カリフォルニア州マウンテンビュー—2024年10月30日—Confluent, Inc. (ナスダック: CFLT), データストリームの先駆者であるConfluentは、本日2024年第3四半期(2024年9月30日終了)の財務結果を発表しました。
「第3四半期に、我々は堅調な売上高成長と収益率の記録、非GAAP営業利益率とフリーキャッシュフローマージンの両方にとってもプラスの四半期を達成しました」と、ConfluentのCFO、Rohan Sivaram氏は述べました。「第3四半期の実績を考慮して、2024年のサブスクリプション売上高の見通しを引き上げ、2024年にはプラスの非GAAP営業利益率とフリーキャッシュフローマージンを目指しています。」
Q3 2024 |
Q3 2023 |
前年同期比 |
サブスクリプション収入 |
$239.9 |
$189.3 |
27% |
売上高全体 |
$250.2 |
$200.2 |
25% |
GAAPオペレーティング損失 |
$(93.7) |
$(108.6) |
$14.9 |
調整後営業利益(損失) |
$15.8 |
$(10.9) |
$26.7 |
GAAP営業利益率 |
(37.4%) |
(54.3%) |
16.9 ポイント |
非GAAP営業利益率 |
6.3% |
(5.5%) |
11.8 ポイント |
GAAP希薄化後1株当たりの純損失 |
$(0.23) |
$(0.30) |
$0.07 |
希薄化後1株当たりの非照合基準となる当期純利益 |
$0.10 |
$0.02 |
$0.08 |
営業活動による現金準備高の増加(減少) |
$15.6 |
$(9.1) |
$24.7 |
フリーキャッシュフロー |
$9.3 |
$(13.1) |
$22.4 |
フリーキャッシュフロー率 |
3.7% |
(6.5%) |
10.2 ポイント |
2024年第4四半期の展望 |
2024会計年度見通し |
サブスクリプション収入 |
24600万ドル |
91750万ドル |
非GAAP営業利益率 |
85 |
85 |
希薄化後の非GAAP当期純利益シェア |
$0.05 |
$0.25 |
Confluentは、2024年第3四半期の業績と財務見通しについて、今日午後4時30分東部時間/午後1時30分太平洋時間にビデオウェブキャストを開催します。一般に公開されているため、投資家はConfluentの投資家向けウェブサイトでウェブキャスト、業績のプレスリリース、補足的な財務情報、投資家プレゼンテーションにアクセスできます。 investors.confluent.io ウェブキャストの開始前に、Confluentの投資家向けウェブサイトからもアクセスできます。生イベントの終了後数時間後に、ウェブキャストのリプレイもConfluentの投資家向けウェブサイトからアクセス可能になります。
Confluentは、投資家向け広報ウェブサイトを利用し、X(Twitter)、LinkedIn、およびFacebookアカウントを非公開情報の開示手段およびRegulation FDに基づく開示義務の遵守に使用する可能性があります。
出典:Nutex Health, Inc。
このプレスリリースとこのプレスリリースを参照した決算説明会には、以下のような内容を含む先行きに関する声明が含まれています(i) 当社の財務見通しに関する声明、予想される定期売上収益、Confluent Cloud売上収益、非GAAP 営業利益率、フリーキャッシュフロー率、非GAAP 当期純利益シェア、Confluent Cloud定期売上収益のシェア、売上高の実績、Confluent Cloudおよびデータストリーミングプラットフォームの成長、採用および引き付け、営業利益率と利益率の向上、目標と予想される粗利益率および営業利益率水準、1株当たり利益水準と向上、Confluent Cloud内の製品最適化、継続的なビジネスモーメント、予想される売上高および消費成長率と効率的な成長、(ii) 当社の市場およびカテゴリーのリーダーシップポジション、(iii) 開発研究への投資とマーケティング活動への予定される効果および製品と価格革新、機能、機能のタイミングおよび効果の予期される効果、(iv) 効率的な成長の促進と投資の速度とペース、予想されるキャピタル
配分、(v)Confluent Cloudの消費志向の販売モデルへの移行を含む、DSP製品とConfluent Cloudの成長に関する期待と傾向、(vi)IT支出の精査に直面したConfluentクラウドの消費率とConfluentのようなデータストリーミングプラットフォームの需要と維持率、(vii)最近の高金利とマクロ経済の不確実性、および当社の期待マクロ経済の圧力とボラティリティがConfluentの全体的な消費水準と成長率に及ぼす影響クラウド、IT支出、市場開拓の動き、顧客への提供の持続性、顧客ユースケースの拡大、およびマクロ経済環境の改善に伴う当社のビジネスと成長への潜在的な利益、(viii) 価格設定、成約率、取引サイクル、および顧客行動(予算の精査や多額の先行投資よりも消費の好みなど)、(ix)顧客の成長、維持とエンゲージメント、(x)継続能力総コストの削減など、ユーザーと顧客のコスト削減を実現するクラウドです所有権を取得し、その結果、オープンソースのKafkaユーザーベースの収益化を促進します。(xi)ジェネレーティブAIアプリケーションを構築している顧客を含む、データストリーミング全般向けの当社の製品とフルマネージドソリューションの採用の増加、(xii)移動中のデータへのビジネスの依存、(xiii)収益の成長と増加率、顧客、ドルベースの純維持率、および総保持率、(xiv)私たちの能力 Confluentへの顧客エンゲージメントを高め、顧客層を拡大します。(xv)市場機会と獲得能力私たちの市場機会、(xvi)消費志向の販売モデルへの移行のタイミング、予想される利益、および全体的な効果、(xvii)当社の市場開拓戦略、(xviii)当社の製品の差別化とオープンソースの代替品に対するものを含む当社製品の市場での受け入れ、(xix)当社の戦略と期待される結果と市場での受け入れ、(xix)当社のFlink製品とDSP製品に関する当社の戦略、期待される結果と市場での受け入れ、(xx)市場への期待ストリーム処理の受け入れ、方向性、成長、私たちのプラットフォームの採用と成長を加速させる可能性ビジネス、およびこの市場を獲得する当社の能力とポジショニング、(xxi)短期および中期の財務目標を達成することへの期待、(xxii)ジェネレーティブAIのユースケースに当社の製品を利用するお客様やパートナーへの期待を含む、ジェネレーティブAI環境と当社の製品に関する期待、(xxiii)特定の主要な財務および運用指標の関連性に対する期待、(xxiv)長期的な成長を促進する当社の能力、(xxi)v)WarpSteamの買収の影響に関する私たちの期待、および(xxvi)私たちの全体的な将来の見通し。「信じる」、「できる」、「するだろう」、「する」、「続く」、「予想する」、「意図する」、「期待する」、「求める」、「計画」、「プロジェクト」、「ターゲット」、「先を見据える」、「進む」などの言葉は、将来の見通しに関する記述を識別することを目的としています。将来の見通しに関する記述は、このプレスリリースの日付現在の当社の信念、推定、および仮定のみを表しており、このプレスリリースに含まれる情報は、その後の日付における当社の見積もりを表すものとして信頼されるべきではありません。これらの将来の見通しに関する記述には、リスク、不確実性、および仮定の対象となります。リスクが顕在化したり、仮定が正しくないことが判明した場合、実際の結果は、これらの将来の見通しに関する記述によって暗示される結果と大きく異なる可能性があります。リスクには、(i)不確実なマクロ経済環境を含む当社の限られた事業履歴、(ii)急成長を維持および管理する能力、(iii)顧客の消費嗜好への対応など、既存の顧客や新規顧客の獲得を通じて当社製品の消費を増やす能力、当社の製品への新しい特徴や機能の追加に成功すること、お客様と提携して価値の向上を実現することなどが含まれますが、これらに限定されません。効率的かつ持続可能な方法でConfluentを、(iv)Confluent Cloudの消費志向の販売モデルへの移行を含め、市場開拓戦略とイニシアチブを成功裏に実行する当社の能力、(v)新規顧客を引き付け、当社のサービスの消費をうまく増やす能力、および追加機能やサービスを既存の顧客に維持して販売する能力、(vi)不確実なマクロ経済
conditions, including high inflation, high interest rates, bank failures, supply chain challenges, geopolitical events, recessionary risks, and exchange rate fluctuations, which have resulted and may continue to result in reduced consumption of Confluent Cloud, volatility in consumption, including due to customer focus on cloud cost controls and increased efficiency, customer pullback in information technology spending, lengthening of sales cycles, reduced contract sizes, generally increased scrutiny on IT spending from existing and potential customers, or customer preference for open source alternatives, as well as the potential need for cost efficiency measures, (vii) our ability to achieve profitability and improve margins annually, by our expected timelines or at all, (viii) the estimated addressable market opportunity for our offering, including our Flink offering and stream processing, and our ability to capture our share of that market opportunity, (ix) our ability to compete effectively in an increasingly competitive market, (x) our ability to attract, ramp, and retain highly qualified personnel, including following our transition to a consumption-oriented sales model for Confluent Cloud, and the impacts of sales personnel attrition and levels of ramped capacity in our sales organization, (xi) breaches in our security measures, intentional or accidental cybersecurity incidents or unauthorized access to our platform, our data, or our customers’ or other users’ personal data, (xii) our reliance on third-party cloud-based infrastructure to host Confluent Cloud, (xiii) public sector budgetary cycles and funding reductions or delays, (xiv) our ability to accurately forecast our future performance, business and growth, and (xv) general market, political, economic, and business conditions. These risks are not exhaustive. Further information on these and other risks that could affect Confluent’s results is included in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, and our future reports that we may file from time to time with the SEC. Additional information will be made available in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024 that will be filed with the SEC, which should be read in conjunction with this press release and the financial results included herein. Confluent assumes no obligation to, and does not currently intend to, update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
This press release includes the following non-GAAP financial measures: non-GAAP gross profit, non-GAAP gross margin, non-GAAP operating expenses (research and development, sales and marketing, and general and administrative), non-GAAP operating income (loss), non-GAAP operating margin, non-GAAP net income (loss), non-GAAP net income (loss) per share, free cash flow, and free cash flow margin. We use these non-GAAP financial measures and other key metrics internally to facilitate analysis of our financial and business trends and for internal planning and forecasting purposes. We believe these non-GAAP financial measures, when taken collectively, may be helpful to investors because they provide consistency and comparability with past financial performance by excluding certain items that may not be indicative of our business, results of operations, or outlook. However, non-GAAP financial measures have limitations as an analytical tool and are presented for supplemental informational purposes only. They should not be considered in isolation from, or as a substitute for, financial information prepared in accordance with GAAP. In particular, other companies, including companies in our industry, may report non-GAAP gross profit, non-GAAP gross margin, non-GAAP operating expenses (research and development, sales and marketing, general and administrative), non-GAAP operating income (loss), non-GAAP operating margin, non-GAAP net income (loss), non-GAAP net income (loss) per share, free cash flow, free cash flow margin, or similarly titled measures but calculate them differently, which reduces
their usefulness as comparative measures. Further, free cash flow is not a substitute for cash used in operating activities. The utility of free cash flow is limited as such measure does not reflect our future contractual commitments and does not represent the total increase or decrease in our cash balance for any given period. Investors are encouraged to review the reconciliation of these non-GAAP measures to their most directly comparable GAAP financial measures, as presented below. We define non-GAAP gross profit, non-GAAP gross margin, non-GAAP operating expenses (research and development, sales and marketing, and general and administrative), non-GAAP operating income (loss), non-GAAP operating margin, non-GAAP net income (loss), and non-GAAP net income (loss) per share as the respective GAAP measures, adjusted for, as applicable, stock-based compensation-related charges which include stock-based compensation expense, employer taxes on employee stock transactions and amortization of stock-based compensation capitalized in internal-use software; amortization of acquired intangibles; acquisition-related expenses; restructuring and other related charges; amortization of debt issuance costs; and income tax effects associated with these adjustments as well as the non-recurring income tax expense or benefit associated with acquisitions. Non-GAAP gross margin and non-GAAP operating margin are defined as non-GAAP gross profit and non-GAAP operating income (loss) as a percentage of revenue, respectively. We define free cash flow as net cash used in operating activities less capitalized internal-use software costs and capital expenditures and free cash flow margin as free cash flow as a percentage of revenue. We believe that free cash flow and free cash flow margin are useful indicators of liquidity that provide information to management and investors about the performance of core operations and future ability to generate cash that can be used for strategic opportunities or investing in our business.
Customers with $100,000 or greater in annual recurring revenue (“ARR”) represent the number of customers that contributed $100,000 or more in ARR as of period end. We define ARR as (1) with respect to Confluent Platform customers, the amount of revenue to which our customers are contractually committed over the following 12 months assuming no increases or reductions in their subscriptions, and (2) with respect to Confluent Cloud customers, the amount of revenue that we expect to recognize from such customers over the following 12 months, calculated by annualizing actual consumption of Confluent Cloud in the last three months of the applicable period, assuming no increases or reductions in usage rate. Services arrangements are excluded from the calculation of ARR. For purposes of determining our customer count, we treat all affiliated entities with the same parent organization as a single customer and include pay-as-you-go customers. Our customer count is subject to adjustments for acquisitions, consolidations, spin-offs, and other market activity.
About Confluent
Confluent is the data streaming platform that is pioneering a fundamentally new category of data infrastructure that sets data in motion. Confluent’s cloud-native offering is the foundational platform for data in motion – designed to be the intelligent connective tissue enabling real-time data, from multiple sources, to constantly stream across the organization. With Confluent, organizations can meet the new business imperative of delivering rich, digital front-end customer experiences and transitioning to sophisticated, real-time, software-driven backend operations.
Investor Contact
Shane Xie
Media Contact
Kerry Tuttle
Confluent, Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
(in thousands)
September 30, |
December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
Current assets: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
322,606 |
$ |
349,761 |
Marketable securities |
1,536,887 |
1,551,009 |
Accounts receivable, net |
278,667 |
229,962 |
Deferred contract acquisition costs |
44,812 |
43,937 |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
83,221 |
76,986 |
Total current assets |
2,266,193 |
2,251,655 |
Property and equipment, net |
73,158 |
54,012 |
Operating lease right-of-use assets |
9,989 |
10,061 |
Goodwill |
164,366 |
51,998 |
Intangible assets, net |
8,704 |
3,492 |
Deferred contract acquisition costs, non-current |
72,167 |
75,815 |
Other assets, non-current |
13,432 |
13,776 |
Total assets |
$ |
2,608,009 |
$ |
2,460,809 |
Current liabilities: |
Accounts payable |
$ |
15,516 |
$ |
6,714 |
Accrued expenses and other liabilities |
158,914 |
141,847 |
Operating lease liabilities |
10,738 |
7,890 |
Deferred revenue |
349,787 |
330,570 |
Total current liabilities |
534,955 |
487,021 |
Operating lease liabilities, non-current |
11,413 |
17,391 |
Deferred revenue, non-current |
24,588 |
22,436 |
Convertible senior notes, net |
1,091,183 |
1,088,313 |
Other liabilities, non-current |
11,552 |
35,233 |
Total liabilities |
1,673,691 |
1,650,394 |
Stockholders’ equity: |
Preferred stock |
- |
- |
Class A common stock |
2 |
2 |
Class B common stock |
1 |
1 |
Additional paid-in capital |
2,826,053 |
2,453,293 |
Accumulated other comprehensive income |
9,424 |
1,270 |
Accumulated deficit |
(1,901,162 |
) |
(1,644,151 |
) |
Total stockholders’ equity |
934,318 |
810,415 |
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity |
$ |
2,608,009 |
$ |
2,460,809 |
Confluent, Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
(in thousands, except share and per share data)
Three Months Ended September 30, |
Nine Months Ended September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Revenue: |
Subscription |
$ |
239,851 |
$ |
189,270 |
$ |
671,455 |
$ |
526,325 |
Services |
10,348 |
10,911 |
30,967 |
37,443 |
Total revenue |
250,199 |
200,181 |
702,422 |
563,768 |
Cost of revenue: |
Subscription(1) |
52,162 |
44,104 |
153,380 |
131,197 |
Services(1) |
11,541 |
12,445 |
36,525 |
41,416 |
Total cost of revenue |
63,703 |
56,549 |
189,905 |
172,613 |
Gross profit |
186,496 |
143,632 |
512,517 |
391,155 |
Operating expenses: |
Research and development(1) |
102,720 |
91,237 |
306,351 |
261,804 |
Sales and marketing(1) |
137,968 |
128,624 |
402,185 |
385,018 |
General and administrative(1) |
39,471 |
31,874 |
117,344 |
103,572 |
Restructuring and other related charges |
- |
529 |
- |
34,854 |
Total operating expenses |
280,159 |
252,264 |
825,880 |
785,248 |
Operating loss |
(93,663 |
) |
(108,632 |
) |
(313,363 |
) |
(394,093 |
) |
Other income, net |
22,495 |
17,529 |
65,198 |
50,324 |
Loss before income taxes |
(71,168 |
) |
(91,103 |
) |
(248,165 |
) |
(343,769 |
) |
Provision for income taxes |
2,976 |
1,567 |
8,846 |
4,881 |
Net loss |
$ |
(74,144 |
) |
$ |
(92,670 |
) |
$ |
(257,011 |
) |
$ |
(348,650 |
) |
Net loss per share, basic and diluted |
$ |
(0.23 |
) |
$ |
(0.30 |
) |
$ |
(0.80 |
) |
$ |
(1.17 |
) |
Weighted-average shares used to compute net loss per share, basic and diluted |
324,317,971 |
303,896,632 |
319,330,398 |
297,906,112 |
(1) Includes stock-based compensation-related charges* as follows:
Three Months Ended September 30, |
Nine Months Ended September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Cost of revenue - subscription |
$ |
8,999 |
$ |
6,350 |
$ |
26,196 |
$ |
20,178 |
Cost of revenue - services |
2,341 |
2,745 |
7,397 |
8,865 |
Research and development |
42,259 |
38,464 |
125,549 |
106,874 |
Sales and marketing |
33,639 |
33,095 |
104,751 |
97,042 |
General and administrative |
14,599 |
11,333 |
45,629 |
37,738 |
Total stock-based compensation-related charges |
$ |
101,837 |
$ |
91,987 |
$ |
309,522 |
$ |
270,697 |
* Represents stock-based compensation expense, employer taxes on employee stock transactions, and amortization of stock-based compensation capitalized in internal-use software. We began excluding amortization of stock-based compensation capitalized in internal-use software from our non-GAAP measures starting with the quarter ended March 31, 2024. The amounts of amortization of stock-based compensation capitalized in internal-use software were immaterial in both current and prior periods.
Confluent, Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(in thousands)
Three Months Ended September 30, |
Nine Months Ended September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net loss |
$ |
(74,144 |
) |
$ |
(92,670 |
) |
$ |
(257,011 |
) |
$ |
(348,650 |
) |
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to cash provided by (used in) operating activities: |
Depreciation and amortization |
5,702 |
3,609 |
15,855 |
9,987 |
Net accretion of discounts on marketable securities |
(9,294 |
) |
(11,300 |
) |
(29,561 |
) |
(31,021 |
) |
Amortization of debt issuance costs |
964 |
961 |
2,870 |
2,850 |
Amortization of deferred contract acquisition costs |
13,949 |
11,923 |
40,045 |
33,460 |
Non-cash operating lease costs |
940 |
934 |
2,794 |
3,118 |
Lease abandonment charges |
- |
- |
- |
15,667 |
Stock-based compensation, net of amounts capitalized |
98,307 |
89,514 |
292,736 |
260,962 |
Deferred income taxes |
(111 |
) |
15 |
231 |
25 |
Other |
485 |
2,263 |
1,695 |
3,114 |
Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of effects of business combinations: |
Accounts receivable |
(21,577 |
) |
5,153 |
(50,235 |
) |
(6,140 |
) |
Deferred contract acquisition costs |
(12,244 |
) |
(15,607 |
) |
(37,272 |
) |
(39,573 |
) |
Prepaid expenses and other assets |
(2,135 |
) |
(7,768 |
) |
(361 |
) |
(13,825 |
) |
Accounts payable |
1,231 |
(488 |
) |
8,286 |
(19,208 |
) |
Accrued expenses and other liabilities |
(10,363 |
) |
10,413 |
(7,222 |
) |
17,965 |
Operating lease liabilities |
(2,020 |
) |
(1,808 |
) |
(5,949 |
) |
(5,562 |
) |
Deferred revenue |
25,923 |
(4,204 |
) |
21,348 |
939 |
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities |
15,613 |
(9,060 |
) |
(1,751 |
) |
(115,892 |
) |
Capitalization of internal-use software costs |
(5,669 |
) |
(3,660 |
) |
(15,984 |
) |
(13,546 |
) |
Purchases of marketable securities |
(273,169 |
) |
(235,824 |
) |
(1,172,359 |
) |
(1,235,588 |
) |
Sales of marketable securities |
- |
- |
12,744 |
- |
Maturities of marketable securities |
374,281 |
228,328 |
1,210,037 |
1,203,711 |
Purchases of investments in privately-held companies |
(1,250 |
) |
- |
(2,250 |
) |
- |
Purchases of property and equipment |
(607 |
) |
(363 |
) |
(1,898 |
) |
(1,718 |
) |
Cash paid for business combinations, net of cash acquired |
(115,516 |
) |
- |
(115,516 |
) |
(45,802 |
) |
Net cash used in investing activities |
(21,930 |
) |
(11,519 |
) |
(85,226 |
) |
(92,943 |
) |
Proceeds from issuance of common stock upon exercise of vested options |
8,835 |
14,673 |
36,332 |
62,945 |
Repurchases of unvested common stock |
- |
(32 |
) |
- |
(255 |
) |
Proceeds from issuance of common stock under employee stock purchase plan |
8,367 |
11,536 |
23,970 |
28,708 |
Net cash provided by financing activities |
17,202 |
26,177 |
60,302 |
91,398 |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents |
393 |
(1,198 |
) |
(480 |
) |
(1,301 |
) |
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
11,278 |
4,400 |
(27,155 |
) |
(118,738 |
) |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period |
311,328 |
312,643 |
349,761 |
435,781 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
$ |
322,606 |
$ |
317,043 |
$ |
322,606 |
$ |
317,043 |
Confluent, Inc.
Reconciliation of GAAP Measures to Non-GAAP Measures
(in thousands, except percentages, share and per share data)
Three Months Ended September 30, |
Nine Months Ended September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Reconciliation of GAAP total gross profit to non-GAAP total gross profit: |
Total gross profit on a GAAP basis |
$ |
186,496 |
$ |
143,632 |
$ |
512,517 |
$ |
391,155 |
Total gross margin on a GAAP basis |
74.5% |
71.8% |
73.0% |
69.4% |
Add: Stock-based compensation-related charges |
11,340 |
9,095 |
33,593 |
29,043 |
Add: Amortization of acquired intangibles |
585 |
129 |
1,588 |
369 |
Non-GAAP total gross profit |
$ |
198,421 |
$ |
152,856 |
$ |
547,698 |
$ |
420,567 |
Non-GAAP total gross margin |
79.3% |
76.4% |
78.0% |
74.6% |
Reconciliation of GAAP operating expenses to non-GAAP operating expenses: |
Research and development operating expense on a GAAP basis |
$ |
102,720 |
$ |
91,237 |
$ |
306,351 |
$ |
261,804 |
Research and development operating expense as a percentage of total revenue on a GAAP basis |
41.1% |
45.6% |
43.6% |
46.4% |
Less: Stock-based compensation-related charges |
42,259 |
38,464 |
125,549 |
106,874 |
Less: Acquisition-related expenses |
5,870 |
3,841 |
14,704 |
15,362 |
Non-GAAP research and development operating expense |
$ |
54,591 |
$ |
48,932 |
$ |
166,098 |
$ |
139,568 |
Non-GAAP research and development operating expense as a percentage of total revenue |
21.8% |
24.4% |
23.6% |
24.8% |
Sales and marketing operating expense on a GAAP basis |
$ |
137,968 |
$ |
128,624 |
$ |
402,185 |
$ |
385,018 |
Sales and marketing operating expense as a percentage of total revenue on a GAAP basis |
55.1% |
64.3% |
57.3% |
68.3% |
Less: Stock-based compensation-related charges |
33,639 |
33,095 |
104,751 |
97,042 |
Less: Acquisition-related expenses |
- |
1,076 |
- |
3,228 |
Non-GAAP sales and marketing operating expense |
$ |
104,329 |
$ |
94,453 |
$ |
297,434 |
$ |
284,748 |
Non-GAAP sales and marketing operating expense as a percentage of total revenue |
41.7% |
47.2% |
42.3% |
50.5% |
General and administrative operating expense on a GAAP basis |
$ |
39,471 |
$ |
31,874 |
$ |
117,344 |
$ |
103,572 |
General and administrative operating expense as a percentage of total revenue on a GAAP basis |
15.8% |
15.9% |
16.7% |
18.4% |
Less: Stock-based compensation-related charges |
14,599 |
11,333 |
45,629 |
37,738 |
Less: Acquisition-related expenses |
1,169 |
148 |
1,400 |
990 |
Non-GAAP general and administrative operating expense |
$ |
23,703 |
$ |
20,393 |
$ |
70,315 |
$ |
64,844 |
Non-GAAP general and administrative operating expense as a percentage of total revenue |
9.5% |
10.2% |
10.0% |
11.5% |
Three Months Ended September 30, |
Nine Months Ended September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Reconciliation of GAAP operating loss to non-GAAP operating income (loss): |
Operating loss on a GAAP basis |
$ |
(93,663 |
) |
$ |
(108,632 |
) |
$ |
(313,363 |
) |
$ |
(394,093 |
) |
GAAP operating margin |
(37.4%) |
(54.3%) |
(44.6%) |
(69.9%) |
Add: Stock-based compensation-related charges |
101,837 |
91,987 |
309,522 |
270,697 |
Add: Amortization of acquired intangibles |
585 |
129 |
1,588 |
369 |
Add: Acquisition-related expenses |
7,039 |
5,065 |
16,104 |
19,580 |
Add: Restructuring and other related charges |
- |
529 |
- |
34,854 |
Non-GAAP operating income (loss) |
$ |
15,798 |
$ |
(10,922 |
) |
$ |
13,851 |
$ |
(68,593 |
) |
Non-GAAP operating margin |
6.3% |
(5.5%) |
2.0% |
(12.2%) |
Reconciliation of GAAP net loss to non-GAAP net income (loss): |
Net loss on a GAAP basis |
$ |
(74,144 |
) |
$ |
(92,670 |
) |
$ |
(257,011 |
) |
$ |
(348,650 |
) |
Add: Stock-based compensation-related charges |
101,837 |
91,987 |
309,522 |
270,697 |
Add: Amortization of acquired intangibles |
585 |
129 |
1,588 |
369 |
Add: Acquisition-related expenses |
7,039 |
5,065 |
16,104 |
19,580 |
Add: Restructuring and other related charges |
- |
529 |
- |
34,854 |
Add: Amortization of debt issuance costs |
964 |
961 |
2,870 |
2,850 |
Add: Income tax effects and adjustments |
(1,529 |
) |
328 |
(1,964 |
) |
1,197 |
Non-GAAP net income (loss) |
$ |
34,752 |
$ |
6,329 |
$ |
71,109 |
$ |
(19,103 |
) |
Non-GAAP net income (loss) per share, basic |
$ |
0.11 |
$ |
0.02 |
$ |
0.22 |
$ |
(0.06 |
) |
Non-GAAP net income (loss) per share, diluted |
$ |
0.10 |
$ |
0.02 |
$ |
0.20 |
$ |
(0.06 |
) |
Weighted-average shares used to compute non-GAAP net income (loss) per share, basic |
324,317,971 |
303,896,632 |
319,330,398 |
297,906,112 |
Weighted-average shares used to compute non-GAAP net income (loss) per share, diluted |
353,577,179 |
346,974,638 |
352,685,531 |
297,906,112 |
The following table presents a reconciliation of free cash flow to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities, the most directly comparable GAAP measure, for each of the periods indicated (unaudited, in thousands, except percentages):
Three Months Ended September 30, |
Nine Months Ended September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities |
$ |
15,613 |
$ |
(9,060 |
) |
$ |
(1,751 |
) |
$ |
(115,892 |
) |
Capitalized internal-use software costs |
(5,669 |
) |
(3,660 |
) |
(15,984 |
) |
(13,546 |
) |
Capital expenditures |
(607 |
) |
(363 |
) |
(1,898 |
) |
(1,718 |
) |
Free cash flow |
$ |
9,337 |
$ |
(13,083 |
) |
$ |
(19,633 |
) |
$ |
(131,156 |
) |
Free cash flow margin |
3.7% |
(6.5%) |
(2.8%) |
(23.3%) |
Net cash used in investing activities |
$ |
(21,930 |
) |
$ |
(11,519 |
) |
$ |
(85,226 |
) |
$ |
(92,943 |
) |
Net cash provided by financing activities |
$ |
17,202 |
$ |
26,177 |
$ |
60,302 |
$ |
91,398 |