Acquisition, the Company (i) issued 50,000 shares of Common Stock to Dr. Maidana and (ii) paid Dr. Maidana cash consideration of $50,000. Additionally, the Company agreed to deliver to Dr. Madana an additional (iii) 50,000 shares of Common Stock and (iv) cash consideration of $50,000, contingent upon the successful completion of the SBIR Phase III project prior to June 21, 2025. The Company anticipates that the completion of the SBIR Phase III project will occur prior to June 21, 2025, and therefore has calculated the contingent consideration at the closing price of NANO’s stock on the date of acquisition. The ALIP Acquisition has been accounted for as an acquisition of in-process R&D that has been fully expensed on the acquisition date as R&D costs.


The ALIP Acquisition was recorded at its fair value as of June 21, 2024. The total purchase price was approximately $1.67 million and is comprised of:



Cash (paid on closing)   $ 50,000  
Common shares (issued on closing)     786,500  
Contingent cash     50,000  
Contingent common shares (fair value at closing)     786,500  
Total purchase price   $ 1,673,000  


As of June 21, 2024, the contingent cash and common shares obligation was recorded at its fair value of $836,500 based on the closing price of NANO’s stock on the date of acquisition. At June 30, 2024, the contingent cash and common shares obligation was revalued to its fair value of $1,222,000 based on the closing price of NANO’s stock on June 30, 2024, which resulted in a revaluation expense of $385,500.




The Company has evaluated all events or transactions that occurred after June 30, 2024, through the date that the condensed consolidated interim financial statements were issued. During this period, there were no material subsequent events requiring disclosure except as stated as follows:


On July 15, 2024, the Company consummated a firm commitment underwritten follow-on public offering (the “Follow-on Offering”) of an aggregate of 900,000 units, consisting of an aggregate of 900,000 shares of Common Stock and 900,000 warrants to purchase up to 450,000 shares of Common Stock (the “Follow-on Warrants”) based on an offering price of $20.00 per unit (the “Follow-on Offering Price”), generating gross proceeds of approximately $18.0 million, less underwriting discounts and other Follow-on Offering expenses. The units issued in the Follow-On Offering have no stand-alone rights, are not certificated and have not been issued as stand-alone securities. In connection with the Follow-on Offering, the Company granted the lead managing underwriter an option (“Follow-on Over-allotment Option”), exercisable for 30 days from July 15, 2024, to purchase up to an additional 135,000 shares of Common Stock (the “Follow-on Over-allotment Shares”) and 135,0000 Warrants to purchase 67,500 shares of Common Stock (the “Follow-on Over-allotment Warrants”) from the Company at the Follow-on Offering Price, less underwriting discounts and other Follow-on Offering expenses, to cover over-allotments in the Follow-on Offering. On July 12, 2024, the underwriter exercised the Follow-on Over-allotment Option in full with respect to the Follow-on Over-allotment Warrants, which closed on July 15, 2024 for nominal consideration.


On July 16, 2024, the underwriter exercised the Follow-on Over-allotment Option in full with respect to the Follow-on Over-allotment Shares, and on July 18, 2024, the closing of the purchase of the Follow-on Over-Allotment Shares occurred, generating gross proceeds to the Company of approximately $2.70 million and net proceeds of approximately $2.48 million.


Between July 15, 2024 and August 13, 2024, 127,550 Warrants were exercised to purchase 63,775 Common Stock at an exercise price of $20.00 per share generating gross proceeds of approximately $1,275,500, and 25,000 stock options were exercised to purchase 25,000 common shares at an exercise price of $1.50 per share generating proceeds of approximately $37,500.






To the Stockholders and the Board of Directors of

Nano Nuclear Energy, Inc. and Subsidiaries:


Opinion on the Financial Statements


We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Nano Nuclear Energy, Inc. and Subsidiaries (the “Company”) as of September 30, 2023 and 2022, and the related consolidated statements of operations, stockholders’ equity and cash flows for the year ended September 30, 2023 and for the period from February 8, 2022 (“Inception”) through September 30, 2022, and the related notes to the consolidated financial statements (collectively referred to as the “consolidated financial statements”). In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of September 30, 2023 and 2022, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year ended September 30, 2023 and for the period from Inception through September 30, 2022, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Basis for Opinion


These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (“PCAOB”) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.


We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB and in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Company is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audits, we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.


Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


/s/ WithumSmith+Brown, PC


We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2023.


New York, New York

January 30, 2024







   September 30, 2023   September 30, 2022 
Current assets:          
Cash  $6,952,795   $2,129,999 
Prepaid expenses   205,857    117,448 
Total current assets   7,158,652    2,247,447 
Deferred offering costs   75,000    - 
Total assets  $7,233,652   $2,247,447 
Current liabilities:          
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities  $190,005   $102,771 
Due to related parties   35,000    35,000 
Total liabilities   225,005    137,771 
Mezzanine Equity          
Common stock subject to possible redemption;   -    - 
2,000,000 and nil shares as of September 30, 2023 and September 30, 2022, respectively   5,000,000    - 
Common stock subject to possible redemption   5,000,000    - 
Stockholders’ Equity          
Preferred stock, $0.0001 par value; 100,000,000 authorized; none issued and outstanding as of September 30, 2023 and September 30, 2022   -    - 
Preferred stock value   -    - 
Common stock, $0.0001 par value; 100,000,000 authorized;   -    - 
23,184,869 and 20,501,500 shares issued and outstanding as of September 30, 2023 and September 30, 2022, respectively, excluding 2,000,000 shares subject to possible redemption   2,319    2,050 
Common stock value   2,319    2,050 
Additional paid-in capital   9,288,553    3,139,450 
Accumulated deficit   (7,282,225)   (1,031,824)
Total stockholders’ equity   2,008,647    2,109,676 
Total liabilities, mezzanine equity, and stockholders’ equity  $7,233,652   $2,247,447 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.







   For the Year Ended
September 30, 2023
   For the Period from
February 8, 2022
(Inception) through
September 30, 2022
Operating expenses          
General and administrative  $4,749,395   $919,520 
Research and development   1,534,000    140,304 
Loss from operations   (6,283,395)   (1,059,824)
Other income   32,994    28,000 
Net loss  $(6,250,401)  $(1,031,824)
Net loss per share of common stock:          
Basic  $(0.28)  $(0.06)
Diluted  $(0.28)  $(0.06)
Weighted-average shares of common stock outstanding:          
Basic   22,389,627    16,554,191 
Diluted   22,389,627    16,554,191 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.







For the Year Ended September 30, 2023


   Mezzanine Equity   Permanent Equity 
   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Additional
   Accumulated deficit   Total 
Balance as of September 30, 2022   -   $-    20,501,500   $2,050   $3,139,450   $(1,031,824)  $2,109,676 
Common stock issuances   2,000,000    5,000,000    2,598,369    260    3,765,109    -    3,765,369 
Equity-based compensation   -    -    85,000    9    2,383,994    -    2,384,003 
Net loss   -    -    -    -    -    (6,250,401)   (6,250,401)
Balance as of September 30, 2023   2,000,000   $5,000,000    23,184,869   $2,319   $9,288,553   $(7,282,225)  $2,008,647 


For the Period From February 8, 2022 (Inception) through September 30, 2022


   Mezzanine Equity   Permanent Equity 
   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Additional
   Accumulated deficit   Total 
Balance as of February 8, 2022 (Inception)   -   $-    -   $-   $-   $-   $- 
Permanent Equity, Balance   -   $-    -   $-   $-   $-   $- 
Common stock issuances   -    -    19,826,500    1,982    2,749,518    -    2,751,500 
Equity-based compensation   -    -    675,000    68    389,932    -    390,000 
Net loss   -    -    -    -    -    (1,031,824)   (1,031,824)
Balance as of September 30, 2022   -   $-    20,501,500   $2,050   $3,139,450   $(1,031,824)  $2,109,676 
Permanent Equity, Balance   -   $-    20,501,500   $2,050   $3,139,450   $(1,031,824)  $2,109,676 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.







   For the Year Ended
September 30, 2023
   For the Period from
February 8, 2022
(Inception) through
September 30, 2022
Net loss  $(6,250,401)  $(1,031,824)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities:          
Equity-based compensation   2,384,003    390,000 
Change in assets and liabilities:          
Prepaid expenses   (88,409)   (117,448)
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities   87,234    102,771 
Due to related parties   -    35,000 
Net cash used in operating activities   (3,867,573)   (621,501)
Proceeds from common stock issuances   8,765,369    2,751,500 
Payment of deferred offering costs   (75,000)   - 
Net cash provided by financing activities   8,690,369    2,751,500 
Net increase in cash   4,822,796    2,129,999 
Cash, beginning of period   2,129,999    - 
Cash, end of period  $6,952,795   $2,129,999 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.






NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (“NANO” or the “Company”) was incorporated under the laws of the state of Nevada on February 8, 2022 (“Inception”) and is headquartered in New York, NY. The Company intends to progress its collaborative research projects towards development, rigs and models, zero-power reactors, and ultimately towards reactor manufacture and deployments. The Company envisions readily replaceable mobile reactors which it can provide to customers, along with operative personnel, to power projects, residential and commercial enterprises, and major development projects. The Company is committed to providing smaller, cheaper, and safer nuclear energy solutions for the future by incorporating the latest technology into its own proprietary novel reactor designs, intellectual properties, research methods and through its subsidiary, HALEU Energy Fuel Inc. The subsidiary will focus on the future development of a domestic source for a High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) fuel processing pipeline for the broader advanced nuclear reactor industry and providing fuel to power the Company’s reactors. Currently in technical development are “ZEUS”, a Solid Core Battery Reactor and “ODIN”, a Low-Pressure Coolant Reactor, representing the Company’s first generation of portable, on-demand capable, advanced nuclear micro reactors.


These consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its wholly-owned legal subsidiaries American Uranium Inc., which was incorporated in Nevada, HALEU Energy Fuel Inc., which was incorporated in Nevada and Advanced Fuel Transportation Inc., which was incorporated in Nevada.




These consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, which assumes the realization of assets and settlement of liabilities in the normal course of business. At September 30, 2023, the Company had working capital of $6,933,647, net loss of $6,250,401, accumulated deficit of $7,282,225 and negative cash flows from operations of $3,867,573. At September 30, 2022, the Company had working capital of $2,109,676, net loss of $1,031,824, accumulated deficit of $1,031,824 and negative cash flows from operations of $621,501. The application of the going concern concept is dependent on the Company’s ability to receive continued financial support from its stakeholders and, ultimately, on the Company’s ability to generate profitable operations. Management is of the opinion that sufficient working capital is available to meet the Company’s liabilities and commitments as they come due at least for the next twelve months after the date the consolidated financial statements are issued to conform to the going concern uncertainty period. In order to achieve the Company’s long-term strategy, the Company expects to raise additional equity contributions to support its growth. These consolidated financial statements do not reflect any adjustments or reclassifications of assets and liabilities which would be necessary if the Company were unable to continue as a going concern.




Principles of Consolidation


The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of NANO and its wholly owned subsidiaries. All intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated in consolidation.


Use of Estimates


The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make certain estimates, judgments and assumptions. The Company believes that the estimates, judgments and assumptions made when accounting for items and matters such as, but not limited to, equity-based compensation and contingencies are reasonable, based on information available at the time they are made. These estimates, judgments and assumptions can affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as of the date of the consolidated financial statements, as well as amounts reported on the statements of operations during the periods presented. Actual results could differ from those estimates.






Fair Value Measurement


The Company measures certain financial assets and liabilities at fair value. Fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability. As a basis for considering such assumptions, the Company uses a three-level hierarchy, which prioritizes fair value measurements based on the types of inputs used for the various valuation techniques (market approach, income approach and cost approach). The levels of hierarchy are described below:


Level 1 – Quoted prices in active markets for identical instruments.


Level 2 – Quoted prices for similar instruments in active markets; quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in markets that are not active; and model-derived valuations in which all significant inputs and significant value drivers are observable in active markets.


Level 3 – Valuations derived from valuation techniques in which one or more significant inputs or significant value drivers are unobservable.


The Company’s assessment of the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires judgment and considers factors specific to the asset or liability. Financial assets and liabilities are classified in their entirety based on the most stringent level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement. The carrying amount of certain financial instruments, including prepaid expenses and accounts payable approximates fair value due to their short maturities.


Concentration of Credit Risk


Financial instruments that potentially subject the Company to concentrations of credit risk consist principally of cash. The Company maintains its cash balances at a financial institution and such amounts exceeded federally insured limits at September 30, 2023 and 2022. Any loss incurred or a lack of access to such funds could have a significant adverse impact on the Company’s financial condition, results of operations, and cash flows.


Prepaid Expenses


Prepaid expenses primarily relate to payments made to consultants and vendors in advance of the service being provided.




The Company recognizes right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for leases with terms greater than 12 months. Leases are classified as either finance or operating leases. This classification dictates whether lease expense is recognized based on an effective interest method or on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease. As of September 30, 2023 and September 30, 2022, the Company has one short-term operating lease.


Long-term leases (leases with initial terms greater than 12 months) are capitalized at the present value of the minimum lease payments not yet paid. The Company uses its incremental borrowing rate to determine the present value of the lease when the rate implicit in the lease is not readily determinable.


Short-term leases (leases with an initial term of 12 months or less or leases that are cancelable by the lessee and lessor without significant penalties) are not capitalized but are expensed on a straight-line basis over the lease term. The Company’s short-term lease relates to office facilities which did not meet the criteria for capitalization as of September 30, 2023 and September 30, 2022.


Mezzanine Equity


The Company recognized a tranche of common shares as mezzanine equity since those common shares may be redeemed at the option of the holder, but is not mandatorily redeemable.


Equity-Based Compensation


Equity-based compensation is measured using a fair value-based method for all equity-based awards. The cost of awarded equity instruments is recognized based on each instrument’s grant-date fair value over the period during which the award vests. Equity-based compensation is recorded as a general and administrative expense in the statements of operations.






Research and Development


Research and Development (“R&D”) expenses represent costs incurred for designing and engineering products, including the costs of developing design tools. All research and development costs related to product development are expensed as incurred.


Advertising Costs


Advertising costs are expensed as incurred and are recognized as a component of general and administrative expenses on the consolidated statement of operations. Advertising costs expensed were approximately $483,500 for the year ended September 30, 2023 and $13,360 for the period from Inception through September 30, 2022.


Legal Contingencies


The Company is not presently involved in any legal proceedings. The Company records liabilities for losses from legal proceedings when it determines that it is probable that the outcome in a legal proceeding will be unfavorable, and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated.


Income Taxes


Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the consolidated financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases. Deferred tax assets, including tax loss and credit carry forwards, and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date. A valuation allowance is recorded when it is “more likely-than-not” that deferred tax assets will not be realized. On a regular basis, the Company evaluates the recoverability of deferred tax assets and the need for a valuation allowance. Such evaluations involve the application of significant judgment. The Company considers multiple factors in its evaluation of the need for a valuation allowance. The Company’s net deferred tax assets consist of assets related to net operating losses. The Company’s net operating losses and credits have an indefinite life for federal net operating losses (“NOLs”) generated through September 30, 2023. At September 30, 2023 and 2022, the Company has recorded a full valuation allowance on its deferred tax assets in the amount of approximately $1,971,000 and $281,000, respectively. The Company’s deferred tax assets consist primarily of net operating losses and research and development credits. The effective tax rate was 0.0% for both the year ended September 30, 2023 and for the period from February 8, 2022 (Inception) through September 30, 2022. The Company’s effective tax rate for the year ended September 30, 2023 and period ended September 30, 2022 differs from the federal statutory rate of 21% primarily due to a full valuation allowance against its net deferred tax assets where it is more likely than not that the deferred tax assets will not be realized.


Until an appropriate level of profitability is attained, the Company expects to maintain a full valuation allowance on its deferred tax assets. Any tax benefits or tax expense recorded on its consolidated statements of operations will be offset with a corresponding valuation allowance until such time that the Company changes its determination related to the realization of deferred tax assets. In the event that the Company changes its determination as to the amount of deferred tax assets that can be realized, the Company will adjust its valuation allowance with a corresponding impact to the provision for income taxes in the period in which such a determination is made. For uncertain tax positions that meet a “more likely-than-not” threshold, the Company recognizes the benefit of uncertain tax positions in the consolidated financial statements. The Company’s practice is to recognize interest and penalties, if any, related to uncertain tax positions in income tax expense in the consolidated statements of operations. The Company’s 2023 tax returns remain subject to examination by taxing jurisdictions. At September 30, 2023 and 2022, the Company does not believe it has any uncertain tax positions that would require either recognition or disclosure in the accompanying consolidated financial statements.


Net Loss per Share


Basic net income (loss) per share is computed by dividing net income (loss) attributable to the Company by the weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding during the period. Diluted net income (loss) per share is computed based on the weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding plus the effect of dilutive potential shares of common stock outstanding during the period. During the periods when there is a net loss, potentially dilutive shares of common stock are excluded from the calculation of diluted net loss per share as their effect is anti-dilutive. During the year ended September 30, 2023, there were no dilutive shares issued or outstanding.






Operating Segments


For the year ended September 30, 2023, the Company was managed as a single operating segment in accordance with the provisions in the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) guidance on segment reporting, which establishes standards for, and requires disclosure of, certain financial information related to reportable operating segments and geographic regions. Furthermore, the Company determined that the Company’s Chairman and President is the Chief Operating Decision Maker as he is responsible for making decisions regarding the allocation of resources and assessing performance as well as for strategic operational decisions and managing the organization as a whole.


Recent Accounting Pronouncements


The Company considers the applicability and impact of all Accounting Standards Updates issued by the FASB. There are no accounting pronouncements which have been issued but are not yet effective that would have a material impact on our current consolidated financial statements.




During the year ended September 30, 2023, the Company earned interest income of $32,994 on its cash held at a financial institution. During the period from Inception through September 30, 2022, the Company was awarded a grant for 200 hours of subject matter expert support at Idaho National Laboratory (“INL”) as part of the National Reactor Innovation Center (“NRIC”) Resource Team program which amounted to $28,000. NRIC is a national U.S. Department of Energy program led by the INL, allowing collaborators to harness the world-class capabilities of the U.S. National Laboratory System. All amounts related to this grant have been earned as of September 30, 2022.




At September 30, 2023 and September 30, 2022 the Company had amounts due to related parties of $35,000 and $35,000, respectively. These amounts corresponded to unpaid amounts due to officers and directors for services rendered during the year ended September 30, 2023 and for the period from Inception through September 30, 2022. During the year ended September 30, 2023, the Company incurred consulting fees of $225,000 to its President and Chairman, $90,000 to its Chief Executive Officer, $90,000 to its Chief Financial Officer, $25,000 to its Chief Policy Officer, and incurred total directors’ fees of $25,000 to three independent directors, which was included in the consolidated statement of operation under general and administrative expenses. During the period from Inception through September 30, 2022, the Company incurred consulting fees of $80,000 to its President and Chairman, $15,000 to its Chief Executive Officer, $30,000 to its Chief Financial Officer, $10,000 to its Chief Policy Officer, and incurred directors’ fees of $5,000 to one independent director, which is included in the consolidated statements of operations under general and administrative expenses.




的 公司被授權發行100,000,000股普通股,每股面值0.0001美元,和100,000,000股優先股 股票,每股面值0.0001美元。普通股持有者每股有權投票一票。


發行 普通股兌換現金




後 公司成立後,向公司創始人兼總裁發行了10,000,000股普通股以獲取收益 50,000美元。


種子 輪


的 種子輪於2022年3月開始,並於2022年4月結束。自成立之初至2022年9月30日期間,公司出售 作爲公司種子輪的一部分,以每股0.05美元的價格發行7,500,000股普通股,收益爲375,000美元。


天使 輪


的 天使輪於2022年4月開始,於2023年2月結束。自成立至2022年9月30日,公司售出2,326,500輛 作爲公司天使輪的一部分,以每股1.00美元的價格購買普通股,收益爲2,326,500美元。期間 截至2023年9月30日止年度,該公司以每股1.00美元的價格出售了1,820,369股普通股,收益爲1,820,369美元 作爲公司天使輪的一部分。




5. 股票(續)


發行 普通股兌換現金(續)


系列 一輪


的 A輪融資於2023年4月開始,於2023年6月結束。截至2023年9月30日止年度,公司出售了778,000股 作爲公司A輪融資的一部分,以每股2.50美元的價格收購普通股,收益爲1,945,000美元。


系列 b輪


後續 截至2023年9月30日,該公司以每股普通股3.00美元的價格出售了822,144股普通股,總收益爲2,466,437美元 b輪。b輪於2024年1月完成。


夾層 股權


根據 根據本公司於截至2023年9月30日止年度簽署的認購協議(「協議」)的條款, 認購人(「認購人」)以每股2.50美元的價格購買了2,000,000股普通股(「股」)。 或$5,000,000(「購買價格」)。協議包括認購權,認購人有權選擇出售給 認購人根據本協議取得的任何部分或全部股份(「認沽股份」),如:(A) 公司的首次公開招股註冊聲明(「IPO註冊聲明」)並未被宣佈生效 截至2023年12月31日,美國證券交易委員會(「美國證券交易委員會」);(B)該公司實質性違反了該協議 或者該違約行爲無法補救,或者,如果該違約行爲能夠補救,該公司不會在 在任何情況下,在收到訂閱者要求公司補救的通知後30個工作日內 突破。如果認購人選擇行使其向本公司出售或認沽股份的權利(「認沽期權」), 認購人應向公司遞交書面通知,說明認購人希望出售的股份數量,以及 公司應被要求以相當於原始收購價的每股價格向認購人購買看跌股份 或每股2.50美元。依照上述規定進行的認沽股份的平倉,不得遲於收到認沽股份之日起15日內完成。 來自認購人的以現金支付的通知。


ASC 480-10-S99-3A提供了可贖回證券分類和計量指南,需要臨時分類 如果在某些條件下可贖回,則可贖回爲現金或其他資產的證券權益。其中一個條件是 發生不完全由發行人控制的事件。此條件適用於訂閱者可以行使 看跌期權,並要求公司贖回普通股股份,如果公司的IPO登記聲明不 SEC宣佈將於2023年12月31日生效。該過程涉及大量第三方和SEC的聲明 有效性。因此,這種意外可贖回的功能不被視爲在公司的控制範圍內,並被歸類爲 2023年9月30日隨附的合併資產負債表中的夾層股權。截至2024年1月30日,訂閱者 尚未行使看跌期權。


基於股權 補償


發行 普通股用於諮詢費


期間 截至2023年9月30日止年度,公司向兩名顧問發行了總計85,000股普通股,總計 公允價值爲85,000美元,代表基於股權的薪酬,並記錄在運營費用中。止期間 2022年9月30日,公司向多名顧問發行了總計675,000股總公允價值的普通股 390,000美元,代表基於股權的薪酬,並記錄在運營費用中。股份公允價值確定 通過相應諮詢協議中指出的提供服務的價值並參考最近的現金銷售 向第三方提供股票。


股票 爲基礎的補償


對 2023年2月10日,公司通過了2023年股票激勵計劃,該計劃規定授予激勵性股票期權和不合格 購買最多4,974,760股公司普通股的股票期權和其他類型的獎勵。行使價格, 每次授予的歸屬和到期日期由董事會或董事會任命的委員會確定。


在.期間 截至2023年9月30日止年度,本公司發行2,050,000份可按每股普通股1.50美元行使之完全歸屬購股權 於2026年2月10日到期,發行了165萬份完全歸屬的股票期權,可按每股普通股3.00美元行使,6月7日到期, 2026年,併發行了307,000份可按每股普通股3.00美元行使的完全歸屬股票期權,期權將於2026年8月30日到期。2,05萬人 期權的價值爲584,484美元,基於布萊克-斯科爾斯估值,並有以下假設(無風險利率:4.19%;預期 期權年限:1.5年;估計波動率:82.5%;股息率:0%)。1,650,000份期權的價值爲1,444,530美元,基於 布萊克-斯科爾斯估值,有以下假設(無風險利率:4.21%;期權的預期壽命:1.5年;估計 波動率:82.5%;股息率:0%)根據布萊克-斯科爾斯的估值,307,000份期權的估值爲269,989美元,其中 假設(無風險利率:4.57%;期權預期壽命:1.5年;估計波動率:82.5%;股息率:0%)。




5. 股票(續)


基於股權 補償(續)


股票 基於補償(續)


期間 截至2023年9月30日止年度,布萊克-斯科爾斯估值中使用的公司假設如下:1)股票 價格基於最近向無關方出售的普通股; 2)使用平均值估計其標的股票的波動性 一組可比上市公司的歷史波動性; 3)預期股息收益率使用歷史計算 股息金額; 4)無風險利率基於授予時有效的美國國債收益率曲線; 5)預期 期限是根據股票期權授予的歸屬和合同期限估計的。


的 截至2023年9月30日止年度發行的股票期權的加權平均授予日期公允價值爲每股0.57美元。有 由於所有期權在授予後立即歸屬,因此於2023年9月30日無需確認剩餘股票補償費用。


爲 截至2023年9月30日的一年,1,963,440美元記錄在一般和行政費用中,420,563美元記錄在 研究和開發費用。自成立至2022年9月30日期間,公司未發行股票期權。


選項 活動


一 2023年計劃下的累計期權活動摘要如下:




       加權平均   加權平均   骨料 
   數量   行使價   合同條款   內在價值 
   股份   每股   (單位:年)   (in數千) 
傑出-2022年9月30日      $       $ 
授予的期權   2,050,000    1.50    3.00    1,025 
授予的期權   1,650,000    3.00    3.00    825 
授予的期權   307,000    3.00    3.00    154 
傑出-2023年9月30日   4,007,000   $2.23    2.54   $2,004 
於年內歸屬   4,007,000   $2.23    3.00   $2,004 
在年底歸屬   4,007,000   $2.23    2.54   $2,004 
年底可收回   4,007,000   $2.23    2.54   $2,004 


6. 後續事件


的 公司已評估了2023年9月30日至2024年1月30日(該日期)之後發生的所有事件或交易 合併財務報表已可供發佈。在此期間,沒有發生任何重大後續事件 披露,但以下規定除外:


後續 截至2023年9月30日,該公司以每股普通股3.00美元的價格出售了822,144股普通股,總收益爲2,466,437美元。





通過 幷包括2024年11月17日(25這是 本招股說明書日期後的第二天)所有生效的交易商 這些證券的交易,無論是否參與上市,都可能需要提交招股說明書。這是 除了交易商在擔任承銷商時以及就未售出的股票提交招股說明書的義務之外 配股或認購。


2,117,646 單位由2,117,646股組成 的


可購買最多1,058,823股股票的認購證 普通股

(and股普通 行使20240億份授權令後可發行的股票)




納米 核能源公司






的 基準公司


十月 23, 2024