Rule 424(b)(5)に基づいて提出されました
2024年10月29日現在、2024年9月3日に普通株式が最後に売られた価格を基準に、非関係者が保有する議決権のある普通株式および非議決権の普通株式の累積市場価値は、2024年10月29日現在の発行済普通株式31,233,036株に基づき、非関係者が保有する14,141株を含め、総額$4745万でした。Form S-3の一般指示I.b.6に基づき、公共主要株式募集で証券を売却する際には、12か月間につき公開フロートの1/3を超える価値で売却することはありません。ただし、公開フロートが7500万ドル以下の場合に限ります。この目論見書の日付を含む前後12カ月のカレンダー期間について、Form S-3の一般指示I.b.6に基づき、3,954,370ドルの証券を売却しました。
当社は、この目論見書補足で募集される有価証券に関連して、当社の排他的な設置代理店としてCraig-Hallum Capital Group LLCまたはCraig-Hallumを引き続き採用しています。 Craig-Hallumは当社が提供する証券を購入する義務はなく、特定の証券の数量または金額を売却する必要もありませんが、当社の最善の努力を行使して、この目論見書補足および添付の目論見書で提供される証券の購入オファーを募ることに同意しています。
シェアあたり | 1株当たりの前払いワラント当たり 資金提供済み 証券 | 総計 | ||||||||||
公開募集価格 | $ | 0.32 | $ | 0.3199 | $ | 6,499,893.50 | ||||||
プレースメントエージェント手数料(1) | $ | 0.0192 | $ | 0.01919 | $ | 389,993.61 | ||||||
当社の前に、費用を控除した収益 | $ | 0.3008 | $ | 0.3007 | $ | 6,109,899.89 |
(1) | 私たちは、この公開で調達された総売上高の6.0%に相当する現金手数料をCraig-Hallumに支払うことに同意し、Craig-Hallumには最大$100,000までの法的費用や経費、その他の実費を弁償することに同意しています。さらに、私たちは、この公開で提供される株式数およびPre-Funded Warrantsの5.0%に相当する当社の普通株式を購入するためのCraig-Hallumのワランツ(「配置代理人ワランツ」)を発行することに同意しました。行使価格は$0.32であり、発行日から5年後の有効期限となります。詳細については、「」を参照してください。配布計画Craig-Hallumが受け取る報酬の説明については、「」を参照してください。 |
Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC
ページ | |
本目論見書について | 1 |
目論見書要約 | 2 |
リスクファクター | 3 |
未来に関する声明: | 4 |
資金使途 | 7 |
配当ポリシー | 8 |
提供可能な証券の説明 | 8 |
配布計画 | 27 |
法的事項 | 29 |
専門家 | 29 |
詳細な情報の入手先 | 30 |
参照により取り込まれた情報 | 30 |
この文書は「棚」登録声明書Form S-3(ファイル番号333-272267)の一部であり、私たちが証券取引委員会(SEC)に提出したものです。2つのパートに分かれています。第一部は、この目論見書の補足で、当社の証券の提供の具体的な条件を説明し、同添の目論見書およびここにおよびる文書に組み込まれた情報に追加し、更新します。第2部は、同添の目論見書は、より一般的な情報を提供します。通常、この目論見書というとき、この文書の両方を組み合わせたものを指します。この目論見書の補足に含まれる情報と、同添の目論見書またはここにおよびる参照組み込み文書に含まれる情報との間に矛盾がある場合、この目論見書の情報に依存する必要があります。ただし、これらの文書のいずれかの記述が、後日に同添の目論見書に組み込まれた別の文書の記述と矛盾している場合は、もっと新しい日付の文書の記述が、以前の記述を修正または置換します。
私たちは、そしてCraig-Hallumは、この目論見書補足書、添付の目論見書、または私たちが作成したか代理で作成したいずれかのフリーライティング目論見書に記載または参照されている情報以外の情報を提供することを許可していません。他の人たちが提供する情報の信頼性についての責任を負いませんし、保証もできません。この目論見書補足書および添付の目論見書は、いかなる管轄区域においてもこの目論見書補足書および添付の目論見書によって提供される証券の売りのオファー、または購入の勧誘を構成するものではありません。この目論見書補足書、添付の目論見書またはここにまたはそれらに組み込まれたフリーライティング目論見書に含まれる情報は、それぞれの日付を基準としてのみ正確です。この目論見書補足書と添付の目論見書が配布された時点や普通株式の売りが行われた時点にかかわらず、当社の株式に関する情報は重要です。投資判断をする際には、この目論見書補足書と添付の目論見書に含まれるすべての情報、ここにまたはそれらに組み込まれた文書、およびお客様に言及した文書、そしてこの目論見書補足書および添付の目論見書の「追加情報を入手方法」および「参照により組み込まれた情報」のセクションで言及した情報をお読みいただくことが重要です。 この目論見書補足書に記載または参照されている情報にのみ依拠するようにしてください。
この目論見書補足書において、特に示されていない限り、「発行会社」、「当社の会社」、「我々」、「私たち」または「私たちの」は、デラウェア州に本社を置くApplied DNA Sciences, Inc.およびその連結子会社を指します。
現在、米国で使用されている当社の商標には、Applied DNA Sciences®、SigNature® 分子タグ、SigNature® t 分子タグ、fiberTyping®、SigNify®、Beacon®、CertainT®、LineaDNA®、Linea RNAP が含まれています。汉斯状(スルトラマブ単抗体注射液、汉斯状)は、グループによって独自に開発され、上市承認を得た初のバイオ医薬品であり、小細胞肺がんの一次治療における抗PD-1単抗体で、世界で初めて承認されました。この発表の日までに、汉斯状は中国で適応症を獲得し、マイクロサテライト高度不安定型の実体腫瘍、非小細胞肺がん(sqNSCLC)、広がり期の小細胞肺がん(ES-SCLC)、食道扁平上皮癌(ESCC)に対して、非扁平非小細胞肺がん(NSCLC)の承認登録申請(NDA)は受理されました。期間中、汉斯状は中国内陸で約33.4億元の売上高を実現しました。Linea™ COVID-19 ディアグノスティックアサイキット、safeCircle® COVID-19 テスト、および TR8 薬剤遺伝子検査。汉斯状(スルトラマブ単抗体注射液、汉斯状)は、グループによって独自に開発され、上市承認を得た初のバイオ医薬品であり、小細胞肺がんの一次治療における抗PD-1単抗体で、世界で初めて承認されました。この発表の日までに、汉斯状は中国で適応症を獲得し、マイクロサテライト高度不安定型の実体腫瘍、非小細胞肺がん(sqNSCLC)、広がり期の小細胞肺がん(ES-SCLC)、食道扁平上皮癌(ESCC)に対して、非扁平非小細胞肺がん(NSCLC)の承認登録申請(NDA)は受理されました。期間中、汉斯状は中国内陸で約33.4億元の売上高を実現しました。当社は、その他の企業の商品名または商標を使用または表示することにより、その他の企業による当社への関係、支持、または協賛を意味するものではないという意図を持っています。この目論見書補足に含まれる商標、サービスマーク、および商品名は、それぞれの所有者の財産です。
この概要は選択された情報の概要を提供しており、すべての情報を含んでいるわけではないので、私たちの証券を購入する前に検討すべきすべての情報が記載されている目論見書の補足を丁寧にお読みください。そのため、この募集に関連して使用を許可された補足目論見書、添付の目論見書、およびここおよびそこに参照される情報を含む、無料の執筆目論見書を慎重にお読みいただき、証券に投資を決定する前に投資家は慎重に検討すべきです。およびリスク要因とされる情報を含む各ページから始まる情報を慎重に検討する必要があります。S-10 この目論見書の補足及びこの目論見書の補足に参照される文書に記載されている「リスク要因」の下に掲載されている情報をよく考慮する必要があります。
Applied DNA Sciences、Inc。
私たちは、生物工学会社であり、技術の開発と商業化を行っており、デオキシリボ核酸("DNA")とリボ核酸("RNA")の生成と検出に関する技術を開発しています。ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応("PCR")を使用してDNAとRNAの生成と検出を可能にし、現在、以下の3つの主要ビジネス市場で事業を展開しています:(i)核酸ベースの治療薬(生物製剤や薬品を含む)の製造に使用される合成DNAの酵素製造(「治療用DNA生成サービス」)、およびメッセンジャーRNA("mRNA")治療薬の製造に使用される専有RNAポリメラーゼ("RNAP")の開発と販売、(ii)分子診断と遺伝子検査サービス("MDx テストサービス")におけるDNAとRNAの検出、および(iii)工業サプライチェーンとセキュリティサービスのためのDNAの製造と検出(「DNA タギングとセキュリティ製品及びサービス」)。
現在の成長戦略は、主に私たちのリソースを、Therapeutic DNA Production Servicesのさらなる開発、商品化、および顧客の採用に集中させることであり、合成DNAの製造を行うための契約開発および製造業(CDMO)の拡張を含みます。
ビジネス 戦略 を継続的に更新し、各 ビジネス セグメントに関するリソースの使用状況を監視します。 当社の経営陣は現在、当社の ビジネス セグメントの戦略的な見直しに従事しており、これにより、当社のMDxテストサービスやDNAタギングおよび セキュリティ 製品およびサービスの閉鎖や売却、労働力の削減や管理体制の変更が発生する可能性があります。 また、閉鎖や売却の条件や構造は、当社の取締役会によってまだ決定されたり合意されたりしていません。 閉鎖や売却の目的は当社の経費を削減し、コスト削減を実現することですが、再編のコストが発生する可能性があります。 利用可能な機会と将来の機会に関する当社の信念に基づいて、当社は ビジネス 戦略 を引き続き修正および改善すると予想しています。
当社の子会社LineaRX, Inc.を通じて、合成DNAおよび核酸ベース治療薬の製造に使用される独自の酵素の製造のために、Linea DNAとLinea IVtプラットフォームを開発および商業化しています。
Linea DNAプラットフォーム
当社の Linea DNA プラットフォームは、当社の中核となる有効なテクノロジーであり、DNA シーケンスの高い信頼性の製造において急速で効率的かつ大規模なセルフリー製造を可能にします。この Linea DNA プラットフォームは、幅広い核酸ベースの治療薬の製造に使用される高精度の DNA シーケンスを製造するためのものです。Linea DNA プラットフォームは、酵素的に「LineaDNA」と呼ばれる DNA の線形形態を生産し、40年間にわたって生物治療薬で使用されてきたプラスミドベースの DNA 製造技術の代替となります。
2024年のカレンダー第3四半期時点では、前臨床から事前登録段階までの間に、4,099の遺伝子、細胞、RNA療法が開発中で、そのほとんどが製造過程でDNAを使用しています(出典: ASGCt Gene、Cell&RNA Therapy Landscape: Q3 2024 Quarterly Report)。我々が信じるには、Linea DNAプラットフォームが従来の核酸ベースの治療製造プラットフォームに比べて多くの利点を持つため、開発中の療法のこの大規模な数は、Linea DNAプラットフォームによる従来の製造方法の代替として、核酸ベースの療法の製造において重要な市場機会を表していると考えていますが、この市場機会を利用できるかどうかについては何の保証もありません。
私たちは、既存の細胞ベースのプラスミドDNA製造プラットフォームよりも、私たちのLinea DNAプラットフォームにはいくつかの重要な利点があると信じています。プラスミドベースのDNA製造は、生きた細菌の細胞内でDNAを増幅するという複雑で費用のかかり、時間のかかる生物学的プロセスに基づいています。一旦DNAが増幅されると、DNAを生きた細胞や他のプロセス汚染物から分離する必要があり、さらなる複雑さとコストが増します。プラスミドベースのDNA製造とは異なり、Linea DNAプラットフォームは生きた細胞を必要とせず、代わりにPCRという酵素プロセスによってDNAを増幅します。Linea DNAプラットフォームはシンプルで、複雑な精製工程が必要なく、非常に大量のDNAを迅速に生産することができます。
Linea DNAプラットフォームの主な利点は、次のとおりです:
● | 速度- Linea DNAの製造は、プラスミドベースのDNA製造プラットフォームの場合とは異なり、日単位や週単位ではなく、時間単位で測定できます。 |
● | スケーラビリティ - リニアDNA製造は効率的なベンチトップ機器で行われ、最小のフットプリントで迅速なスケーラビリティが可能です。 |
● | 純度 - PCRによって産生されたDNAは純粋であり、ターゲットDNA配列の大量のみが得られます。プラスミドDNAに固有のバックボーンや抗生物質耐性遺伝子などの不要なDNA配列は、ラインアDNAには存在しません。 |
● | シンプリシティ− Linea DNAの製造は、プラスミドベースのDNA製造に比べて合理化されています。Linea DNAには4つの主要原料だけが必要で、生きた細胞や複雑な発酵システムは不要であり、複数回の精製も必要ありません。 |
● | 柔軟性−Linea DNAプラットフォームで生産されたDNAは、特定の顧客アプリケーションに適したように簡単に化学修飾できます。さらに、Linea DNAプラットフォームは、プラスミドベースのDNA生産プラットフォームでは難しい、多様な複雑なDNA配列を生産することができます。これらの複雑な配列には、反転末端繰り返し(ITRs)や、遺伝子治療およびmRNA療法に重要なポリアデニル化配列(poly(A)テール)などの長いホモポリマーが含まれています。 |
会社が実施した臨床前研究によると、Linea DNAはプラスミドDNAの代替として、多くの核酸ベースの治療法に利用できることが示されています。以下にその例を挙げます:
● | DNAワクチン; |
● | RNAを生産するDNAテンプレート、mRNA治療薬を含む; |
● | アドプティブセル療法(CAR-T)の製造; および |
● | ホモログ修復(HDR)による遺伝子編集。 |
さらに、Linea DNAは、次の核酸ベースの治療においても、プラスミドDNAの代替になると考えています:
● | ウイルスベクターの製造業についてin vivo及び「ex vivo製造や有害なリンパ減衰化学療法の必要性を排除することで、iGPS技術が画期的な遺伝学的治療にアクセスしやすくすることができると信じています。遺伝子編集; |
● | 集束された規則的に間隔された短いパリンドローム性反復(“CRISPR”)による遺伝子治療; および |
● | 非ウイルス遺伝子治療。 |
Linea IVT プラットフォーム
mRNA療法の開発数は急速に増加しており、mRNA COVID-19ワクチンの成功も一因です。mRNA療法は、DNAを原料として必要とする「転写(IVT)」と呼ばれるプロセスによって生成されます。"in vitro"2024年第3四半期現在、開発中のmRNA療法は450以上あり、これらの大多数(67%)が臨床前段階にあります(出典:ASGCtジーン、セル&RNA治療の景色:2024年第2四半期四半期報告書)。会社は、mRNA市場が会社にとってDNAの重要な原料とRNAPの供給によるmRNA療法の製造を通じて大きな成長機会を提供する未成熟な段階にあると考えています。
2022年8月、会社はLinea DNAプラットフォームを通じて製造されたDNA IVtテンプレートを発売し、これにより、アメリカとアジア・太平洋地域の多くの治療開発者およびCDMOが会社のIVtテンプレートを評価しました。さらに、会社のIVtテンプレートは、臨床使用を目的としたmRNAの製造にテンプレートとして使用するため、2つの治療開発者と1つのCDMOによる最終段階の評価を受けています。ただし、関連する契約が締結されるとは限りません。この需要に応じて、mRNA治療市場の持続的な成長およびLinea DNAプラットフォームの独自の能力に対応して、会社はmRNA関連の総アドレス可能市場(“TAM”)の拡大を目指して、2023年7月にSpindleを買収しました。
スピンドルの買収を通じて、2023年7月に私たちはLinea IVtプラットフォームを立ち上げました。このプラットフォームは、スピンドルの独自の高性能RNAP、現在は企業によってLinea RNAPとして販売されています。さらに、当社の酵素的に生成されたLinea DNA IVtテンプレートと組み合わせています。Linea IVtプラットフォームは、私たちの顧客がより優れたmRNAをより迅速に作成できると信じています。会社が生成したデータに基づいて、統合されたLinea IVtプラットフォームは、治療薬開発者や製造業者に対して従来のmRNA製造に比べて以下の利点を提供していると考えています。
● | 二本鎖RNA(「dsRNA」)の汚染を予防または低減し、より高い目標mRNA収量を得て、下流処理ステップを減らす可能性があります。dsRNAは、従来のmRNA製造中に生産される問題のある免疫原性副産物です。 |
● | ミリグラムスケールでは最短14日、グラムスケールでは最短30日でIVtテンプレートの配信が可能です。 |
● | mRNA製造の複雑さを抑え、 |
● | mRNAメーカーに対して、45日未満でmRNA薬物を製造する可能性があります。 |
会社の内部モデリングによると、Linea IVtプラットフォームの下でLinea DNA IVtテンプレートとLinea RNAPの両方を売る能力は、Linea DNA IVtテンプレート単独を売る場合に比べて会社のmRNA関連のTAMを約3〜5倍に増加させ、同時にmRNA製造業市場により競争力のある提供を提供しています。 現在、Linea RNAPは、アメリカに位置する第三者CDMOであるAlphazyme, LLCによって会社のためにISO 13485品質システムに基づいて製造されています。 会社は最近、Linea RNAPの製造プロセス開発作業を完了し、酵素の生産規模を増やし単位コストを削減しました。
会社は、Linea DNAのいくつかの品質グレードを提供する予定です。それぞれが異なる許可された使用方法を持つでしょう。
品質等級 | 許可された利用 | 企業のステータス | ||
GLP | 研究と臨床前の発見 | 現在利用可能 | ||
出発原料のGMP | mRNA療法の製造のためのDNAクリティカルスタート材料 | 2024年の第4四半期に予定されています | ||
GMP | DNA製剤、薬物原料および/または薬物製品 | 2025年の下半期に予定されています(1) | ||
(1) | 将来の資金調達の可能性に依存しています | |||
現在、私たちはグッドラボラトリープラクティス(GLP)に則ったラインアDNAの製造を行っており、現在のStony Brook, NYのラボスペース内に適した製造施設を作る最終段階にあります。これにより、2024年のカレンダーの第4四半期までにグッドマニュファクチャリングプラクティス(GMP)に適したLinea DNA IVtテンプレートの製造が可能となります(「GMPサイト1」)。また、2025年のカレンダー後半には、Linea DNA IVtテンプレートの追加容量だけでなく、GMPに則ったLinea DNA材料の容量も提供する予定で、これらは生物医薬品、医薬品原料、および/または医薬品に組み込むために適しています。今後の資金調達の可用性に依存し、使用可能と予想されています(「GMPサイト2」)。GMPは世界的に使用されている品質基準であり、医薬品の品質を確保するために米国食品医薬品局(FDA)などによって使用されています。医薬品物質は医薬品の有効成分です。
セグメント ビジネス 戦略
当社のTherapeutic DNA製造サービスのビジネス戦略は、近い将来のmRNA療法の急速な成長を活用し、Linea DNA IVTの計画された近い将来の入手可能性を、GMPで製造されたLinea DNA IVTテンプレートをGMPサイト1で使用した。同時に、将来の計画でGMP適合のLinea DNAの追加の臨床および商業的な応用の基礎を築き、Linea DNAのGMPで製造された将来の計画により、バイオロジック、薬剤原料および/または薬剤製剤として使用するためのLinea DNAの追加供給の準備を行った。GMPサイト2で。計画されたGMPサイト2は、GMPサイト1のキャパシティを超える顧客の需要があれば、追加のLinea DNA IVtテンプレート製造にも使用されるかもしれません。現在の計画は次のとおりです:(i) Linea IVtプラットフォームとGMPサイト1でIVtテンプレート用のGMP製造機能を計画し、mRNAおよび/または自己増殖型mRNA("sa-RNA")メーカーとの商業規模の供給契約を確保するためのLinea DNA IVtテンプレートおよび/またはLinea RNAPの開始材料として臨床および商業のもの; (ii) DNAを治療製造に使用する臨床前の治療開発者と供給および/または開発契約を確保するために、IVtテンプレート用のアプリケーションで現在のGLP製造能力を利用します; (iii) Linea DNAをバイオロジック、薬剤原料および/または薬剤製剤として使用するためのGMPサイト2で計画された将来のLinea DNA製造を開発した場合には、既存および新規のLinea DNA顧客を大規模な供給契約に転換して、幅広い核酸療法のバイオロジック、薬剤原料および/または薬剤製剤として、またはこれに組み込まれるためのLinea DNAを供給することができます。までGMPサイト1を完了し、DNAの製造にDNAの重要な始動材料(DNA IVtテンプレート)を製造すると、このビジネスからの収益を実現することができません。 GMPサイト1を作成するための残りの資本支出(「CAPEX」)コストは、$30万未満であると推定しています。GMPサイト2でのバイオロジック、薬剤原料および/または薬剤製剤としての使用のためにLinea DNAのGMP生産を可能にするために施設を拡張した場合、追加のCAPEXはおよそ$1000万までかかり、追加の資金調達が必要となります。現在、GMPサイト1を既存のラボスペース内で構築中です。GMPサイト2が必要となると、追加のスペースの取得が必要となると予想しています。
MDx テストサービス
Applied DNA Clinical Labs、LLC(「ADCL」)を通じて、PCRを介したDNAおよびRNAの検出に関する専門知識を活用して、臨床分子診断および遺伝子(総称して「MDx」)検査サービスを提供および開発しています。ADCLは、ニューヨーク州保健局(「NYSDOH」)の臨床検査改善修正法(CLIA)認定を受けた臨床検査室であり、現在はウイルス学および遺伝学(分子)の許可を受けています。MDxテストサービスの提供にあたり、ADCLは独自または第三者の分子診断テストを使用しています。
2024年9月11日、私たちはADCLが Mpox(以前はモンキーポックスと呼ばれる)の検出のための臨床検査サービスを拡張したことを発表しました。この拡張されたMpoxテストサービスの開始は、ADCLがニューヨーク州保健局(NYSDOH)や米国食品医薬品局(FDA)を含む関連する規制機関との対話の後に行われました。同社は、ADCLがMpoxの脅威へのニューヨークや他の州の対応をサポートできると信じています。ADCLの Linea Mpox Virus 1.0 Assay は、以前に2022年9月にNYSDOHによって Mpox Clade II の検出のためのラボ開発テストとして承認されていました。2024年8月に、ADCL は追加の検証テストを実施し、Assay が Mpox Clade I の遺伝子配列も検出できることを示しました。これは、世界保健機関(WHO)が2024年8月14日に 国際的な関心のある公衆衛生緊急事態を宣言した Mpox Clade I の対象です。ADCL は、Stony Brook, N.Y.のCLEP/CLIA分子診断ラボからテストサービスを提供します。我々が Mpox のテストから売上高や利益を上げることができるかどうかについては何ら保証はありません。
歴史的に、私たちの売上高の大部分はMDxテストサービスに帰するもので、その中でsafeCircle® COVID-19テストソリューションから派生してきましたが、2023会計第3四半期以降、テスト需要が大幅に減少し、それにより売上高が大幅に減少しました。COVID-19テストの将来の需要は引き続き低下すると予想され、将来的にCOVID-19テストサービスを終了する可能性があります。
DNAの製造と検知の両方での専門知識を活用することにより、当社のDNAタギングおよびセキュリティ製品およびサービスでは、お客様が当社のLinea DNAプラットフォームで製造された非生物学的DNAタグを使用してオブジェクトに固有の方法で印をつけ、その後DNAタグの存在または不在を検出することでこれらのオブジェクトを識別できます。同社の主力製品であるDNAタギングおよびセキュリティ製品およびサービスは、商標CertainT®の下でプラットフォームとしてまとめて販売されています。
● | SigNature® Molecular Tagsは、会社のLinea DNAプラットフォームによって生産された短い非生物学的DNAタガントであり、コットン、栄養補助食品、その他製品に焦点を当てた大規模かつ複雑なサプライチェーン内の商品を認証する方法論を提供します。 |
● | SigNify®の携帯用DNAリーダーとSigNify消耗性試薬テストキットは、現場で会社のDNAタグの決定的なリアルタイム認証を提供します。 |
● | fiberTyping®およびその他の製品遺伝子型サービスは、PCRベースのDNA検出を使用して、製品の起源認証の目的で綿の種や品種を判断するために、製品の自然発生DNA配列を利用しています。 |
● | 第三者の研究所と提携して提供される同位体分析テストサービスは、コットンの炭素、水素、酸素元素を使用して、製品を通じて繊維の起源を示します。 |
2024年5月29日に提出されたフォーム8-Kで事前に開示されたように、会社は普通株式およびワラントを含む公開募集("2024年5月募集")を同日に完了し、クレイグ・ハルムとレイドロー(英国)リミテッド("レイドロー")とプレースメント・エージェントとして、クレイグ・ハルムとレイドローとサインしたシリーズAワラント("2024年5月シリーズAワラント")を含む。 2024年5月募集の一環として、会社はクレイグ・ハルムとレイドローとの間で2024年5月28日付けのプレースメント・エージェンシー契約("プレースメント・エージェンシー契約")を締結した。
特定の例外に基づいて、シリーズAワラントは、普通株式または普通株式に換算される株式の数について、シリーズAワラントの行使価格と調整する手段を提供します。これは、シリーズAワラントの行使価格がシリーズAワラントの行使価格未満で発行価格が設定された場合に発生する「価格再設定メカニズム」です。Placement Agency Agreementには、2024年5月の募集が締結された後の一定期間、事前のCraig-Hallumの承諾なしに、特定の株式売却を制限する否定規約が含まれています(「否定規約」)。
2024年10月29日に、Craig-Hallumは、当該目論見書に記載された証券の発行を行うことを許可するNegative Covenantの放棄を実施しました(「放棄」)。
Warrant AmendmentとWaiverの前述の要約は完全ではなく、Warrant AmendmentとWaiverの全文は、2024年10月31日に提出された会社の8-kフォームに添付されたエクシビット10.2および10.3のコピーを参照して、その全文で修正されます。
当社はデラウェア州の法人であり、最初は1983年にフロリダ州の法律の下で「Datalink Systems, Inc.」として設立されました。1998年にネバダ州で再編成され、2002年に現在の社名である「Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.」に変更されました。2008年12月17日、ネバダ州からデラウェア州へ再編成されました。
当社の本社は、Long Island High Technology Incubator(ニューヨーク州ストーニーブルックにあるStony Brook大学内)に位置しており、新規買核酸(DNAおよびmRNA)の製造と検出をサポートするための研究室を設置しています。さらに、この場所には私たちの各ビジネスユニットをサポートするために、NYSDOH CLEP認可を受けた、Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments(CLIA)により認定された臨床検査室もあり、MDxテストサービスを提供しています。当社の本社の郵送先住所は、ニューヨーク州Stony Brookの50 Health Sciences Drive、11790で、電話番号は(631)240-8800です。
当社が提供する普通株式 | 19,247,498株の普通株式(以下「株式」という)。 |
当社が提供するプリファンド株式によるワラント | プリファンド株式を、この公募において株式を購入することにより、投資家またはその関係者が当社の普通株式の4.99%(または投資家の選択により9.99%)以上を保有することになる特定の投資家に対して1,065,002株の普通株式の代わりに購入する予定のワラント。各プリファンドワラントは当社の普通株式1株を行使可能となります。各プリファンドワラントの購入価格は、この公募において一般的に株式が売られる価格から0.0001ドルを差し引いた金額となり、各プリファンドワラントの行使価額は1株あたり0.0001ドルとなります。プリファンドワラントは即座に行使可能となり、全てのプリファンドワラントが完全に行使されるまでいつでも行使することができます。この公募は、この公募で売られるプリファンドワラントの行使によって行使される普通株式に関連しています。 |
このオファー後に発行済みの普通株式 | プリファンドワラントの全額行使を前提として、合計51,545,536株(この場合、同時の非公募発行で発行されるシリーズワラントまたは調査代理人ワラントの行使はないものとする) |
同時の非公募発行 |
シリーズ株主権利証書およびシリーズ株主権利証書の行使によって発行される普通株式は、証券法第4条(a)(2)条の規定に基づいて提供されており、それらはこれらの目論見書補足および添付の目論見書に基づいて提供されていません。詳細はこの目論見書補足書のページS-18に記載されている非公募株主権利証書 |
オファーエージェントウォランツ | 当社はこの募集で提供される株およびプリ・ファンデド株主権利証書の数に相当するシェアを購入するために、クレイグ・ハラム(またはその指名者)に株主権利証書を発行します。行使価格は0.32ドルで、行使可能日は株主承認日で、この目論見書補足書の発行日から5年後の満期日です。詳細はこの目論見書のページS-21に記載されている『配布計画』をご覧ください。 |
資金調達の利用 | 売却による純利益は、当社の治療用DNA製品サービスのさらなる開発、および一般的な企業活動に活用する予定です。これには研究開発費、CAPEX、戦略的再編の費用、運転資金、一般管理費、当社のビジネスに相互補完するビジネス、製品、技術の買収または投資も含まれるかもしれませんが、本目論見書の日付時点ではそのような買収または投資を行うための現在の契約や合意はありません。ページ S-16 の「資金使途」も参照してください。 |
リスクファクター | この目論見書の補足部、添付の目論見書、およびこの目論見書の補足に組み込まれた文書に記載されている「リスク要因」セクションを読むべきです。これには、普通株式の購入を決定する前に検討すべき要因についての議論が含まれています。 |
ナスダック株式市場のシンボル | “APDN” |
· | 2024年10月29日現在、オプション行使により発行される普通株式は108,176株で、1株当たりの加重平均行使価格は186.16ドルです。 |
· | 2024年10月29日現在、行使可能な普通株式12,774,426株があり、加重平均行使価格は1株当たり3.21ドルです(これには、11,487,821株の2024年5月シリーズAワラント(以下定義の通り)および2024年5月シリーズBワラント(以下定義の通り)が含まれており、うち2,257,052株はキャッシュレス行使メカニズムを持ち、ワラント1つ当たり普通株式3株を受け取る権利を代表しています); |
· | シリーズワラントの行使により発行される40,625,000株の普通株式は、ワラント株主承認を必要とする、このうち20,312,500株は代替無償行使メカニズムを持ち、各ワラントに対し1株の普通株式を受け取る権利を代表しています。 |
· | 2024年10月29日現在、当社の株式報酬制度により、将来の付与または発行用に予約された普通株式269,069株 |
私達の証券への投資には高いリスクが伴います。 目論見書補足書および添付の目論見書に記載または参照されているその他の情報に加えて、以下に記載されているリスクを慎重に検討すべきです。「リスク要因」セクションに記載されているリスクを含む、SECに提出された最近の財政年度に関するフォーム 10-kで述べられているリスクを検討してください。そして、SECに提出された後継のフォーム 10-Q、その他のSECへの参照により反映された修正および更新事項、および当該参照先に組み込まれている他の報告書に記載されているリスクに関する追加情報について、投資判断を行う前に考慮すべきです。以下のリスクは、この目論見書補足書の日付を基準に提示されており、私達は定期的および現行の報告書をSECに提出する際に、これらのリスクが時間の経過とともに更新されることが期待されます。これらはここに組み込まれるようになります。私達の証券に投資する際のリスクに関連する詳細情報については、これらの後続報告書をご参照ください。
私たちは、ビジネス目標を達成するためには、Therapeutic DNA Production Servicesの成長を含む追加のすべて投信を調達する必要があります。Linea DNAおよびLinea IVtプラットフォームの開発と商品化を完了するためには、相当な追加資本が必要です。追加の資本を調達しても、1つ以上の開発プログラムに焦点を当て、他の開発プログラムを遅延させたり中止したりすることがあります。
売上高が充分に生み出されるまで、もし可能であれば、今後の現金ニーズを公的または私的な株式公開、債務調達、企業間の連携および/またはライセンス契約を通じて資金調達することを期待しています。 追加の資金が必要な時に、受け入れ可能な条件、または全く提供されない可能性もあります。 十分な資金が利用可能でない場合、研究または開発プログラムの1つ以上を遅延させたり、範囲を縮小したり、または廃止しなければならないことがあります。
我々は、ビジネス戦略を完全に実施することができないかもしれず、または期待される時間枠内で、成長やその他の様々な取り組みから予想される利益を部分的にでも実現できない可能性があります。成長、運用、経営の取り組み、特に当社のTherapeutic DNA Production Servicesの開発を含む、私たちの様々なビジネス戦略や取り組みは、私たちのコントロール範囲を超えたビジネス、経済、競争に関する不確実性や偶発事象に影響を受けます。ビジネス戦略の実行と当社の財務業績は引き続き、十分な資金調達を行い、幹部経営陣および他の主要な経営幹部、適切な買収を特定して実行完了する能力、幹部経営陣の新しい運用イニシアティブを実行する能力、および私たちのコントロール外のある特定の問題に依存します。さらに、私たちが成長、運用、経営の取り組みを推進する過程で、ある種の費用が発生する可能性があり、予想された実施スケジュールに達成できなかったり、予算内に収まることができない可能性があります。これらの取り組みが行われる中で、私たちは予想される効率改善や成長率を完全に達成できないかもしれず、またはこれらの取り組みがお客様の維持、サプライヤー関係または業務に不利な影響を与える可能性があります。また、ビジネス戦略は、ビジネスイニシアティブの実施能力、競争圧力、経済の不確実性や展開、その他の要因に応じて、時折変更される可能性があります。
その他、特定の免除条件に基づいて、もし私たちが普通株式を売却し、売却の契約を締結するか、購入オプションを付与するか、売却、売却の契約を締結するか、価格変更の権利を付与するか(Placement Agency Agreement で定義された除外発行を除く)、または普通株式の譲渡または発行(または任意の株式の発行、売却、付与またはその他の譲渡のオファー、売却、付与または発表)をする場合は、1株当たりの有効価格が2024年5月のシリーズAワラントの行使価格を下回る場合、2024年5月のシリーズAワラントの行使価格はその提供価格に減額され、$0.20と等しい床を上限として、行使に伴い発行可能な株式数は比例して調整され、累計行使価格は変わらないように調整されます。
私たちは、可能な限り早い時期に株主総会(株主総会であってもよい)を開催することに同意しましたが、その後の日付よりも遅くてもこの提供の締め切り後の90日以内に行われます。 保証株主承認を得るためです。 私たちがこの期間内に特別な会議を開催できるという保証はありませんし、実際にすべてがそうでもありません。 最初の会議で保証株主承認を得られない場合、シリーズCワラントおよびシリーズDワラントが取り消されるか、株主承認が得られる日のいずれか早い日まで、毎90日ごとに会議を呼ぶ義務があります。
われわれのLinea™ Mpox Virus Assayおよび/またはmpox検査サービスに商業需要が生まれることを保証することはできません。
現在、当社の普通株式はナスダックに上場しています。 ナスダックに引き続き上場するためには、「継続上場基準」と呼ばれる特定の基準を引き続き満たす必要があります。現時点では、当社はこれらの要件をすべて満たしています。しかし、現時点では当社の株式は1株当たり1.00ドル未満でナスダックで取引されています。もし当社の株価が上昇しない場合、当社は買気配価格規則に違反し、ナスダックから上場廃止される可能性があります。もし当社の普通株式がナスダックから上場廃止されると、当社の普通株式の価格、価格の変動、及び/または当社の普通株式への投資の流動性に悪影響を与える可能性があります。
本目論見書補足書及び添付の目論見書、ここおよびそこに参照される文書、並びに当社が本勧誘に関連して使用を認可したフリーライティング目論見書には、ビジネス、運営及び財務業績、並びにビジネス運営と財務業績、状況についての前向きな見通しに関する記述が含まれています。歴史的事実の記述でない記述が含まれている本書においては、 種類として、'can'、'may'、'could'、'should'、'assume'、'forecasts'、'believe'、'designed to'、'will'、'expect'、 'plan'、'anticipate'、'estimate'、'potential'、'position'、'predicts'、 '戦略'、'guidance'、'intend'、'budget'、'seek'、'project'、 またはその他のこれらと同等の用語を使用することで、前向きな見通しの記述を特定することができます。将来に関する信念、計画、期待または意図に関する記述を含む記述を注意深くお読みいただく必要があります。
· | 私たちの将来の期待について話し合います; |
· | 将来の業績または財務状況の予測を含んでいます |
· | 他の前向き情報を述べています。 |
· | 将来の収入、支出、資本又はその他の資金需要に関する私たちの期待 |
· | 現在の業務および計画された運営および拡大のための現金と運転資本の適正性 |
· | 存続の疑念は実質的であり、事業を続ける能力に関連しています; |
· | 追加の資金調達が必要とされ、その結果普通株式、优先股、その他の負債または資本証券(転換社債を含む)の発行が必要となる可能性があり、これにより株主の保有割合が希薄化される可能性があります。 |
· | 私たちのビジネス戦略と、新しい製造施設の開発を含む私たちの療法用DNA製造サービスの拡大計画のタイミング; |
· | 治療用DNA製品サービスへの需要; |
· | DNAタギングサービスへの需要; |
· | MDxテストサービスの需要; |
· | 当社の既存または潜在的な開発およびライセンス契約に関する期待、第三者との協力関係または合弁事業に関する期待; |
· | 私たちのビジネス戦略が大きく依存している治療用DNA製品サービスの規制承認とコンプライアンス; |
· | スピンドルの買収によって期待されるメリットを実現できるかどうか |
· | 政府の規制の影響については、 |
· | 規制申請を提出する時期や規制承認を受ける時期についての私たちの期待; |
· | 最新の製品候補に関する期待については、 |
· | ビジネスモデルの再構築に関する私たちの期待; |
· | 利益を上げるかどうか、いつかについての私たちの期待; |
· | 私たちのLDTが追加の規制要件の対象となるリスク、およびそのような要件の遵守が費用と時間のかかるものであって、大幅または予期しない遅延を引き起こす可能性があるというFDAの規制策定活動に関連したリスク;および |
· | Linea Mpox Virus 1.0アッセイおよび関連するmpoxテストサービスの未知の将来市場需要。 |
全セクターの予測に誤りがある可能性があります。その予測は、私たちが誤った仮定をすることによって影響を受けるかもしれませんし、既知または未知のリスクや不確実性によっても影響を受けるかもしれません。 実際の結果は、私たちの先行の予測に表明された内容と異なる可能性があります。将来の結果に影響を与える可能性がある要因の中には以下があります:
· | 私たちの新しくてまだ完全に証明されていない技術に基づく製品開発の固有の不確実性; |
· | 臨床試験で試された際に、見かけ上安全で効果的な製剤や治療が人間に与える実際の影響に関するリスクと不確実性; |
· | 当社の治療用DNA製造サービスを利用した製剤や治療法; |
· | 製品候補の臨床試験に関連する本質的な不確実性、当社の治療用DNA製造サービスを利用する製品候補を含むもの。 |
· | 製品候補の市場投入に関する規制承認取得プロセスに伴う固有の不確実性、当社の治療用DNA製造サービスを利用する製品候補を含む |
· | 規制当局の承認を受けた製品、特に当社の治療用DNA製造サービスを利用する製品に関連する商業化に伴う固有の不確実性。 |
· | 当社のPGxテストサービスの商業化に伴う固有の不確実性; |
· | 経済および業種全般に及ぶ状況については、 |
· | 株価の変動および減少については、 |
· | 必要な資金調達を行い、事業を遂行し、戦略的開発計画を実行する能力。 |
当社は、DNAのGMPサイト1の完成に必要な残りのCAPEXを30万ドル未満と見積もっています。"in vitro" もし私たちがLinea DNAのGMP生産を可能にするために施設を拡張し、GMPサイト2で計画通りのバイオロジク、医薬品原料および/または医薬品のGMP生産を可能にした場合、CAPEXは約1000万ドルになる可能性があります。現在、我々は既存の実験室スペース内にGMPサイト1を建設中です。GMPサイト2を建設するには、追加のスペースを取得する必要があると予想しています。
公開価格一株当たり | $ | 0.32 | ||
2024年6月30日現在の歴史的純実物的帳簿価額シェア | $ | 0.94 | ||
全セクターの投資家に帰せる株価の帳簿価額調整後の純実質価値減少 | $ | (0.64 | ) | |
本提供後の調整後純実物的損益評価一株度数 | $ | 0.30 | ||
このオファリングに参加する投資家に対する1株あたりの希薄化 | $ | 0.02 |
先述の議論と表は、この公募における投資家へのさらなる希釈を考慮に入れていません。この公募で、既存のオプションやwarrantsの行使により発生する可能性がある。この公募での株価よりも低い価格で行使される、この公募で提供される事前資金調達済みwarrantsと、同時実施される非公募発行で発行されるSeries Warrantsを含みます。
· | 2024年6月30日現在、1株185.23ドルの加重平均行使価格で発行可能な普通株式108,801シェア; |
· | 2024年6月30日現在の行使により発行される普通株式12,774,426株(上記の6月30日以降に行使されたワラントが更新されています)、株価は1株あたり3.21ドルで加重平均行使価格が記載されています(これには合計11,487,821株の2024年5月シリーズワラントが含まれており、うち2,257,052株は別途の無現金行使メカニズムを持ち、1つのワラントにつき普通株式3株を受け取る権利があります)。 |
· | シリーズワラントの行使により発行される40,625,000株の普通株式は、ワラント株主承認を必要とする、このうち20,312,500株は代替無償行使メカニズムを持ち、各ワラントに対し1株の普通株式を受け取る権利を代表しています。 |
· | 2024年6月30日現在、当社の資本インセンティブ計画の下で、将来の割当てまたは発行のために確保された普通株式が268,464株あります。 |
普通株式の株主である warrants の保有者は、一部の例外を除いて、自身とその関連会社と合わせて、証券行使権の任意の部分を行使する権利を有しません。行使により、その時点で発行済みの普通株式の数に対して、4.99%(または、シリーズ warrants の発行前に購入者の選択により、9.99%)を超えるような権利を有益的に所有することとなる場合です。保有者は、有益所有制限を最大 9.99% まで増減することができます。ただし、有益所有制限の増加については、その変更が会社への通知から61日後に効力を発揮するものとします。
私たちは、本日を基準として可能な早い時期に株主の特別会合(可能な場合は定時株主総会でも)を開催することに同意しており、ただし、公開後90日以内であること、Warrants株主承認を得るために。この期間内に特別会合を開催できるか、あるいは全く開催できない可能性があることには保証はありません。最初の会合でWarrants株主承認を得られない場合は、Warrants株主承認が得られる日またはSeries C WarrantsおよびSeries D Warrantsが流通中でなくなる日の早い方まで、90日ごとに会合を招集する義務があります。会社は、有価証券購入契約の締結日から20日以内に、Warrants株主承認を取得するための事前の議決権委任状声明書を提出することに同意しています。
このような証券は、証券法の登録なしで発行および売却される可能性があり、その際には、ActのSection 4(a)(2)に規定された免除措置やそれに基づくRegulation Dに依存し、また該当州法の類似した免除措置に依存することになります。したがって、投資家は、それらのワラントを行使し、基礎となる株式を証券法の下でのそれらの株式の再販をカバーする有効な登録声明に基づいて、または証券法の下のRule 144による免除、または証券法の別の該当する免除に基づいてのみ売却することができます。
当社は株式(または事前資金調達株券)を提供しています) この募集において(および事前資金調達株券の行使により随時発行される当社の普通株式)
私たちは、この公募における証券の売り上げ総額の6%に相当する現金で、Craig-Hallumに非公募発行代理店手数料を支払うことに合意しました。私たちはまた、Craig-Hallumまたはその指定者に、最大1,015,625株の普通株式(発行済株式とPre-Funded Warrantsの5.0%に相当)を購入するためのPlacement Agent Warrantsを発行することに合意しました。これらは株主承認日に行使可能であり、この目論見書補足の日付から5年後に満期となります。以上の規定に定められていない限り、Placement Agent Warrantsは、非公募発行オファリングで投資家に発行されたシリーズCワラントと実質的に同じ条件になります。
シェアあたり | 1株当たりの前払いワラント当たり 資金提供済み 証券 | 総計 | ||||||||||
公開募集価格 | $ | 0.32 | $ | 0.3199 | $ | 6,499,893.50 | ||||||
プレースメントエージェント手数料 | $ | 0.0192 | $ | 0.01919 | $ | 389,993.61 | ||||||
当社の前に、費用を控除した収益 | $ | 0.3008 | $ | 0.3007 | $ | 6,109,899.89 |
● | 当社の証券に関連する安定化活動に関与してはならない。 | |
● | 当社の証券について買気配や購入を試みること、または許可された取引所法に従って配布に参加するまで、誰かに当社の証券の購入を誘導してはならない。 |
ここで提供される有価証券の発行の妥当性は、私たちの法律顧問、McDermott Will & Emery LLP、ニューヨーク、ニューヨークによって審査される予定です。この勧誘に関してCraig-HallumはEllenoff Grossman & Schole LLP、ニューヨーク、ニューヨークによって代理されています。
私たちの財務諸表は、年次報告書内に記載された2023年9月30日終了の財務諸表を含む弊社の独立登録済みの会計ファームであるMarcum LLPが監査しており、その報告書に記載されている(Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.および子会社が存続の疑義についての説明の段落を含む)表示内容に基づき、目論見書補足書に参照を通じて組み込まれています。私たちの財務諸表は、会計および監査に関する専門家としてのMarcum LLPの権限に基づき、その報告書に依存して引用されています。
私たちは取引所法のもと、SECに報告書、代理声明書、その他の情報を提出しています。SECは、私たちのような発行者に関する報告書、代理声明書、その他の情報をインターネットウェブサイトで管理しています。SECに電子的に提出する発行者についてのそのウェブサイトのアドレスは これらの列挙のある手続き、イベント、または開発以外の、過去の事実に基づかないすべての声明は、フォワードルッキングな声明である可能性があります。.
私たちは、この目論見書に特定の情報を参照証明書によって取り込むことを選択しました。 参照証明書によって、SECに提出したり今後提出する書類にあなたを参照することで、重要な情報を開示できます。 参照によって取り込まれた情報は、この目論見書の一部と見なされますが、この目論見書に含まれる情報によって法的効力を失った参照によって取り込まれた情報を除きます。 これは、参照によって取り込んだすべてのSEC提出書類を判断して、目論見書または以前に取り込まれた書類に変更または法的効力を失った記述があるかどうかを確認する必要があることを意味します。 この目論見書に記載された下記の書類と、この目論見書の日付から公開終了までの間にSECに提出された今後の情報を、取引所法の第13条(a)、13条(c)、14条、15条(d) の規定に従って取り込みます。ただし、Item 2.02またはItem 7.01に基づく情報は取り込んでいないことに注意してください。
· | 弊社の2023年9月30日の財政年度のForm 10-Kに関する年次報告書はSECに提出されました 2023年12月7日で修正されたものです。 2024年1月26日; |
· | 2023年12月31日までの四半期報告書は、SECに提出されました 2024年2月8日2024年3月31日までの四半期報告書は、SECに提出されました 2024年5月10日2024年6月30日にSECに提出された記録 2024年8月8日それぞれ; |
· | 当委員会に提出されたForm 8-kに関する当社のCurrent Report(ただし、Form 8-kの項目2.02または項目7.01で提出された部分およびそれに関連する付随する報告書を除く):2023年11月7日, 2023年12月6日, 2024年1月5日, 2024年1月31日, 2024年2月1日に提出されました, 2024年4月16日, 償還日:, 2024年4月22日、修正された2024年4月23日, 2024年5月16日, 2024年5月29日, 2024年6月18日, 2024年6月28日, 2024年7月15日, 2024年8月2日, 2024年9月18日, 2024年9月30日 と 2024年10月31日です。;および |
· | 当該記載は、取引所法第12条(b)に基づき、当該記載を更新する目的で提出された修正書類または報告書を含む、証券取引委員会に提出されたフォーム8-A(ファイル番号001-36745)に記載されている当社の資本株に関する説明について述べられています。 2014年11月13日取引所法第12条(b)に基づく当該記載について、当該記載を更新するために提出された修正書類や報告書を含む |
You may obtain copies of these documents on the website maintained by the SEC at, or from us without charge (other than exhibits to such documents, unless such exhibits are specifically incorporated by reference into such documents) by writing to us at Corporate Secretary, Applied DNA Sciences, Inc., 50 Health Sciences Drive, Stony Brook, New York 11790 or visiting our website at Information contained on our website is not incorporated by reference into this prospectus supplement, and it should not be considered to be part of this prospectus supplement.
Any statement contained in a document incorporated or deemed to be incorporated by reference in this prospectus shall be deemed to be modified or superseded for the purposes of this prospectus to the extent that a statement contained herein, any prospectus supplement or in any other subsequently filed document which also is or deemed to be incorporated by reference herein modifies or supersedes that statement. Any statement so modified or superseded shall not be deemed, except as so modified or superseded, to constitute a part of this prospectus.
Common Stock
Preferred Stock
Debt Securities
We may offer and sell, from time to time in one or more offerings, up to $75,000,000 of our common stock, preferred stock, debt securities, warrants and rights, or any combination of these securities, and/or units consisting of one or more of these securities. We may also offer common stock or preferred stock upon conversion of debt securities and common stock upon conversion of preferred stock. All of the securities listed above may be sold separately or as units with other securities.
This prospectus describes some of the general terms that may apply to these securities. When we decide to sell a particular class or series of securities, we will provide specific terms of the offered securities in one or more prospectus supplements. We may also authorize one or more free writing prospectuses to be provided to you in connection with these offerings.
The prospectus supplement, and any documents incorporated by reference, may also add, update or change information contained in or incorporated by reference into this prospectus. However, no prospectus supplement shall offer a security that is not registered and described in this prospectus at the time of its effectiveness. You should read this prospectus and any prospectus supplement, as well as the documents incorporated by reference or deemed to be incorporated by reference into this prospectus, and any free writing prospectus carefully before you invest. This prospectus may not be used to offer or sell our securities unless accompanied by a prospectus supplement relating to the offered securities.
Our common stock is listed on The Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol “APDN.” Each prospectus supplement will contain information, where applicable, as to our listing on any securities exchange of the securities covered by the prospectus supplement. The aggregate market value of our outstanding common stock held by non-affiliates was $14,640,981 based on 12,908,520 shares of outstanding common stock, of which 177,232 shares are held by affiliates, and a price of $1.15 per share, which was the last reported sale price of our common stock as quoted on The Nasdaq Capital Market on May 24, 2023. Pursuant to General Instruction I.B.6 of Form S-3, in no event will we sell securities registered in a public primary offering with a value exceeding more than one-third of our public float (the market value of our common stock held by our non-affiliates) in any 12 calendar month period so long as our public float remains below $75.0 million. We have not offered any securities pursuant to General Instruction I.B.6 of Form S-3 during the prior 12 calendar month period that ends on and includes the date of this prospectus. As of May 24, 2023, one-third of our public float is equal to approximately $4,880,000.
These securities may be sold by us directly to purchasers, through dealers or agents, or to or through underwriters, or through a combination of these methods. See “Plan of Distribution” in this prospectus. We may also describe the plan of distribution for any particular offering of our securities in a prospectus supplement. If any agents, underwriters or dealers are involved in the sale of any securities in respect of which this prospectus is being delivered, we will disclose their names and the nature of our arrangements with them in a prospectus supplement. The net proceeds we expect to receive from any such sale will also be included in a prospectus supplement.
An investment in our securities involves a high degree of risk. See the sections entitled “Risk Factors” in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, in any Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and in any Periodic Report on Form 8-K, as well as in any prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus related to these specific offerings.
We may amend or supplement this prospectus from time to time by filing amendments or supplements as required or related free writing prospectuses. You should read the entire prospectus and any amendments or supplements carefully before you make your investment decision.
Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities commission has approved or disapproved of these securities or determined if this prospectus is truthful or complete. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.
The date of this prospectus is June 6, 2023
This prospectus is part of a Registration Statement that we filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) using a “shelf” registration process. Under this shelf registration process, we may offer from time to time securities described in this prospectus having a maximum aggregate offering price of $75,000,000 in one or more offerings. Each time we offer securities, we will prepare and file with the SEC a prospectus supplement or information that is incorporated by reference into this prospectus that describes the specific amounts, prices and terms of the securities we offer. We may also authorize one or more free writing prospectuses to be provided to you that may contain material information relating to these offerings and securities. The prospectus supplement also may add, update or change information contained in this prospectus or the documents incorporated herein by reference. You should read carefully this prospectus, any applicable prospectus supplement and any related free writing prospectus together with additional information described below under the caption “Where You Can Find More Information.”
This prospectus does not contain all the information provided in the Registration Statement we filed with the SEC. For further information about us or our securities offered hereby, you should refer to that Registration Statement, which you can obtain from the SEC as described below under “Where You Can Find More Information.”
You should rely only on the information contained or incorporated by reference in this prospectus, any prospectus supplement and any related free writing prospectus. We have not authorized any other person to provide you with different information. If anyone provides you with different or inconsistent information, you should not rely on it. This prospectus is not an offer to sell securities, and it is not soliciting an offer to buy securities, in any jurisdiction where the offer or sale is not permitted. You should assume that the information appearing in this prospectus, any prospectus supplement, any related free writing prospectus as well as information we have previously filed with the SEC and incorporated by reference, is accurate as of the date of those documents only. Our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects may have changed since those dates. This prospectus incorporates by reference, and any prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus may contain and incorporate by reference, market data and industry statistics and forecasts that are based on independent industry publications and other publicly available information. Although we believe these sources are reliable, we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information and we have not independently verified this information. Although we are not aware of any misstatements regarding the market and industry data presented in this prospectus and the documents incorporated herein by reference, these estimates involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change based on various factors, including those discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” contained in this prospectus, the applicable prospectus supplement and any applicable free writing prospectus, and under similar headings in other documents that are incorporated by reference into this prospectus. Accordingly, investors should not place undue reliance on this information.
We may sell securities through underwriters or dealers, through agents, directly to purchasers or through any combination of these methods. We and our agents reserve the sole right to accept or reject in whole or in part any proposed purchase of securities. The prospectus supplement, which we will prepare and file with the SEC each time we offer securities, will set forth the names of any underwriters, agents or others involved in the sale of securities, and any applicable fee, commission or discount arrangements with them. See “Plan of Distribution.”
In this prospectus, unless otherwise indicated, the “Registrant,” “our company,” “we,” “us” or “our” refer to Applied DNA Sciences, Inc., a Delaware corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries.
This prospectus summary highlights certain information about our company and other information contained elsewhere in this prospectus or in documents incorporated by reference. This summary does not contain all of the information that you should consider before making an investment decision. You should carefully read the entire prospectus, any prospectus supplement, including the section entitled “Risk Factors” and the documents incorporated by reference into this prospectus, before making an investment decision.
This prospectus is part of a Registration Statement that we filed with the SEC utilizing a shelf registration process. Under this shelf registration process, we may sell any combination of:
● | common stock; | |
● | preferred stock; | |
● | debt securities, in one or more series; | |
● | warrants to purchase any of the securities listed above; | |
● | rights to purchase common stock, preferred stock or warrants; and/or | |
● | units consisting of one or more of the foregoing |
in one or more offerings up to a total dollar amount of $75,000,000. This prospectus provides you with a general description of the securities we may offer. Each time we sell securities, we will provide a prospectus supplement that will contain specific information about the terms of that specific offering and include a discussion of any risk factors or other special considerations that apply to those securities. The prospectus supplement may also add, update or change information contained in this prospectus. You should read both this prospectus and any prospectus supplement together with the additional information described under the heading “Where You Can Find More Information.”
We are a biotechnology company developing and commercializing technologies to produce and detect DNA. Using the polymerase chain reaction (“PCR”) to enable both the production and detection of DNA, we operate in three primary business markets: (i) the manufacture of synthetic DNA for use in the manufacture of nucleic acid-based therapeutics (“Therapeutic DNA Production Services”); (ii) the detection of DNA in molecular diagnostics and genetic testing services (“MDx Testing Services”); and (iii) the manufacture and detection of DNA for industrial supply chain security services (“DNA Tagging and Security Products and Services”).
Our current growth strategy is to primarily focus our resources on the further development, commercialization, and customer adoption of our Therapeutic DNA Production Services, including the expansion of our contract development and manufacturing operation (“CDMO”) for the PCR-based manufacture of synthetic DNA for use in the manufacturing of nucleic acid-based therapies and the development of our own DNA-based product candidates in veterinary health.
Corporate History
We are a Delaware corporation, which was initially formed in 1983 under the laws of the State of Florida as Datalink Systems, Inc. In 1998, we reincorporated in the State of Nevada, and in 2002, we changed our name to our current name, Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. On December 17, 2008, we reincorporated from the State of Nevada to the State of Delaware.
Our corporate headquarters are located at the Long Island High Technology Incubator at Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, New York, where we have established laboratories for the manufacture and detection of DNA to support our various business units. In addition, this location also houses our New York State Department of Health (“NYSDOH”) Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program (“CLEP”)-permitted, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (“CLIA”)-certified clinical laboratory where we perform MDx Testing Services. The mailing address of our corporate headquarters is 50 Health Sciences Drive, Stony Brook, New York 11790, and our telephone number is (631) 240-8800.
Investing in our securities involves a high degree of risk. Prior to making a decision about investing in our securities, you should carefully consider and evaluate the specific factors discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2022 filed on December 14, 2022, with the SEC, as amended, and any updates described in subsequent Annual Reports on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Periodic Reports on Form 8-K, all of which are incorporated herein by reference, and may be amended, supplemented or superseded from time to time by other reports we file with the SEC in the future. The risks and uncertainties we have described are not the only risks that we face. Additional risks and uncertainties not presently known to us or that we currently deem immaterial may also affect our operations. The occurrence of these known or unknown risks might cause you to lose all or part of your investment.
See also the statements contained under the heading “Forward-Looking Statements.”
This prospectus and the documents incorporated by reference herein contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), that are intended to qualify for the “safe harbor” created by those sections. In addition, we may make forward-looking statements in other documents filed with or furnished to the SEC, and our management and other representatives may make forward-looking statements orally or in writing to analysts, investors, representatives of the media and others. These statements relate to future events or to our future operating or financial performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performances or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.
Forward-looking statements can generally be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts and include, but are not limited to, statements using terminology such as “can”, “may”, “could”, “should”, “assume”, “forecasts”, “believe”, “designed to”, “will”, “expect”, “plan”, “anticipate”, “estimate”, “potential”, “position”, “predicts”, “strategy”, “guidance”, “intend”, “budget”, “seek”, “project” or “continue”, or the negative thereof or other comparable terminology regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. You should read statements that contain these words carefully because they:
· | discuss our future expectations; | |
· | contain projections of our future results of operations or of our financial condition; and | |
· | state other “forward-looking” information. |
We believe it is important to communicate our expectations. However, forward-looking statements are based on our current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections about our business and our industry and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. Accordingly, our actual results and the timing of certain events may differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements due to a variety of factors and risks, including, but not limited to, those set forth under “Risk Factors” and “Our Company” set forth in this prospectus and the documents incorporated herein by reference., and the following factors and risks:
● | our expectations of future revenues, expenditures, capital or other funding requirements; | |
● | the adequacy of our cash and working capital to fund present and planned operations and growth; | |
● | our business strategy and the timing of our expansion plans; | |
● | demand for Therapeutic DNA Production Services; | |
● | demand for DNA Tagging Services; | |
● | demand for MDx Testing Services, including in light of significantly decreasing demand for COVID testing services; | |
● | our ability to develop our MDx Testing Services business; | |
● | our expectations concerning existing or potential development and license agreements for third-party collaborations or joint ventures; | |
● | regulatory approval and compliance for our Therapeutic DNA Production and MDx Testing Services; | |
● | the effect of governmental regulations generally; | |
● | our expectations of when regulatory submissions may be filed or when regulatory approvals may be received; | |
● | our expectations concerning product or service candidates for our technologies; and | |
● | our expectations of when or if we will become profitable. |
Any or all of our forward-looking statements may turn out to be wrong. They may be affected by inaccurate assumptions that we might make or by known or unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed or implied in our forward-looking statements. Among the factors that could affect future results are:
● | the inherent uncertainties of product and/or service development based on our new and as yet not fully proven technologies; | |
● | the risks and uncertainties regarding the actual effect on humans and/or animals of seemingly safe and efficacious formulations and treatments when tested clinically; | |
● | the inherent uncertainties associated with clinical trials of product candidates; | |
● | the inherent uncertainties associated with the process of obtaining regulatory clearance or approval to market product candidates and/or testing services; | |
● | the inherent uncertainties associated with commercialization of products and/or services that have received regulatory clearance or approval; | |
● | economic and industry conditions generally and in our specific markets; | |
● | we may conduct a reverse stock split of our common stock to meet the requirements of Nasdaq, which may adversely impact the market price and liquidity of our common stock; | |
● | the volatility of, and decline in, our stock price; and | |
● | our ability to obtain the necessary financing to fund our operations and effect our strategic development plan. |
All forward-looking statements and risk factors included in this prospectus are made as of the date hereof, and all forward-looking statements and risk factors included in documents incorporated herein by reference are made as of their original date, in each case based on information available to us as of the date hereof, or in the case of documents incorporated by reference, the original date of any such document, and we assume no obligations to update any forward-looking statement or risk factor, unless we are required to do so by law. If we do update one or more forward-looking statements, no inference should be drawn that we will make updates with respect to other forward-looking statements or that we will make any further updates to those forward-looking statements at any future time.
Forward-looking statements may include our plans and objectives for future operations, including plans and objectives relating to our products and our future economic performance, projections, business strategy and timing and likelihood of success. Assumptions relating to the foregoing involve judgments with respect to, among other things, future economic, competitive and market conditions, future business decisions, demand for our products and services, and the time and money required to successfully complete development and commercialization of our technologies, all of which are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and many of which are beyond our control.
Any of the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements contained in this prospectus could prove inaccurate and, therefore, we cannot assure you that any of the results or events contemplated in any of such forward-looking statements will be realized. Based on the significant uncertainties inherent in these forward-looking statements, the inclusion of any such statement should not be regarded as a representation or as a guarantee by us that our objectives or plans will be achieved, and we caution you against relying on any of the forward looking-statements contained herein.
Our trademarks currently used in the United States include Applied DNA Sciences®, SigNature® molecular tags, SigNature® T molecular tags, fiberTyping®, SigNify®, Beacon®, CertainT®, LinearDNA™, Linea™ COVID-19 Diagnostic Assay Kit, safeCircleTM COVID-19 testing and TR8TM pharmacogenetic testing. We do not intend our use or display of other companies’ trade names or trademarks to imply a relationship with, or endorsement or sponsorship of us by, any other companies. All trademarks, service marks and trade names included or incorporated by reference in this prospectus are the property of the respective owners.
Except as otherwise provided in the applicable prospectus supplement, we intend to use the net proceeds from the sale of the securities covered by this prospectus for general corporate purposes, which may include, but is not limited to, working capital, capital expenditures, business development and research and development expenditures and acquisitions of new technologies or businesses. The precise amount, use and timing of the application of such proceeds will depend upon our funding requirements and the availability and cost of other capital. Additional information on the use of net proceeds from an offering of securities covered by this prospectus may be set forth in the prospectus supplement relating to the specific offering.
We have never declared or paid any cash dividends on our common stock.
We do not anticipate paying any cash dividends to stockholders in the foreseeable future. In addition, any future determination to pay
cash dividends will be at the discretion of our board of directors and will be dependent upon our financial condition, results of operations,
capital requirements, and such other factors as our board of directors deem relevant.
The descriptions of the securities contained in this prospectus, together with any applicable prospectus supplement, summarize all the material terms and provisions of the various types of securities that we may offer. We will describe in the applicable prospectus supplement relating to a particular offering the specific terms of the securities offered by that prospectus supplement. We will indicate in the applicable prospectus supplement if the terms of the securities differ from the terms we have summarized below. We will also include in the prospectus supplement information, where applicable, regarding material United States federal income tax considerations relating to the securities.
We may sell from time to time, in one or more offerings:
● | shares of our common stock; | |
● | shares of our preferred stock; | |
● | debt securities; | |
● | warrants to purchase any of the securities listed above; | |
● | rights to purchase common stock, preferred stock or warrants; and/or | |
● | units consisting of one or more of the foregoing. |
This prospectus may not be used to consummate a sale of securities unless it is accompanied by a prospectus supplement.
Capital Stock
The following description of common stock and preferred stock, together with the additional information we include in any applicable prospectus supplement, summarizes the material terms and provisions of the common stock and preferred stock that we may offer under this prospectus but is not complete. For the complete terms of our common stock and preferred stock, please refer to our certificate of incorporation, as may be amended from time to time (the “Certificate of Incorporation”), any certificates of designation for our preferred stock, that may be authorized from time to time, and our by-laws, as amended from time to time (the “By-Laws”). The Delaware General Corporation Law (“DGCL”) may also affect the terms of these securities. While the terms we have summarized below will apply generally to any future common stock or preferred stock that we may offer, we will describe the specific terms of any series of these securities in more detail in the applicable prospectus supplement. If we so indicate in a prospectus supplement, the terms of any common stock or preferred stock we offer under that prospectus supplement may differ from the terms we describe below.
As of May 24, 2023, our authorized capital stock consists of 200,000,000 shares of common stock, par value $0.001 per share, of which 12,908,520 shares were issued and outstanding, and 10,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value $0.001 per share, of which no shares were issued and outstanding. The actual number of stockholders is greater than the number of stockholders of record and includes stockholders who are beneficial owners but whose shares are held in street name by brokers and other nominees. This number of holders of record also does not include stockholders whose shares may be held in trust by other entities. In addition, as of May 24, 2023, there were issued and outstanding options to purchase 2,206,231 shares of our common stock, warrants to purchase 7,295,588 shares of our common stock, 282,640 restricted stock units and 1,340,394 shares available for grant under our 2020 Equity Incentive Plan. The authorized and unissued shares of common stock and preferred stock are available for issuance without further action by our stockholders, unless such action is required by applicable law or the rules of any stock exchange on which our securities may be listed. Unless approval of our stockholders is so required, our board of directors will not seek stockholder approval for the issuance and sale of our common stock.
Common Stock
Holders of our common stock are entitled to one vote for each share issued and outstanding held on all matters to be voted upon by the stockholders. Our shares of common stock have no preemptive, conversion, or redemption rights. The rights, preferences, and privileges of the holders of common stock are subject to, and may be adversely affected by, the rights of the holders of shares of any series of preferred stock we may issue in the future. Upon the sale of substantially all of our stock or assets or dissolution, liquidation or winding up, and after all liquidation preferences payable to any series of preferred stock entitled thereto have been satisfied, our remaining assets shall be distributed to all holders of common stock and any similarly situated stockholders who are not entitled to any liquidation preference or, if there be an insufficient amount to pay all such stockholders, then ratably among such holders. All of our issued and outstanding shares of common stock are fully paid and non-assessable. The holders of shares of our common stock will be entitled to such dividends and other distributions in cash, stock or property from our assets or funds legally available for such purposes as may be declared from time to time by our board of directors.
The shares of common stock offered by this prospectus, when issued and paid for, will also be fully paid and non-assessable.
Our common stock is listed on The Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol “APDN.” American Stock Transfer & Trust Company is the transfer agent and registrar for our common stock.
Preferred Stock
Our Certificate of Incorporation provides that our board of directors may, by resolution, designate classes of preferred stock in the future. The designated series of preferred stock shall have such powers, designations, preferences and relative, participation or optional or other special rights and qualifications, limitations or restrictions as shall be expressed in the resolution adopted by the board of directors. Once designated by our board of directors, each series of preferred stock will have specific financial and other terms described in the documents that govern the preferred stock, which include our Certificate of Incorporation and any certificates of designation that our board of directors may adopt. Prior to the issuance of shares of each series of preferred stock, the board of directors is required by the DGCL and our Certificate of Incorporation to adopt resolutions and file a certificate of designation with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware. The certificate of designation fixes for each class or series the designations, powers, preferences, rights, qualifications, limitations and restrictions, including, but not limited to, some or all of the following:
· | the number of shares constituting that series and the distinctive designation of that series, which number may be increased or decreased (but not below the number of shares then outstanding) from time to time by action of the board of directors; | |
· | the dividend rate and the manner and frequency of payment of dividends on the shares of that series, whether dividends will be cumulative, and, if so, from which date; | |
· | whether that series will have voting rights, in addition to any voting rights provided by law, and, if so, the terms of such voting rights; | |
· | whether that series will have conversion privileges, and, if so, the terms and conditions of such conversion, including provision for adjustment of the conversion rate in such events as the board of directors may determine; | |
· | whether or not the shares of that series will be redeemable, and, if so, the terms and conditions of such redemption; | |
· | whether that series will have a sinking fund for the redemption or purchase of shares of that series, and, if so, the terms and amount of such sinking fund; | |
· | whether or not the shares of the series will have priority over or be on a parity with or be junior to the shares of any other series or class in any respect; | |
· | the rights of the shares of that series in the event of voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the corporation, and the relative rights or priority, if any, of payment of shares of that series; and | |
· | any other relative rights, preferences and limitations of that series. |
Although our board of directors has no intention at the present time of doing so, it could authorize the issuance of a series of preferred stock that could, depending on the terms of such series, impede the completion of a merger, tender offer or other takeover attempt.
Possible Anti-Takeover Effects of Delaware Law and our Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws
Our Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws contain provisions that could make it more difficult to acquire control of our company by means of a tender offer, open market purchases, a proxy contest or otherwise. A description of these provisions is set forth below.
Anti-Takeover Effects of Delaware Law
Companies incorporated in Delaware are subject to the provisions of Section 203 of the DGCL unless the corporation has “opted out” of these provisions with an express provision in its original certificate of incorporation or an express provision in its certificate of incorporation or by-laws resulting from a stockholders’ amendment approved by at least a majority of the outstanding voting shares. We have opted out of Section 203 with an express provision in our Certificate of Incorporation. Therefore, the anti-takeover effects of Section 203 do not apply to us.
Generally, Section 203 prohibits a publicly-held Delaware corporation from engaging in a “business combination” with an “interested stockholder” for a three-year period following the time that this stockholder becomes an interested stockholder, unless the business combination is approved in a prescribed manner. A “business combination” includes, among other things, a merger, asset or stock sale or other transaction resulting in a financial benefit to the interested stockholder. An “interested stockholder” is a person who, together with affiliates and associates, owns, or did own within three years prior to the determination of interested stockholder status, 15% or more of the corporation’s voting stock.
Under Section 203, a business combination between a corporation and an interested stockholder is prohibited unless it satisfies one of the following conditions: before the stockholder became interested, the board of directors approved either the business combination or the transaction which resulted in the stockholder becoming an interested stockholder; upon consummation of the transaction which resulted in the stockholder becoming an interested stockholder, the interested stockholder owned at least 85% of the voting stock of the corporation outstanding at the time the transaction commenced, excluding for purposes of determining the voting stock outstanding, shares owned by persons who are directors and also officers, and employee stock plans, in some instances; or at or after the time the stockholder became interested, the business combination was approved by the board of directors of the corporation and authorized at an annual or special meeting of the stockholders by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the outstanding voting stock which is not owned by the interested stockholder.
Election and Removal of Directors
Directors will be elected by a plurality of the voting power of the shares present in person or represented by proxy at the stockholders meeting and entitled to vote on the election of directors. Our Certificate of Incorporation does not provide for a classified board of directors or for cumulative voting in the election of directors. Under Article VIII of the Certificate of Incorporation and Section 3.13 of the By-Laws, directors may be removed by the stockholders of the Company only for cause, and in such case only by the affirmative vote of the holders of at least a majority of the voting power of the issued and outstanding shares of capital stock of the Company then entitled to vote in the election of directors. On December 21, 2015, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware invalidated as a matter of law certain provisions of the certificate of incorporation and bylaws of VAALCO Energy, Inc. (“VAALCO”), a Delaware corporation, that permitted the removal of VAALCO’s directors by its stockholders only for cause. In In re VAALCO Energy, Inc. Stockholder Litigation, Consol. C.A. No. 11775-VCL (Del. Ch. Dec. 21, 2015), the Court ruled from the bench to hold that, in the absence of a classified board of directors or cumulative voting, VAALCO’s “only for-cause” director removal provisions conflict with Section 141(k) of the DGCL and are therefore invalid. Because the Company’s Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws contain similar “only for-cause” director removal provisions and the Company does not have a classified board of directors or cumulative voting, the Company will not attempt to enforce the foregoing “only for-cause” director removal provision in light of the VAALCO decision.
Size of Board of Directors and Vacancies
The authorized number of directors may be determined by the board of directors, provided the board shall consist of at least one (1) member. No decrease in the number of directors constituting the board of directors shall shorten the term of any incumbent director.
Vacancies occurring on our board of directors for any reason and newly created directorships resulting from an increase in the authorized number of directors may be filled only by a vote of a majority of the remaining members of the board of directors, although less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining director, at any meeting of the board of directors.
The Certificate of Incorporation may be amended by approval of the board of directors and vote of a majority of the outstanding stock entitled to vote (and vote of a majority of the outstanding stock of each class entitled to vote as a class, if applicable) pursuant to the Sections 141 and 242 of the DGCL. The board of directors is authorized to adopt, amend, alter or repeal the By-Laws by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the board of directors then in office. No amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation or the By-Laws may adversely affect any indemnification right or protection of any director, officer, employee or other agent existing at the time of such amendment, repeal or adoption of an inconsistent provision for or in respect of any act, omission or other matter occurring, or any action or proceeding accruing or arising prior to such amendment, repeal or adoption of an inconsistent provision.
Authorized but Unissued Shares of Common Stock and of Preferred Stock
We believe that the availability of the “Blank Check” preferred stock under our Certificate of Incorporation provides us with flexibility in addressing corporate issues that may arise. The board of directors has the power, subject to applicable law, to issue series of preferred stock that could, depending on the terms of the series, impede the completion of a merger, tender offer or other takeover attempt that some, or a majority, of the stockholders might believe to be in their best interests or in which stockholders might receive a premium for their stock over the then prevailing market price of the stock. Our board of directors may issue preferred stock with voting rights or conversion rights that, if exercised, could adversely affect the voting power of the holders of common stock.
The authorized shares of preferred stock, as well as shares of common stock, will be available for issuance without further action by our stockholders, unless action is required by applicable law or the rules of any stock exchange on which our securities may be listed. Having these authorized shares available for issuance allows us to issue shares without the expense and delay of a special stockholders’ meeting. We may use additional shares for a variety of purposes, including future public or private offerings to raise additional capital, to fund acquisitions and as employee compensation. The existence of authorized but unissued shares of common stock and preferred stock could render more difficult or discourage an attempt to obtain control of our company by means of a proxy contest, tender offer, merger or otherwise. The above provisions may deter a hostile takeover or delay a change in control or management of our company.
Advance Notice Procedure
Our By-Laws provide an advance notice procedure for stockholders to nominate director candidates for election or to bring business before an annual meeting of stockholders. Only persons nominated by, or at the direction of, our board of directors or by a stockholder of record who has given proper and timely notice to our secretary prior to the meeting at which such stockholder is entitled to vote and appears, will be eligible for election as a director. In addition, any proposed business other than the nomination of persons for election to our board of directors must constitute a proper matter for stockholder action pursuant to a proper notice of meeting delivered to us. For notice to be timely, it must generally be delivered to our secretary not less than 90 nor more than 120 calendar days prior to the first anniversary of the previous year’s annual meeting (or if the date of the annual meeting is more than 30 calendar days before or more than 60 calendar days after the anniversary date of the previous year’s annual meeting, not earlier than the 120th calendar day prior to such meeting and not later than either the 90th calendar day prior to such meeting or the 10th calendar day after public disclosure of the date of such meeting is first made by us). These advance notice provisions may have the effect of precluding the conduct of certain business at a meeting if the proper procedures are not followed or may discourage or deter a potential acquirer from conducting a solicitation of proxies to elect its own slate of directors or otherwise attempt to obtain control of us.
Special Meetings of Stockholders
Our By-Laws provide that special meetings of stockholders may be called only by the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer, or the board of directors pursuant to a resolution adopted by a majority of the board of directors.
The following description, together with the additional information we may include in any applicable prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus, summarizes the material terms and provisions of the warrants that we may offer under this prospectus and any related warrant agreement and warrant certificate. While the terms summarized below will apply generally to any warrants that we may offer, we will describe the specific terms of any series of warrants in more detail in the applicable prospectus supplement. If we indicate in the prospectus supplement, the terms of any warrants offered under that prospectus supplement may differ from the terms described below. Specific warrant agreements will contain additional important terms and provisions and will be incorporated by reference as an exhibit to the Registration Statement which includes this prospectus.
We may issue warrants for the purchase of common stock, preferred stock and/or debt securities in one or more series. We may issue warrants independently or together with common stock, preferred stock and/or debt securities, and the warrants may be attached to or separate from these securities.
We will evidence each series of warrants by warrant certificates that we may issue under a separate agreement. We may enter into a warrant agreement with a warrant agent. Each warrant agent may be a bank or trust company that we select which has its principal office in the United States. We may also choose to act as our own warrant agent. We will indicate the name and address of any such warrant agent in the applicable prospectus supplement relating to a particular series of warrants.
We will describe in the applicable prospectus supplement the terms of the series of warrants, including:
● | the offering price and aggregate number of warrants offered; | |
● | if applicable, the designation and terms of the securities with which the warrants are issued and the number of warrants issued with each such security or each principal amount of such security; | |
● | if applicable, the date on and after which the warrants and the related securities will be separately transferable; | |
● | in the case of warrants to purchase debt securities, the principal amount of debt securities purchasable upon exercise of one warrant and the price at, and currency in which, this principal amount of debt securities may be purchased upon such exercise; | |
● | in the case of warrants to purchase common stock or preferred stock, the number or amount of shares of common stock or preferred stock, as the case may be, purchasable upon the exercise of one warrant and the price at which and currency in which these shares may be purchased upon such exercise; | |
● | the manner of exercise of the warrants, including any cashless exercise rights; | |
● | the warrant agreement under which the warrants will be issued; | |
● | the effect of any merger, consolidation, sale or other disposition of our business on the warrant agreement and the warrants; | |
● | anti-dilution provisions of the warrants, if any; | |
● | the terms of any rights to redeem or call the warrants; | |
● | any provisions for changes to or adjustments in the exercise price or number of securities issuable upon exercise of the warrants; | |
● | the dates on which the right to exercise the warrants will commence and expire or, if the warrants are not continuously exercisable during that period, the specific date or dates on which the warrants will be exercisable; | |
● | the manner in which the warrant agreement and warrants may be modified; | |
● | the identities of the warrant agent and any calculation or other agent for the warrants; | |
● | federal income tax consequences of holding or exercising the warrants; | |
● | the terms of the securities issuable upon exercise of the warrants; | |
● | any securities exchange or quotation system on which the warrants or any securities deliverable upon exercise of the warrants may be listed or quoted; and | |
● | any other specific terms, preferences, rights or limitations of or restrictions on the warrants. |
Before exercising their warrants, holders of warrants will not have any of the rights of holders of the securities purchasable upon such exercise, including:
● | in the case of warrants to purchase debt securities, the right to receive payments of principal of, or premium, if any, or interest on, the debt securities purchasable upon exercise or to enforce covenants in the applicable indenture; or | |
● | in the case of warrants to purchase common stock or preferred stock, the right to receive dividends, if any, or, payments upon our liquidation, dissolution or winding up or to exercise voting rights, if any. |
Exercise of Warrants
Each warrant will entitle the holder to purchase the securities that we specify in the applicable prospectus supplement at the exercise price that we describe in the applicable prospectus supplement. Unless we otherwise specify in the applicable prospectus supplement, holders of the warrants may exercise the warrants at any time up to 5:00 P.M. eastern time on the expiration date that we set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement. After the close of business on the expiration date, unexercised warrants will become void.
Holders of the warrants may exercise the warrants by delivering the warrant certificate representing the warrants to be exercised together with specified information, and paying the required exercise price by the methods provided in the applicable prospectus supplement. We will set forth on the reverse side of the warrant certificate, and in the applicable prospectus supplement, the information that the holder of the warrant will be required to deliver to the warrant agent.
Upon receipt of the required payment and the warrant certificate properly completed and duly executed at the corporate trust office of the warrant agent or any other office indicated in the applicable prospectus supplement, we will issue and deliver the securities purchasable upon such exercise. If fewer than all of the warrants represented by the warrant certificate are exercised, then we will issue a new warrant certificate for the remaining amount of warrants.
Enforceability of Rights by Holders of Warrants
Any warrant agent will act solely as our agent under the applicable warrant agreement and will not assume any obligation or relationship of agency or trust with any holder of any warrant. A single bank or trust company may act as warrant agent for more than one issue of warrants. A warrant agent will have no duty or responsibility in case of any default by us under the applicable warrant agreement or warrant, including any duty or responsibility to initiate any proceedings at law or otherwise, or to make any demand upon us. Any holder of a warrant may, without the consent of the related warrant agent or the holder of any other warrant, enforce by appropriate legal action the holder’s right to exercise, and receive the securities purchasable upon exercise of, its warrants in accordance with their terms.
Warrant Agreement Will Not Be Qualified Under Trust Indenture Act
No warrant agreement will be qualified as an indenture, and no warrant agent will be required to qualify as a trustee, under the Trust Indenture Act. Therefore, holders of warrants issued under a warrant agreement will not have the protection of the Trust Indenture Act with respect to their warrants.
Governing Law
Each warrant agreement and any warrants issued under the warrant agreements will be governed by New York law.
Calculation Agent
Any calculations relating to warrants may be made by a calculation agent, an institution that we appoint as our agent for this purpose. The prospectus supplement for a particular warrant will name the institution that we have appointed to act as the calculation agent for that warrant as of the original issue date for that warrant, if any. We may appoint a different institution to serve as calculation agent from time to time after the original issue date without the consent or notification of the holders. The calculation agent’s determination of any amount of money payable or securities deliverable with respect to a warrant will be final and binding in the absence of manifest error.
Outstanding Warrants
As of May 24, 2023, we had outstanding 7,295,588 warrants to purchase 7,295,588 shares of our common stock at a weighted average exercise price of $3.65. Our Warrant Agent for registered warrants is American Stock Transfer & Trust Company.
Transfer and Exchange
Each warrant will be represented by either one or more global securities registered in the name of The Depository Trust Company (the “DTC” or the “Depositary”) or a nominee of the Depositary (we will refer to any warrant represented by a global warrant as a “book-entry warrant”), or a certificate issued in definitive registered form (we will refer to any warrant represented by a certificated security as a “certificated warrant”) as set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement. Except as set forth under the heading “Global Warrants and Book-Entry System” below, book-entry warrants will not be issuable in certificated form.
Global Warrants and Book-Entry System. Each global warrant representing book-entry debt securities will be deposited with, or on behalf of, the Depositary, and registered in the name of the Depositary or a nominee of the Depositary. Please see the section entitled “Global Securities” for more information.
Debt Securities
The following description, together with the additional information we include in any applicable prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus, summarizes certain general terms and provisions of the debt securities that we may offer under this prospectus. When we offer to sell a particular series of debt securities, we will describe the specific terms of the series in a supplement to this prospectus. We will also indicate in the supplement to what extent the general terms and provisions described in this prospectus apply to a particular series of debt securities. To the extent the information contained in the prospectus supplement differs from this summary description, you should rely on the information in the prospectus supplement.
We may issue debt securities either separately, or together with, or upon the conversion or exercise of or in exchange for, other securities described in this prospectus. Debt securities may be our senior, senior subordinated or subordinated obligations and, unless otherwise specified in a supplement to this prospectus, the debt securities will be our direct, unsecured obligations and may be issued in one or more series.
The debt securities will be issued under an indenture between us and a trustee named in the prospectus supplement. We have summarized select portions of the indenture below. The summary is not complete. The form of the indenture has been filed as an exhibit to the registration statement and you should read the indenture for provisions that may be important to you. In the summary below, we have included references to the section numbers of the indenture so that you can easily locate these provisions. Capitalized terms used in the summary and not defined herein have the meanings specified in the indenture.
The terms of each series of debt securities will be established by or pursuant to a resolution of our board of directors and set forth or determined in the manner provided in a resolution of our board of directors, in an officer’s certificate or by a supplemental indenture. (Section 2.2) The particular terms of each series of debt securities will be described in a prospectus supplement relating to such series (including any pricing supplement or term sheet).
We can issue an unlimited amount of debt securities under the indenture that may be in one or more series with the same or various maturities, at par, at a premium, or at a discount. (Section 2.1) We will set forth in a prospectus supplement (including any pricing supplement or term sheet) relating to any series of debt securities being offered, the aggregate principal amount and the following terms of the debt securities, if applicable:
· | the title and ranking of the debt securities (including the terms of any subordination provisions); | |
· | the price or prices (expressed as a percentage of the principal amount) at which we will sell the debt securities; | |
· | any limit on the aggregate principal amount of the debt securities; | |
· | the date or dates on which the principal of a particular series of debt securities is payable; | |
· | the rate or rates (which may be fixed or variable) per annum or the method used to determine the rate or rates (including any commodity, commodity index, stock exchange index or financial index) at which the debt securities will bear interest, the date or dates from which interest will accrue, the date or dates on which interest will commence and be payable and any regular record date for the interest payable on any interest payment date; | |
· | the place or places where principal of, and interest, if any, on the debt securities will be payable (and the method of such payment), where the debt securities of such series may be surrendered for registration of transfer or exchange, and where notices and demands to us in respect of the debt securities may be delivered; | |
· | the period or periods within which, the price or prices at which and the terms and conditions upon which we may redeem the debt securities; | |
· | any obligation we have to redeem or purchase the debt securities pursuant to any sinking fund or analogous provisions or at the option of a holder of debt securities and the period or periods within which, the price or prices at which and the terms and conditions upon which the debt securities of a particular series shall be redeemed or purchased, in whole or in part, pursuant to such obligation; | |
· | the dates on which and the price or prices at which we will repurchase debt securities at the option of the holders of debt securities and other detailed terms and provisions of these repurchase obligations; | |
· | the denominations in which the debt securities will be issued, if other than denominations of $1,000 and any integral multiple thereof; | |
· | whether the debt securities will be issued in the form of certificated debt securities or global debt securities; | |
· | the portion of principal amount of the debt securities payable upon declaration of acceleration of the maturity date, if other than the principal amount; |
· | the currency of denomination of the debt securities, which may be U.S. dollars or any foreign currency, and if such currency of denomination is a composite currency, the agency or organization, if any, responsible for overseeing such composite currency; | |
· | the designation of the currency, currencies or currency units in which payment of principal of, and premium and interest on, the debt securities will be made; | |
· | if payments of principal of, or premium or interest on, the debt securities will be made in one or more currencies or currency units other than that or those in which the debt securities are denominated, the manner in which the exchange rate with respect to these payments will be determined; | |
· | the manner in which the amounts of payment of principal of, and premium, if any, and interest on, the debt securities will be determined, if these amounts may be determined by reference to an index based on a currency or currencies or by reference to a commodity, commodity index, stock exchange index or financial index; | |
· | any provisions relating to any security provided for the debt securities; | |
· | any addition to, deletion of or change in the Events of Default described in this prospectus or in the indenture with respect to the debt securities and any change in the acceleration provisions described in this prospectus or in the indenture with respect to the debt securities; | |
· | any addition to, deletion of or change in the covenants described in this prospectus or in the indenture with respect to the debt securities; | |
· | any depositaries, interest rate calculation agents, exchange rate calculation agents or other agents with respect to the debt securities; | |
· | the provisions, if any, relating to conversion or exchange of any debt securities of such series, including if applicable, the conversion or exchange price and period, provisions as to whether conversion or exchange will be mandatory, the events requiring an adjustment of the conversion or exchange price and provisions affecting conversion or exchange; | |
· | any other terms of the debt securities, which may supplement, modify or delete any provision of the indenture as it applies to that series, including any terms that may be required under applicable law or regulations or advisable in connection with the marketing of the securities; and | |
· | whether any of our direct or indirect subsidiaries will guarantee the debt securities of that series, including the terms of subordination, if any, of such guarantees. (Section 2.2) |
We may issue debt securities that provide for an amount less than their stated principal amount to be due and payable upon declaration of acceleration of their maturity pursuant to the terms of the indenture. We will provide you with information on the federal income tax considerations and other special considerations applicable to any of these debt securities in the applicable prospectus supplement.
If we denominate the purchase price of any of the debt securities in a foreign currency or currencies or a foreign currency unit or units, or if the principal of, and premium, if any, and interest on, any series of debt securities is payable in a foreign currency or currencies or a foreign currency unit or units, we will provide you with information on the restrictions, elections, general tax considerations, specific terms and other information with respect to that issue of debt securities and such foreign currency or currencies or foreign currency unit or units in the applicable prospectus supplement.
Transfer and Exchange
Each debt security will be represented by either one or more global securities registered in the name of the Depositary or a nominee of the Depositary (we will refer to any debt security represented by a global debt security as a “book-entry debt security”), or a certificate issued in definitive registered form (we will refer to any debt security represented by a certificated security as a “certificated debt security”) as set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement. Except as set forth under the heading “Global Debt Securities and Book-Entry System” below, book-entry debt securities will not be issuable in certificated form.
Certificated Debt Securities. You may transfer or exchange certificated debt securities at any office we maintain for this purpose in accordance with the terms of the indenture. (Section 2.4) No service charge will be made for any transfer or exchange of certificated debt securities, but we may require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental charge payable in connection with a transfer or exchange. (Section 2.7)
You may effect the transfer of certificated debt securities and the right to receive the principal of, premium and interest on certificated debt securities only by surrendering the certificate representing those certificated debt securities and either reissuance by us or the trustee of the certificate to the new holder or the issuance by us or the trustee of a new certificate to the new holder.
Global Debt Securities and Book-Entry System. Each global debt security representing book-entry debt securities will be deposited with, or on behalf of, the Depositary, and registered in the name of the Depositary or a nominee of the Depositary. Please see the section entitled “Global Securities” for more information.
We will set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement any restrictive covenants applicable to any issue of debt securities. (Article IV)
No Protection in the Event of a Change of Control
Unless we state otherwise in the applicable prospectus supplement, the debt securities will not contain any provisions that may afford holders of the debt securities protection in the event we have a change in control or in the event of a highly leveraged transaction (whether or not such transaction results in a change in control) which could adversely affect holders of debt securities.
Consolidation, Merger and Sale of Assets
We may not consolidate with or merge with or into, or convey, transfer or lease all or substantially all of our properties and assets to, any person (a “successor person”) unless:
· | we are the surviving corporation or the successor person (if other than our company) is a corporation organized and validly existing under the laws of any U.S. domestic jurisdiction and expressly assumes our obligations on the debt securities and under the indenture; | |
· | immediately after giving effect to the transaction, no Default or Event of Default, shall have occurred and be continuing; and | |
· | certain other conditions are met. |
Notwithstanding the above, any of our subsidiaries may consolidate with, merge into or transfer all or part of its properties to us. (Section 5.1)
Events of Default
“Event of Default” means with respect to any series of debt securities, any of the following:
· | default in the payment of any interest upon any debt security of that series when it becomes due and payable, and continuance of such default for a period of 30 days (unless the entire amount of the payment is deposited by us with the trustee or with a paying agent prior to the expiration of the 30-day period); | |
· | default in the payment of principal of any debt security of that series at its maturity; | |
· | default in the performance or breach of any other covenant or warranty by us in the indenture or any debt security (other than a covenant or warranty that has been included in the indenture solely for the benefit of a series of debt securities other than that series), which default continues uncured for a period of 60 days after we receive written notice from the trustee or our company and the trustee receive written notice from the holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series as provided in the indenture; | |
· | certain voluntary or involuntary events of bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization of our company; or | |
· | any other Event of Default provided with respect to debt securities of that series that is described in the applicable prospectus supplement. (Section 6.1) |
No Event of Default with respect to a particular series of debt securities (except as to certain events of bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization) necessarily constitutes an Event of Default with respect to any other series of debt securities. (Section 6.1) The occurrence of certain Events of Default or an acceleration under the indenture may constitute an event of default under certain indebtedness of ours or our subsidiaries outstanding from time to time.
We will provide the trustee written notice of any Default or Event of Default within 30 days of becoming aware of the occurrence of such Default or Event of Default, which notice will describe in reasonable detail the status of such Default or Event of Default and what action we are taking or propose to take in respect thereof. (Section 6.1)
If an Event of Default with respect to debt securities of any series at the time outstanding occurs and is continuing, then the trustee or the holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series may, by a notice in writing to us (and to the trustee if given by the holders), declare to be due and payable immediately the principal of (or, if the debt securities of that series are discount securities, that portion of the principal amount as may be specified in the terms of that series) and accrued and unpaid interest, if any, on all debt securities of that series. In the case of an Event of Default resulting from certain events of bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization, the principal (or such specified amount) of and accrued and unpaid interest, if any, on all outstanding debt securities will become and be immediately due and payable without any declaration or other act on the part of the trustee or any holder of outstanding debt securities. At any time after a declaration of acceleration with respect to debt securities of any series has been made, but before a judgment or decree for payment of the money due has been obtained by the trustee, the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series may rescind and annul the acceleration if all Events of Default, other than the non-payment of accelerated principal and interest, if any, with respect to debt securities of that series, have been cured or waived as provided in the indenture. (Section 6.2) We refer you to the prospectus supplement relating to any series of debt securities that are discount securities for the particular provisions relating to acceleration of a portion of the principal amount of such discount securities upon the occurrence of an Event of Default.
The indenture provides that the trustee may refuse to perform any duty or exercise any of its rights or powers under the indenture, unless the trustee receives indemnity satisfactory to it against any cost, liability or expense that might be incurred by it in performing such duty or exercising such right or power. (Section 7.1(e)) Subject to certain rights of the trustee, the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of any series will have the right to direct the time, method and place of conducting any proceeding for any remedy available to the trustee or exercising any trust or power conferred on the trustee with respect to the debt securities of that series. (Section 6.12)
No holder of any debt security of any series will have any right to institute any proceeding, judicial or otherwise, with respect to the indenture or for the appointment of a receiver or trustee, or for any remedy under the indenture, unless:
· | that holder has previously given to the trustee written notice of a continuing Event of Default with respect to debt securities of that series; and | |
· | the holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series have made written request, and offered indemnity or security satisfactory to the trustee, to the trustee to institute the proceeding as trustee, and the trustee has not received from the holders of not less than a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series a direction inconsistent with that request and has failed to institute the proceeding within 60 days. (Section 6.7) |
Notwithstanding any other provision in the indenture, the holder of any debt security will have an absolute and unconditional right to receive payment of the principal of, and premium and any interest on, that debt security on or after the due dates expressed in that debt security and to institute suit for the enforcement of payment. (Section 6.8)
The indenture requires us, within 120 days after the end of our fiscal year, to furnish to the trustee a statement as to compliance with the indenture. (Section 4.3) If a Default or Event of Default occurs and is continuing with respect to the securities of any series and if it is known to a responsible officer of the trustee, the trustee shall mail to each holder of the securities of that series notice of a Default or Event of Default within 90 days after it occurs or, if later, after a responsible officer of the trustee has knowledge of such Default or Event of Default. The indenture provides that the trustee may withhold notice to the holders of debt securities of any series of any Default or Event of Default (except in payment on any debt securities of that series) with respect to debt securities of that series if the trustee determines in good faith that withholding notice is in the interest of the holders of those debt securities. (Section 7.5)
Modification and Waiver
We and the trustee may modify, amend or supplement the indenture or the debt securities of any series without the consent of any holder of any debt security:
· | to cure any ambiguity, defect or inconsistency; | |
· | to comply with covenants in the indenture described above under the heading “Consolidation, Merger and Sale of Assets”; | |
· | to provide for uncertificated securities in addition to or in place of certificated securities; | |
· | to add guarantees with respect to debt securities of any series or secure debt securities of any series; | |
· | to surrender any of our rights or powers under the indenture; | |
· | to add covenants or Events of Default for the benefit of the holders of debt securities of any series; | |
· | to comply with the applicable procedures of the applicable depositary; | |
· | to make any change that does not adversely affect the rights of any holder of debt securities; | |
· | to provide for the issuance of and establish the form and terms and conditions of debt securities of any series as permitted by the indenture; | |
· | to effect the appointment of a successor trustee with respect to the debt securities of any series and to add to or change any of the provisions of the indenture to provide for or facilitate administration by more than one trustee; or | |
· | to comply with requirements of the SEC in order to effect or maintain the qualification of the indenture under the Trust Indenture Act. (Section 9.1) |
We may also modify and amend the indenture with the consent of the holders of at least a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of each series affected by the modifications or amendments. We may not make any modification or amendment without the consent of the holders of each affected debt security then outstanding if that amendment will:
· | reduce the amount of debt securities whose holders must consent to an amendment, supplement or waiver; | |
· | reduce the rate of or extend the time for payment of interest (including default interest) on any debt security; | |
· | reduce the principal of or premium on or change the fixed maturity of any debt security or reduce the amount of, or postpone the date fixed for, the payment of any sinking fund or analogous obligation with respect to any series of debt securities; | |
· | reduce the principal amount of discount securities payable upon acceleration of maturity; | |
· | waive a Default or Event of Default in the payment of the principal of, or premium or interest on, any debt security (except a rescission of acceleration of the debt securities of any series by the holders of at least a majority in aggregate principal amount of the then outstanding debt securities of that series and a waiver of the payment default that resulted from such acceleration); | |
· | make the principal of, or premium or interest on, any debt security payable in currency other than that stated in the debt security; | |
· | make any change to certain provisions of the indenture relating to, among other things, the right of holders of debt securities to receive payment of the principal of, and premium and interest on, those debt securities and to institute suit for the enforcement of any such payment and to waivers or amendments; or | |
· | waive a redemption payment with respect to any debt security. (Section 9.3) |
Except for certain specified provisions, the holders of at least a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of any series may on behalf of the holders of all debt securities of that series waive our compliance with provisions of the indenture. (Section 9.2) The holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of any series may on behalf of the holders of all the debt securities of such series waive any past default under the indenture with respect to that series and its consequences, except a default in the payment of the principal of, or any interest on, any debt security of that series; provided, however, that the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of any series may rescind an acceleration and its consequences, including any related payment default that resulted from the acceleration. (Section 6.13)
Defeasance of Debt Securities and Certain Covenants in Certain Circumstances
Legal Defeasance. The indenture provides that, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the applicable series of debt securities, we may be discharged from any and all obligations in respect of the debt securities of any series (subject to certain exceptions). We will be so discharged upon the deposit with the trustee, in trust, of money and/or U.S. government obligations or, in the case of debt securities denominated in a single currency other than U.S. dollars, government obligations of the government that issued or caused to be issued such currency, that, through the payment of interest and principal in accordance with their terms, will provide money or U.S. government obligations in an amount sufficient in the opinion of a nationally recognized firm of independent public accountants or investment bank to pay and discharge each installment of principal of, premium and interest on, and any mandatory sinking fund payments in respect of, the debt securities of that series on the stated maturity of those payments in accordance with the terms of the indenture and those debt securities.
This discharge may occur only if, among other things, we have delivered to the trustee an opinion of counsel stating that we have received from, or there has been published by, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service a ruling or, since the date of execution of the indenture, there has been a change in the applicable U.S. federal income tax law, in either case to the effect that, and based thereon such opinion shall confirm that, the holders of the debt securities of that series will not recognize income, gain or loss for U.S. federal income tax purposes as a result of the deposit, defeasance and discharge and will be subject to U.S. federal income tax on the same amounts and in the same manner and at the same times as would have been the case if the deposit, defeasance and discharge had not occurred. (Section 8.3)
Defeasance of Certain Covenants. The indenture provides that, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the applicable series of debt securities, upon compliance with certain conditions:
· | we may omit to comply with the covenant described under the heading “Consolidation, Merger and Sale of Assets” and certain other covenants set forth in the indenture, as well as any additional covenants that may be set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement; and | |
· | any omission to comply with those covenants will not constitute a Default or an Event of Default with respect to the debt securities of that series (“covenant defeasance”). |
The conditions include:
· | depositing with the trustee money and/or U.S. government obligations or, in the case of debt securities denominated in a single currency other than U.S. dollars, government obligations of the government that issued or caused to be issued such currency, that, through the payment of interest and principal in accordance with their terms, will provide money in an amount sufficient in the opinion of a nationally recognized firm of independent public accountants or investment bank to pay and discharge each installment of principal of, premium and interest on, and any mandatory sinking fund payments in respect of, the debt securities of that series on the stated maturity of those payments in accordance with the terms of the indenture and those debt securities; and | |
· | delivering to the trustee an opinion of counsel to the effect that the holders of the debt securities of that series will not recognize income, gain or loss for U.S. federal income tax purposes as a result of the deposit and related covenant defeasance and will be subject to U.S. federal income tax on the same amounts and in the same manner and at the same times as would have been the case if the deposit and related covenant defeasance had not occurred. (Section 8.4) |
No Personal Liability of Directors, Officers, Employees or Securityholders
None of our past, present or future directors, officers, employees or securityholders, as such, will have any liability for any of our obligations under the debt securities or the indenture or for any claim based on, or in respect or by reason of, such obligations or their creation. By accepting a debt security, each holder waives and releases all such liability. This waiver and release is part of the consideration for the issue of the debt securities. However, this waiver and release may not be effective to waive liabilities under U.S. federal securities laws, and it is the view of the SEC that such a waiver is against public policy.
Governing Law
The indenture and the debt securities, including any claim or controversy arising out of or relating to the indenture or the debt securities, will be governed by the laws of the State of New York.
The indenture will provide that we, the trustee and the holders of the debt securities (by their acceptance of the debt securities) irrevocably waive, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all right to trial by jury in any legal proceeding arising out of or relating to the indenture, the debt securities or the transactions contemplated thereby.
The indenture will provide that any legal suit, action or proceeding arising out of or based upon the indenture or the transactions contemplated thereby may be instituted in the federal courts of the United States of America located in the City of New York or the courts of the State of New York in each case located in the City of New York, and we, the trustee and the holder of the debt securities (by their acceptance of the debt securities) irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of such courts in any such suit, action or proceeding. The indenture will further provide that service of any process, summons, notice or document by mail (to the extent allowed under any applicable statute or rule of court) to such party’s address set forth in the indenture will be effective service of process for any suit, action or other proceeding brought in any such court. The indenture will further provide that we, the trustee and the holders of the debt securities (by their acceptance of the debt securities) irrevocably and unconditionally waive any objection to the laying of venue of any suit, action or other proceeding in the courts specified above and irrevocably and unconditionally waive and agree not to plead or claim any such suit, action or other proceeding has been brought in an inconvenient forum. (Section 10.10)
Outstanding Debt Securities
As of May 30, 2023, we had no outstanding debt securities.
We may issue rights to purchase common stock, preferred stock or warrants that we may offer to our security holders in one or more series. The rights may or may not be transferable by the persons purchasing or receiving the rights. In connection with any rights offering, we may enter into a standby underwriting or other arrangement with one or more underwriters or other persons pursuant to which such underwriters or other persons would purchase any offered securities remaining unsubscribed for after such rights offering. Each series of rights will be issued under a separate rights agent agreement to be entered into between us and a bank or trust company, as rights agent, that we will name in the applicable prospectus supplement. The rights agent will act solely as our agent in connection with the rights and will not assume any obligation or relationship of agency or trust for or with any holders of rights certificates or beneficial owners of rights. A copy of the form of rights agent or subscription agent agreement, including the form of rights certificate representing a series of rights, will be filed with the SEC in connection with the offering of a particular series of rights.
The prospectus supplement relating to any rights that we offer will include specific terms relating to the offering, including, among other matters:
● | the title of the rights; | |
● | the securities for which the rights are exercisable; | |
● | the date of determining the security holders entitled to the rights distribution; | |
● | the aggregate number of rights issued and the aggregate number of shares of common stock or preferred stock or warrants purchasable upon exercise of the rights; | |
● | the extent to which the rights are transferable; | |
● | the exercise price; | |
● | any provisions for changes to or adjustments in the exercise price or number of securities issuable upon exercise of the rights; | |
● | the conditions to completion of the rights offering; | |
● | any applicable federal income tax considerations; | |
● | if applicable, the material terms of any standby underwriting or other purchase arrangement that we may enter into in connection with the rights offering; | |
● | the date on which the right to exercise the rights will commence and the date on which the rights will expire; and | |
● | any other terms of the rights, including terms, procedures and limitations relating to the exchange and exercise of the rights. |
Each right would entitle the holder of the rights to purchase for cash the amount of shares of common stock or preferred stock or warrants at the exercise price set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement. Rights may be exercised at any time up to the close of business on the expiration date for the rights provided in the applicable prospectus supplement. After the close of business on the expiration date, all unexercised rights will become void.
We may determine to offer any unsubscribed securities directly to persons other than our security holders, to or through agents, underwriters or dealers or through a combination of such methods, including pursuant to standby arrangements, as described in the applicable prospectus supplement.
Until a holder exercises the rights to purchase shares of our common stock or preferred stock or warrants, the holder will not have any rights as a holder of shares of our common stock or preferred stock or warrants, as the case may be, by virtue of ownership of the rights.
We may issue units consisting of one or more of the other securities described in this prospectus, in any prospectus supplement or a free writing prospectus in any combination. Each unit will be issued so that the holder of the unit is also the holder, with the rights and obligations of a holder, of each security included in the unit. The unit agreement under which a unit is issued may provide that the securities included in the unit may not be held or transferred separately, at any time or at any time before a specified date or upon the occurrence of a specified event or occurrence.
The applicable prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus will describe:
● | the designation and terms of the units and of the securities comprising the units, including whether and under what circumstances those securities may be held or transferred separately; | |
● | any unit agreement under which the units will be issued; | |
● | any provisions for the issuance, payment, settlement, transfer or exchange of the units or of the securities comprising the units; and | |
● | whether the units will be issued in fully registered or global form. |
Global Securities
Book-Entry, Delivery and Form
Unless we indicate differently in any applicable prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus, the securities initially will be issued in book-entry form and represented by one or more global notes or global securities (collectively, “global securities”). The global securities will be deposited with, or on behalf of, DTC and registered in the name of Cede & Co., the nominee of DTC. Unless and until it is exchanged for individual certificates evidencing securities under the limited circumstances described below, a global security may not be transferred except as a whole by the depositary to its nominee or by the nominee to the depositary, or by the depositary or its nominee to a successor depositary or to a nominee of the successor depositary.
DTC has advised us that it is:
· | a limited-purpose trust company organized under the New York Banking Law; | |
· | a “banking organization” within the meaning of the New York Banking Law; | |
· | a member of the Federal Reserve System; | |
· | a “clearing corporation” within the meaning of the New York Uniform Commercial Code; and | |
· | a “clearing agency” registered pursuant to the provisions of Section 17A of the Exchange Act. |
DTC holds securities that its participants deposit with DTC. DTC also facilitates the settlement among its participants of securities transactions, such as transfers and pledges, in deposited securities through electronic computerized book-entry changes in participants’ accounts, thereby eliminating the need for physical movement of securities certificates. “Direct participants” in DTC include securities brokers and dealers, including underwriters, banks, trust companies, clearing corporations and other organizations. DTC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (“DTCC”). DTCC is the holding company for DTC, National Securities Clearing Corporation and Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, all of which are registered clearing agencies. DTCC is owned by the users of its regulated subsidiaries. Access to the DTC system is also available to others, which we sometimes refer to as indirect participants, that clear through or maintain a custodial relationship with a direct participant, either directly or indirectly. The rules applicable to DTC and its participants are on file with the SEC.
Purchases of securities under the DTC system must be made by or through direct participants, which will receive a credit for the securities on DTC’s records. The ownership interest of the actual purchaser of a security, which we sometimes refer to as a beneficial owner, is in turn recorded on the direct and indirect participants’ records. Beneficial owners of securities will not receive written confirmation from DTC of their purchases. However, beneficial owners are expected to receive written confirmations providing details of their transactions, as well as periodic statements of their holdings, from the direct or indirect participants through which they purchased securities. Transfers of ownership interests in global securities are to be accomplished by entries made on the books of participants acting on behalf of beneficial owners. Beneficial owners will not receive certificates representing their ownership interests in the global securities, except under the limited circumstances described below.
To facilitate subsequent transfers, all global securities deposited by direct participants with DTC will be registered in the name of DTC’s partnership nominee, Cede & Co., or such other name as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. The deposit of securities with DTC and their registration in the name of Cede & Co. or such other nominee will not change the beneficial ownership of the securities. DTC has no knowledge of the actual beneficial owners of the securities. DTC’s records reflect only the identity of the direct participants to whose accounts the securities are credited, which may or may not be the beneficial owners. The participants are responsible for keeping account of their holdings on behalf of their customers.
So long as the securities are in book-entry form, you will receive payments and may transfer securities only through the facilities of the depositary and its direct and indirect participants. We will maintain an office or agency in the location specified in the prospectus supplement for the applicable securities, where notices and demands in respect of the securities and the indenture may be delivered to us and where certificated securities may be surrendered for payment, registration of transfer or exchange.
Conveyance of notices and other communications by DTC to direct participants, by direct participants to indirect participants and by direct participants and indirect participants to beneficial owners will be governed by arrangements among them, subject to any legal requirements in effect from time to time.
Redemption notices will be sent to DTC. If less than all of the securities of a particular series are being redeemed, DTC’s practice is to determine by lot the amount of the interest of each direct participant in the securities of such series to be redeemed.
Neither DTC nor Cede & Co. (or such other DTC nominee) will consent or vote with respect to the securities. Under its usual procedures, DTC will mail an omnibus proxy to us as soon as possible after the record date. The omnibus proxy assigns the consenting or voting rights of Cede & Co. to those direct participants to whose accounts the securities of such series are credited on the record date, identified in a listing attached to the omnibus proxy.
So long as securities are in book-entry form, we will make payments on those securities to the depositary or its nominee, as the registered owner of such securities, by wire transfer of immediately available funds. If securities are issued in definitive certificated form under the limited circumstances described below and unless if otherwise provided in the description of the applicable securities herein or in the applicable prospectus supplement, we will have the option of making payments by check mailed to the addresses of the persons entitled to payment or by wire transfer to bank accounts in the United States designated in writing to the applicable trustee or other designated party at least 15 days before the applicable payment date by the persons entitled to payment, unless a shorter period is satisfactory to the applicable trustee or other designated party.
Redemption proceeds, distributions and dividend payments on the securities will be made to Cede & Co., or such other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. DTC’s practice is to credit direct participants’ accounts upon DTC’s receipt of funds and corresponding detail information from us on the payment date in accordance with their respective holdings shown on DTC records. Payments by participants to beneficial owners will be governed by standing instructions and customary practices, as is the case with securities held for the account of customers in bearer form or registered in “street name.” Those payments will be the responsibility of participants and not of DTC or us, subject to any statutory or regulatory requirements in effect from time to time. Payment of redemption proceeds, distributions and dividend payments to Cede & Co., or such other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC, is our responsibility; disbursement of payments to direct participants is the responsibility of DTC; and disbursement of payments to the beneficial owners is the responsibility of direct and indirect participants.
Except under the limited circumstances described below, purchasers of securities will not be entitled to have securities registered in their names and will not receive physical delivery of securities. Accordingly, each beneficial owner must rely on the procedures of DTC and its participants to exercise any rights under the securities and the indenture.
The laws of some jurisdictions may require that some purchasers of securities take physical delivery of securities in definitive form. Those laws may impair the ability to transfer or pledge beneficial interests in securities.
DTC may discontinue providing its services as securities depositary with respect to the securities at any time by giving reasonable notice to us. Under such circumstances, in the event that a successor depositary is not obtained, securities certificates are required to be printed and delivered.
As noted above, beneficial owners of a particular series of securities generally will not receive certificates representing their ownership interests in those securities. However, if:
· | DTC notifies us that it is unwilling or unable to continue as a depositary for the global security or securities representing such series of securities or if DTC ceases to be a clearing agency registered under the Exchange Act at a time when it is required to be registered and a successor depositary is not appointed within 90 days of the notification to us or of our becoming aware of DTC’s ceasing to be so registered, as the case may be; | |
· | we determine, in our sole discretion, not to have such securities represented by one or more global securities; or | |
· | an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing with respect to such series of securities, |
we will prepare and deliver certificates for such securities in exchange for beneficial interests in the global securities. Any beneficial interest in a global security that is exchangeable under the circumstances described in the preceding sentence will be exchangeable for securities in definitive certificated form registered in the names that the depositary directs. It is expected that these directions will be based upon directions received by the depositary from its participants with respect to ownership of beneficial interests in the global securities.
We may sell the securities offered pursuant to this prospectus from time to time in one or more transactions, including, without limitation:
● | to or through underwriters; |
● | through broker-dealers (acting as agent or principal); |
● | through agents; |
● | directly by us to one or more purchasers (including our affiliates and stockholders), through a specific bidding or auction process, a rights offering or otherwise; |
● | through a combination of any such methods of sale; or |
● | through any other methods described in a prospectus supplement. |
The distribution of securities may be effected, from time to time, in one or more transactions, including:
● | block transactions (which may involve crosses) and transactions on The Nasdaq Capital Market or any other organized market where the securities may be traded; |
● | purchases by a broker-dealer as principal and resale by the broker-dealer for its own account pursuant to a prospectus supplement; |
● | ordinary brokerage transactions and transactions in which a broker-dealer solicits purchasers; |
● | sales “at the market” to or through a market maker or into an existing trading market, on an exchange or otherwise; and |
● | sales in other ways not involving market makers or established trading markets, including direct sales to purchasers. |
The applicable prospectus supplement will describe the terms of the offering of the securities, including:
● | the name or names of any underwriters, if, and if required, any dealers or agents; |
● | the purchase price of the securities and the proceeds we will receive from the sale; |
● | any underwriting discounts and other items constituting underwriters’ compensation; |
● | any discounts or concessions allowed or re-allowed or paid to dealers; and |
● | any securities exchange or market on which the securities may be listed or traded. |
We may distribute the securities from time to time in one or more transactions at:
● | a fixed price or prices, which may be changed; |
● | market prices prevailing at the time of sale; |
● | prices related to such prevailing market prices; or |
● | negotiated prices. |
Only underwriters named in the prospectus supplement are underwriters of the securities offered by the prospectus supplement.
If underwriters are used in an offering, we will execute an underwriting agreement with such underwriters and will specify the name of each underwriter and the terms of the transaction (including any underwriting discounts and other terms constituting compensation of the underwriters and any dealers) in a prospectus supplement. The securities may be offered to the public either through underwriting syndicates represented by managing underwriters or directly by one or more investment banking firms or others, as designated. If an underwriting syndicate is used, the managing underwriter(s) will be specified on the cover of the prospectus supplement. If underwriters are used in the sale, the offered securities will be acquired by the underwriters for their own accounts and may be resold from time to time in one or more transactions, including negotiated transactions, at a fixed public offering price or at varying prices determined at the time of sale. Any public offering price and any discounts or concessions allowed or re-allowed or paid to dealers may be changed from time to time. Unless otherwise set forth in the prospectus supplement, the obligations of the underwriters to purchase the offered securities will be subject to conditions precedent, and the underwriters will be obligated to purchase all of the offered securities, if any are purchased.
We may grant to the underwriters options to purchase additional securities to cover over-allotments, if any, at the public offering price, with additional underwriting commissions or discounts, as may be set forth in a related prospectus supplement. The terms of any over-allotment option will be set forth in the prospectus supplement for those securities.
If a dealer is used in the sale of the securities, we, or an underwriter, will sell the securities to the dealer, as principal. The dealer may then resell the securities to the public at varying prices to be determined by the dealer at the time of resale. To the extent required, we will set forth in the prospectus supplement, document incorporated by reference or free writing prospectus, as applicable, the name of the dealer and the terms of the transactions.
We may sell the securities directly or through agents we designate from time to time. We will name any agent involved in the offering and sale of securities and we will describe any commissions we will pay the agent in the prospectus supplement.
We may authorize agents or underwriters to solicit offers by institutional investors to purchase securities from us at the public offering price set forth in the prospectus supplement pursuant to delayed delivery contracts providing for payment and delivery on a specified date in the future. We will describe the conditions to these contracts and the commissions we must pay for solicitation of these contracts in the prospectus supplement.
In connection with the sale of the securities, underwriters, dealers or agents may receive compensation from us or from purchasers of the securities for whom they act as agents, in the form of discounts, concessions or commissions. Underwriters may sell the securities to or through dealers, and those dealers may receive compensation in the form of discounts, concessions or commissions from the underwriters or commissions from the purchasers for whom they may act as agents. Underwriters, dealers and agents that participate in the distribution of the securities, and any institutional investors or others that purchase securities directly for the purpose of resale or distribution, may be deemed to be underwriters, and any discounts or commissions received by them from us and any profit on the resale of the common stock by them may be deemed to be underwriting discounts and commissions under the Securities Act. No FINRA member firm may receive compensation in excess of that allowable under FINRA rules, including Rule 5110, in connection with the offering of the securities.
We may provide agents, underwriters and other purchasers with indemnification against particular civil liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act, or contribution with respect to payments that the agents, underwriters or other purchasers may make with respect to such liabilities. Agents and underwriters may engage in transactions with, or perform services for, us in the ordinary course of business.
To facilitate the public offering of a series of securities, persons participating in the offering may engage in transactions that stabilize, maintain, or otherwise affect the market price of the securities. This may include over-allotments or short sales of the securities, which involves the sale by persons participating in the offering of more securities than have been sold to them by us. In addition, those persons may stabilize or maintain the price of the securities by bidding for or purchasing securities in the open market or by imposing penalty bids, whereby selling concessions allowed to underwriters or dealers participating in any such offering may be reclaimed if securities sold by them are repurchased in connection with stabilization transactions. The effect of these transactions may be to stabilize or maintain the market price of the securities at a level above that which might otherwise prevail in the open market. Such transactions, if commenced, may be discontinued at any time. We make no representation or prediction as to the direction or magnitude of any effect that the transactions described above, if implemented, may have on the price of our securities.
Unless otherwise specified in the applicable prospectus supplement, any common stock sold pursuant to a prospectus supplement will be eligible for trading as listed on The Nasdaq Capital Market. Any underwriters to whom securities are sold by us for public offering and sale may make a market in the securities, but such underwriters will not be obligated to do so and may discontinue any market making at any time without notice.
In order to comply with the securities laws of some states, if applicable, the securities offered pursuant to this prospectus will be sold in those states only through registered or licensed brokers or dealers. In addition, in some states securities may not be sold unless they have been registered or qualified for sale in the applicable state or an exemption from the registration or qualification requirement is available and complied with.
So long as the aggregate market value of our voting and non-voting common equity held by non-affiliates is less than $75,000,000 and so long as required by the rules of the SEC, the amount of securities we may offer hereunder will be limited such that the aggregate market value of securities sold by us during a period of 12 calendar months cannot exceed one-third of the aggregate market value of the voting and non-voting common equity held by non-affiliates.
To the extent required, this prospectus may be amended or supplemented from time to time to describe a specific plan of distribution.
The validity of the issuance of the offered securities will be passed upon for us by McDermott Will & Emery LLP, New York, New York.
Marcum LLP, independent registered public accounting firm, has audited our consolidated financial statements included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended September 30, 2022, as set forth in their report, which is incorporated by reference in the prospectus and elsewhere in this registration statement. Our consolidated financial statements are incorporated by reference in reliance on Marcum LLP’s report, given on their authority as experts in accounting and auditing.
This prospectus and any subsequent prospectus supplements do not contain all of the information in the Registration Statement. We have omitted from this prospectus some parts of the Registration Statement as permitted by the rules and regulations of the SEC. Statements in this prospectus concerning any document we have filed as an exhibit to the Registration Statement or that we otherwise filed with the SEC are not intended to be comprehensive and are qualified in their entirety by reference to these filings. In addition, we file annual, quarterly and current reports, proxy statements and other information with the SEC. The SEC maintains a website that contains reports, proxy and information statements and other information that registrants file electronically with the SEC, including us. The SEC’s website can be found at In addition, we make available on or through our website copies of these reports as soon as reasonably practicable after we electronically file or furnished them to the SEC. Our website can be found at Our website is not a part of this prospectus.
We have elected to incorporate certain information by reference into this prospectus. By incorporating by reference, we can disclose important information to you by referring you to other documents we have filed or will file with the SEC. The information incorporated by reference is deemed to be part of this prospectus, except for information incorporated by reference that is superseded by information contained in this prospectus. This means that you must look at all of the SEC filings that we incorporate by reference to determine if any statements in the prospectus or any document previously incorporated by reference have been modified or superseded. This prospectus incorporates by reference the documents set forth below that we have previously filed with the SEC, except in each case the information contained in such document to the extent “furnished” and not “filed”:
● | Our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2022, filed with the SEC on December 14, 2022, as amended by Form 10-K/A filed with the SEC on January 27, 2023. |
● | Our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarterly periods ended December 31, 2022 and March 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on February 9, 2023 and May 11, 2023, respectively. |
● | Our Current Reports on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on February 28, 2023, March 28, 2023, and May 5, 2023. |
● | The description of our capital stock contained in our registration statement on Form 8-A (File No. 001-36745) filed with the Commission on November 13, 2014, pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Exchange Act, including any amendment or report filed for the purpose of updating such description. |
We also incorporate by reference all documents we file in the future pursuant to Section 13(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act after the date of this prospectus and prior to the sale of all the securities covered by this prospectus (including all such documents filed with the SEC after the date of the initial filing of the Registration Statement that contains this prospectus and prior to effectiveness of the Registration Statement or after such effectiveness), except in each case the information contained in such document to the extent “furnished” and not “filed.”
You may obtain copies of these documents on the website maintained by the SEC at, or from us without charge (other than exhibits to such documents, unless such exhibits are specifically incorporated by reference into such documents) by writing us at Corporate Secretary, Applied DNA Sciences, Inc., 50 Health Sciences Drive, Stony Brook, New York 11790 or visiting our website at
Any statement contained in a document incorporated or deemed to be incorporated by reference in this prospectus shall be deemed to be modified or superseded for the purposes of this prospectus to the extent that a statement contained herein, any prospectus supplement or in any other subsequently filed document which also is or deemed to be incorporated by reference herein modifies or supersedes that statement. Any statement so modified or superseded shall not be deemed, except as so modified or superseded, to constitute a part of this prospectus.
19,247,498 Shares of Common Stock
Pre-Funded Warrants to Purchase 1,065,002 Shares of Common Stock
Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC
October 30, 2024