ファースト・ファウンデーション 2024年10月29日 | |
この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 |
この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。
● | 株式資本調達で純販売代金約2億2800万ドルを調達しました。 |
● | 合計19億ドルの元本残高を持つマルチファミリーローンポートフォリオの一部を投資用ローンから販売用ローンに再分類し、関連する原価又は時価(“LOCOM”)調整額が1億1750万ドルとなり、一般株主に帰属する純損失は8億2200万ドル、株当たり1.23ドル(基本及び希薄化後)となりました。 |
● | 調整後の一般株主に帰属する純利益(非GAAP)は、四半期に270万ドルで、調整後株当たり純利益(非GAAP)は四半期に0.04ドル(基本及び希薄化後)で、LOCOM調整額やその他の調整を除外しています。 (a) |
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この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 |
3Q24主要財務データ | ハイライト |
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収益性指標 |
| 3Q24 |
| 2Q24 |
| 3Q23 |
平均総資産利益率(%) |
| (2.44) | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 0.09 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 0.07 |
平均資産調整後収益率(%)(a) | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 0.08 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 0.10 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 0.08 |
平均自己資本収益率(%) |
| (33.9) | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 1.3 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 1.0 |
平均有形自己資本収益率(%)(a) |
| 1.1 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 1.5 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 1.2 |
純金利マージン (%) |
| 1.50 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 1.36 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 1.66 |
効率比率 (%) (a) |
| 98.1 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 96.1 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 99.7 |
この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 |
損益計算書(b) |
| 3Q24 |
| 2Q24 |
| 3Q23 |
純金利収入 |
| $ 49,119 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 43,829 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 52,073 |
ノンインタレスト収入 |
| ($ 105,580) | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 13,658 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 11,698 |
普通株主に帰属する当期純利益 |
| ($ 82,174) | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 3,085 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 2,180 |
調整後当期純利益(a) | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 2,679 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 3,341 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 2,643 |
一株当たり利益 |
| ($ 1.23) | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 0.05 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 0.04 |
調整後の1株当たり利益(ベーシックおよび希薄化後) (a) | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 0.04 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 0.06 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 0.05 |
この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 |
バランスシート(b) |
| 3Q24 |
| 2Q24 |
| 3Q23 |
総融資額 |
| $ 9,877,258 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 10,087,268 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 10,283,353 |
預金総計 |
| $ 10,304,604 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 10,756,344 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 10,812,194 |
入金残高比率 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 95.9% | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 93.8% | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 95.1% |
債権放出率 |
| 0.01% | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 0.01% | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 0.01% |
普通株式1株あたりの帳簿価額は | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 15.77 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 16.50 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 16.29 |
普通株式1株当たりの実質的な帳簿価額(a) |
| $ 15.71 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 16.43 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 16.19 |
1株当たり実質帳簿価額(調整後) (a) | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | $ 9.50 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 該当なし | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 該当なし |
総リスク基準資本比率 |
| 14.21% | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 12.60% | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | 11.89% |
この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 |
この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。
● 2024年9月30日時点の貸出対預金比率は95.9%です。 ● 2024年9月30日時点の預金コストは3.41%で、前四半期から8ベースポイント減少しました。非金利預金は2024年9月30日時点で全預金の21%を占めています。 ● 強固な流動性ポジション(43億ドル)を維持しました: - 2024年9月30日時点の貸借対照表における現金及び現金同等物は11億ドルで、総資産の8.3%を占めます。 - 2024年9月30日時点での連邦ホームローン銀行との20億ドル、連邦準備銀行のディスカウントウィンドウとの82300万ドルの利用可能信用施設があります。 - 2024年9月30日時点で未保証のクレジットラインに24000万ドルが利用可能です。 - 2024年9月30日時点における担保を設定していない証券の時価は15800万ドルです。 - 未保証で担保付けされていない預金に対する流動性比率は2.65倍です。 この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 ● 2024年9月30日時点の純金利マージンは1.50%で、前四半期から基準点で14ポイント増加しています。 ● 2024年9月30日時点で、平均株主資本と平均総資産比率は7.05%から8.10%に向上しました。 ● 全リスクベース資本比率は、前四半期の12.60%から14.21%に増加し続けています。 |
この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。
(a) 非GAAP(一般に受け入れられる会計原則外)の指標。 「非GAAP財務指標」を参照してください (b) 千万ドル、株式データおよび比率を除く |
DALLAS, TX - ファースト・ファウンデーション社(NYSE: FFWM)は、完全子会社であるファースト・ファウンデーション・アドバイザーズ(FFA)とファースト・ファウンデーション・バンク(FFB)を持つ金融サービス企業で、2024年第3四半期に1株当たり$1.23の$8220万の当期純損失を報告しました。 2024年第3四半期の結果には、マルチファミリーローンの$19億の元本残高が投資用ローンから販売用ローンに再分類された11750万ドルのLOCOm調整が含まれています。再分類は、ローンを証券化したり売却したりするためのオプションを検討しつつ、最終執行価格を最大化することを目的としています。 LOCOm調整およびその他の調整の影響を除いた第3四半期の調整後の一株当たり純利益(非GAAP)は、$270万、または$0.04(基本および希薄)でした。
ファースト・ファウンデーション社CEOスコット・F・キャヴァナ CEO | 「2024年第3四半期におけるチームの素晴らしい仕事と成功を共有できることを誇りに思います。」とファースト・ファウンデーション社のCEOであるスコット・F・キャヴァナは述べました。「私たちは戦略計画の実行に引き続き進展し、最近実施した資本調達を活用し、現在の金利環境で楽観的な雰囲気が高まる中、攻勢に転じる努力を続けています。マルチファミリーローンの$19億を販売用ローンに再分類した最近の決定は、当社のバランスシートを強化し、より積極的な姿勢を取ることを表しています。第3四半期の業績への影響にもかかわらず、マルチファミリーポートフォリオの公正価値定価は初期の見積もりを上回っています。 私たちの焦点は、収益とパフォーマンスの継続的な向上にあり、持続的成長と収益性に向けて位置を固めることです。 |
ファースト・ファウンデーション社最高財務責任者ジェイミー・ブリットン CFO | 「当社が推進している中核業績の安定性に満足しており、当社の戦略的イニシアティブに対する実行能力とバランスシートが中核収益に与える貢献について自信を持っています」とファースト・ファウンデーション社CFOジェイミー・ブリットンが述べています。「マルチファミリーポートフォリオの一部を販売用ローンに再分類したことは、これらの取り組みの重要な第一歩でした。『換算後』一株あたりの有形帳簿価額への影響にもかかわらず、ポートフォリオの信用品質は強固であり、この動きは、ローンを証券化したり売却したりするさまざまなオプションを探求し、高コストの非中核ファンディングに対する依存度を減らすために必要な柔軟性を提供すると見ています。金利見通しへの信頼が徐々に向上する中、私たちは以前よりも機会に興奮しています。 この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 |
この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。
この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | ||
この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 |
投資家連絡先: Jamie Britton、jbritton@ff-inc.com | 949-476-0300 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 |
この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。
ファースト・ファウンデーション | |
この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 |
この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。
この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | |
3Q24ハイライト | ||
財務結果: | ||
● 四半期の純金利収入は4億9100万ドルで、前の四半期の4億3800万ドルから増加しました。 ● 四半期の純金利マージン(NIM)は1.50%に向上し、前の四半期の1.36%から上昇しました。 ● 2024年9月30日時点での投資用ローンの信用損失引当額は2億9300万ドルであり、2024年6月30日時点の2億9200万ドルと比較しています。投資用ローンの信用損失引当額と総投資用ローン残高の比率は2024年9月30日時点で0.36%であり、前四半期末時点の0.29%と比較しています。四半期中に、マルチファミリー・ローン19億ドルが投資用ローンから売却用ローンに移管されました。2024年9月30日時点で、これらのローンは償却優待率で残高の93.8%で貸借対照表に記載されていました。 ● 非稼動資産(“NPAs”)が総資産に対して」、 0.330.18%から上昇して%になりました。 ● 現金及び現金同等物は合計資産の8.3%を表す11億ドルでした。2024年9月30日時点で、10%を表す13億ドルでした。 ● 連邦住宅金融銀行および連邦準備銀行のディスカウント窓口からの利用可能な信用施設は総額28億ドルでした。未使用の連邦基金信用限度額には追加で24000万ドル、持株会社の信用限度額には2000万ドルが利用できます。 ● 四半期の平均総資産に対する非利子費用は、2024年9月30日までの四半期で1.79%、9か月で1.67%でした。 ● 株式一株当たりの実体帳簿価値(非GAAP指標)は、2024年9月30日時点で9.50ドルでした。 ● 2024年9月30日時点で、合計実体株主資本11億ドル、一株当たりの実体帳簿価値15.71ドル(非GAAP指標)、それぞれ2024年6月30日時点の合計実体株主資本92900万ドルおよび一株当たりの実体帳簿価値16.43ドルと比較されました。四半期中、同社は株式資本増強において約22800万ドルの総額の資金を調達し、発行コストを控除した上で21450万ドルの純資金を受け取りました。 ● 投資証券ポートフォリオ(売却可能金有価証券及び繰入金有価証券ポートフォリオ)における結合未実現・未認識損失は、合計4250万ドル(税効果を考慮した金額)であり、前四半期の7300万ドルと比較されます。結合投資証券ポートフォリオにおける未実現・未認識損失は、前四半期や前年同期と比較して大幅に減少しています。 ● 預金残高は2024年9月30日時点で103億ドルで、2024年6月30日時点の108億ドルと比較しています。非利息負債預金は2024年9月30日時点で総預金の21%に増加し、2024年6月30日時点の20%と比較しています。 この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 | ||
その他の活動: | ||
● ローンの起業は現在の四半期で36600万ドルで、平均利回りは8.23%で、前の四半期の51600万ドルと比較しています。年初からの起業総額は12億ドルで、平均利回りは8.25%で、前年同期の12億ドルと7.79%の平均利回りと比較しています。 ● 預金コストは現在の四半期に3.41%に減少し、前の四半期の3.49%から下がっています。 ● 平均総資産は2024年9月30日に終了した四半期で135億ドルで、前の四半期の131億ドルと比較しています。 ● FFAの資産運用残高(AUM)は前の四半期から変わらず、55億ドルで四半期末に終了しました。FFbの信託支援資産(AUA)は前の四半期の11億ドルに比べて12億ドルでした。 この登録声明書はForm F-3で提出されました。 |
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Spotlight | ||
First Foundation Advisors Recognized as a Top Registered Advisory Firm by Barron’s | First Foundation Advisors Named to CNBC FA100 List | |
First Foundation Advisors made Barron’s list of the top 100 registered investment advisory firms in 2024. The annual list evaluates financial advisors based on a proprietary set of criteria, including type of assets under management, growth of advisors’ practice, client retention, and quantitative factors such as the advisors’ experience, their advanced degrees, industry designations, philanthropic efforts, and other metrics. | First Foundation Advisors was recognized as one of 2023’s top registered investment advisory firms on the CNBC FA100 list. First Foundation Advisors ranked seventeenth on the national list and marks the second consecutive year that it has been recognized on the list. The rankings were based on a number of factors, including total assets under management, years in business, and accounts managed. | |
Please Note: Limitations. Neither rankings nor recognitions by unaffiliated rating services, publications, media, or other organizations, nor the achievement of any professional designation, certification, degree or license, membership in any professional organization, or any amount of prior experience or success, should be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that the client will experience a certain level of results if the firm is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services. A fee was not paid by the firm to receive the ranking. The ranking is based upon specific criteria and methodology (see ranking criteria/methodology). No ranking or recognition should be construed as an endorsement by any past or current client of the firm. | ||
Details |
Loan balances totaled $9.9 billion as of September 30, 2024, compared to $10.1 billion and $10.3 billion as of June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, respectively. During the quarter, a portion of the multifamily loan portfolio totaling $1.9 billion principal balance was transferred from loans held for investment to loans held for sale. Loans held for sale are accounted for at the lower of amortized cost or fair value and as a result, a LOCOM adjustment totaling $117.5 million, equating to 93.8% fair-value pricing, was recorded to earnings in the quarter. The transfer is expected to provide the flexibility needed to work with credit-minded counterparties in exploring a variety of options for securitizing or selling the loans and maximizing final execution pricing.
Loan fundings totaled $366 million, offset by loan payments and payoffs of $467 million, in the quarter. This compares to loan fundings totaling $516 million, offset by loan payments and payoffs of $515 million, in the prior quarter and loan fundings totaling $245 million, offset by loan payments and payoffs of $546 million in the third quarter of 2023. Commercial and industrial (“C&I”) loans accounted for 90% of total fundings for the quarter, and 87% of total fundings year to date. C&I loans consist primarily of commercial revolving lines of credit and term loans.
There were no loan sales during the quarter.
Loan portfolio average yield was 4.77% in the quarter, unchanged from the prior quarter and an increase of 4 basis points compared to 4.73% in the third quarter of 2023. Average yields on new loan fundings were 8.23% in the quarter compared to 8.19% in the prior quarter and 8.35% in the third quarter of 2023.
Investment Securities
Investment securities were $2.0 billion as of September 30, 2024, compared to $1.9 billion and $1.6 billion as of June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively. During the quarter, $206 million in investment securities were purchased, offset by $48 million in principal paydowns. The investment securities purchased during the quarter consisted of agency mortgage-backed securities at a weighted average yield of 5.64%.
The allowance for credit losses for investments was $7.3 million as of September 30, 2024, relatively unchanged from the prior quarter and decreased compared to $8.5 million as of September 30, 2023. Unrealized losses (tax-
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effected) on the available-for-sale portfolio totaled $0.7 million as of September 30, 2024, compared to $16.6 million as of June 30, 2024. Unrecognized losses (tax-effected) on the held-to-maturity portfolio totaled $41.8 million as of September 30, 2024, compared to $56.4 million as of June 30, 2024. Combined unrealized and unrecognized losses (tax-effected) on the available-for-sale and held-to-maturity portfolios totaled $42.5 million, or 2.08% of the combined portfolios as of September 30, 2024, compared to $73.0 million or 3.91% of the combined portfolios as of June 30, 2024. The decrease in unrealized and unrecognized losses (tax-effected) was largely driven by the fall in the 10-year Treasury yield which is the benchmark that agency mortgage-backed securities follow. The 10-year Treasury yield fell 62 basis points to 3.78% as of September 30, 2024, compared to 4.40% as of June 30, 2024.
Investment securities portfolio average yield was 4.06% in the quarter, compared to 4.00% in the prior quarter and 3.24% in the third quarter of 2023.
Deposits and Borrowings
Deposits were $10.3 billion as of September 30, 2024, compared to $10.8 billion as of June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023. Noninterest-bearing demand deposits accounted for 21% of total deposits as of September 30, 2024, compared to 20% and 22% as of June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, respectively. Certificates of deposit accounted for 25% of total deposits as of September 30, 2024, compared to 26% and 28% as of June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, respectively. Core deposits accounted for 64% of total deposits as of September 30, 2024, compared to 62% and 68% as of June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, respectively. Brokered deposits accounted for 36% of total deposits as of September 30, 2024, compared to 38% and 32% as of June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, respectively.
Cost of deposits was 3.41% for the quarter, compared to 3.49% for the prior quarter and 3.03% for the third quarter of 2023.
Insured and collateralized deposits accounted for approximately 85% of total deposits as of September 30, 2024, relatively unchanged from the prior quarter.
Our loan to deposit ratio measured 95.9% as of September 30, 2024, compared to 93.8% and 95.1% as of June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, respectively. The increase was largely due to a decrease in wholesale deposits.
Borrowings were $1.7 billion as of September 30, 2024, compared to $1.7 billion and $984 million as of June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, respectively. Average borrowings outstanding were $1.7 billion or 12.6% of total average assets for the quarter, compared to $1.4 billion or 10.4% of total average assets for the prior quarter and $0.6 billion or 4.5% for the third quarter of 2023. The weighted average rate paid on borrowings was 4.04% for the quarter, compared to 4.12% for the prior quarter and 4.16% for the third quarter of 2023. Borrowings include $266.6 million in borrowings from the Bank Term Funding Program (“BTFP”) at the Federal Reserve Bank at a rate of 4.76%, which will mature in January 2025.
As of September 30, 2024, our unused borrowing capacity was $2.9 billion, which consists of available lines of credit with FHLB and other correspondent banks as well as access to the Federal Reserve Bank’s discount window.
Private Wealth Management and Trust Assets
Our AUM balance was $5.5 billion as of September 30, 2024, relatively unchanged from the prior quarter, and compared to $5.0 billion as of September 30, 2023. Activity within the AUM balance during the quarter consisted of the following: $38 million of new accounts; $194 million of net withdrawals; and $167 million of performance
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gains. AUA at FFB’s Trust Department was $1.2 billion as of September 30, 2024, compared to $1.1 billion in both the prior quarter and $1.2 billion at September 30, 2023.
Net Interest Income and Net Interest Margin
Net interest income was $49.1 million for the quarter, compared to $43.8 million for the prior quarter and $52.1 million for the third quarter of 2023. Interest income totaled $157.2 million for the quarter, compared to $150.9 million for the prior quarter and $144.8 million for the third quarter of 2023. The increase in interest income compared to the prior quarter was due to an increase in average interest-earning asset balances and an increase in the average rates earned on such balances. Average interest-earning asset balances totaled $13.2 billion for the quarter, compared to $12.8 billion for the prior quarter and $12.6 billion for the third quarter of 2023. Yields on interest-earning assets averaged 4.75% for the quarter, compared to 4.71% for the prior quarter and 4.56% for the third quarter of 2023.
Interest expense was $108.0 million for the quarter, compared to $107.1 million for the prior quarter and $92.7 million for the third quarter of 2023. The increase in interest expense compared to the prior quarter was due primarily to an increase in average interest-bearing liability balances, offset by a decrease in rates paid on such balances. Average interest-bearing liability balances, consisting of interest-bearing deposits, borrowings, and subordinated debt, totaled $10.13 billion for the quarter, compared to $10.09 billion from the prior quarter and $9.2 billion for the third quarter of 2023. Rates on interest-bearing liability balances averaged 4.24% for the quarter, compared to 4.27% for the prior quarter and 4.01% for the third quarter of 2023. Rates on interest-bearing deposits averaged 4.29% for the quarter, compared to 4.30% for the prior quarter and 4.00% for the third quarter of 2023. Rates on borrowings averaged 4.04% for the quarter, compared to 4.12% for the prior quarter and 4.16% for the third quarter of 2023.
The 0.04% increase in average yield earned on interest-earning assets in addition to a 0.03% decrease in average rate paid on interest-bearing liability balances, contributed to an increase in net interest margin (“NIM”) for the quarter. NIM was 1.50% for the quarter, compared to 1.36% for the prior quarter and 1.66% for the third quarter of 2023.
Noninterest Income
Noninterest income totaled ($105.6) million for the quarter and ($79.2) million for the year-to-date period ended September 30, 2024, and included a LOCOM adjustment to account for the transfer of a portion of the multifamily loan portfolio from loans held for investment to loans held for sale during the third quarter. The LOCOM adjustment totaled $117.5 million and is recorded as a component of capital market activities in the accompanying income statement. The transferred loans are carried on the balance sheet at lower of amortized cost or fair value and the LOCOM adjustment equates to a 93.8% fair-value pricing as of September 30, 2024. Excluding the LOCOM adjustment, noninterest income was $11.9 million in the quarter, compared to $13.7 million in the prior quarter and $11.7 million in the third quarter of 2023.
Noninterest income (excluding the LOCOM adjustment) during the quarter was comprised of $7.4 million in investment advisory fees, $1.7 million in trust consulting and administrative fees, $1.6 million in loan and servicing fees, $0.4 million of deposit account fees and other income of $0.8 million.
Noninterest income as a percentage of total revenues was 186.1% for the quarter, compared to 23.4% for the prior quarter and 17.8% for the third quarter of 2023. Recurring noninterest income as a percentage of total revenues was 19.7% for the quarter, compared to 20.4% for the prior quarter and 17.8% for the third quarter of 2023. Recurring noninterest income represents investment advisory fees, trust consulting and administrative fees, loan and servicing fees, deposit account fees, and other income.
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Noninterest Expense
Noninterest expense was $60.2 million in the quarter, compared to $55.6 million in the prior quarter and $64.2 million in the third quarter of 2023. Noninterest expense to average total assets was 1.79% in the quarter, compared to 1.69% in the prior quarter and 1.98% in the third quarter of 2023.
Customer service costs accounted for a majority of the increase in noninterest expense in the quarter when compared to the prior quarter. Customer service costs were $19.0 million in the quarter, compared to $16.1 million in the prior quarter and $24.7 million in the third quarter of 2023. The increase in customer service costs was due to both an increase in the average balances of depository accounts receiving earnings credit as well as a slight increase in the average rates paid on such accounts, as the recent decline in the Fed Funds target rate occurred late in the quarter. The increase in average balances of depository accounts receiving earnings credit was due to seasonally returning mortgage servicing-related deposits which typically increase during the latter half of the year.
Our efficiency ratio (non-GAAP) for the quarter was 98.1%, compared to 96.1% for the prior quarter, and 99.7% for the third quarter of 2023. The efficiency ratio is a measure of noninterest expense to revenue (net interest income plus noninterest income) on an adjusted basis.
We recorded income tax benefit of $34.8 million in the third quarter of 2024, compared to a tax benefit of $421 thousand in the prior quarter and $600 thousand in the third quarter of 2023. Our effective tax rates for the third quarter of 2024, the prior quarter and the third quarter of 2023 were 29.7%, -15.8%, and –38.0%, respectively. The changes in the effective tax rate were predominately due to the changes in pretax income, most notably in the current quarter there was a $117.5 million LOCOM loss related to the reclassification of $1.9 billion of loans from loans held for investment to loans held for sale.
Asset Quality
Total nonperforming assets were $44.4 million as of September 30, 2024, compared to $25.1 million and $13.3 million as of June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, respectively. The increase in nonperforming assets was due primarily to the addition of two single-family loans totaling $19.2 million during the quarter. Our ratio of nonperforming assets to total assets was 0.33% as of September 30, 2024, compared to 0.18% and 0.10% as of June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, respectively. Total delinquent and nonaccrual loans were $67.4 million or 0.83% of total loans held for investment as of September 30, 2024, compared to $33.2 million or 0.33% of total loans held for investment as of June 30, 2024, and $38.2 million or 0.37% of total loans held for investment as of September 30, 2023.
Our allowance for credit losses for loans was $29.3 million, or 0.36% of total loans held for investment as of September 30, 2024, compared to $29.3 million, or 0.29% of total loans held for investment as of the prior quarter, and $29.2 million, or 0.28% of total loans held for investment as of September 30, 2023. Net charge-offs were $0.3 million or 0.01% of average loan balances for the quarter, relatively unchanged from the prior quarter, and net charge-offs of $0.4 million or 0.01% of average loan balances for the third quarter of 2023.
The ratio of the allowance for credit losses for loans to total past due and nonaccrual loans was 43.5% as of September 30, 2024, compared to 88.1% and 76.5% as of June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, respectively.
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The following table sets forth our regulatory capital ratios as of the dates indicated:
| | As of | | ||||
(unaudited) | | September 30, | | June 30, | | September 30, | |
First Foundation Inc. |
| 2024 |
| 2024 | | 2023 |
Common equity tier 1 ratio | | 10.31 | % | 10.30 | % | 9.70 | % |
Leverage ratio | | 7.64 | % | 7.08 | % | 7.18 | % |
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio | | 11.81 | % | 10.30 | % | 9.70 | % |
Total risk-based capital ratio | | 14.21 | % | 12.60 | % | 11.89 | % |
| | | | | | | |
First Foundation Bank | | | | | | | |
Common equity tier 1 ratio | | 13.41 | % | 11.97 | % | 11.28 | % |
Leverage ratio | | 8.65 | % | 8.22 | % | 8.34 | % |
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio | | 13.41 | % | 11.97 | % | 11.28 | % |
Total risk-based capital ratio | | 13.81 | % | 12.36 | % | 11.66 | % |
Shareholders' equity totaled $1,069.8 million as of September 30, 2024, compared to $933.2 million and $919.2 million as of June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, respectively. The change from the prior quarter consists primarily of $214.5 million in net proceeds received from the July 2024 capital raise, net loss of $82.2 million for the quarter and a net gain in accumulated other comprehensive income (“AOCI”) of $4.5 million for the quarter. In the July 2024 capital raise, the Company sold and issued shares of common stock, preferred stock, and warrants all of which are more fully described on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on July 9, 2024. Our tangible book value per common share (non-GAAP measure) was $15.71 as of September 30, 2024, compared to $16.43 as of June 30, 2024, and $16.19 as of September 30, 2023. The decrease in tangible book value per common share during the quarter is reflective of the additional common shares issued as part of the July 2024 capital raise as well as the quarterly net loss, which includes the LHFS LOCOM adjustment. Our tangible book value per common share as converted (non-GAAP measure) was $9.50 as of September 30, 2024.
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Earnings Call Info |
First Foundation Inc. will host a conference call at 8:00 a.m. PT / 11:00 a.m. ET on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 to discuss its financial results. Analysts, investors, and the general public may participate in the question-and-answer session. The call will be broadcast live over the Internet and can be accessed by visiting First Foundation’s website and clicking on “Investor Relations” and “Events & Presentations” at https://investor.ff-inc.com/events-and-presentations/default.aspx. For those wishing to participate in the question-and-answer session, the conference call can be accessed by telephone at the following dial-in number: Toll-Free at (888) 596-4144 using conference ID 2340475. It is recommended that participants dial into the conference call approximately ten minutes prior to the call. For those who are unable to participate during the live call, an archive of the call will be available for replay at https://investor.ff-inc.com/events-calendar.
About First Foundation
First Foundation Inc. (NYSE: FFWM) and its subsidiaries offer personal banking, business banking, and private wealth management services, including investment, trust, insurance, and philanthropy services. This comprehensive platform of financial services is designed to help each client at any stage in their financial journey. The broad range of financial products and services offered by First Foundation are more consistent with those offered by larger financial institutions, while its high level of personalized service, accessibility, and responsiveness to clients is more aligned with those of community banks and boutique wealth management firms. This combination of an integrated platform of comprehensive financial products and personalized service differentiates First Foundation from many of its competitors and has contributed to the growth of its client base and business. Learn more at firstfoundationinc.com, or connect with us on LinkedIn and X (formerlyTwitter).
Forward-Looking Statements
This report includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the “Safe-Harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including forward-looking statements regarding our expectations and beliefs about our future financial performance and financial condition, potential loan sales, as well as trends in our business and markets. Forward-looking statements often include words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "estimate," "project," "outlook," or words of similar meaning, or future or conditional verbs such as "will," "would," "should," "could," or "may." The forward-looking statements in this report are based on current information and on assumptions that we make about future events and circumstances that are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that are often difficult to predict and beyond our control. As a result of those risks and uncertainties, our actual financial results in the future could differ, possibly materially, from those expressed in or implied by the forward-looking statements contained in this report and could cause us to make changes to our future plans. Those risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, changes in our capital management and balance sheet strategies and our ability to successfully implement such strategies; changes in our strategic plan, and our ability to successfully implement such plan; whether and when certain of our preferred stock converts into common stock and the capital treatment of such shares prior to conversion; the risk of incurring credit losses, which is an inherent risk of the banking business; the quality and quantity of our deposits; adverse developments in the financial services industry generally such as bank failures and any related impact on depositor behavior or investor sentiment; risks related to the sufficiency of liquidity; risk that we will not be able to maintain growth at historic rates or at all; the risk that we will not be able to access the securitization market or otherwise sell loans on favorable terms or at all; changes in general economic conditions, either nationally or locally in the areas in which we conduct or will conduct our business; risks associated with changes in interest rates, which could adversely affect our interest income, interest rate margins, and the value of our interest-earning assets, and therefore, our future operating results; the risk that the performance of our investment management business or of the equity and bond markets could lead clients to move their funds from or close their investment accounts with us, which would reduce our assets under management and adversely affect our operating results; negative impacts of news or analyst reports about us or the financial services industry; the impacts of inflation on us and our customers; results of examinations by regulatory authorities and the possibility that such regulatory authorities may, among other things, limit our business activities or our ability to pay dividends, or impose fines, penalties or sanctions; the risk that we may be unable or that our board of directors may determine that it is inadvisable to pay future dividends at historic levels or at all; risks associated with changes in income tax laws and regulations; and risks associated with seeking new client relationships and maintaining existing client relationships.
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Additional information regarding these and other risks and uncertainties to which our business and future financial performance are subject is contained in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, and other documents we file with the SEC from time to time. We urge readers of this report to review those reports and other documents we file with the SEC from time to time. Also, our actual financial results in the future may differ from those currently expected due to additional risks and uncertainties of which we are not currently aware or which we do not currently view as, but in the future may become, material to our business or operating results. Due to these and other possible uncertainties and risks, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this report, which speak only as of today's date, or to make predictions based solely on historical financial performance. We also disclaim any obligation to update forward-looking statements contained in this report or in the above-referenced reports, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by law or NYSE rules.
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
This presentation contains both financial measures based on GAAP and non-GAAP based financial measures, which are used when management believes them to be helpful in understanding the Company's results of operations or financial position. These disclosures should not be viewed as a substitute for operating results determined in accordance with GAAP, nor are they necessarily comparable to non-GAAP performance measures that may be presented by other companies.
| |
Contact | |
Investors | |
Jamie Britton EVP, Chief Financial Officer 949-476-0300 jbritton@ff-inc.com | |
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(in thousands, except share and per share amounts) |
| September 30, |
| June 30, |
| September 30, | |||
| | 2024 | | 2024 | | 2023 | |||
| |
| |
| | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
Cash and cash equivalents | | $ | 1,106,422 | | $ | 1,421,486 | | $ | 818,501 |
| | | | | | | | | |
Securities available-for-sale ("AFS") | |
| 1,313,419 | |
| 1,113,143 | |
| 830,191 |
Securities held-to-maturity ("HTM") | |
| 734,863 | |
| 755,033 | |
| 800,742 |
Allowance for credit losses - investments | | | (7,299) | | | (7,342) | | | (8,490) |
Total securities, net | | | 2,040,983 | | | 1,860,834 | | | 1,622,443 |
| | | | | | | | | |
Loans held for sale | |
| 1,788,395 | |
| - | |
| - |
| | | | | | | | | |
Loans held for investment | |
| 8,088,863 | |
| 10,087,268 | |
| 10,283,353 |
Less: Allowance for credit losses | |
| (29,300) | |
| (29,295) | |
| (29,195) |
Total loans held for investment, net | |
| 8,059,563 | |
| 10,057,973 | |
| 10,254,158 |
| | | | | | | | | |
Investment in FHLB stock | |
| 37,810 | |
| 37,810 | |
| 24,610 |
Accrued interest receivable | | | 53,766 | | | 58,325 | | | 51,303 |
Deferred taxes | |
| 65,131 | |
| 36,493 | |
| 32,790 |
Premises and equipment, net | |
| 36,605 | |
| 37,035 | |
| 39,203 |
Real estate owned ("REO") | | | 6,210 | | | 6,210 | | | 6,210 |
Bank owned life insurance | | | 49,650 | | | 49,309 | | | 48,338 |
Core deposit intangibles | | | 3,888 | | | 4,222 | | | 5,337 |
Derivative assets | | | - | | | 6,267 | | | - |
Other assets | |
| 128,138 | |
| 138,459 | |
| 148,671 |
Total Assets | | $ | 13,376,561 | | $ | 13,714,423 | | $ | 13,051,564 |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | |
| | |
| |
| | | | | | | | | |
Liabilities: | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Deposits | | $ | 10,304,604 | | $ | 10,756,344 | | $ | 10,812,194 |
Borrowings | |
| 1,691,453 | |
| 1,716,552 | |
| 984,289 |
Subordinated debt | | | 173,444 | | | 173,428 | | | 173,382 |
Derivative liabilities | | | 5,124 | | | - | | | - |
Accounts payable and other liabilities | |
| 132,139 | |
| 134,855 | |
| 162,492 |
Total Liabilities | |
| 12,306,764 | |
| 12,781,179 | |
| 12,132,357 |
| | | | | | | | | |
Shareholders’ Equity: | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Preferred stock | | | 130,252 | |
| - | |
| - |
Common stock | |
| 68 | |
| 57 | |
| 56 |
Additional paid-in-capital | |
| 805,819 | |
| 721,814 | |
| 720,356 |
Retained earnings | |
| 139,148 | |
| 221,321 | |
| 216,591 |
Accumulated other comprehensive loss | |
| (5,490) | |
| (9,948) | |
| (17,796) |
Total Shareholders’ Equity | |
| 1,069,797 | |
| 933,244 | |
| 919,207 |
Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity | | $ | 13,376,561 | | $ | 13,714,423 | | $ | 13,051,564 |
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| |
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(unaudited) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | For the Quarter Ended | | For the Nine Months Ended | |||||||||||
(in thousands, except share and | | September 30, | | June 30, | | September 30, | | September 30, | |||||||
per share amounts) |
| 2024 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | |||||
Interest income: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Loans | | $ | 120,285 | | $ | 120,244 | | $ | 124,363 | | $ | 358,973 | | $ | 368,477 |
Securities | |
| 21,375 | |
| 17,975 | |
| 10,600 | |
| 59,124 | |
| 24,263 |
Cash, FHLB Stock, and Fed Funds | |
| 15,496 | |
| 12,695 | |
| 9,802 | |
| 40,426 | |
| 34,353 |
Total interest income | |
| 157,156 | |
| 150,914 | |
| 144,765 | |
| 458,523 | |
| 427,093 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Interest expense: | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | | | |
Deposits | |
| 89,135 | |
| 91,388 | |
| 84,814 | |
| 275,015 | |
| 219,886 |
Borrowings | |
| 17,182 | |
| 13,992 | |
| 6,158 | |
| 47,044 | |
| 42,280 |
Subordinated debt | | | 1,720 | | | 1,705 | | | 1,720 | | | 5,130 | | | 5,115 |
Total interest expense | |
| 108,037 | | | 107,085 | | | 92,692 | | | 327,189 | | | 267,281 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net interest income | |
| 49,119 | |
| 43,829 | |
| 52,073 | |
| 131,334 | |
| 159,812 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Provision (reversal) for credit losses | |
| 282 | |
| (806) | |
| (2,015) | |
| 53 | |
| (711) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net interest income after provision for credit losses | |
| 48,837 | | | 44,635 | | | 54,088 | | | 131,281 | | | 160,523 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Noninterest income: | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Asset management, consulting and other fees | |
| 9,162 | |
| 9,183 | |
| 8,812 | |
| 26,959 | |
| 26,624 |
Gain (loss) on sale of loans | | | (13) | | | 415 | | | - | | | 665 | | | - |
Gain on sale of securities available-for-sale | | | - | | | 983 | | | - | | | 1,204 | | | - |
Capital market activities | | | (117,517) | | | 836 | | | - | | | (115,844) | | | - |
Gain on sale of REO | | | - | | | - | | | - | | | 679 | | | - |
Other income | |
| 2,788 | |
| 2,241 | |
| 2,886 | |
| 7,098 | |
| 8,851 |
Total noninterest income | |
| (105,580) | |
| 13,658 | |
| 11,698 | |
| (79,239) | |
| 35,475 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Noninterest expense: | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Compensation and benefits | |
| 20,009 | |
| 19,095 | |
| 19,632 | |
| 58,511 | |
| 65,944 |
Occupancy and depreciation | |
| 9,013 | |
| 9,026 | |
| 9,253 | |
| 27,126 | |
| 27,331 |
Professional services and marketing costs | |
| 5,095 | |
| 3,667 | |
| 3,748 | |
| 12,152 | |
| 11,685 |
Customer service costs | |
| 18,954 | |
| 16,104 | |
| 24,683 | |
| 45,796 | |
| 60,402 |
Goodwill impairment | | | - | | | - | | | - | | | - | | | 215,252 |
Other expenses | |
| 7,154 | |
| 7,737 | |
| 6,890 | |
| 22,878 | |
| 15,696 |
Total noninterest expense | |
| 60,225 | |
| 55,629 | |
| 64,206 | |
| 166,463 | |
| 396,310 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(Loss) income before income taxes | |
| (116,968) | |
| 2,664 | |
| 1,580 | |
| (114,421) | |
| (200,312) |
Income tax (benefit) expense | |
| (34,794) | |
| (421) | |
| (600) | |
| (36,125) | |
| 1,300 |
Net (loss) income | | $ | (82,174) | | $ | 3,085 | | $ | 2,180 | | $ | (78,296) | | $ | (201,612) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net (loss) income per share: | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Basic | | $ | (1.23) | | $ | 0.05 | | $ | 0.04 | | $ | (1.30) | | $ | (3.57) |
Diluted | | $ | (1.23) | | $ | 0.05 | | $ | 0.04 | | $ | (1.30) | | $ | (3.57) |
Shares used in computation: | |
| | |
| | |
| |
| | |
Basic | |
| 66,992,701 | |
| 56,523,640 | |
| 56,443,539 | |
| 60,025,852 | |
| 56,417,252 |
Diluted | |
| 66,992,701 | |
| 56,532,465 | |
| 56,449,720 | |
| 60,025,852 | |
| 56,417,252 |
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| |
| | For the Quarter Ended | | For the Nine Months Ended |
| |||||||||||
(in thousands, except share and per share amounts | | September 30, | | June 30, | | September 30, | | September 30, | | |||||||
and percentages) |
| 2024 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| |||||
Selected Financial Data: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Return on average assets | |
| (2.44) | % |
| 0.09 | % |
| 0.07 | % |
| (0.79) | % |
| (2.04) | % |
Return on average common equity | |
| (33.9) | % |
| 1.3 | % |
| 1.0 | % |
| (11.1) | % |
| (25.7) | % |
Return on average tangible common equity (1) | |
| 1.1 | % |
| 1.5 | % |
| 1.2 | % |
| 1.0 | % |
| 2.2 | % |
Efficiency ratio (2) | |
| 98.1 | % |
| 96.1 | % |
| 99.7 | % |
| 97.5 | % |
| 91.9 | % |
Net interest margin | |
| 1.50 | % |
| 1.36 | % |
| 1.66 | % |
| 1.34 | % |
| 1.67 | % |
Cost of deposits | | | 3.41 | % | | 3.49 | % | | 3.03 | % | | 3.51 | % | | 2.76 | % |
Loan to deposit ratio | | | 95.9 | % | | 93.8 | % | | 95.1 | % | | 95.9 | % | | 95.1 | % |
Noninterest income as a % of total revenues | |
| (186.1) | % |
| 23.4 | % |
| 17.8 | % |
| (152.3) | % |
| 18.1 | % |
Noninterest expense to average total assets | | | 1.79 | % | | 1.69 | % | | 1.98 | % | | 1.67 | % | | 4.02 | % |
Loan originations | | $ | 366,313 | | $ | 515,741 | | $ | 244,586 | | $ | 1,183,787 | | $ | 1,199,408 | |
Assets under management | | $ | 5,499,489 | | $ | 5,488,719 | | $ | 5,022,889 | | $ | 5,499,489 | | $ | 5,022,889 | |
Average shareholders' equity to average total assets | | | 8.10 | % | | 7.05 | % | | 7.09 | % | | 7.37 | % | | 7.97 | % |
Tangible common equity to tangible assets ratio(1) | | | 7.00 | % | | 6.78 | % | | 7.00 | % | | 7.00 | % | | 7.00 | % |
Book value per common share | | $ | 15.77 | | $ | 16.50 | | $ | 16.29 | | $ | 15.77 | | $ | 16.29 | |
Tangible book value per common share (1) | | $ | 15.71 | | $ | 16.43 | | $ | 16.19 | | $ | 15.71 | | $ | 16.19 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Asset Quality: | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Nonperforming assets | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Nonaccrual loans | | $ | 38,206 | | $ | 18,919 | | $ | 7,098 | | $ | 38,206 | | $ | 7,098 | |
Other real estate owned | | | 6,210 | | | 6,210 | | | 6,210 | | | 6,210 | | | 6,210 | |
Total nonperforming loans | | $ | 44,416 | | $ | 25,129 | | $ | 13,308 | | $ | 44,416 | | $ | 13,308 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Loans 30 - 89 days past due | | $ | 29,159 | | $ | 14,330 | | $ | 28,890 | | $ | 29,159 | | $ | 28,890 | |
Accruing loans 90 days or more past due | | $ | — | | $ | — | | $ | 2,171 | | $ | — | | $ | 2,171 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Nonperforming assets to total assets | | | 0.33 | % | | 0.18 | % | | 0.10 | % | | 0.33 | % | | 0.10 | % |
Loans 30 - 89 days past due to total loans held for investment | | | 0.36 | % | | 0.14 | % | | 0.28 | % | | 0.36 | % | | 0.28 | % |
Allowance for credit losses to loans held for investment | | | 0.36 | % | | 0.29 | % | | 0.28 | % | | 0.36 | % | | 0.28 | % |
Allowance for credit losses to past due and nonaccrual loans | | | 43.5 | % | | 88.1 | % | | 76.5 | % | | 43.5 | % | | 76.5 | % |
Net charge-offs (recoveries) to average loans - annualized | |
| 0.01 | % |
| 0.01 | % |
| 0.01 | % |
| 0.01 | % |
| 0.03 | % |
(1) | Return on average tangible equity, tangible common equity to tangible assets ratio, and tangible book value per share are non-GAAP financial measures. See disclosures regarding “Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures” and reconciliations to the most comparable GAAP financial measures included as separate sections in this report. |
(2) | Efficiency Ratio is a non-GAAP financial measure. See disclosures regarding “Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures” and reconciliations to the most comparable GAAP financial measures included as separate sections in this report. |
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| |
| | For the Quarter Ended | | For the Nine Months Ended | |||||||||||
| | September 30, | | June 30, | | September 30, | | September 30, | |||||||
(in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | |||||
Banking: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Interest income | | $ | 157,156 | | $ | 150,914 | | $ | 144,765 | | $ | 458,523 | | $ | 427,093 |
Interest expense | |
| 106,317 | |
| 105,380 | |
| 90,960 | |
| 322,059 | |
| 261,948 |
Net interest income | |
| 50,839 | |
| 45,534 | |
| 53,805 | |
| 136,464 | |
| 165,145 |
Provision (reversal) for credit losses | |
| 282 | |
| (806) | |
| (2,015) | |
| 53 | |
| (711) |
Noninterest income | |
| 4,598 | |
| 6,241 | |
| 4,557 | |
| 16,522 | |
| 14,425 |
LHFS LOCOM adjustment | | | (117,517) | | | — | | | — | | | (117,517) | | | — |
Noninterest expense | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Goodwill impairment | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 215,252 |
Operating | | | 53,206 | | | 49,301 | | | 57,987 | | | 147,047 | | | 160,332 |
(Loss) income before income taxes | | | (115,568) | | | 3,280 | | | 2,390 | | | (111,631) | | | (195,303) |
Income tax (benefit) expense | | | (34,399) | | | (255) | | | (409) | | | (35,365) | | | 2,672 |
Net (loss) income | | $ | (81,169) | | $ | 3,535 | | $ | 2,799 | | $ | (76,266) | | $ | (197,975) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Wealth Management: | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Noninterest income | | $ | 7,704 | | $ | 7,790 | | $ | 7,522 | | $ | 22,843 | | $ | 22,228 |
Noninterest expense | |
| 5,769 | |
| 5,684 | |
| 5,262 | |
| 17,129 | |
| 16,944 |
Income before income taxes | | | 1,935 | | | 2,106 | | | 2,260 | | | 5,714 | | | 5,284 |
Income tax expense | | | 551 | | | 594 | | | 659 | | | 1,632 | | | 1,552 |
Net income | | $ | 1,384 | | $ | 1,512 | | $ | 1,601 | | $ | 4,082 | | $ | 3,732 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Other and Eliminations: | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Interest income | | $ | — | | $ | — | | $ | — | | $ | — | | $ | — |
Interest expense | |
| 1,720 | |
| 1,705 | |
| 1,732 | |
| 5,130 | |
| 5,333 |
Net interest expense | |
| (1,720) | |
| (1,705) | |
| (1,732) | |
| (5,130) | |
| (5,333) |
Noninterest income | |
| (365) | |
| (373) | |
| (381) | |
| (1,087) | |
| (1,178) |
Noninterest expense | |
| 1,250 | |
| 644 | |
| 957 | |
| 2,287 | |
| 3,782 |
(Loss) income before income taxes | | | (3,335) | | | (2,722) | | | (3,070) | | | (8,504) | | | (10,293) |
Income tax (benefit) expense | | | (946) | | | (760) | | | (850) | | | (2,392) | | | (2,924) |
Net (loss) income | | $ | (2,389) | | $ | (1,962) | | $ | (2,220) | | $ | (6,112) | | $ | (7,369) |
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| |
| | For the Quarter Ended | |||||||||||||
| | September 30, | | June 30, | | March 31, | | | December 31, |
| | September 30, | |||
(in thousands) | | 2024 | | 2024 | | 2024 | | 2023 | | 2023 | |||||
Loans: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Outstanding principal balance: |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Loans secured by real estate: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Residential properties: | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
Multifamily | | $ | 3,322,471 | | $ | 5,227,261 | | $ | 5,220,725 | | $ | 5,227,885 | | $ | 5,240,385 |
Single Family | |
| 889,616 | |
| 917,656 | |
| 929,922 | |
| 950,712 | |
| 960,139 |
Subtotal | |
| 4,212,087 | |
| 6,144,917 | |
| 6,150,647 | |
| 6,178,597 | |
| 6,200,524 |
Commercial properties | |
| 952,700 | |
| 973,116 | |
| 990,769 | |
| 987,596 | |
| 1,043,930 |
Land and construction | | | 80,307 | | | 85,260 | | | 95,532 | | | 137,298 | | | 141,216 |
Total real estate loans | |
| 5,245,094 | |
| 7,203,293 | |
| 7,236,948 | |
| 7,303,491 | |
| 7,385,670 |
Commercial and industrial loans | |
| 2,837,830 | |
| 2,866,024 | |
| 2,831,982 | |
| 2,856,228 | |
| 2,877,441 |
Consumer loans | |
| 832 | |
| 2,097 | |
| 1,261 | |
| 1,328 | |
| 3,545 |
Total loans | |
| 8,083,756 | |
| 10,071,414 | |
| 10,070,191 | |
| 10,161,047 | |
| 10,266,656 |
Premiums, discounts and deferred fees and expenses | | | 5,107 | |
| 15,854 | |
| 16,155 | |
| 16,755 | |
| 16,697 |
Total | | $ | 8,088,863 | | $ | 10,087,268 | | $ | 10,086,346 | | $ | 10,177,802 | | $ | 10,283,353 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Loans held for sale | | $ | 1,905,912 | | $ | — | | $ | — | | $ | — | | $ | — |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Deposits: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Demand deposits: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Noninterest-bearing | | $ | 2,136,442 | | $ | 2,109,830 | | $ | 1,827,520 | | $ | 1,467,806 | | $ | 2,412,670 |
Interest-bearing | | | 1,999,229 | | | 2,226,766 | | | 2,785,092 | | | 2,881,786 | | | 2,275,351 |
Money market and savings | | | 3,543,668 | | | 3,656,369 | | | 3,309,002 | | | 3,195,670 | | | 3,150,696 |
Certificates of deposit | | | 2,625,265 | | | 2,763,379 | | | 2,717,356 | | | 3,143,670 | | | 2,973,477 |
Total | | $ | 10,304,604 | | $ | 10,756,344 | | $ | 10,638,970 | | $ | 10,688,932 | | $ | 10,812,194 |
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| |
| | For the Quarter Ended | | For the Nine Months Ended | | |||||||||||
| | September 30, | | June 30, | | September 30, | | September 30, | | |||||||
(in thousands, except percentages) | | 2024 | | 2024 | | 2023 | | 2024 | | 2023 | | |||||
Loan Funding Balances: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Loans secured by real estate: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Residential properties: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Multifamily | | $ | 23,740 | | $ | 75,528 | | $ | 410 | | $ | 111,397 | | $ | 24,910 | |
Single family | | | 5,511 | | | 3,104 | | | 4,616 | | | 13,202 | | | 27,805 | |
Subtotal | | | 29,251 | | | 78,632 | | | 5,026 | | | 124,599 | | | 52,715 | |
Commercial properties: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Non-owner occupied CRE | | | 7 | | | 248 | | | 175 | | | 256 | | | 3,494 | |
Owner-occupied CRE | | | 1,695 | | | 62 | | | 2 | | | 2,360 | | | 4,212 | |
Subtotal | | | 1,702 | | | 310 | | | 177 | | | 2,616 | | | 7,706 | |
Land and construction | | | 3,644 | | | 8,534 | | | 19,044 | | | 23,216 | | | 59,787 | |
Total real estate loans | | | 34,597 | | | 87,476 | | | 24,247 | | | 150,431 | | | 120,208 | |
Commercial and industrial loans | | | 331,485 | | | 427,340 | | | 219,968 | | | 1,032,188 | | | 1,078,614 | |
Consumer loans | | | 231 | | | 925 | | | 371 | | | 1,168 | | | 586 | |
Total | | $ | 366,313 | | $ | 515,741 | | $ | 244,586 | | $ | 1,183,787 | | $ | 1,199,408 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Loan Funding Yields: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Loans secured by real estate: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Residential properties: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Multifamily | | | 6.53 | % | | 6.37 | % | | 3.60 | % | | 6.45 | % | | 5.83 | % |
Single family | | | 7.75 | % | | 8.74 | % | | 8.33 | % | | 8.19 | % | | 6.75 | % |
Subtotal | | | 6.76 | % | | 6.46 | % | | 7.94 | % | | 6.63 | % | | 6.32 | % |
Commercial properties: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Non-owner occupied CRE | | | 8.50 | % | | 5.27 | % | | 9.24 | % | | 5.36 | % | | 6.85 | % |
Owner-occupied CRE | | | 7.94 | % | | 8.75 | % | | 4.00 | % | | 8.14 | % | | 7.94 | % |
Subtotal | | | 7.94 | % | | 5.97 | % | | 9.18 | % | | 7.87 | % | | 7.45 | % |
Land and construction | | | 9.15 | % | | 8.81 | % | | 8.25 | % | | 8.51 | % | | 7.35 | % |
Total real estate loans | | | 7.07 | % | | 6.69 | % | | 8.20 | % | | 6.94 | % | | 6.90 | % |
Commercial and industrial loans | | | 8.35 | % | | 8.50 | % | | 8.36 | % | | 8.44 | % | | 7.89 | % |
Consumer loans | | | 8.35 | % | | 8.92 | % | | 8.28 | % | | 8.74 | % | | 7.41 | % |
Total | | | 8.23 | % | | 8.19 | % | | 8.35 | % | | 8.25 | % | | 7.79 | % |
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| | For the Quarter Ended | | For the Nine Months Ended |
| |||||||||||
| | September 30, | | June 30, | | September 30, | | September 30, |
| |||||||
(in thousands, except percentages) |
| 2024 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| |||||
Average Balances: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
FHLB stock, fed funds, and deposits | | $ | 1,127,688 |
| $ | 949,911 |
| $ | 866,707 | | $ | 1,012,308 |
| $ | 1,038,722 | |
Securities AFS |
| | 1,278,765 |
| | 1,032,930 |
| | 501,625 | | | 1,160,394 |
| | 331,449 | |
Securities HTM | | | 741,873 | | | 765,208 | | | 805,370 | | | 762,126 | | | 828,952 | |
Loans |
| | 10,055,865 |
| | 10,100,556 |
| | 10,472,309 | | | 10,084,178 |
| | 10,568,012 | |
Total interest-earnings assets |
| | 13,204,191 |
| | 12,848,605 |
| | 12,646,011 | | | 13,019,006 |
| | 12,767,135 | |
Deposits: interest-bearing |
| | 8,269,517 |
| | 8,551,031 |
| | 8,412,525 | | | 8,568,561 |
| | 8,065,041 | |
Deposits: noninterest-bearing |
| | 2,124,562 |
| | 1,986,557 |
| | 2,676,340 | | | 1,903,046 |
| | 2,588,053 | |
Borrowings |
| | 1,691,936 |
| | 1,365,629 |
| | 587,205 | | | 1,541,682 |
| | 1,163,249 | |
Subordinated debt | | | 173,435 | | | 173,418 | | | 173,372 | | | 173,419 | | | 173,356 | |
Total interest-bearing liabilities | | | 10,134,888 | | | 10,090,078 | | | 9,173,102 | | | 10,283,662 | | | 9,401,646 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Average Yield / Rate: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
FHLB stock, fed funds, and deposits | | | 5.47 | % | | 5.38 | % | | 4.49 | % | | 5.33 | % | | 4.42 | % |
Securities AFS |
| | 5.38 | % | | 5.28 | % | | 4.84 | % | | 5.31 | % | | 4.36 | % |
Securities HTM | | | 2.25 | % | | 2.27 | % | | 2.25 | % | | 2.26 | % | | 2.16 | % |
Loans |
| | 4.77 | % | | 4.77 | % | | 4.73 | % | | 4.75 | % | | 4.65 | % |
Total interest-earnings assets |
| | 4.75 | % | | 4.71 | % | | 4.56 | % | | 4.70 | % | | 4.47 | % |
Deposits (interest-bearing only) |
| | 4.29 | % | | 4.30 | % | | 4.00 | % | | 4.29 | % | | 3.65 | % |
Deposits (noninterest and interest-bearing) |
| | 3.41 | % | | 3.49 | % | | 3.03 | % | | 3.51 | % | | 2.76 | % |
Borrowings |
| | 4.04 | % | | 4.12 | % | | 4.16 | % | | 4.08 | % | | 4.86 | % |
Subordinated debt | | | 3.94 | % | | 3.95 | % | | 3.94 | % | | 3.95 | % | | 3.94 | % |
Total interest-bearing liabilities |
| | 4.24 | % | | 4.27 | % | | 4.01 | % | | 4.25 | % | | 3.80 | % |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net Interest Rate Spread |
| | 0.51 | % | | 0.44 | % | | 0.55 | % | | 0.45 | % | | 0.67 | % |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net Interest Margin |
| | 1.50 | % | | 1.36 | % | | 1.66 | % | | 1.34 | % | | 1.67 | % |
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Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
To supplement our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements presented in accordance with GAAP, we use certain non-GAAP measures of financial performance including, but not limited to, adjusted return on average assets, efficiency ratio, adjusted net income attributable to common shareholders, adjusted earnings per common share, and tangible book value per share. These supplemental non-GAAP financial measures may vary from, and may not be comparable to, similarly titled measures of other companies in our industry. Non-GAAP financial measures are not in accordance with, or an alternative for, GAAP financial measures. Generally, a non-GAAP financial measure is a numerical measure of a company’s performance that either excludes or includes amounts that are not normally excluded or included in the most directly comparable measure calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP. A non-GAAP financial measure may also be a financial metric that is not required by GAAP or other applicable requirement.
We believe that these non-GAAP financial measures, when taken together with the corresponding GAAP financial measures (as applicable), provide meaningful supplemental information regarding our performance by providing additional information used by management that is not otherwise required by GAAP or other applicable requirements. Our management uses, and believes that investors may benefit from referring to, these non-GAAP financial measures in assessing our operating results and when planning, forecasting and analyzing future periods. These non-GAAP financial measures also facilitate a comparison of our performance to prior periods. We believe these non-GAAP measures are frequently used by securities analysts, investors and other interested parties in the evaluation of companies in our industry. However, these non-GAAP financial measures should be considered in addition to, not as a substitute for or superior to, net income or other financial measures prepared in accordance with GAAP. In the information below, we have provided a reconciliation of, where applicable, the most comparable GAAP financial measures to the non-GAAP financial measures used in this report, or a reconciliation of the non-GAAP calculation of the financial measure.
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Return on average tangible common equity was calculated by excluding average goodwill and intangibles assets from the average common equity during the associated periods. Adjusted return on average assets represents adjusted net income attributable to common shareholders divided by average total assets. Adjusted net income attributable to common shareholders includes various adjustments to net income, including non-cash adjustments associated with the transfer of loans from held for investment to held for sale (“LOCOM”), goodwill impairment charges, and others and any associated tax effect of those adjustments during the associated periods.
The table below provides a reconciliation of the GAAP measure of return on average common equity to the non-GAAP measure of return on average tangible common equity. The table below also provides a reconciliation of the GAAP measure of net income (loss) to the non-GAAP measure of adjusted net income attributable to common shareholders. The table below also provides a reconciliation of the GAAP measure of return on average assets to the non-GAAP measure of adjusted return on average assets:
| | For the Quarter Ended | | For the Nine Months Ended |
| |||||||||||
| | September 30, | | June 30, | | September 30, | | September 30, |
| |||||||
(in thousands, except percentages) |
| 2024 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | | |||||
Average shareholders' equity | | $ | 1,090,909 |
| $ | 926,108 |
| $ | 917,222 |
| $ | 980,049 |
| $ | 1,047,303 | |
Less: Average preferred stock | | | 120,666 | | | — | | | — | | | 40,516 | | | — | |
Average common equity | | | 970,243 | | | 926,108 | | | 917,222 | | | 939,533 | | | 1,047,303 | |
Less: Average goodwill and intangible assets | | | 3,999 | | | 4,337 | | | 5,534 | | | 4,346 | | | 135,098 | |
Average tangible common equity | | $ | 966,244 | | $ | 921,771 | | $ | 911,688 | | $ | 935,187 | | $ | 912,205 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Average assets | | $ | 13,475,165 | | $ | 13,137,022 | | $ | 12,938,776 | | $ | 13,298,499 | | $ | 13,147,524 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net (loss) income | | $ | (82,174) | | $ | 3,085 | | $ | 2,180 | | $ | (78,296) | | $ | (201,612) | |
Add: Goodwill impairment | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 215,252 | |
Adjustments: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Plus: LHFS LOCOM adjustment | | | 117,517 | | | — | | | — | | | 117,517 | | | — | |
Plus: Amortization of intangible assets expense | | | 334 | | | 356 | | | 393 | | | 1,060 | | | 1,247 | |
Less: FDIC assessment credit | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | (724) | |
Less: Stock compensation expense reversal | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | (1,118) | |
Plus: Severance costs | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 748 | |
Plus: Professional service costs | | | — | | | — | | | 250 | | | — | | | 1,374 | |
Total Adjustments | | | 117,851 | | | 356 | | | 643 | | | 118,577 | | | 1,527 | |
Less: Tax impact of adjustments above | | | (32,998) | | | (100) | | | (180) | | | (33,202) | | | (428) | |
Total after-tax adjustments to net income | | | 84,853 | | | 256 | | | 463 | | | 85,375 | | | 1,099 | |
Adjusted net income attributable to common shareholders(5) | | $ | 2,679 | | $ | 3,341 | | $ | 2,643 | | $ | 7,079 | | $ | 14,739 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Tax rate utilized for calculating tax effect on adjustments to net income | | | 28.0 | % | | 28.0 | % | | 28.0 | % | | 28.0 | % | | 28.0 | % |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Return on average common equity(1) | | | (33.9) | % | | 1.3 | % | | 1.0 | % | | (11.1) | % | | (25.7) | % |
Return on average tangible common equity(2) (5) | | | 1.1 | % | | 1.5 | % | | 1.2 | % | | 1.0 | % | | 2.2 | % |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Return on average assets (3) | | | (2.44) | % | | 0.09 | % | | 0.07 | % | | (0.79) | % | | (2.04) | % |
Adjusted return on average assets (4) (5) | | | 0.08 | % | | 0.10 | % | | 0.08 | % | | 0.07 | % | | 0.15 | % |
(1) | Annualized net income divided by average common equity. |
(2) | Annualized adjusted net income attributable to common shareholders divided by average tangible common equity. |
(3) | Annualized net income divided by average assets. |
(4) | Annualized adjusted net income divided by average assets. |
(5) | Non-GAAP measure. |
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Efficiency ratio is a non-GAAP financial measurement determined by methods other than in accordance with U.S. GAAP. This figure represents the ratio of adjusted noninterest expense to adjusted revenue.
The table below provides a calculation of the non-GAAP measure of efficiency ratio:
| | For the Quarter Ended | | For the Nine Months Ended |
| |||||||||||
| | September 30, | | June 30, | | September 30, | | September 30, |
| |||||||
(in thousands, except percentages) |
| 2024 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | | |||||
Total noninterest expense | | $ | 60,225 |
| $ | 55,629 |
| $ | 64,206 |
| $ | 166,463 |
| $ | 396,310 | |
Less: Goodwill impairment | | | - | | | - | | | - | | | - | | | (215,252) | |
Less: Amortization of intangible assets expense | | | (334) | | | (356) | | | (393) | | | (1,060) | | | (1,247) | |
Add: FDIC assessment credit | | | - | | | - | | | - | | | - | | | 724 | |
Less: Professional service costs | | | - | | | - | | | (250) | | | - | | | (1,374) | |
Add: Stock compensation expense reversal | | | - | | | - | | | - | | | - | | | 1,118 | |
Less: Severance costs | | | - | | | - | | | - | | | - | | | (748) | |
Adjusted Noninterest expense | | $ | 59,891 | | $ | 55,273 | | $ | 63,563 | | $ | 165,403 | | $ | 179,531 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Net interest income | | $ | 49,119 | | $ | 43,829 | | $ | 52,073 | | $ | 131,334 | | $ | 159,812 | |
Plus: Total noninterest income | | | (105,580) | | | 13,658 | | | 11,698 | | | (79,239) | | | 35,475 | |
Plus: LHFS LOCOM adjustment | | | 117,517 | | | - | | | - | | | 117,517 | | | - | |
Adjusted Revenue(1) | | $ | 61,056 | | $ | 57,487 | | $ | 63,771 | | $ | 169,612 | | $ | 195,287 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Efficiency Ratio(1) | | | 98.1 | % | | 96.1 | % | | 99.7 | % | | 97.5 | % | | 91.9 | % |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(1) Non-GAAP measure | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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Tangible shareholders’ equity, tangible common equity to tangible assets ratio, tangible common equity, tangible book value per common share, and adjusted earnings per share (basic and diluted) are non-GAAP financial measurements determined by methods other than in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Tangible shareholders’ equity is calculated by taking shareholders’ equity and subtracting intangible assets. Tangible common equity is calculated by taking tangible shareholders’ equity and subtracting preferred stock. Tangible common equity to tangible assets ratio is calculated by taking tangible common equity and dividing by tangible assets which is total assets excluding the balance of intangible assets. Tangible book value per common share is calculated by dividing tangible shareholders’ equity by basic common shares outstanding, as compared to book value per share, which is calculated by dividing shareholders’ equity by basic common shares outstanding. Adjusted earnings per share (basic and diluted) is calculated by dividing adjusted net income attributable to common shareholders by average common shares outstanding (basic and diluted). The reconciliation of GAAP net income to adjusted net income attributable to common shareholders is presented on page 17 in “Non-GAAP Return on Average Tangible Common Equity; Adjusted Return on Average Assets and Adjusted Net Income Attributable to Common Shareholders.”
The table below provides a reconciliation of the GAAP measure of shareholders’ equity to tangible shareholders’ equity and tangible common equity. The table below also provides a reconciliation of the GAAP measure of equity to asset ratio to the non-GAAP measure of tangible common equity to tangible assets ratio. The table below also provides a reconciliation of GAAP measure of book value per common share to the non-GAAP measure of tangible book value per common share. The table below also provides a reconciliation of the GAAP measure of net income per share (basic and diluted) to the non-GAAP measure of adjusted earnings per share (basic and diluted):
| | For the Quarter Ended | | |||||||
| | September 30, | | June 30, | | September 30, | | |||
(in thousands, except per share amounts) |
| 2024 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | | |||
Shareholders' equity |
| $ | 1,069,797 |
| $ | 933,244 |
| $ | 919,207 | |
Less: Intangible assets | | | 3,888 | | | 4,222 | | | 5,337 | |
Tangible shareholders' equity(1) | | $ | 1,065,909 | | $ | 929,022 | | $ | 913,870 | |
Less: Preferred stock | | | 130,252 | | | — | | | — | |
Tangible common equity | | $ | 935,657 | | $ | 929,022 | | $ | 913,870 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Total assets | | $ | 13,376,561 | | $ | 13,714,423 | | $ | 13,051,564 | |
Less: Intangible assets | | | 3,888 | | | 4,222 | | | 5,337 | |
Tangible assets(1) | | $ | 13,372,673 | | $ | 13,710,201 | | $ | 13,046,227 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Equity to asset ratio | | | 8.00 | % | | 6.80 | % | | 7.04 | % |
Tangible common equity to tangible assets ratio(1) | | | 7.00 | % | | 6.78 | % | | 7.00 | % |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Book value per common share | | $ | 15.77 | | $ | 16.50 | | $ | 16.29 | |
Tangible book value per common share(1) | | $ | 15.71 | | $ | 16.43 | | $ | 16.19 | |
Basic common shares outstanding | | | 67,855,084 | | | 56,543,382 | | | 56,443,774 | |
Additional common shares issued in July 2024 Capital Raise | | | | | | | | | | |
and upon conversion of preferred shares: | | | | | | | | | | |
Common shares underlying the Series A preferred shares | | | 29,811,000 | | | — | | | — | |
Common shares underlying the Series B preferred shares | | | 14,490,000 | | | — | | | — | |
Basic common shares outstanding upon conversion (adjusted) | | | 112,156,084 | | | — | | | — | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Book value per common share (adjusted) (1) | | $ | 9.54 | | | — | | | — | |
Tangible book value per common share (adjusted) (1) | | $ | 9.50 | | | — | | | — | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Adjusted net income attributable to common shareholders(1) | | $ | 2,679 | | $ | 3,341 | | $ | 2,643 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Weighted average basic common shares outstanding | | | 66,992,701 | | | 56,523,640 | | | 56,443,539 | |
Diluted common shares outstanding | | | 66,992,701 | | | 56,532,465 | | | 56,449,720 | |
Net (loss) income per share (basic) | | | ($ 1.23) | | | $ 0.05 | | | $ 0.04 | |
Net (loss) income per share (diluted) | | | ($ 1.23) | | | $ 0.05 | | | $ 0.04 | |
Adjusted earnings per share (basic)(1) | | | $ 0.04 | | | $ 0.06 | | | $ 0.05 | |
Adjusted earnings per share (diluted)(1) | | | $ 0.04 | | | $ 0.06 | | | $ 0.05 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
(1) Non-GAAP financial measure | | | | | | | | | | |
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