Oaktree Acquisition Corp. III Life Sciences
333 South Grand Avenue, 28th Floor
回信: | 首次公开募股(IPO) |
本信(本“协议”)是按照拟建能源收购有限公司(源能收购)与J.P. Morgan Securities LLC和b of A Securities, Inc.作为代表(“承销商”)之间签订的承销协议(“协议”)要求而交付给您的,涉及一项最多可达28,750,000小公司单位的承销首次公开招股(“发行”),其中包括最多3,750,000小公司单位可以购买以覆盖超额配售(如有)(“单位”),每个单位由一个普通A级股份(每股股票价值为0.0001美元)(“普通股”)和一半可赎回认股权组成。每个完整的认股权证(“公开认股权证”)授予持有人购买一个普通股,每股股价为11.50美元,如招股说明书(如下文定义)中所述,股价会进行调整。单位将根据拟建能源收购有限公司向美国证券交易委员会提交的S-1表格注册声明和招股说明书(“招股说明书”)在公开发行中出售,公司已申请在纳斯达克全球市场上市。这里使用的某些大写词语在本文第1段中有定义。限制条款)根据承销协议(「承销协议」)之间由Oaktree Acquisition Corp. III Life Sciences, 一家开曼群岛免税公司(「权益代理」和Jefferies LLC、花旗全球货币市场股 corp 和瑞银证券股 corp 为代表(「代表人在其中列明的承销商(「承销商」,涉及一次承销首次公开发行(即 「公开发售(以下称"公开发售")」最多20,125,000股公司单位(包括根据承销协议条款可购买的2,625,000股单位,每个这样的单位由一股A类普通股组成,每股面值$0.0001(「普通股和 五分之一 凭可赎回认股权以购买一份普通股,根据认股权协议规定(该“认股权证协议”)与大陆股票转仓信托公司作为认股权代理所订定,在公开发售完成时(这些单位,该“公开单位”)。公开买卖单位将根据表格 S-1 和招股说明书(该 “招股书注册声明和招股说明书(“说明书”)」提交给美国证券交易委员会(「”). Certain capitalized terms used herein are defined in paragraph 1 这里。
In order to induce the Company and the Underwriters to enter into the Underwriting Agreement and to proceed with the Public Offering and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Oaktree Acquisition Holdings III LS, LLC (the “赞助商”) and each of the undersigned (each, an “内部人士其他父母公司子公司在为其他有价值的考虑下的情况下,为了促使公司和承销商签署承销协议,进行公开发行以及出于其他良好的金钱考虑,Smilodon Capital,LLC,一家特定负责有限责任公司,以及公司董事会和/或管理团队的成员(每位签署人,皆为“公司内部人士”)在此同意以下事项:本人与公司如下协议:
1. 定义。如本文件所述,“业务合并”指的是与一个或多个企业或实体进行的合并、交换股份、资产收购、股份购买、重组或类似的业务组合;(ii)“创始人股份”指的是在完成公开发行之前已发行的公司普通B类股份,每股面值为0.0001美元。定向增发基金单元”指的是由赞助商购买的单位,总价为550万美元(如果承销商行使购买额外公开单位的选择权,最高为602.5万美元),这些单位将在与公开发行同时结束的私募中完成。定向增发认股权”指的是包含在私募单位中的认股权证,其条款受认股权证协议管辖。公开发售股东”指的是最初包含在公开发行中发行的公共单位中的普通股持有人,或者是在公开发行中发行但尚未分开的公共单位的持有人。公开股份「标的股」指的是在公开发售中出售的公开单位的一部分发行的普通股;(vii)「信托账户”应当是指
须存入公开发行及出售私募投资单位的部分净收益的信托账户;(viii)」转移」应该 指 (a) 出售、提供出售、合约或协议出售、合约或协议、投保、授出任何购买或以其他方式出售的选择权,或协议直接或间接出售,或建立或增加售 根据修订后的 1934 年证券交易法第 16 条所指的认购对等头寸或减少的同等状况或清盘,以及委员会的规则及规例公布 根据其中,有关任何证券、(b) 进行任何交换或其他安排,全部或部分转让给他人,任何证券拥有权所产的经济后果,无论该等交易是否要结算 以现金或以其他方式交付该等证券,或 (c) 公开宣布实施第 (a) 或 (b) 条指明的任何交易意图;及 (ix)」宪章」指本公司的修订 以及重新修订的公司章程大纲及章程细则,可能会不时修改。
2. 表示 及保固.
(a) 赞助商及每位内部人士,就本身或本人而言,声明并保证 该公司拥有完整权利和权力,而不违反其受约束的任何协议(包括但不限于任何 非竞争 或者 非招募 与任何雇主或前雇主的协议),以签订本信函协议,并在适用情况下担任本公司的主任和/或公司董事会的董事 董事 (」董事会」),视适用情况而定,每位内人同意在招股章程、道路展及任何其他资料中被列为本公司的主任及/或董事,或作为私募投资者的购买者 单位 (视适用情况而定)。
(b) 每位同时是本公司董事或主任的内部人士代表及认证,以 尊重自己,该等 Insider 向本公司提供的传记资料(包括说明书中的任何此类信息)在所有重要方面都是真实和准确的,并且不忽略任何重要性 有关该内人背景的资料。此类 Insider 向本公司提供的问卷在所有重要方面都是真实和准确的。每位内部人士声明并保证该等内幕不受任何规定或 对任何法律诉讼、任何令的被告人, 停止 取消或拒绝任何与发售有关的行为或做法的命令或命令或规定 任何司法管辖区的证券;该类内人从未被定罪或承认罪 (i) 涉及欺诈、(ii) 与其他人的任何金融交易或处理资金有关的罪行,或 (iii) 有关 对任何证券进行交易,而该 Insider 目前并不是任何此类刑事诉讼中的被告;该内人从未被暂停或驱逐任何证券或商品交易所或协会的会员资格,或具有 证券或商品牌照或注册被拒绝、暂停或撤销。
3. 企业合并投票。它是 承认并同意,未经赞助商事先同意,本公司不得就拟议的业务合并订立确定协议。赞助商及每位内部人士,就本身或本人而言, 同意,如果公司寻求股东批准建议的初始业务合并,则在与该建议的首次业务合并有关,该公司(如适用)应投票所有创始人股份、普通股 包括在私募配置单位及其持有的任何公开股份,适用于该建议初始股
业务合并(包括董事会建议与此类业务合并有关的任何建议)(不包括任何可能不获赞成投票的公共股除外 根据规则的要求批准企业合并交易 14e-5 根据修订的 1934 年证券交易法,以及任何委员会解释或指引 有关),并不可在与该股东批准有关的情况下赎回其或其持有的任何公开股份。
4. 未完成企业合并;信托账户豁免.
(a) 赞助商及每位内部人士特此同意,在本公司的情况下,就本身或本人而言 若未在《约章》所订明的期限内完成首次业务合并,赞助商及每位内部人士应采取一切合理措施,以使本公司 (i) 停止所有营运,除以下目的以外 清盘;(ii) 尽可能合理,但之后不超过 10 个工作日,以下方式赎回 100% 的公共股份 每股 价格,以现金支付,等于总金额 然后在信托账户存款时,包括信托账户中持有资金所获得的利息(扣除提取或资格提取以资助本公司营运资本要求提取的金额,但每年限额为 25 万美元(第」年提款能力」),只要任何未使用的年度提款能力将仍然可用于后续几年提款,并增加后续年度提款能力 前几年未使用的年度提款能力;及/或支付公司税款(任何提款以支付公司税金(不包括通胀所实施的 1% 美国联邦消费税) 2022 年减免法(如果对本公司施行有任何)不受上述所述的年度提款能力限制约束)(此类提款,」允许提款」) 以及低至 10 万美元的利息 支付解散费用),除以当时未发行的公共股份数目,赎回将完全消除公众股东作为股东的权利(包括接受进一步清盘的权利) 派息(如有);及 (iii) 在该等赎回后尽快,在公司其余股东和董事会批准后尽快清算和解散,但在有条款的情况下,除非有条款而定 (ii) 及 (iii) 遵守本公司根据开曼群岛法律规定的义务,在任何情况下都遵守适用法律的其他要求。赞助商及每位内部人士同意不提出任何修订 《约章 (i) 修改本公司责任的内容或时间,就向公开股份持有人透过首次业务合并购股份或赎回 100% 的权利 如本公司未在章程规定的时间内完成首次业务合并,或 (ii) 就有关公开股持有人权利的任何条文而言,除非 公司在股东获股东批准后,在董事会在股东批准后实施任何该等修订后,向其公开股东提供机会赎回其公开股份。 每股 价格, 以现金支付,等于当时存入信托账户的总金额,包括在信托账户中持有且先前未释放进行允许提款的资金获得利息,除以当时未偿还的数目 公共股份。赞助商及每位内部人士承认并同意,任何根据认股证协议发行的任何认股证将不会从信托账户发出的发行,其所有权利将于 公司清盘。
(b) 赞助人及每位内部人应就其本身、她本人或他本人而言承认,在公司因创始股或普通股(如有)所含私募配售单元中持有的款项所属信托账户的任何清盘而涉及时,均无权、标题、利益或任何类型的索赔。赞助人及每位内部人特此放弃其、她或他可能具有的任何创始股、私募配售单元中所包含的普通股及公众股的赎回权(如适用)之权利,该等权利涉及(x)公司完成初次业务组合,以及(y)股东投票核准对章程进行修订的情形,(i)该等修订将修改公司对公众股持有人提供在初次业务组合中有权赎回其股份或在公司未在章程中指定的期限内完成初次业务组合的情况下赎回100%公众股的义务之实质或时间的条款,或(ii)关于任何涉及公众股持有人权利的规定(尽管赞助人和内部人将有权就在公司未在章程中规定的要求期限内完成初次业务组合时持有的任何公众股诉诸清算权利)。
5. 锁定期限; 转让限制.
(a) 赞助人与内部人同意,不得在最早发生下列情形之前,即(A)公司完成初次业务组合后180天及(B)公司完成初次业务组合后的日期,该日期之后公司完成清算、合并、股份交换、重组或其他类似交易,导致所有普通股东有权将其普通股交换为现金、证券或其他财产(「创始人股份 锁定期」)创始人股份 锁定期 期间”).
(b) 根据所载规定 第5(d)段,赞助商和内部人同意在首次业务组合完成后30天内不进行任何定向增发单位及其中包含的证券的转让。
(c) 在承销协议生效日起至该日期后180天结束的期间内,未经代表的事先书面同意,赞助商和每位内部人不得转让其持有的普通股或任何其他可转换成或行使或兑换为普通股的证券,根据所载规定 第5(d)段 以及Underwriting Agreement第3(p)条列举的特定例外情况。
尽管规定已订明于 第5(a)款, (b) 和 (c)创始人股份、创始人股份下的任何普通股、定向增发单位以及定向增发单位包括的证券的转让,得允许:(a)给本公司的高级职员或董事、任何本公司高级职员或董事的关联企业或家庭成员、特别目的收购人成员或合伙人或其关联企业、特别目的收购人的关联企业或其关联企业的任何员工;(b)对于个人,透过赠与转让给个人直系家庭成员或托管给个人直系家庭成员为受益人的信托、此人的关联企业,或慈善组织;(c)对于个人,根据继承法的规定转让和分配
death of the individual; (d) in the case of an individual, pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order; (e) by private sales or transfers made in connection with the consummation of a Business Combination at prices no greater than the price at which the Founder Shares, Private Placement Units, Private Placement Warrants or Ordinary Shares, as applicable, were originally purchased; (f) pro rata distributions from the Sponsor to its members, partners, or shareholders pursuant to the Sponsor’s organizational documents; (g) by virtue of the Sponsor’s organizational documents upon liquidation or dissolution of the Sponsor; (h) to the Company for no value for cancellation in connection with the consummation of its initial Business Combination; (i) in the event of the Company’s liquidation prior to the completion of its initial Business Combination; or (j) in the event of completion of a liquidation, merger, share exchange or other similar transaction which results in all of the Company’s Public Shareholders having the right to exchange their Ordinary Shares for cash, securities or other property subsequent to the completion of an initial Business Combination; provided, however, that in the case of clauses (a) through (g) these permitted transferees must enter into a written agreement agreeing to be bound by these transfer restrictions. For the avoidance of doubt, the transfers of Founder Shares, Private Placement Units, Private Placement Warrants and Ordinary Shares, including Ordinary Shares included in units or issued or issuable upon the exercise of the Private Placement Warrants or conversion of the Founder Shares shall be permitted regardless of whether a filing under Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act shall be required or shall be voluntarily made with respect to such transfers.
6. Remedies. The Sponsor and each of the Insiders hereby agree and acknowledge that (i) each of the Underwriters and the Company would be irreparably injured in the event of a breach by the Sponsor or an Insider of its, her or his obligations, as applicable under paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9, (ii) monetary damages may not be an adequate remedy for such breach, and (iii) the non-breaching party shall be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other remedy that such party may have in law or in equity, in the event of such breach.
7. Director and Officer Liability Insurance. The Company will maintain an insurance policy or policies providing directors’ and officers’ liability insurance, and the Insiders shall be covered by such policy or policies, in accordance with its or their terms, to the maximum extent of the coverage available for any of the Company’s directors or officers.
8. Indemnification. In the event of the liquidation of the Trust Account upon the failure of the Company to consummate its initial Business Combination within the time period set forth in the Charter, the Sponsor (the “Indemnitor”) agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company against any and all loss, liability, claim, damage and expense whatsoever (including, but not limited to, any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred in investigating, preparing or defending against any litigation, whether pending or threatened) to which the Company may become subject as a result of any claim by (i) any third party for services rendered or products sold to the Company (except for the Company’s independent auditors) or (ii) any prospective target business with which the Company has discussed entering into a transaction agreement (a “Target”); provided, however, that such indemnification of the Company by the Indemnitor (x) shall apply only to the extent necessary to ensure that such claims by a third party for services rendered or products sold to the Company or a Target do not reduce the amount of funds in the Trust Account to below the lesser of (i) $10.00 per Public Share and (ii) the actual amount per Public Share held in the Trust Account as of the date of the liquidation of the Trust Account if less than $10.00 per Public Share due to reductions in the
value of the trust assets, in each case net of interest that may be withdrawn for Permitted Withdrawals, (y) shall not apply to any claims by a third party or Target who executed a waiver of any and all rights to the monies held in the Trust Account (whether or not such waiver is enforceable) and (z) shall not apply to any claims under the Company’s indemnity of the Underwriters against certain liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. In the event that an executed waiver is deemed to be unenforceable against a third party, the Indemnitor will not be responsible to the extent of any liability for such third-party or Target claims. The Indemnitor shall have the right to defend against any such claim with counsel of its choice reasonably satisfactory to the Company if, within 15 days following written receipt of notice of the claim to the Indemnitor, the Indemnitor notifies the Company in writing that it shall undertake such defense.
9. Forfeiture of Founder Shares. To the extent that the Underwriters do not exercise their option to purchase additional Public Units within 45 days from the date of the Prospectus in full (as further described in the Prospectus), the Sponsor agrees to automatically surrender to the Company for no consideration, for cancellation at no cost, an aggregate number of Founder Shares so that the number of Founder Shares will equal of 20% of the sum of the total number of Ordinary Shares (excluding the Ordinary Shares included in the Private Placement Units) and Founder Shares outstanding at such time. The Sponsor and Insiders further agree that to the extent that the size of the Public Offering is increased or decreased, the Company will effect a share capitalization or a share repurchase, as applicable, with respect to the Founder Shares immediately prior to the consummation of the Public Offering in such amount as to maintain the number of Founder Shares at 20% of the sum of the total number of Ordinary Shares (excluding the Ordinary Shares included in the Private Placement Units) and Founder Shares outstanding at such time.
10. Entire Agreement. This Letter Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties hereto in respect of the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior understandings, agreements, or representations by or among the parties hereto, written or oral, to the extent they relate in any way to the subject matter hereof or the transactions contemplated hereby. This Letter Agreement may not be changed, amended, modified or waived (other than to correct a typographical error) as to any particular provision, except by a written instrument executed by (1) each Insider with respect to herself or himself, as applicable, to the extent she or he are the subject of any such change, amendment, modification or waiver, (2) the Company, and (3) the Sponsor. Changes, amendments, modifications or waivers to paragraph 5(c) pursuant to the immediately foregoing sentence (other than to correct a typographical error) shall also require the written consent of the Representatives.
11. Assignment. No party hereto may assign either this Letter Agreement or any of its rights, interests, or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other parties. Any purported assignment in violation of this paragraph shall be void and ineffectual and shall not operate to transfer or assign any interest or title to the purported assignee. This Letter Agreement shall be binding on the Sponsor and each of the Insiders and each of their respective successors, heirs, personal representatives and assigns and permitted transferees.
12. Third-Party Rights. Except as provided for in paragraph 6, nothing in this Letter Agreement under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (As Revised), as amended,
modified, re-enacted or replaced shall be construed to confer upon, or give to, any person or corporation other than the parties hereto any right, remedy or claim under or by reason of this Letter Agreement or of any covenant, condition, stipulation, promise or agreement hereof. Except as provided for in paragraph 6, all covenants, conditions, stipulations, promises and agreements contained in this Letter Agreement shall be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and their successors, heirs, personal representatives and assigns and permitted transferees. Notwithstanding any other term of this Letter Agreement, the consent of any person who is not a party to this Letter Agreement is not required for any amendment to, or variation, release, rescission or termination of this Letter Agreement.
13. Counterparts. This Letter Agreement may be executed in any number of original or facsimile counterparts, and each of such counterparts shall for all purposes be deemed to be an original, and all such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. Delivery by portable document format (PDF) of any executed counterpart of this Letter Agreement shall be equally as effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart thereof. Any party delivering an executed counterpart by PDF shall also deliver a manually executed counterpart of this Letter Agreement, but failure to do so shall not affect the validity, enforceability or binding effect of this Letter Agreement.
14. Effect of Headings. The paragraph headings herein are for convenience only and are not part of this Letter Agreement and shall not affect the interpretation thereof.
15. Severability. This Letter Agreement shall be deemed severable, and the invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision hereof shall not affect the validity or enforceability of this Letter Agreement or of any other term or provision hereof. Furthermore, in lieu of any such invalid or unenforceable term or provision, the parties hereto intend that there shall be added as a part of this Letter Agreement a provision as similar in terms to such invalid or unenforceable provision as may be possible and be valid and enforceable.
16. Governing Law. This Letter Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Cayman Islands. The parties hereto (i) all agree that any action, proceeding, claim or dispute arising out of, or relating in any way to, this Letter Agreement shall be brought and enforced in the courts of the Cayman Islands, and irrevocably submit to such jurisdiction and venue, which jurisdiction and venue shall be exclusive, and (ii) waive any objection to such exclusive jurisdiction and venue or that such courts represent an inconvenient forum.
17. Notices. Any notice, consent or request to be given in connection with any of the terms or provisions of this Letter Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by express mail or similar private courier service, by certified mail (return receipt requested), by hand delivery or facsimile or other electronic transmission.
18. Termination. This Letter Agreement shall terminate on the earlier of (i) the expiration of the Founder Shares Lock-up Period and (ii) the liquidation of the Company; provided, however, that this Letter Agreement shall terminate in the event that the Public Offering is not consummated and closed by December 31, 2024; provided further that paragraph 8 and paragraphs 10 through 18 of this Letter Agreement shall survive such liquidation.
[Signature Page Follows]
Sincerely, | ||
By: Oaktree Acquisition Holdings III LS GP, Ltd., its Managing Member | ||
By: Oaktree Capital Management, L.P., its Sole Director | ||
By: | /s/ Peter Boos | |
Name: Peter Boos | ||
Title: Vice President | ||
By: | /s/ Maria Attaar | |
Name: Maria Attaar | ||
Title: Vice President |
[Signature Page to Letter Agreement]
/s/ John Frank |
John Frank |
[Signature Page to Letter Agreement]
/s/ Zaid Pardesi |
Zaid Pardesi |
[Signature Page to Letter Agreement]
/s/ Courtney Conigliaro |
Courtney Conigliaro |
[Signature Page to Letter Agreement]
/s/ Aman Kumar |
Aman Kumar |
[Signature Page to Letter Agreement]
/s/ Mathew Pendo |
Mathew Pendo |
[Signature Page to Letter Agreement]
/s/ Paul Meister |
Paul Meister |
[Signature Page to Letter Agreement]
/s/ Alvin Shih |
Alvin Shih |
[Signature Page to Letter Agreement]
Acknowledged and Agreed: | ||
By: | /s/ Zaid Pardesi | |
Name: Zaid Pardesi | ||
Title: Chief Executive Officer |
[Signature Page to Letter Agreement]