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展示 3.3


設計證明書 指定








Applied Digital Corporation(以下簡稱“公司”)根據內華達州公司法第78.195條和78.1955條的規定,特此制定此擁有權力、偏好和相對、參與、可選和其他限制的指明書,並特此聲明並證明,根據公司董事會(以下簡稱“董事會”)根據公司修訂的公司組織章程第四條(經修訂,以下簡稱“章程”)明確授權的權力,公司董事會正式通過決議,授權發行62500股面值為每股$0.001的優先股,並確定了將被指定為“E-1系列可贖回優先股”的指定和偏好以及相對、參與、可選和其他特殊權利,以及資格、限制和限制,如下所述(以下簡稱“E-1系列指定”公司),根據公司修訂的公司組織章程第四條(經修訂,以下簡稱“章程”),公司董事會正式通過決議,授權發行62500股面值為每股$0.001的優先股,並確定了將被指定為“E-1系列可贖回優先股”的指定和偏好以及相對、參與、可選和其他特殊權利,以及資格、限制和限制,如下所述(以下簡稱“E-1系列指定”董事會Applied Digital Corporation(以下簡稱“公司”)根據內華達州公司法第78.195條和78.1955條的規定,特此制定此擁有權力、偏好和相對、參與、可選和其他限制的指明書,並特此聲明並證明,根據公司董事會(以下簡稱“董事會”)根據公司修訂的公司組織章程第四條(經修訂,以下簡稱“章程”)明確授權的權力,公司董事會正式通過決議,授權發行62500股面值為每股$0.001的優先股,並確定了將被指定為“E-1系列可贖回優先股”的指定和偏好以及相對、參與、可選和其他特殊權利,以及資格、限制和限制,如下所述(以下簡稱“E-1系列指定”章程E-1系列指定系列 E-1指定)。E-1系列指定將自即日起完全有效。


節 1.1 職位。根據本證書生效日期,依據公司授權的優先股中創立了一個指定為“E-1可贖回優先股”系列的優先股,面值為每股$0.001(“E-1特選股”)。以下權利、權力和特權,以及限制、資格 和限制,適用於E-1優先股。


(a) 等級。 E-1 系列優先股,如有權在清盤時獲得股息或分派金額,如有權獲得清盤、解散 或解除本公司就該等股息及權利向本公司發放的事務及職位 清盤、解散或清盤其事務:(i) 在本公司的所有類別或一系列普通股之前或高級別, 標值每股 0.001 美元(」普通股」); (ii) 與 E 系列可贖回優先股相等 本公司,面值每股 0.001 美元(」E 系列優先股」) 及 F 系列可換股 本公司的面值每股 0.001 美元(」F 系列優先股」)按照其各自的比例 每股累計及未繳股息的金額或清算優惠;(iii) 與本公司其他類別或一系列權益相等 未來發行的證券,如根據該類別或一系列股票證券的具體條款,該等證券的持有人 股份證券類別或系列有權在清盤、解散時獲得股息及分派金額 或按其各股累計及未繳股息金額的比例解除本公司的事務,或 清盤優惠,沒有其中一個優先權或優先權,或以其他方式表示為與該系列相等 E-1 優先股;(iv) 根據該類別的特定條款,如果根據該類別的特定條款或者,否則低於本公司股票類別或系列的股票類別或系列 系列,該類別或系列的持有人有權在清盤、解散時獲得股息或分派金額 或解除本公司的事務,以優先或優先處理 E-1 系列優先股的持有人;及 (v) 初級股份 對本公司的所有現有和未來的債務。




(b) 清算、解散或處理事務:某些合併、整合和資產出售.


(i)支付 所有板塊E-1優先股持有人。在公司任何自願或非自願清算、解散或結束營運之前,將不會向普通股股東或任何其他比所有板塊E-1優先股名義上位於E-1優先股之下的股份等級或序列的股東發放或支付任何款項,在支付或提供公司的債務和其他負債後,剩餘資金和資產用於分配給公司股東的部分,剩餘的未支付的股份E-1優先股股東將有權從可供分配給公司股東的資金和資產中得到每股與該股E-1優先股的規定價值(如下定義)相等的金額,再加上每股累積但未支付的股息,但不包括支付日的利息。如果在任何此類清算、解散或結束公司營運的情況下,可供分配給公司股東的資金和資產不足以支付股份E-1優先股股東根據本。 1.1(b)(i)部分,持有股份E-1優先股者應按比例分享可供分配的資金和資產中的任何分配,與其將在此類分配時持有的E-1優先股股份有權支付的金額之比例相符,如果對或關於這些股份的所有付款的金額都全額支付。E-1優先股將與E系列優先股、F系列優先股及任何其他希望與E-1優先股平等參與分配公司股東的資金和資產的股份等級或序列基本上平等,以決定參與權利和可供分配給公司股東的資金和資產的金額,在任何自願或非自願清算、解散或結束公司營運時的比例,他們各自的清算優先權金額。"已述及之值‘美元’指的是每股一千美元,不包括美分($1,000.00),受股票拆股並股、合併、資本重組等類似交易的合理調整。


(ii)支付給普通股股東 若公司進行任何自願或非自願的清算、解散或處理公司事務後,須支付所有優先支付給Series E-1優先股股東的金額,如所規定 1.1(b)(i)部分 並支付給任何其他類別或系列資本股,包括但不限於排在或與Series E-1優先股股票同等或更優的Series E優先股,Series F優先股和表明與Series E-1優先股表面上相等的任何類別或系列的優先股,剩餘可供分配給公司股東的資金和資產將按照每位持有普通股的股東持有的普通股股份比例進行分配。公司清算、解散或處理公司事務時,無論是自願還是非自願的,在對Series E-1優先股股東支付其應得的清算分配之前,(A) 不得支付股東除Series E-1優先股股東以外的普通股股東或任何其他資本股類別或系列的任何股息或其他分配款項,以及(B) 公司不得就普通股或任何資本股類別或系列的股東向Series E-1優先股股東支付購買、贖回或其他交易。




(iii)例外情況。 公司與其他公司、trust或其他實體進行合併或合併,其他公司、trust或實體與公司進行合併或合併,出售或轉移公司的全部或部分資產或業務或進行法定股票交易不得視為對公司事務進行清算、解散或清算。 第 1.1(b)部分.


(c) 投票持有E-1系列優先股的股東將不具有表決權。


(d) 分紅派息.


(i) 一般來說,分紅派息.


(A) E-1優先股的持有人有權收取,並且公司應當支付,來自合法可用資金的分紅派息,每股E-1優先股按照面額的9.0%年利率。 分紅派息將被宣佈並累積每月。 這樣的分紅派息應由董事會批准後支付,可以不是每月,以現金支付合法可用資金。任何分紅期間(如下所定義)(也包括任何E-1優先股被贖回的任何分紅期間)應按照十二個30天的月份和一年360天計算。E-1優先股的持有人不享有超過E-1優先股的全部累積分紅派息的任何分紅。 這樣的分紅派息應由董事會批准後支付,可以不是每月,以現金支付合法可用資金。 E-1優先股應與E優先股,F優先股以及任何其他表達與E-1優先股相等的收支比例的優先股類或系列上相等,具有同等地位。優先股類或系列的權利,以比例支付任何分紅和未支付分紅。


(B) 每一股E-1優先股分紅派息自發行之日即開始計息,並且自第一次 發放分紅的股息結束的最近一個分紅期末開始計息和累積。每一次之後的分紅將 從最近一次對該股E-1優先股發放分紅之分紅期末日期開始計息和累積。"分 紅期"之說明指起於每年的每個月的首日,並終於該月的最後一天,以及包含該月 的第一天之後期開始的下一個分紅期(除了任何股份E-1優先股將被贖回的分紅期, 該期將結束和包含在有關被贖回之E-1優先股之贖回日期的前一日)。分紅期「期」代表從每年每個月的第一天開始,直至該月最後一天(包括該天),並為下一個分紅期的前一天(除了任何E-1優先股被贖回的分紅期,該分紅期將在有關被贖回的E-1優先股的贖回日期當天結束)。




(ii) 限制。 除非所有過去優先E-1股票的全部累積分紅既已支付或正在同時支付,或足夠支付該等分紅的款額已被劃撥作為支付之用,否則公司不得:


(A) 宣布並支付或宣布並預留用於支付分紅,並且公司不得宣布並支付或以任何其他方式(除了以低於E-1優先股的股份作為分紅權利或在公司清算、解散或結束業務時的權利或權利的股份支付的分紅或分配以外的現金或其他財產,以直接或間接方式,就普通股或低於或與E-1優先股的股份或公司的股份的任何類別或系列進行或就分紅權利或權利支付分紅權利或權利於公司的清算、解散或結束業務而不得宣布並支付分紅的期間;或


(B) 除非轉換為或交換為與E-1優先股相比具有較低股息權或公司清算、解散或結束業務時的股份,或者期權、認股權或購買此類股份的權利,重估、購買或以其他方式取得其他股份(而不是根據員工激勵或福利計劃目的而對普通股進行的贖回、購買或其他收購)以任何代價,或支付或提供任何金錢予用於贖回任何普通股或公司股份中任何一類或一系列與E-1優先股具有相同股息權或在公司清算、解散或結束業務時具有相同股息權或權利的股份的沉降基金。


(e) 贖回.


(i) 選擇性 贖回一般.


(A) 受本文所述限制及除非受涉及內華達州股份公司股東發放之法律禁止,每位持有E-1優先股系列的股東有權贖回其持有的未清算E-1優先股系列的任何部分(“股東自選贖回”)。 股東自選贖回”。在董事會酌情決定並考慮公司的儲備及董事會可判斷的其他考慮因素時,可選擇以現金或普通股贖回股東自選贖回; 前提是(1)如納斯達克股票市場規則5635(d)所要求,發放股息及贖回給E-1優先股系列持有人的普通股總數不得超過普通股的流通股的19.99%(“贖回股份上限”)需獲得公司股東的批准,且(2)在發行日期的首個周年之前,不得將E-1優先股系列的任何股份用普通股贖回。贖回股份上限)。


(B) 如果公司以現金方式清算持有人選擇贖回,應支付持有人結算金額(如下所定義)。如果公司以普通股方式清算持有人選擇贖回,應按照以下方式進行,即將普通股股份數交付給持有人,匯率為(1)結算金額除以(2)上一個Holder Redemption Exercise Date(如下所定義)前一個交易日普通股在納斯達克全球精選市場(Nasdaq Global Select Market)或其他普通股上市的全國證券交易所的收盤價。如果公司選擇以普通股交付贖回,但在Holder Redemption Exercise Date(如下所定義)上,尼威達州的法律管理公司的股東分配或本協定的條款阻止公司贖回即將贖回的所有第E-1優先股股份,則公司應按照該法律和本協定的條款以最大數量地使用普通股一致贖回可能贖回的第E-1優先股股份,並按比例以尽可能立即根据該法律或本協定的條款贖回剩余股份以現金或普通股交付。結算 金額”表示(I)面值,加上(II)截至Holder Redemption Exercise Date(如下所定義)未支付的分紅,減去(III)相應的Holder Redemption Deadline(如下所定義)上的E-1系列持有人選擇贖回費用。




(C) 根據1.1(e)(i)(A)的規定,Series E-1 Preferred Stock持有人可以選擇在任何時候贖回他們的Series E-1 Preferred Stock股份,方法是向公司的服務代理提交贖回通知書(“Holder Redemption Notice”)。 贖回通知書自負有權收到之日起生效,在此之後的下個月的最後一個業務日內,公司或其指定代理人都已正確地收到了 Holder Redemption Notice(這樣的日期被稱為“Holder Redemption Deadline”)。 在Holder Redemption Deadline之後收到的任何Holder Redemption Notice應該自Holder Redemption Deadline的次一個Holder Redemption Deadline起生效。對於在Holder Redemption Deadline前或當日提交以贖回的所有Series E-1 Preferred Stock股份,公司應在Holder Redemption Deadline之後的任何業務日但在下一個Holder Redemption Deadline之前(這樣的日期被稱為“Holder Redemption Exercise Date”)確定結算金額。在這段時間內,公司可以自行選擇Holder Redemption Exercise Date。公司可以自行決定在Holder Redemption Exercise Date的上一個業務日Eastern time下午5點之前的任何時間,允許持有人撤回他們的Holder Redemption Notice。Holder Redemption NoticeHolder Redemption DeadlineHolder Redemption DeadlineHolder Redemption Exercise DateHolder Redemption Exercise Date業務應在Holder Redemption Exercise Date的前一個業務日Eastern time下午5點之前的任何時間,允許持有人撤回他們的Holder Redemption Notice。


(ii) Optional Redemption Fee. A share of Series E-1 Preferred Stock is subject to an early redemption fee (“Series E-1 Holder Optional Redemption Fee”) if it is redeemed by its holder within three years after the date of its issuance (the “Issuance Date”). The amount of the fee equals a percentage of the Stated Value based on the year in which the redemption occurs after the Issuance Date as follows:


(A) Prior to the first anniversary of the Issuance Date: 9.00% of the Stated Value, which equals $90.00 per share of Series E-1 Preferred Stock;


(B) On or after the first anniversary of the Issuance Date but prior to the second anniversary of the Issuance Date: 7.00% of the Stated Value, which equals $70.00 per share of Series E-1 Preferred Stock;


(C) On or after the second anniversary of the Issuance Date but prior to the third anniversary of the Issuance Date: 5.00% of the Stated Value, which equals $50.00 per share of Series E-1 Preferred Stock; and


(D) On or after the third anniversary of the Issuance Date: 0.00% of the Stated Value, which equals $0.00 per share of Series E-1 Preferred Stock.


The Corporation is permitted to waive the Holder Optional Redemption Fee. Any such waiver would apply to any holder of Series E-1 Preferred Stock qualifying for the waiver and exercising a Holder Optional Redemption during the pendency of the term of such waiver. Although the Corporation has retained the right to waive the Holder Optional Redemption Fee in the manner described above, the Corporation is not required to establish any such waivers and the Corporation may never establish any such waivers.




(iii) Optional Redemption Following Death of a Holder. Subject to the restrictions described herein and unless prohibited by Nevada law governing distributions to stockholders of a corporation, beginning on the Issuance Date and ending on December 31st of the year in which the third anniversary of the Issuance Date occurs, the Corporation shall redeem Series E-1 Preferred Stock of a beneficial owner who is a natural person (including a natural person who holds shares of Series E-1 Preferred Stock through an Individual Retirement Account or in a personal or estate planning trust) upon his or her death at the written request of the beneficial owner’s estate (such date the request is received by the Company, the “Optional Redemption Following Death of a Holder Notice Date”) at a redemption price equal to the Settlement Amount without application of the Series E-1 Holder Optional Redemption Fee (an “Optional Redemption Following Death of a Holder”). In the Board’s sole and absolute discretion, the Corporation may determine to fulfill an Optional Redemption Following Death of a Holder in either cash or with fully paid and non-assessable shares of Common Stock (at a rate equal to (1) the Settlement Amount divided by (2) the closing price of shares of Common Stock on the Nasdaq Global Select Market, or other national securities exchange on which the Common Stock is listed, on the last trading day prior to the Optional Redemption Following Death of a Holder Notice Date); provided that if required by Rule 5635(d) of The Nasdaq Stock Market, the aggregate number of shares of Common Stock issuable to holders of Series E-1 Preferred Stock for dividends and redemption shall not exceed the Redemption Share Cap without the approval of the Corporation’s shareholders.


(iv) Corporation Optional Redemption. Subject to the restrictions described herein and unless prohibited by Nevada law governing distributions to stockholders of a corporation or the terms hereof, a share of Series E-1 Preferred Stock may be redeemed at the Corporation’s option (the “Corporation Optional Redemption”) at any time or from time to time upon not less than 10 calendar days nor more than 90 calendar days written notice (the date upon such written notice is provided to holders, the “Corporation Optional Redemption Notice Exercise Date”) to the holders prior to the date fixed for redemption thereof, at a redemption price of 100% of the Stated Value of the shares of Series E-1 Preferred Stock to be redeemed plus accrued but unpaid dividends thereon. In the Board’s sole and absolute discretion, the Corporation may determine to fulfill a Corporation Optional Redemption in either cash or with fully paid and non-assessable shares of Common Stock (at a rate equal to (1) the Settlement Amount divided by (2) the closing price of shares of Common Stock on the Nasdaq Global Select Market, or other national securities exchange on which the Common Stock is listed, on the last trading day prior to the Corporation Optional Redemption Notice Exercise Date); provided that if required by Rule 5635(d) of The Nasdaq Stock Market, the aggregate number of shares of Common Stock issuable to holders of Series E-1 Preferred Stock for dividends and redemption shall not exceed the Redemption Share Cap without the approval of the Corporation’s shareholders. The Corporation shall not exercise the Corporation Optional Redemption prior to the second anniversary of the date on which a share of Series E-1 Preferred Stock has been issued (the “Redemption Eligibility Date”). If the Corporation exercises the Corporation Optional Redemption for less than all of the outstanding shares of Series E-1 Preferred Stock, then shares of Series E-1 Preferred Stock shall be selected for redemption on a pro rata basis or by lot across holders of the series of Series E-1 Preferred Stock selected for redemption. If, on the date of the contemplated Corporation Optional Redemption, Nevada law governing distributions to stockholders of a corporation or the terms hereof prevents the Corporation from redeeming all outstanding shares of Series E-1 Preferred Stock to be redeemed, the Corporation may ratably redeem the maximum number of shares of Series E-1 Preferred Stock that it may redeem consistent with such law or provision hereof, and may redeem the remaining shares, in the Board’s sole discretion, in cash or, as soon as it may lawfully do so under such law, with shares of Common Stock. There is no Holder Optional Redemption Fee charged upon a Corporation Optional Redemption.




(v) Reserves of Common Stock. To the extent the Corporation determines to fulfill a Holder Optional Redemption or a Corporation Optional Redemption with fully paid and non-assessable shares of Common Stock, instead of with cash, the Corporation shall ensure it has available shares of Common Stock out of its authorized and unissued shares of Common Stock. All rights with respect to the Series E-1 Preferred Stock shall terminate upon the redemption.


(vi) Retirement of Series E-1 Preferred Stock. Any Series E-1 Preferred Stock redeemed in accordance with this (e) shall be retired and cancelled and shall not be reissued as shares of such series, and the Corporation may thereafter take such appropriate action (without the need for stockholder action) as may be necessary to reduce the authorized number of shares of its preferred stock accordingly.


(f) Listing of Series E-1 Preferred Stock. The Corporation shall provide not less than 60 calendar days prior written notice to the holders of shares of the Series E-1 Preferred Stock before listing the Series E-1 Preferred Stock on a national securities exchange or on an over the counter market.


Section 1.2 Withholding. The Corporation agrees that, provided that a holder of the Corporation’s capital stock delivers to the Corporation a properly executed IRS Form W-9 certifying as to such holder’s complete exemption from backup withholding (or, if such holder is a disregarded entity for U.S. federal income tax purposes, its regarded owner’s complete exemption from backup withholding), under current law the Corporation (including any paying agent of the Corporation) shall not be required to, and shall not, withhold on any payments or deemed payments to any such holder. In the event that any holder of the Corporation’s capital stock fails to deliver to the Corporation such properly executed IRS Form W-9, the Corporation reasonably believes that a previously delivered IRS W-9 is no longer accurate and/or valid, or there is a change in law that affects the withholding obligations of the Corporation, the Corporation and its paying agent shall be entitled to withhold taxes on all payments made to the relevant holder in the form of cash or to request that the relevant holder promptly pay the Corporation in cash any amounts required to satisfy any withholding tax obligations. In the event that the Corporation does not have sufficient cash with respect to any such holder from withholding on cash payments otherwise payable to such holder and cash paid by such holder to the Corporation pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence, the Corporation and its paying agent shall be entitled to withhold taxes on deemed payments, including constructive distributions, on the Series E-1 Preferred Stock to the extent required by law, and the Corporation and its paying agent shall be entitled to satisfy any required withholding tax on non-cash payments (including deemed payments) from cash dividends or sales proceeds subsequently paid or credited on the Series E-1 Preferred Stock.