财务 补充
Karen Beyer:(212) 827-4445
本报告仅供参考。应与Chubb Limited向证券交易委员会提交的文件一起阅读,包括最新的年度报告10-k和季度报告10-Q。
关于前瞻性声明的警示性声明 本发布将包含适用证券法的前瞻性信息("前瞻性声明"),涉及Descartes的运输管理解决方案和潜在的由此获得的好处;和其他事项。这样的前瞻性声明涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性、假设和其他因素,可能导致实际结果、表现或成就不同于预期的结果、表现或成就或发生的发展所表达或暗示的发展。诸如代表性的因素和假设在提交给证券交易委员会、安大略证券委员会和加拿大全国证券委员会的文件中讨论,包括Descartes最近提交的管理层讨论和分析文档中。如果任何此类风险确实发生,他们可能会对我们的业务、财务状况或运营结果造成实质性的负面影响。如果出现这种情况,我们普通股的交易价格可能会下跌,甚至可能趋于实质。读者被警告不要对任何此类前瞻性声明抱有过高的依赖性,这些声明仅在发表之日有效。前瞻性声明是为了提供关于管理层当前的期望和计划,涉及未来的目的。读者被警告,这样的信息可能不适用于其他目的。我们不承担任何更新或修订任何前瞻性声明的任何义务或承诺,以反映任何基于法律要求的期望或任何该声明所基于的事实、情况或环境的任何变化,除非法律规定。
I. | 财务亮点 | |||||
- 合并财务要点 | 1 | |||||
II. | 综合业绩 | |||||
- 合并运营报表 | 2 | |||||
- 财产保险业务-连续几个季度的业绩 | 3 | |||||
- 全球财产和意外保险业绩 - 连续季度 | 4 | |||||
- 汇总资产负债表 | 5 | |||||
- 产品线 | 6 | |||||
- 按部门汇总的业绩 | 7 - 8 | |||||
III. | 细分市场结果 | |||||
- 北美商业财产及意外保险 | 9 | |||||
- 北美个人财产及意外保险 | 10 | |||||
- 北美农业保险 | 11 | |||||
- 境外普通保险 | 12 | |||||
- 全球再保险 | 13 | |||||
- 寿险 | 14 | |||||
- 企业 | 15 | |||||
IV. | 资产负债表细节 | |||||
- 损失准备资金滚动 | 16 | |||||
- 再保险收回款项分析 | 17 | |||||
- 投资组合 | 18 - 21 | |||||
- 净实现和未实现收益(损失) | 22 - 23 | |||||
- 债务和资本 | 24 | |||||
- 基本和摊薄每股收益的计算 | 25 | |||||
- 账面价值和每股普通股的账面价值 | 26 | |||||
V. | 其他披露 | |||||
- 非GAAP财务指标 | 27 - 33 | |||||
- 术语表 | 34 |
截至9月30日的三个月 | 恒定$ | 恒定$ | 九个月截至9月30日 | 恒定$ | 恒定$ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024 | 2023 | % 变动 | 2023 | % 变动 | 2024 | 2023 | % 变动 | 2023 | % 变动 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
总保险费收入 |
$ | 16,761 | $ | 15,996 | 4.8% | 美元 | 15,844 | 5.8% | $ | 47,677 | $ | 43,880 | 8.7% | $ | 43,651 | 9.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
净保险费 |
$ | 13,829 | $ | 13,104 | 5.5% | 美元 | 12,969 | 6.6% | $ | 39,410 | $ | 35,765 | 10.2% | $ | 35,559 | 10.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
财险净保费收入 |
$ | 12,277 | $ | 11,652 | 5.4% | 美元 | 11,566 | 6.1% | $ | 34,645 | $ | 31,750 | 9.1% | $ | 31,659 | 9.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
全球财产与意外净保费 |
$ | 10,898 | $ | 10,131 | 7.6% | 美元 | 10,045 | 8.5% | $ | 32,259 | $ | 29,169 | 10.6% | $ | 29,078 | 10.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
人寿保险净保费收入 |
$ | 1,552 | $ | 1,452 | 6.8% | 美元 | 1,403 | 10.6% | $ | 4,765 | $ | 4,015 | 18.7% | $ | 3,900 | 22.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
净保费收入 |
$ | 13,373 | $ | 12,674 | 5.5% | $ | 12,536 | 6.7% | $ | 37,248 | $ | 33,815 | 10.2% | $ | 33,593 | 10.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
财产和意外险承保收入 |
$ | 1,457 | $ | 1,305 | 11.7% | $ | 1,291 | 12.8% | $ | 4,275 | $ | 3,943 | 8.4% | $ | 3,917 | 9.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
P&C CAY underwriting income ex Cats |
$ | 1,978 | $ | 1,775 | 11.5% | $ | 1,763 | 12.3% | $ | 5,412 | $ | 4,875 | 11.0% | $ | 4,857 | 11.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
调整后的净投资收益 |
$ | 1,640 | $ | 1,415 | 15.9% | $ | 1,404 | 16.8% | $ | 4,685 | $ | 3,856 | 21.5% | $ | 3,837 | 22.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
核心营业利润 |
$ | 2,334 | $ | 2,041 | 14.3% | $ | 2,018 | 15.6% | $ | 6,746 | $ | 5,927 | 13.8% | $ | 5,882 | 14.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
调整后的经营现金流量 |
$ | 4,551 | $ | 4,680 | $ | 11,741 | $ | 9,446 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
净投资收益 |
$ | 1,508 | $ | 1,314 | 14.7% | $ | 1,303 | 15.6% | $ | 4,367 | $ | 3,566 | 22.5% | $ | 3,547 | 23.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chubb净利润 |
$ | 2,324 | $ | 2,043 | 13.8% | $ | 6,697 | $ | 5,728 | 16.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
经营现金流量 |
$ | 4,318 | $ | 4,680 | $ | 11,617 | $ | 9,446 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
财产与意外损失合并比率 |
损失和损失准备金比率 |
63.1% | 64.0% | 60.8% | 60.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
政策收购成本和行政费用比率 |
24.6% | 24.4% | 26.1% | 25.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
综合赔付率 |
87.7% | 88.4% | 86.9% | 86.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
财产与意外当前事故年度(CAY)合并比率,不包括灾难损失(Cats) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY亏损和亏损费用比例,不包括灾害损失 |
58.9% | 60.1% | 57.5% | 58.0% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY保单获取成本和行政费用比例,不包括灾害损失 |
24.5% | 24.2% | 25.9% | 25.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY综合比率,不包括灾害损失 |
83.4% | 84.3% | 83.4% | 83.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
毛利润 (以十亿计) |
14.7% | 15.5% | 14.3% | 14.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
核心营运资本净资产回报率(ROTE) |
21.7% | 21.2% | 21.5% | 21.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
核心营运股东利润率(roe) |
13.9% | 13.5% | 13.6% | 13.3% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
有效税率 |
17.7% | 16.8% | 16.6% | 17.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
核心营运有效税率 |
17.7% | 18.8% | 17.2% | 18.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
摊薄每股收益 |
Chubb 净利润 |
$ | 5.70 | $ | 4.95 | 15.2% | $ | 16.38 | $ | 13.79 | 18.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
核心营业利润 |
$ | 5.72 | $ | 4.95 | 15.6% | $ | 16.50 | $ | 14.27 | 15.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
加权平均基本普通股股数 |
403.8 | 409.5 | 404.7 | 412.1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
加权平均摊薄普通股股数 |
407.9 | 412.6 | 408.9 | 415.4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
百分比变动 | 百分比变动 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9月30日 | 6月30日 | 3Q-24 vs. | 12月31日 | 3Q-24 vs. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024 | 2024 | 2Q-24 | 2023 | 4Q-23 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
每股普通股账面价值 |
$ | 163.16 | $ | 151.05 | 8.0% | $ | 146.83 | 11.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
每股有形账面价值 |
$ | 102.67 | $ | 91.05 | 12.8% | $ | 87.98 | 16.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
每股普通股账面价值,不包括AOCI |
$ | 176.23 | $ | 171.60 | 2.7% | $ | 163.64 | 7.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
每股有形账面价值,不包括AOCI |
$ | 113.72 | $ | 109.08 | 4.3% | $ | 102.78 | 10.6% |
财务亮点 | 第1页 |
综合营运报告 | 3Q-24 | 2Q-24 | 1Q-24 | 4Q-23 | 3Q-23 | 全年 2024 |
全年 2023 |
全年 2023 |
已核写保费 |
$ | 16,761 | $ | 16,491 | $ | 14,425 | $ | 13,646 | $ | 15,996 | $ | 47,677 | $ | 43,880 | $ | 57,526 | ||||||||||||||||
已发出的净保费 |
13,829 | 13,360 | 12,221 | 11,596 | 13,104 | 39,410 | 35,765 | 47,361 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
已赢取保费净额 |
13,373 | 12,292 | 11,583 | 11,897 | 12,674 | 37,248 | 33,815 | 45,712 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
调整后亏损和损失费用 (1) |
7,384 | 6,434 | 5,728 | 6,165 | 7,113 | 19,546 | 17,940 | 24,105 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
对农作物衍生品的实现(收益)损失 |
1 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 5 | 3 | 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
亏损和损失费用 |
7,383 | 6,431 | 5,727 | 6,163 | 7,106 | 19,541 | 17,937 | 24,100 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
调整后保单利益 (2) |
1,109 | 1,123 | 1,170 | 1,052 | 957 | 3,402 | 2,621 | 3,673 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
支持参与型保单的投资组合的实现(收益)损失 |
(20 | ) | (85 | ) | - | - | - | (105 | ) | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||
(收益)在分离账户资产公平价值变动中的亏损 |
30 | (11 | ) | (10 | ) | (11 | ) | 19 | 9 | 56 | 45 | |||||||||||||||||||||
保单利益 |
1,099 | 1,219 | 1,180 | 1,063 | 938 | 3,498 | 2,565 | 3,628 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
政策申购成本 |
2,324 | 2,226 | 2,207 | 2,117 | 2,178 | 6,757 | 6,142 | 8,259 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
管理费用 |
1,094 | 1,094 | 1,070 | 1,048 | 1,060 | 3,258 | 2,959 | 4,007 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
调整后投资净收入 (3) |
1,640 | 1,563 | 1,482 | 1,487 | 1,415 | 4,685 | 3,856 | 5,343 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
其他(收入)来自私募股权合作伙伴的费用 |
(127 | ) | (91 | ) | (86 | ) | (109 | ) | (92 | ) | (304 | ) | (276 | ) | (385 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
已收购投资资产公平价值调整的摊销费用 |
(5 | ) | (4 | ) | (5 | ) | (7 | ) | (9 | ) | (14 | ) | (14 | ) | (21 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
净投资收益 |
1,508 | 1,468 | 1,391 | 1,371 | 1,314 | 4,367 | 3,566 | 4,937 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
调整后实现收益(损失) (4) |
179 | 22 | (100 | ) | (121 | ) | (96 | ) | 101 | (481 | ) | (602 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||
参与型保单投资组合实现收益(损失) |
20 | 85 | - | - | - | 105 | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
作物衍生工具实现收益(损失) |
(1 | ) | (3 | ) | (1 | ) | (2 | ) | (7 | ) | (5 | ) | (3 | ) | (5 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
实现净收益(损失) |
198 | 104 | (101 | ) | (123 | ) | (103 | ) | 201 | (484 | ) | (607 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||
市场风险利益获得(损失) |
(230 | ) | (29 | ) | 21 | (153 | ) | (32 | ) | (238 | ) | (154 | ) | (307 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
调整后利息支出 (5) |
197 | 188 | 183 | 179 | 179 | 568 | 514 | 693 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
取得的长期债务公平价值调整摊销利益 |
(5 | ) | (6 | ) | (5 | ) | (6 | ) | (5 | ) | (16 | ) | (15 | ) | (21 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
利息费用 |
192 | 182 | 178 | 173 | 174 | 552 | 499 | 672 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
单独账户资产公允价值变动的收益(损失) |
(30 | ) | 11 | 10 | 11 | (19 | ) | (9 | ) | (56 | ) | (45 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||
与未合并实体相关的净实现收益(损失) |
212 | 7 | 101 | 143 | 59 | 320 | 288 | 431 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
股权投资伙伴的其他收入(费用) |
127 | 91 | 86 | 109 | 92 | 304 | 276 | 385 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
其他收入(费用) - 营运 |
16 | 1 | (6 | ) | 23 | 22 | 11 | 42 | 65 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
其他收益(费用) |
325 | 110 | 191 | 286 | 154 | 626 | 550 | 836 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
已购买无形资产的摊销费用 |
81 | 80 | 80 | 84 | 84 | 241 | 226 | 310 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
整合费用 |
7 | 7 | 7 | 18 | 14 | 21 | 51 | 69 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
所得税费用(利益) |
504 | 490 | 342 | (678 | ) | 413 | 1,336 | 1,189 | 511 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
净利润 |
$ | 2,490 | $ | 2,216 | $ | 2,294 | $ | 3,290 | $ | 2,040 | $ | 7,000 | $ | 5,725 | $ | 9,015 | ||||||||||||||||
减少:新华保险利润(亏损) |
166 | (14 | ) | 151 | (10 | ) | (3 | ) | 303 | (3 | ) | (13 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||
寻宝净利润 |
$ | 2,324 | $ | 2,230 | $ | 2,143 | $ | 3,300 | $ | 2,043 | $ | 6,697 | $ | 5,728 | $ | 9,028 | ||||||||||||||||
(1) 本报告中使用的调整损失和损失费用包括对作物衍生品的实现收益和损失。
(2) 本报告中使用的调整保单利益包括来自不符合美国通用会计原则下独立账户报告要求的资产公允价值变动的收益和损失,以及支持某些参与型保单负债的基础投资产品的实现收益和损失,相关于保单持有人分享的收益和损失。
(3) 本报告中使用的调整净投资收益不包括已收购投资资产公允价值调整的摊销费用,并包括我们持有超过3%股权的私募股权合伙企业的收入。
(4) 本报告中使用的调整实现收益(损失)不包括对作物衍生品的实现收益和损失,以及支持某些参与型保单负债的基础投资产品的实现收益和损失,相关于保单持有人分享的收益和损失。
(5) 本报告中使用的调整利息费用不包括已收购长期债务公允价值调整的摊销益。
营运报告 | 第2页 |
Chubb有限公司财产及意外保险承保业绩 | 3Q-24 | 2Q-24 | 1Q-24 | 4Q-23 | 3Q-23 | 全年 2024 |
全年 2023 |
全年 2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
P&C保险承保收入 |
已核写保费 |
$ | 15,143 | $ | 14,845 | $ | 12,724 | $ | 12,122 | $ | 14,467 | $ | 42,712 | $ | 39,650 | $ | 51,772 | ||||||||||||||||
已发出的净保费 |
12,277 | 11,780 | 10,588 | 10,146 | 11,652 | 34,645 | 31,750 | 41,896 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
已赢取保费净额 |
11,843 | 10,724 | 9,972 | 10,461 | 11,232 | 32,539 | 29,853 | 40,314 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
调整后的损失和损失费用 |
7,352 | 6,412 | 5,696 | 6,138 | 7,093 | 19,460 | 17,853 | 23,991 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
保单福利 |
120 | 92 | 100 | 119 | 91 | 312 | 338 | 457 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
政策申购成本 |
2,033 | 1,926 | 1,913 | 1,857 | 1,899 | 5,872 | 5,313 | 7,170 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
管理费用 |
881 | 876 | 863 | 830 | 844 | 2,620 | 2,406 | 3,236 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||
财产和债务保险承保收入 |
$ | 1,457 | $ | 1,418 | $ | 1,400 | $ | 1,517 | $ | 1,305 | $ | 4,275 | $ | 3,943 | $ | 5,460 | ||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||
P&C CAY除巨灾外保险业务收入 |
$ | 1,978 | $ | 1,806 | $ | 1,628 | $ | 1,640 | $ | 1,775 | $ | 5,412 | $ | 4,875 | $ | 6,515 | ||||||||||||||||
与去年同期相比的变动百分比 |
已发出的净保费 |
5.4% | 10.3% | 12.4% | 12.5% | 8.4% | 9.1% | 9.1% | 9.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
已赢取保费净额 |
5.4% | 10.1% | 12.3% | 11.8% | 9.2% | 9.0% | 8.6% | 9.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
净保费收入恒定美元 |
6.1% | 10.6% | 12.2% | 11.3% | 7.6% | 9.4% | 9.5% | 9.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
净已赚取保费恒定美元 |
6.3% | 10.4% | 12.2% | 10.6% | 8.1% | 9.4% | 8.8% | 9.3% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
P&C 综合比率 |
损失和损失费用比例 |
63.1% | 60.6% | 58.1% | 59.8% | 64.0% | 60.8% | 60.9% | 60.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
保单获取成本比率 |
17.2% | 18.0% | 19.2% | 17.8% | 16.9% | 18.0% | 17.8% | 17.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
行政费用比率 |
7.4% | 8.2% | 8.7% | 7.9% | 7.5% | 8.1% | 8.1% | 8.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||
综合比率 |
87.7% | 86.8% | 86.0% | 85.5% | 88.4% | 86.9% | 86.8% | 86.5% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||
CAY财产与意外保险联合比率(不含天灾) |
CAY损失和损失费用比例(不含天灾) |
58.9% | 57.1% | 56.1% | 58.7% | 60.1% | 57.5% | 58.0% | 58.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY保单获取成本和行政费用比例(不含天灾) |
24.5% | 26.1% | 27.6% | 25.6% | 24.2% | 25.9% | 25.7% | 25.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||
CAY联合比率(不含天灾) |
83.4% | 83.2% | 83.7% | 84.3% | 84.3% | 83.4% | 83.7% | 83.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||
其他比率 |
净保费收入/毛保费收入 |
81% | 79% | 83% | 84% | 81% | 81% | 80% | 81% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
费用比率 |
24.6% | 26.2% | 27.9% | 25.7% | 24.4% | 26.1% | 25.9% | 25.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
不包括意外与健康的费用率 |
23.1% | 24.5% | 26.1% | 23.9% | 22.6% | 24.5% | 24.1% | 24.0% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
灾害重置保费(费用)收入-税前 |
$ | 4 | $ | - | $ | - | $ | - | $ | - | $ | 4 | $ | - | $ | - | ||||||||||||||||
灾害损失-税前 |
$ | 769 | $ | 580 | $ | 435 | $ | 300 | $ | 670 | $ | 1,784 | $ | 1,528 | $ | 1,828 | ||||||||||||||||
不利(有利)的前期发展(PPD)-税前 |
$ | (244 | ) | $ | (192 | ) | $ | (207 | ) | $ | (177 | ) | $ | (200 | ) | $ | (643 | ) | $ | (596 | ) | $ | (773 | ) | ||||||||
灾害损失对财产和意外伤害组合比率的影响 - 不利 |
6.4% | 5.4% | 4.4% | 2.9% | 6.0% | 5.5% | 5.1% | 4.5% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
PPD对财产和意外伤害组合比率的影响 - 有利 |
-2.1% | -1.8% | -2.1% | -1.7% | -1.9% | -2.0% | -2.0% | -1.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
灾害和PPD对财产和意外伤害组合比率的影响 - 不利 |
4.3% | 3.6% | 2.3% | 1.2% | 4.1% | 3.5% | 3.1% | 2.6% |
财产和意外伤害结果 | 第3页 |
Chubb Limited
Global P&C Underwriting Results - Consecutive Quarters
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except ratios)
Global P&C |
3Q-24 | 2Q-24 | 1Q-24 | 4Q-23 | 3Q-23 | YTD 2024 |
YTD 2023 |
Full Year 2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Global P&C underwriting income |
Gross premiums written |
$ | 12,992 | $ | 13,734 | $ | 12,296 | $ | 11,614 | $ | 12,063 | $ | 39,022 | $ | 35,752 | $ | 47,366 | ||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written |
10,898 | 11,022 | 10,339 | 9,539 | 10,131 | 32,259 | 29,169 | 38,708 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
10,424 | 10,098 | 9,844 | 9,626 | 9,692 | 30,366 | 27,519 | 37,145 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted losses and loss expenses |
6,159 | 5,869 | 5,647 | 5,267 | 5,737 | 17,675 | 15,850 | 21,117 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy benefits |
120 | 92 | 100 | 119 | 91 | 312 | 338 | 457 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs |
1,945 | 1,881 | 1,892 | 1,835 | 1,823 | 5,718 | 5,185 | 7,020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expenses |
879 | 873 | 861 | 840 | 841 | 2,613 | 2,397 | 3,237 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||
Global P&C underwriting income |
$ | 1,321 | $ | 1,383 | $ | 1,344 | $ | 1,565 | $ | 1,200 | $ | 4,048 | $ | 3,749 | $ | 5,314 | ||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||
Global P&C CAY underwriting income ex Cats |
$ | 1,819 | $ | 1,738 | $ | 1,597 | $ | 1,692 | $ | 1,661 | $ | 5,154 | $ | 4,656 | $ | 6,348 | ||||||||||||||||
% Change versus prior year period |
Net premiums written |
7.6% | 11.2% | 13.3% | 10.5% | 12.3% | 10.6% | 9.8% | 10.0% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
7.5% | 10.9% | 12.9% | 10.2% | 12.5% | 10.3% | 8.9% | 9.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written constant $ |
8.5% | 11.5% | 13.0% | 9.2% | 11.2% | 10.9% | 10.2% | 10.0% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned constant $ |
8.5% | 11.2% | 12.8% | 8.9% | 11.2% | 10.8% | 9.1% | 9.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
Loss and loss expense ratio |
60.2% | 59.0% | 58.4% | 56.0% | 60.1% | 59.2% | 58.8% | 58.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition cost ratio |
18.7% | 18.6% | 19.2% | 19.0% | 18.8% | 18.9% | 18.9% | 18.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expense ratio |
8.4% | 8.7% | 8.7% | 8.7% | 8.7% | 8.6% | 8.7% | 8.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||
Combined ratio |
87.3% | 86.3% | 86.3% | 83.7% | 87.6% | 86.7% | 86.4% | 85.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
CAY loss and loss expense ratio ex Cats |
55.7% | 55.5% | 55.9% | 54.7% | 55.7% | 55.7% | 55.7% | 55.5% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY policy acquisition cost and administrative expense ratio ex Cats |
26.9% | 27.3% | 27.9% | 27.7% | 27.3% | 27.4% | 27.4% | 27.5% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
82.6% | 82.8% | 83.8% | 82.4% | 83.0% | 83.1% | 83.1% | 83.0% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||
Other ratios |
Net premiums written/gross premiums written |
84% | 80% | 84% | 82% | 84% | 83% | 82% | 82% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Expense ratio |
27.1% | 27.3% | 27.9% | 27.7% | 27.5% | 27.5% | 27.6% | 27.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Expense ratio excluding A&H |
25.6% | 25.7% | 26.2% | 26.1% | 25.6% | 25.8% | 25.8% | 25.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Catastrophe reinstatement premiums (expensed) collected - pre-tax |
$ | 4 | $ | - | $ | - | $ | - | $ | - | $ | 4 | $ | - | $ | - | ||||||||||||||||
Catastrophe losses - pre-tax |
$ | 740 | $ | 547 | $ | 432 | $ | 298 | $ | 652 | $ | 1,719 | $ | 1,491 | $ | 1,789 | ||||||||||||||||
Unfavorable (favorable) prior period development (PPD) - pre-tax |
$ | (238 | ) | $ | (192 | ) | $ | (179 | ) | $ | (171 | ) | $ | (191 | ) | $ | (609 | ) | $ | (584 | ) | $ | (755 | ) | ||||||||
Impact of catastrophe losses on combined ratio - Unfavorable |
7.0% | 5.4% | 4.3% | 3.0% | 6.7% | 5.7% | 5.4% | 4.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Impact of PPD on combined ratio - Favorable |
-2.3% | -1.9% | -1.8% | -1.8% | -2.1% | -2.1% | -2.1% | -2.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Impact of Cats and PPD on combined ratio - Unfavorable |
4.7% | 3.5% | 2.5% | 1.2% | 4.6% | 3.6% | 3.3% | 2.7% |
Global P&C | Page 4 |
Chubb Limited
Summary Consolidated Balance Sheets
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except per share data)
September 30 2024 |
June 30 2024 |
March 31 2024 |
December 31 2023 | |||||||||||||
Assets |
Short-term investments, at fair value |
$ | 4,375 | $ | 4,546 | $ | 5,107 | $ | 4,551 | ||||||||
Fixed maturities available for sale, at fair value |
117,265 | 107,840 | 108,289 | 106,571 | ||||||||||||
Private debt held-for-investment, at amortized cost |
2,619 | 2,680 | 2,708 | 2,553 | ||||||||||||
Equity securities, at fair value |
4,404 | 3,792 | 3,769 | 3,455 | ||||||||||||
Private equities |
14,405 | 14,365 | 14,281 | 14,078 | ||||||||||||
Other investments |
8,155 | 7,513 | 6,216 | 5,527 | ||||||||||||
| |||||
Total investments |
151,223 | 140,736 | 140,370 | 136,735 | ||||||||||||
Cash and restricted cash |
2,678 | 2,568 | 2,651 | 2,621 | ||||||||||||
Securities lending collateral |
1,927 | 1,889 | 1,708 | 1,299 | ||||||||||||
Insurance and reinsurance balances receivable |
15,709 | 15,929 | 13,991 | 13,379 | ||||||||||||
Reinsurance recoverable on losses and loss expenses |
19,606 | 19,355 | 19,109 | 19,952 | ||||||||||||
Deferred policy acquisition costs |
8,249 | 7,812 | 7,537 | 7,152 | ||||||||||||
Value of business acquired (VOBA) |
3,452 | 3,434 | 3,617 | 3,674 | ||||||||||||
Prepaid reinsurance premiums |
3,648 | 3,747 | 3,241 | 3,221 | ||||||||||||
Goodwill and other intangible assets ($25,830 represents Chubb portion as of 09/30/2024) |
26,584 | 26,452 | 26,405 | 26,461 | ||||||||||||
Deferred tax assets |
1,567 | 1,690 | 1,761 | 1,741 | ||||||||||||
Separate account assets |
5,996 | 5,834 | 5,864 | 5,573 | ||||||||||||
Other assets |
9,918 | 9,105 | 8,613 | 8,874 | ||||||||||||
| |||||
Total assets |
$ | 250,557 | $ | 238,551 | $ | 234,867 | $ | 230,682 | ||||||||
| |||||
Liabilities |
Unpaid losses and loss expenses |
$ | 84,326 | $ | 82,191 | $ | 80,341 | $ | 80,122 | ||||||||
Unearned premiums |
24,498 | 24,102 | 22,728 | 22,051 | ||||||||||||
Future policy benefits |
16,003 | 14,663 | 14,375 | 13,888 | ||||||||||||
Market risk benefits |
748 | 576 | 611 | 771 | ||||||||||||
Policyholder account balances |
8,136 | 7,787 | 7,560 | 7,462 | ||||||||||||
Separate account liabilities |
5,996 | 5,834 | 5,864 | 5,573 | ||||||||||||
Insurance and reinsurance balances payable |
8,696 | 9,126 | 8,505 | 8,302 | ||||||||||||
Securities lending payable |
1,927 | 1,889 | 1,708 | 1,299 | ||||||||||||
Accounts payable, accrued expenses, and other liabilities |
12,015 | 11,196 | 11,379 | 11,165 | ||||||||||||
Deferred tax liabilities |
1,652 | 1,572 | 1,543 | 1,555 | ||||||||||||
Short-term and long-term debt |
16,131 | 14,731 | 15,513 | 14,495 | ||||||||||||
Trust preferred securities |
309 | 309 | 309 | 308 | ||||||||||||
| |||||
Total liabilities |
180,437 | 173,976 | 170,436 | 166,991 | ||||||||||||
Shareholders’ equity |
Chubb shareholders’ equity, excl. AOCI |
71,027 | 69,342 | 67,921 | 66,316 | ||||||||||||
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (AOCI) |
(5,270 | ) | (8,304 | ) | (7,386 | ) | (6,809 | ) | ||||||||
| |||||
Chubb shareholders’ equity |
65,757 | 61,038 | 60,535 | 59,507 | ||||||||||||
Noncontrolling interests |
4,363 | 3,537 | 3,896 | 4,184 | ||||||||||||
| |||||
Total shareholders’ equity |
70,120 | 64,575 | 64,431 | 63,691 | ||||||||||||
| |||||
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity |
$ | 250,557 | $ | 238,551 | $ | 234,867 | $ | 230,682 | ||||||||
| |||||
Book value per common share |
$ | 163.16 | $ | 151.05 | $ | 149.09 | $ | 146.83 | ||||||||
% change over prior quarter |
8.0% | 1.3% | 1.5% | 14.4% | ||||||||||||
Tangible book value per common share (1) |
$ | 102.67 | $ | 91.05 | $ | 89.55 | $ | 87.98 | ||||||||
% change over prior quarter |
12.8% | 1.7% | 1.8% | 24.1% | ||||||||||||
Book value per common share, excl. AOCI |
$ | 176.23 | $ | 171.60 | $ | 167.28 | $ | 163.64 | ||||||||
% change over prior quarter |
2.7% | 2.6% | 2.2% | 4.5% | ||||||||||||
Tangible book value per common share, excl. AOCI |
$ | 113.72 | $ | 109.08 | $ | 105.75 | $ | 102.78 | ||||||||
% change over prior quarter |
4.3% | 3.1% | 2.9% | 6.1% |
(1) Refer to page 26 in this financial supplement for more details. |
Consol Bal Sheet | Page 5 |
Chubb Limited
Consolidated Net Premiums Written by Product Line
(in millions of U.S. dollars)
Constant $ | YTD | YTD | Constant $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q-24 | 3Q-23 | % Change |
% Change |
2024 | 2023 | % Change | % Change | |||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written |
Property and other short-tail lines |
$ | 2,314 | $ | 2,082 | 11.1% | 12.0% | $ | 7,389 | $ | 6,453 | 14.5% | 14.9% | ||||||||||||||||
Commercial casualty |
2,548 | 2,332 | 9.3% | 9.6% | 6,913 | 6,259 | 10.5% | 10.5% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Financial lines |
1,249 | 1,333 | -6.2% | -5.9% | 3,594 | 3,733 | -3.7% | -3.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Workers’ compensation |
539 | 538 | 0.1% | 0.1% | 1,727 | 1,693 | 2.0% | 2.0% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Commercial multiple peril (1) |
433 | 398 | 8.5% | 8.5% | 1,229 | 1,129 | 8.8% | 8.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Surety |
188 | 172 | 9.4% | 12.4% | 572 | 506 | 13.0% | 13.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Total Commercial P&C lines |
7,271 | 6,855 | 6.1% | 6.6% | 21,424 | 19,773 | 8.3% | 8.5% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Agriculture |
1,379 | 1,521 | -9.3% | -9.3% | 2,386 | 2,581 | -7.6% | -7.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Personal homeowners |
1,287 | 1,192 | 7.9% | 8.5% | 3,707 | 3,268 | 13.4% | 13.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Personal automobile |
624 | 547 | 14.3% | 18.1% | 1,880 | 1,434 | 31.2% | 30.0% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Personal other |
509 | 474 | 7.4% | 9.1% | 1,594 | 1,466 | 8.8% | 9.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Total Personal lines |
2,420 | 2,213 | 9.4% | 10.9% | 7,181 | 6,168 | 16.4% | 16.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Global A&H - P&C |
855 | 802 | 6.6% |
9.5% |
2,532 | 2,397 | 5.6% | 7.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Reinsurance lines |
352 | 261 | 34.8% |
34.8% |
1,122 | 831 | 35.0% | 35.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Total P&C |
$ | 12,277 | $ | 11,652 | 5.4% | 6.1% | $ | 34,645 | $ | 31,750 | 9.1% | 9.4% | ||||||||||||||||
Life Insurance |
1,552 | 1,452 | 6.8% | 10.6% | 4,765 | 4,015 | 18.7% | 22.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Total Consolidated |
$ | 13,829 | $ | 13,104 | 5.5% | 6.6% | $ | 39,410 | $ | 35,765 | 10.2% | 10.8% | ||||||||||||||||
(1) Commercial multiple peril represents retail package business (property and general liability). |
Product Line | Page 6 |
Chubb Limited
Consolidated Results
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except ratios)
Three months ended September 30, 2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
North America Commercial P&C |
North America Personal P&C |
North America Agricultural |
Overseas General |
Global | Total | Life | Total | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Q3 2024 |
Insurance | Insurance | Insurance | Insurance | Reinsurance | Corporate | P&C | Insurance | Consolidated | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written |
$ | 5,500 | $ | 1,679 | $ | 1,379 | $ | 3,367 | $ | 352 | $ | - | $ | 12,277 | $ | 1,552 | $ | 13,829 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
% of total net premiums written |
40% | 12% | 10% | 24% | 3% | - | 89% | 11% | 100% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
5,110 | 1,577 | 1,419 | 3,421 | 316 | - | 11,843 | 1,530 | 13,373 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted losses and loss expenses |
3,391 | 879 | 1,193 | 1,631 | 200 | 58 | 7,352 | 32 | 7,384 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted policy benefits |
- | - | - | 120 | - | - | 120 | 989 | 1,109 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs |
689 | 315 | 88 | 852 | 89 | - | 2,033 | 291 | 2,324 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expenses |
338 | 88 | 2 | 340 | 9 | 104 | 881 | 213 | 1,094 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Underwriting income (loss) |
692 | 295 | 136 | 478 | 18 | (162) | 1,457 | 5 | 1,462 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted net investment income |
931 | 112 | 20 | 286 | 64 | (23) | 1,390 | 250 | 1,640 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other income (expense) - operating |
(6) | (1) | (1) | (5) | - | (10) | (23) | 39 | 16 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amortization expense of purchased intangibles |
(2) | (3) | (5) | (21) | - | (40) | (71) | (10) | (81) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Segment income (loss) |
$ | 1,615 | $ | 403 | $ | 150 | $ | 738 | $ | 82 | $ | (235) | $ | 2,753 | $ | 284 | $ | 3,037 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
86.5% | 81.3% | 90.4% | 86.0% | 94.4% | 87.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
80.8% | 78.7% | 88.9% | 84.8% | 75.8% | 83.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Three months ended September 30, 2023 |
North America Commercial P&C |
North America Personal P&C |
North America Agricultural |
Overseas General |
Global | Total | Life | Total | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Q3 2023 |
Insurance | Insurance | Insurance | Insurance | Reinsurance | Corporate | P&C | Insurance | Consolidated | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written |
$ | 5,132 | $ | 1,527 | $ | 1,521 | $ | 3,211 | $ | 261 | $ | - | $ | 11,652 | $ | 1,452 | $ | 13,104 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
% of total net premiums written |
38% | 12% | 12% | 25% | 2% | - | 89% | 11% | 100% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
4,735 | 1,407 | 1,540 | 3,311 | 239 | - | 11,232 | 1,442 | 12,674 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted losses and loss expenses |
3,025 | 900 | 1,356 | 1,635 | 116 | 61 | 7,093 | 20 | 7,113 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted policy benefits |
- | - | - | 91 | - | - | 91 | 866 | 957 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs |
640 | 287 | 76 | 827 | 69 | - | 1,899 | 279 | 2,178 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expenses |
323 | 84 | 3 | 327 | 9 | 98 | 844 | 216 | 1,060 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Underwriting income (loss) |
747 | 136 | 105 | 431 | 45 | (159) | 1,305 | 61 | 1,366 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted net investment income |
780 | 94 | 12 | 248 | 47 | 23 | 1,204 | 211 | 1,415 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other income (expense) - operating |
(6) | (2) | - | 10 | - | (8) | (6) | 28 | 22 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amortization expense of purchased intangibles |
- | (3) | (6) | (19) | - | (44) | (72) | (12) | (84) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Segment income (loss) |
$ | 1,521 | $ | 225 | $ | 111 | $ | 670 | $ | 92 | $ | (188) | $ | 2,431 | $ | 288 | $ | 2,719 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
84.2% | 90.3% | 93.2% | 87.0% | 81.3% | 88.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
81.1% | 78.9% | 92.7% | 84.8% | 78.8% | 84.3% |
Consol Results - QTD | Page 7 |
Chubb Limited
Consolidated Results
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except ratios)
Nine months ended September 30, 2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
North America Commercial P&C |
North America Personal P&C |
North America Agricultural |
Overseas General |
Global | Total | Life | Total | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
YTD 2024 |
Insurance | Insurance | Insurance | Insurance | Reinsurance | Corporate | P&C | Insurance | Consolidated | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written |
$ | 15,690 | $ | 4,911 | $ | 2,386 | $ | 10,536 | $ | 1,122 | $ | - | $ | 34,645 | $ | 4,765 | $ | 39,410 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
% of total net premiums written |
40% | 12% | 6% | 27% | 3% | - | 88% | 12% | 100% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
14,890 | 4,560 | 2,173 | 9,966 | 950 | - | 32,539 | 4,709 | 37,248 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted losses and loss expenses |
9,640 | 2,654 | 1,785 | 4,728 | 492 | 161 | 19,460 | 86 | 19,546 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted policy benefits |
- | - | - | 312 | - | - | 312 | 3,090 | 3,402 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs |
2,037 | 914 | 154 | 2,517 | 250 | - | 5,872 | 885 | 6,757 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expenses |
993 | 262 | 7 | 1,019 | 29 | 310 | 2,620 | 638 | 3,258 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Underwriting income (loss) |
2,220 | 730 | 227 | 1,390 | 179 | (471) | 4,275 | 10 | 4,285 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted net investment income |
2,620 | 322 | 62 | 836 | 179 | (72) | 3,947 | 738 | 4,685 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other income (expense) - operating |
(28) | - | (1) | (14) | - | (57) | (100) | 111 | 11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amortization expense of purchased intangibles |
(2) | (7) | (18) | (61) | - | (122) | (210) | (31) | (241) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Segment income (loss) |
$ | 4,810 | $ | 1,045 | $ | 270 | $ | 2,151 | $ | 358 | $ | (722) | $ | 7,912 | $ | 828 | $ | 8,740 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
85.1% | 84.0% | 89.6% | 86.1% | 81.2% | 86.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
81.2% | 78.9% | 88.4% | 85.3% | 76.6% | 83.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nine months ended September 30, 2023 |
North America Commercial P&C |
North America Personal P&C |
North America Agricultural |
Overseas General |
Global | Total | Life | Total | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
YTD 2023 |
Insurance | Insurance | Insurance | Insurance | Reinsurance | Corporate | P&C | Insurance | Consolidated | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written |
$ | 14,575 | $ | 4,404 | $ | 2,581 | $ | 9,359 | $ | 831 | $ | - | $ | 31,750 | $ | 4,015 | $ | 35,765 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
% of total net premiums written |
42% | 12% | 7% | 26% | 2% | - | 89% | 11% | 100% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
13,710 | 4,084 | 2,334 | 9,005 | 720 | - | 29,853 | 3,962 | 33,815 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted losses and loss expenses |
8,625 | 2,634 | 2,003 | 4,139 | 319 | 133 | 17,853 | 87 | 17,940 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted policy benefits |
- | - | - | 338 | - | - | 338 | 2,283 | 2,621 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs |
1,867 | 836 | 128 | 2,286 | 196 | - | 5,313 | 829 | 6,142 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expenses |
934 | 247 | 9 | 899 | 27 | 290 | 2,406 | 553 | 2,959 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Underwriting income (loss) |
2,284 | 367 | 194 | 1,343 | 178 | (423) | 3,943 | 210 | 4,153 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted net investment income |
2,204 | 262 | 43 | 636 | 144 | 42 | 3,331 | 525 | 3,856 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other income (expense) - operating |
(18) | (2) | - | 29 | 1 | (37) | (27) | 69 | 42 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amortization expense of purchased intangibles |
- | (8) | (19) | (52) | - | (129) | (208) | (18) | (226) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Segment income (loss) |
$ | 4,470 | $ | 619 | $ | 218 | $ | 1,956 | $ | 323 | $ | (547) | $ | 7,039 | $ | 786 | $ | 7,825 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
83.3% | 91.0% | 91.7% | 85.1% | 75.3% | 86.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
81.0% | 80.0% | 90.6% | 85.0% | 78.0% | 83.7% |
Consol Results - YTD | Page 8 |
Chubb Limited
Segment Results - Consecutive Quarters
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except ratios)
North America Commercial P&C Insurance
YTD | YTD | Full Year | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q-24 | 2Q-24 | 1Q-24 | 4Q-23 | 3Q-23 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gross premiums written |
$ | 6,511 | $ | 6,915 | $ | 5,431 | $ | 5,752 | $ | 6,131 | $ | 18,857 | $ | 18,058 | $ | 23,810 | ||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written |
5,500 | 5,501 | 4,689 | 4,662 | 5,132 | 15,690 | 14,575 | 19,237 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
5,110 | 4,900 | 4,880 | 4,706 | 4,735 | 14,890 | 13,710 | 18,416 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses |
3,391 | 3,074 | 3,175 | 2,631 | 3,025 | 9,640 | 8,625 | 11,256 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs |
689 | 660 | 688 | 648 | 640 | 2,037 | 1,867 | 2,515 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expenses |
338 | 327 | 328 | 316 | 323 | 993 | 934 | 1,250 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Underwriting income |
692 | 839 | 689 | 1,111 | 747 | 2,220 | 2,284 | 3,395 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted net investment income |
931 | 863 | 826 | 813 | 780 | 2,620 | 2,204 | 3,017 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other income (expense) - operating |
(6 | ) | (15 | ) | (7 | ) | (4 | ) | (6 | ) | (28 | ) | (18 | ) | (22 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Amortization expense of purchased intangibles |
(2 | ) | - | - | - | - | (2 | ) | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Segment income |
$ | 1,615 | $ | 1,687 | $ | 1,508 | $ | 1,920 | $ | 1,521 | $ | 4,810 | $ | 4,470 | $ | 6,390 | ||||||||||||||||
CAY underwriting income ex Cats |
$ | 993 | $ | 947 | $ | 877 | $ | 990 | $ | 909 | $ | 2,817 | $ | 2,621 | $ | 3,611 | ||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
Loss and loss expense ratio |
66.4% | 62.7% | 65.1% | 55.9% | 63.9% | 64.7% | 62.9% | 61.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition cost ratio |
13.5% | 13.5% | 14.1% | 13.8% | 13.5% | 13.7% | 13.6% | 13.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expense ratio |
6.6% | 6.7% | 6.7% | 6.7% | 6.8% | 6.7% | 6.8% | 6.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
86.5% | 82.9% | 85.9% | 76.4% | 84.2% | 85.1% | 83.3% | 81.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
CAY loss and loss expense ratio ex Cats |
61.0% | 60.6% | 61.4% | 58.6% | 61.1% | 61.0% | 60.8% | 60.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY policy acquisition cost and administrative expense ratio ex Cats |
19.8% | 20.1% | 20.6% | 20.4% | 20.0% | 20.2% | 20.2% | 20.3% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
80.8% | 80.7% | 82.0% | 79.0% | 81.1% | 81.2% | 81.0% | 80.5% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Catastrophe losses - pre-tax |
$ | 340 | $ | 252 | $ | 236 | $ | 71 | $ | 246 | $ | 828 | $ | 639 | $ | 710 | ||||||||||||||||
Unfavorable (favorable) prior period development (PPD) - pre-tax |
$ | (39 | ) | $ | (144 | ) | $ | (48 | ) | $ | (192 | ) | $ | (84 | ) | $ | (231 | ) | $ | (302 | ) | $ | (494 | ) | ||||||||
% Change versus prior year period |
Net premiums written |
7.2% | 6.7% | 9.4% | 4.4% | 8.7% | 7.7% | 8.6% | 7.5% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
7.9% | 6.4% | 11.7% | 5.5% | 10.6% | 8.6% | 8.4% | 7.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other ratios |
Net premiums written/gross premiums written |
84% | 80% | 86% | 81% | 84% | 83% | 81% | 81% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Production by Size - Net premiums written (1) |
Major Accounts & Specialty |
$ | 3,296 | $ | 3,524 | $ | 2,779 | $ | 2,788 | $ | 3,075 | $ | 9,599 | $ | 8,865 | $ | 11,653 | ||||||||||||||||
Commercial |
2,204 | 1,977 | 1,910 | 1,874 | 2,057 | 6,091 | 5,710 | 7,584 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 5,500 | $ | 5,501 | $ | 4,689 | $ | 4,662 | $ | 5,132 | $ | 15,690 | $ | 14,575 | $ | 19,237 | ||||||||||||||||
(1) Major Accounts & Specialty: large corporate accounts and wholesale business. Commercial: principally middle market and small commercial accounts.
NA Commercial | Page 9 |
Chubb Limited
Segment Results - Consecutive Quarters
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except ratios)
North America Personal P&C Insurance
YTD | YTD | Full Year | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q-24 | 2Q-24 | 1Q-24 | 4Q-23 | 3Q-23 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gross premiums written |
$ | 1,949 | $ | 2,029 | $ | 1,679 | $ | 1,695 | $ | 1,750 | $ | 5,657 | $ | 5,044 | $ | 6,739 | ||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written |
1,679 | 1,776 | 1,456 | 1,474 | 1,527 | 4,911 | 4,404 | 5,878 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
1,577 | 1,512 | 1,471 | 1,452 | 1,407 | 4,560 | 4,084 | 5,536 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses |
879 | 876 | 899 | 877 | 900 | 2,654 | 2,634 | 3,511 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs |
315 | 299 | 300 | 292 | 287 | 914 | 836 | 1,128 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expenses |
88 | 88 | 86 | 82 | 84 | 262 | 247 | 329 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Underwriting income |
295 | 249 | 186 | 201 | 136 | 730 | 367 | 568 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net investment income |
112 | 108 | 102 | 96 | 94 | 322 | 262 | 358 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other income (expense) - operating |
(1 | ) | 2 | (1 | ) | (1 | ) | (2 | ) | - | (2 | ) | (3 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||
Amortization expense of purchased intangibles |
(3 | ) | (2 | ) | (2 | ) | (1 | ) | (3 | ) | (7 | ) | (8 | ) | (9 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Segment income |
$ | 403 | $ | 357 | $ | 285 | $ | 295 | $ | 225 | $ | 1,045 | $ | 619 | $ | 914 | ||||||||||||||||
CAY underwriting income ex Cats |
$ | 336 | $ | 323 | $ | 304 | $ | 285 | $ | 297 | $ | 963 | $ | 818 | $ | 1,103 | ||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
Loss and loss expense ratio |
55.8% | 57.9% | 61.1% | 60.4% | 63.9% | 58.2% | 64.5% | 63.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition cost ratio |
20.0% | 19.8% | 20.4% | 20.1% | 20.4% | 20.0% | 20.5% | 20.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expense ratio |
5.5% | 5.8% | 5.9% | 5.7% | 6.0% | 5.8% | 6.0% | 5.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
81.3% | 83.5% | 87.4% | 86.2% | 90.3% | 84.0% | 91.0% | 89.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
CAY loss and loss expense ratio ex Cats |
53.1% | 53.0% | 53.1% | 54.7% | 52.4% | 53.1% | 53.4% | 53.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY policy acquisition cost and administrative expense ratio ex Cats |
25.6% | 25.6% | 26.2% | 25.7% | 26.5% | 25.8% | 26.6% | 26.3% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
78.7% | 78.6% | 79.3% | 80.4% | 78.9% | 78.9% | 80.0% | 80.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Catastrophe losses - pre-tax |
$ | 230 | $ | 138 | $ | 170 | $ | 83 | $ | 280 | $ | 538 | $ | 586 | $ | 669 | ||||||||||||||||
Unfavorable (favorable) prior period development (PPD) - pre-tax |
$ | (189 | ) | $ | (64 | ) | $ | (52 | ) | $ | 1 | $ | (119 | ) | $ | (305 | ) | $ | (135 | ) | $ | (134 | ) | |||||||||
% Change versus prior year period |
Net premiums written |
10.0% | 12.3% | 12.3% | 12.1% | 9.6% | 11.5% | 10.1% | 10.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
12.0% | 11.5% | 11.4% | 9.4% | 5.5% | 11.7% | 6.0% | 6.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other ratios |
Net premiums written/gross premiums written |
86% | 87% | 87% | 87% | 87% | 87% | 87% | 87% |
NA Personal | Page 10 |
Chubb Limited
Segment Results - Consecutive Quarters
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except ratios)
North America Agricultural Insurance
YTD | YTD | Full Year | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q-24 | 2Q-24 | 1Q-24 | 4Q-23 | 3Q-23 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gross premiums written |
$ | 2,151 | $ | 1,111 | $ | 428 | $ | 508 | $ | 2,404 | $ | 3,690 | $ | 3,898 | $ | 4,406 | ||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written |
1,379 | 758 | 249 | 607 | 1,521 | 2,386 | 2,581 | 3,188 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
1,419 | 626 | 128 | 835 | 1,540 | 2,173 | 2,334 | 3,169 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted losses and loss expenses |
1,193 | 543 | 49 | 871 | 1,356 | 1,785 | 2,003 | 2,874 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs |
88 | 45 | 21 | 22 | 76 | 154 | 128 | 150 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expenses |
2 | 3 | 2 | (10 | ) | 3 | 7 | 9 | (1 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Underwriting income (loss) |
136 | 35 | 56 | (48 | ) | 105 | 227 | 194 | 146 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Net investment income |
20 | 21 | 21 | 20 | 12 | 62 | 43 | 63 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other income (expense) - operating |
(1 | ) | - | - | (1 | ) | - | (1 | ) | - | (1 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Amortization expense of purchased intangibles |
(5 | ) | (7 | ) | (6 | ) | (6 | ) | (6 | ) | (18 | ) | (19 | ) | (25 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Segment income (loss) |
$ | 150 | $ | 49 | $ | 71 | $ | (35 | ) | $ | 111 | $ | 270 | $ | 218 | $ | 183 | |||||||||||||||
CAY underwriting income (loss) ex Cats |
$ | 159 | $ | 68 | $ | 31 | $ | (52 | ) | $ | 114 | $ | 258 | $ | 219 | $ | 167 | |||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
Loss and loss expense ratio |
84.1% | 86.8% | 38.6% | 104.4% | 88.1% | 82.2% | 85.8% | 90.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition cost ratio |
6.1% | 7.1% | 16.8% | 2.7% | 4.9% | 7.1% | 5.5% | 4.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expense ratio |
0.2% | 0.5% | 1.2% | -1.3% | 0.2% | 0.3% | 0.4% | 0.0% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
90.4% | 94.4% | 56.6% | 105.8% | 93.2% | 89.6% | 91.7% | 95.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
CAY loss and loss expense ratio ex Cats |
82.5% | 81.5% | 69.5% | 104.7% | 87.5% | 81.3% | 84.7% | 90.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY policy acquisition cost and administrative expense ratio ex Cats |
6.4% | 7.6% | 12.1% | 1.4% | 5.2% | 7.1% | 5.9% | 4.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
88.9% | 89.1% | 81.6% | 106.1% | 92.7% | 88.4% | 90.6% | 94.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Catastrophe losses - pre-tax |
$ | 29 | $ | 33 | $ | 3 | $ | 2 | $ | 18 | $ | 65 | $ | 37 | $ | 39 | ||||||||||||||||
Unfavorable (favorable) prior period development (PPD) - pre-tax |
$ | (6 | ) | $ | - | $ | (28 | ) | $ | (6 | ) | $ | (9 | ) | $ | (34 | ) | $ | (12 | ) | $ | (18 | ) | |||||||||
% Change versus prior year period |
Net premiums written |
-9.3% | -1.2% | -15.0% | 58.2% | -11.7% | -7.6% | 2.3% | 9.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
-7.9% | -1.5% | -19.4% | 34.4% | -8.0% | -6.9% | 5.3% | 11.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other ratios |
Net premiums written/gross premiums written |
64% | 68% | 58% | 119% | 63% | 65% | 66% | 72% |
NA Agriculture | Page 11 |
Chubb Limited
Segment Results - Consecutive Quarters
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except ratios)
Overseas General Insurance
YTD | YTD | Full Year | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q-24 | 2Q-24 | 1Q-24 | 4Q-23 | 3Q-23 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gross premiums written |
$ | 4,150 | $ | 4,262 | $ | 4,775 | $ | 3,961 | $ | 3,897 | $ | 13,187 | $ | 11,705 | $ | 15,666 | ||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written |
3,367 | 3,334 | 3,835 | 3,216 | 3,211 | 10,536 | 9,359 | 12,575 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
3,421 | 3,347 | 3,198 | 3,226 | 3,311 | 9,966 | 9,005 | 12,231 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses |
1,631 | 1,671 | 1,426 | 1,504 | 1,635 | 4,728 | 4,139 | 5,643 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy benefits |
120 | 92 | 100 | 119 | 91 | 312 | 338 | 457 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs |
852 | 842 | 823 | 827 | 827 | 2,517 | 2,286 | 3,113 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expenses |
340 | 348 | 331 | 320 | 327 | 1,019 | 899 | 1,219 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Underwriting income |
478 | 394 | 518 | 456 | 431 | 1,390 | 1,343 | 1,799 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted net investment income |
286 | 283 | 267 | 259 | 248 | 836 | 636 | 895 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other income (expense) - operating |
(5 | ) | (4 | ) | (5 | ) | (4 | ) | 10 | (14 | ) | 29 | 25 | |||||||||||||||||||
Amortization expense of purchased intangibles |
(21 | ) | (20 | ) | (20 | ) | (18 | ) | (19 | ) | (61 | ) | (52 | ) | (70 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Segment income |
$ | 738 | $ | 653 | $ | 760 | $ | 693 | $ | 670 | $ | 2,151 | $ | 1,956 | $ | 2,649 | ||||||||||||||||
CAY underwriting income ex Cats |
$ | 521 | $ | 490 | $ | 455 | $ | 477 | $ | 502 | $ | 1,466 | $ | 1,349 | $ | 1,826 | ||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
Loss and loss expense ratio |
51.2% | 52.7% | 47.7% | 50.3% | 52.1% | 50.6% | 49.7% | 49.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition cost ratio |
24.9% | 25.1% | 25.7% | 25.6% | 25.0% | 25.3% | 25.4% | 25.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expense ratio |
9.9% | 10.4% | 10.4% | 10.0% | 9.9% | 10.2% | 10.0% | 10.0% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
86.0% | 88.2% | 83.8% | 85.9% | 87.0% | 86.1% | 85.1% | 85.3% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
CAY loss and loss expense ratio ex Cats |
49.9% | 49.8% | 49.7% | 49.7% | 50.0% | 49.8% | 49.7% | 49.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY policy acquisition cost and administrative expense ratio ex Cats |
34.9% | 35.5% | 36.1% | 35.5% | 34.8% | 35.5% | 35.3% | 35.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
84.8% | 85.3% | 85.8% | 85.2% | 84.8% | 85.3% | 85.0% | 85.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Catastrophe losses - pre-tax |
$ | 103 | $ | 157 | $ | 26 | $ | 144 | $ | 120 | $ | 286 | $ | 259 | $ | 403 | ||||||||||||||||
Unfavorable (favorable) prior period development (PPD) - pre-tax |
$ | (60 | ) | $ | (61 | ) | $ | (89 | ) | $ | (123 | ) | $ | (49 | ) | $ | (210 | ) | $ | (253 | ) | $ | (376 | ) | ||||||||
% Change versus prior year period |
Net premiums written (1) |
4.9% | 15.6% | 17.5% | 19.3% | 21.4% | 12.6% | 11.9% | 13.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written - Commercial (1) |
5.1% | 13.3% | 12.2% | 13.2% | 17.0% | 10.2% | 10.5% | 11.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written - Consumer |
4.5% | 19.1% | 27.1% | 29.5% | 28.4% | 16.4% | 14.1% | 17.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
3.3% | 15.1% | 14.8% | 17.8% | 20.8% | 10.7% | 11.7% | 13.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written constant $ (1) |
7.5% | 16.6% | 16.7% | 15.0% | 17.3% | 13.5% | 12.7% | 13.3% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written - Commercial (1) |
6.7% | 13.9% | 11.4% | 10.1% | 14.6% | 10.6% | 12.4% | 11.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written - Consumer |
8.5% | 20.7% | 26.2% | 23.2% | 21.4% | 18.2% | 13.2% | 15.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned constant $ |
5.9% | 16.2% | 14.4% | 13.5% | 16.1% | 11.9% | 11.9% | 12.3% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other ratios: Net premiums written/gross premiums written |
81% | 78% | 80% | 81% | 82% | 80% | 80% | 80% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Constant $ | YTD | YTD | Constant $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Production by Region - Net premiums written | 3Q-24 | 3Q-23 | % Change | % Change | 2024 | 2023 | % Change | % Change | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Europe, Middle East and Africa |
$ | 1,347 | $ | 1,264 | 6.6% | 7.1% | $ | 4,625 | $ | 4,292 | 7.8% | 7.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Latin America |
701 | 695 | 0.8% | 7.7% | 2,175 | 1,969 | 10.4% | 10.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Asia |
1,279 | 1,201 | 6.5% | 9.0% | 3,617 | 2,993 | 20.9% | 24.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other (2) |
40 | 51 | -22.4% | -22.3% | 119 | 105 | 13.4% | 13.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 3,367 | $ | 3,211 | 4.9% | 7.5% | $ | 10,536 | $ | 9,359 | 12.6% | 13.5% | ||||||||||||||||||||
(1) Q3 2024 net premiums written and commercial net premiums written growth was unfavorably impacted by a $56 million favorable reinsurance treaty premium adjustment in the prior year. Excluding the adjustment in the prior year, net premiums written and commercial net premiums written were up 6.7% and 8.3%, respectively, on a reported basis, or 9.4% and 10.0%, in constant dollars.
(2) Includes the company’s international supplemental A&H business of Combined Insurance and other international operations.
Overseas General Insurance | Page 12 |
Chubb Limited
Segment Results - Consecutive Quarters
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except ratios)
Global Reinsurance
YTD | YTD | Full Year | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q-24 | 2Q-24 | 1Q-24 | 4Q-23 | 3Q-23 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gross premiums written |
$ | 382 | $ | 528 | $ | 411 | $ | 206 | $ | 285 | $ | 1,321 | $ | 945 | $ | 1,151 | ||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written |
352 | 411 | 359 | 187 | 261 | 1,122 | 831 | 1,018 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
316 | 339 | 295 | 242 | 239 | 950 | 720 | 962 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses |
200 | 155 | 137 | 107 | 116 | 492 | 319 | 426 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs |
89 | 80 | 81 | 68 | 69 | 250 | 196 | 264 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expenses |
9 | 11 | 9 | 10 | 9 | 29 | 27 | 37 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Underwriting income |
18 | 93 | 68 | 57 | 45 | 179 | 178 | 235 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted net investment income |
64 | 58 | 57 | 64 | 47 | 179 | 144 | 208 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other income (expense) - operating |
- | - | - | 1 | - | - | 1 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Segment income |
$ | 82 | $ | 151 | $ | 125 | $ | 122 | $ | 92 | $ | 358 | $ | 323 | $ | 445 | ||||||||||||||||
CAY underwriting income ex Cats |
$ | 76 | $ | 77 | $ | 69 | $ | 54 | $ | 51 | $ | 222 | $ | 160 | $ | 214 | ||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
Loss and loss expense ratio |
63.3% | 45.7% | 46.3% | 44.1% | 48.4% | 51.8% | 44.3% | 44.3% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition cost ratio |
28.0% | 23.8% | 27.5% | 28.1% | 29.1% | 26.3% | 27.2% | 27.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expense ratio |
3.1% | 3.2% | 3.1% | 3.9% | 3.8% | 3.1% | 3.8% | 3.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
94.4% | 72.7% | 76.9% | 76.1% | 81.3% | 81.2% | 75.3% | 75.5% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
CAY loss and loss expense ratio ex Cats |
44.4% | 50.4% | 46.0% | 45.7% | 45.9% | 47.0% | 47.2% | 46.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY policy acquisition cost and administrative expense ratio ex Cats |
31.4% | 27.0% | 30.5% | 31.9% | 32.9% | 29.6% | 30.8% | 31.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY combined ratio ex Cats |
75.8% | 77.4% | 76.5% | 77.6% | 78.8% | 76.6% | 78.0% | 77.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Catastrophe reinstatement premiums (expensed) collected - pre-tax |
$ | 4 | $ | - | $ | - | $ | - | $ | - | $ | 4 | $ | - | $ | - | ||||||||||||||||
Catastrophe losses - pre-tax |
$ | 67 | $ | - | $ | - | $ | - | $ | 6 | $ | 67 | $ | 7 | $ | 7 | ||||||||||||||||
Unfavorable (favorable) prior period development (PPD) - pre-tax |
$ | (5 | ) | $ | (16 | ) | $ | 1 | $ | (3 | ) | $ | - | $ | (20 | ) | $ | (25 | ) | $ | (28 | ) | ||||||||||
% Change versus prior year period |
Net premiums written as reported |
34.8% | 40.3% | 29.7% | 15.1% | -1.4% | 35.0% | 6.5% | 8.0% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned as reported |
32.3% | 43.4% | 20.8% | 15.5% | -6.5% | 32.0% | 1.0% | 4.3% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written constant $ |
34.8% | 40.5% | 29.7% | 14.3% | -1.8% | 35.1% | 6.9% | 8.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned constant $ |
32.9% | 43.6% | 20.8% | 14.2% | -7.1% | 32.3% | 1.3% | 4.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other ratios |
Net premiums written/gross premiums written |
92% | 78% | 87% | 91% | 91% | 85% | 88% | 88% |
Global Reinsurance | Page 13 |
Chubb Limited
Segment Results - Consecutive Quarters
(in millions of U.S. dollars)
Life Insurance | YTD | YTD | Full Year | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q-24 | 2Q-24 | 1Q-24 | 4Q-23 | 3Q-23 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gross premiums written |
$ | 1,618 | $ | 1,646 | $ | 1,701 | $ | 1,524 | $ | 1,529 | $ | 4,965 | $ | 4,230 | $ | 5,754 | ||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written |
1,552 | 1,580 | 1,633 | 1,450 | 1,452 | 4,765 | 4,015 | 5,465 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
1,530 | 1,568 | 1,611 | 1,436 | 1,442 | 4,709 | 3,962 | 5,398 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses |
32 | 22 | 32 | 27 | 20 | 86 | 87 | 114 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted policy benefits |
989 | 1,031 | 1,070 | 933 | 866 | 3,090 | 2,283 | 3,216 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs |
291 | 300 | 294 | 260 | 279 | 885 | 829 | 1,089 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrative expenses |
213 | 218 | 207 | 218 | 216 | 638 | 553 | 771 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted net investment income |
250 | 258 | 230 | 231 | 211 | 738 | 525 | 756 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other income (expense) - operating (1) |
39 | 32 | 40 | 46 | 28 | 111 | 69 | 115 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amortization expense of purchased intangibles |
(10 | ) | (11 | ) | (10 | ) | (12 | ) | (12 | ) | (31 | ) | (18 | ) | (30 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Segment income |
$ | 284 | $ | 276 | $ | 268 | $ | 263 | $ | 288 | $ | 828 | $ | 786 | $ | 1,049 | ||||||||||||||||
% Change versus prior year period |
Net premiums written |
6.8% | 24.5% | 26.3% | 20.3% | 14.9% | 18.7% | 67.1% | 51.5% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned |
6.1% | 24.7% | 27.5% | 21.2% | 15.9% | 18.8% | 70.4% | 53.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums written constant $ |
10.6% | 27.6% | 29.7% | 17.2% | 15.2% | 22.2% | 68.4% | 50.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned constant $ |
9.9% | 27.7% | 31.2% | 18.2% | 16.2% | 22.4% | 71.6% | 53.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
International life insurance net premiums written and deposits breakdown (excludes Combined North America and Life reinsurance businesses): |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Constant $ | YTD | YTD | Constant $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q-24 | 3Q-23 | % Change | % Change | 2024 | 2023 | % Change | % Change | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
International life insurance net premiums written |
$ | 1,275 | $ | 1,208 | 5.5% | 10.0% | $ | 3,964 | $ | 3,282 | 20.8% | 25.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||
International life insurance deposits (2) |
586 | 388 | 51.2% | 54.2% | 1,733 | 1,097 | 58.0% | 62.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total international life insurance net premiums written and deposits |
$ | 1,861 | $ | 1,596 | 16.6% | 20.9% | $ | 5,697 | $ | 4,379 | 30.1% | 34.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||
International life insurance segment income |
$ | 223 | $ | 215 | 3.9% | 9.1% | $ | 680 | $ | 620 | 9.7% | 13.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||
(1) Includes non-premium revenue and expenses unrelated to our core insurance operations from the management of third-party assets by Huatai’s asset management businesses.
(2) Includes deposits collected on universal life and investment contracts. Consistent with U.S. GAAP, premiums collected on universal life and investment contracts are considered deposits and excluded from revenues.
Life Insurance | Page 14 |
Chubb Limited
Segment Results - Consecutive Quarters
(in millions of U.S. dollars)
Corporate |
YTD | YTD | Full Year | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q-24 | 2Q-24 | 1Q-24 | 4Q-23 | 3Q-23 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted loss and loss expenses |
$ | 58 | $ | 93 | $ | 10 | $ | 148 | $ | 61 | $ | 161 | $ | 133 | $ | 281 | ||||||||||||||||
Administrative expenses |
104 | 99 | 107 | 112 | 98 | 310 | 290 | 402 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||
Underwriting loss |
(162 | ) | (192 | ) | (117 | ) | (260 | ) | (159 | ) | (471 | ) | (423 | ) | (683 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Adjusted net investment income |
(23 | ) | (28 | ) | (21 | ) | 4 | 23 | (72 | ) | 42 | 46 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Other income (expense) - operating |
(10 | ) | (14 | ) | (33 | ) | (14 | ) | (8 | ) | (57 | ) | (37 | ) | (51 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Adjusted interest expense |
(197 | ) | (188 | ) | (183 | ) | (179 | ) | (179 | ) | (568 | ) | (514 | ) | (693 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Amortization expense of purchased intangibles |
(40 | ) | (40 | ) | (42 | ) | (47 | ) | (44 | ) | (122 | ) | (129 | ) | (176 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Integration expenses |
(7 | ) | (7 | ) | (7 | ) | (18 | ) | (14 | ) | (21 | ) | (51 | ) | (69 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Amortization of fair value adjustment of acquired invested assets and long-term debt |
- | 2 | - | (1 | ) | (4 | ) | 2 | 1 | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted net realized gains (losses) |
391 | 29 | 1 | 22 | (37 | ) | 421 | (193 | ) | (171 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Market risk benefits gains (losses) |
(230 | ) | (29 | ) | 21 | (153 | ) | (32 | ) | (238 | ) | (154 | ) | (307 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Income tax (expense) benefit |
(504 | ) | (490 | ) | (342 | ) | 678 | (413 | ) | (1,336 | ) | (1,189 | ) | (511 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Less: NCI income (loss) |
166 | (14 | ) | 151 | (10 | ) | (3 | ) | 303 | (3 | ) | (13 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||
Net (loss) benefit |
$ | (948 | ) | $ | (943 | ) | $ | (874 | ) | $ | 42 | $ | (864 | ) | $ | (2,765 | ) | $ | (2,644 | ) | $ | (2,602 | ) | |||||||||
| |||||||||
Unfavorable (favorable) prior period development (PPD) - pre-tax |
$ | 55 | $ | 93 | $ | 9 | $ | 146 | $ | 61 | $ | 157 | $ | 131 | $ | 277 |
Corporate | Page 15 |
Chubb Limited
Loss Reserve Rollforward
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except ratios)
Unpaid Losses | Net Paid to | |||||||||||||||||||
Gross | Ceded | Net | Incurred Ratio | |||||||||||||||||
Balance at December 31, 2022 |
$ | 75,747 | $ | 17,086 | $ | 58,661 | ||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses incurred |
6,306 | 1,158 | 5,148 | |||||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses paid |
(6,315 | ) | (1,599 | ) | (4,716 | ) | 92% | |||||||||||||
Other (incl. foreign exch. revaluation) |
(321 | ) | (125 | ) | (196 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Balance at March 31, 2023 |
$ | 75,417 | $ | 16,520 | $ | 58,897 | ||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses incurred |
7,174 | 1,491 | 5,683 | |||||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses paid |
(6,595 | ) | (1,520 | ) | (5,075 | ) | 89% | |||||||||||||
Other (incl. foreign exch. revaluation) |
484 | 117 | 367 | |||||||||||||||||
Balance at June 30, 2023 |
$ | 76,480 | $ | 16,608 | $ | 59,872 | ||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses incurred |
9,709 | 2,603 | 7,106 | |||||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses paid |
(6,921 | ) | (1,701 | ) | (5,220 | ) | 73% | |||||||||||||
Other (incl. foreign exch. revaluation) |
437 | 298 | 139 | |||||||||||||||||
Balance at September 30, 2023 |
$ | 79,705 | $ | 17,808 | $ | 61,897 | ||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses incurred |
8,157 | 1,994 | 6,163 | |||||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses paid |
(7,971 | ) | (1,971 | ) | (6,000 | ) | 97% | |||||||||||||
Other (incl. foreign exch. revaluation) |
231 | 53 | 178 | |||||||||||||||||
Balance at December 31, 2023 |
$ | 80,122 | $ | 17,884 | $ | 62,238 | ||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses incurred |
6,603 | 876 | 5,727 | |||||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses paid |
(6,423 | ) | (1,601 | ) | (4,822 | ) | 84% | |||||||||||||
Other (incl. foreign exch. revaluation) |
39 | 4 | 35 | |||||||||||||||||
Balance at March 31, 2024 |
$ | 80,341 | $ | 17,163 | $ | 63,178 | ||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses incurred |
7,819 | 1,388 | 6,431 | |||||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses paid |
(5,657 | ) | (1,069 | ) | (4,588 | ) | 71% | |||||||||||||
Other (incl. foreign exch. revaluation) |
(312 | ) | (73 | ) | (239 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Balance at June 30, 2024 |
$ | 82,191 | $ | 17,409 | $ | 64,782 | ||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses incurred |
9,737 | 2,354 | 7,383 | |||||||||||||||||
Losses and loss expenses paid |
(7,838 | ) | (2,169 | ) | (5,669 | ) | 77% | |||||||||||||
Other (incl. foreign exch. revaluation) |
236 | 37 | 199 | |||||||||||||||||
Balance at September 30, 2024 |
$ | 84,326 | $ | 17,631 | $ | 66,695 | ||||||||||||||
Add net recoverable on paid losses |
- | 1,975 | (1,975 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Balance including net recoverable on paid losses |
$ | 84,326 | $ | 19,606 | $ | 64,720 | ||||||||||||||
Loss Reserve Rollforward | Page 16 |
Chubb Limited
Reinsurance Recoverable Analysis
(in millions of U.S. dollars)
Net Reinsurance Recoverable by Division |
September 30 | June 30 | March 31 | December 31 | |||||||||||||
2024 | 2024 | 2024 | 2023 | |||||||||||||
Reinsurance recoverable on paid losses and loss expenses |
Active operations |
$ | 1,607 | $ | 1,572 | $ | 1,573 | $ | 1,670 | ||||||||
Brandywine and Other Run-off |
449 | 456 | 458 | 480 | ||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 2,056 | $ | 2,028 | $ | 2,031 | $ | 2,150 | ||||||||
Reinsurance recoverable on unpaid losses and loss expenses |
Active operations |
$ | 16,730 | $ | 16,500 | $ | 16,238 | $ | 16,949 | ||||||||
Brandywine and Other Run-off |
1,208 | 1,208 | 1,215 | 1,220 | ||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 17,938 | $ | 17,708 | $ | 17,453 | $ | 18,169 | ||||||||
Gross reinsurance recoverable |
Active operations |
$ | 18,337 | $ | 18,072 | $ | 17,811 | $ | 18,619 | ||||||||
Brandywine and Other Run-off |
1,657 | 1,664 | 1,673 | 1,700 | ||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 19,994 | $ | 19,736 | $ | 19,484 | $ | 20,319 | ||||||||
Provision for uncollectible reinsurance (1) |
Active operations |
$ | (262 | ) | $ | (255 | ) | $ | (252 | ) | $ | (240 | ) | ||||
Brandywine and Other Run-off |
(126 | ) | (126 | ) | (123 | ) | (127 | ) | ||||||||
Total |
$ | (388 | ) | $ | (381 | ) | $ | (375 | ) | $ | (367 | ) | ||||
Net reinsurance recoverable |
Active operations |
$ | 18,075 | $ | 17,817 | $ | 17,559 | $ | 18,379 | ||||||||
Brandywine and Other Run-off |
1,531 | 1,538 | 1,550 | 1,573 | ||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 19,606 | $ | 19,355 | $ | 19,109 | $ | 19,952 | ||||||||
(1) The provision for uncollectible reinsurance is based on a default analysis applied to gross reinsurance, net of usable collateral of approximately $4.2 billion. |
Reinsurance Recoverable | Page 17 |
Chubb Limited
Investment Portfolio
(in millions of U.S. dollars)
September 30 2024 |
June 30 2024 |
March 31 2024 |
December 31 2023 |
Market Value |
Fixed maturities available for sale |
$ | 117,265 | $ | 107,840 | $ | 108,289 | $ | 106,571 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other investments-fixed maturities |
5,905 | 5,404 | 4,408 | 3,773 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Short-term investments |
4,375 | 4,546 | 5,107 | 4,551 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total fixed maturities |
$ | 127,545 | $ | 117,790 | $ | 117,804 | $ | 114,895 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Asset Allocation by Market Value |
U.S. Treasury / Agency |
$ | 2,629 | 2% | $ | 2,741 | 2% | $ | 2,899 | 2% | $ | 3,590 | 3% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Corporate and asset-backed securities |
46,693 | 37% | 43,620 | 37% | 43,447 | 38% | 42,830 | 37% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mortgage-backed securities |
28,474 | 22% | 24,614 | 21% | 23,755 | 20% | 22,058 | 19% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Municipal |
1,968 | 2% | 1,947 | 2% | 2,043 | 2% | 2,929 | 3% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Non-U.S. |
43,406 | 34% | 40,322 | 34% | 40,553 | 34% | 38,937 | 34% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Short-term investments |
4,375 | 3% | 4,546 | 4% | 5,107 | 4% | 4,551 | 4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total fixed maturities |
$ | 127,545 | 100% | $ | 117,790 | 100% | $ | 117,804 | 100% | $ | 114,895 | 100% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Credit Quality by Market Value |
$ | 13,987 | 11% | $ | 14,087 | 12% | $ | 14,289 | 12% | $ | 12,669 | 11% | ||||||||||||||||||||
AA |
39,115 | 31% | 34,980 | 30% | 34,371 | 29% | 34,312 | 30% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
A |
30,797 | 24% | 28,056 | 24% | 28,134 | 24% | 27,674 | 24% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
23,900 | 19% | 21,457 | 18% | 21,283 | 18% | 20,810 | 18% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
BB |
10,738 | 8% | 10,384 | 9% | 10,529 | 9% | 10,270 | 9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
B |
8,432 | 7% | 8,293 | 7% | 8,539 | 7% | 8,580 | 7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other |
576 | 0% | 533 | 0% | 659 | 1% | 580 | 1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total fixed maturities |
$ | 127,545 | 100% | $ | 117,790 | 100% | $ | 117,804 | 100% | $ | 114,895 | 100% | ||||||||||||||||||||
Cost/Amortized Cost, net |
Fixed maturities available for sale |
$ | 119,366 | $ | 113,407 | $ | 113,364 | $ | 110,972 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other investments-fixed maturities |
5,905 | 5,404 | 4,408 | 3,773 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Short-term investments |
4,378 | 4,547 | 5,108 | 4,551 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subtotal fixed maturities (1) |
129,649 | 123,358 | 122,880 | 119,296 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Equity securities |
4,404 | 3,792 | 3,769 | 3,455 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Private debt held-for-investment (1) |
2,619 | 2,680 | 2,708 | 2,553 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Private equities and other |
16,655 | 16,474 | 16,089 | 15,832 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total investment portfolio |
$ | 153,327 | $ | 146,304 | $ | 145,446 | $ | 141,136 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Avg. duration of fixed maturities (2) |
4.7 years | 4.8 years | 4.9 years | 4.7 years | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Avg. market yield of fixed income investments (3) |
5.2% | 5.9% | 5.8% | 5.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Avg. credit quality |
A/A | A/A | A/A | A/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Avg. book yield of fixed income investments (3) |
4.9% | 4.9% | 4.9% | 4.8% |
(1) Net of valuation allowance for expected credit losses.
(2) Excludes Huatai.
(3) Includes fixed maturities and other debt investments and excludes Huatai.
Investments | Page 18 |
Chubb Limited
Investment Portfolio - 2
(in millions of U.S. dollars)
Mortgage-backed Fixed Income Portfolio
Mortgage-backed securities
S&P Credit Rating | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
AAA | AA | A | BBB | BB and below | Total | |||||||||||||||||||
Market Value at September 30, 2024 |
Agency residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) |
$ | 9 | $ | 24,888 | $ | - | $ | - | $ | - | $ | 24,897 | ||||||||||||
Non-agency RMBS |
1,683 | 166 | 126 | 98 | 6 | 2,079 | ||||||||||||||||||
Commercial mortgage-backed securities |
1,278 | 124 | 90 | 4 | 2 | 1,498 | ||||||||||||||||||
Total mortgage-backed securities at market value |
$ | 2,970 | $ | 25,178 | $ | 216 | $ | 102 | $ | 8 | $ | 28,474 | ||||||||||||
U.S. Corporate and Asset-backed Fixed Income Portfolios | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Market Value at September 30, 2024 | S&P Credit Rating | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Investment Grade | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
AAA | AA | A | BBB | Total | ||||||||||||||||||||
Asset-backed |
$ | 4,698 | $ | 818 | $ | 256 | $ | 114 | $ | 5,886 | ||||||||||||||
Banks |
- | 1 | 2,778 | 2,369 | 5,148 | |||||||||||||||||||
Basic Materials |
- | - | 111 | 380 | 491 | |||||||||||||||||||
Communications |
- | 253 | 508 | 1,489 | 2,250 | |||||||||||||||||||
Consumer, Cyclical |
- | 162 | 699 | 1,000 | 1,861 | |||||||||||||||||||
Consumer, Non-Cyclical |
36 | 489 | 2,705 | 2,069 | 5,299 | |||||||||||||||||||
Diversified Financial Services |
1 | 153 | 446 | 401 | 1,001 | |||||||||||||||||||
Energy |
- | 111 | 346 | 1,445 | 1,902 | |||||||||||||||||||
Industrial |
- | 10 | 684 | 1,507 | 2,201 | |||||||||||||||||||
Utilities |
227 | 2 | 1,307 | 1,070 | 2,606 | |||||||||||||||||||
All Others |
137 | 438 | 1,176 | 2,220 | 3,971 | |||||||||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 5,099 | $ | 2,437 | $ | 11,016 | $ | 14,064 | $ | 32,616 | ||||||||||||||
Market Value at September 30, 2024 | S&P Credit Rating | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Below Investment Grade | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
BB | B | CCC | Total | |||||||||||||||||||||
Asset-backed |
$ | 16 | $ | 59 | $ | 1 | $ | 76 | ||||||||||||||||
Banks |
- | - | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||
Basic Materials |
444 | 243 | 21 | 708 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Communications |
642 | 709 | 101 | 1,452 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Consumer, Cyclical |
1,448 | 1,022 | 36 | 2,506 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Consumer, Non-Cyclical |
1,476 | 1,320 | 72 | 2,868 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Diversified Financial Services |
359 | 189 | - | 548 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Energy |
743 | 536 | - | 1,279 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Industrial |
994 | 801 | 19 | 1,814 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Utilities |
324 | 160 | - | 484 | ||||||||||||||||||||
All Others |
778 | 1,483 | 81 | 2,342 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 7,224 | $ | 6,522 | $ | 331 | $ | 14,077 | ||||||||||||||||
Investments 2 | Page 19 |
Chubb Limited
Investment Portfolio - 3
(in millions of U.S. dollars)
Non-U.S. Fixed Income Portfolio
September 30, 2024
Non-U.S. Government Securities | Market Value by S&P Credit Rating | |||||||||||||||||||||||
AAA | AA | A | BBB | BB and below | Total | |||||||||||||||||||
Republic of Korea |
$ | - | $ | 1,951 | $ | - | $ | - | $ | - | $ | 1,951 | ||||||||||||
People’s Republic of China |
- | 206 | 1,495 | - | - | 1,701 | ||||||||||||||||||
Canada |
946 | - | - | - | - | 946 | ||||||||||||||||||
Taiwan |
- | 845 | - | - | - | 845 | ||||||||||||||||||
Kingdom of Thailand |
- | - | 656 | - | - | 656 | ||||||||||||||||||
United Mexican States |
- | - | - | 595 | - | 595 | ||||||||||||||||||
Federative Republic of Brazil |
- | - | - | - | 567 | 567 | ||||||||||||||||||
Commonwealth of Australia |
563 | - | - | - | - | 563 | ||||||||||||||||||
Province of Ontario |
- | - | 523 | - | - | 523 | ||||||||||||||||||
Socialist Republic of Vietnam |
- | - | - | - | 463 | 463 | ||||||||||||||||||
Other Non-U.S. Government Securities |
596 | 2,636 | 2,074 | 1,019 | 919 | 7,244 | ||||||||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 2,105 | $ | 5,638 | $ | 4,748 | $ | 1,614 | $ | 1,949 | $ | 16,054 | ||||||||||||
Non-U.S. Corporate Securities | Market Value by S&P Credit Rating | |||||||||||||||||||||||
AAA | AA | A | BBB | BB and below | Total | |||||||||||||||||||
China |
$ | - | $ | - | $ | 6,558 | $ | 386 | $ | 16 | $ | 6,960 | ||||||||||||
United Kingdom |
25 | 29 | 920 | 1,275 | 427 | 2,676 | ||||||||||||||||||
Canada |
162 | 76 | 992 | 867 | 396 | 2,493 | ||||||||||||||||||
United States (1) |
- | 9 | 523 | 537 | 817 | 1,886 | ||||||||||||||||||
France |
5 | 47 | 924 | 568 | 144 | 1,688 | ||||||||||||||||||
South Korea |
- | 486 | 500 | 613 | 7 | 1,606 | ||||||||||||||||||
Australia |
58 | 319 | 371 | 394 | 26 | 1,168 | ||||||||||||||||||
Japan |
- | - | 646 | 205 | 12 | 863 | ||||||||||||||||||
Germany |
84 | 101 | 102 | 293 | 70 | 650 | ||||||||||||||||||
Switzerland |
53 | 48 | 432 | 10 | 17 | 560 | ||||||||||||||||||
Other Non-U.S. Corporate Securities |
398 | 485 | 1,737 | 2,680 | 1,502 | 6,802 | ||||||||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 785 | $ | 1,600 | $ | 13,705 | $ | 7,828 | $ | 3,434 | $ | 27,352 | ||||||||||||
(1) Countries represent the ultimate parent company’s country of risk. Non-U.S. corporate securities could be issued by foreign subsidiaries of U.S. corporations.
Investments 3 | Page 20 |
Chubb Limited
Investment Portfolio - 4
(in millions of U.S. dollars)
Fixed Maturity Investment Portfolio
Top 10 Global Corporate Exposures
September 30, 2024 | Market Value | Rating | ||||||||
| |||||||||
1 | Bank of America Corp | $ | 910 | A- | ||||||
2 | Morgan Stanley | 774 | A- | |||||||
3 | JP Morgan Chase & Co | 716 | A- | |||||||
4 | Wells Fargo & Co | 661 | BBB+ | |||||||
5 | Citigroup Inc | 598 | BBB+ | |||||||
6 | Goldman Sachs Group Inc | 597 | BBB+ | |||||||
7 | AT&T Inc | 445 | BBB | |||||||
8 | Verizon Communications Inc | 440 | BBB+ | |||||||
9 | UBS Group AG | 439 | A- | |||||||
10 | HSBC Holdings Plc | 386 | A- |
Investments 4 | Page 21 |
Chubb Limited
Chubb Net Realized and Unrealized Gains (Losses)
(in millions of U.S. dollars)
Three months ended September 30, 2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Realized Gains (Losses) | Unrealized Gains (Losses) | Realized and Unrealized Gains (Losses) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gains | Tax | Gains | Gains | Tax | Gains | Gains | Tax | Gains | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(Losses) | (Expense) | (Losses) | (Losses) | (Expense) | (Losses) | (Losses) | (Expense) | (Losses) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pre-Tax | Benefit | After-Tax | Pre-Tax | Benefit | After-Tax | Pre-Tax | Benefit | After-Tax | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fixed income investments (1) |
$ | 26 | $ | 2 | $ | 28 | $ | 3,457 | $ | (198 | ) | $ | 3,259 | $ | 3,483 | $ | (196 | ) | $ | 3,287 | ||||||||||||||||
Public equity: |
Realized gains (losses) on sales |
(4 | ) | 1 | (3 | ) | - | - | - | (4 | ) | 1 | (3 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Mark-to-market |
111 | (22 | ) | 89 | - | - | - | 111 | (22 | ) | 89 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Private equity: Mark-to-market |
151 | 6 | 157 | - | - | - | 151 | 6 | 157 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total investment portfolio |
284 | (13 | ) | 271 | 3,457 | (198 | ) | 3,259 | 3,741 | (211 | ) | 3,530 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Foreign exchange |
(57 | ) | 11 | (46 | ) | 383 | 7 | 390 | 326 | 18 | 344 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Partially-owned entities (2) |
1 | - | 1 | - | - | - | 1 | - | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current discount rate on future policy benefits |
- | - | - | (629 | ) | 36 | (593 | ) | (629 | ) | 36 | (593 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Instrument-specific credit risk - market risk benefits |
- | - | - | (8 | ) | 1 | (7 | ) | (8 | ) | 1 | (7 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Other |
(3 | ) | 3 | - | (19 | ) | 4 | (15 | ) | (22 | ) | 7 | (15 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net gains (losses) |
$ | 225 | $ | 1 | $ | 226 | $ | 3,184 | $ | (150 | ) | $ | 3,034 | $ | 3,409 | $ | (149 | ) | $ | 3,260 | ||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(1) The quarter includes pre-tax realized gains on investment derivatives of $66 million, a net decrease of the valuation allowance of expected credit losses of $48 million on fixed maturities, and impairments of $19 million for fixed maturities. (2) Partially-owned entities are investments where we hold more than an insignificant percentage of the investee’s shares. Refer to the Non-GAAP financial measures section for additional details.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Three months ended September 30, 2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Realized Gains (Losses) | Unrealized Gains (Losses) | Realized and Unrealized Gains (Losses) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gains | Tax | Gains | Gains | Tax | Gains | Gains | Tax | Gains | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(Losses) | (Expense) | (Losses) | (Losses) | (Expense) | (Losses) | (Losses) | (Expense) | (Losses) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pre-Tax | Benefit | After-Tax | Pre-Tax | Benefit | After-Tax | Pre-Tax | Benefit | After-Tax | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fixed income investments (3) |
$ | (61 | ) | $ | 24 | $ | (37 | ) | $ | (2,184 | ) | $ | 29 | $ | (2,155 | ) | $ | (2,245 | ) | $ | 53 | $ | (2,192 | ) | ||||||||||||
Public equity: |
Realized gains (losses) on sales |
(32 | ) | 3 | (29 | ) | - | - | - | (32 | ) | 3 | (29 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Mark-to-market |
(43 | ) | 3 | (40 | ) | - | - | - | (43 | ) | 3 | (40 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Private equity: Mark-to-market |
90 | (4 | ) | 86 | - | - | - | 90 | (4 | ) | 86 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total investment portfolio |
(46 | ) | 26 | (20 | ) | (2,184 | ) | 29 | (2,155 | ) | (2,230 | ) | 55 | (2,175 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Foreign exchange |
(67 | ) | 19 | (48 | ) | (241 | ) | 13 | (228 | ) | (308 | ) | 32 | (276 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Partially-owned entities (4) |
8 | (1 | ) | 7 | 11 | - | 11 | 19 | (1 | ) | 18 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current discount rate on future policy benefits |
- | - | - | 686 | (35 | ) | 651 | 686 | (35 | ) | 651 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Instrument-specific credit risk - market risk benefits |
- | - | - | (5 | ) | - | (5 | ) | (5 | ) | - | (5 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Other (5) |
94 | 13 | 107 | 37 | (7 | ) | 30 | 131 | 6 | 137 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net gains (losses) |
$ | (11 | ) | $ | 57 | $ | 46 | $ | (1,696 | ) | $ | - | $ | (1,696 | ) | $ | (1,707 | ) | $ | 57 | $ | (1,650 | ) | |||||||||||||
(3) The quarter includes pre-tax realized gains on investment derivatives of $9 million, a net decrease of the valuation allowance of expected credit losses of $34 million, and impairments of $16 million for fixed maturities.
(4) Partially-owned entities are investments where we hold more than an insignificant percentage of the investee’s shares. Refer to the Non-GAAP financial measures section for additional details.
(5) Includes a one-time net realized gain of $116 million as a result of the consolidation of Huatai.
Net Gains (Losses) | Page 22 |
Chubb Limited
Chubb Net Realized and Unrealized Gains (Losses)
(in millions of U.S. dollars)
Nine months ended September 30, 2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Realized Gains (Losses) | Unrealized Gains (Losses) | Realized and Unrealized Gains (Losses) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gains | Tax | Gains | Gains | Tax | Gains | Gains | Tax | Gains | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(Losses) | (Expense) | (Losses) | (Losses) | (Expense) | (Losses) | (Losses) | (Expense) | (Losses) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pre-Tax | Benefit | After-Tax | Pre-Tax | Benefit | After-Tax | Pre-Tax | Benefit | After-Tax | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fixed income investments (1) |
$ | (213 | ) | $ | 41 | $ | (172 | ) | $ | 2,284 | $ | (149 | ) | $ | 2,135 | $ | 2,071 | $ | (108 | ) | $ | 1,963 | ||||||||||||||
Public equity: |
Realized gains (losses) on sales |
8 | - | 8 | - | - | - | 8 | - | 8 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mark-to-market |
170 | (16 | ) | 154 | - | - | - | 170 | (16 | ) | 154 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Private equity: Mark-to-market |
333 | 13 | 346 | - | - | - | 333 | 13 | 346 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total investment portfolio |
298 | 38 | 336 | 2,284 | (149 | ) | 2,135 | 2,582 | (111 | ) | 2,471 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Foreign exchange |
(161 | ) | 36 | (125 | ) | (26 | ) | 19 | (7 | ) | (187 | ) | 55 | (132 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Partially-owned entities (2) |
2 | - | 2 | - | - | - | 2 | - | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current discount rate on future policy benefits |
- | - | - | (592 | ) | 14 | (578 | ) | (592 | ) | 14 | (578 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Instrument-specific credit risk - market risk benefits |
- | - | - | 2 | - | 2 | 2 | - | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other |
(10 | ) | 1 | (9 | ) | (17 | ) | 4 | (13 | ) | (27 | ) | 5 | (22 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net gains (losses) |
$ | 129 | $ | 75 | $ | 204 | $ | 1,651 | $ | (112 | ) | $ | 1,539 | $ | 1,780 | $ | (37 | ) | $ | 1,743 | ||||||||||||||||
(1) Year to date includes pre-tax realized gains on investment derivatives of $6 million, a net decrease of the valuation allowance of expected credit losses of $81 million on fixed maturities, and impairments of $81 million for fixed maturities.
(2) Partially-owned entities are investments where we hold more than an insignificant percentage of the investee’s shares. Refer to the Non-GAAP financial measures section for additional details.
Nine months ended September 30, 2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Realized Gains (Losses) | Unrealized Gains (Losses) | Realized and Unrealized Gains (Losses) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gains | Tax | Gains | Gains | Tax | Gains | Gains | Tax | Gains | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(Losses) | (Expense) | (Losses) | (Losses) | (Expense) | (Losses) | (Losses) | (Expense) | (Losses) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pre-Tax | Benefit | After-Tax | Pre-Tax | Benefit | After-Tax | Pre-Tax | Benefit | After-Tax | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fixed income investments (3) |
$ | (449 | ) | $ | 83 | $ | (366 | ) | $ | (1,592 | ) | $ | (93 | ) | $ | (1,685 | ) | $ | (2,041 | ) | $ | (10 | ) | $ | (2,051 | ) | ||||||||||
Public equity: |
Realized gains (losses) on sales |
(35 | ) | 3 | (32 | ) | - | - | - | (35 | ) | 3 | (32 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Mark-to-market |
(1 | ) | (2 | ) | (3 | ) | - | - | - | (1 | ) | (2 | ) | (3 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Private equity: Mark-to-market |
364 | 19 | 383 | - | - | - | 364 | 19 | 383 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total investment portfolio |
(121 | ) | 103 | (18 | ) | (1,592 | ) | (93 | ) | (1,685 | ) | (1,713 | ) | 10 | (1,703 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Foreign exchange |
(122 | ) | 45 | (77 | ) | (203 | ) | 21 | (182 | ) | (325 | ) | 66 | (259 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Partially-owned entities (4) |
(2 | ) | - | (2 | ) | 11 | - | 11 | 9 | - | 9 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current discount rate on future policy benefits |
- | - | - | 500 | (21 | ) | 479 | 500 | (21 | ) | 479 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Instrument-specific credit risk - market risk benefits |
- | - | - | 3 | - | 3 | 3 | - | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other (5) |
78 | 16 | 94 | 52 | (11 | ) | 41 | 130 | 5 | 135 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net gains (losses) |
$ | (167 | ) | $ | 164 | $ | (3 | ) | $ | (1,229 | ) | $ | (104 | ) | $ | (1,333 | ) | $ | (1,396 | ) | $ | 60 | $ | (1,336 | ) | |||||||||||
(3) Year to date includes pre-tax realized losses on investment derivatives of $92 million, a net decrease of the valuation allowance of expected credit losses of $44 million, and impairments of $60 million for fixed maturities.
(4) Partially-owned entities are investments where we hold more than an insignificant percentage of the investee’s shares. Refer to the Non-GAAP financial measures section for additional details.
(5) Includes a one-time net realized gain of $116 million as a result of the consolidation of Huatai.
Net Gains (Losses) 2 | Page 23 |
Chubb Limited
Debt and Capital
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except ratios)
September 30 | June 30 | March 31 | December 31 | December 31 | ||||||||||||||||
2024 | 2024 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | ||||||||||||||||
Financial Debt: |
Total short-term debt |
$ | 1,571 | $ | 1,553 | $ | 2,265 | $ | 1,460 | $ | 475 | ||||||||||
Total long-term debt (1) |
14,560 | 13,178 | 13,248 | 13,035 | 14,402 | |||||||||||||||
Total financial debt |
$ | 16,131 | $ | 14,731 | $ | 15,513 | $ | 14,495 | $ | 14,877 | ||||||||||
Hybrid debt: |
Total trust preferred securities |
309 | 309 | 309 | 308 | 308 | |||||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 16,440 | $ | 15,040 | $ | 15,822 | $ | 14,803 | $ | 15,185 | ||||||||||
Capitalization: |
Chubb shareholders’ equity |
$ | 65,757 | $ | 61,038 | $ | 60,535 | $ | 59,507 | $ | 50,519 | ||||||||||
Hybrid debt |
309 | 309 | 309 | 308 | 308 | |||||||||||||||
Financial debt |
16,131 | 14,731 | 15,513 | 14,495 | 14,877 | |||||||||||||||
Total capitalization |
$ | 82,197 | $ | 76,078 | $ | 76,357 | $ | 74,310 | $ | 65,704 | ||||||||||
Leverage ratios (based on total capital): |
Hybrid debt |
0.4% | 0.4% | 0.4% | 0.4% | 0.5% | |||||||||||||||
Financial debt |
19.6% | 19.4% | 20.3% | 19.5% | 22.6% | |||||||||||||||
Total hybrid & financial debt |
20.0% | 19.8% | 20.7% | 19.9% | 23.1% |
Note: As of September 30, 2024, there was $0.9 billion usage of credit facilities on total capacity of $4.0 billion.
(1) In July 2024, the company issued $0.7 billion of 4.65% senior notes due 2029 and $0.6 billion of 5.00% senior notes due 2034. The use of proceeds was for general corporate purposes, including the repayment at maturity of its €0.7 billion 0.30% senior notes due December 2024.
Debt and Capital | Page 24 |
Chubb Limited
Computation of Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
Three months ended September 30 | Nine months ended September 30 | |||||||||||||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |||||||||||||
Numerator |
Core operating income |
$ | 2,334 | $ | 2,041 | $ | 6,746 | $ | 5,927 | ||||||||
Amortization of fair value adjustment of acquired invested assets and long-term debt, pre-tax |
2 | (2 | ) | 5 | 3 | |||||||||||
Tax expense on amortization adjustment |
(2 | ) | - | (3 | ) | (7 | ) | |||||||||
Integration expenses, pre-tax |
(7 | ) | (14 | ) | (21 | ) | (51 | ) | ||||||||
Tax benefit on integration expenses |
1 | 4 | 4 | 13 | ||||||||||||
Adjusted net realized gains (losses), pre-tax |
225 | (11 | ) | 129 | (167 | ) | ||||||||||
Tax benefit on adjusted net realized gains (losses) |
1 | 57 | 75 | 164 | ||||||||||||
Market risk benefits gains (losses), pre- and after-tax |
(230 | ) | (32 | ) | (238 | ) | (154 | ) | ||||||||
Chubb net income |
$ | 2,324 | $ | 2,043 | $ | 6,697 | $ | 5,728 | ||||||||
Rollforward of Common Shares Outstanding |
Shares - beginning of period |
404,073,495 | 410,691,354 | 405,269,637 | 414,594,856 | ||||||||||||
Repurchase of shares |
(1,441,607 | ) | (2,949,900 | ) | (4,915,964 | ) | (8,634,600 | ) | ||||||||
Shares issued (canceled), excluding option exercises |
(24,806 | ) | (23,697 | ) | 665,669 | 1,128,936 | ||||||||||
Issued for option exercises |
426,339 | 266,582 | 2,014,079 | 895,147 | ||||||||||||
Shares - end of period |
403,033,421 | 407,984,339 | 403,033,421 | 407,984,339 | ||||||||||||
Denominator |
Weighted average shares outstanding (1) |
403,831,412 | 409,505,454 | 404,700,118 | 412,076,470 | ||||||||||||
Effect of other dilutive securities |
4,047,315 | 3,100,505 | 4,191,655 | 3,288,940 | ||||||||||||
Adj. wtd. avg. shares outstanding and assumed conversions |
407,878,727 | 412,605,959 | 408,891,773 | 415,365,410 | ||||||||||||
Basic earnings per share |
Core operating income |
$ | 5.78 | $ | 4.98 | $ | 16.67 | $ | 14.38 | ||||||||
Amortization of fair value adjustment of acquired invested assets and long-term debt, net of tax |
- | - | - | (0.01 | ) | |||||||||||
Integration expenses, net of tax |
(0.02 | ) | (0.02 | ) | (0.04 | ) | (0.09 | ) | ||||||||
Adjusted net realized gains (losses), net of tax |
0.56 | 0.11 | 0.51 | (0.01 | ) | |||||||||||
Market risk benefits gains (losses), net of tax |
(0.57 | ) | (0.08 | ) | (0.59 | ) | (0.37 | ) | ||||||||
Chubb net income |
$ | 5.75 | $ | 4.99 | $ | 16.55 | $ | 13.90 | ||||||||
Diluted earnings per share |
Core operating income |
$ | 5.72 | $ | 4.95 | $ | 16.50 | $ | 14.27 | ||||||||
Amortization of fair value adjustment of acquired invested assets and long-term debt, net of tax |
- | - | - | (0.01 | ) | |||||||||||
Integration expenses, net of tax |
(0.02 | ) | (0.02 | ) | (0.04 | ) | (0.09 | ) | ||||||||
Adjusted net realized gains (losses), net of tax |
0.56 | 0.10 | 0.50 | (0.01 | ) | |||||||||||
Market risk benefits gains (losses), net of tax |
(0.56 | ) | (0.08 | ) | (0.58 | ) | (0.37 | ) | ||||||||
Chubb net income |
$ | 5.70 | $ | 4.95 | $ | 16.38 | $ | 13.79 | ||||||||
(1) Includes unvested restricted stock units that are not included in common shares outstanding as the shares are not issued until time of vesting, but are eligible to receive dividends (participating securities).
Earnings per share | Page 25 |
Chubb Limited
Book Value and Book Value per Common Share
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)
Reconciliation of Book Value per Common Share
September 30 | June 30 | March 31 | December 31 | September 30 | ||||||||||||||||
2024 | 2024 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | ||||||||||||||||
Chubb shareholders’ equity |
$ | 65,757 | $ | 61,038 | $ | 60,535 | $ | 59,507 | $ | 52,373 | ||||||||||
Less: Chubb goodwill and other intangible assets, net of tax |
24,376 | 24,246 | 24,175 | 23,853 | 23,450 | |||||||||||||||
Numerator for tangible book value per share |
$ | 41,381 | $ | 36,792 | $ | 36,360 | $ | 35,654 | $ | 28,923 | ||||||||||
Book value - % change over prior quarter |
7.7% | 0.8% | 1.7% | 13.6% | -1.0% | |||||||||||||||
Tangible book value - % change over prior quarter |
12.5% | 1.2% | 2.0% | 23.3% | -10.8% | |||||||||||||||
Denominator: shares outstanding |
403,033,421 | 404,073,495 | 406,033,066 | 405,269,637 | 407,984,339 | |||||||||||||||
Book value per common share |
$ | 163.16 | $ | 151.05 | $ | 149.09 | $ | 146.83 | $ | 128.37 | ||||||||||
Tangible book value per common share |
$ | 102.67 | $ | 91.05 | $ | 89.55 | $ | 87.98 | $ | 70.89 | ||||||||||
Reconciliation of Book Value |
Chubb shareholders’ equity, beginning of quarter |
$ | 61,038 | $ | 60,535 | $ | 59,507 | $ | 52,373 | $ | 52,875 | ||||||||||
Core operating income |
2,334 | 2,196 | 2,216 | 3,410 | 2,041 | |||||||||||||||
Amortization of fair value adjustment of acquired invested assets and long-term debt |
- | 6 | (4 | ) | 1 | (2 | ) | |||||||||||||
Integration expenses |
(6 | ) | (10 | ) | (1 | ) | (17 | ) | (10 | ) | ||||||||||
Adjusted net realized gains (losses) (1) |
226 | 67 | (89 | ) | 59 | 46 | ||||||||||||||
Market risk benefits gains (losses) |
(230 | ) | (29 | ) | 21 | (153 | ) | (32 | ) | |||||||||||
Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments |
3,259 | (476 | ) | (648 | ) | 4,776 | (2,144 | ) | ||||||||||||
Repurchase of shares |
(413 | ) | (570 | ) | (316 | ) | (720 | ) | (606 | ) | ||||||||||
Dividend declared on common shares |
(369 | ) | (369 | ) | (350 | ) | (351 | ) | (352 | ) | ||||||||||
Cumulative translation gains (losses) |
390 | (478 | ) | 81 | 203 | (228 | ) | |||||||||||||
Postretirement benefit liability |
(1 | ) | 1 | (1 | ) | 75 | (1 | ) | ||||||||||||
Current discount rate on future policy benefits |
(593 | ) | 55 | (40 | ) | (353 | ) | 651 | ||||||||||||
Instrument-specific credit risk - market risk benefits |
(7 | ) | 4 | 5 | (1 | ) | (5 | ) | ||||||||||||
Other (2) |
129 | 106 | 154 | 205 | 140 | |||||||||||||||
Chubb shareholders’ equity, end of quarter |
$ | 65,757 | $ | 61,038 | $ | 60,535 | $ | 59,507 | $ | 52,373 | ||||||||||
(1) Includes net realized gains (losses) related to unconsolidated entities.
(2) Other primarily includes proceeds from exercise of stock options and stock compensation, offset by the value of any share cancellations for restricted stock vesting taxes.
Reconciliation Book Value | Page 26 |
Chubb Limited
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Regulation G - Non-GAAP Financial Measures
In presenting our results, we included and discussed certain non-GAAP measures. These non-GAAP measures, which may be defined differently by other companies, are important for an understanding of our overall results of operations and financial condition. However, they should not be viewed as a substitute for measures determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
Throughout this document there are various measures presented on a constant-dollar basis (i.e., excludes the impact of foreign exchange). We believe it is useful to evaluate the trends in our results exclusive of the effect of fluctuations in exchange rates between the U.S. dollar and the currencies in which our international business is transacted, as these exchange rates could fluctuate significantly between periods and distort the analysis of trends. The impact is determined by assuming constant foreign exchange rates between periods by translating prior period results using the same local currency exchange rates as the comparable current period.
P&C underwriting income (loss) excludes the Life Insurance segment and is calculated by subtracting adjusted losses and loss expenses, adjusted policy benefits, policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses from net premiums earned. We use underwriting income (loss) and operating ratios to monitor the results of our operations without the impact of certain factors, including net investment income, other income (expense), interest expense, amortization expense of purchased intangibles, integration expenses, amortization of fair value of acquired invested assets and debt, income tax expense, adjusted net realized gains (losses), and market risk benefits gains (losses).
P&C CAY underwriting income excluding catastrophe losses (Cats) is P&C underwriting income (loss) adjusted to exclude P&C Cats and prior period development (PPD). We believe it is useful to exclude Cats, as they are not predictable as to timing and amount, and PPD, as these unexpected loss developments on historical reserves are not indicative of our current underwriting performance. We believe the use of these measures enhances the understanding of our results of operations by highlighting the underlying profitability of our insurance business.
Adjusted losses and loss expenses include realized gains and losses on crop derivatives. These derivatives were purchased to provide economic benefit, in a manner similar to reinsurance protection, in the event that a significant decline in commodity pricing impacts underwriting results. We view gains and losses on these derivatives as part of the results of our underwriting operations, and therefore realized gains (losses) from these derivatives are reclassified to adjusted losses and loss expenses.
Adjusted policy benefits include gains and losses from fair value changes in separate account liabilities, as well as the offsetting movement in separate account assets that do not qualify for separate account reporting under U.S. GAAP, for purposes of reporting Life Insurance underwriting income. We view gains and losses from fair value changes in both non-qualified separate account assets and liabilities as part of the results of our underwriting operations, and therefore these gains and losses are reclassified from Other (income) expense to adjusted policy benefits. In addition, adjusted policy benefits includes the impact of realized gains and losses on underlying investments supporting the liabilities of certain participating policies for the portion that are shared with policyholders. These realized gains and losses on underlying investments have been reclassified from net realized gains (losses) to adjusted policy benefits. We believe this presentation better reflects the economics of the liabilities and the underlying investments supporting those liabilities.
Adjusted net investment income is net investment income excluding the amortization of the fair value adjustment on acquired invested assets from certain acquisitions, and including investment income from partially-owned investment companies (private equity partnerships) where our ownership interest is in excess of 3% that are accounted for under the equity method. The mark-to-market movement on these private equity partnerships are included in adjusted net realized gains (losses) as described below. We believe this measure is meaningful as it highlights the underlying performance of our invested assets and portfolio management in support of our lines of business.
Adjusted net realized gains (losses), net of tax, includes net realized gains (losses) and net realized gains (losses) recorded in other income (expense) related to unconsolidated subsidiaries, and excludes realized gains and losses on crop derivatives and realized gains and losses on underlying investments supporting the liabilities of certain participating policies related to the policyholders’ share of gains and losses.
Adjusted interest expense is interest expense excluding the amortization of the fair value adjustment on acquired long-term debt, related to the Chubb Corp acquisition due to the size and complexity of this acquisition.
Other income (expense) - operating excludes from consolidated Other income (expense) the portion of net realized gains and losses related to unconsolidated entities, other income (expense) from private equity partnerships, and gains and losses from fair value changes in separate account assets that do not qualify for separate account reporting under U.S. GAAP. Net realized gains (losses) related to unconsolidated entities is excluded from core operating income (loss) in order to enhance the understanding of our results of underwriting operations as they are heavily influenced by, and fluctuate in part according to, market conditions. Other income (expense) from private equity partnerships and net realized gains and losses related to unconsolidated entities are recorded to Other income (expense) in our income statement on a U.S. GAAP basis.
P&C combined ratio excludes the Life Insurance segment. P&C loss and loss expense ratio and P&C combined ratio include adjusted losses and loss expenses and policy benefits in the ratio numerator. P&C expense ratio and P&C combined ratio include policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses in the ratio numerator. A reconciliation of combined ratio to P&C combined ratio is provided on pages 30-33.
CAY P&C combined ratio excluding catastrophe losses excludes Cats and PPD from the P&C combined ratio. We exclude Cats as they are not predictable as to timing and amount and PPD as these unexpected loss developments on historical reserves are not indicative of our current underwriting performance. The combined ratio numerator is adjusted to exclude Cats, PPD and expense adjustments on PPD, and the denominator is adjusted to exclude net premiums earned adjustments on PPD and reinstatement premiums on Cats and PPD. In periods where there are adjustments on loss sensitive policies, these adjustments are excluded from PPD and net premiums earned when calculating the ratios. We believe this measure provides a better evaluation of our underwriting performance and enhances the understanding of the trends in our P&C business that may be obscured by these items. This measure is commonly reported among our peer companies and allows for a better comparison.
Expense ratio excluding accident and health (A&H) excludes the impact of our A&H business from our expense ratio. The expense ratio for the A&H business is typically higher than our traditional P&C business, and we believe that this measure provides better comparison to our peer companies that may not have a significant A&H block of business.
Global P&C performance metrics comprise consolidated operating results (including corporate) and exclude the operating results of the company’s Life Insurance and North America Agricultural Insurance segments. The agriculture insurance business is a different business in that it is a public sector and private sector partnership in which insurance rates, premium growth, and risk-sharing is not market-driven like the remainder of the company’s P&C insurance business. We believe that these measures are useful and meaningful to investors as they are used by management to assess the company’s global P&C operations which are the most economically similar. We exclude the North America Agricultural Insurance and Life Insurance segments because the results of these businesses do not always correlate with the results of our global P&C operations.
Core operating income, net of tax, relates only to Chubb income, which excludes noncontrolling interests. It excludes from Chubb net income the after-tax impact of adjusted net realized gains (losses), market risk benefit gains (losses), integration expenses, the amortization of fair value adjustment of acquired invested assets and long-term debt related to certain acquisitions. We believe this presentation enhances the understanding of our results of operations by highlighting the underlying profitability of our insurance business. We exclude adjusted net realized gains (losses) and market risk benefit gains (losses) because the amount of these gains (losses) is heavily influenced by, and fluctuates in part according to, the availability of market opportunities. We exclude the amortization of fair value adjustments on purchased invested assets and long-term debt related to certain acquisitions due to the size and complexity of these acquisitions. We also exclude integration expenses, which are incurred by the overall company and are included in Corporate. These expenses include legal and professional fees and all other costs directly related to the integration activities of acquisitions. The costs are not related to the ongoing activities of the individual segments and are therefore also excluded from our definition of segment income. We believe these integration expenses are not indicative of our underlying profitability, and excluding these integration expenses facilitates the comparison of our financial results to our historical operating results. References to core operating income measures mean net of tax, whether or not noted.
Chubb core operating effective tax rate is income tax expense (benefit) excluding tax expense (benefit) on adjusted net realized gains (losses), tax benefit on amortization of fair value of acquired invested assets and debt, and tax benefit on integration expenses, all attributable to Chubb, divided by Chubb income before tax excluding adjusted net realized gains (losses) before tax, market risk benefit gains (losses) before tax, amortization of fair value of acquired invested assets and debt before tax, and integration expenses, all attributable to Chubb, before tax. We believe the use of this measure is meaningful to show the tax on the underlying performance of our insurance business, by excluding the taxes on adjusted net realized gains (losses), market risk benefit gains (losses), amortization of the fair value adjustments related to purchased invested assets and long-term debt and integration expenses. Refer to the definition of core operating income (loss), net of tax above for more information on these adjustments.
Tangible book value per common share is Chubb shareholders’ equity less Chubb goodwill and other intangible assets, net of tax, divided by the shares outstanding. We believe that goodwill and other intangible assets are not indicative of our underlying insurance results or trends and make book value comparisons to less acquisitive peer companies less meaningful. Book value per share and tangible book value per share excluding accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (AOCI), excludes AOCI from the numerator because it eliminates the effect of items that can fluctuate significantly from period to period, primarily based on changes in interest rates and foreign currency movement, to highlight underlying growth in book and tangible book value.
International life insurance net premiums written and deposits collected includes deposits collected on universal life and investment contracts (life deposits). Life deposits are not reflected as revenues in our consolidated statements of operations in accordance with U.S. GAAP. However, we include life deposits in presenting growth in our life insurance business because new life deposits are an important component of production and key to our efforts to grow our business.
Adjusted operating cash flow is Operating cash flow excluding the operating cash flow related to the net investing activities of Huatai’s asset management companies as it relates to the Consolidated Investment Products as required under consolidation accounting. Because these entities are investment companies, we are required to retain the investment company presentation in our consolidated results, which means, we include the net investing activities of these entities in our operating cash flows. Due to the significant impact that this required investment company classification has on the presentation of the company’s operating cash flow, the company has elected to remove the impact of these net investing activities of these investment companies. The investment company presentation is not consistent with our consolidated cash flow presentation. These net investing activities are more appropriately classified outside of operating cash flows, consistent with our consolidated investing activities, and may impact a reader’s analysis of our underlying operating cash flow related to the core insurance company operations. Accordingly, we believe that it is appropriate to adjust operating cash flow for the impact of these consolidated investment products.
Reconciliation Non-GAAP | Page 27 |
Chubb Limited
Non-GAAP Financial Measures - 2
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except per share data and ratios)
Regulation G - Non-GAAP Financial Measures (continued)
Chubb Core operating effective tax rate
The following table presents the reconciliation of effective tax rate to the Core operating effective tax rate: | YTD | YTD | Full Year | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q-24 | 2Q-24 | 1Q-24 | 4Q-23 | 3Q-23 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tax expense (benefit), as reported |
$ | 500 | $ | 489 | $ | 340 | $ | (680 | ) | $ | 412 | $ | 1,329 | $ | 1,188 | $ | 508 | |||||||||||||||
Less: tax expense on amortization of fair value of acquired invested assets and debt |
2 | (4 | ) | 5 | 1 | — | 3 | 7 | 8 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Less: tax benefit on integration expenses |
(1 | ) | 3 | (6 | ) | (1 | ) | (4 | ) | (4 | ) | (13 | ) | (14 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Less: tax benefit on adjusted net realized gains (losses) |
(1 | ) | (19 | ) | (55 | ) | (9 | ) | (57 | ) | (75 | ) | (164 | ) | (173 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Tax expense (benefit), adjusted |
$ | 500 | $ | 509 | $ | 396 | $ | (671 | ) | $ | 473 | $ | 1,405 | $ | 1,358 | $ | 687 | |||||||||||||||
Income before tax, as reported |
$ | 2,824 | $ | 2,719 | $ | 2,483 | $ | 2,620 | $ | 2,455 | $ | 8,026 | $ | 6,916 | $ | 9,536 | ||||||||||||||||
Less: amortization of fair value of acquired invested assets and debt |
2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | (2 | ) | 5 | 3 | 5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Less: integration expenses |
(7 | ) | (7 | ) | (7 | ) | (18 | ) | (14 | ) | (21 | ) | (51 | ) | (69 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Less: adjusted realized gains (losses) |
32 | 39 | (238 | ) | (84 | ) | (70 | ) | (167 | ) | (455 | ) | (539 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||
Less: realized gains (losses) related to unconsolidated entities |
193 | 9 | 94 | 134 | 59 | 296 | 288 | 422 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Less: market risk benefits gains (losses) |
(230 | ) | (29 | ) | 21 | (153 | ) | (32 | ) | (238 | ) | (154 | ) | (307 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Core operating income before tax |
$ | 2,834 | $ | 2,705 | $ | 2,612 | $ | 2,739 | $ | 2,514 | $ | 8,151 | $ | 7,285 | $ | 10,024 | ||||||||||||||||
Effective tax rate |
17.7% | 18.0% | 13.7% | -26.0% | 16.8% | 16.6% | 17.2% | 5.3% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjustment for tax impact of amortization of fair value of acquired invested assets and debt |
-0.1% | 0.2% | -0.2% | -0.1% | 0.0% | 0.0% | -0.1% | -0.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjustment for tax impact of integration expenses |
0.0% | -0.2% | 0.2% | 0.2% | 0.1% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjustment for tax impact of adjusted net realized gains (losses) |
1.7% | 1.0% | 1.4% | 0.0% | 2.1% | 1.1% | 1.9% | 1.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjustment for tax impact of market risk benefits gains (losses) |
-1.6% | -0.2% | 0.1% | 1.4% | -0.2% | -0.5% | -0.4% | -0.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Core operating effective tax rate |
17.7% | 18.8% | 15.2% | -24.5% | 18.8% | 17.2% | 18.6% | 6.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Core operating income |
The following table presents the reconciliation of Chubb net income to Core operating income: | YTD | YTD | Full Year | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q-24 | 2Q-24 | 1Q-24 | 4Q-23 | 3Q-23 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net income, as reported |
$ | 2,324 | $ | 2,230 | $ | 2,143 | $ | 3,300 | $ | 2,043 | $ | 6,697 | $ | 5,728 | $ | 9,028 | ||||||||||||||||
Amortization of fair value adjustment of acquired invested assets and long-term debt, pre-tax |
2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | (2 | ) | 5 | 3 | 5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Tax (expense) benefit on amortization adjustment |
(2 | ) | 4 | (5 | ) | (1 | ) | — | (3 | ) | (7 | ) | (8 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||
Integration expenses, pre-tax |
(7 | ) | (7 | ) | (7 | ) | (18 | ) | (14 | ) | (21 | ) | (51 | ) | (69 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Tax benefit on integration expenses |
1 | (3 | ) | 6 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 13 | 14 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted realized gains (losses), pre-tax |
32 | 39 | (238 | ) | (84 | ) | (70 | ) | (167 | ) | (455 | ) | (539 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||
Net realized gains (losses) related to unconsolidated entities, pre-tax (1) |
193 | 9 | 94 | 134 | 59 | 296 | 288 | 422 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tax (expense) benefit on adjusted net realized gains (losses) |
1 | 19 | 55 | 9 | 57 | 75 | 164 | 173 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Market risk benefits gains (losses), pre- and after-tax |
(230 | ) | (29 | ) | 21 | (153 | ) | (32 | ) | (238 | ) | (154 | ) | (307 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Core operating income |
$ | 2,334 | $ | 2,196 | $ | 2,216 | $ | 3,410 | $ | 2,041 | $ | 6,746 | $ | 5,927 | $ | 9,337 | ||||||||||||||||
Catastrophe losses - after-tax |
$ | 629 | $ | 482 | $ | 347 | $ | 257 | $ | 544 | $ | 1,458 | $ | 1,245 | $ | 1,502 | ||||||||||||||||
Unfavorable (favorable) prior period development (PPD) - after-tax |
$ | (181 | ) | $ | (167 | ) | $ | (168 | ) | $ | (184 | ) | $ | (116 | ) | $ | (516 | ) | $ | (420 | ) | $ | (604 | ) | ||||||||
P&C Underwriting income and P&C CAY underwriting income ex Cats |
The following table presents the reconciliation of Net income to P&C underwriting income and P&C CAY underwriting income ex Cats: | YTD | YTD | Full Year | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3Q-24 | 2Q-24 | 1Q-24 | 4Q-23 | 3Q-23 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net income, as reported |
$ | 2,490 | $ | 2,216 | $ | 2,294 | $ | 3,290 | $ | 2,040 | $ | 7,000 | $ | 5,725 | $ | 9,015 | ||||||||||||||||
Less: Income tax (expense) benefit |
(504 | ) | (490 | ) | (342 | ) | 678 | (413 | ) | (1,336 | ) | (1,189 | ) | (511 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Amortization expense of purchased intangibles |
(81 | ) | (80 | ) | (80 | ) | (84 | ) | (84 | ) | (241 | ) | (226 | ) | (310 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Other income (expense) |
325 | 110 | 191 | 286 | 154 | 626 | 550 | 836 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Interest expense |
(192 | ) | (182 | ) | (178 | ) | (173 | ) | (174 | ) | (552 | ) | (499 | ) | (672 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Net investment income |
1,508 | 1,468 | 1,391 | 1,371 | 1,314 | 4,367 | 3,566 | 4,937 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net realized gains (losses) |
198 | 104 | (101 | ) | (123 | ) | (103 | ) | 201 | (484 | ) | (607 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||
Market risk benefits gains (losses) |
(230 | ) | (29 | ) | 21 | (153 | ) | (32 | ) | (238 | ) | (154 | ) | (307 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Integration expenses |
(7 | ) | (7 | ) | (7 | ) | (18 | ) | (14 | ) | (21 | ) | (51 | ) | (69 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Life Insurance underlying income (loss) (2) |
15 | (99 | ) | (2 | ) | (13 | ) | 80 | (86 | ) | 266 | 253 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Add: Realized gains (losses) on crop derivatives |
(1 | ) | (3 | ) | (1 | ) | (2 | ) | (7 | ) | (5 | ) | (3 | ) | (5 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
P&C underwriting income |
$ | 1,457 | $ | 1,418 | $ | 1,400 | $ | 1,517 | $ | 1,305 | $ | 4,275 | $ | 3,943 | $ | 5,460 | ||||||||||||||||
Add: Catastrophe losses (including reinstatement premiums) - pre-tax |
765 | 580 | 435 | 300 | 670 | 1,780 | 1,528 | 1,828 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unfavorable (favorable) prior period development (PPD) - pre-tax |
(244 | ) | (192 | ) | (207 | ) | (177 | ) | (200 | ) | (643 | ) | (596 | ) | (773 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
P&C CAY underwriting income ex Cats |
$ | 1,978 | $ | 1,806 | $ | 1,628 | $ | 1,640 | $ | 1,775 | $ | 5,412 | $ | 4,875 | $ | 6,515 | ||||||||||||||||
(1) Realized gains (losses) on partially-owned entities, which are investments where we hold more than an insignificant percentage of the investee’s shares. The net income or loss is included in other income (expense) under GAAP.
(2) Life Insurance underlying income (loss) is calculated by subtracting losses and loss expenses, policy benefits, policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses from net premiums earned related to the Life Insurance segment.
Reconciliation Non-GAAP 2 | Page 28 |
Chubb Limited
Non-GAAP Financial Measures - 3
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except share, per share data, and ratios)
Regulation G - Non-GAAP Financial Measures (continued)
Core operating ROE and Core operating ROTE
Core operating return on equity (ROE) and Core operating return on tangible equity (ROTE) are annualized non-GAAP financial measures. The numerator includes core operating income (loss), net of tax. The denominator includes the average Chubb shareholders’ equity for the period adjusted to exclude unrealized gains (losses) on investments, current discount rate on future policy benefits (FPB), and instrument-specific credit risk – market risk benefits (MRB), all net of tax and attributable to Chubb. For the ROTE calculation, the denominator is also adjusted to exclude Chubb goodwill and other intangible assets, net of tax. These measures enhance the understanding of the return on shareholders’ equity by highlighting the underlying profitability relative to shareholders’ equity and tangible equity excluding the effect of these items as these are heavily influenced by changes in market conditions. We believe ROTE is meaningful because it measures the performance of our operations without the impact of goodwill and other intangible assets.
YTD | YTD | Full Year | ||||||||||||||||||
3Q-24 | 3Q-23 | 2024 | 2023 | 2023 | ||||||||||||||||
Chubb net income |
$ | 2,324 | $ | 2,043 | $ | 6,697 | $ | 5,728 | $ | 9,028 | ||||||||||
Core operating income |
$ | 2,334 | $ | 2,041 | $ | 6,746 | $ | 5,927 | $ | 9,337 | ||||||||||
Equity - beginning of period, as reported |
$ | 61,038 | $ | 52,875 | $ | 59,507 | $ | 50,519 | $ | 50,519 | ||||||||||
Less: unrealized gains (losses) on investments, net of deferred tax |
(5,301 | ) | (6,809 | ) | (4,177 | ) | (7,279 | ) | (7,279 | ) | ||||||||||
Less: changes in current discount rate on FPB, net of deferred tax |
66 | (247 | ) | 51 | (75 | ) | (75 | ) | ||||||||||||
Less: changes in instrument-specific credit risk on MRB, net of deferred tax |
(13 | ) | (16 | ) | (22 | ) | (24 | ) | (24 | ) | ||||||||||
Equity - beginning of period, as adjusted |
$ | 66,286 | $ | 59,947 | $ | 63,655 | $ | 57,897 | $ | 57,897 | ||||||||||
Less: Chubb goodwill and other intangible assets, net of tax |
24,246 | 20,442 | 23,853 | 20,455 | 20,455 | |||||||||||||||
Equity - beginning of period, as adjusted ex Chubb goodwill and other intangible assets |
$ | 42,040 | $ | 39,505 | $ | 39,802 | $ | 37,442 | $ | 37,442 | ||||||||||
Equity - end of period, as reported |
$ | 65,757 | $ | 52,373 | $ | 65,757 | $ | 52,373 | $ | 59,507 | ||||||||||
Less: unrealized gains (losses) on investments, net of deferred tax |
(2,042 | ) | (8,953 | ) | (2,042 | ) | (8,953 | ) | (4,177 | ) | ||||||||||
Less: changes in current discount rate on FPB, net of deferred tax |
(527 | ) | 404 | (527 | ) | 404 | 51 | |||||||||||||
Less: changes in instrument-specific credit risk on MRB, net of deferred tax |
(20 | ) | (21 | ) | (20 | ) | (21 | ) | (22 | ) | ||||||||||
Equity - end of period, as adjusted |
$ | 68,346 | $ | 60,943 | $ | 68,346 | $ | 60,943 | $ | 63,655 | ||||||||||
Less: Chubb goodwill and other intangible assets, net of tax |
24,376 | 23,450 | 24,376 | 23,450 | 23,853 | |||||||||||||||
Equity - end of period, as adjusted ex Chubb goodwill and other intangible assets |
$ | 43,970 | $ | 37,493 | $ | 43,970 | $ | 37,493 | $ | 39,802 | ||||||||||
Weighted average equity, as reported |
$ | 63,398 | $ | 52,624 | $ | 62,632 | $ | 51,446 | $ | 55,013 | ||||||||||
Weighted average equity, as adjusted ex Chubb goodwill and other intangible assets |
$ | 43,005 | $ | 38,499 | $ | 41,886 | $ | 37,468 | $ | 38,622 | ||||||||||
Weighted average equity, as adjusted |
$ | 67,316 | $ | 60,445 | $ | 66,001 | $ | 59,420 | $ | 60,776 | ||||||||||
14.7% | 15.5% | 14.3% | 14.8% | 16.4% | |||||||||||||||
Core operating ROTE |
21.7% | 21.2% | 21.5% | 21.1% | 24.2% | |||||||||||||||
Core operating ROE |
13.9% | 13.5% | 13.6% | 13.3% | 15.4% | |||||||||||||||
Private equities realized gains (losses), after-tax (1) |
$ | 157 | $ | 86 | $ | 346 | $ | 383 | $ | 523 | ||||||||||
Impact of Private equities if included in Core operating ROE - Favorable (unfavorable) (1) |
0.9 pts | 0.6 pts | 0.7 pts | 0.9 pts | 0.9 pts | |||||||||||||||
Reconciliation of Book Value and Tangible Book Value per Share to adjusted measures |
September 30 | June 30 | December 31 | QTD % | YTD % | ||||||||||||||||
2024 | 2024 | 2023 | Change | Change | ||||||||||||||||
Book value |
$ | 65,757 | $ | 61,038 | $ | 59,507 | ||||||||||||||
Less: AOCI |
(5,270 | ) | (8,304 | ) | (6,809 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Book value excluding AOCI |
71,027 | 69,342 | 66,316 | |||||||||||||||||
Tangible book value |
41,381 | 36,792 | 35,654 | |||||||||||||||||
Less: Tangible AOCI |
(4,450 | ) | (7,286 | ) | (5,999 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Tangible book value excluding tangible AOCI |
$ | 45,831 | $ | 44,078 | $ | 41,653 | ||||||||||||||
Denominator: shares outstanding |
403,033,421 | 404,073,495 | 405,269,637 | |||||||||||||||||
Book value per share excluding AOCI |
$ | 176.23 | $ | 171.60 | $ | 163.64 | 2.7% | 7.7% | ||||||||||||
Tangible book value per share excluding tangible AOCI |
$ | 113.72 | $ | 109.08 | $ | 102.78 | 4.3% | 10.6% |
(1) We record the change in the fair value mark and gains (losses) on sales of private equity funds as realized gains (losses) instead of investment income.
Reconciliation Non-GAAP 3 | Page 29 |
Chubb Limited
Non-GAAP Financial Measures - 4
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except ratios)
Regulation G - Non-GAAP Financial Measures (continued)
P&C combined ratio
The P&C combined ratio includes the impact of realized gains and losses on crop derivatives. These derivatives were purchased to provide economic benefit, in a manner similar to reinsurance protection, in the event that a significant decline in commodity pricing will impact underwriting results. We view gains and losses on these derivatives as part of the results of our underwriting operations.
The following tables present the calculation of combined ratio, as reported, for each segment to P&C combined ratio, adjusted for catastrophe losses (Cats) and prior period development (PPD).
North | North | North | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
America | America | America | Overseas | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Commercial P&C | Personal P&C | Agricultural | General | Global | Total | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Q3 2024 |
Insurance | Insurance | Insurance | Insurance | Reinsurance | Corporate | P&C | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Numerator |
Losses and loss expenses |
Losses and loss expenses/policy benefits |
$ | 3,391 | $ | 879 | $ | 1,192 | $ | 1,751 | $ | 200 | $ | 58 | $ | 7,471 | ||||||||||||||||
Realized (gains) losses on crop derivatives |
- | - | 1 | - | - | - | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||
Adjusted losses and loss expenses/policy benefits |
A | $ | 3,391 | $ | 879 | $ | 1,193 | $ | 1,751 | $ | 200 | $ | 58 | $ | 7,472 | |||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||
Catastrophe losses and related adjustments |
Catastrophe losses, net of related adjustments |
(340 | ) | (230 | ) | (29 | ) | (103 | ) | (63 | ) | - | (765 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Reinstatement premiums collected (expensed) on catastrophe losses |
- | - | - | - | 4 | - | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||
Catastrophe losses, gross of related adjustments |
(340 | ) | (230 | ) | (29 | ) | (103 | ) | (67 | ) | - | (769 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||
PPD and related adjustments |
PPD, net of related adjustments - favorable (unfavorable) |
39 | 189 | 6 | 60 | 5 | (55 | ) | 244 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned adjustments on PPD - unfavorable (favorable) |
69 | - | - | - | - | - | 69 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Expense adjustments - unfavorable (favorable) |
2 | - | - | - | - | - | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PPD reinstatement premiums - unfavorable (favorable) |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||
PPD, gross of related adjustments - favorable (unfavorable) |
110 | 189 | 6 | 60 | 5 | (55 | ) | 315 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||
CAY loss and loss expense ex Cats |
B | $ | 3,161 | $ | 838 | $ | 1,170 | $ | 1,708 | $ | 138 | $ | 3 | $ | 7,018 | |||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses |
Policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses |
C | $ | 1,027 | $ | 403 | $ | 90 | $ | 1,192 | $ | 98 | $ | 104 | $ | 2,914 | |||||||||||||||
Expense adjustments - favorable (unfavorable) |
(2 | ) | - | - | - | - | - | (2 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||
CAY policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses |
D | $ | 1,025 | $ | 403 | $ | 90 | $ | 1,192 | $ | 98 | $ | 104 | $ | 2,912 | |||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||
Denominator |
Net premiums earned |
E | $ | 5,110 | $ | 1,577 | $ | 1,419 | $ | 3,421 | $ | 316 | $ | 11,843 | |||||||||||||||||
Reinstatement premiums (collected) expensed on catastrophe losses |
- | - | - | - | (4 | ) | (4 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned adjustments on PPD - unfavorable (favorable) |
69 | - | - | - | - | 69 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
PPD reinstatement premiums - unfavorable (favorable) |
- | - | - | - | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
Net premiums earned excluding adjustments |
F | $ | 5,179 | $ | 1,577 | $ | 1,419 | $ | 3,421 | $ | 312 | $ | 11,908 | |||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
P&C combined ratio |
Loss and loss expense ratio |
A/E | 66.4% | 55.8% | 84.1% | 51.2% | 63.3% | 63.1% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition cost and administrative expense ratio |
C/E | 20.1% | 25.5% | 6.3% | 34.8% | 31.1% | 24.6% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
P&C combined ratio |
86.5% | 81.3% | 90.4% | 86.0% | 94.4% | 87.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
CAY P&C combined ratio ex Cats |
Loss and loss expense ratio, adjusted |
B/F | 61.0% | 53.1% | 82.5% | 49.9% | 44.4% | 58.9% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition cost and administrative expense ratio, adjusted |
D/F | 19.8% | 25.6% | 6.4% | 34.9% | 31.4% | 24.5% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
CAY P&C combined ratio ex Cats |
80.8% | 78.7% | 88.9% | 84.8% | 75.8% | 83.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
Combined ratio |
87.7% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Add: impact of gains and losses on crop derivatives |
0.0% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
P&C combined ratio |
87.7% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note: The ratios above are calculated using whole U.S. dollars. Accordingly, calculations using rounded amounts may differ. Letters A, B, C, D, E, and F included in the table are references for calculating the ratios above.
Reconciliation Non-GAAP 4 | Page 30 |
Chubb Limited
Non-GAAP Financial Measures - 5
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except ratios)
Regulation G - Non-GAAP Financial Measures (continued)
P&C combined ratio (continued)
YTD 2024 |
North America Commercial P&C Insurance |
North America Personal P&C Insurance |
North America Agricultural Insurance |
Overseas General Insurance |
Global Reinsurance |
Corporate | Total P&C |
Numerator |
Losses and loss expenses |
Losses and loss expenses/policy benefits |
$ | 9,640 | $ | 2,654 | $ | 1,780 | $ | 5,040 | $ | 492 | $ | 161 | $ | 19,767 | ||||||||||||||||
Realized (gains) losses on crop derivatives |
- | - | 5 | - | - | - | 5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted losses and loss expenses/policy benefits |
A | $ | 9,640 | $ | 2,654 | $ | 1,785 | $ | 5,040 | $ | 492 | $ | 161 | $ | 19,772 | |||||||||||||||
Catastrophe losses and related adjustments |
Catastrophe losses, net of related adjustments |
(828 | ) | (538 | ) | (65 | ) | (286 | ) | (63 | ) | - | (1,780 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Reinstatement premiums collected (expensed) on catastrophe losses |
- | - | - | - | 4 | - | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Catastrophe losses, gross of related adjustments |
(828 | ) | (538 | ) | (65 | ) | (286 | ) | (67 | ) | - | (1,784 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
PPD and related adjustments |
PPD, net of related adjustments - favorable (unfavorable) |
231 | 305 | 34 | 210 | 20 | (157 | ) | 643 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned adjustments on PPD - unfavorable (favorable) |
77 | - | 39 | - | - | - | 116 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Expense adjustments - unfavorable (favorable) |
9 | - | 3 | - | - | - | 12 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PPD reinstatement premiums - unfavorable (favorable) |
- | - | - | - | 1 | - | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PPD, gross of related adjustments - favorable (unfavorable) |
317 | 305 | 76 | 210 | 21 | (157 | ) | 772 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY loss and loss expense ex Cats |
B | $ | 9,129 | $ | 2,421 | $ | 1,796 | $ | 4,964 | $ | 446 | $ | 4 | $ | 18,760 | |||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses |
Policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses |
C | $ | 3,030 | $ | 1,176 | $ | 161 | $ | 3,536 | $ | 279 | $ | 310 | $ | 8,492 | |||||||||||||||
Expense adjustments - favorable (unfavorable) |
(9 | ) | - | (3 | ) | - | - | - | (12 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||
CAY policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses |
D | $ | 3,021 | $ | 1,176 | $ | 158 | $ | 3,536 | $ | 279 | $ | 310 | $ | 8,480 | |||||||||||||||
Denominator |
Net premiums earned |
E | $ | 14,890 | $ | 4,560 | $ | 2,173 | $ | 9,966 | $ | 950 | $ | 32,539 | |||||||||||||||||
Reinstatement premiums (collected) expensed on catastrophe losses |
- | - | - | - | (4 | ) | (4 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned adjustments on PPD - unfavorable (favorable) |
77 | - | 39 | - | - | 116 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
PPD reinstatement premiums - unfavorable (favorable) |
- | - | - | - | 1 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned excluding adjustments |
F | $ | 14,967 | $ | 4,560 | $ | 2,212 | $ | 9,966 | $ | 947 | $ | 32,652 | |||||||||||||||||
P&C combined ratio |
Loss and loss expense ratio |
A/E | 64.7% | 58.2% | 82.2% | 50.6% | 51.8% | 60.8% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition cost and administrative expense ratio |
C/E | 20.4% | 25.8% | 7.4% | 35.5% | 29.4% | 26.1% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
P&C combined ratio |
85.1% | 84.0% | 89.6% | 86.1% | 81.2% | 86.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY P&C combined ratio ex Cats |
Loss and loss expense ratio, adjusted |
B/F | 61.0% | 53.1% | 81.3% | 49.8% | 47.0% | 57.5% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition cost and administrative expense ratio, adjusted |
D/F | 20.2% | 25.8% | 7.1% | 35.5% | 29.6% | 25.9% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY P&C combined ratio ex Cats |
81.2% | 78.9% | 88.4% | 85.3% | 76.6% | 83.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
Combined ratio |
86.9% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Add: impact of gains and losses on crop derivatives |
0.0% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
P&C combined ratio |
86.9% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note: The ratios above are calculated using whole U.S. dollars. Accordingly, calculations using rounded amounts may differ. Letters A, B, C, D, E, and F included in the table are references for calculating the ratios above.
Reconciliation Non-GAAP 5 | Page 31 |
Chubb Limited
Non-GAAP Financial Measures - 6
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except ratios)
Regulation G - Non-GAAP Financial Measures (continued)
P&C combined ratio (continued)
Q3 2023 |
North America Commercial P&C Insurance |
North America Personal P&C Insurance |
North America Agricultural Insurance |
Overseas General Insurance |
Global Reinsurance |
Corporate | Total P&C |
Numerator |
Losses and loss expenses |
Losses and loss expenses/policy benefits |
$ | 3,025 | $ | 900 | $ | 1,349 | $ | 1,726 | $ | 116 | $ | 61 | $ | 7,177 | ||||||||||||||||
Realized (gains) losses on crop derivatives |
- | - | 7 | - | - | - | 7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted losses and loss expenses/policy benefits |
A | $ | 3,025 | $ | 900 | $ | 1,356 | $ | 1,726 | $ | 116 | $ | 61 | $ | 7,184 | |||||||||||||||
Catastrophe losses and related adjustments |
Catastrophe losses, net of related adjustments |
(246 | ) | (280 | ) | (18 | ) | (120 | ) | (6 | ) | - | (670 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Reinstatement premiums collected (expensed) on catastrophe losses |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Catastrophe losses, gross of related adjustments |
(246 | ) | (280 | ) | (18 | ) | (120 | ) | (6 | ) | - | (670 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
PPD and related adjustments |
PPD, net of related adjustments - favorable (unfavorable) |
84 | 119 | 9 | 49 | - | (61 | ) | 200 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned adjustments on PPD - unfavorable (favorable) |
66 | - | - | - | - | - | 66 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Expense adjustments - unfavorable (favorable) |
7 | - | - | - | - | - | 7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PPD reinstatement premiums - unfavorable (favorable) |
- | (1 | ) | - | - | (1 | ) | - | (2 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||
PPD, gross of related adjustments - favorable (unfavorable) |
157 | 118 | 9 | 49 | (1 | ) | (61 | ) | 271 | |||||||||||||||||||||
CAY loss and loss expense ex Cats |
B | $ | 2,936 | $ | 738 | $ | 1,347 | $ | 1,655 | $ | 109 | $ | - | $ | 6,785 | |||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses |
Policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses |
C | $ | 963 | $ | 371 | $ | 79 | $ | 1,154 | $ | 78 | $ | 98 | $ | 2,743 | |||||||||||||||
Expense adjustments - favorable (unfavorable) |
(7 | ) | - | - | - | - | - | (7 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||
CAY policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses |
D | $ | 956 | $ | 371 | $ | 79 | $ | 1,154 | $ | 78 | $ | 98 | $ | 2,736 | |||||||||||||||
Denominator |
Net premiums earned |
E | $ | 4,735 | $ | 1,407 | $ | 1,540 | $ | 3,311 | $ | 239 | $ | 11,232 | |||||||||||||||||
Reinstatement premiums (collected) expensed on catastrophe losses |
- | - | - | - | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned adjustments on PPD - unfavorable (favorable) |
66 | - | - | - | - | 66 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
PPD reinstatement premiums - unfavorable (favorable) |
- | (1 | ) | - | - | (1 | ) | (2 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned excluding adjustments |
F | $ | 4,801 | $ | 1,406 | $ | 1,540 | $ | 3,311 | $ | 238 | $ | 11,296 | |||||||||||||||||
P&C combined ratio |
Loss and loss expense ratio |
A/E | 63.9% | 63.9% | 88.1% | 52.1% | 48.4% | 64.0% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition cost and administrative expense ratio |
C/E | 20.3% | 26.4% | 5.1% | 34.9% | 32.9% | 24.4% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
P&C combined ratio |
84.2% | 90.3% | 93.2% | 87.0% | 81.3% | 88.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY P&C combined ratio ex Cats |
Loss and loss expense ratio, adjusted |
B/F | 61.1% | 52.4% | 87.5% | 50.0% | 45.9% | 60.1% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition cost and administrative expense ratio, adjusted |
D/F | 20.0% | 26.5% | 5.2% | 34.8% | 32.9% | 24.2% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY P&C combined ratio ex Cats |
81.1% | 78.9% | 92.7% | 84.8% | 78.8% | 84.3% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
Combined ratio |
88.3% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Add: impact of gains and losses on crop derivatives |
0.1% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
P&C combined ratio |
88.4% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note: The ratios above are calculated using whole U.S. dollars. Accordingly, calculations using rounded amounts may differ. Letters A, B, C, D, E, and F included in the table are references for calculating the ratios above.
Reconciliation Non-GAAP 6 | Page 32 |
Chubb Limited
Non-GAAP Financial Measures - 7
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except ratios)
Regulation G - Non-GAAP Financial Measures (continued)
P&C combined ratio (continued)
YTD 2023 |
North America Commercial P&C Insurance |
North America Personal P&C Insurance |
North America Agricultural Insurance |
Overseas General Insurance |
Global Reinsurance |
Corporate | Total P&C |
Numerator |
Losses and loss expenses |
Losses and loss expenses/policy benefits |
$ | 8,625 | $ | 2,634 | $ | 2,000 | $ | 4,477 | $ | 319 | $ | 133 | $ | 18,188 | ||||||||||||||||
Realized (gains) losses on crop derivatives |
- | - | 3 | - | - | - | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted losses and loss expenses/policy benefits |
A | $ | 8,625 | $ | 2,634 | $ | 2,003 | $ | 4,477 | $ | 319 | $ | 133 | $ | 18,191 | |||||||||||||||
Catastrophe losses and related adjustments |
Catastrophe losses, net of related adjustments |
(639 | ) | (586 | ) | (37 | ) | (259 | ) | (7 | ) | - | (1,528 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Reinstatement premiums collected (expensed) on catastrophe losses |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Catastrophe losses, gross of related adjustments |
(639 | ) | (586 | ) | (37 | ) | (259 | ) | (7 | ) | - | (1,528 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
PPD and related adjustments |
PPD, net of related adjustments - favorable (unfavorable) |
302 | 135 | 12 | 253 | 25 | (131 | ) | 596 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned adjustments on PPD - unfavorable (favorable) |
78 | - | (2 | ) | - | - | - | 76 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Expense adjustments - unfavorable (favorable) |
14 | - | - | - | - | - | 14 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PPD reinstatement premiums - unfavorable (favorable) |
- | (2 | ) | - | - | 5 | - | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
PPD, gross of related adjustments - favorable (unfavorable) |
394 | 133 | 10 | 253 | 30 | (131 | ) | 689 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY loss and loss expense ex Cats |
B | $ | 8,380 | $ | 2,181 | $ | 1,976 | $ | 4,471 | $ | 342 | $ | 2 | $ | 17,352 | |||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses |
Policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses |
C | $ | 2,801 | $ | 1,083 | $ | 137 | $ | 3,185 | $ | 223 | $ | 290 | $ | 7,719 | |||||||||||||||
Expense adjustments - favorable (unfavorable) |
(14 | ) | - | - | - | - | - | (14 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||
CAY policy acquisition costs and administrative expenses |
D | $ | 2,787 | $ | 1,083 | $ | 137 | $ | 3,185 | $ | 223 | $ | 290 | $ | 7,705 | |||||||||||||||
Denominator |
Net premiums earned |
E | $ | 13,710 | $ | 4,084 | $ | 2,334 | $ | 9,005 | $ | 720 | $ | 29,853 | |||||||||||||||||
Reinstatement premiums (collected) expensed on catastrophe losses |
- | - | - | - | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned adjustments on PPD - unfavorable (favorable) |
78 | - | (2 | ) | - | - | 76 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PPD reinstatement premiums - unfavorable (favorable) |
- | (2 | ) | - | - | 5 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Net premiums earned excluding adjustments |
F | $ | 13,788 | $ | 4,082 | $ | 2,332 | $ | 9,005 | $ | 725 | $ | 29,932 | |||||||||||||||||
P&C combined ratio |
Loss and loss expense ratio |
A/E | 62.9% | 64.5% | 85.8% | 49.7% | 44.3% | 60.9% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition cost and administrative expense ratio |
C/E | 20.4% | 26.5% | 5.9% | 35.4% | 31.0% | 25.9% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
P&C combined ratio |
83.3% | 91.0% | 91.7% | 85.1% | 75.3% | 86.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY P&C combined ratio ex Cats |
Loss and loss expense ratio, adjusted |
B/F | 60.8% | 53.4% | 84.7% | 49.7% | 47.2% | 58.0% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Policy acquisition cost and administrative expense ratio, adjusted |
D/F | 20.2% | 26.6% | 5.9% | 35.3% | 30.8% | 25.7% | |||||||||||||||||||||||
CAY P&C combined ratio ex Cats |
81.0% | 80.0% | 90.6% | 85.0% | 78.0% | 83.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Combined ratio |
Combined ratio |
86.8% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Add: impact of gains and losses on crop derivatives |
0.0% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
P&C combined ratio |
86.8% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note: The ratios above are calculated using whole U.S. dollars. Accordingly, calculations using rounded amounts may differ. Letters A, B, C, D, E, and F included in the table are references for calculating the ratios above.
Reconciliation Non-GAAP 7 | Page 33 |
Chubb Limited
Chubb Limited Consolidated comprises all segments including Corporate.
Total P&C comprises all segments (including Corporate) except the Life Insurance segment.
Global P&C comprises all segments (including Corporate) except the Life Insurance and North America Agricultural segments.
P&C combined ratio: The sum of the loss and loss expense ratio, policy acquisition cost ratio and the administrative expense ratio excluding the Life Insurance segment and including the realized gains and losses on the crop derivatives.
Book value per common share: Chubb shareholders’ equity divided by the shares outstanding.
Tangible book value per common share: Chubb shareholders’ equity less Chubb goodwill and other intangible assets, net of tax, divided by the shares outstanding.
Average market yield of fixed income investments: Weighted average yield based on the current market value of our fixed maturities and other debt investments.
Average book yield of fixed income investments: Weighted average yield based on the amortized cost of our fixed maturities and other debt investments.
Total capitalization: The sum of the short-term debt, long-term debt, trust preferreds, and Chubb shareholders’ equity.
Integration expenses: Integration expenses comprise legal and professional fees and all other costs directly related to the integration activities primarily of the Cigna acquisition. Integration expenses are incurred by the overall company and are therefore included in Corporate. These costs are not related to the on-going business activities of the segments and are therefore excluded from our definition of segment income.
Catastrophe losses (Cats): We generally define catastrophe loss events consistent with the definition of the Property Claims Service (PCS) for events in the U.S. and Canada. PCS defines a catastrophe as an event that causes damage of $25 million or more in insured losses and affects a significant number of insureds. For events outside of the U.S. and Canada, we generally use a similar definition. Catastrophe loss events are events that occurred in the current calendar year only. Changes in catastrophe loss estimates in the current calendar year that relate to loss events that occurred in previous calendar years are considered prior period development.
Prior period development (PPD) arises from changes to loss estimates recognized in the current year that relate to loss events that occurred in previous calendar years and excludes the effect of losses from the development of earned premium from previous accident years.
Reinstatement premiums are additional premiums paid on certain reinsurance agreements in order to reinstate coverage that had been exhausted by loss occurrences. The reinstatement premium amount is typically a pro rata portion of the original ceded premium paid based on how much of the reinsurance limit had been exhausted.
Net premiums earned adjustments within prior period development are adjustments to the initial premium earned on retrospectively rated policies based on actual claim experience that develops after the policy period ends. The premium adjustments correlate to the prior period loss development on these same policies and are fully earned in the period the adjustments are recorded.
Prior period expense adjustments typically relate to either profit commission reserves or policyholder dividend reserves based on actual claim experience that develops after the policy period ends. The expense adjustments correlate to the prior period loss development on these same policies.
Segment income (loss) includes underwriting income (loss), adjusted net investment income, other income (expense) – operating, and amortization expense of purchased intangibles.
Non-premium revenues and expenses included in Other income and expense, principally pertain to the management of third-party assets by Huatai Asset Management Co., Ltd. (HAM) and Huatai Baoxing, which are unrelated to Huatai Group’s core insurance operations. These revenues and expenses are recognized in the period in which the services are performed.
NM: Not meaningful.
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