
フォーム 10-Q
委員会ファイル番号 001-39482
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333 Ludlow Street, North Tower; 6階
スタンフォード, コネチカット 06902
登録者の電話番号、市外局番を含む: (888) 729-1206
普通株式、株式1株あたりの名義金額$0.0001WGSThe Nasdaq Stock Market LLC
コール価格が1株のクラスA普通株式を379.50ドルで行使する権利を持つワラントWGSWWThe Nasdaq Stock Market LLC
註1:このエージェントによってファイルされるべきすべての報告書が、前の12か月間(またはレポートを提出する必要があった期間が短い場合はそのような期間)に提出されたか、提出されていないかを示してください。 また、このエージェントは、過去90日間にわたってこの報告書をファイリングする必要があるかを示してください。はい x いいえ o
規定の不動産市場規制 (本章の§232.405) に従い、過去12か月間のすべてのインタラクティブデータファイルを電子提出したかをチェックマークで示してください。はい x いいえ o
新興成長企業の場合は、証券取引法第13条(a)に基づく新しいまたは改訂された財務会計基準の遵守に対する延長移行期間を使用しないことを選択したかどうかにチェックマークをつけてください。 o
記入されたチェックマークで、登録申請者が法定規定のRule 12b-2で定義されるシェル企業であるか示してください。はい o いいえ x
Callon Petroleumは、2024年2月16日時点で、普通株式66508277株を発行していました。27,471,397 2024年10月22日時点で0.0001ドルの普通株式クラスAの株式が発行中です。


本報告書で議論される特定の事項、特に「経営陣による財務状況および業績分析」のキャプションの下で議論される事項は、証券法1933年および証券取引法1934年(修正されたもの)(「取引所法」)の目的で将来の見通しに関する声明を構成する場合があり、そのような声明による将来の成果、業績、または業績に対する有価証券法、修正された証券取引法(「取引所法」)の目的で将来の成果、業績、または業績に対する有価証券法、修正された証券法の規定、および他の財務情報または営業成績情報の事実により知られる既知および未知のリスク、不確実性、およびその他の要因が含まれる場合があります。 「予期する」、「信じる」、「評価する」、「可能性がある」、「期待する」などの表現は、一般的に将来の見通しを識別するために意図されています。他のファイリングで識別される場合、またはそのような将来の見通し声明が表示される文書で、この報告書の他の場所で「リスクファクター」、「経営陣による財務状況および業績分析」の表題の下に議論される事項を含め、実際の結果は、警告文に完全に付随する書面または口頭で行われたすべての将来の見通しをまたいで、これらの前向き声明で予想される結果とは異なる場合があります。実際の結果は、次の要因など、様々な要因によって、これらの前向き声明で予想される結果とは異なる場合があります。使用できます:当社が運営要件および資本支出を資金調達するために将来の現金流と将来の資本要件を予想するための現存する資本リソースの見積もり。収益を生み、損失を被り、持続的に利益を上げることに関する当社の期待。一般的な経済および政治的条件(景気後退、変動するインフレと金利、サプライチェーンの中断と製造上の制約、公衆衛生上の緊急事態、自然災害、テロ行為など)からの想定外の事情または通常のビジネス運営の妨げから生じる騒乱。利益を上げるためにスケールすることができるかどうか、新しい戦略的方向を追求する計画、および生殖器および女性ビジネスおよびソマティック腫瘍検査ビジネスからの撤退からの当社の総合マージンに対するコストの削減および影響に関する当社の期待。当社がビジネス戦略を成功裏に実行する能力。当社がサービス、コラボレーション、およびその他のパートナーシップ契約に参入することに関する当社の期待または能力。
未解決の集団訴訟を解決するための原則に基づく合意; および


第1部 財務情報
現金及び現金同等物$57,894 $99,681 
売買可能有価証券58,566 30,467 
売掛金 38,220 32,371 
関連会社からの請求・貸付金260 445 
棚卸高、純額10,770 8,777 
前払費用およびその他の流動資産20,300 10,598 
流動資産合計186,010 182,339 
運用リース契約に基づく資産24,936 26,900 
有形固定資産、正味額31,452 32,479 
無形資産、純額162,106 172,625 
その他の資産4,336 4,413 
総資産$408,840 $418,756 
支払調整金および未払金$56,416 $37,456 
関係会社に対する支払い727 1,379 
新規売借務 pass 負債 pass 法定積立金 etc.3,698 3,647 
その他の流動負債16,501 16,336 
流動負債合計77,342 58,818 
長期借金(流動負債より控除済み)52,034 52,688 
新規買リース債務60,369 62,938 
その他の負債13,540 14,735 
繰延税金1,054 1,560 
負債合計204,339 190,739 
优先股,每股面值为0.001美元;授权5,000,000股;未发行或未流通股份0.0001株式の名義額: 1,000,000株$300,000,000株式を認可し、0 2024年9月30日と2023年12月31日に発行済みで未決済の株式
普通株式Aクラス,$1の名義額を持つ0.0001株式の名義額: 1,000,000,000株$300,000,000株式を認可し、27,433,80325,978,863 2024年9月30日および2023年12月31日時点で発行済みおよび未払いの株式
2 2 
追加の資本金1,561,493 1,527,778 
累積その他の包括利益918 425 
純資産合計204,501 228,017 
負債および純資産合計$408,840 $418,756 


連結決算書および包括損益計算書 (未監査)
診断テストの売上高$77,418 $51,955 $207,961 $140,440 
その他の収入(544)1,348 1,849 4,708 
合計売上高76,874 53,303 209,810 145,148 
サービスの費用29,045 28,044 81,618 85,896 
粗利益47,829 25,259 128,192 59,252 
研究開発11,665 14,288 34,134 46,018 
販売およびマーケティング費用17,025 16,763 49,695 45,397 
一般管理費用26,145 26,099 73,760 107,129 
減損損失 8,282  10,402 
その他の営業費用、純額774 2,794 2,622 5,259 
ワラント及びアーノート・コンティジェント・ライアビリティーの公正価値変動 (6,101)(880)590 (11,390)684 
利息(費用)収入、純額(843)1,053 (2,334)2,092 
その他の収益(費用)、純額1,144 (1,134)(12,300)1,668 
合計非営業損益、純額(579)509 (26,024)4,444 
所得税費用の利益47 172 319 515 
有形資産有価証券に関連する未実現利益、純額459  493  
Class A普通株式の希薄化後加重平均発行株数27,095,986 25,788,747 26,593,877 23,777,327 


2024年6月30日の残高26,926,383 $2 $1,543,182 $(1,349,600)$459 $194,043 
純損失— — — $(8,312)— (8,312)
株式オプション行使により発行された普通株式11,434 — 86 — — 86 
株式報酬費用 — — 3,636 — — 3,636 
その他の包括利益、税引後— — — — 459 459 
付与された制限付き株式ユニットが普通株式に換算されました77,333 — — — — — 
ATm公募における普通株式の発行(発行費用を差し引いた純額)418,653 — 14,589 — — 14,589 
2024年9月30日の残高27,433,803$2 $1,561,493 $(1,357,912)$918 $204,501 
2023年12月31日の残高25,978,863$2 $1,527,778 $(1,300,188)$425 $228,017 
純損失— — — (57,724)— (57,724)
ストックオプションの行使により発行された普通株式43,380 — 247 — — 247 
Perceptive株式手仕舞い行使により発行された普通株式645,414 — 12,586 — — 12,586 
株式報酬費用 — — 6,293 — — 6,293 
その他の包括利益、税引後— — — — 493 493 
既得の制限付き株式ユニットが普通株式に換算されました347,493 — — — — — 
発行コストを差し引いたATMオファリングによる普通株式の発行418,653 — 14,589 — — 14,589 
2024年9月30日の残高27,433,803$2 $1,561,493 $(1,357,912)$918 $204,501 
クラス A 普通株式その他の払込資本累積
2023年6月30日の残高25,761,147$2 $1,528,240 $(1,232,129)$ $296,113 
純損失— — — (42,286)— (42,286)
株式ベースの報酬費用— — 431 — — 431 
既得制限付株式ユニットを普通株式に転換しました114,242 — — — — — 
2023年9月30日の残高25,875,389$2 $1,528,671 $(1,274,415)$ $254,258 
2022年12月31日の残高11,773,065$1 $1,378,125 $(1,124,421)$ 253,705 
純損失— — — (149,994)— (149,994)
ストックオプションの行使により発行された普通株式50,444 — 266 — — 266 
株式報酬費用 — — 586 — — 586 
既得の制限付き株式ユニットが普通株式に換算されました328,197 — — — — — 
普通株式の発行(登録直接公開)時の発行費控除後676,868 — 7,564 — — 7,564 
第1のマイルストーン支払いにおける普通株式の発行701,460 — 6,692 — — 6,692 
反転株式分割により発行された単位未満株29,603 — — — — — 
普通株式の公開株式発行(アンダーライティングを伴う)、発行費用控除後の純額12,315,752 1 135,438 — — 135,439 
2023年9月30日の残高25,875,389$2 $1,528,671 $(1,274,415)$ $254,258 


連結キャッシュフロー計算書 (未監査)
減価償却費およびのれん償却費16,395 27,640 
株式報酬費用 6,293 586 
ワラントおよびコンティンジェントライアビリティの公正価値変動11,390 (684)
過剰および億滅品の備蓄処分費用137 3,634 
第三者支払い保留金の変化737 (6,848)
資産の売却益 (2,954)
債務免除による利益 (2,750)
減損損失 10,402 
2,639 1,071 
売掛金 (5,850)10,726 
Legacy GeneDx買収に支払われるエスクローに関する考慮 (12,144)
資産売却益 3,887 
流動有価証券償還による受取金額24,955 16,665 
内部利用ソフトウェア資産の開発 (461)
発行費用を差し引いた募集収益14,589 143,002 
株式オプションの行使247 266 
財務活動による純現金流入額13,139 139,135 
現金、現金同等物および制限付き現金の純減少 (41,787)(50,016)
期首の現金、現金同等物及び制限付き現金残高100,668 138,303 
期末の現金、現金同等物及び制限付き現金残高$58,881 $88,287 
支払利息の現金$6,068 $1,116 
支払われた税金$910 $1,178 
事業買収に伴う株式を支払った額$ $6,692 
Perceptiveワラント行使による株式の払込み $12,586 $ 
購入した固定資産および設備の未払金および引当金$2,612 $1,220 
資本リース債務により取得された資産$689 $ 


1. ビジネスの組織と説明

それ以外が明示されていない限り ここに記載されているもの、または文脈が他を要求しない場合、これらの注釈における言及:
「GeneDx Holdings」とは、ジェネデラックス・ホールディングスcorp.(旧称:Sema4 Holdings Corp.)を指します。
「Legacy GeneDx」とは、デラウェア州の有限責任会社であるGeneDx、LLC(旧GeneDx、Inc.、ニュージャージー州の法人)を指し、2022年4月29日に当社が取得した(「取得」という)。
「レガシーセマ4」とは、セマ4であるマウントサイナイゲノミクス社(以下「マウントサイナイゲノミクス社」ともいう)のことを指し、デラウェア州法人であり、2021年7月22日にCm Life Sciences, Inc.(以下「CMLS」ともいう)とのビジネス・コンビネーションを完了したものを指します。
ビジネス組み合わせ前のレガシーSema4、およびビジネス組み合わせ完了後のGeneDx Holdingsおよびその連結子会社; そして
Acquisitionが完了した後のGeneDx Holdingsおよびその合併子会社、およびAcquisition前のLegacy GeneDx。
2. 重要な会計方針の概要
「Performance-Based Awards(成果に基づく受賞)」は、第7.7条に基づき、委員会によって設定されたパフォーマンス目標や他の事業目標の達成に依存して現金、株式またはその他の受賞を受け取るための受賞です。
同封の要約連結財務諸表は、米国公認会計原則(U.S. GAAP)に準拠して、中間財務情報用に作成され、SECの中間財務報告に関する会計開示規則および規制に従っています。したがって、要約連結財務諸表には、U.S. GAAPによって要求される情報および脚注のすべてが含まれていません。これらの簡約財務諸表は、会社とその完全子会社の業務と口座を統合しています。すべてのグループ会社間の口座と取引は除去されています。特に明記されていない限り、表形式の金額はすべて1,000を単位とし、1株当たりの金額を除きます。前年の要約連結財務諸表には、今年度の表示に適合するように、一部の再分類が行われています。
会社は、2012年のジャンプスタート・アワー・ビジネス・スタートアップ法に定義されている「新興成長企業」であります。また、会社は以前は、SECのRegulation S-kのItem 10(f)(1)で定義されている「小規模開示会社」であり、現在は小規模開示会社が利用できる一部の縮小開示を行っております。そのため、会社は、新興成長企業でない他の公開企業に適用されるさまざまな報告要件からの免除の対象となっており、2つの会計年度の財務諸表の報告、Sarbanes-Oxley法のセクション404に基づく財務報告の内部統制の監査人保証を提供する必要がないこと、公開企業の新しいまたは修正された会計基準を遵守するための延長移行期間が与えられます。会社はこの免除を選択し、そのため、新興成長企業でない他の公開企業と同じ新しいまたは修正された会計基準の対象とはならないことになります。


The preparation of our condensed consolidated financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make certain estimates, judgments and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the related disclosures at the date of the condensed consolidated financial statements as well as the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the periods presented. The Company bases these estimates on current facts, historical and anticipated results, trends and various other assumptions that it believes are reasonable in the circumstances, including assumptions as to future events. These estimates include, but are not limited to, the transaction price for certain contracts with customers, potential or actual claims for recoupment from third-party payors, the valuation of stock-based awards, the valuation of warrant liabilities, income taxes and intangible assets. Changes in estimates are recorded in the period in which they become known. Actual results could differ materially from those estimates, judgments and assumptions.
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
The Company’s significant accounting policies are described in Note 2, “Summary of Significant Accounting Policies” to the consolidated financial statements included in the 2023 Form 10-K. There have been no material changes to the Company’s critical accounting policies and estimates in the current period.
Concentration of Credit Risk and Other Risks and Uncertainties
The Company assesses both the self-pay patient and, if applicable, the third-party payor that reimburses the Company on the patient’s behalf when evaluating concentration of credit risk. Significant patients and payors are those that represent more than 10% of the Company’s total revenues for the period or accounts receivable balance at each respective balance sheet date. The significant concentrations of accounts receivable as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 were primarily from large managed care insurance companies, institutional billed accounts, and data arrangements. The Company does not require collateral as a means to mitigate customer credit risk.
For each significant payor, revenue as a percentage of total revenues and accounts receivable as a percentage of total accounts receivable are as follows:
RevenueAccounts Receivable
Three months ended September 30,Nine months ended September 30,

September 30,

December 31,
Payor A (1)
Payor B37%26%32%26%11%10%
* Less than 10%
(1)This payor group includes multiple individual plans and the Company calculates and presents the aggregated value from all plans, which is consistent with the Company’s portfolio approach used in accounting for diagnostic test revenue.
The Company is subject to a concentration of risk from a limited number of suppliers for certain reagents and laboratory supplies. One supplier accounted for approximately 9% and 4% of purchases for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and 11% for each of the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. A second supplier accounted for approximately 11% and 8% of purchases for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and 10% for each of the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. This risk is managed by maintaining a target quantity of surplus stock. Alternative suppliers are available for some or all of these reagents and supplies.
Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements Not Yet Adopted
In December 2023, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (the “FASB”) issued ASU 2023-09, Income Taxes – Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures (“ASU 2023-09”). The standard requires additional disclosures around disaggregated information about a reporting entity’s effective tax rate reconciliation as well as information on income taxes paid. ASU 2023-09 will be effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2024, with early adoption permitted. The guidance will be applied on a prospective basis with the option to apply the standard retrospectively. The Company does not expect the adoption of ASU 2023-09 to have a material impact on its consolidated financial statements and related disclosures.
In November 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-07, Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures (“ASU 2023-07”). The standard requires enhanced segment reporting disclosures, including significant segment expenses and other segment items. Additionally, the standard requires public entities to provide in interim periods all disclosures about a reportable segment’s profit or loss and assets that are currently required annually. ASU 2023-07 will be effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2023, and for interim periods beginning after December 15, 2024, with early adoption permitted. The guidance will

Table of Contents

be applied retrospectively to all periods presented in financial statements unless it is impractical to do so. The Company does not expect the adoption of ASU 2023-07 to have a material impact on its consolidated financial statements and related disclosures.
3. Revenue Recognition
Disaggregated Revenue
The following table summarizes the Company’s disaggregated revenue by payor category:
Three months ended September 30,
GeneDxLegacy Sema4ConsolidatedGeneDxLegacy Sema4Consolidated
Diagnostic test revenue:
Patients with third-party insurance$59,291 $252 $59,543 $32,825 $2,950 $35,775 
Institutional customers17,415  17,415 15,720  15,720 
Self-pay patients460  460 457 3 460 
Total diagnostic test revenue77,166 252 77,418 49,002 2,953 51,955 
Other revenue(544) (544)1,348  1,348 
Total$76,622 $252 $76,874 $50,350 $2,953 $53,303 
Nine months ended September 30,
GeneDxLegacy Sema4ConsolidatedGeneDxLegacy Sema4Consolidated
Diagnostic test revenue:
Patients with third-party insurance$152,631 $2,803 $155,434 $82,801 $8,876 $91,677 
Institutional customers50,784  50,784 47,528  47,528 
Self-pay patients1,743  1,743 1,232 3 1,235 
Total diagnostic test revenue205,158 2,803 207,961 131,561 8,879 140,440 
Other revenue1,849  1,849 4,708  4,708 
Total$207,007 $2,803 $209,810 $136,269 $8,879 $145,148 
Reassessment of Variable Consideration
Subsequent changes to the estimate of the transaction price, determined on a portfolio basis when applicable, are generally recorded as adjustments to revenue in the period of the change. The Company updates estimated variable consideration quarterly.
For the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the total change in estimate resulted in a net increase to revenue of $6.3 million and $3.0 million, respectively, resulting from changes in the estimated transaction price due to contractual adjustments, obtaining updated information from payors and patients that was unknown at the time the performance obligation was met and potential and actual settlements with third party payors. The change in estimate also included an increase in revenue related to a partial release of a previously established payor reserve, as further disclosed in the “Certain Payor Matters” section below. The quarterly change in estimate did not result in material adjustments to the Company’s previously reported revenue or accounts receivable amounts.
Certain Payor Matters

Table of Contents

2022年12月30日、会社は、カバレッジおよび請求問題に関連すると主張される支払者からレガシーSema4への過払いをもたらしたとされる請求に関連する和解契約を締結しました。和解契約に基づき、$42.0 百万ドルが2026年6月30日までの毎年一連の支払いで会社から支払われることとなっています。2024年9月30日現在、合意に基づく支払いのうち$22.0 百万ドルが残っており、2024年12月に$10.0 百万ドル、2025年12月に$10.0 百万ドル、2026年に$2.0 百万ドルが支払われることとなっています。これらの支払いに対し、支払者は2023年3月31日から効力を持つDisputed Claimsのリリースを提供しました。
この件に関連して、管理部門が実施した特定の請求方針と手続きの検討に基づき、当社は第三者支払人が以前に支払った金額の回収可能性に備えた準備金の設定の必要性を検討しました。2024年9月30日と2023年12月31日時点で、負債の$の百万がそれぞれ支払可能な金額と未払金およびその他の債務に計上されています。当社は、将来の期間において累積売上高の顕著な逆転が発生する可能性があるかどうかを評価するために見積もり、判断、および仮定を使用し、現時点で利用可能な情報に基づいています。これらの見積もりは変更される可能性があります。さらに、前述の通り、当社はこの件の結果および第三者支払人とのその他のポテンシャルな決済に対する見積もりの可変考慮を調整しています。24.7百万ドルと$27.0 会社は、将来の期間において累積売上高の顕著な逆転が発生する可能性があるかどうかを評価するために、見積もり、判断、および仮定を使用し、現時点で利用可能な情報に基づいています。これらの見積もりは変更される可能性があります。また、上記のように、会社はこの件の結果と第三者支払人とのその他のポテンシャルな決済に伴い、見積もりの可変考慮をいくつか調整しています。
Costs to Fulfill Contracts
Costs associated with fulfilling the Company’s performance obligations pursuant to its collaboration service agreements include costs for services that are subcontracted to Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (“ISMMS”). Amounts are generally prepaid and then expensed in line with the pattern of revenue recognition. Prepayment of amounts prior to the costs being incurred are recognized on the condensed consolidated balance sheets as current or non-current assets based upon forecasted performance.
The cost recognized was $0.3 million and $0.4 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $1.0 million and $1.5 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. These costs are recorded in the cost of services in the condensed consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive loss.
4. Fair Value Measurements
The following tables set forth the fair value of financial instruments that were measured at fair value on a recurring basis:
September 30, 2024
TotalLevel 1Level 2Level 3
Financial Assets:
Money market funds$17,906 $17,906 $ $ 
U.S. treasury bonds32,912  32,912  
Corporate and municipal bonds25,413  25,413  
Total financial assets$76,231 $17,906 $58,325 $ 
Financial Liabilities:
Public warrant liability$1,057 $1,057 $ $ 
Private warrant liability483  483  
Total financial liabilities$1,540 $1,057 $483 $ 

Table of Contents

総計派生負債 - 先物買付契約レベル2レベル3
すべて投信$92,702 $92,702 $ $ 
米国国債6,128  6,128  
企業債および地方債24,098  24,098  
総資産$122,928 $92,702 $30,226 $ 
公募ワラント負債$149 $149 $ $ 
プライベートワラントの負債71  71  
洞察力手形passive資産2,515   2,515 
金融負債合計$2,735 $149 $71 $2,515 
ビジネス統合に関連して、2021年7月の合併完了時点で、 666,516 普通株式クラスAの株式を購入するためのwarrantsが、 447,223 公開状と 219,293 非公募発行warrantsを含む、 666,515 2024年9月30日現在、普通株式クラスAの株式を購入するためのwarrantsが、 457,323 公開状と 209,192 未だに所有されている非公募発行warrantsがあります。各warrantは、 5年 ビジネス結合後または償還または清算時点で、株主に購入権を付与し、 oneworldアライアンスのメンバーと追加のグローバルパートナーとともに、お客様はalaskaair.comで30以上の航空会社と世界中の1,000以上の目的地で購入、獲得、または交換する選択肢が今まで以上にあります。 各完全な権利証は、行使価格$1でクラスA普通株式1株を購入する権利を持っています。379.50 シェアあたり、調整を受ける可能性があり、2021年9月4日からいつでも購入できます。
当社は、普通株式の1株当たりの価格が$を等しいか超える場合、未払いの一般株式のワラントを償還することがあります594.00 以下に記載の通り:
1「公募ワラント」あたり「15」ドルで0.33 一般公開株式による
償還には「30」日前までに各ワラント保有者に通知する必要があります。30 各ワラント保持者に対して償還の通知を書面で償還日の〇日前に行うこと。
普通株式の終値が$を下回る場合、かつ$の前の取引日に償還通知が譲渡証券保持者に送信された場合に限り、594.00 時間枠内における、1株あたり$576.00を超える 202024年と2023年の3か月間にわたる取引日内で30発行者が公開ワラントの株主に償還の通知を送信する前の営業日から 過去1週間は株主にとって大変な期間であったため、基本的なファンダメンタル分析を行い、何を学ぶことができるかを調べてみましょう。 償還通知を転換証券保持者に送信する取引日
会社は、普通株式の1株当たりの価格が$を等しいか超える場合、未払いの一般的な株式公開株式を償還することができる330.00 以下に述べるとおり:
ワラント1つあたり$で。ただし、償還の最小通知期間は、最低でも30日です。3.30最低でも日前書面通知を受け取った時点で一定の価格に、できるだけ取り戻します。30 株主に対して償還の事前通知期間がありますが、償還前にwarrantsを無償で行使でき、償還日と普通株式の公正市場価値に基づいて株式数を受領できます。
普通株式A類の終値が$を等しくまたは超える場合に限り330.00 時間枠内における、1株あたり$576.00を超える 20 営業日程度の新規買が発生した分、 30発行者が公開ワラントの株主に償還の通知を送信する前の営業日から 過去1週間は株主にとって大変な期間であったため、基本的なファンダメンタル分析を行い、何を学ぶことができるかを調べてみましょう。 社が引受権を行使することの通知を株主に送る前の取引日数
もしクラスA普通株式の終値があれば 20 a以内の取引日数 30-取引日期間の終了 会社がワラント保有者に償還通知を送る前の取引日数が$未満です594.00 (調整後)1株あたり、私募新株予約権も、前述のように、未払いの公開新株予約権と同じ条件で同時に償還を求める必要があります。
非公募発行のワラントはCMLS Holdings、LLC、Munib Islam氏、Emily Leproust博士、Nat Turner氏に発行され、初期公開株式募集で販売されたユニットのベースとなる公開ワラントと同一であり、(1) 非公募


初めての購入者またはその許可を受けた譲受人が所有する、その他の者が所有する場合、非公募発行による株式取得権とその株式について、一定の登録権利が保有者にあります。 30 日数後、ビジネスの組み合わせが完了してから新規公開企業の株価が1株あたり$未満のときに、現金無しで非公募発行株式の取得が行われることとします。330.00初めての購入者またはその許可を受けた譲受人が保有している限り、非公募発行株式取得権を現金無しで行うことができ、私募株式取得権は償還不能です(前述の条件に該当する償還の場合を除く)。
2024年9月30日終了時点で、株式オプションおよび譲渡価値連動義務の公正価値の変動による損失はそれぞれ記録され、損益計算書と包括損益計算書に計上されました。2023年9月30日終了時点での株式オプションの公正価値の変動額は、それぞれ損失が発生しています。0.9 2024年6月30日および2023年6月30日にそれぞれ、$ミリオンの損失と損失1.3 million、それぞれの損失が記録されています。0.4百万ドルと$0.2百万株、それぞれ。
O2023年10月27日(「決済日」)、会社はレンダーおよび代理人であるPerceptive Credit Holdings IV, LPとの与信契約および保証(「与信契約」)を締結しました。この与信契約は、最高総元本額が$新規買発行の優先担保遅延引受先付書付融資施設を提供しています。75.0 万ドル(「Perceptive Term Loan Facility」)までのPerceptiveへの買収対価として、会社は「Perceptive Warrant」として知られる株式購入権を最大限に購入しました。 1,200,000 株式の最大「Perceptive Warrant」(「Perceptive Warrant」)を購入しました。 800,000 株式購入権株(「初期株式購入権」)は、決済日にベストされ、行使可能となります。 400,000 株式購入権株(「追加株式購入権」と総称して、「株式購入権株」とも呼ばれます)がTranche b借入日、「「ノート8、“新規買”に定義される「」を除くこの四半期報告書に含まれています。「」上でベストされ、行使可能となります。新規買負債」は、2023年10月27日の決済日に発行し、Perceptiveへ提供しました。
2024年4月30日(「権利行使日」)、パーセプティブは会社に通知し、初回ワラント株式を$の累計行使価格で行使すると指示しました。2.5ミリオンドル、および累計行使価格の支払いとして会社に指示し、権利行使日現在の初回ワラント株式の累計公正市場価値に基づいて初回ワラント株式の一部を差し控えるよう指示しました。 1日 出来高加重平均価格(「1日」VWAP)1日 当日の会社のAクラス普通株式の公正市場価格、または$16.4321。結果として、会社は初回ワラント株式に関する無現物行使を満たすため、パーセプティブにAクラス普通株式の株券を発行しました。関連事項8、「 645,414 普通株式をシェアする」を参照してください。新規買負債この四半期報告書には、詳細な情報が「」内に含まれています。
2024年9月30日までの9か月間、権利行使日を通じて行われた再計測に基づくコンデンスド連結損益計算書および包括損益計算書において、証券の公正価値の変動による損失が記録され、$10.1 百万ドルとなった。
2023年9月30日までの3か月および9か月間に、コンデンスド連結損益計算書と総合損益計算書において、株式材料性の価値の変動によりそれぞれ利益$1.0百万ドルと$0.9 百万ドルが記録されました。
コネチカット州経済コミュニティ開発局(「DECD」)からの当社の融資は、公正価値階層のレベル2に分類されます。ローンは帳簿価額$で計上されました6.1 2024年9月30日および2023年12月31日の時点で百万、ドルで1.2 2024年9月30日の要約連結貸借対照表のその他の流動負債には100万件記録されています。2024年9月30日現在のローンの公正価値は5.0 百万ドル。これは、同様の信用プロファイルを持つ他社の同様の債務証書の利回りを使用した割引キャッシュフローに基づいて推定されています。


5. 固定資産の純額
資本化されたソフトウェア$32,171 $32,171 
実験室の機器14,853 15,538 
借地改良費14,639 14,614 
コンピューター機器6,307 5,819 
ファイナンス・リースの対象となる建物4,530 4,529 
ファイナンス・リースの対象となる機器3,293 2,604 
家具、備品およびその他の設備550 550 
建設進行中5,683 3,106 
固定資産総額82,026 78,931 
有形固定資産、正味額$31,452 $32,479 
2024年9月30日までの3ヶ月間および2023年の減価償却費と無形資産償却費はそれぞれ$です2.4百万ドルと$5.2 2024年9月30日までの9ヶ月間および2023年の減価償却費と無形資産償却費はそれぞれ$です5.9百万ドルと$17.1百万株、それぞれ。
2024年9月30日に終了した3ヵ月と9ヵ月について、会社は特定の実験装置に関連する新しい実験装置の購入に関連して、期間中に取引として売却された実験装置の償却を加速させるために、100万ドルの費用を計上しました。0.6 期間中に新しい実験装置の購入に関連したトレードインクレジットの純額を加速させるために、会社は特定の実験装置のために100万ドルの費用を計上しました。
2023年9月30日に終了した9か月間、当社はドルを記録しました3.4 Legacy Sema4に関連する、利用されない見込みのある、資本化された特定のソフトウェアプロジェクトの償却を加速するための100万件の請求で、また$を記録しました3.0 レガシーSema4施設の閉鎖に関連する期間中の資産売却による100万件の利益。2023年9月30日に終了した3か月と9か月間、当社はドルを記録しました8.3 百万と $9.9 要約連結損益計算書には、それぞれ100万件の非現金減損費用と包括損失(うち$4.8 百万と $5.6 サブリース契約に関連する減損指標に基づいて、それぞれ100万がサブリースに関連する使用権資産)に割り当てられました。
サービスコスト$1,495 $1,613 $3,119 $3,435 
222 283 629 5,791 
705 3,270 2,128 7,894 
$2,422 $5,166 $5,876 $17,122 
6. 無形固定資産
商標および商号$50,000 $7,552 $42,448 13.6
開発された技術48,000 14,500 33,500 5.6
顧客関係98,000 11,842 86,158 17.6
$196,000 $33,894 $162,106 


商標および商標、開発されたテクノロジーの償却費用は、2024年および2023年9月30日までの3ヶ月間それぞれの一般および経営費用に計上され、それぞれの9ヶ月間の2024年および2023年9月30日までの、連結損益計算書および包括損失内に$の発表されました2.3百万ドルと$2.3 ミリオン6.8百万ドルと$6.8 ミリオン1.2百万ドルと$1.2 および2023年9月30日までの3ヶ月間の販売およびマーケティングにおける顧客関係の償却費用は、それぞれ$3.7百万ドルと$3.7 2024年9月30日までの9か月と2023年に、操作利益と包括損失の簡略連結損益計算書内でそれぞれ
7. 関係者間取引
関連会社診断検査収入は、2024年と2023年の9月30日の9か月間で合計$でした。0.4百万ドルと$0.8 百万ドルを認識しました。1.5百万ドルと$2.5 関連会社収入には、主にOPKOの子会社からの診断テストの収益が含まれ、請求される価格は市場価格を表しています。
サービスの原価$2,839 $1,305 $6,268 $3,769 
774 1,782 2,622 4,581 
$3,613 $3,087 $8,890 $8,350 
2017年6月1日、会社はISMMSと取引・資金提供契約およびその他の契約を締結しました。この契約により、ISMMSは会社の運営に関連する特定の資産および負債を提供し、会社に一定のサービスを提供し、また最大で$の将来の資本出資を約束しました。【"その他"】、2019年12月31日までに出資したのは総額$でありました。この取引の後、会社は運営を開始し、サービスの提供および研究の実施を開始しました。55.0【 】百万ドル的未来資本提供を受ける代わりに会社の株式を受け取る取引をしたのは、会社とISMMSでした。そのうち、2019年12月31日時点での出資額は【"exchange"】ドルでした。この取引の後、会社は運営を開始し、サービスの提供と研究の実施を始めました。55.0取引の結果、会社は運営を開始し、サービスの提供と研究の実施を始めました。
その他のサービス契約に基づく認識された費用は、2024年9月30日および2023年の9か月間で、それぞれ$ミリオンとなりました。これらの金額は、該当する費用が関連するアクティビティに従い、適宜、サービスの原価または営業費用相当額に含まれています。1.1百万ドルと$2.1 百万ドルを認識しました。3.6百万ドルと$5.4 その他のサービス契約に基づく認識された費用は、2024年9月30日および2023年の9か月間でそれぞれ$ミリオンです。これらの金額は、特定のアクティビティに関連するコストに応じて、収益予測と包括損失の費用またはその他の営業活動のコストに含まれます。0.3百万ドルと$3.8 その他のサービス契約に対する支払い可能なISマウントサイナイ医学校への支払いは、それぞれ2024年9月30日および2023年12月31日時点で$ミリオンです。これらの金額は、企業の要約された連結貸借対照表において関連当事者への支払いとして含まれています。
さらに、会社は$を負担しました7.5 何百万もの診断検査キットと材料の購入と2.4 百万と $5.2 2024年9月30日に終了した3か月と9か月間のサービス費用には、2021年7月からその役職に就いた取締役会のメンバーの関連会社から、それぞれ100万件が記録されました。会社は$を負担しました2.2 100万件の購入と0.6 百万と $1.4 2023年9月30日に終了した3か月と9か月間のサービス費用には、それぞれ100万件が計上されました。
支払われた価格は市場レートを表しています。支払われるべき金額は$0.5百万ドルと$0.4 百万ドル
Legacy GeneDxとOPKOは、2022年4月29日付の移行サービス契約(以下、「OPKO TSA」という)を締結しました。この契約に基づき、OPKOは人事、情報テクノロジーのサポート、ファイナンスおよび会計など、特定の例外を除いて、費用負担でサービスを提供することに同意し、取得合併契約による取引を容易にしました。OPKO TSAに関連するサービスは、2023年10月に完全に完了しました。会社は、合意に基づき2023年9月30日までの3か月と9か月間にそれぞれ関連する合意に関連する経費を認識しました。0.3百万ドルと$1.1 百万ドルの費用を認識しました。それは2023年9月30日に終了した3か月と9か月にかかるものです。


8. 新規買負債
O2023年10月27日(「クロージング・デート」)に、会社はPerceptive Term Loan Facilityに参加しました。初期トランチの$50 万ドル(「トランチAローン」という)がクロージングデートにPerceptive Term Loan Facilityの下で資金提供されました。トランチAローンに加えて、Perceptive Term Loan Facilityにはさらに$25 万ドル(「トランチbローン」とともに、トランチAローンを「テームローン」と呼びます)が含まれており、会社が一定の慣行条件を満たす限り、会社はアクセスできます。その条件には、特定の売上高マイルストーン(トランチbローンの資金調達日、つまり「トランチb借入日」)も含まれます。Perceptive Term Loan Facilityには2028年10月27日(「満期日」)が設定されており、ローンの期間中に元金の支払い期限が設定されている利息のみ期間が設定されています。
認識ローン施設の利子は、(a) Term SOFR(与信契約で定義されている)および(b)の適用差益率に等しい年率で発生します。債務期間の利子は、月次で支払われます。債務不履行事案が発生すると(与信契約で定義されている)、適用差益率は自動的に追加で増加します。 7.5%(「適用差益率」)。債務期間融資に発生した利息は、毎月支払われます。債務不履行事案発生時(与信契約で定義されている)、適用差益率は自動的に追加で増加します。 4%で発生することになりました。
満期日の前には、Perceptive Term Loan Facilityに定められた元利金の支払いはありません。満期日には、企業はTerm Loansの残高元本金額およびすべての未払いの利息をPerceptiveに支払う必要があります。Term Loansはいつでも前払いすることができ、前払い日に応じて支払われる前払いプレミアムが発生します。 0%から%へ10前払い金は前払いされる元本残高額の%であり、前払い日によって異なります。
クロージング日に、与信契約の対価として、会社はPerceptiveにPerceptiveワラントを発行しました。そのワラントは、最大まで購入することが可能です。 1,200,000 ワラント株式。 800,000 最初のワラント株がクロージング日に成熟し、行使可能になりました。 400,000 最初のワラント株の一株の行使価格は「最初のワラント行使価格」と呼ばれ、$です。3.1752 相当の出来高加重平均価格(「 10日間 」出来高加重平均価格)と等しいです。10日間 シェア)のVWAP)が取引日の直前の営業日の終わりにおいて、追加ワラント株式の一株当たりの行使価格は、初期ワラント行使価格又は(b)のうち小さい方と等しくなる。 10日間 Tranche b借入日の前の営業日の終わりにおけるVWAPに終わりをつけ、Perceptiveワラントは、満期日まで、全額又は一部行使可能となります。 10当該ベスト日付の周年記念日まで行使可能です。
2024年4月30日、Perceptiveは当社に初回ワラント株式を総行使価格$で行使するよう通知しました2.5100万株で、行使総額の支払いとして、多数の初期ワラント株式を差し控えるよう会社に指示しました。その結果、会社は 645,414 初期新株予約権に関するキャッシュレス行使を満足させるためのクラスA普通株式。注4を参照してください、」公正価値測定」詳細については、この四半期報告書に含まれています。


2017年6月、ISMMSは、ブランフォード、コネチカットにあるジェネティックシーケンシングラボプロジェクトを支援するためにDECDから会社に融資承諾を割り当てられました(「DECD融資契約」)。この融資は、特定のプロジェクト開発段階の達成に基づいて資金提供されます。 DECD融資契約は、総融資約束額が$15.5 百万ドルで、固定年利率 2.0%で、期間が 10 年であることを提供しました。会社は、2023年7月まで利子のみの支払いを行う必要があり、2023年8月から元本と利子の支払いを開始しました。元本と利子の最終支払いは2028年7月に期限が切れました。ただし、DECDローン契約の条件の下、DECDは最大12.3 百万ドルまでの一部の元本貸し減免を提供しました。このような貸し減免は、会社が一定の雇用創出と維持の目標を達成することに応じて行われ、2022年12月31日時点で4.5 百万ドルが免除されていました。この承諾は、別途の担保契約で定義されたISMMSから会社が取得した特定の機器や機械に対するセキュリティ担保権によって担保されていました。
2023年1月、その他会社はDECDローン契約を修正し、会社は支払いに同意します$2.0 百万を元本、$2.8 百万の借金を免除し、第2フェーズの雇用マイルストーンを達成するための、新しい免除目標に同意します、第3フェーズの雇用マイルストーンのための(百万を許諾対象)、および最終フェーズの雇用マイルストーンのための(百万の免除に対して許諾対象)(「2022年修正DECDローン契約」)。この修正書に署名後、会社は元本の$ two 百万を支払い、2.0 百万の免除に対応する、フェーズ3の雇用マイルストーンのための新しい免除目標に同意しました)および最終フェーズの雇用マイルストーン(百万の免除に対応する)(「2022年修正DECDローン契約」)。この修正契約の実行により、会社は$1.0 百万を支払い、2.0 百万を受け取りました2.8 兆円の債務免除を受け、会社は2023年9月30日に終了した9か月間の連結損益計算書および包括利益でその他(費用)収入として債務免除を認識しました。2022年修正されたDECDローン契約の条件では、同じ固定年間利子率で、2024年7月まで利払いのみを行い、2024年8月から2029年7月まで元金および利子の支払いを行うことが会社に義務付けられています。 2.0%。 2022年修正されたDECDローン契約のその他の条件は変更されていません。
2024年8月から、会社は2024年9月30日までの3か月間で合計$を元本支払いしました。0.2 2024年9月30日までの期間に、2022年修正DECDローン契約からの未払い残高は$でした。6.1 2024年9月30日時点で、2022年修正DECDローン契約の未払い残高は$でした。
9. 購入のコミットメントとコンティンジェンシー
財務諸表に記載されているノート10で開示されたリース債務に重要な変更はありません。リース2023年のForm 10-kに含まれる連結財務諸表
2022年9月7日、Connecticut州地区連邦裁判所において、Sema4 Holdings corp.を相手方とするHelovs.他\22-cv-1131 (D. Conn.)として知られる株主集団訴訟が提起されました。この会社と現在及び元の役員の一部に対して。主原告の指名後、2023年1月30日に修正された訴状が提出されました。被告は2023年8月21日に修正された訴状の却下を求め、その請求は7月31日に認められました。


2023年11月28日、株主が訴訟を提起し、その訴訟はその会社の名義であり、上記の証券集団訴訟と主に同様の主張に基づいています。訴訟はデラウェア地区の連邦裁判所に提起され、Ghazaleh対Schadtら(23-cv-01357(D. Del.)として構成)、同社の一部の元および現在の役員および取締役に対する第10条(b)の取引所法および信託義務違反、信託義務違反の幇助、不当利得、企業資産の浪費に基づく主張を主張するものとなっています。会社は名義被告としてのみ指定されました。原告状は会社の名義で損害賠償を請求し、企業統治およびその他の救済を求めています。2024年3月11日、裁判所は上記のHelo集団訴訟の解決を待つことを決定する命令を発した。
2024年6月25日、コネチカット州地方裁判所において、Scinto v. Schadtらによる類似の株主代表訴訟が提起されました(2:24-cv-01100 (D. Conn.))。この訴訟は、会社の元役員や現在の役員らを相手に提起され、忠実義務違反、不当な利益供与、企業の無駄遣い、取引所法のセクション10(b)および14(a)に違反するなどの主張を行います。会社は名義上の被告にすぎません。原告は、会社のために損害賠償を求めるとともに、企業ガバナンス改革およびその他の救済を求めています。2024年8月8日、裁判所はこの訴訟を、Heloクラスアクションにおける証拠開示の開始、和解の発表、または厳正な解除のいずれかが早い時点まで停止するよう命令しました。
2023年2月7日、株主がデラウェア州チャンスリー裁判所で訴訟を提起しました。この訴訟は、CMLSの株主のうち、CMLSとLegacy Sema4の間のビジネス組み合わせに関連して自らの株式を償還しなかった者を代表して集団訴訟として提起されました。修正された訴状で名指しされた被告には、取引時点のCMLSの取締役、引き続き企業の取締役会に仕える一部の取締役、およびCMLS Holdings LLC、Corvex Management LP、Casdin Capital, LLCを含みます。企業自体は被告として名指しされていません。訴状は、取引に関連してCMLSの株主に送付された2021年7月2日の株主総会通知書に虚偽および誤解を招く記述が含まれていると主張し、全ての個人被告に対する信託義務違反の主張、および信託義務違反のクレームをCMLS Holdings LLCおよび一部の個人に対して提起しました。この訴訟は主張されるクラスを代表して未特定の損害金額の回復を求める他の救済の一環です。被告側がこの訴訟を却下するよう求める動議の後、原告は2023年7月6日に訂正された訴状を提出し、特定の主張を修正し、第三者を被告として追加しました。被告は2023年9月15日に訂正された訴状に対する回答を提出しました。企業はこの手続きにおいて個人被告からの進歩および賠償を求める特定の請求に従事しています。
2024年第2四半期に、当事者は調停を通じて原則合意に達し、約$ のすべての請求を解決しました。21百万ドル、そして2024年第3四半期に、当事者はその原則合意を反映した正式な和解条項を締結しました。10決算は、会社(その保証義務に基づく)とおよそ$ 保険金、第三者被告の保険金$ から提供されることが予想されています。1.4和解は裁判所の承認を受ける必要があり、確定される必要があります。そのような和解条項が裁判所によって承認される保証はありません。2.62024年9月30日時点で、会社は前述の和解金および関連する訴訟費用の約$ の予備金を支払可能な勘定および未払費用に計上し、前払費用および他の流動資産に保険金の回収を記載しました。


10. 株式報酬
サービスコスト$174 $75 $308 $(1,340)
研究開発537 (533)697 (265)
販売とマーケティング394 (115)742 (195)
一般と管理2,531 1,004 4,546 2,386 
$3,636 $431 $6,293 $586 
1 会社は、2024年および2023年の9月30日に終了した3か月間で、総額ドルと百万ドルを記録し、従業員の解雇に伴う没収活動により、それぞれ$ドルを記録しました。 名目 会社は、2024年および2023年の9月30日に終了した3か月間で、総額ドルと百万ドルを記録し、従業員の解雇に伴う没収活動により、それぞれ$ドルを記録しました。4.7 会社は、2024年および2023年の9月30日に終了した9か月間で、総額ドルと百万ドルを記録し、従業員の解雇に伴う没収活動により、それぞれ$ドルを記録しました。3.3百万ドルと$20.3 会社は、2024年および2023年の9月30日に終了した9か月間で、総額ドルと百万ドルを記録し、従業員の解雇に伴う没収活動により、それぞれ$ドルを記録しました。
2 6月30日および2023年12月31日時点で資金調達リースの対象となる固定資産に関連する費用及び累積償却費用のうち、$を含みます。$210千ドルと$288 2021年従業員株式購入プランに関連する経費の千 三か月および九か月 2024年9月30日までの各々の月

当社は2021年の普通株式報酬計画(修正済み、「2021年計画」)を維持し、株式報酬の付与を可能にしています。 No 2021年計画の下で付与される報酬は、付与日から年間数年後に行使可能です。 10 2021年計画の下で付与される報酬は、一定期間かけて段階的に行使可能になりますが、一部のRSUについては、付与日から12ヵ月後からすぐに行使可能な帰趨条件の付与も行われています。 付与日から4年後の周年 各年の1月1日まで2031年まで、2021年計画の下で発行の予約をされるA等普通株式の総数は、前年12月31日時点で発行済みかつ未発行の全株式数に対し、その数%増加する形で自動的に増加します。 52024年1月には、2021年計画の下で将来の発行のために予約されているA等普通株式の数が、自動的に増加しました。 1,298,943 株。
2024年9月30日時点で、2021年プランおよび株式誘致プランのオプション付与やその他の賞与のために利用可能な株式の総数は、 1,746,140 2021年プランおよび株式誘致プランの下で株式オプションまたはその他の賞与の付与に利用可能な株式は、

497,976 $42.80 
366,377 $42.23 
305,879 $36.73 
2024年9月30日、会社の株式オプションの未発行部分に関連する未認識の株式ベースの補償費用は$0.8 発生することが期待され、加重平均期間にわたって段階的ベストに認識されることを期待しています 1.1年数。



1,507,877 $15.48 
承諾されました1,187,165 $11.37 
2,104,977 $11.99 
2021年の従業員株式購入プラン(「2021 ESPP」)は、従業員に付与された購入権に従って、普通株式の発行を承認します。2021 ESPPの下で発行予定の普通株式の総数は、2031年までの各年の1月1日に、自動的に前年12月31日の時点で発行されている全てのクラスの普通株式の合計数に等しい株数で増加される可能性があります。 1発行済みで未処分の全クラスの普通株式の総数の%数に相当する株式
2021年のESPPは2024年4月から受付が開始されました。2021年のESPPでは、対象の従業員は各個別の提供期間中に給与控除を通じて会社の普通株式を割引で購入することができます。 6ヶ月 提供期間ごとの購入価格は、各個別の提供期間の最初と最終日の普通株式の時価のうちの小さい方の%sと等しいです。 85提供期間の最初と最終日における普通株式の時価のうち小さい方の%sの割引率が適用されます。
最初の募集期間は2024年10月31日に完了します。したがって、会社は普通株式の発行を行っています。 非表示 2024年9月30日までの3か月および9か月間に会社が2021年ESPPの下で発行した株式はありません。合計 596,604 2024年9月30日時点で2021年ESPPの下で未来の発行のために予約された普通株式株数は、クラスAの株式がありました。
11. 所得税
2024年と2023年の9か月間にわたる所得税利益はそれぞれ、$0.3百万ドルと$0.5 発生した場合の離散的なイベントに対する調整を除く、これらの期間の所得税は、会社の推定年間実効所得税率に記録されます。会社の推定年間実効税率は、2024年と2023年の9か月間でそれぞれ、 0.56償還期限が2025年のUS$0.35%です。
12. 1株あたりの純損失
基本および希薄化後の加重平均発行済普通株式27,095,986 25,788,747 26,593,877 23,777,327 


傑出したオプションと株主賠償債務証書(RSU)によるA類普通株式の購入2,471,354 2,321,011 
666,515 666,515 
3,166,381 2,987,526 
13. リストラ費用
総合的な再編成コストは2024年9月30日までの9か月間で$0.4百万ドルと$2.2 百万ドルを認識しました。1.5百万ドルと$4.5 百万ドルであり、それぞれ2024年と2023年になります。 以下の表は2024年9月30日までの9か月間における再編成活動に関する特定の情報を提供しています。
コストと経費に請求されました 支払いおよびその他
Severance$1,853 $1,460 $(2,698)$615 
2023年10月30日、当社は、組織の主要な優先事項への継続的な戦略的再編を発表しました。これには、およそ 50 2023年8月23日に影響を受けたポジション、そしておよそ 35 ポジションは2023年10月30日に影響を受けました。これらの措置が合わさって、会社の労働力規模は縮小されました 108月の削減時に存在していた総数の割合。合計すると、当社はコスト削減の取り組みを発表しました。これには、実施されているこれらの削減が含まれますが、これらに限定されず、その結果、ドルを超えると予想されます40年間何百万ものコスト削減。当社は、残りの現金退職金はすべて1年以内に完了すると予想しています。
14. 補足的財務情報
現金及び現金同等物$57,894 $99,681 
その他資産に含まれる制約付き現金987 987 
総計$58,881 $100,668 
前払費用$7,678 $8,640 
その他の流動資産12,622 1,958 
総計$20,300 $10,598 
支払調整$9,022 $10,238 
未払いの購入費用11,075 12,154 
法定準備金23,573 25 
保険会社やその他への払い戻しのための準備金12,746 15,039 
総計$56,416 $37,456 


未払いの報酬$12,821 $12,465 
退職手当債務615 1,853 
3,065 2,018 
総計$16,501 $16,336 
ワラントの負債$1,540 $2,735 
第三者支払予約12,000 12,000 
総計$13,540 $14,735 
2023年1月31日、会社は約$を調達しました150.0 発行済み株式普通株式の公募株式引受有価証券の終了を発表し 9,962,316 同時の公的直接引受有価証券の出願を公表し、株式株という株式を発表しました 2,353,436 会社が支払う引受人割引と手数料を差し引いた後の純発行手数料は約$でした135.4 2023年4月17日、株主の承認を受け取った後、会社は出額を受領しました 676,868 会社は過去に公表した直接引受有価証券発行において、その残りの株式を約$で発行しました7.6百万ドルでした。
2024年4月29日、会社はTDシューバート証券(米国)LLC(「TD Cowen」)と販売契約(「売上契約」)を締結しました。この契約に基づき、会社は自己のクラスA普通株式を時折TD Cowenに売却することができますが、義務はありません。この際の総額が4,000万ドルを上回らないようにします。75.0 TD Cowenを販売代理人として、売上契約とSECの規則に記載された条件に従って、会社は時折、最大何百万ドルもの自己のクラスA普通株式をオファーおよび売却する権利を有していました(「ATmオファリング」)。2024年第3四半期には、会社はATmオファリングに関連して、1株当たり平均$のクラスA普通株式を発行しました。 418,653 株の売却価格が1株当たり$という平均価格であったATmオファリングに関連して、会社はクラスA普通株式を株発行しました。35.83 エージェント手数料やその他の費用を差し引いた後の受け取り金額は、$でした。14.6百万ドルでした。
15. セグメントレポーティング
企業の構造は、最高経営責任者("CODM")がビジネスをレビューし、投資およびリソース配分の決定を行い、運営パフォーマンスを評価する方法と一致しています。企業の two 報告されるセグメントは次のとおりです:(i)GeneDxは、レガシーGeneDxおよびレガシーSema4のデータ収益および関連費用、および(ii)レガシーSema4診断を含みます。GeneDxセグメントは主に小児および希少疾患の診断を提供し、全エクソームおよびゲノムシーケンシングに焦点を当て、データおよび情報サービスにも一部提供しています。レガシーSema4診断セグメントは、生殖および女性の健康、および体性腫瘍学の診断テストおよびスクリーニング製品を提供し、完全に停止されています。
GenedXレガシー Sema4合計GenedXレガシー Sema4合計
収入$76,622 $252 $76,874 $50,350 $2,953 $53,303 
調整後のサービス費用27,370  27,370 26,079 225 26,304 
調整後の売上総利益 (1)
49,252 252 49,504 24,271 2,728 26,999 
減価償却と償却1,495  1,495 1,613  1,613 
株式ベースの報酬174  174 75  75 
リストラ費用6  6 52  52 
売上総利益$47,577 $252 $47,829 $22,531 $2,728 $25,259 


GenedXレガシー Sema4合計GenedXレガシー Sema4合計
収入$207,007 $2,803 $209,810 $136,269 $8,879 $145,148 
調整後のサービス費用77,992 145 78,137 81,357 2,305 83,662 
調整後の売上総利益 (1)
129,015 2,658 131,673 54,912 6,574 61,486 
減価償却と償却3,119  3,119 3,322 113 3,435 
株式ベースの報酬308  308 631 (1,971)(1,340)
リストラ費用54  54 108 31 139 
売上総利益$125,534 $2,658 $128,192 $50,851 $8,401 $59,252 


In cases where we or our partners have established reimbursement rates with third-party payors, we face additional challenges in complying with their procedural requirements for reimbursement. These requirements often vary from payor to payor and are reassessed by third-party payors regularly. As a result, in the past we have needed additional time and resources to comply with the requirements.
Third-party payors may decide to deny payment or seek to recoup payments for tests performed by us that they contend were improperly billed, not medically necessary or against their coverage determinations, or for which they believe they have otherwise overpaid. As a result, we may be required to refund payments already received, and our revenues may be subject to retroactive adjustment as a result of these factors among others.
We expect to continue to focus our resources on increasing the adoption of, and expanding coverage and reimbursement for, our current and any future tests we may develop or acquire. If we fail to expand and maintain broad adoption of, and coverage and reimbursement for, our tests, our ability to generate revenue and our future business prospects may be adversely affected.

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Ability to Lower the Costs Associated with Performing our Tests
Reducing the costs associated with performing our diagnostic tests is both our focus and a strategic objective. We source, and will continue to source, components of our diagnostic testing workflows from third parties. We also rely upon third-party service providers for data storage and workflow management.
Increasing Adoption of our Services by Existing and New Customers
Our performance depends on our ability to retain and broaden the adoption of our services with existing customers as well as our ability to attract new customers. Our success in retaining and gaining new customers is dependent on the market’s confidence in our services and the willingness of customers to continue to seek more comprehensive and integrated genomic and clinical data insights.
Investment in Platform Innovation to Support Commercial Growth
We are seeking to leverage and deploy our platforms to develop a pipeline of future disease-specific research and diagnostic and therapeutic products and services. We have limited experience in the development or commercialization of clinical or research products in connection with our database and platform.
We operate in a rapidly evolving and highly competitive industry. Our business faces changing technologies, shifting provider and patient needs, and frequent introductions of rival products and services. To compete successfully, we must accurately anticipate technology developments and deliver innovative, relevant, and useful products, services, and technologies on time. As our business evolves, the competitive pressure to innovate will encompass a wider range of products and services. We must continue to invest significant resources in research and development, including investments through acquisitions and partnerships. These investments are critical to the enhancement of our current diagnostics and health information and data science technologies from which existing and new service offerings are derived.
We expect to incur significant expenses to advance these development efforts, but they may not be successful. New potential services may fail at any stage of development and, if we determine that any of our current or future services are unlikely to succeed, we may abandon them without any return on our investment. If we are unsuccessful in developing additional services, our growth potential may be impaired.
Key Performance Indicators
We use the following key financial and operating metrics to evaluate our business and operations, measure our performance, identify trends affecting our business, project our future performance, and make strategic decisions. These key financial and operating metrics should be read in conjunction with the following discussion of our results of operations and financial condition together with our condensed consolidated financial statements and the related notes and other financial information included elsewhere in this report.
The principal focus of our commercial operations is to offer our diagnostic tests through both our direct sales force and laboratory distribution partners. Test volume correlates with genomic database size and long-term patient relationships. Thus, test volumes drive database diversity and enable potential identification of variants of unknown significance and population-specific insights. The number of tests resulted and the mix of test results, with a focus on driving whole exome and whole genome sequencing, are key indicators that we use to assess the operational efficiency of our business. Once the appropriate workflow is completed, the test is resulted and details are provided to ordered patients or healthcare professionals for reviews.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we resulted 171,955 tests, compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023, in which we resulted approximately 165,339 tests.
Key Components of Results of Operations
Diagnostic Test Revenue
The majority of our revenue is derived from genetic and genomic diagnostic testing services for three groups of customers: healthcare professionals working with patients with third-party insurance coverage or without third-party insurance coverage, institutional clients such as hospitals, clinics, state governments and reference laboratories, and self-pay patients. The amount of revenue recognized for diagnostic testing services depends on a number of factors, such as contracted rates with our customers and third-party insurance providers, insurance reimbursement policies, payor mix, historical collection experience, price concessions and other business and economic conditions and trends. To date, the majority of our diagnostic test revenue has been earned from orders received for patients with third-party insurance coverage. Our ability to increase our diagnostic test revenue

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will depend on our ability to increase our market penetration, obtain contracted reimbursement coverage from third-party payors, enter into contracts with institutions, and increase our reimbursement rate for tests performed.
Other Revenue
We also generate revenue from collaboration service agreements with biopharma companies and other third parties, pursuant to which we provide health information and patient identification support services. Certain of these contracts provide non-refundable payments, which we record as contract liabilities, and variable payments based upon the achievement of certain milestones during the contract term.
With respect to existing collaboration and service agreements, our revenue may fluctuate period to period due to the pattern in which we may deliver our services, our ability to achieve milestones, the timing of costs incurred, changes in estimates of total anticipated costs that we expect to incur during the contract period, and other events that may not be within our control. Our ability to increase our revenue will depend on our ability to enter into contracts with third-party partners.
Cost of Services
The cost of services reflect the aggregate costs incurred in performing services, which include expenses for reagents and laboratory supplies, personnel-related expenses (comprising salaries and benefits) and stock-based compensation for employees directly involved in revenue generating activities, shipping and handling fees, costs of third-party reference lab testing and phlebotomy services, if any, and allocated genetic counseling, facility and information technology costs associated with delivery services. Allocated costs include depreciation of laboratory equipment, facility occupancy, and information technology costs. The cost of services are recorded as the services are performed.
We expect the cost of services to generally increase in line with the anticipated growth in diagnostic testing volume and services we provide under our collaboration service agreements. However, we expect the cost per test to decrease over the long term due to the efficiencies we may gain from improved utilization of our laboratory capacity, automation, and other value engineering initiatives. These expected reductions may be offset by new tests which often have a higher cost per test during the introductory phases before we can gain efficiencies. The cost per test may fluctuate from period to period.
Research and Development Expenses
Research and development expenses represent costs incurred to develop our technology and future test offerings. These costs are principally associated with our efforts to develop the software we use to analyze data and process customer orders. These costs primarily consist of personnel-related expenses (comprising salaries and benefits), stock-based compensation for employees performing research and development, innovation and product development activities, costs of reagents and laboratory supplies, costs of consultants and third-party services, equipment and related depreciation expenses, non-capitalizable software development costs, research funding to our research partners as part of research and development agreements and allocated facility and information technology costs associated with genomics medical research. Research and development costs are generally expensed as incurred and certain non-refundable advanced payments provided to our research partners are expensed as the related activities are performed.
We generally expect our research and development expenses to continue to increase as we innovate and expand the application of our platforms. However, we expect research and development expenses to decrease as a percentage of revenue in the long term, although the percentage may fluctuate from period to period due to the timing and extent of our development and commercialization efforts and fluctuations in our compensation-related charges.
Selling and Marketing Expenses
Selling and marketing expenses primarily consist of personnel-related expenses (comprising salaries and benefits) and stock-based compensation for employees performing commercial sales, account management, marketing, and certain genetic counseling services. Selling and marketing costs are expensed as incurred.
We generally expect our selling and marketing expenses will continue to increase in absolute dollars as we expand our commercial sales and marketing and counseling teams and increase marketing activities. However, we expect selling and marketing expenses to decrease as a percentage of revenue in the long term, subject to fluctuations from period to period due to the timing and magnitude of these expenses.
General and Administrative Expenses
General and administrative expenses primarily consist of personnel-related expenses (comprising salaries, billing and benefits) and stock-based compensation for employees in executive leadership, legal, finance and accounting, human resources,

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information technology, and other administrative functions. In addition, these expenses include office occupancy and information technology costs. General and administrative costs are expensed as incurred.
We generally expect our general and administrative expenses to continue to increase in absolute dollars as we increase headcount and incur costs associated with operating as a public company, including expenses related to legal, accounting, and regulatory matters, maintaining compliance with requirements of Nasdaq and of the SEC, and director and officer insurance premiums. We expect these expenses to decrease as a percentage of revenue in the long term as revenue increases, although the percentage may fluctuate from period to period due to fluctuations in our compensation-related charges.
Comparison of the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
The following table sets forth our results of operations for the periods presented:
Three months ended September 30,
20242023$ Change% Change

Diagnostic test revenue$77,418 $51,955 $25,463 49 %
Other revenue(544)1,348 (1,892)(140)%
Total revenue76,874 53,303 23,571 44 %
Cost of services    29,045 28,044 1,001 %
Gross profit47,829 25,259 22,570 89 %
Gross margin62 %47 %
Research and development11,665 14,288 (2,623)(18)%
Selling and marketing17,025 16,763 262 %
General and administrative26,145 26,099 46 — %
Impairment loss— 8,282 (8,282)NM
Other operating expenses, net774 2,794 (2,020)(72)%
Loss from operations(7,780)(42,967)35,187 (82)%
Non-operating income (expenses), net
Change in fair value of warrants and earn-out contingent liabilities (880)590 (1,470)NM
Interest (expense) income, net(843)1,053 (1,896)NM
Other income (expense), net1,144 (1,134)2,278 NM
Total non-operating income (expense), net(579)509 (1,088)(214)%
Loss before income taxes(8,359)(42,458)34,099 (80)%
Income tax benefit47 172 (125)(73)%
Net loss$(8,312)$(42,286)$33,974 (80)%
NM – Not Meaningful
Total revenue increased by $23.6 million, or 44%, to $76.9 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, from $53.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023.
Diagnostic test revenue increased by $25.5 million, or 49%, to $77.4 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, from $52.0 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023. The increase of $26.0 million, or 77%, primarily reflected an increase in whole exome and genome sequencing revenues resulting from a 46% increase in test volumes, partially coupled with higher whole exome and genome average reimbursement rates.
Other revenue decreased by $1.9 million, or 140%, to $(0.5) million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, from $1.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease reflected a negative adjustment in partnership revenues from our data business.

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Gross Profit
Gross profit increased by $22.6 million, or 89%, to $47.8 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, from $25.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023, driven by a combination of a favorable shift in volume mix to higher margin whole exome and genome tests, an improvement in exome average reimbursement rates and continued cost per test leverage.
Research and Development
Research and development expense decreased by $2.6 million, or 18%, to $11.7 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, from $14.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was primarily attributable to lower current period compensation costs of $1.0 million as a result of headcount reduction actions and a $1.7 million decrease in information technology, lab-related and sponsored research expenses related to the discontinued Legacy Sema4 business.
Selling and Marketing
Selling and marketing expense increased by $0.3 million, or 2%, to $17.0 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, from $16.8 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023. The increase reflected our investment to support growth in our commercial team.
General and Administrative
General and administrative expense increased by a nominal amount, or 0.2%, to $26.1 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, from $26.1 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023. Lower depreciation expense as a result of the discontinued Legacy Sema4 business was offset by increased compensation and personnel-related costs.
Impairment Loss
The non-cash charge of $8.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023 reflected the impairment of certain capital and right-of-use asset leases. See Note 5, “Property and Equipment, net” to our condensed consolidated financial statements for further information.
Other Operating Expenses, Net
Other operating expenses, net were $0.8 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared with $2.8 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023. This decrease reflected a non-cash charge of $1.0 million in the prior period to reserve for obsolete Legacy Sema4 inventory and decreased services costs of $1.0 million following the expiration of the transition services agreement with OPKO in October 2023.
Non-Operating Income (Expense), Net
Non-operating income (expense), net decreased by $1.1 million, due to the significant increase in fair value of our warrant liabilities, an increase in interest expense as a result of the Perceptive term loan facility entered in the last quarter of 2023. This was offset by a reduction in legal reserves, net of insurance, of approximately $1.3 million. In addition, the prior period included contract termination costs of $1.0 million associated with the discontinued Legacy Sema4 business.
See Note 4, “Fair Value Measurements to our condensed consolidated financial statements for further information on the changes in fair value of our warrant and earn-out contingent liabilities. Also see Note 9, “Purchase Commitments and Contingencies to our condensed consolidated financial statements for further information.

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Comparison of the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
The following table sets forth our results of operations for the periods presented:
Nine months ended September 30,
20242023$ Change% Change

Diagnostic test revenue$207,961 $140,440 $67,521 48 %
Other revenue1,849 4,708 (2,859)(61)%
Total revenue209,810 145,148 64,662 45 %
Cost of services    81,618 85,896 (4,278)(5)%
Gross profit128,192 59,252 68,940 116 %
Gross margin61 %41 %
Research and development34,134 46,018 (11,884)(26)%
Selling and marketing49,695 45,397 4,298 %
General and administrative73,760 107,129 (33,369)(31)%
Impairment loss— 10,402 (10,402)NM
Other operating expenses, net2,622 5,259 (2,637)(50)%
Loss from operations(32,019)(154,953)122,934 (79)%
Non-operating income (expenses), net
Change in fair value of warrants and earn-out contingent liabilities (11,390)684 (12,074)NM
Interest (expense) income, net(2,334)2,092 (4,426)NM
Other income (expense), net(12,300)1,668 (13,968)NM
Total non-operating income (expense), net(26,024)4,444 (30,468)(686)%
Loss before income taxes(58,043)(150,509)92,466 (61)%
Income tax benefit319 515 (196)(38)%
Net loss$(57,724)$(149,994)$92,270 (62)%
NM – Not Meaningful
Total revenue increased by $64.7 million, or 45%, to $209.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, from $145.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
Diagnostic test revenue increased by $67.5 million, or 48%, to $208.0 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, from $140.4 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The increase of $69.6 million, or 82%, primarily reflected an increase in whole exome and genome sequencing revenues resulting from a 59% increase in test volumes coupled with improved whole exome and genome average reimbursement, partially offset by lower revenues from the now discontinued Legacy Sema4 business.
Other revenue decreased by $2.9 million, or 61%, to $1.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, from $4.7 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease reflected a negative adjustment in partnership revenues from our data business.
Gross Profit
Gross profit increased by $68.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, driven by a combination of lower cost of services from the now discontinued Legacy Sema4 business and improved margins from Legacy GeneDx. The gross profit performance from Legacy GeneDx reflected favorable volume mix shift to higher margin whole exome and genome tests, partially offset by lower average cost per test associated with these tests.
Research and Development
Research and development expense decreased by $11.9 million, or 26%, to $34.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, from $46.0 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was primarily attributable

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to lower current period compensation costs as a result of headcount reduction actions and a decrease in depreciation expense of $5.2 million related to the discontinued Legacy Sema4 business.
Selling and Marketing
Selling and marketing expense increased by $4.3 million, or 9%, to $49.7 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, from $45.4 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The increase reflected our investment to support growth in our commercial team.
General and Administrative
General and administrative expense decreased by $33.4 million, or 31%, to $73.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, from $107.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was attributable to lower current period expenses related to professional services, software and information technology related costs, insurance costs, fixed asset depreciation and personnel-related costs as a result of the restructuring to discontinue the Legacy Sema4 business.
Impairment Loss
The non-cash charge of $10.4 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 reflected the impairment of certain capital and right-of-use asset leases. See Note 5, “Property and Equipment, net to our condensed consolidated financial statements for further information.
Other Operating Expenses, Net
Other operating expenses, net were $2.6 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared with $5.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease in expense reflected decreased services costs following the expiration of the transition services agreement with OPKO in October 2023. This was partially offset by the impact of a gain recognized on the sale of certain assets sold as a result of an auction held during the nine months ended September 30, 2023, which did not recur in the nine months ended September 30, 2024.
Non-Operating Income (Expense), Net
Non-operating income (expense), net, decreased by $30.5 million, to $26.0 million of expense for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, from $4.4 million of income for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The current period results primarily included legal reserves, net of insurance, of approximately $12.1 million, net interest expense of $2.3 million, and non-cash charges of $10.1 million associated with the exercise of the Perceptive warrant and $1.3 million driven by the increase in fair value of our public and private warrant liabilities driven primarily by the increase in our stock price as of September 30, 2024. See Note 4, “Fair Value Measurements to our condensed consolidated financial statements for further information on the changes in fair value of our warrant and earn-out contingent liabilities. Also see Note 9, “Purchase Commitments and Contingencies to our condensed consolidated financial statements for further information.
The prior year results included net interest income of $2.1 million driven by higher cash balances as a result of the public offering of Class A common stock in the first quarter of 2023 and the principal loan forgiveness of $2.8 million under the amendment to our loan from the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (“DECD”). See Note 8, “Long-Term Debt” and Note 14, “Supplemental Financial Information” to our condensed consolidated financial statements for further information.
Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
In addition to our results determined in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP” or “GAAP”), we believe the following non-GAAP measures are useful in evaluating our operating performance. We use the following non-GAAP financial information to evaluate our ongoing operations and for internal planning and forecasting purposes. We believe that non-GAAP financial information, when taken collectively, may be helpful to investors because it provides consistency and comparability with past financial performance. However, non-GAAP financial information is presented for supplemental informational purposes only and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for financial information presented in accordance with GAAP. In addition, other companies, including companies in our industry, may calculate similarly-titled non-GAAP measures differently or may use other measures to evaluate their performance, all of which could reduce the usefulness of our non-GAAP financial measures as tools for comparison. A reconciliation is provided below for each non-GAAP financial measure to the most directly comparable financial measure stated in accordance with GAAP. Investors are encouraged to review the related GAAP financial measures and the reconciliation of these non-GAAP financial measures to their most directly comparable GAAP financial measures, and not to rely on any single financial measure to evaluate our business.

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Non-GAAP financial measures have limitations as analytical tools and you should not consider them in isolation, or as substitutes for analysis of our results as reported under GAAP. We may in the future incur expenses similar to the adjustments in the presentation of non-GAAP financial measures. Other limitations include that non-GAAP financial measures do not reflect:
all expenditures or future requirements for capital expenditures or contractual commitments;
changes in our working capital needs;
the costs of replacing the assets being depreciated, which will often have to be replaced in the future;
the non-cash component of employee compensation expense; and
the impact of earnings or charges resulting from matters we consider not to be reflective, on a recurring basis, of our ongoing operations.
Adjusted Gross Profit and Adjusted Gross Margin
Adjusted gross profit is a non-GAAP financial measure that we define as revenue less cost of services, excluding depreciation and amortization expense, stock-based compensation expense and restructuring costs. We define adjusted gross margin as our adjusted gross profit divided by our revenue. We believe these non-GAAP financial measures are useful in evaluating our operating performance compared to that of other companies in our industry, as these metrics generally eliminate the effects of certain items that may vary from company to company for reasons unrelated to overall operating performance.
The following is a reconciliation of gross profit to our adjusted gross profit and of our gross margin to adjusted gross margin for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended September 30,Nine months ended September 30,
Revenue$76,874 $53,303 $209,810 $145,148 
Cost of services29,045 28,044 81,618 85,896 
Gross profit $47,829 $25,259 $128,192 $59,252 
Gross margin62.2 %47.4 %61.1 %40.8 %
Depreciation and amortization expense$1,495 $1,613 $3,119 $3,435 
Stock-based compensation expense174 75 308 (1,340)
Restructuring costs (1)
52 54 139 
Adjusted gross profit $49,504 $26,999 $131,673 $61,486 
Adjusted gross margin64.4 %50.7 %62.8 %42.4 %
(1)Represent costs incurred for restructuring activities, which include severance costs to impacted employees and third-party consulting costs incurred during the periods presented.
Adjusted Net Income (Loss)
Adjusted net income (loss) is a non-GAAP financial measure that we define as net loss adjusted for depreciation and amortization, stock-based compensation expenses, impairment loss, restructuring costs, change in fair value of financial liabilities, gain on sale of assets, provision for excess and obsolete inventory associated with Legacy Sema4, gain on debt forgiveness and other (income) expense, net. We believe adjusted net income (loss) is useful in evaluating our operating performance compared to that of other companies in our industry, as this metric generally eliminates the effects of certain factors that may vary from company to company for reasons unrelated to overall operating performance.

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The following is a reconciliation of our net loss to adjusted net income (loss) for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Three months ended September 30,Nine months ended September 30,
Net loss$(8,312)$(42,286)$(57,724)$(149,994)
Depreciation and amortization expense5,929 8,672 16,395 27,640 
Stock-based compensation expense3,636 431 6,293 586 
Impairment loss (1)
— 8,282 — 10,402 
Restructuring costs (2)
369 2,191 1,460 4,548 
Change in fair value of financial liabilities (3)
880 (590)11,390 (684)
Gain on sale of assets— — — (2,954)
Provision for excess and obsolete inventory associated with Legacy Sema4— 1,014 — 3,634 
Gain on debt forgiveness (4)
— — — (2,750)
Other (5)
(1,327)1,134 12,123 1,082 
Adjusted net income (loss)$1,175 $(21,152)$(10,063)$(108,490)
(1)Represents the impairment of certain capital and right-of-use asset leases.
(2)Represent costs incurred for restructuring activities, which include severance, and in the prior periods, third-party consulting costs.
(3)Represents the change in fair value of the liabilities associated with our public warrants, private placement warrants, Perceptive warrant and the earn-out shares.
(4)Represents principal loan forgiveness under the amendment to the DECD loan.
(5)For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, represents reserves net of insurance for a certain litigation matter. See Note 9 “Purchase Commitments and Contingencies to our condensed consolidated financial statements for further information. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, represents contract termination costs associated with the discontinued Legacy Sema4 business.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
Management believes that our cash and cash equivalents and available-for-sale marketable securities provide us with sufficient liquidity for at least 12 months from the filing date of this Quarterly Report.
Accordingly, our condensed consolidated financial statements included in this Quarterly Report have been prepared on a basis that assumes we will continue as a going concern and which contemplates the realization of assets and satisfaction of liabilities and commitments in the ordinary course of business. Nevertheless, we may also seek additional funding in the future through the sale of common or preferred equity or convertible debt securities, drawing on the additional $25 million tranche of the term loan under the Perceptive term loan facility, the entry into other credit facilities or another form of third-party funding, by seeking other debt financing or by disposing assets or businesses. See Note 8, “Long-Term Debt” to our condensed consolidated financial statements for further information regarding the Perceptive term loan facility.
We have an effective shelf registration statement that we filed with the SEC in August of 2022, registering $300 million shares of our Class A common stock and other securities. As of September 30, 2024, $150 million of securities remained available under this registration statement.
In addition, we have entered into a sales agreement (the “Sales Agreement”) with TD Securities (USA) LLC (“TD Cowen”) pursuant to which we may, but are not obligated to, offer and sell, from time to time, shares of our Class A common stock with an aggregate offering price up to $75.0 million through TD Cowen, as sales agent, subject to the terms and conditions described in the Sales Agreement and SEC rules and regulations (our “ATM offering”). During the third quarter of 2024, we issued 418,653 shares of our Class A common stock in connection with the ATM offering at an average price of $35.83 per share. Proceeds received, net of agent fees and other offering expenses, were $14.6 million.
Material Cash Requirements for Known Contractual Obligations and Commitments
We anticipate fulfilling our contractual obligations and commitments with existing cash and cash equivalents and available-for-sale marketable securities, which amounted to $116.5 million at September 30, 2024, through additional capital raised to finance our operations, including pursuant to our ATM offering, or through an additional tranche of $25 million under the Perceptive credit facility, which is subject to certain conditions. See “Liquidity and Capital Resources” for further information.
As discussed in the notes to our condensed consolidated financial statements, in 2022, we entered into an agreement with one of our third-party payors to settle for $42.0 million claims related to coverage and billing matters allegedly resulting in overpayments by the payor to Legacy Sema4. As of September 30, 2024, remaining payments due to the payor were $22.0 million.

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For more information regarding this matter, see Note 4, “Revenue Recognition” to our consolidated financial statements included in our 2023 Form 10-K and Note 3, “Revenue Recognition,” to our condensed consolidated financial statements included within this Quarterly Report, respectively.
Cash Flows
Nine months ended September 30,
Net cash used in operating activities$(25,313)$(150,289)
Net cash used in investing activities(29,613)(38,862)
Net cash provided by financing activities13,139 139,135 
Operating Activities
Net cash used in operating activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $25.3 million, driven by lower cash expenditures associated with the current period net loss as compared with the prior period, which reflected improved gross margin profitability, as well as the realization of cost savings from exiting the Legacy Sema4 business and other previously announced cost reduction initiatives.
Net cash used in operating activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was $150.3 million, driven by higher cash expenditures associated with the prior period net loss, which reflected the costs associated with the exiting of the Legacy Sema4 business.
Investing Activities
Net cash used in investing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $29.6 million, which included purchases of marketable securities of $52.7 million and $2.4 million of capital expenditures, partially offset by $25.6 million in proceeds from the sales and maturities of marketable securities.
Net cash used in investing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was $38.9 million, which primarily included purchases of marketable securities of $43.9 million, $12.1 million in consideration in escrow paid for the Legacy GeneDx acquisition and $2.9 million in purchases of property and equipment, which was offset partially by $16.7 million in proceeds from the maturities of marketable securities and $3.9 million in proceeds from the sale of assets.
Financing Activities
Net cash provided by financing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $13.1 million, primarily driven by the $14.6 million net proceeds from our ATM offering, net of issuance costs, which was offset partially by $1.5 million of finance lease payments and $0.2 million of principal payments on the DECD loan.
Net cash provided by financing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was $139.1 million, which was primarily driven by the $143.0 million net proceeds from our January 2023 underwritten public offering and concurrent registered direct offering, net of issuance costs, which was offset partially by a payment of $2.0 million on the DECD loan and $2.1 million of finance lease payments.
See Note 8, “Long-Term Debt” and Note 14, “Supplemental Financial Information” to our condensed consolidated financial statements for further information.

Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates
Our management’s discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations is based on our condensed consolidated financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The preparation of these condensed consolidated financial statements requires us to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the condensed consolidated financial statements, as well as the reported revenue generated and expenses incurred during the reporting periods. Our estimates are based on our historical experience and various other factors that we believe are reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about items that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions.
Our critical accounting policies and estimates are described in Note 2, “Summary of Significant Accounting Policies” to the consolidated financial statements included in the 2023 Form 10-K. There have been no material changes to our critical accounting

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policies and estimates in the current period. For further information, see Note 2, “Summary of Significant Accounting Policies” to our condensed consolidated financial statements.
Filer Status
Loss of Smaller Reporting Company Status
Because the market value of our shares of Class A common stock held by non-affiliates was between $250 million and $700 million as of June 30, 2024 and our revenue for the year ended December 31, 2023 was more than $100 million, we will continue to be deemed an accelerated filer under the Exchange Act as of December 31, 2024. However, we are no longer a “smaller reporting company” and will no longer be eligible to rely on the scaled disclosure exemptions available to smaller reporting companies starting with our first Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q in 2025.
JOBS Act Accounting Election
We are an “emerging growth company” within the meaning of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (the “JOBS Act”). The JOBS Act allows an emerging growth company to delay the adoption of new or revised accounting standards that have different effective dates for public and private companies until those standards apply to private companies. We have elected to use this extended transition period and, as a result, our financial statements may not be comparable to companies that comply with public company effective dates. We also intend to rely on other exemptions provided by the JOBS Act, including not being required to comply with the auditor attestation requirements of Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
We will remain an emerging growth company until the earliest of (1) September 1, 2025, (2) the last day of the fiscal year in which we have total annual gross revenue of at least $1.235 billion, (3) the last day of the fiscal year in which we are deemed to be a “large accelerated filer” as defined in Rule 12b-2 under the Exchange Act, which would occur if the market value of our Class A common stock held by non-affiliates exceeded $700.0 million as of the last business day of the second fiscal quarter of such year or (4) the date on which we have issued more than $1.0 billion in non-convertible debt securities during the prior three-year period.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements
Additional information on recent accounting pronouncements can be found in Note 2, “Summary of Significant Accounting Policies to our consolidated financial statements included within our 2023 Form 10-K, and Note 2, Summary of Significant Accounting Policies to our condensed consolidated financial statements.
Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
We are exposed to market risks in the ordinary course of our business. These risks primarily relate to interest rates. Our cash, cash equivalents, available-for-sale marketable securities and restricted cash consists of bank deposits and money market funds, which totaled $117.4 million at September 30, 2024 and $131.1 million at December 31, 2023, respectively. Such interest-bearing instruments carry a degree of risk. However, because our investments are primarily high-quality credit instruments with short-term durations with high-quality institutions, we have not been exposed to, nor do we anticipate being exposed to, material risks due to changes in interest rates. A 100-basis point change in interest rates would not have a material effect on the fair market value of our cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash.
We are also exposed to interest rate risk on our variable rate debt associated with the Perceptive term loan facility. Changes in interest rates can impact future interest payments we are obligated to pay.
See Note 8, “Long-Term Debt to our condensed consolidated financial statements for further information.
Item 4. Controls and Procedures
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Disclosure controls and procedures are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in our reports filed or submitted under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms.
As required by Rules 13a-15 and 15d-15 under the Exchange Act, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer carried out an evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures as of September 30, 2024. Based on that evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were not effective as of September 30, 2024 because of the material weakness in internal control over financial reporting at December 31, 2023 that we previously identified in Item 9A. “Controls and Procedures” of our 2023 Form 10-K had not been fully remediated at September 30, 2024.

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Notwithstanding the material weakness in internal control over financial reporting, our management has concluded that our condensed consolidated financial statements included in the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q are fairly stated in all material respects in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”).
Previously Reported Material Weakness
A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of a company’s annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis.
As described in more detail in Item 9A. “Controls and Procedures” of our 2023 Form 10-K, the material weakness identified related to the fact that our accounting and operating systems lacked controls over access, and program change management that are needed to ensure access to financial data is adequately restricted to appropriate personnel, including consideration of the appropriate segregation of duties. As a result, it is possible that our business process controls that depend on the accuracy and completeness of data or financial reports generated by our information technology system could be adversely affected due to the lack of operating effectiveness of the information technology general controls (“ITGCs”).
Remediation Plan
Our management is actively engaged and committed to taking the steps necessary to remediate the material weakness over user access and program change management in order to establish a strong internal control environment. Remediation actions undertaken during 2023 and planned are described in more detail in Item 9A. “Controls and Procedures” of our 2023 Form 10-K.
While significant progress has been made to strengthen the design and operating effectiveness of our ITGCs, management has concluded that as of September 30, 2024, there was not a sufficient period of time available to sufficiently test nor conclude that enhanced internal controls were fully implemented and operating effectively. We will continue to monitor the effectiveness of ITGC remediation actions in connection with future assessments of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting and disclosure controls and procedures. Assessment results will be used to validate the efficacy of our ITGC remediation efforts and identify any additional actions necessary to ensure ongoing design and operating effectiveness.
Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
There was no change in our internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 covered by this Quarterly Report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting. We are continuing to take steps to remediate the material weakness in our internal control over financial reporting, as discussed above.
Inherent Limitation on the Effectiveness of Internal Control
Our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, does not expect that our disclosure controls and procedures, or our internal controls, will prevent all error and all fraud. A control system, no matter how well conceived and operated, can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the objectives of the control system are met. Further, the design of a control system must reflect the fact that there are resource constraints, and the benefits of controls must be considered relative to their costs. Because of the inherent limitations in all control systems, no evaluation of controls can provide absolute assurance that all control issues and instances of fraud, if any, within our Company have been detected.

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Part II - Other Information
Item 1. Legal Proceedings
Information required under this Item is contained above in Part I. Financial Information, Item 1, Note 9, “Purchase Commitments and Contingencies,” included within this Quarterly Report and is incorporated herein by reference.
Item 1A. Risk Factors
Except for as set forth below, there have been no material changes in our risk factors from those disclosed in Part I, Item 1A “Risk Factors” of our 2023 Form 10-K and in Part II, Item 1A “Risk Factors” of each of our Quarterly Reports for the quarterly periods ended March 31, 2024, filed with the SEC on April 29, 2024, and June 30, 2024, filed with the SEC on July 30, 2024, which sections are incorporated by reference herein.
Changes in FDA enforcement discretion for laboratory developed tests (“LDTs”) could subject our operations to much more significant regulatory requirements.
We currently offer an LDT version of certain tests. Historically, the FDA has exercised a policy of enforcement discretion with respect to most LDTs, whereby the FDA did not actively enforce its medical device regulatory requirements for such tests. However, at various points in recent years, FDA has indicated that it intends to end enforcement discretion for many tests offered as LDTs, and to require such tests to comply with certain FDA regulatory requirements. The FDA Commissioner and the Director of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (“CDRH”) have expressed significant concerns regarding performance disparities between some LDTs and in vitro diagnostics that have been reviewed, cleared, authorized or approved by the FDA.
Most recently, on April 29, 2024, the FDA published a final rule on LDTs, in which FDA outlines its plans to end enforcement discretion for many LDTs in five stages over a four-year period. In Phase 1 (effective May 6, 2025), clinical laboratories would be required to comply with medical device (adverse event) reporting, correction/removal reporting, and certain quality systems complaint handling requirements. In Phase 2 (effective May 6, 2026), clinical laboratories would be required to comply with all other device requirements (e.g., registration/listing, labeling, investigational use), except for remaining quality systems requirements and premarket review. In Phase 3 (effective May 6, 2027), clinical laboratories would be required to comply with all remaining applicable quality systems requirements. In Phase 4 (effective November 6, 2027), clinical laboratories would be required to comply with premarket submission requirements for high-risk tests (i.e., tests subject to premarket approval (PMA) requirement). Finally, in Phase 5 (effective May 6, 2028), clinical laboratories would be required comply with premarket submission requirements for moderate- and low-risk tests (i.e., tests subject to de novo or 510(k) requirement). The final rule potentially extends enforcement discretion for certain tests – e.g., LDTs approved by the New York State Department of Health, and LDTs first marketed prior to May 6, 2024 which are not modified or are modified in certain limited ways – from certain FDA regulatory requirements, provided certain important limitations have been met. We are actively reviewing the final rule to evaluate its applicability to our operations, and the extent to which we may be required to modify our operations to comply with its requirements.
Multiple lawsuits have been filed challenging the FDA’s authority to regulate LDTs as medical devices under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The outcome of these lawsuits is uncertain at this time.
If the FDA were to determine that certain tests offered by us as LDTs are no longer eligible for enforcement discretion for any reason, including new rules, policies or guidance, or due to changes in statute, our tests may become subject to extensive FDA requirements or our business may otherwise be adversely affected. If the FDA were to actively regulate our LDTs, we could experience reduced revenue or increased costs, which could adversely affect our business, prospects, results of operations and financial condition. If required, the regulatory marketing authorization process required to bring our current or future LDTs into compliance may involve, among other things, successfully completing additional clinical validations and submitting to and obtaining clearance from the FDA for a premarket clearance (510(k)) submission or authorization for a de novo submission or approval of a premarket approval application. Furthermore, pending legislative proposals, if enacted, such as the VALID Act, could create new or different regulatory and compliance burdens on us and could have a negative effect on our ability to keep products on the market or develop new products, which could have a material effect on our business. In the event that the FDA requires marketing authorization of our LDTs in the future, the FDA may not ultimately grant any clearance, authorization or approval requested by us in a timely manner, may limit our indication in a way that is not commercially desirable, or refuse to provide such authorization at all. In addition, if the FDA inspects our laboratory in relation to the marketing of any FDA-authorized test, any enforcement action the FDA takes might not be limited to the FDA-authorized test carried by us and could encompass our other testing services.

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Complying with numerous statutes and regulations pertaining to our business is an expensive and time-consuming process, and any failure to comply could result in substantial penalties.
In addition to the risks set out under this heading in our 2023 Form 10-K, the U.S. Supreme Court recently reversed its longstanding approach under the Chevron doctrine, which provided for judicial deference to regulatory agencies. As a result of this decision, we cannot be sure whether there will be increased challenges to existing agency regulations or how lower courts will apply the decision in the context of other regulatory schemes without more specific guidance from the U.S. Supreme Court. For example, the U.S. Supreme Court's decision could significantly impact healthcare, privacy, artificial intelligence and anti-corruption practices and other regulatory regimes with which we are required to comply. Any such regulatory developments could result in uncertainty about and changes in the ways such regulations apply to us, and may require additional resources to ensure our continued compliance.
Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities, Use of Proceeds, and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities
Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities
Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures
Item 5. Other Information
Rule 10b5-1 Plan Adoptions and Modifications
On August 16, 2024, Katherine Stueland, our Chief Executive Officer, entered into a written plan for the potential sale of up to an aggregate of 312,808 shares of our Class A common stock, including shares underlying Ms. Stueland’s restricted stock unit (“RSU”) awards (the “Stueland 10b5-1 Plan”). The Stueland 10b5-1 Plan is intended to satisfy the affirmative defense conditions of Rule 10b5-1(c) under the Exchange Act and will be effective from November 15, 2024 to October 30, 2025.
On August 21, 2024, Kevin Feeley, our Chief Financial Officer, entered into a written plan for the potential sale of up to an aggregate of 117,713 shares of our Class A common stock, including shares underlying Mr. Feeley’s RSU and stock option awards (the “Feeley 10b5-1 Plan”). The Feeley 10b5-1 Plan is intended to satisfy the affirmative defense conditions of Rule 10b5-1(c) under the Exchange Act and will be effective from November 21, 2024 to October 30, 2025.
Each 10b5-1 plan included a representation from the applicable officer to the broker administering the plan that the officer was not in possession of any material nonpublic information regarding the Company or the securities subject to the plan. A similar representation was made to us in a certification from each officer provided to us in connection with the adoption of the applicable plan under our insider trading policy. Those representations were made as of the date of adoption of the applicable 10b5-1 plan or the certification, as applicable, and speak only as of those dates. In making those representations, there is no assurance with respect to any material non-public information of which the officer was unaware, or with respect to any material non-public information acquired by the officer or us after the applicable date of the representation.
Other than as disclosed above, during the three months ended September 30, 2024, none of our directors or officers adopted or terminated any “Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangements” or any “non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangements,” as each term is defined in Item 408 of Regulation S-K.
Supplemental Disclosure to our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023
The following updates Part I, Item 1. “Business—Intellectual Property—Patents” in our 2023 Form 10-K:
The fields of genomic and health information analysis present limited opportunities for patent protection, based on current legal precedents. Our patent protection strategy has focused on seeking protection for certain of our non-gene specific technology and our specific biomarkers. In this regard, we have three pending U.S. non-provisional utility patent applications and two U.S. provisional patent applications. The utility patent applications include a U.S. patent application related to generating a cancer

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diagnosis from electronic health records using a cancer diagnosis analysis system, a U.S. patent application related to providing a homologous recombination DNA repair deficiency score for a cancer patient, and a U.S. patent application related to therapeutic treatment for subjects having certain polymorphic markers associated with specific human leukocyte antigen alleles. If patents are issued from the currently pending applications, the earliest patents will begin expiring in the early 2040s, subject to potential extensions of the patent term that will be calculated based on the length of the patent examination process. The claim scope of any potentially issued patents stemming from the present applications may be narrower than initial filings due to any amendments that may arise throughout their prosecution.
We do not presently have any patents directed to the sequences of specific genes or variants of such genes, nor do we currently rely on any in-licensed gene patent rights of any third party. We may, in time, seek additional patent protection to protect technology that is not gene-specific and that provides us with a potential competitive advantage as we focus on making comprehensive genetic information less expensive and more broadly available to our customers.
The following updates Part I, Item 1. “Business—Government Regulation—Information Blocking Prohibition” in our 2023 Form 10-K, and Part II, Item 5 “Supplemental Disclosure to our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023” of each of our Quarterly Reports for the quarterly periods ended March 31, 2024, filed with the SEC on April 29, 2024, and June 30, 2024, filed with the SEC on July 30, 2024:
Information Blocking Prohibition
On May 1, 2020, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (“ONC”) promulgated final regulations under the authority of the 21st Century Cures Act to impose new conditions to obtain and maintain certification of certified health information technology and prohibit certain covered actors, including developers of certified health information technology, health information networks/health information exchanges, and health care providers, from engaging in activities that are likely to interfere with the access, exchange, or use of electronic health information (information blocking). The final regulations further defined exceptions for activities that are permissible, even though they may have the effect of interfering with the access, exchange, or use of electronic health information. The information blocking regulations compliance date was April 5, 2021 and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) subsequently issued a final rule called the HTI-1 Rule that, among other things, revised the information blocking regulations, effective March 11, 2024. On August 5, 2024, ONC published in the Federal Register a proposed rule called the HTI-2 Proposed Rule that, among other things, will further revise the information blocking regulations, if finalized. Under the 21st Century Cures Act, health care providers that violate the information blocking prohibition will be subject to appropriate disincentives. On July 1, 2024, the HHS published in the Federal Register a final rule to establish such disincentives, effective July 31, 2024. Developers of certified information technology and health information networks/health information exchanges, however, may be subject to civil monetary penalties of up to $1 million per violation (adjusted for inflation). The HHS Office of Inspector General has the authority to impose such penalties and on July 3, 2023, published a final rule in the Federal Register codifying new authority in regulation, which became effective September 1, 2023. On July 29, 2024, HHS published a statement in the Federal Register that, among other things, announced a reorganization of certain roles and functions and renamed ONC the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy and Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, or ASTP/ONC.
The following updates Part I, Item 1. “Business—Government Regulation—Reimbursement and Billing” in our 2023 Form 10-K, and Part II, Item 5 “Supplemental Disclosure to our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023” of each of our Quarterly Reports for the quarterly periods ended March 31, 2024, filed with the SEC on April 29, 2024, and June 30, 2024, filed with the SEC on July 30, 2024:
Reimbursement and Billing
In April 2014, Congress passed the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (“PAMA”), which included substantial changes to the way in which clinical laboratory services are paid under Medicare. Under PAMA (as amended) and its implementing regulations, laboratories that realize at least $12,500 in Medicare Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (“CLFS”) revenues during the six month reporting period and that receive the majority of their Medicare revenue from payments made under the CLFS or the Physician Fee Schedule must report, beginning in 2017, and then in 2026 and every three years thereafter (or annually for “advanced diagnostic laboratory tests”), private payor payment rates and volumes for their tests. None of our tests meet the current definition of advanced diagnostic laboratory tests, and therefore we believe we are required to report private payor rates for our tests on an every three- years basis, starting next in 2026. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) use the rates and volumes reported by laboratories to develop Medicare payment rates for the tests equal to the volume-weighted median of the private payor payment rates for the tests. Laboratories that fail to report the required payment information may be subject to substantial civil money penalties.
As set forth under the regulations implementing PAMA, for tests furnished on or after January 1, 2018, Medicare payments for clinical diagnostic laboratory tests are paid based upon these reported private payor rates. For clinical diagnostic laboratory tests that are assigned a new or substantially revised code, initial payment rates for clinical diagnostic laboratory tests that are not

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advanced diagnostic laboratory tests will be assigned by the crosswalk or gap-fill methodology, as under prior law. Initial payment rates for new advanced diagnostic laboratory tests will be based on the actual list charge for the laboratory test.
The payment rates calculated under PAMA went into effect starting January 1, 2018. Where applicable, reductions to payment rates resulting from the new methodology were limited to 10% per test per year in each of the years 2018 through 2020. Rates were held at 2020 levels during 2021 through 2024 and will continue to be held at such levels in 2025. Then, where applicable based upon median private payor rates reported in 2017 or 2026, reduced by up to 15% per test per year in each of 2026 through 2028 (with a second round of private payor rate reporting in 2026 to establish rates for 2027 through 2029).
PAMA codified Medicare coverage rules for laboratory tests by requiring any local coverage determination to be made following the local coverage determination process. PAMA also authorizes CMS to consolidate coverage policies for clinical laboratory tests among one to four laboratory-specific Medicare Administrative Contractors (“MACs”). These same contractors may also be designated to process claims if CMS determines that such a model is appropriate. It is unclear whether CMS will proceed with contractor consolidation under this authorization.
PAMA also authorized the adoption of new, temporary billing codes and/or unique test identifiers for FDA-cleared or approved tests as well as advanced diagnostic laboratory tests. The American Medical Association has created a section of billing codes, Proprietary Laboratory Analyses (“PLA”), to facilitate implementation of this section of PAMA. These codes may apply to one or more of our tests if we apply for PLA coding.
Reimbursement and billing for diagnostic services is highly complex, and errors in billing potentially can result in denied claims and/or in substantial obligations to repay overpayments to payors. Laboratories must bill various payors, such as private third-party payors, including managed care organizations (“MCO”), and state and federal health care programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, and each may have different billing requirements. Additionally, the audit requirements we must meet to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, as well as our internal compliance policies and procedures, add further complexity to the billing process. Other factors that complicate billing include:
variability in coverage and information requirements among various payors;
patient financial assistance programs;
missing, incomplete or inaccurate billing information provided by ordering physicians;
billings to payors with whom we do not have contracts;
disputes with payors as to which party is responsible for payment; and
disputes with payors as to the appropriate level of reimbursement.
Depending on the reimbursement arrangement and applicable law, the party that reimburses us for our services may be:
a third party who provides coverage to the patient, such as an insurance company or MCO;
a state or federal healthcare program; or
the patient.

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Item 6. Exhibits
The following exhibits are filed as part of, or incorporated by reference into this Quarterly Report.
No.Description of ExhibitFiled Herewith
Inline XBRL Instance Document.
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document.
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document.
101.DEFInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document.X
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Labels Linkbase Document.
101.PREInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document.X
Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as inline XBRL with applicable taxonomy extension information contained in Exhibit 101).
** Furnished

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Pursuant to the requirements of Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
October 29, 2024
/s/ Katherine Stueland
Katherine Stueland
Chief Executive Officer and Director
(Principal Executive Officer)
October 29, 2024
/s/ Kevin Feeley
Kevin Feeley
Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial Officer)