EX-10.2 3 grmn-ex10_2.htm EX-10.2 EX-10.2


陳列品 10.2

garmin ltd.


致: _______________________ (“” 或“公司”受獎人”)

授予日期: _______________________


您已被授予garmin ltd股份 (“限制性股票單位”)相關的受限制股票單位,每股USD $0.10面值, Garmin Ltd (“股份”),受garmin ltd 2005年股權激勵計劃條款和條件的約束,該計劃已於2024年10月25日修訂和重述(該或者為法定目的而成立的人士,其業務或活動(“法定機構”)包括對各種公共機構的員工福利計劃、養老金計劃、保險計劃開展投資基金管理;”)以及您與Garmin Ltd之間簽署的獎勵協議(該權益代理「附件A」為本證明書,若你滿足本授予通知書和附件A中設定的條件,公司同意支付你股份如下:












__________ 股份


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__________ 股份


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為了充分了解計劃(附件中附有副本)和獎勵協議(下文簽署的「獎勵協議」),附件A的展示,建議您仔細閱讀計劃和本文件。 請參閱計劃文件以瞭解本協議中使用的大寫字母定義。


garmin ltd.


作者: _________________________

姓名:Clifton A. Pemble






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截至上述授權日期起,本公司授予閣下,根據本文及本計劃所載的條款及細則下,獲得在授予通知上述「已授出的 RSU 數目」標題下的無限制股份數目的機會。RSU」)。如果您是本公司或附屬公司僱用(並且自授予日期以來的任何時候都在僱用),除非您根據下文第 3 條沒收獲取 RSU 的權利,則(除下文第 12 條另有規定),您將獲得一筆數量等於您在授權通知上述「應付日期」標題下列日期的剩餘 RSU 總數量。如果「應付日期」下的日期是星期六或星期日或任何其他非營業日,則您將在下一個工作日支付該日期的股份支付。


如果您因任何原因被終止聯繫,包括公司因有故事或無故終止、自願辭職、死亡或殘疾而終止,該終止聯繫對所有或任何部分限制性股票單位 (RSUs) 的影響如下。

如果您在該期間有關係終止(」更改控制期」) 從控制權變更開始,並於控制權變更的一周年結束,該公司或其他附屬公司因原因以外的關係終止,或由受助人出於理由正當原因發起的終止關係,則您的可撤銷的 RSU 將在此時變為不被遺棄,並且公司將立即交付所有 RSU,通過交付等於您剩餘的總數量的不限制股份數量 SUS;

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受讓人同意根據RSU一個或多個董事會股份發放而取得的股份僅以自己的名義作為投資而取得,並非出於對其根據1933年證券法(即“" 」或其他適用的證券法律意義內)所作的任何分銷或公開提供的意圖或目的而取得。1933法案公司可能會承擔任何因遵守1933年法案、其他適用的證券法或任何國家證券交易所或其他監管機構的規則和法規而出現的支出,但在任何情況下,不得要求承擔此類費用。與本獎勵協議或根據本協議取得的任何股份的註冊、資格或轉讓相關聯。如果(a)公司先前已經獲得其滿意的律師意見書,以滿足這種轉移不會涉及任何違反1933年法案和其他適用的證券法規,或者(b)該股票已在遵守1933年法案和其他適用的州或聯邦證券法的註冊過程中正當註冊。如果根據1933年法案進行了本獎勵協議或本獎勵協議所涉及的股份的註冊,則受讓人同意不得在公司股票當時上市的國家證券交易所以外的任何場所公開提供所述股票。





獎勵協議條款的保密. 受贈人同意不得在任何時候揭露或使得他人揭露有關此獎勵協議的任何資訊,除非:(i)法律要求,或(ii)同意受約束於本第6(a)段的受贈人法律和財務顧問。
非競爭。 在受让人受雇期间,直到受让人停止受雇或充当公司或任何子公司的顾问或独立承包商后的一年内,受让人将不得作为雇员、董事、职员、顾问、独立承包商或顾问提供服务,或投资,无论是以股权或债务的形式,或以其他方式拥有任何所有权利益

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不干涉。 在受贈人受雇期間及在受贈人停止受僱於公司或任何子公司、或擔任諮詢顧問或獨立承包商後的一年內,受贈人不得,無論是直接或間接透過其他業務或人員,招攬、誘走,或以其他方式干涉公司或任何子公司的員工、客戶、潛在客戶、供應商、潛在供應商、供應商或其他類似業務關係者,或者(據受贈人所知)公司或任何子公司的潛在業務關係。
非招揽。 在受贈人的任職期間及在受贈人離職或從事公司或任何子公司的顧問或獨立承包商後的一年內,受贈人將不會直接或間接通過其他業務或人員,雇用、招聘、聘用,或嘗試雇用、招聘或聘用,或促使其他人進行此類行為,即聘用公司或任何子公司目前任職的人員。
保密性。 受贈方承認,公司及其子公司的政策是將公司及其子公司獲得、開發或使用的與其業務、運營、員工和客戶有關的所有有價值和獨特的信息和技術保密和保密(”機密信息”)。受贈方承認,機密信息是公司及其子公司的唯一和專有財產,機密信息的披露將對公司及其子公司造成損害。受贈方在任何時候均不得披露或授權其他任何人披露(A)由於受贈方爲公司或任何子公司提供服務而向受贈方披露或獲知的任何機密信息或專有信息,(B)在公司外部未公開或不爲人所知以及(C)以任何方式與公司業務有關的機密信息或專有信息。即使受贈方在公司或子公司的僱用可能已經終止,這項義務仍將繼續。本第6(e)款應適用於受贈方與公司或任何子公司之間現在或將來可能存在的任何其他保密協議,但不得減損。
沒有有害的通信-半導體。 受贈方同意不在任何時候披露或導致披露關於公司或任何子公司、關於公司或任何子公司提供的任何產品或服務、或關於公司或任何子公司未來前景的任何不真實、負面、不利或貶損的評論或信息。

頁面 4 總計 7


Remedy. The Grantee acknowledges the consideration provided herein (absent the Grantee's agreement to this Section 6) is more than the Company is obligated to pay, and the Grantee further acknowledges that irreparable harm would result from any breach of this Section and monetary damages would not provide adequate relief or remedy. Accordingly, the Grantee specifically agrees that, if the Grantee breaches any of the Grantee's obligations under this Section 6, the Company and any Subsidiary shall be entitled to injunctive relief therefor, and in particular, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, neither the Company nor any Subsidiary shall be precluded from pursuing any and all remedies they may have at law or in equity for breach of such obligations. In addition, this Award Agreement and all of Grantee's right hereunder shall terminate immediately the first date on which the Grantee engages in such activity and the Board shall be entitled on or after the first date on which the Grantee engages in such activity to require the Grantee to return any Shares obtained by the Grantee's upon vesting of any RSUs to the Company and to require the Grantee to repay any proceeds received at any time from the sale of Shares obtained by the Grantee pursuant to the vesting of any RSUs (plus interest on such amount from the date received at a rate equal to the prime lending rate as announced from time to time in The Wall Street Journal) and to recover all reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses incurred in terminating this Award Agreement and recovering such Shares and proceeds.
Section 7.
Status of the Grantee

The Grantee shall not be deemed a shareholder of the Company with respect to any of the Shares subject to this Award Agreement until such time as the underlying Shares shall have been issued to him or her. The Company shall not be required to issue or transfer any Shares pursuant to this Award Agreement until all applicable requirements of law have been complied with and such Shares shall have been duly listed on any securities exchange on which the Shares may then be listed. Grantee (i) is not entitled to receive any dividends or dividend equivalents, whether such dividends would be paid in cash or in kind, or receive any other distributions made with respect to the RSUs and (ii) does not have nor may he or she exercise any voting rights with respect to any of the RSUs, in both cases (i) and (ii) above, unless and until the actual Shares underlying the RSUs have been delivered pursuant to this Award Agreement.

Section 8.
No Effect on Capital Structure

This Award Agreement shall not affect the right of the Company to reclassify, recapitalize or otherwise change its capital or debt structure or to merge, consolidate, convey any or all of its assets, dissolve, liquidate, windup, or otherwise reorganize.

Section 9.

Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, in the event of any change in the number of outstanding Shares effected without receipt of consideration therefor by the Company, by reason of a merger, reorganization, consolidation, recapitalization, separation, liquidation, stock dividend, stock split, share combination or other change in the corporate structure of the Company affecting the Shares, the aggregate number and class of Shares subject to this Award Agreement shall be automatically adjusted to accurately and equitably reflect the effect thereon of such change; provided, however, that any fractional share resulting from such adjustment shall be eliminated. In the event of a dispute concerning such adjustment, the decision of the Board shall be conclusive.

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Section 10.

This Award Agreement may be amended only by a writing executed by the Company and the Grantee which specifically states that it is amending this Award Agreement; provided that this Award Agreement is subject to the power of the Board to amend the Plan as provided therein. Except as otherwise provided in the Plan, no such amendment shall materially adversely affect the Grantee's rights under this Award Agreement without the Grantee's consent.

Section 11.
Board Authority

Any questions concerning the interpretation of this Award Agreement, any adjustments required to be made under Sections 9 or 10 of this Award Agreement, and any controversy which arises under this Award Agreement shall be settled by the Board in its sole discretion.

Section 12.

At the time the RSUs are delivered to you pursuant to this Award Agreement, the Company will be obligated to pay withholding and social taxes on your behalf. Accordingly, the Company shall have the power to withhold, or require you to remit to the Company, an amount sufficient to satisfy any such federal, state, local or foreign withholding tax or social tax requirements. At the Company's discretion, withholding may be taken from other compensation payable to you or may be satisfied by reducing the number of RSUs deliverable to you. If the Company elects to reduce the number of RSUs deliverable to you and less than the full value of an RSU is needed to satisfy any applicable withholding taxes, the Company will distribute to you the value of the remaining fractional share in cash in an amount equal to the Fair Market Value of a Share as of the Settlement Date multiplied by the remaining fractional RSU.

Section 13.

Whenever any notice is required or permitted hereunder, such notice must be given in writing by (a) personal delivery, or (b) expedited, recognized delivery service with proof of delivery, or (c) United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, or (d) telecopy or email (provided that the telecopy or email is confirmed). Any notice required or permitted to be delivered hereunder shall be deemed to be delivered on the date which it was personally delivered, sent to the intended addressee, or, whether actually received or not, on the third business day after it is deposited in the United States mail, certified or registered, postage prepaid, addressed to the person who is to receive it at the address which such person has theretofore specified by written notice delivered in accordance herewith. The Company or the Grantee may change, at any time and from time to time, by written notice to the other, the address specified for receiving notices. Until changed in accordance herewith, the Company's address for receiving notices shall be Garmin Ltd., Attention: General Counsel, Mühlentalstrasse 2, 8200 Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Unless changed, the Grantee's address for receiving notices shall be the last known address of the Grantee on the Company's records. It shall be the Grantee's sole responsibility to notify the Company as to any change in his or her address. Such notification shall be made in accordance with this Section 13.


Section 14.

If any part of this Award Agreement is declared by any court or governmental authority to be unlawful or invalid, such unlawfulness or invalidity shall not serve to invalidate any part of this Award

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Agreement not declared to be unlawful or invalid. Any part so declared unlawful or invalid shall, if possible, be construed in a manner which gives effect to the terms of such part to the fullest extent possible while remaining lawful and valid. Additionally, if any of the covenants in Section 6 are determined by a court to be unenforceable in whole or in part because of such covenant's duration or geographical or other scope, such court shall have the power to modify the duration or scope of such provision as the case may be, so as to cause such covenant, as so modified, to be enforceable.

Section 15.
Binding Effect

This Award Agreement shall bind, and, except as specifically provided herein, shall inure to the benefit of the respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto.

Section 16.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Award Agreement and the rights of all persons claiming hereunder shall be construed and determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Kansas without giving effect to the principles of the Conflict of Laws to the contrary. Except as otherwise provided by mandatory forum requirements of the applicable law, the courts of the State of Kansas shall have exclusive jurisdiction with regard to any disputes under the Plan. The Company shall retain, however, in addition the right to bring any claim in any other appropriate forum.


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