EX-99.01 2 ex9901q2fy25.htm EX-99.01 Document


Audra Proctor

亚利桑那州凤凰城&布拉格, 2024年10月30日 - 纳斯达克上市公司Gen Digital Inc.(股票代码:GEN),一家致力于推动数字自由的全球领导者,发布了截至2025财年第二季度的业绩报告。 2024年9月6日.

“对您的信息、身份和财务资产构成的威胁比以往任何时候都更具动态和高效性,” Gen首席执行官文森特·皮莱特表示。“这就是为什么我们如此专注于创新和发展我们行业领先的安防-半导体、财务安全和数据管理服务组合,以赋予人们数字生活的力量。客户几十年来一直信任我们,而我们计划在未来继续建立这种信任。”



营业收入为 40200万美元,增长了1,727%



“在我们公司财政年度过半之际,我们正在执行我们的计划,专注于与客户真正需求相匹配的战略投资,并推动长期盈利增长,”Gen的CFO娜塔莉·德斯(Natalie Derse)表示。“在建立正确的财务框架并明确策略的基础上,我们已经处于良好位置,可以为所有利益相关方提供持续增长的价值。”






美国太平洋时间下午2点 / 美国东部时间下午5点

请查看网络直播和拨号说明 Investor.GenDigital.com看涨后将发布回放。有关Gen的成果和展望的更多细节,请查看投资者关系网站的财务部分。

Gen™(纳斯达克:GEN)是一家全球公司,致力于通过其值得信赖的网络安全品牌Norton、Avast、LifeLock、Avira、AVG、ReputationDefender和CCleaner推动数字自由。 Gen家族的消费品牌立足于为第一代数字人提供安全保障。 现在,Gen赋予人们安全、私密和自信地度过数字生活,无论是今天还是未来的几代人。 Gen为超过150个国家的将近50000万用户带来屡获殊荣的网络安全产品和服务,涵盖网络安全、在线隐私和身份保护。 了解更多信息,请访问 GenDigital.com.

本新闻稿包含根据美国联邦证券法将可能被视为前瞻性的声明。在某些情况下,您可以通过使用"expect," "will," "continue,"或类似的表达方式以及这些词语的变体或否定形式来识别这些前瞻性声明,但缺乏这些词语并不意味着一则声明不具备前瞻性。所有除历史事实之外的声明都可能被视为前瞻性声明,包括但不限于“Q2 非GAAP成果”中的报价,其中包括与实现长期目标的预期相关的部分,以及“Q3 FY25 非GAAP指引”和“2025 财年非GAAP年度指引”中的声明,其中包括与Q3 FY25和FY25非GAAP营业收入和非GAAP每股收益相关的预期,以及任何涉及上述任何前述声明基础假设的声明。这些声明可能受制于已知的


使用非 GAAP 财务信息
我们使用非通用会计准则下的营业利润率、营业收入、净利润和每股收益等指标,这些指标是根据通用会计准则调整并排除某些费用、收益和损失所得出的结果。我们还提供非通用会计准则下的营收和不变货币下的营收等指标。这些非通用会计财务指标旨在增进用户对我们过去财务表现和未来前景的理解。我们的管理团队在评估Gen的业绩、以及规划和预测未来时使用这些非通用会计财务指标。这些非通用会计财务指标未根据通用会计准则计算,我们用于计算这些指标的方法可能与其他公司所用的方法不同。非通用会计财务指标仅为辅助参考之用,不应视为通用会计准则下财务信息的替代,并且应仅与我们根据通用会计准则编制的简明合并财务报表一同阅读。鼓励读者查看我们非通用会计财务指标与对应通用会计准则结果的调节表,该调节表附在我们的季度盈利发布报告中,并可在我们网站的投资者关系页面中找到,包括盈利演示等其他财务信息。 Investor.GenDigital.com本发布稿中未包含非通用会计准则下营收和每股收益预测区间的调节表,因为大多数非通用会计调整涉及尚未发生的事件。因此进行预测将不切实际,因此我们无法提供准确的估计。

gen digital inc.
缩短的综合资产负债表 (1)
现金及现金等价物$737 $846 
应收帐款,净额164 163 
其他流动资产297 334 
待售资产24 15 
流动资产总额1,222 1,358 
不动产及设备,净额60 72 
无形资产,扣除累计摊销2,442 2,638 
商誉10,235 10,210 
其他长期资产1,512 1,515 
总资产$15,471 $15,793 
应付账款$99 $66 
应计的薪资和福利费用74 78 
长期债务的当期偿还1,391 175 
合同负债1,749 1,808 
其他流动负债509 599 
流动负债总额3,822 2,726 
长期负债7,137 8,429 
长期合同负债78 76 
递延所得税负债248 261 
长期应付所得税1,396 1,490 
其他长期负债692 671 
总负债13,373 13,653 
股东权益(赤字)总计2,098 2,140 
负债和股东权益(赤字)总计$15,471 $15,793 
(1)     在2025财年的第一季度,我们识别并修订了我们对某些客户确认营业收入的历史做法。我们得出结论,该修订对之前的基本报表的影响是一项不重要的更正。然而,出于比较的目的,我们已对上述报告的前期进行了更正。


Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (1)
(Unaudited, in millions, except per share amounts)
 Three Months EndedSix Months Ended
September 27, 2024September 29, 2023September 27, 2024September 29, 2023
Net revenues$974 $945 $1,939 $1,888 
Cost of revenues194 180 384 359 
Gross profit780 765 1,555 1,529 
Operating expenses:
Sales and marketing184 187 367 368 
Research and development83 85 164 175 
General and administrative64 393 116 449 
Amortization of intangible assets44 61 87 122 
Restructuring and other costs17 34 
Total operating expenses378 743 736 1,148 
Operating income (loss)402 22 819 381 
Interest expense(149)(173)(302)(343)
Other income (expense), net17 19 
Income (loss) before income taxes258 (144)534 57 
Income tax expense (benefit)97 (291)192 (277)
Net income (loss)$161 $147 $342 $334 
Net income (loss) per share - basic$0.26 $0.23 $0.55 $0.52 
Net income (loss) per share - diluted$0.26 $0.23 $0.55 $0.52 
Weighted-average shares outstanding:
Basic616 640 618 640 
Diluted622 644 624 644 
(1)     During the first quarter of fiscal year 2025, we identified and made a revision to our historical practice of when we recognize revenue from certain customers. We concluded that the impact of the revision was an immaterial correction to prior period financial statements. However, for comparative purposes we have corrected for this in prior periods reported above.

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (1)
(Unaudited, in millions)
 Three Months EndedSix Months Ended
September 27, 2024September 29, 2023September 27, 2024September 29, 2023
Net income (loss)$161 $147 $342 $334 
Amortization and depreciation105 125 211 250 
Impairments and write-offs of current and long-lived assets— — 
Stock-based compensation expense33 35 64 72 
Deferred income taxes(27)(917)(37)(976)
Gain on sale of property— — — (4)
Non-cash operating lease expense11 
Other10 (1)17 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of acquisitions:
Accounts receivable, net(7)(4)16 
Accounts payable12 (3)29 (15)
Accrued compensation and benefits16 (5)(41)
Contract liabilities(15)(28)(71)(93)
Income taxes payable(250)389 (169)417 
Other assets47 64 (23)
Other liabilities66 371 (26)386 
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities158 125 422 351 
Purchases of property and equipment(2)(5)(4)(9)
Purchase of non-marketable equity investments(4)— (4)— 
Proceeds from the sale of property— 13 — 13 
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities(8)(10)
Repayments of debt— (58)(88)(266)
Net proceeds from sales of common stock under employee stock incentive plans
Tax payments related to vesting of stock units(1)(2)(25)(20)
Dividends and dividend equivalents paid(77)(81)(159)(164)
Repurchases of common stock— — (272)(41)
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities(72)(135)(538)(485)
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents15 17 10 
Change in cash and cash equivalents93 (109)(121)
Beginning cash and cash equivalents644 623 846 750 
Ending cash and cash equivalents$737 $629 $737 $629 
(1)     During the first quarter of fiscal year 2025, we identified and made a revision to our historical practice of when we recognize revenue from certain customers. We concluded that the impact of the revision was an immaterial correction to prior period financial statements. However, for comparative purposes we have corrected for this in prior periods reported above.

Reconciliation of Selected GAAP Measures to Non-GAAP Measures (1) (2) (3)
(Unaudited, in millions, except per share amounts)
Three Months Ended
September 27, 2024September 29, 2023
Operating income (loss)$402 $22 
Stock-based compensation33 35 
Amortization of intangible assets102 119 
Restructuring and other costs17 
Acquisition and integration costs
Litigation costs25 347 
Operating income (loss) (Non-GAAP)$567 $546 
Operating margin41.3 %2.3 %
Operating margin (Non-GAAP)58.2 %57.8 %
Net income (loss)$161 $147 
Adjustments to net income (loss):
Stock-based compensation33 35 
Amortization of intangible assets102 119 
Restructuring and other costs17 
Acquisition and integration costs
Litigation costs25 347 
Non-cash interest expense
Total adjustments to GAAP income (loss) before income taxes172 529 
Adjustment to GAAP provision for income taxes(375)
Total adjustment to income (loss), net of taxes175 154 
Net income (loss) (Non-GAAP)$336 $301 
Diluted net income (loss) per share$0.26 $0.23 
Adjustments to diluted net income (loss) per share:
Stock-based compensation0.05 0.05 
Amortization of intangible assets0.16 0.18 
Restructuring and other costs0.00 0.03 
Acquisition and integration costs0.00 0.01 
Litigation costs0.04 0.54 
Other0.00 (0.00)
Non-cash interest expense0.01 0.01 
Total adjustments to GAAP income (loss) before income taxes0.28 0.82 
Adjustment to GAAP provision for income taxes0.00 (0.58)
Total adjustment to income (loss), net of taxes0.28 0.24 
Diluted net income (loss) per share (Non-GAAP) $0.54 $0.47 
Diluted weighted-average shares outstanding622 644 
Diluted weighted-average shares outstanding (Non-GAAP)622 644 
(1)     This presentation includes non-GAAP measures. Non-GAAP financial measures are supplemental and should not be considered a substitute for financial information presented in accordance with GAAP. For a detailed explanation of these non-GAAP measures, see Appendix A.
(2)     Amounts may not add due to rounding.
(3)    During the first quarter of fiscal year 2025, we identified and made a revision to our historical practice of when we recognize revenue from certain customers. We concluded that the impact of the revision was an immaterial correction to prior period financial statements. However, for comparative purposes we have corrected for this in prior periods reported above.

Constant Currency Adjusted Revenues and Cyber Safety Metrics (1)
(Unaudited, in millions, except per user data)
Constant Currency Adjusted Revenues (Non-GAAP)
Three Months Ended
September 27, 2024September 29, 2023
Variance in %
Revenues$974 $945 %
Exclude foreign exchange impact (2)
Constant currency adjusted revenues (Non-GAAP)$975 $945 %

Cyber Safety Metrics
Three Months Ended
September 27, 2024September 29, 2023
Direct customer revenues$860 $834 
Partner revenues$102 $95 
Total Cyber Safety revenues$962 $929 
Legacy revenues (3)
$12 $16 
Direct customer count (at quarter end)39.7 38.5 
Direct average revenue per user (ARPU)$7.26 $7.25 
Retention rate78 %77 %
(1)     During the first quarter of fiscal year 2025, we identified and made a revision to our historical practice of when we recognize revenue from certain customers. We concluded that the impact of the revision was an immaterial correction to prior period financial statements. However, for comparative purposes we have corrected for this in prior periods reported above.
(2)    Calculated using year ago foreign exchange rates.
(3)    Legacy revenues includes revenues from products or solutions from markets that we have exited and in which we no longer operate, have been discontinued or identified to be discontinued, or remain in maintenance mode as a result of integration and product portfolio decisions.


Appendix A
Explanation of Non-GAAP Measures and Other Items
Objective of non-GAAP measures: We believe our presentation of non-GAAP financial measures, when taken together with corresponding GAAP financial measures, provides meaningful supplemental information regarding the Company’s operating performance for the reasons discussed below. Our management team uses these non-GAAP financial measures in assessing our performance, as well as in planning and forecasting future periods. Due to the importance of these measures in managing the business, we use non-GAAP measures in the evaluation of management’s compensation. These non-GAAP financial measures are not computed according to GAAP and the methods we use to compute them may differ from the methods used by other companies. Non-GAAP financial measures are supplemental and should not be considered a substitute for financial information presented in accordance with GAAP and should be read only in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP.
Stock-based compensation: This consists of expenses for employee restricted stock units, performance-based awards, stock options and our employee stock purchase plan, determined in accordance with GAAP. We evaluate our performance both with and without these measures because stock-based compensation is a non-cash expense and can vary significantly over time based on the timing, size, nature and design of the awards granted, and is influenced in part by certain factors that are generally beyond our control, such as the volatility of the market value of our common stock. In addition, for comparability purposes, we believe it is useful to provide a non-GAAP financial measure that excludes stock-based compensation to facilitate the comparison of our results to those of other companies in our industry.
Amortization of intangible assets: Amortization of intangible assets consists of amortization of acquisition-related intangibles assets such as developed technology, customer relationships and trade names acquired in connection with business combinations. We record charges relating to the amortization of these intangibles within both cost of revenues and operating expenses in our GAAP financial statements. Under purchase accounting, we are required to allocate a portion of the purchase price to intangible assets acquired and amortize this amount over the estimated useful lives of the acquired intangible assets. However, the purchase price allocated to these assets is not necessarily reflective of the cost we would incur to internally develop the intangible asset. Further, amortization charges for our acquired intangible assets are inconsistent in size and are significantly impacted by the timing and valuation of our acquisitions. We eliminate these charges from our non-GAAP operating results to facilitate an evaluation of our current operating performance and provide better comparability to our past operating performance.
Restructuring and other costs: Restructuring charges are costs associated with a formal restructuring plan and are primarily related to employee severance and benefit arrangements, contract termination costs, and assets write-offs, as well as other exit and disposal costs. Included in other exit and disposal costs are costs to exit and consolidate facilities in connection with restructuring events. We exclude restructuring and other costs from our non-GAAP results as we believe that these costs are incremental to core activities that arise in the ordinary course of our business and do not reflect our current operating performance, and that excluding these charges facilitates a more meaningful evaluation of our current operating performance and comparisons to our past operating performance.
Acquisition-related and integration costs: These represent the transaction and business integration costs related to significant acquisitions that are charged to operating expense in our GAAP financial statements. These costs include incremental expenses incurred to affect these business combinations such as advisory, legal, accounting, valuation, and other professional or consulting fees. We exclude these costs from our non-GAAP results as they have no direct correlation to the operation of our business, and because we believe that the non-GAAP financial measures excluding these costs provide meaningful supplemental information regarding the spending trends of our business. In addition, these costs vary, depending on the size and complexity of the acquisitions, and are not indicative of costs of future acquisitions.
Litigation costs: We may periodically incur charges or benefits related to litigation settlements, legal contingency accruals and third-party legal costs related to certain legal matters. We exclude these charges and benefits when associated with a significant matter because we do not believe they are reflective of ongoing business and operating results. 
Non-cash interest expense and amortization of debt issuance costs: In accordance with GAAP, we separately account for the value of the conversion feature on our convertible notes as a debt discount that reflects our assumed non-convertible debt borrowing rates. We amortize the discount and debt issuance costs over the term of the related debt. We exclude the difference between the imputed interest expense, which includes the amortization of the conversion feature and of the issuance costs, and the coupon interest payments. We extinguished our remaining convertible debt on August 15, 2022. During fiscal 2023, we also started amortizing the debt issuance costs associated with our senior credit facilities, which were secured upon close of the acquisition of Avast. We believe that excluding these costs provides meaningful supplemental information regarding the cash cost of our debt instruments and enhance investors’ ability to view the Company’s results from management’s perspective.
Gain (loss) on extinguishment of debt: We record gains or losses on extinguishment of debt. Gains or losses represent the difference between the fair value of the exchange consideration and the carrying value of the liability component of the debt at the date of extinguishment. We exclude the gain or loss on debt extinguishment in our non-GAAP results because they are not reflective of our ongoing business.
Gain (loss) on equity investments: We record gains or losses, unrealized and realized, on equity investments in privately-held companies. We exclude the net gains or losses because we do not believe they are reflective of our ongoing business.
Gain (loss) on sale of properties: We periodically recognize gains or losses from the disposition of land and buildings. We exclude such gains or losses because they are not reflective of our ongoing business and operating results.
Income tax effects and adjustments: We use a non-GAAP tax rate that excludes (1) the discrete impacts of changes in tax legislation, (2) most other significant discrete items, (3) unrealized gains or losses from remeasurement of foreign currency denominated deferred

tax items and uncertain tax benefits, and (4) the income tax effects of the non-GAAP adjustment to our operating results described above. We believe making these adjustments facilitates a better evaluation of our current operating performance and comparisons to past operating results. Our tax rate is subject to change for a variety of reasons, such as significant changes in the geographic earnings mix due to acquisition and divestiture activities or fundamental tax law changes in major jurisdictions where we operate.
Diluted GAAP and non-GAAP weighted-average shares outstanding: Diluted GAAP and non-GAAP weighted-average shares outstanding are generally the same, except in periods when there is a GAAP loss from continuing operations. In accordance with GAAP, we do not present dilution for GAAP in periods in which there is a loss from continuing operations. However, if there is non-GAAP net income, we present dilution for non-GAAP weighted-average shares outstanding in an amount equal to the dilution that would have been presented had there been GAAP income from continuing operations for the period.
Bookings: Bookings are defined as customer orders received that are expected to generate net revenues in the future. We present the operational metric of bookings because it reflects customers' demand for our products and services and to assist readers in analyzing our performance in future periods.
Free cash flow: Free cash flow is defined as cash flows from operating activities less purchases of property and equipment. Free cash flow is not a measure of financial condition under GAAP and does not reflect our future contractual commitments and the total increase or decrease of our cash balance for a given period, and thus should not be considered as an alternative to cash flows from operating activities or as a measure of liquidity.
(Unlevered) Free cash flow: Free cash flow is defined as cash flows from operating activities less purchases of property and equipment. Unlevered free cash flow excludes cash interest expense payments. Free cash flow is not a measure of financial condition under GAAP and does not reflect our future contractual commitments and the total increase or decrease of our cash balance for a given period, and thus should not be considered as an alternative to cash flows from operating activities or as a measure of liquidity.
Constant currency adjusted revenues (Non-GAAP): Non-GAAP constant currency adjusted revenues are defined as revenues adjusted for the fair value of acquired contract liabilities and foreign exchange impact, calculated by translating current period revenue using the year ago currency conversion rate.
Direct customer count: Direct customers is a metric designed to represent active paid users of our products and solutions who have a direct billing and/or registration relationship with us at the end of the reported period. Average direct customer count presents the average of the total number of direct customers at the beginning and end of the applicable period. We exclude users on free trials from our direct customer count. Users who have indirectly purchased and/or registered for our products or solutions through partners are excluded unless such users convert or renew their subscription directly with us or sign up for a paid membership through our web stores or third-party app stores. While these numbers are based on what we believe to be reasonable estimates of our user base for the applicable period of measurement, there are inherent challenges in measuring usage of our products and solutions across brands, platforms, regions, and internal systems, and therefore, calculation methodologies may differ. The methodologies used to measure these metrics require judgment and are also susceptible to algorithms or other technical errors. We continually seek to improve our estimates of our user base, and these estimates are subject to change due to improvements or revisions to our methodology. From time to time, we review our metrics and may discover inaccuracies or make adjustments to improve their accuracy, which can result in adjustments to our historical metrics. Our ability to recalculate our historical metrics may be impacted by data limitations or other factors that require us to apply different methodologies for such adjustments. We generally do not intend to update previously disclosed metrics for any such inaccuracies or adjustments that are deemed not material.
Direct average revenues per user (ARPU): ARPU is calculated as estimated direct customer revenues for the period divided by the average direct customer count for the same period, expressed as a monthly figure. We monitor ARPU because it helps us understand the rate at which we are monetizing our consumer customer base.
Retention rate: Retention rate is defined as the percentage of direct customers as of the end of the period from one year ago who are still active as of the most recently completed fiscal period. We monitor the retention rate to evaluate the effectiveness of our strategies to improve renewals of subscriptions.