EX-1.1 2 g084516_ex1-1.htm EXHIBIT 1.1


展品 1.1








高端 轧芯科技公司



思润资本 LLC







高端 轧芯科技公司






ThinkEquity LLC


州街 17 号,41st 佛罗里达州

纽约,NY 10004




签署方High Roller Technologies, Inc.,一家根据特拉华州法律成立的公司(与其子公司和关联公司一起,包括但不限于在注册声明中披露或描述的所有实体作为High Roller Technologies, Inc.的子公司或关联公司,“公司(以下简称“公司”) 本确认书协议”与ThinkEquity LLC(以下简称“你”(及其相应者)或“代表人”以及其他在承销商名单上的承销商 附录1 在此之前,代表作为代表行事(代表和其他承销商合称“承压商“股份”或单独称为“稳定的股份”票据的购买金额如下:


1.购买 和出售股票.


1.1公司 股份.


1.1.1.大自然 和公司股份的购买.




(ii) 认购商逐项而非共同同意按照其 名下所注明的实标题数目,从公司购买。 附件1 附表所附,成为其组成部分,每股以7.44美元的价格(每实标题的93%)购买。实标题初次向公众发行时的发行价格将 按《招股说明书》(此处定义见第2.1.1节)封面上注明的价格进行确定。


1.1.2.股份 付款和交付.


(i) 公司股份的交付和付款应在美国东部时间第一天上午10点进行 (1)st) 工作日 在注册声明的生效日期(“生效日期”)之后(定义见下文第 2.1.1 节) (或第二个(2)nd) 如果注册声明被宣布生效,则在生效日期后的下一个工作日 美国东部时间下午 4:01 之后)或代表与公司商定的更早时间在办公室办公 纽约州纽约公园大道 345 号 Loeb & Loeb LLP 的 10154(“代表法律顾问”)或其他地点(或 经代表和公司同意,通过传真或其他电子传输进行远程)。时机 公司股票的交付和付款日期称为 “截止日期”。





(ii) 在收盘日,应通过联邦(当日)资金的电汇支付公司的订单,支付给代表公司的证书(形式和内容应得到承销商满意)以换取公司股票(或通过美国托管信托公司(“DTC”)的设施)款项应转账给承销商账户。公司应按照代表至少在收盘日前两(2)个完整工作日以书面形式要求的姓名或名称以及经授权的面额登记该公司股票。除非代表支付所有公司股票的款项,否则公司无义务出售或交付公司股票。 “工作日”一词表示除周六、周日或法定假日或银行机构根据法律要求在纽约州纽约市关闭的日子以外的任何日子。




1.2.1.     认购权股票为了涵盖与发行和销售公司股份相关的任何超额配置金额,公司特此授予承销商购买多达187,500股普通股额外股份的选择权,代表本次发行中出售的公司股份的百分之十五(15%)(“超额配置选择权”)。这187,500股额外的公司股份,净收益将存入公司的账户,下文称为“选择股份”。每股选择股票应支付的购买价格应等于本协议第1.1.1节中规定的每股公司股份的价格。公司股份和选择股份以下简称为“公共证券”。公共证券的发行和销售以下简称为“发行”。


1.2.2.     行使选择权根据本协议第1.2.1节授予的超额配置选择权,代表人可以在生效日期后45天之内就所有(随时)或任何部分(不时)的认股股份行使该选择权。承销商在行使超额配置选择权之前没有购买任何认股股份的义务。此处授予的超额配置选择权可以通过代表向公司口头通知行使,并且必须通过隔夜邮件、传真或其他电子传输方式进行书面确认,说明要购买的认股股份数量以及交付和付款认股股份的日期和时间(“选择结算日期”),该日期不得晚于通知日期后的一个(1)完整工作日或公司和代表同意的其他时间,在代表代表律师事务所或公司和代表商定的其他地点(包括远程传真或其他电子传输),如果认股股份的交付和付款未在结算日期发生,则选择结算日期将如通知所述。在行使关于所有或任何部分认股股份的超额配置选择权后,在此规定的条款和条件下,(i)公司应有义务向承销商出售在该通知中指定的认股股份数量,(ii)每个承销商独立行事而不是共同行事,应按照所述购买的认股股份数量购买认股股份。 附件1 相反地。


1.2.3.     支付和交付。选择权股票的支付应在选择权结束日期(就全部适用时间而言)通过向您交付代表选择权股票的证书(证书形式和合理内容满意)(或通过DTC的全速传输设施或通过DWAC转移)进行的联邦(同日)资金划转而进行。选择权股票应根据承销商事先书面要求注册在指定号码和面值中。本公司应仅在承销商支付各适用选择权股票的款项后才有出售或交付选择权股票的义务。期权股票的付款应当在期权截止日期通过电汇支付联邦 (当日)资金,支付给公司的订单,即在向您交付代表期权股票的证书后,证书的形式和内容令人满意 以及代表商业的账户(或通过DTC的设施)。期权股票应当以代表可能要求的这种姓名或名称以及授权的面额登记 在期权截止日期至少前一(1)个完整的营业日,代表可能书面请求。公司不得被迫出售或 交付期权股票,除非代表支付适用期权股票。


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1.3.1.       认购权证公司同意于收盘日期向代表(和/或其指定人)发行并出售一份购买62,500股普通股(代表了公司股份的5%)的期权(“代表的认股权证”),总购买价格为100美元。如果代表行使超额配售选择权,公司同意于每个期权收盘日期向代表(和/或其指定人)发行并出售一份代表的认股权证,购买数量等于当天出售的期权股份总数的5%。代表的认股权证协议以附件形式连接在这里。 展品 A (“代表的认股权证协议”),自有效日期起一百八十(180)天后的日期起开始行使,全数或部分行使,在有效日期五周年到期,每股普通股的初始行权价为10.00美元,等于公司股份的首次公开发行价格的125%。代表的认股权证协议和其行使的普通股股份以下简称为“代表的证券”。代表了解并同意根据 FINRA规则5110 有重要限制,禁止在有效日期后一百八十(180)天内转让代表的认股权证协议和潜在普通股的股份,并通过接受,同意其在有效日期后一百八十(180)天内不得出售、转让、转让、质押或抵押代表的认股权证协议,或其任何部分,或成为任何头寸对冲、做空、衍生、看跌或看涨交易的标的物,以便在有效日期后一百八十(180)天的期间将这些证券进行有效经济处置的任何人,除(i)在本次发行中与承销商或选定经纪商有关者,或(ii)代表或任何此类承销商或选定经纪人的真实官员或合伙人,并且仅在该等受让方同意上述限售限制的情况下。


1.3.2.       交付代表的保证协议的交付应在交割日进行,并应根据代表的请求以其名义或姓名以及经过授权的面额发行。


2.           本公司代表和保证,同意向每个经理陈述和保证:. 公司在适用时间(定义见下文)、在成交日期和在选择成交日期(如有)时向承销商声明并保证如下:




2.1.1.       根据《证券法》。公司已向美国证券交易委员会(“委员会”)提交了一份注册声明及其修正案,申请表格S-1(文件编号333-275761),包括任何相关的招股说明书或招股说明书,以注册根据1933年证券法修订的公众证券和代表证券(“证券法”),该注册声明及其修正案在各方面均已按照证券法及委员会根据证券法制定的规则和条例(“证券法条例”)的要求进行了准备,并将包含根据证券法和证券法条例要求在其中陈述的所有重要声明。除上下文另有要求外,在注册声明生效时提交给委员会的修正后的注册声明(包括注册声明中包含的初步招股说明书、基本报表、时间表、附录及作为其一部分或并入其中的所有其他文件,以及根据证券法条例第430A条第(b)段的规定在生效日期之前视为其一部分的所有信息(“第430A条信息”))在此称为“注册声明”。如果公司根据证券法条例第462(b)条提交任何注册声明,则在该提交后,“注册声明”一词应包括根据第462(b)条提交的注册声明。注册声明已在此日期获得委员会的声明生效。


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“发行人自由书写说明书”是指根据证券法规(“规则433”)第433条定义的任何“发行人自由书写说明书”,包括但不限于与公共证券相关的任何“自由书写说明书”(根据证券法规第405条定义),该说明书是:(i) 公司需要向委员会提交的,(ii) 根据规则433(d)(8)(i)的定义属于“书面交流的路演”,无论是否需要向委员会提交,或(iii) 根据规则433(d)(5)(i)因其包含公共证券或发行的描述而免于向委员会提交,且该描述未反映最终条款的情况,以上每一种情况都是已提交或需要提交的格式,或者如果不需要提交,保留在公司按照规则433(g)要求的记录中的格式。


“发行人 一般用途的自由书面招募说明书”是指任何意图向潜在投资者(其他于“真实的原因 电子路演,”根据规则433的定义(“真实的 电子路演”),其证据在于其被指定于 时间表2-B 附件所附公司的交割后股权结构。


“发行人 有限使用的自由书面说明”是指任何不是发行人一般使用的自由书面说明的发行人自由书面说明。


“定价披露套餐”是指在适用时间或之前发布的发行人通用自由书面招股说明书,定价招股书以及包含在此处的信息,所有内容一起考虑。 附表2-A 所有这些一起考虑。


2.1.2.       根据证券交易法公司已向委员会提交了一份表格8-A120亿(文件编号001-42202),以根据1934年修订的《证券交易法》(“交易所法”)第12(b)条款注册普通股。普通股在交易所法下的注册已由委员会在本日期之前宣布生效。公司没有采取任何旨在或可能导致终止普通股在交易所法下注册的行动,也没有收到委员会考虑终止此类注册的任何通知。


2.2          股票交易所上市普通股的股份已获批准在美国纽交所(“交易所”)上市, 公司没有采取任何措施,旨在或可能导致从交易所退市的效果, 也没有收到任何通知,表明交易所考虑终止该上市,除非在注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中有所描述。


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2.3         No Stop Orders, etc. Neither the Commission nor, to the Company’s knowledge, any state regulatory authority has issued any order preventing or suspending the use of the Registration Statement, any Preliminary Prospectus or the Prospectus or has instituted or, to the Company’s knowledge, threatened to institute, any proceedings with respect to such an order. The Company has complied with each request (if any) from the Commission for additional information.


2.4Disclosures in Registration Statement.


2.4.1.Compliance with Securities Act and 10b-5 Representation.


(i)               Each of the Registration Statement and any post-effective amendment thereto, at the time it became effective, complied in all material respects with the requirements of the Securities Act and the Securities Act Regulations. Each Preliminary Prospectus, including the prospectus filed as part of the Registration Statement as originally filed or as part of any amendment or supplement thereto, and the Prospectus, at the time each was filed with the Commission, complied in all material respects with the requirements of the Securities Act and the Securities Act Regulations. Each Preliminary Prospectus delivered to the Underwriters for use in connection with this Offering and the Prospectus was or will be identical to the electronically transmitted copies thereof filed with the Commission pursuant to EDGAR, except to the extent permitted by Regulation S-T.


(ii)             Neither the Registration Statement nor any amendment thereto, at its effective time, as of the Applicable Time, at the Closing Date or at any Option Closing Date (if any), contained, contains or will contain an untrue statement of a material fact or omitted, omits or will omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading.


(iii)            在适用时间、交割日期或任何选择交割日期(如有)时,定价披露材料并未、并不,并将不会包含不真实的重大事实陈述或未能陈述在特定情况下使其中的陈述不具误导性所必需的重大事实;且本协议中每个发行人有限使用的自由书面招股说明书与注册声明、任何初步招股说明书、定价招股说明书或招股说明书中所包含的信息没有冲突,并且在适用时间,结合定价招股说明书补充后的每个发行人有限使用的自由书面招股说明书并未包含不真实的重大事实陈述或未能陈述在特定情况下使其中的陈述不具误导性所必需的重大事实;但是,前提是,本表述和保证不适用于依据并遵循向公司提供的关于承销商的书面信息的声明或遗漏,这些信息是由代表专门提供用于注册声明、定价招股说明书或招股说明书或任何修订或补充的。各方承认并同意,由任何承销商提供或代表其提供的信息仅包括招股说明书“承销”部分中包含的以下披露:标题为“价格稳定、短期头寸和罚款投标”和“证券的电子报价、销售和分销”下的信息,以及在标题为“折扣、佣金和报销”的部分中关于经销商的让步和再让步的信息(“承销商信息”)。


(iv)            Neither the Prospectus nor any amendment or supplement thereto (including any prospectus wrapper), as of its issue date, at the time of any filing with the Commission pursuant to Rule 424(b), at the Closing Date or at any Option Closing Date, included, includes or will include an untrue statement of a material fact or omitted, omits or will omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; provided, however, that this representation and warranty shall not apply to the Underwriters’ Information.


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2.4.2.       协议的披露. 在注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中描述的协议和文件在所有重要方面与其中的描述一致,并且没有根据证券法和证券法条例要求在注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中描述或向委员会提交作为注册声明附录的其他协议或文件,这些文件未被描述或提交。每个协议或其他工具(无论如何表述或描述)与公司相关或可能受到其约束或影响的,(i)在注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中提及的,或(ii)对公司的业务至关重要的,均已得到公司的正式授权并有效执行,在所有重要方面均合法有效,且可依据其条款对公司及据公司所知的其他相关方可执行,除了(x)此类可执行性可能受到破产、无力偿债、重组或类似法律限制债权人权利的影响,(y)任何赔偿或补偿条款的可执行性可能受到联邦和州证券法的限制,以及(z)具体履行的救济、禁令救济及其他权益救济的救济可能受公平抗辩和提出此类程序的法院酌情权的影响。上述协议或工具均未被公司转让,且公司或据公司所知,其他方均未发生违约,并且据公司所知,未发生任何事件会导致在经过一段时间或通知的情况下,或两者皆是,构成违约。根据公司所知,公司对上述协议或工具的实质性条款的履行不会导致违反任何现有适用法律、规则、法规、判决、命令或任何具有管辖权的政府机构或法院的法令(每个称为“政府实体”),无论是国内还是国外,包括但不限于与环保法律和法规相关的法律。


2.4.3.       Prior Securities Transactions. No securities of the Company have been sold by the Company or by or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, any person or persons controlling, controlled by or under common control with the Company, except as disclosed in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Preliminary Prospectus.


2.4.4.       Regulations. The disclosures in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus concerning the effects of federal, state, local and all foreign regulation on the Offering and the Company’s business as currently contemplated are correct in all material respects and no other such regulations are required to be disclosed in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus which are not so disclosed.


2.4.5.       Restructuring. The Company was formed as part of corporate reorganization (the “Restructuring”) of HR Entertainment Ltd., a British Virgin Islands company (“HR Entertainment”), and now owns the same assets and is subject to all liabilities of HR Entertainment, which is now an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary. The Restructuring is described in more detail in the Pricing Disclosure Package and Prospectus under the section titled “Management’s Discussion and Analysis – The Restructuring,” which description is complete and correct in all material respects. No prior consent, authorization or order of, and no filing with, any court, government agency or other body regulating the gaming industry was required in connection with the Restructuring.


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2.5Changes After Dates in Registration Statement.


2.5.1.       没有重大不利变化自注册声明中提供信息的相关日期以来, 在定价披露包和招股说明书中,除非特别说明:(i) 公司财务状况或经营成果没有发生重大不利变化,也没有任何单独或整体上会涉及重大不利变化或未来潜在重大不利变化的变化或发展,影响公司的控件(财务或其他)、经营成果、业务、资产或前景(“重大不利变化”);(ii) 除本协议所设想的情况外,公司没有进行重大交易;(iii) 公司没有任何官员或董事辞去在公司的任何职位。


2.5.2.       Recent Securities Transactions, etc. Subsequent to the respective dates as of which information is given in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, and except as may otherwise be indicated or contemplated herein or disclosed in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, the Company has not: (i) issued any securities or incurred any liability or obligation, direct or contingent, for borrowed money; or (ii) declared or paid any dividend or made any other distribution on or in respect to its capital stock.


2.6         Independent Accountants. To the knowledge of the Company, WithumSmith + Brown, PC (the “Auditor”), whose report is filed with the Commission as part of the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, is an independent registered public accounting firm as required by the Securities Act and the Securities Act Regulations and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. The Auditor has not, during the periods covered by the financial statements included in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, provided to the Company any non-audit services, as such term is used in Section 10A(g) of the Exchange Act.


2.7         财务报表等. 基本报表,包括附注和注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中包含的支持计划,公正地呈现了公司在适用日期和期间的财务状况和经营成果;此类基本报表已经按照美国公认会计原则(“GAAP”)编制,并在涉及的各个期间中保持一致(前提是未经审计的中期基本报表可能会进行年终审计调整,预计整体上不会对财务报表产生重大影响,并且不包含GAAP所要求的所有脚注);注册声明中包含的支持计划公正地呈现了所需披露的信息。除其中包含的内容外,注册声明、定价披露包或招股说明书下不需要包含任何历史或虚拟的基本报表。注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中包含的虚拟和调整后的虚拟基本信息及相关附注(如有)已根据适用的证券法及证券法条例的要求妥善编制和准备,并公正地呈现了其中所示的信息,且用于编制的假设是合理的,所用调整是适当的,以有效反映其中提到的交易和情况。注册声明、定价披露包或招股说明书中关于“非GAAP财务指标”的所有披露(按照委员会的规则和条例的定义)如有,均符合交易法的G条例和证券法的S-K条例第10项的要求(如适用)。注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中披露了公司与未合并实体或其他可能对公司财务状况、财务状况变化、经营成果、流动性、资本支出、资本资源或收入或费用的重大元件产生重大当前或未来影响的其他关系的所有重要表外交易、安排和义务(包括或有义务)。除在注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中披露的内容外,(a) 公司及其任何直接或间接的子公司,包括在注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中披露或描述的作为公司的子公司的每个实体(每个均为“子公司”,统称为“子公司”),未承担任何重大直接或或有的负债或义务,或未进行任何重大交易,除业务正常范围以外,(b) 公司未宣布或支付任何分红派息或进行任何形式的资本股票分配,(c) 公司或任何子公司的资本股票没有发生任何变化,或者,除业务之外,任何股票补偿计划下的授予,并且 (d) 公司长期或短期债务没有发生任何重大不利变化。


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2.8         授权资本;期权等. 在注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中指明的日期,公司具有合法授权、已发行且流通的资本结构,具体如其中所述。根据注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中所列的假设,公司将在交割日拥有其中规定的调整后股票资本结构。除非在注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中另有规定或考虑,否则在生效日期、适用时间、交割日及任何期权交割日期,均不存在购买或以其他方式获取公司已授权但未发行的普通股的股票期权、Warrants或其他权利,亦不存在可转换或可行使为公司普通股的任何安防-半导体,或任何发行或出售普通股的合同或承诺,以及任何此类期权、Warrants、权利或可转换证券。


2.9Valid Issuance of Securities, etc.


2.9.1.       Outstanding Securities. All issued and outstanding securities of the Company issued prior to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have been duly authorized and validly issued and are fully paid and non-assessable; the holders thereof have no rights of rescission with respect thereto, and are not subject to personal liability by reason of being such holders; and none of such securities were issued in violation of the preemptive rights of any holders of any security of the Company or similar contractual rights granted by the Company. The authorized shares of Common Stock conform in all material respects to all statements relating thereto contained in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus. The offers and sales of the outstanding shares of Common Stock were at all relevant times either registered under the Securities Act and the applicable state securities or “blue sky” laws or, based in part on the representations and warranties of the purchasers of such Shares, exempt from such registration requirements.


2.9.2.       根据本协议出售的证券. 公共证券和代表证券已正式授权发行和销售,并且在发行并支付后,将被视为有效发行、全额支付且不受评估;持有者因此不会因持有这些证券而承担个人责任;公共证券和代表证券不受任何公司的证券持有者或类似合同权利的优先认购权;为授权、发行和销售公共证券和代表证券所需的所有公司行动均已正式有效地采取。公共证券和代表证券在所有实质方面符合注册声明、定价披露文件和招股说明书中包含的相关声明。为授权、发行和销售代表权证协议所需的所有公司行动均已正式有效地采取;可在代表权证行使时发行的普通股股份已被正式授权并通过公司的必要公司行动保留发行,当按照代表权证和代表权证协议支付和发行时,这些普通股股份将被视为有效发行、全额支付且不受评估;持有者因此不会因持有这些股份而承担个人责任;这些普通股股份不受任何公司的证券持有者或类似合同权利的优先认购权。


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2.10       Registration Rights of Third Parties. Except as set forth in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, no holders of any securities of the Company or any rights exercisable for or convertible or exchangeable into securities of the Company have the right to require the Company to register any such securities of the Company under the Securities Act or to include any such securities in a registration statement to be filed by the Company.


2.11       Validity and Binding Effect of Agreements. This Agreement and the Representative’s Warrant Agreement have been duly and validly authorized by the Company, and, when executed and delivered, will constitute, the valid and binding agreements of the Company, enforceable against the Company in accordance with their respective terms, except: (i) as such enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or similar laws affecting creditors’ rights generally; (ii) as enforceability of any indemnification or contribution provision may be limited under the federal and state securities laws; and (iii) that the remedy of specific performance and injunctive and other forms of equitable relief may be subject to the equitable defenses and to the discretion of the court before which any proceeding therefor may be brought.


2.12       没有 冲突,以太经典. 公司履行、交付和执行本协议、代表人担保协议以及所有附属文件,及公司完成本协议及其中所列交易,并遵守本协议和相关条款,不会,也不会在给予通知或时间间隔或两者都有的情况下:(i) 导致对公司作为当事方的任何协议或文书条款和规定的实质性违约、冲突,或构成实质性违约,或导致对此公司任何财产或资产的任何权利、费用或负担的创建、修改、终止或施加;(ii) 导致对公司的公司章程(如不时修订或重述,“章程”)或公司的章程细则的任何违反;或 (iii) 违反截至本日期的任何适用法律、规则、法规、裁决、命令或任何政府实体的法令。


2.13       No Defaults; Violations. No material default exists in the due performance and observance of any term, covenant or condition of any material license, contract, indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, note, loan or credit agreement, or any other agreement or instrument evidencing an obligation for borrowed money, or any other material agreement or instrument to which the Company is a party or by which the Company may be bound or to which any of the properties or assets of the Company is subject. The Company is not in violation of any term or provision of its Charter or by-laws, or in violation of any franchise, license, permit, applicable law, rule, regulation, judgment or decree of any Governmental Entity.


2.14Corporate Power; Licenses; Consents.


2.14.1.    Conduct of Business. Except as described in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, the Company has all requisite corporate power and authority, and has all necessary authorizations, approvals, orders, licenses, certificates and permits of and from all governmental regulatory officials and bodies that it needs as of the date hereof to conduct its business purpose as described in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus.


2.14.2.    Transactions Contemplated Herein. The Company has all corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out the provisions and conditions hereof, and all consents, authorizations, approvals and orders required in connection therewith have been obtained. No consent, authorization or order of, and no filing with, any court, government agency or other body is required for the valid issuance, sale and delivery of the Public Securities and the consummation of the transactions and agreements contemplated by this Agreement and the Representative’s Warrant Agreement and as contemplated by the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, except with respect to applicable federal and state securities laws and the rules and regulations of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (“FINRA”).


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2.15       D&O Questionnaires. To the Company’s knowledge, all information contained in the questionnaires (the “Questionnaires”) completed by each of the Company’s directors and officers immediately prior to the Offering (the “Insiders”) as supplemented by all information concerning the Company’s directors, officers and principal shareholders as described in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, as well as in the Lock-Up Agreement (as defined in Section 2.24 below), provided to the Underwriters, is true and correct in all material respects and the Company has not become aware of any information which would cause the information disclosed in the Questionnaires to become materially inaccurate and incorrect.


2.16       Litigation; Governmental Proceedings. There is no action, suit, proceeding, inquiry, arbitration, investigation, litigation or governmental proceeding pending or, to the Company’s knowledge, threatened against, or involving the Company or, to the Company’s knowledge, any executive officer or director which has not been disclosed in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus or in connection with the Company’s listing application for the listing of the Public Securities on the Exchange.


2.17       Good Standing. The Company has been duly organized and is validly existing as a corporation and is in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware as of the date hereof, and is duly qualified to do business and is in good standing in each other jurisdiction in which its ownership or lease of property or the conduct of business requires such qualification, except where the failure to qualify, singularly or in the aggregate, would not have or reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Change.


2.18       Insurance. The Company carries or is entitled to the benefits of insurance, with reputable insurers, in such amounts and covering such risks which the Company believes are adequate, including, but not limited to, directors and officers insurance coverage at least equal to $5,000,000 and all such insurance is in full force and effect. The Company has no reason to believe that it will not be able (i) to renew its existing insurance coverage as and when such policies expire or (ii) to obtain comparable coverage from similar institutions as may be necessary or appropriate to conduct its business as now conducted and at a cost that would not result in a Material Adverse Change.




2.19.1.    介绍费除注册声明、定价披露资料和招股说明书中所述外, 公司或任何内部人士与公众证券的出售相关的查找费、咨询费或起源费的付款、安排、协议或理解均不存在, 或根据公司的知识,任何可能影响承销商补偿的股东的其他安排、协议或理解。


2.19.2.    Payments Within Twelve (12) Months. Except as described in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, the Company has not made any direct or indirect payments (in cash, securities or otherwise) to: (i) any person, as a finder’s fee, consulting fee or otherwise, in consideration of such person raising capital for the Company or introducing to the Company persons who raised or provided capital to the Company; (ii) any FINRA member; or (iii)  any person or entity that has any direct or indirect affiliation or association with any FINRA member, within the twelve (12) months prior to the Effective Date, other than the payment to the Underwriters as provided hereunder in connection with the Offering.


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2.19.3.    Use of Proceeds. None of the net proceeds of the Offering will be paid by the Company to any participating FINRA member or its affiliates, except as specifically authorized herein.


2.19.4.    FINRA 关联. 公司没有(i) 官员或董事,(ii) 任何类别10%或以上的证券的受益人,或(iii) 在提交注册声明前180天内收购的公司未注册的股权证券的受益人,这些人是参与本次发行的FINRA成员的关联人士或相关人员(根据FINRA的规则和法规进行判断)。


2.19.5.    信息公司在其FINRA问卷中提供给代表律师的所有信息,专门用于代表律师与FINRA的公开发行系统提交(及相关披露),在所有重要方面均真实、正确和完整。


2.20       Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. None of the Company and its Subsidiaries or, to the Company’s knowledge, any director, officer, agent, employee or affiliate of the Company and its Subsidiaries or any other person acting on behalf of the Company and its Subsidiaries, has, directly or indirectly, given or agreed to give any money, gift or similar benefit (other than legal price concessions to customers in the ordinary course of business) to any customer, supplier, employee or agent of a customer or supplier, or official or employee of any governmental agency or instrumentality of any government (domestic or foreign) or any political party or candidate for office (domestic or foreign) or other person who was, is, or may be in a position to help or hinder the business of the Company (or assist it in connection with any actual or proposed transaction) that (i) might subject the Company to any damage or penalty in any civil, criminal or governmental litigation or proceeding, (ii) if not given in the past, might have had a Material Adverse Change or (iii) if not continued in the future, might adversely affect the assets, business, operations or prospects of the Company. The Company has taken reasonable steps to ensure that its accounting controls and procedures are sufficient to cause the Company to comply in all material respects with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended.


2.21       Compliance with OFAC. None of the Company and its Subsidiaries or, to the Company’s knowledge, any director, officer, agent, employee or affiliate of the Company and its Subsidiaries or any other person acting on behalf of the Company and its Subsidiaries, is currently subject to any U.S. sanctions administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury (“OFAC”), and the Company will not, directly or indirectly, use the proceeds of the Offering hereunder, or lend, contribute or otherwise make available such proceeds to any subsidiary, joint venture partner or other person or entity, for the purpose of financing the activities of any person currently subject to any U.S. sanctions administered by OFAC.


2.22       洗钱法公司的运营及其子公司在任何时候均遵循适用的货币和外汇交易报告法案(1970年修订)以及所有司法管辖区的反洗钱法规、相关规则和指南,并未有针对公司与反洗钱法有关的任何政府实体的诉讼、案件或程序在进行中,或根据公司所知,也未受到威胁。


2.23       Officers’ Certificate. Any certificate signed by any duly authorized officer of the Company and delivered to you or to Representative Counsel shall be deemed a representation and warranty by the Company to the Underwriters as to the matters covered thereby.


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2.24       Lock-Up Agreements. Schedule 3 hereto contains a complete and accurate list of the Company’s officers, directors and each owner of the Company’s outstanding shares of Common Stock (or securities convertible or exercisable into shares of Common Stock) (collectively, the “Lock-Up Parties”). The Company has caused each of the Lock-Up Parties to deliver to the Representative an executed Lock-Up Agreement, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B (the “Lock-Up Agreement”), prior to the execution of this Agreement.


2.25       Subsidiaries. All direct and indirect Subsidiaries of the Company are duly organized and in good standing under the laws of the place of organization or incorporation, and each Subsidiary is in good standing in each jurisdiction in which its ownership or lease of property or the conduct of business requires such qualification, except where the failure to qualify would not have a material adverse effect on the assets, business or operations of the Company taken as a whole. The Company’s ownership and control of each Subsidiary is as described in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus.


2.26       Related Party Transactions. There are no business relationships or related party transactions involving the Company or any other person required to be described in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus that have not been described as required.


2.27       董事会. 公司的董事会由定于定价招股说明书和标题为“管理”的招股说明书下列的人士组成。担任董事会成员的人员资格以及董事会的整体构成符合《交易所法》《交易所法法规》《2002年萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》及其下发布的规则(“萨班斯-奥克斯利法案”)适用于公司及交易所的上市规则。公司董事会的审计委员会至少有一名成员符合“审计委员会财务专家”的资格,该术语根据S-K法规和交易所的上市规则进行定义。此外,担任董事会成员的人至少有大多数符合交易所上市规则所定义的“独立”资格。


2.28Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance.


2.28.1.    Disclosure Controls. The Company has developed and currently maintains disclosure controls and procedures that will comply with Rule 13a-15 or 15d-15 under the Exchange Act Regulations, and such controls and procedures are effective to ensure that all material information concerning the Company will be made known on a timely basis to the individuals responsible for the preparation of the Company’s Exchange Act filings and other public disclosure documents.


2.28.2.    Compliance. The Company is, or at the Applicable Time and on the Closing Date will be, in material compliance with the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act applicable to it, and has implemented or will implement such programs and taken reasonable steps to ensure the Company’s future compliance (not later than the relevant statutory and regulatory deadlines therefor) with all of the material provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.


2.29       会计 控制. 公司及其子公司维持符合《交易法》要求的“财务报告内部控制”系统(根据《交易法》规则13a-15和15d-15的定义),并由各自的主要执行官和信安金融官,或履行类似职能的人员监督设计,以提供合理的保证,确保财务报告的可靠性和按照GAAP准备外部财务报表,包括但不限于,内部会计控制足以提供合理的保证:(i)交易是根据管理层的一般或特定授权执行的;(ii)交易按需记录,以便准备符合GAAP的财务报表并维护资产问责制;(iii)对资产的访问仅根据管理层的一般或特定授权进行;(iv)对资产的记录问责与现有资产在合理的时间间隔内进行比较,并对任何差异采取适当措施。除非在注册声明、定价披露资料包和招股说明书中披露,公司未意识到其内部控制有任何重大缺陷。公司的审计人员和公司的董事会审计委员会已被告知:(i)所有公司管理层已知的设计或运作中存在的重大缺陷和财务报告内部控制的重大弱点,且这些缺陷和弱点对公司记录、处理、总结和报告财务信息的能力产生了负面影响或合理可能产生负面影响;以及(ii)已知的任何涉及管理层或在公司财务报告内部控制中扮演重要角色的其他员工的欺诈,无论其是否重大。


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2.30       No Investment Company Status. The Company is not and, after giving effect to the Offering and the application of the proceeds thereof as described in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, will not be, required to register as an “investment company,” as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.


2.31       No Labor Disputes. No labor dispute with the employees of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries exists or, to the knowledge of the Company, is imminent.


2.32       知识产权. 公司及其每个子公司拥有、占有或有效使用所有 专利、专利申请、商标、服务标志、商号、商标注册、服务标志注册、版权、 许可证、发明、商业秘密及类似权利(“知识产权”),这些权利对于公司及其子公司的业务运营是必要的,如现阶段进行的那样,并如注册声明、定价披露文件和招股说明书中所描述。根据公司所知,公司的任何行动或使用以及其任何子公司在注册声明和招股说明书中描述的商业活动将不会涉及或引起对任何他人知识产权的侵权或许可证或类似费用。公司及其任何子公司都没有收到任何关于此类侵权、费用或与他人主张的知识产权冲突的通知。除非可能导致单独或整体上出现重大不利变化的情形(A)根据公司的知识,没人侵犯、盗用或违反公司拥有的任何知识产权;(B)没有来自他人的尚未解决或公司知悉的威胁行动、诉讼、程序或索赔质疑公司在任何此类知识产权中的权利,且公司并不知道任何可以合理构成索赔的事实,这将在单独或整体上,与第2.32节中的任何其他索赔一起,合理预期会导致重大不利变化;(C)公司拥有的知识产权,以及根据公司所知,许可给公司的知识产权,没有被有管辖权的法院判定为无效或无法执行,无论是全部还是部分,并且没有来自他人的尚未解决或根据公司所知的威胁行动、诉讼、程序或索赔质疑任何此类知识产权的有效性或范围,且公司并不知道任何可以合理构成索赔的事实,这将在单独或整体上,与第2.32节中的任何其他索赔一起,合理预期会导致重大不利变化;(D)没有来自他人的尚未解决或根据公司所知的威胁行动、诉讼、程序或索赔,主张公司侵犯、盗用或以其他方式违反任何知识产权或其他财产权利,且公司没有收到关于此类索赔的任何书面通知,并且公司并不知道任何其他可以合理构成索赔的事实,这将在单独或整体上,与第2.32节中的任何其他索赔一起,合理预期会导致重大不利变化;以及(E)根据公司的知识,公司的任何员工在任何重要方面没有违反任何雇佣合同、专利披露协议、发明转让协议、竞争禁止协议、非招揽协议、保密协议或与前雇主的任何限制性契约,而这种违反涉及该员工在公司的雇用,或该员工在公司工作期间采取的行动,可能合理预期单独或整体上导致重大不利变化。根据公司的知识,所有公司开发的并属于公司的重要技术信息,未申请专利的都已被保密。公司不是任何其他个人或实体知识产权的选项、许可证或协议的当事方或受其约束,这些必须在注册声明、定价披露文件和招股说明书中列出,且在其中没有描述。注册声明、定价披露文件和招股说明书在所有重要方面包含与前述内容相同的描述。公司所运用的任何科技都不是通过违反对公司的任何合同义务而取得或使用的,或者根据公司所知,没有对其任何高级职员、董事或员工的合同义务的违反,或以其他方式违反任何人的权利。


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2.33       税收. 公司及其子公司已向税务机关提交了所有必要的报税表(以下称为“报税表”),并在本日期之前及时获得了提交的延期。公司及其子公司已支付所有在已提交报税表上显示应缴的税款,并已支付对公司或其各自子公司征收的所有税款。提交的基本报表中所显示的应付税款的规定(如有)足以覆盖所有已累积和未支付的税款,无论是否存在争议,并涵盖截至该合并财务报表日期的所有期间。除非书面向承销商披露,(i) 税务机关未提出(且目前悬而未决)与公司或其子公司应缴的任何报税表或税款有关的问题,以及 (ii) 公司或其子公司未给予或要求就报税表或税款征收放弃时效的豁免。“税款”一词包括联邦、州、地方、外国及其他的净利润、总收入、总收入、销售、使用、按价值、转让、特许权、利润、许可证、租赁、服务、服务使用、预扣、工资、雇佣、消费、遣散、印花、职业、保费、财产、意外所得、关税、税费或任何种类的其他税费、评估或收费,以及与之相关的任何利息和任何罚款、附加税或额外金额。“报税表”一词指与税款有关的所有报表、声明、报告、陈述和其他必须提交的文件。


2.34       ERISA合规公司及任何由公司或其“ERISA附属机构”(如下定义)建立或维持的“员工福利计划”(根据1974年员工退休收入保障法的定义,如经修订及相关法规和已发布的解读(统称为“ERISA”))在所有重大方面均符合ERISA的要求。“ERISA附属机构”是指与公司相关的任何组织群组的成员,该组织群组在1986年《国内税收法》第414(b)、(c)、(m)或(o)条款中有描述,及其修订和相关法规及已发布的解读(“法规”),公司就是该群组的成员。对于公司或其任何ERISA附属机构建立或维持的任何“员工福利计划”,尚未发生或合理预计将发生任何“需报告事件”(根据ERISA的定义)。如终止,公司或其任何ERISA附属机构建立或维持的任何“员工福利计划”将不会有任何“未资助的福利负债金额”(根据ERISA的定义)。公司及其任何ERISA附属机构尚未发生或合理预计将发生根据(i) ERISA第IV章关于终止或撤回任何“员工福利计划”或(ii)《法规》第412、4971、4975或49800亿条款所产生的任何重大责任。公司或其任何ERISA附属机构建立或维持的每一个“员工福利计划”,如果意在根据《法规》第401(a)条款获得资格,均具备该资格,并且根据公司的知识,未发生由于行动或未行动导致失去该资格的情况。


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2.35       Compliance with Laws. The Company: (A) is and at all times has been in compliance with all statutes, rules, or regulations applicable to the ownership, testing, development, manufacture, packaging, processing, use, distribution, marketing, labeling, promotion, sale, offer for sale, storage, import, export or disposal of any product manufactured or distributed by the Company (“Applicable Laws”), except as could not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Change; (B) has not received any warning letter, untitled letter or other correspondence or notice from any other governmental authority alleging or asserting noncompliance with any Applicable Laws or any licenses, certificates, approvals, clearances, authorizations, permits and supplements or amendments thereto required by any such Applicable Laws (“Authorizations”);(C) possesses all material Authorizations and such Authorizations are valid and in full force and effect and are not in material violation of any term of any such Authorizations; (D) has not received notice of any claim, action, suit, proceeding, hearing, enforcement, investigation, arbitration or other action from any governmental authority or third party alleging that any product operation or activity is in violation of any Applicable Laws or Authorizations and has no knowledge that any such governmental authority or third party is considering any such claim, litigation, arbitration, action, suit, investigation or proceeding; (E) has not received notice that any governmental authority has taken, is taking or intends to take action to limit, suspend, modify or revoke any Authorizations and has no knowledge that any such governmental authority is considering such action; and (F) has filed, obtained, maintained or submitted all material reports, documents, forms, notices, applications, records, claims, submissions and supplements or amendments as required by any Applicable Laws or Authorizations and that all such reports, documents, forms, notices, applications, records, claims, submissions and supplements or amendments were complete and correct on the date filed (or were corrected or supplemented by a subsequent submission).


2.36       不合格 发行人. 在提交注册声明及任何后续生效修正案时,注册声明生效时,或在其后最早的时间内,公司或其他发售参与者进行了善意的公共证券报价(根据证券法规定第164(h)(2)条款的含义),并在此日期时,公司不是也不被视为"不合格发行人",正如规则405中所定义的,没有考虑委员会根据规则405的任何决定,即公司不必被视为不合格发行人。


2.37       Real Property. Except as set forth in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, the Company and its Subsidiaries have good and marketable title in fee simple to, or have valid rights to lease or otherwise use, all items of real or personal property which are material to the business of the Company and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole, in each case free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, security interests, claims and defects that do not, singly or in the aggregate, materially affect the value of such property and do not interfere with the use made and proposed to be made of such property by the Company or its Subsidiaries; and all of the leases and subleases material to the business of the Company and its subsidiaries, considered as one enterprise, and under which the Company or any of its Subsidiaries holds properties described in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, are in full force and effect, and neither the Company nor any Subsidiary has received any notice of any material claim of any sort that has been asserted by anyone adverse to the rights of the Company or any Subsidiary under any of the leases or subleases mentioned above, or affecting or questioning the rights of the Company or such Subsidiary to the continued possession of the leased or subleased premises under any such lease or sublease.


2.38       Contracts Affecting Capital. There are no transactions, arrangements or other relationships between and/or among the Company, any of its affiliates (as such term is defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act Regulations) and any unconsolidated entity, including, but not limited to, any structured finance, special purpose or limited purpose entity that could reasonably be expected to materially affect the Company’s or its Subsidiaries’ liquidity or the availability of or requirements for their capital resources required to be described or incorporated by reference in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus which have not been described or incorporated by reference as required.


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2.39       贷款 给董事或高管公司或其子公司对公司、其子公司或其各自家庭成员的任何高管或董事没有未偿还的贷款、预付款(除正常的业务费用预付款外)或担保或债务,除非在注册声明、定价披露文件和招股说明书中披露。


2.40       较小的 报告公司在提交登记声明时,本公司被定义为《交易所法例》第120亿.2条所述的“较小报告公司”。


2.41       Industry Data.  The statistical and market-related data included in each of the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus are based on or derived from sources that the Company reasonably and in good faith believes are reliable and accurate or represent the Company’s good faith estimates that are made on the basis of data derived from such sources.


2.42       Emerging Growth Company. From the time of the initial confidential submission of the Registration Statement to the Commission (or, if earlier, the first date on which the Company engaged directly in or through any Person authorized to act on its behalf in any Testing-the Waters Communication) through the date hereof, the Company has been and is an “emerging growth company,” as defined in Section 2(a) of the Securities Act (an “Emerging Growth Company”). “Testing-the-Waters Communication” means any oral or written communication with potential investors undertaken in reliance on Section 5(d) of the Securities Act.


2.43       Testing-the-Waters Communications. The Company has not (i) alone engaged in any Testing-the-Waters Communications, other than Testing-the-Waters Communications with the written consent of the Representative and with entities that are qualified institutional buyers within the meaning of Rule 144A under the Securities Act or institutions that are accredited investors within the meaning of Rule 501 under the Securities Act and (ii) authorized anyone other than the Representative to engage in Testing-the-Waters Communications. The Company confirms that the Representative has been authorized to act on its behalf in undertaking Testing-the-Waters Communications. The Company has not distributed any Written Testing-the-Waters Communications other than those listed on Schedule 2-C hereto. “Written Testing-the-Waters Communication” means any Testing-the-Waters Communication that is a written communication within the meaning of Rule 405 under the Securities Act.


2.44       Electronic Road Show. The Company has made available a Bona Fide Electronic Road Show in compliance with Rule 433(d)(8)(ii) of the Securities Act Regulations such that no filing of any “road show” (as defined in Rule 433(h) of the Securities Act Regulations) is required in connection with the Offering.


2.45       Margin Securities. The Company owns no “margin securities” as that term is defined in Regulation U of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the “Federal Reserve Board”), and none of the proceeds of Offering will be used, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of purchasing or carrying any margin security, for the purpose of reducing or retiring any indebtedness which was originally incurred to purchase or carry any margin security or for any other purpose which might cause any of the shares of Common Stock to be considered a “purpose credit” within the meanings of Regulation T, U or X of the Federal Reserve Board.


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3.Covenants of the Company. The Company covenants and agrees as follows:


3.1         Amendments to Registration Statement. The Company shall deliver to the Representative, prior to filing, any amendment or supplement to the Registration Statement or Prospectus proposed to be filed after the Effective Date and not file any such amendment or supplement to which the Representative shall reasonably object in writing.


3.2Federal Securities Laws.


3.2.1.       合规根据第3.2.2节的规定,公司应遵守证券法规则430A的要求,并将及时通知代表,并以书面形式确认通知,(i) 当任何注册声明的生效后修正案生效或任何招股说明书的修正或补充已被提交时;(ii) 关于收到委员会的任何评论的通知;(iii) 关于委员会对注册声明或任何招股说明书的修正或补充或额外信息的请求的通知;(iv) 关于委员会发布的任何止损市价单,暂停注册声明的有效性或任何生效后修正案,或任何阻止或暂停使用任何初步招股说明书或招股说明书的命令,或关于在任何司法管辖区内公共证券和代表证券的资格暂停,或关于因此目的而启动或威胁的任何诉讼程序,或关于依据证券法第8(d)或8(e)节对注册声明进行的任何审查的通知;(v) 如果公司因公开证券和代表证券的发行而成为依据证券法第8A节进行的任何程序的对象。公司应按照证券法规则424(b)的要求,及时进行所有必要的提交,且在规则424(b)要求的方式和期间内进行提交(不依赖于规则424(b)(8)),并应采取其认为必要的步骤,及时确认传送提交的招股说明书的形式是否已被委员会接收,如果没有,则会及时提交该招股说明书。公司应尽一切努力防止任何止损市价单的发布、预防或暂停,并且,如果发布了任何此类命令,应尽早推动其解除。


3.2.2.       持续合规本公司应遵守《证券法》、《证券法法规》、《交易法》及《交易法法规》,以便完成本协议及注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中所设想的公共证券的分配。如果在任何时候,与公共证券相关的招股说明书(或者按照《证券法法规》第172条的例外规定(“第172条”),本应无须交付)要求根据《证券法》交付以进行公共证券的销售时,发生任何事件或存在任何情况,导致在承销商或本公司的律师认为有必要时,(i) 修订注册声明,以确保注册声明不包含虚假重要事实的陈述或遗漏需要在其中说明的重要事实;(ii) 修订或补充定价披露包或招股说明书,以确保定价披露包或招股说明书在交付给购买者时不会包含任何虚假重要事实的陈述,或遗漏任何必要的事实,以确保其中的陈述在当时情况下不会误导;或(iii) 修订注册声明或修订或补充定价披露包或招股说明书,以遵守《证券法》或《证券法法规》的要求,公司将迅速(A)通知代表有关此事件;(B)准备任何修订或补充,以纠正此类陈述或遗漏,或使注册声明、定价披露包或招股说明书符合该要求,并在任何拟议的提交或使用之前的合理时间内,向代表提供任何此类修订或补充的副本;(C)向委员会提交任何此类修订或补充;前提是公司不得提交或使用任何代表或承销商律师合理反对的此类修订或补充。公司将按照承销商的合理要求,向承销商提供该修订或补充的副本。公司已在适用时段前48小时内通知代表,按照《交易法》或《交易法法规》进行的任何提交。公司将在适用时段内通知代表其打算进行任何此类提交,直到交割日期和本节1.2所指定的超额配售期权的完全行使或到期后的较晚者,并在此类拟议提交的合理时间前,向代表提供相关文件的副本,并且不会提交或使用任何代表或承销商律师合理反对的文件。


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3.2.3.       Exchange Act Registration. For a period of three (3) years after the date of this Agreement, the Company shall use its best efforts to maintain the registration of the shares of Common Stock under the Exchange Act. The Company shall not deregister the shares of Common Stock under the Exchange Act without the prior written consent of the Representative.


3.2.4.       Free Writing Prospectuses. The Company agrees that, unless it obtains the prior written consent of the Representative, it shall not make any offer relating to the Public Securities that would constitute an Issuer Free Writing Prospectus or that would otherwise constitute a “free writing prospectus,” or a portion thereof, required to be filed by the Company with the Commission or retained by the Company under Rule 433; provided that the Representative shall be deemed to have consented to each Issuer General Use Free Writing Prospectus hereto and any “road show that is a written communication” within the meaning of Rule 433(d)(8)(i) that has been reviewed by the Representative. The Company represents that it has treated or agrees that it will treat each such free writing prospectus consented to, or deemed consented to, by the Underwriters as an “issuer free writing prospectus,” as defined in Rule 433, and that it has complied and will comply with the applicable requirements of Rule 433 with respect thereto, including timely filing with the Commission where required, legending and record keeping. If at any time following issuance of an Issuer Free Writing Prospectus there occurred or occurs an event or development as a result of which such Issuer Free Writing Prospectus conflicted or would conflict with the information contained in the Registration Statement or included or would include an untrue statement of a material fact or omitted or would omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances existing at that subsequent time, not misleading, the Company will promptly notify the Underwriters and will promptly amend or supplement, at its own expense, such Issuer Free Writing Prospectus to eliminate or correct such conflict, untrue statement or omission.


3.2.5.       沃特世通信测试如果在任何时间,随着任何书面沃特世交流的分发,发生或出现事件或发展,导致该书面沃特世交流包含或将包含不真实的重要事实的陈述,或者省略或将省略为了使其中的陈述在后续事件存在的情况下不具误导性而必要的重要事实, 公司应及时通知代表,并应及时修订或补充该书面沃特世交流,以消除或纠正该不真实陈述或遗漏,费用由其自行承担。


3.3          Delivery to the Underwriters of Registration Statements. The Company has delivered or made available or shall deliver or make available to the Representative and counsel for the Representative, without charge, signed copies of the Registration Statement as originally filed and each amendment thereto (including exhibits filed therewith) and signed copies of all consents and certificates of experts, and will also deliver to the Underwriters, without charge, a conformed copy of the Registration Statement as originally filed and each amendment thereto (without exhibits) for each of the Underwriters. The copies of the Registration Statement and each amendment thereto furnished to the Underwriters will be identical to the electronically transmitted copies thereof filed with the Commission pursuant to EDGAR, except to the extent permitted by Regulation S-T.


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3.4         Delivery to the Underwriters of Prospectuses. The Company has delivered or made available or will deliver or make available to each Underwriter, without charge, as many copies of each Preliminary Prospectus as such Underwriter reasonably requested, and the Company hereby consents to the use of such copies for purposes permitted by the Securities Act. The Company will furnish to each Underwriter, without charge, during the period when a prospectus relating to the Public Securities is (or, but for the exception afforded by Rule 172, would be) required to be delivered under the Securities Act, such number of copies of the Prospectus (as amended or supplemented) as such Underwriter may reasonably request. The Prospectus and any amendments or supplements thereto furnished to the Underwriters will be identical to the electronically transmitted copies thereof filed with the Commission pursuant to EDGAR, except to the extent permitted by Regulation S-T.


3.5         有效性 及需要通知代理人的事项公司应尽最大努力使注册声明在适用时间后至少保持有效,并附有当前的招股说明书,至少九(9)个月,并应立即通知代理人并书面确认通知: (i) 注册声明及其任何修订的有效性; (ii) 由委员会发布的任何止损市价单或关于该目的的任何程序的启动或威胁; (iii) 由任何州证券委员会发布的关于暂停公共证券在任何司法管辖区内的资格的任何程序或关于该目的的任何程序的启动或威胁; (iv) 邮寄和交付给委员会以供注册声明或招股说明书的任何修正或补充文件; (v) 收到来自委员会的任何评论或额外信息请求; (vi) 在本第3.5节描述的期间内,发生的任何事件,依据公司判断,使注册声明、定价披露包或招股说明书中所作的任何重要事实的陈述不真实,或者需要对(a)注册声明进行任何更改,以使其中的陈述不具误导性,或(b)对定价披露包或招股说明书进行任何更改,以使其中的陈述在作出时依据的情况来看不具误导性。如果委员会或任何州证券委员会在任何时候发出止损市价单或暂停该资格,公司应尽一切合理努力迅速获得该命令的解除。


3.6         Review of Financial Statements. For a period of five (5) years after the date of this Agreement, the Company, at its expense, shall cause its regularly engaged independent registered public accounting firm to review (but not audit) the Company’s financial statements for each of the three fiscal quarters immediately preceding the announcement of any quarterly financial information.


3.7         Listing. The Company shall use its best efforts to maintain the listing of the shares of Common Stock (including the Public Securities) on the Exchange for at least three years from the date of this Agreement.


3.8         Financial Public Relations Firm. As of the Effective Date, the Company shall have retained a financial public relations firm reasonably acceptable to the Representative and the Company, which firm shall be experienced in assisting issuers in initial public offerings of securities and in their relations with their security holders, and shall retain such firm or another firm reasonably acceptable to the Representative for a period of not less than two (2) years after the Effective Date.


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3.9Reports to the Representative.


3.9.1.     定期 报告等在本协议签署之日起的三(3)年内,公司应向代表提供或提供可用的财务报表和其他定期及特殊报告的副本, 这些报告是公司不时向任何类别的证券持有者普遍提供的,并且还应立即向代表提供: (i) 公司根据交易法和交易法规定 要求向委员会提交的每一个定期报告的副本; (ii) 每一份由公司发布的关于公司或其事务的新闻稿、新闻项目和文章的副本; (iii) 公司编写并提交的每一份8-K表格的副本; (iv) 公司根据证券法提交的每一份注册声明的五份副本; (v) 代表可能不时合理要求的关于公司及其未来子公司的事务的其他文件和信息; 前提是,如果公司要求,代表应签署一份符合FD条例的保密协议,该协议在代表及其法律顾问看来是合理可接受的,以便代表接收此类信息。 根据其EDGAR系统向委员会提交的文件应视为根据本第3.9.1条交付给代表。


3.9.2.     Transfer Agent; Transfer Sheets. For a period of three (3) years after the date of this Agreement, the Company shall retain a transfer agent and registrar acceptable to the Representative (the “Transfer Agent”) and shall furnish to the Representative at the Company’s sole cost and expense such transfer sheets of the Company’s securities as the Representative may reasonably request, including the daily and monthly consolidated transfer sheets of the Transfer Agent and DTC. VStock Transfer LLC is acceptable to the Representative to act as Transfer Agent for the shares of Common Stock.


3.9.3.     Trading Reports. During such time as the Public Securities are listed on the Exchange, the Company shall provide to the Representative, at the Company’s expense, such reports published by Exchange relating to price trading of the Public Securities, as the Representative shall reasonably request.


3.10Payment of Expenses


3.10.1.   一般 与发行相关的费用. 公司在每一个交割日及选择交割日(如有)同意支付所有与公司履行本协议义务相关的费用,前提是截至交割日尚未支付的费用,包括但不限于: (a) 所有向委员会注册在发行中出售的普通股(包括超额配售股份)的申请费及通信费用; (b) 与FINRA审查发行相关的所有申请费用; (c) 与公共证券在交易所及公司和代表共同判断的其他证券交易所上市相关的所有费用、开支及支出; (d) 与公司高管和董事的背景调查相关的所有费用、开支和支出总额不得超过$15,000; (e) 与公共证券在代表可能合理指定的外国辖区的证券法下的注册、资格或豁免相关的所有费用、开支和支出; (f) 所有邮件及印刷承销文件的费用(包括但不限于承销协议、任何蓝天调查以及(如适用)承销商协议、精选经销商协议、承销商问卷和授权书)、注册声明、招股说明书及所有修订、补充和附件,以及代表可能合理认为必要的初步及最终招股说明书的数量; (g) 公关公司的费用和支出; (h) 准备、印刷和递送公共证券的证明书的费用; (i) 普通股转让代理的费用和支出; (j) 股权转让和/或印花税(如有),在证券从公司转移至承销商时应支付; (k) 与一套装订好的公共发行材料以及纪念品和亚克力墓碑相关的费用,每个公司或其指定人员应在交割日后合理的时间内提供给代表,数量应根据代表的合理要求,不得超过$3,000; (l) 公司的会计师的费用和支出; (m) 公司的法律顾问及其他代理和代表的费用和支出; (n) 代表法律顾问的费用和支出不得超过$125,000; (o) 与承销商使用Ipreo的图书建立、招股说明书跟踪和合规软件相关的$29,500费用; (p) 数据服务和通信费用为$10,000; (q) 承销商为发行的“路演”和营销费用上限为$10,000; (r) 发行的实际可核算市场制作和交易费用,以及结算公司费用上限为$30,000。 代表可以从交割日或选择交割日应支付给公司的发行净收益中扣除公司应支付给承销商的本节所述费用。


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3.10.2.   非可报销 费用. 公司进一步同意,除了根据第3.10.1条款应支付的费用外,在交割 日期,按照扣除本次发行的净收益,公司应向代表支付一笔非可报销的 费用津贴,该津贴相当于公司从销售正式股份(不包括期权股份)所得总收益的百分之一(1%),减去预付款(如本条第8.3条所定义的),但是,如果 发行被终止,公司同意根据第8.3条条款向承销商报销。


3.11        Application of Net Proceeds. The Company shall apply the net proceeds from the Offering received by it in a manner consistent with the application thereof described under the caption “Use of Proceeds” in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus.


3.12        Delivery of Earnings Statements to Security Holders. The Company shall make generally available to its security holders as soon as practicable, but not later than the first day of the fifteenth (15th) full calendar month following the date of this Agreement, an earnings statement (which need not be certified by independent registered public accounting firm unless required by the Securities Act or the Securities Act Regulations, but which shall satisfy the provisions of Rule 158(a) under Section 11(a) of the Securities Act) covering a period of at least twelve (12) consecutive months beginning after the date of this Agreement.


3.13        Stabilization. Neither the Company nor, to its knowledge, any of its employees, directors or shareholders (without the consent of the Representative) has taken or shall take, directly or indirectly, any action designed to or that has constituted or that might reasonably be expected to cause or result in, under Regulation M of the Exchange Act, or otherwise, stabilization or manipulation of the price of any security of the Company to facilitate the sale or resale of the Public Securities.


3.14        Internal Controls. The Company shall maintain a system of internal accounting controls sufficient to provide reasonable assurances that: (i) transactions are executed in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization; (ii) transactions are recorded as necessary in order to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP and to maintain accountability for assets; (iii) access to assets is permitted only in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization; and (iv) the recorded accountability for assets is compared with existing assets at reasonable intervals and appropriate action is taken with respect to any differences.


3.15        Accountants. As of the date of this Agreement, the Company shall retain an independent registered public accounting firm reasonably acceptable to the Representative, and the Company shall continue to retain a nationally recognized independent registered public accounting firm for a period of at least three (3) years after the date of this Agreement. The Representative acknowledges that the Auditor is acceptable to the Representative.


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3.16        FINRA. The Company shall advise the Representative (who shall make an appropriate filing with FINRA) if it is or becomes aware that (i) any officer or director of the Company, (ii) any beneficial owner of 10% or more of any class of the Company’s securities or (iii) any beneficial owner of the Company’s unregistered equity securities which were acquired during the 180 days immediately preceding the filing of the Registration Statement is or becomes an affiliate or associated person of a FINRA member participating in the Offering (as determined in accordance with the rules and regulations of FINRA).


3.17        No Fiduciary Duties. The Company acknowledges and agrees that the Underwriters’ responsibility to the Company is solely contractual in nature and that none of the Underwriters or their affiliates or any selling agent shall be deemed to be acting in a fiduciary capacity, or otherwise owes any fiduciary duty to the Company or any of its affiliates in connection with the Offering and the other transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


3.18Company Lock-Up Agreements.


3.18.1.   对资本股票的销售限制. 公司代表自身及任何后继实体同意,在本协议日期后的180天内(“锁定期”),未经代表的事先书面同意, (i) 不提供、质押、出售、签约出售、出售任何购买选择权或合同、购买任何出售选择权或合同、授予 任何购买的选择权、权利或认股权证、借出或以其他方式直接或间接转让或处置公司任何资本股票的 股份或任何可转换、可行使或可交换为公司资本股票的股份的证券; (ii) 不会向委员会提交或促使提交任何注册声明,涉及公司任何资本股票的股份或任何可转换、可行使或可交换为 公司资本股票的股份的证券的发行; (iii) 除了与传统银行签订信用额度外,不完成公司任何债务证券的发行;或 (iv) 不进入任何掉期或其他安排, 将公司资本股票的所有权的经济后果全部或部分转让给他人,无论上述第(i)、(ii)、(iii)或(iv)所述 的任何交易是通过交付公司资本股票的股份或其他证券、现金或其他方式来结算。




3.18.2.   Restriction on Continuous Offerings. Notwithstanding the restrictions contained in Section 3.18.1, the Company, on behalf of itself and any successor entity, agrees that, without the prior written consent of the Representative, it will not, for a period of 24 months after the date of this Agreement, directly or indirectly in any “at-the-market” or continuous equity transaction, offer to sell, sell, contract to sell, grant any option to sell or otherwise dispose of shares of capital stock of the Company or any securities convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for shares of capital stock of the Company.


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3.19        Release of D&O Lock-up Period. If the Representative, in its sole discretion, agrees to release or waive the restrictions set forth in the Lock-Up Agreements described in Section 2.24 hereof for an officer or director of the Company and provide the Company with notice of the impending release or waiver at least three (3) Business Days before the effective date of the release or waiver, the Company agrees to announce the impending release or waiver by a press release substantially in the form of Exhibit C hereto through a major news service at least two (2) Business Days before the effective date of the release or waiver.


3.20        蓝天资格. 公司应在与承销商合作的情况下,尽其合理的最佳努力, 以符合该州及其他管辖区(国内或国外)的适用证券法, 如代表可能指定的,进行公众证券的发行和销售资格审核,并在必要时保持该等资格有效, 以完成公众证券的分配;但前提是,公司无需提交任何一般性 服务过程的同意书或作为外资公司或证券交易商在任何未取得资格的管辖区进行资格申请, 也无需在任何不受此约束的管辖区内就营业纳税。


3.21        Reporting Requirements. The Company, during the period when a prospectus relating to the Public Securities is (or, but for the exception afforded by Rule 172, would be) required to be delivered under the Securities Act, will file all documents required to be filed with the Commission pursuant to the Exchange Act within the time periods required by the Exchange Act and Exchange Act Regulations. Additionally, the Company shall report the use of proceeds from the issuance of the Public Securities as may be required under Rule 463 under the Securities Act Regulations.


3.22        Emerging Growth Company Status. The Company shall promptly notify the Representative if the Company ceases to be an Emerging Growth Company at any time prior to the later of (i) completion of the distribution of the Public Securities within the meaning of the Securities Act and (ii) fifteen (15) days following the completion of the Lock-Up Period.


4.            Conditions of Underwriters’ Obligations. The obligations of the Underwriters to purchase and pay for the Public Securities, as provided herein, shall be subject to (i) the continuing accuracy of the representations and warranties of the Company as of the date hereof and as of each of the Closing Date and the Option Closing Date, if any; (ii) the accuracy of the statements of officers of the Company made pursuant to the provisions hereof; (iii) the performance by the Company of its obligations hereunder; and (iv) the following conditions:


4.1Regulatory Matters.


4.1.1.     注册声明的有效性 规则430A信息注册声明的有效性最晚在本协议签署当日东部时间下午5:00之前生效,或在您书面同意下的更晚日期和时间,并且在每个交割日和任何期权交割日,没有关于暂停注册声明有效性的止损市价单或对其任何后续修正的命令被发布,且没有防止或暂停使用任何初步招股说明书或招股说明书的命令被发布,也没有为此目的而采取的任何程序正在进行中,或根据公司的知识,证监会没有考虑采取该行动。公司已遵守证监会的每一项额外信息请求(如果有的话)。包含规则430A信息的招股说明书应已按照规则424(b)要求的方式和时间范围提交给证监会(不依赖于规则424(b)(8)),或提供该信息的后续修正应已向证监会提交并根据规则430A的要求被声明有效。


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4.1.2.     FINRA Clearance. On or before the date of this Agreement, the Representative shall have received clearance from FINRA as to the amount of compensation allowable or payable to the Underwriters as described in the Registration Statement.


4.1.3.     Exchange Stock Market Clearance. On the Closing Date, the Company’s shares of Common Stock, including the Firm Shares, shall have been approved for listing on the Exchange, subject only to official notice of issuance. On the first Option Closing Date (if any), the Company’s shares of Common Stock, including the Option Shares, shall have been approved for listing on the Exchange, subject only to official notice of issuance.


4.2Company Counsel Matters.


4.2.1.     Closing Date Opinion of Counsel. On the Closing Date, the Representative shall have received the favorable opinion of Aaron A. Grunfeld & Associates, counsel to the Company, dated the Closing Date and addressed to the Representative, substantially in the form of Exhibit D attached hereto.


4.2.2.     Option Closing Date Opinion of Counsel. On the Option Closing Date, if any, the Representative shall have received the favorable opinion of the counsel listed in Section 4.2.1 dated the Option Closing Date, addressed to the Representative and in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Representative, confirming as of the Option Closing Date, the statements made by such counsel in the opinion delivered on the Closing Date.


4.2.3.     依赖. 在提出此类意见时,该法律顾问可以依赖:(i) 关于适用美国法律以外的法律的事项,或者适用的管辖权,向其他法律顾问出具的意见,前提是该法律顾问认为适当,并在该意见中指定,如果有的话,形式和内容对代表 reasonably 满意;以及 (ii) 关于事实事项,范围在他们认为适当的情况下,依赖于公司的官员和各个管辖区的部门官员出具的证明或其他书面声明,这些官员对涉及公司法人存在或良好信誉的文件具有保管权,前提是如果要求,任何此类声明或证明的副本应交给代表律师。根据第4.2.1节提供的法律顾问的意见以及该法律顾问依赖的任何意见应包括一份声明,说明该意见可供代表律师在其提供给承销商的意见中依赖。


4.3Comfort Letters.


4.3.1.     Cold Comfort Letter. At the time this Agreement is executed you shall have received a cold comfort letter containing statements and information of the type customarily included in accountants’ comfort letters with respect to the financial statements and certain financial information contained in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, addressed to the Representative and in form and substance satisfactory in all respects to you and to the Auditor, dated as of the date of this Agreement.


4.3.2.     Bring-down Comfort Letter. At each of the Closing Date and the Option Closing Date, if any, the Representative shall have received from the Auditor a letter, dated as of the Closing Date or the Option Closing Date, as applicable, to the effect that the Auditor reaffirms the statements made in the letter furnished pursuant to Section 4.3.1, except that the specified date referred to shall be a date not more than three (3) business days prior to the Closing Date or the Option Closing Date, as applicable.


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4.4Officers’ Certificates.


4.4.1.     官员证书公司应向代表提供一份在交割日和任何选择交割日期(如果该日期不同于交割日)签署的董事长、总裁和首席财务官的证书,其中声明(i)这些官员已仔细审查注册声明、定价披露包、任何发行人自由书面招股说明书和招股说明书,并且在他们的意见中,注册声明及其每次修订在适用时间和交割日(或任何选择交割日期如果该日期不同于交割日)未包含任何虚假重大事实声明,并且未遗漏任何需要在其中声明或使其中的声明不具误导性的重大事实,以及在适用时间和交割日(或任何选择交割日期如果该日期不同于交割日)时的定价披露包、发行人自由书面招股说明书的日期和交割日(或任何选择交割日期如果该日期不同于交割日)、招股说明书及其每次修订或补充在相应的日期及交割日均未包含任何虚假重大事实声明,并且未遗漏任何重大事实,使其中的声明在所作出的情况下不具误导性,(ii)自注册声明生效日起,未发生任何应在注册声明、定价披露包或招股说明书的补充或修订中列出事件,(iii)根据他们的最佳知识,在合理调查后,在交割日(或任何选择交割日期如果该日期不同于交割日)时,本协议中公司的陈述和保证是真实且正确的,并且公司已履行所有协议并满足其在交割日(或任何选择交割日期如果该日期不同于交割日)之前应履行或满足的所有条件,以及(iv)自最新审计财务报表的日期以来,在定价披露包中包含或引用的财务报表中,公司的财务状况或经营结果未发生任何重大的不利变化,或任何单独或累计的变化或发展将导致在公司的条件(财务或其他)、经营结果、业务、资产或前景方面发生重大的不利变化或可能的重大的不利变化,除了招股说明书中列出之外。


4.4.2.     秘书证明. 在每个交割日及期权交割日,如果有的话,代表应收到公司秘书签署的公司证明书,日期为交割日或期权日,具体情况而定,证明: (i) 章程和细则均真实完整,未做修改,并且有效; (ii) 公司董事会与发行相关的决议有效且未做修改; (iii) 关于公司或其法律顾问与委员会之间所有通信的准确性和完整性;以及 (iv) 关于公司的高管任职资格。上述证明书提到的文件应附在该证明书上。


4.5         无 重大变化. 在每个交割日期和每个选择交割日期之前和期间,如有: (i) 自最新日期以来, 公司状态的注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中阐述的情况没有发生重大不利变化或出现预计的重大不利变动; (ii) 未针对公司或任何内部人员在任何法院或联邦或州机构、委员会、董事会或其他行政机构提起或威胁提起任何诉讼、案件或程序,可能对公司的业务、运营、前景或财务状况或收入产生重大不利影响,除了在注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书中所述的内容; (iii) 根据证券法未发布止损市价单,且委员会未启动或威胁启动相关程序; (iv) 注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书及其任何修正或补充应包含根据证券法和证券法规要求声明的所有重大陈述,并在所有重大方面符合证券法和证券法规定的要求,且注册声明、定价披露包和招股说明书及其任何修正或补充中不得包含任何重大事实的不实陈述,或遗漏任何必须列明的重大事实,或在考虑其作出时的具体情况后,使其中的陈述不具误导性。


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4.6Delivery of Agreements.


4.6.1.     Lock-Up Agreements. On or before the date of this Agreement, the Company shall have delivered to the Representative executed copies of the Lock-Up Agreements from each of the persons listed in Schedule 3 hereto.


4.6.2.     CFO Certificate. On or before the date of this Agreement, the Company shall have delivered to the Representative an executed certificate of the Company’s Chief Financial Officer relating to certain disclosures in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus.


4.6.3.     Representative’s Warrant Agreement. On the Closing Date, the Company shall have delivered to the Representative executed copies of the Representative’s Warrant Agreement.


4.7         Additional Documents. At the Closing Date and at each Option Closing Date (if any) Representative Counsel shall have been furnished with such documents and opinions as they may require for the purpose of enabling Representative Counsel to deliver an opinion to the Underwriters, or in order to evidence the accuracy of any of the representations or warranties, or the fulfillment of any of the conditions, herein contained; and all proceedings taken by the Company in connection with the issuance and sale of the Public Securities and the Representative’s Securities as herein contemplated shall be satisfactory in form and substance to the Representative and Representative Counsel.




5.1Indemnification of the Underwriters.


5.1.1.     一般情况. 根据以下规定,公司同意补偿并使每位承销商、其附属公司,以及其和他们各自的董事、官员、成员、员工、代表、合伙人、股东、附属公司、法律顾问和代理人以及控制任何此类承销商的每个人(如有)在《证券法》第15条或《交易法》第20条的意义上(统称“承销商被补偿方”,每个称为“承销商被补偿方”),对任何和所有损失、责任、索赔、损害和费用(包括但不限于在调查、准备或抗辩任何已开始或威胁的诉讼或任何索赔时合理产生的任何法律或其他费用)负责,不论是由于承销商被补偿方与公司之间的任何行为,还是承销商被补偿方与任何第三方之间的行为,或其他原因,导致他们或其中任何人可能根据《证券法》、《交易法》或任何其他法律或普通法或根据外国法律(“索赔”)而承担的责任,(i)源于或基于(A)注册声明、定价披露文件、任何初步招股说明书、招股说明书或任何发行人自由写作招股说明书或任何书面测试水沟通中包含的不真实或所谓不真实的重大事实的陈述;(B)公司在与发行相关的营销中向投资者提供的任何材料或信息,或经公司批准的任何材料和信息,包括公司向投资者(无论是亲自或以电子方式)进行的任何“路演”或投资者演示;或(C)公司通过书面信息在任何管辖区内执行的任何申请或其他文件或书面通信(在本第5节中统称为“申请”),以使公共证券和代表证券在其证券法下合格,或提交给委员会、任何州证券委员会或机构、交易所或任何其他国家证券交易所;或遗漏或声称遗漏的材料事实,要求在其中陈述或根据所作声明的具体情况进行陈述,以避免产生误导,除非该声明或遗漏是基于、并符合承销商的信息;或(ii)否则在与发行相关或声称与之相关的情况下产生。公司还同意为每一位承销商被补偿方报销所有费用和开支(包括但不限于在调查、准备或抗辩任何已开始或威胁的诉讼或任何索赔时合理产生的任何法律或其他费用),并进一步同意在承销商被补偿方在调查、准备、追求或抗辩任何索赔时,尽可能地预付费用。


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5.1.2.     Procedure. 如果针对承销商赔偿方提出任何诉讼,并根据第5.1.1节可以向公司寻求赔偿, 该承销商赔偿方应立即以书面形式通知公司该诉讼的提起, 公司应承担该诉讼的辩护,包括聘用和支付律师费用(需经该承销商赔偿方批准), 并在承销商赔偿方要求公司这样做的情况下支付实际费用。 该承销商赔偿方有权在任何此类情况下聘用其自己的律师, 但该律师的费用和支出应由公司承担,并由公司提前支付。 公司对未经其同意(该同意不得无理拒绝)的和解不承担任何责任。 此外,公司不得在未事先获得承销商的书面同意的情况下,和解、妥协或同意裁定任何判决, 或者以其他方式寻求终止任何可能在此处寻求预付、报销、赔偿或贡献的待决或威胁的诉讼(无论该承销商赔偿方是否为该诉讼当事人), 除非该和解、妥协、同意或终止(i)包含对每个承销商赔偿方的无条件解除, 并且该解除对于该承销商赔偿方是可以接受的,且(ii)不包含对任何承销商赔偿方的错误、过失或不作为的声明或承认。


5.2         公司的赔偿 . 每位承销商,各自而非共同,同意对公司及其董事、 签署注册声明的高级职员,以及根据证券法第15条或交易法第20条的定义控制公司的人员,进行赔偿并使其免受任何损失、责任、索赔、损害和费用的影响,前述赔偿来自公司对各个承销商的责任,仅限于与注册声明、任何初步招股说明书、定价披露文件或招股说明书或任何修订或补充文件中所做的不实陈述或遗漏有关,或在任何申请中,基于承销商的信息,严格依据其要求。 如果根据任何初步招股说明书、注册声明、定价披露文件或招股说明书或任何修订或补充文件或任何申请而对公司或任何其他受到赔偿的人提起诉讼,并且要求对任何承销商寻求赔偿,该承销商应享有公司赋予的权利和义务,公司及所有其他受到赔偿的人应享有由第5.1.2条款赋予各个承销商的权利和义务。公司同意及时通知代表有关对公司或其任何高级职员、董事或根据证券法第15条或交易法第20条的定义控制公司的任何人提起的任何诉讼或程序的开始,涉及公共证券的发行和销售或与登记声明、定价披露文件、招股说明书或任何发行人自由书面招股说明书或任何书面的测试沃特沟通相关。


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5.3.1.     贡献 权利. 如果本节5中规定的赔偿在任何情况下对依据第5.1节或第5.2节的被赔偿方不可用或不足以使其免于损害, 则每个赔偿方应当代替赔偿该被赔偿方,按比例对由于该损失、索赔、损害或责任或与之相关的任何行为所支付或应支付的金额进行 贡献,(i) 以适当反映公司和承销商从公开证券的发售中所获得的相对利益,或 (ii) 如果第(i)条款规定的分配在适用法律下不被允许, 则以适当反映上述(i)条款所述的相对利益以及公司和承销商就导致该损失、索赔、损害或责任或与之相关的任何行为的陈述或遗漏 中所承担的相对过错的比例,的适当比例,以及任何其他相关的公平考虑。公司和承销商在此项发售中所获得的相对利益 应视为与根据本协议购买的公开证券发售的总净收益(在扣除费用之前)相同的比例,该收益在招募说明书封面页中的表格中列示, 而承销商就根据本协议购买的普通股股份所获得的总承销折扣和佣金,则在招募说明书封面页的表格中列示。相对过错应通过 参考该不实或声称不实的重大事实的陈述或遗漏或声称遗漏有关的信息是否由公司或承销商提供、当事方的意图及其相对知识、 获取信息的机会以及纠正或防止该陈述或遗漏的机会来确定。公司和承销商同意,如果依据本节5.3.1规定的贡献按照比例进行分配 (即使出于该目的将承销商视为一个实体)或通过任何不考虑此处提到的公平考虑的其他分配方法进行分配是不公正和不公平的。 由于上述损失、索赔、损害或责任或与之相关的任何行为而在本节5.3.1中提到的被赔偿方所支付或应支付的金额应视为包括 为调查或辩护任何此类行为或索赔而合理发生的任何法律或其他费用。尽管本节5.3.1的规定,在任何情况下承销商不应被要求 贡献超过其就公开证券发售所获得的总承销折扣和佣金超出该承销商因该不实或声称不实的声明或遗漏或声称遗漏而需支付的任何损害的 金额。任何被认定为欺诈性虚假陈述的人(在《证券法》第11(f)条的意义上)无权要求未参与这种欺诈性虚假陈述的人进行贡献。


5.3.2.     Contribution Procedure. Within fifteen (15) days after receipt by any party to this Agreement (or its representative) of notice of the commencement of any action, suit or proceeding, such party will, if a claim for contribution in respect thereof is to be made against another party (“contributing party”), notify the contributing party of the commencement thereof, but the failure to so notify the contributing party will not relieve it from any liability which it may have to any other party other than for contribution hereunder. In case any such action, suit or proceeding is brought against any party, and such party notifies a contributing party or its representative of the commencement thereof within the aforesaid 15 days, the contributing party will be entitled to participate therein with the notifying party and any other contributing party similarly notified. Any such contributing party shall not be liable to any party seeking contribution on account of any settlement of any claim, action or proceeding affected by such party seeking contribution on account of any settlement of any claim, action or proceeding affected by such party seeking contribution without the written consent of such contributing party. The contribution provisions contained in this Section 5.3.2 are intended to supersede, to the extent permitted by law, any right to contribution under the Securities Act, the Exchange Act or otherwise available. Each Underwriter’s obligations to contribute pursuant to this Section 5.3 are several and not joint.


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6.Default by an Underwriter.


6.1         Default Not Exceeding 10% of Firm Shares or Option Shares. If any Underwriter or Underwriters shall default in its or their obligations to purchase the Firm Shares or the Option Shares, if the Over-allotment Option is exercised hereunder, and if the number of the Firm Shares or Option Shares with respect to which such default relates does not exceed in the aggregate 10% of the number of Firm Shares or Option Shares that all Underwriters have agreed to purchase hereunder, then such Firm Shares or Option Shares to which the default relates shall be purchased by the non-defaulting Underwriters in proportion to their respective commitments hereunder.


6.2         Default Exceeding 10% of Firm Shares or Option Shares. In the event that the default addressed in Section 6.1 relates to more than 10% of the Firm Shares or Option Shares, you may in your discretion arrange for yourself or for another party or parties to purchase such Firm Shares or Option Shares to which such default relates on the terms contained herein. If, within one (1) Business Day after such default relating to more than 10% of the Firm Shares or Option Shares, you do not arrange for the purchase of such Firm Shares or Option Shares, then the Company shall be entitled to a further period of one (1) Business Day within which to procure another party or parties satisfactory to you to purchase said Firm Shares or Option Shares on such terms. In the event that neither you nor the Company arrange for the purchase of the Firm Shares or Option Shares to which a default relates as provided in this Section 6, this Agreement will automatically be terminated by you or the Company without liability on the part of the Company (except as provided in Sections 3.9 and 5 hereof) or the several Underwriters (except as provided in Section 5 hereof); provided, however, that if such default occurs with respect to the Option Shares, this Agreement will not terminate as to the Firm Shares; and provided, further, that nothing herein shall relieve a defaulting Underwriter of its liability, if any, to the other Underwriters and to the Company for damages occasioned by its default hereunder.


6.3         Postponement of Closing Date. In the event that the Firm Shares or Option Shares to which the default relates are to be purchased by the non-defaulting Underwriters, or are to be purchased by another party or parties as aforesaid, you or the Company shall have the right to postpone the Closing Date or Option Closing Date for a reasonable period, but not in any event exceeding five (5) Business Days, in order to effect whatever changes may thereby be made necessary in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package or the Prospectus or in any other documents and arrangements, and the Company agrees to file promptly any amendment to the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package or the Prospectus that in the opinion of counsel for the Underwriter may thereby be made necessary. The term “Underwriter” as used in this Agreement shall include any party substituted under this Section 6 with like effect as if it had originally been a party to this Agreement with respect to such shares of Common Stock.


7.Additional Covenants.


7.1         Board Composition and Board Designations. The Company shall ensure that: (i) the qualifications of the persons serving as members of the Board of Directors and the overall composition of the Board comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, with the Exchange Act and with the listing rules of the Exchange or any other national securities exchange, as the case may be, in the event the Company seeks to have its Public Securities listed on another exchange or quoted on an automated quotation system, and (ii) if applicable, at least one member of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors qualifies as an “audit committee financial expert,” as such term is defined under Regulation S-K and the listing rules of the Exchange.


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7.2         Prohibition on Press Releases and Public Announcements. The Company shall not issue press releases or engage in any other publicity, without the Representative’s prior written consent, for a period ending at 5:00 p.m., Eastern time, on the first (1st) Business Day following the forty-fifth (45th) day after the Closing Date, other than normal and customary releases issued in the ordinary course of the Company’s business.


7.3         Right of First Refusal. Provided that the Firm Shares are sold in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Representative shall have an irrevocable right of first refusal (the “Right of First Refusal”), for a period of twelve (12) months after the date the Offering is completed, to act as sole and exclusive investment banker, sole and exclusive book-runner, sole and exclusive financial advisor, sole and exclusive underwriter and/or sole and exclusive placement agent, at the Representative’s sole and exclusive discretion, for each and every future public and private equity and debt offering, including all equity linked financings (each, a “Subject Transaction”), during such twelve (12) month period, of the Company, or any successor to or subsidiary of the Company, on terms and conditions customary to the Representative for such Subject Transactions. For the avoidance of any doubt, the Company shall not retain, engage or solicit any additional investment banker, book-runner, financial advisor, underwriter and/or placement agent in a Subject Transaction without the express written consent of the Representative.


The Company shall notify the Representative of its intention to pursue a Subject Transaction, including the material terms thereof, by providing written notice thereof by registered mail or overnight courier service addressed to the Representative. If the Representative fails to exercise its Right of First Refusal with respect to any Subject Transaction within five (5) Business Days after the mailing of such written notice, then the Representative shall have no further claim or right with respect to the Subject Transaction. The Representative may elect, in its sole and absolute discretion, not to exercise its Right of First Refusal with respect to any Subject Transaction; provided that any such election by the Representative shall not adversely affect the Representative’s Right of First Refusal with respect to any other Subject Transaction during the twelve (12) month period agreed to above.


8.Effective Date of this Agreement and Termination Thereof.


8.1         Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective when both the Company and the Representative have executed the same and delivered counterparts of such signatures to the other party.


8.2         Termination. The Representative shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time prior to any Closing Date, (i) if any domestic or international event or act or occurrence has materially disrupted, or in your opinion will in the immediate future materially disrupt, general securities markets in the United States; or (ii) if trading on the New York Stock Exchange or the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC shall have been suspended or materially limited, or minimum or maximum prices for trading shall have been fixed, or maximum ranges for prices for securities shall have been required by FINRA or by order of the Commission or any other government authority having jurisdiction; or (iii) if the United States shall have become involved in a new war or an increase in major hostilities; or (iv) if a banking moratorium has been declared by a New York State or federal authority; or (v) if a moratorium on foreign exchange trading has been declared which materially adversely impacts the United States securities markets; or (vi) if the Company shall have sustained a material loss by fire, flood, accident, hurricane, earthquake, theft, sabotage or other calamity or malicious act which, whether or not such loss shall have been insured, will, in your opinion, make it inadvisable to proceed with the delivery of the Firm Shares or Option Shares; or (vii) if the Company is in material breach of any of its representations, warranties or covenants hereunder; or (viii) if the Representative shall have become aware after the date hereof of such a material adverse change in the conditions or prospects of the Company, or such adverse material change in general market conditions as in the Representative’s judgment would make it impracticable to proceed with the offering, sale and/or delivery of the Public Securities or to enforce contracts made by the Underwriters for the sale of the Public Securities.


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8.3         费用. 尽管本协议中有任何相反的规定,除了承销商违约的情况外,根据上述第6.2条款,如果本协议因任何原因未能在此处指定的时间内或根据本协议条款的任何延期内执行,公司应向承销商支付与本协议所涵盖交易相关的实际和可报销的自掏腰包的费用,最高金额为200,000美元,包括公司之前支付给代表的可报销费用的40,000美元预付款(“预付款”),并应要求公司应全额支付给代表,以代表承销商支付;但前提是,该费用上限并不以任何方式限制或损害本协议的赔偿和分担条款。尽管如此,代表收到的任何预付款将在未实际支出的情况下按FINRA规则5110(g)(4)(A)的规定,予以报销给公司。


8.4         赔偿. 尽管本协议中包含任何相反条款,无论此处的任何选择或本协议的终止如何, 以及本协议是否得到执行,第五条的条款应保持完全有效, 并且不受该选择或终止或未能履行本协议条款或其任何部分的影响。


8.5         陈述, 保证,存续协议. 本协议或根据本协议提交的公司高管证书中包含的所有陈述、保证和协议,应保持有效并全力以赴,无论是(i)由任何承销商或其关联公司或销售代理、控制任何承销商的任何人、其高管或董事或控制公司的任何人进行的任何调查,还是(ii)公共证券的交付和付款。




9.1         通知. 所有板块在此项下的通信,除非另有明确规定,均应以书面形式进行,并应通过邮寄(挂号信或特快专递,要求回执)、亲自送达或通过电子邮件发送并确认,且应在送达和确认时视为已给予,或者如果邮寄,则在邮寄后两(2)天视为已给予。


如果 发送给代表:


ThinkEquity 有限责任公司 

17 道富银行,22nd Fl 

纽约,NY 10004

电子邮件: notices@think-equity.com





345 公园大道

纽约,纽约 10154 

注意: 米切尔·S·纳斯鲍姆

电子邮件: mnussbaum@loeb.com


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高 滚轮科技公司

电子邮件: mike@spikeup.com



法律 亚伦·A·格伦费尔德及其律师事务所
9454 威尔希尔大道,600号套房

注意: 亚伦·A·格伦费尔德,律师

电子邮件: agrunfeld@grunfeldlaw.com


9.2         标题. 本协议中的标题仅为方便参考而设,不应以任何方式限制或影响本协议任何条款或规定的含义或解释。


9.3         Amendment本协议只能通过各方以书面形式签署的文件加以修改。


9.4         全部协议。本协议(连同根据或与本协议有关而交付的其他协议和文件)构成各方就本协议的主题事项达成的全部协议,取代了各方就本协议的主题事项达成的所有先前口头和书面协议和了解。尽管本协议规定或约定的任何事项与之相反,但各方明确同意公司与ThinkEquity LLC之间某特定承接函的所有其他条款和条件,自本协议日期之前经修改至今,仍然完全有效。


9.5         约束力本协议仅对代表人、承销商、公司和第5节中提及的主管人员、董事和官员,以及他们各自的继任者、法定代表人、继承人和受让人具有约束力,并无其他人应具有或被解释为具有本协议或本协议中包含的任何规定项下的法律权利或衡平权利、救济措施或索赔。 “继任者和受让人”一词不包括任何承销商从承销商处购买证券时作为此类购买者的情况。


9.6         适用法律; 同意司法管辖权; 陪审团审判本协议应受纽约州法律管辖,解释和执行,不考虑其冲突法原则。公司特此同意,针对因本协议而产生或与之有关的任何诉讼、诉讼程序或索赔应在纽约州纽约县纽约州最高法院或美国纽约南区联邦地区法院提起和执行,并不可撤销地提交于该管辖权,该管辖权应为专属。公司特此放弃对此专属管辖权的任何异议以及这些法院构成不便之地。任何送达给公司的法律文书或传票均可通过挂号或认证邮件寄送,要求回执,预付邮资,寄至本协议第9.1节所指定的地址。此类寄送应被视为个人送达,并在任何诉讼、诉讼程序或索赔中对公司具有法律约束力。 公司同意在任何此类诉讼中,胜诉方应有权向对方收回其在该诉讼或诉讼程序中与之相关的合理律师费用和费用,以及因相关准备而发生的费用。公司(代表自身以及在适用法律允许的范围内代表其股东和关联公司)以及每一家承销商在适用法律允许的最大范围内不可撤销地放弃在因本协议或此处规定的交易引起的任何法律诉讼中进行陪审团审判的任何权利。


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9.7         分阶段执行。本协议可通过一份或多份副本进行签署,各方可分别签署不同的副本,每份副本均视为原件,但所有副本合起来应构成一份相同的协议,并在双方签署并交付给其他各方时生效。通过传真或电子邮件/PDF 传输交付该协议的签署副本应视为有效和充分的交付。


9.8         豁免,以太经典. 任何一方未能在任何时候执行本协议的任何条款,均不应被视为放弃任何该条款,也不应以任何方式影响本协议或本协议任何条款的有效性,以及任何一方随后的执行本协议每一条款的权利。除非以书面形式规定并由要求执行该放弃的一方或各方签署,否则对本协议任何条款的违反、不合规或不履行的放弃无效;对任何此类违反、不合规或不履行的放弃不应被解释或视为对任何其他或后续的违反、不合规或不履行的放弃。


[签名 页面跟随]


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  由: /s/ Ben Clemes
    姓名: Ben Clemes
    头衔: 首席执行官


确认 至首次书写日期为止
起名为 附录1 此:


思润资本 LLC


由: /s/ Kevin Mangan  


[签名 页面] 

[高 风险科技– 承销协议
















思思证券有限责任公司   1,250,000    187,500 
总计   1,250,000    187,500 





时间表 2-A


定价 信息








承销 每股折扣:$0.56


承销 每股非可报销费用津贴:$0.08











时间表 2-C


以书面形式 测试沟通







附表 3




Sch. 3-1











Ex. b-1










展览 D



