C. 能夠執行協議並協助政府調查。本協議中沒有任何條款禁止或以其他方式限制您:(1)根據法律要求進行信息披露;(2)在不違反本協議的前提下協助任何監管機構、執法機構或立法機構;(3)就涉嫌違反任何聯邦、州或地方法律、法規或規定的程序進行申訴、作證、參與或以其他方式提供協助,只要您在不違反本協議的前提下有合法權利這樣做;或(4)在涉及欺詐指控的程序中提交、作證、參與或以其他方式協助證券交易委員會或任何其他有關機構的程序,只要您在不違反本協議的前提下有合法權利這樣做。
第七章 附加離職後義務
A. Return of Materials。您同意,在離職弗雷迪·麥克任何原因,您將交付給您的直接主管所有體現機密信息的有形材料,包括但不限於任何文檔、記錄、清單、筆記、文件、數據、草圖、備忘錄、模型,
accounts, reference materials, samples, machine-readable media, computer disks, tapes, and equipment which in any way relate to Confidential Information, whether developed by you or not. You further agree not to retain any copies of any materials embodying Confidential Information.
B. Disclosure of Future Employment. To enable Freddie Mac to monitor compliance with the obligations imposed by this Agreement, you further agree to notify Freddie Mac by email to Term_notification@freddiemac.com the identity of your subsequent employer(s) and your prospective job title and responsibilities prior to beginning employment, if you did not disclose this information to the Human Resources Division at the conclusion of your employment with Freddie Mac. You agree that this notice requirement shall remain in effect for twelve (12) months following the termination of your Freddie Mac employment.
C. 與未來僱主聯繫您同意,爲了確保機密信息的持續保密性,Freddie Mac可以與您的未來僱主進行溝通,通常告知他們您對機密信息的接觸和了解,以及您在機密信息方面的義務和責任。您理解並同意此類聯繫可能包括對僱主的請求,以確保和確認您將不會向該僱主透露機密信息,且該僱主也不會允許對機密信息進行任何使用。
VIII. Consideration Given to You
In exchange for agreeing to be bound by the terms, conditions, and restrictions stated in this Agreement, Freddie Mac will provide you with employment as Chief Executive Officer of Freddie Mac, which you agree is adequate consideration for your agreement to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement.
IX. Reservation of Rights
You agree that nothing in this Agreement constitutes a contract or commitment by Freddie Mac to continue your employment in any job position for any period of time, nor does anything in this Agreement limit in any way Freddie Mac's right to terminate your employment at any time for any reason.
A.You acknowledge that during your employment with Freddie Mac, you may be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment, for your breach or threat of breach of any provision of this Agreement. You further agree that, following the conclusion of your employment with Freddie Mac, Freddie Mac may contact your future employers or take other legal steps necessary to protect Freddie Mac Confidential Information from improper use or disclosure, such as seeking injunctive relief or asserting legal claims.
B.You agree that in the event that you breach Section IV(A) or IV(B) of this Agreement, Freddie Mac may request that your new employer recuse you from any business transactions with Freddie Mac for six months. You further agree that Freddie Mac may also seek injunctive relief or asse1i legal claims such as breach of contract or tortious interference with contract, against you or your new employer. Finally, you agree that Freddie Mac may bar your new employer from doing business with Freddie Mac for a period of time.