EX-99.1 2 ehcearningsrelease93024.htm EX-99.1 Document

Polly Manuel, 205 969-4532
Mark Miller, 205 970-5860

Encompass Health公佈2024年第三季度業績報告


阿拉巴馬伯明翰 - encompass health corporation(紐交所: EHC)是美國最大的住院康復醫院擁有者和營運商,今天報告截至2024年9月30日第三季度運營業績。
Q3 2024Q3 2023美元百分比
營業收入淨額$1,351.0 $1,206.9 $144.1 11.9 %
歸屬於Encompass Health的繼續營運收入每股稀釋後
1.07 0.85 0.22 25.9 %
調整後每股盈利(基本)($)1.03 0.86 0.17 19.8 %
267.8 215.2 52.6 24.4 %
調整後的稅前利潤減除折舊及攤銷後的費用269.3 237.5 31.8 13.4 %
自由現金流189.7 149.3 40.4 27.1 %
出院62,71557,6658.8 %
同店出院增長6.8 %
每次出院的淨患者營業收入$20,987 $20,472 2.5 %



「我們對第三季的表現感到非常滿意,強勁的出院增長促使營業收入增加11.9%,調整後的EBITDA增加13.4%,」Encompass Health總裁兼首席執行官Mark Tarr表示。
營業收入淨額$5,275 到 $5,350$5,325 到 $5,375
調整後的稅前利潤減除折舊及攤銷後的費用1,040 到 1,075 美元1,070 到 1,090 美元
調整後每股盈利來自Encompass Health的持續營運3.97 到 4.22 美元4.19 到 4.33 美元
有關公司2024年預測的考量,請查看公司網站 http://investor.encompasshealth.com 上張貼的補充資訊。另請參見下方的“其他資訊”部分,了解公司為何不提供調整後EBITDA和調整後每股收益的可比GAAP指標預測。
參加會議看漲者,請撥打800 343-4849並提供EHCQ324會議ID。國際撥打者應撥打203 518-9848並提供相同的會議ID。請於開始控制項前約十分鐘撥打,以確保您已連線。 會議也將進行網路直播,並將透過在 http://investor.encompasshealth.com 點擊可用連結來進行在線重播。
關於encompass health
Encompass Health(紐交所:EHC)是美國最大的住院康復醫院的所有者和運營商。公司的國家布局包括38個州和波多黎各的165家醫院,為從重傷或嚴重疾病中康復的患者提供高質量、充滿愛心的康復護理,並利用先進科技和創新治療方法來最大程度地提升康復效果。Encompass Health被評為《財富》世界上最受矚目的公司之一和《貝克醫院評論》醫療保健業最佳工作場所150強。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問encompasshealth.com或在我們的新聞中心、Twitter、Instagram和Facebook關注我們。


利息費用和折價及費用攤銷 - 約14000萬美元
債務相關項目的攤銷 - 約1000萬美元

Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In Millions, Except Per Share Data)
Net operating revenues$1,351.0 $1,206.9 $3,968.2 $3,554.4 
Operating expenses:
Salaries and benefits732.1 658.6 2,144.2 1,923.8 
Other operating expenses202.4 183.7 596.2 534.3 
Occupancy costs14.4 14.2 42.6 42.3 
Supplies60.6 53.9 176.7 159.7 
General and administrative expenses54.0 49.8 154.7 148.6 
Depreciation and amortization78.4 67.3 221.6 203.8 
Total operating expenses1,141.9 1,027.5 3,336.0 3,012.5 
Loss on early extinguishment of debt0.4 — 0.4 — 
Interest expense and amortization of debt discounts and fees34.9 35.9 104.4 108.6 
Other income(9.3)(0.5)(18.0)(6.8)
Equity in net income of nonconsolidated affiliates(0.7)(1.0)(2.8)(2.3)
Income from continuing operations before income tax expense183.8 145.0 548.2 442.4 
Provision for income tax expense36.0 30.3 112.6 95.0 
Income from continuing operations147.8 114.7 435.6 347.4 
Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax(0.7)(1.3)(3.2)(3.5)
Net and comprehensive income147.1 113.4 432.4 343.9 
Less: Net and comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling interests(38.9)(28.1)(97.6)(79.5)
Net and comprehensive income attributable to Encompass Health$108.2 $85.3 $334.8 $264.4 
Weighted average common shares outstanding:  
Basic99.9 99.5 99.9 99.5 
Diluted102.1 101.4 102.2 101.1 
Earnings per common share:
Basic earnings per share attributable to Encompass Health common shareholders:
Continuing operations
$1.09 $0.86 $3.36 $2.68 
Discontinued operations
Net income
$1.08 $0.85 $3.33 $2.64 
Diluted earnings per share attributable to Encompass Health common shareholders:
Continuing operations
$1.07 $0.85 $3.31 $2.65 
Discontinued operations
Net income
$1.06 $0.84 $3.28 $2.62 
Amounts attributable to Encompass Health common shareholders: 
Income from continuing operations$108.9 $86.6 $338.0 $267.9 
Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax(0.7)(1.3)(3.2)(3.5)
Net income attributable to Encompass Health$108.2 $85.3 $334.8 $264.4 

Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
 (In Millions)
Current assets:  
Cash and cash equivalents$147.8 $69.1 
Restricted cash51.1 35.1 
Accounts receivable576.4 611.6 
Other current assets158.6 126.0 
Total current assets933.9 841.8 
Property and equipment, net3,523.7 3,301.0 
Operating lease right-of-use assets209.7 208.5 
Goodwill1,284.0 1,281.3 
Intangible assets, net296.2 278.2 
Other long-term assets210.9 191.6 
Total assets$6,458.4 $6,102.4 
Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity
Current liabilities:  
Current portion of long-term debt$233.0 $24.8 
Current operating lease liabilities26.5 24.1 
Accounts payable170.3 170.0 
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities467.6 437.5 
Total current liabilities897.4 656.4 
Long-term debt, net of current portion2,344.5 2,687.8 
Long-term operating lease liabilities195.5 196.1 
Deferred income tax liabilities97.1 87.0 
Other long-term liabilities198.3 177.9 
Total liabilities3,732.8 3,805.2 
Commitments and contingencies
Redeemable noncontrolling interests56.5 42.0 
Shareholders’ equity:  
Encompass Health shareholders’ equity1,959.8 1,647.5 
Noncontrolling interests709.3 607.7 
Total shareholders’ equity2,669.1 2,255.2 
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity$6,458.4 $6,102.4 

Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
 Nine Months Ended September 30,
 (In Millions)
Cash flows from operating activities:  
Net income$432.4 $343.9 
Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax3.2 3.5 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities—  
Depreciation and amortization221.6 203.8 
Stock-based compensation35.8 37.2 
Deferred tax expense (benefit)2.1 (2.9)
Other, net13.5 10.0 
Change in assets and liabilities, net of acquisitions—  
Accounts receivable29.1 20.7 
Other assets(43.3)(4.1)
Accounts payable1.4 (0.2)
Accrued payroll(2.6)24.1 
Accrued interest payable(19.2)(19.1)
Other liabilities53.7 37.5 
Net cash used in operating activities of discontinued operations(3.7)(4.6)
Total adjustments288.4 302.4 
Net cash provided by operating activities724.0 649.8 
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchases of property, equipment, and intangible assets(443.8)(371.4)
Purchase of restricted investments(20.0)(21.1)
Proceeds from sale of restricted investments17.9 7.0 
Other, net(3.7)(9.2)
Net cash used in investing activities(449.6)(394.7)
Cash flows from financing activities:  
Principal borrowings on notes15.0 20.0 
Principal payments on debt, including pre-payments(153.4)(6.3)
Borrowings on revolving credit facility50.0 60.0 
Payments on revolving credit facility(50.0)(115.0)
Principal payments under finance lease obligations(16.2)(35.9)
Taxes paid on behalf of employees for shares withheld(12.1)(8.1)
Contributions from noncontrolling interests of consolidated affiliates139.7 54.7 
Dividends paid on common stock(45.8)(45.5)
Distributions paid to noncontrolling interests of consolidated affiliates(85.5)(91.9)
Repurchases of common stock, including fees and expenses(23.6)— 
Other, net2.2 0.7 
Net cash used in financing activities(179.7)(167.3)
Increase in cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash94.7 87.8 
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at beginning of period104.2 53.4 
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at end of period$198.9 $141.2 

Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Continued)
Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In Millions)
Reconciliation of Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Restricted Cash
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period$69.1 $21.8 
Restricted cash at beginning of period
35.1 31.6 
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at beginning of period
$104.2 $53.4 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period
$147.8 $99.7 
Restricted cash at end of period
51.1 41.5 
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at end of period
$198.9 $141.2 

Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Supplemental Information
Earnings Per Share
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In Millions, Except Per Share Data)
Adjusted EBITDA$269.3 $237.5 $814.1 $716.1 
Depreciation and amortization
Interest expense and amortization of debt discounts and fees
Stock-based compensation(12.9)(13.7)(35.8)(37.2)
Loss on disposal or impairment of assets(0.6)(2.2)(11.3)(3.7)
142.5 118.4 441.0 362.8 
Items not indicative of ongoing operating performance:
Loss on early extinguishment of debt(0.4)— (0.4)— 
State regulatory change impact on noncontrolling interests— — — 2.2 
Change in fair market value of equity securities
2.8 (1.5)2.7 (2.1)
Asset impairment impact on noncontrolling interests— — 7.3 — 
Pre-tax income144.9 116.9 450.6 362.9 
Income tax expense
Income from continuing operations (1)
$108.9 $86.6 $338.0 $267.9 
Basic shares99.9 99.5 99.9 99.5 
Diluted shares102.1 101.4 102.2 101.1 
Basic earnings per share (1)
$1.09 $0.86 $3.36 $2.68 
Diluted earnings per share (1)
$1.07 $0.85 $3.31 $2.65 
(1)Income from continuing operations attributable to Encompass Health

Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Supplemental Information
Adjusted Earnings Per Share

Q39 Months
Earnings per share, as reported$1.07 $0.85 $3.31 $2.65 
Adjustments, net of tax:
Asset impairment impact— — 0.02 — 
Income tax adjustments
(0.02)— (0.05)— 
State regulatory change impact— — — 0.03 
Change in fair market value of equity securities
(0.02)0.01 (0.02)0.02 
Adjusted earnings per share*
$1.03 $0.86 $3.26 $2.69 
*    Adjusted EPS may not sum due to rounding.


Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Supplemental Information
Reconciliation of Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities to Adjusted EBITDA

Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In Millions)
Net cash provided by operating activities
$267.8 $215.2 $724.0 $649.8 
Interest expense and amortization of debt discounts and fees
34.9 35.9 104.4 108.6 
Gain (loss) on sale of investments, excluding impairments4.6 (2.7)5.8 (0.9)
Equity in net income of nonconsolidated affiliates
0.7 1.0 2.8 2.3 
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests in continuing operations
Amortization of debt-related items
Distributions from nonconsolidated affiliates
Current portion of income tax expense38.1 33.5 110.5 97.9 
Change in assets and liabilities(32.5)(17.5)(19.1)(58.9)
Cash used in operating activities of discontinued operations1.0 1.7 3.7 4.6 
State regulatory change impact on noncontrolling interests— — — (2.2)
Asset impairment impact on noncontrolling interests— — (7.3)— 
Change in fair market value of equity securities(2.8)1.5 (2.7)2.1 
Other(0.1)(0.2)— — 
Adjusted EBITDA$269.3 $237.5 $814.1 $716.1 


Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Supplemental Information
Reconciliation of Income from Continuing Operations Attributable to Encompass Health per Diluted Share to Adjusted Earnings Per Share
For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
As ReportedLoss on Early Extinguishment of DebtIncome Tax AdjustmentsChange in Fair Market Value of Equity SecuritiesAs Adjusted
(In Millions, Except Per Share Amounts)
Adjusted EBITDA*$269.3 $ $ $ $269.3 
Depreciation and amortization(78.4)— — — (78.4)
Interest expense and amortization of debt discounts and fees
(34.9)— — — (34.9)
Stock-based compensation(12.9)— — — (12.9)
Loss on disposal or impairment of assets(0.6)— — — (0.6)
Loss on early extinguishment of debt(0.4)0.4 — — — 
Change in fair market value of equity securities
2.8 — — (2.8)— 
Income from continuing operations before income tax expense
144.9 0.4 — (2.8)142.5 
Provision for income tax expense(36.0)(0.1)(2.1)0.7 (37.5)
Income from continuing operations attributable to Encompass Health
$108.9 $0.3 $(2.1)$(2.1)$105.0 
Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations**$1.07 $ $(0.02)$(0.02)$1.03 
Diluted shares used in calculation102.1 

*    Reconciliation to GAAP provided on page 10
**    Adjusted EPS may not sum across due to rounding.

Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Supplemental Information
Reconciliation of Income from Continuing Operations Attributable to Encompass Health per Diluted Share to Adjusted Earnings Per Share
For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
As ReportedIncome Tax AdjustmentsChange in Fair Market Value of Equity SecuritiesAs Adjusted
(In Millions, Except Per Share Amounts)
Adjusted EBITDA*$237.5 $ $ $237.5 
Depreciation and amortization(67.3)— — (67.3)
Interest expense and amortization of debt discounts and fees
(35.9)— — (35.9)
Stock-based compensation(13.7)— — (13.7)
Loss on disposal or impairment of assets(2.2)— — (2.2)
Change in fair market value of equity securities
(1.5)— 1.5 — 
Income from continuing operations before income tax expense
116.9 — 1.5 118.4 
Provision for income tax expense(30.3)(0.5)(0.3)(31.1)
Income from continuing operations attributable to Encompass Health
$86.6 $(0.5)$1.2 $87.3 
Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations**
$0.85 $ $0.01 $0.86 
Diluted shares used in calculation101.4 

*    Reconciliation to GAAP provided on page 10
**    Adjusted EPS may not sum across due to rounding.

Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Supplemental Information
Reconciliation of Income from Continuing Operations Attributable to Encompass Health per Diluted Share to Adjusted Earnings Per Share
For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
As ReportedAsset Impairment ImpactLoss on Early Extinguishment of DebtIncome Tax AdjustmentsChange in Fair Market Value of Equity SecuritiesAs Adjusted
(In Millions, Except Per Share Amounts)
Adjusted EBITDA*$814.1 $— $ $ $ $814.1 
Depreciation and amortization(221.6)— — — — (221.6)
Interest expense and amortization of debt discounts and fees
(104.4)— — — — (104.4)
Stock-based compensation(35.8)— — — — (35.8)
Loss on disposal or impairment of assets(11.3)10.4 — — — (0.9)
Loss on early extinguishment of debt(0.4)— 0.4 — — — 
Change in fair market value of equity securities
2.7 — — — (2.7)— 
Asset impairment impact on noncontrolling interests7.3 (7.3)— — — — 
Income from continuing operations before income tax expense
450.6 3.1 0.4 — (2.7)451.4 
Provision for income tax expense(112.6)(1.3)(0.1)(5.1)0.7 (118.4)
Income from continuing operations attributable to Encompass Health
$338.0 $1.8 $0.3 $(5.1)$(2.0)$333.0 
Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations**$3.31 $0.02 $ $(0.05)$(0.02)$3.26 
Diluted shares used in calculation102.2 
*    Reconciliation to GAAP provided on page 10
**    Adjusted EPS may not sum across due to rounding.

Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Supplemental Information
Reconciliation of Income from Continuing Operations Attributable to Encompass Health per Diluted Share to Adjusted Earnings Per Share
For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
As ReportedState Regulatory Change ImpactIncome Tax AdjustmentsChange in Fair Market Value of Equity SecuritiesAs Adjusted
(In Millions, Except Per Share Amounts)
Adjusted EBITDA*$716.1 $ $ $ $716.1 
Depreciation and amortization(203.8)6.1 — — (197.7)
Interest expense and amortization of debt discounts and fees
(108.6)— — — (108.6)
Stock-based compensation(37.2)— — — (37.2)
Loss on disposal or impairment of assets(3.7)— — — (3.7)
State regulatory change impact on noncontrolling interests2.2 (2.2)— — — 
Change in fair market value of equity securities
(2.1)— — 2.1 — 
Income from continuing operations before income tax expense
362.9 3.9 — 2.1 368.9 
Provision for income tax expense(95.0)(1.0)(0.1)(0.5)(96.6)
Income from continuing operations attributable to Encompass Health
$267.9 $2.9 $(0.1)$1.6 $272.3 
Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations**
$2.65 $0.03 $ $0.02 $2.69 
Diluted shares used in calculation101.1 
*    Reconciliation to GAAP provided on page 10
**    Adjusted EPS may not sum across due to rounding.

Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Supplemental Information
Reconciliation of Net Income to Adjusted EBITDA

 Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In Millions)
Net income$147.1 $113.4 $432.4 $343.9 
Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax, attributable to Encompass Health0.7 1.3 3.2 3.5 
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests included in continuing operations(38.9)(28.1)(97.6)(79.5)
Provision for income tax expense36.0 30.3 112.6 95.0 
Interest expense and amortization of debt discounts and fees
34.9 35.9 104.4 108.6 
Depreciation and amortization78.4 67.3 221.6 203.8 
Loss on early extinguishment of debt0.4 — 0.4 — 
Loss on disposal or impairment of assets0.6 2.2 11.3 3.7 
Stock-based compensation12.9 13.7 35.8 37.2 
State regulatory change impact on noncontrolling interests— — — (2.2)
Change in fair market value of equity securities(2.8)1.5 (2.7)2.1 
Asset impairment impact on noncontrolling interests— — (7.3)— 
Adjusted EBITDA$269.3 $237.5 $814.1 $716.1 


Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Supplemental Information
Reconciliation of Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities to Adjusted Free Cash Flow
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In Millions)
Net cash provided by operating activities$267.8 $215.2 $724.0 $649.8 
Impact of discontinued operations1.0 1.7 3.7 4.6 
Net cash provided by operating activities of continuing operations
268.8 216.9 727.7 654.4 
Capital expenditures for maintenance(46.2)(35.3)(133.8)(129.8)
Distributions paid to noncontrolling interests of consolidated affiliates
Items not indicative of ongoing operating performance:
Transaction costs and related liabilities0.1 0.2 (8.6)(0.5)
Adjusted free cash flow$189.7 $149.3 $499.8 $432.2 
For the three months ended September 30, 2024, net cash used in investing activities was $161.5 million and resulted primarily from capital expenditures. Net cash used in financing activities during the three months ended September 30, 2024 was $89.5 million and resulted primarily from net debt payments, distributions paid to noncontrolling interests of consolidated affiliates, cash dividends paid on common stock, and repurchases of common stock partially offset by contributions from noncontrolling interests of consolidated affiliates.
For the three months ended September 30, 2023, net cash used in investing activities was $162.2 million and resulted primarily from capital expenditures. Net cash used in financing activities during the three months ended September 30, 2023 was $65.8 million and resulted primarily from net debt payments, distributions paid to noncontrolling interests of consolidated affiliates, and cash dividends paid on common stock partially offset by contributions from noncontrolling interests of consolidated affiliates.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, net cash used in investing activities was $449.6 million and resulted primarily from capital expenditures. Net cash used in financing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $179.7 million and resulted primarily from net debt payments, distributions paid to noncontrolling interests of consolidated affiliates, cash dividends paid on common stock, and repurchases of common stock partially offset by contributions from noncontrolling interests of consolidated affiliates.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2023, net cash used in investing activities was $394.7 million and resulted primarily from capital expenditures. Net cash used in financing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was $167.3 million and resulted primarily from net debt payments, distributions paid to noncontrolling interests of consolidated affiliates, and cash dividends paid on common stock partially offset by contributions from noncontrolling interests of consolidated affiliates.

Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Forward-Looking Statements
Statements contained in this press release and the supplemental information which are not historical facts, such as those relating to the business, strategy, outlook, growth targets and guidance considerations, dividend strategies, effective income tax rates, cost trends, legislative and regulatory developments or their impacts, financial guidance, ability to return value to shareholders, projected capital expenditures, acquisition opportunities, development projects, addressable market size, other balance sheet and cash flow plans, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In addition, Encompass Health, through its senior management, may from time to time make forward-looking public statements concerning the matters described herein. All such estimates, projections, and forward-looking information speak only as of the date hereof, and Encompass Health undertakes no duty to publicly update or revise such forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Such forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates based upon current information and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results may differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors. While it is impossible to identify all such factors, factors which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those estimated by Encompass Health include, but are not limited to, an infectious disease outbreak, including the speed, depth, geographic reach and duration of its spread, which could decrease our patient volumes and revenues and lead to staffing and supply shortages and associated cost increases; Encompass Health's infectious disease prevention and control efforts; the demand for Encompass Health’s services, including based on any downturns in the economy, consumer confidence, or the capital markets; the price of Encompass Health's common stock as it affects Encompass Health's willingness and ability to repurchase shares and the financial and accounting effects of any repurchases; any adverse outcome of various lawsuits, claims, and legal or regulatory proceedings involving Encompass Health, including any matters related to yet undiscovered issues, if any, in acquired operations; Encompass Health's ability to attract and retain key management personnel; any adverse effects on Encompass Health's stock price resulting from the integration of acquired operations; potential disruptions, breaches, or other incidents affecting the proper operation, availability, or security of Encompass Health's or its vendors' or partners’ information systems, including unauthorized access to or theft of patient, business associate, or other sensitive information or inability to provide patient care because of system unavailability as well as unforeseen issues, if any, related to integration of acquired systems; the ability to successfully integrate acquired operations, including realization of anticipated tax benefits, revenues, and cost savings, minimizing the negative impact on margins arising from the changes in staffing and other operating practices, and avoidance of unforeseen exposure to liabilities; Encompass Health's ability to successfully complete and integrate de novo developments, acquisitions, investments, and joint ventures consistent with its growth strategy; Encompass Health’s ability to realize construction cost savings from prefabrication of hospitals; increases in Medicare audit activity, including increased use of sampling and extrapolation, resulting in additional unpaid reimbursement claims and an increase in the backlog of appealed claims denials; changes, delays in (including in connection with resolution of Medicare payment reviews or appeals), or suspension of reimbursement for Encompass Health's services by governmental or private payors; changes in the regulation of the healthcare industry at either or both of the federal and state levels, including as part of national healthcare reform and deficit reduction and Encompass Health's ability to adapt operations to those changes, including in connection with the CMS inpatient rehabilitation review choice demonstration project; competitive pressures in the healthcare industry and Encompass Health's response thereto; Encompass Health's ability to obtain and retain favorable arrangements with third-party payors; Encompass Health's ability to control costs, particularly labor and employee benefit costs, including group medical expenses; adverse effects resulting from coverage determinations made by Medicare Administrative Contractors regarding its Medicare reimbursement claims and lengthening delays in Encompass Health's ability to recover improperly denied claims through the administrative appeals process on a timely basis; Encompass Health's ability to adapt to changes in the healthcare delivery system, including value-based purchasing and involvement in coordinated care initiatives or programs that may arise with its referral sources; Encompass Health's ability to attract and retain nurses, therapists, and other healthcare professionals in a highly competitive environment with often severe staffing shortages, which may be worsened by infectious disease outbreaks, and the impact on Encompass Health's labor expenses from potential union activity, staffing shortages, and competitive compensation practices; general conditions in the economy and capital markets, including any

Encompass Health Corporation and Subsidiaries
Forward-Looking Statements
instability or uncertainty related to armed conflict or an act of terrorism, governmental impasse over approval of the United States federal budget, an increase in the debt ceiling, or an international sovereign debt crisis; the increase in the cost of, or the decrease in the availability of, necessary supplies, such as personal protective equipment; the increase in the costs of defending and insuring against alleged professional liability claims, and Encompass Health's ability to predict the estimated costs related to such claims; and other factors which may be identified from time to time in Encompass Health's SEC filings and other public announcements, including Encompass Health's Form 10‑K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2024, June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2024, when filed.