EX-99.1 2 earningsrelease-20240930xf.htm EX-99.1 Document

紐約-2024年10月29日 - msci inc.(簡稱「MSCI」或「本公司」)(紐約證券交易所:MSCI),全球投資社區關鍵決策支持工具和服務的領先提供商,今天宣佈了截至2024年9月30日的三個月財務業績(2024年第三季度)和截至2024年9月30日的九個月財務業績(2024年九個月)。



以千計,每股數據除外(未經審計)20242023% 變化20242023% 變化
營業收入$724,705 $625,439 15.9 %$2,112,619 $1,838,814 14.9 %
營業收入$401,334 $353,309 13.6 %$1,123,324 $1,013,864 10.8 %
營業利潤率%55.4 %56.5 %53.2 %55.1 %
淨收入$280,901 $259,659 8.2 %$803,613 $745,212 7.8 %
攤薄後每股$3.57 $3.27 9.2 %$10.15 $9.32 8.9 %
調整後 EPS$3.86 $3.45 11.9 %$11.03 $9.85 12.0 %
調整後 EBITDA$450,702 $386,289 16.7 %$1,264,230 $1,108,324 14.1 %
調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤率%62.2 %61.8 %59.8 %60.3 %

MSCI第三季度業績突顯我們業務模式和客戶佈局的潛在實力,以及我們解決方案在投資生態系統中的關鍵作用。在其他成就中,我們在指數和分析業務中實現了有史以來表現最好的第三季度重複銷售業績,同時基於資產費用的營業收入增長了近20%,這主要是由於與我們指數掛鉤的金融產品的資產淨值創紀錄地增加所推動的。” MSCI的董事長兼首席執行官Henry A. Fernandez說。



營業收入: 營業收入爲72470萬美元,增長15.9%。有機營業收入增長11.1%。增加9930萬美元是由於7160萬美元的更高重複訂閱收入和2760萬美元的更高基於資產的費用。
運行速率和保留率: 2024年9月30日的總運行速率爲289420萬美元,增長了17.3%。重複訂閱運行速率增加了28790萬美元,基於資產的費用運行速率增加了13790萬美元。有機重複訂閱運行速率增長了8.0%。2024年第三季度保留率爲94.2%,低於2023年第三季度的95.4%。

費用: 總營業費用爲32340萬美元,增長18.8%,其中包括3780萬美元的營業費用與私人資本解決方案(原名Burgiss集團有限責任公司)、碳市場(原名Trove Research Ltd)、Fabric RQ Inc.(「Fabric」)和Foxberry Ltd(「Foxberry」)相關。




營業收入: 營業收入爲40130萬美元,增長13.6%。2024年第三季度的營業收入利潤率爲55.4%,較2023年第三季度的56.5%有所下降。

人數統計: 截至2024年9月30日,我們共有6,118名員工,增加了22.2%,這主要是由我們最近的收購推動的。約31.5% 68.5% 員工分別位於發達市場和新興市場地區。

其他費用(收益),淨額: 其他費用(收入),淨額爲4440萬美元,增長24.5%,主要受到較低利息收入的推動,反映了較低的平均現金餘額和外幣匯率波動的影響。

所得稅: 2024年第三季度有效稅率爲21.3%,而2023年第三季度爲18.3%。主要由於較高的法定稅率以及與之前年度相關的不利離散項目,導致稅率增加。

淨利潤: 由於上述因素的影響,淨利潤爲28090萬美元,增長了8.2%。

調整後的EBITDA: 調整後的EBITDA爲45070萬美元,增長了16.7%。2024年第三季度調整後的EBITDA利潤率爲62.2%,相比於2023年第三季度的61.8%。





重複訂閱$223,945 $206,453 8.5 %$653,929 $603,845 8.3 %
基於資產的費用168,622 141,066 19.5 %482,162 412,354 16.9 %
非重複費用12,315 14,603 (15.7)%39,855 47,621 (16.3)%
總營收404,882 362,122 11.8 %1,175,946 1,063,820 10.5 %
調整後的EBITDA費用90,734 84,450 7.4 %277,048 255,396 8.5 %
調整後的EBITDA$314,148 $277,672 13.1 %$898,898 $808,424 11.2 %
調整後的EBITDA利潤率%77.6 %76.7 %76.4 %76.0 %

指數營業收入爲40490萬美元,增長11.8%,其中包括來自Foxberry收購的21萬美元。 4280萬美元的增長主要由2760萬美元的更高資產基礎費用和1750萬美元的更高定期訂閱收入推動,部分抵消了230萬美元的較低非定期收入。 指數的有機營業收入增長率爲11.8%。



截至2024年9月30日的指数運行率為16億美元,增長15.2%。增加的20940萬美元包括13790萬美元的基於資產費用運行率增加和7150萬美元的重複訂閱運行率增加。 輝瑞公司面臨數起分開的訴訟,這些訴訟仍在進行中,需等待第三項索賠條款的裁決。2023年9月,我們與輝瑞公司同意合併2022和2023年的訴訟,並將審判日期從2024年11月推遲至2025年上半年,具體時間將由法院確定。 增加 基於資產費用運行率主要反映了MSCI股票指數連結的etf和MSCI指數相連的非etf指數所有基金類型AUm增加。 增加額為0.9 重複訂閱運行率主要來自市值加權和定製指數產品以及特殊套餐的增長。增加反映了所有板塊的增長。 指数的有機重複訂閱運行率增長為8.5%。



以千元為單位20242023變化百分比 %20242023變化百分比 %
循環訂閱$168,150 $151,269 11.2 %$490,829 $443,276 10.7 %
非循環4,226 2,999 40.9 %11,508 7,943 44.9 %
營業總收入172,376 154,268 11.7 %502,337 451,219 11.3 %
調整後的EBITDA費用82,089 82,487 (0.5)%258,166 253,509 1.8 %
調整後的稅前利潤減除折舊及攤銷後的費用$90,287 $71,781 25.8 %$244,171 $197,710 23.5 %
調整後的EBITDA利潤率%52.4 %46.5 %48.6 %43.8 %







以千元為單位20242023變化百分比 %20242023變化百分比 %
循環訂閱$81,536 $71,744 13.6 %$235,954 $207,523 13.7 %
非循環2,107 1,294 62.8 %5,428 3,792 43.1 %
營業總收入83,643 73,038 14.5 %241,382 211,315 14.2 %
調整後的EBITDA費用53,654 47,598 12.7 %166,372 145,201 14.6 %
調整後的稅前利潤減除折舊及攤銷後的費用$29,989 $25,440 17.9 %$75,010 $66,114 13.5 %
調整後的EBITDA利潤率 %35.9 %34.8 %31.1 %31.3 %

esg和氣候營業收入為8360萬美元,增長14.5%。 1060萬美元的增長主要來自與評級、氣候和篩選產品相關的循環訂閱增長。 esg和氣候的有機營業收入增長為11.0%。


所有板塊 - 私人資產板塊:

定期訂閱$62,991 $35,531 77.3 %$190,434 $111,292 71.1 %
非經常性813 480 69.4 %2,520 1,168 115.8 %
營業收入總額63,804 36,011 77.2 %192,954 112,460 71.6 %
經調整後的 EBITDA 開支47,526 24,615 93.1 %146,803 76,384 92.2 %
調整後的 EBITDA$16,278 $11,396 42.8 %$46,151 $36,076 27.9 %
調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率%25.5 %31.6 %23.9 %32.1 %





現金餘額和未償債務: 截至2024年9月30日,現金及現金等價物為5,0100萬美元。MSCI通常在全球範圍內保持約2,2500萬至2,7500萬美元之間的最低現金餘額,用於一般運營目的。




資本支出和現金流量: 資本支出為2760萬美元,營業活動產生的淨現金流量增加了44.8%,達到42160萬美元,主要反映來自客戶的現金收款增加,部分抵消了較高的營業費用。2024年第三季的自由現金流增長了45.8%,達到39400萬美元。

股份數量和股份回購: 截至2024年第3季度,加權稀釋每股持有量為7870萬,同比下降1.0%。該季度的總股份回購金額為19870萬美元,回購了380,397股,平均回購價為每股522.47美元。截至2024年9月30日,總流通股量為7840萬。截至2024年10月28日,根據MSCI董事會批准的2024年股份回購計劃,尚有約19億美元尚未實施的股份回購授權。

分紅派息: 2024年第三季度向股東支付了約$12540萬的分紅派息。2024年10月28日,MSCI董事會宣布將於2024年第四季度每股派發$1.60的現金股息,支付日期為2024年11月29日,截至2024年11月15日交易結束時持股股東可享有該項派息。



MSCI對截至2024年12月31日(" 2024年全年")的指引是基於對多個因素的假設,特別是與宏觀經濟因素和資本市場相關的假設。這些假設存在不確定性,並且該年度的實際結果可能與我們目前的指引有很大不同,包括由於在我們的10-k表格年度報告的“風險因素”和“財務狀況和業績管理討論”部分討論的不確定性、風險和假設,這些已在提交或提供給SEC的10-Q季度報告和8-k目前報告中進行了更新。請參閱下面的“前瞻性陳述”。


(1) 我們年度利息支出的一部分來自我們可變利率下的變量負債,而大部分來自固定利率的無抵押債票。 保證隔夜融資利率(“SOFR”)和負債水平的變化都可以導致我們的年度利息支出有所不同。

MSCI的高管將於2024年10月29日星期二美東時間上午11:00審核第三季度2024年業績。欲收聽網絡網路直播活動,請訪問MSCI投資者關係網站的活動和演示部,網址https://ir.msci.com/events-and-presentations,或撥打電話+1-888-596-4144會議ID 9979278 在美國內的人士。國際來電者可撥打+1-646-968-2525會議ID 9979278此電話會議也將透過MSCI投資者關係網站提供附帶幻燈片演示的網路直播。




關於msci inc。
MSCI是全球投資社區的重要決策支援工具和服務領先提供商。憑藉超過50年研究、數據和科技專業知識,我們通過讓客戶了解和分析風險和回報的關鍵因素,大力提升投資決策,使客戶更有信心地建立更有效的投資組合。我們創造領先行業的研究增強解決方案,讓客戶深入了解並提高投資流程透明度。欲瞭解更多,請訪問 www.msci.com。MSCI#IR
msci inc. 聯絡方式

Jeremy Ulan    +1 646 778 4184
Jisoo Suh     + 1 917 825 7111

Melanie Blanco    +1 212 981 1049
Konstantinos Makrygiannis +44(0)7768 930056
Tina Tan  + 852 2844 9320




MSCI利用其投資者關係主頁和企業社會責任主頁作為公司信息的傳播渠道。通過這些渠道MSI發佈的信息可能被視為重要。因此,投資者應該監控這些渠道,除了跟隨MSCI的新聞稿、SEC申報和公開電話會議和網絡廣播之外。此外,您可以通過訪問MSCI的投資者關係主頁的“電子郵件提醒”部分,註冊您的電子郵件地址後,自動接收有關MSCI的電子郵件提醒和其他信息。 http://ir.msci.com/email-alerts. 然而,MSCI網站的內容,包括其季度更新、部落格、播客和社交媒體渠道,並未納入本次收益發布中。
保留率是根據業務部門在產品/服務-產品/服務基礎上計算的。一般來說,如果客戶減少在某一部門訂閱的產品或服務數量,或在某一部門的產品或服務之間切換,我們將其視為計算保留率的取消,但在管理認為是替代產品或服務的產品或服務切換的情況下除外。在這些替代情況下,只有客戶訂閱的淨變化(如果減少)才被報告為取消。 在分析、esg和氣候業務部門中,幾乎所有的產品或服務切換都被視為替代產品或服務並以這種方式進行淨額計算,而在我們的指数和實質資產業務部門中,在某些有限的情況下,被視為替代產品或服務並接受淨額處理的產品或服務切換。此外,我們將由於降低銷售相同產品或服務的費用而導致的減少視為取消,直到該減少為止。我們不會為與我們的指数相關聯的投資產品或期貨和期權合約的運行率中的那部分資產計算保留率。


“Organic recurring subscription Run Rate growth” is defined as the period over period Run Rate growth, excluding the impact of changes in foreign currency and the first year impact of any acquisitions. It is also adjusted for divestitures. Changes in foreign currency are calculated by applying the currency exchange rate from the comparable prior period to current period foreign currency denominated Run Rate.
Sales represents the annualized value of products and services clients commit to purchase from MSCI and will result in additional operating revenues. Non-recurring sales represent the actual value of the customer agreements entered into during the period and are not a component of Run Rate. New recurring subscription sales represent additional selling activities, such as new customer agreements, additions to existing agreements or increases in price that occurred during the period and are additions to Run Rate. Subscription cancellations reflect client activities during the period, such as discontinuing products and services and/or reductions in price, resulting in reductions to Run Rate. Net new recurring subscription sales represent the amount of new recurring subscription sales net of subscription cancellations during the period, which reflects the net impact to Run Rate during the period.
Total gross sales represent the sum of new recurring subscription sales and non-recurring sales. Total net sales represent the total gross sales net of the impact from subscription cancellations.
Notes Regarding the Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

MSCI has presented supplemental non-GAAP financial measures as part of this earnings release. Reconciliations are provided in Tables 9 through 14 below that reconcile each non-GAAP financial measure with the most comparable GAAP measure. The non-GAAP financial measures presented in this earnings release should not be considered as alternative measures for the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures. The non-GAAP financial measures presented in this earnings release are used by management to monitor the financial performance of the business, inform business decision-making and forecast future results.
“Adjusted EBITDA” is defined as net income before (1) provision for income taxes, (2) other expense (income), net, (3) depreciation and amortization of property, equipment and leasehold improvements, (4) amortization of intangible assets and, at times, (5) certain other transactions or adjustments, including, when applicable, certain acquisition-related integration and transaction costs.
“Adjusted EBITDA expenses” is defined as operating expenses less depreciation and amortization of property, equipment and leasehold improvements and amortization of intangible assets and, at times, certain other transactions or adjustments, including, when applicable, certain acquisition-related integration and transaction costs.
“Adjusted EBITDA margin” is defined as adjusted EBITDA divided by operating revenues.
“Adjusted net income” and “adjusted EPS” are defined as net income and diluted EPS, respectively, before the after-tax impact of: the amortization of acquired intangible assets, including the amortization of the basis difference between the cost of the equity method investment and MSCI’s share of the net assets of the investee at historical carrying value and, at times, certain other transactions or adjustments, including, when applicable, the impact related to certain acquisition-related integration and transaction costs, the impact related to write-off of deferred fees on debt extinguishment and the impact related to gain from changes in ownership interest of investees.
“Capex” is defined as capital expenditures plus capitalized software development costs.
“Free cash flow” is defined as net cash provided by operating activities, less Capex.
“Organic operating revenue growth” is defined as operating revenue growth compared to the prior year period excluding the impact of acquired businesses, divested businesses and foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations.
Asset-based fees ex-FX does not adjust for the impact from foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations on the underlying assets under management (“AUM”).
We believe adjusted EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA margin and adjusted EBITDA expenses are meaningful measures of the operating performance of MSCI because they adjust for significant one-time, unusual


or non-recurring items as well as eliminate the accounting effects of certain capital spending and acquisitions that do not directly affect what management considers to be our ongoing operating performance in the period.
We believe adjusted net income and adjusted EPS are meaningful measures of the performance of MSCI because they adjust for the after-tax impact of significant one-time, unusual or non-recurring items as well as eliminate the impact of any transactions that do not directly affect what management considers to be our ongoing operating performance in the period. We also exclude the after-tax impact of the amortization of acquired intangible assets and amortization of the basis difference between the cost of the equity method investment and MSCI’s share of the net assets of the investee at historical carrying value, as these non-cash amounts are significantly impacted by the timing and size of each acquisition and therefore not meaningful to the ongoing operating performance in the period.
We believe that free cash flow is useful to investors because it relates the operating cash flow of MSCI to the capital that is spent to continue and improve business operations, such as investment in MSCI’s existing products. Further, free cash flow indicates our ability to strengthen MSCI’s balance sheet, repay our debt obligations, pay cash dividends and repurchase shares of our common stock.
We believe organic operating revenue growth is a meaningful measure of the operating performance of MSCI because it adjusts for the impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations and excludes the impact of operating revenues attributable to acquired and divested businesses for the comparable prior year period, providing insight into our ongoing operating performance for the period(s) presented.
We believe that the non-GAAP financial measures presented in this earnings release facilitate meaningful period-to-period comparisons and provide a baseline for the evaluation of future results.
Adjusted EBITDA expenses, adjusted EBITDA margin, adjusted EBITDA, adjusted net income, adjusted EPS, Capex, free cash flow and organic operating revenue growth are not defined in the same manner by all companies and may not be comparable to similarly-titled non-GAAP financial measures of other companies. These measures can differ significantly from company to company depending on, among other things, long-term strategic decisions regarding capital structure, the tax jurisdictions in which companies operate and capital investments. Accordingly, the Company’s computation of these measures may not be comparable to similarly-titled measures computed by other companies.
Notes Regarding Adjusting for the Impact of Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Fluctuations
Foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations reflect the difference between the current period results as reported compared to the current period results recalculated using the foreign currency exchange rates in effect for the comparable prior period. While operating revenues adjusted for the impact of foreign currency fluctuations includes asset-based fees that have been adjusted for the impact of foreign currency fluctuations, the underlying AUM, which is the primary component of asset-based fees, is not adjusted for foreign currency fluctuations. Approximately three-fifths of the AUM is invested in securities denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, and accordingly, any such impact is excluded from the disclosed foreign currency-adjusted variances.


Table 2: Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (unaudited)

Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
In thousands, except per share data20242023Change20242023Change
Operating revenues$724,705 $625,439 15.9 %$2,112,619 $1,838,814 14.9 %
Operating expenses:
Cost of revenues (exclusive of depreciation and amortization)126,192 105,311 19.8 %382,815 324,024 18.1 %
Selling and marketing70,763 66,581 6.3 %214,385 201,044 6.6 %
Research and development38,584 31,438 22.7 %120,182 92,901 29.4 %
General and administrative41,561 36,826 12.9 %137,958 113,527 21.5 %
Amortization of intangible assets41,939 26,722 56.9 %121,316 77,543 56.4 %
Depreciation and amortization of property,
equipment and leasehold improvements4,332 5,252 (17.5)%12,639 15,911 (20.6)%
Total operating expenses(1)323,371 272,130 18.8 %989,295 824,950 19.9 %
Operating income401,334 353,309 13.6 %1,123,324 1,013,864 10.8 %
Interest income(5,217)(10,314)(49.4)%(17,375)(31,079)(44.1)%
Interest expense46,688 46,902 (0.5)%139,995 139,725 0.2 %
Other expense (income)2,927 (935)n/m7,881 4,032 95.5 %
Other expense (income), net44,398 35,653 24.5 %130,501 112,678 15.8 %
Income before provision for income taxes356,936 317,656 12.4 %992,823 901,186 10.2 %
Provision for income taxes76,035 57,997 31.1 %189,210 155,974 21.3 %
Net income$280,901 $259,659 8.2 %$803,613 $745,212 7.8 %
Earnings per basic common share$3.58 $3.28 9.1 %$10.18 $9.36 8.8 %
Earnings per diluted common share$3.57 $3.27 9.2 %$10.15 $9.32 8.9 %
Weighted average shares outstanding used
in computing earnings per share:
Basic78,499 79,116 (0.8)%78,925 79,580 (0.8)%
Diluted78,729 79,500 (1.0)%79,159 79,959 (1.0)%
n/m: not meaningful.
(1) Includes stock-based compensation expense of $19.1 million and $18.4 million for the three months ended Sep. 30, 2024 and Sep. 30, 2023, respectively. Includes stock-based compensation expense of $73.1 million and $56.0 million for the nine months ended Sep. 30, 2024 and Sep. 30, 2023, respectively.


Table 3: Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet (unaudited)

As of
Sep. 30,
Dec. 31,
In thousands20242023
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents (includes restricted cash of $3,909 and $3,878 at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively)$500,979 $461,693 
Accounts receivable (net of allowances of $4,363 and $3,968 at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively) 643,807 839,555 
Other current assets141,010 116,905 
Total current assets1,285,796 1,418,153 
Property, equipment and leasehold improvements, net62,317 55,920 
Right of use assets121,726 115,243 
Goodwill2,916,102 2,887,692 
Intangible assets, net931,428 956,234 
Other non-current assets91,580 84,977 
Total assets$5,408,949 $5,518,219 
Current liabilities:
Current portion of long-term debt $— $10,902 
Deferred revenue942,840 1,083,864 
Other current liabilities435,075 422,259 
Total current liabilities1,377,915 1,517,025 
Long-term debt 4,484,773 4,496,826 
Long-term operating lease liabilities123,939 120,134 
Other non-current liabilities173,320 123,998 
Total liabilities6,159,947 6,257,983 
Total shareholders’ equity (deficit)(750,998)(739,764)
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity (deficit)$5,408,949 $5,518,219 



Table 4: Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow (unaudited)
Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
In thousands20242023Change20242023Change
Cash flows from operating activities
Net income$280,901 $259,659 8.2 %$803,613 $745,212 7.8 %
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
Amortization of intangible assets41,939 26,722 56.9 %121,316 77,543 56.4 %
Stock-based compensation expense18,503 18,144 2.0 %72,235 55,375 30.4 %
Depreciation and amortization of property, equipment and leasehold improvements4,332 5,252 (17.5)%12,639 15,911 (20.6)%
Amortization of right of use assets7,745 5,898 31.3 %19,582 17,484 12.0 %
Loss on extinguishment of debt— — — %1,510 — 100.0 %
Other adjustment1,819 (22,721)n/m43,856 (25,983)n/m
Net changes in other operating assets and liabilities66,370 (1,823)n/m(3,757)(38,466)90.2 %
Net cash provided by operating activities421,609 291,131 44.8 %1,070,994 847,076 26.4 %
Cash flows from investing activities
Capitalized software development costs(20,975)(17,417)(20.4)%(59,648)(50,080)(19.1)%
Capital expenditures(6,626)(3,564)(85.9)%(19,515)(18,942)(3.0)%
Cash paid for acquisitions, net of cash acquired— — — %(27,467)— 100.0 %
Other(463)— 100.0 %(892)(389)(129.3)%
Net cash used in investing activities(28,064)(20,981)(33.8)%(107,522)(69,411)(54.9)%
Cash flows from financing activities
Repurchase of common stock held in treasury(199,509)(18,744)n/m(511,218)(504,161)(1.4)%
Payment of dividends(125,757)(109,380)(15.0)%(383,980)(331,640)(15.8)%
Repayment of borrowings(25,000)(2,188)n/m(364,063)(6,563)n/m
Proceeds from borrowings— — — %336,875 — 100.0 %
Payment of debt issuance costs— — — %(3,739)— 100.0 %
Net cash used in financing activities(350,266)(130,312)(168.8)%(926,125)(842,364)(9.9)%
Effect of exchange rate changes6,299 (3,615)n/m1,939 (313)n/m
Net increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash49,578 136,223 (63.6)%39,286 (65,012)n/m
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash, beginning of period451,401 792,329 (43.0)%461,693 993,564 (53.5)%
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash, end of period$500,979 $928,552 (46.0)%$500,979 $928,552 (46.0)%
n/m: not meaningful.



Table 5: Operating Results by Segment and Revenue Type (unaudited)

IndexThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
In thousands20242023Change20242023Change
Operating revenues:
Recurring subscriptions$223,945 $206,453 8.5 %$653,929 $603,845 8.3 %
Asset-based fees168,622 141,066 19.5 %482,162 412,354 16.9 %
Non-recurring12,315 14,603 (15.7)%39,855 47,621 (16.3)%
Total operating revenues404,882 362,122 11.8 %1,175,946 1,063,820 10.5 %
Adjusted EBITDA expenses90,734 84,450 7.4 %277,048 255,396 8.5 %
Adjusted EBITDA$314,148 $277,672 13.1 %$898,898 $808,424 11.2 %
Adjusted EBITDA margin %77.6 %76.7 %76.4 %76.0 %
AnalyticsThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
In thousands20242023Change20242023Change
Operating revenues:
Recurring subscriptions$168,150 $151,269 11.2 %$490,829 $443,276 10.7 %
Non-recurring4,226 2,999 40.9 %11,508 7,943 44.9 %
Total operating revenues172,376 154,268 11.7 %502,337 451,219 11.3 %
Adjusted EBITDA expenses82,089 82,487 (0.5)%258,166 253,509 1.8 %
Adjusted EBITDA$90,287 $71,781 25.8 %$244,171 $197,710 23.5 %
Adjusted EBITDA margin %52.4 %46.5 %48.6 %43.8 %
ESG and ClimateThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
In thousands20242023Change20242023Change
Operating revenues:
Recurring subscriptions$81,536 $71,744 13.6 %$235,954 $207,523 13.7 %
Non-recurring2,107 1,294 62.8 %5,428 3,792 43.1 %
Total operating revenues83,643 73,038 14.5 %241,382 211,315 14.2 %
Adjusted EBITDA expenses53,654 47,598 12.7 %166,372 145,201 14.6 %
Adjusted EBITDA$29,989 $25,440 17.9 %$75,010 $66,114 13.5 %
Adjusted EBITDA margin %35.9 %34.8 %31.1 %31.3 %
All Other - Private AssetsThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
In thousands20242023Change20242023Change
Operating revenues:
Recurring subscriptions$62,991 $35,531 77.3 %$190,434 $111,292 71.1 %
Non-recurring813 480 69.4 %2,520 1,168 115.8 %
Total operating revenues63,804 36,011 77.2 %192,954 112,460 71.6 %
Adjusted EBITDA expenses47,526 24,615 93.1 %146,803 76,384 92.2 %
Adjusted EBITDA$16,278 $11,396 42.8 %$46,151 $36,076 27.9 %
Adjusted EBITDA margin %25.5 %31.6 %23.9 %32.1 %
ConsolidatedThree Months EndedNine Months Ended
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
In thousands20242023Change20242023Change
Operating revenues:
Recurring subscriptions$536,622 $464,997 15.4 %$1,571,146 $1,365,936 15.0 %
Asset-based fees168,622 141,066 19.5 %482,162 412,354 16.9 %
Non-recurring19,461 19,376 0.4 %59,311 60,524 (2.0)%
Operating revenues total724,705 625,439 15.9 %2,112,619 1,838,814 14.9 %
Adjusted EBITDA expenses274,003 239,150 14.6 %848,389 730,490 16.1 %
Adjusted EBITDA$450,702 $386,289 16.7 %$1,264,230 $1,108,324 14.1 %
Operating margin %55.4 %56.5 %53.2 %55.1 %
Adjusted EBITDA margin %62.2 %61.8 %59.8 %60.3 %


Table 6: Sales and Retention Rate by Segment (unaudited)(1)
Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
In thousands20242023Change20242023Change
New recurring subscription sales$25,271 $23,978 5.4 %$80,081 $80,156 (0.1)%
Subscription cancellations(9,862)(7,402)33.2 %(34,876)(22,617)54.2 %
Net new recurring subscription sales$15,409 $16,576 (7.0)%$45,205 $57,539 (21.4)%
Non-recurring sales$13,883 $14,679 (5.4)%$44,687 $54,365 (17.8)%
Total gross sales$39,154 $38,657 1.3 %$124,768 $134,521 (7.3)%
Total Index net sales$29,292 $31,255 (6.3)%$89,892 $111,904 (19.7)%
Index Retention Rate(2)95.4 %96.2 %94.6 %96.1 %
New recurring subscription sales$20,780 $18,787 10.6 %$56,137 $50,751 10.6 %
Subscription cancellations(10,307)(7,543)36.6 %(28,001)(24,094)16.2 %
Net new recurring subscription sales$10,473 $11,244 (6.9)%$28,136 $26,657 5.5 %
Non-recurring sales$7,293 $3,206 127.5 %$13,812 $8,734 58.1 %
Total gross sales$28,073 $21,993 27.6 %$69,949 $59,485 17.6 %
Total Analytics net sales$17,766 $14,450 22.9 %$41,948 $35,391 18.5 %
Analytics Retention Rate(3)93.8 %95.1 %94.4 %94.8 %
ESG and Climate
New recurring subscription sales$9,333 $12,124 (23.0)%$39,361 $38,497 2.2 %
Subscription cancellations(5,575)(2,639)111.3 %(17,496)(7,331)138.7 %
Net new recurring subscription sales$3,758 $9,485 (60.4)%$21,865 $31,166 (29.8)%
Non-recurring sales$2,345 $1,532 53.1 %$6,852 $4,066 68.5 %
Total gross sales$11,678 $13,656 (14.5)%$46,213 $42,563 8.6 %
Total ESG and Climate net sales$6,103 $11,017 (44.6)%$28,717 $35,232 (18.5)%
ESG and Climate Retention Rate(4)93.0 %96.0 %92.7 %96.3 %
All Other - Private Assets
New recurring subscription sales$9,959 $4,788 108.0 %$29,877 $14,746 102.6 %
Subscription cancellations(4,610)(3,153)46.2 %(15,112)(8,634)75.0 %
Net new recurring subscription sales$5,349 $1,635 227.2 %$14,765 $6,112 141.6 %
Non-recurring sales$520 $262 98.5 %$2,361 $1,069 120.9 %
Total gross sales$10,479 $5,050 107.5 %$32,238 $15,815 103.8 %
Total All Other - Private Assets net sales$5,869 $1,897 209.4 %$17,126 $7,181 138.5 %
All Other - Private Assets Retention Rate(5)92.7 %91.3 %92.0 %92.1 %
New recurring subscription sales$65,343 $59,677 9.5 %$205,456 $184,150 11.6 %
Subscription cancellations(30,354)(20,737)46.4 %(95,485)(62,676)52.3 %
Net new recurring subscription sales$34,989 $38,940 (10.1)%$109,971 $121,474 (9.5)%
Non-recurring sales$24,041 $19,679 22.2 %$67,712 $68,234 (0.8)%
Total gross sales$89,384 $79,356 12.6 %$273,168 $252,384 8.2 %
Total net sales$59,030 $58,619 0.7 %$177,683 $189,708 (6.3)%
Total Retention Rate(6)94.2 %95.4 %93.9 %95.4 %
(1) See "Notes Regarding the Use of Operating Metrics" for details regarding the definition of new recurring subscription sales, subscription cancellations, net new recurring subscription sales, non-recurring sales, total gross sales, total net sales and Retention Rate.
(2) Retention rate for Index excluding the impact of the acquisition of Foxberry was 95.5% and 94.6% for the three and nine months ended Sep. 30, 2024, respectively.
(3) Retention rate for Analytics excluding the impact of the acquisition of Fabric was 93.8% and 94.4% for the three and nine months ended Sep. 30, 2024, respectively.
(4) Retention rate for ESG and Climate excluding the impact of the acquisition of Trove was 93.4% and 92.9% for the three and nine months ended Sep. 30, 2024, respectively.
(5) Retention rate for All Other – Private Assets excluding the impact of the acquisition of Burgiss was 92.2% and 90.7% for the three and nine months ended Sep. 30, 2024, respectively.
(6) Total retention rate excluding the impact of the acquisitions of Foxberry, Fabric, Trove and Burgiss was 94.4% and 94.0% for the three and nine months ended Sep. 30, 2024, respectively.


Table 7: AUM in ETFs Linked to MSCI Equity Indexes (unaudited)(1)(2)

Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
Sep. 30,Dec. 31,Mar. 31,June 30,Sep. 30,Sep. 30,Sep. 30,
In billions
Beginning Period AUM in ETFs linked to
MSCI equity indexes$1,372.5 $1,322.8 $1,468.9 $1,582.6 $1,631.9 $1,222.9 $1,468.9 
Market Appreciation/(Depreciation)(56.1)130.5 92.8 21.2 111.3 67.4 225.3 
Cash Inflows6.4 15.6 20.9 28.1 18.6 32.5 67.6 
Period-End AUM in ETFs linked to
MSCI equity indexes$1,322.8 $1,468.9 $1,582.6 $1,631.9 $1,761.8 $1,322.8 $1,761.8 
Period Average AUM in ETFs linked to
MSCI equity indexes$1,376.5 $1,364.9 $1,508.8 $1,590.6 $1,677.0 $1,332.6 $1,592.1 
Period-End Basis Point Fee(3)2.51 2.50 2.48 2.47 2.44 2.51 2.44 
(1) The historical values of the AUM in ETFs linked to our equity indexes as of the last day of the month and the monthly average balance can be found under the link “AUM in ETFs Linked to MSCI Equity Indexes” on our Investor Relations homepage at http://ir.msci.com. Information contained on our website is not incorporated by reference into this Press Release or any other report filed with the SEC. The AUM in ETFs also includes AUM in Exchange Traded Notes, the value of which is less than 1% of the AUM amounts presented.
(2) The value of AUM in ETFs linked to MSCI equity indexes is calculated by multiplying the equity ETFs net asset value by the number of shares outstanding.
(3) Based on period-end Run Rate for ETFs linked to MSCI equity indexes using period-end AUM.

Table 8: Run Rate by Segment and Type (unaudited)(1)
As of
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
In thousands20242023Change
Recurring subscriptions$906,803 $835,334 8.6 %
Asset-based fees683,462 545,548 25.3 %
Index Run Rate1,590,265 1,380,882 15.2 %
Analytics Run Rate691,333 639,462 8.1 %
ESG and Climate Run Rate344,015 297,297 15.7 %
All Other - Private Assets Run Rate268,577 150,749 78.2 %
Total Run Rate$2,894,190 $2,468,390 17.3 %
Total recurring subscriptions$2,210,728 $1,922,842 15.0 %
Total asset-based fees683,462 545,548 25.3 %
Total Run Rate$2,894,190 $2,468,390 17.3 %
(1) See "Notes Regarding the Use of Operating Metrics" for details regarding the definition of Run Rate.


Table 9: Reconciliation of Net Income to Adjusted EBITDA (unaudited)
Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
In thousands2024202320242023
Net income$280,901 $259,659 $803,613 $745,212 
Provision for income taxes76,035 57,997 189,210 155,974 
Other expense (income), net44,398 35,653 130,501 112,678 
Operating income401,334 353,309 1,123,324 1,013,864 
Amortization of intangible assets41,939 26,722 121,316 77,543 
Depreciation and amortization of property,
equipment and leasehold improvements4,332 5,252 12,639 15,911 
Acquisition-related integration and transaction costs(1)3,097 1,006 6,951 1,006 
Consolidated adjusted EBITDA$450,702 $386,289 $1,264,230 $1,108,324 
Index adjusted EBITDA$314,148 $277,672 $898,898 $808,424 
Analytics adjusted EBITDA90,287 71,781 244,171 197,710 
ESG and Climate adjusted EBITDA29,989 25,440 75,010 66,114 
All Other - Private Assets adjusted EBITDA16,278 11,396 46,151 36,076 
Consolidated adjusted EBITDA$450,702 $386,289 $1,264,230 $1,108,324 
(1) Represents transaction expenses and other costs directly related to the acquisition and integration of acquired businesses, including professional fees, severance expenses, regulatory filing fees and other costs, in each case that are incurred no later than 12 months after the close of the relevant acquisition.

Table 10: Reconciliation of Net Income and Diluted EPS to Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS (unaudited)

Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
In thousands, except per share data2024202320242023
Net income$280,901 $259,659 $803,613 $745,212 
Plus: Amortization of acquired intangible assets and
equity method investment basis difference26,066 16,722 77,226 50,356 
Plus: Acquisition-related integration and transaction costs(1)3,140 1,006 6,994 1,006 
Plus: Write-off of deferred fees on debt extinguishment— — 1,510 — 
Less: Gain from changes in ownership interest of investees— — — (447)
Less: Income tax effect(2)(6,260)(3,327)(16,432)(8,880)
Adjusted net income$303,847 $274,060 $872,911 $787,247 
Diluted EPS$3.57 $3.27 $10.15 $9.32 
Plus: Amortization of acquired intangible assets and
equity method investment basis difference0.33 0.21 0.98 0.63 
Plus: Acquisition-related integration and transaction costs(1)0.04 0.01 0.09 0.01 
Plus: Write-off of deferred fees on debt extinguishment— — 0.02 — 
Less: Gain from changes in ownership interest of investees— — — (0.01)
Less: Income tax effect(2)(0.08)(0.04)(0.21)(0.10)
Adjusted EPS$3.86 $3.45 $11.03 $9.85 
Diluted weighted average common shares outstanding78,729 79,500 79,159 79,959 
(1) Represents transaction expenses and other costs directly related to the acquisition and integration of acquired businesses, including professional fees, severance expenses, regulatory filing fees and other costs, in each case that are incurred no later than 12 months after the close of the relevant acquisition.
(2) Adjustments relate to the tax effect of non-GAAP adjustments, which were determined based on the nature of the underlying non-GAAP adjustments and their relevant jurisdictional tax rates.



Table 11: Reconciliation of Operating Expenses to Adjusted EBITDA Expenses (unaudited)

Three Months EndedNine Months EndedFull-Year
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
In thousands2024202320242023Guidance (1)
Total operating expenses$323,371 $272,130 $989,295 $824,950 $1,305,000 - $1,345,000
Amortization of intangible assets41,939 26,722 121,316 77,543 
Depreciation and amortization of property,
equipment and leasehold improvements4,332 5,252 12,639 15,911 $175,000 - $185,000
Acquisition-related integration and transaction costs(2)3,097 1,006 6,951 1,006 
Consolidated adjusted EBITDA expenses$274,003 $239,150 $848,389 $730,490 $1,130,000 - $1,160,000
Index adjusted EBITDA expenses$90,734 $84,450 $277,048 $255,396 
Analytics adjusted EBITDA expenses82,089 82,487 258,166 253,509 
ESG and Climate adjusted EBITDA expenses53,654 47,598 166,372 145,201 
All Other - Private Assets adjusted EBITDA expenses47,526 24,615 146,803 76,384 
Consolidated adjusted EBITDA expenses$274,003 $239,150 $848,389 $730,490 $1,130,000 - $1,160,000
(1) We have not provided a full line-item reconciliation for total operating expenses to adjusted EBITDA expenses for this future period because we believe such a reconciliation would imply a degree of precision and certainty that could be confusing to investors and we are unable to reasonably predict certain items contained in the GAAP measure without unreasonable efforts. This is due to the inherent difficulty of forecasting the timing or amount of various items that have not yet occurred and are out of the Company's control or cannot be reasonably predicted. For the same reasons, the Company is unable to address the probable significance of the unavailable information. Forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures provided without the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures may vary materially from the corresponding GAAP financial measures. See “Forward-Looking Statements” above.
(2) Represents transaction expenses and other costs directly related to the acquisition and integration of acquired businesses, including professional fees, severance expenses, regulatory filing fees and other costs, in each case that are incurred no later than 12 months after the close of the relevant acquisition.

Table 12: Reconciliation of Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities to Free Cash Flow (unaudited)

Three Months EndedNine Months EndedFull-Year
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
Sep. 30,
In thousands2024202320242023Guidance (1)
Net cash provided by operating activities$421,609 $291,131 $1,070,994 $847,076 $1,420,000 - $1,470,000
Capital expenditures(6,626)(3,564)(19,515)(18,942)
Capitalized software development costs(20,975)(17,417)(59,648)(50,080)
Capex(27,601)(20,981)(79,163)(69,022)($105,000 - $115,000)
Free cash flow$394,008 $270,150 $991,831 $778,054 $1,305,000 - $1,365,000
(1) We have not provided a line-item reconciliation for free cash flow to net cash provided by operating activities for this future period because we believe such a reconciliation would imply a degree of precision and certainty that could be confusing to investors and we are unable to reasonably predict certain items contained in the GAAP measure without unreasonable efforts. This is due to the inherent difficulty of forecasting the timing or amount of various items that have not yet occurred and are out of the Company's control or cannot be reasonably predicted. For the same reasons, the Company is unable to address the probable significance of the unavailable information. Forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures provided without the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures may vary materially from the corresponding GAAP financial measures. See “Forward-Looking Statements” above.


Table 13: Third Quarter 2024 Reconciliation of Operating Revenue Growth to Organic Operating Revenue Growth (unaudited)
Comparison of the Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
TotalRecurring SubscriptionAsset-Based FeesNon-Recurring Revenues
IndexChange PercentageChange PercentageChange PercentageChange Percentage
Operating revenue growth11.8 %8.5 %19.5 %(15.7)%
Impact of acquisitions and divestitures— %(0.1)%— %— %
Impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations— %0.1 %— %— %
Organic operating revenue growth11.8 %8.5 %19.5 %(15.7)%
TotalRecurring SubscriptionAsset-Based FeesNon-Recurring Revenues
AnalyticsChange PercentageChange PercentageChange PercentageChange Percentage
Operating revenue growth11.7 %11.2 %— %40.9 %
Impact of acquisitions and divestitures(0.1)%(0.2)%— %— %
Impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations0.1 %0.1 %— %0.1 %
Organic operating revenue growth11.7 %11.1 %— %41.0 %
TotalRecurring SubscriptionAsset-Based FeesNon-Recurring Revenues
ESG and ClimateChange PercentageChange PercentageChange PercentageChange Percentage
Operating revenue growth14.5 %13.6 %— %62.8 %
Impact of acquisitions and divestitures(1.4)%(1.4)%— %(2.3)%
Impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations(2.1)%(2.0)%— %(0.9)%
Organic operating revenue growth11.0 %10.2 %— %59.6 %
TotalRecurring SubscriptionAsset-Based FeesNon-Recurring Revenues
All Other - Private AssetsChange PercentageChange PercentageChange PercentageChange Percentage
Operating revenue growth77.2 %77.3 %— %69.4 %
Impact of acquisitions and divestitures(75.1)%(75.2)%— %(72.9)%
Impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations(1.1)%(1.0)%— %(0.7)%
Organic operating revenue growth1.0 %1.1 %— %(4.2)%
TotalRecurring SubscriptionAsset-Based FeesNon-Recurring Revenues
ConsolidatedChange PercentageChange PercentageChange PercentageChange Percentage
Operating revenue growth15.9 %15.4 %19.5 %0.4 %
Impact of acquisitions and divestitures(4.6)%(6.0)%— %(1.9)%
Impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations(0.2)%(0.4)%— %(0.1)%
Organic operating revenue growth11.1 %9.0 %19.5 %(1.6)%



Table 14: Nine Months 2024 Reconciliation of Operating Revenue Growth to Organic Operating Revenue Growth (unaudited)
Comparison of the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
TotalRecurring SubscriptionAsset-Based FeesNon-Recurring Revenues
IndexChange PercentageChange PercentageChange PercentageChange Percentage
Operating revenue growth10.5 %8.3 %16.9 %(16.3)%
Impact of acquisitions and divestitures— %(0.1)%— %— %
Impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations0.2 %0.3 %0.1 %— %
Organic operating revenue growth10.7 %8.5 %17.0 %(16.3)%
TotalRecurring SubscriptionAsset-Based FeesNon-Recurring Revenues
AnalyticsChange PercentageChange PercentageChange PercentageChange Percentage
Operating revenue growth11.3 %10.7 %— %44.9 %
Impact of acquisitions and divestitures(0.1)%(0.1)%— %— %
Impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations0.4 %0.4 %— %1.2 %
Organic operating revenue growth11.6 %11.0 %— %46.1 %
TotalRecurring SubscriptionAsset-Based FeesNon-Recurring Revenues
ESG and ClimateChange PercentageChange PercentageChange PercentageChange Percentage
Operating revenue growth14.2 %13.7 %— %43.1 %
Impact of acquisitions and divestitures(1.6)%(1.6)%— %(2.5)%
Impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations(1.9)%(2.0)%— %— %
Organic operating revenue growth10.7 %10.1 %— %40.6 %
TotalRecurring SubscriptionAsset-Based FeesNon-Recurring Revenues
All Other - Private AssetsChange PercentageChange PercentageChange PercentageChange Percentage
Operating revenue growth71.6 %71.1 %— %115.8 %
Impact of acquisitions and divestitures(69.4)%(69.3)%— %(80.0)%
Impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations(0.5)%(0.5)%— %(0.3)%
Organic operating revenue growth1.7 %1.3 %— %35.5 %
TotalRecurring SubscriptionAsset-Based FeesNon-Recurring Revenues
ConsolidatedChange PercentageChange PercentageChange PercentageChange Percentage
Operating revenue growth14.9 %15.0 %16.9 %(2.0)%
Impact of acquisitions and divestitures(4.5)%(5.9)%— %(1.7)%
Impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations— %(0.1)%0.1 %0.1 %
Organic operating revenue growth10.4 %9.0 %17.0 %(3.6)%