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売上高は1億8250万ドルで、2023年と比較して48%増加しました 48%増加 同じ期間と比較して2023年と比べて増加しました
カリフォルニア州レッドウッドシティ、 (2024年10月30日)- コーセプトセラピューティックス・インコーポレーテッド(NASDAQ:CORT)は、商業段階にある会社であり、ホルモンコルチゾールの影響を調節することにより、重篤な内分泌、腫瘍、代謝および神経疾患の治療薬の発見と開発に従事しています。本日、2024年9月30日までの四半期の結果を報告しました。
「第3四半期に、Korlymをさらに追加しました® コーセプトの最高経営責任者であるジョセフ・K・ベラノフ医学博士は、「処方者とより多くの患者がコーリム治療を受けました」と述べています。「医師は、副腎皮質機能亢進症の真の有病率と、治療しない患者の健康状態が悪いことをますます認識するようになっています。スクリーニングが一般的になり、適切なケアを受ける患者の数は増え続けています。コーリムを選ぶ患者さんや医師にとって、当社の幅広いサポートサービスは、医薬品の効果を最大限に引き出すために不可欠です。」
コーセプトの2024年第3四半期の売上高は1億8250万ドルで、2023年の第3四半期の12360万ドルと比較しています。 サード 四半期の営業費用は1億3590万ドルで、2023年の第3四半期の9240万ドルと比較しています。当期純利益は2024年第3四半期に4720万ドルで、前年同期の3140万ドルと比較しています。
2024年9月30日時点での現金および投資額は54760万ドルで、これは49250万ドルの。 2024年6月30日2024年9月30日時点の残高は、普通株式(2340万ドル、株)の取得を反映しています。870,000 四半期に会社の株式取得プログラム、従業員株式オプションのネット行使、および制限株式付与のネット実施により、普通株式 (2340万ドル、株)を取得しました。 第三者
クッシング症候群のRelacorilant – NDA提出は今四半期を予想
GRACE – クッシング症候群の全原因152人を対象としたrelacorilantの重要な第3相試験 – ランダム化された離脱相で主要評価項目が達成されました;オープンラベル試験では広範囲の高コルチゾール症状の臨床的に意義のある改善が示されました;relacorilantは耐性がよく、relacorilantに起因する低カリウム血症、子宮内膜肥大症や関連する膣出血、副腎不全、QT延長の症例はありませんでした

GRADIENt - NDAのためのサポートデータ - レラコリラントを投与された患者は、副腎腺の病理によるクッシング症候群を持つ137人の患者を対象にしたランダム化、二重盲検、プラセボ対照の第3相試験で、広範囲にわたる過剰副腎皮質症の兆候と症状で臨床的に有意な改善を示しました。レラコリラントはよく耐えられ、GRACE研究と一貫した安全性プロファイルを備えており、レラコリラント誘発性低カリウム血症、子宮内膜肥大症や関連する膣出血、副腎機能不全やQT延長症例がありませんでした。
Catalyst - コルリムを用いた136人の副腎皮質機能亢進症および難治性の2型糖尿病患者を対象としたランダム化、二重盲検、プラセボ対照の治験の治療段階;この四半期に結果が期待されています。
「Cushing症候群患者におけるGRADIENTの肯定的な結果は、relacorilantがこの致命的な疾病の治療における重要な医療関連の進歩としての期待を裏付けています。GRACE研究でもそうであったように、GRADIENTの患者の中でrelacorilantを服用した患者は、現在承認されている治療を受けている患者に生じる可能性がある重大な副作用を避けつつ、幅広い範囲の副腎皮質過多症の徴候や症状において臨床的に有意な改善を経験しました。」 「これらのデータは、Corceptの開発責任者であるBill Guyer、PharmDによって述べられたものです。relacorilantのNDAの強力な補完となり、今年末までに提出する予定です。」
高血圧でGRADIENtに入院し、relacorilantを受けた患者は、22週間後の平均SBPにおいて臨床的に有意で統計的に有意な改善を示しました(6.6mmHgの減少; p値: 0.012)、基線と比較して。 プラセボを服用した患者は(2.1mmHgの減少; p値: ns)、基線と比較して改善しませんでした。 relacorilantを受け取った患者とプラセボを受け取った患者との比較は統計的に有意ではありませんでした。研究中、プラセボを受け取った患者は5人、relacorilantを受け取った患者は1人が抗高血圧薬の救援療法が必要となりました。正確性を確保するために、高血圧は24時間アンビュレータリ血圧モニタリングによって測定されました。
高血糖患者にrelacorilantを投与された患者は、22週間後に血糖代謝を含む臨床的に意味のあるかつ統計的に有意な改善を経験しました。これには、空腹時血糖(プラセボ調整後の22.2 mg/dLの減少;p値:0.002)、経口ブドウ糖許容試験の面積下の曲線(プラセボ調整後の2.6 h*mmol/Lの減少;p値:0.046)、ヘモグロビンA1c(プラセボ調整後の0.3パーセントの減少;p値:0.019)が含まれます。プラセボを受け取った患者と比較して。
Patients in GRADIENT who received relacorilant experienced clinically meaningful and statistically significant improvements at 22 weeks in body weight (placebo-adjusted reduction of 3.9 kg; p-value: 0.0001) and both visceral adipose fat mass and volume (p-values: 0.018 and 0.016, respectively), compared to those who received placebo.
Relacorilant was well tolerated in GRADIENT, with side effects consistent with those seen in its Phase 2 and GRACE trials. Across all of these studies, the most common adverse events were mild-to-moderate nausea, edema, pain in extremities and back, and fatigue – all symptoms associated with the “cortisol withdrawal” many patients experience following surgery or start of medical therapy for Cushing’s syndrome. Importantly, there were

no relacorilant-induced instances of hypokalemia, relacorilant-induced endometrial hypertrophy or related vaginal bleeding, adrenal insufficiency or QT prolongation.
Complete results from the GRADIENT trial will be presented at a medical conference next year.
“We are also looking forward to results from the treatment phase of our CATALYST study by year-end,” continued Dr. Guyer. “CATALYST is the largest and most rigorous study ever conducted of hypercortisolism in patients with difficult-to-control diabetes. CATALYST’s prevalence results confirm there are many more patients with Cushing’s syndrome than was previously assumed and the trial is poised to be a landmark study in the identification and treatment of patients with hypercortisolism. We are confident it will lead to better health outcomes for many patients who are struggling today.”
ROSELLA – Enrollment completed in pivotal Phase 3 trial of relacorilant plus nab-paclitaxel in 381 patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer; results expected this quarter
Early-stage prostate cancer – Enrollment continues in randomized, placebo-controlled, Phase 2 trial of relacorilant plus enzalutamide in patients with early-stage prostate cancer, conducted in collaboration with the University of Chicago
“Relacorilant has the potential to become the standard of care for patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer. If ROSELLA replicates the positive results of our large, controlled, Phase 2 study, it will constitute a major medical advance and serve as the basis for relacorilant’s next NDA. We expect progression-free survival data, ROSELLA’s primary endpoint, by the end of this year,” said Dr. Guyer.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
DAZALS – Enrollment completed in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase 2 trial of dazucorilant in 249 patients with ALS; results expected this quarter
“ALS is a dire disease, with few good treatment options. Our selective cortisol modulator dazucorilant showed great promise in an animal model of ALS, improving motor performance and reducing neuroinflammation and muscular atrophy. We expect data regarding DAZALS’s primary endpoint – improvement in patients’ ALS Functional Rating Scale-Revised (ALSFRS-R) score – by the end of this year. We hope DAZALS will lead to a much-needed advance for patients with ALS,” said Dr. Guyer.
Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis (MASH)
MONARCH – Enrollment continues in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase 2b trial of miricorilant in 120 patients with biopsy-confirmed MASH and in 75 patients with presumed MASH
“In our Phase 1b study, miricorilant reduced liver fat very rapidly, improved liver health and key metabolic and lipid measures, and was well-tolerated. We look forward to building on these promising results in our MONARCH study,” said Dr. Guyer. “Miricorilant has the potential to greatly benefit the millions of patients with MASH.”
Conference Call
We will hold a conference call on October 30, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time (2:00 p.m. Pacific Time). Participants must register in advance of the conference call by clicking here. Upon registering, each participant will receive a dial-in number and a unique access PIN. Each access PIN will accommodate one caller. Additionally, a listen-only webcast will be available by clicking here. A replay of the call will be available on the Investors / Events tab of Corcept.com.

About Corcept Therapeutics
For over 25 years, Corcept’s focus on cortisol modulation and its potential to treat patients with a wide variety of serious disorders has led to the discovery of more than 1,000 proprietary selective cortisol modulators. Corcept is conducting advanced clinical trials in patients with hypercortisolism, solid tumors, ALS and liver disease. In February 2012, the company introduced Korlym, the first medication approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of patients with Cushing’s syndrome. Corcept is headquartered in Redwood City, California. For more information, visit Corcept.com.
Forward-Looking Statements
Statements in this press release, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements based on our current plans and expectations that are subject to risks and uncertainties that might cause our actual results to differ materially from those such statements express or imply. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, risks related to the sale and reimbursement of Korlym and our ability to operate our business successfully in a competitive and closely regulated market; risks related to the study and development of Korlym, relacorilant, dazucorilant, miricorilant and our other product candidates, including their clinical attributes and applicable regulatory approvals, mandates, oversight and other government requirements; general litigation risks; and the scope and protective power of our intellectual property. These and other risks are set forth in our SEC filings, which are available at our website and the SEC’s website.
In this press release, forward-looking statements include those concerning: trends in medical practice, including trends regarding the identification and treatment of patients with hypercortisolism; our revenue growth and 2024 revenue guidance; the development of relacorilant as a treatment for patients with Cushing’s syndrome and solid tumors, dazucorilant as a treatment for patients with ALS, miricorilant as a treatment for patients with MASH; the timing and outcome of relacorilant’s NDA in Cushing’s syndrome; the timing of and expectations regarding our CATALYST, ROSELLA, DAZALS and MONARCH trials and the possibility of relacorilant, dazucorilant and miricorilant being approved for the treatment of any disorder; and the accrual and attributes of our clinical data and the timing and content of our regulatory submissions. We disclaim any intention or duty to update forward-looking statements made in this press release.

(In thousands)
September 30, 2024
December 31, 2023(1)
Cash and investments$547,646 $425,397 
Trade receivables, net of allowances59,717 41,123 
Insurance recovery receivable related to Melucci litigation— 14,000 
Inventory15,814 15,974 
Operating lease right-of-use asset5,503 120 
Deferred tax assets, net126,799 90,605 
Other assets28,778 34,298 
Total assets$784,257 $621,517 
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity
Accounts payable$18,584 $17,396 
Accrued settlement related to Melucci litigation— 14,000 
Operating lease liabilities6,791 151 
Other liabilities120,047 83,265 
Stockholders’ equity
638,835 506,705 
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity$784,257 $621,517 
(1) Derived from audited financial statements at that date

(In thousands, except per share data)

Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
September 30,September 30,
Product revenue, net$182,546 $123,601 $493,150 $346,970 
Operating expenses
Cost of sales2,867 1,645 7,926 4,604 
Research and development59,336 45,517 176,587 129,646 
Selling, general and administrative73,745 45,262 196,948 137,107 
Total operating expenses135,948 92,424 381,461 271,357 
Income from operations46,598 31,177 111,689 75,613 
Interest and other income6,345 5,208 17,844 12,135 
Income before income taxes52,943 36,385 129,533 87,748 
Income tax expense(5,730)(5,007)(19,070)(12,963)
Net income$47,213 $31,378 $110,463 $74,785 
Net income attributable to common stockholders$46,690 $31,172 $109,344 $74,353 
Basic net income per common share$0.45 $0.31 $1.06 $0.72 
Diluted net income per common share$0.41 $0.28 $0.98 $0.66 
Weighted-average shares outstanding used in computing net income per common share
Basic103,371 102,014 103,094 103,933 
Diluted113,723 111,099 111,571 112,054 

Corcept Therapeutics
Investor Relations