株式オプションの付与およびオプション契約の通知 | インサイト ID: [ ] 1801 Augustine Cut-Off ウィルミントン、デラウェア州 19803 | ||||
[Optionee Name] [Optionee Address] オプション番号:[ ] 計画: 誘因 ID: [ ] | |||||
有効な〈日付〉に、インサイト・コーポレーション(インサイト)の株式を1株$[______]で買うための一般株式オプション契約が与えられました。 付与された株の総オプション価格は$[_______]です。 各期間のシェアは表示された日に完全に取得されます。 株 取得タイプ 全取得 有効期限 | |||||
あなたとインサイトは、これらのオプションがインサイトの2024年誘因株式インセンティブ計画およびオプション契約の条件と規定に基づいて付与され、上記リンクをクリックして確認できる契約により管理されるものと合意します。この通知を受け取ることで、これらの条件に同意することになります。 このお知らせを受け入れると、インサイトがプランまたはこの賞に関連するすべての文書をメールで送信する場合があります。インサイトは、これらの文書をインサイトが維持するウェブサイトに掲載するか、インサイトと契約を結んでいる第三者によって掲載する方法で提供する場合があります。インサイトがこれらの文書をウェブサイトに掲載する場合は、通知されます。 これらのオプションは、インサイトとの雇用オファーに関連して付与され、ナスダックリスト規則5635(c)(4)に基づいて「誘因」付与として適格であることを意図しています。これにより、通常適用される株主承認要件からの例外が提供されます。その例外に準拠して、計画と契約は解釈されます。 |
非法定株式オプション | このオプションは、内国歳入法第422条に定められたインセンティブ・ストックオプションを意図していません。 | ||||
ベスティング | このオプションの行使権は、4年間にわたる37回の分割で行使され、ストックオプションの付与通知書に記載されています。最初の分割は、このオプションでカバーされる株式総数の25%で構成されています。これは、付与通知書に示された"full vest"日付に行使可能となります。続く分割は、このオプションでカバーされる株式総数の2.08333%ずつで構成されています。続く分割は、最初の分割の"full vest"日付の後に36ヶ月ごとに行使可能となります。各分割での株式数は、最も近い整数に丸められます。このオプションに関連する追加の株式は、インサイト(またはその子会社)での従業員、取締役、コンサルタント、またはアドバイザーとしての勤務終了後には、賃金、一致契約書、または雇用契約書に規定された"Change in Control"の下または以下の条件で、従業員としてのサービスが終了した後には獲得されません。 完全な退職の場合、このオプションは、付与通知書およびこの規約に規定されたベストスケジュールに従い、退職後もベストしますが、退職日が付与日から少なくとも1年経過している場合に限ります。 もし退職日が付与日から1年未満の場合は、このオプションはまるまる没収されます。この目的で、「完全な退職」とは、65歳以上に達し、インサイト(またはその子会社)として少なくとも10年以上勤めた後に、インサイト(またはその子会社)の従業員としての勤務を終了したことを意味します。 | ||||
期間 | このオプションは、付与通知書に記載された付与日の前日に、インサイト本社の営業終了時に期限切れとなります。(以下に記載されたように、勤務を終了した場合は、より早く期限切れとなります。) |
通常の解雇または障害 | エグゼクティブオフィサーやインサイトの取締役としての勤務が死亡以外の理由で終了した場合、オプションは、あなたに該当する以下のいずれかの日にビジネスの終了時にインサイト本社で期限切れとなります: •あなたの勤務が以下で定義された完全および永久の障害によって終了した場合、勤務終了後24ヵ月後に、オプションは期限切れとなります; •引退ベスト、および”ベスティング”で定義される通りの完全な退職によって終了した場合、本オプションの有効期限日は、付与通知に指定された期日であり; •全て、あなたの全面的および永久的な障害、完全な退職、または死亡以外のいずれかの理由によって勤務が終了した場合、勤務終了後90日後に、オプションは期限切れとなります; エグゼクティブオフィサー以外の従業員、コンサルタント、またはインサイト(またはその子会社)の顧問としての勤務が死亡以外の理由で終了した場合、オプションは、あなたに該当する以下のいずれかの日にビジネスの終了時にインサイト本社で期限切れとなります: •あなたの勤務が以下で定義された完全および永久の障害によって終了した場合、勤務終了後6ヵ月後に、オプションは期限切れとなります; •引退ベスト、および”ベスティング”で定義される通りの完全な退職によって終了した場合、本オプションの有効期限日は、付与通知に指定された期日であり; •サービス終了後90日以内に、終了が合理的な老後生活、完全な老後生活、または死亡以外の理由で発生した場合。 「完全かつ永続的な障害」とは、医学的に証明可能な身体または精神の障害により、死亡につながると予想されるか、継続期間が1年未満でないことが予想される、または継続期間が1年以上にわたるために、実質的な収益活動に従事できないことを意味します。 インサイトは、このオプション報酬および計画の下でのすべての目的のために、サービスが終了したタイミングを決定します。 |
死亡 | インサイトの執行役員または取締役を務めている間に死亡した場合、そのオプションは死亡日の24か月後のインサイト本社の営業終了時に満了します。その24か月間に、貴方の遺産または相続人はオプションの行使権を行使することができます。 執行役員ではなく従業員、コンサルタント、アドバイザーとしてインサイト(または関連会社)に勤務中に死亡した場合、そのオプションは死亡日の6か月後のインサイト本社の営業終了時に満了します。その6か月間に、貴方の遺産または相続人はオプションの行使権を行使することができます。 | ||||
休職中 | このオプションの目的に関して、軍事休暇、病気休暇、その他の休暇に行くと、貴方の務めは終了しません。ただし、その休暇がインサイトによって書面で承認され、その休暇の条件または適用法律によって継続勤務クレジットが必要な場合は除きます。ただし、承認された休暇が終了した場合、直ちに復職しない限り、貴方の務めはいずれの場合でも終了します。 取引が真正である場合は この目的において、どの休暇がカウントされるか、承認された休暇が終了する日をインサイトが判断します。 インサイトがこの目的に対してどの休暇が該当するか、および承認された休暇の終了日を判断します。 | ||||
行使制限 | インサイトは、取締役会が計画を管理するために指名した委員会(以下「委員会」という)が、当時の株式の発行が法律や規制に違反する可能性があると判断した場合、このオプションの行使を許可しません。その判断は、委員会の単独および絶対的な裁量によるものです。 | ||||
「翻弄の行使」に関する規定です。 | このオプションを行使する際には、適切な「行使の通知」フォームを記入し、そのフォームに記載された住所にファイリングすることでインサイトに通知する必要があります。また、行使時にインサイトが設定するその他の行使手順に従うことが必要です(これは電子的な手続きであり、インサイトと契約を結んでいる第三者のプラットフォーム上にあるかもしれません)。通知には、購入希望の株式数を指定する必要があります。また、通知には、あなたの名義でのみまたはあなたと配偶者名義としてもしくは亡くなった場合の共同財産として、もしくは共有持分として株式を登録するよう指定する必要があります(そうした登録が適法となる管轄区域で)。インサイトは、あなたの提案した登録が有効かどうかを判断します。提案した登録が有効であれば、通知はインサイトが受け取った時点で有効となります。 あなたの死後、他の誰かがこのオプションを行使したい場合、その人はインサイトが納得するまで証明しなければなりません。その人がその行使権を持っていることを。 |
Form of Payment | When you submit your notice of exercise, you must include payment of the option price, as shown in the grant notice, for the shares you are purchasing. Payment may be made in one (or a combination of two or more) of the following forms: Your personal check, a cashier’s check or a money order. Irrevocable directions to a securities broker approved by Incyte to sell your option shares and to deliver all or a portion of the sale proceeds to Incyte in payment of the option price and any Tax-Related Items (as defined below). The balance of the sale proceeds, if any, will be delivered to you. The directions must be given by signing a special “Notice of Exercise” form provided by Incyte (or by following such other procedures established by Incyte at the time of exercise). Certificates for Incyte stock that you have owned for at least 6 months, along with any forms needed to effect a transfer of the shares to Incyte. The value of the shares, determined as of the effective date of the option exercise, will be applied to the option price. A form of payment will not be available if the Committee determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, that such form of payment could violate any law or regulation. |
Responsibilities for Taxes | Regardless of any action taken by Incyte or, if different, your employer, the ultimate liability for all income tax (including U.S. federal, state, and local taxes and/or non-U.S. taxes), social insurance, payroll tax, fringe benefits tax, payment on account or other tax-related items related to your participation in the Plan and legally applicable to you (the “Tax-Related Items”) is and remains your responsibility and may exceed the amount, if any, withheld by Incyte or your employer. Incyte and your employer (i) make no representations or undertakings regarding the treatment of any Tax-Related Items, and (ii) do not commit to and are under no obligation to reduce or eliminate your liability for Tax-Related Items or to structure the terms of this option to achieve any particular tax result. If you become subject to taxation in more than one jurisdiction, Incyte and/or your employer (or former employer, as applicable) may be required to withhold or account for Tax-Related Items in more than one jurisdiction. Prior to any taxable or tax withholding event, you will make arrangements satisfactory to Incyte and your employer so that Incyte and your employer can fulfill any withholding obligations for Tax-Related Items. Incyte shall not be required to issue any shares or deliver the proceeds of the sale of any shares until such obligations are satisfied. In this regard, Incyte and/or your employer, or their respective agents, at their discretion, may fulfill any applicable withholding obligations for Tax-Related Items by one or a combination of the following: (A)withholding from your wages or other cash amount payable to you by Incyte and/or your employer; (B)withholding from proceeds of the sale of shares acquired upon exercise of this option either through a voluntary sale or through a mandatory sale arranged by Incyte (on your behalf pursuant to this authorization without further consent); (C)requiring you to make a cash payment to Incyte or your employer; (D)withholding shares of Incyte stock otherwise issuance upon exercise of this option; and/or (E)any other method of withholding determined by Incyte and permitted by applicable law. If the obligation for Tax-Related Items is satisfied by withholding shares, for tax purposes, you will be deemed to have been issued the full number of shares subject to the exercised option, notwithstanding that a number of shares are withheld to pay the Tax-Related Items. Incyte may withhold or account for Tax-Related Items by considering statutory withholding rates or other applicable withholding rates, including up to the maximum applicable rate in your jurisdiction to the extent permitted under the Plan. In the event any over-withholding results from the application of statutory or other withholding rates, you may receive a refund from your employer or you may be required to request a refund from the tax authorities in your country, but you will not be entitled to any interest or to the equivalent amount in shares. In the event any under-withholding results from the application or statutory or other withholding rates, you may be required to pay additional amounts to the tax authorities in your country. |
Restrictions on Resale | By accepting the grant notice, you agree not to sell any option shares at a time when applicable laws or Incyte policies prohibit a sale. This restriction will apply as long as you are an employee, director, consultant or advisor of Incyte (or any subsidiary). |
Change in Control | The following provisions will apply in the event a Change in Control (as defined in the Plan) occurs while this option is outstanding and you are still performing service as an employee, director, consultant or advisor of Incyte (or any parent or subsidiary). For purposes of these provisions, Incyte or any parent or subsidiary for which you are performing services is referred to as the “Employer.” If this Agreement is not assumed or replaced with a new comparable award (with the determination of comparability to be made by the Committee), then there would be full accelerated vesting of this option upon the Change in Control. If this Agreement is assumed or replaced with a new comparable award, then this option (or such comparable award) would vest in full if within one year following the Change in Control your service for the Employer is terminated without Cause or is Constructively Terminated. For purposes of this Agreement, “Cause” shall mean (i) in the case where there is no employment agreement, consulting agreement, change in control agreement or similar agreement or plan in effect between Incyte and you on the date specified in the grant notice (or where there is such an agreement or plan but it does not define “cause” (or words of like import)): (A) your continued failure to perform your duties with the Employer (other than any such failure resulting from incapacity due to physical or mental illness or total and permanent disability, which incapacity has been recognized as such by the Committee or its designee); (B) engagement in illegal conduct, gross misconduct or dishonesty that is injurious to the Employer or its affiliates; (C) unauthorized disclosure or misuse of any of the Employer’s secret, confidential or proprietary information, knowledge or data relating to the Employer or its affiliates; or (D) violation of any of the employee policies or procedures of the Employer; or (ii) in the case where there is an employment agreement, consulting agreement, change in control agreement or similar agreement or plan in effect between Incyte and you on the date specified in the grant notice that defines “cause” (or words of like import), as defined under such agreement or plan. For purposes of this Agreement, “Constructive Termination” shall mean (i) in the case where there is no employment agreement, consulting agreement, change in control agreement or similar agreement or plan in effect between Incyte and you on the date specified in the grant notice (or where there is such an agreement or plan but it does not define “constructive termination” (or words of like import)): (A) the assignment to you of any duties fundamentally inconsistent with your position, authority, duties or responsibilities as in effect immediately prior to a Change in Control (or any other action by the Employer that results in a fundamental diminishment in such position, authority, duties or responsibilities as in effect immediately prior to a Change in Control), provided that neither a mere change in title alone nor reassignment to a position that is substantially similar to the position held prior to the Change in Control shall constitute fundamental diminishment; (B) the Employer requiring you to be based at any office or location more than 50 miles from the office or location where you are based immediately prior to the Change in Control; or (C) any reduction in your annual base salary or target bonus opportunity (if any) from that which exists immediately prior to a Change in Control; or (ii) in the case where there is an employment agreement, consulting agreement, change in control agreement or similar agreement or plan in effect between Incyte and you on the date specified in the grant notice that defines “constructive termination” (or words of like import), as defined under such agreement or plan. |
Transfer of Option | Prior to your death, only you may exercise this option. You cannot transfer or assign this option. For instance, you may not sell this option or use it as security for a loan. If you attempt to do any of these things, this option will immediately become invalid. You may, however, designate a family member or family trust as your beneficiary to exercise this option after your death (your designation must be in writing and delivered to Incyte), or you may dispose of this option in your will. Incyte has the sole and absolute discretion to determine whether any beneficiary designation or will is valid for purposes of the transfer of this option following your death. Regardless of any marital property settlement agreement, Incyte is not obligated to honor a notice of exercise from your former spouse, nor is Incyte obligated to recognize your former spouse’s interest in your option in any way. | ||||
Retention Rights | Neither your option nor this Agreement gives you the right to be retained by Incyte (or any subsidiaries) in any capacity. Incyte (and any subsidiaries) reserve the right to terminate your service at any time, with or without cause. | ||||
Stockholder Rights | You, or your estate or heirs, have no rights as a stockholder of Incyte until a certificate for your option shares has been issued. No adjustments are made for dividends or other rights if the applicable record date occurs before your stock certificate is issued, except as described in the Plan. | ||||
Recovery and Reimbursement of Option Gain | Incyte shall have the right to recover, or receive reimbursement for, any compensation or profit realized by the exercise of this option or by the disposition of any option shares to the extent Incyte has such a right of recovery or reimbursement under applicable securities laws. | ||||
Adjustments | In the event of a stock split, a stock dividend or a similar change in Incyte stock, the number of shares covered by this option and the exercise price per share may be adjusted pursuant to the Plan. |
Jurisdiction-Specific Provisions | Additional or different terms and conditions and/or information with respect to this option may be included in an appendix to this Agreement. The appendices constitute part of this Agreement. This option is subject to any terms and conditions for your jurisdiction set forth in Appendix A to this Agreement (“Appendix A”). If you transfer residence and/or employment to a country reflected in Appendix A, the terms and conditions for such country will apply to you to the extent Incyte determines, in its sole discretion, that the application of such terms and conditions is necessary or advisable for legal or administrative reasons. In addition, Incyte may impose other requirements on this option and require you to sign additional agreements or undertakings that Incyte determines may be necessary or advisable for legal or administrative reasons to accomplish the grant of this option or the issuance of the securities issuable upon exercise of this option. Information regarding the use of personal data in connection with the Plan is set forth in Appendix B to this Agreement (“Appendix B”). | ||||
Applicable Law | This Agreement will be interpreted and enforced under the laws of the State of Delaware (without regard to its choice of law provisions). |
Venue | Any and all disputes relating to, concerning or arising from this Agreement, or relating to, concerning or arising from the relationship between you and Incyte evidenced by this option or this Agreement, shall be brought and heard exclusively in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware or the Delaware Superior Court, New Castle County. You hereby represent and agree that you are subject to the personal jurisdiction of said courts, irrevocably consent to the jurisdiction of such courts in any legal or equitable proceedings related to, concerning or arising from such dispute, and waive, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any objection which you may now or hereafter have that the laying of the venue of any legal or equitable proceedings related to, concerning or arising from such dispute which is brought in such courts is improper or that such proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum. | ||||
The Plan and Other Agreements | The text of the Incyte Corporation 2024 Inducement Stock Incentive Plan (the “Plan”) is incorporated in this Agreement by reference. All capitalized terms not defined in this Agreement are subject to definition under the Plan. If there is any discrepancy between the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the terms and conditions of the Plan, the terms and conditions of the Plan shall control. This Agreement, the grant notice and the Plan constitute the entire understanding between you and Incyte regarding this option. Any prior agreements, commitments or negotiations concerning this option are superseded. This Agreement may be amended by the Committee without your consent; however, if any such amendment would materially impair your rights or obligations under the Agreement, this Agreement may be amended only by another written agreement signed by you and Incyte. |