


ハーバライフ 第3四半期2024年の業績を報告

売上高は期待に添っており、調整後のEBITDAは1 ガイダンスを上回りました;
年間調整後のEBITDA予想を引き上げました1 指導







12億ドルの当期純利益で、FXの影響を含め、前年同期比3.2%減少した(FXの悪影響はベーシスポイントで290) 「当社の財務基盤は
      強い。 三半期純利益
  為替の影響を除いた年間ベースでは、当期純利益はほぼ横ばいだった2 当ビジネス
当期純利益は4740万ドル; 調整後の当期純利益1 5800万ドル EBITDA1 が超過
調整後のEBITDA1 16650万ドルがガイダンスを上回り; 調整後のEBITDAが1 増加したマージン 世界中での採用は増加しています
  前年比で70ベーシスポイント 前年比。 当社の新しい
      ビジネス イニシアティブは
調整後の結果から除外された、不動産売却に関する約400万ドルの税引前の利益を認識しました 続ける中、根付いています
希薄化後epsが$0.46; 調整後希薄化後eps1 が$0.57
      - マイケル・ジョンソン、
当期純利益提供額が$9950万; 約$2700万の資本支出による資金調達活動  会長 およびCEO


クレジット 契約 EBITDA1 $19720 million; 9月の時点で総負債比率が3.3倍に減少






2024年度のガイダンスが更新され、純売上高の範囲が狭められ、調整後のEBITDAが増加しました1 資本支出は範囲の上限が削減されました



1 非GAAP尺度。歴史的期間について、これらの尺度を最も直接的な米国GAAP尺度に詳細に調整するためのスケジュールA-「非GAAP財務尺度の調整」を参照し、必要に応じて、およびなぜ企業がこれらの非GAAP尺度が有用であると信じているか、および非GAAPガイダンスに関する一定の情報についての議論が含まれています。


2 外国為替の影響を除いた純売上高の増減は、「現地通貨での純売上高」に基づくものであり、これは非GAAP財務指標です。「外国為替の影響を調整することが有用である」と会社が考える理由については、非GAAP財務指標の調整に関するスケジュールAを参照してください。







ハーバライフは、2024年第3四半期の純売上高が12億ドルで、前年比3.2%減少し、290ベーシスポイントの外国為替の逆風を含んでいます。 通貨ベースでは2純売上高は前年比0.3%減少しました。




純利益 は4,740万ドルで、純利益率は 3.8%、調整後純利益は1 5,800万ドルです。調整後EBITDAです1 の 1億6,650万ドルには、調整後EBITDAを含めて、前年比で約1,400万ドルの外貨の逆風が含まれています1 マージン 13.4%で、前年比70ベーシスポイント上昇しました。希薄化後EPSは0.46ドル、調整後の希薄化後EPSを含めて1 0.57ドルです。これには 前年比0.10ドルという外貨の逆風。















8月、会社は米国で新しく全く新しいDiamond Development Mastermind Programを開始しました。President Stephan Gratziani率いる継続的なトレーニングおよび責任プログラムで、ネットワークマーケティング業種のリーダーやコーチであるEric Worreの支援を受けています。約800人の販売店リーダーが参加し、Gratziani氏のハーバライフの独立販売店としての以前の経験と、Worre氏のダイレクトセリングビジネスに関する豊富な知識を活用した実践的指導を受けました。提示された内容には、彼らのハーバライフ ビジネスをさらに最適化しスケールさせるためのコアビジネス原則、組織の発展をサポートするリーダーシップコンセプト、販売店のパフォーマンスメトリクスを分析し、潜在的な新しいビジネス機会を特定するための主要な口座管理モデルの導入が含まれています。


Extravaganza training events also continued in September and October. Approximately 37,300 attendees convened at events in Mexico, the UK and Uzbekistan to learn best practices, trends and new business insights. The Mexico event was highly anticipated among attendees and sold out in five weeks, three and a half months in advance of the training. A virtual attendance option was later added to accommodate the demand. To date, the Company’s 2024 Extravaganza training events have attracted approximately 134,600 attendees.


On September 21, independent distributors, fitness enthusiasts and employees participated in the Herbalife 2024 Worldwide Workout, demonstrating their unique ability to activate their communities through a healthy active lifestyle. During the event, the Company set a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title for the Largest High-Intensity Interval Training Class across multiple venues. Over 4,900 individuals took part in workouts at host sites in Las Vegas, Nevada, Los Angeles, California, Mexico City, Mexico and Mumbai, India, among others. More than 11,000 participants from all over the world also joined the workout virtually via Herbalife’s YouTube livestream.


“We see a new and exciting energy all across Herbalife,” said Michael Johnson. “We are providing opportunities for our distributors to enhance their skills and create a community for their customers through good nutrition and health and wellness. In our 44 years as a company, our impact continues to stand on its own merit.”





Third Quarter and Year to Date 2024 Key Metrics


Regional Net Sales and Foreign Exchange (“FX”) Impact


   Reported Net Sales   YoY Growth (Decline)

$ million

  Q3 ‘24   Q3 ‘23   including FX  excluding FX2
North America  $260.4   $277.8    (6.3)%   (6.2)%
Latin America   207.1    212.0    (2.3)%   9.4%
EMEA   261.9    261.0    0.3%   2.2%
Asia Pacific   436.1    441.0    (1.1)%   0.8%
China   74.8    89.5    (16.4)%   (17.3)%
Worldwide  $1,240.3   $1,281.3    (3.2)%   (0.3)%


   Reported Net Sales   YoY Growth (Decline)

$ million

  YTD ‘24   YTD ‘23   including FX  excluding FX2
North America  $809.4   $878.6    (7.9)%   (7.9)%
Latin America   633.0    624.5    1.4%   5.4%
EMEA   827.6    818.7    1.1%   4.1%
Asia Pacific   1,284.0    1,280.4    0.3%   3.0%
China   231.7    245.2    (5.5)%   (3.1)%
Worldwide  $3,785.7   $3,847.4    (1.6)%   0.8%


Regional Volume Point Metrics


   Volume Points
in millions  Q3 ‘24   Q3 ‘23   YoY % Chg.  YTD ‘24   YTD ‘23   YoY % Chg.
North America   253.3    282.4    (10.3)%   790.0    910.3    (13.2)%
Latin America(a)   262.5    258.7    1.5%   771.0    788.6    (2.2)%
EMEA   269.1    297.9    (9.7)%   867.0    943.4    (8.1)%
Asia Pacific   547.8    563.5    (2.8)%   1,596.4    1,599.2    (0.2)%
China   56.4    66.3    (14.9)%   172.7    177.5    (2.7)%
Worldwide(b)   1,389.1    1,468.8    (5.4)%   4,197.1    4,419.0    (5.0)%


Note: During Q2 ‘24, most markets within the Latin America region, excluding Mexico, implemented a 5% price reduction and Volume Point adjustments to enhance the competitiveness of product pricing, aiming to stimulate incremental volume growth and increase Members’ ability to promote business opportunities. Refer to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2024, for additional details.


(a)Excluding the Volume Point adjustments noted above, the year-over-year percentage change for Q3 ’24 and YTD ‘24 would have been a decrease of 0.4% and 3.4%, respectively.
(b)Excluding the Volume Point adjustments noted above, the year-over-year percentage change for Q3 ’24 and YTD ‘24 would have been a decrease of 5.8% and 5.2%, respectively.







Fourth Quarter 2024 Guidance


$ million  Q4 ‘24 Guidance  Q4 ‘23 Results 
Net sales  (3.0)% to +1.0% YoY   1,215.0 
Adjusted EBITDA1  105 – 135   108.8 
Capital expenditures  25 – 45   35.3 


Full-Year 2024 Guidance – Revised


$ million

  FY ‘24 Guidance

FY ‘24 Guidance

(as of Jul 31 ’24)

  FY ‘23 Results 
Net sales  (2.0)% to (1.0)% YoY  Narrowed Range  (3.5)% to +1.5% YoY   5,062.4 
Adjusted EBITDA1  590 – 620  Raised  560 – 600   570.6 
Capital expenditures  120 – 140  Reduced  120 – 150   135.0 


Earnings Webcast and Conference Call


Herbalife’s senior management team will host a live audio webcast and conference call to discuss its third quarter 2024 financial results on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. ET (2:30 p.m. PT).


The live audio webcast will be available at the following link: https://edge.media-server.com/mmc/p/i5tx7naj.


Participants joining via the conference call may obtain the dial-in information and personal PIN to access the call by registering at the following link: https://register.vevent.com/register/BIe4627c57c8fd4c99b8cda37657987d7c.


Senior management also plans to reference slides during the webcast and call, which will be available under the Investor Relations section of Herbalife’s website at https://ir.herbalife.com, where financial and other information is posted from time to time. The live webcast will also be available at the same website, along with a replay of the webcast following the completion of the event and for 12 months thereafter.


About Herbalife Ltd.


Herbalife (NYSE: HLF) is a premier health and wellness company, community and platform that has been changing people's lives with great nutrition products and a business opportunity for its independent distributors since 1980. The Company offers science-backed products to consumers in more than 90 markets through entrepreneurial distributors who provide one-on-one coaching and a supportive community that inspires their customers to embrace a healthier, more active lifestyle to live their best life.


For more information, visit https://ir.herbalife.com.


Media Contact: Investor Contact:
Thien Ho Erin Banyas
Vice President, Global Corporate Communications Vice President, Head of Investor Relations
thienh@herbalife.com erinba@herbalife.com





Forward-Looking Statements


This release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements other than statements of historical fact are “forward-looking statements” for purposes of federal and state securities laws, including any projections of earnings, revenue or other financial items; any statements of the plans, strategies and objectives of management, including for future operations, capital expenditures, or share repurchases; any statements concerning proposed new products, services, or developments; any statements regarding future economic conditions or performance; any statements of belief or expectation; and any statements of assumptions underlying any of the foregoing or other future events. Forward-looking statements may include, among others, the words “may,” “will,” “estimate,” “intend,” “continue,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate” or any other similar words.


Although we believe that the expectations reflected in any of our forward-looking statements are reasonable, actual results or outcomes could differ materially from those projected or assumed in any of our forward-looking statements. Our future financial condition and results of operations, as well as any forward-looking statements, are subject to change and to inherent risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control. Important factors that could cause our actual results, performance and achievements, or industry results to differ materially from estimates or projections contained in or implied by our forward-looking statements include the following:


the potential impacts of current global economic conditions, including inflation, on us; our Members, customers, and supply chain; and the world economy;


our ability to attract and retain Members;


our relationship with, and our ability to influence the actions of, our Members;


our noncompliance with, or improper action by our employees or Members in violation of, applicable U.S. and foreign laws, rules, and regulations;


adverse publicity associated with our Company or the direct-selling industry, including our ability to comfort the marketplace and regulators regarding our compliance with applicable laws;


changing consumer preferences and demands and evolving industry standards, including with respect to climate change, sustainability, and other environmental, social, and governance, or ESG, matters;


the competitive nature of our business and industry;


legal and regulatory matters, including regulatory actions concerning, or legal challenges to, our products or network marketing program and product liability claims;


the Consent Order entered into with the Federal Trade Commission, or FTC, the effects thereof and any failure to comply therewith;


risks associated with operating internationally and in China;


our ability to execute our growth and other strategic initiatives, including implementation of our restructuring initiatives, and increased penetration of our existing markets;


any material disruption to our business caused by natural disasters, other catastrophic events, acts of war or terrorism, including the war in Ukraine, cybersecurity incidents, pandemics, and/or other acts by third parties;


our ability to adequately source ingredients, packaging materials, and other raw materials and manufacture and distribute our products;


our reliance on our information technology infrastructure;





noncompliance by us or our Members with any privacy laws, rules, or regulations or any security breach involving the misappropriation, loss, or other unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential information;


contractual limitations on our ability to expand or change our direct-selling business model;


the sufficiency of our trademarks and other intellectual property;


product concentration;


our reliance upon, or the loss or departure of any member of, our senior management team;


restrictions imposed by covenants in the agreements governing our indebtedness;


risks related to our convertible notes;


changes in, and uncertainties relating to, the application of transfer pricing, income tax, customs duties, value added taxes, and other tax laws, treaties, and regulations, or their interpretation;


our incorporation under the laws of the Cayman Islands; and


share price volatility related to, among other things, speculative trading and certain traders shorting our common shares.


Additional factors and uncertainties that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from our forward-looking statements are set forth in the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2024, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 30, 2024, including under the heading “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and in our Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and the related Notes included therein, and Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 14, 2024, including under the headings “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and in our Consolidated Financial Statements and the related Notes included therein. In addition, historical, current, and forward-looking sustainability-related statements may be based on standards for measuring progress that are still developing, internal controls and processes that continue to evolve, and assumptions that are subject to change in the future.


Forward-looking statements made in this release speak only as of the date hereof. We do not undertake any obligation to update or release any revisions to any forward-looking statement or to report any events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law.





Results of Operations



Herbalife Ltd. and Subsidiaries

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income

(in millions, except per share amounts)


    Three Months Ended September 30,   Nine Months Ended September 30, 
    2024   2023   2024   2023 
North America   $260.4   $277.8   $809.4   $878.6 
Latin America    207.1    212.0    633.0    624.5 
EMEA    261.9    261.0    827.6    818.7 
Asia Pacific    436.1    441.0    1,284.0    1,280.4 
China    74.8    89.5    231.7    245.2 
Worldwide Net sales    1,240.3    1,281.3    3,785.7    3,847.4 
Cost of sales    268.7    303.2    836.8    903.4 
Gross profit    971.6    978.1    2,948.9    2,944.0 
Royalty overrides    405.5    416.1    1,236.0    1,261.8 
Selling, general, and administrative expenses    444.0    455.3    1,438.5    1,391.7 
Other operating income (1)    (5.0)    -    (5.0)    (10.1) 
Operating income    127.1    106.7    279.4    300.6 
Interest expense, net    56.5    38.5    152.1    116.3 
Other expense (income), net (2)    -    (1.0)    10.5    (1.0) 
Income before income taxes    70.6    69.2    116.8    185.3 
Income taxes    23.2    26.4    40.4    53.3 
Net income   $47.4   $42.8   $76.4   $132.0 
Weighted-average shares outstanding:                     
Basic    100.9    99.2    100.4    98.9 
Diluted    101.9    100.4    101.4    100.0 
Earnings per share:                     
Basic   $0.47   $0.43   $0.76   $1.33 
Diluted   $0.46   $0.43   $0.75   $1.32 


(1) Other operating income for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and nine months ended September 30, 2023 relates to certain China government grant income


(2) Other expense, net for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 relates to loss on extinguishment of 2018 Credit Facility, as well as partial redemption and private repurchase of 2025 Notes. Other income, net for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 relates to gain on extinguishment of a portion of 2024 Convertible Notes.





Herbalife Ltd. and Subsidiaries

Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets

(in millions)


   September 30,   December 31, 
   2024   2023 
Current Assets:        
Cash and cash equivalents  $           402.5   $575.2 
Receivables, net   82.0    81.2 
Inventories   515.3    505.2 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets   244.8    237.7 
Total Current Assets   1,244.6    1,399.3 
Property, plant and equipment, net   463.3    506.5 
Operating lease right-of-use assets   187.7    185.8 
Marketing-related intangibles and other intangible assets, net   312.7    314.0 
Goodwill   93.1    95.4 
Other assets   352.1    308.4 
Total Assets  $2,653.5   $2,809.4 
Current Liabilities:          
Accounts payable  $86.6   $84.0 
Royalty overrides   332.1    343.4 
Current portion of long-term debt   283.3    309.5 
Other current liabilities   583.0    540.7 
Total Current Liabilities   1,285.0    1,277.6 
Non-current liabilities:          
Long-term debt, net of current portion   1,977.9    2,252.9 
Non-current operating lease liabilities   167.3    167.6 
Other non-current liabilities   177.5    171.6 
Total Liabilities   3,607.7    3,869.7 
Commitments and Contingencies          
Shareholders' deficit:          
Common shares   0.1    0.1 
Paid-in capital in excess of par value   267.0    233.9 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss   (235.4)    (232.0) 
Accumulated deficit   (985.9)    (1,062.3) 
Total Shareholders' Deficit   (954.2)    (1,060.3) 
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Deficit  $2,653.5   $2,809.4 





Herbalife Ltd. and Subsidiaries

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

(in millions)


   Nine Months Ended September 30, 
   2024   2023 
Cash flows from operating activities:        
Net income  $76.4   $132.0 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:          
Depreciation and amortization   92.4    85.1 
Share-based compensation expenses   36.7    35.7 
Non-cash interest expense   9.4    5.5 
Deferred income taxes   (52.7)    (25.9) 
Inventory write-downs   17.0    21.9 
Foreign exchange transaction (gain) loss   11.9    (2.7) 
Loss (gain) on extinguishment of debt   10.5    (1.0) 
Other   3.8    2.9 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:          
Receivables   (3.6)    (11.8) 
Inventories   (41.7)    62.9 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets   (3.7)    (24.5) 
Accounts payable   0.9    (12.1) 
Royalty overrides   (2.3)    (8.8) 
Other current liabilities   62.1    13.6 
Other   (1.3)    (11.4) 
Net cash provided by operating activities   215.8    261.4 
Cash flows from investing activities:          
Purchases of property, plant and equipment   (96.3)    (99.7) 
Proceeds from sale and leaseback transaction, net of related expenses   37.9    - 
Other   (0.6)    0.1 
Net cash used in investing activities   (59.0)    (99.6) 
Cash flows from financing activities:          
Borrowings from senior secured credit facility and other debt, net of discount   1,117.7    195.0 
Principal payments on senior secured credit facility and other debt   (1,655.0)   (278.1) 
Repayment of convertible senior notes   (197.0)   (64.3) 
Proceeds from senior secured notes, net of discount   778.4    - 
Repayment of senior notes   (344.3)   - 
Debt issuance costs   (22.4)   (1.8) 
Share repurchases   (5.7)   (9.7) 
Other   2.0    2.3 
Net cash used in financing activities   (326.3)   (156.6) 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash   (8.1)   (5.5) 
Net change in cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash   (177.6)   (0.3) 
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash, beginning of period   595.5    516.3 
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash, end of period  $417.9   $516.0 





Supplemental Information




Adjusted Net Income, Adjusted Diluted EPS, Adjusted EBITDA and Credit Agreement EBITDA


In addition to its reported results calculated in accordance with U.S. GAAP, the Company has included in this release adjusted net income, adjusted diluted EPS, adjusted EBITDA and credit agreement EBITDA, performance measures that the Securities and Exchange Commission defines as “non-GAAP financial measures.” Adjusted net income, adjusted diluted EPS, adjusted EBITDA and credit agreement EBITDA exclude the impact of certain unusual or non-recurring items such as expenses related to restructuring initiatives, expenses related to the digital technology program, gains or losses from sale of property, gains or losses from extinguishment of debt and Korea tax settlement, as further detailed in the reconciliations below. Adjusted EBITDA margin represents adjusted EBITDA divided by net sales. Credit agreement EBITDA represents EBITDA adjusted for items permitted under our senior secured credit facilities.


Management believes that such non-GAAP performance measures, when read in conjunction with the Company’s reported results, calculated in accordance with U.S. GAAP, can provide useful supplemental information for investors because they facilitate a period to period comparative assessment of the Company’s operating performance relative to its performance based on reported results under U.S. GAAP, while isolating the effects of some items that vary from period to period without any correlation to core operating performance and eliminate certain charges that management believes do not reflect the Company’s operations and underlying operational performance.


The Company’s definitions and calculations as set forth in the tables below of adjusted net income, adjusted diluted EPS, adjusted EBITDA and credit agreement EBITDA may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies because other companies may not calculate them in the same manner as the Company does and should not be viewed in isolation from, nor as alternatives to, net income or diluted EPS calculated in accordance with U.S. GAAP.


The Company does not provide a reconciliation of forward-looking adjusted EBITDA guidance to net income, the comparable U.S. GAAP measure, because, due to the unpredictable or unknown nature of certain significant items, such as income tax expenses or benefits, loss contingencies, and any gains or losses in connection with refinancing transactions, we cannot reconcile this non-GAAP projection without unreasonable efforts. We expect the variability of these items, which are necessary for a presentation of the reconciliation, could have a significant impact on our reported U.S. GAAP financial results.


Currency Fluctuation


Our international operations have provided and will continue to provide a significant portion of our total net sales. As a result, total net sales will continue to be affected by fluctuations in the U.S. dollar against foreign currencies. In order to provide a framework for assessing how our underlying businesses performed excluding the effect of foreign currency fluctuations, in addition to comparing the percent change in net sales from one period to another in U.S. dollars, we also compare the percent change in net sales from one period to another period using “net sales in local currency.” Net sales in local currency is not a measure presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Net sales in local currency removes from net sales in U.S. dollars the impact of changes in exchange rates between the U.S. dollar and the local currencies of our foreign subsidiaries, by translating the current period net sales into U.S. dollars using the same foreign currency exchange rates that were used to translate the net sales for the previous comparable period. We believe presenting net sales in local currency is useful to investors because it allows a meaningful comparison of net sales of our foreign operations from period to period. However, net sales in local currency should not be considered in isolation or as an alternative to net sales in U.S. dollar measures that reflect current period exchange rates, or to other financial measures calculated and presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP.





The following is a reconciliation of net income to adjusted net income:



   Three Months Ended September 30,   Nine Months Ended September 30, 
$ million  2024   2023   2024   2023 
Net income  $47.4   $42.8   $76.4   $132.0 
Expenses related to Restructuring Program (1) (2)   2.7    -    68.2    - 
Expenses related to Transformation Program (1) (2)   -    4.6    9.4    42.0 
Digital technology program costs (1) (2)   5.1    12.1    22.1    22.6 
Gain on sale of property (1) (2)   (4.0)    -    (4.0)    - 
Korea tax settlement (1) (2)   -    8.6    -    8.6 
Loss (gain) on extinguishment of debt (1) (2)   -    (1.0)    10.5    (1.0) 
Income tax adjustments for above items (1) (2)   6.8    (1.8)    (20.5)    (11.0)
Adjusted net income  $58.0   $65.3   $162.1   $193.2 



The following is a reconciliation of diluted earnings per share to adjusted diluted earnings per share:



   Three Months Ended September 30,   Nine Months Ended September 30, 
$ per share  2024   2023   2024   2023 
Diluted earnings per share  $0.46   $0.43   $0.75   $1.32 
Expenses related to Restructuring Program (1) (2)   0.03    -    0.68    - 
Expenses related to Transformation Program (1) (2)   -    0.05    0.10    0.42 
Digital technology program costs (1) (2)   0.05    0.12    0.22    0.23 
Gain on sale of property (1) (2)   (0.04)    -    (0.04)    - 
Korea tax settlement (1) (2)   -    0.09    -    0.09 
Loss (gain) on extinguishment of debt (1) (2)   -    (0.01)    0.10    (0.01) 
Income tax adjustments for above items (1) (2)   0.07    (0.02)    (0.20)    (0.11) 
Adjusted diluted earnings per share (5)   $0.57   $0.65   $1.61   $1.93 



The following is a reconciliation of net income to EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA and Credit Agreement EBITDA and Credit Agreement total leverage ratio:



   Three Months Ended   TTM 
$ million  Sep 30 '23   Dec 31 '23   Mar 31 '24   Jun 30 '24   Sep 30 '24   Sep 30 '24 
Net sales  $1,281.3   $1,215.0   $1,264.3   $1,281.1   $1,240.3   $5,000.7 
Net income  $42.8   $10.2   $24.3   $4.7   $47.4   $86.6 
Interest expense, net   38.5    38.1    37.9    57.7    56.5    190.2 
Income taxes   26.4    7.5    9.7    7.5    23.2    47.9 
Depreciation and amortization   28.4    28.2    29.2    32.6    30.6    120.6 
EBITDA   136.1    84.0    101.1    102.5    157.7    445.3 
Amortization of SaaS implementation costs   2.9    3.1    3.6    8.7    5.0    20.4 
Expenses related to Restructuring Program   -    -    16.7    48.8    2.7    68.2 
Expenses related to Transformation Program   4.6    12.2    5.9    3.5    -    21.6 
Digital technology program costs   12.1    9.5    11.0    6.0    5.1    31.6 
Gain on sale of property   -    -    -    -    (4.0)    (4.0) 
Korea tax settlement   8.6    -    -    -    -    - 
Loss (gain) on extinguishment of debt   (1.0)    -    -    10.5    -    10.5 
Adjusted EBITDA   163.3    108.8    138.3    180.0    166.5    593.6 
Interest income   3.2    3.2    3.7    2.8    2.8    12.5 
Inventory write-downs   5.0    6.6    4.7    6.7    5.6    23.6 
Share-based compensation expenses   13.7    12.3    11.9    11.8    13.0    49.0 
Other expenses (3)   (3.8)    11.8    0.9    6.7    9.3    28.7 
Credit Agreement EBITDA  $181.4   $142.7   $159.5   $208.0   $197.2   $707.4 
Credit Agreement Total Debt (4)                           $2,337.5 
Credit Agreement Total Leverage Ratio                            3.3x 
Net income margin   3.3%   0.8%    1.9%    0.4%    3.8%    1.7% 
Adjusted EBITDA margin   12.7%    9.0%    10.9%    14.1%    13.4%    11.9% 






The following is a reconciliation of net income to EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA and Credit Agreement EBITDA and Credit Agreement total leverage ratio:



   Nine Months Ended September 30,   Year Ended Dec 31, 
$ million  2024   2023   2023 
Net sales  $3,785.7   $3,847.4   $5,062.4 
Net income  $76.4   $132.0   $142.2 
Interest expense, net   152.1    116.3    154.4 
Income taxes   40.4    53.3    60.8 
Depreciation and amortization   92.4    85.1    113.3 
EBITDA   361.3    386.7    470.7 
Amortization of SaaS implementation costs   17.3    2.9    6.0 
Expenses related to Restructuring Program   68.2    -    - 
Expenses related to Transformation Program   9.4    42.0    54.2 
Digital technology program costs   22.1    22.6    32.1 
Gain on sale of property   (4.0)    -    - 
Korea tax settlement   -    8.6    8.6 
Loss (gain) on extinguishment of debt   10.5    (1.0)    (1.0) 
Adjusted EBITDA   484.8    461.8    570.6 
Interest income   9.3    8.3    11.5 
Inventory write-downs   17.0    21.9    28.5 
Share-based compensation expenses   36.7    35.7    48.0 
Other expenses (3)   16.9    (0.3)    11.5 
Credit Agreement EBITDA  $564.7   $527.4   $670.1 
Credit Agreement Total Debt (4)            $2,581.1 
Credit Agreement Total Leverage Ratio             3.9x 
Net income margin   2.0%    3.4%    2.8% 
Adjusted EBITDA margin   12.8%    12.0%    11.3% 



(1) Based on interim income tax reporting rules, these (income)/expense items are not considered discrete items. The tax effect of the adjustments between our U.S. GAAP and non-GAAP results takes into account the tax treatment and related tax rate(s) that apply to each adjustment in the applicable tax jurisdiction(s).


(2) Excludes tax (benefit)/expense as follows:


   Three Months Ended September 30,   Nine Months Ended September 30, 
$ million  2024   2023   2024   2023 
Expenses related to Restructuring Program  $5.3   $-   $(14.9)   $- 
Expenses related to Transformation Program   0.6    0.2    (1.9)    (8.3)
Digital technology program costs   (0.5)    (0.7)    (2.5)    (1.4)
Gain on sale of property   0.9    -    0.9    - 
Korea tax settlement   -    (1.4)    -    (1.4)
Loss (gain) on extinguishment of debt   0.5    0.1    (2.1)    0.1 
Total income tax adjustments  $6.8   $(1.8)   $(20.5)   $(11.0)


   Three Months Ended September 30,   Nine Months Ended September 30, 
$ per share  2024    2023   2024   2023 
Expenses related to Restructuring Program  $0.05    $-   $(0.15)  $- 
Expenses related to Transformation Program   -     -    (0.02)   (0.08)
Digital technology program costs   (0.01)     (0.01)   (0.02)   (0.01)
Gain on sale of property   0.01     -    0.01    - 
Korea tax settlement   -     (0.01)   -    (0.01)
Loss (gain) on extinguishment of debt   0.01     -    (0.02)   - 
Total income tax adjustments (5)  $0.07    $(0.02)  $(0.20)  $(0.11)


(3) Other expenses include certain non-cash items such as bad debt expense, unrealized foreign currency gains and losses, and other gains and losses


(4) Represents the outstanding principal amount of total debt as of the respective period end


(5) Amounts may not total due to rounding