第1条。定義および参照による組み込み 設立、目的及び期間
1.1 プランの樹立と改正。スイスの会社、ガーミン.(以下「当社」)の取締役会(「取締役会」)は、ここにガーミン. 2005株式インセンティブプラン(「プラン」)として知られるインセンティブ報酬プランを確立します。この計画は、2005年3月1日にケイマン諸島の企業であるガーミン株式会社(「ガーミン・ケイマン」)の取締役会で採択され、2005年6月3日にガーミン・ケイマンの株主によって承認されました。本プランは2005年6月3日(「発効日」)から有効です。2006年、ガーミン・ケイマンは普通株式の2対1の株式分割(「株式分割」)を行いました。Garmin Caymanの株主の承認を条件として、Garmin Caymanの取締役会は、株式分割、法律の最新の変更、および本プランに基づいて付与される業績ベースの報奨の拡大を反映した特定の修正とともに、2009年6月5日に発効する修正および改訂されたプランを採択しました。本プランは、2010年6月27日にガーミン・ケイマンの株式が当社の株式と交換され、当社がガーミン・ケイマンおよびその子会社の公開持株会社となったという国内再編取引を受けて、2010年6月27日に修正および改訂されました。本プランは、2013年6月7日、2016年10月21日、2019年6月7日、2022年4月22日、2022年6月10日、2023年6月9日、および2024年6月7日に修正され、再度改訂されました。
1.2 プランの目的計画は、会社およびその子会社の従業員が会社の株式保有を取得または増やしたり、会社の株価の成長に基づいて計画に基づいて報酬を受け取ることができるようにすることを目的としており、これにより従業員が会社の成功に対するコミットメントを強化し、会社のために努力を促進し、新しい従業員の獲得や既存の従業員の維持をサポートすることを意図しています。計画はまた、会社の収益性と成長を最適化することを目的としています。会社の目標に一致したインセンティブを通じて、個々のパフォーマンスの優秀さに対するインセンティブを提供し、チームワークを促進することを意図しています。
1.3 プランの期間本プランは有効日に開始され、条項13に基づいて取締役会がいつでもプランを修正または終了する権利を有することを条件に、プランの規定に従ってそれにかかる全株式が購入または取得されるまで、効力を有します。
第2条。 定義
2.1 “記事「”」は計画の記事を意味します。
2.2 “報酬「オプション」とは、計画の下で付与されたオプション、制限株式、ボーナス株式、株主名による株式、制限付与株式単位、パフォーマンス単位またはパフォーマンス株式を指します。
2.3 “授与契約書「” は、賞が示される書面による同意を意味します。
2.4 “有利な所有者「”」は取引所法に基づくSECのRule 13d-3で指定された意味を持ちます。
2.5 “取締役会(d) 「」は、参加者と会社が定義する書面による契約の中でそのような用語が付与された意味を持ち、そのような契約が存在しない場合、以下に示すように、参加者に関して、次のイベントの発生を意味します。 (i) 参加者が米国またはその他の州の法律に基づく詐欺、不正行為、不正行為、脱線等の任意の重罪または犯罪を犯した場合、 (ii) 参加者が、会社に対して不正行為または不正行為を行った、 (iii) 参加者が、参加者と会社の間の契約または合意または、会社に対する法定義務の任意の重大な違反、 (iv) 参加者が会社の機密情報または営業秘密を不正に使用または開示した場合、または (v) 参加者が不適切な行動を行った場合。参加者の継続的なサービスが原因または原因なしと判断されるかどうかの決定は、会社の単独の裁量によって行われます。
2.6 “ボーナス株式「」は、過去の業績に対する認識として(会社の他の従業員福利計画によるかその他の手段によるかにかかわらず)、または会社または子会社の従業員としてのインセンティブとして、無料かつ制限なくGranteeに授与される株式を意味します。
2.7 “不利な理由「」は、賞与契約に別段の定義がない限り、
(a) その他、詐欺、不正行為、道徳的堕落を伴う重罪またはその他の犯罪における受取人の有罪判決、有罪の申し立て、または無抵抗の申し立て
ページ 1 18の中の
(c) 被補助者の職務怠慢、具体的にはやむを得ない理由もなく繰り返し欠勤したり、
(d) 役職者が業務の遂行において故意または過失の重大な不正行為を行い、それが会社または関連会社に財務的損害をもたらした場合
ただし、条項(b)、(c)および(d)の目的に関して、『原因 (Cause)』には次のいずれか1つ以上を含めないものとします。悪い判断、過失、またはグランティー(Grantee)が会社の利益にかかわり、またはそれに反対せずに行ったと、グランティーが正当な権利を持たずに利益を直接または間接的に得る意図がないと信じた行為または無作為な行為(不作為)を含みません。同意したグランティー」または『1つの利益しかし合法的に権利を持っていなかった利益を直接的または間接的に得たく帰せざれば、会社またはグループ会社との関係を終了することに同意しない人事権限グランティーは、プランの目的を妨げるためのものであると見なされるかもしれません。 会社または連結子会社との関係を解消することに同意したグランティーが、『原因(Cause)』による解雇の代わりに解雇されましたと見なすことができるかもしれません。プランの目的のために。
2.8 “支配権変更「”」とは、賞の規定に定義がされていない限り、次のいずれか1つ以上を指します。
(b) 任期中の取締役が(有効日を基準日として決定したものとして)いかなる理由であれ、企業の取締役の過半数を構成しなくなる場合。または
(c) 合併、再編、統合、または同様の取引、または会社の連結資産の全部または実質的にすべて(少なくとも40%)の売却またはその他の処分、または会社の解散(前述の取引のいずれかを通じて会社を間接的に関与させるか、1つ以上の仲介業者を通じて間接的に関与させるかを問わない)による合併、再編、統合、または同様の取引(前述の取引のいずれかを通じて会社を間接的に関与させるか)、a」再編取引」) これは免除再編取引ではありません。
「統制の変更」の定義は、統制の変更が発生する前のいつでも修正される可能性があり、その修正された定義は、同意なくグランティーのいずれかによって修正された定義の下で付与された全ての受賞に適用される。前述の出来事のいずれかが発生したとしても、(a) セクション16の個人に関して、そのようなセクション16の個人が変更が発生させる取引において自身の名義で参加者である場合、セクション16の個人に関して統制の変更が発生しないと見なされます。および(b) エグゼクティブが、そのイベントの前に、そのイベントが統制の変更とは見なされないと書面で合意する場合、グランティーに関して統制の変更は発生しません。
2.9 “コントロール変更期間「」は5.6(c)節に規定された意味を持ちます。
2.10 “変更管理価値「シェアの変更管理日の公正市場価値」とは、変更管理日のシェアの公正市場価値を意味します。
2.11 “コード「法」は、1986年改正以降の内部収入法典を意味し、その随時改正される規則および判決とともに、法典の特定の部分に言及するものは、法典の後継規定またはその後継法令に対する言及を含みます。
2.12 “会社「Section 1.1で定義されている」という意味は、セクション1.1に記載されています。
ページ 2 18の中の
2.13 “無効「Broadwind」とも称します2.10 “障害” とは、参加者が、当該参加者が勤務するサービス提供者の長期障害保険プログラムの受給資格を得ることができる場合であってもそのような保険に加入していなくても良く、当該サービス提供者に対してサービスを提供している場合に適用されます。サービス提供者が長期障害計画を持っていない場合は、「障害」とは、参加者が90日以上連続で、医学的に確実に身体的または精神的な障害を理由に役職の責任と機能を遂行できないと判断された場合を意味します。参加者が委員会の裁量に十分に対応する証拠を提供しない限り、参加者が障害に陥ったと見なされません。「障害」とは、(i)医学的に確定できる身体的または精神的な障害により、個人が死亡すると予想されるか、少なくとも12か月連続して続くと予想されるために、実質的な収益を得ることができない状態にあること、または(ⅱ)医学的に確定できる身体的または精神的な障害により、死亡または少なくとも12か月以上継続すると予想される状態で、会社の賠償事故と健康計画の下で3か月以上収入補填の給付を受けていることを意味します。ただし、インセンティブ株オプションに関しては、「障害」とは、医師会議からの医学的助言を受けて、取締役会によって善意で決定されるCode Section 22(e)(3)の意味での永続的かつ全体的な障害を意味します。
2.14 “有効日「〝」はセクション1.1に規定された意味を持ちます。
2.15 “適格な人「」は、会社またはその子会社の従楮(役員を含む)を指します。承認された休暇中であるか、障害を受けているが障害として資格がない従業員も含まれます。
2.16 “取引所法「証券取引法」は、1934年改正版を指します。証券取引法の特定のセクションへの言及には、後続条項への言及も含まれます。
2.17 “「除外された者」とは、(i)会社またはその子会社、(ii)会社またはその子会社の従業員給付計画の証券を保有する受託者またはその他の受託者、(iii)そのような証券の公開募集に基づいて一時的に証券を保有する引受人、または(iv)会社の株主によって直接または間接的に実質的に同じ割合で所有される会社を意味します。「”」は、取引所法の一般規則および規則120億2に定義されているAffiliatesおよびAssociatesとともに、有効日現在時点で発行済株式15%以上の特定の者を指す有益所有者を表します。
2.18 “免税再編取引「免税再編取引」とは、(i)会社の発行済株式の直接または間接の所有者であった者が、その再編取引直前に会社の発行済株式の直接または間接の所有者となり、その再編取引の結果、存続会社の発行済普通株式の60%以上およびその時点での存続会社の総議決権の60%以上を、再編取引の完成直後に、その当然の権益を考慮すると、ほぼ同じ比率で直接または間接に所有するか、(ii)その後の取引後、存続会社の取締役会の委員の50%以上が、再編取引に関する取締役会の承認時に存続会社の取締役会の承認による合意またはその取引を承認する他の行動を与えられたときの現任取締役であった場合、またはその選挙または指名が当時取締役会の委員であった少なくとも3分の2の投票で承認された者である取締役が、存続会社存続時に。
2.19 “「公正市場価値」とは、任意の日付における、コードの第409A条に準拠して取締役会が決定する普通株式の価値を意味します。また、インセンティブストックオプションの場合は、コードの第422条に準拠する場合もあります。「…」は、その他の財産に関しては、取締役会によってその方法または手続きが決定または提供されない限り、(A) その財産の公正市場価値は、取締役会が定期的に確立する方法または手続きによって決定されるものとし、(B) シェアに関しては、(i) 該当日の米国証券取引所におけるシェアの最終売買価格(またはクロージング価格とも呼ばれる)である、当該日の適用日、(ii) 該当日に当該米国証券取引所が取引を停止している場合、または当該日にシェアが取引されていない場合は、最後に取引された日の取引価格が適用されるものとし、または(iii) シェアに対する公開市場がない場合は、取締役会が善意に基づき一貫して適用する方法を使用して公正市場価値が決定されるものとします。上記にかかわらず、2009年6月5日以前に付与されたすべてのオプション、SAR(ストック・アプリシエーション・ライツ)、および延期株式(RSUs)については、オプション価格、行使価格、またはシェアの値を確定する目的で公正市場価値は、ニューヨーク証券取引所の高値と安値の取引価格の平均に基づいて確立されました(または、当該日にシェアの販売が報告されなかった場合は、シェアの販売が報告された次の前日に基づく)。 シェアを除く任意の財産については、該当する日の米国証券取引所でシェアが取引されている場合、シェアの最終売買価格(クローズイングのこと)が、その日の適用日におけるものとし、当該日に当該米国証券取引所が休場している場合、またはシェアが当該日に取引されていない場合は、最後にシェアが当該米国証券取引所で取引された日の取引価格が使用されるものとします。なお、シェアについての公開市場が存在しない場合は、取締役会が善意に基づいて一貫して適用する方法を使用してシェアの公正市場価値が決定されます。
2.20 “独立したSAR「オプションに独立して付与されるSAR」という意味です。
2.21 “好理由「 」は、Grantee の同意なく、その他の Grantee の地位、権限、または職務において重大な減少またはその他の重大な不利益な変更が生じる行動を指します:(a) Grantee が以前に所在していた場所から 50 マイル以上離れた事務所または場所に基づかせること、(c) Grantee の総合的な報酬において重大な減少が生じることで、他の同様の従業員に適用される減少を除きます。Grantee は、(1) (a)、(b)、または(c) において上記の出来事または状況が発生した後の 60 日以内に、その出来事または状況を会社に通知すること、(2) Grantee が会社に対して 30 日間の猶予を与え、(3) 会社がその出来事または状況を全体的に修正しない場合、役職を終了するための正当な理由がありません。
2.22 “付与日「5.2節に定められた意味を持つ」という意味です。
2.23 “Granteeは、本計画で表彰された従業員、取締役、またはコンサルタントを意味します。「」は賞を受賞した個人を指します。
2.24 “含む「Broadwind」とも称しますそれは理解できます:Disney+には世界中で約1.5億人の登録者がおり、オーディエンスは単独で膨大です。「〜を含むがこれに限らず」という意味で、「〜を含み、これに限らず」とそれぞれ表します。
ページ 3 18の中の
2.25 “現職取締役「」は、特定の基準日において、取引所のメンバーを務めていた個人であり、その基準日の直前の日に取引所のメンバーであった個人を指します。 ただし、関連シリーズのノートと同じISINまたはCommon Code番号で追加のノートを発行することはできない、これらは、元のシリーズの「資格のある再開」で発行され、元のシリーズの債務の一部として扱われるか、米国連邦所得税法上のde minimisの金利割引未満で発行される場合を除いて、関連シリーズのノートとは異なるISINまたはCommon Code番号で発行されることになります。取締役会の後任または選出されたメンバーは、選任または会社または生存会社の株主による選挙、または承認された場合、現任取締役の過半数の投票または書面による同意による指名を経て、その後も現任取締役とみなされます。ただし、その後任者または任命取締役の最初の就任が次のいずれかに関連している場合、すなわち、(i) 取締役の選挙または解任に関する実際のまたは脅迫された選挙戦、同意の勧誘を含む、(ii) 「Exchange Act」第14条(d)において使用されている「公開買付け」(このような用語をいいます)、または、(iii) 提案された再編取引。
2.26 “オプション「」は、計画の第6条に基づくオプションを意味し、インセンティブ株式オプションを含みます。
2.27 “オプション価格「オプションに基づいて受領者が株を購入できる価格を示します。」
2.28 “を含むことを除き、1つのオプションあたりのシェアごとの行使価格は、管理者によって設定されますが、オプションが付与された日のシェアの公正市場価値の100%を下回ることはありません(または、インセンティブ株式オプションの場合、コードのセクション424(h)の目的で修正、延長、または更新された日)。また、10%以上の株主に対して付与されたインセンティブ株式オプションの場合、この価格は、オプションが付与された日のシェアの公正市場価値の110%を下回ることはありません(または、インセンティブ株式オプションの場合、オプションが修正、延長、または更新された日)。「”」は、そのオプションの授与日から期限切れ日までを指し、当該オプションの賞与契約に指定されており、また、計画の規定に従って取締役会によって、当該期限切れ日の前に、その効力中の当該オプションの期限を延長することができる。
2.29 “「パフォーマンス期間」とは、委員会が選択する1つ以上の時間期間であり、1つ以上のパフォーマンス目標の達成を測定するために目的があります。これにより参加者のパフォーマンス賞の権利と支払いが決定されます。「」はセクション10.2に規定された意味を有しています。
2.30 “パフォーマンスシェア「Broadwind」とも称します業績単位「Article 10」に記載されている意味を持つ。
2.31 “制限期間「ベスト期間」とは、取締役会が決定する時間経過、業績目標の達成、その他のイベントの発生に基づき、制限がかけられた制限株式の譲渡が制限されている期間のことまたは株式が実質的な放棄のリスクを伴う状況にある場合を指します。
2.32 “人物「取引所法」第3条(a)(9)に規定された意味を有し、その第13(d)条および第14(d)条で使用されるものであり、それに定義された「グループ」を含む。
2.33 “プラン「〝」はセクション1.1に規定された意味を持ちます。
2.34 “プラン委員会「」は、セクション3.1で定義されている意味を持つ。
2.35 “組織再編「」は2.9(c)項に規定された意味を持ちます。
2.36 “制限付き株式「発行済株式」とは、制限の対象となる計画の下で賞として発行される株式を意味します。
2.37 “制限付き株式ユニット「」(以下「本契約」としても言う)報酬先延ばし株「」は、本規定第9条に基づきGranteesに付与される単位を意味し、その単位は、取締役会が定める制約から解除された時点で株に交換可能となります。制限株ユニットは、この修正および再委任プランの効力発生前に実施され、以前に参照され、授与された「遅延株式」と同じものです。
2.38 “Restriction” means any restriction on a Grantee’s free enjoyment of the Shares or other rights underlying Awards, including (a) that the Grantee or other holder may not sell, transfer, pledge, or assign a Share or right, and (b) such other restrictions as the Board may impose in the Award Agreement that are permissible under Swiss law. Restrictions may be based on the passage of time or the satisfaction of performance criteria or the occurrence of one or more events or conditions, and shall lapse separately or in combination upon such conditions and at such time or times, in installments or otherwise, as the Board shall specify. Awards subject to a Restriction shall be forfeited if the Restriction does not lapse prior to such date or the occurrence of such event or the satisfaction of such other criteria as the Board shall determine.
2.39 “Rule 16b-3” means Rule 16b-3 promulgated by the SEC under the Exchange Act, together with any successor rule, as in effect from time to time.
2.40 “SAR” means a stock appreciation right and includes both Tandem SARs and Freestanding SARs.
2.41 “SAR Term” means the period beginning on the Grant Date of a SAR and ending on the expiration date of such SAR, as specified in the Award Agreement for such SAR and as may, consistent with the provisions of the Plan, be extended from time to time by the Board prior to the expiration date of such SAR then in effect.
2.42 “SEC” means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, or any successor thereto.
2.43 “Section” means, unless the context otherwise requires, a Section of the Plan.
2.44 “Section 16 Person” means a person who is subject to obligations under Section 16 of the Exchange Act with respect to transactions involving equity securities of the Company.
2.45 “Share” means a registered share, USD $0.10 par value, of the Company.
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2.46 “Subsidiary” means with respect to any Person (a) any corporation of which more than 50% of the Voting Securities are at the time, directly or indirectly, owned by such Person, and (b) any partnership or limited liability company in which such Person has a direct or indirect interest (whether in the form of voting power or participation in profits or capital contribution) of more than 50%. Solely with respect to a grant of an incentive stock option under the requirements of Section 422 of the Code, “Subsidiary” means a “subsidiary corporation” as defined in Section 424(f) of the Code.
2.47 “Substitute Option” has the meaning set forth in Section 6.3.
2.48 “Surviving Corporation” means the corporation resulting from a Reorganization Transaction or, if Voting Securities representing at least 50% of the aggregate voting power of such resulting corporation are directly or indirectly owned by another corporation, such other corporation.
2.49 “Tandem SAR” means a SAR that is granted in connection with, or related to, an Option, and which requires forfeiture of the right to purchase an equal number of Shares under the related Option upon the exercise of such SAR; or alternatively, which requires the cancellation of an equal amount of SARs upon the purchase of the Shares subject to the Option.
2.50 “Tax Withholding” has the meaning set forth in Section 14.1(a).
2.51 “Termination of Affiliation” occurs on the first day on which an individual is for any reason no longer providing services to the Company or any Subsidiary in the capacity of an employee, or with respect to an individual who is an employee of a Subsidiary, the first day on which such Subsidiary ceases to be a Subsidiary. A Termination of Affiliation shall have the same meaning as a “separation from service” under Code Section 409A(2)(A)(i).
2.52 “Voting Securities” of a corporation means securities of such corporation that are entitled to vote generally in the election of directors, but not including any other class of securities of such corporation that may have voting power by reason of the occurrence of a contingency.
Article 3. Administration
3.1 Board and Plan Committee. Subject to Article 13, and to Section 3.2, the Plan shall be administered by the Board, or a committee of the Board appointed by the Board to administer the Plan (“Plan Committee”). To the extent the Board considers it desirable for transactions relating to Awards to be eligible to qualify for an exemption under Rule 16b-3, the Plan Committee shall consist of two or more directors of the Company, all of whom qualify as “non-employee directors” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3.
Any references herein to “Board” are, except as the context requires otherwise, references to the Board or the Plan Committee, as applicable.
3.2 Powers of the Board. Subject to the express provisions of the Plan, the Board has full and final authority and sole discretion as follows:
(a) taking into consideration the reasonable recommendations of management, to determine when, to whom and in what types and amounts Awards should be granted and the terms and conditions applicable to each Award, including the Option Price, the Option Term, the Restrictions, the benefit payable under any SAR, Performance Unit or Performance Share and whether or not specific Awards shall be granted in connection with other specific Awards, and if so whether they shall be exercisable cumulatively with, or alternatively to, such other specific Awards;
(b) to determine the amount, if any, that a Grantee shall pay for Restricted Shares, whether and on what terms to permit or require the payment of cash dividends thereon to be deferred, when Restrictions on Restricted Shares (including Restricted Shares acquired upon the exercise of an Option) shall lapse and whether such shares shall be held in escrow;
(c) to construe and interpret the Plan and to make all determinations necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan;
(d) to make, amend, and rescind rules relating to the Plan, including rules with respect to the exercisability and nonforfeitability of Awards and lapse of Restrictions upon the Termination of Affiliation of a Grantee;
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(e) to determine the terms and conditions of all Award Agreements (which need not be identical) and, with the consent of the Grantee, to amend any such Award Agreement at any time, among other things, to permit transfers of such Awards to the extent permitted by the Plan; provided that the consent of the Grantee shall not be required for any amendment which (A) does not adversely affect the rights of the Grantee, or (B) is necessary or advisable (as determined by the Board) to carry out the purpose of the Award as a result of any new or change in existing applicable law;
(f) to cancel, with the consent of the Grantee, outstanding Awards and to grant new Awards in substitution therefor; provided that any replacement grant that would be considered a repricing shall be subject to shareholder approval;
(g) to accelerate the exercisability (including exercisability within a period of less than six months after the Grant Date) of, and to accelerate or waive any or all of the terms conditions or Restrictions applicable to, any Award or any group of Awards for any reason and at any time, including in connection with a Termination of Affiliation;
(h) subject to Section 5.3, to extend the time during which any Award or group of Awards may be exercised;
(i) to make such adjustments or modifications to Awards to Grantees who are working outside the United States as are advisable to fulfill the purposes of the Plan or to comply with applicable local law, and to authorize foreign Subsidiaries to adopt plans as provided in Article 15;
(j) to delegate to any member of the Board or committee of Board members such of its powers as it deems appropriate, including the power to subdelegate, except that only a member of the Board of Directors of the Company (or a committee thereof) may grant Awards from time to time to specified categories of Eligible Persons in amounts and on terms to be specified by the Board; provided that no such grants shall be made other than by the Board or the Plan Committee to individuals who are then Section 16 Persons;
(k) to delegate to officers, employees or independent contractors of the Company matters involving the routine administration of the Plan and which are not specifically required by any provision of the Plan to be performed by the Board of Directors of the Company;
(l) to delegate its duties and responsibilities under the Plan with respect to foreign Subsidiary plans, except its duties and responsibilities with respect to Section 16 Persons, and (A) the acts of such delegates shall be treated hereunder as acts of the Board and (B) such delegates shall report to the Board regarding the delegated duties and responsibilities;
(m) to correct any defect or supply any omission or reconcile any inconsistency, and construe and interpret the Plan, the rules and regulations, any Award Agreement or any other instrument entered into or relating to an Award under the Plan, and to make all determinations, including factual determinations, necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan;
(n) to impose such additional terms and conditions upon the grant, exercise or retention of Awards as the Board may, before or concurrently with the grant thereof, deem appropriate, including limiting the percentage of Awards which may from time to time be exercised by a Grantee; and
(o) to take any other action with respect to any matters relating to the Plan for which it is responsible.
All determinations on any matter relating to the Plan or any Award Agreement may be made in the sole and absolute discretion of the Board, and to the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law all such determinations of the Board shall be final, conclusive and binding on all Persons. To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law no member of the Board shall be liable for any action or determination made with respect to the Plan or any Award.
Article 4. Shares Subject to the Plan
4.1 Number of Shares Available.
(a) Plan Limit. Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 4.2, the number of Shares hereby reserved for delivery under the Plan is eighteen million (18,000,000) Shares. The maximum number of Shares that may be delivered pursuant to the exercise of Options (including incentive stock options under Code Section 422) or SARs is ten million (10,000,000) Shares. The maximum number of Shares that may be delivered as Restricted Shares or pursuant to Performance Units or Restricted Stock Units is seventeen million (17,000,000) Shares. The maximum number of Bonus Shares that may be awarded is one million (1,000,000) Shares. If any Shares subject to an Award granted hereunder are forfeited or an Award or any portion thereof otherwise terminates or is settled without the issuance of Shares, the Shares subject to such Award, to the extent of any such forfeiture, termination or settlement, shall again be available for grant under the Plan. The Board may from time to time determine the appropriate methodology for calculating the number of Shares issued pursuant to the Plan.
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(b) Individual Limit. No individual Grantee may be granted Options, SARs, Restricted Shares, Restricted Stock Units, Bonus Shares, Performance Units or Performance Shares in Shares, or in any combination thereof, relating to an aggregate number of Shares under the Plan that exceeds two million (2,000,000) Shares in any 5-year period. If a previously granted Option, SAR, Restricted Stock Unit, Performance Unit, or Performance Share is forfeited, canceled or repriced, such forfeited, canceled or repriced Award as the case may be, shall continue to be counted against the maximum number of Shares subject to Awards that may be delivered to any Grantee under this Section 4.1(b).
4.2 Adjustments in Shares.
(a) Adjustment Principle. In the event that the Board determines that any dividend or other distribution (whether in the form of cash, Shares, other securities, or other property), recapitalization, share split, reverse share split, subdivision, consolidation or reduction of capital, reorganization, merger, scheme of arrangement, split-up, spin-off or combination involving the Company or repurchase or exchange of Shares or other rights to purchase Shares or other securities of the Company, or other similar corporate transaction or event affects the Shares such that any adjustment is determined by the Board to be appropriate in order to prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits or potential benefits intended to be made available under the Plan, then the Board shall, in such manner as it may deem equitable, adjust any or all of (i) the number and type of Shares (or other securities or property of the Company or any Person that is a party to a Reorganization Transaction with the Company) with respect to which Awards may be granted, (ii) the number and type of Shares (or other securities or property of the Company or any Person that is a party to a Reorganization Transaction with the Company) subject to outstanding Awards, and (iii) the grant or exercise price with respect to any Award or, if deemed appropriate, make provision for a cash payment to the holder of an outstanding Award or the substitution of other property for Shares subject to an outstanding Award; provided, that the number of Shares subject to any Award denominated in Shares shall always be a whole number.
(b) Example. By way of illustration, and not by way of limitation, the following illustrates how the foregoing adjustment principles would apply in the context of a stock split: Assume a Grantee holds an Option to purchase 1,000 shares of Company stock at an Option Price of $50 per share. Assume further that the Company completes a two-for-one share split such that every shareholder on the requisite record date receives two Shares for every one Share held on the record date. Pursuant to the adjustment principles set forth above in Section 4.2(a), the Grantee’s Option would be adjusted such that, after such adjustment, the Grantee would hold an Option to purchase 2,000 Shares at an Option Price of $25 per Share. All other terms and conditions of the Option would remain the same. Similar adjustment principles would apply to SARs, Performance Shares, Performance Units, Bonus Shares and Deferred Shares. This Section 4.2(b) is for illustrative purposes only, assumes hypothetical facts, and shall not, under any event or circumstance, be interpreted as the adjustment outcome with respect to specific factual situations.
Article 5. Eligibility and General Conditions of Awards
5.1 Eligibility. The Board may grant Awards to any Eligible Person, whether or not he or she has previously received an Award.
5.2 Grant Date. The Grant Date of an Award shall be the date on which the Board grants the Award or such later date as specified by the Board (i) in the Board’s resolutions or minutes addressing the Award grants or (ii) in the Award Agreement.
5.3 Maximum Term. Subject to the following proviso, the Option Term or other period during which an Award may be outstanding shall not extend more than 10 years after the Grant Date, and shall be subject to earlier termination as herein specified.
5.4 Award Agreement. To the extent not set forth in the Plan, the terms and conditions of each Award (which need not be the same for each grant or for each Grantee) shall be set forth in an Award Agreement.
5.5 Restrictions on Share Transferability. The Board may include in the Award Agreement such restrictions on any Shares acquired pursuant to the exercise or vesting of an Award as it may deem advisable, including restrictions under applicable federal securities laws.
5.6 Termination of Affiliation. Except as otherwise provided in an Award Agreement (including an Award Agreement as amended by the Board pursuant to Section 3.2), and subject to the provisions of Section 13.1, the extent to which the Grantee shall have the right to exercise, vest in, or receive payment in respect of an Award following Termination of Affiliation shall be determined in accordance with the following provisions of this Section 5.6.
(a) For Cause. If a Grantee has a Termination of Affiliation for Cause:
(i) the Grantee’s Restricted Shares that are forfeitable immediately before such Termination of Affiliation shall automatically be forfeited on such date, subject in the case of Restricted Shares to the provisions of Section 8.5 regarding repayment of certain amounts to the Grantee;
(ii) the Grantee’s Restricted Stock Units shall automatically be forfeited; and
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(iii) any unexercised Option or SAR, and any Performance Share or Performance Unit with respect to which the Performance Period has not ended immediately before such Termination of Affiliation, shall terminate effective immediately upon such Termination of Affiliation.
(b) On Account of Death or Disability. If a Grantee has a Termination of Affiliation on account of death or Disability:
(i) the Grantee’s Restricted Shares that were forfeitable immediately before such Termination of Affiliation shall thereupon become nonforfeitable;
(ii) the Grantee’s Restricted Stock Units shall immediately be settled in accordance with Section 9.4;
(iii) any unexercised Option or SAR, whether or not exercisable immediately before such Termination of Affiliation, shall be fully exercisable and may be exercised, in whole or in part, at any time up to one year after such Termination of Affiliation (but only during the Option Term or SAR Term, respectively) by the Grantee or, after his or her death, by (A) his or her personal representative or the person to whom the Option or SAR, as applicable, is transferred by will or the applicable laws of descent and distribution, or (B) the Grantee’s beneficiary designated in accordance with Article 11; and
(iv) the benefit payable with respect to any Performance Share or Performance Unit with respect to which the Performance Period has not ended immediately before such Termination of Affiliation on account of death or Disability shall be equal to the product of the Fair Market Value of a Share as of the date of such Termination of Affiliation or the value of the Performance Unit specified in the Award Agreement (determined as of the date of such Termination of Affiliation), as applicable, multiplied successively by each of the following:
(A) a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of months (including as a whole month any partial month) that have elapsed since the beginning of such Performance Period until the date of such Termination of Affiliation and the denominator of which is the number of months (including as a whole month any partial month) in the Performance Period; and
(B) a percentage determined by the Plan Committee that would be earned under the terms of the applicable Award Agreement assuming that the rate at which the performance goals have been achieved as of the date of such Termination of Affiliation would continue until the end of the Performance Period, or, if the Board elects to compute the benefit after the end of the Performance Period, the Performance percentage, as determined by the Board, attained during the Performance Period.
(c) Change of Control Period. If a Grantee has a Termination of Affiliation during the period (“Change of Control Period”) commencing on a Change of Control and ending on the first anniversary of the Change of Control, which Termination of Affiliation is initiated by the Company or a Subsidiary other than for Cause, or initiated by the Grantee for Good Reason, then
(i) the Grantee’s Restricted Shares that were forfeitable shall thereupon become nonforfeitable;
(ii) the Grantee’s Restricted Stock Units shall immediately be settled in accordance with Section 9.4;
(iii) any unexercised Option or SAR, whether or not exercisable on the date of such Termination of Affiliation, shall thereupon be fully exercisable and may be exercised, in whole or in part for ninety (90) days following such Termination of Affiliation (but only during the Option Term or SAR Term, respectively); and
(iv) the Company shall immediately pay to the Grantee, with respect to any Performance Share or Performance Unit with respect to which the Performance Period has not ended as of the date of such Termination of Affiliation, a cash payment equal to the product of (A) in the case of a Performance Share, the Change of Control Value or (B) in the case of a Performance Unit, the value of the Performance Unit specified in the Award Agreement, as applicable, multiplied successively by each of the following:
(A) a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of whole and partial months that have elapsed between the beginning of such Performance Period and the date of such Termination of Affiliation and the denominator of which is the number of whole and partial months in the Performance Period; and
(B) a percentage equal to a greater of (x) the target percentage, if any, specified in the applicable Award Agreement or (y) the maximum percentage, if any, that would be earned under the terms of the applicable Award Agreement assuming that the rate at which the performance goals have been achieved as of the date of such Termination of Affiliation would continue until the end of the Performance Period.
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(d) Any Other Reason. If a Grantee has a Termination of Affiliation for any reason other than for Cause, death or Disability, and other than under the circumstances described in Section 5.6(c), then:
(i) the Grantee’s Restricted Shares, to the extent forfeitable immediately before such Termination of Affiliation, shall thereupon automatically be forfeited, subject in the case of Restricted Shares to the provisions of Section 8.5 regarding repayment of certain amounts to the Grantee;
(ii) the Grantee’s Restricted Stock Units shall automatically be forfeited;
(iii) any unexercised Option or SAR, to the extent exercisable immediately before such Termination of Affiliation, shall remain exercisable in whole or in part for ninety (90) days after such Termination of Affiliation (but only during the Option Term or SAR Term, respectively) by the Grantee or, after his or her death, by (A) his or her personal representative or the person to whom the Option or SAR, as applicable, is transferred by will or the applicable laws of descent and distribution, or (B) the Grantee’s beneficiary designated in accordance with Article 11; and
(iv) any Performance Shares or Performance Units with respect to which the Performance Period has not ended as of the date of such Termination of Affiliation shall terminate immediately upon such Termination of Affiliation.
5.7 Nontransferability of Awards.
(a) Except as provided in Section 5.7(c) below, each Award, and each right under any Award, shall be exercisable only by the Grantee during the Grantee’s lifetime, or, if permissible under applicable law, by the Grantee’s guardian or legal representative.
(b) Except as provided in Section 5.7(c) below, no Award (prior to the time, if applicable, Shares are issued in respect of such Award), and no right under any Award, may be assigned, alienated, pledged, attached, sold or otherwise transferred or encumbered by a Grantee otherwise than by will or by the laws
of descent and distribution and any such purported assignment, alienation, pledge, attachment, sale, transfer or encumbrance shall be void and unenforceable against the Company or any Subsidiary; provided, that the designation of a beneficiary shall not constitute an assignment, alienation, pledge, attachment, sale, transfer or encumbrance.
(c) To the extent and in the manner permitted by the Board, and subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Board, a Grantee may transfer an Award to (a) a child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, spouse, former spouse, sibling, niece, nephew, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law of the Grantee, (including adoptive relationships), (b) any person sharing the Grantee’s household (other than a tenant or employee), (c) a trust in which persons described in (a) or (b) have more than 50% of the beneficial interest, (d) a foundation in which persons described in (a) or (b) or the Grantee own more than 50% of the voting interests; provided such transfer is not for value. The following shall not be considered transfers for value: (i) a transfer under a domestic relations order in settlement of marital property rights; and (ii) a transfer to an entity in which more than 50% of the voting interests are owned by persons described in (a) or (b) above or the Grantee, in exchange for an interest in that entity.
5.8 Minimum Vesting. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the contrary, no Award granted under the Plan may become exercisable, vest or be settled, in whole or in part, prior to the one-year anniversary of the Grant Date, except, if provided in the applicable Award Agreement, in the event of death, Disability, Change of Control, Termination of Affiliation with Good Reason, or Termination of Affiliation by the Employer other than for Cause. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Section 5.8 shall be deemed to shorten any minimum vesting schedule applicable to Restricted Shares or Restricted Stock Units pursuant to Section 8.3 or Section 9.2, respectively.
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Article 6. Stock Options
6.1 Grant of Options. Subject to the terms and provisions of the Plan, Options may be granted to any Eligible Person in such number, and upon such terms, and at any time and from time to time as shall be determined by the Board. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Board may grant to any Eligible Person, or permit any Eligible Person to elect to receive, an Option in lieu of or in substitution for any other compensation (whether payable currently or on a deferred basis, and whether payable under the Plan or otherwise) which such Eligible Person may be eligible to receive from the Company or a Subsidiary, which Option may have a value (as determined by the Board under Black-Scholes or any other option valuation method) that is equal to or greater than the amount of such other compensation.
6.2 Award Agreement. Each Option grant shall be evidenced by an Award Agreement that shall specify the Option Price, the Option Term, the number of shares to which the Option pertains, the time or times at which such Option shall be exercisable and such other provisions as the Board shall determine.
6.3 Option Price. The Option Price of an Option under the Plan shall be determined by the Board, and shall be the higher of 100% of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the Grant Date or 100% of the par value of a Share; provided, however, that any Option (“Substitute Option”) that is (x) granted to a Grantee in connection with the acquisition (“Acquisition”), however effected, by the Company of another corporation or entity (“Acquired Entity”) or the assets thereof, (y) associated with an option to purchase shares of stock or other equity interest of the Acquired Entity or an affiliate thereof (“Acquired Entity Option”) held by such Grantee immediately prior to such Acquisition, and (z) intended to preserve for the Grantee the economic value of all or a portion of such Acquired Entity Option, shall be granted such that such option substitution is completed in conformity with the rules set forth in Section 424(a) of the Code.
6.4 Grant of Incentive Stock Options.
(a) At the time of the grant of any Option to an Eligible Person who is an employee of the Company or a Subsidiary, the Board may designate that such option shall be made subject to additional restrictions to permit it to qualify as an “incentive stock option” under the requirements of Section 422 of the Code. Any option designated as an incentive stock option:
(i) shall not be granted to a person who owns shares (including shares treated as owned under Section 424(d) of the Code) possessing more than 10% of the total combined voting power of all classes of shares of the Company;
(ii) shall be for a term of not more than 10 years from the Grant Date, and shall be subject to earlier termination as provided herein or in the applicable Award Agreement;
(iii) shall not have an aggregate Fair Market Value (determined for each incentive stock option at its Grant Date) of Shares with respect to which incentive stock options are exercisable for the first time by such Grantee during any calendar year (under the Plan and any other employee stock option plan of the Grantee’s employer or any parent or Subsidiary thereof (“Other Plans”)), determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 422 of the Code, which exceeds $100,000 (the “$100,000 Limit”);
(iv) shall, if the aggregate Fair Market Value of a Share (determined on the Grant Date) with respect to the portion of such grant which is exercisable for the first time during any calendar year (“Current Grant”) and all incentive stock options previously granted under the Plan and any Other Plans which are exercisable for the first time during a calendar year (“Prior Grants”) would exceed the $100,000 Limit, be exercisable as follows:
(A) the portion of the Current Grant which would, when added to any Prior Grants, be exercisable with respect to Shares which would have an aggregate Fair Market Value (determined as of the respective Grant Date for such options) in excess of the $100,000 Limit shall, notwithstanding the terms of the Current Grant, be exercisable for the first time by the Grantee in the first subsequent calendar year or years in which it could be exercisable for the first time by the Grantee when added to all Prior Grants without exceeding the $100,000 Limit; and
(B) if, viewed as of the date of the Current Grant, any portion of a Current Grant could not be exercised under the preceding provisions of this Subsection (iv) during any calendar year commencing with the calendar year in which it is first exercisable through and including the last calendar year in which it may by its terms be exercised, such portion of the Current Grant shall not be an incentive stock option, but shall be exercisable as a separate Option at such date or dates as are provided in the Current Grant;
(v) shall be granted within 10 years from the earlier of the date the Plan is adopted or the date the Plan is approved by the shareholders of the Company;
(vi) shall require the Grantee to notify the Board of any disposition of any Shares issued pursuant to the exercise of the incentive stock option under the circumstances described in Section 421(b) of the Code (relating to certain disqualifying dispositions), within 10 days of such disposition; and
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(vii) shall by its terms not be assignable or transferable other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution and may be exercised, during the Grantee’s lifetime, only by the Grantee; provided, however, that the Grantee may, to the extent provided in the Plan in any manner specified by the Board, designate in writing a beneficiary to exercise such incentive stock option after the Grantee’s death.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board may, without the consent of the Grantee, at any time before the exercise of an option (whether or not an incentive stock option), take any action necessary to prevent such option from being treated as an incentive stock option.
6.5 Exercise of Options. Options shall be exercised by the delivery of a written notice of exercise to the Company or its designee, setting forth the number of Shares with respect to which the Option is to be exercised, accompanied by full payment for the Shares as instructed by the Board or, subject to the approval of the Board pursuant to procedures approved by the Board,
(a) through the sale of the Shares acquired on exercise of the Option through a broker-dealer to whom the Grantee has submitted an irrevocable notice of exercise and irrevocable instructions to deliver promptly to the Company the amount of sale or loan proceeds sufficient to pay for such Shares, together with, if requested by the Company, the amount of federal, state, local or foreign withholding taxes payable by Grantee by reason of such exercise,
(b) through simultaneous sale through a broker of Shares acquired on exercise, as permitted under Regulation T of the Federal Reserve Board,
(c) by transfer to the Company of the number of Shares then owned by the Grantee, the Fair Market Value of which equals the purchase price of the Shares purchased in connection with the Option exercise, properly endorsed for transfer to the Company; provided however, that Shares used for this purpose must have been held by the Grantee for such minimum period of time as may be established from time to time by the Board; and provided further that the Fair Market Value of any Shares delivered in payment of the purchase price upon exercise of the Options shall be the Fair Market Value as of the exercise date, which shall be the date of delivery of the certificates for the Stock used as payment of the exercise price. For purposes of this Section 6.5(c), in lieu of actually transferring to the Company the number of Shares then owned by the Grantee, the Board may, in its discretion permit the Grantee to submit to the Company a statement affirming ownership by the Grantee of such number of Shares and request that such Shares, although not actually transferred, be deemed to have been transferred by the Grantee as payment of the exercise price, or
(d) by a “net exercise” arrangement pursuant to which the Company will not require a payment of the Option Price but will reduce the number of Shares upon the exercise by the largest number of whole shares that has a Fair Market Value on the date of exercise that does not exceed the aggregate Option Price. With respect to any remaining balance of the aggregate option price, the Company will accept a cash payment from the Grantee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a “net exercise” arrangement will not be an eligible exercise method for incentive stock options unless and until the Company and its advisors conclude that such method of exercise may be utilized without resulting in a disqualification of the incentive stock option.
Article 7. Stock Appreciation Rights
7.1 Grant of SARs. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan, SARs may be granted to any Eligible Person at any time and from time to time as shall be determined by the Board in its sole discretion. The Board may grant Freestanding SARs or Tandem SARs, or any combination thereof.
(a) Number of Shares. The Board shall have complete discretion to determine the number of SARs granted to any Grantee, subject to the limitations imposed in the Plan and by applicable law.
(b) Exercise Price and Other Terms. All SARs shall be granted with an exercise price no less than the Fair Market Value of the underlying Shares on the SARs’ Grant Date. The Board, subject to the provisions of the Plan, shall have complete discretion to determine the terms and conditions of SARs granted under the Plan. The exercise price per Share of Tandem SARs shall equal the exercise price per Share of the related Option.
7.2 SAR Award Agreement. Each SAR granted under the Plan shall be evidenced by a written SAR Award Agreement which shall be entered into by the Company and the Grantee to whom the SAR is granted and which shall specify the exercise price per share, the SAR Term, the conditions of exercise, and such other terms and conditions as the Board in its sole discretion shall determine.
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7.3 Exercise of SARs. SARs shall be exercised by the delivery of a written notice of exercise to the Company or its designee, setting forth the number of Shares over which the SAR is to be exercised. Tandem SARs (a) may be exercised with respect to all or part of the Shares subject to the related Option upon the surrender of the right to exercise the equivalent portion of the related Option; (b) may be exercised only with respect to the Shares for which its related Option is then exercisable; and (c) may be exercised only when the Fair Market Value of the Shares subject to the Option exceeds the Option Price of the Option. The value of the payment with respect to the Tandem SAR may be no more than 100% of the difference between the Option Price of the underlying Option and the Fair Market Value of the Shares subject to the underlying Option at the time the Tandem SAR is exercised.
7.4 Expiration of SARs. A SAR granted under the Plan shall expire on the date set forth in the SAR Award Agreement, which date shall be determined by the Board in its sole discretion. Unless otherwise specifically provided for in the SAR Award agreement, a Tandem SAR granted under the Plan shall be exercisable at such time or times and only to the extent that the related Option is exercisable. The Tandem SAR shall terminate and no longer be exercisable upon the termination or exercise of the related Options, except that Tandem SARs granted with respect to less than the full number of Shares covered by a related Option shall not be reduced until the exercise or termination of the related Option exceeds the number of Shares not covered by the SARs.
7.5 Payment of SAR Amount. Upon exercise of a SAR, a Grantee shall be entitled to receive payment from the Company in an amount determined by multiplying (i) the positive difference between the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of exercise over the exercise price per Share by (ii) the number of Shares with respect to which the SAR is exercised. The payment upon a SAR exercise shall be solely in whole Shares of equivalent value. Fractional Shares shall be rounded down to the nearest whole Share with no cash consideration being paid upon exercise.
Article 8. Restricted Shares and Bonus Shares
8.1 Grant of Restricted Shares. Subject to the terms and provisions of the Plan, the Board, at any time and from time to time, may grant Restricted Shares to any Eligible Person in such amounts as the Board shall determine.
8.2 Bonus Shares. Subject to the terms of the Plan, the Board may grant Bonus Shares to any Eligible Person, in such amount and upon such terms and at any time and from time to time as shall be determined by the Board. Bonus Shares shall be Shares issued without any Restriction.
8.3 Award Agreement. Each grant of Restricted Shares shall be evidenced by an Award Agreement, which shall specify the Restrictions and the Period(s) of Restriction, the number of Restricted Shares granted, and such other provisions as the Board shall determine. The Board may impose such Restrictions on any Restricted Shares as it may deem advisable, including Restrictions based upon the achievement of specific performance goals (Company-wide, divisional, Subsidiary or individual), time-based Restrictions on vesting or Restrictions under applicable securities laws; provided that in all cases, the Restricted Shares shall be subject to a minimum two-year graduated vesting schedule (50% each year), except, if as provided in the Award Agreement, in the event of death, disability, Change of Control, Termination of Affiliation with Good Reason, or Termination of Affiliation by the Employer other than for Cause.
8.4 Consideration. The Board shall determine the amount, if any, that a Grantee shall pay for Restricted Shares or Bonus Shares. Such payment shall be made in full by the Grantee before the delivery of the shares and in any event no later than 10 business days after the Grant Date for such shares.
8.5 Effect of Forfeiture. If Restricted Shares are forfeited, and if the Grantee was required to pay for such shares or acquired such Restricted Shares upon the exercise of an Option, the Grantee shall resell such Restricted Shares to the Company at a price equal to the lesser of (x) the amount paid by the Grantee for such Restricted Shares, or (y) the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of such forfeiture. The Company shall pay to the Grantee the required amount as soon as is administratively practical.
8.6 Escrow. The Board may provide that any Restricted Shares or Bonus Shares shall be represented by, at the option of the Board, either book entry registration or by a stock certificate or certificates. If the shares of Restricted Shares are represented by a certificate or certificates, such shares shall be held (together with an assignment or endorsement executed in blank by the Grantee) in escrow by an escrow agent until such Restricted Shares become nonforfeitable or are forfeited.
Article 9. Restricted Stock Units (f/k/a “Deferred Shares”)
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9.1 Grant of Restricted Stock Units. Subject to and consistent with the provisions of the Plan and Code Sections 409A(a)(2), (3) and (4), the Board, at any time and from time to time, may grant Restricted Stock Units to any Eligible Person, in such amount and upon such terms as the Board shall determine. A Grantee shall have no voting rights in Restricted Stock Units.
9.2 Award Agreement. Each grant of Restricted Stock Units shall be evidenced by an Award Agreement that shall specify the Restrictions, the number of Shares subject to the Restricted Stock Units granted, and such other provisions as the Plan Committee shall determine in accordance with the Plan and Code Section 409A. The Plan Committee may impose such Restrictions on Restricted Stock Units, including time-based Restrictions, Restrictions based on the achievement of specific performance goals, time-based Restrictions following the achievement of specific performance goals, Restrictions based on the occurrence of a specified event, and/or restrictions under applicable securities laws; provided that in all cases the Restricted Stock Units shall be subject to a minimum two-year graduated vesting schedule (50% each year), except, if as provided in the Award Agreement, in the event of death, Disability, Change of Control, Termination of Affiliation with Good Reason, or Termination of Affiliation by the Employer other than for Cause.
9.3 Crediting Restricted Stock Units. The Company shall establish an account (“RSU Account”) on its books for each Eligible Person who receives a grant of Restricted Stock Units. Restricted Stock Units shall be credited to the Grantee’s RSU Account as of the Grant Date of such Restricted Stock Units. RSU Accounts shall be maintained for recordkeeping purposes only and the Company shall not be obligated to segregate or set aside assets representing securities or other amounts credited to RSU Accounts. The obligation to make distributions of securities or other amounts credited to RSU Accounts shall be an unfunded, unsecured obligation of the Company.
9.4 Settlement of RSU Accounts. The Company shall settle an RSU Account by delivering to the holder thereof (which may be the Grantee or his or her Beneficiary, as applicable) a number of Shares equal to the whole number of Shares underlying the Restricted Stock Units then credited to the Grantee’s RSU Account (or a specified portion in the event of any partial settlement); provided that any fractional Shares underlying Restricted Stock Units remaining in the RSU Account on the Settlement Date shall be distributed in cash in an amount equal to the Fair Market Value of a Share as of the Settlement Date multiplied by the remaining fractional Restricted Share Unit. The “Settlement Date” for all Restricted Stock Units credited to a Grantee’s RSU Account shall be the date when Restrictions applicable to an Award of Restricted Stock Units have lapsed.
Article 10. Performance Units and Performance Shares
10.1 Grant of Performance Units and Performance Shares. Subject to the terms of the Plan, Performance Units or Performance Shares may be granted to any Eligible Person in such amounts and upon such terms, and at any time and from time to time, as the Board shall determine. Each grant of Performance Units or Performance Shares shall be evidenced by an Award Agreement which shall specify the terms and conditions applicable to the Performance Units or Performance Shares, as the Board determines.
10.2 Value/Performance Goals. Each Performance Unit shall have an initial value that is established by the Board at the time of grant, that is equal to the Fair Market Value of a Share on the Grant Date. The Board shall set the business criteria which, depending on the extent to which they are met, will determine the number or value of Performance Units or Performance Shares that will be paid to the Grantee. For purposes of this Article 10, the time period during which the performance goals must be met shall be called a “Performance Period.” The Board shall have complete discretion to establish the performance goals.
10.3 Payment of Performance Units and Performance Shares. Subject to the terms of the Plan, after the applicable Performance Period has ended, the holder of Performance Units or Performance Shares shall be entitled to receive a payment based on the number and value of Performance Units or Performance Shares earned by the Grantee over the Performance Period, determined as a function of the extent to which the corresponding performance goals have been achieved.
If a Grantee is promoted, demoted or transferred to a different business unit of the Company during a Performance Period, then, to the extent the Board determines appropriate, the Board may adjust, change or eliminate the performance goals or the applicable Performance Period as it deems appropriate in order to make them appropriate and comparable to the initial performance goals or Performance Period.
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10.4 Form and Timing of Payment of Performance Units and Performance Shares. Payment of earned Performance Units or Performance Shares shall be made in a lump sum following the close of the applicable Performance Period. The Board may cause earned Performance Units or Performance Shares to be paid in cash or in Shares (or in a combination thereof) which have an aggregate Fair Market Value equal to the value of the earned Performance Units or Performance Shares at the close of the applicable Performance Period. Such Shares may be granted subject to any restrictions deemed appropriate by the Board. The form of payout of such Awards shall be set forth in the Award Agreement pertaining to the grant of the Award.
As determined by the Board, a Grantee may be entitled to receive any dividends declared with respect to Shares which have been earned in connection with grants of Performance Units or Performance Shares but not yet distributed to the Grantee. In addition, a Grantee may, as determined by the Board, be entitled to exercise his or her voting rights with respect to such Shares.
Article 11. Beneficiary Designation
Each Grantee under the Plan may, from time to time, name any beneficiary or beneficiaries (who may be named contingently or successively) to whom any benefit under the Plan is to be paid in case of the Grantee’s death before he or she receives any or all of such benefit. Each such designation shall revoke all prior designations by the same Grantee, shall be in a form prescribed by the Company, and will be effective only when filed by the Grantee in writing with the Company during the Grantee’s lifetime. In the absence of any such designation, benefits remaining unpaid at the Grantee’s death shall be paid to the Grantee’s estate.
Article 12. Rights of Employees
12.1 Employment. Nothing in the Plan shall interfere with or limit in any way the right of the Company to terminate any Grantee’s employment at any time, nor confer upon any Grantee the right to continue in the employ of the Company.
12.2 Participation. No employee shall have the right to be selected to receive an Award, or, having been so selected, to be selected to receive a future Award.
Article 13. Amendment, Modification, and Termination
13.1 Amendment, Modification, and Termination. Subject to the terms of the Plan, the Board of Directors of the Company may at any time and from time to time, alter, amend, suspend or terminate the Plan in whole or in part without the approval of the Company’s shareholders, except to the extent the Board of Directors of the Company determines it is desirable to obtain approval of the Company’s shareholders, to have available the ability for Options to qualify as ISOs, to comply with the requirements for listing on any exchange where the Company’s Shares are listed, or for any other purpose the Board of Directors of the Company deems appropriate.
13.2 Adjustments Upon Certain Unusual or Nonrecurring Events. The Board may make adjustments in the terms and conditions of Awards in recognition of unusual or nonrecurring events (including the events described in Section 4.2) affecting the Company or the financial statements of the Company or of changes in applicable laws, regulations, or accounting principles, whenever the Board determines that such adjustments are appropriate in order to prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits or potential benefits intended to be made available under the Plan.
13.3 Awards Previously Granted. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the contrary (but subject to Section 2.8 and Section 13.2), no termination, amendment or modification of the Plan shall adversely affect in any material way any Award previously granted under the Plan, without the written consent of the Grantee of such Award. Any adjustment, modification, extension or renewal of an Option shall be effected such that the Option is either exempt from, or is compliant with, Code section 409A.
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13.4 Adjustments in Connection with Change of Control. In the event the Company undergoes a Change of Control or in the event of a separation, spin-off, sale of a material portion of the Company’s assets or any “going private” transaction under Rule 13e-3 promulgated pursuant to the Exchange Act and in which a Change of Control does not occur, the Board, or the board of directors of any corporation assuming the obligations of the Company, shall have the full power and discretion to prescribe and amend the terms and conditions for the exercise, or modification, of any outstanding Awards granted hereunder in the manner as agreed to by the Board as set forth in the definitive agreement relating to the transaction. Without limitation, the Board or Plan Committee may:
(a) remove restrictions on Restricted Shares and Restricted Stock Units;
(b) modify the performance requirements for any other Awards;
(c) provide that Options or other Awards granted hereunder must be exercised in connection with the closing of such transactions, and that if not so exercised such Awards will expire;
(d) provide for the purchase by the Company of any such Award, upon the Grantee’s request, for an amount of cash equal to the amount that could have been attained upon the exercise of such Award or realization of the Grantee’s rights had such Award been currently exercisable or payable;
(e) make such adjustment to any such Award then outstanding as the Board deems appropriate to reflect such Change of Control;
(f) cause any such Award then outstanding to be assumed, or new rights substituted therefore, by the acquiring or surviving corporation after such Change of Control. Any such determinations by the Board may be made generally with respect to all Participants, or may be made on a case-by-case basis with respect to particular Participants.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, any transaction undertaken for the purpose of reincorporating the Company under the laws of another jurisdiction, if such transaction does not materially affect the beneficial ownership of the Company’s Shares, such transaction shall not constitute a merger, consolidation, major acquisition of property for stock, separation, reorganization, liquidation, or Change of Control.
13.5 Prohibition on Repricings. Except in connection with a corporate transaction involving the Company (including, without limitation, any stock dividend, stock split, extraordinary cash dividend, recapitalization, reorganization, merger, consolidation, split-up, spin-off, combination, or exchange of shares), the terms of outstanding Awards may not be amended to reduce the exercise price of outstanding Options or SARs or cancel outstanding Options or SARs in exchange for cash, other Awards or Options or SARs with an exercise price that is less than the exercise price of the original Options or SARs without stockholder approval.
Article 14. Withholding
14.1. Mandatory Tax Withholding.
(a) Whenever under the Plan, Shares are to be delivered upon exercise or payment of an Award, or upon the lapse of Restrictions on an Award, or any other event with respect to rights and benefits hereunder (the exercise date, date such Restrictions lapse or such payment of any other benefit or right occurs hereinafter referred to as the “Tax Date”), the Company shall be entitled to require and may accommodate the Grantee’s request if so requested, to satisfy all federal, state, local and foreign tax withholding requirements, including Social Security and Medicare (“FICA”) taxes related thereto (“Tax Withholding”), by one or a combination of the following methods:
(i) Payment of an amount in cash equal to the amount to be withheld;
(ii) Requesting the Company to withhold from those Shares that would otherwise be received upon exercise of the Option or the SAR payable in Shares, upon the lapse of Restrictions on an Award, a number of Shares having a Fair Market Value on the Tax Date equal to the amount to be withheld; or
(iii) withholding from compensation otherwise due to the Grantee.
The Board in its sole discretion may provide that the maximum amount of tax withholding to be satisfied by withholding Shares pursuant to clause (ii) above shall not exceed the minimum amount of taxes, including FICA taxes, required to be withheld under federal, state and local law. An election by Grantee under this subsection is irrevocable. Any fractional share amount and any additional withholding not paid by the withholding or surrender of Shares must be paid in cash. If no timely election is made, the Grantee must deliver cash to satisfy all tax withholding requirements.
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(b) Any Grantee who makes a disqualifying disposition of an incentive stock option granted under the Plan or who makes an election under Section 83(b) of the Code shall remit to the Company an amount sufficient to satisfy all resulting Tax Withholding; provided that, in lieu of or in addition to the foregoing, the Company shall have the right to withhold such Tax Withholding from compensation otherwise due to the Grantee or from any Shares or other payment due to the Grantee under the Plan.
14.2 Notification under Code Section 83(b). If the Grantee, in connection with the exercise of any Option, or the grant of Restricted Shares, makes the election permitted under Section 83(b) of the Code to include in such Grantee’s gross income in the year of transfer the amounts specified in Section 83(b) of the Code, then such Grantee shall notify the Company of such election within 10 days of filing the notice of the election with the Internal Revenue Service, in addition to any filing and notification required pursuant to regulations issued under Section 83(b) of the Code. The Board may, in connection with the grant of an Award or at any time thereafter prior to such an election being made, prohibit a Grantee from making the election described above.
Article 15. Equity Incentive Plans of Foreign Subsidiaries
The Board may authorize any foreign Subsidiary to adopt a plan for granting Awards (“Foreign Equity Incentive Plan”). All awards granted under such Foreign Equity Incentive Plans shall be treated as grants under the Plan. Such Foreign Equity Incentive Plans shall have such terms and provisions as the Board permits not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan and which may be more restrictive than those contained in the Plan. Awards granted under such Foreign Equity Incentive Plans shall be governed by the terms of the Plan except to the extent that the provisions of the Foreign Equity Incentive Plans are more restrictive than the terms of the Plan, in which case such terms of the Foreign Equity Incentive Plans shall control.
Article 16. Additional Provisions
16.1 Successors. All obligations of the Company under the Plan with respect to Awards granted hereunder shall be binding on any successor to the Company, whether the existence of such successor is the result of a direct or indirect purchase, merger, consolidation, or otherwise of all or substantially all of the business or assets of the Company.
16.2 Gender and Number. Except where otherwise indicated by the context, any masculine term used herein also shall include the feminine; the plural shall include the singular and the singular shall include the plural.
16.3 Severability. If any part of the Plan is declared by any court or governmental authority to be unlawful or invalid, such unlawfulness or invalidity shall not invalidate any other part of the Plan. Any Section or part of a Section so declared to be unlawful or invalid shall, if possible, be construed in a manner which will give effect to the terms of such Section or part of a Section to the fullest extent possible while remaining lawful and valid.
16.4 Requirements of Law. The granting of Awards and the issuance of Shares under the Plan shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and to such approvals by any governmental agencies or stock exchanges as may be required. Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan or any Award, Grantees shall not be entitled to exercise, or receive benefits under, any Award, and the Company shall not be obligated to deliver any Shares or other benefits to a Grantee, if such exercise or delivery would constitute a violation by the Grantee or the Company of any applicable law or regulation.
16.5 Securities Law Compliance.
(a) If the Board deems it necessary to comply with any applicable securities law, or the requirements of any stock exchange upon which Shares may be listed, the Board may impose any restriction on Shares acquired pursuant to Awards under the Plan as it may deem advisable. All Shares transferred under the Plan pursuant to any Award or the exercise thereof shall be subject to such stop transfer orders and other restrictions as the Board may deem advisable under the rules, regulations and other requirements of the SEC, any stock exchange upon which Shares are then listed, any applicable securities law. If so requested by the Company, the Grantee shall represent to the Company in writing that he or she will not sell or offer to sell any Shares unless a registration statement shall be in effect with respect to such Shares under the Securities Act of 1933 or unless he or she shall have furnished to the Company evidence satisfactory to the Company that such registration is not required.
(b) If the Board determines that the exercise of, or delivery of benefits pursuant to, any Award would violate any applicable provision of securities laws or the listing requirements of any stock exchange upon which any of the Company’s equity securities are then listed, then the Board may postpone any such exercise or delivery, as applicable, but the Company shall use all reasonable efforts to cause such exercise or delivery to comply with all such provisions at the earliest practicable date.
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16.6 No Rights as a Shareholder. A Grantee shall not have any rights as a shareholder with respect to the Shares (other than Restricted Shares) which may be deliverable upon exercise or payment of such Award until such shares have been delivered to him or her. Restricted Shares, whether held by a Grantee or in escrow by the escrow agent, shall confer on the Grantee all rights of a shareholder of the Company, except as otherwise provided in the Plan or Award Agreement. Unless otherwise determined by the Board at the time of a grant of Restricted Shares, any cash dividends that become payable on Restricted Shares shall be deferred and, if the Board so determines, reinvested in additional Restricted Shares. Except as otherwise provided in an Award Agreement, any share dividends and deferred cash dividends issued with respect to Restricted Shares shall be subject to the same restrictions and other terms as apply to the Restricted Shares with respect to which such dividends are issued. The Board may provide for payment of interest on deferred cash dividends.
16.7 Nature of Payments. Awards shall be special incentive payments to the Grantee and shall not be taken into account in computing the amount of salary or compensation of the Grantee for purposes of determining any pension, retirement, death or other benefit under (a) any pension, retirement, profit-sharing, bonus, insurance or other employee benefit plan of the Company or any Subsidiary or (b) any agreement between (i) the Company or any Subsidiary and (ii) the Grantee, except as such plan or agreement shall otherwise expressly provide.
16.8 Military Service. Awards shall be administered in accordance with Section 414(u) of the Code and the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994.
16.9 Data Protection. The Board, the Plan Committee and any other person or entity empowered by the Board or the Plan Committee to administer the Plan may process, store, transfer or disclose personal data of the Grantees to the extent required for the implementation and administration of the Plan. The Board, the Plan Committee and any other person or entity empowered by the Board or the Plan Committee to administer the Plan shall comply with any applicable data protection laws.
16.10 Governing Law. The Plan and the rights of any Grantee receiving an Award thereunder shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Kansas without giving effect to the principles of the conflict of laws to the contrary.
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Annex to the Plan for Swiss based Grantees and Grantees subject to Swiss inheritance law
1. Section 5.6(a)(i) shall be replaced with the following:
(i) to the extent permitted by the applicable Swiss law the Grantee’s Restricted Shares that are forfeitable immediately before such Termination of Affiliation shall automatically be forfeited on such date, subject in the case of Restricted Shares to the provisions of Section 0 regarding repayment of certain amounts to the Grantee;
2. Section 5.6(a)(ii) shall be replaced with the following:
(ii) to the extent permitted by the applicable Swiss law the Grantee’s Restricted Stock Units shall automatically be forfeited;
3. Section 5.6(a)(iii) shall be replaced with the following:
(iii) to the extent permitted by the applicable Swiss law any unexercised Option or SAR, and any Performance Share or Performance Unit with respect to which the Performance Period has not ended immediately before such Termination of Affiliation, shall terminate effective immediately upon such Termination of Affiliation.
4. Section 5.6(d)(i) shall be replaced with the following:
(i) to the extent permitted by the applicable Swiss law the Grantee’s Restricted Shares and Deferred Shares, to the extent forfeitable immediately before such Termination of Affiliation, shall thereupon automatically be forfeited, subject in the case of Restricted Shares to the provisions of Section 8.4 regarding repayment of certain amounts to the Grantee;
5. Section 5.6(d)(ii) shall be replaced with the following:
(ii) to the extent permitted by the applicable Swiss law the Grantee’s Restricted Stock Units shall automatically be forfeited;
6. Section 5.6(d)(iv) shall be replaced with the following:
(iv) to the extent permitted by the applicable Swiss law any Performance Shares or Performance Units with respect to which the Performance Period has not ended as of the date of such Termination of Affiliation shall terminate immediately upon such Termination of Affiliation.
7. Section 6.1 shall be replaced with the following:
Grant of Options. Subject to the terms and provisions of the Plan, Options may be granted to any Eligible Person in such number, and upon such terms, and at any time and from time to time as shall be determined by the Board. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing and to the extent permitted by the applicable Swiss law, the Board may grant to any Eligible Person, or permit any Eligible Person to elect to receive, an Option in lieu of or in substitution for any other compensation (whether payable currently or on a deferred basis, and whether payable under the Plan or otherwise) which such Eligible Person may be eligible to receive from the Company or a Subsidiary, which Option may have a value (as determined by the Board under Black-Scholes or any other option valuation method) that is equal to or greater than the amount of such other compensation.
8. Article 11 shall be replaced with the following:
Each Grantee under the Plan may, from time to time, name any beneficiary or beneficiaries (who may be named contingently or successively) to whom any benefit under the Plan is to be paid in case of the Grantee’s death before he or she receives any or all of such benefit. Each such designation shall revoke all prior designations by the same Grantee, shall be in a form and procedure prescribed by the applicable Swiss inheritance law. Irrespective of any such designation, benefits remaining unpaid at the Grantee’s death shall be paid to the Grantee’s estate
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