EX-10.1 2 ex101brackmannemploymentag.htm EX-10.1 Document


novocure GmbH,D4 Park 6,6039路特D4,瑞士(以下簡稱“公司")
Christoph Brackmann, Sonnenbergstrasse 119, 8032 Zurich, 瑞士 (以下簡稱"")


本僱傭協議的目的(”協議「)旨在闡明並確認你繼續在Novocure集團工作的條款。您的正式僱傭關係將是本公司、一家瑞士有限責任公司和澤西島(海峽群島)公司NovoCure Limited的全資子公司(以下簡稱」父母”)。此處引用”Novocure 集團” 指並統指母公司、公司及其各自的直接和間接子公司和關聯公司。自生效之日起,本協議將取代並取代您與Novocure集團先前達成的任何協議(”先前的協議”).

1.開始日期. 公司應僱傭您,並您應按照本協議規定的條款和條件爲公司服務。 您與公司的僱傭將從生效日期開始。 自生效日期起,您將在瑞士中部地區的公司辦公室內履行本協議下的日常活動。 由於您已自2024年10月28日起在novocure集團內任職,因此您之前的服務將被視爲本協議下的認可。

2.職責和責任 . 在您受聘於公司期間,您將擔任並擁有novocure集團的首席財務官職務,並將向首席執行官或另一位高級主管彙報,並接受其合理的指揮和控制經理以及公司及其母公司(即「董事會」(或類似的管理機構)和董事會(即「董事會」(或類似的管理機構)和董事會(即「董事會」(或類似的管理機構)的合理指導和管控)董事會您將擔負與您的職位相稱的職責和責任,並根據實際情況由您的經理和一個類似規模的上市公司的同等職位執行官合理而合法地分配給您的其他職責和責任。






4.股權獎勵. 在您受僱於公司期間,您將有資格參與公司2024年全員激勵計劃或其他股權長期激勵報酬計劃、項目或安排,這些計劃通常會不時提供給公司類似地位的高級主管(以下簡稱"該計劃")401(k)計劃的僱主貢獻具體安排由董事會或其授權委員會完全酌情決定。


(a)總體來說. 除非另有規定,您在公司任職期間將有權享受公司隨時向同等職位的高管員工提供的各種福利和額外待遇,前提是滿足任何資格要求。

(b)度假. 根據公司的瑞士一般就業政策,您將有權享受年度帶薪休假(”GEP”)實際上是。

(c)業務費用報銷. 在提交適當文件後,您將根據公司的規定獲得報銷。





(b)根據第6(c)和6(d)款的規定,在任何情況下終止您的僱傭後,公司除了在解除協議期間支付給您的基本工資(根據公司的工資支付慣例規定的適用的通知支付)(w)以外,不再承擔本協議下的任何義務: (x)在終止日期後30日以內一次性現金支付的按比例支付但未使用的年假時間(但不超過1年的年假時間,不考慮從之前年度延期的年假 -須符合花園休假過程進行補償);(y)自解除合同之日起30天內的現金一次性支付的合理發生但未報銷的費用,必須符合其物理定期發生的諾華集團政策;以及(z)根據公司適用計劃和項目的條款提供的福利(包括支付或提供的時間,“應得福利”).

(c)除應計福利外,在 (i) 公司因故或 (B) 由於您的死亡或殘疾(定義見本計劃)或(ii)出於正當理由(a)您因死亡或殘疾(定義見本計劃)或(ii)您出於正當理由終止僱用時(a”符合條件的終止”),除非下文第 6 (d) 節另有規定,否則前提是您及時執行並向公司交付基本上與本文所附表格相同的索賠解除書 附錄 A (那個”發佈“) 在資格終止之日起的二十一 (21) 天內,或法律要求的四十五 (45) 天內,以及與解除協議有關的七 (7) 天撤銷權到期後,公司應向您提供總金額,金額等於:(w) 按截至合格終止之日的有效水平計算的年度基本工資的百分之七十五 (75%) 減去 (x)) 所有通知付款,根據公司的薪資慣例,分期付款基本相等,期限爲:(y)自合格終止之日起九 (9) 個月減去 (z) 通知期限(據了解,雙方的意圖是,根據本第 6 (c) 條應付的金額加上通知工資應等於您的年度基本工資的七十五 (75%),通知期和根據本第 6 (c) 條支付的款項加上通知期的合併時間應等於九 (9) 個月)。本第 6 (c) 節所述的款項將在釋放不可撤銷後,在行政上可行的情況下儘快支付或提供(或開始支付或提供)(以及本應在該日期之前支付的任何款項在此時一次性支付,剩餘款項將按上述時間表支付)。



(e)就本協議而言,”好理由” 應表示您在發生以下任何事件後遵守了 「正當理由程序」:(i)公司嚴重未能向您支付本協議規定的任何必要款項;(ii)您的職位、報告關係、職責或責任大幅減少,這不是您自己的過錯;(iii)將您的基本工資或目標獎金減少超過百分之十(10%),除非此類削減適用於所有人高級管理人員;(iv) 要求您將主要營業地點遷至可以在生效之日,將您的通勤距離公司巴爾所在地延長三十(30)英里以上;或(v)公司故意違反與您簽訂的任何書面協議規定的任何重大義務。就本協議而言,”正當理由流程” 意味着 (a) 您在得知所謂的正當理由狀況發生後的六十 (60) 天內,以書面形式將所謂的正當理由狀況的發生通知公司和董事會;(b) 公司在收到此類通知後的不少於三十 (30) 天的期限(”治癒期”) 糾正所謂的狀況,在此期間,您真誠地配合公司努力糾正該狀況;(c) 所謂的正當理由狀況在治療期內未得到補救;以及 (d) 您在治療期結束後的六十 (60) 天內終止工作。如果公司根據您合理的善意判斷在治療期內治癒了所謂的正當理由,則應將正當理由視爲沒有發生。


(a)禁止競爭. 只要您在本協議下受僱於公司,並在終止您的 協議之後的九(9)個月內

如果因任何原因與公司解除聘用關係(“限制期”),您同意未經公司事先書面同意,直接或間接地在全球範圍內與novocure集團進行競爭。 “競爭”指參與作爲個體所有者、合夥人、股東、官員、僱員、董事、合資夥伴、投資者、貸款人、顧問或以任何其他身份參與任何業務或開發任何業務,如果(A)此業務與novocure集團的業務競爭或可能競爭(應理解novocure集團的業務是開發和推廣其擁有的用於實體腫瘤癌症治療的專有腫瘤治療領域(TTF)療法(“按照我們所處的風險和不確定性的假設,結果和在本招股書或在任何文檔中引用的前瞻性陳述中討論的事件可能不會發生。投資者應謹慎對待這些前瞻性陳述,它們僅在本招股書或在文檔中通過引用作爲參考,其僅在本招股書或在文檔中通過引用作爲參考的文件的日期發表時存在。我們沒有任何義務,並明確聲明不承擔任何義務,更新或更改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是基於新信息、未來事件或其他原因。我們或代表我們行事的任何人作出的所有後續前瞻性陳述,都受到本節中所包含或所提到的警示性聲明的明確限制。”))相競爭; 而(B) 您與此類業務相關的活動將爲您提供機會利用novocure集團的機密和專有信息,與由此類業務或尚在開發中的與業務相競爭或引入產品的任何其他產品相關的事務有關。爲避免疑義並舉例,上述限制不會阻止您在限制期內受僱於藥品公司,只要您在該等藥品公司的活動與與業務直接競爭的產品的開發、推廣或銷售無直接關係。儘管前述,本第7(a)部分的任何內容均不得禁止您(i)作爲被動投資者投資於任何上市公司,前提是您對該類上市公司的任何類股的受益擁有權不超過該類所發行證券的已發行證券總數的百分之一(1%),或(ii)經董事會同意,加入任何國家或任何國家或國內外州、縣、市或政治行政區機構的學術機構或政府或監管機構的僱員。

(b)保密協議. 您同意您不會直接或間接地使用、提供、出售、披露或以其他方式向任何個人或實體傳達除了在此處您被分配的職責範圍內併爲novocure集團利益的目的之外的任何商業和技術信息或商業祕密、非公開、專有或機密信息、知識或與novocure集團相關的數據,無論是您在僱傭期間還是之後獲取的。前述規定不適用於以下信息:(i)在向您披露之前已爲公衆所知;(ii)在向您披露之後通過您或您的代表未經不正當行爲而對公衆或該行業普遍知曉的信息;(iii)您有義務根據適用的法律、法規或法律程序披露的信息(前提是您提前通知公司擬披露的信息並與公司合作尋求保護令或其他適當的信息保護)。儘管前述規定或本協議中或其他情況下的任何其他規定,但本協議或其他任何規定均不禁止您向任何政府機構或實體或自律組織報告可能違反聯邦或州法律或法規的行爲,包括但不限於司法部、證券交易委員會、國會和任何機構監察長,或進行其他披露。


(c)不招攬客戶。. 您同意在限制期內,您不會直接或間接地招攬或影響諾和可集團的客戶購買諾和可集團當時由其他任何個人或實體出售的商品或服務。

(d)不會爭取供應商. 您同意在禁止期內,您將不會直接或間接地招攬或影響Novocure集團的供應商,向任何其他與Novocure集團處於競爭關係的個人或實體提供已提供給Novocure集團的貨物或服務。

(e)不招聘員工。. 您意識到您將掌握關於novocure集團其他員工的機密信息,涉及其教育、經驗、技能、能力、薪酬和福利,以及與novocure集團客戶的人際關係。 您認識到您所掌握和將要掌握的關於這些其他員工的信息並非爲人知,對novocure集團在發展業務、獲取和保留客戶方面具有重要價值,並且之前和今後將因爲您在novocure集團的業務職位而獲得。 您同意,在限制期內,不得(x)直接或間接,個人或代表任何其他人或實體招攬或招聘novocure集團的任何員工離開其工作,以用於被您或與novocure集團無關的任何人或實體僱用,或(y)向除了在履行您在此規定下的指定職責併爲novocure集團利益或法律、司法或行政程序要求之外的人或實體傳達有關novocure集團其他員工的此類機密信息或商業祕密。

(f)Non-Disparagement. You and the Novocure Group agree that neither will, nor induce others to, Disparage the Novocure Group or any of their past or present officers, directors, employees or products, or you. “Disparage” will mean you or any Novocure Group officer or director making comments or statements to the press, the Novocure Group’s employees or any individual or entity with whom the Novocure Group has a business relationship, or any prospective new employer of yours, that would adversely affect in any manner: (i) the conduct of the business of the Novocure Group (including, without limitation, any products or business plans or prospects); or (ii) the business reputation of the Novocure Group, or any of its products, or its past or present officers, directors, employees, stockholders and affiliates, or you. Nothing in this Section 7(f) shall prevent you or representatives of the Novocure Group from (x) pleading or testifying, to the extent that he or she reasonably believes such pleadings or testimony to be true, in any legal or administrative proceeding if such testimony is compelled or

Exhibit 10.1
requested, (y) from otherwise complying with legal requirements, or (z) your making any truthful and normal competitive comments and statements that do not violate Section 7 of this Agreement or, directly or indirectly, mention the Novocure Group or any of its executives or officers and are not directed at customers or employees of the Novocure Group.

(i)You acknowledge and agree that all trade secrets, works, concepts, drawings, materials, documentation, procedures, diagrams, specifications, models, processes, formulae, data, programs, knowhow, designs, techniques, ideas, methods, inventions, discoveries, improvements, work products or developments or other works of authorship (“Inventions”), whether patentable or unpatentable, (x) that relate to your work with the Company or any other member of the Novocure Group, made, developed or conceived by you, solely or jointly with others or with the use of any of the Novocure Group’s equipment, supplies, facilities or trade secrets or (y) suggested by any work that you perform in connection with the Novocure Group, either while performing your duties with the Novocure Group or on your own time, but only insofar as the Inventions are related to your work as an employee of the Company or the Novocure Group, belong exclusively to the Company (or its designee and assigns, including without limitation the Parent), whether or not patent applications are filed thereon. You acknowledge and agree that you have previously disclosed to the Company all Inventions that belong to the Company pursuant to the previous sentence and that you have kept and will keep full and complete written records (the “Records”), in the manner prescribed by the Company, of all Inventions, and will promptly disclose all future Inventions completely and in writing to the Company. The Records are and will be the sole and exclusive property of the Company (or its designee and assigns, including without limitation the Parent), and you will surrender them upon the termination of your employment, or upon the Company’s request. You do hereby assign to the Company (and its designees and assigns) the Inventions, including all rights in and to patents and other intellectual property rights that may issue thereon in any and all countries, whether during your past employment with the Company or subsequent to the term of this Agreement, together with the right to file, in your name or in the name of the Company (or its designee), applications for patents and equivalent rights (the “Applications”). You will, at any time during and subsequent to the term of this Agreement, make such Applications, sign such papers, take all rightful oaths, and perform all acts as may be requested from time to time by the Company with respect to the Inventions and the underlying intellectual property. You will also execute assignments to the Company (or its designee or assigns) of the Applications, and give the Company and its attorneys all reasonable assistance (including the giving of testimony) to obtain the Inventions and the underlying intellectual property for its benefit, all without additional compensation to you from the Company, but entirely at the Company’s expense.

Exhibit 10.1
(ii)此外,這些發明被視爲「爲僱傭作品」,如美國版權法中所定義的那樣,代表公司,您同意公司(或其被指定人或受讓人)將是並將是這些發明的唯一所有者,以及其中的所有基本權利,無論是現在已知還是今後設計的各種媒體,在宇宙中永久存在,而無需對您再提供任何進一步義務或補償。 如果這些發明或其中的任何部分被認爲不是「爲僱傭作品」,則您在此不可撤銷地向公司(或其被指定人或受讓人)轉讓、移交、讓與和交付所有的權利、所有權和興趣,無論是現在已知還是今後設計的各種媒體,在宇宙中永久存在,並且即將開發的發明以及其中的基礎知識產權,包括但不限於,(A)與這些發明和基礎知識產權相關的版權(及所有的續展、復甦和延伸權)中的所有的權利、所有權和利益;(B)所有種類或任何自然的權利,無論是現在還是以後被認可的,包括但不限於,對這些發明進行修改、改編和修訂的無限權利,以開發並允許他人開發這些發明和基礎知識產權;以及(C)對於違反發明、未經授權使用或減損發明的行爲的權利,無論是已知還是未知,在此之前到日期,包括但不限於收取所有相關收入和損害賠償的權利。 此外,您在此放棄了所謂的「道德權益」與這些發明有關。 您在此放棄了與這些發明和可能由此產生的所有專利和其他知識產權權利相關的所有當前存在的和未來的經濟權益,包括但不限於,通過您作爲公司的僱員或其他服務提供者而產生的權利。

(h)合作. 在收到公司(包括外部律師)通知後,您同意在任職於公司或novocure集團的任何成員期間以及合理期限以後,將就您在公司任職期間具有了解的事項提供回應和信息,並將在必要時向novocure集團及其代表提供合理的協助以抗辯可能針對novocure集團提出的任何索賠,並將協助novocure集團進行可能出現的與您在任職公司(或其前身)期間具有了解的索賠相關的索賠的起訴。如果您發現可能會對novocure集團提出起訴或威脅的訴訟,您同意及時通知公司。您還同意,在法律許可的情況下,如果您被要求協助對novocure集團(或其行爲)進行任何調查,無論是否已對此類調查向novocure集團提起了訴訟或其他訴訟,您將及時通知公司,並且除非有法律要求,否則不會這樣做。在您和novocure集團的任何其他書面協議中可能規定的任何慣例和合理限制的情況下,公司將對您在配合調查過程中發生的經過預先批准的費用予以報銷。

(i)歸還財物. 在您與公司因任何原因(或在此之前的任何時間應公司要求)終止僱傭關係當天,您將歸還所有屬於novocure集團的財產(包括但不限於novocure集團提供的筆記本電腦、電腦、手機/智能手機、安防-半導體卡/鑰匙、或其他設備,或屬於novocure集團的文件和財產,但不包括您的個人轉盤文件,只要其中僅包含聯繫信息)。

(j)禁令救濟. 進一步明確同意,如果您違反本第7節的規定,公司將會或將會遭受無法彌補的損害,並且novocure集團由於此類違反行爲而有權在適當司法管轄權下獲得禁令救濟,您進一步同意並約定在此類法院對此類禁令救濟的進入方面,禁止您違反本第7節的規定。

(k)存貨條款. 第7節中包含的義務將在您與公司或novocure集團任一成員的僱傭終止後繼續存在,並且此後將被完全執行。如果在任何司法管轄區的有權法院裁定第7節中的任何限制在持續時間或範圍上過度,或者在太長的時間段內延伸,或涵蓋的活動範圍太大,或在地理範圍上太廣,或根據該司法管轄區的法律屬於不合理或不可強制執行的情況下,各方意圖使如此限制得以修改或由法院修正以使其在該司法管轄區法律允許的最大範圍內成爲可執行。

8.代表. 您保證並聲明,您簽署和交付本協議及履行擬構造的服務不會與任何您所參與的協議、合同或安排發生衝突或導致任何違約行爲,也不會違反任何其他法律限制,也不會有任何Novocure集團成員明知或要求您採取違反任何之前協議、合同或安排的行動,該協議簽署之日或之前的公司已經知曉的情況。

9.作業. 除本協議另有規定外,本協議是針對您個人的,您不得轉讓本協議或本協議下的任何權利。公司可以將本協議轉讓給關聯公司或公司全部或幾乎全部資產的收購方,或者在控制權發生變更時將本協議轉讓給任何人。本協議應對各方的個人或法定代表人、執行人、管理人、繼承人、受益人、繼承人、遺贈人和被允許的受讓人具有利益並具有約束力。

10.管轄法. 本協議將受瑞士法律管轄,並根據瑞士法律進行解釋和執行,不考慮與法律衝突有關的規定。公司和您各自均不可撤銷地接受瑞士蘇黎世管轄權,並在此放棄對管轄權或論壇的任何異議。

11.附加條款。. 本協議及其中所涉及的協議包含了與本協議主題相關的各方的全部協議,並完全取代任何有關本協議主題的先前協議、理解或陳述。未經本協議各方的書面簽署,本協議的任何修訂、更改或修改均無效。在本協議中隱含的情況下,本協議的相關條款將在您的僱傭終止後繼續有效。

12.適用政策. 目前的英文版本GEP是適用的,並且構成本僱傭合同的重要組成部分。如果與本協議的條款和條件發生衝突,則該協議的條款和條件將優先,除非另有明確規定。


13.章節標題. 本協議中使用的各節標題僅爲方便起見,不影響本協議的解釋,也不會與本協議解釋相關聯。

14.可分割性;放棄. 本協議條款將被視爲可分割的,任何條款的無效性或不可執行性均不影響本協議其他條款的有效性或可執行性。任何一方未行使、延遲行使、或單獨或部分行使其任何權利、權力或救濟,以及沒有相關交易


15.Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts (including via facsimile), each of which will be deemed to be an original but all of which together will constitute one and the same instruments.

16.Compensation Recovery. Any amounts paid pursuant to this Agreement shall be subject to recoupment in accordance with any clawback policy that Parent and/or the Company has adopted, adopts or is otherwise required by law to adopt, whether pursuant to the listing standards of any national securities exchange or association on which the Parent’s securities are listed, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and/or other applicable law.

17.Notices. All notices, consents or other communications required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered personally or one business day after being sent by a nationally recognized overnight delivery service, charges prepaid. Notices also may be given by facsimile or electronically via PDF and shall be effective on the date transmitted if confirmed within 48 hours thereafter by a signed original sent in the manner provided in the preceding sentence. Notice to you shall be sent to your most recent address on file with the Company. Notice to the Company shall be sent to its address set forth on the first page hereto. Either party may change its address for notice and the address to which copies must be sent by giving notice of the new addresses to the other party in accordance with this Section 18, provided, however, that any such change of address notice shall not be effective unless and until received.

18.Indemnification; Directors and Officers Liability Insurance. In addition to any rights to indemnification to which you may be entitled under the Company’s and/or Parent’s governing documents or other agreement, the Company and/or Parent (as applicable) shall indemnify you at all times during and after your employment terminates for any reason to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, including its provisions regarding advancement of costs and attorneys’ fees, in connection with any action, suit, investigation or proceeding based in whole or in part upon your actions, inaction, or status as an employee, officer, or director of any member of the Novocure Group, except to the extent it is finally determined by a court of competent jurisdiction that you are either not entitled to indemnification hereunder or otherwise or that any such action or inaction by you that gave rise to any such action, suit, investigation or proceeding arose out of your own gross negligence, willful misconduct or fraud. The Company and/or Parent shall maintain directors and officers liability insurance in commercially reasonable amounts (as reasonably determined by the Board or the Parent Board (as applicable), and you shall be covered under such insurance to the same extent as any other senior executives of the Company and/or the Novocure Group, both during employment and thereafter while potential liability exists.

[Remainder of page intentionally blank]

Exhibit 10.1

We hope that you find the foregoing terms and conditions acceptable. You may indicate your agreement with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement by signing the enclosed duplicate original of this Agreement and returning it to me.
We look forward to your employment with the Company.

Very truly yours,
Novocure GmbH

By: /s/ Asaf Danziger
Name: Asaf Danziger Title: CEO
Dated: October 29, 2024
Accepted and Agreed:
/s/ Christoph Brackmann
Name: Christoph Brackmann
Dated: October 29, 2024

Exhibit 10.1



This RELEASE AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) made [ ], [ ] (the “Effective Date”), between [COMPANY] (including its successors and assigns, the “Company”), and [FIRST_NAME] [LAST_NAME] (the “Executive”).

1.Termination Date.
The Executive’s employment with the Company terminates with effect on [INSERT DATE] (the "Termination Date"). For the avoidance of doubt, the Termination Date is not subject to any deferment for whatever reason, including, but not limited to, sickness or accident.

(a)     In consideration of the amounts to be paid by the Company pursuant to the employment agreement, dated as of August 1, 2024 (the “Employment Agreement”), Executive, on behalf of himself and his heirs, executors, devisees, successors and assigns, knowingly and voluntarily releases, remises, and forever discharges the Company and its parent company, subsidiaries and affiliates, together with each of their current and former principals, officers, directors, shareholders, agents, representatives and employees, and each of their heirs, executors, successors and assigns (collectively, the “Releasees”), from any and all debts, demands, actions, causes of action, accounts, covenants, contracts, agreements, claims, damages, omissions, promises, and any and all claims and liabilities whatsoever, of every name and nature, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, both in law and equity (“Claims”), which Executive ever had, now has, or may hereafter claim to have against the Releasees by reason of any matter or cause whatsoever arising from the beginning of time to the time he signs this Agreement arising out of his employment by, or termination from employment by, the Company or the Novocure Group (the “General Release”). References herein to the “Novocure Group” shall mean and refer to, collectively, the Company, Novocure Limited, a Jersey (Channel Islands) corporation, and their respective direct and indirect subsidiaries and affiliates. This General Release of Claims shall apply to any Claim of any type, related to or arising out of Executive’s employment relationship, or the termination of his employment, with the Company.

(b)    For the purpose of implementing a full and complete release, Executive understands and agrees that this Agreement is intended to include all claims, if any, which Executive or his heirs, executors, devisees, successors and assigns may have and which Executive does not now know or suspect to exist in his favor against the Releasees, from the beginning of time until the time he signs this Agreement, and this Agreement extinguishes those claims.

(c)    In consideration of the promises of the Company set forth in the Employment Agreement, Executive hereby releases and discharges the Releasees from any and all Claims that Executive may have against the Company. Executive also

Exhibit 10.1
understands that, by signing this Agreement, he is waiving all Claims against any and all of the Releasees.

(d)    Except as provided in Section 6 of the Employment Agreement, Executive acknowledges and agrees that the Company has fully satisfied any and all obligations owed to him arising out of his employment with or termination from the Company, and no further sums or benefits are owed to him by the Company or by any of the other Releasees at any time.

(e)    This General Release does not waive any right Executive may have (i) to accrued and vested benefits or benefits otherwise due (other than severance, termination or change in control benefits) under any employee benefit plan of the Company or (ii) to coverage and/or indemnification by the Company pursuant to any directors’ and officers’ liability insurance coverage of the Company or pursuant to the organizational or governance documents of the Company.

3.Consultation with Attorney; Voluntary Agreement. The Company advises Executive to consult with an attorney of his choosing prior to signing this Agreement. Executive understands and agrees that he has the right and has been given the opportunity to review this Agreement and, specifically, the General Release in Section 1 above, with an attorney. Executive also understands and agrees that he is under no obligation to consent to the General Release set forth in Section 1 above. Executive acknowledges and agrees that the payments to be made to Executive pursuant to the Employment Agreement are sufficient consideration to require him to abide with his obligations under this Agreement, including but not limited to the General Release set forth in Section 1. Executive represents that he has read this Agreement, including the General Release set forth in Section 1, and understands its terms and that he enters into this Agreement freely, voluntarily, and without coercion.

4.Effective Date; Revocation. Executive acknowledges and represents that he has been given [twenty-one (21)/forty-five (45)][1] days during which to review and consider the provisions of this Agreement and, specifically, the General Release set forth in Section 1 above. Executive further acknowledges and represents that he has been advised by the Company that he has the right to revoke this Agreement for a period of seven (7) days after signing it. Executive acknowledges and agrees that, if he wishes to revoke this Agreement, he must do so in a writing, signed by him and received by the Company no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the seventh (7th) day of the revocation period. If no such revocation occurs, the General Release and this Agreement shall become effective on the eighth (8th) day following his execution of this Agreement.

5.Severability. In the event that any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remainder of the Agreement shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

6.Governing Law. This Agreement and any other document or instrument delivered pursuant hereto, and all claims or causes of action that may be based upon, arise out of or relate to this Agreement will be governed by, and construed under and in accordance

Exhibit 10.1
with, the internal laws of Switzerland, without reference to rules relating to conflicts of laws.

7.Possible Continuation of Insurance Coverage. The Executive remains insured under the Company's existing insurance coverage until the Termination Date or, if earlier, until taking up substitute employment in Switzerland, at the same terms as applicable at the date of execution of this Agreement.

The Executive confirms having been informed by the Company of the possibility to maintain, for his own account, his previous insurance coverage by entering into private arrangements with the Company's insurance providers, according to the terms of the Company's insurance policies (if any).

8.Letter of Reference. On the Termination Date, the Company shall provide the Executive with a final letter of reference. Upon request, the Company shall provide the Executive with an interim reference letter at an earlier date.

9.Entire Agreement. This Agreement, the Employment Agreement and the other agreements referred to in the Employment Agreement constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior agreements, arrangements and understandings, written or oral, between the parties. Executive acknowledges and agrees that he is not relying on any representations or promises by any representative of the Company concerning the meaning of any aspect of this Agreement.

10.Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the dates set forth below.


Name: Christoph Brackmann

[1] Consideration period to be determined at time of termination.