
表格 10-Q


針對從[            ]到[            ]的過渡期

委員會文件號 001-05224
CT 06-0548860
新不列顛, CT 06053

註冊人電話號碼,包括區號 860 225-5111
普通股每股面值$2.50SWK請使用moomoo賬號登錄查看New York Stock Exchange
請在對應的複選框內表示下文所提及的公司是否已在過去12個月之內(或爲該公司要求提交該類文件的短於12個月的期間)以電子方式提交了必須根據S-T法規第405規則(本章第232.405條)提交的每一個互動數據文件。      否  
大型加速存取器þ  快速提交者¨
非大型快速提交者¨  較小的報告公司
如果是新興成長型企業,請勾選,表示註冊人選擇不使用根據證券交易法第13(a)節提供的遵守任何新的或修改的財務會計準則的延遲過渡期。 ¨
154,163,874 截至2024年10月24日,發行人普通股的流通數量爲。


第一部分 — 財務信息

淨銷售額$3,751.3 $3,953.9 $11,645.2 $12,044.6 
銷售成本$2,630.7 $2,893.3 $8,274.9 $9,216.4 
銷售、一般及行政費用790.0 791.8 2,467.8 2,449.2 
撥備7.1 2.5 9.7 7.5 
其他,淨額86.4 94.0 392.9 224.3 
出售業務的虧損   7.6 
資產減值損失46.9 124.0 72.4 124.0 
重組費用22.1 10.9 66.9 27.6 
利息支出131.4 144.6 384.2 420.1 
$3,661.8 $4,010.9 $11,529.5 $12,341.5 
扣除所得稅前繼續經營業務盈利(虧損)89.5 (57.0)115.7 (296.9)
持續經營的所得稅(1.6)(61.7)24.3 (291.3)
持續經營的淨收益(虧損) $91.1 $4.7 $91.4 $(5.6)
安防-半導體銷售損益(稅前)  10.4 (0.8)
終止經營的所得稅  2.4 (0.3)
終止經營的淨收益(虧損)$ $ $8.0 $(0.5)
淨收益(損失)$91.1 $4.7 $99.4 $(6.1)
綜合收益(損失)總額$228.2 $(107.1)$73.1 $(94.2)
持續經營業務$0.61 $0.03 $0.61 $(0.04)
已停業的業務$ $ $0.05 $ 
普通股每股基本盈利(虧損)總額$0.61 $0.03 $0.66 $(0.04)
持續經營業務$0.60 $0.03 $0.60 $(0.04)
已停業的業務$ $ $0.05 $ 
普通股每股總攤薄盈利(虧損)$0.60 $0.03 $0.66 $(0.04)
請參閱 unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements 註釋。

現金及現金等價物$298.7 $449.4 
應收賬款及票據,淨額1,503.1 1,302.0 
淨存貨4,630.0 4,738.6 
持有待售的流動資產 140.8 
預付費用365.5 360.5 
其他資產33.6 26.0 
流動資產合計6,830.9 7,017.3 
物業、廠房和設備,淨值2,063.0 2,169.9 
商譽8,004.4 7,995.9 
無形資產,淨額3,787.1 3,949.6 
持有待售的長期資產 716.8 
其他1,796.4 1,814.3 
總資產$22,481.8 $23,663.8 
短期借款$387.4 $1,074.8 
長期債務的流動部分500.2 1.1 
應付賬款2,405.2 2,298.9 
應計費用1,999.5 2,464.3 
待售的流動負債 44.1 
總流動負債5,292.3 5,883.2 
長期債務5,604.1 6,101.0 
遞延所得稅207.9 333.2 
養老福利355.9 378.4 
持有待出售的長期負債 84.8 
其他負債2,162.4 1,827.1 
承諾和或有事項 (附註 O 和 P)
普通股,每股面值 $,授權股數:百萬股;發行股數:分別爲2024年6月30日和2023年12月31日:百萬股;流通股數:分別爲2024年6月30日和2023年12月31日:百萬股2.50
授權300,000,000 2024年和2023年發行了股票。
已發行;176,902,738 2024年和2023年發行了股票。
442.3 442.3 
保留盈餘8,272.4 8,540.2 
股票認購應收款項。5,086.5 5,059.0 
11,705.8 11,972.4 
減:庫存中普通股的成本(22,755,2282024年股份總數爲43,795,955股和23,282,650 2023年持有的股份)
股東權益合計8,859.2 9,056.1 
負債和股東權益合計$22,481.8 $23,663.8 


淨收益(虧損)$91.1 $4.7 $99.4 $(6.1)
固定資產的折舊和攤銷113.9 103.0 327.3 332.0 
無形資產攤銷40.8 48.1 122.6 144.7 
出售業務的虧損   7.6 
(出售)已停止經營業務的利潤(損失)  (10.4)0.8 
資產減值損失46.9 124.0 72.4 124.0 
股票補償費用21.1 18.7 85.8 65.5 
營運資本變動(60.8)155.6 (22.8)253.3 
其他資產和負債的變化32.8 (10.2)(246.5)(499.8)
經營活動產生的現金流量285.8 443.9 427.8 422.0 
出售企業的收益,減去售出現金  735.6 (5.7)
其他1.1 3.5 4.6 15.3 
投資活動中提供的現金(流出)(85.4)(76.4)500.8 (206.8)
債務發行所得款淨額,扣除費用 (0.6) 745.3 
手工匠可變報酬支付   (18.0)
其他10.8 0.6 5.7 (11.5)
匯率變動對現金、現金等價物及受限制資金的影響14.1 (23.6)(28.5)(28.7)
期初現金、現金等價物及受限制的現金320.7 395.9 454.6 404.9 
現金、現金等價物和受限制現金餘額,期末$300.9 $352.1 $300.9 $352.1 

現金及現金等價物$298.7 $449.4 
包含在其他流動資產中的受限現金2.2 4.6 
包含在待售流動資產中的現金及現金等價物 0.6 
現金、現金及現金等價物和受限現金$300.9 $454.6 
See Notes to Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.


截至2023年12月30日的餘額$442.3 $5,059.0 $8,540.2 $(2,069.1)$(2,916.3)$ $9,056.1 
淨收益— — 19.5 — — — 19.5 
其他綜合損失— — — (116.2)— — (116.2)
宣佈的現金分紅派息 — $0.81 每普通股$
— — (121.8)— — — (121.8)
普通股的發行 (303,005 股)
— (35.0)— — 38.8 — 3.8 
回購普通股(70,802 股票)
— — — — (6.3)— (6.3)
與股票相關的薪酬— 41.3 — — — — 41.3 
2024年3月30日餘額$442.3 $5,065.3 $8,437.9 $(2,185.3)$(2,883.8)$ $8,876.4 
淨損失— — (11.2)— — — (11.2)
其他綜合損失— — — (47.2)— — (47.2)
已宣佈現金分紅 — $0.81 每普通股$
— — (121.8)— — — (121.8)
普通股發行(102,918 股)
— (8.1)— — 11.8 — 3.7 
普通股回購(21,451 股)
— — — — (1.4)— (1.4)
與股票相關的薪酬— 23.4 — — — — 23.4 
截至2024年6月29日的餘額$442.3 $5,080.6 $8,304.9 $(2,232.5)$(2,873.4)$ $8,721.9 
淨收益— — 91.1 — — — 91.1 
其他綜合收益— — — 137.1 — — 137.1 
已宣告現金分紅 — $0.82 每普通股$
— — (123.6)— — — (123.6)
普通股的發行 (239,387 股)
— (15.2)— — 29.1 — 13.9 
普通股的回購 (25,635 股票)
— — — — (2.3)— (2.3)
與股票相關的薪酬— 21.1 — — — — 21.1 
2024年9月28日的餘額$442.3 $5,086.5 $8,272.4 $(2,095.4)$(2,846.6)$ $8,859.2 

2022年12月31日期末餘額$442.3 $5,055.6 $9,333.3 $(2,119.5)$(2,999.6)$2.1 $9,714.2 
淨損失— — (187.8)— — — (187.8)
其他綜合收益— — — 52.8 — — 52.8 
宣佈的現金分紅金額爲 — $0.80
— — (119.8)— — — (119.8)
— (21.5)— — 24.6 — 3.1 
普通股的回購(58,377 股)
— — — — (4.8)— (4.8)
與股票掛鉤的薪酬相關— 34.7 — — — — 34.7 
2023年4月1日的餘額$442.3 $5,068.8 $9,025.7 $(2,066.7)$(2,979.8)$2.1 $9,492.4 
淨收益— — 177.0 — — — 177.0 
其他綜合損失— — — (29.1)— — (29.1)
宣佈的現金分紅派息— $0.80
— — (119.7)— — — (119.7)
— (8.1)— — 12.1 — 4.0 
— — — — (0.8)— (0.8)
與股票相關的薪酬— 12.1 — — — — 12.1 
2023年7月1日餘額$442.3 $5,072.8 $9,083.0 $(2,095.8)$(2,968.5)$2.1 $9,535.9 
淨收益— — 4.7 — — — 4.7 
其他綜合損失— — — (111.8)— — (111.8)
現金分紅宣佈 - $0.81
— — (121.3)— — — (121.3)
— (8.4)— — 12.8 — 4.4 
— — — — (1.2)— (1.2)
與股價相關的薪酬— 18.7 — — — — 18.7 
2023年9月30日結餘$442.3 $5,083.1 $8,966.4 $(2,207.6)$(2,956.9)$2.1 $9,329.4 
請參閱 unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements 註釋。



A.    重要會計政策


隨附的未經審計的合併基本報表是根據美國會計原則(以下簡稱"公認會計原則")爲中期基本報表和遵循10-Q表格的說明以及S-X法規第10條的要求編制的,不包括公認會計原則對完整基本報表所需的所有信息和腳註。在管理層看來,已包括所有爲公正呈現中期經營成果所認爲必要的調整,這些調整都是正常且經常發生的。 截至2024年9月28日的三個月及九個月的運營結果,不一定代表可預期的完整財政年度的結果。有關更多信息,請參考美國史丹利公司的("公司")截至2023年12月30日的年度報告中包含的合併基本報表和腳註,以及向證券交易委員會("SEC")提交的後續相關文件。

2024 年 4 月 1 日,公司完成了對基礎設施業務的出售。根據管理層出售該業務的承諾,截至2023年12月30日,公司簡明合併資產負債表中與基礎設施相關的資產和負債被歸類爲待售資產。此次剝離不符合已終止業務的資格,因此,其業績已包含在公司截至出售之日的合併運營報表和持續經營綜合收益(虧損)中。出售基礎設施業務是公司戰略承諾的一部分,該承諾旨在簡化和簡化其產品組合,將重點放在覈心工具、戶外和工業業務上。請參閱 注 Q,資產剝離, 以進一步討論此次交易。

根據公認會計原則準備基本報表要求管理層進行估計和假設,這些估計和假設會影響基本報表中報告的金額。雖然管理層認爲在準備基本報表時使用的估計和假設是合適的,但實際結果可能與這些估計有所不同。 某些在以前年度報告的金額已被重新分類以符合2024年的呈現。

b.    新會計準則

新會計標準已採納 — 在2022年6月,金融會計準則委員會("FASB")發佈了會計標準更新("ASU")2022-03, 公允價值計量(主題820):受合同銷售限制的股權證券的公允價值計量新標準澄清,股權證券的銷售合同限制在測量證券的公允價值時不應考慮。新標準還要求對具有合同銷售限制的股權證券進行某些披露。該ASU自2023年12月15日後開始的財政年度生效,包括該財政年度內的中期時段。公司在2024年第一季度採納了該標準,且未對其合併基本報表產生重大影響。

近期發行的尚未採用的會計準則 — 在2023年12月,FASB發佈了ASU 2023-09, 所得稅(主題740):改善所得稅披露新的標準的發佈旨在通過提供有助於投資者更好地理解一個實體的運營、稅收風險、稅務規劃和運營機會如何影響其稅率和未來現金流前景的信息,提高收入稅披露的透明度和決策實用性。本次更新中的修正主要涉及要求在稅率調整、已支付的所得稅、繼續經營的營業收入(損失)在所得稅費用(收益)之前,以及繼續經營的所得稅費用(收益)中,提供更詳細的信息披露。該ASU適用於2024年12月15日之後開始的財年,允許提前採用。該標準可以選擇前瞻性或追溯性應用。公司目前正在評估此指導性意見,以判斷其對公司合併基本報表可能產生的影響。

在2023年11月,FASB發佈了ASU 2023-07, segment reporting (主題 280): 可報告分部披露的改進. 新標準通過修訂要求改進可報告部門的披露要求,要求在中期和年度基礎上披露重大部門費用和其他部門項目,並要求所有關於可報告部門利潤或損失及資產的年度披露均以中期基礎進行。該標準還要求披露首席運營決策者(「CODM」)的職稱和職位,以及解釋CODM如何在評估部門業績和決定資源分配時使用報告的部門利潤或損失指標。該標準還明確,如果CODM在評估部門業績和決定資源分配時使用多個指標,公司可以報告額外的部門利潤或損失指標,並且公司


C.    每股收益

來自持續經營的淨收益(虧損) $91.1 $4.7 $91.4 $(5.6)
來自終止經營的淨收益(虧損)  8.0 (0.5)
淨收益(損失)$91.1 $4.7 $99.4 $(6.1)

基本加權平均流通股數150,580 149,799 150,405 149,687 
股票合同和獎勵的稀釋效應885 746 778  
稀釋加權平均流通股數151,465 150,545 151,183 149,687 

Third QuarterYear-to-Date
Earnings (loss) per share of common stock:
Basic earnings (loss) per share of common stock:
Continuing operations$0.61 $0.03 $0.61 $(0.04)
Discontinued operations$ $ $0.05 $ 
Total basic earnings (loss) per share of common stock$0.61 $0.03 $0.66 $(0.04)
Diluted earnings (loss) per share of common stock:
Continuing operations$0.60 $0.03 $0.60 $(0.04)
Discontinued operations$ $ $0.05 $ 
Total diluted earnings (loss) per share of common stock$0.60 $0.03 $0.66 $(0.04)

The following weighted-average stock options were not included in the computation of weighted-average diluted shares outstanding because the effect would be anti-dilutive (in thousands):
Third QuarterYear-to-Date
Number of stock options5,063 5,048 5,265 5,547 

In March 2015, the Company entered into a forward share purchase contract with a financial institution counterparty for 3,645,510 shares of common stock. The contract obligates the Company to pay $350.0 million, plus an additional amount related to the forward component of the contract. In June 2024, the Company amended the settlement date to June 2026, or earlier at the Company's option. The reduction of common shares outstanding was recorded at the inception of the forward share purchase contract in March 2015 and factored into the calculation of weighted-average shares outstanding at that time.

Table of Contents

D.    應收賬款和應收票據淨額
貿易應收賬款$1,260.9 $1,057.8 
應收票據86.4 66.9 
其他應收賬款232.3 253.9 
應收賬款和票據$1,579.6 $1,378.6 
應收賬款和票據,淨額$1,503.1 $1,302.0 

期初餘額$72.0 $88.0 $76.6 $106.6 
期末餘額$76.5 $88.4 $76.5 $88.4 

公司設立了應收賬款出售計劃。根據條款,公司以公允價值向其全資擁有、合併的、與破產無關的特殊目的子公司(“BRS")出售其部分貿易應收賬款。BRS隨後可以將這些應收賬款賣給第三方金融機構(「購買方」)以獲取現金。購買方對應收賬款的最大現金投資金額爲110.0百萬美元。該計劃的目的是爲公司提供流動性。根據會計準則宗述("ASC")860,這些轉讓被確認爲銷售。 轉移和服務當BRS將這些應收賬款轉售給購買方時,這些應收賬款將從公司的合併資產負債表中攤銷。公司對已轉讓的應收款項沒有留有其他保留權益,除了收款和行政責任。截至2024年9月28日,公司根據其對服務費用、類似交易的市場價值以及服務已售應收賬款的成本的評估,並未記錄與其保留責任相關的服務資產或負債。


截至2024年9月28日和2023年12月30日,公司的遞延營業收入總額爲$105.8萬美元和116.8 與受限制的股票單位有關的股票獎勵支出基於公司股票價格的公平價值,其分攤期爲歸屬期間,通常在之間。34.4萬美元和31.7 百萬,分別被分類爲流動的。 截至2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日九個月的營業收入是此前在2023年12月30日和2022年12月31日被遞延的,總額爲$21.6萬美元和17.62024年4月30日和2023年4月30日的六個月內的外匯重新計量淨收益分別爲$百萬。


成品$3,020.0 $2,912.5 
在製品337.8 263.4 
原材料1,272.2 1,562.7 
總計$4,630.0 $4,738.6 

F.    善意
2023年12月30日餘額$5,976.3 $2,019.6 $7,995.9 
外匯翻譯和其他20.2 (11.7)8.5 
2024年9月28日餘額$5,996.5 $2,007.9 $8,004.4 
總計$的商譽被重新分類爲截至2023年12月30日待售資產。製造行業的商譽金額已包括在2023年第四季度和2024年第一季度確認的減記費用中,以調整製造行業長期資產的賬面價值至在2024年第二季度業務出售前的預計公允價值減去銷售成本。請參考540.5百萬美元與製造行業相關的商譽已於2023年12月30日重新分類爲待售資產。製造行業的商譽金額已包括在2023年第四季度和2024年第一季度的減值損失中,以調整製造行業長期資產的賬面價值至其在2024年第二季度業務出售之前的預估公允價值減去銷售成本。請參考 注意事項Q,剝離業務, 進一步討論


未攤銷收益/(虧損) 終止掉期合約 1
到期日2025年的應付票據2.30%$500.0 $(0.1)$ $ $(0.3)$499.6 $498.7 
到期日2026年的應付票據3.40%500.0 (0.2)  (0.6)499.2 498.9 
到期日2026年的應付票據6.27%350.0    (0.9)349.1 348.6 
到期日2026年的應付票據3.42%25.0   0.7  25.7 26.0 
到期日2026年的應付票據1.84%28.0   0.8 (0.1)28.7 28.5 
2028年到期的應付票據6.00%400.0 (0.3)  (1.7)398.0 397.5 
2028年到期的應付票據7.05%150.0  4.1 3.9  158.0 159.7 
2028年到期的應付票據4.25%500.0 (0.1)  (1.8)498.1 497.7 
2028年到期的應付票據3.52%50.0   2.7 (0.1)52.6 53.1 
2030年到期的應付票據2.30%750.0 (1.4)  (2.8)745.8 745.3 
2032年到期的應付票據3.00%500.0 (0.7)  (2.6)496.7 496.3 
2040年到期的應付票據5.20%400.0 (0.2)(23.5) (2.2)374.1 372.9 
2048年到期的應付票據4.85%500.0 (0.4)  (4.5)495.1 495.0 
到期日2050年的應付票據2.75%750.0 (1.7)  (7.3)741.0 740.7 
到期日2060年的應付票據(次級次級債務)4.00%750.0    (8.4)741.6 741.4 
1.0     1.0 1.8 
總長期債務,包括流動部分$6,154.0 $(5.1)$(19.4)$8.1 $(33.3)$6,104.3 $6,102.1 
長期債務$5,604.1 $6,101.0 
1利率互換相關的未攤銷收益/(虧損)在中有更詳細的討論 註釋H,金融工具。
公司有一個5000萬美元的無擔保高級循環信貸設施,其中有一個未承諾的手風琴功能,可以將該設施的規模增加至1億美元,視情況和其他銀行承諾的可用性。該設施還提供以美元爲單位的保函,保函子限額等於$3.5 數十億美元的商業票據計劃,其中包括以美元爲單位的借款,以及歐元。截至2024年9月28日,公司的商業票據借款餘額爲$387.3萬美元用於推遲的承銷佣金和分配給衍生證券認購證明的發行成本,分別。387.1歐元名義商業票據中的百萬美元被指定爲淨投資對沖。截至2023年12月30日,公司的欠款金額爲$1.1數十億美元的貸款尚未償還,其中$399.7歐元名義商業票據中的百萬美元被指定爲淨投資對沖。請參閱 註釋H,財務工具,以獲取更多討論。

2024 年 6 月,公司修改並重述了其現有的 五年 $2.5 十億美元的承諾信貸額度,同時執行一項新的信貸額度 五年 $2.25十億美元的承諾信貸額度(”5-年度信貸協議”)。根據的借款 5-年度信貸協議可以用美元、歐元或英鎊簽訂。金額的子限額等於歐元等值美元800.0 百萬美元指定用於週轉線預付款。借款按浮動利率計息,加上適用的按金,具體取決於借款的面額和具體條款 5-年度信貸協議。公司必須償還所有預付款 5-在2029年6月28日之前或終止時簽訂年度信貸協議。這個 5-年度信貸協議被指定爲公司美元的流動性支持3.5 十億美元和歐元的商業票據計劃。截至2024年9月28日和2023年12月30日,該公司已經 它上面畫的 五年 承諾的信貸額度。

2024年6月,公司終止了其 364-天$1.5 億美元承諾信貸設施(“2023年聯合 364-天信貸協議”),該協議於2023年9月簽訂。截至2023年12月30日,2023年聯合 no -天信貸協議終止時尚有未清償金額。與此同時,公司簽署了一份新的 364 億美元銀行1.25聯合 364-天信貸協議("2024年銀團貸款 ")是一項循環信貸貸款。2024年銀團貸款的借款可以以美元或歐元進行,按浮動利率加上適用的差額按照借款的幣種及根據2024年銀團信貸協議的條款支付利息。 364-天信貸協議借款可以以美元或歐元進行,按浮動利率加上適用的差額按照借款的幣種及根據2024年銀團授信協議的條款支付利息。 364-天信貸協議借款可以以美元或歐元進行,按浮動利率加上適用的差額按照借款的幣種及根據2024年銀團授信協議的條款支付利息。 364-天信貸協議借款可以以美元或歐元進行,按浮動利率加上適用的差額按照借款的幣種及根據2024年銀團授信協議的條款支付利息。 364公司必須在2024年銀團授信協議規定的時間之前償還所有借款,最遲於2025年6月27日或終止時。公司,但是,可以將終止時尚未償清的所有借款轉爲一筆期限貸款,該貸款應在終止日期的第一個週年之前還清,前提是公司等其他條件下向行政代理支付每個貸款人的帳戶的費用。

2024年銀團貸款協議 364-天信用協議是公司10億美元和歐元商業票據計劃的流動性後備措施之一3.5截至2024年9月28日,該公司尚未動用其2024年銀團貸款協議 no天信用協議 364-天信用協議的額度.

The 5-年度授信協議和2024年銀團授信協議,如上所述,包含習慣的肯定和否定契約,包括但不限於保持利息覆蓋比例。利息覆蓋比例用於檢測契約符合性,將調整後的利息稅前利潤、折舊及攤銷費用與調整後的淨利息費用進行比較("調整後息稅前利潤"/"調整後淨利息費用")。公司必須維持公司連續四個財政季度的利息覆蓋比例不低於 364(-日授信協議中提到,包含習慣的肯定和否定契約,包括但不限於保持利息覆蓋比例。利息覆蓋比例用於檢測契約符合性,將調整後的利息稅前利潤、折舊及攤銷費用與調整後的淨利息費用進行比較("調整後息稅前利潤"/"調整後淨利息費用")。公司必須維持公司連續四個財政季度的利息覆蓋比例不低於 3.50 到1.00,公司只需維持不低於(i) 1.50 到1.00,任何截止於公司2024年第二財政季度結束的四個季度期間,以及(ii) 2.50 到1.00,截止於公司2024年第二財政季度之後,直至公司2025年第二財政季度結束的四個季度期間。計算公司與利息覆蓋比率相關的合規性時,根據每項授信協議定義的計算,公司被允許增加息稅前利潤以進行額外調整抵減2015年第二財政季度結束前產生的調整,前提是(A)合併公司2024年第二財政季度之前產生的適用調整的總額不得超過500百萬美元;(B)合併公司2024年第三財政季度至公司2025年第二財政季度結束產生的適用調整的總額不得超過250百萬美元;此外,任何四個季度期間適用調整的總額不得超過$500合計100萬美元。



如果公司決定這樣做,並且工具符合ASC 815中指定的標準, 衍生品和套期保值管理層將其衍生工具指定爲現金流量套期保值、公允價值套期保值或淨投資套期保值。通常,商品價格暴露不會通過衍生金融工具進行套期保值,而是通過客戶定價倡議、採購驅動的成本削減倡議和其他生產率改進項目進行積極管理。金融工具不會被用於投機目的。

匯率期貨合同現金流其他資產$0.3 $0.1 應計費用$12.1 $4.9 
其他資產  其他負債2.2  
淨投資套期保值$ $ 短期借款$387.1 $399.7 
作爲套期保值工具指定的總額$0.3 $0.1 $401.4 $404.6 
外匯合約其他資產$15.6 $8.4 應計費用$15.8 $13.0 
總計$15.9 $8.5 $417.2 $417.6 




截至2024年9月28日和2023年12月30日,現金流套期效用報告的累計其他綜合損失中,存在稅後按市場價值計提的虧損$百萬。47.5萬美元和42.5 預計將在接下來的十二個月內,隨着套期交易的發生或金額在攤銷過程中,$百萬的稅後損失將重新分類至收益中。根據套期貨幣和利率在到期日之前的波動,認定的最終金額將有所變動。10.0 最終確認的金額將根據套期交易的發生或金額在未來十二個月內攤銷的方式,以及利率期貨和套期貨幣在到期日前的波動而變化。


利率期貨$ 利息支出$(1.5)$ 
外匯合約$(17.4)銷售成本$0.5 $ 

利率期貨$ 利息費用$(4.6)$ 
外匯合約$(9.2)銷售成本$2.1 $ 

利率期貨$ 利息支出$(1.5)$ 
外匯合約$11.0 銷售成本$(0.7)$ 
利率期貨$ 利息費用$(4.6)$ 
外匯合約$6.5 銷售成本$(1.1)$ 


在其中記錄現金流量套期交易效應的綜合收益(損失)表中的總額$2,630.7 $131.4 $8,274.9 $384.2 
被對沖項目$(0.5)$ $(2.1)$ 
從其他綜合收益重新分類至收入的盈利(虧損)$0.5 $ $2.1 $ 
從其他綜合收益重新分類至收入的盈利(虧損) 1
$ $(1.5)$ $(4.6)
綜合收益(損失)的合併利潤表中的總金額,其中記錄了現金流量套期交易的影響$2,893.3 $144.6 $9,216.4 $420.1 
被對沖項目$0.7 $ $1.1 $ 
在其他綜合收益中重新分類爲收入的收益(損失)$(0.7)$ $(1.1)$ 
在其他綜合收益中重新分類爲收入的收益(損失) 1
$ $(1.5)$ $(4.6)
1 包括終止的衍生金融工具上的收益/損失攤銷。

每股稅後虧損$0.6萬美元和1.0 百萬美元分別從累積其他綜合虧損中重新分類至收益(包括對終止衍生工具的攤銷收益/損失), 分別發生在影響三個月截至2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日的基礎對沖交易的收益期間。每股稅後虧損$1.4萬美元和2.9 百萬美元,分別從累積其他綜合虧損中重新分類至收益(包括對終止衍生工具的攤銷收益/損失), 分別發生在影響九個月截至2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日的基礎對沖交易的收益期間。

利率合約: 在之前的幾年中,公司簽訂了利率互換協議,以獲取位於可變和固定債務比例區間內的最低成本資金來源。這些互換協議被指定爲現金流量套期保值,隨後到期或終止,並將其收益/損失記錄在累積其他綜合損失中,並按攤銷到利息費用。由於互換到期或終止產生的現金流量曾經在綜合現金流量表的籌資活動中展示過。


遠期合約:通過其全球業務,該公司進行了以多種貨幣計價的交易和投資,從而產生外匯風險。 公司及其子公司定期從具有不同功能貨幣的子公司購買存貨,這會在公司經營業績中產生與貨幣相關的波動。 公司利用遠期合同對這些預測購買和銷售存貨進行套期保值。 從累積其他全面損失中重新分類的收益和損失記錄在銷售成本中,因爲套期項目會影響收入。 對於這些合同,沒有被排除在有效性評估之外的元件。 截至2024年9月28日和2023年12月30日,未平值的遠期貨幣合約名義價值分別爲$734.3萬美元和300.0 百萬,分別於2025年和2024年通過各種日期到期。




在綜合損益表中記錄了公允價值套期交易的影響的總額$131.4 $384.2 
綜合收益表中的總金額,其中記錄了公允價值套期保值的影響$144.6 $420.1 

已對沖負債的賬面金額 (1)
長期負債的流動部分$500.2 已終止掉期 $ 
長期債務$532.1 已終止的掉期 $(19.4)
對沖負債的賬面金額 (1)
長期負債的流動部分$1.1 終止的掉期交易$ 
長期債務$532.6 終止的掉期交易$(19.7)
(1) 代表不再作爲合格公允價值套期工具的套期項目。


公司利用淨投資對沖來抵消其對外國子公司資產和負債重新計量所產生的翻譯調整。在其他綜合損益累計額中,截至2024年9月28日和2023年12月30日的稅後總額分別爲利潤$61.5萬美元和64.9 百萬。

截至2024年9月28日和2023年12月30日,公司沒有任何淨投資對沖,也沒有未了結名義價值。截至2024年9月28日,公司持有價值$ 的歐元指數商業票據。387.1百萬,2024年到期,用於對沖公司歐元指數淨投資的一部分。截至2023年12月30日,公司持有價值$ 的歐元指數商業票據。399.7百萬,2024年到期,用於對沖公司歐元指數淨投資的一部分。

到期的匯率期貨合同導致 no 在截至2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日的九個月內收到或支付的現金。


投資套期保值的利潤和損失在直到基礎資產處置時仍保留在其他綜合收益累計數中。 在評估有效性時被排除的元件所代表的利潤和損失,按直線基礎逐期認可在其他方面的收入中。套期保值解除後的利潤和損失直接記錄在綜合收入(損失)的綜合帳戶中的其他部分。

遠期合同$0.4 $ 其他,淨額$ $ 
貨幣互換$0.1 $ 其他,淨額$ $ 
非衍生工具,指定爲淨投資套期交易$(15.2)$ 其他,淨額$ $ 

遠期合同$0.1 $ 其他,淨額$ $ 
貨幣互換$0.1 $ 其他,淨額$ $ 
非衍生品指定爲淨投資套期保值$(4.4)$ 其他,淨額$ $ 
遠期合同$(0.2)$ 其他,淨額$ $ 
貨幣互換$ $ 其他,淨額$ $ 
非衍生品指定爲淨投資套期保值$19.2 $ 其他,淨額$ $ 
遠期合同$ $ 其他,淨額$ $ 
貨幣互換$(0.1)$ 其他,淨額$ $ 
非衍生工具指定爲淨投資套期保值$9.4 $ 其他,淨額$ $ 

匯率期貨合約:匯率期貨遠期合同用於降低特定以外幣計價的資產和負債(例如關聯公司貸款、應付款和應收賬款)公允價值變動帶來的風險。目標是最小化外幣波動對經營業績的影響。截至2023年12月30日,未到期遠期合同的名義金額合計爲$1.4 截至2024年9月28日,商譽累計減值損失爲X億美元1.0 ,分別到期日期爲2024年各個日期。 根據ASC 815,截至2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日結束的三個月和九個月內,未指定爲避險工具的衍生工具導致的公允價值變動在綜合損益表中的損失如下:

外匯合約其他,淨額$2.9 $(7.3)$(6.9)$(30.4)

I.    累計其他綜合損失

截至2023年12月30日的餘額$(1,832.3)$(42.5)$64.9 $(259.2)$(2,069.1)
與業務銷售相關的調整(6.0)   (6.0)
盈利的再分類調整 1.4  6.9 8.3 
2024年9月28日的結餘$(1,850.1)$(47.5)$61.5 $(259.3)$(2,095.4)
2022年12月31日餘額$(1,907.4)$(44.5)$73.8 $(241.4)$(2,119.5)
重新分類前綜合(損失)收益(108.6)6.1 7.0 (2.5)(98.0)
重新分類調整對收益 2.9  7.0 9.9 
其他綜合損益的淨(虧)收益(108.6)9.0 7.0 4.5 (88.1)
2023年9月30日的餘額$(2,016.0)$(35.5)$80.8 $(236.9)$(2,207.6)

公司使用投資組合方法,釋放從累積其他綜合損益中滯留的稅務影響。 2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日結束的九個月內,從累積其他綜合損益中重新分類如下:

現實化的收益(損失)對現金流量套期交易$2.1 $(1.1)銷售成本
所得稅影響1.1 2.8 所得稅
所得稅影響2.1 1.9 所得稅

J. 淨週期性福利成本-確定福利計劃
服務費用 $1.6 $2.0 $3.1 $2.8 $0.1 $0.1 
利息費用12.9 13.6 10.6 11.0 0.4 0.5 
往期服務成本(貸)攤銷0.2 0.2 (0.2)(0.2)  
淨損失(收益)攤銷2.0 2.3 1.1 0.8 (0.4)(0.4)
結算/減少損失  3.4 0.5   
淨週期性養老金費用$1.5 $2.6 $6.8 $4.4 $0.1 $0.2 
服務成本$4.8 $6.1 $9.2 $8.4 $0.2 $0.2 
利息費用38.7 41.0 31.4 32.6 1.2 1.5 
先前服務成本的攤銷(貸項)0.5 0.6 (0.6)(0.5)  
淨損失(收益)攤銷6.0 6.7 3.3 2.5 (0.9)(1.0)
解決/削減損失  3.5 0.6   
淨週期性養老金費用$4.4 $7.8 $13.9 $12.5 $0.5 $0.7 

k.    公允價值計量

ASC 820提供了衡量公允價值的框架,並要求對公允價值計量進行額外披露。根據ASC 820的規定,該計劃將其投資分類爲Level 1,這是指使用相同資產的活躍市場的報價價格衡量的證券;Level 2,這是指未在活躍市場上交易的,但市場可觀察的輸入很容易得到的證券;和Level 3,這是指根據重大不可觀察的輸入衡量的證券。整個投資是基於對公允價值衡量具有重大影響的最低水平的輸入進行分類。公允價值計量, 定義、建立了一個一致的框架來衡量並擴大關於公允價值的披露要求。ASC 820要求公司在衡量公允價值時最大限度地利用可觀察輸入,並最小化使用不可觀察輸入。可觀察輸入反映從獨立來源獲取的市場數據,而不可觀察輸入反映公司的市場假設。這兩種類型的輸入形成了以下公允價值層次結構:
三級 — 使用不可觀測輸入進行估值的工具。
公司面臨着來自外幣匯率、利率、股價和商品價格變化的市場風險。 公司持有各種金融工具來管理這些風險。 這些金融工具按公允價值計量,並納入ASC 820範圍內。 公司通過使用矩陣或模型定價來確定這些金融工具的公允價值,該定價方法利用市場利率和匯率等可觀察輸入。 在確定缺乏1級證據的公允價值時,公司考慮了各種因素,包括以下:類似工具的交易或市場報價、時間價值和波動性因素、公司自身的信用評級以及交易對手的信用評級。

第一層次二級Level 3
貨幣型基金$14.0 $14.0 $ $ 
Nine Months Ended$16.9 $16.9 $ $ 
衍生工具資產$15.9 $ $15.9 $ 
衍生工具負債$30.1 $ $30.1 $ 
非衍生對沖工具$387.1 $ $387.1 $ 
待定對價負債$169.5 $ $ $169.5 
貨幣型基金$12.3 $12.3 $ $ 
延期薪酬計劃投資$20.2 $20.2 $ $ 
衍生工具資產$8.5 $ $8.5 $ 
衍生工具負債$17.9 $ $17.9 $ 
非衍生對沖工具$399.7 $ $399.7 $ 
待定對價負債$208.8 $ $ $208.8 
其他投資$4.0 $3.9 $6.0 $5.8 
長期債務,包括流動部分$6,104.3 $5,710.2 $6,102.1 $5,512.8 
作爲2017年3月收購Craftsman®品牌的一部分,公司記錄了一項有條件的考慮義務,代表公司向運營西爾斯和Kmart零售店的Transform Holdco,LLC未來支付之間的 2.5%和3.5透過2032年3月向斯坦利黑德克新渠道銷售Craftsman產品的銷售額的%。在2024年9月28日結束的九個月內,公司支付了 $29.7百萬 用於支付拖欠的版稅。公司將繼續通過2032年第二季度每季度進行未來支付。有條件考慮義務的估計公允價值是通過使用貼現現金流分析確定的,考慮未來銷售預測、根據合同版稅率預測支付給Transform Holdco,LLC的付款以及相關的稅收影響。有條件考慮義務的估計公允價值爲$169.5百萬美元和美元208.8百萬 截至2024年9月28日和2023年12月30日。 除現金支付以外,與計入綜合損益的SG&A中的應計對賭支付相應調整。 100 點子貼現率降低將導致責任增加約 $4.6百萬美元截至2024年9月28日。

關於公允價值的單一估計源自對未來事件和不確定性的一系列複雜判斷,並且在很大程度上依賴於估計和假設。 用於確定上述討論的預計待定補償責任的公司判斷,包括預計的未來銷售預測,可能會對公司的經營業績產生重大影響。


請參閱 請參考H注,金融工具,有關衍生金融工具的更多詳細信息,請 請參考O注,附帶條件 ,有關與WCLC信託相關的其他投資的更多詳細信息,請 請參考G注,長期債務和融資安排,有關長期債務的賬面價值的更多信息。


本公司參與了一個合資經營,擁有的經濟利益爲%。由於公司對該實體具有重大影響力但無控制能力,因此採用權益法對該合資經營進行會計處理。在2024年第一季度和2023年第四季度,該公司記錄了減值損失,以調整2024年4月1日出售的基礎設施業務的長期資產的賬面價值。 這些資產被視爲三級公允價值計量。請參閱 Q注,剝離業務 進一步討論。

此外,公司在2024年第三季度記錄了與Lenox商標相關的減值損失,這被視爲三級公平價值衡量。此前,公司在2023年第三季度記錄了與Irwin和Troy-Bilt商標相關的減值損失,這也被視爲三級公平價值衡量。請參閱 註釋L,重組和其他費用, 進行進一步討論。 公司在2024年或2023年前九個月沒有其他重要的非經常性公平價值衡量,也沒有使用三級輸入進行衡量的其他金融資產或負債。

L.    重新組織費用和其他成本

離職和相關成本$25.8 $40.5 $(35.7)$(0.2)$30.4 
設施關閉和其他3.1 26.4 (26.0) 3.5 
總計$28.9 $66.9 $(61.7)$(0.2)$33.9 
截至2024年9月28日的三個和九個月,公司確認了約$個億的淨重組費用22.1萬美元和66.9 主要與離職成本和設施關閉費用有關。截至2024年9月28日,剩餘的$個億儲備中,預計將在接下來的12個月內使用大部分。33.9 截至2024年9月28日,剩餘的$個億儲備中,預計將在接下來的12個月內使用大部分。
片段:檢測類型(血統和親屬關係測試,營養基因組學測試,預測測試,攜帶者測試,其他測試類型);技術(單核苷酸多態性(SNP)芯片,靶向分析,整個基因組測序(WGS));分銷渠道(在線,非處方藥)截至2024年9月28日的九個月,淨重組費用爲1000萬美元66.9 其中包括工具及戶外部門的200萬美元;工業部門的300萬美元;以及企業的400萬美元。55.6 截至2024年9月28日的九個月,淨重組費用爲1000萬美元6.4 其中包括工具及戶外部門的200萬美元;工業部門的300萬美元;以及企業的400萬美元。4.9 其中包括工具及戶外部門的200萬美元;工業部門的300萬美元;以及企業的400萬美元。
從2023年12月31日至2024年3月31日,淨合同資產增加$22.1 2024年9月28日結束的三個月淨重組費用包括:$21.0 工具和戶外部門裏的$1.1 工業部門裏的$。
其他項主要包括無形資產攤銷費用、貨幣相關收益或損失、環保母基費用、交易成本及相關諮詢費用,以及某些養老金收益或損失。其他項金額爲$86.4萬美元和94.0 百萬,分別爲2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日結束的三個月。同比減少主要是由於投資減值減少。其他項金額爲$392.9萬美元和224.3 百萬,分別爲2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日結束的九個月。同比增加主要是由於Centredale地點環保母基儲備調整所致,詳見 O注意事項,應收款項.
2024年,公司繼續執行其主要品牌優先和投資策略,同時更加集中地利用其特定品牌。由於這些持續的品牌優先努力,並且在準備截至2024年9月28日的季度財務報表時,公司採用折現現金流估值模型對其無限期使用的商標進行減值測試。使用的關鍵假設包括折現率、專利費率和永續增長率,這些應用於更新後的銷售預測。公司確定其無限期使用的商標的公允價值超過了各自的賬面價值,但Lenox商標除外。公司在2024年第三季度確認了與該商標相關的一筆先前稅前非現金減值費用,金額爲$41.0百萬。在這次減值費用之後,Lenox的賬面價值總計爲$115.0」百萬。公司打算無限期繼續使用這一商標,該商標代表Tools & Outdoor部門2023年淨銷售額的 2%。在2023年第三季度,公司認定與Irwin和Troy-Bilt商標相關的一筆先前稅前非現金減值費用,金額爲$124.0」百萬。有關更多信息,請參閱截至2023年12月30日年末的公司10-K表格的年度報告。


M.    所得稅

根據ASC 740的規定, 所得稅公司在每個季度報告期估計其年度有效稅率。在中期報告期間的稅費或利益是通過將估計的年度有效稅率應用於收入或虧損來計算的,並根據離散報告期間收入和費用項目的稅收影響進行調整。用於根據年初基礎確定所得稅的預估年度有效稅率可能會在隨後的中期報告期間發生變化。當發生對預估年度有效稅率的更改時,先前的中期至今年度稅費或稅收益將被調整以反映修訂後的預估年度有效稅率。任何調整都將記錄在更改發生的期間。

截至2024年9月28日的三個季度和九個月,公司從持續經營活動中確認了一個所得稅收益,金額分別爲$1.6百萬美元和2023年同期的所得稅費用24.3 百萬,分別對應的有效稅率爲(1.8)%和21.0%,分別所得的三個月截至2024年9月28日的有效稅率由於之前未被確認的外國遞延稅資產的確認、不確定稅務職位準備金的重新估算、稅收抵免、州所得稅等原因,主要差異於美國法定稅率的21%,部分抵消了不可抵扣的費用和對外國收入的美國稅。對於截至2024年9月28日的九個月,主要驅動因素與上述討論的相一致,總體上導致相當於美國法定稅率21%的有效稅率。




公司的業務分爲以下分類: 兩個 可報告的業務部門:工具和戶外以及工業。
工具與戶外板塊由 電力工具集團("PTG"),手動工具,配件與儲藏("HTAS")以及戶外動力設備("Outdoor")產品線組成。PTG產品線包括專業和消費者產品。專業產品主要以DEWALT®品牌爲主,包括專業級有線和無線電動工具和設備,包括鑽頭,衝擊扳手和扭力扳手,磨牀,鋸牀,路由器和磨光機,以及氣動工具和固定件,包括氣釘槍,釘子,訂書機和訂書釘,以及混凝土和磚瓦錨。DIY和專業人士的產品包括主要以CRAFTSMAN®品牌銷售的有線和無線電動工具,以及消費者家用產品,如手持吸塵器,油漆工具和以BLACK+DECKER®品牌爲主的清潔器具。HTAS產品線銷售手動工具,電動工具配件和存儲產品。手動工具包括測量,水平和佈局工具,刨子,錘子,拆除工具,夾子,虎鉗,刀具,鋸,鑿子以及工業和汽車工具。電動工具配件包括鑽頭,螺絲刀頭,路由器刀頭,研磨材,鋸片和螺紋產品。存儲產品包括工具箱,鋸架,醫療櫃和工程存儲解決方案產品。戶外產品線主要銷售有線和無線電動草坪和花園產品,包括修枝剪,切草機,割草機,高壓清洗機和相關配件,以及汽油動力草坪和花園產品,包括草坪拖拉機,零轉向乘騎割草機,手推式割草機,除雪機,住宅用機器人割草機,多用途地形車輛(UTVs),手持戶外動力設備,園藝工具,以及DEWALT®,CRAFTSMAN®,CUb CADET®,BLACK+DECKER®和HUSTLER®品牌名下的配件和專業人士和消費者。

工具與戶外$3,263.3 $3,355.3 $10,076.6 $10,212.9 
製造業488.0 598.6 1,568.6 1,831.7 
合併後的$3,751.3 $3,953.9 $11,645.2 $12,044.6 
工具與戶外$327.5 $273.4 $899.3 $394.1 
製造業70.2 62.5 202.2 201.5 
分段利潤397.7 335.9 1,101.5 595.6 
出售業務的虧損   (7.6)
利息收入52.8 50.2 139.3 135.2 
持續經營(虧損)稅前盈利$89.5 $(57.0)$115.7 $(296.9)
公司根據履行義務時間的不同,將營業收入分爲一次性收入和逐步收入。截至2024年9月28日和2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月,公司大部分營業收入是在銷售時確認的。截至2024年9月28日的三個月和九個月,工業部門逐步確認的總分部營業收入佔比爲 3.3%和3.2%,分別。截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月,工業部門逐步確認的總分部營業收入佔比爲 2.1%和2.0,分別。
Engineered Fastening$488.0 $496.3 $1,476.0 $1,470.0 
製造行業 102.3 92.6 361.7 
製造業$488.0 $598.6 $1,568.6 $1,831.7 
工具與戶外$18,787.2 $18,960.8 
製造業4,090.9 4,081.7 
22,878.1 23,042.5 
待售資產 857.6 
合併後的$22,481.8 $23,663.8 



美國$2,337.7 $2,522.5 $7,209.1 $7,545.5 
加拿大177.2 185.2 582.8 598.2 
其他美洲229.2 231.8 664.5 646.3 
歐洲703.2 699.0 2,291.8 2,316.4 
亞洲304.0 315.4 897.0 938.2 
合併$3,751.3 $3,953.9 $11,645.2 $12,044.6 
1.    優莎娜健康科學公司及其子公司
公司參與了涉及環保母基、僱傭、產品責任、勞工賠償索賠和其他事項的各種法律訴訟。公司定期與內部和外部律師以及保險風險精算師 review 這些訴訟的進展情況。管理層相信這些事項的最終解決不會對整體運營或財務狀況產生重大不利影響。
2024年1月19日,公司收到了消費產品安全委員會(「CPSC」)合規與現場運營部門(「部門」)通知,部門打算建議對公司處以約$百萬的民事罰款,理由是涉嫌未及時報告某些在2019年9月和2022年3月分別進行自願召回的配電櫃和斜切鋸。公司認爲對部門的指控有抗辯理由,並在2024年2月29日與部門會議及在同年3月29日提交的書面申辯中提出了自己的抗辯意見。2024年4月1日,部門通知公司的律師,部門打算建議CPSC將此事轉交給美國司法部(「DOJ」)。2024年5月1日,公司獲悉CPSC決定將此事轉交給DOJ。自那時起,公司未收到來自CPSC或DOJ的進一步通知,因此無法評估任何潛在損失或對其財務狀況造成的不利影響的可能性,也無法估計因此事可能產生的潛在損失金額。322024年1月19日,公司收到了消費者產品安全委員會的合規與現場運營部門(以下簡稱 '部門' )通知,部門打算就某些在2019年9月和2022年3月分別進行自願召回的實用杆和斜切鋸未及時報告的指控建議對公司處以約$百萬的民事罰款。公司認爲對部門的指控有抗辯理由,並已在2024年2月29日與部門會面及在同年3月29日提交的書面申辯中提出了辯護意見。2024年4月1日,部門通知公司的律師,部門打算建議將此事轉交給美國司法部。 2024年5月1日,公司得知,消費者產品安全委員會投票將此事移交給了美國司法部。自那時起,公司未收到消費者產品安全委員會或美國司法部關於此事的進一步通知,因此無法評估潛在損失或不利對其財務狀況的影響,也無法估計此事可能帶來的潛在損失數額。
如先前披露的,2023年3月24日,美國康涅狄克地區聯邦法院針對公司及公司的某些現任和前任高管和董事提起了一項名爲Rammohan集體訴訟的訴訟案件(以下簡稱「Rammohan 集體訴訟」),案號爲3:23-cv-00369-KAD。 Naresh Vissa Rammohan訴Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.等人,案件編號爲3:23-cv-00369-KAD。Rammohan 集體訴訟)是針對公司及公司的某些現任和前任高管和董事在2021年10月28日至2022年7月28日之間購買Stanley Black & Decker普通股的所有消費者構成的聲稱的類別的投訴。Rammohan 集體訴訟

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Derivative Actions
As previously disclosed, on August 2, 2023 and September 20, 2023, derivative complaints were filed in the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut, titled Callahan v. Allan, et al., Case No. 3:23-cv-01028-OAW (the “Callahan Derivative Action”) and Applebaum v. Allan, et al., Case No. 3:23-cv-01234-OAW (the “Applebaum Derivative Action”), respectively, by putative stockholders against certain current and former directors and officers of the Company premised on the same allegations as the Rammohan Class Action. The Callahan and Applebaum Derivative Actions were consolidated by Court order on November 6, 2023, and defendants’ responses to both complaints have been stayed pending the disposition of any motions to dismiss in the Rammohan Class Action. The individual defendants intend to vigorously defend the Callahan and Applebaum Derivative Actions in all respects. However, given the early stage of this litigation, at this time, the Company is not in a position to assess the likelihood of any potential loss or adverse effect on its financial condition or to estimate the amount or range of potential losses, if any, from these actions.
On October 19, 2023, a derivative complaint was filed in Connecticut Superior Court, titled Vladimir Gusinsky Revocable Trust v. Allan, et al., Docket Number HHBCV236082260S, by a putative stockholder against certain current and former directors and officers of the Company. Plaintiff seeks to recover for alleged breach of fiduciary duties and unjust enrichment under Connecticut state law premised on the same allegations as the Rammohan Class Action. By Court order on November 11, 2023, the Connecticut Superior Court granted the parties’ motion to stay defendants’ response to the complaint pending the disposition of any motions to dismiss in the Rammohan Class Action. The individual defendants intend to vigorously defend this action in all respects. However, given the early stage of this litigation, at this time, the Company is not in a position to assess the likelihood of any potential loss or adverse effect on its financial condition or to estimate the amount or range of potential losses, if any, from this action.
In the normal course of business, the Company is a party to administrative proceedings and litigation, before federal and state regulatory agencies, relating to environmental remediation with respect to claims involving the discharge of hazardous substances into the environment, generally at current and former manufacturing facilities. In addition, some of these claims assert that the Company is responsible for damages and liability, for remedial investigation and clean-up costs, with respect to sites that have never been owned or operated by the Company, but the Company has been identified as a potentially responsible party ("PRP").
In connection with the 2010 merger with Black & Decker, the Company assumed certain commitments and contingent liabilities. Black & Decker is a party to litigation and administrative proceedings with respect to claims involving the discharge of hazardous substances into the environment at current and former manufacturing facilities and has also been named as a PRP in certain administrative proceedings.
The Company, along with many other companies, has been named as a PRP in numerous administrative proceedings for the remediation of various waste sites, including 23 active Superfund sites. Current laws potentially impose joint and several liabilities upon each PRP. In assessing its potential liability at these sites, the Company has considered the following: whether responsibility is being disputed, the terms of existing agreements, experience at similar sites, and the Company’s volumetric contribution at these sites.
The Company’s policy is to accrue environmental investigatory and remediation costs for identified sites when it is probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. If no amount in the range of probable loss is considered most likely, the minimum loss in the range is accrued. The amount of liability recorded is based on an evaluation of currently available facts with respect to each individual site and includes such factors as existing technology, presently enacted laws and regulations, and prior experience in remediation of contaminated sites. The liabilities recorded do not take into account any claims for recoveries from insurance or third parties. As assessments and remediation progress at individual sites, the amounts recorded are reviewed periodically and adjusted to reflect additional technical and legal information that becomes available. As of September 28, 2024 and December 30, 2023, the Company had reserves of $281.6 million and $124.5 million, respectively, for remediation activities associated with Company-owned properties, as well as for Superfund sites, for losses that are probable and estimable. Of the September 28, 2024 amount, $54.3 million is classified as current within Accrued expenses and $227.3 million as long-term within Other liabilities which is expected to be paid over the estimated remediation period. As of September 28, 2024, the Company's net cash obligations, including the West Coast Loading Corporation ("WCLC") assets discussed below, is $264.4 million. As of September 28, 2024, the range of environmental remediation costs that is reasonably possible is $198.0 million to $416.5 million which is subject to change in the near term. The Company may be liable for environmental remediation of sites it no longer owns. Liabilities have been recorded on those sites in accordance with the Company's policy.
West Cost Loading Corporation

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As of September 28, 2024, the Company has recorded $17.2 million in other assets related to funding received by the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) and placed in a trust in accordance with the final settlement with the EPA, embodied in a Consent Decree approved by the United States District Court for the Central District of California on July 3, 2013. Per the Consent Decree, Emhart Industries, Inc. (a dissolved and liquidated former indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary of The Black & Decker Corporation) (“Emhart”) has agreed to be responsible for an interim remedy at a site located in Rialto, California and formerly operated by WCLC, a defunct company for which Emhart was alleged to be liable as a successor. The remedy will be funded by (i) the amounts received from the EPA as gathered from multiple parties, and, to the extent necessary, (ii) Emhart's affiliate. The interim remedy requires the construction of a water treatment facility and the treatment of ground water at or around the site for a period of approximately 30 years or more. As of September 28, 2024, the Company's net cash obligation associated with these remediation activities, including WCLC assets, is $9.3 million.
Centredale Site
On April 8, 2019, the United States District Court approved a Consent Decree documenting the terms of a settlement between the Company and the United States for reimbursement of EPA's past costs and remediation of environmental contamination found at the Centredale Manor Restoration Project Superfund Site ("Centredale site"), located in North Providence, Rhode Island. Black & Decker and Emhart are liable for site clean-up costs under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act ("CERCLA") as successors to the liability of Metro-Atlantic, Inc., a former operator at the Centredale site. The Company is complying with the terms of the settlement and has fully reimbursed the EPA for its past costs. Remediation work at the Centredale site remains ongoing. Technical and regulatory issues have arisen in connection with the disposal methods selected and described in the statement of work for contaminated Centredale site soils and sediment. Emhart’s contractor is working with the EPA and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (“RIDEM”) to develop alternatives. Based on these evolving technical and regulatory discussions, in the second quarter of 2024, the EPA and RIDEM began implementing regulatory changes that suggest that offsite landfill disposal now represents the most probable remedial alternative for the disposal of contaminated Centredale site soils and sediments. Significant open technical and regulatory issues relating to the implementation of this disposal alternative remain, including final EPA and RIDEM approvals, and further developments may result in additional or different remedial actions. Emhart’s contractor’s assessment of the offsite landfill disposal alternative involves soil and sediment volume estimates that could also change or increase as additional design investigations are performed at the site, which may further impact the remediation process. Emhart has recently entered into a cooperative agreement with the Federal and State Natural Resource Trustees to collectively conduct an assessment of what, if any, Natural Resource Damages may be associated with the contamination at the Centredale Site. Litigation continues in the District Court concerning Phase 3 of the case, which is addressing the potential allocation of liability to other PRPs who may have contributed to contamination of the Centredale site with dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls and other contaminants of concern. Based on the regulatory changes, and remedial developments currently contemplated by the EPA and the State of Rhode Island as described above, the Company increased its reserve for this site by $142.3 million in the second quarter of 2024. As of September 28, 2024, the Company has reserved $162.1 million for this site.
Lower Passaic River
The Company and approximately 47 other companies comprise the Lower Passaic Cooperating Parties Group (the “CPG”). The CPG members and other companies are parties to a May 2007 Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent (“AOC”) with the EPA to perform a remedial investigation/feasibility study (“RI/FS”) of the lower seventeen miles of the Lower Passaic River in New Jersey (the “River”). The Company’s potential liability stems from former operations in Newark, New Jersey. The CPG has substantially completed the RI/FS for the entire 17-mile River. The Company’s estimated costs related to the RI/FS are included in its environmental reserves.
Lower 8.3 Miles
On April 11, 2014, the EPA issued a Focused Feasibility Study (“FFS”) and proposed plan which addressed various early action remediation alternatives for the lower 8.3 miles of the River. On March 4, 2016, the EPA issued a Record of Decision ("ROD") selecting the remedy for the lower 8.3 miles of the River, which will include the removal of 3.5 million cubic yards of sediment, placement of a cap over the entire lower 8.3 miles of the River, and, according to the EPA, will cost approximately $1.4 billion and take 6 years to implement after the remedial design is completed. On September 30, 2016, Occidental Chemical Corporation ("OCC") entered into an agreement with the EPA to perform the remedial design for the cleanup plan for the lower 8.3 miles of the River. OCC has submitted the final remedial design, which was approved by EPA in May 2024. On June 30, 2018, OCC filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey against over 100 companies, including the Company, seeking CERCLA cost recovery or contribution for past costs relating to various investigations and cleanups OCC has conducted or is conducting in connection with the River. According to the complaint, OCC has incurred or is incurring costs which include the estimated cost ($165 million) to complete the remedial design for the cleanup plan for the lower 8.3 miles of the River. OCC also seeks a declaratory judgment to hold the defendants liable for their proper shares of future response costs for OCC's ongoing activities in connection with the River. The Company and other defendants have answered the complaint and have been engaged in discovery with OCC. On February 24, 2021, the Company and other

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defendants filed a third party complaint against the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners and forty-two municipalities to require those entities to pay their equitable share of response costs. On December 20, 2022, various defendants (including the Company) in the OCC litigation filed an unopposed motion to stay the litigation for six months which was granted by the Court on March 1, 2023 and has been extended while the Court considers the Consent Decree filed by the United States, as discussed below.
The Company and 105 other parties received a letter dated March 31, 2016 from the EPA notifying such parties of potential liability for the costs of the cleanup of the lower 8.3 miles of the River. In a March 30, 2017 letter, the EPA stated that parties who did not discharge dioxins, furans or polychlorinated biphenyls (which are considered the contaminants of concern posing the greatest risk to human health or the environment) may be eligible for cash out settlement, but expected those parties' allocation to be determined through a complex settlement analysis using a third-party allocator. The EPA subsequently clarified this statement to say that such parties would be eligible to be "funding parties" for the lower 8.3 mile remedial action with each party's share of the costs determined by the EPA based on the allocation process and the remaining parties would be "work parties" for the remedial action. The Company participated in the allocation process and asserted that it did not discharge dioxins, furans or polychlorinated biphenyls and should be eligible to be a "funding party" for the lower 8.3 mile remedial action. The allocator selected by the EPA issued a confidential allocation report on December 28, 2020, which was reviewed by the EPA. As a result of the allocation process, on February 11, 2022, the EPA and certain parties (including the Company) reached an agreement in principle for a cash-out settlement for remediation of the entire 17-mile Lower Passaic River. On December 16, 2022, the United States lodged a Consent Decree with the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey in United States v. Alden Leeds, Inc. et al. (No. 2:22-cv-07326) that addressed the liability of 85 parties (including the Company) for an aggregate amount of $150 million based in part on the EPA-sponsored allocation report that found OCC 99.4% responsible for the cleanup costs of the River. The Consent Decree was subject to a 90-day public comment period, which ended March 22, 2023. On November 21, 2023, the United States informed the Court that it concluded, based on the public comments, that a small number of parties (not including the Company) should be removed from the settlement and that a change should be made to the United States’ reservation of rights (which was agreed to by the remaining settling parties). On January 17, 2024, the United States filed the modified Consent Decree with the Court and filed its motion to enter the modified Consent Decree on January 31, 2024. On April 1, 2024, the settling defendants (including the Company) and certain other parties filed briefs in support of, and OCC filed a brief in opposition to, the motion to enter the modified Consent Decree. The Court will enter or disapprove the modified Consent Decree after the motion is fully briefed.
Upper 9 Miles
On October 10, 2018, the EPA issued a letter directing the CPG to prepare a streamlined feasibility study for the upper 9 miles of the River based on an iterative approach using adaptive management strategies. The CPG submitted a draft Interim Remedy Feasibility Study to the EPA on December 4, 2020, which identified various targeted dredge and cap alternatives with costs that range from $420 million to $468 million (net present value). The EPA issued the Interim Remedy ROD on September 28, 2021, selecting an alternative that the EPA estimates will cost $441 million (net present value).
On March 2, 2023, the EPA issued a Unilateral Administrative Order requiring OCC to design the interim remedy for the upper 9 miles of the River (the “2023 UAO”). Notwithstanding the stay of the litigation commenced in 2018 (and two days after the public comment period on the Consent Decree closed), OCC filed a complaint named Occidental Chem. Corp. v. Givaudan Fragrances Corp., et al., No. 2:23‑cv-1699 at 2, 5 (D.N.J. Mar. 24, 2023) (the “2023 Litigation”) against forty parties (not including the Company) for recovery of past and future response costs it will incur in complying with the 2023 UAO. All of the defendants named in the 2023 Litigation are also defendants or third-party defendants in the litigation commenced in 2018.
Maxus Bankruptcy Settlement
Pursuant to a settlement agreement by and among the Maxus Liquidating Trust, YPF and Repsol submitted to the bankruptcy court on April 7, 2023, YPF and Repsol will jointly pay a combined sum of $573 million to various creditors. Based on the waterfall payout of the bankruptcy plan, the CPG received approximately $9 million, which will be used either to offset future CPG costs, including EPA RI/FS oversight and legal and administrative costs, or to reimburse CPG members for a portion of their past contributions to the RI/FS costs.
At this time, the Company cannot reasonably estimate its liability related to the litigation and remediation efforts as discussed above, excluding the RI/FS, as the OCC litigation is pending and the EPA settlement process has not been completed and requires court approval.
Kerr McGee
Per the terms of a Final Order and Judgment approved by the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida on January 22, 1991, Emhart is responsible for a percentage of remedial costs arising out of the Kerr McGee Chemical Corporation Superfund Site located in Jacksonville, Florida. On March 15, 2017, the Company received formal notification from the EPA

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that the EPA had issued a ROD selecting the preferred alternative identified in the Proposed Cleanup Plan. On or about February 15, 2024, the Multistate Trust managing the remediation revised the estimated remediation costs for work to be performed, and the Company adjusted the reserve for its percentage share of such costs accordingly. As of September 28, 2024, the Company has reserved $25.8 million for this site.
The amount recorded for the aforementioned identified contingent liabilities is based on estimates. Amounts recorded are reviewed periodically and adjusted to reflect additional technical and legal information that becomes available. Actual costs to be incurred in future periods may vary from the estimates, given the inherent uncertainties in evaluating certain exposures. Subject to the imprecision in estimating future contingent liability costs, the Company does not expect that any sum it may have to pay in connection with these environmental matters in excess of the amounts recorded will have a materially adverse effect on its financial position, results of operations or liquidity.


COMMITMENTS — The Company has numerous assets, predominantly real estate, vehicles and equipment, under various lease arrangements. The following is a summary of the Company's right-of-use assets and lease liabilities:

(Millions of Dollars)September 28, 2024December 30, 2023
Right-of-use assets$495.3$502.9
Lease liabilities$514.2$506.6
Weighted-average incremental borrowing rate
Weighted-average remaining term
6 years7 years

Right-of-use assets are included within Other assets in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets, while lease liabilities are included within Accrued expenses and Other liabilities, as appropriate. The Company determines its incremental borrowing rate based on interest rates from its debt issuances, taking into consideration adjustments for collateral, lease terms and foreign currency.

The Company has arrangements with third-party financial institutions that offer voluntary supply chain finance ("SCF") programs. These arrangements enable certain of the Company’s suppliers, at the supplier’s sole discretion, to sell receivables due from the Company to the financial institutions on terms directly negotiated with the financial institutions. The Company negotiates commercial terms with its suppliers, including prices, quantities, and payment terms, regardless of suppliers’ decisions to finance the receivables due from the Company under these SCF programs. The Company has no economic interest in a supplier’s decision to participate in these SCF programs, and no direct financial relationship with the financial institutions, as it relates to these SCF programs. The amounts due to the financial institutions for suppliers that voluntarily participate in these SCF programs were presented within Accounts payable on the Company’s Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets and totaled $492.6 million and $528.1 million as of  September 28, 2024 and December 30, 2023, respectively.

As of September 28, 2024, the Company had unrecognized commitments that require the future purchase of goods or services (unconditional purchase obligations) to provide it with access to products and services at competitive prices. These obligations consist of supplier agreements with long-term minimum material purchase requirements and freight forwarding arrangements with minimum quantity commitments. As of September 28, 2024, the Company had unconditional purchase obligations of $270.6 million, consisting of $45.5 million in 2024, $151.0 million in 2025, $41.1 million in 2026, $25.7 million in 2027 and $7.3 million in 2028.


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GUARANTEES The Company’s financial guarantees at September 28, 2024 are as follows:
(Millions of Dollars)TermMaximum
Amount of
Guarantees on the residual values of leased assets
Three to nine years
$78.2 $ 
Standby letters of credit
Up to twenty years
Commercial customer financing arrangements
Up to ten years
101.6 15.0 
Total$359.8 $15.0 
The Company has guaranteed a portion of the residual values associated with certain of its variable rate leases. The lease guarantees are for an amount up to $78.2 million while the fair value of the underlying assets is estimated at $120 million. The related assets would be available to satisfy the guarantee obligations.

The Company has issued $180.0 million in standby letters of credit that guarantee future payments which may be required under certain insurance programs and in relation to certain environmental remediation activities described more fully in Note O, Contingencies.

The Company provides various limited and full recourse guarantees to financial institutions that provide financing to U.S. and Canadian Mac Tool distributors and franchisees for their initial purchase of the inventory and trucks necessary to function as a distributor and franchisee. In addition, the Company provides limited and full recourse guarantees to financial institutions that extend credit to certain end retail customers of its U.S. Mac Tool distributors and franchisees. The gross amount guaranteed in these arrangements is $101.6 million and the $15.0 million carrying value of the guarantees issued is recorded in Other liabilities in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets.

The Company provides warranties on certain products across its businesses. The types of product warranties offered generally range from one year to limited lifetime. There are also certain products with no warranty. Further, the Company sometimes incurs discretionary costs to service its products in connection with product performance issues. Historical warranty and service claim experience forms the basis for warranty obligations recognized. Adjustments are recorded to the warranty liability as new information becomes available.

The changes in the carrying amount of product warranties for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023 are as follows: 
(Millions of Dollars)20242023
Balance beginning of period$136.7 $126.6 
Warranties and guarantees issued136.8 132.2 
Warranty payments and currency(129.1)(120.9)
Balance end of period$144.4 $137.9 


Infrastructure business

On April 1, 2024, the Company completed the previously announced sale of its Infrastructure business to Epiroc AB for $760 million. The Company received proceeds of $728.5 million at closing, net of customary adjustments and costs. As of December 30, 2023, the assets and liabilities related to the Infrastructure business were classified as held for sale on the Company's Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet. This divestiture did not qualify for discontinued operations and therefore, its results were included in the Company's Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss) in continuing operations through the date of sale.

Following is the pre-tax income for this business for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024, and September 30, 2023:

Third QuarterYear-to-Date
(Millions of Dollars)2024202320242023
Pre-tax income$ $7.5 $9.6 $43.3 


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In addition, the Company recognized pre-tax asset impairment charges of $25.5 million and $150.8 million in the first quarter of 2024 and fourth quarter of 2023, respectively, to adjust the carrying amount of the long-lived assets of the Infrastructure business to its estimated fair value less the costs to sell.

The carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities that were aggregated in assets held for sale and liabilities held for sale as of December 30, 2023 are presented in the following table:
(Millions of Dollars)December 30, 2023
Cash and cash equivalents$0.6 
Accounts and notes receivable, net41.3 
Inventories, net96.5 
Other current assets2.4 
Property, plant and equipment, net70.4 
Intangibles, net214.3 
Other assets42.4 
Total assets$857.6 
Accounts payable and accrued expenses$44.1 
Other long-term liabilities84.8 
Total liabilities$128.9 


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The following discussion contains statements reflecting the Company's views about its future performance that constitute “forward-looking statements” under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. Please read the information under the caption entitled “Cautionary Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995."
Throughout this Management's Discussion and Analysis (“MD&A”), references to Notes refer to the "Notes To Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements" in Part 1, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, unless otherwise indicated.
The Company is a global provider of hand tools, power tools, outdoor products and related accessories, as well as a leading provider of engineered fastening solutions. The Company continues to execute its long-term business strategy focused on organic growth in excess of the market and industry, geographic and customer diversification to foster sustainable revenue, earnings and cash flow growth. In recent years, the Company has re-shaped its portfolio to focus on its leading positions in the tools & outdoor and engineered fastening markets. Leveraging the benefits of a more focused portfolio, the Company initiated a business transformation in mid-2022 that includes reinvestment for faster growth as well as a $2.0 billion Global Cost Reduction Program through 2025. The Company’s primary areas of multi-year strategic focus remain unchanged as follows:

Advancing innovation, electrification and global market penetration to achieve organic revenue growth of 2 to 3 times the market;
Streamlining and simplifying the organization, and investing in initiatives that more directly impact the Company's customers and end users;
Returning adjusted gross margins to historical 35%+ levels by accelerating the operations and supply chain transformation to improve fill rates and better match inventory with customer demand; and
Prioritizing cash flow generation and inventory optimization.
In terms of capital allocation, the Company remains committed, over time, to returning excess capital to shareholders through a strong and growing dividend as well as opportunistically repurchasing shares. In the near term, the Company intends to direct any capital in excess of the quarterly dividend on its common stock toward debt reduction and internal growth investments.
Common Stock And Other Securities
In April 2021, the Board of Directors approved repurchases by the Company of its outstanding securities other than common stock up to an aggregate amount of $3.0 billion. No repurchases have been executed pursuant to this authorization to date.
On April 1, 2024, the Company sold its Infrastructure business to Epiroc AB for net proceeds of $728.5 million. The Company used the net proceeds to reduce debt in the second quarter of 2024.
Refer to Note Q, Divestitures, for further discussion.
Global Cost Reduction Program
In mid-2022, the Company launched a program comprised of a series of initiatives designed to generate cost savings by resizing the organization and reducing inventory with the ultimate objective of driving long-term growth, improving profitability and generating strong cash flow. These initiatives are expected to optimize the cost base as well as provide a platform to fund investments to accelerate growth in the core businesses. The program consists of a selling, general, and administrative ("SG&A") planned pre-tax run-rate cost savings of $500 million and a supply chain transformation expected to deliver $1.5 billion of pre-tax run-rate cost savings by the end of 2025 to achieve projected 35%+ adjusted gross margins.
The SG&A cost savings are generated by simplifying the corporate structure, optimizing organizational spans and layers and reducing indirect spend. These savings will help fund $300 million to $500 million of innovation and commercial investments through 2025 designed to accelerate organic growth.

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The $1.5 billion of pre-tax run-rate cost savings from the supply chain transformation will be driven by the following value streams:

Strategic Sourcing: Implementing capabilities to source in a more efficient and integrated manner across all of the Company’s businesses and leveraging contract manufacturing;
Operational Excellence: Leveraging the SBD Operating Model and re-designing in-plant operations following footprint rationalization to deliver incremental efficiencies, simplified organizational design and inventory optimization;
Footprint Rationalization: Transforming the Company’s manufacturing and distribution network from a decentralized and inefficient system of sites built through years of acquisitions to a strategically focused supply chain, inclusive of site closures, transformations of existing sites into manufacturing centers of excellence and re-configuration of the distribution network; and
Complexity Reduction: Reducing complexity through platforming products and implementing initiatives to drive a SKU reduction.

The charges associated with the supply chain transformation are reflected in the Non-GAAP adjustments detailed below in "Results From Operations" and the full year estimate of Non-GAAP adjustments detailed below in "2024 Outlook". The cash investment required to achieve the estimated $1.5 billion of pre-tax run-rate supply chain cost savings is expected to be approximately $0.9 billion to $1.1 billion, of which approximately 40% is expected to be capital expenditures. Through 2023, the Company has made approximately $0.2 billion of these cash investments. The Company will continue prioritizing capital expenditures consistent with its existing approach and expects total capital expenditures, inclusive of the supply chain transformation, to be $325 million to $375 million for 2024 and to approximate 3.0% of net sales annually in 2025 and beyond.
During the first nine months of 2024 and since inception of the program, the Company has generated approximately $400 million and $1.4 billion, respectively, of pre-tax run-rate savings, driven by lower headcount, indirect spend reductions and the supply chain transformation. These savings are comprised of supply chain efficiency benefits, which support gross margin improvements as the benefits turn through inventory, and SG&A savings. The Company believes that it is on track to grow to approximately $2 billion of pre-tax run-rate savings by year-end 2025. In addition, the Company has reduced inventory by approximately $2.0 billion since the end of the second quarter of 2022 and expects further inventory and working capital reductions to support free cash flow generation in 2024.

The Company’s operations are classified into two reportable business segments: Tools & Outdoor and Industrial. Both reportable segments have significant international operations and are exposed to translational and transactional impacts from fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates.

Tools & Outdoor
The Tools & Outdoor segment is comprised of the Power Tools Group ("PTG"), Hand Tools, Accessories & Storage ("HTAS"), and Outdoor Power Equipment ("Outdoor") product lines. Annual revenues in the Tools & Outdoor segment were $13.4 billion in 2023, representing 85% of the Company’s total revenues.
The PTG product line includes both professional and consumer products. Professional products, primarily under the DEWALT® brand, include professional grade corded and cordless electric power tools and equipment including drills, impact wrenches and drivers, grinders, saws, routers and sanders, as well as pneumatic tools and fasteners including nail guns, nails, staplers and staples, and concrete and masonry anchors. DIY and tradesperson focused products include corded and cordless electric power tools sold primarily under the CRAFTSMAN® brand, and consumer home products such as hand-held vacuums, paint tools and cleaning appliances primarily under the BLACK+DECKER® brand.
The HTAS product line sells hand tools, power tool accessories and storage products. Hand tools include measuring, leveling and layout tools, planes, hammers, demolition tools, clamps, vises, knives, saws, chisels and industrial and automotive tools. Power tool accessories include drill bits, screwdriver bits, router bits, abrasives, saw blades and threading products. Storage products include tool boxes, sawhorses, medical cabinets and engineered storage solution products.

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The Outdoor product line primarily sells corded and cordless electric lawn and garden products, including hedge trimmers, string trimmers, lawn mowers, pressure washers and related accessories, and gas powered lawn and garden products, including lawn tractors, zero turn ride on mowers, walk behind mowers, snow blowers, residential robotic mowers, utility terrain vehicles (UTVs), hand-held outdoor power equipment, garden tools, and parts and accessories to professionals and consumers under the DEWALT®, CRAFTSMAN®, CUB CADET®, BLACK+DECKER®, and HUSTLER® brand names.

The Industrial segment is comprised of the Engineered Fastening business and the Infrastructure business prior to its sale in April 2024. Annual revenues in the Industrial segment, inclusive of the Infrastructure business, were $2.4 billion in 2023, representing 15% of the Company’s total revenues.
The Engineered Fastening business primarily sells highly engineered components such as fasteners, fittings and various engineered products, which are designed for specific application across multiple verticals. The product lines include externally threaded fasteners, blind rivets and tools, blind inserts and tools, drawn arc weld studs and systems, engineered plastic and mechanical fasteners, self-piercing riveting systems, precision nut running systems, micro fasteners, high-strength structural fasteners, axel swage, latches, heat shields, pins, and couplings.
As previously discussed, the Company sold its Infrastructure business on April 1, 2024. This divestiture did not qualify for discontinued operations and therefore, its results were included in the Company's Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss) in continuing operations through the date of sale.
Certain Items Impacting Earnings and Non-GAAP Financial Measures
The Company has provided a discussion of its results both inclusive and exclusive of certain gains and charges. The results and measures, including gross profit, SG&A, Other, net, Income taxes, and segment profit (including Corporate Overhead), on a basis excluding certain gains and charges, free cash flow, organic revenue and organic growth are Non-GAAP financial measures. The Company considers the use of Non-GAAP financial measures relevant to aid analysis and understanding of the Company’s results and business trends aside from the material impact of these items and ensures appropriate comparability to operating results of prior periods. Supplemental Non-GAAP information should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the related GAAP financial measures. Non-GAAP financial measures presented herein may differ from similar measures used by other companies.
With the exception of forecasted free cash flow included in “2024 Outlook” as discussed below, the Non-GAAP financial measures of gross profit, SG&A, Other, net, Income taxes, and segment profit (including Corporate Overhead), presented on a basis excluding certain gains and charges, as well as free cash flow, organic revenue and organic growth are defined and reconciled to their most directly comparable GAAP financial measures below. Due to high variability and difficulty in predicting items that impact cash flow from operations, a reconciliation of forecasted free cash flow to its most directly comparable GAAP estimate has been omitted. The Company believes such a reconciliation would also imply a degree of precision that is inappropriate for this forward-looking measure.

The Company’s operating results at the consolidated level as discussed below include and exclude certain gains and charges impacting gross profit, SG&A, Other, net, and Income taxes. The Company’s business segment results as discussed below include and exclude certain gains and charges impacting gross profit and SG&A. These amounts for the third quarter and year-to-date periods of 2024 and 2023 are as follows:

Third Quarter 2024
(Millions of Dollars)GAAP
Non-GAAP Adjustments2
Gross profit$1,120.6 $24.8 $1,145.4 
Selling, general and administrative1
797.1 (15.1)782.0 
Earnings from continuing operations before income taxes89.5 105.9 195.4 
Income taxes on continuing operations(1.6)12.0 10.4 
Net earnings from continuing operations91.1 93.9 185.0 
Diluted earnings per share of common stock - Continuing operations$0.60 $0.62 $1.22 

Year-To-Date 2024

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(Millions of Dollars)GAAP
Non-GAAP Adjustments2
Gross profit$3,370.3 $72.7 $3,443.0 
Selling, general and administrative1
2,477.5 (62.8)2,414.7 
Earnings from continuing operations before income taxes115.7 416.7 532.4 
Income taxes on continuing operations24.3 74.4 98.7 
Net earnings from continuing operations 91.4 342.3 433.7 
Diluted earnings per share of common stock - Continuing operations$0.60 $2.27 $2.87 

Third Quarter 2023
(Millions of Dollars)GAAP
Non-GAAP Adjustments2
Gross profit$1,060.6 $32.2 $1,092.8 
Selling, general and administrative1
794.3 (29.4)764.9
(Loss) earnings from continuing operations before income taxes(57.0)191.0 134.0 
Income taxes on continuing operations(61.7)37.5 (24.2)
Net earnings from continuing operations4.7 153.5 158.2 
Diluted earnings per share of common stock - Continuing operations$0.03 $1.02 $1.05 

Year-To-Date 2023
(Millions of Dollars)GAAP
Non-GAAP Adjustments2
Gross profit$2,828.2 $157.0 $2,985.2 
Selling, general and administrative1
2,456.7 (75.5)2,381.2 
(Loss) earnings from continuing operations before income taxes(296.9)368.9 72.0 
Income taxes on continuing operations(291.3)282.6 (8.7)
Net (loss) earnings from continuing operations(5.6)86.3 80.7 
Diluted (loss) earnings per share of common stock - Continuing operations$(0.04)$0.58 $0.54 
1 Includes provision for credit losses
2 Refer to table below for additional detail of the Non-GAAP adjustments

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Below is a summary of the pre-tax Non-GAAP adjustments for the third quarter and year-to-date periods of 2024 and 2023.

Third QuarterYear-to-Date
(Millions of Dollars)2024202320242023
Supply Chain Transformation Costs:
     Footprint Rationalization1
$25.4 $7.7 $57.8 $88.3 
     Strategic Sourcing & Operational Excellence2
(1.0)23.9 12.4 68.7 
Facility-related costs0.3 0.2 2.6 1.1 
Other charges (gains)0.1 0.4 (0.1)(1.1)
Gross Profit$24.8 $32.2 $72.7 $157.0 
Supply Chain Transformation Costs:
     Footprint Rationalization1
$13.4 $4.6 $34.0 $8.4 
     Complexity Reduction & Operational Excellence2.0 1.2 6.2 8.0 
Acquisition & integration-related costs3
2.4 11.5 9.1 24.0 
Transition services costs related to previously divested businesses4.6 11.3 14.8 37.0 
Other charges (gains)(7.3)0.8 (1.3)(1.9)
Selling, general and administrative$15.1 $29.4 $62.8 $75.5 
Other, net4
Loss on sales of businesses —  7.6 
Asset impairment charges5
46.9 124.0 72.4 124.0 
Environmental charges6
(1.7)— 152.1 — 
Restructuring charges7
22.1 10.9 66.9 27.6 
Earnings from continuing operations before income taxes$105.9 $191.0 $416.7 $368.9 

1Footprint Rationalization costs in 2024 primarily relate to accelerated depreciation of manufacturing and distribution center equipment of $45.2 million and other facility exit and re-configuration costs of $31.3 million. In 2023, transfers and closures of targeted manufacturing sites, including Fort Worth, Texas and Cheraw, South Carolina as previously announced in March 2023, resulted in accelerated depreciation of production equipment of $45.3 million and non-cash asset write-downs of $41.2 million (predominantly tooling, raw materials and WIP).
2Strategic Sourcing & Operational Excellence costs in 2023 primarily relate to third-party consultant fees to provide expertise in identifying and quantifying opportunities to source in a more integrated manner and re-design in-plant operations following footprint rationalization, developing a detailed program and related governance, and assisting the Company with the implementation of actions necessary to achieve the related objectives.
3Acquisition & integration-related costs primarily relate to the MTD and Excel acquisitions, including costs to integrate the organizations and shared processes, as well as harmonize key IT applications and infrastructure.
4Includes deal-related costs, net of income related to providing transition services to previously divested businesses.
5Asset impairment charges in 2024 include a $41.0 million pre-tax impairment charge related to the Lenox trade name, a $25.5 million pre-tax impairment charge related to the Infrastructure business, and a $5.9 million pre-tax impairment charge related to a small Industrial business. The $124.0 million pre-tax asset impairment charge in 2023 related to the Irwin and Troy-Bilt trade names.
The $152.1 million pre-tax environmental charges in 2024 related primarily to a reserve adjustment for the non-active Centredale site as a result of regulatory changes and revisions to remediation alternatives. Refer to Note O, Contingencies, for further discussion.
7Refer to “Restructuring Activities” below for further discussion.

Below is a summary of the Company’s operating results at the consolidated level, followed by an overview of business segment performance. Organic growth is utilized to describe the Company's results excluding the impacts of foreign currency fluctuations, acquisitions during their initial 12 months of ownership, and divestitures.

Consolidated Results

Net Sales: Net sales were $3.751 billion in the third quarter of 2024 compared to $3.954 billion in the third quarter of 2023, representing a decrease of 5% as a 1% increase in price was more than offset by a 3% decrease in volume, a 2% decrease from the Infrastructure divestiture and a 1% decrease from foreign currency. Tools & Outdoor net sales decreased 3% compared to the third quarter of 2023 as a 1% increase in price was more than offset by a 3% decrease in volume and 1% decrease from

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foreign currency. Industrial net sales decreased 18% compared to the third quarter of 2023 as a 17% decrease from the Infrastructure divestiture and a 2% decrease in volume was partially offset by a 1% increase in price.

Net sales were $11.645 billion in the first nine months of 2024 compared to $12.045 billion in the first nine months of 2023, representing a decrease of 3% driven by a 2% decrease from the Infrastructure divestiture and a 1% decrease in volume. Tools & Outdoor net sales decreased 1% compared to the first nine months of 2023 driven by a 1% decrease in volume. Industrial net sales decreased 14% compared to the first nine months of 2023 as a 12% decrease from the Infrastructure divestiture, a 2% decrease in volume and a 1% decrease from foreign currency was partially offset by a 1% increase in price.

Gross Profit: Gross profit was $1.121 billion, or 29.9% of net sales, in the third quarter of 2024 compared to $1.061 billion, or 26.8% of net sales, in the third quarter of 2023. Non-GAAP adjustments, which reduced gross profit, were $24.8 million for the three months ended September 28, 2024 and $32.2 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023. Excluding these adjustments, gross profit was 30.5% of net sales for the three months ended September 28, 2024, compared to 27.6% for the three months ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to supply chain transformation benefits.

Gross profit was $3.370 billion, or 28.9% of net sales, in the first nine months of 2024 compared to $2.828 billion, or 23.5% of net sales, in the first nine months of 2023. Non-GAAP adjustments, which reduced gross profit, were $72.7 million for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 and $157.0 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Excluding these adjustments, gross profit was 29.6% of net sales for the nine months ended September 28, 2024, compared to 24.8% for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to lower inventory destocking costs, supply chain transformation benefits and lower shipping costs.

SG&A Expenses: SG&A, inclusive of the provision for credit losses, was $797.1 million, or 21.2% of net sales, in the third quarter of 2024, compared to $794.3 million, or 20.1% of net sales, in the third quarter of 2023. Within SG&A, Non-GAAP adjustments totaled $15.1 million for the three months ended September 28, 2024 and $29.4 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023. Excluding these adjustments, SG&A was 20.8% of net sales for the three months ended September 28, 2024, compared to 19.3% for the three months ended September 30, 2023, as the Company increased growth investments designed to deliver future market share gains.

SG&A, inclusive of the provision for credit losses, was $2.478 billion, or 21.3% of net sales, in the first nine months of 2024, compared to $2.457 billion, or 20.4% of net sales, in the first nine months of 2023. Within SG&A, Non-GAAP adjustments totaled $62.8 million for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 and $75.5 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Excluding these adjustments, SG&A was 20.7% of net sales for the nine months ended September 28, 2024, compared to 19.8% for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, driven by the same factors discussed above that impacted the third quarter of 2024.

Distribution center costs (i.e. warehousing and fulfillment facility and associated labor costs) are classified within SG&A. This classification may differ from other companies who may report such expenses within cost of sales. Due to diversity in practice, to the extent the classification of these distribution costs differs from other companies, the Company’s gross margins may not be comparable. Such distribution costs classified in SG&A amounted to $134.4 million and $396.7 million for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024, respectively, and $132.7 million and $392.9 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively.

Other, net: Other, net totaled $86.4 million in the third quarter of 2024 compared to $94.0 million in the third quarter of 2023. Excluding Non-GAAP adjustments, Other, net, totaled $89.4 million and $99.5 million in the third quarter of 2024 and 2023, respectively. The year-over-year decrease is primarily driven by lower write-downs on investments.

Other, net totaled $392.9 million in the first nine months of 2024 compared to $224.3 million in the first nine months of 2023. The year-over-year increase was driven by environmental remediation reserve adjustments. Excluding Non-GAAP adjustments, Other, net totaled $251.0 million and $247.1 million for the first nine months of 2024 and 2023, respectively.

Refer to Note O, Contingencies, for additional information on the environmental remediation reserve adjustment relating to the Centredale site.

Loss on Sales of Businesses: During the first nine months of 2023, the Company reported a pre-tax loss of $7.6 million primarily related to the divestiture of a small business in the Industrial segment.

Asset Impairment Charges: During the third quarter of 2024, the Company recorded a pre-tax, non-cash impairment charge of $41.0 million related to the Lenox trade name. Refer to Note M, Restructuring Charges and Other Costs, for additional information. In addition, the Company recorded a pre-tax impairment charge of $5.9 million related to a small business in the Industrial segment. In the third quarter of 2023, the Company recognized a $124.0 million pre-tax, non-cash impairment charge related to the Irwin and Troy-Bilt trade names. Refer to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 30, 2023 for further information.


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During the first quarter of 2024, the Company recorded a pre-tax impairment charge of $25.5 million related to the Infrastructure business. Refer to Note Q, Divestitures, for additional information on the divestiture of the Infrastructure business completed in the second quarter of 2024.

Interest, net: Net interest expense was $78.6 million in the third quarter of 2024 compared to $94.4 million in the third quarter of 2023. On a year-to-date basis, net interest expense was $244.9 million in 2024 and $284.9 million in 2023. The year-over-year decreases were primarily driven by lower commercial paper balances in 2024.

Income Taxes: For the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024, the Company recognized an income tax benefit from continuing operations of $1.6 million and income tax expense of $24.3 million, respectively, resulting in effective tax rates of (1.8)% and 21.0%, respectively. Excluding the tax effect on Non-GAAP adjustments, for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024, the Company recognized income tax expense on continuing operations of $10.4 million and $98.7 million, respectively, resulting in effective tax rates of 5.3% and 18.5%, respectively. These effective tax rates for the three months ended September 28, 2024 differ from the U.S. statutory tax rate of 21% primarily due to the recognition of previously unrecognized foreign deferred tax assets, remeasurement of uncertain tax position reserves, tax credits, and state income taxes, partially offset by non-deductible expenses and U.S. tax on foreign earnings. For the nine months ended September 28, 2024, the primary drivers are consistent with those discussed above, which in aggregate result in effective tax rates that approximate the U.S. statutory tax rate of 21%.

For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, the Company recognized an income tax benefit from continuing operations of $61.7 million and $291.3 million, respectively, resulting in effective tax rates of 108.2% and 98.1%, respectively. The income tax benefit for the three months ended September 30, 2023 included an incremental interim tax benefit to reflect the impact of a change in the estimated annual effective tax rate to the prior interim year-to-date tax benefit, which reversed in the fourth quarter of 2023. The effective tax rates for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 differ from the U.S. statutory tax rate of 21% primarily due to a tax benefit associated with the intra-entity asset transfer of certain intangible assets, tax on foreign earnings at tax rates different than the U.S. tax rate, state income taxes and tax credits, partially offset by U.S. tax on foreign earnings, non-deductible expenses and losses for which a tax benefit is not recognized.

Excluding the tax effect on Non-GAAP adjustments, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, the Company recognized an income tax benefit on continuing operations of $24.2 million and $8.7 million, respectively, resulting in effective tax rates of (18.1)% and (12.1)%, respectively. The effective tax rates for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 differ from the U.S. statutory tax rate of 21% due to the items discussed above.

Refer to Note M, Income Taxes, for additional information on the impacts in interim periods of changes in the estimated annual effective income tax rate.

On December 20, 2021, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) published a proposal for the establishment of a global minimum tax rate of 15% (“Pillar Two"). The Pillar Two rules provide a template that jurisdictions can translate into domestic law to assist with the implementation within an agreed upon timeframe and in a coordinated manner, which became effective for fiscal years beginning after January 1, 2024. To date, jurisdictions in which the Company operates are in various stages of implementation.

The OECD and other countries continue to publish guidance and legislation which include transition and safe harbor rules. The Company expects to avail itself of the transitional safe harbor rules in most jurisdictions in which the Company operates. There are, however, a limited number of jurisdictions where the transitional safe harbor relief does not apply. The Company expects the Pillar Two tax impact from these jurisdictions to be immaterial to its estimated annual effective rate for 2024 and continues to monitor developments in legislation, regulation, and interpretive guidance in this area.

Business Segment Results
The Company’s reportable segments represent businesses that have similar products, services and end markets, among other factors. The Company utilizes segment profit which is defined as net sales minus cost of sales and SG&A inclusive of the provision for credit losses (aside from corporate overhead expense), and segment profit as a percentage of net sales to assess the profitability of each segment.

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The Company’s operations are classified into two reportable business segments: Tools & Outdoor and Industrial.
Tools & Outdoor: 
Third QuarterYear-to-Date
(Millions of Dollars)2024202320242023
Net sales$3,263.3 $3,355.3 $10,076.6 $10,212.9 
Segment profit$327.5 $273.4 $899.3 $394.1 
% of Net sales10.0 %8.1 %8.9 %3.9 %

Tools & Outdoor net sales decreased $92.0 million, or 3%, in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the third quarter of 2023 as a 1% price increase was more than offset by a 3% decline in volume and a 1% decrease from foreign currency. Organic revenue declined 2% as growth in DEWALT® was offset by the weak consumer and DIY backdrop. Organic revenue decreased 4% in North America, and increased 1% and 6% in Europe and the rest of the world, respectively.

Tools & Outdoor net sales decreased $136.3 million, or 1%, in the first nine months of 2024 compared to the first nine months of 2023 driven by volume declines. Organic revenue declined 2% in both North America and Europe and increased 6% in the rest of the world.

Segment profit for the third quarter of 2024 was $327.5 million, or 10.0% of net sales, compared to $273.4 million, or 8.1% of net sales, in the third quarter of 2023. Excluding Non-GAAP adjustments of $35.5 million and $39.4 million for the three months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively, segment profit was 11.1% of net sales in the third quarter of 2024 and 9.3% in the third quarter of 2023. The year-over-year increase was primarily due to supply chain transformation benefits, which were partially offset by growth investments.

Segment profit for the first nine months of 2024 was $899.3 million, or 8.9% of net sales, compared to $394.1 million, or 3.9% of net sales, in the first nine months of 2023. Excluding Non-GAAP adjustments of $111.0 million and $174.4 million for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively, segment profit was 10.0% of net sales in the first nine months of 2024 and 5.6% in the first nine months of 2023. The year-over-year increase was primarily due to lower inventory destocking costs, supply chain transformation benefits and lower shipping costs, which were partially offset by growth investments.
Third QuarterYear-to-Date
(Millions of Dollars)2024202320242023
Net sales$488.0 $598.6 $1,568.6 $1,831.7 
Segment profit$70.2 $62.5 $202.2 $201.5 
% of Net sales14.4 %10.4 %12.9 %11.0 %

Industrial net sales decreased $110.6 million, or 18%, in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the third quarter of 2023, as a 17% decrease from the Infrastructure divestiture and a 2% decrease in volume was partially offset by a 1% increase in price. Engineered Fastening organic revenues decreased 1% as aerospace expansion and a return to growth in general industrial was more than offset by market softness in automotive.

Industrial net sales decreased $263.1 million, or 14%, in the first nine months of 2024 compared to the first nine months of 2023, as a 12% decrease from the Infrastructure divestiture, a 2% decrease in volume and a 1% decrease from foreign currency was partially offset by a 1% increase in price. Engineered Fastening organic revenues increased 2%, primarily due to aerospace growth.

Industrial segment profit for the third quarter of 2024 totaled $70.2 million, or 14.4% of net sales, compared to $62.5 million, or 10.4% of net sales, in the corresponding 2023 period. Excluding a Non-GAAP gain of $2.6 million for the three months ended September 28, 2024 and a Non-GAAP charge of $10.5 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023, segment profit amounted to 13.9% of net sales in the third quarter of 2024 compared to 12.2% in the third quarter of 2023. The year-over-year increase was due to price realization and cost control.


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Industrial segment profit for the first nine months of 2024 totaled $202.2 million, or 12.9% of net sales, compared to $201.5 million, or 11.0% of net sales, in the corresponding 2023 period. Excluding Non-GAAP adjustments of $3.4 million and $19.3 million for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively, segment profit amounted to 13.1% of net sales in the first nine months of 2024 compared to 12.1% in the first nine months of 2023. The year-over-year increase was driven by the same factors discussed above for the third quarter of 2024.

Corporate Overhead

Corporate Overhead includes the corporate overhead element of SG&A, which is not allocated to the business segments. Corporate Overhead amounted to $74.2 million and $69.6 million in the third quarter of 2024 and 2023, respectively. Excluding Non-GAAP adjustments of $7.0 million for the three months ended September 28, 2024 and $11.7 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023, the corporate overhead element of SG&A was $67.2 million and $57.9 million for the three months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively.

On a year-to-date basis, the corporate overhead element of SG&A amounted to $208.7 million in 2024 compared to $224.1 million in 2023. Excluding Non-GAAP adjustments of $21.1 million for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 and $38.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, the corporate overhead element of SG&A was $187.6 million and $185.3 million for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively.
A summary of the restructuring reserve activity from December 30, 2023 to September 28, 2024 is as follows: 
(Millions of Dollars)December 30,
Net AdditionsUsageCurrencySeptember 28,
Severance and related costs$25.8 $40.5 $(35.7)$(0.2)$30.4 
Facility closures and other3.1 26.4 (26.0)— 3.5 
Total$28.9 $66.9 $(61.7)$(0.2)$33.9 
For the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024, the Company recognized net restructuring charges of $22.1 million and $66.9 million, respectively, primarily related to severance costs and facility closure charges. The Company expects to achieve annual net cost savings of approximately $122 million by the end of 2025 related to the restructuring costs incurred during the nine months ended September 28, 2024. The majority of the $33.9 million of reserves remaining as of September 28, 2024 is expected to be utilized within the next 12 months.


The $67 million of net restructuring charges for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 includes: $56 million in the Tools & Outdoor segment; $6 million in Industrial; and $5 million in Corporate.

The $22 million of net restructuring charges for the three months ended September 28, 2024 includes: $21 million in the Tools & Outdoor segment and $1 million in the Industrial segment.

The anticipated annual net cost savings of approximately $122 million related to the 2024 restructuring actions include: $107 million in the Tools & Outdoor segment; $6 million in the Industrial segment; and $9 million in Corporate.


This outlook discussion is intended to provide broad insight into the Company's near-term earnings and cash flow generation prospects. The Company is updating 2024 guidance and expects diluted earnings per share to approximate $1.15 to $1.75 on a GAAP basis, narrowed from $0.90 to $2.00 ($3.90 to $4.30 excluding Non-GAAP adjustments, narrowed from $3.70 to $4.50). Management is reiterating its target for 2024 free cash flow generation to approximate $650 million to $850 million.

The difference between 2024 diluted earnings per share outlook and the diluted earnings per share range, excluding Non-GAAP adjustments, is approximately $2.55 to $2.75, consisting primarily of charges related to the supply chain transformation under the Global Cost Reduction Program, environmental reserve adjustments and a brand impairment charge.



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Liquidity, Sources and Uses of Capital: The Company’s primary sources of liquidity are cash flows generated from operations and available lines of credit under various credit facilities.

Operating Activities: Cash flows provided by operations were $285.8 million in the third quarter of 2024 compared to $443.9 million in the corresponding period of 2023, primarily driven by changes in working capital, partially offset by higher earnings. Year-to-date cash flows provided by operations were $427.8 million in 2024 compared to $422.0 million in 2023, relatively in-line with prior year as higher earnings were partially offset by changes in working capital.

Free Cash Flow: Free cash flow, as defined in the table below, was an inflow of $199.3 million and $364.0 million in the third quarter of 2024 and the corresponding period of 2023, respectively. On a year-to-date basis, free cash flow was $188.4 million and $205.6 million in 2024 and 2023, respectively. The year-over-year change in free cash flow was primarily due to the same factors discussed above in operating activities, as well as higher planned capital expenditures in the first nine months of 2024. Management considers free cash flow an important indicator of its liquidity and capital efficiency, as well as its ability to fund future growth and provide dividends to shareowners, and is useful information for investors. Free cash flow does not include deductions for mandatory debt service, other borrowing activity, discretionary dividends on the Company’s common stock and business acquisitions, among other items.

 Third QuarterYear-to-Date
(Millions of Dollars)2024202320242023
Net cash provided by operating activities$285.8 $443.9 $427.8 $422.0 
Less: capital and software expenditures(86.5)(79.9)(239.4)(216.4)
Free cash flow $199.3 $364.0 $188.4 $205.6 
Investing Activities: Cash flows used in investing activities totaled $85.4 million and $76.4 million in the third quarter of 2024 and 2023, respectively, primarily due to capital and software expenditures of $86.5 million and $79.9 million, respectively.
Cash flows provided by investing activities totaled $500.8 million in the first nine months of 2024, primarily due to net proceeds from sales of businesses of $735.6 million, partially offset by capital and software expenditures of $239.4 million. Cash flows used in investing activities totaled $206.8 million in the first nine months of 2023, primarily due to capital and software expenditures of $216.4 million.
Financing Activities: Cash flows used in financing activities totaled $234.3 million in the third quarter of 2024, primarily driven by cash dividend payments on common stock of $123.6 million and net short-term commercial paper repayments of $121.5 million. Cash flows used in financing activities totaled $387.7 million in the third quarter of 2023, primarily driven by net short-term commercial paper repayments of $266.4 million and cash dividend payments on common stock of $121.3 million.
Cash flows used in financing activities totaled $1.054 billion in the first nine months of 2024, primarily driven by net short-term commercial paper repayments of $692.3 million and cash dividend payments on common stock of $367.2 million. Cash flows used in financing activities totaled $239.3 million in the first nine months of 2023, primarily driven by net repayments of short-term commercial paper borrowings of $594.3 million and cash dividend payments on common stock of $360.8 million, partially offset by net proceeds from debt issuances of $745.3 million.

Credit Ratings & Liquidity:

The Company maintains investment grade credit ratings from the major U.S. rating agencies on its senior unsecured debt (S&P A-, Fitch BBB+, Moody's Baa3), as well as its commercial paper program (S&P A-2, Fitch F2, Moody's P-3). There were no changes to any of the Company's credit ratings during the first nine months of 2024. Failure to maintain investment grade rating levels could adversely affect the Company’s cost of funds, liquidity and access to capital markets, but would not have an adverse effect on the Company’s ability to access its existing committed credit facilities.

Cash and cash equivalents totaled $298.7 million as of September 28, 2024, which was primarily held in foreign jurisdictions. Cash and cash equivalents totaled $449.4 million as of December 30, 2023, of which approximately 50% was held in foreign jurisdictions.

As a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the "Act"), the Company's tax liability related to the one-time transition tax associated with unremitted foreign earnings and profits totaled $83 million at September 28, 2024. The Act permits a U.S. company to elect to pay the net tax liability interest-free over a period of up to eight years. The Company has considered the implications of paying the required one-time transition tax and believes it will not have a material impact on its liquidity.


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The Company has a $3.5 billion commercial paper program which includes Euro denominated borrowings in addition to U.S. Dollars. As of September 28, 2024, the Company had commercial paper borrowings outstanding of $387.3 million, of which $387.1 million in Euro denominated commercial paper was designated as a net investment hedge. As of December 30, 2023, the Company had $1.1 billion of borrowings outstanding, of which $399.7 million in Euro denominated commercial paper was designated as a net investment hedge. Refer to Note H, Financial Instruments, for further discussion.

In June 2024, the Company amended and restated its existing five-year $2.5 billion committed credit facility with the concurrent execution of a new five year $2.25 billion committed credit facility (the “5-Year Credit Agreement”). Borrowings under the 5-Year Credit Agreement may be made in U.S. Dollars, Euros or Pounds Sterling. A sub-limit of an amount equal to the Euro equivalent of $800.0 million is designated for swing line advances. Borrowings bear interest at a floating rate plus an applicable margin dependent upon the denomination of the borrowing and specific terms of the 5-Year Credit Agreement. The Company must repay all advances under the 5-Year Credit Agreement by the earlier of June 28, 2029 or upon termination. The 5-Year Credit Agreement is designated to be a liquidity back-stop for the Company's $3.5 billion U.S. Dollar and Euro commercial paper program. As of September 28, 2024 and December 30, 2023, the Company had not drawn on its five-year committed credit facility.

In June 2024, the Company terminated its 364-Day $1.5 billion committed credit facility ("the 2023 Syndicated 364-Day Credit Agreement") dated September 2023. There were no outstanding borrowings under the 2023 Syndicated 364-Day Credit Agreement upon termination and as of December 30, 2023. Contemporaneously, the Company entered into a new $1.25 billion syndicated 364-Day Credit Agreement (the "2024 Syndicated 364-Day Credit Agreement") which is a revolving credit loan. The borrowings under the 2024 Syndicated 364-Day Credit Agreement may be made in U.S. Dollars or Euros and bear interest at a floating rate plus an applicable margin dependent upon the denomination of the borrowing and pursuant to the terms of the 2024 Syndicated 364-Day Credit Agreement. The Company must repay all advances under the 2024 Syndicated 364-Day Credit Agreement by the earlier of June 27, 2025 or upon termination. The Company may, however, convert all advances outstanding upon termination into a term loan that shall be repaid in full no later than the first anniversary of the termination date provided that the Company, among other things, pays a fee to the administrative agent for the account of each lender. The 2024 Syndicated 364-Day Credit Agreement serves as part of the liquidity back-stop for the Company’s $3.5 billion U.S. Dollar and Euro commercial paper program. As of September 28, 2024, the Company had not drawn on its 2024 Syndicated 364-Day Credit Agreement.

The 5-Year Credit Agreement and the 2024 Syndicated 364-Day Credit Agreement, as described above, contain customary affirmative and negative covenants, including but not limited to, maintenance of an interest coverage ratio. The interest coverage ratio tested for covenant compliance compares adjusted Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization to adjusted net Interest Expense ("Adjusted EBITDA"/"Adjusted Net Interest Expense"). The Company must maintain, for each period of four consecutive fiscal quarters of the Company, an interest coverage ratio of not less than 3.50 to 1.00, provided that the Company is only required to maintain an interest coverage ratio of not less than (i) 1.50 to 1.00 for any four quarter period ending on or before the end of the Company’s second fiscal quarter of 2024, and (ii) 2.50 to 1.00 for any four quarter period ending after the Company’s second fiscal quarter of 2024 through and including the Company’s second fiscal quarter of 2025. For purposes of calculating the Company’s compliance with the interest coverage ratio, as defined in each credit agreement, the Company is permitted to increase EBITDA to allow for additional adjustment addbacks incurred prior to the end of the Company’s second fiscal quarter of 2025, provided that (A) the sum of the applicable adjustment addbacks incurred through and including the Company’s second fiscal quarter of 2024 may not exceed $500 million in the aggregate, and (B) the sum of the applicable adjustment addbacks incurred from the Company’s third fiscal quarter of 2024 through and including the Company’s second fiscal quarter of 2025 may not exceed $250 million in the aggregate; provided, further, that the sum of the applicable adjustment addbacks for any four quarter period may not exceed $500 million in the aggregate.

In March 2015, the Company entered into a forward share purchase contract with a financial institution counterparty for 3,645,510 shares of common stock. The contract obligates the Company to pay $350 million, plus an additional amount related to the forward component of the contract. In June 2024, the Company amended the settlement date to June 2026, or earlier at the Company's option.

Refer to Note G, Long-Term Debt and Financing Arrangements, for further discussion of the Company's financing arrangements.

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Critical Accounting Estimates:
During 2024, the Company continued its brand prioritization and investment strategy for its major brands, while leveraging certain of its specialty brands in a more focused manner. As a result of these ongoing brand prioritization efforts, and in connection with the preparation of its financial statements for the quarter ended September 28, 2024, the Company tested its indefinite-lived trade names for impairment utilizing a discounted cash flow valuation model. The key assumptions used included discount rates, royalty rates, and perpetual growth rates applied to updated sales projections. The Company determined that the fair values of its indefinite-lived trade names exceeded their respective carrying amounts, with the exception of the Lenox trade name. The Company recognized a $41.0 million pre-tax, non-cash impairment charge related to this trade name in the third quarter of 2024. Subsequent to this impairment charge, the Lenox carrying value totaled $115.0 million. The Company intends to continue utilizing this trade name indefinitely, which represented approximately 2% of 2023 net sales for the Tools & Outdoor segment. Refer to Note L, Restructuring Charges and Other Costs, for further discussion.
There have been no changes in the Company’s critical accounting estimates during the third quarter of 2024. Refer to the “Other Matters” section of Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 30, 2023 for a discussion of the Company’s critical accounting estimates.

There has been no significant change in the Company’s exposure to market risk during the third quarter of 2024. Refer to the Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 30, 2023 and subsequent related filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for further discussion.

Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Under the supervision and with the participation of management, including the Company’s President and Chief Executive Officer and its Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, the Company has, pursuant to Rule 13a-15(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), evaluated the effectiveness of the design and operation of its disclosure controls and procedures (as defined under Rule 13a-15(e) of the Exchange Act). Based upon that evaluation, the Company’s President and Chief Executive Officer and its Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer have concluded that, as of September 28, 2024, the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures are effective.
Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
There has been no change in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the third quarter of 2024 that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.


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This document contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements other than statements of historical fact are “forward-looking statements” for purposes of federal and state securities laws, including, but not limited to, any projections or guidance of earnings, revenue, profitability or other financial items; any statements of the plans, strategies and objectives of management for future operations; any statements concerning proposed new products, services or developments; any statements regarding future economic conditions or performance; any statements relating to initiatives concerning environmental, social and governance matters; any statements of belief; and any statements of assumptions underlying any of the foregoing. Forward-looking statements may include, among others, the words “may,” “will,” “estimate,” “intend,” “could,” “project,” “plan,” “continue,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “run-rate,” “annualized,” “forecast,” “commit,” “objective,” “goal,” “prospect,” “target,” “design,” “on-track,” “position or positioning,” “guidance” or any other similar words.
Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in any of its forward-looking statements are reasonable, actual results could differ materially from those projected or assumed in any of its forward-looking statements. The Company's future financial condition and results of operations, as well as any forward-looking statements, are subject to change and to inherent risks and uncertainties, such as those disclosed or incorporated by reference in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Important factors that could cause the Company's actual results, performance and achievements, or industry results to differ materially from estimates or projections contained in its forward-looking statements include, among others, the following: (i) successfully developing, marketing and achieving sales from new products and services and the continued acceptance of current products and services; (ii) macroeconomic factors, including global and regional business conditions, commodity prices, inflation and deflation, interest rate volatility, currency exchange rates, and uncertainties in the global financial markets related to the recent failures of several financial institutions; (iii) laws, regulations and governmental policies affecting the Company's activities in the countries where it does business, including those related to tariffs, taxation, data privacy, anti-bribery, anti-corruption, government contracts and trade controls such as section 301 tariffs and section 232 steel and aluminum tariffs; (iv) the economic, political, cultural and legal environment in Europe and the emerging markets in which the Company generates sales, particularly Latin America and China; (v) realizing the anticipated benefits of mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic alliances or divestitures; (vi) pricing pressure and other changes within competitive markets; (vii) availability and price of raw materials, component parts, freight, energy, labor and sourced finished goods; (viii) the impact that the tightened credit markets may have on the Company or its customers or suppliers; (ix) the extent to which the Company has to write off accounts receivable, inventory or other assets or experiences supply chain disruptions in connection with bankruptcy filings by customers or suppliers; (x) the Company's ability to identify and effectively execute productivity improvements and cost reductions; (xi) potential business, supply chain and distribution disruptions, including those related to physical security threats, information technology or cyber-attacks, epidemics, natural disasters, pandemics, sanctions, political unrest, war or terrorism, including the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, and Israel and Hamas and tensions or conflicts in South Korea, China, Taiwan and the Middle East; (xii) the continued consolidation of customers, particularly in consumer channels, and the Company’s continued reliance on significant customers; (xiii) managing franchisee relationships; (xiv) the impact of poor weather conditions and climate change and risks related to the transition to a lower-carbon economy, such as the Company's ability to successfully adopt new technology, meet market-driven demands for carbon neutral and renewable energy technology, or to comply with changes in environmental regulations or requirements, which may be more stringent and complex, impacting its manufacturing facilities and business operations as well as remediation plans and costs relating to any of its current or former locations or other sites; (xv) maintaining or improving production rates in the Company's manufacturing facilities, responding to significant changes in customer preferences or expectations, product demand and fulfilling demand for new and existing products, and learning, adapting and integrating new technologies into products, services and processes; (xvi) changes in the competitive landscape in the Company's markets; (xvii) the Company's non-U.S. operations, including sales to non-U.S. customers; (xviii) the impact from demand changes within world-wide markets associated with homebuilding and remodeling; (xix) potential adverse developments in new or pending litigation and/or government investigations; (xx) the incurrence of debt and changes in the Company's ability to obtain debt on commercially reasonable terms and at competitive rates; (xxi) substantial pension and other postretirement benefit obligations; (xxii) potential regulatory liabilities, including environmental, privacy, data breach, workers compensation and product liabilities; (xxiii) attracting, developing and retaining senior management and other key employees, managing a workforce in many jurisdictions, labor shortages, work stoppages or other labor disruptions; (xxiv) the Company's ability to keep abreast with the pace of technological change; (xxv) changes in accounting estimates; (xxvi) the Company’s ability to protect its intellectual property rights and to maintain its public reputation and the strength of its brands; (xxvii) critical or negative publicity, including on social media, whether or not accurate, concerning the Company’s brands, products or initiatives, and (xxviii) the Company’s ability to implement, and achieve the expected benefits (including cost savings and reduction in working capital) from, its Global Cost Reduction Program including: continuing to advance innovation, electrification and global market penetration to achieve organic revenue growth of 2-3 times the market; streamlining and simplifying the organization, and investing in initiatives that more directly impact the Company's

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customers and end users; returning adjusted gross margins to historical 35%+ levels by accelerating the supply chain transformation to leverage strategic sourcing, drive operational excellence, rationalize manufacturing and distribution networks, including consolidating facilities and optimizing the distribution network, and reduce complexity of the product portfolio; improving fill rates and matching inventory with customer demand; prioritizing cash flow generation and inventory optimization; executing the SBD Operating Model to deliver operational excellence through efficiency, simplified organizational design; and reducing complexity through platforming products and implementing initiatives to drive a SKU reduction.
Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from forward-looking statements are set forth in the Annual Report on Form 10-K and in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, including under the headings “Risk Factors,” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and in the Consolidated Financial Statements and the related Notes.
Forward-looking statements in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q speak only as of the date hereof, and forward-looking statements in documents that are incorporated by reference herein speak only as of the date of those documents. The Company does not undertake any obligation or intention to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of future events or circumstances, new information or otherwise, except as required by law. Any standards of measurement and performance made in reference to the Company's environmental, social, governance and other sustainability plans and goals are developing and based on assumptions that continue to evolve and may be subject to change, and no assurance can be given that any such plan, initiative, projection, goal, commitment, expectation, or prospect can or will be achieved. The inclusion of information related to such goals and initiatives is not an indication that such information is material under the standards of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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The Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 30, 2023 and its Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 30, 2024 and June 29, 2024 include "Legal Proceedings" under Item 3 of Part I and Item 1 of Part II, respectively. Other than as described below, there have been no material changes from the legal proceedings described in the Company's Forms 10-K and 10-Q.
Government Investigations
The Company previously disclosed that it had identified certain transactions relating to its international operations that may raise compliance questions under the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA") and voluntarily disclosed this information to the U.S. Department of Justice (the “DOJ”) and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Recently, the SEC and DOJ informed the Company that they have each closed their inquiries with no action taken against the Company in connection with these matters.
The Company is committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance and is continuously focused on ensuring the effectiveness of its policies, procedures, and controls. The Company is in the process, with the assistance of professional advisors, of reviewing and further enhancing relevant policies, procedures, and controls.
Other Actions
In addition to the matters above, in the normal course of business, the Company is involved in various lawsuits and claims, including product liability, environmental, intellectual property, contract and commercial, advertising, employment and distributor claims, and administrative proceedings. The Company does not expect that the resolution of these matters occurring in the normal course of business will have a materially adverse effect on the Company’s consolidated financial position, results of operations or liquidity.
There have been no material changes to the risk factors as disclosed in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 30, 2023 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 27, 2024.


Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
The following table provides information about the Company’s purchases of equity securities that are registered by the Company pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act during the three months ended September 28, 2024:
Number Of
Common Shares
Average Price
Paid Per Common

Total Number Of Common Shares Purchased As Part Of A Publicly Announced Plan Or Program
(In Millions)
Maximum Number Of Common Shares That May Yet Be
Purchased Under The Program
June 30 - August 3— $— — 20 
August 4 - August 31— — — 20 
September 1 - September 28— — — 20 
Total— $— — 20 
(a)On April 21, 2022, the Board approved a share repurchase program of up to 20 million shares of the Company’s common stock (the “April 2022 Program”). The April 2022 Program does not have an expiration date. The Company may repurchase shares under the April 2022 Program through open market purchases, privately negotiated transactions or share repurchase programs, including one or more accelerated share repurchase programs (under which an initial payment for the entire repurchase amount may be made at the inception of the program). Such repurchases may be funded from cash on hand, short-term borrowings or other sources of cash at the Company’s discretion, and the Company is under no obligation to repurchase any shares pursuant to the repurchase program. The currently authorized shares available for repurchase under the April 2022 Program do not include approximately 3.6 million shares reserved and authorized for purchase under the Company’s approved repurchase program in place prior to the April 2022 Program relating to a forward share purchase contract entered into in March 2015.

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During the three months ended September 28, 2024, no director or Section 16 officer of the Company adopted, modified or terminated a “Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement” or “non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement,” as each term is defined in Item 408(a) of Regulation S-K.


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The following materials from Stanley Black & Decker Inc.'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 28, 2024, formatted in iXBRL (Inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language): (i) Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss) for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023; (ii) Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets at September 28, 2024 and December 30, 2023; (iii) Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023; (iv) Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareowners' Equity for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023; and (v) Notes to Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements**.
The cover page of Stanley Black & Decker Inc.'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 28, 2024, formatted in iXBRL (included within Exhibit 101 attachments).

*Management contract or compensation plan or arrangement
**Pursuant to Rule 406T of Regulation S-T, the Interactive Data Files on Exhibit 101 hereto are deemed not filed or part of a registration statement or prospectus for purposes of Sections 11 or 12 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are deemed not filed for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and otherwise are not subject to liability under those sections.

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
Date:October 29, 2024By: /s/ PATRICK HALLINAN
 Patrick Hallinan
 Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer