EX-10.1 2 a2024-q3ex101skyway.htm EX-10.1 Document
本过渡和咨询协议(“协议”)于2024年10月24日生效,由明尼苏达州公司Sleep Number Corporation(“生效日期。”)和Shelly R. Ibach(“公司”)签订。高管”) (collectively referred to herein as the “当事人”).
鉴于 2024 年 10 月 24 日,高管通知了公司及其董事会(””) 该高管打算 (a) 从其公司总裁兼首席执行官的职位上退休,最早在 (i) 高管继任首席执行官的聘用开始之日起生效 (”首席执行官过渡”),(ii)公司下次年度股东大会的日期(”年度会议”),以及(iii)2025年5月31日(最早出现在(i)、(ii)和(iii)中,”首席执行官过渡日期”) 和 (b) 不在年会上竞选连任董事会成员,在年会结束之前一直担任董事会主席;
1. 继续雇佣和董事会服务。
(a) 公司将继续雇佣高管,并高管将继续担任公司总裁兼首席执行官直至CEO过渡日期,如果CEO过渡日期早于就业分离日期,公司将继续雇佣高管,并高管将继续担任公司资深顾问的非高管角色,从CEO过渡日期至就业分离日期,除非高管的雇佣因公司因故(按照公司的高管离职薪酬计划中定义的方式)或高管本人而提前终止;但是前提是高管诚信同意不因没有合理理由(按照公司的高管离职薪酬计划中定义的方式)而辞职。 从本协议签署日期至就业分离日期,高管继续受雇于公司的期间在此称为““雇佣期限”是指自2024年6月13日开始,到2026年6月13日结束的期限,根据下述规定可以延长或终止。”.

(b) 执行董事将继续担任董事会主席,直至年度股东大会结束,并将在年度股东大会及股东大会代理声明中不再参加董事会连任。
(c) 在雇佣期间,高管 (i) 将继续获得在本协议签署之日前生效的高管年度基本工资,(ii) 将有资格获得公司2025年年度激励计划下的奖金,该奖金将取决于公司2025年年度激励计划中规定的适用绩效目标的实现情况,此类奖金(如果有)将根据雇用期的部分按比例分配在 2025 财年期间(即从 2024 年 12 月 29 日到离职)日期),并在公司向其高级管理人员支付2025年年度奖金时以现金支付给高管,但不迟于2026年3月15日,(iii)将不会获得任何新的股权奖励,(iv)仍有资格获得高管在本协议签订之日前夕获得的与高管基本相似的员工福利和津贴,包括医疗、牙科和视力保险(包括梅奥诊所的年度高管体格检查)公司的行政延期计划和利润分享以及401(k)计划(包括相应的公司缴款)、人寿保险以及短期和长期伤残保险,以及不超过20,000美元的年度财务咨询补助金,(v)将报销高管为加入全国公司董事协会而缴纳的个人会费和其他相关费用(”NACD 会费”),以及(vi)在公司收到发票的30天内,公司将直接向该律师事务所支付最高68,000美元的此类律师费,该发票上包含Executive聘请的代表她的退休事务的律师事务所的经过全面编辑的叙述,包括对本协议和本协议所设想的交易进行法律审查。
(d) 所有根据公司2020年股权激励计划(经修订)授予高管的未解除限制限制性股票单位,将按照管理如下的绩效调整限制性股票单位授予协议第2.2(c)(iii)款待处理:带授权的绩效调整限制性股票单位,该等单位的处理方式规定为高管在年满60周岁且在公司工作满五年时退休;但公司特此放弃适用于高管在实际退休日期前一年向公司提供书面退休意向通知的要求(为免疑义,2024年授予的绩效调整限制性股票单位的PSU授予协议中规定的三个月通知期间应根据该PSU授予协议和本协议的条款和条件予以满足);此外,在生效日期后,股权计划和PSU授予协议中规定的适用变更控制规定将继续有效(即使这些规定的适用结果相对于本1.d.条具有更好的高管待遇,将根据授奖基础确定)。股权计划将根据完全不设限制限制性股票单位(PSU)授予协议管理这些绩效调整限制性股票单位的执行的全部卓越表现调整后的限制性股权单位。PSU奖励协议将按照PSU奖励协议中第2.2(c)(iii)款规定处理此类绩效调整限制性股票单位,该款规定针对高管在年满60周岁且在公司服务满五年时退休的情形;但是,公司特此放弃了对高管在实际退休日期前一年向公司提供书面退休意向通知这一要求(为避免疑义,2024年授予的绩效调整限制性股票单位应在PSU奖励协议和本协议的条款和条件下得到满足);而适用的股权计划和PSU奖励协议中规定的变更控制规定将在生效日期后继续有效(并在应用这些规定会导致对高管相对于本第1.d.款获得更好待遇的情况下生效,根据授奖一项一项来确定)。
(e) 所有优先授与执行长的限制性股票单位将于就业分离日期完全实现,并将按照管理该等RSU的限制性股票单位奖励协议的条款进行处理;惟RSU相关股份应在就业分离日期后尽快发行,进一步提供,即使生效日期后,股份发行计划及RSU奖励协议中规定的适用变更控制条款将继续有效(并且即使该条款的应用对执行长相对于本第1条(e)一节的待遇更有利,仍适用,如在限制性股票单位限制性股票单位奖励协议RSU奖励协议」;提供股份

(f) 根据 (i) 股票计划或精选康福利公司修订及重订的 2010 年综合奖励计划 (如修订),所有根据 (i) 股票计划授予行政人员的未偿还股票期权(」二零一零年股票计划」) 根据适用的情况下,将按照该等股票期权的非法定股票期权协议(在其范围内)第 3.2 (c) 条进行处理,而 (ii) 2010 年股票计划将根据管理该等股票期权的非法定股票期权授予协议 (a) 段(在其中的范围内)处理(统称为」股票期权奖励协议」),规定如行政人员在 60 岁或以上退休,并在本公司服务五年或以上时,就该等股票期权作出处理,而行政人员可于 2025 年 12 月 31 日后的三年期内行使该等股权(但不超过适用股票期权的到期日);但是,公司特此豁免执行行政人员在行政人员实际一年前提供书面通知退休日期;另外,只要股票计划或 2010 年股票计划(如适用)所载的控制条文的适用变动,以及股票期权奖励协议即使在生效日期后仍然未偿还 (并适用于应用该等条款导致执行人对于本第 1.f 条的更好待遇,按每次奖励方式决定)。为避免任何疑问,所有授予行政人员的股票期权将于离职日完全授予。
2.    咨询过渡服务. 妥善办理若执行官在雇佣分离日期之前仍然在公司工作,自雇佣分离日期的次日开始,并持续至2025年12月31日(此期间称为「咨询期」),执行官的雇佣将于雇佣分离日期结束,并且执行官将作为公司的战略顾问,根据公司的首席执行官或董事会合理的要求,提供咨询服务,以协助领导权过渡及公司的运营(「服务」)。作为咨询期内执行官服务的全额报酬,公司同意(i) 在咨询期内,每月支付执行官150,000美元的现金咨询费(对于任何服务的部分月份将按比例计算),该费用将按月支付,并在每个月结束后30天内由公司支付,以及(ii) 在咨询期内报销执行官的NACD会费。作为战略顾问,执行官同意她将以独立承包商的身份执行服务,而不是公司的员工。本协议中的任何内容不得以任何方式解释为在雇佣分离日期之后执行官是公司的代理、员工或代表。因此,作为战略顾问,执行官将不适用于任何公司赞助的员工福利计划,或其他员工补偿或福利政策或计划,与咨询期内所执行的任何服务相关。执行官同意,作为战略顾问,承担与其在咨询期内执行服务相关的所有税款。公司同意将向执行官提供IRS 1099表格,作为执行官为执行服务所获得的支付报告。执行官同意对公司不受任何索赔或负债的影响(包括罚金),该索赔或负债是由于执行官未就公司向执行官支付的补偿支付税款或未能报告公司向执行官支付的补偿以及/或提交相关的税务表格,其中公司向执行官支付的补偿必须向相关的政府机构报告(包括,仅就本句而言,协议第1(c)条第(vi)项所列的金额)。在咨询期内,执行官

will control the performance of the Services and will furnish all tools and materials necessary to the performance of the Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company will reimburse Executive for certain reasonable expenses in accordance with the Company’s reimbursement policies applicable to independent contractors. Executive acknowledges that she will remain subject to the Company’s Insider Trading Policy in accordance with its terms, including during the Consulting Period. Executive further agrees: (i) that all right, title, and interest in and to any notes, records, designs, inventions, improvements, developments, discoveries, copyrightable material, ideas, and/or trade secrets conceived, discovered, authored, invented, developed, or reduced to practice by Executive, solely or in collaboration with others, arising out of, or in connection with, performing the Services and/or in the scope of her prior employment and any copyrights, patents, trade secrets, mask work rights or other intellectual property rights relating to the foregoing (collectively, “Inventions”) are the sole property of the Company; (ii) to promptly disclose to Company in writing any Inventions; (iii) and that Executive hereby irrevocably assigns and agrees to assign (or cause to be assigned) all Inventions to Company. During the Consulting Period and thereafter, Executive agrees that the terms relating to the protection of Confidential Information as set forth in Executive’s Employee Inventions, Confidentiality and Non-Compete Agreement shall continue to apply.
3.    Release of Claims. Executive hereby agrees to execute the release of claims in the form attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A (the “Release”) no earlier than the close of business on the Employment Separation Date (or such other date agreed to by the Company and Executive). Executive’s eligibility to receive the consideration set forth in Sections 1(d), 1(e), 1(f) and 2 of this Agreement is subject to, and contingent upon, Executive executing the Release no earlier than the close of business on the Employment Separation Date (or such other date agreed to by the Company and Executive), and not rescinding the Release.
4.    No Good Reason. Executive acknowledges and agrees that Executive’s termination of employment, including her transition from President and Chief Executive Officer to strategic consultant and, if applicable, from President and Chief Executive Officer to a non-executive employment position from the CEO Transition Date to the Employment Separation Date, does not constitute “Good Reason” as defined in the Company’s Executive Severance Pay Plan or any other agreement or policy governing Executive’s employment relationship with the Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a Change in Control (as defined in the Company’s Executive Severance Pay Plan) that occurs prior to the Employment Separation Date, Executive shall remain eligible for the severance compensation and benefits as set forth in the Company’s Executive Severance Pay Plan as a “Tier I” executive.
5.    Governing Law; Venue. All issues and questions concerning the application, construction, validity, interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law, whether of the State of Minnesota or any other jurisdiction. Each of the Parties agrees that any legal action or proceeding with respect to this Agreement will be brought exclusively in the state court of Minnesota located in Hennepin County, or the federal courts of the United States of America for the District of Minnesota, unless the Parties to any such action or dispute mutually agree to waive this provision. By execution and delivery of this Agreement, each of the Parties irrevocably consents to service of process out of any of the aforementioned courts in any such action or proceeding by the mailing of copies thereof by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, or by recognized express carrier or delivery service, to the applicable Party at their address referred to herein. Each of the Parties irrevocably waives any objection which they may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any of the aforementioned actions or proceedings arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, or any related agreement, certificate or instrument referred to above, brought in the courts referred to above and hereby

further irrevocably waives and agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, not to plead or claim in any such court that any such action or proceeding brought in any such court has been brought in any inconvenient forum. Nothing herein will affect the right of any Party to serve process in any other manner permitted by law.
6.    Validity. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision or provisions of this Agreement will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement, which will remain in full force and effect.
7.    Entire Agreement. The terms of this Agreement and the terms of the PSU Award Agreements, the RSU Award Agreements, and the Stock Option Award Agreements, as such agreements are modified by the terms of this Agreement, and the Employee Inventions, Confidentiality and Non-Compete Agreement that Executive signed as a condition of employment and that accompanies such aforementioned award agreements are intended by the Parties hereto to be the final expression of their agreement with respect to Executive’s employment and post-employment transition services, and may not be contradicted by evidence of any prior or contemporaneous agreement. The Parties further intend that this Agreement will constitute the complete and exclusive statement of its terms and that no extrinsic evidence whatsoever may be introduced in any judicial, administrative, or other legal proceeding to vary the terms of this Agreement.
8.    Amendments; Waivers. This Agreement may not be modified, amended, or terminated except by an instrument in writing, signed by Executive and a duly authorized officer of the Company and approved by the Board, which expressly identifies the amended provision of this Agreement. By an instrument in writing similarly executed and approved by the Board, Executive or a duly authorized officer of the Company may waive compliance by the other Party hereto with any provision of this Agreement that such other Party was or is obligated to comply with or perform; provided, however, that such waiver will not operate as a waiver of, or estoppel with respect to, any other or subsequent failure to comply or perform. No failure to exercise and no delay in exercising any right, remedy, or power hereunder will preclude any other or further exercise of any other right, remedy, or power provided herein or by law or in equity.
9.    Construction. This Agreement will be deemed drafted equally by both of the Parties hereto. Its language will be construed as a whole and according to its fair meaning. Any presumption or principle that the language is to be construed against any Party hereto will not apply. The headings in this Agreement are only for convenience and are not intended to affect construction or interpretation.
10.    Enforcement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under present or future laws effective during the term of this Agreement, such provision will be fully severable; this Agreement will be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision had never comprised a portion of this Agreement; and the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect and will not be affected by the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or by its severance from this Agreement. Furthermore, in lieu of such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision there will be added automatically as part of this Agreement a provision as similar in terms to such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision as may be possible and be legal, valid and enforceable.
11.    Section 409A. The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that any amounts payable hereunder are intended to be exempt from Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code, but that, to the extent applicable,

this Agreement will be interpreted in accordance with, and incorporate the terms and conditions required by, Section 409A. The Company and Executive will work together in good faith to consider either (a) amendments to this Agreement or (b) revisions to this Agreement with respect to the payment of any awards, which are necessary or appropriate to avoid imposition of any additional tax or income recognition prior to the actual payment to Executive under Section 409A. 
12.    Clawback and Forfeiture Policy. Executive acknowledges and agrees that the Company’s Executive Clawback and Forfeiture Policy and any other applicable compensation recoupment policy will continue to apply following the Employment Separation Date in accordance with the terms and conditions of such policies.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, and intending to be legally bound, the Parties have executed this Transition and Advisory Agreement as of the Effective Date.


By: /s/ Samuel R. Hellfeld
Name: Samuel R. Hellfeld
Title: Chief Legal and Risk Officer

By: /s/ Shelly R. Ibach
Name: Shelly R. Ibach
Title: Chair, President and Chief Executive Officer


[omitted pursuant to Item 601(a)(5) of Regulation S-K]

Exhibit A

Form of Release