
フォーム 10-Q

四半期間 2024年9月30日


2211 H.H. Dow Way, ミッドランド, MI 48674
(989) 636-1000
2211 H.H. Dow Way, ミッドランド, MI 48674
(989) 636-1000




「大口径の加速申請者」「加速申請者」「非加速申請者」「小規模報告会社」「新興成長企業」のいずれかとして登録者をチェックマークで示してください。Exchange ActのRule 1202の「大口径の加速申請者」「加速申請者」「小規模報告会社」「新興成長企業」の定義を参照してください。

加速ファイラー  ☐  
ダウ・ケミカル社大口加速フィラー加速ファイラー  ☐  





ダウインクは2024年6月30日時点で発行済みの普通株式を持っていました。 700,091,690 $1の普通株式0.01 2024年9月30日時点で発行済みの割合があります。ダウ化学会社は 100発行済みの普通株式は2024年6月30日時点でダウインクの親会社が全て保有していました。0.01 2024年9月30日時点で発行済みの割合、すべてが親会社であるダウインクによって保有されていました。




この四半期報告書(Form 10-Q)は、ダウインクとザ・ダウ・ケミカル・カンパニーおよびその連結子会社(以下、「TDCC」とダウインクを併せて「ダウ」または「会社」とする)によって提出される共同報告書です。これは、ダウインクとTDCCの親子関係によるものです。報告書に反映される情報は、ダウインクおよびTDCCの両方に等しく適用されますが、特に記載されている場合を除きます。ダウインクおよびTDCCのそれぞれが独自の情報をこの報告書に提出しており、どちらの会社も他社に関連する情報についていかなる表明も行いません。

前の段落で識別された項目、業務の可能性や見積もり等の可能性のあるまたは仮定された将来の業績に関する情報、 および「anticipate」という単語などこの通知内の他の声明は、将来を見通した声明に含まれます。 これらの特定の言葉がない場合でも、声明は将来を見通すものである場合があります。
この報告書の一部には、連邦証券法(修正条例)第27A項と連邦証券取引法(修正条例)第21E項に規定される「将来を指す見通しのある記述(forward-looking statements)」が含まれています。これらの記述は、予想される将来のビジネスや財務パフォーマンス、財務状況などを取り上げることが多く、しばしば「予測する」、「信じる」、「推定する」、「期待する」、「意図する」、「可能性がある」、「見通し」、「計画する」、「プロジェクトする」、「求める」、「戦略」、「目標」、「継続する」、「おそらく結果となる」、「だろう」といった単語やフレーズを含んでいます。これらの単語やフレーズのバリエーションや否定形も含まれる場合があります。

将来を見据えた声明は、ダウのコントロールを超えたリスク、不確実性、およびその他の要因に影響を受ける可能性がある現在の仮定と将来のイベントの期待に基づいており、これは、前向きな声明において推定、予想される、あるいは暗示されている実際の結果が、声明がなされた日付時点でのものと異なる可能性があります。これらの要因には、ダウの製品の販売、ダウの経費、将来の収益および収益性、パンデミックや他の公衆衛生上のリスクおよびイベントが、ダウのビジネスに及ぼす潜在的なグローバルおよび地域経済への影響、ロシアとウクライナ、中東の間の継続的な紛争に関連する制裁、輸出規制、サプライチェーンの混乱または増加した経済の不確実性、資本要件および資金調達の必要性と可用性、技術の開発における予想外の障壁、ダウの検討中の資本および運転プロジェクトに関連して、カーボンニュートラルへのダウの取り組みを想定された期間内に達成する能力、アルバータ州カナダの統合エチレンクラッカーおよび誘導体設備の完成および成功など、多岐にわたります。ダウの製品やサービス向けの市場の規模および競争能力、新製品の開発とマーケティング、製品ライフサイクルの最適な管理の失敗、ダウの製品の市場受け入れの速度と程度、重要な訴訟および環境問題とそれに伴う備忘録や予期しない費用、可能性のある競合技術の成功、米国および海外でのダウの知的財産の保護能力、検討中の再編活動および労働力削減、製造施設または資産の閉鎖と関連する事業活動および処分活動、およびそれら各々に関連する利点とコストなど、様々なリスクと因果関係の含まれる開示の発展に関連する動向、グローバル経済および資本市場の状況、インフレ、市場の不確定性、為替レート、株式およびベンチマーク価格、企業、物流、およびサプライチェーンの中断、サイバーアタックの影響を含む、情報技術のネットワークおよびシステムのダウの管理、およびそれに関連するリスク、ダウのDuPont de Nemours, Inc.および Corteva, Inc.に対する特定の責任の保護を含む、ダウのDowDuPont Inc.からの分割に関連するリスク。

いかなる予測も、将来の結果や出来事について述べられた場合、その予測や信念は、現在の経営陣の計画と期待に基づいて善意で表明され、合理的な根拠を持って信じられていますが、その予測や信念が実現するか結果をもたらすことを保証するものではありません。実際の結果や出来事が、この四半期報告書(フォーム10-Q)の「リスク要因」というセクションに含まれている主要なリスクや不確実性と著しく異なる場合、またはDowの年次報告書(フォーム10-K)の「リスク要因」というセクションに含まれる他のリスクや不確実性と著しく異なる場合があります。これらはDowが直面する唯一のリスクや不確実性ではありません。現時点で特定できないか、現在のところ業績に重大な影響を与えないと予想していない他のリスクや不確実性が存在する可能性があります。これらのリスクや不確実性のいずれかが実際の出来事に発展した場合、Dowのビジネスに重大な悪影響を及ぼす可能性があります。Dow Inc.およびTDCCは、証券およびその他の関連法による規制を除き、新しい情報、将来のイベント、その他の理由により、いかなる前向きな声明も公開の更新や修正をする義務を負いません。


第I部 – 財務情報

純売上高$10,879 $10,730 $32,559 $34,001 
売上原価9,809 9,592 28,888 30,096 
研究開発費208 197 608 616 
販売費、一般管理費396 380 1,228 1,216 
無形資産の償却76 81 234 243 
リストラおよび資産関連費用-純額24  69 549 
非連結関連会社の純利益(損失)2 (7)45 (112)
雑収入 (費用)-純額119 92 256 202 
利息収入36 44 143 186 
支払利息と債務割引の償却199 192 595 549 
税引前利益324 417 1,381 1,008 
所得税の引当金84 90 145 253 
純利益240 327 1,236 755 
非支配持分に帰属する純利益26 25 67 61 
ダウ社の普通株主が利用できる純利益$214 $302 $1,169 $694 
普通株式1株当たりの利益-基本$0.30 $0.43 $1.65 $0.97 
普通株式1株当たりの利益-希薄化後$0.30 $0.42 $1.65 $0.97 
加重平均発行済普通株式-基本702.3 704.0 703.5 706.4 
加重平均発行済普通株式-希薄化後703.6 707.5 704.9 709.7 
減価償却$501 $484 $1,470 $1,443 
資本支出$736 $597 $2,173 $1,598 


当期純利益$240 $327 $1,236 $755 
投資による未実現の利益(損失)34 (20)89 72 
積み上げ翻訳換算差額199 (147)34 (149)
年金およびその他の退職給付計画18 (2)52  
デリバティブ取引は流動性リスクがあるため、損失が不相応に増加する可能性があり、資金の運用成績に大きな影響を与えることがあります。31 (25)3 (45)
その他の包含的損益合計282 (194)178 (122)
包括利益522 133 1,414 633 
非支配持分に帰属する包括利益(税引き後)26 25 67 61 
ダウインクに帰属する包括利益$496 $108 $1,347 $572 



現金及び現金同等物$2,883 $2,987 
取引(貸倒引当金控除済-2024年:$111; 2023: $81)
5,380 4,718 
その他1,936 1,896 
在庫6,741 6,076 
その他の流動資産1,037 1,937 
流動資産合計17,977 17,614 
17,614 資産の非連結子会社への投資1,303 1,267 
その他の投資(公正価値で評価される投資 - 2024年:$2,135; 2023: $1,877)
2,854 2,740 
非流動受取債権525 438 
投資合計4,682 4,445 
資産62,642 60,203 
減価償却累計額より40,549 39,137 
固定資産の純額22,093 21,066 
のれん8,684 8,641 
その他の無形資産(累積償却金相殺済み-2024:$5,645; 2023: $5,374)
1,840 2,072 
運用リース契約に基づく資産1,301 1,320 
繰延税金資産1,526 1,486 
繰延資産およびその他の資産1,286 1,323 
その他の合計資産14,637 14,842 
総資産$59,389 $57,967 
債務不足額証券$111 $62 
1年以内返済義務のある長期借入金296 117 
Accounts payable:
取引5,093 4,529 
その他1,955 1,797 
運転リース債務-流動部分316 329 
支払法人税257 419 
未払費用およびその他の流動負債2,799 2,704 
流動負債合計10,827 9,957 
新規買負債16,164 14,907 
繰延税金負債397 399 
退職給付とその他の後期給付金-長期4,689 4,932 
アスベスト関連債務-長期727 788 
運転リース債務-長期1,023 1,032 
その他の長期債務6,721 6,844 
その他の非流動負債合計13,557 13,995 
普通株式(6,000,000,000株、2,442,676,580ドル認可済み株式、2024年3月31日および2023年12月31日に発行された21,443株、21,365株、202,514株、200,025株、その他の包括損失累積額2,960ドル、繰延報酬および利益計画信託595,667,547株、577,028,776株、2024年3月31日および2023年12月31日にそれぞれ、61,959ドル、59,065ドル、合計Chevron Corporation株主の持ち株銘柄160,625、160,957)5,000,000,000ドルの株式0.01 各株パー
2024年発行済み: 782,047,707 株); 2023年: 778,595,514 シェア)
8 8 
追加の資本金9,055 8,880 
留保利益21,459 21,774 
発行済株式の取得価格(2024年: 81,956,017 shares; 2023: 76,302,081 shares)
ダウインクの株主資本18,311 18,607 
非支配持分530 501 
総資本18,841 19,108 
負債合計及び株主資本$59,389 $57,967 

当期純利益$1,236 $755 
減価償却費および償却費2,143 1,954 
非連結関連会社の配当収入減額分に対する収益221 300 
リストラクチャリングおよび資産関連費用 - 純額69 549 
その他純損失332 588 
売掛金及び貸付金- (600)(818)365 
在庫 (676)777 
支払予定の勘定601 (859)
連結現金流入(繰延会社の事業からのもの含む)2,092 3,536 
中止された事業からの現金流入8 4 
営業活動によるキャッシュフロー2,100 3,540 
リースされた資産の購入 (5)
売却及び除却された固定資産、事業及び売却先企業の処分に伴う現金流入額 - 純額36 66 
資産及び事業の取得金額に対する支払額 - 純額(121)(103)
非連結関連会社からの配当と融資返済 2 
非連結子会社の所有権利益の売却益 63 
投資の売却益および満期による受取金額2,386 1,244 
長期債券発行による受取額1,443 76 
証券化プログラムの回収28 8 
株式の発行による資金調達51 63 
為替レートの変動が現金、現金同等物及び拘束された現金に及ぼす影響18 (130)
Allianz Malaysia Berhadのパフォーマンスにはかなり満足しています。具体的には、同社が高い利回りで大規模な利益を再投資していることを好みます。もちろん、それは同社が多くの利益成長を見る原因となっています。とはいえ、最新の業界アナリスト予測によると、同社の収益は加速することが予想されています。同社の最新のアナリスト予測についてさらに知りたい場合は、同社のアナリスト予測のこの可視化をご覧ください。
期首の現金、現金同等物および拘束された現金3,048 3,940 
期末現金、現金同等物及び制限付き現金$2,987 $3,100 
『その他の流動資産』に含まれる制限付き現金及び現金同等物を控除した額104 20 
期末の現金及び現金同等物$2,883 $3,080 

期首及び期末の残高$8 $8 $8 $8 
期首残高9,012 8,661 8,880 8,540 
発行された普通株式/販売された普通株式 8 51 63 
ストックベースの報酬86 77 285 217 
自己株の発行 - 報酬および福利厚生計画(43)(24)(161)(98)
期末残高9,055 8,722 9,055 8,722 
期初残高21,739 22,570 21,774 23,180 
Dow Inc.の一般株主に帰属する当期純利益214 302 1,169 694 
共同統制取引  10  
期末残高21,459 22,376 21,459 22,376 
その他包括利益(損失)282 (194)178 (122)
自己株式の発行-報酬および福利計画43 24 161 98 
ダウインクの株主資本18,311 19,567 18,311 19,567 
非支配株主持分530 513 530 513 
株式ファンド$18,841 $20,080 $18,841 $20,080 
普通株式の1株当たりの配当額$0.70 $0.70 $2.10 $2.10 


純売上高$10,879 $10,730 $32,559 $34,001 
売上原価9,800 9,591 28,877 30,093 
研究開発費208 197 608 616 
販売費、一般管理費396 380 1,228 1,216 
無形資産の償却76 81 234 243 
リストラおよび資産関連費用-純額24  69 549 
非連結関連会社の純利益(損失)2 (7)45 (112)
雑収入 (費用)-純額118 71 253 169 
利息収入38 47 152 194 
支払利息と債務割引の償却199 192 595 549 
税引前利益334 400 1,398 986 
所得税の引当金84 90 145 253 
純利益250 310 1,253 733 
非支配持分に帰属する純利益26 25 67 61 
ダウケミカル社の普通株主が利用できる純利益$224 $285 $1,186 $672 
減価償却$501 $484 $1,470 $1,443 
資本支出$736 $597 $2,173 $1,598 


当期純利益$250 $310 $1,253 $733 
投資による未実現の利益(損失)34 (20)89 72 
積み上げ翻訳換算差額199 (147)34 (149)
年金およびその他の退職給付計画18 (2)52  
デリバティブ取引は流動性リスクがあるため、損失が不相応に増加する可能性があり、資金の運用成績に大きな影響を与えることがあります。31 (25)3 (45)
その他の包含的損益合計282 (194)178 (122)
包括利益532 116 1,431 611 
非支配持分に帰属する包括利益(税引き後)26 25 67 61 
ザ・ダウ・ケミカル・カンパニーに帰属する包括利益$506 $91 $1,364 $550 


Dec 31,
現金及び現金同等物$2,883 $2,987 
取引(貸倒引当金控除済-2024年:$111; 2023: $81)
5,380 4,718 
その他1,950 1,997 
在庫6,741 6,076 
その他の流動資産999 1,898 
流動資産合計17,953 17,676 
17,614 資産の非連結子会社への投資1,303 1,267 
その他の投資(公正価値で評価される投資 - 2024年:$2,135; 2023: $1,877)
2,854 2,740 
非流動受取債権512 424 
投資合計4,669 4,431 
不動産62,642 60,203 
累計償却額40,549 39,137 
固定資産の純額22,093 21,066 
のれん8,684 8,641 
その他の無形資産(累積償却金相殺済み-2024:$5,645; 2023: $5,374)
1,840 2,072 
運用リース契約に基づく資産1,301 1,320 
繰延税金資産1,526 1,486 
繰延資産およびその他の資産1,286 1,323 
その他の合計資産14,637 14,842 
総資産$59,352 $58,015 
債務不足額証券$111 $62 
1年以内返済義務のある長期借入金296 117 
Accounts payable:
取引5,093 4,529 
その他1,992 1,818 
運転リース債務-流動部分316 329 
法人税負担257 419 
未払費用およびその他の流動負債2,673 2,575 
合計流動負債10,738 9,849 
新規買負債16,164 14,907 
繰延税金負債397 399 
退職給付とその他の後期給付金-長期4,689 4,932 
アスベスト関連債務-長期727 788 
運転リース債務-長期1,023 1,032 
その他の長期債務6,575 6,702 
その他の非流動負債合計13,411 13,853 
普通株式(承認および発行済み、株価値はそれぞれ) 100ドルの株式0.01  
追加出資資本9,427 9,091 
利益剰余金16,585 17,495 
ダウ・ケミカル・カンパニーの株主資本18,509 18,905 
非支配株主持分530 501 
企業の総資産19,039 19,406 
負債合計及び株主資本$59,352 $58,015 

当期純利益$1,253 $733 
償却費および減価償却費2,143 1,954 
非連結関連会社の配当収入減額分に対する収益221 300 
リストラクチャリングおよび資産関連費用 - 純額69 549 
その他純損失333 589 
売掛金及び貸付金- (600)(818)365 
支払い勘定601 (859)
営業活動によるキャッシュフロー2,116 3,567 
リースされた資産の購入 (5)
売却及び除却された固定資産、事業及び売却先企業の処分に伴う現金流入額 - 純額36 66 
資産及び事業の取得金額に対する支払額 - 純額(121)(103)
非連結関連会社からの配当と融資返済 2 
非連結子会社の所有権利益の売却益 63 
投資の売却益および満期による受取金額2,386 1,244 
長期債券発行による受取額1,443 76 
証券化プログラムの回収28 8 
株式の発行による資金調達51 63 
為替レートの変動が現金、現金同等物及び拘束された現金に及ぼす影響18 (130)
期首の現金、現金同等物および拘束された現金3,048 3,940 
期末現金、現金同等物及び制限付き現金$2,987 $3,100 
『その他の流動資産』に含まれる制限付き現金及び現金同等物を控除した額104 20 
期末の現金及び現金同等物$2,883 $3,080 


 3 か月が終了9か月が終わりました
期首と期末の残高$ $ $ $ 
期首残高9,341 8,822 9,091 8,627 
親会社の株式の発行-ダウ株式会社 8 51 63 
株式ベースの報酬86 77 285 217 
期末残高9,427 8,907 9,427 8,907 
期首残高16,964 18,469 17,495 19,472 
ダウケミカル社の普通株主が利用できる純利益224 285 1,186 672 
期末残高16,585 18,119 16,585 18,119 
その他の包括利益 (損失)282 (194)178 (122)
ダウケミカル社の株主資本18,509 19,765 18,509 19,765 
非支配持分530 513 530 513 
総資本$19,039 $20,278 $19,039 $20,278 



「Performance-Based Awards(成果に基づく受賞)」は、第7.7条に基づき、委員会によって設定されたパフォーマンス目標や他の事業目標の達成に依存して現金、株式またはその他の受賞を受け取るための受賞です。

ダウインクとTDCCの親子関係により、両社の財務諸表と開示事項が実質的に類似していることを考慮し、このForm 10-Qについての四半期報告書には、両社の合併報告書が提出されています。報告書に反映されている情報は、ダウインクとTDCCの両方に同様に適用されます(特記事項を除く)。TDCCとダウインクの間の取引は、TDCCにとって関係者取引として扱われます。


注 2 − 重要な会計方針の概要と見積の使用最新の会計ガイダンス
2024年1月1日、会社は会計基準の改正("ASU")2023-02、"Investments — Equity Method and Joint Ventures (Topic 323): Accounting for Investments in Tax Credit Structures Using the Proportional Amortization Method"を採用し、ASUによって提供される比例償却方法を使用して一部の税額支援投資を処理することを選択しました。比例償却方法により、企業は税額支援投資の初期コストを受け取った所得税クレジットおよびその他の所得税利益に比例して償却し、純償却額、所得税クレジットおよびその他の所得税利益を所得税費用(利益)の一部として損益計算書に認識します。ASUの採用は、会社の連結財務諸表に対して実質的な影響を与えませんでした。

2023年11月、財務会計基準委員会("FASB")は、「セグメント報告(トピック280):報告セグメントの開示の改善」ASU 2023-07を発行しました。これは報告セグメントの開示要件を向上させることを目的としており、主に重要なセグメントの費用に関する開示を強化し、財務諸表のユーザーが各報告セグメントおよび全体的な組織の将来のキャッシュフローを評価するためのセグメントの利益または損失の構成要素をより良く理解することができるようにします。修正案では、公開会社のセグメント開示を拡大し、最高執行責任者に定期的に提供される重要なセグメント費用の開示を求め、セグメントのパフォーマンスを評価するための1つ以上の追加の指標を報告する場合にエンティティがいつ報告できるかを明示的にする、強化された中間期間の開示を求める、1つの報告セグメントを持つエンティティのための新しい開示要件を提供し、その他の新しい開示要件を求めます。なお、修正案は2023年12月15日以降の決算年度および2024年12月15日以降の決算年度内の中間期間に効力を発揮します。早期適用も許可されています。ASUの適用により、当社の連結財務諸表には実質的な影響は予想されていません。

2023年12月、FASBはASU 2023-09、「所得税(トピック740):所得税開示の改善」を発行しました。これは所得税の開示の透明性、意思決定有用性、効果を向上させることを意図しています。このASUの修正では、公開企業は特定のカテゴリを使用して、パーセンテージと通貨の両方を使用して、タブル形式の税率の調整を開示することが求められます。公開企業は、また、連邦、州、外国税によって細分割された純所得税額と、州および地方税のカテゴリの効果の大部分を成す州と地方管轄区域の定性的な説明も提供する必要があります。修正では、コスト効果的でないと見なされなくなった特定の開示を廃止します。これらの修正は、2024年12月15日以降の年次期間について、将来効力を持つものとされており、早期適用および溯し適用が許可されています。ASUの適用は、会社の連結財務諸表には実質的な影響を与えるとは予想されていません。

2024年3月、米国証券取引委員会("SEC")はSECリリースNos. 33-11275および34-99678の下で「投資家のための気候関連開示の強化と標準化」に関する最終規則を採択しました。これにより、申請者は登録声明書と年次報告書で特定の気候関連情報を開示することが求められます。最終規則には、重要な気候関連リスクを開示する要件、そのようなリスクを緩和または適応させる活動に関する情報、取締役会の気候関連リスクに対する監督に関する情報、および重要な気候関連リスクの管理における経営陣の役割に関する情報、登録者のビジネス、業績、または財務状況に対して重要な気候関連のターゲットまたは目標に関する情報が含まれています。登録者はまた、重大な気象事象およびその他の自然状況の財務諸表注記での財務諸表への影響を開示することが求められています。一部の大規模な登録者は、重要な場合にはScope 1およびScope 2の温室効果ガス("GHG")排出量を開示することが求められています。最終規則には、すべての登録者に対する段階的な遵守期間が含まれています。大型加速提出者として、ほとんどの開示要件は2025年12月31日をもって有効となります。GHG排出量の開示は2026年12月31日までに必要です。また、会社は2029年12月31日をもってScope 1およびScope 2GHG排出量開示について限られた保証を得ることが求められ、2029年12月31日をもって合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって限られた合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって限られた合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって限られた合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって限られた合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって限られた合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって限られた合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって限られた合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって限られた合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって限られた合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって限られた合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって合理的な保証が求められます。2023年12月31日をもって限られた合理的な保証が求められます。2024年4月、SECは米国第8巡回区控訴裁判所によってさまざまな法的論争が解決されるまで最終規則を停止するよう命令しました。会社は現在、連結財務諸表および年次開示に対する最終規則の影響を評価しています。


NOTE 3 – ストックコンペンセーションフォーマット
会社の収益の大部分は製品販売から得られます。製品販売に関連する会社の収益は 97パーセントと 982024年9月30日に終了した3か月と9か月間のそれぞれの割合(982023年9月30日に終了した3か月と9か月間の割合)。残りの売上高は、主に当社の保険事業と特許と技術のライセンスに関するものでした。製品販売とは、メーカーや販売業者への当社製品の販売です。当社は、場合によっては基本供給契約が適用される注文確認または発注書を、顧客との契約と見なしています。当社は、自社の特許と技術に関する特定の権利を顧客にライセンスするライセンス契約を締結しています。会社の特許と技術のライセンスによる収益は、各契約で定められた請求スケジュールに基づく売上ベースのロイヤルティとライセンス契約から得られます。


当社は、製品販売に関する追加の未完了業績物があり、これらの商品販売は1年未満の予定された期間であり、パイプラインを介して配達された材料の商品販売において、「請求権の権利」の実用的便宜の選択があります。また、特許や技術のライセンスに関連するロイヤリティに帰属する変動報酬もあります。当社は、顧客から受け取った長期供給契約に関連する前払金を引当て、契約の寿命全体にわたって認識し、認識します。契約残存期間は〜までの範囲です。また、当社は製品を顧客に配送した際に認識される売上高に対して将来の対価権利を有するでしょう。これらの支払いは、連結貸借対照表の「償却・その他の流動負債」と「その他の非流動負債」に含まれています。19「企業」は、1年未満の予定された期間で予想される売上高の追加の残存業績物、当社が「請求権の権利」の実用的便宜を選択したパイプラインを介して配信される材料の商品販売、および特許および技術のライセンスのロイヤリティに帰属する可変報酬に関する追加の残存業績物を有しています。 「企業」は、顧客から預り金を受領し、長期供給契約に関連して契約の寿命全体にわたって償却・認識された収益を先払申告書で認識しています。契約期間は対象によって範囲が異なります。この収益に関連する将来の対価権利を「企業」は持っているでしょう。また、これらの支払いは連結貸借対照表の「償却・その他の流動負債」と「その他の非流動負債」に含まれています。


百万単位で2024年9月30日2023年9月30日Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
炭化水素とエネルギー$1,433 $1,441 $4,347 $4,987 
包装材料と特殊プラスチック4,083 4,013 12,114 12,521 
包装と特殊プラスチック$5,516 $5,454 $16,461 $17,508 
産業ソリューション $1,039 $1,012 $3,107 $3,235 
ポリウレタン&建設用化学薬品1,919 2,019 5,805 6,343 
その他4 4 9 12 
産業中間製品とインフラ関連$2,962 $3,035 $8,921 $9,590 
塗料&パフォーマンスモノマー$891 $839 $2,704 $2,572 
消費関連ソリューション1,323 1,291 3,905 4,031 
パフォーマンス材料&コーティング$2,214 $2,130 $6,609 $6,603 
法人$187 $111 $568 $300 
合計$10,879 $10,730 $32,559 $34,001 


Table of Contents
Net Trade Sales by Geographic RegionThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
U.S. & Canada$4,149 $3,968 $12,470 $12,667 
3,568 3,398 10,624 11,225 
Asia Pacific1,890 2,067 5,712 6,172 
Latin America1,272 1,297 3,753 3,937 
Total$10,879 $10,730 $32,559 $34,001 
1.Europe, Middle East, Africa and India.

Contract Assets and Liabilities
The Company receives payments from customers based upon contractual billing schedules. Accounts receivable are recorded when the right to consideration becomes unconditional. Contract assets include amounts related to the Company's contractual right to consideration for completed performance obligations not yet invoiced. Contract liabilities include payments received in advance of performance under the contract and are recognized in revenue when the performance obligations are met. "Contract liabilities - current" primarily reflects deferred revenue from prepayments from customers for product to be delivered in 12 months or less and royalty payments that are deferred and will be recognized in 12 months or less. "Contract liabilities - noncurrent" includes advance payments that the Company has received from customers related to long-term supply agreements and royalty payments that are deferred and recognized over the life of the contract.

Revenue recognized in the first nine months of 2024 from amounts included in contract liabilities at the beginning of the period was approximately $135 million (approximately $205 million in the first nine months of 2023). In the first nine months of 2024, the amount of contract assets reclassified to receivables as a result of the right to the transaction consideration becoming unconditional was insignificant (approximately $45 million in the first nine months of 2023).

The following table summarizes contract assets and liabilities at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023:

Contract Assets and LiabilitiesBalance Sheet ClassificationSep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023
In millions
Accounts and notes receivable - tradeAccounts and notes receivable - trade$5,380 $4,718 
Contract assets - current Other current assets$1 $13 
Contract assets - noncurrentDeferred charges and other assets$2 $4 
Contract liabilities - currentAccrued and other current liabilities$251 $195 
Contract liabilities - noncurrent Other noncurrent obligations$1,500 $1,642 


Table of Contents
Divestiture of the Flexible Packaging Laminating Adhesives Business
On May 2, 2024, the Company announced it entered into a definitive agreement to sell its flexible packaging laminating adhesives business, within Dow's Packaging & Specialty Plastics segment, to Arkema S.A. for approximately $150 million. The divestiture includes five manufacturing sites in the United States, Italy and Mexico as well as the associated inventory, customer contracts and lists, process technology and certain intellectual property. The Company is targeting to close the transaction by the end of 2024, subject to regulatory approval and other closing conditions.

Acquisition of North American Polyethylene Recycler
On August 1, 2024, the Company acquired Circulus Holdings, PBLLC, a U.S. company that recycles plastic waste into post-consumer resin, for a cash purchase of approximately $130 million. The acquisition includes two facilities in the United States with a total recycling capacity of 50,000 metric tons per year and supports Dow's efforts to transform plastic waste and other forms of alternative feedstocks into 3 million metric tons of circular and renewable solutions annually by 2030. The assets acquired and liabilities assumed as part of the acquisition were recorded at their estimated fair value as of the acquisition date, including property of $74 million and intangible assets, consisting primarily of technology and know-how, of $22 million, with the excess of purchase price over the fair value of net assets acquired of $36 million allocated to goodwill. These amounts are subject to adjustment upon completion of the valuation process.

Charges for restructuring programs and other asset related charges, which include asset impairments, are recorded in "Restructuring and asset related charges - net" in the consolidated statements of income. For additional information on the Company's restructuring programs, see Note 4 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the 2023 10-K.

2023 Restructuring Program
On January 25, 2023, the Dow Inc. Board of Directors ("Board") approved restructuring actions to achieve the Company's structural cost improvement initiatives in response to the continued economic impact from the global recessionary environment and to enhance its agility and long-term competitiveness across the economic cycle. These actions are expected to be substantially complete by the end of the first quarter of 2025. In the first quarter of 2024, the Company recorded additional pretax restructuring charges of $8 million for asset write-downs and write-offs related to the shutdown of certain polyurethanes assets within the Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure segment. In the third quarter of 2024, the Company recorded additional pretax restructuring charges of $7 million for asset write-downs and write-offs related to the shutdown of certain silicones assets within the Performance Materials & Coatings segment. The impacted facilities are expected to be shutdown by the end of 2025. Additionally, the Company recorded a pretax restructuring charge of $16 million for severance and related benefit costs and a pretax restructuring charge of $1 million for additional asset write-downs and write-offs, related to Corporate.


Table of Contents
The following table summarizes the activities related to the 2023 Restructuring Program, including segment information:

2023 Restructuring ProgramSeverance and Related Benefit CostsAsset Write-downs and Write-offsTotal
In millions
Packaging & Specialty Plastics$ $1 $1 
Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure 40 40 
Performance Materials & Coatings 49 49 
Corporate344 107 451 
Total restructuring charges$344 $197 $541 
Charges against the reserve (197)(197)
Cash payments(11) (11)
Reserve balance at Mar 31, 2023$333 $ $333 
Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure$ $8 $8 
Total restructuring charges$ $8 $8 
Charges against the reserve (8)(8)
Cash payments(60) (60)
Reserve balance at Jun 30, 2023$273 $ $273 
Cash payments(110) (110)
Reserve balance at Sep 30, 2023$163 $ $163 
Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure$ $2 $2 
Corporate (16)(16)
Total restructuring charges$ $(14)$(14)
Charges against the reserve 14 14 
Cash payments(41) (41)
Reserve balance at Dec 31, 2023$122 $ $122 
Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure$ $8 $8 
Total restructuring charges$ $8 $8 
Charges against the reserve (8)(8)
Cash payments(48) (48)
Reserve balance at Mar 31, 2024$74 $ $74 
Cash payments$(13)$ $(13)
Reserve balance at Jun 30, 2024$61 $ $61 
Performance Materials & Coatings$ $7 $7 
Corporate16 1 17 
Total restructuring charges$16 $8 $24 
Charges against the reserve (8)(8)
Cash payments(17) (17)
Reserve balance at Sep 30, 2024$60 $ $60 

At September 30, 2024, $60 million of the reserve balance was included in "Accrued and other current liabilities" ($101 million at December 31, 2023) and zero was included in "Other noncurrent obligations" ($21 million at December 31, 2023) in the consolidated balance sheets.

The Company recorded pretax restructuring charges of $567 million inception-to-date under the 2023 Restructuring Program, consisting of severance and related benefit costs of $360 million and asset write-downs and write-offs of $207 million.


Table of Contents
Restructuring implementation costs, primarily decommissioning and demolition activities related to asset actions, and costs associated with the Company's productivity and efficiency actions, are expected to result in additional cash expenditures of approximately $90 million, primarily through the first quarter of 2025. Restructuring implementation and efficiency costs totaled $55 million and $157 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively ($82 million and $169 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively).

Asset Related Charges
In the first quarter of 2024, the Company recognized pretax impairment charges of $37 million, primarily related to write-downs of certain manufacturing assets in the United States and Italy included in the Company's planned divestiture of its flexible packaging laminating adhesives business. The impairment charges were included in "Restructuring and asset related charges - net" in the consolidated statements of income and related to Packaging & Specialty Plastics. See Notes 4 and 20 for additional information.

Dow Inc. Sundry Income (Expense) – NetThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Non-operating pension and other postretirement benefit plan net credits 1
$61 $97 $183 $290 
Foreign exchange losses 2
Gain on sales of other assets and investments 3
27  46 74 
Indemnification and other transaction related costs 4
1 21 2 17 
Gain on early extinguishment of debt 5
Asset impairments and related costs 6
Other - net44 13 69 75 
Total sundry income (expense) – net$119 $92 $256 $202 
1.See Note 17 for additional information.
2.Foreign exchange losses for the three months ended September 30, 2024 relate primarily to exposures in the Argentine peso, while losses in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 relate primarily to exposures in the Egyptian pound and Argentine peso. Foreign exchange losses for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 relate primarily to exposures in the Argentine peso.
3.The three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 includes a gain of $25 million associated with a warehouse sale. The nine months ended September 30, 2023 includes gains associated with the sale of shares of a previously impaired equity method investment.
4.Primarily related to charges associated with agreements entered into with DuPont de Nemours, Inc. ("DuPont") and Corteva, Inc. ("Corteva") as part of the separation and distribution.
5.See Note 12 for additional information.
6.Certain obligations associated with a previously impaired equity method investment.

Sundry income (expense) - net for TDCC for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 is substantially the same as that of Dow Inc., with the primary difference related to indemnification and other transaction related costs recorded on Dow Inc. Therefore, Sundry income (expense) - net for TDCC is not disclosed separately.

Other Investments
The Company has investments in company-owned life insurance policies, which are recorded at their cash surrender value as of each balance sheet date, as provided below:

Investments in Company-Owned Life InsuranceSep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023
In millions
Gross cash value$602 $623 
Less: Existing drawdowns 1
260 97 
Less: Accrued interest on drawdowns 2
Investments in company-owned life insurance 3
$335 $526 
1.Classified as "Proceeds from sales and maturities of investments" in the consolidated statements of cash flows.
2.Included in "Sundry income (expense) - net" in the consolidated statements of income.
3.Classified as "Other investments" in the consolidated balance sheets.

Table of Contents
Supplier Finance Program
The Company facilitates a supply chain financing (“SCF”) program in the ordinary course of business in order to extend payment terms with vendors. Under the terms of this program, a vendor can voluntarily enter into an agreement with a participating financial intermediary to sell its receivables due from the Company. The vendor receives payment from the financial intermediary, and the Company pays the financial intermediary on the terms originally negotiated with the vendor, which generally range from 90 to 120 days. The vendor negotiates the terms of the agreements directly with the financial intermediary and the Company is not a party to that agreement. The financial intermediary may allow the participating vendor to utilize the Company’s creditworthiness in establishing credit spreads and associated costs, which may provide the vendor with more favorable terms than they would be able to secure on their own. The Company does not provide guarantees related to the SCF program. At September 30, 2024, outstanding obligations confirmed as valid under the SCF program were $304 million ($285 million at December 31, 2023), included in “Accounts payable – Trade” in the consolidated balance sheets.

As the financial statements for Dow Inc. and TDCC are substantially similar, including the provision for income taxes, the following income tax discussion does not include reference to TDCC's provision for income taxes or its effective tax rate.

The Company's effective tax rate fluctuates based on, among other factors, where income is earned, the level of income relative to tax attributes and the level of equity earnings, since most earnings from the Company's equity method investments are taxed at the joint venture level. In the third quarter of 2024, the Company reported a provision for income taxes of $84 million, resulting in an effective tax rate of 25.9 percent ($90 million in the third quarter of 2023, resulting in an effective tax rate of 21.6 percent). In the first nine months of 2024, the Company reported a provision for income taxes of $145 million, resulting in an effective tax rate of 10.5 percent ($253 million in the first nine months of 2023, resulting in an effective tax rate of 25.1 percent).

The third quarter of 2023 was favorably impacted by a change in reinvestment assertion on a foreign jurisdiction and an increase in tax credits available to the Company. In the first nine months of 2024, the Company recorded a tax credit of $194 million related to a reassessment of interest and penalties on a tax matter in a foreign jurisdiction, resulting in a reduced effective tax rate. The provision for income taxes in the first nine months of 2023 was primarily impacted by the geographic mix of earnings, which resulted in a higher effective tax rate.

For additional information on the Company’s nonconsolidated affiliates, see Note 10 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the 2023 10-K.

The Company's investments in companies accounted for using the equity method ("nonconsolidated affiliates"), by classification in the consolidated balance sheets are shown in the following table:

Investments in Nonconsolidated AffiliatesSep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023
In millions
Investment in nonconsolidated affiliates$1,303 $1,267 
Other noncurrent obligations(488)(229)
Net investment in nonconsolidated affiliates$815 $1,038 

At September 30, 2024, the Company had a negative investment balance in Sadara Chemical Company of $420 million included in "Other noncurrent obligations" (negative $128 million at December 31, 2023) in the consolidated balance sheets. The negative investment in Sadara Chemical Company at September 30, 2024 is due to equity losses generated during the first nine months of 2024 driven by the impact of challenging macroeconomic conditions.

At September 30, 2024, the Company had a negative investment balance in EQUATE Petrochemical Company K.S.C.C of $68 million included in "Other noncurrent obligations" (negative $101 million at December 31, 2023) in the consolidated balance sheets. The reduction in the negative investment was driven by improved results in the first nine months of 2024.

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The following tables provide earnings per share calculations for Dow Inc. for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. Earnings per share of TDCC is not presented as this information is not required in financial statements of wholly owned subsidiaries.

Net Income for Earnings Per Share CalculationsThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Net income$240 $327 $1,236 $755 
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests26 25 67 61 
Net income attributable to participating securities 1
3 2 9 8 
Net income attributable to common stockholders$211 $300 $1,160 $686 
1.Restricted stock units are considered participating securities due to the Company's practice of paying dividend equivalents on unvested shares.

Earnings Per Share - Basic and DilutedThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
Dollars per shareSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Earnings per common share - basic$0.30 $0.43 $1.65 $0.97 
Earnings per common share - diluted$0.30 $0.42 $1.65 $0.97 

Share Count InformationThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
Shares in millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Weighted-average common shares outstanding - basic702.3 704.0 703.5 706.4 
Plus dilutive effect of equity compensation plans1.3 3.5 1.4 3.3 
Weighted-average common shares outstanding - diluted703.6 707.5 704.9 709.7 
Stock units excluded from EPS calculations 1
10.5 9.3 9.6 9.8 
1.These outstanding stock units were excluded from the calculation of diluted earnings per share because the effect of including them would have been antidilutive.

The following table provides a breakdown of inventories:

InventoriesSep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023
In millions
Finished goods$3,853 $3,413 
Work in process1,411 1,234 
Raw materials798 746 
Supplies1,041 992 
Total$7,103 $6,385 
Adjustment of inventories to the LIFO basis(362)(309)
Total inventories$6,741 $6,076 


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Accounts Receivable Programs
The Company maintains accounts receivable facilities with various financial institutions, with committed and uncommitted facilities in the United States and a committed facility in Europe (collectively, "the Programs"), which are set to expire in November 2025. Under the terms of the Programs, the Company may sell certain eligible trade accounts receivable at any point in time, up to $900 million for the U.S. committed facility and up to €500 million for the Europe committed facility. Under the terms of the Programs, the Company continues to service the receivables from the customer, but retains no interest in the receivables, and remits payment to the financial institutions. Losses on transfers of receivables were insignificant for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023. The Company also provides a guarantee to the financial institutions for the creditworthiness and collection of the receivables in satisfaction of the facility. See Note 13 for additional information related to guarantees.

The Company has access to accounts receivable discounting facilities that cover certain receivables generated from sales in EMEAI, Asia Pacific and Canada (collectively, the "Facilities"). Under the terms of the Facilities, the Company retains no interest in the transferred receivables once sold and receivables are transferred with limited recourse. The Company continues to service the receivables from the customer and remits payment to the Facilities. Losses on transfers of receivables were insignificant for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023.

The following table provides a summary of cash flows related to the Programs and the Facilities for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:

Cash Flows Related to Transfers of Accounts ReceivableThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Proceeds received from new transfers$198 $28 $1,248 $28 

The following table provides the balances related to the Programs and the Facilities at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023:

Balances Related to Transfers of Accounts ReceivableSep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023
In millions
Balance outstanding$199$170
Accounts receivable derecognized $153$152
Amounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheets:
    Accrued and other current liabilities 1
1. Represents amounts collected from customers and not yet remitted by the Company.


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Notes PayableSep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023
In millions
Notes payable to banks and other lenders$111$62
Period-end average interest rates39.13 %33.84 %

Long-Term Debt
2024 Average Rate
Sep 30, 2024
2023 Average Rate
Dec 31, 2023
In millions
Promissory notes and debentures:
Final maturity 20255.63 %$333 5.63 %$333 
Final maturity 20284.80 %600 4.80 %600 
Final maturity 20297.58 %1,368 7.58 %1,367 
Final maturity 2030 and thereafter 1
5.11 %10,072 5.07 %8,861 
Other facilities:
Foreign currency notes and loans, various rates and maturities2.13 %2,736 1.18 %2,653 
InterNotes®, varying maturities through 20544.26 %644 4.12 %595 
Finance lease obligations 2
961 873 
Unamortized debt discount and issuance costs(254)(258)
Long-term debt due within one year 3
Long-term debt$16,164 $14,907 
1.Cost includes net fair value hedge adjustment gains of $70 million at September 30, 2024 ($49 million at December 31, 2023). See Note 19 for additional information.
2.See Note 14 for additional information.
3.Presented net of current portion of unamortized debt issuance costs.

Maturities of Long-Term Debt for Next Five Years at Sep 30, 2024
In millions

2024 Activity
In the first quarter of 2024, the Company issued $1.25 billion of senior unsecured notes. The offering included $600 million aggregate principal amount of 5.15 percent notes due 2034 and $650 million aggregate principal amount of 5.60 percent notes due 2054. The issuance was completed under the Company's Green Finance Framework. The Company will distribute the proceeds toward projects that support the execution of its sustainability strategy and achieve its targets focused on climate protection and a circular economy, including applicable expenditures and investments related to the Company's Fort Saskatchewan Path2Zero project.

In the second quarter of 2024, the Company redeemed $10 million aggregate principal amount of 2.10 percent notes due November 2030, $30 million aggregate principal amount of 4.25 percent notes due October 2034, $8 million aggregate principal amount of 5.25 percent notes due November 2041 and $12 million aggregate principal amount of 4.375 percent notes due November 2042. As a result of the redemption, the Company recognized a pretax gain on the early extinguishment of debt of $5 million, included in "Sundry income (expense) - net" in the consolidated statements of income.

In the first nine months of 2024, the Company issued an aggregate principal amount of $71 million of InterNotes®. The Company also issued $122 million of foreign currency loans. Additionally, the Company repaid $77 million of long-term debt.

Table of Contents
Available Credit Facilities
The following table summarizes the Company's credit facilities:

Committed and Available Credit Facilities at Sep 30, 2024
In millionsCommitted CreditAvailable CreditMaturity DateInterest
Five Year Competitive Advance and Revolving Credit Facility$5,000 $5,000 November 2028Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility 375 375 October 2024Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility100 100 March 2025Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility100 100 March 2025Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility200 200 September 2025Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility175 175 September 2025Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility300 300 November 2025Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility300 300 February 2026Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility100 100 March 2026Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility150 150 November 2026Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility200 200 November 2026Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility250 250 March 2027Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility100 100 May 2027Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility350 350 June 2027Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility200 200 September 2027Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility100 100 October 2027Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility100 100 November 2027Floating rate
Bilateral Revolving Credit Facility300 300 May 2028Floating rate
Total committed and available credit facilities$8,400 $8,400 

Debt Covenants and Default Provisions
There were no material changes to the debt covenants and default provisions related to the Company's outstanding long-term debt and primary, private credit agreements in the first nine months of 2024. For additional information on the Company's debt covenants and default provisions, see Note 13 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the 2023 10-K.

Table of Contents
A summary of the Company's commitments and contingencies can be found in Note 14 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the 2023 10-K, which is incorporated by reference herein.

Environmental Matters
Accruals for environmental matters are recorded when it is probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount of the liability can be reasonably estimated, based on current law and existing technologies. At September 30, 2024, the Company had accrued obligations of $1,157 million for probable environmental remediation and restoration costs ($1,180 million at December 31, 2023), including $240 million for the remediation of Superfund sites ($241 million at December 31, 2023). This is management’s best estimate of the costs for remediation and restoration with respect to environmental matters for which the Company has accrued liabilities, although it is reasonably possible that the ultimate cost with respect to these particular matters could range up to approximately two times that amount. Consequently, it is reasonably possible that environmental remediation and restoration costs in excess of amounts accrued could have a material impact on the Company's results of operations, financial condition and cash flows. It is the opinion of the Company’s management, however, that the possibility is remote that costs in excess of the range disclosed will have a material impact on the Company’s results of operations, financial condition and cash flows. Inherent uncertainties exist in these estimates primarily due to unknown conditions, changing governmental regulations and legal standards regarding liability, and emerging remediation technologies for handling site remediation and restoration. As new or additional information becomes available and/or certain spending trends become known, management will evaluate such information in determination of the current estimate of environmental liability.

Asbestos-Related Matters of Union Carbide Corporation
Each quarter, Union Carbide reviews asbestos-related claims filed, settled and dismissed, as well as average settlement and resolution costs by disease category. Union Carbide also considers additional quantitative and qualitative factors such as the nature of pending claims, trial experience of Union Carbide and other asbestos defendants, current spending for defense and processing costs, significant appellate rulings and legislative developments, trends in the tort system, and their respective effects on expected future resolution costs. Union Carbide's management considers these factors in conjunction with the most recent actuarial study and determines whether a change in the estimate is warranted. Based on Union Carbide's review of 2024 activity, it was determined that no adjustment to the accrual was required at September 30, 2024.

Union Carbide’s total asbestos-related liability for pending and future claims and defense and processing costs was $807 million at September 30, 2024 ($867 million at December 31, 2023). At September 30, 2024, approximately 23 percent of the recorded claim liability related to pending claims and approximately 77 percent related to future claims.

Legacy Matters
The Company is the subject of various complaints related to alleged groundwater contamination based on decades-old sales and applications of certain agricultural chemical products ("Groundwater Matters"). The costs associated with these Groundwater Matters were previously covered by insurance policies that have since been depleted. In the first quarter of 2023, the Company completed a study of the Groundwater Matters now deemed to be probable and estimable based on the public reporting of sampling data and historical information to develop a reasonable estimate of the cost of pending and future claims. As a result, the Company recorded a pretax charge of $177 million, included in "Cost of sales" in the consolidated statements of income and related to Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure. At September 30, 2024, the total liability related to such alleged Groundwater Matters settlements was $158 million ($232 million at December 31, 2023), which was included in “Accrued and other current liabilities” and "Other noncurrent obligations" in the consolidated balance sheets.

The Company is also the subject of other groundwater contamination complaints, including claims related to 1,4-dioxane. The Company continues to defend itself in this litigation and it has determined that the Company's exposure to liability, if any, is not probable or estimable at September 30, 2024.


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Separately, on October 10, 2024, the Company executed a settlement agreement related to arbitration for historical product claims from a divested business. As a result, the Company recorded a pretax charge of $75 million in the third quarter of 2024, which is included in "Cost of sales" in the consolidated statements of income, related to Corporate, and included in "Accrued and other current liabilities" in the consolidated balance sheets at September 30, 2024. This is management's best estimate of the loss for which the Company has accrued a liability, although the amount is subject to further arbitration and it is reasonably possible that the total loss could range up to approximately three times that amount.

Indemnifications with Corning Incorporated
The Company had indemnification assets with Corning Incorporated of $58 million at September 30, 2024 ($100 million at December 31, 2023) related to the 2016 ownership restructure of Dow Silicones, which were included in "Other current assets" and "Noncurrent receivables" in the consolidated balance sheets.

Gain Contingency - Dow v. Nova Chemicals Corporation Ethylene Asset Matter
As a result of a 2019 damages judgment related to the ethylene asset matter, Nova Chemicals Corporation was ordered to pay the Company $1.43 billion Canadian dollars (equivalent to approximately $1.08 billion U.S. dollars), for which the Company received payment in October 2019 and March 2020. At September 30, 2024, $201 million ($201 million at December 31, 2023) was included in "Other noncurrent obligations" in the Company's consolidated balance sheets related to the disputed portion of the damages judgment.

Purchase Commitments
In the third quarter of 2024, the Company entered into a commitment for the use of a reservoir asset that will be used to supply water to one of Dow’s main U.S. Gulf Coast manufacturing locations. The related contract is expected to become effective in the fourth quarter of 2024, subject to customary closing conditions, with a 35 year contract period expected to commence in 2028 upon completion of construction. The aggregate value of the fixed and determinable portion over the expected contract period is $1.3 billion (approximately $650 million on a present value basis) at September 30, 2024.

The following table provides a summary of the final expiration, maximum future payments and recorded liability included in the consolidated balance sheets for guarantees:

GuaranteesSep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023
In millionsFinal
Future Payments 1
Recorded Liability Final
Future Payments 1
Recorded Liability
Guarantees2038$1,361 $179 2038$1,385 $196 
1.In addition, TDCC has provided guarantees, in proportion to the Company's 35 percent ownership interest, of all future interest payments that will become due on Sadara’s project financing debt during the grace period, which Dow's share is estimated to be $232 million at September 30, 2024 ($298 million at December 31, 2023). The Company does not expect to be required to perform under the guarantees.

Guarantees arise during the ordinary course of business from relationships with customers, accounts receivable facilities and nonconsolidated affiliates when the Company undertakes an obligation to guarantee the performance of others (via delivery of cash or other assets) if specified triggering events occur. With guarantees, such as commercial or financial contracts, non-performance by the guaranteed party triggers the obligation of the Company to make payments to the beneficiary of the guarantee. The majority of the Company’s guarantees relate to debt of nonconsolidated affiliates, which have expiration dates ranging from less than 1 year to 14 years. The Company’s current expectation is that future payment or performance related to the non-performance of others is considered remote.

The Company maintains accounts receivable facilities with various financial institutions, with committed and uncommitted facilities in the United States and a committed facility in Europe. Under the terms of the Programs, the Company continues to service the receivables from the customers, but retains no interest in the receivables, and remits payment to the financial institutions. The Company also has access to accounts receivable discounting facilities, under which receivables are transferred with limited recourse. The Company’s maximum guaranteed liability for the accounts receivable facilities is $123 million at September 30, 2024 ($150 million at December 31, 2023). The Company expects receivable collections and remittances to occur within the next six months.


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TDCC has entered into guarantee agreements related to Sadara, a nonconsolidated affiliate. Sadara reached an agreement with its lenders to re-profile its outstanding project financing debt in the first quarter of 2021. In conjunction with the debt re-profiling, TDCC entered into a guarantee of up to approximately $1.3 billion of Sadara’s debt, proportionate to the Company's 35 percent ownership interest. The debt re-profiling also includes a grace period until June 2026, during which Sadara is obligated to make interest-only payments which are guaranteed by TDCC in proportion to the Company’s 35 percent ownership interest. As part of the debt re-profiling, Sadara established a $500 million revolving credit facility guaranteed by Dow, which would be used to fund Dow’s pro-rata share of any potential shortfall during the grace period.

For additional information on the Company's leases, see Note 15 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the 2023 10-K.

The components of lease cost for operating and finance leases for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 were as follows:

Lease CostThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Operating lease cost$112 $118 $329 $319 
Finance lease cost
Amortization of right-of-use assets - finance31 26 86 77 
Interest on lease liabilities - finance11 8 33 24 
Total finance lease cost42 34 119 101 
Short-term lease cost80 62 242 194 
Variable lease cost280 241 803 683 
Sublease income(2)(2)(7)(6)
Total lease cost$512 $453 $1,486 $1,291 

The following table provides supplemental cash flow and other information related to leases:

Other Lease InformationNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Cash paid for amounts included in the measurement of lease liabilities:
Operating cash flows for operating leases$334 $320 
Operating cash flows for finance leases$33 $24 
Financing cash flows for finance leases$95 $83 
Right-of-use assets obtained in exchange for lease obligations:
Operating leases$186 $283 
Finance leases$183 $43 


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The changes in each component of accumulated other comprehensive loss ("AOCL") for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 were as follows:

Accumulated Other Comprehensive LossThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Investments
Beginning balance$(198)$(161)$(253)$(253)
Unrealized gains (losses) on investments59 (33)139 55 
Tax (expense) benefit(15)9 (35)48 
Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments44 (24)104 103 
(Gains) losses reclassified from AOCL to net income 1
(12)4 (19)(41)
Tax expense (benefit) 2
2  4 10 
Net (gains) losses reclassified from AOCL to net income(10)4 (15)(31)
Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax34 (20)89 72 
Ending balance$(164)$(181)$(164)$(181)
Cumulative Translation Adjustment
Beginning balance$(2,056)$(1,936)$(1,891)$(1,934)
Gains (losses) on foreign currency translation197 (122)42 (122)
Tax (expense) benefit8 (6)5 (16)
Net gains (losses) on foreign currency translation205 (128)47 (138)
(Gains) losses reclassified from AOCL to net income 3
Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax199 (147)34 (149)
Ending balance$(1,857)$(2,083)$(1,857)$(2,083)
Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits
Beginning balance$(5,452)$(4,875)$(5,486)$(4,877)
Gains (losses) arising during the period2 (4)2 (7)
Amortization of net loss and prior service credits reclassified from AOCL to net income 4
21 3 64 8 
Tax expense (benefit) 2
Net loss and prior service credits reclassified from AOCL to net income16 2 50 7 
Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax18 (2)52  
Ending balance$(5,434)$(4,877)$(5,434)$(4,877)
Derivative Instruments
Beginning balance$(79)$(95)$(51)$(75)
Gains (losses) on derivative instruments37 (58)(9)(242)
Tax (expense) benefit(9)(2)2 34 
Net gains (losses) on derivative instruments28 (60)(7)(208)
(Gains) losses reclassified from AOCL to net income 5
4 45 13 209 
Tax expense (benefit) 2
Net (gains) losses reclassified from AOCL to net income3 35 10 163 
Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax31 (25)3 (45)
Ending balance$(48)$(120)$(48)$(120)
Total AOCL ending balance$(7,503)$(7,261)$(7,503)$(7,261)
1.Reclassified to "Net sales" and "Sundry income (expense) - net."
2.Reclassified to "Provision for income taxes."
3.Reclassified to "Sundry income (expense) - net."
4.These AOCL components are included in the computation of net periodic benefit cost (credit) of the Company's defined benefit pension and other postretirement benefit plans. See Note 17 for additional information.
5.Reclassified to "Cost of sales," "Sundry income (expense) - net" and "Interest expense and amortization of debt discount."

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Ownership interests in the Company's subsidiaries held by parties other than the Company are presented separately from the Company's equity in the consolidated balance sheets as "Noncontrolling interests." The amount of consolidated net income attributable to the Company and the noncontrolling interests are both presented on the face of the consolidated statements of income.

The following table summarizes the activity for equity attributable to noncontrolling interests for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:

Noncontrolling InterestsThree Months EndedNine Months Ended

In millions
Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Balance at beginning of period$482 $512 $501 $529 
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests26 25 67 61 
Distributions to noncontrolling interests 1
Cumulative translation adjustments24 (9)4 (34)
Other  (1) 
Balance at end of period$530 $513 $530 $513 
1.Includes dividends paid to a joint venture of $8 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 ($8 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023) which were reclassified to "Equity in earnings of nonconsolidated affiliates" in the consolidated statements of income.

A summary of the Company's pension and other postretirement benefit plans can be found in Note 18 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the 2023 10-K. The following table provides the components of the Company's net periodic benefit cost (credit) for all significant plans:

Net Periodic Benefit Cost (Credit) for All Significant Plans Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Defined Benefit Pension Plans
Service cost$14 $71 $42 $212 
Interest cost 252 280 754 838 
Expected return on plan assets (345)(391)(1,034)(1,170)
Amortization of prior service credit(3)(7)(10)(20)
Amortization of net loss34 24 105 71 
Net periodic benefit credit$(48)$(23)$(143)$(69)
Other Postretirement Benefit Plans
Service cost $1 $1 $3 $3 
Interest cost 11 11 33 34 
Amortization of net gain(10)(14)(31)(43)
Net periodic benefit cost (credit)$2 $(2)$5 $(6)

Net periodic benefit cost (credit), other than the service cost component, is included in "Sundry income (expense) - net" in the consolidated statements of income.


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A summary of the Company's stock-based compensation plans can be found in Note 19 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the 2023 10-K.

Stock Incentive Plan
The Company grants stock-based compensation to employees and non-employee directors under the 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, as amended. Most of the Company's stock-based compensation awards are granted in the first quarter of each year.

In the first quarter of 2024, Dow Inc. granted the following stock-based compensation awards to employees:
1.3 million stock options with a weighted-average exercise price of $55.17 per share and a weighted-average fair value of $10.94 per share;
2.0 million restricted stock units with a weighted-average fair value of $55.18 per share; and
1.4 million performance stock units with a weighted-average fair value of $58.42 per share.

There was minimal grant activity in the second and third quarters of 2024.

Employee Stock Purchase Plan
The Dow Inc. 2021 Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the "2021 ESPP") was adopted by the Dow Inc. Board on February 11, 2021, and approved by stockholders at the Company's annual meeting on April 15, 2021. Under the 2024 annual offering of the 2021 ESPP, most employees will be eligible to purchase shares of common stock of Dow Inc. valued at up to 10 percent of their annual total base salary or wages. The number of shares purchased is determined using the amount contributed by the employee divided by the plan price. The plan price of the stock is equal to 85 percent of the fair market value (closing price) of the common stock at April 1, 2024 (beginning) or October 4, 2024 (ending) of the offering period, whichever is lower.

In the first quarter of 2024, employees subscribed to the right to purchase shares under the 2021 ESPP. In October 2024, 2.4 million shares were delivered to employees under the plan.

A summary of the Company's financial instruments, risk management policies, derivative instruments and hedging activities can be found in Note 20 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the 2023 10-K.

Refer to Note 20 for a summary of the fair value of financial instruments at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.

Debt Securities
The Company's investments in debt securities are primarily classified as available-for-sale. The following table provides investing results from available-for-sale securities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:

Investing ResultsNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Proceeds from sales of available-for-sale securities$1,730 $397 
Gross realized gains$34 $59 
Gross realized losses $(15)$(18)


Table of Contents
The following table summarizes contractual maturities of the Company's investments in debt securities:

Contractual Maturities of Debt Securities at Sep 30, 2024
 CostFair Value
In millions
Within one year$90 $79 
One to five years1,244 1,166 
Six to ten years422 412 
After ten years537 464 
Total$2,293 $2,121 

Equity Securities
There were no material adjustments to the carrying value of the not readily determinable investments for impairment or observable price changes for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024. There was $1 million of net unrealized losses recognized in earnings on equity securities for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 ($4 million of net unrealized losses for the three months ended September 30, 2023 and $6 million of net unrealized gains for the nine months ended September 30, 2023).

Investments in Equity SecuritiesSep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023
In millions
Readily determinable fair value$14 $17 
Not readily determinable fair value$173 $171 

Derivative Instruments
The notional amounts of the Company's derivative instruments at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 were as follows:

Notional Amounts 1
Sep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023
In millions
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:
Interest rate contracts$1,745 $3,000 
Foreign currency contracts$6,207 $2,316 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments:
Interest rate contracts$286 $59 
Foreign currency contracts$14,798 $5,824 
1.Notional amounts represent the absolute value of open derivative positions at the end of the period. Multi-leg option positions are reflected at the maximum notional position at expiration.

The notional amounts of the Company's commodity derivatives at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 were as follows:

Commodity Notionals 1
Sep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023Notional Volume Unit
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:
Hydrocarbon derivatives4.7 3.7 million barrels of oil equivalent
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments:
Hydrocarbon derivatives1.6 1.4 million barrels of oil equivalent
1.Notional amounts represent the net volume of open derivative positions outstanding at the end of the period.

Maturity Dates of Derivatives Designated as Hedging InstrumentsYear
Interest rate contracts2025
Foreign currency contracts2026
Commodity contracts2028

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The following table provides the fair value and balance sheet classification of derivative instruments at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023:

Fair Value of Derivative InstrumentsSep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023
In millionsGross
Counterparty and Cash Collateral Netting 1
Net 2
Counterparty and Cash Collateral Netting 1
Net 2
Asset derivatives
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:
Interest rate contracts 3
$107 $(68)$39 $73 $(73)$ 
Interest rate contracts 4
   59 (56)3 
Foreign currency contracts 3
29 (21)8 21 (5)16 
Foreign currency contracts 4
8  8 5  5 
Commodity contracts 3
38 (17)21 27 (21)6 
Commodity contracts 4
45 (39)6 2 (1)1 
Total$227 $(145)$82 $187 $(156)$31 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments:
Interest rate contracts 3
$2 $(2)$ $4 $(3)$1 
Foreign currency contracts 3
20 (10)10 33 (16)17 
Commodity contracts 3
20 (11)9 33 (28)5 
Commodity contracts 4
8 (3)5    
Total$50 $(26)$24 $70 $(47)$23 
Total asset derivatives $277 $(171)$106 $257 $(203)$54 
Liability derivatives
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:
Interest rate contracts 5
$68 $(68)$ $95 $(73)$22 
Interest rate contracts 6
   56 (56) 
Foreign currency contracts 5
61 (21)40 8 (5)3 
Commodity contracts 5
25 (17)8 34 (22)12 
Commodity contracts 6
42 (39)3 2 (1)1 
Total$196 $(145)$51 $195 $(157)$38 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments:
Interest rate contracts 5
$2 $(2)$ $3 $(3)$ 
Foreign currency contracts 5
44 (10)34 38 (16)22 
Commodity contracts 5
21 (11)10 34 (28)6 
Commodity contracts 6
6 (3)3    
Total$73 $(26)$47 $75 $(47)$28 
Total liability derivatives $269 $(171)$98 $270 $(204)$66 
1.Counterparty and cash collateral amounts represent the estimated net settlement amount when applying netting and set-off rights included in master netting arrangements between the Company and its counterparties and the payable or receivable for cash collateral held or placed with the same counterparty.
2.Represents the net amounts included in the consolidated balance sheets.
3.Included in "Other current assets" in the consolidated balance sheets.
4.Included in "Deferred charges and other assets" in the consolidated balance sheets.
5.Included in "Accrued and other current liabilities" in the consolidated balance sheets.
6.Included in "Other noncurrent obligations" in the consolidated balance sheets.


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Assets and liabilities related to forward contracts, interest rate swaps, currency swaps, options and other conditional or exchange contracts executed with the same counterparty under a master netting arrangement are netted. Collateral accounts are netted with corresponding assets or liabilities, when applicable. The Company posted cash collateral of $15 million at September 30, 2024 ($22 million at December 31, 2023). There was zero cash collateral posted by counterparties with the Company at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.

The following table summarizes the gain (loss) of derivative instruments in the consolidated statements of income and comprehensive income for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:

Effect of Derivative Instruments
Gain (loss) recognized in OCI 1
Gain (loss) recognized in income 2
Three Months EndedNine Months EndedThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:
Fair value hedges:
Interest rate contracts 3
$ $ $ $ $7 $ $(16)$ 
Excluded components 3, 4
51 (88)9 (93)    
Cash flow hedges:
Interest rate contracts 3
  1 5 (2)(3)(11)(7)
Foreign currency contracts 5
16 5 (5)6 1  6 1 
Commodity contracts 5
 4 22 (145)(2)(42)(3)(203)
Excluded components 4, 5
(2) (8) (1) (5) 
Net foreign investment hedges:
Foreign currency contracts(45)69 (37)72     
Excluded components 4, 6
6 4 16 35 5 19 12 26 
Total derivatives designated as hedging instruments$26 $(6)$(2)$(120)$8 $(26)$(17)$(183)
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments:
Interest rate contracts 3
$ $ $ $ $ $ $1 $1 
Foreign currency contracts 6
Commodity contracts 5
    (2)(1) 3 
Total return swap 5
    23 (16)49 (13)
Total derivatives not designated as hedging instruments$ $ $ $ $(74)$(118)$15 $(104)
Total derivatives$26 $(6)$(2)$(120)$(66)$(144)$(2)$(287)
1.OCI is defined as other comprehensive income (loss).
2.Pretax amounts.
3.Included in "Interest expense and amortization of debt discount" in the consolidated statements of income.
4.The excluded components are related to the time value of the derivatives designated as hedges.
5.Included in "Cost of sales" in the consolidated statements of income.
6.Included in "Sundry income (expense) - net" in the consolidated statements of income.

The following table provides the net after-tax gain (loss) expected to be reclassified from AOCL to income within the next 12 months:

Expected Reclassifications from AOCL within the next 12 monthsSep 30, 2024
In millions
Cash flow hedges:
Interest rate contracts$(4)
Commodity contracts$11 
Foreign currency contracts$(1)
Excluded components$(5)
Net foreign investment hedges:
Excluded components$5 

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A summary of the Company's recurring and nonrecurring fair value measurements can be found in Note 21 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the 2023 10-K.

Fair Value Measurements on a Recurring Basis
The following table summarizes the bases used to measure certain assets and liabilities at fair value on a recurring basis:

Fair Value Measurements on a Recurring BasisSep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023
In millionsFair Value LevelCostGainLossFair ValueCostGainLossFair Value
Assets at fair value:
Cash equivalents:
Held-to-maturity securities 1
Level 2$105 $ $ $105 $485 $ $ $485 
Money market fundsLevel 21,190   1,190 663   663 
Marketable securities 2
Level 2403  (42)361 1,361  (61)1,300 
Nonconsolidated affiliates 3
Level 3 7 
Other investments:
Debt securities: 4
Government debt 5
Level 21,101 14 (92)1,023 766 3 (107)662 
Corporate bondsLevel 118   18 24  (3)21 
Corporate bondsLevel 2974 10 (77)907 1,148 17 (99)1,066 
Corporate bondsLevel 3200  (27)173 200  (89)111 
Equity securities 4, 6
Level 14 10  14 5 12  17 
Derivatives relating to: 7
Interest ratesLevel 2— 109  109 — 136  136 
Foreign currencyLevel 2— 57  57 — 59  59 
CommoditiesLevel 1— 8  8 — 2  2 
CommoditiesLevel 2— 103  103 — 60  60 
Total assets at fair value$4,068 $4,589 
Liabilities at fair value:
Long-term debt including debt due within one year 8
Level 2$(16,460)$1,029 $(764)$(16,195)$(15,024)$1,089 $(747)$(14,682)
Guarantee liability 9
Level 3(161)(178)
Derivatives relating to: 7
Interest ratesLevel 2—  (70)(70)—  (154)(154)
Foreign currencyLevel 2—  (105)(105)—  (46)(46)
CommoditiesLevel 1—  (4)(4)—  (2)(2)
CommoditiesLevel 2—  (90)(90)—  (68)(68)
Total liabilities at fair value$(16,625)$(15,130)
1.The Company's held-to-maturity securities are primarily treasury bills and time deposits. At September 30, 2024, $66 million is included in "Cash and cash equivalents" ($485 million at December 31, 2023) and $39 million is included in "Other current assets" (zero at December 31, 2023) in the consolidated balance sheets.
2.The Company’s investments in marketable securities are included in “Other current assets” in the consolidated balance sheets.
3.Estimated asset for an investment in a limited liability company included in "Investment in nonconsolidated affiliates" in the consolidated balance sheets.
4.The Company’s investments in debt securities, which are primarily available-for-sale, and equity securities are included in “Other investments” in the consolidated balance sheets.
5.U.S. Treasury obligations, U.S. agency obligations, U.S. agency mortgage-backed securities and other municipalities’ obligations.
6.Equity securities with a readily determinable fair value.
7.See Note 19 for classification of derivatives in the consolidated balance sheets.
8.Cost includes fair value hedge adjustment gains of $70 million at September 30, 2024 and $49 million at December 31, 2023 on $5,129 million of debt at September 30, 2024 and $4,479 million at December 31, 2023.
9.Estimated liability for TDCC's guarantee of Sadara's debt which is included in "Other noncurrent obligations" in the consolidated balance sheets.

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Cost approximates fair value for all other financial instruments.

For equity securities calculated at net asset value per share (or its equivalent), the Company had $90 million in private market securities and $16 million in real estate at September 30, 2024 ($86 million in private market securities and $18 million in real estate at December 31, 2023). There are no redemption restrictions and the unfunded commitments on these investments were $84 million at September 30, 2024 and $75 million at December 31, 2023.

For assets classified as Level 3 measurements, fair value is based on significant unobservable inputs including assumptions where there is little, if any, market activity. The level 3 asset values represent the fair value of an investment in a corporate bond, accounted for as a debt security. At December 31, 2023, the level 3 asset values also included an investment in a limited liability company, accounted for as an investment in nonconsolidated affiliates, and with no unfunded commitment.

For liabilities classified as Level 3 measurements, fair value is based on significant unobservable inputs including assumptions where there is little, if any, market activity. The fair value of the Company’s accrued liability related to the guarantee of Sadara’s debt is in proportion to the Company’s 35 percent ownership interest in Sadara. The estimated fair value of the guarantee was calculated using a "with" and "without" method. The fair value of the debt was calculated "with" the guarantee less the fair value of the debt "without" the guarantee. The "with" and "without" values were calculated using a discounted cash flow method based on contractual cash flows as well as projected prepayments made on the debt by Sadara.

Fair Value Measurements on a Nonrecurring Basis
In the first quarter of 2024, the Company recognized impairment charges of $37 million related primarily to write-downs of certain manufacturing assets in the United States and Italy. The assets, classified as Level 3 measurements, were valued at $60 million using unobservable inputs. The impairment charges were included in "Restructuring and asset related charges - net" in the consolidated statements of income and related to Packaging & Specialty Plastics.

In the first quarter of 2024, as part of the 2023 Restructuring Program, the Company recorded impairment charges of $8 million for asset write-downs and write-offs related to the shutdown of certain polyurethanes assets, included in "Restructuring and asset related charges - net" in the consolidated statements of income and related to Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure.

In the third quarter of 2024, as part of the 2023 Restructuring Program, the Company recorded impairment charges of $7 million for asset write-downs and write-offs related to the shutdown of certain silicones assets, included in "Restructuring and asset related charges - net" in the consolidated statements of income and related to Performance Materials & Coatings. Additionally, the Company recorded impairment charges of $1 million for asset write-downs and write-offs, included in "Restructuring and asset related charges - net" in the consolidated statements of income and related to Corporate.


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Dow’s measure of profit/loss for segment reporting purposes is Operating EBIT as this is the manner in which the Company's chief operating decision maker assesses performance and allocates resources. The Company defines Operating EBIT as earnings (i.e., "Income before income taxes") before interest, excluding the impact of significant items. Operating EBIT by segment includes all operating items relating to the businesses; items that principally apply to Dow as a whole are assigned to Corporate.

Segment InformationPack. & Spec. PlasticsInd. Interm. & Infrast.Perf. Materials & CoatingsCorp.Total
In millions
Three months ended Sep 30, 2024
Net sales$5,516 $2,962 $2,214 $187 $10,879 
Equity in earnings (losses) of nonconsolidated affiliates$16 $(17)$1 $2 $2 
Dow Inc. Operating EBIT 1
$618 $(53)$140 $(64)$641 
Three months ended Sep 30, 2023
Net sales$5,454 $3,035 $2,130 $111 $10,730 
Equity in earnings (losses) of nonconsolidated affiliates$50 $(63)$5 $1 $(7)
Dow Inc. Operating EBIT 1
$476 $21 $179 $(50)$626 
Nine months ended Sep 30, 2024
Net sales$16,461 $8,921 $6,609 $568 $32,559 
Equity in earnings (losses) of nonconsolidated affiliates$96 $(63)$9 $3 $45 
Dow Inc. Operating EBIT 1
$1,926 $41 $327 $(160)$2,134 
Nine months ended Sep 30, 2023
Net sales$17,508 $9,590 $6,603 $300 $34,001 
Equity in earnings (losses) of nonconsolidated affiliates$90 $(219)$14 $3 $(112)
Dow Inc. Operating EBIT 1
$2,036 $109 $280 $(206)$2,219 
1.Operating EBIT for TDCC for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 is substantially the same as that of Dow Inc. and therefore has not been disclosed separately in the table above. A reconciliation of "Net income" to Operating EBIT is provided in the following table.

Reconciliation of "Net income" to Operating EBIT Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Net income$240 $327 $1,236 $755 
+ Provision for income taxes84 90 145 253 
Income before income taxes$324 $417 $1,381 $1,008 
- Interest income36 44 143 186 
+ Interest expense and amortization of debt discount199 192 595 549 
- Significant items(154)(61)(301)(848)
Operating EBIT$641 $626 $2,134 $2,219 


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The following tables summarize the pretax impact of significant items by segment excluded from Operating EBIT:

Significant Items by Segment
Three Months Ended Sep 30, 2024
Nine Months Ended Sep 30, 2024
Pack. & Spec. PlasticsInd. Interm. & Infrast.Perf. Mat. & CoatingsCorp.TotalPack. & Spec. PlasticsInd. Interm. & Infrast.Perf. Mat. & CoatingsCorp.Total
In millions
Restructuring, implementation and efficiency costs, and asset related charges - net 1
$ $ $(7)$(72)$(79)$(37)$(8)$(7)$(174)$(226)
Indemnification and other transaction related costs 2
   (75)(75)   (75)(75)
Total$ $ $(7)$(147)$(154)$(37)$(8)$(7)$(249)$(301)
1.Includes restructuring charges and implementation and efficiency costs associated with the Company's 2023 Restructuring Program. The three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 also include impairment charges related to the write-down of certain manufacturing assets. See Note 5 for additional information.
2.Includes a charge related to an arbitration settlement agreement for historical product claims from a divested business. See Note 13 for additional information.

Significant Items by Segment
Three Months Ended Sep 30, 2023
Nine Months Ended Sep 30, 2023
Pack. & Spec. PlasticsInd. Interm. & Infrast.Perf. Mat. & CoatingsCorp.TotalPack. & Spec. PlasticsInd. Interm. & Infrast.Perf. Mat. & CoatingsCorp.Total
In millions
Restructuring, implementation and efficiency costs, and asset related charges - net 1
$ $ $ $(82)$(82)$(1)$(48)$(67)$(572)$(688)
Litigation related charges, awards and adjustments 2
      (177)  (177)
Indemnification and other transactions related costs 3
   21 21    17 17 
Total$ $ $ $(61)$(61)$(1)$(225)$(67)$(555)$(848)
1.Includes restructuring charges and implementation and efficiency costs associated with the Company's 2023 Restructuring Program. The nine months ended September 30, 2023 also includes certain gains and losses associated with previously impaired equity investments.
2.Includes a loss associated with legacy agricultural products groundwater contamination matters. See Note 13 for additional information.
3.Primarily related to charges associated with agreements entered into with DuPont and Corteva as part of the separation and distribution which, among other matters, provides for cross-indemnities and allocations of obligations and liabilities for periods prior to, at and after the completion of the separation.


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This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q is a combined report being filed by Dow Inc. and The Dow Chemical Company and its consolidated subsidiaries (“TDCC” and together with Dow Inc., “Dow” or the "Company") due to the parent/subsidiary relationship between Dow Inc. and TDCC. The information reflected in the report is equally applicable to both Dow Inc. and TDCC, except where otherwise noted. Each of Dow Inc. and TDCC is filing information in this report on its own behalf and neither company makes any representation to the information relating to the other company.

Pursuant to General Instruction H(1)(a) and (b) for Form 10-Q "Omission of Information by Certain Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries," TDCC is filing this Form 10-Q with a reduced disclosure format.

Except as otherwise indicated by the context, the term "Union Carbide" means Union Carbide Corporation and the term "Dow Silicones" means Dow Silicones Corporation, both wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company. Additionally, the term "EMEAI" refers to the geographic region of Europe, Middle East, Africa and India.

Dow's website and its content are not deemed incorporated by reference into this report.

The Company continues to operate with discipline as it capitalizes on areas of demand strength and leverages its global scale and advantaged cost positions. As cycle dynamics improve, the Company remains well-positioned to enable higher returns to shareholders. The Company's financial strength will continue to support its counter-cyclical growth investments, which are focused on higher-value businesses and regions, particularly where demand is resilient and the Company has a competitive cost advantage. Altogether, these investments are expected to deliver more than $3 billion in underlying earnings to the Company by 2030.

The following is a summary of the results for the three months ended September 30, 2024:
The Company reported net sales in the third quarter of 2024 of $10.9 billion, up 1 percent from $10.7 billion in the third quarter of 2023, and mixed by operating segment; Packaging & Specialty Plastics (up 1 percent), Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure (down 2 percent) and Performance Materials & Coatings (up 4 percent). Net sales increased in the U.S. & Canada and EMEAI (both up 5 percent), partially offset by decreases in Asia Pacific (down 9 percent) and Latin America (down 2 percent).
Volume increased 1 percent compared with the third quarter of 2023 and was mixed by operating segment; Packaging & Specialty Plastics (flat), Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure (down 2 percent) and Performance Materials & Coatings (up 5 percent). Volume increased in the U.S. & Canada and EMEAI (both up 3 percent), decreased in Asia Pacific (down 6 percent) and was flat in Latin America.
Local price was flat compared with the third quarter of 2023, and mixed by operating segment; Packaging & Specialty Plastics (up 1 percent), Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure (flat) and Performance Materials & Coatings (down 1 percent). Local price increased in the U.S. & Canada and EMEAI (both up 2 percent) and decreased in Asia Pacific and Latin America (both down 2 percent).
Equity in earnings of nonconsolidated affiliates was $2 million in the third quarter of 2024, compared with equity in losses of nonconsolidated affiliates of $7 million in the third quarter of 2023, primarily due to improved results at the Company's Kuwait joint ventures, partially offset by lower results at the Company's Thai and Sadara joint ventures.
Net income available for Dow Inc. and TDCC common stockholder(s) was $214 million and $224 million, respectively, in the third quarter of 2024, compared with $302 million and $285 million, respectively, in the third quarter of 2023. Earnings per share for Dow Inc. was $0.30 in the third quarter of 2024, compared with $0.42 per share in the third quarter of 2023.
Cash provided by operating activities - continuing operations was $800 million in the third quarter of 2024, down $858 million compared with the third quarter of 2023. Cash provided by operating activities - continuing operations was down $32 million compared with the second quarter of 2024.

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Dow Inc. repurchased $94 million of the Company's common stock in the third quarter of 2024.
On July 1, 2024, Fitch Ratings affirmed TDCC's BBB+ and F1 rating, and affirmed its outlook of stable. Also on July 1, 2024, Standard & Poor's affirmed TDCC's BBB and A-2 rating, and affirmed its outlook of stable.
On August 1, 2024, the Company acquired Circulus Holdings, PBLLC, a U.S. mechanical recycling company that converts plastic waste into post-consumer resin, for approximately $130 million.
On August 6, 2024, Moody's Ratings affirmed TDCC's Baa1 and P-2 rating, and affirmed its outlook of stable.
On August 14, 2024, Dow Inc. announced that its Board declared a dividend of $0.70 per share, payable on September 13, 2024, to shareholders of record as of August 30, 2024.
In addition, the following events occurred subsequent to the third quarter of 2024:
On October 10, 2024, Dow Inc. announced that its Board declared a dividend of $0.70 per share, payable on December 13, 2024, to shareholders of record as of November 29, 2024.
On October 24, 2024, the Company announced that it will complete a strategic review of select assets in Europe, primarily certain polyurethanes assets within the Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure segment, as part of an effort to continue to optimize its global asset footprint.

Net Sales
The following tables summarize net sales and sales variances by operating segment and geographic region from the prior year:

Summary of Sales ResultsThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Net sales$10,879 $10,730 $32,559 $34,001 

Sales Variances by Operating Segment and Geographic Region
Three Months Ended Sep 30, 2024
Nine Months Ended Sep 30, 2024
Local Price & Product MixCurrencyVolumeTotalLocal Price & Product MixCurrencyVolumeTotal
Percentage change from prior year
Packaging & Specialty Plastics%— %— %%(4)%— %(2)%(6)%
Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure— — (2)(2)(7)(1)(7)
Performance Materials & Coatings(1)— (4)(1)— 
Total— %— %%%(5)%— %%(4)%
Total, excluding the Hydrocarbons & Energy business— %— %%%(5)%(1)%%(3)%
U.S. & Canada%— %%%(4)%— %%(2)%
EMEAI— (5)— — (5)
Asia Pacific(2)(1)(6)(9)(6)(1)— (7)
Latin America(2)— — (2)(5)— — (5)
Total— %— %%%(5)%— %%(4)%

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Net sales in the third quarter of 2024 were $10.9 billion, up 1 percent from $10.7 billion in the third quarter of 2023. Volume was up 1 percent and local price was flat. Net sales increased in all operating segments except Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure. Volume increased 1 percent, driven by the U.S. & Canada and EMEAI (both up 3 percent), partially offset by a decline in Asia Pacific (down 6 percent), and Latin America was flat. Volume was flat in Packaging & Specialty Plastics, decreased in Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure (down 2 percent), and increased in Performance Materials & Coatings (up 5 percent). Local price remained flat, with gains in the U.S. & Canada and EMEAI (both up 2 percent) offset by declines in Asia Pacific and Latin America (both down 2 percent). Local price increased in Packaging & Specialty Plastics (up 1 percent), was flat in Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure, and declined in Performance Materials & Coatings (down 1 percent). Excluding the Hydrocarbons & Energy business, net sales increased 2 percent.

Net sales for the first nine months of 2024 were $32.6 billion, down 4 percent from $34.0 billion in the same period last year, with local price down 5 percent and volume up 1 percent. Net sales decreased in all geographic regions and all operating segments except Performance Materials & Coatings, which was flat. Local price decreased in all geographic regions and in Packaging & Specialty Plastics (down 4 percent), Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure (down 7 percent), and Performance Materials & Coatings (down 4 percent). Volume increased in the U.S. & Canada, and was flat in all other geographic regions. Volume decreased in Packaging & Specialty Plastics (down 2 percent), and increased in Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure (up 1 percent) and Performance Materials & Coatings (up 5 percent). Excluding the Hydrocarbons & Energy business, net sales decreased 3 percent.

Cost of Sales
Cost of sales ("COS") was $9.8 billion in the third quarter of 2024, compared with $9.6 billion in the third quarter of 2023. For the first nine months of 2024, COS was $28.9 billion compared with $30.1 billion in the first nine months of 2023. COS for the three months ended September 30, 2024 increased on higher volume and a charge related to an arbitration settlement agreement for historical product claims from a divested business, and was partially offset by lower global energy and feedstock costs. COS for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 decreased primarily due to lower raw material costs, lower global energy and feedstock costs and the impact of structural cost improvements, partially offset by increased planned maintenance turnaround spending and a charge related to an arbitration settlement agreement for historical product claims from a divested business. COS as a percentage of net sales was 90.2 percent in the third quarter of 2024 (89.4 percent in the third quarter of 2023) and 88.7 percent for the first nine months of 2024 (88.5 percent for the first nine months of 2023).

Research and Development Expenses
Research and development ("R&D") expenses totaled $208 million in the third quarter of 2024, compared with $197 million in the third quarter of 2023. R&D expenses for the first nine months of 2024 were $608 million compared with $616 million in the first nine months of 2023.

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
Selling, general and administrative ("SG&A") expenses totaled $396 million in the third quarter of 2024, compared with $380 million in the third quarter of 2023. SG&A expenses increased in the third quarter of 2024 primarily due to higher bad debt expense and performance-based compensation costs. For the first nine months of 2024, SG&A expenses were $1,228 million, compared with $1,216 million in the first nine months of 2023. SG&A expenses for the first nine months of 2024 increased primarily due to higher bad debt expense, including expense incurred as a result of a resolution of a dispute with a customer, which was partially offset by the impact of structural cost improvements.

Amortization of Intangibles
Amortization of intangibles was $76 million in the third quarter of 2024 compared with $81 million in the third quarter of 2023. In the first nine months of 2024, amortization of intangibles was $234 million, compared with $243 million in the first nine months of 2023.

Equity in Earnings (Losses) of Nonconsolidated Affiliates
The Company's share of equity in earnings of nonconsolidated affiliates was $2 million in the third quarter of 2024, compared with equity in losses of nonconsolidated affiliates of $7 million in the third quarter of 2023, an increase of $9 million, primarily due to improved performance at the Kuwait joint ventures and slightly offset by lower results at the Sadara and Thai joint ventures. The Company's share of equity in earnings of nonconsolidated affiliates was $45 million for the first nine months of 2024, compared with equity in losses of nonconsolidated affiliates of $112 million for the first nine months of 2023, primarily due to improved performance at the Kuwait and Sadara joint ventures and slightly offset by lower results at the Thai joint ventures. Cash dividends from nonconsolidated

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affiliates were $266 million in the first nine months of 2024, compared with $188 million in the first nine months of 2023.

Sundry Income (Expense) – Net
Sundry income (expense) - net for the three months ended September 30, 2024 was income of $119 million and $118 million for Dow Inc. and TDCC, respectively, compared with income of $92 million and $71 million, respectively, for the three months ended September 30, 2023. The increase in sundry income is primarily due to higher gains on the sales of assets and investments and lower foreign currency exchange losses, which were partially offset by a decrease in non-operating pension and postretirement benefit plan credits.

Sundry income (expense) - net for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was income of $256 million and $253 million for Dow Inc. and TDCC, respectively, compared with income of $202 million and $169 million, respectively, for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The increase in sundry income is primarily due to lower foreign currency exchange losses and higher gains on the sales of assets and investments, which were partially offset by a decrease in non-operating pension and postretirement benefit plan credits.

Interest Expense and Amortization of Debt Discount
Interest expense and amortization of debt discount was $199 million in the third quarter of 2024, compared with $192 million in the third quarter of 2023. Interest expense and amortization of debt discount was $595 million in the first nine months of 2024 compared with $549 million in the first nine months of 2023. The increase in interest expense is primarily due to borrowings outside of the United States and $1.25 billion of senior unsecured notes issued in the first quarter of 2024.

Provision for Income Taxes
The Company's effective tax rate fluctuates based on, among other factors, where income is earned, the level of income relative to tax attributes and the level of equity earnings, since most earnings from the Company's equity method investments are taxed at the joint venture level. In the third quarter of 2024, the Company reported a provision for income taxes of $84 million, resulting in an effective tax rate of 25.9 percent and 25.1 percent for Dow Inc. and TDCC, respectively. In the third quarter of 2023, the Company reported a provision for income taxes of $90 million, resulting in an effective tax rate of 21.6 percent and 22.5 percent for Dow Inc. and TDCC, respectively. For the first nine months of 2024, the Company reported a provision for income taxes of $145 million, resulting in an effective tax rate of 10.5 percent and 10.4 percent for Dow Inc. and TDCC, respectively. For the first nine months of 2023, the Company reported a provision for income taxes of $253 million, resulting in an effective tax rate of 25.1 percent and 25.7 percent for Dow Inc. and TDCC, respectively. See Note 7 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information about the Company's income taxes and effective tax rates.

The Company continues to monitor and evaluate legislative developments related to the Global Anti-Base Erosion Proposal Regime ("GloBE") established by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development’s ("OECD") Pillar Two framework. Several countries in which the Company operates have adopted GloBE into their legislation and several others are expected to enact these rules in the future. To date, such legislation has not materially impacted the Company's effective tax rate.

Net Income Available for Common Stockholder(s)
Dow Inc.
Net income available for Dow Inc. common stockholders was $214 million, or $0.30 per share, in the third quarter of 2024, compared with $302 million, or $0.42 per share, in the third quarter of 2023. Net income available for Dow Inc. common stockholders was $1,169 million, or $1.65 per share, in the first nine months of 2024, compared with $694 million, or $0.97 per share, in the first nine months of 2023. See Note 9 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for details on Dow Inc.'s earnings per share calculations.

Net income available for the TDCC common stockholder was $224 million in the third quarter of 2024, compared with $285 million in the third quarter of 2023. Net income available for the TDCC common stockholder was $1,186 million in the first nine months of 2024, compared with $672 million in the first nine months of 2023. TDCC's common shares are owned solely by Dow Inc.


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For further discussion of the Company's segments, see Part I, Item 1. Business of the combined Dow Inc. and TDCC Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 ("2023 10-K"), filed with the SEC on January 31, 2024.

Dow’s measure of profit/loss for segment reporting purposes is Operating EBIT as this is the manner in which the Company's chief operating decision maker assesses performance and allocates resources. The Company defines Operating EBIT as earnings (i.e., "Income before income taxes") before interest, excluding the impact of significant items. Operating EBIT by segment includes all operating items relating to the businesses; items that principally apply to Dow as a whole are assigned to Corporate.

Packaging & Specialty PlasticsThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Net sales$5,516 $5,454 $16,461 $17,508 
Operating EBIT$618 $476 $1,926 $2,036 
Equity earnings$16 $50 $96 $90 

Packaging & Specialty PlasticsThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
Percentage change from prior yearSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2024
Change in Net Sales from Prior Period due to:
Local price & product mix%(4)%
Currency— — 
Volume— (2)

Packaging & Specialty Plastics net sales were $5,516 million in the third quarter of 2024, up 1 percent from net sales of $5,454 million in the third quarter of 2023, with local price up 1 percent and volume and currency flat. Local price increased in Packaging and Specialty Plastics, primarily in EMEAI and the U.S. & Canada, driven by higher pricing of polyethylene which more than offset lower pricing of downstream polymers. Local price increased in Hydrocarbons & Energy, primarily in the U.S. & Canada and EMEAI from third-party olefins sales. Volume increased in Packaging and Specialty Plastics due to higher demand for downstream polymers and an increase in non-recurring licensing sales, which was partially offset by lower polyethylene volumes. Volume decreased in Hydrocarbons & Energy in all geographic regions, led by the U.S. & Canada, primarily driven by lower third-party aromatics and energy sales.

Operating EBIT was $618 million in the third quarter of 2024, up $142 million from Operating EBIT of $476 million in the third quarter of 2023. Operating EBIT increased due to lower raw material costs and higher selling prices, which more than offset the impact of an unplanned ethylene facility outage.

Packaging & Specialty Plastics net sales were $16,461 million in the first nine months of 2024, down 6 percent from net sales of $17,508 million in the first nine months of 2023, with local price down 4 percent, volume down 2 percent and currency was flat. Local price decreased in Packaging and Specialty Plastics in all geographic regions, primarily driven by lower pricing of downstream polymers. Local price was flat in Hydrocarbons & Energy. Volume increased in Packaging and Specialty Plastics, primarily in EMEAI and the U.S. & Canada, due to higher downstream polymers and polyethylene demand. Volume decreased in Hydrocarbons & Energy in all geographic regions, led by EMEAI, primarily driven by higher internal derivative demand and lighter feedslate cracking.
Operating EBIT was $1,926 million in the first nine months of 2024, down $110 million from Operating EBIT of $2,036 million in the first nine months of 2023. Operating EBIT decreased primarily due to lower selling prices, lower volumes in Hydrocarbons & Energy, higher planned maintenance costs and the impact of an unplanned ethylene facility outage, which were partially offset by lower raw material, energy and feedstock costs.

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Industrial Intermediates & InfrastructureThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Net sales$2,962 $3,035 $8,921 $9,590 
Operating EBIT$(53)$21 $41 $109 
Equity losses$(17)$(63)$(63)$(219)

Industrial Intermediates & InfrastructureThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
Percentage change from prior yearSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2024
Change in Net Sales from Prior Period due to:
Local price & product mix— %(7)%
Currency— (1)

Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure net sales were $2,962 million in the third quarter of 2024, down 2 percent from net sales of $3,035 million in the third quarter of 2023, with volume down 2 percent and local price and currency flat. Volume decreased in Polyurethanes & Construction Chemicals and in all geographic regions except Latin America and reflected the impact of a force majeure in methylene diphenyl diisocyanate following a third-party supplier outage in the U.S. & Canada. Volume increased in Industrial Solutions, led by EMEAI and Latin America, and included the benefit of increased supply availability following the restart from an outage in 2023 related to a significant unplanned event at the Louisiana Operations Glycol-2 unit in Plaquemine, Louisiana. Local price decreased in Polyurethanes & Construction Chemicals, offset by an increase in Industrial Solutions.

Operating EBIT was a loss of $53 million in the third quarter of 2024, down $74 million from Operating EBIT of $21 million in the third quarter of 2023. Operating EBIT decreased primarily due to higher planned maintenance activity and lower integrated margins, partially offset by improved equity earnings at the EQUATE joint venture.

Industrial Intermediates & Infrastructure net sales were $8,921 million in the first nine months of 2024, down 7 percent from net sales of $9,590 million in the first nine months of 2023, with local price down 7 percent, volume up 1 percent and an unfavorable currency impact of 1 percent. Local price decreased in both businesses and across all geographic regions. Volume increased in Polyurethanes & Construction Chemicals, with gains in EMEAI and Latin America partially offset by declines in Asia Pacific and the U.S. & Canada and led by building and construction and industrial applications. Volume was flat in Industrial Solutions, as increased demand for coatings and mobility applications was offset by declines in the U.S. & Canada, reflecting the impact from an outage in 2023 at the Louisiana Operations Glycol-2 unit in Plaquemine, Louisiana, which successfully restarted at the end of June 2024. Currency had an unfavorable impact on sales in Polyurethanes & Construction Chemicals, driven by EMEAI and Asia Pacific, and was flat in Industrial Solutions.

Operating EBIT was $41 million in the first nine months of 2024, down $68 million from Operating EBIT of $109 million in the first nine months of 2023. Operating EBIT decreased primarily due to lower selling prices in both businesses and an outage in 2023 at the Louisiana Operations Glycol-2 unit in Plaquemine, Louisiana, which successfully restarted at the end of June 2024, which were partially offset by lower raw material, energy and feedstock costs and improved results at the EQUATE and Sadara joint ventures.

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Performance Materials & CoatingsThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Net sales$2,214 $2,130 $6,609 $6,603 
Operating EBIT$140 $179 $327 $280 
Equity earnings$$$$14 

Performance Materials & CoatingsThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
Percentage change from prior yearSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2024
Change in Net Sales from Prior Period due to:
Local price & product mix(1)%(4)%
Currency— (1)
Total%— %

Performance Materials & Coatings net sales were $2,214 million in the third quarter of 2024, up 4 percent from net sales of $2,130 million in the third quarter of 2023, with volume up 5 percent, local price down 1 percent and currency was flat. Volume increased in Consumer Solutions and in all geographic regions, primarily in downstream silicones, led by home and personal care and consumer and electronics applications. Volume increased in Coatings & Performance Monomers and in all geographic regions except EMEAI, primarily due to gains in industrial coatings and plastic additives which were partially offset by declines in acrylic monomers. Local price decreased in Consumer Solutions across all geographic regions and was broad-based. Local price increased in Coatings & Performance Monomers, as a result of higher raw material costs, in all geographic regions except Latin America, which was flat.

Operating EBIT was $140 million in the third quarter of 2024, down $39 million from Operating EBIT of $179 million in the third quarter of 2023. Operating EBIT decreased primarily due to higher raw material costs, partially offset by improved demand.

Performance Materials & Coatings net sales were $6,609 million in the first nine months of 2024 compared with net sales of $6,603 million in the first nine months of 2023, with volume up 5 percent, local price down 4 percent, and an unfavorable currency impact of 1 percent. Volume increased in both businesses and in all geographic regions. Volume increased in Consumer Solutions across all end-markets. The volume increase in Coatings & Performance Monomers was led by acrylic monomers and industrial and architectural coatings. Price decreased in both businesses and was broad-based. Local price decreased in Consumer Solutions across all geographic regions and in Coatings & Performance Monomers in all geographic regions except Asia Pacific. Currency unfavorably impacted sales in Consumer Solutions, driven by Asia Pacific, and was flat in Coatings & Performance Monomers.

Operating EBIT was $327 million in the first nine months of 2024, up $47 million from Operating EBIT of $280 million in the first nine months of 2023. Operating EBIT increased primarily due to improved demand and higher operating rates, which were partially offset by lower selling prices and higher raw materials costs.

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CorporateThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
In millionsSep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Net sales$187 $111 $568 $300 
Operating EBIT$(64)$(50)$(160)$(206)
Equity earnings$$$$

Net sales for Corporate, which primarily relate to the Company's insurance operations, were $187 million in the third quarter of 2024, an increase from net sales of $111 million in the third quarter of 2023. Net sales were $568 million in the first nine months of 2024, an increase from net sales of $300 million in the first nine months of 2023.

Operating EBIT was a loss of $64 million in the third quarter of 2024, compared with a loss of $50 million in the third quarter of 2023. Operating EBIT was a loss of $160 million in the first nine months of 2024, compared with a loss of $206 million in the first nine months of 2023. Operating EBIT loss improved primarily due to lower environmental costs and increased income from insurance operations.

The Company had cash and cash equivalents of $2,883 million at September 30, 2024 and $2,987 million at December 31, 2023, of which $1,600 million at September 30, 2024 and $1,984 million at December 31, 2023 was held by subsidiaries in foreign countries, including U.S. territories. For each of its foreign subsidiaries, Dow makes an assertion regarding the amount of earnings intended for permanent reinvestment, with the balance available to be repatriated to the United States.

Cash held by foreign subsidiaries for permanent reinvestment is generally used to finance the subsidiaries' operational activities and future foreign investments. Dow has the ability to repatriate additional funds to the United States, which could result in an adjustment to the tax liability for foreign withholding taxes, foreign and/or U.S. state income taxes and the impact of foreign currency movements. At September 30, 2024, management believed that sufficient liquidity was available in the United States. The Company has and expects to continue repatriating certain funds from its non‑U.S. subsidiaries that are not needed to finance local operations; however, these particular repatriation activities have not and are not expected to result in a significant incremental tax liability to the Company.

The Company's cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities, as reflected in the consolidated statements of cash flows, are summarized in the following table:

Cash Flow SummaryDow Inc.TDCC
Nine Months EndedNine Months Ended
Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
In millions
Cash provided by (used for):
Operating activities - continuing operations$2,092 $3,536 $2,116 $3,567 
Operating activities - discontinued operations— — 
Operating activities$2,100 $3,540 $2,116 $3,567 
Investing activities$(1,456)$(1,846)$(1,456)$(1,846)
Financing activities$(723)$(2,404)$(739)$(2,431)

Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash provided by operating activities from continuing operations in the first nine months of 2024 was primarily driven by the Company's cash earnings and dividends from equity method investments, which were partially offset by cash used for working capital and performance-based compensation payments. Cash provided by operating activities from continuing operations in the first nine months of 2023 was primarily driven by the Company's cash earnings, cash provided by working capital and dividends from equity method investments, which were partially offset by performance-based compensation payments.


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Net Working CapitalDow Inc.TDCC
Sep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023Sep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023
In millions
Current assets$17,977 $17,614 $17,953 $17,676 
Current liabilities10,827 9,957 10,738 9,849 
Net working capital$7,150 $7,657 $7,215 $7,827 
Current ratio1.66:11.77:11.67:11.79:1

Working Capital MetricsThree Months Ended
Sep 30, 2024Jun 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
Days sales outstanding in trade receivables44 43 47 
Days sales in inventory62 61 61 
Days payables outstanding64 65 62 

Cash provided by operating activities from discontinued operations in the first nine months of 2024 and 2023 reflected cash payments and receipts for certain agreements and matters related to the separation from DowDuPont Inc. ("DowDuPont").

Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Cash used for investing activities in the first nine months of 2024 and 2023 were primarily for capital expenditures and purchases of investments, which were partially offset by proceeds from sales and maturities of investments. In addition, cash used for investing activities in the first nine months of 2024 included the acquisition of Circulus Holdings, PBLLC, a U.S. mechanical recycling company.

The Company's capital expenditures were $2,173 million in the first nine months of 2024, compared with $1,598 million in the first nine months of 2023. The Company expects full year capital spending in 2024 to be approximately $3 billion, which includes the ramp up of the construction of the Fort Saskatchewan Path2Zero project aligned to the Company's Decarbonize & Grow strategy. The Company expects capital spending for this key growth project to average approximately $1 billion annually through 2029. Enterprise-wide capital spending is expected to exceed depreciation and amortization through 2027, during the first phase of the project, and average depreciation and amortization over the economic cycle. As evidenced across prior economic cycles, the Company will adjust its spending as economic conditions evolve.

Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Cash used for financing activities in the first nine months of 2024 for Dow Inc. was primarily related to dividends paid to stockholders, purchases of treasury stock and payments on long-term debt, which were partially offset by proceeds from issuance of long-term debt. Cash used for financing activities in the first nine months of 2024 for TDCC was primarily related to dividends paid to Dow Inc. and payments on long-term debt, which were partially offset by proceeds from issuance of long-term debt. Cash used for financing activities in the first nine months of 2023 was primarily for debt related activities. In addition, Dow Inc. included cash outflows for dividends paid to stockholders and purchases of treasury stock. TDCC included cash outflows for dividends paid to Dow Inc.

Dow Inc. Non-GAAP Cash Flow Measures
Free Cash Flow
Dow defines Free Cash Flow as "Cash provided by operating activities - continuing operations," less capital expenditures. Under this definition, Free Cash Flow represents the cash generated by Dow from operations after investing in its asset base. Free Cash Flow, combined with cash balances and other sources of liquidity, represents the cash available to fund obligations and provide returns to shareholders. Free Cash Flow is an integral financial measure used in the Company's financial planning process.

Operating EBITDA
Dow defines Operating EBITDA as earnings (i.e., "Income before income taxes") before interest, depreciation and amortization, excluding the impact of significant items.


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Cash Flow Conversion (Cash Flow from Operations to Operating EBITDA)
Dow defines Cash Flow Conversion (Cash Flow from Operations to Operating EBITDA) as "Cash provided by operating activities - continuing operations," divided by Operating EBITDA. Management believes Cash Flow Conversion is an important financial metric as it helps the Company determine how efficiently it is converting its earnings into cash flow.

These financial measures are not recognized in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”) and should not be viewed as alternatives to GAAP financial measures of performance. All companies do not calculate non-GAAP financial measures in the same manner and, accordingly, Dow's definitions may not be consistent with the methodologies used by other companies.

Reconciliation of Free Cash Flow
Nine Months Ended
Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
In millions
Cash provided by operating activities - continuing operations (GAAP)$2,092 $3,536 
Capital expenditures(2,173)(1,598)
Free Cash Flow (non-GAAP)$(81)$1,938 

Reconciliation of Cash Flow Conversion (Cash Flow from Operations to Operating EBITDA)
Nine Months Ended
Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2023
In millions
Net income (GAAP)$1,236$755
+ Provision for income taxes145253
Income before income taxes$1,381$1,008
- Interest income143186
+ Interest expense and amortization of debt discount595549
- Significant items ¹(301)(848)
Operating EBIT (non-GAAP)$2,134$2,219
+ Depreciation and amortization2,1431,954
Operating EBITDA (non-GAAP)$4,277$4,173
Cash provided by operating activities - continuing operations (GAAP)$2,092$3,536
Cash flow from operations to net income (GAAP)169.3 %468.3 %
Cash Flow Conversion (Cash flow from operations to Operating EBITDA) (non-GAAP)48.9 %84.7 %
1.The nine months ended September 30, 2024 includes restructuring charges and implementation and efficiency costs associated with the Company's 2023 Restructuring Program, impairment charges related to write-downs of certain manufacturing assets and activity related to the separation from DowDuPont. The nine months ended September 30, 2023 includes restructuring charges and implementation and efficiency costs associated with the Company's 2023 Restructuring Program, certain gains and losses associated with previously impaired equity investments, a loss associated with legacy agricultural products groundwater contamination matters and activity related to the separation from DowDuPont. See Note 21 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information.

Liquidity & Financial Flexibility
The Company’s primary source of incremental liquidity is cash flows from operating activities. The generation of cash from operations and the Company's ability to access capital markets is expected to meet the Company’s cash requirements for working capital, capital expenditures, debt maturities, contributions to pension plans, dividend distributions to stockholders, share repurchases and other needs. In addition to cash from operating activities, the Company’s current liquidity sources also include TDCC's U.S. and Euromarket commercial paper programs, committed and uncommitted credit facilities, committed accounts receivable facilities, a medium-term notes program, a U.S. retail note program (“InterNotes®”) and other debt markets.

The Company continues to maintain a strong financial position with all of its committed credit facilities undrawn and fully available at September 30, 2024. Cash and committed and available forms of liquidity were $12.7 billion at September 30, 2024. The Company also has no substantive long-term debt maturities due until 2027. As a well-known seasoned issuer, the Company may issue debt at any time as an additional source of liquidity. Additional details on sources of liquidity are as follows:


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Commercial Paper
TDCC issues promissory notes under its U.S. and Euromarket commercial paper programs. TDCC had no commercial paper outstanding at September 30, 2024. TDCC maintains access to the commercial paper market at competitive rates. Amounts outstanding under TDCC's commercial paper programs during the period may be greater or less than the amount reported at the end of the period. Subsequent to September 30, 2024, TDCC issued approximately $700 million of commercial paper.

Committed Credit Facilities
The Company also has the ability to access liquidity through TDCC's committed and available credit facilities. At September 30, 2024, TDCC had total committed and available credit facilities of $8.4 billion.

Uncommitted Credit Facilities
The Company has entered into various uncommitted bilateral credit arrangements as a potential source of excess liquidity. These lines can be used to support short-term liquidity needs and for general purposes. The Company had no drawdowns outstanding at September 30, 2024.

Accounts Receivable Securitization Facilities
In addition to the above credit facilities, the Company maintains a committed accounts receivable facility in the United States where eligible trade accounts receivable, up to $900 million, may be sold at any point in time. The Company also maintains a committed accounts receivable facility in Europe where eligible trade accounts receivable, up to €500 million, may be sold at any point in time. In the first nine months of 2024, there were $289 million in sales of receivables under the U.S. and Europe committed accounts receivable facilities ($28 million in sales of receivables in the first nine months of 2023). At September 30, 2024, approximately $26 million of sold receivables were outstanding.

In addition, the Company has an uncommitted accounts receivable facility in the United States providing additional liquidity. Sales of receivables under this facility were $378 million in the first nine months of 2024 (no sales of receivables in the first nine months of 2023). At September 30, 2024, approximately $19 million of sold receivables were outstanding. See Note 11 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information.

Early Settlement of Letters of Credit
The Company utilizes, from time-to-time, letters of credit discounting programs to manage and expedite the settlement of letters of credit in certain regions. These letters of credit are associated with accounts receivable and the Company retains no interest in the transferred letters of credit or receivables once sold.

Accounts Receivable Discounting Facilities
The Company has access to accounts receivable discounting facilities, under which receivables are transferred with limited recourse. The Company retains no interest in the transferred receivables once sold. Sales of receivables under this facility were $581 million in the first nine months of 2024 (no sales of receivables in the first nine months of 2023). At September 30, 2024, approximately $154 million of sold receivables were outstanding. See Note 11 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information.

The Company maintains these facilities and also participates in certain customers’ supply chain financing and other early pay programs as a routine source of working capital.

Company-Owned Life Insurance
The Company has investments in company-owned life insurance ("COLI") policies, which are recorded at their cash surrender value as of each balance sheet date. The Company has the ability to monetize its investment in its COLI policies as an additional source of liquidity. At September 30, 2024, the Company had monetized $260 million of its existing COLI policies' surrender value ($97 million at December 31, 2023). See Note 6 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information.


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As the Company continues to maintain its strong balance sheet and financial flexibility, management is focused on net debt (a non-GAAP financial measure), as the Company believes this is the best representation of its financial leverage at this point in time. As shown in the following table, net debt is equal to total gross debt minus "Cash and cash equivalents" and "Marketable securities."

Total DebtDow Inc.TDCC
Sep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023Sep 30, 2024Dec 31, 2023
In millions
Notes payable$111$62$111$62
Long-term debt due within one year296117296117
Long-term debt16,16414,90716,16414,907
Gross debt$16,571$15,086$16,571$15,086
 - Cash and cash equivalents2,8832,9872,8832,987
 - Marketable securities 1
Net debt$13,327$10,799$13,327$10,799
Total equity$18,841$19,108$19,039$19,406
Gross debt as a percent of total capitalization46.8 %44.1 %46.5 %43.7 %
Net debt as a percent of total capitalization41.4 %36.1 %41.2 %35.8 %
1.Included in "Other current assets" in the consolidated balance sheets.

The Company may at any time repurchase certain debt securities in the open market or in privately negotiated transactions subject to: the applicable terms under which any such debt securities were issued, certain internal approvals of the Company, and applicable laws and regulations of the relevant jurisdiction in which any such potential transactions might take place. This in no way obligates the Company to make any such repurchases nor should it be considered an offer to do so.

TDCC's public debt instruments and primary, private credit agreements contain, among other provisions, certain customary restrictive covenant and default provisions. TDCC's most significant debt covenant with regard to its financial position is the obligation to maintain the ratio of its consolidated indebtedness to consolidated capitalization at no greater than 0.70 to 1.00 at any time the aggregate outstanding amount of loans under the Five Year Competitive Advance and Revolving Credit Facility Agreement ("Revolving Credit Agreement") equals or exceeds $500 million. The ratio of TDCC's consolidated indebtedness to consolidated capitalization as defined in the Revolving Credit Agreement was 0.44 to 1.00 at September 30, 2024. Management believes TDCC was in compliance with all of its covenants and default provisions at September 30, 2024. For information on TDCC's debt covenants and default provisions, see Note 13 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the 2023 10-K. There were no material changes to the debt covenants and default provisions related to TDCC’s outstanding long-term debt and primary, private credit agreements in the first nine months of 2024.

In the first quarter of 2024, the Company issued $1.25 billion of senior unsecured notes. The offering included $600 million aggregate principal amount of 5.15 percent notes due 2034 and $650 million aggregate principal amount of 5.60 percent notes due 2054. The issuance was completed under the Company's Green Finance Framework, which is available on the Company's website. The Company will distribute the proceeds toward projects that support the execution of its sustainability strategy and achieve its targets focused on climate protection and a circular economy, including applicable expenditures and investments related to the Company's Fort Saskatchewan Path2Zero project, which is expected to deliver organic growth while decarbonizing 20 percent of the Company’s global ethylene capacity.

In the second quarter of 2024, the Company redeemed $10 million aggregate principal amount of 2.10 percent notes due November 2030, $30 million aggregate principal amount of 4.25 percent notes due October 2034, $8 million aggregate principal amount of 5.25 percent notes due November 2041 and $12 million aggregate principal amount of 4.375 percent notes due November 2042. As a result of the redemption, the Company recognized a pretax gain on the early extinguishment of debt of $5 million, included in "Sundry income (expense) - net" in the consolidated statements of income and related to Corporate.


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In the first nine months of 2024, the Company issued an aggregate principal amount of $71 million of InterNotes®. The Company also issued $122 million of foreign currency loans. Additionally, the Company repaid $77 million of long-term debt.

While taking into consideration the current economic environment, management expects that the Company will continue to have sufficient liquidity and financial flexibility to meet all of its business obligations.

Credit Ratings
At September 30, 2024, TDCC's credit ratings were as follows:

Credit RatingsLong-Term Rating Short-Term RatingOutlook
Fitch RatingsBBB+F1Stable
Moody’s RatingsBaa1P-2Stable
Standard & Poor’sBBBA-2Stable

On July 1, 2024, Fitch Ratings affirmed TDCC's BBB+ and F1 rating, and affirmed its outlook of stable. On July 1, 2024, Standard & Poor's also affirmed TDCC's BBB and A-2 rating, and affirmed its outlook of stable. On August 6, 2024, Moody's Ratings affirmed TDCC's Baa1 and P-2 rating, and affirmed its outlook of stable. These credit agencies' decisions were made as part of their annual review process and reflect the Company's supportive financial policies, scale, liquidity and cost-advantaged footprint.

Dow Inc.
Dow Inc. has paid dividends on a quarterly basis since the separation from DowDuPont and expects to continue to do so, subject to approval by the Dow Inc. Board. Dividends declared by the Board align to the Company's strategy announced in 2018 of returning approximately 45 percent of Operating Net Income to shareholders through dividends and total shareholder remuneration of approximately 65 percent, when including share repurchases, over the economic cycle. The Company defines Operating Net Income, a non-GAAP measure, as "Net income available for Dow Inc. common stockholders," excluding the impact of significant items. The following table summarizes dividends declared and paid to common stockholders of record in 2024:

Dow Inc. Dividends Declared and Paid
Declaration DateRecord DatePayment DateAmount (per share)
February 15, 2024February 29, 2024March 8, 2024$0.70 
April 11, 2024May 31, 2024June 14, 2024$0.70 
August 14, 2024August 30, 2024September 13, 2024$0.70 
October 10, 2024November 29, 2024December 13, 2024$0.70 

TDCC has committed to fund Dow Inc.'s dividends paid to common stockholders and share repurchases, as approved by the Dow Inc. Board, as well as certain governance expenses. Funding is accomplished through intercompany loans. TDCC's Board reviews and determines a dividend distribution to Dow Inc. to settle the intercompany loans. For the three months ended September 30, 2024, TDCC declared and paid a dividend of $600 million to Dow Inc. ($2,077 million of dividend declared and $1,984 million of dividend paid to Dow Inc. for the nine months ended September 30, 2024). At September 30, 2024, TDCC's intercompany loan balance with Dow Inc. was insignificant.

Share Repurchase Program
On April 13, 2022, the Dow Inc. Board approved a share repurchase program authorizing up to $3 billion for the repurchase of the Company's common stock, with no expiration date. The Company repurchased $94 million of its common stock in the third quarter of 2024 ($494 million in the first nine months of 2024). At September 30, 2024, approximately $931 million of the share repurchase program authorization remained available for repurchases. As previously announced, the Company intends to repurchase shares at a minimum to cover dilution over the cycle. The Company may from time to time expand its share repurchases beyond dilution, based on a number of factors including macroeconomic conditions, free cash flow generation, and the Dow share price. Any share repurchases, when coupled with the Company's dividends, are intended to implement the long-term strategy of targeting shareholder remuneration of approximately 65 percent over the economic cycle.

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Pension Plans
The Company has both funded and unfunded defined benefit pension plans that cover employees in the United States and a number of other countries. The Company's funding policy is to contribute to funded plans when pension laws and/or economics either require or encourage funding. In the second quarter of 2024, the Company received a pension asset reversion of approximately $70 million (approximately $90 million in the second quarter of 2023) for a portion of the excess funding of one of its plans in Europe. These plan asset reversions are included in "Other assets and liabilities, net" in the consolidated statements of cash flows.

As announced in 2021, all U.S. pension plans were frozen for substantially all employees who participated in the U.S. defined benefit pension programs effective December 31, 2023. In the fourth quarter of 2023, the Company spun off a portion of each of the Company’s two existing tax-qualified U.S defined benefit pension plans into two new tax-qualified pension plans, which includes the tax-qualified benefit obligations for substantially all employees hired after January 1, 2008. These employees earned benefits based on a set percentage of annual pay, plus interest, and the spin of these plans provide the Company the ability to separately manage the assets and obligations of these plans with like benefits. In the second quarter of 2024, as part of its ongoing pension de-risking initiatives, the Company initiated the termination of the two new tax-qualified pension plans. As part of the plan termination process, the Company will offer participants of these plans annuity or lump sum distribution options. Final asset distributions are expected to be paid from plan assets in the fourth quarter of 2025, with minimal additional funding, if any, required from the Company, and are anticipated to result in pension settlement charges, with the amounts dependent on various factors, including interest rates, plan asset returns, annuity pricing and participant distribution elections.

See Note 17 to the Consolidated Financial Statements, and Note 18 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the 2023 10-K for additional information related to the Company's pension plans.

The actions related to the 2023 Restructuring Program are expected to result in additional cash expenditures of $60 million, primarily through the first quarter of 2025, and consist of severance and related benefit costs. Restructuring implementation costs, primarily decommissioning and demolition activities related to asset actions, and costs associated with the Company's productivity and efficiency actions, are expected to result in additional cash expenditures of approximately $90 million, primarily through the first quarter of 2025. Restructuring implementation and efficiency costs totaled $55 million and $157 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively.

The Company expects to incur additional costs in the future related to its restructuring activities, which will be recognized as incurred. The Company also expects to incur additional employee-related costs, including involuntary termination benefits related to its other optimization activities. These costs cannot be reasonably estimated at this time. See Note 5 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information on the Company's restructuring activities.

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Contractual Obligations
Information related to the Company’s contractual obligations, commercial commitments and expected cash requirements for interest can be found in Notes 13, 14, 15 and 18 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the 2023 10-K. With the exception of the items noted below, there have been no material changes in the Company’s contractual obligations since December 31, 2023.

Contractual Obligations at Sep 30, 2024
Payments Due In
In millions20242025-20262027-20282029 and beyondTotal
Dow Inc.
Long-term debt obligations 1
$35 $656 $1,985 $14,038 $16,714 
Expected cash requirements for interest 2
230 1,536 1,453 9,269 12,488 
Purchase obligations 3
890 3,234 2,330 7,014 13,468 
Total$1,155 $5,426 $5,768 $30,321 $42,670 
1.Excludes unamortized debt discount and issuance costs of $254 million. Includes finance lease obligations of $961 million.
2.Cash requirements for interest on long-term debt was calculated using current interest rates at September 30, 2024, and includes $154 million of various floating rate notes.
3.Includes a $1.3 billion purchase commitment for the use of a water supply reservoir asset expected to commence in 2028, as discussed in Note 13 to the Consolidated Financial Statements, and outstanding purchase orders and other commitments greater than $1 million obtained through a survey conducted within the Company.

Fair Value Measurements
See Note 20 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for information concerning fair value measurements.

Critical Accounting Estimates
The preparation of financial statements and related disclosures in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make judgments, assumptions and estimates that affect the amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes. Note 1 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the 2023 10-K describes the significant accounting policies and methods used in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements. The Company’s critical accounting policies that are impacted by judgments, assumptions and estimates are described in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations included in the 2023 10-K. Since December 31, 2023, there have been no material changes in the Company’s accounting policies that are impacted by judgments, assumptions and estimates.

Asbestos-Related Matters of Union Carbide Corporation
Union Carbide is and has been involved in a large number of asbestos-related suits filed primarily in state courts during the past four decades. These suits principally allege personal injury resulting from exposure to asbestos‑containing products and frequently seek both actual and punitive damages. The alleged claims primarily relate to products that Union Carbide sold in the past, alleged exposure to asbestos-containing products located on Union Carbide’s premises, and Union Carbide’s responsibility for asbestos suits filed against a former Union Carbide subsidiary, Amchem Products, Inc. (“Amchem”). In many cases, plaintiffs are unable to demonstrate that they have suffered any compensable loss as a result of such exposure, or that injuries incurred in fact resulted from exposure to Union Carbide’s products.


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The table below provides information regarding asbestos-related claims pending against Union Carbide and Amchem based on criteria developed by Union Carbide and its external consultants:

Asbestos-Related Claim Activity20242023
Claims unresolved at Jan 16,367 6,873 
Claims filed3,472 3,097 
Claims settled, dismissed or otherwise resolved(4,469)(3,428)
Claims unresolved at Sep 305,370 6,542 
Claimants with claims against both Union Carbide and Amchem(963)(1,452)
Individual claimants at Sep 304,407 5,090 

Plaintiffs’ lawyers often sue numerous defendants in individual lawsuits or on behalf of numerous claimants. As a result, the damages alleged are not expressly identified as to Union Carbide, Amchem or any other particular defendant, even when specific damages are alleged with respect to a specific disease or injury. For these reasons and based upon Union Carbide’s litigation and settlement experience, Union Carbide does not consider the damages alleged against Union Carbide and Amchem to be a meaningful factor in its determination of any potential asbestos-related liability.

For additional information, see Asbestos-Related Matters of Union Carbide Corporation in Note 13 to the Consolidated Financial Statements; Part II, Item 1. Legal Proceedings; and Note 14 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the 2023 10-K.

See Note 19 to the Consolidated Financial Statements and Part II, Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk in the combined Dow Inc. and TDCC Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, for information on the Company's utilization of financial instruments and an analysis of the sensitivity of these instruments.

Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
As of the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, Dow Inc. and The Dow Chemical Company (the "Companies") carried out an evaluation, under the supervision and with the participation of the Companies' Disclosure Committee and the Companies' management, including the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer, of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the Companies' disclosure controls and procedures pursuant to paragraph (b) of Exchange Act Rules 13a-15 and 15d-15. Based upon that evaluation, the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer concluded that the Companies' disclosure controls and procedures were effective.

Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
There were no changes in the Companies' internal control over financial reporting identified in connection with the evaluation required by paragraph (d) of Exchange Act Rules 13a-15 and 15d-15 that was conducted during the quarter ended September 30, 2024, that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Companies' internal control over financial reporting.

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Dow Inc. and Subsidiaries
The Dow Chemical Company and Subsidiaries
Asbestos-Related Matters of Union Carbide Corporation
No material developments regarding this matter occurred in the first nine months of 2024. For a current status of this matter, see Note 13 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Environmental Proceedings
On December 16, 2022, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a complaint and proposed consent decree on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") relating to environmental contamination at the Lower Passaic River Study Area Superfund Site in New Jersey. The EPA filed an amended complaint and proposed consent decree on January 17, 2024. The proposed consent decree includes a requirement that 85 settling defendants, including the Company’s Essex Chemical Corporation subsidiary ("Essex"), make a collective payment of $150 million for the EPA’s past and anticipated future response costs, with Essex's share of the group settlement costs being $1.15 million. On January 31, 2024, the EPA filed a motion for approval and entry of the consent decree.

Since December 31, 2023, there have been no material changes to the Company's Risk Factors.

Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
The following table provides information regarding purchases of Dow Inc. common stock by the Company during the three months ended September 30, 2024:

Issuer Purchases of Equity SecuritiesTotal number of shares purchased as part of the Company's publicly announced share repurchase program
Approximate dollar value of shares that may yet be purchased under the Company's publicly announced share repurchase program 1
(In millions)
PeriodTotal number of shares purchasedAverage price paid per share
July 2024112,764 $53.21 112,764 $1,019 
August 20241,247,017 $53.11 1,247,017 $952 
September 2024419,114 $51.66 419,114 $931 
Third quarter 20241,778,895 $52.78 1,778,895 $931 
1.On April 13, 2022, the Dow Inc. Board approved a share repurchase program authorizing up to $3.0 billion for the repurchase of the Company's common stock, with no expiration date.

Not applicable.

Not applicable.


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4.3Dow Inc. agrees to provide the SEC, on request, copies of all other such indentures and instruments that define the rights of holders of long-term debt of Dow Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries, including The Dow Chemical Company, pursuant to Item 601(b)(4)(iii)(A) of Regulation S-K.
23 *
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The following registered trademark of InspereX Holdings LLC appears in this report: InterNotes®

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Table of Contents
Dow Inc. and Subsidiaries
The Dow Chemical Company and Subsidiaries

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrants have duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.


Date: October 25, 2024

Andrea L. Dominowski
Controller and Vice President of Controllers
(Authorized Signatory and
Principal Accounting Officer)