联合 状态
根据1934年证券交易法第13或15(d)节的季度报告 |
根据1934年证券交易法第13条或第15(d)条的过渡报告 |
| |
(根据其章程规定的注册人准确名称) |
| |
| ||
(设立或组织的其他管辖区域) |
| (纳税人识别号码) |
每一类的名称 |
| 交易 符号: |
| 在其上注册的交易所的名称 |
大型加速报告人 | ☐ | 加速文件提交人 | ☐ |
☒ | 较小的报告公司 | ||
| 新兴成长公司 |
| 第一页。 |
| 3 |
| ||
第一部分 | 财务信息 |
项目1 | 基本报表。 |
| 4 |
项目2 | 管理财务状况和运营结果的讨论和分析。 |
| 31 |
项目3 | 关于市场风险的定量和定性披露。 |
| 57 |
项目4 | 控制和程序。 |
| 57 |
第二部分 | 其他信息 |
项目1 | 法律诉讼。 |
| 58 |
项目1A | 风险因素。 |
| 58 |
项目2 | 未经注册的股票出售和使用得到的收益。 |
| 58 |
项目3 | 违反优先证券的行为。 |
| 58 |
项目4 | 矿山安全披露。 |
| 58 |
项目5 | 其他信息。 |
| 58 |
项目6 | 附件。 |
| 59 |
签名 |
| 60 |
| |
| |
附件描述 |
| 61 |
2 |
目录 |
3 |
目录 |
第一部分: 财务信息
流动资产: |
| 2020年9月30日 2024 (未经审计) |
| 12月31日 2023 |
| ||
现金及现金等价物 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
应收账款-净额 |
| ||
其他应收款 |
| ||
存货(注3) |
| ||
供应商存款(附注4) |
| ||
预付费用 |
| ||
流动资产合计 |
| ||
物业和设备净额(附注5) |
| ||
其他资产: |
无形资产净额(附注6) |
| ||
经营租赁 - 使用权资产(附注-7) |
| ||
开多期长期应收款- 净值 |
| ||
其他资产 |
| ||
其他资产总额 |
| ||
总资产 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
负债及股东权益 | ||||||||
| ||||||||
流动负债: |
应付账款 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
应计费用及其他流动负债(注13) |
| ||
长期经营租赁的流动部分 |
| ||
总流动负债 |
| ||
长期负债: |
经营租赁长期部分净额(附注7) |
| ||
应付可转换票据净额,扣除未摊销债务折扣$ |
| ||
总长期负债 |
| ||
总负债 |
| ||
承诺和或有事项(附注7和11) |
股东权益: |
累积可转换A系列优先股;面值 $ |
| ||
累积可转换B系列优先股;$ |
| ||
普通股;每股面值$ |
| ||
资本公积金 |
| ||
累计赤字 |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
股东权益合计 |
| ||
负债合计和股东权益总计 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
附注是这份简明合并财务报表的不可分割部分。 |
4 |
目录 |
| 截至三个月结算。 |
| 截至……的九个月财务报表 |
| ||||||||||
| 2020年9月30日 |
| 2020年9月30日 |
| ||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||||
| ||||
净销售额 |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||||
销售成本 |
| ||||
毛利润 |
| ||||
营业费用: |
专业费用 |
| ||||
折旧与摊销 |
| ||||
销售费用 |
| ||||
迄今为止,我们的研究和开发费用与AV-101的开发有关。研究和开发费用按照发生的原则确认,并将在收到将用于研究和开发的货物或服务之前支付的款项资本化,直至收到这些货物或服务。 |
| ||||
不提供税前缴纳补贴 我们不提供补贴以支付任何已命名高管薪酬或额外福利的个人所得税。 |
| ||||
总部和行政 |
| ||||
总营业费用 |
| ||||
营业收入(损失) |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) | |
其他收益(费用): |
利息收入 |
| ||||
利息费用 |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
| ||
其他收入(费用),净额 |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
| ||
税前收益(亏损) |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) | |
所得税准备(附注15) |
| ||||
净利润 |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) | |
每股普通股净收益(亏损) |
基本 |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) | |
稀释的 |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) | |
基本加权平均流通普通股数 |
| ||||
摊薄加权平均流通在外普通股数量 |
| ||||
附注是合并财务报表的组成部分。 |
5 |
目录 |
| 截至2024年9月30日止九个月 |
| ||||||||||||||||
| A类优先股 |
| 普通股 |
| 共计 付费 在MF患者中 |
| 累积的 |
| 总股东权益 |
| |||||||||||||
| 股份 |
| 数量 |
| 股份 |
| 数量 |
| 资本 |
| $ |
| 股东权益 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
2024年1月1日的余额 |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
| ||||||
行使认股权证和期权 |
| ||||
以提供的服务发行普通股 |
| ||||
股权报酬 |
| ||
2024年9月30日结束的九个月的净(损失) |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
2024年9月30日的余额 |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
| 2023年9月30日结束的九个月内的合同余额 |
| ||||||||||||||||
| A类优先股 |
| 普通股 |
| 共计 实收资本 |
| 累积的 |
| 总股东权益 |
| |||||||||||||
| 股份 |
| 数量 |
| 股份 |
| 数量 |
| 资本 |
| $ |
| 股东权益 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
2023年1月1日余额 |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
| ||||||
除现金报酬外,每位非员工董事都有资格根据我们的2016计划获得非合格股票期权和/或限制性股票单位奖励。根据此政策授予的任何期权均为非法定期权,自授予之日起十年,或与终止服务相关而提前终止。 |
| ||
发行普通股以换取提供的服务 |
| ||||
2023年9月30日结束的九个月净(损) |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
2023年9月30日结余 |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
6 |
目录 |
| 截至2024年9月30日三个月的数据 |
| |||||||||||||||||||
| A类优先股 |
| 普通股 |
| 共计 实收资本 |
| 累积的 |
| 总股东权益 |
| |||||||||||||
| 股份 |
| 数量 |
| 股份 |
| 数量 |
| 注册资本 |
| $ |
| 股东权益 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
2024年7月1日的余额 |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
| ||||||
除现金报酬外,每位非员工董事都有资格根据我们的2016计划获得非合格股票期权和/或限制性股票单位奖励。根据此政策授予的任何期权均为非法定期权,自授予之日起十年,或与终止服务相关而提前终止。 |
| |
为提供的服务发行普通股 |
| |
2024年9月30日结束的九个月净利润 |
| ||
2024年9月30日的余额 |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
| 截至2023年9月30日三个月的财报 |
| ||||||||||||||||
| A类优先股 |
| 普通股 |
| 共计 付费 fo@microcaprodeo.com |
| 累积的 |
| 总股东权益 |
| |||||||||||||
| 股份 |
| 数量 |
| 股份 |
| 数量 |
| 注册资本 |
| $ |
| 股东权益 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
2023年7月1日的余额 |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
| ||||||
2023年9月30日结束的三个月的净(损失) |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
2023年9月30日结余 |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ |
7 |
目录 |
| 截至9月30日的九个月 |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
经营活动现金流量: |
| ||
净利润(损失) |
| $ | ( | ) |
| $ | ( | ) |
调整以调节净利润(损失)与经营活动提供的现金净额之间的差额: |
折旧与摊销 |
| ||
使用权资产摊销 |
| ||
递延融资费用摊销 |
| ||
股权补偿费用 |
| ||
以股份形式发行的股权价值 |
| ||
经营资产和负债的变化: |
减少(增加): |
应收账款 |
| ( | ) |
| |
库存 |
| ||
预付费用 |
| ( | ) | |
供应商存款 |
| ( | ) |
| |
其他资产 |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
增加(减少): |
应付账款 |
| ( | ) | |
应计费用 |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
客户存款 |
| ( | ) | |
租赁负债 |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
经营活动产生的净现金流量 |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
投资活动现金流量: |
购买固定资产和设备 |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
投资活动中的净现金流(应用) |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
8 |
目录 |
tomi environmental solutions, inc.
压缩的综合现金流量表 - 继续
| 截至9月30日的九个月 |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
筹资活动现金流量: |
| ||
股票和权证发行收入 |
| $ |
| ||
筹资活动提供的净现金 |
| ||
现金及现金等价物的增加(减少) |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
现金及现金等价物-期初 |
| ||
现金及现金等价物-期末 |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
补充现金流量信息: |
支付的利息现金 |
| $ |
| $ |
9 |
目录 |
NOTE 1. 业务描述 Tenax Therapeutics Inc.(“公司”或“Tenax”)最初于1967年以New Jersey公司的形式成立,名称为Rudmer,David&Associates,Inc.,随后将其名称更改为Synthetic Blood International,Inc.2008年6月17日,Synthetic Blood International的股东批准了2008年4月28日的《合并协议和计划》,该协议是Synthetic Blood International与特拉华州公司Oxygen Biotherapeutics,Inc.之间的协议。“(合并协议)合作。“2008年4月17日,Synthetic Blood International成立了Oxygen Biotherapeutics,以参与合并以更改Synthetic Blood International的法定住所,以从New Jersey更改为Delaware.Certificate of Merger已向New Jersey和Delaware提交,并且合并已于2008年6月30日生效。根据合并计划,Oxygen Biotherapeutics是幸存的公司,Synthetic Blood International在2008年6月30日发行的每个普通股都会转换为一股Oxygen Biotherapeutics普通股。2014年9月19日,公司更改其名称为Tenax Therapeutics,Inc。
tomi environmental solutions是一家全球的环保母基提供商,通过我们的首席二元离子技术®(BIT™)平台提供消毒和脱臭必需品,我们在该平台下生产、许可、服务和销售我们的SteraMist®产品系列,包括基于过氧化氢的SteraMist® BIT™的雾化。我们的解决方案和流程环保,因为我们的脱臭过程中唯一的副产品是氧气和水,以湿气的形式存在。我们的解决方案在美国和加拿大被有机列为可持续绿色产品,几乎没有碳足迹。我们的业务分为四个部门:生命科学、医疗保健、食品安全和商业。
注2. 重要会计政策总结
附带的简明合并基本报表包括 tomi 及其全资子公司 tomi environmental solutions, inc.,一个内华达州公司的账户。所有公司间账户和交易在合并中已被消除。
10 |
目录 |
| 一级: | 层次2- 除层次1外,还可以间接或直接观察到的其他输入,例如类似资产或负债的报价;在非活跃市场上的报价;或其他可以被观察到的或可通过观察到的市场数据证实,对于资产或负债的整个期限都具有重要作用的信息。
| 二级: | 除了一级之外的可观察输入,可以直接或间接地观察到,例如类似资产或负债的报价;不活跃市场中的报价;或者可以通过观察市场数据明显证实的资产或负债的其他输入,贯穿资产或负债的几乎整个期限。
| 三级计量: | 不可观察的输入,受到很少或根本没有市场活动支持,并且对于资产或负债的价值非常重要。 |
11 |
目录 |
Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or net realizable value using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method. Inventories consist primarily of finished goods and raw materials.
We expense costs to maintain certification to cost of goods sold as incurred.
We review inventory on an ongoing basis, considering factors such as deterioration and obsolescence. We record an allowance for estimated losses when the facts and circumstances indicate that particular inventories may not be usable. Our reserve for obsolete inventory was $
Property and Equipment
We account for property and equipment at cost less accumulated depreciation. We compute depreciation using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets, generally three to five years. Depreciation for equipment, furniture and fixtures and vehicles commences once placed in service for its intended use. Leasehold improvements are amortized using the straight-line method over the lives of the respective leases or service lives of the improvements, whichever is shorter.
We recognize a right-of-use (“ROU”) asset and lease liability for all leases with terms of more than 12 months, in accordance with ASC 842. We utilize the short-term lease recognition exemption for all asset classes as part of our on-going accounting under ASC 842. This means, for those leases that qualify, we will not recognize ROU assets or lease liabilities. Recognition, measurement and presentation of expenses depends on classification as a finance or operating lease.
12 |
Table of Contents |
As a lessee, we utilize the reasonably certain threshold criteria in determining which options we will exercise. Furthermore, our lease payments are based on index rates with minimum annual increases. These represent fixed payments and are captured in the future minimum lease payments calculation. In determining the discount rate to use in calculating the present value of lease payments, we used our incremental borrowing rate based on the information available at adoption date in determining the present value of lease payments.
We have also elected the practical expedient to not separate lease and non-lease components for all asset classes, meaning all consideration that is fixed, or in-substance fixed, will be captured as part of our lease components for balance sheet purposes. Furthermore, all variable payments included in lease agreements will be disclosed as variable lease expense when incurred. Generally, variable lease payments are based on usage and common area maintenance. These payments will be included as variable lease expense in the period in which they are incurred.
Accounts Payable
As of September 30, 2024, one vendor accounted for approximately
For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, two vendors accounted for
Accrued Warranties
Accrued warranties represent the estimated costs, if any, that will be incurred during the warranty period of our products. We estimate the expected costs to be incurred during the warranty period and record the expense to the consolidated statement of operations at the date of sale. Our manufacturers assume the warranty against product defects from date of sale, which we extend to our customers upon sale of the product. We assume responsibility for product reliability and results. As of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, our warranty reserve was $
Income Taxes
Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are determined based on differences between the financial statement reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities and are measured using the enacted tax rates and laws in effect when the differences are expected to reverse. The measurement of deferred income tax assets is reduced, if necessary, by a valuation allowance for any tax benefits that are, on a more likely than not basis, not expected to be realized in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 740, Income Taxes guidance for income taxes. Net deferred tax assets have been fully reserved at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
13 |
Table of Contents |
Net Income (Loss) Per Share
Basic net income or (loss) per share is computed by dividing our net income or (loss) by the weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding during the period presented. Diluted income or (loss) per share is based on the effect from potential issuance of shares of common stock, such as shares issuable pursuant to the exercise of options and warrants and conversions of preferred stock or debentures. The computation of diluted EPS is similar to the computation of basic EPS except that the numerator may have to adjust for any dividends and income or loss associated with potentially dilutive securities that are assumed to have resulted in the issuance of shares of common stock and the denominator may have to adjust to include the number of additional shares of common stock that would have been outstanding if the dilutive potential shares of common stock had been issued during the period to reflect the potential dilution that could occur from shares of common stock issuable through a contingent shares issuance arrangement, stock options, warrants, or convertible preferred stock. For purposes of determining diluted earnings per common share, the treasury stock method is used for stock options, and warrants, and the if-converted method is used for convertible preferred stock and convertible debt as prescribed in FASB ASC Topic 260.
Potentially dilutive securities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 consisted of
Potentially dilutive securities for the three months ended September 30, 2023 consisted of
Options, warrants, preferred stock and shares associated with the conversion of debt to purchase approximately
The following provides a reconciliation of the shares used in calculating the per share amounts for the periods presented:
| For the Three Months Ended September 30, |
| |||||
| (Unaudited) |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
| ||
Net Income (Loss) |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) | |
Adjustments for convertible debt - as converted |
Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) | |
Weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding: |
Basic |
| ||
Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders per share: |
Basic |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
| For the Nine Months Ended September 30, |
| |||||
(Unaudited) | ||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
| ||||||
Net Income (Loss) |
| ($ |
| ($ |
| ||
Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders |
| ($ |
| ($ |
| ||
Weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding: |
| ||
Basic |
| ||
Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders per share: |
Basic and Diluted |
| ($ |
| ($ |
14 |
Table of Contents |
The following provides a reconciliation of the shares used in calculating the per share amounts for the periods presented:
| For the Three Months Ended September 30, |
| |||||
| (Unaudited) |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
| ||
Numerator: |
| ||
Net Income (Loss) |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) | |
Denominator: |
Basic weighted-average shares |
| ||
Effect of dilutive securities |
Warrants |
| - |
| |
Options |
| - |
| |
Preferred Stock |
| - |
| |
Diluted Weighted Average Shares |
| ||
Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders per share: |
Diluted |
| $ |
| $ | ( | ) |
The following table sets forth the number of potential shares of common stock that have been excluded from diluted net income per share net (loss) income per share because their effect was anti-dilutive:
| For the Three Months Ended September 30, |
| |||||
| (Unaudited) |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
| ||||||
Warrants |
| - |
| |
Convertible Debt |
| |
Options |
| - |
| |
| - |
Note: Warrants, options, convertible debt and preferred stock for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, are not included in the computation of diluted weighted average shares as such inclusion would be anti-dilutive.
15 |
Table of Contents |
Revenue Recognition
We recognize revenue in accordance with the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers. We recognize revenue when we transfer promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which we expect to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services. To determine revenue recognition for contracts with customers we perform the following five steps: (i) identify the contract(s) with a customer; (ii) identify the performance obligation(s) in the contract; (iii) determine the transaction price; (iv) allocate the transaction price to the performance obligation(s) in the contract; and (v) recognize revenue when (or as) we satisfy the performance obligation(s). At contract inception, we assess the goods or services promised within each contract, assess whether each promised good or service is distinct and identify those that are performance obligations.
We must use judgment to determine: a) the number of performance obligations based on the determination under step (ii) above and whether those performance obligations are distinct from other performance obligations in the contract; b) the transaction price under step (iii) above; and c) the stand-alone selling price for each performance obligation identified in the contract for the allocation of transaction price in step (iv) above.
Title and risk of loss generally pass to our customers upon shipment. Our customers include end users as well as dealers and distributors who market and sell our products. Our revenue is not contingent upon resale by the dealer or distributor, and we have no further obligations related to bringing about resale. Shipping and handling costs charged to customers are included in Product Revenues. The associated expenses are treated as fulfillment costs and are included in Cost of Revenues. Revenues are reported net of sales taxes collected from Customers.
Disaggregation of Revenue
The following table presents our approximate revenues disaggregated by revenue source.
Product and Service Revenue
| For the three months ended September 30, (Unaudited) |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
SteraMist Product |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Service and Training |
| ||
Total |
| $ |
| $ |
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Revenue by Geographic Region
| For the three months ended September 30, (Unaudited) |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
United States |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
International |
| ||
Total |
| $ |
| $ |
Product and Service Revenue
| For the nine months ended September 30, (Unaudited) |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
SteraMist Product |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Service and Training |
| ||
Total |
| $ |
| $ |
Revenue by Geographic Region
| For the nine months ended September 30, (Unaudited) |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
United States |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
International |
| ||
Total |
| $ |
| $ |
Product revenue includes sales from our standard and customized equipment, solution and accessories sold with our equipment. Revenue is recognized upon transfer of control of promised products to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration we expect to receive in exchange for those products.
Service and training revenue include sales from our high-level decontamination and service engagements, validation of our equipment and technology and customer training. Service revenue is recognized as the agreed upon services are rendered to our customers in an amount that reflects the consideration we expect to receive in exchange for those services.
Costs to Obtain a Contract with a Customer
We apply a practical expedient to expense costs as incurred for costs to obtain a contract with a customer when the amortization period would have been one year or less. We generally expense sales commissions when incurred because the amortization period would have been one year or less. These costs are recorded within selling expenses.
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Contract Balances
As of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, we did not have any unsatisfied performance obligations for (i) contracts with an original expected length of one year or less and (ii) contracts for which we recognize revenue at the amount to which we have the right to invoice for services performed.
Arrangements with Multiple Performance Obligations
Our contracts with customers may include multiple performance obligations. We enter into contracts that can include various combinations of products and services, which are primarily distinct and accounted for as separate performance obligations.
Significant Judgments
Our contracts with customers for products and services often dictate the terms and conditions of when the control of the promised products or services is transferred to the customer and the amount of consideration to be received in exchange for the products and services.
Equity Compensation Expense
We account for equity compensation expense in accordance with FASB ASC 718, “Compensation-Stock Compensation.” Under the provisions of FASB ASC 718, equity compensation expense is estimated at the grant date based on the award’s fair value.
The valuation methodology used to determine the fair value of options and warrants issued as compensation during the period is the Black-Scholes option-pricing model. The Black-Scholes model requires the use of a number of assumptions including volatility of the stock price, the average risk-free interest rate, and the weighted average expected life of the options. Risk–free interest rates are calculated based on continuously compounded risk–free rates for the appropriate term. The expected term of the Company’s warrants has been determined utilizing the “simplified” method for awards that qualify as “plain-vanilla” warrants. The dividend yield is assumed to be zero as the Company has never paid or declared any cash dividends on its common stock, par value $0.01 (the “Common Stock”) and does not intend to pay dividends on its Common Stock in the foreseeable future. The expected forfeiture rate is estimated based on management’s best assessment.
On July 7, 2017, our shareholders approved the Company’s Amended and Restated 2016 Equity Incentive Plan (the “2016 Plan”). The 2016 Plan authorizes the grant of stock options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock, restricted stock units and performance units/shares. Up to
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Concentrations of Credit Risk
Financial instruments that potentially subject us to significant concentrations of credit risk consist principally of cash and cash equivalents. We maintain cash balances at financial institutions which exceed the current Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation limit of $
Long-Lived Assets Including Acquired Intangible Assets
We assess long-lived assets for potential impairments at the end of each year, or during the year if an event or other circumstance indicates that we may not be able to recover the carrying amount of the asset. In evaluating long-lived assets for impairment, we measure recoverability of these assets by comparing the carrying amounts to the future undiscounted cash flows the assets are expected to generate. If our long-lived assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized equals the amount by which the carrying value of the asset exceeds its fair market value. We base the calculations of the estimated fair value of our long-lived assets on the income approach. For the income approach, we use an internally developed discounted cash flow model that includes, among others, the following assumptions: projections of revenues and expenses and related cash flows based on assumed long-term growth rates and demand trends; expected future investments to grow new units; and estimated discount rates. We base these assumptions on our historical data and experience, industry projections, micro and macro general economic condition projections, and our expectations. We had no long-lived asset impairment charges for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Advertising and Promotional Expenses
Advertising and promotional costs are expensed in the period they are incurred. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, advertising and promotional expenses included in selling expenses were approximately $
Research and Development Expenses
Research and development expenses are expensed in the period they are incurred. For the three and nine months September 30, 2024, these expenses were approximately $
Business Segments
We currently have one reportable business segment due to the fact that we derive our revenue primarily from one product iHP (ionized Hydrogen Peroxide) with a variety of applications. A breakdown of revenue is presented in “Revenue Recognition” in Note 2 above.
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Recent Accounting Pronouncements
Recently issued accounting pronouncements not yet adopted
In November 2023, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued ASU No. 2023-07, Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures (Topic 280). This ASU updates reportable segment disclosure requirements by requiring disclosures of significant reportable segment expenses that are regularly provided to the Chief Operating Decision Maker (“CODM”) and included within each reported measure of a segment’s profit or loss. This ASU also requires disclosure of the title and position of the individual identified as the CODM and an explanation of how the CODM uses the reported measures of a segment’s profit or loss in assessing segment performance and deciding how to allocate resources. The ASU is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2023, and interim periods within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024. Adoption of the ASU should be applied retrospectively to all prior periods presented in the financial statements. Early adoption is also permitted. This ASU will likely result in us including the additional required disclosures when adopted. We are currently evaluating the provisions of this ASU and expect to adopt them for the year ending December 31, 2024.
In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU No. 2023-09, Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures (Topic 740). The ASU requires disaggregated information about a reporting entity’s effective tax rate reconciliation as well as additional information on income taxes paid. The ASU is effective on a prospective basis for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2024. Early adoption is also permitted for annual financial statements that have not yet been issued or made available for issuance. This ASU will result in the required additional disclosures being included in our consolidated financial statements, once adopted.
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Inventories consist of the following at (rounded to the nearest thousandth):
| September 30, 2024 (Unaudited) |
| December 31, 2023 |
| ||
Finished Goods |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Raw Materials |
| ||
Inventory Reserve |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Total |
| $ |
| $ |
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we maintained vendor deposits of $
Property and equipment consist of the following at:
| September 30, 2024 (Unaudited) |
| December 31, 2023 |
| ||
Furniture and fixtures |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Equipment |
| ||
Vehicles |
| ||
Computer and software |
| ||
Leasehold improvements |
| ||
Tenant Improvement Allowance |
| ||
Total cost of property and equipment |
| ||
Less: Accumulated depreciation |
| ||
Property and Equipment, net |
| $ |
| $ |
For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, depreciation was $
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Intangible assets consist of patents and trademarks related to our Binary Ionization Technology.
We amortize the patents over the estimated remaining lives of the related patents. Trademarks have an indefinite life. Amortization expenses were $
Definite life intangible assets consist of the following:
| September 30, 2024 (Unaudited) |
| December 31, 2023 |
| ||
Intellectual Property and Patents |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Less: Accumulated Amortization |
| ||
Patents, net |
| $ |
| $ |
Indefinite life intangible assets consist of the following:
Trademarks |
Total Intangible Assets, net |
| $ |
| $ |
Approximate future amortization is as follows (rounded to nearest thousandth):
Year Ended: | Amount | |||
October 1 – December 31, 2024 | $ | |||
December 31, 2025 | ||||
December 31, 2026 | ||||
December 31, 2027 | ||||
December 31, 2028 | ||||
Thereafter | ||||
Total | $ |
In April 2018, we entered into a
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The balances for our operating lease where we are the lessee are presented as follows within our condensed consolidated balance sheet:
Operating leases: |
| September 30, 2024 (Unaudited) |
| December 31, 2023 |
| ||
| ||||||||
Assets: |
| ||
Operating lease right-of-use asset |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Liabilities: |
Current Portion of Long-Term Operating Lease |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Long-Term Operating Lease, Net of Current Portion |
| ||
Total Right of Use Liability |
| $ |
| $ |
The components of lease expense are as follows and are included within general and administrative expense on our condensed consolidated statement of operations:
| For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 (Unaudited) |
| For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 (Unaudited) |
| ||
| ||
Operating lease expense |
| $ |
| $ |
| For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 |
| For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 |
| ||
| (Unaudited) |
| (Unaudited) |
| ||
| ||
Operating lease expense |
| $ |
| $ |
Other information related to leases where we are the lessee is as follows:
| September 30, 2024 (Unaudited) |
| December 31, 2023 |
| ||
| ||||||||
Weighted-average remaining lease term: |
| ||
Operating leases |
| ||||
| ||
Discount rate: |
| ||
Operating leases |
| % |
| % |
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Supplemental cash flow information related to leases where we are the lessee is as follows:
| For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 (Unaudited) |
| For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 (Unaudited) |
| ||
Cash paid for amounts included in the measurement of lease liabilities: |
| $ |
| $ |
| For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 |
| For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 |
| ||
| (Unaudited) |
| Unaudited) |
| ||
Cash paid for amounts included in the measurement of lease liabilities: |
| $ |
| $ |
As of September 30, 2024, the maturities of our operating lease liability are as follows:
Year Ended: |
| Operating Lease |
| |
October 1 – December 31, 2024 |
| $ |
| |
December 31, 2025 |
| |
December 31, 2026 |
| |
December 31, 2027 |
| |
December 31, 2028 |
| |
Thereafter |
| |
Total minimum lease payments |
| |
Less: Interest |
| |
Imputed value of lease obligations |
| |
Less: Current portion |
| |
Long-term portion of lease obligations |
| $ |
In May 2020, we entered into a cloud computing service contract with a vendor. The contract provides for annual payments in the amount of $
We have incurred implementation costs of $
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In October and November 2023, we entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement (the “SPA”) with certain accredited investors (collectively, the “Investors”) pursuant to which we agreed to sell and issue to the Investors in a private placement transaction (the “Private Placement”) in one or more closings up to an aggregate principal amount of $
The Notes mature and are due on the fifth anniversary of the issuance date in October and November of 2028. The Notes bear simple interest at a rate of
Amortization of deferred financing costs were $
Convertible notes consist of the following at:
| September 30, |
| |||
| 2024 |
| December 31, |
| ||
| (Unaudited) |
| 2023 |
| ||
| ||
Convertible notes |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Less: Debt issuance costs |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Accumulated amortization |
| ||
Convertible notes, net |
| $ |
| $ |
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Our Board of Directors (the “Board”) may, without further action by our shareholders, from time to time, direct the issuance of any authorized but unissued or unreserved shares of preferred stock in series and at the time of issuance, determine the rights, preferences and limitations of each series. The holders of such preferred stock may be entitled to receive a preference payment in the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding-up by us before any payment is made to the holders of our Common Stock. Furthermore, the Board could issue preferred stock with voting and other rights that could adversely affect the voting power of the holders of our Common Stock.
Convertible Series A Preferred Stock
Our authorized Convertible Series A Preferred Stock, $
Convertible Series B Preferred Stock
Our authorized Convertible Series B Preferred Stock, $
Common Stock
In January 2023, we issued
In May 2024, we issued
Stock Options
In May 2024, we issued options to purchase
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The following table summarizes stock options outstanding as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
| September 30, 2024 |
| December 31, |
| ||||||||||
| (Unaudited) |
| 2023 |
| ||||||||||
| Number of Options |
| Weighted Average Exercise Price |
| Number of Options |
| Weighted Average Exercise Price |
| ||||
Outstanding, beginning of period |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||||
Granted |
| ||||
Exercised |
| ( | ) |
| - |
| ||
Expired |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
| ||
Outstanding, end of period |
| $ |
| $ |
Options outstanding and exercisable by price range as of September 30, 2024 were as follows:
Outstanding Options |
| Average |
| Exercisable Options |
| |||||||||||
| Weighted |
| |||||||||||||
| Remaining |
| Weighted |
| |||||
| Contractual |
| Average |
| |||||
Range |
| Number |
| Life in Years |
| Number |
| Exercise Price |
| |||||
$ | 0.71 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 0.75 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 0.80 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 0.85 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 0.96 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 1.12 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 1.93 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 2.16 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 4.40 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 7.06 |
| $ |
| ||||
| $ |
Common Stock Warrants
The following table summarizes the outstanding common stock warrants as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
| September 30, 2024 |
| December 31, 2023 |
| ||||||||||
| (Unaudited) |
| Weighted Average Exercise Price |
| Number of Warrants |
| Weighted Average Exercise Price |
| ||||
Outstanding, beginning of period |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||||
Granted |
| - |
| - |
| ||
Exercised |
| - |
| - |
| ||
Expired |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Outstanding, end of period |
| $ |
| $ |
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Warrants outstanding and exercisable by price range as of September 30, 2024 were as follows:
Outstanding Warrants |
| Exercisable Warrants |
| ||||||||||||
Exercise Price |
| Number |
| Average Weighted Remaining Contractual Life in Years |
| Number |
| Weighted Average Exercise Price |
| |||||
$ | 0.64 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 0.80 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 0.96 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 1.20 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 1.68 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 2.18 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 4.00 |
| $ |
| ||||
$ | 6.95 |
| $ |
| ||||
| $ |
There were no unvested warrants outstanding as of September 30, 2024.
Legal Contingencies
We may become a party to litigation in the normal course of business. In the opinion of management, there are no legal matters involving us that would have a material adverse effect upon our financial condition, results of operations or cash flows. In addition, from time to time, we may have to file claims against parties that infringe on our intellectual property.
Product Liability
As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, there were no claims against us for product liability.
Director Compensation
In January 2023, we increased the annual fee to non-employee members of our Board to $
For the nine months ended September 30, 2023, we issued an aggregate of
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we issued an aggregate of
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Accrued expenses and other current liabilities consisted of the following at:
| September 30, 2024 (Unaudited) |
| December 31, 2023 |
| ||
Commissions |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Payroll and related costs |
| ||
Director fees |
| ||
Sales Tax Payable |
| ||
Accrued warranty (Note 14) |
| ||
Allowance for Sales Returns |
| ||
Other accrued expenses |
| ||
Total |
| $ |
| $ |
Our manufacturers assume the warranty against product defects from date of sale, which we extend to our customers upon sale of the product. We assume responsibility for product reliability and results. The warranty is generally limited to a refund of the original purchase price of the product or a replacement part. We estimate warranty costs based on historical warranty claim experience.
The following table presents warranty reserve activities at:
| September 30, 2024 (Unaudited) |
| December 31, 2023 |
| ||
Beginning accrued warranty costs |
| $ |
| $ |
| ||
Provision for warranty expense |
| ||
Settlement of warranty claims |
| ( | ) |
| ( | ) |
Ending accrued warranty costs |
| $ |
| $ |
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For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, our provision for income tax was $
One customer accounted for
One customer accounted for
As of September 30, 2024, two customers accounted for
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Item 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.
This Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (this “MD&A”) and other parts of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q (“Form 10-Q”) contain forward-looking statements, within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, that involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements provide current expectations of future events based on certain assumptions and include any statement that does not directly relate to any historical or current fact. Forward-looking statements can also be identified by words such as “future,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “predicts,” “will,” “would,” “could,” “can,” “may,” and similar terms. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Forward-looking statements are not guaranteeing future performance and the TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. (the “Company,” “TOMI,” “we,” and “our”) actual results may differ significantly from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause such differences include, but are not limited to, those discussed in Part I, Item 1A of the Company’s annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on April 1, 2024 (the “Annual Report”) under the heading “Risk Factors.” The Company assumes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements for any reason, except as required by law.
Unless otherwise stated, all information presented herein is based on the Company’s fiscal calendar, and references to years, quarters, months or periods refer to the Company’s fiscal years ended in December and the associated quarters, months and periods of those fiscal years. Each of the terms the “Company” and “TOMI” as used herein refers collectively to TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. unless otherwise stated.
The following MD&A should be read in conjunction with the Annual Report filed with the SEC and the condensed consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes included in Part I, Item 1 of this Form 10-Q.
Quarterly Highlights
Business Update
We continue to see improved financial results as the third quarter marks our second consecutive profitable quarter in our 2024 calendar year. The improved financial results are largely due to higher revenue, improved gross profit margins, and strategic reductions in operating expenses. We also were cash flow positive in the third quarter due to the improved turnover in our accounts receivable and lower monthly outgoing cash expenditures with management’s spending cuts. We continue to expand our customer base and secured significant agreements and new partnerships.
Revenue for the third quarter 2024 was $2,542,000 which represents $1,072,000 or 73% growth compared to the third quarter of the prior year. The higher revenue was attributable to increased demand for our mobile units and higher iHP service revenue.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, TOMI reported a 14.5% increase in revenue, amounting to $6,670,000, compared to the same period in 2023. This growth was primarily driven by higher mobile equipment sales, with our mobile SteraMist equipment increasing 90% in 2024 compared to 2023.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, our international revenue grew by 82%, driven by new customers in Canada, South Africa, and India, compared to the same period in 2023.
Our total recognized revenue and backlog for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 amounted to $7,200,000, consisting of approximately $6,700,000 in recognized revenue and a sales backlog of approximately $500,000 at the end of September 2024.
Our gross profit margins for the three months ended September 30, 2024 were 61.4%, compared to 55% in the same prior year period. The improved gross profit margins were attributable to our product mix in sale and the increased demand for our mobile equipment.
Our General and Administrative expenses declined by $148,000 or 4% during the first nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. This decrease was primarily due to operating expense controls, lower executive compensation and a reduction in consultant fees.
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During the third quarter, management continued cost reduction initiatives that lowered our operating expenses by 10% compared to the same period last year. Additionally, our operating expenses in the third quarter of 2024 decreased by 19% compared to the second quarter of 2024 as a result of our cost-cutting measures.
We continue to pursue innovative solutions and new markets for our versatile and environmentally friendly SteraMist iHP technology.
During 2024, the service decontamination sector experienced shifts among key competitors, resulting in an increased volume of leads for our company. On March 7, 2024, we announced the expansion of SteraMist iHP Corporate Service contracts through the addition of new strategic partners. This growth accelerated through the second quarter and has seen substantial momentum in the third quarter, with record-breaking revenue. We continue to support key clients, including Pfizer, Inc. and Thermo Fisher Scientific facilities, while successfully onboarding new customers such as Integra life sciences, Curia, and multiple smaller engagements within the Food Safety sector. These new relationships are expected to drive future sales across both capital equipment and routine service contracts. The addition of these customers further solidifies iHP’s position as a market leader in advanced decontamination solutions, serving corporate clients across life sciences and adjacent industries.
To enhance our market presence in the western United States, we formed a strategic partnership with EMAQ in the second half of the year. EMAQ has made a significant investment exceeding $1,000,000 in SteraMist iHP equipment and will act as our regional partner to expand iHP services in this area. This collaboration is expected to drive substantial growth in solution sales, leveraging our razor-and-blade business model—where SteraMist delivery systems represent the razor, and our proprietary BIT Solution serves as the razor blade that is designed to generate ongoing revenue. The partnership is progressing well, with both companies effectively combining strengths and resources to build business and expand opportunities.
Demand for our CES systems continues to grow as our portfolio of systems that are being built. In February 2024, we announced the signing of a new contract for a SteraMist iHP Custom Engineered System (CES) installation with a California-based life sciences company. The contracted iHP Custom Engineered System (CES) is valued at approximately $600,000. This system, featuring six applicators, will be integrated into a clinical suite, and is expected to be fully qualified and in use by the end of the 2024 year.
This year we received an order for our CES system with a global leader in advanced laboratory services. This customer purchased two additional Environment Systems to their original fleet of two Environment Systems and a seven (7) applicator iHP Custom Engineered System (CES).
With the successful completion of each project, our iHP technology is rapidly gaining popularity as the preferred decontamination solution for pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Further, as we continue to install our technology in new CES projects, the product line evolves into a comprehensive turnkey solution.
We believe our industry is experiencing a shift towards modular cleanroom requirements which may benefit our business operations. The adaptability and efficiency offered by our iHP technology align perfectly with the changing needs of cleanroom setups. This trend allows us to capitalize on the increasing demand for flexible and scalable cleanroom solutions, further enhancing the relevance and value of our products within the industry.
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We believe our growing portfolio of CES systems will give us a competitive edge in the Life Sciences market segment, improving our brand recognition and creating new business and sales opportunities. In addition, after our installed CES projects are fully qualified and established for use, and as our portfolio grows, we anticipate this will have a positive impact on our long-term recurring BIT solution sales thus providing the potential to enhance our operating margins, further strengthening our position in the industry, and supporting sustainable growth.
We maintain an active focus on digital marketing initiatives and business development plans with existing customers. In an effort to optimize our budget, we reduced our participation in tradeshows and redirected resources towards more effective lead generation strategies such as referrals and references. While tradeshows offer valuable networking opportunities, we have found that for the short-term TOMI SteraMist’s strong reputation generates sufficient interest through other channels. These alternative approaches have proven to be more cost-effective and efficient in driving new business and expanding our customer base.
We recently launched a targeted campaign aimed at domestic manufacturers of cleanroom construction and general building companies that may require decontamination services as part of their project bids. This outreach extends to both existing partners and new prospects involved in modular cleanrooms, construction design firms, mobile healthcare pods, and related sectors. The campaign has already gained traction, resulting in numerous sales presentations. While many of these opportunities are geared toward long-term engagements, our expanded product offerings and scalable solutions—designed to meet varying industry needs—position us for sustained sales growth in the coming year and beyond.
We are steadily increasing our presence in the food safety marketplace primarily from tradeshows we attended in the past. As stated, we must demonstrate that we are a viable solution for this industry, and we are currently conducting numerous feasibility studies with both small and large companies. We have entered the coffee industry with Mayorga Coffee and Organea Terra SRL, the desserts and ice cream industry with Lakeview Farms and Crank and Boom, egg white food manufacturing, pet food production and packaging, and a few agribusinesses have joined in adding iHP SteraMist to their sanitization standard operating procedures.
To further highlight the effectiveness of SteraMist iHP technology in the food industry, TOMI announced several collaborative efforts with prominent organizations on new studies exploring expanded applications and benefits of SteraMist iHP. These partnerships have also opened doors to additional opportunities through introductions to their suppliers. One of these collaborations involves a leading producer of health, hygiene, and nutrition products, where we are developing a specialized application for spraying conveyor belts to streamline the decontamination process for packaged goods, targeting pathogens such as Salmonella and Listeria. This initiative represents a significant addition to our client portfolio, aligning with market trends driven by growing health awareness and increasing demand for sustainable, premium products. Additionally, TOMI will soon begin a project with a major conglomerate focused on the decontamination of heart monitoring devices to add to our focus on healthcare initiatives.
We would also like to emphasize that we are fully aware of the numerous challenges currently impacting the food market. In response, we have proactively engaged with key industry players to offer our solutions and support.
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Key international sales highlights from the third quarter include our expansion into the Indian market, a highly competitive arena within the decontamination sector and a critical focus of TOMI’s global growth strategy. We secured approximately $150,000 in initial purchases, demonstrating our ability to successfully penetrate this challenging market. Establishing a foothold in India underscores the unrivaled effectiveness of SteraMist iHP technology and reinforces our competitive positioning.
Additionally, we achieved significant progress in Q3 with one of our platinum customers expanding their use of SteraMist iHP to a facility in South Africa. This marks their fourth location utilizing SteraMist technology and services, following successful implementations in Chile, Portugal, and Brazil.
On April 3, 2024, we announced the company has received the Gold Safety Award from Highwire. The award is presented to TOMI in recognition of the Company achieving a score of between 85-94 on the Highwire Safety Assessment. Highwire’s Safety Assessment reviews a company’s historic and current safety performance. The program provides a thorough, objective, and consistent evaluation of company performance so clients and contractors can identify, monitor, and mitigate risks more effectively. The results provide a strong indicator of how a contractor values safety and serve as a reliable predictor of future performance.
In evaluating sales related performance, management analyzes our revenue recognized for GAAP purposes which is presented in our quarterly and annual statement of operations as well as our sales orders we receive from customers during those same accounting periods. We define a “sales order” as a document we generate for our internal use in processing a customer order. Our sales orders essentially translate the format of the customer purchase orders we receive from our customers into the format used by us. We also evaluate our “customer sales backlog” which is defined as pending sales orders where revenue has not yet been recognized. Management believes analyzing the sales order and backlog metrics are useful in measuring our overall sales and business development performance as it gauges the overall volume of sales and business development activities.
Product Development
Our recent products developed and launched are as follows:
SteraMist Engineering continues to make strides collaborating with key manufactures of cleanroom technology and equipment developing a turnkey seamless decontamination integration to chambers, cabinets, passthroughs, isolators, cage washers, heat sterilizers, hot cells and more. TOMI begins this endeavor with a project management, turnkey modular solution, and process design consulting firm that we have partnered with in one of our previous CES projects.
In collaboration with certain partners, TOMI proudly introduced the SteraMist Integration System (SIS) product line tailored for enclosure decontamination. The inaugural offering, the Stand-Alone model, previously recognized as the Select Plus, has swiftly gained traction in the market, particularly catering to the Biosafety Cabinet (BSC) segment. This innovative solution offers customers seamless setup and versatility, making it an ideal choice for spaces necessitating a single-applicator decontamination fog.
We are actively engaged in discussions with numerous manufacturers to ensure the seamless integration of our SIS Manufacturer line. Our efforts are focused on finding the ideal end user in collaboration with our partners to facilitate the development of a comprehensive package. Once finalized, this standardized solution will significantly expand our reach within the Life Sciences sector.
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The SteraMist Hybrid, an integral component of the SteraMist Environment System, SteraMist Hybrid is designed with capabilities to communicate with a facility. The system is strategically positioned in a centralized location of the facility through a docking station and features our newly designed permanently mounted stainless steel applicators.
TOMI successfully installed the first official SteraMist Hybrid at Xenith Pharmaceutical F/KA Indigo Pharmaceutical, Inc.’s existing research facility, which selected the SteraMist Hybrid because it met the client’s strict delivery timeline while adhering to the facility’s budget constraints. We remain in specification discussions with Xenith for a Custom Engineered System for a future site dedicated to injectables.
Building upon our successful partnership with Indigo we continued to cultivate strong relationships within our existing network. In July, the same consultant who introduced Indigo brought BeSpoke Pharmaceuticals, a compounding pharmacy, to our attention. We successfully delivered a Hybrid system to BeSpoke, with installation imminent. Like Indigo, BeSpoke has committed to a marketing initiative to promote our Hybrid product line. These strategic partnerships underscore the effectiveness of our focused approach to business development. By prioritizing existing relationships and leveraging referrals, we are generating tangible results and accelerating revenue growth compared to traditional lead generation methods such as tradeshows.
This partnership has proven highly effective, with these facilities now purchasing mobile units and pallets of solution through the Nevada-based consultant. His expertise has been instrumental in driving broader adoption of SteraMist iHP technology across multiple sites and uses of SteraMist iHP.
We have seen positive reception of its SteraMist Transport unit, an all-in-one dual voltage fogging product designed to treat a wide variety of vehicle sizes with an application time of only 20 minutes per 1,000 cubic feet. The initial batch of this innovative product is currently in a soft launch phase and was sold for live practical assessment with an existing international customer and domestic distributor.
TOMI launched its fourth generation SteraMist Environment System. The 24-volt model allows for universal outlet usage and convert even more of the hydrogen peroxide BIT Solution to hydroxyl radicals thus lowering H2O2 PPM levels allowing for faster turnaround time. In addition, the unit has eight (8) outputs where four (4) are dedicated to our regular process of Constant or Pulse Injection, Dwell, and Aeration along with a light beacon status bar and four (4) are programmable to meet the customer needs for any external equipment they may desire to work with the system. This system is currently on the market and remains to be one of our most popular quoted product lines, has been implemented by customers, and is receiving praise for its further developments.
Our SteraMist® BIT™ solution product line is currently made up of a 32-ounce bottle for the SteraPak, a ten (10) liter, five (5) gallon, 55-gallon drum for our custom built-ins and our traditional one (1) gallon bottle. This brings the BIT Solution product line to a total of five (5) options provided to our customers, which will benefit our razor/razor-blade business model, where our SteraMist delivery systems represent the razor, and our proprietary BIT Solution represents the razor blade.
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We expect these new products and service introductions will positively impact our net sales, cost of sales and operating expenses during this fiscal year.
TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. (“TOMI,” “we,” “our,” or the “Company”) is a global leader in bacteria decontamination and infectious disease control, offering environmentally friendly solutions for indoor air and surface disinfection and decontamination. Our flagship product, SteraMist, uses our patented and registered Binary Ionization Technology (“BIT”) to deliver a low-percentage (7.8%) hydrogen peroxide-based fog or mist to affect all indoor environments and surface areas.
Developed under a grant from the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (“DARPA”), SteraMist generates ionized Hydrogen Peroxide (“iHP”) using cold plasma science. BIT transforms a sole active ingredient hydrogen peroxide solution into iHP through a high voltage atmospheric cold plasma arc, producing submicron to 3-micron hydroxyl radical particles that effectively treat surfaces and environments with the same velocity and characteristics of a gas. Our innovative and novel process ensures eradication of pathogens with a 6-log (99.9999%) and greater kill rate, effectively leaving no harmful by-products lingering in the treated area. SteraMist’s innovative methodology, inspired from atmospheric chemistry, not only guarantees effectiveness but also maintains a commitment to environmental sustainability by ensuring the only by-product from the process is oxygen and humidity, a complete package of benefits unmatched in its industry.
We owe our success to the collaborative efforts of Titan Defense and DARPA who uncovered a superior technology that mimics nature’s cleansing mechanism, bringing this natural phenomenon indoors providing a competitive edge that exceeds the capabilities of our competition in the healthcare disinfection, life sciences decontamination, and food safety sanitization markets.
We believe that we possess the best technologies in the world in the disinfection and decontamination space. The COVID-19 pandemic along with the needs of the pharmaceutical and vivarium space has provided us with the opportunity and experience to implement a clear strategy to develop and manufacture additional products to add to our portfolio. In addition, we continue to move our BIT technology as a standard in disinfection and decontamination globally. This should lead to increased market share, profitability, and capability strength.
Our products are an environmentally friendly solution, and our processes address the concerns of sustainability. Customers are requesting and discussing the positive results of our product and the environmentally friendly results compared to the caustic and environmentally unfriendly results of many other disinfectants.
SteraMist has established a successful track record in fighting pandemics and outbreaks and implementing SteraMist for emergency preparedness is vital. The COVID-19 pandemic took the world by surprise, and history has shown that other pandemics and viruses are likely to follow. Using a proven and trusted disinfectant for emergency outbreaks and daily for preventative maintenance, such as SteraMist, can alleviate the threat of infections from spreading and could stop a possible outbreak.
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The Science Behind the Technology
Introducing a revolutionary approach to disinfection and decontamination, our technology offers a streamlined and effective solution. By harnessing the power of atmospheric chemistry, our process converts 7.8% hydrogen peroxide into a plasma-generated hydroxyl radical, achieving a 6-log and greater kill of pathogens leaving only oxygen and humidity as by-products. It is a simple yet effective solution that sets a new standard for global cleaning disinfection decontamination practices.
BIT technology was initially developed in response to weaponized anthrax spore attacks, and detailed testing performed by DARPA demonstrated the success of the technology in neutralizing chemical warfare agents. BIT, a TOMI patented process aerosolizes and activates a low concentration hydrogen peroxide solution, producing a fine aqueous mist (0.3-3 um in diameter) that contains a high concentration of hydroxyl radicals (“.OH”). The .OH damages pathogenic and resistant organisms (such as bacteria, bacteria spores, viruses, mold spores, other fungi, and yeast) via oxidation of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids and rendering the building blocks of nature’s amino acids, DNA and RNA inactive – leading to complete cellular disruption.
The unique alteration of the chemistry occurs only once BIT solution passes through the atmospheric cold plasma arc, which causes the breaking of the double bond of a hydrogen peroxide molecule and results in an .OH hydroxyl radical known as iHP. This patented process allows these hydroxyl radicals to exist in high concentrations without rapidly recombining and losing reactivity, while seeking all surfaces within the proximity of the resulting mist or fog.
TOMI has and continues to adapt this innovative technology into an everyday solution for use by multiple industries. Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (“FIFRA”), we are mandated to register our disinfectants with the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) and specific state regulatory bodies. SteraMist BIT was EPA-registered (#90150-2) in June 2015 as a hospital-healthcare and broad-spectrum surface disinfectant for misting/fogging applications. We achieved a cutting-edge claim on the EPA label and was coined as the first equipment + solution combination hospital-healthcare disinfectant on the market and maintain the claim as the only EPA Registered Solution + Equipment combination that provides the unique technology of hydrogen peroxide ionization.
Today our EPA registered BIT solution is manufactured at an EPA-registered solution blender and our product performance is supported by Good Laboratory Practice (“GLP”) efficacy data which includes mold control and air/surface remediation with claims to combat Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, MRSA, Salmonella, H1N1, Clostridium difficile spores, and Norovirus. In March 2020, our EPA label was updated to include claims against Emerging Viral Pathogens, meeting criteria for both Enveloped and Large Non-enveloped viruses. In 2021, SteraMist BIT 0.35% hydrogen peroxide received its EPA registration (#90150-3), and on June 2, 2022, SteraMist was added to its seventh EPA’s List, List Q for combating rare or novel viruses like Monkeypox virus and SARS-CoV-2 variants causing COVID-19.
TOMI continuous to build its portfolio of feasibility studies with renowned and trusted partners. In 2023, the U.S. Department of Defense’s BSAT Biorisk Program Office and the Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate’s Plum Island Animal Disease Center published a report demonstrating that iHP is an effective tool for decontamination of biological toxoids and dangerous pathogens that may disrupt our world. We maintain registrations in all 50 states, Washington D.C., Canada, and approximately 40 other countries. These endorsements signify our commitment to safeguarding our world against any potential threats.
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Industries & Market Segments
SteraMist products are designed to address a wide spectrum of industries using iHP. Our operations consist of four main divisions based on our current target industries: Life Sciences, Hospital-HealthCare, Food Safety, and Commercial. Launched in sequential order as listed to either strategically address the needs and/or ensure compliance with the specific regulations governing each industry segment.
Life Sciences
SteraMist iHP is designed to be tailored to provide a complete solution to address the regulatory inspections of disinfecting/decontaminating and Installation Qualification (IQ)-Operational Qualification (OQ)–Performance Qualification (PQ) validation processes within the life sciences industry.
The life sciences sector demands rigorous decontamination procedures to ensure the integrity and safety of pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and research environments. With the evolving landscape of the pharmaceutical market, there is an increasing demand for fully automated decontamination products that offer quick turnaround times to minimize downtime and expedite production cycles.
The life sciences industry was among the first to embrace the Company’s innovative decontamination solutions, recognizing the limitations of traditional methods and effects on progress. Our current portfolio of life science customers, including Fortune 100 companies, has been able to overcome the constraints imposed by outdated practices, paving the way for enhanced efficiency, safety, and productivity in their operations. Their early adoption of our SteraMist iHP lays a solid foundation for our future expansion. By demonstrating the effectiveness and value in a highly regulated and demanding sector, we establish credibility and trust that can facilitate broader adoption across other facilities, companies, and even industries.
The insights gained from working closely with life sciences companies also inform our product development and service offerings, enabling us to better meet the evolving needs of markets. In today’s pharmaceutical market, characterized by rapid innovation, stringent regulatory requirements, and global competition-efficiency and speed are paramount. Pharmaceutical companies, including Contract Development and Manufacturing Organizations (“CDMO”), are under pressure to streamline their operations while maintaining high standards of quality and compliance.
According to industry statistics, the global pharmaceutical market is projected to grow steadily, with emerging markets playing an increasingly significant role in driving growth. As their operations expand globally, there is a growing need for decontamination solutions that can deliver consistent fast results across the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of manufacturing and production facilities and research laboratories.
By offering fully automated products and services tailored to the unique requirements of pharmaceutical manufacturers and CDMOs, TOMI aims to support their efforts in maintaining the highest standards of quality, safety, and efficiency on a global scale.
TOMI focuses on the Hospital-Healthcare Market by providing high quality of safety to patients and personnel by disinfecting operating rooms, pharmacies, ambulances, and emergency environments throughout a healthcare facility.
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Healthcare facilities worldwide should prioritize disinfection to mitigate the risk of healthcare-associated infections (“HAI”), enhance patient safety, and maintain a sterile environment conducive to healing. According to the World Health Organization, HAIs affect millions of patients globally each year, leading to prolonged hospital stays, increased healthcare costs, and deaths.
In 2024, it is estimated that approximately 7-10% of patients admitted to healthcare facilities worldwide will acquire at least one HAI during their stay. This translates to millions of cases annually, with significant economic burdens and human costs. Furthermore, the emergence of antimicrobial-resistant pathogens poses a growing threat, exacerbating the challenge of infection control in healthcare settings.
Effective disinfection measures, including the use of advanced technologies like SteraMist, are essential for reducing the incidence of HAIs and safeguarding patient health. By implementing rigorous disinfection protocols, healthcare facilities can significantly reduce the risk of infections, improve patient outcomes, and promote public health, but may also reduce healthcare costs and enhances the overall quality of care provided.
TOMI will intensify its efforts to penetrate the healthcare market by forging strategic partnerships and advocating for the adoption of advanced disinfection technologies. By collaborating with key stakeholders, including healthcare providers, facility managers, group purchasing organizations (“GPO”) like Vizient and regulatory bodies, we can promote the integration of SteraMist as a complementary solution to manual cleaning practices. Emphasizing the efficiency, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of SteraMist in eliminating pathogens and reducing the risk of healthcare-associated infections will be essential in gaining traction in the market. Additionally, investing in targeted marketing campaigns and educational initiatives to raise awareness about the benefits of automated disinfection processes can help overcome resistance to change and accelerate market penetration.
Food Safety
Every day there are news articles around the world pertaining to the contamination of food supply. Unsafe food containing harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, or chemical substances causes more than 200 diseases. It also creates a vicious cycle of disease and malnutrition, particularly affecting infants, young children, elderly and the sick. With the global population explosion, severe worldwide avian flu pandemics resulting in the unnecessary culling of bird flocks, unusually high number of accidents resulting in the destruction of dozens of storages, packing and processing food plants, in the U.S. alone, we anticipate an increase in the demand for a mechanical way to sanitize the food supply. TOMI, in cooperation with the USDA, demonstrated that our technology offers a consistent, quick, and effective solution.
Sanitation procedures must be implemented regularly and effectively to maintain cleanliness and prevent cross-contamination throughout the food processing chain. This includes proper cleaning and sanitizing of food preparation areas, storage facilities, transportation vehicles, and equipment used in food production. New challenges to food safety will continue to emerge, largely due to changes in the environment, new and emergent bacteria, toxins, and antimicrobial resistance. Food Safety presents an opportunity for significant growth for TOMI with continued product research and compliance testing.
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Compliance with food safety regulations is essential for food businesses to protect public health, uphold consumer trust, and meet legal requirements. Regulatory agencies such as the United States Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) and the European Food Safety Authority, as well as the Canadian Safe Food for Canadians Act and Safe Food, establish and enforce sanitation standards to ensure the safety and quality of the food supply. Failure to comply with sanitation regulations can result in fines, product recalls, legal actions, and damage to the reputation of food businesses. Therefore, adherence to sanitation practices is paramount in the food industry to mitigate risks and maintain food safety standards.
We have made significant strides in boosting brand awareness within the food safety industry through targeted promotion and marketing initiatives. Leveraging a similar strategy to what proved successful in the Life Sciences sector, we focused on building a customer base through referrals and feasibility studies, gradually expanding our reach. By fostering relationships with key supporters of our technology and remaining patient in our approach, we have finally laid a foundation and expect to continue to expand and grow our presence in this critical market segment.
In line with adopting a proactive approach through our TOMI Service Network, it’s imperative for the entire commercial world to follow suit. Proactive disinfection practices not only ensure the health and safety of employees, customers, and visitors but also safeguard business continuity and reputation. Our Commercial division includes, but is not limited to, use sites such as aviation, airports, police and fire, prisons, manufacturing companies, automobile, gymnasiums, cruise ships, shipping ports, preschool education, primary and secondary schools, colleges including dormitories, all modes of public and private transportation, regulatory consulting agencies, retail, housing and recreation, and of course emergency preparedness for counties and cities use of SteraMist throughout such communities.
SteraMist disinfection helps prevent the spread of harmful pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, reducing the risk of illnesses and infections among individuals. This is particularly crucial in shared spaces such as offices, retail stores, and restaurants where people gather regularly. A healthy and safe work environment promotes employee well-being and productivity. By reducing absenteeism due to illness and creating a comfortable workspace, disinfection measures contribute to a more efficient and effective workforce. For businesses in the service industry, such as hotels, restaurants, and retail stores, providing a clean and hygienic environment is essential for delivering a positive customer experience. Cleanliness influences customer perceptions and can impact loyalty and repeat business. Disinfection helps mitigate the risk of liability claims associated with poor health and safety practices. Implementing proactive disinfection measures can minimize the potential for legal and financial repercussions resulting from health-related incidents.
TOMI, in conjunction with its partners, collaborators, and industry associations, is proactively educating the community on the importance of preventive disinfection through verbal explanation and visual demonstrations of the impact of maintaining a clean environment. We engage in targeted social media campaigns, offer training programs and workshops on best practices, and share case studies of real-life examples highlighting the long-term benefits in promoting health and safety for a successful business.
By further implementing these strategies and our reach, we can effectively convey the importance of proactive disinfection and inspire action among businesses and individuals to prioritize cleanliness and hygiene in commercial settings.
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The Company is committed to further expanding its marketing, advertising, and educational campaigns aimed at its customer base and driving adoption of our SteraMist iHP product line across all our industries: Life Sciences, Hospital-Healthcare, TOMI Service Network, Food Safety, and Commercial. We will continue to innovate and develop tailored products to meet the specific needs of each, ensuring seamless implementation and optimal performance. Our dedicated team of technicians and representatives will continue to provide comprehensive training, maintenance, and servicing of capital equipment worldwide, supporting customers in maximizing the benefits of our patented technology. Additionally, TOMI will continue to offer protocol development and implementation services for SteraMist iHP, recognizing its critical role in various settings, particularly in pandemic preparedness scenarios.
SteraMist Pro Certified (“SPC”) - New Program Offering
The TOMI Service Network or TSN, an expansive network consisting of professionals who are exclusively licensed and trained to use the SteraMist products. TOMI trained and serviced a wide array of professional remediation companies in the use of SteraMist. The TSN addressed many cleaning protocols that changed permanently due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a network that played a significant role in facilitating and maintaining these protocols. COVID-19 highlighted the limitations of reactive approaches to cleanliness and hygiene. Recognizing this, TOMI is now championing a proactive approach to disinfection. While the pandemic may have initially spurred reactive measures, we are advocating for a shift towards proactive, ongoing disinfection protocols.
Through consistent and persistent efforts, we are slowly but steadily changing minds across all industries that individuals interact with in their daily lives. By emphasizing the importance of maintaining clean and safe environments as a preemptive measure providing long-term benefits of proactive disinfection in ensuring the health and well-being of their employees, customers, and communities, rather than merely reacting to immediate threats, we are promoting a culture of preventive healthcare. To do this more widely, we needed to offer something more than the SPC to the world.
The SteraMist Pro Certified (SPC) program signifies a significant step towards industry excellence. Our aim is to establish a standard that reflects a commitment to continuous improvement, adherence to evolving disinfection and biohazard response norms, and dedication to setting benchmarks in the field.
Central to our mission is ensuring that the SPC program resonates with consumers by placing their needs at the forefront, portraying the certification as user-centric rather than SteraMist-centric. This approach is crucial in garnering recognition and legitimacy for the certification.
In optimizing our communication, offerings, and requirements, we are prioritizing the categorization of Certification participants: Individuals, Sole Proprietors/Small Businesses, Franchises, and Internal/Departments. This classification will enable us to tailor our approach and support to meet the specific needs and challenges faced by each group.
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As we move forward, the SteraMist Pro Certified (SPC) program will encompass a comprehensive set of criteria to ensure industry-leading standards. This includes:
| 1. | SteraMist equipment ownership: Demonstrating a commitment to utilizing SteraMist technology for effective disinfection. |
| 2. | Public health commitment: Upholding a dedication to safeguarding public health through rigorous disinfection practices. |
| 3. | Training excellence: Ensuring thorough and ongoing training for personnel involved in disinfection procedures. |
| 4. | Employee awareness and training: Fostering a culture of awareness and competence among staff regarding disinfection protocols. |
| 5. | Equipment maintenance assurance: Guaranteeing the proper maintenance and upkeep of SteraMist equipment to optimize performance. |
| 6. | Internal self-audit program: Implementing regular self-assessment processes to monitor and improve disinfection practices. |
| 7. | Customer feedback innovation: Embracing customer feedback to drive innovation and enhance service delivery. |
| 8. | Continuous improvement documentation: Documenting efforts to continuously enhance disinfection practices and procedures. |
| 9. | Environmental sustainability commitment: Incorporating environmentally sustainable practices into disinfection operations. |
| 10. | Emergency response plan with risk assessment: Developing comprehensive plans and risk assessments to effectively respond to emergencies. |
The SPC program seeks to ensure certified entities are equipped to deliver disinfection decontamination while prioritizing public health, safety, and environmental sustainability.
As a result, we will no longer maintain the TOMI Service Network (TSN) in its current form. Instead, we launched a proactive program now available to all our customers—including those in Life Sciences, Healthcare, Food Safety, and Commercial sectors. This on-demand program reflects our proactive approach, leveraging the expertise of all partners and key relationships to strengthen our brand and global presence. Through these valuable relationships we have built with industry experts, we continue to advance contamination control and validation practices.
With SteraMist iHP, we now have a game-changing technology across four key industries, capable of addressing everything from routine cleaning to complex cleanroom decontamination, patient healthcare environments, biohazard management, and border control along with an educational platform. Our domestic and international service provider partnerships are essential in driving this mission forward and expanding our impact worldwide.
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Business Highlights and Recent Events
Total revenue for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, was $6,670,000, a 14.5% increase or $843,000 compared to $5,827,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. This growth was driven by higher sales of SteraMist products and iHP Service Revenue.
SteraMist product-based revenue, which is primarily comprised of our mobile and CES equipment, was up 85% in the third quarter of the current year, when compared to the same prior year period.
Our third-quarter international revenue grew by 230%, driven by new customers in Canada, South Africa and the India, compared to the same period in 2023.
2024 Events:
On April 15, 2024, we announced our attendance at Interphex 2024 showcasing our new innovations. Interphex 2024 provides an opportunity for a wide range of biotechnology industry leaders to discover SteraMist’s groundbreaking iHP technology which was held in New York City on April 16-18, 2024.
One June 6, 2024, we announced comprehensive cost reduction initiatives to align the Company’s cost structure with targeted profitability objectives. The Company’s operational cash savings initiatives include a modification of compensation arrangement for our executive officers, pursuant to which executives will reduce their compensation by 30% of their current cash compensation for the remainder of 2024, and an optimization of our consulting arrangement, under which we terminated select external consulting agreements, with remaining consultants agreeing to reduce their consultant fees.
On June 13, 2024, we announced two recent sales in the Life Sciences sector, underscoring the Company’s successful strategic expansion in the sector and growth potential. The first purchase agreement, signed with one of the largest private pharmaceutical companies in the world, includes the acquisition of a SteraMist Environment System and TOMI validation services for the client’s vivarium facility in Mexico. The second purchase agreement arises from the Company’s collaboration with a trusted partner with decades of experience in big pharma. This partnership facilitated the sale of the first Hybrid System to Indigo Pharmaceutical, Inc. as announced in September 2023. Continuing this momentum, the partner has now successfully sold another SteraMist Hybrid System to BeSpoke Pharmaceuticals, a Nevada-based manufacturer targeting 503B products.
On July 24, 2024, we announced that EMAQ Group, Inc. purchased twenty (20) SteraMist Environment Systems, generating $1,180,280 in revenue which was recognized in the second quarter of 2024. This strategic partnership aims to enhance the market penetration of SteraMist iHP decontamination solutions within the pharmaceutical industry and is expected to grant SteraMist iHP technology the significant traction it deserves, delivering decontamination solutions that meet the stringent demands of the pharmaceutical sector.
On August 22, 2024, we announced the expansion of its partnership with a global leader in laboratory testing and diagnostics services with multiple mobile equipment purchases and a Custom Engineered System (CES) to support the expansion of their Wisconsin facility.
On September 6, 2024, we announced that Elissa J. Shane, Chief Operating Officer, and Joe Rzepka, Chief Financial Officer, will be participating in the H.C. Wainwright 24th Annual Global Investment Conference to be held September 9-11, 2024, at the Lotte New York Palace Hotel in New York City.
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Intellectual Property
Our success depends in part upon our ability to obtain and maintain proprietary protection for our products and technologies. We protect our technology and products by, among other means, obtaining United States and foreign patents. In addition, the process of obtaining and protecting patents can be long and expensive. We also rely upon trade secrets, technical know-how, and continuing technological innovation to develop and maintain our competitive position.
As part of our intellectual property protection strategy, we have registered our BIT™ solution with the EPA, all 50 states in the United States, and multiple countries worldwide. We have received or are in the process of receiving Conformité Européene (“CE”) marks in the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and are approved by Underwriters Laboratory (“UL”).
Our portfolio includes more than 25 Utility or Design Patents worldwide which expire at various dates through the year 2038 for both method and system claims on SteraMist® BIT™, as well as design of devices. We continue to pursue further claims to additional capabilities in on-going United States and worldwide patent applications; we have recently obtained new patents in Mexico and Japan. We have obtained four related United States utility patents, giving us protection of our technology until the year 2038; we are currently pursuing allowance for a fifth US patent for our backpack decontamination units and mobile carts. We have obtained utility patents for our technologies in diverse countries such as Brazil, Japan, Korea, Israel, Australia, Taiwan, Canada, Mexico, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, and Sweden, Singapore, New Zealand, and in the UK, and continue to pursue protections all over the world.
We have submitted utility patent applications in multiple jurisdictions and countries, including Europe, China, Brazil, Korea and Australia for further additional applications of SteraMist BIT, and a related application has already been determined novel and inventive in Taiwan, Japan, Israel, New Zealand, Australia and Singapore. We have recently filed new patent pending applications on novel uses and enhancements of our technology in the United States. We have been awarded a design patent on our surface-mounted applicator device in the United States, China, Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. We have filed and have been granted or have pending acceptance on 32 separate design patents for our: Decontamination Chamber(s), Decontamination Applicator, Decontamination Cart, Applicator, and Surface Mounted Applicator 90-Degree Device. These patents are published around the world, including but not limited to the United States, China, Hong Kong, Europe, United Kingdom, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, Canada, South Korea, and Japan. We are also pursuing IP protection for further applications of our SteraMist BIT in diverse fields in multiple jurisdictions, such as food decontamination and, in installed systems for the application of iHP for the protection of buildings post outbreak or after a biological attack. With worldwide attention on the etiology of SARs CoV2 coming from a lab leak, attention on the prevention and control of a leak or mishap should be on the mind of all the biological labs managers around the world. The fact that iHP and our BIT platform can be incorporated in new or existing buildings to create an “immune building” should assist in further lab applications of SteraMist in the biosecurity industry in the future. Our current patents with claims to systems already serve to provide protection for our technology in this area and our on-going pending applications will further enhance the scope of our intellectual property. Recently, we have filed new patent applications, both in the United States and internationally, which are directed to improved applicator designs, and designs for applications in cell biology; these new designs have been found novel during review in the World Intellectual Property Organization international application process. Initial findings for our filed improved applicator designs in cell biology may be followed by accelerated applications in many countries.
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Our products are sold around the world under various brand names and trademarks. We consider our brand names and trademarks to be valuable in the marketing of our products. As of today, we have over two hundred trademarks or trademark applications, (word and/or logo) registered or pending across the globe. TOMI registers marks in eight classes of specification of goods and services: Class 1 for Chemicals for Treating Hazardous Waste, Class 5 for Disinfectants, All-Purpose for Hard Surfaces and for Treating Mold, Class 7 for Handheld Power Operated Spraying Machines, Class 11 for Sterilizers for Medical Use and Air Purification, Class 35 for Business Consultation and Management Services, Class 37 for General Disinfecting Services, Class 40 for Chemical Decontamination and Manufacturing Services, and Class 41 for Providing Education Training and information related to biological and bacterial decontamination services. Recently, we have expanded our trademark protection into India.
Financial Operations Overview
Our financial position as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, was as follows:
| September 30, 2024 (Unaudited) |
| December 31, 2023 |
| ||
Total shareholders’ equity |
| $ | 7,355,000 |
| $ | 8,359,000 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
| $ | 809,000 |
| $ | 2,339,000 |
Accounts receivable – Current, net |
| $ | 3,146,000 |
| $ | 2,430,000 |
Inventories |
| $ | 4,580,000 |
| $ | 4,627,000 |
Prepaid expenses |
| $ | 346,000 |
| $ | 371,000 |
Vendor Deposits |
| $ | 97,000 |
| $ | 29,000 |
Other Receivables |
| $ | 164,000 |
| $ | 164,000 |
Accounts receivable – Long Term, net |
| $ | 206,000 |
| $ | 206,000 |
Current liabilities – Excluding Deferred Revenue |
| $ | 2,215,000 |
| $ | 2,058,000 |
Long-term liabilities – Convertible Notes |
| $ | 2,345,000 |
| $ | 2,298,000 |
Long-term liabilities – Other |
| $ | 547,000 |
| $ | 643,000 |
Working Capital |
| $ | 6,928,000 |
| $ | 7,903,000 |
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, our debt and liquidity positions were affected by the following:
| · | Net cash used in operations of approximately $1,453,000. |
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Results of Operations for the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023:
| For The Three Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| For The Nine Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| ||||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| ||||||
Revenue, Net |
| $ | 2,542,000 |
| $ | 1,470,000 |
| $ | 1,072,000 |
| $ | 6,670,000 |
| $ | 5,827,000 |
| $ | 843,000 |
Gross Profit |
| 1,561,000 |
| 809,000 |
| 752,000 |
| 4,086,000 |
| 3,450,000 |
| 636,000 |
Total Operating Expenses (1) |
| 1,412,000 |
| 1,710,000 |
| (298,000 | ) |
| 5,042,000 |
| 5,629,000 |
| (587,000 | ) |
Income (Loss) from Operations |
| 149,000 |
| (901,000 | ) |
| 1,050,000 |
| (956,000 | ) |
| (2,179,000 | ) |
| 1,223,000 |
Total Other Income (Expense) |
| (90,000 | ) |
| - |
| (90,000 | ) |
| (265,000 | ) |
| 1,000 |
| (266,000 | ) |
Provision for (benefit from) Income Taxes |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
Net Income (Loss) |
| $ | 59,000 |
| $ | (901,000 | ) |
| 960,000 |
| $ | (1,221,000 | ) |
| $ | (2,178,000 | ) |
| 957,000 |
Basic Net Income (Loss) per share |
| $ | 0.00 |
| $ | (0.05 | ) |
| $ | 0.05 |
| $ | (0.06 | ) |
| $ | (0.11 | ) |
| $ | 0.05 |
Diluted Net Income (Loss) per share |
| $ | 0.00 |
| $ | (0.05 | ) |
| $ | 0.05 |
| $ | (0.06 | ) |
| $ | (0.11 | ) |
| $ | 0.05 |
Total revenue for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, was $2,542,000 and $1,470,000, respectively, representing an increase of $1,072,000 or 73% compared to the same prior year period. Product based revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, were $5,247,000 and $4,501,000, representing an increase of $746,000 or 17% when compared to the same prior year period. The higher revenue was attributable to increased demand for our mobile units and higher iHP service revenue.
As customers mature through the product and adoption cycle and our sales pipeline converts to revenue, we expect to generate more predictable sales quarter over quarter.
Product and Service Revenue
| For The Three Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| For The Nine Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| ||||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| ||||||
SteraMist Product |
| $ | 1,766,000 |
| 953,000 |
| $ | 813,000 |
| $ | 5,247,000 |
| $ | 4,501,000 |
| $ | 746,000 |
Service and Training |
| 776,000 |
| 517,000 |
| 259,000 |
| 1,423,000 |
| 1,326,000 |
| 97,000 |
Total |
| $ | 2,542,000 |
| $ | 1,470,000 |
| $ | 1,072,000 |
| $ | 6,670,000 |
| $ | 5,827,000 |
| $ | 843,000 |
SteraMist Product-based revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, were $1,776,000 and $953,000, representing an increase of $813,000 or 85% when compared to the same prior year period. The higher revenue was attributable to increased demand for our mobile units and higher iHP service revenue. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, our total revenue was $6,670,000 and $5,827,000, respectively, representing an increase of $843,000, or 14% compared to the same prior year period.
Our service-based revenue for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, was $776,000 and $517,000, respectively, representing an increase of $259,000 or 50%. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, our service-based revenue was $1,423,000 and $1,326,000, representing an increase of $97,000 or 7% when compared to the same prior period in 2023. The increase in service revenue was due to timing of emergency service work that occurred in the same prior period.
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Revenue by Geographic Region
| For The Three Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| For The Nine Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| ||||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| ||||||
United States |
| $ | 1,886,000 |
| $ | 1,271,000 |
| $ | 615,000 |
| $ | 5,169,000 |
| $ | 5,001,000 |
| $ | 168,000 |
International |
| 656,000 |
| 199,000 |
| 457,000 |
| 1,501,000 |
| 826,000 |
| 675,000 |
Total |
| $ | 2,542,000 |
| $ | 1,470,000 |
| $ | 1,072,000 |
| $ | 6,670,000 |
| $ | 5,827,000 |
| $ | 843,000 |
Our domestic revenue for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was $1,886,000 and $1,271,000, respectively, an increase of $615,000 or 48%, when compared to the same prior year period. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, our domestic revenue was $5,169,000 and $5,001,000, representing an increase of $168,000 or 3% when compared to the same prior period in 2023. Our domestic product-based revenue increased due to higher domestic demand for our equipment and iHP services.
Internationally, our revenue for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, was approximately $656,000 and $199,000, respectively, representing an increase of $457,000 or 230% when compared to the same prior year period. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, our international revenue was $1,501,000 and $826,000, representing an increase of $675,000 or 82% when compared to the same prior period in 2023. The higher revenue was attributable to increased demand for our mobile units.
Cost of Sales
| For The Three Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| For The Nine Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| ||||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| ||||||
Cost of Sales |
| $ | 981,000 |
| $ | 661,000 |
| $ | 320,000 |
| $ | 2,583,000 |
| $ | 2,376,000 |
| $ | 207,000 |
Cost of sales was $981,000 and $661,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, an increase of $320,000 or 48%, compared to the prior year. The increase in cost of sales was primarily due to higher sales. Our gross profit as a percentage of sales for the three months ended September 30, 2024 was 61% compared to 55% in the same prior period, respectively. The higher gross profit is attributable to the product mix in sales.
Cost of sales was $2,583,000 and $2,376,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, an increase of $207,000, or 9%, compared to the prior year. The increase in cost of sales was primarily due to the higher sales.
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Professional Fees
| For The Three Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| For The Nine Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| ||||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| ||||||
Professional Fees |
| $ | 105,000 |
| $ | 208,000 |
| $ | (103,000 | ) |
| $ | 387,000 |
| $ | 457,000 |
| $ | (70,000 | ) |
Professional fees are comprised mainly of legal, accounting, and financial consulting fees.
Professional fees were $105,000 and $208,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, a decrease of approximately $103,000 or 50%, in the current year period. The decrease in professional fees was due to lower legal fees incurred in the current year period due to costs incurred in connection with our intellectual property and the related timing of when those services were rendered.
Professional fees were $387,000 and $457,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, a decrease of approximately $70,000, or 15%, in the current year period. The decrease in professional fees was primarily due to lower legal fees we incurred in connection with distributor and OEM agreements.
Depreciation and Amortization
| For The Three Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| For The Nine Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| ||||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| ||||||
Depreciation and Amortization |
| $ | 70,000 |
| $ | 94,000 |
| $ | (24,000 | ) |
| $ | 224,000 |
| $ | 273,000 |
| $ | (49,000 | ) |
Depreciation and amortization were approximately $70,000 and $94,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, representing a decrease of $24,000 or 26%.
Depreciation and amortization were approximately $224,000 and $273,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, representing a decrease of $49,000, or 18%.
The decrease in depreciation expense is due to a lower amount of fixed assets being depreciated in the current year period when compared to the same prior year periods.
Selling Expenses
| For The Three Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| For The Nine Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| ||||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| ||||||
Selling Expenses |
| $ | 227,000 |
| $ | 283,000 |
| $ | (56,000 | ) |
| $ | 882,000 |
| $ | 1,161,000 |
| $ | (279,000 | ) |
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Selling expenses for the three months ended September 30, 2024 were approximately $227,000, as compared to $283,000 for the quarter ended September 30, 2023, representing a decrease of approximately $56,000 or 20%. The decline in selling expenses is due to lower sales commission incurred in the current year period due to less sales generated by third party representatives and lower advertising and tradeshow costs incurred in the current year period.
Selling expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 were approximately $882,000, as compared to $1,161,000 for the quarter ended September 30, 2023, representing a decrease of approximately $279,000 or 24%. The decline in selling expenses is due to lower sales commission incurred in the current year period due to less sales generated by third party representatives and lower advertising and tradeshow costs incurred in the current year period.
Research and Development
| For The Three Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| For The Nine Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| ||||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| ||||||
Research and Development |
| $ | 56,000 |
| $ | 76,000 |
| $ | (20,000 | ) |
| $ | 186,000 |
| $ | 221,000 |
| $ | (35,000 | ) |
Research and development expenses for the three months ended September 30, 2024 were approximately $56,000, as compared to $76,000 for the quarter ended September 30, 2023, representing a decrease of approximately $20,000 or 26%. The decline in research and development expenses is due to the timing projects that occurred in the prior period which did not recur in the same current year period.
Research and development expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 were approximately $186,000, as compared to $221,000 for the quarter ended September 30, 2023, representing a decrease of approximately $35,000, or 16%. The decline in research and development expenses is due to the timing projects that occurred in the prior period which did not recur in the same current year period.
The decline in research and development expenses is due to the timing projects that occurred in the prior period, which did not recur in the same current year period.
Consulting Fees
| For The Three Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| For The Nine Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| ||||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| ||||||
Consulting Fees |
| $ | 44,000 |
| $ | 44,000 |
| $ | - |
| $ | 181,000 |
| $ | 189,000 |
| $ | (8,000 | ) |
Consulting fees were $44,000 and $44,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, representing no change in the current quarter period.
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Consulting fees were $181,000 and $189,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, representing a decrease of $8,000, or 4%, in the current quarter period.
The decrease in consulting fees is due to termination of select external consulting agreements, with remaining consultants agreeing to reduce their consultant fees, as part of our cost-reduction measures implemented June 2024.
General and Administrative Expense
| For The Three Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| For The Nine Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| ||||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| ||||||
General and Administrative |
| $ | 910,000 |
| $ | 1,005,000 |
| $ | (95,000 | ) |
| $ | 3,181,000 |
| $ | 3,329,000 |
| $ | (148,000 | ) |
General and administrative expenses include salaries and payroll taxes, rent, insurance expense, utilities, office expense, product registration costs, equity compensation and bad debt expense.
General and administrative expenses were $910,000 and $1,005,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, a decrease of $95,000 or 9% in the current period. The decrease is attributable to the reduction in executive salaries and reduced overhead related to the closing of a satellite office space.
General and administrative expenses were $3,181,000 and $3,329,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, a decrease of $148,000, or 4% in the current period. The decrease in general and administrative expenses was attributable to a decrease in executive compensation and reduced overhead related to the closing a satellite office space.
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Other Income and Expense
| For The Three Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| For The Nine Months Ended September 30, |
| Change |
| ||||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| $ |
| ||||||
Interest Income |
| $ | 3,000 |
| $ | - |
| $ | 3,000 |
| $ | 12,000 |
| $ | 1,000 |
| $ | 11,000 |
Interest Expense |
| $ | (94,000 | ) |
| $ | - |
| $ | (94,000 | ) |
| $ | (281,000 | ) |
| $ | - |
| $ | (281,000 | ) |
Other Income (Expense) |
| $ | (91,000 | ) |
| $ | - |
| $ | (91,000 | ) |
| $ | (269,000 | ) |
| $ | 1,000 |
| $ | (270,000 | ) |
Interest income was approximately $3,000 and $0 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Interest income was approximately $12,000 and $1,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Interest expense was $94,000 and $0 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Interest expense was $281,000 and $0 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
The interest expense is attributable to the convertible notes.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
As of September 30, 2024, we had cash and cash equivalents of approximately $809,000 and working capital of $6,928,000. Our principal capital requirements are to fund operations, invest in research and development and capital equipment, and the continued costs of compliance with public company reporting requirements. We have historically funded our operations through funds generated through operations and debt and equity financings. The sale of additional equity securities could result in dilution to our stockholders. The incurrence of indebtedness would result in increased debt service obligations and may include operating and financial covenants that would restrict our operations. We cannot be certain that any financing will be available in the amounts we need or on terms acceptable to us, if at all.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, we incurred losses from operations of ($956,000) and ($2,179,000), respectively. Cash used in operations for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was ($1,453,000) and ($2,362,000), respectively.
Our cash and cash equivalents at September 30, 2024 of $809,000 represented an increase of $100,000 when compared to the cash and cash equivalents balance of $709,000, as of June 30, 2024, as we were cash flow positive for the three months ended September 30, 2024.
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A breakdown of our statement of cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 is provided below:
| For The Nine Months Ended September 30, |
| |||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| ||
Net Cash Provided (Used) in Operating Activities |
| $ | (1,453,000 | ) |
| $ | (2,362,000 | ) |
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities |
| $ | (105,000 | ) |
| $ | (94,000 | ) |
Cash Flow From Financing Activities: |
| $ | 28,000 |
| $ | - |
Operating Activities
Cash used in operations for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was $1,453,000 and $2,362,000, respectively. The decrease was attributable to a lower current year loss and management’s planned overhead cost reductions.
Investing Activities
Cash used in investing activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was $105,000 and $94,000, respectively. The increase was attributable to higher property and equipment purchased in the current year period.
Financing Activities
Cash provided by financing activities for nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was $28,000 and $0, respectively. The increase is attributable to the proceeds from the exercise of stock options.
Our revenues can fluctuate due to the following factors, among others:
| · | ramp up and expansion of our internal sales force and manufacturer’s representatives; |
| · | length of our sales cycle; |
| · | global and regional response to the outbreak of infectious diseases; |
| · | expansion into new territories and markets; and |
| · | timing of orders from distributors. |
We could incur operating losses and an increase of costs related to the continuation of product and technology development, sales expense as we continue to grow our sales teams, inventory as we continue to ensure we have products needed and geographic presence, tooling capital expenditures as we ramp up and streamline our production and administrative activities including compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Section 404.
Management has taken and will endeavor to continue to take a number of actions in order to improve our results of operations and the related cash flows generated from operations in order to strengthen our financial position, including the following items:
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| · | expanding our label with the EPA to further our product registration internationally; |
| · | continued expansion of our internal sales force and manufacturer representatives in an effort to drive global revenue in all verticals; |
| · | continue research and development and add new products to our “Stera” product line; |
| · | source alternative lower cost suppliers; |
| · | expansion of international distributors; and |
| · | continued growth in all of our verticals. |
During 2023 and 2024, we experienced increased demand for our CES where we collect deposits upon the execution of the contract. The deposits we receive fund the production for the CES and improve our overall liquidity through the duration of the project. We believe our sales for our CES will continue to grow and improve our financial results from a liquidity perspective as well as improve our operating margins due to the higher recurring solution sales we see for our CES system.
We expect that the cash we generate from our core operations will generally be sufficient to cover our future capital expenditures and to pay down our near-term debt obligations.
We believe that our existing balance of cash and cash equivalents and amounts expected to be generated by operations will provide us with sufficient financial resources to meet our cash requirements for operations, working capital and capital expenditures over the next twelve months. While we cannot predict our liquidity position beyond the next twelve months, we are expecting our business opportunities and customer base to continue to expand and grow, which may provide us with additional liquidity to fund our operations. We may consider financing transactions to fund our operations if opportunities arise. To the extent that we raise additional capital through the sale of equity or convertible debt securities, the ownership interest of our stockholders will be diluted, and the terms of these securities may include liquidation or other preferences that adversely affect the rights of stockholders. Debt financing and preferred equity financing, if available, may involve agreements that include covenants limiting or restricting our ability to take specific actions, such as incurring additional debt, making acquisitions or capital expenditures. Debt financing would also result in fixed payment obligations.
On November 7, 2023, we entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement (the “SPA”) with certain accredited investors (collectively, the “Investors”) pursuant to which we agreed to sell and issue to the Investors in a private placement transaction (the “Private Placement”) in one or more closings up to an aggregate principal amount of $5,000,000 (the “Notes”). As of November 7, 2023, we issued and sold an aggregate of $2,600,000 of Notes pursuant to the SPA before deducting the placement agent’s fees and other estimated offering expenses. The initial closing of the Private Placement occurred on November 7, 2023.
The Notes are due on the fifth anniversary of the issuance date of the Notes and bear simple interest at a rate of 12% per annum, payable in equal monthly installments. The Notes are convertible into shares of our Common Stock, at the option of the holder, at an initial conversion price of $1.25 per share, which shall not exceed $1.55 per share. In addition, we can require Investors to convert the Notes at the then current conversion price at any time after 90 days from the issue date if the Common Stock has a closing bid price of $1.55 per share or higher on any twenty days within a thirty day period of consecutive trading days, or if a “fundamental change” occurs (as defined in the SPA). The Notes are unsecured and senior to other indebtedness subject to certain exceptions.
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Critical Accounting Estimates
Our discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations is based upon our consolidated financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. The preparation of these financial statements requires us to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, and related disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. The estimation process requires assumptions to be made about future events and conditions, and as such, is inherently subjective and uncertain. Actual results could differ materially from our estimates.
The SEC defines critical accounting estimates as those that are, in management’s view, most important to the portrayal of our financial condition and results of operations and the most demanding of our judgment. We consider the following estimates to be critical to an understanding of our consolidated financial statements and the uncertainties associated with the complex judgments made by us that could impact our results of operations, financial position and cash flows.
Revenue Recognition
We recognize revenue in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Update (ASU) No. 2014-09, Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606). We recognize revenue when we transfer promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which we expect to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services. To determine revenue recognition for contracts with customers we perform the following five steps: (i) identify the contract(s) with a customer; (ii) identify the performance obligation(s) in the contract; (iii) determine the transaction price; (iv) allocate the transaction price to the performance obligation(s) in the contract; and (v) recognize revenue when (or as) we satisfy the performance obligation(s). At contract inception, we assess the goods or services promised within each contract, assess whether each promised good or service is distinct and identify those that are performance obligations.
We must use judgment to determine: a) the number of performance obligations based on the determination under step (ii) above and whether those performance obligations are distinct from other performance obligations in the contract; b) the transaction price under step (iii) above; and c) the stand-alone selling price for each performance obligation identified in the contract for the allocation of transaction price in step (iv) above.
Title and risk of loss generally pass to our customers upon shipment. Our customers include end users as well as dealers and distributors who market and sell our products. Our revenue is not contingent upon resale by the dealer or distributor, and we have no further obligations related to bringing about resale. Shipping and handling costs charged to customers are included in Product Revenues. The associated expenses are treated as fulfillment costs and are included in Cost of Revenues. Revenues are reported net of sales taxes collected from customers.
Product revenue includes sales from our standard and customized equipment, solution and accessories sold with our equipment. Revenue is recognized upon transfer of control of promised products to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration we expect to receive in exchange for those products.
Service and training revenue include sales from our high-level decontamination and service engagements, validation of our equipment and technology and customer training. Service revenue is recognized as the agreed upon services are rendered to our customers in an amount that reflects the consideration we expect to receive in exchange for those services.
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Estimated allowances for sales returns are recorded as sales are recognized. We use a specific identification method based on subsequent product return activity and historical average calculation to estimate the allowance for sales returns.
Costs to Obtain a Contract with a Customer
We apply a practical expedient to expense costs as incurred for costs to obtain a contract with a customer when the amortization period would have been one year or less. We generally expense sales commissions when incurred because the amortization period would have been one year or less. These costs are recorded within selling expenses.
Contract Balances
As of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023 we did not have any unsatisfied performance obligations for (i) contracts with an original expected length of one year or less and (ii) contracts for which we recognize revenue at the amount to which we have the right to invoice for services performed.
Arrangements with Multiple Performance Obligations
Our contracts with customers may include multiple performance obligations. We enter into contracts that can include various combinations of products and services, which are primarily distinct and accounted for as separate performance obligations.
Significant Judgments
Our contracts with customers for products and services often dictate the terms and conditions of when the control of the promised products or services is transferred to the customer and the amount of consideration to be received in exchange for the products and services.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires us to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported and disclosed in the accompanying consolidated financial statements and the accompanying notes. Actual results could differ materially from these estimates. On an ongoing basis, we evaluate our estimates, including those related to accounts receivable, inventory, fair values of financial instruments, intangible assets, useful lives of intangible assets and property and equipment, fair values of stock-based awards, income taxes, and contingent liabilities, among others. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that are believed to be reasonable, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of our assets and liabilities.
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Accounts Receivable
Our accounts receivable are typically from credit worthy customers or, for certain international customers, are supported by pre-payments. For those customers to whom we extend credit, we perform periodic evaluations of them and maintain allowances for potential credit losses as deemed necessary. We have a policy of reserving for credit losses based on our best estimate of the amount of potential credit losses in existing accounts receivable. We periodically review our accounts receivable to determine whether an allowance is necessary based on an analysis of past due accounts and other factors that may indicate that the realization of an account may be in doubt. Account balances deemed to be uncollectible are charged to the allowance after all means of collection have been exhausted and the potential for recovery is considered remote.
Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or net realizable value using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method. Inventories consist primarily of finished goods. We expense costs to maintain certification to cost of goods sold as incurred.
We review inventory on an ongoing basis, considering factors such as deterioration and obsolescence. We record an allowance for estimated losses when the facts and circumstances indicate that particular inventories may not be usable.
Long-Lived Assets Including Acquired Intangible Assets
We assess long-lived assets for potential impairments at the end of each year, or during the year if an event or other circumstance indicates that we may not be able to recover the carrying amount of the asset. In evaluating long-lived assets for impairment, we measure recoverability of these assets by comparing the carrying amounts to the future undiscounted cash flows the assets are expected to generate. If our long-lived assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized equals the amount by which the carrying value of the asset exceeds its fair market value. We base the calculations of the estimated fair value of our long-lived assets on the income approach. For the income approach, we use an internally developed discounted cash flow model that includes, among others, the following assumptions: projections of revenues and expenses and related cash flows based on assumed long-term growth rates and demand trends; expected future investments to grow new units; and estimated discount rates. We base these assumptions on our historical data and experience, industry projections, micro and macro general economic condition projections, and our expectations. We had no long-lived asset impairment charges for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Recently issued accounting pronouncements not yet adopted
In November 2023, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued ASU No. 2023-07, Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures (Topic 280). This ASU updates reportable segment disclosure requirements by requiring disclosures of significant reportable segment expenses that are regularly provided to the Chief Operating Decision Maker (“CODM”) and included within each reported measure of a segment’s profit or loss. This ASU also requires disclosure of the title and position of the individual identified as the CODM and an explanation of how the CODM uses the reported measures of a segment’s profit or loss in assessing segment performance and deciding how to allocate resources. The ASU is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2023, and interim periods within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024. Adoption of the ASU should be applied retrospectively to all prior periods presented in the financial statements. Early adoption is also permitted. This ASU will likely result in us including the additional required disclosures when adopted. We are currently evaluating the provisions of this ASU and expect to adopt them for the year ending December 31, 2024.
In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU No. 2023-09, Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures (Topic 740). The ASU requires disaggregated information about a reporting entity’s effective tax rate reconciliation as well as additional information on income taxes paid. The ASU is effective on a prospective basis for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2024. Early adoption is also permitted for annual financial statements that have not yet been issued or made available for issuance. This ASU will result in the required additional disclosures being included in our consolidated financial statements, once adopted.
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Item 3.Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk.
Not Applicable.
Item 4. Controls and Procedures.
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Our management, with the participation of our Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer, conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as is defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act) as of the end of the period covered by this quarterly report on Form 10-Q. Based on that evaluation, our Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting identified in management’s evaluation pursuant to Rules 13a-15(d) or 15d-15(d) under the Exchange Act during the period covered by this Form 10-Q that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.
Limitations on Effectiveness of Controls and Procedures
In designing and evaluating the disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over financial reporting, management recognizes that any controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable assurance of achieving the desired control objectives. In addition, the design of disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over financial reporting must reflect the fact that there are resource constraints and that management is required to apply judgment in evaluating the benefits of possible controls and procedures relative to their costs.
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Item 1. Legal Proceedings.
From time to time, we may be involved in litigation relating to claims arising out of our operations in the normal course of business. We currently are not a party to any legal proceedings, the adverse outcome of which, in management’s opinion, individually or in the aggregate, would have a material adverse effect on the results of our operations, financial position or cash flows. Regardless of the outcome, any litigation could have an adverse impact on us due to defense and settlement costs, diversion of management resources and other factors.
Item 1A. Risk Factors.
You should carefully consider the information described in the “Risk Factors” section of our Annual Report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, as filed with the SEC on April 1, 2024. There have been no material changes to the risk factors we previously disclosed in our filings with the SEC, including the Annual Report. Our operations could also be affected by additional factors that are not presently known to us or by factors that we currently consider immaterial to our business.
Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities, Use of Proceeds, and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities.
Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities.
Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures.
Not applicable.
Item 5. Other Information.
10b5-1 Arrangements
To the best of the Company’s knowledge during the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2024, no director or officer (as defined in Rule 16a-1(f) of the Securities Exchange Act) of the Company adopted or terminated any Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangements or non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangements.
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Item 6. Exhibits.
The documents listed in the Exhibit Index of this Form 10-Q are incorporated herein by reference.
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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
| |
Date: October 30, 2024 | By: | /s/ HALDEN S. SHANE |
| Halden S. Shane |
| Chief Executive Officer |
| (Principal Executive Officer) |
Date: October 30, 2024 | By: | /s/ JOE RZEPKA |
| Joe Rzepka |
| Chief Financial Officer |
| (Principal Financial Officer and |
| Principal Accounting Officer) |
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Table of Contents |
Exhibit Number |
| Description of Exhibit |
| Form |
| File No. |
| Date |
| Exhibit |
| Filed Herewith |
31.1 |
| Certification of Chief Executive Officer pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) or Rule 15d-14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, as adopted pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 |
| X |
31.2 |
| Certification of Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) or Rule 15d-14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, as adopted pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 |
| X |
32.1# |
| Certification of the Chief Executive Officer pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 |
| X |
32.2# | Certification of the Chief Financial Officer pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. | X | ||||||||||
101.INS |
| XBRL Instance Document |
| X |
101.SCH |
| XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema |
| X |
101.CAL |
| XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase |
| X |
101.DEF |
| XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase |
| X |
101.LAB |
| XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase |
| X |
# This certification is deemed not filed for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or the Exchange Act, or otherwise subject to the liability of that section, nor shall it be deemed incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933, or the Exchange Act.
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