附录 99.5
这封信("协议) 构成Maxim Group LLC("Maxim"或"配售代理)和团车网有限公司(一家注册于开曼群岛的公司)("公司"),依据此安排,配售代理商应作为公司的配售代理,在合理最大努力的基础上,协助推进拟议中的配售("有关ATEX")的注册美国存托股份("ADS"),每个ADS代表该公司240股A类普通股,每股面值0.0001美元("普通股"),注册预先拟资金化权证以购买普通股("Prefunded Warrants", and the Ordinary Shares underlying the Prefunded Warrants, the "Prefunded Warrant Shares"), and unregistered warrants to purchase Ordinary Shares (the "认股证", and the Ordinary Shares underlying the Common Warrants, the "普通权证股"). The Prefunded Warrant Shares and the Common Warrant Shares shall mean the "权证 股票预先拨款认股权证和普通认股权证将被解释为权证,认股权证连同ADS和认股权证股份将被解释为证券。放置和证券的条款应由公司和买方(每个"买方",并且合称购买者此外,任何内容均不构成安置代理具有绑定公司、任何购买者或公司发行证券或完成安置的权力或权威。本协议及由公司和购买者就安置事宜签署并交付的文件,包括但不限于购买协议(如下所定义)、认股权证和锁定协议,在这里统称为"交易文件。"安置结束的日期将在此称为"结束日期。。"公司明确承认并同意,安置代理在此仅基于合理尽力的义务,此协议的签订并不构成安置代理购买证券的承诺,也不能确保成功发行证券或其中任何部分,也不能确保安置代理成功为公司获得其他融资。安置代理可能聘请其他经纪人或交易商代表其在安置事宜中充当子代理商或指定交易商。将证券出售给任何购买者将通过一份证券购买协议("购买协议")证明公司与该购买者之间签订的协议形式应得到公司和安置代理合理接受。未签署任何购买协议之前,公司的官员将随时回答潜在购买者的询问。
第一部分 公司的陈述和保证;公司的契约.
A. 公司的陈述 . 公司向购买方在购买协议中就配售事项作出的陈述和保证(连同相关的披露附表),以及该协议中关于配售事项的承诺,都已被纳入本协议之中(仿佛在此完全重述),并且在本协议签订日和交割日,已向万亿.e 配售代理作出,且有利于万亿.e 配售代理。除了前述内容,公司还陈述并保证:
公司已准备并向委员会提交了一份F-3表格的注册声明(注册编号333-264942),经修订,包括相关附件,根据本协议当日修订的内容,“苹果公司CEO库克大规模抛售股票,套现逾3亿港元,资金已存入上市公司设立的专项账户(“信托账户”),以公共股东(定义详见下文)为受益人的注册声明(FORM S-1)中所规定的一定金额及特定款项。信托账户中持有的基金类型(包括资金持有的利息)除支付公司税费以外,一旦实现以下最早的情况之一即可支取: (i) 完成首次(业务)组合;(ii) 如果公司未能在2025年3月3日之前完成首次(业务)组合,则可以赎回100%的发行股份(如下所述);或 (iii) 股东表决赎回发行股份。 若要批准修订本Amended and Restated Certificate,必须就修订对决定最早如下情形之一的公司的义务以在首次业务组合中允许赎回或未在终止日期之前完成首次业务组合即赎回100%的发行股份产生影响或涉及股东权益或首次业务组合前的活动(如第9.7节所述),对修订进行表决。发售期(“发售期”)所出售单位的组成部分的Common Stock股份的持有人(“发售股份”),不论这些发售股份是在发售期内还是在发售市场上的二级市场中购买,也不论这些持有人是公司的发起人,高管或董事,或上述任何关联方的子公司,均在此被称为“公共股东”。”注册ADSs、Prefunded Warrants和Prefunded Warrant Shares,根据1933年修正法案(“证券法”)注册ADSs、Prefunded Warrants和Prefunded Warrant Shares,注册声明于2022年9月8日生效。在提交该文件时,公司符合证券法F-3表格的要求。注册声明符合证券法规定的415(a)(1)(x)条款,并遵守该规定。公司将根据证券法规则424(b)提交给委员会,并根据委员会颁布的规则和法规(“规则和法规”)向委员会提交与该注册声明中包含的拟议书形式有关的ADSs、Prefunded Warrants和Prefunded Warrant Shares的摆放及分配计划的摘要,并告知承销代理所需其中包含的有关公司的所有进一步信息(财务和其他)。在注册声明中显示的拟议书形式以下称为“基本展望书";并将根据424(b)规则向委员会提交的添补形式的招股说明书(包括添补后的基础招股说明书)以下简称为"招股说明书增补。”本协议中任何对注册声明、基础招股说明书或招股说明书补充进行的引用应视为并包括其中引用的文件(以下简称为"已纳入的文件”)项下项6的F-3表格文件,该文件已于本协议签署日或基础招股说明书或招股说明书补充发布日期前根据交易所法案提交;本协议中任何对注册声明、基础招股说明书或招股说明书进行的"修订" "修正" 或 "补充" 的引述应视为并包括根据交易所法案于本协议签署日后提交的文件,或基础招股说明书或招股说明书补充发布日期后提交的文件,将被视为被引用并合并其中。本协议中所有对基本报表和其他信息引用如“包含”、“包括”、“描述”、“引用”、“陈述”或“规定”等表述,视为包含注册声明、 基础招股说明书或招股说明书(以及所有同类性质的引述)中包含或被视为通过引用合并的所有这类基本报表和其他信息,视情况而言。没有暂停生效注册声明或使用基础招股说明书或招股说明书的止损市价单,并且目前没有因此而进行中的诉讼,本公司所知,委员会亦未威胁采取行动。
2. 登记声明书(及与委员会一起提交的任何后续文件)包含证券法要求的所有附件和附表。 登记声明书及其任何后生效的修正在其生效时,在所有重大方面都符合证券法和交易法以及适用的规则和规例,并且未包含任何不实陈述或遗漏表述必须在其中或对其中作出的材料事实以使其中的陈述不具误导性内容,经修正或补充(在适用的情况下)也不会包含。 登记声明书,基础招股说明书和招股说明书补充,各自的日期,均在所有重大方面符合证劵法和交易法以及适用的规则和规例。 每份登记声明书,基础招股说明书和招股说明书,经修正或补充,在其日期时均不包含任何不实事实陈述或遗漏必要的材料事实以使其中的陈述,根据作出其陈述时的情况,不具误导性。 当合并文件在提交给委员会时,在所有重要方面符合交易法和适用的规则和规例的要求,并且当这些文件在提交给委员会时,未包含任何不实陈述或未陈述必要使其中的陈述具有误导性的重要事实,在月基础招股说明书或招股说明书补充中引用了在基础招股说明书或招股说明书补充中引用的合并文件(对于)。 在制定年度登记声明书,基础招股说明书或招股说明书时引用,这些文件在提交给委员会时,在所有重要方面将符合《交易法》和适用的规则和规例的要求,并且其不会包含任何不实的重要事实陈述或遗漏必要的材料。 事实将其作出的声明,考虑到作出其声明的情况,不具误导性。 不需要根据登记声明书有关的基金内部的基本信息需要提交反映自基金内掀起的任何事实或事件的后续修正向委员会提交机构,单独或共同构成信息根本性变化的日期。 在此之前,不需要提交文件给委员会,涉及此处拟议的交易的(x)未按照证劵法要求提交或(y)不会在规定的时间内提交。 在登记声明书,基础招股说明书或招股说明书中需要描述或作为附件或附表提交的合同或其他文件,(x)未按要求描述或提交或(y)应在规定的时间内提交。
3. 公司有资格根据《证券法》第164条和第433条的规定,在与配售有关的情况下使用自由写作招股说明书。公司根据《证券法》第433(d)条的规定需要提交的任何自由写作招股说明书已经或将会按照《证券法》及委员会的适用规则和法规的要求提交给委员会。公司已经提交或需要提交的任何根据《证券法》第433(d)条的规定或由公司代表或代表公司准备或使用的任何自由写作招股说明书在所有重要方面均符合或将会符合《证券法》及委员会的适用规则和法规的要求。未经配售代理事先同意,公司不得准备、使用或参考任何自由写作招股说明书。
4. 公司的高管、董事或据公司所知任何持有公司五个百分比(5.0%)或更高股份的股东中,均没有与任何FINRA成员公司有关联,除非在注册声明和SEC报告中另有说明。
5. 假设购买方在购买协议中陈述的准确性不受影响,则公司无需根据证券法登记普通认股权证及普通认股权证股份(统称为""). "购买方,按照本协议的规定向购买方发行和出售证券,不违反交易市场的规则和法规。 公司或代表公司的任何人未经任何形式的一般征求或广告向任何人出售或提供任何未注册证券。 公司仅向投资者和某些其他符合证券法501条规定“合格投资者”意义的人士出售证券。未注册证券公司向购买方按照本协议的规定出售普通认股权证和普通认股权证股份(统称")时,无需根据证券法进行登记。 根据交易文件发行和出售证券不违反交易市场的规则和法规。 公司或代表公司的任何人未经任何形式的一般征求或广告向任何人出售任何未注册证券。 公司仅向投资者和符合证券法规定501条“合格投资者”定义的某些其他人士出售证券。
B. 公司的契约公司已交付,或尽快交付给承销商完整的修订副本注册声明和专家同意书和证书,如适用,作为注册声明的一部分,并交付承销商合理要求的数量和地点的注册声明的修订版(不含附件),注册声明,基本招股说明书和招股文件说明书补充,以及已被修正或补充的招股文件。公司及其董事和高级管理人员没有分发,也不会在结束日期前,在与发行和销售证券相关的发行除注册声明、基本招股说明书、招股文件说明书之外的任何材料,其注册声明,包括其中引用的文件的副本和证券法许可的任何其他材料。
第2节. 代理商的陈述 代销代理商承销商声明并保证,(i)是金融业监督管理局的合格成员,(ii)依据交易所法案注册为经纪/交易商,(iii)获得适用于通过该承销商发行证券的州法律下的经纪/交易商许可,(iv)将是一个根据其注册地法律有效存在的法人实体,(v)有充分的权力和权威订立并执行本协议项下的义务。 承销商将立即书面通知公司其身份的任何变化。 承销商承诺将尽力以符合本协议的规定和适用法律的要求开展本次交易所的交易。
第3节. 补偿。作为向公司提供服务和授予公司在本协议下权利的专有补偿,公司将在任期内按以下方式支付中间CEO: 每月50000美元。 这种补偿将以发行给Akari的名义普通股,每股0.0001美元的名义普通股的形式支付,并且这种普通股将在每个月(或部分月份)工作的最后一天以纳斯达克资本市场上普通股的收盘价估值并发行,以及 中间CEO完成服务时发生的合理旅行费用,如果符合公司有关赔偿的标准政策和程序,公司将在合理的时间内进行赔偿。中间CEO不得因配合服务而有权获得任何来自公司或Akari的其他任何补偿,包括但不限于任何奖金、离职补偿或福利。。 就下述提供的服务而言,公司应支付给认购代理或其指定的以下报酬,以换取认购代理所认购的证券:
A. 支付给(“现金 费用”)的现金费用,相当于在配售中筹集的总毛收益的百分之六点五(5.0%)。现金费用应在配售结束时支付给配售代理。
C. 配售结束后, 自收盘之日起六 (6) 个月内(”尾部时期“),如果公司决定进行另一次配售 公司使用承销商、配售代理人、代理人、顾问、发现者或其他与此类配售相关的个人或实体 应授予配售代理人优先拒绝充当唯一管理承销商和独家账簿管理人、独家配售代理人的权利, 或所有未来公开或私募股权、股票挂钩股权或债务(不包括商业银行债务)发行的独家销售代理 (每个,一个”后续发行“) 公司或其任何继任者或任何子公司在尾期内承担 该公司的。公司应向配售代理人提供书面通知,说明其选择参与后续发行, 该通知应描述此类后续发行的拟议条款和条件。配售代理人应通知公司 在收到上述书面要约后的十 (10) 个工作日内,说明其是否同意接受此类保留。 如果配售代理人拒绝此类留存,则公司对配售代理没有进一步的义务 适用于此类其他后续发行,除非本文另有规定。为避免疑问,配售代理承认 如果公司在没有使用代理人或承销商的情况下以任何形式的融资发行证券,则此类交易不应被视为此类交易 后续发行。
D. 配售代理保留在根据本文规定的情况下,如FINRA做出决定认为配售代理的总报酬超过FINRA规定的情况,或其条款需要调整,可减少其任何项目的报酬或调整其条款的权利。
第4部分. 赔偿公司同意按照赔偿条款中规定的条款进行赔偿和其他协议(以下简称“赔偿条款”)赔偿) 随附的 ,该规定已引用并将在本协议终止或到期后继续有效。, 其条款已纳入本协议并应在本协议终止或到期后生效。
第5部分. 参与 条款放置代理人的聘用将持续直至(i)配售的最终结束日期或(ii)根据下一句规定的条款中任何一方终止聘用的日期(即“终止日期”)。终止日期本协议可在自2024年10月16日起的初步两(2)个月后,任何一方经过书面通知另一方的十天后终止。如果在配售结束后或者若公司选择因任何原因终止放置代理人的聘用(不是因为原因(在聘用协议中有定义)),即使放置代理人准备继续配售,并在此两种情况下,如果公司在结束后十二(12)个月内完成股权、与股权挂钩的权益、可转换或债务或其他资本筹集活动,或者从在其聘用期间由放置代理人联系或介绍的任何投资者处收到任何款项(如有关闭或终止时向公司提供的此类投资者清单),则公司将在此类融资结束时根据本第3条向放置代理人支付所述报酬,以收到的总收益金额为限。如果公司合理预期放置代理人可能有权按前述款项支付,公司应尽最大努力及时通知放置代理人有关可能支付的情况。尽管本协议中包含的有关保密、赔偿、捐助和公司在终止或结束后十二(12)个月内支付费用和偿还支出的条款以及公司在赔偿条款中的责任将在任何终止或到期后继续有效,不论是否发生关闭。应支付的所有费用和偿还款项应在终止日期(如果应于终止日期已获得或拖欠费用和偿还款项)之前或在配售结束或其任何适用部分之前支付给放置代理人(如果应于终止日期拖欠费用)。放置代理人同意不对公司提供的任何机密信息进行除本协议约定范围内目的之外的任何用途。
第6部分. 放置 代理信息尽管本协议中的任何条款相反,如果在代销代理履行尽职调查的过程中, 代销代理认为有必要终止本协议,代销代理可随时通过书面通知立即这样做。 公司同意代销代理在本次合作中提供的任何信息或建议仅供公司机密 使用,用于评估代销,并且除非法律另有规定,公司将不会在未经代销代理事先书面同意的情况下披露或以 任何方式提及此建议或信息。
第7部分. 无受托人关系 本协议不会产生,并且不应被解释为产生任何人或实体可以强制执行的权利,除非其根据本协议的赔偿条款有权利。公司承认并同意,放置代理商并非并不应被解释为公司的受托人,并且根据本协议或在此项下聘用放置代理商不对公司的股东或债权人或根据本协议明确放弃的其他人承担任何责任或义务。本协议不构成并不得解释为创建任何非本协议当事各方以外的个人或实体可执行权利,除非在此因辅助条款而有资格获得权利。公司承认并同意,承销代理不是也不得被解释为公司的受托人,并且根据本协议或根据此处保留承销代理的情况下,对公司的股东或债权人或其他人没有职责或责任,一概明示放弃。
第8部分. 完成日期放置代理人的义务,以及根据本协议出售证券的结束,均受到以下事项的准确性的约束,即公司及其子公司在此处和购买协议中所含的陈述和保证在作出时及结束日期时的准确性,公司及其子公司在根据本协议规定的任何证书中所做的陈述的准确性,公司及其子公司根据本协议的义务履行情况,以及以下各项附加条件和条款的准确性和履行情况,除非放置代理人已经披露、确认并放弃。
A. 未发出任何暂停止损市价单的命令,也未由委员会提出相关议案或威胁,而且任何委员会就相关事项要求额外信息(应包括在注册声明、基础招股说明书、招股说明书补充或其他文件中)的请求均已得到置放代理商合理满意的妥善回应。公司在进行配售的相关文件要求已按时提交给委员会。
C。所有企业手续 及与授权、形式、执行、交付和生效有关的法律事宜,包括本协议、证券、 注册声明、基本招股说明书和招股补充文件及与本协议 有关的所有其他法律事宜以及 本协议所包含的交易对于引荐代理商顾问应合理令他满意, 并且 公司应向此类顾问提供他们合理要求的所有文件和信息,以使他们评估 此类事宜。
D. 放置代理人应已就公司进行尽职调查,令放置代理人及其律师满意。
E. 代理机构应收到外部顾问对公司的书面意见,该意见应地址给代理机构和购买方,并日期应为结束日期,形式和内容应令代理机构合理满意; 在每种情况下,该B类股东和/或该B类股东的家庭成员需独立控制在此类帐户、计划或信托中持有的B类普通股实时;, 公司对于以下情况,不应承担责任:根据第10(b)部分书面信息可靠地提供。, 这封否定保证函只会寄给机构指定者。
F. 截至本日和 结束日期,代销商应当已收到Marcum Asia CPAs LLP和JWF Assurance PAC各自的“安慰”函,日期为当天,信函应当以对代销商及代销商的律师都完全令人满意的形式和内容发出。
H. On the Closing Date, Placement Agent shall have received a certificate of an Officer of the Company, dated, as applicable, as of the date of such Closing, certifying to, among others, the organizational documents and board resolutions relating to the Placement of the Securities from the Company.
I. On the Closing Date, Placement Agent shall have received a certificate of the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of the Company, dated, as applicable, as of the date of such Closing, certifying to, the Company's eligibility to use the Registration Statement.
J. On or before the Closing Date, the Placement Agent shall have received, and the Company shall have caused to be delivered to the Placement Agent, lock-up agreements from the persons specified in the Purchase Agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the Placement Agent.
K. Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries (i) shall have sustained since the date of the latest audited financial statements included or incorporated by reference in the Registration Statement, the Base Prospectus and the Prospectus Supplement, any loss or interference with its business from fire, explosion, flood, terrorist act or other calamity, whether or not covered by insurance, or from any labor dispute or court or governmental action, order or decree, otherwise than as set forth in or contemplated by the Registration Statement, the Base Prospectus and the Prospectus Supplement, or (ii) since such date there shall not have been any change in the capital stock or long-term debt of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or any change, or any development involving a prospective change, in or affecting the business, general affairs, management, financial position, stockholders' equity, results of operations or prospects of the Company and its Subsidiaries, otherwise than as set forth in or contemplated by the Registration Statement, the Base Prospectus and the Prospectus Supplement, the effect of which, in any such case described in clause (i) or (ii), is, in the judgment of the Placement Agent, so material and adverse as to make it impracticable or inadvisable to proceed with the sale or delivery of the Securities on the terms and in the manner contemplated by the Registration Statement, the Base Prospectus, and Prospectus Supplement.
L. The Company's ADSs are registered under the Exchange Act and, as of the Closing Date, the Company has submitted the notification of listing of additional shares including the ADSs and Warrant Shares issued as part of this Offering to the Trading Market or other U.S. applicable national exchange and has not received any information indicating that the such listing of the ADSs and Warrant Shares will be rejected and satisfactory evidence of such action shall have been provided to the Placement Agent. The Company shall have taken no action designed to, or likely to have the effect of terminating the registration of the ADSs under the Exchange Act or delisting or suspending from trading the ADSs issued hereunder from the Trading Market or other applicable U.S. national exchange, nor has the Company received any information suggesting that the Commission or the Trading Market or other U.S. applicable national exchange is contemplating terminating such registration or listing.
M. No action shall have been taken and no statute, rule, regulation or order shall have been enacted, adopted or issued by any governmental agency or body which would, as of the Closing Date, prevent the issuance or sale of the Securities or materially and adversely affect or potentially and adversely affect the business or operations of the Company; and no injunction, restraining order or order of any other nature by any federal or state court of competent jurisdiction shall have been issued as of the Closing Date which would prevent the issuance or sale of the Securities or materially and adversely affect or potentially and adversely affect the business or operations of the Company.
N. The Company shall have prepared and filed with the Commission a Report of Foreign Private Issuer on Form 6-K with respect to the Placement, including as an exhibit thereto this Agreement.
O. The Company shall have entered into a Purchase Agreement with each of the Purchasers and such agreements shall be in full force and effect and shall contain representations, warranties and covenants of the Company as agreed between the Company and the Purchasers.
P. FINRA shall have raised no objection to the fairness and reasonableness of the terms and arrangements of this Agreement. In addition, the Company shall, if requested by the Placement Agent, make or authorize Placement Agent's counsel to make on the Company's behalf, any filing with the FINRA Corporate Financing Department pursuant to FINRA Rule 5110 with respect to the Placement and pay all filing fees required in connection therewith.
Q. Prior to the Closing Date, the Company shall have furnished to the Placement Agent such further information, certificates and documents as the Placement Agent may reasonably request.
If any of the conditions specified in this Section 8 shall not have been fulfilled when and as required by this Agreement, or if any of the certificates, opinions, written statements or letters furnished to the Placement Agent or to Placement Agent's counsel pursuant to this Section 8 shall not be reasonably satisfactory in form and substance to the Placement Agent and to Placement Agent's counsel, all obligations of the Placement Agent hereunder may be cancelled by the Placement Agent at, or at any time prior to, the consummation of the Closing. Notice of such cancellation shall be given to the Company in writing or orally. Any such oral notice shall be confirmed promptly thereafter in writing.
SECTION 9. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York applicable to agreements made and to be performed entirely in such State. This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without the prior written consent of the other party. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, and their respective successors and permitted assigns. Any right to trial by jury with respect to any dispute arising under this Agreement or any transaction or conduct in connection herewith is waived. Any dispute arising under this Agreement may be brought into the courts of the State of New York or into the Federal Court located in New York, New York and, by execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Company hereby accepts for itself and in respect of its property, generally and unconditionally, the jurisdiction of aforesaid courts. Each party hereto hereby irrevocably waives personal service of process and consents to process being served in any such suit, action or proceeding by delivering a copy thereof via overnight delivery (with evidence of delivery) to such party at the address in effect for notices to it under this Agreement and agrees that such service shall constitute good and sufficient service of process and notice thereof. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit in any way any right to serve process in any manner permitted by law. The Company agrees that a final judgment in any such action, proceeding or counterclaim brought in any such court shall be conclusive and binding upon the Company and may be enforced in any other courts to the jurisdiction of which the Company is or may be subject, by suit upon such judgment. If either party shall commence an action or proceeding to enforce any provisions of a Transaction Document, then the prevailing party in such action or proceeding shall be reimbursed by the other party for its attorney's fees and other costs and expenses incurred with the investigation, preparation and prosecution of such action or proceeding. In addition to and without limiting the foregoing, the Company has confirmed that it has appointed Cogency Global Inc., as its authorized agent (the “Authorized Agent”) upon whom process may be served in any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or based upon the Agreement or the Transaction Documents or the transactions contemplated herein which may be instituted in any New York federal or state court, by the Placement Agent, the directors, officers, partners, employees and agents of the Placement Agent and each affiliate of the Placement Agent, and expressly accept the non-exclusive jurisdiction of any such court in respect of any such suit, action or proceeding. The Company hereby represents and warrants that the Authorized Agent has accepted such appointment and has agreed to act as said agent for service of process, and the Company agrees to take any and all action, including the filing of any and all documents that may be necessary to continue such appointment in full force and effect as aforesaid. The Company hereby authorizes and directs the Authorized Agent to accept such service. Service of process upon the Authorized Agent shall be deemed, in every respect, effective service of process upon the Company. If the Authorized Agent shall cease to act as agent for service of process, the Company shall appoint, without unreasonable delay, another such agent in the United States, and notify you of such appointment. This paragraph shall survive any termination of this Agreement, in whole or in part.
SECTION 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT/MISC. This Agreement (including the attached Indemnification Provisions) embodies the entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto, and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, relating to the subject matter hereof. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the certain letter agreement, dated October 16, 2024 (the “Engagement Agreement”) and the certain advisory fee agreement, dated October 16, 2024 (the “Advisory Agreement”), by and between the Company and the Placement Agent, shall each continue to be effective and the terms therein shall continue to survive and be enforceable by the Placement Agent in accordance with its respective terms, provided that, in the event of a conflict between the terms of the Engagement Agreement and this Agreement or the Advisory Agreement and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable in any respect, such determination will not affect such provision in any other respect or any other provision of this Agreement, which will remain in full force and effect. This Agreement may not be amended or otherwise modified or waived except by an instrument in writing signed by the Placement Agent and the Company. The representations, warranties, agreements and covenants contained herein shall survive the closing of the Placement and delivery of the Securities. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, all of which when taken together shall be considered one and the same agreement and shall become effective when counterparts have been signed by each party and delivered to the other party, it being understood that both parties need not sign the same counterpart. In the event that any signature is delivered by facsimile transmission or a .pdf format file, such signature shall create a valid and binding obligation of the party executing (or on whose behalf such signature is executed) with the same force and effect as if such facsimile or .pdf signature page were an original thereof.
SECTION 11. CONFIDENTIALITY. The Placement Agent (i) will keep the Confidential Information (as such term is defined below) confidential and will not (except as required by applicable law or stock exchange requirement, regulation or legal process), without the Company's prior written consent, disclose to any person any Confidential Information, and (ii) will not use any Confidential Information other than in connection with the Placement. The Placement Agent further agrees to disclose the Confidential Information only to its Representatives (as such term is defined below) who need to know the Confidential Information for the purpose of the Placement, and who are informed by the Placement Agent of the confidential nature of the Confidential Information. The term "Confidential Information" shall mean, all confidential, proprietary and non-public information (whether written, oral or electronic communications) furnished by the Company to a Placement Agent or its Representatives in connection with such Placement Agent's evaluation of the Placement. Information communicated orally or otherwise than in writing, shall only be considered Confidential Information if such information is designated as being confidential at the time of disclosure (or promptly thereafter) and is reduced in writing and identified to the Placement Agent as being Confidential Information immediately after the initial disclosure. The term "Confidential Information" will not, however, include information which (i) is or becomes publicly available other than as a result of a disclosure by a Placement Agent or its Representatives in violation of this Agreement, (ii) is or becomes available to a Placement Agent or any of its Representatives on a non-confidential basis from a third-party, (iii) is known to a Placement Agent or any of its Representatives prior to disclosure by the Company or any of its Representatives, (iv) is or has been independently developed by a Placement Agent and/or the Representatives without use of any Confidential Information furnished to it by the Company, or (v) is required to be disclosed pursuant to applicable legal or regulatory authority. The term "Representatives" shall mean each Placement Agent's directors, board committees, officers, employees, financial advisors, attorneys and accountants. This provision shall be in full force until the earlier of (a) the date that the Confidential Information ceases to be confidential and (b) two (2) years from the date hereof.
SECTION 12. NOTICES. Any and all notices or other communications or deliveries required or permitted to be provided hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given and effective on the earliest of (a) the date of transmission, if such notice or communication is sent to the email address specified on the signature pages attached hereto prior to 6:30 p.m. (New York City time) on a business day, (b) the next business day after the date of transmission, if such notice or communication is sent to the email address on the signature pages attached hereto on a day that is not a business day or later than 6:30 p.m. (New York City time) on any business day, (c) the third business day following the date of mailing, if sent by U.S. internationally recognized air courier service, or (d) upon actual receipt by the party to whom such notice is required to be given. The address for such notices and communications shall be as set forth on the signature pages hereto.
SECTION 13. PRESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Company agrees that the Placement Agent shall, from and after any Closing, have the right to reference the Placement and the Placement Agent's role in connection therewith in the Placement Agent's marketing materials and on its website and to place advertisements in financial and other newspapers and journals, in each case at its own expense.
[The remainder of this page has been intentionally left blank.]
Please confirm that the foregoing correctly sets forth our agreement by signing and returning to Maxim the enclosed copy of this Agreement.
Very truly yours, | |||
By: | |||
Name: | |||
Title: | |||
Address for notice: | |||
300 Park Ave., 16th Floor | |||
New York, NY 10022 | |||
Attention: James Siegel, General Counsel | |||
Email: jsiegel@maximgrp.com |
Accepted and Agreed to as of
the date first written above:
By: | |||
Name: | Wei Wen | ||
Title: | Chief Executive Officer |
TuanChe Limited
9F, Ruihai Building, No. 21 Yangfangdian Road
Haidian District, Beijing 100038
Attention: Wei Wen, CEO
[Signature Page to Placement Agency Agreement Between
TuanChe Limited and Maxim Group LLC]