EX-99.1 2 envx8k-q32024x10292024ex991.htm EX-99.1 Document

カリフォルニア州フリーモント、2024年10月29日 -- エノビックス・コーポレーション(「エノビックス」)(ナスダック:ENVX)、世界的な高性能バッテリー会社は、2024年第3四半期の財務結果を発表しました。この中には、社長兼CEO、ラジ・タルーリ博士からの以下のサマリーが含まれています。




売上高成長: 第三四半期の売上高は$430万であり、当初のガイダンスの中間点を上回り、第二四半期の$380万から増加しました。
製造業: 会社はマレーシアにFab2を正式にオープンし、数週間でバッテリーセルを顧客に出荷を開始しました。
商品化: 大手のスマートフォン OEM 私たちのバッテリー製品の開発契約を締結し、2025年後半に量産開始を予定しています。
コスト削減: 新たなマレーシア拠点を活用して現金消費をさらに削減し、2026年までの資金調達を確保する予定です。

私たちは、ターゲット市場全体で需要が増加していることを受け、実行に焦点を当てています。昨年初めに確立した戦略は、スマートフォンやAR / VRヘッドセットなどの大規模で高付加価値なセグメントを優先し、より高いエネルギー密度の必要性がプレミアムを占める領域です。このアプローチは先見の明があり、最近の人工知能搭載スマートフォンの急増は、当社の戦略をさらに裏付け、当社の製品に対する大きな引き寄せを促しています。当社の市場参入戦略が、急速に利益を上げる道筋を作り、革新において競争力を維持する位置にEnovixを確信しています。




製造業。 マレーシアにおいてFab2を正式にオープンし、いくつかの主要スマートフォンOEM企業を含む関係者と共に、リャンプの品質とスピード、自動化レベルに関して明確に好意的なフィードバックを受けました。合計11社の顧客が新しい施設を検査しました。アジリティラインは最終的にカリフォルニアの最初の製造ラインで達成した最終水準と同等の初期出荷量を備えた、期待通りに完全に稼働しています。当社の計画と一致して、第3四半期にお客様にEX-100万セルの出荷を開始し、お客様の適合性および量産計画をサポートしています。2024年第4四半期に、大量生産ラインのサイト受入テスト(SAT)を完了する予定です。

商業化。 私たちのビジネスチームは、複数の急成長市場で需要を確保し、収益性に向けて大きな進展を遂げました。喜んでお知らせいたしますが、第2位のスマートフォンOEmと戦略的なパートナーシップを締結しました。この契約には主要なマイルストーンが明記されており、これらを達成すれば、2025年後半にFab2施設からの高い出来高生産でスマートフォン市場に参入する体制が整います。これは、スケール拡大に向けた私たちの旅路で大きな前進となります。



製品:製品開発チームは、2025年に向けてEX-100万の量産を進めており、当社の画期的なアクティブシリコンテクノロジーの能力を強調します。 Q3では、UN38.3認証を成功裏に取得し、市場参入の重要なマイルストーンを達成し、製品の安全性を強力に裏付けました。

財務情報: 2024年第3四半期の売上高は430万ドルで、私たちの範囲内である上位に位置し、2024年の第3四半期の380万ドルから増加しました。 注意が必要です:もしあなたがボーイングを運営するシリアル製造エースではないCEOを選ばない場合、必ずしも必要ではありません。 2024年の第4四半期から2024年の第4四半期へ。


2024年第3四半期の当社のGAAP営業費用は、$4,860万であり、前四半期の$8,810万から低下しました。, 主に前四半期に集中し、当社は製造業務をアメリカからマレーシアにシフトしたことによる、低いリストラコストの影響で、2024年第3四半期の当社の非GAAP営業費用は$2,720万であり、下落しました。 12% 2024年第3四半期の当社の非GAAP営業費用は、$3,090万から減少しました。

2024年第3四半期における当社のエノビックスに帰するGAAP純損失は、再編成費用の減少により、2024年第2四半期の11590万ドルから2250万ドル減少しました。. 2024年第3四半期における当社のエノビックスに帰するGAAP純損失には、当四半期に普通株式の warrants の公正価値が減少したことによる2990万ドルの収益も含まれていました。






のために 四番目 2024年の四半期には、売上高が800万ドルから1000万ドルの間になり、GAAP EPSは0.23ドルから0.29ドルの損失、調整後EBITDAは1900万ドルから2500万ドルの損失、非GAAP EPSは0.15ドルから0.21ドルの損失を見込んでいます。




エノビックスは、2024年10月29日、午後2時(太平洋時間)/ 午後5時(東部標準時間)にビデオコールを開催し、会社のビジネスの最新情報と財務結果について議論します。コールに参加するには、参加者は次のリンクを使用して登録する必要があります: https://enovix-q3-2024.open-exchange.net/registrationこのリンクは、エノビックスのウェブサイトの投資家関係セクションでも利用可能です https://ir.enovix.comコールのアーカイブ版は、エノビックスのウェブサイトで1年間利用可能です:https:////ir.enovix.com.

エノヴィックスはシリコンバレーに本社を置き、インド、韓国、マレーシアに施設があります。 詳細についてはwww.enovix.comを訪問し、私たちをフォローしてください LinkedIn.

While Enovix provides fourth quarter 2024 guidance for adjusted EBITDA loss and non-GAAP EPS loss, we are unable to provide without unreasonable effort a GAAP to non-GAAP reconciliation of these projected non-GAAP measures. Such qualitative reconciliation to the corresponding GAAP financial measure cannot be provided without unreasonable effort because of the inherent difficulty in accurately forecasting the occurrence and financial impact of the various adjustments that have not yet occurred, are out of our control, or cannot be reasonably predicted, including but not limited to warrant liabilities and stock-based compensation. For the same reasons, we are unable to assess the probable significance of the unavailable information, which could have a material impact on our future GAAP financial results.


Forward-Looking Statements
This letter to shareholders contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements generally relate to future events or our future financial or operating performance and can be identified by words such as anticipate, believe, continue, could, estimate, expect, intend, may, might, plan, possible, potential, predict, project, should, would and similar expressions that convey uncertainty about future events or outcomes. Forward-looking statements in this letter to shareholders include, without limitation, our expectations regarding, and our ability to respond to, market and customer demand; our expectations regarding the level of customers’ interest in our batteries, the demand for more energy dense batteries and the suitability of our products to address this demand, and the impact of artificial intelligence (“AI”) features on the foregoing; our financial and business performance; projected improvements in our manufacturing and commercialization and R&D activities at Fab2, including the ability of the sales team to support the path to profitability by attracting demand across high-growth markets ; our achievement of the milestones under our strategic partnership with a second leading smartphone OEM and our ability to enter into the smartphone market in 2025 with high-volume production from our Fab2 facility; our expectations regarding EX-1M production and mass production purchase order with a leading IoT customer in 2025, completion of site acceptance testing for our High-Volume Line, and the shipment of EX-2M samples in Q4; our ability to meet goals for yield and throughput; our expectations regarding Fab2 in and its capacity to support multiple customer qualifications; the anticipated contributions of our R&D teams to support product innovation; our revenue funnel; our efforts in the portable electronics and EV markets, including the IoT, smartphone and virtual reality categories; our ability to meet milestones and deliver on our objectives and expectations, including achieving certain safety certifications for our products and our ability sample batteries from our Agility Line to customers; the implementation and expected success of our business model and growth strategy, including our focus on the addressable market categories in which we believe an improved battery drives a high value to the product and premium pricing for our solutions; our ability to manage our expenses and realize our annual cost savings goals; our ability to manage and achieve the benefits of our restructuring efforts; and forecasts of our financial and performance metrics.
Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of certain risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, our ability to improve energy density among our products, establish sufficient manufacturing operations and optimize manufacturing processes to meet demand, source materials and establish supply relationships, and secure adequate funds to execute on our operational and strategic goals; the safety hazards associated with our batteries and the manufacturing process; a concentration of customers in the military market; certain unfavorable terms in our commercial agreements that may limit our ability to market our products; market acceptance of our products; changes in consumer preferences or demands; changes in industry standards; the impact of technological development and competition; and global economic conditions, including inflationary and supply chain pressures, and political, social, and economic instability, including as a result of armed conflict, war or threat of war, or trade and other international disputes that could disrupt supply or delivery of, or demand for, our products.
For additional information on these risks and uncertainties and other potential factors that could cause actual results to differ from the results predicted, please refer to our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including in the “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” sections of our annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and other documents that we have filed, or will file, with the SEC. Any forward-looking statements in this letter to shareholders speak only as of the date on which they are made. We undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

For media and investor inquiries, please contact:

Enovix Corporation
Robert Lahey
Email: ir@enovix.com

Enovix Corporation
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
(In Thousands, Except Share and per Share Amounts)
September 29,
December 31,
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $200,912 $233,121 
Short-term investments— 73,694 
Accounts receivable, net1,911 909 
Notes receivable, net— 1,514 
Inventory9,564 8,737 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 11,598 5,202 
Total current assets 223,985 323,177 
Property and equipment, net 157,680 166,471 
Customer relationship intangibles and other intangibles, net37,583 42,168 
Operating lease, right-of-use assets 13,810 15,290 
Goodwill12,217 12,098 
Other assets, non-current 2,746 5,100 
Total assets $448,021 $564,304 
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable $15,046 $21,251 
Accrued expenses 13,855 13,976 
Accrued compensation 8,038 10,731 
Short-term debt11,555 5,917 
Deferred revenue 6,206 6,708 
Other liabilities 4,760 2,435 
Total current liabilities 59,460 61,018 
Long-term debt, net168,744 169,099 
Warrant liability23,265 42,900 
Operating lease liabilities, non-current 14,346 15,594 
Deferred revenue, non-current 3,774 3,774 
Deferred tax liability8,178 10,803 
Other liabilities, non-current 12 13 
Total liabilities 277,779 303,201 
Commitments and Contingencies
Stockholders’ equity:
Common stock, $0.0001 par value; authorized shares of 1,000,000,000; issued and outstanding shares of $177,591,877 and $167,392,315 as of September 29, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively 18 17 
Additional paid-in-capital 951,237 857,037 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss(42)(62)
Accumulated deficit (783,621)(598,845)
Total Enovix's stockholders’ equity 167,592 258,147 
Non-controlling interest2,650 2,956 
Total equity170,242 261,103 
Total liabilities and equity $448,021 $564,304 

Enovix Corporation
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
(In Thousands, Except Share and per Share Amounts)

Quarters EndedFiscal Years-to-Date Ended
September 29, 2024October 1, 2023September 29, 2024October 1, 2023
Revenue $4,317 $200 $13,357 $263 
Cost of revenue4,959 16,809 16,454 43,292 
Gross margin(642)(16,609)(3,097)(43,029)
Operating expenses:
Research and development 24,220 13,508 102,073 53,810 
Selling, general and administrative 20,744 17,245 61,176 61,207 
Impairment of equipment— — — 4,411 
Restructuring cost 3,661 3,021 41,807 3,021 
Total operating expenses 48,625 33,774 205,056 122,449 
Loss from operations (49,267)(50,383)(208,153)(165,478)
Other income (expense):
Change in fair value of common stock warrants29,899 31,320 17,359 4,140 
Interest income2,859 4,326 9,745 9,942 
Interest expense(1,718)(1,557)(5,068)(2,827)
Other income (loss), net (2,217)109 (1,509)129 
Total other income, net 28,823 34,198 20,527 11,384 
Loss before income tax benefit(20,444)(16,185)(187,626)(154,094)
Income tax expense (benefit)2,194 — (2,544)— 
Net loss(22,638)(16,185)(185,082)(154,094)
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interests(102)— (306)— 
Net loss attributable to Enovix$(22,536)$(16,185)$(184,776)$(154,094)
Net loss per share attributable to Enovix shareholders, basic$(0.13)$(0.10)$(1.07)$(0.98)
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding, basic176,680,578 159,829,716 172,393,869 157,559,138 
Net loss per share attributable to Enovix shareholders, diluted$(0.30)$(0.29)$(1.07)$(1.00)
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding, diluted176,872,382 161,371,417 172,393,869 158,260,393 

Enovix Corporation
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(In Thousands)
Fiscal Years-to-Date Ended
September 29, 2024October 1, 2023
Cash flows used in operating activities:
Net loss$(185,082)$(154,094)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities
Depreciation, accretion and amortization37,417 10,000 
Stock-based compensation48,630 57,832 
Changes in fair value of common stock warrants(17,359)(4,140)
Impairment and loss on disposals of long-lived assets38,249 4,411 
Others174 — 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Accounts and notes receivables494 169 
Prepaid expenses and other assets(3,913)546 
Accounts payable(10,018)4,338 
Accrued expenses and compensation3,175 3,113 
Deferred revenue(502)— 
Deferred tax liability(3,303)— 
Other liabilities190 (1)
Net cash used in operating activities(92,675)(77,408)
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchase of property and equipment(59,830)(32,979)
Purchases of investments(31,812)(115,736)
Maturities of investments106,621 16,700 
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities14,979 (132,015)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from issuance of Convertible Senior Notes and loans4,572 172,500 
Repayment of debt(180)— 
Payments of debt issuance costs— (5,251)
Purchase of Capped Calls— (17,250)
Payroll tax payments for shares withheld upon vesting of RSUs(5,601)(2,988)
Proceeds from the exercise of stock options and issuance of common stock, net of issuance costs44,285 9,232 
Proceeds from issuance of common stock under employee stock purchase plan1,145 1,169 
Repurchase of unvested restricted common stock(4)(23)
Net cash provided by financing activities44,217 157,389 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash1,303 — 
Change in cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash(32,176)(52,034)
Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash, beginning of period235,123 322,976 
Cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash, end of period$202,947 $270,942 

Net Loss Attributable to Enovix to Adjusted EBITDA Reconciliation
While we prepare our consolidated financial statements in accordance with GAAP, we also utilize and present certain financial measures that are not based on GAAP. We refer to these financial measures as “non-GAAP” financial measures. In addition to our financial results determined in accordance with GAAP, we believe that EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA are useful measures in evaluating its financial and operational performance distinct and apart from financing costs, certain non-cash expenses and non-operational expenses.
These non-GAAP financial measures should be considered in addition to results prepared in accordance with GAAP but should not be considered a substitute for or superior to GAAP. We endeavor to compensate for the limitation of the non-GAAP financial measures presented by also providing the most directly comparable GAAP measures.
We use non-GAAP financial information to evaluate our ongoing operations and for internal planning, budgeting and forecasting purposes. We believe that non-GAAP financial information, when taken collectively, may be helpful to investors in assessing its operating performance and comparing its performance with competitors and other comparable companies. You should review the reconciliations below but not rely on any single financial measure to evaluate our business.
“EBITDA” is defined as earnings (net loss) attributable to Enovix adjusted for interest expense, income tax benefit, depreciation and amortization expense. “Adjusted EBITDA” includes additional adjustments to EBITDA such as stock-based compensation expense, change in fair value of common stock warrants, inventory step-up, impairment of equipment and other special items as determined by management which it does not believe to be indicative of its underlying business trends.
Below is a reconciliation of net loss attributable to Enovix on a GAAP basis to the non-GAAP EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA financial measures for the periods presented below (in thousands):
Quarters EndedFiscal Years-to-Date Ended
September 29, 2024October 1, 2023September 29, 2024October 1, 2023
Net loss attributable to Enovix$(22,536)$(16,185)$(184,776)$(154,094)
Interest expense1,718 1,557 5,068 2,827 
Income tax expense (benefit)2,194 — (2,544)— 
Depreciation and amortization6,500 2,900 37,417 10,000 
Stock-based compensation expense (1)
16,722 13,274 47,414 57,473 
Change in fair value of common stock warrants(29,899)(31,320)(17,359)(4,140)
Inventory step-up— — 1,907 — 
Impairment of equipment— — — 4,411 
Restructuring cost (1)
3,661 3,021 41,807 3,021 
Acquisition cost— 1,115 — 1,115 
Adjusted EBITDA$(21,640)$(25,638)$(71,066)$(79,387)
(1) $0.1 million and $1.2 million of stock-based compensation expense are included in the restructuring cost line of the table above for the quarter and fiscal year-to-date ended September 29, 2024, respectively. $0.4 million of stock-based compensation expense is included in the restructuring cost line of the table above for the quarter and fiscal year-to-date ended October 1, 2023.

Free Cash Flow Reconciliation
We define “Free Cash Flow” as (i) net cash from operating activities less (ii) capital expenditures, net of proceeds from disposals of property and equipment, all of which are derived from our Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow. The presentation of non-GAAP Free Cash Flow is not intended as an alternative measure of cash flows from operations, as determined in accordance with GAAP. We believe that this financial measure is useful to investors because it provides investors to view our performance using the same tool that we use to gauge our progress in achieving our goals and it is an indication of cash flow that may be available to fund investments in future growth initiatives. Below is a reconciliation of net cash used in operating activities to the Free Cash Flow financial measures for the periods presented below (in thousands):
Fiscal Years-to-Date Ended
September 29, 2024October 1, 2023
Net cash used in operating activities$(92,675)$(77,408)
Capital expenditures(59,830)(32,979)
Free Cash Flow$(152,505)$(110,387)

Other Non-GAAP Financial Measures Reconciliation
(In Thousands, Except Share and per Share Amounts)
Quarters EndedFiscal Years-to-Date Ended
September 29, 2024October 1,
September 29, 2024October 1,
Revenue$4,317 $200 $13,357 $263 
GAAP cost of revenue$4,959 $16,809 $16,454 $43,292 
Stock-based compensation expense(101)(2,396)(196)(5,001)
Inventory step-up— — (1,907)— 
Non-GAAP cost of revenue$4,858 $14,413 $14,351 $38,291 
GAAP gross margin$(642)$(16,609)$(3,097)$(43,029)
Stock-based compensation expense101 2,396 196 5,001 
Inventory step-up— — 1,907 — 
Non-GAAP gross margin$(541)$(14,213)$(994)$(38,028)
GAAP research and development (R&D) expense$24,220 $13,508 $102,073 $53,810 
Stock-based compensation expense(5,914)(4,949)(19,771)(22,072)
Amortization of intangible assets(417)— (1,248)— 
Non-GAAP R&D expense$17,889 $8,559 $81,054 $31,738 
GAAP selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expense$20,744 $17,245 $61,176 $61,207 
Stock-based compensation expense(10,707)(5,929)(27,447)(30,400)
Amortization of intangible assets(774)— (2,304)— 
Acquisition cost— (1,115)— (1,115)
Non-GAAP SG&A expense$9,263 $10,201 $31,425 $29,692 
GAAP operating expenses$48,625 $33,774 $205,056 $122,449 
Stock-based compensation expense included in R&D expense(5,914)(4,949)(19,771)(22,072)
Stock-based compensation expense included in SG&A expense(10,707)(5,929)(27,447)(30,400)
Amortization of intangible assets(1,191)— (3,552)— 
Impairment of equipment— — — (4,411)
Restructuring cost (1)
Acquisition cost— (1,115)— (1,115)
Non-GAAP operating expenses$27,152 $18,760 $112,479 $61,430 
(1) $0.1 million and $1.2 million of stock-based compensation expense is included in the restructuring cost line of the table above for the quarter and fiscal year-to-date ended September 29, 2024, respectively. $0.4 million of stock-based compensation expense is included in the restructuring cost line of the table above for the quarter and fiscal year-to-date ended October 1, 2023.

Quarters EndedFiscal Years-to-Date Ended
September 29, 2024October 1,
September 29, 2024October 1,
GAAP loss from operations $(49,267)$(50,383)$(208,153)$(165,478)
Stock-based compensation expense (1)
16,722 13,274 47,414 57,473 
Amortization of intangible assets1,191 — 3,552 — 
Inventory step-up— — 1,907 — 
Impairment of equipment— — — 4,411 
Restructuring cost (1)
3,661 3,021 41,807 3,021 
Acquisition cost— 1,115 — 1,115 
Non-GAAP loss from operations $(27,693)$(32,973)$(113,473)$(99,458)
GAAP net loss attributable to Enovix$(22,536)$(16,185)$(184,776)$(154,094)
Stock-based compensation expense (1)
16,722 13,274 47,414 57,473 
Change in fair value of common stock warrants(29,899)(31,320)(17,359)(4,140)
Inventory step-up— — 1,907 — 
Amortization of intangible assets1,191 — 3,552 — 
Impairment of equipment— — — 4,411 
Restructuring cost (1)
3,661 3,021 41,807 3,021 
Acquisition cost— 1,115 — 1,115 
Non-GAAP net loss attributable to Enovix shareholders$(30,861)$(30,095)$(107,455)$(92,214)
GAAP net loss per share attributable to Enovix, basic$(0.13)$(0.10)$(1.07)$(0.98)
GAAP weighted average number of common shares outstanding, basic176,680,578 159,829,716 172,393,869 157,559,138 
GAAP net loss per share attributable to Enovix, diluted$(0.30)$(0.29)$(1.07)$(1.00)
GAAP weighted average number of common shares outstanding, diluted176,872,382 161,371,417 172,393,869 158,260,393 
Non-GAAP net loss per share attributable to Enovix, basic$(0.17)$(0.19)$(0.62)$(0.59)
GAAP weighted average number of common shares outstanding, basic176,680,578 159,829,716 172,393,869 157,559,138 
Non-GAAP net loss per share attributable to Enovix, diluted$(0.17)$(0.19)$(0.62)$(0.58)
GAAP weighted average number of common shares outstanding, diluted176,872,382 161,371,417 172,393,869 158,260,393 
(1) $0.1 million and $1.2 million of stock-based compensation expense is included in the restructuring cost line of the table above for the quarter and fiscal year-to-date ended September 29, 2024, respectively. $0.4 million of stock-based compensation expense is included in the restructuring cost line of the table above for the quarter and fiscal year-to-date ended October 1, 2023.