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我们正在以每股$0.32的价格向投资者(“认购人”)发行19,247,498股普通股(“股份”),根据本招股说明书补充和随附的招股说明书,以及与此类投资者签订的证券购买协议(“证券购买协议”)。 同时,在一项同时进行的定向增发中,我们向这些投资者出售C系列认股权证,用于购买高达20,312,500股我们的普通股(“C系列认股权证”)以及购买高达20,312,500股我们的普通股的D系列认股权证(“D系列认股权证”,连同C系列认股权证一起构成“系列认股权证”)。






根据Series D权证的备选无现金行权选择,Series D权证持有人有权根据以下公式的乘积接收相等数量的股份:(x)在以现金行权Series D权证时将发行的普通股数量和(y)1.0。此外,Series D权证将包括一项条款,在我们的普通股进行股票逆向拆分时重设行权价,重设为( i )当时的行权价格和( ii )未来进行股票逆向拆分之前的五个交易日和未来五个交易日的最低成交量加权平均价(VWAP)中的较低者,同时对Series D权证标的股份数量进行成比例调整,但下限为$0.0634。




我们还提供1,065,002张预先融资认股权,以购买普通股 而不是向某些投资者提供股份,这些投资者购买本次发行的普通股可能导致 该投资者和其关联方合计持有我们的普通股超过4.99%(或该投资者选择的9.99%)。每张预先融资认股权可行使以换取一股我们的普通股。每张预先融资认股权的购买价格 将等于本次发行中向公众出售股份和认股权的价格减去0.0001美元,每张预先融资认股权的行使价格将为每股0.0001美元。预先融资认股权 将立即可行使,并可随时行使,直至所有预先融资认股权全部行使完毕。本次发行还涉及可通过 本次发行中出售的任何预先融资认股权行使的普通股。




投资我们的证券涉及高度风险。 在此招股说明书补充页第S-10页、随附招股说明书第3页以及其他参考的文件中仔细审阅所描述的风险和不确定性,然后才购买本招股说明书所提供的任何证券。




我们已聘请Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC,或简称Craig-Hallum,在本招股说明书补充案及附属招股说明书所述证券的独家配售代理。 Craig-Hallum并非购买我们所提供的证券,也无需出售任何特定数量或金额的证券,但已同意尽最大努力促使他人提出购买本招股说明书补充案及附属招股说明书所述证券的要约。


   每股   每预先
公开发行价格  $0.32   $0.3199   $6,499,893.50 
招股代理费(1)  $0.0192   $0.01919   $389,993.61 
我们的净收益  $0.3008   $0.3007   $6,109,899.89 


  (1) 我们已同意支付Craig-Hallum总现金费,相当于本次发行所募集的总交易金额的6.0%,并补偿Craig-Hallum的法律费用、支出和其他费用,金额高达$100,000。此外,我们已同意向Craig-Hallum发行权证,以购买本次发行中提供的普通股和预先担保认股权的数量的5.0%,即“代理商认股权”,行权价格为$0.32,并自发行日起五年后到期。详见“配售计划”以了解Craig-Hallum将收到的报酬描述。










Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC








关于此招股说明书补充的说明 S-1
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关于本招股说明书 1
招股说明书摘要 2
风险因素 3
前瞻性声明 4
使用资金 7
分红政策 8
我们可能提供的证券的描述 8
分销计划 27
法律事项 除非适用的招股说明书另有说明,否则本招股说明书所提供证券的有效性将由纽约Ellenoff Grossman & Schole LLP律师事务所审核。如果与本招股说明书有关的法律事项由承销商、经销商或代理商的法律顾问通过审核,则这些律师将在适用的招股说明书中命名。 29
可获取更多信息的地方 29
在哪里寻找更多信息 30
引用的信息 30








本文件是我们向证券交易委员会(SEC)提交的Form S-3(文件编号333-272267)文件中的“架子”注册声明的一部分,分为两部分。第一部分是本招股说明书,描述了我们证券发行的具体条款,还补充并更新了随附招股说明书和引文文件中的信息;第二部分是随附招股说明书,提供更一般性的信息。通常,当我们提到本招股说明书时,我们指的是这两部分文件的结合体。在本招股说明书和随附招股说明书或随附文件引用的任何在本招股说明书发行前提交的文件的信息之间存在冲突时,您应依赖本招股说明书中的信息;但如果这些文件中的任何声明与具有较晚日期的另一文件(例如,被引用于随附招股说明书中的文件)中的声明不一致时,则具有较晚日期的文件中的声明修改或取代较早文件中的声明。











在本补充说明书中,除非另有说明,“发行人”、“我们公司”、“我们”、“我们”或“我们的”指的是一家德拉瓦州公司Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.及其合并子公司。


我们目前在美国使用的商标包括Applied DNA Sciences®、SigNature®分子标签、SigNature® t分子标签、fiberTyping®、SigNify®、Beacon®、CertainT®、LineaDNA®、Linea RNAPTMLinea™ COVID-19诊断试剂盒、safeCircle® COVID-19检测和TR8TM药物基因测试。 我们无意使用或展示其他公司的商标或商品名称来暗示我们与其他公司之间的关系、认可或赞助。 在本说明书补充资料中包含或参考的所有商标、服务标识和商标均为各自拥有者的财产。




本摘要提供一个概观所选资讯,并不包括您在购买我们证券前应考虑的所有资讯。因此,在决定投资我们证券之前,您应该仔细阅读完整的说明书补充资料、附随说明书以及我们授权用于本次发行连同在此和其中引用的资讯,投资者应仔细考虑开始于页面上的「风险因素」部分所载的资讯。S-10 本说明书补充及相关说明书以及进一步引用的文件中所载页面「风险因素」部分及在此说明书补充及附随说明书中引用的文件。


Applied DNA Sciences,Inc.




我们是一家生物技术公司,致力于开发和推广技术,生产和检测去氧核糖核酸("DNA")和核糖核酸("RNA")。通过聚合酶链反应("PCR")来实现DNA和RNA的生产和检测,我们目前在三个主要业务市场运营:(i) 用于生产核酸类生物制品和药物(包括生物制品和药物)的合成DNA的酶法制造,以及专有RNA聚合酶("RNAP")的开发和销售,用于生产信使核糖核酸("mRNA")生物制品的"疗法DNA生产服务";(ii) 分子诊断和基因检测服务("MDx检测服务")中的DNA和RNA的检测;以及(iii) 供应链和安防服务("DNA标记和安防产品和服务")中的DNA的生产和检测。








通过我们的子公司LineaRX, Inc.,我们正在开发和商业化我们的Linea DNA和Linea IVt平台,用于合成DNA和专有酶的制造,以用于核酸 疗法的生产。


Linea DNA平台


我们的Linea DNA平台是我们的核心启用技术,并且能够快速、高效和大规模地无细胞制造高保真度的DNA序列,用于制造各种核酸治疗剂。Linea DNA平台以酶的方式生产我们称之为「LineaDNA」的线性DNA,这是一种可替代传统以质粒为基础的DNA制造技术的新技术,这些技术在过去40年里一直提供用于生物治疗的DNA。





截至2024年日历第三季度,从临床前到预备登记阶段,共有4,099个基因、电芯和RNA治疗正在开发中,其中几乎所有都在制造过程中使用DNA。(资料来源:ASGCt基因、电芯和RNA治疗景观:2024年第三季度季度报告)。由于我们相信Linea DNA平台在传统核酸疗法制造平台上具有众多优势,我们认为开发中的这么多治疗方案代表了Linea DNA平台在取代旧制造方法中的市场机会,制造核酸疗法,但无法保证我们将成功利用此市场机会。


我们相信我们的Linea DNA平台在多个重要优势上超越现有的基于细胞的质粒DNA制造平台。基于质粒的DNA制造是基于在活体细菌细胞中放大DNA的复杂、昂贵和耗时的生物过程。一旦DNA被放大,则必须通过多轮纯化将DNA与活细胞和其他过程杂质分离,进一步增加了复杂性和成本。与基于质粒的DNA制造不同,Linea DNA平台不需要活细胞,而是通过PCR的酶促过程放大DNA。Linea DNA平台简单且可以快速生产大量DNA,无需进行复杂的净化步骤。


我们相信Linea DNA平台的主要优势包括:


  速度 - Linea DNA的制造可以以小时计算,而不是以质体为基础的DNA制造平台需要的天数和周数。


  可扩展性 - Linea DNA 生产在高效的台面仪器上进行,可在最小的占地面积内快速扩展。


  纯度- 通过PCR产生的DNA是纯净的,只含有大量的目标DNA序列。如质粒DNA所含的质粒骨架和抗生素抗性基因等不需要的DNA序列,在Linea DNA中不存在。


  简朴-与基于质粒的DNA生产相比,Linea DNA的生产过程更为简化。Linea DNA仅需要四种主要成分,不需要活细胞或复杂的发酵系统,也不需要多轮纯化。


  灵活性-通过Linea DNA平台生产的DNA可以被轻松地进行化学修饰,以适应特定客户应用。此外,Linea DNA平台可以生产各种复杂的DNA序列,这些序列难以通过基于质粒的DNA生产平台来生产。这些复杂序列包括倒置末端重复("ITRs")和长的同质聚合物,如对基因治疗和mRNA治疗分别重要的多腺苷酸聚合序列(poly(A)尾巴)。


公司进行的临床前研究显示, Linea DNA可替代贵宾DNA,应用于众多基于核酸的治疗中,包括:




  DNA 模板可制造 RNA,包括 mRNA 治疗药物;









此外,我们认为Linea DNA 在以下核酸基础治疗中也可替代负质体DNA:


  病毒载体制造业-半导体用于体内体外 基因编辑;


  CRISPR介导的基因疗法; 及


  截至2021年第四季度,有3,483种基于基因、细胞和RNA疗法正在从临床前研究到预注册等各个阶段进行开发,其中几乎所有疗法在其制造过程中都使用了DNA。(参考文献:ASGCT基因、细胞和RNA疗法市场景观:Q4 2021季度报告)。由于我们认为linDNA平台具有许多优于基于质粒的DNA制造平台的优点,因此我们认为,正在开发中的这么多疗法代表着linDNA在核酸类治疗制造中取代质粒DNA的重大市场机会。


Linea IVt平台


mRNA疗法的数量正在以迅速的速度增长,部分归因于mRNA COVID-19疫苗的成功。mRNA疗法是通过一种名为"IVT"的过程来生产的,该过程需要DNA作为起始物质。截至2024年第三季度,有超过450种mRNA疗法正在开发中,其中大多数疗法(67%)处于临床前阶段(来源:ASGCt基因、细胞和RNA疗法景观:Q2 2024季度报告)。公司认为mRNA市场处于初期阶段,代表着公司通过生产和提供DNA关键起始物质和RNAP来生产mRNA疗法的巨大增长机会。在体外转录("IVT")的过程需要DNA作为起始物质。截至2024年第三季度,有超过450种mRNA疗法正在开发中,其中大多数疗法(67%)处于临床前阶段(来源:ASGCt基因、细胞和RNA疗法景观:Q2 2024季度报告)。公司认为mRNA市场处于初期阶段,代表着公司通过生产和提供DNA关键起始物质和RNAP来生产mRNA疗法。


2022年8月,公司推出了通过其Linea DNA平台制造的DNA IVt模板,这些模板已经得到了美国和亚太地区众多治疗开发商和CDMO的评估。此外,公司的IVt模板正在被两家治疗开发商和一家CDMO进行后期评估,以用作用于临床用途的mRNA生产的模板。然而,不能保证将会签订相关合同。为了满足这种需求,mRNA治疗市场持续增长以及Linea DNA平台的独特能力,公司于2023年7月收购了Spindle,以潜在地扩大其与mRNA相关的总地址市场(“TAM”)。


通过收购Spindle,我们在2023年7月推出了我们的Linea IVt平台,该平台将Spindle的专有高性能RNAP与我们酶产生的Linea DNA IVt模板结合,现已由公司市场化为Linea RNAP。我们相信Linea IVt平台能够让我们的客户更快更好地生产mRNA。根据公司生成的数据,我们相信集成的Linea IVt平台相对于传统的mRNA生产对疗法开发者和制造商提供了以下优势:










根据公司的内部建模,通过在Linea IVt平台下同时销售Linea DNA IVt模板和Linea RNAP,潜在地将公司与mRNA相关的市场总地址由仅销售Linea DNA IVt模板综合增加大约3-5倍,同时也为mRNA制造市场提供了更具竞争力的产品。目前,Linea RNAP由美国Alphazyme,LLC的第三方CDMO根据ISO 13485质量体系为公司生产。公司最近完成了其Linea RNAP的制造工艺开发工作,以增加酶的生产规模和降低单位成本。







公司计划推出几个质量等级的Linea DNA,每个等级都有不同的允许用途。


质量等级 允许使用 公司状况 
全球货币 研究和临床前发现 目前可用
起始物料的GMP 用于生产mRNA疗法的DNA关键起始物料 计划于2024年第四季度推出
GMP DNA生物制品、药物物质和/或药物制品 计划于2025年下半年推出(1)
  (1) 取决于未来融资的可获性。  

我们目前正在按照《良好实验室规范》制造Linea DNA,并且正在最后阶段在我们目前纽约斯多尼布鲁克实验室的空间内创建一个合适的制造设施,能够按照《良好生产规范》生产适用于临床和商业mRNA治疗的Linea DNA IVt模板,预计于2024年日历年第四季度完成(GMP工厂1号)。我们还计划提供额外的Linea DNA IVt模板产能以及符合GMP标准的Linea DNA材料产能,可用作生物制品、药品原料和/或药品成品,预计在2025年日历年下半年提供,取决于未来资金的可用性(GMP工厂2号)。GMP是全球范围内以及美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)所使用的质量标准,用于确保药品质量。药品成分是药品产品中的药用活性成分。




我们针对我们的治疗性DNA生产服务的业务策略是,通过我们计划在不久的将来在GMP Site 1制造的Linea DNA IVT模板的近期未来供应,利用mRNA治疗迅速增长的机会,同时为线上DNA的额外临床和商业应用奠定基础,通过我们未来计划的Linea DNA在GMP Site 2适用于用作生物学、药品成分和/或药品的GMP生产,或作为生物学材料、药物成分和/或药品的计划GMP Site 2可为GMP Site 1的总产能提供额外的Linea DNA IVT模板制造服务,如果客户需求超过GMP Site 1的产能。我们当前的计划是:(i)通过我们的Linea IVt平台和计划中的GMP Site 1的IVt模板的GMP生产能力,在临近的未来与mRNA和/或自体扩增mRNA("sa-RNA")制造商签订商业规模的供应合同,以供应Linea DNA IVT模板和/或Linea RNAP作为重要的起始材料;(ii) 利用我们当前的GLP生产能力,为非IVt模板应用提供供应和/或与在其治疗生产中使用DNA的临床前疗法开发者签订开发合同;(iii) 在我们计划的未来Linea DNA在GMP Site 2适用于用作生物学、药品成分和/或药品的GMP生产达到后,将现有和新客户转变为大规模供应合同,为广泛范围的核酸治疗提供供应Linea DNA,用作生物学、药品成分和/或药物,直至我们完成GMP Site 1生产DNA的关键起始材料(DNA IVt模板)用于mRNA生产,我们将无法从这项业务中获得显著的收入。我们估计创立GMP Site 1所需的剩余资本支出(CAPEX)成本将低于$30万。如果我们扩展我们的设施,使GMP Site 2的计划生产线上DNA用于生物学、药品成分和/或药品的用途,额外的CAPEX可能高达约$1000万,这将需要额外的资金。我们目前正在我们现有的实验室空间内建立GMP Site 1。我们预计GMP Site 2将需要我们收购额外的空间。




通过Applied DNA Clinical Labs,LLC(“ADCL”),我们利用我们在DNA和RNA检测领域的专业知识,通过PCR技术提供和开发临床分子诊断和遗传(统称“MDx”)检测服务。ADCL是纽约州卫生部(“NYSDOH”)的临床实验室改进修正法案(CLIA)认证实验室,目前允许进行病毒学和遗传学(分子)检测。在提供MDx检测服务时,ADCL使用自己或第三方的分子诊断试验。







2024年6月12日,我们获得了纽约州卫生部对我们的 PGx 检测服务的全面批准。最近发表的研究表明,规模化的 PGx 可以显著降低整体人口的医疗成本,减少不良药物事件,提高整体人口的福祉。这些好处可以为大型实体和自保雇主带来显著的成本节约,后者在2022年占据了所有美国雇主的约65%。我们打算利用我们的PGx检测服务向大型实体、自保雇主和医疗机构以及保健提供者提供PGx检测服务。


2024年9月11日,我们宣布ADCL已经推出扩展其临床测试服务的新服务,用于检测Mpox(原名为猴痘)的Clade I和Clade II。 扩展的Mpox测试服务推出是在ADCL与相关监管机构,包括纽约州卫生部(NYSDOH)和美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)进行互动之后。公司认为ADCL将能够支持纽约和其他州对Mpox威胁的应对。ADCL的Linea Mpox Virus 1.0 Assay此前已于2022年9月被纽约州卫生部批准为Mpox Clade II的实验室开发测试。2024年8月,ADCL进行了额外的验证测试,显示该检测可以检测到Mpox Clade I的遗传序列,这是世界卫生组织(WHO)在2024年8月14日宣布的国际关注的公共卫生紧急事件。ADCL将从其位于纽约Stony Brook的CLEP/CLIA分子诊断实验室提供测试服务。我们不能保证能够从Mpox测试中产生营业收入和利润。


历史上,我们营业收入的大部分来自于我们的MDx检测服务,来源于我们的safeCircle® COVID-19检测解决方案,但在2023财年第三季度开始,测试需求显著下降,导致收入大幅减少。我们预计未来对COVID-19检测的需求将继续减少,我们可能会在将来终止COVID-19检测服务。




通过充分利用我们在通过PCR制造和检测DNA的专业知识,我们的DNA标记和安防-半导体产品和服务使客户能够使用在我们的Linea DNA平台上制造的非生物DNA标记以独特方式标记物体,然后通过检测DNA标记的存在或缺失来识别这些物体。公司的核心DNA标记和安防-半导体产品和服务,作为CertainT®商标下的一个平台共同营销,包括:


  SigNature®分子标记是由公司的Linea DNA平台生产的短非生物DNA标记,为验证大型和复杂供应链中的商品提供了一种方法,重点关注棉花、保健品和其他产品。










《维吾尔强迫劳动预防法案(“UFLPA”)》于2021年12月23日签署成为法律,规定任何在中国人民共和国的新疆维吾尔自治区完全或部分开采、生产或制造的商品不得进入美国。2022年6月17日,UFLPA另外将DNA标记和同位素分析列为进口商可能用来潜在证明货物不是源自新疆维吾尔自治区的证据。最近,2024年7月,该公司宣布与跨国服装/纺织制造和采购公司Indus Group签署了一项为期多年的CertainT平台商业化协议。





我们的业务计划是利用消费者和政府的意识 对产品溯源进行扩展,以扩大我们现有的合作伙伴关系,并寻求新的合作伙伴关系,重点放在棉花上。




根据2024年5月29日提交的8-k表格,公司关闭了一项公开发行("2024年5月发行")普通股和认股权证,包括A系列认股证券("2024年5月A系列认股证券"),由Craig-Hallum和Laidlaw & Company(UK)Ltd.("Laidlaw")作为配售代理。作为2024年5月发行的一部分,公司与Craig-Hallum和Laidlaw签订了一份放置代理协议,日期为2024年5月28日("放置代理协议")。












我们是一家特拉华州的公司,最初在1983年根据佛罗里达州法律成立为Datalink Systems, Inc。1998年,我们在内华达州重新注册,并于2002年将我们的名称更改为现在的名称,Applied DNA Sciences, Inc。2008年12月17日,我们从内华达州重新注册到特拉华州。


我们的公司总部位于纽约长岛州立大学石溪分校的长岛高科技孵化器,在那里我们建立了用于制造和检测核酸(DNA和mRNA)的实验室,以支持我们的各项业务部门。此外,该地点还设有我们的纽约州立卫生部(CLEP)许可的临床实验室改善法案("CLIA")认证的临床实验室,我们在那里进行MDx检测服务。我们公司总部的邮寄地址是纽约州石溪市健康科学大道50号,邮政编码11790,我们的电话号码是(631) 240-8800。







我们提供的普通股 19,247,498 股普通股(以下简称「股份」)。
我们提供的预资认股权证 预先资助认股权证购买最多 1,065,002 股普通股 代替部分投资者发出股份,他们在本次发行中购买普通股份,否则会导致投资者造成投资者; 与其附属公司一起拥有超过 4.99%(或在投资者选择时,9.99%)的普通股份。每个 预先资助认股权证将适用于本公司普通股份的一股。每张预先资助认股证的购买价格将等于 在此次发行中一股普通股份出售公众的价格,减少 $0.0001,以及每份预先资金的行使价 认股证将为每股 0.0001 美元。预先资助认股权证将可立即行使,并可在任何时间行使,直到 预先资助认股权证全部行使。此发售亦与行使任何一项可发行的普通股股份有关。 在此次发行中出售的预先资助认股权证。
此次发行后未偿还的普通股 51,545,536 人,假设全额行使预先资助认股权证(在每个情况下,假设不行使在并行私人配售中发行的系列认股认股证或配售代理认股权证)。

在并行私人配售中,我们正在销售 致本发行 C 系列认股权证中本公司普通股股份的投资者购买最多 20,312,500 股普通股股份, 及 D 系认股权证购买最多 20,312,500 股普通股。我们将从并行私人收到总收益 配售交易仅在该等认股权证以现金行使的范围内。每份 C 系认股证的行使价为 普通股每股 0.32 美元,将于股东批准日后可行使,并将于五周年纪念日到期 股东批准日期。每股 D 系认股权证的行使价为每股普通股 0.32 美元,将可行使 于股东批准日期,并将在股东批准日期的十八个月周年届满。


根据 D 系列认股权证的替代无现金行使选择, D 系列认股权证持有人,有权获得相等于 (x) 总数的累计数量的股份 在现金行使 D 系列认股权证及 (y) 1.0 后可发行的普通股股份。此外,D 系列 认股权证将包括一项条款,在我们普通股反向分割时将其行使价重设为等于价格 至开始期间 (i) 当时行使价和 (ii) 最低交易量加权平均价格(VWAP)的较低价格 在我们未来实施反向股票分割之日起开始的五个交易日及开始的五个交易日 对 D 系列认股权证的基础股份数量进行比例调整,最低限额为 0.0634 元。


系列认股权证及本公司股份 根据第 4 (a) (2) 条所规定的豁免,在行使系列认股权证后可发行的股票 根据该法发布的证券法及 / 或第 D 条例,并不根据本招股章程补充文件发售,以及 随附的招股章程。请参阅本招股章程附录第 S-18 页的「私人配售认股权证」 有关并行私人产品的更完整描述。

配售代理认股权证 我们将向克雷格-哈伦(或其各自指定的人)发放置位置 代理认股权证购买相等于本发售中发行之股份及预先资助认股权证数量之 5.0% 的股份 价格等于 0.32 美元,该价格在股东批准日期可行使,并且有效日期为自日期起计五年 本招股章程补充文件。请参阅本招股章程第 S-21 页的「分销计划」。


募集款项用途 我们打算利用从证券出售中获得的净收益,用于进一步发展我们的治疗性DNA生产服务,以及一般企业用途,可能包括研究和开发费用、资本支出、策略性重组成本、运营资金和一般行政费用,以及可能收购或投资与我们业务相辅相成的企业、产品和技术,尽管截至本招股说明书日期,我们尚无进行任何此类收购或投资的现有承诺或协议。请参阅第S-16页的“资金用途”。


风险因素 您应该阅读本增补说明书中的「风险因素」部分,以及附属说明书和本增补说明书所参考的文件,以讨论在决定购买我们的普通股之前应考虑的因素。


纳斯达克股市上的标的 “APDN”







  ·   截至2024年10月29日,期权行使后发行的普通股为108,176股,每股加权平均履行价为186.16美元;


  ·   自2024年10月29日起,12,774,426股普通股可通过行使权证发行,每股加权平均行使价为3.21美元(其中包括11,487,8212024年5月A系列权证(如下定义)和2024年5月B系列权证(如下定义)的总计,其中有2,257,052具有可选的无现金行使机制,代表每个权证权利可获得3股普通股);


  ·   4062,500,000股普通股可通过行使Series warrants而发行,其行使需经warrant股东批准,其中20,312,500股设有替代无现金行使机制 代表拥有每张认股权证可收取1股普通股;并


  ·   截至2024年10月29日,根据我们的股权激励计划,有269,069股普通股用于未来授予或发行。









投资我们的证券涉及高风险。除了其他在本增补说明书和随附的说明书中列入或引用的资讯外,您应该仔细考虑下面描述的风险,以及我们最近一个财政年度向SEC提交的年度报告Form 10-k 中标题为“风险因素”的部分,随后的季度报告Form 10-Q,以及在随后提交给SEC的修订或更新后的任何报告,以及我们向SEC提交和引用在此的其他报告,然后再做出投资决定。以下风险是根据本增补说明书的日期呈现的,我们预期这些风险会不时在我们向SEC提交的定期和即时报告中进行更新,这些报告将在此引用。请参考这些随后的报告以获取有关投资我们证券所涉风险的其他信息。


所述风险和不确定性 以及以下可能对我们的业务、营运成果和基本报表产生实质不利影响,同时可能导致我们普通股价值下降。由于这些,您可能会损失全部或部分投资。您还应参考本招股说明书补充资料和随附招股说明书中包含的其他资讯,或通过参考我们的基本报表和该等报表附注、以及标题“前瞻性声明特别注意事项”下所载的信息。 我们的实际结果可能会与这些前瞻性声明中预期的有实质差异,这是由于某些因素,包括下述风险。此招股说明书中包含的前瞻性声明系基于我们于本日期可取得的信息,而通过引用贯入文件中的所有前瞻性声明则基于我们取得该等文件之日期的信息。我们不接受更新任何前瞻性声明的意图。下述所载风险和 包含于我们的年度报告第10k表格、第10-Q季度报告以及其他定期报告中的风险不是我们面临的唯一风险。我们目前未知或目前认为不重要的其他风险也可能对我们的业务运营产生不利影响。














为了实现我们的业务目标,包括扩大我们的治疗性DNA生产服务,我们将需要筹集额外的所有基金类型。我们将需要筹集大量额外的资本来完成我们Linea DNA和Linea IVt平台的开发和商业化。即使筹集了额外的资本,我们可能选择专注于一个或多个开发计划,延迟或停止其他开发计划。

























我们可能无法完全实施我们的业务策略,或在预期时间范围内完全或部分实现我们各种增长或其他倡议所预期的利益。 我们各种业务策略和倡议,包括我们的增长、运营和管理倡议,尤其是我们治疗性DNA生产服务的发展,都面临著业务、经济和竞争性的不确定性和意外因素,其中许多是我们无法控制的。 我们业务策略的执行和我们的财务表现将继续在很大程度上取决于我们获得足够融资的能力,以及我们的执行管理团队和其他关键管理人员的能力,我们能够辨识并完成合适的收购,我们执行管理团队的能力来执行新的运营倡议,以及某些我们无法控制的事项。 此外,随著我们推动增长、运营和管理倡议,我们可能会产生某些成本,并且我们可能无法符合预期的实施时间表或控制预算成本。 随著这些倡议的进行,我们可能无法完全实现我们预期的效率改善或增长率,或这些倡议可能对我们客户保留、供应商关系或运营造成不利影响。 此外,我们的业务策略可能会根据我们实施业务倡议的能力、竞争压力、经济不确定性或发展情况,或其他因素而不时变化。















另外,且受特定豁免条件限制,如果我们卖出、签署买卖协议,或授予任何股票购买选择权,或卖出、签署买卖协议,或授予任何重新定价权利(不包括在《Placement Agency Agreement》中定义的豁免发行),或以低于当前生效中的2024年5月A系列认股权的行使价的每股价格出售,则2024年5月A系列认股权的行使价格将降低至每股报价价格,但不得低于$0.20,并且可行使的股份数将按比例调整,以使总行使价保持不变。








此外,第D系列认股权将包含一项条款,即在我们的普通股进行逆向拆分时,重新设定其行使价格为以下两者中较低者的价格(i)当时的行使价格和(ii)在我们未来进行逆向股票分割当日之前五个交易日以及当日起计五个交易日的最低成交量加权平均价格(VWAP),并对处于底线0.0634美元的Series D认股权所包含的股份数进行比例调整。





















不能保证我们的Linea™ Mpox病毒检测试剂盒和/或mpox检测服务将出现商业需求。


2024年9月11日,公司宣布与纽约州卫生部及美国FDA等相关监管机构进行交流后,将在纽约州以及承认纽约CLEP/CLIA认证的州,推出用于mpox clade I和clade II的Linea mpox病毒测试服务(“试剂盒”)的临床测试服务。截至目前,公司尚未为mpox clade I或clade II进行临床测试。未来对于试剂盒和/或相关的mpox测试服务的商业需求将取决于mpox公共卫生紧急情况未知且不可预测的未来走向。目前,在美国mpox疾病(包括clade I和clade II)的患病率极低,导致对临床mpox测试的需求非常有限。目前不清楚未来是否会出现对试剂盒的商业需求。




我们的普通股目前在纳斯达克上市。 为了继续在纳斯达克上市,我们必须继续满足某些“持续上市标准”,包括遵守买盘价格规则。目前,我们满足所有这些要求。但是,我们的股票目前在纳斯达克以不到1.00美元的价格交易。如果我们的股票价格不升,我们可能不符合买盘价格规则,有被纳斯达克摘牌的风险。如果我们的普通股从纳斯达克摘牌,摘牌可能对我们的普通股价格、股价波动性和/或投资中的流动性产生负面影响。


根据证券购买协议,如果公司在股东批准日期后任何时候未违反纳斯达克的买盘价格规则并收到纳斯达克股票市场LLC上市资格部门的缺陷函,则公司必须进行其普通股的股份合并("逆向股份合并")。 公司必须在股东批准日期后的30天内进行逆向股份合并; 前提是如果在该30天内公司恢复遵守买盘价格规则,公司将无需进行逆向股份合并。








本补充说明书及随附的招股书,包括在此及其中所纳入的文件以及我们已授权用于与此次发行有关的任何自由书面说明书,均包含有关我们业务、操作和财务表现及控制项的前瞻性陈述,以及我们业务操作和财务表现及控制项的计划、目标和期望。 任何本文件中包含的非历史事实陈述均可能被视为前瞻性陈述。在某些情况下,您可根据“can”、“may”、“could”、“should”、“assume”、“forecasts”、“believe”、“designed to”、“will”、“expect”、“plan”、“anticipate”、“estimate”、“potential”、“position”、“predicts”、“strategy”、“guidance”、“intend”、“budget”、“seek”、“project”或“continue”等术语来识别前瞻性陈述,或其否定词或其他相应术语,涉及到信念、计划、期望或意图,或与未来有关的。您应该仔细阅读包含这些字词的陈述,因为它们:


  · 讨论我们对未来的期望;


  · 包含我们未来营运或财务状况的预测;以及


  · 陈述其他「前瞻性」资讯。







  · 我们对未来收入、支出、资本或其他资金需求的期望;


  · 我们的现金和营运资本是否足以支持目前和计划中的业务和增长;


  · 对我们作为持续经营实体的能力存在重大疑虑;


  · 我们需要额外融资,这可能需要发行额外的普通股、优先股或其他债务或股权证券(包括可换股证券),这将稀释股东持有的所有权;


  · 我们的业务策略以及扩张计划的时间安排,包括为我们的治疗性DNA生产服务开发新的生产设施;


  · 对治疗性DNA生产服务的需求;


  · 对DNA标记服务的需求;


  · 对MDx检测服务的需求;


  · 我们对现有或潜在的第三方合作或合资开发和许可协议的期望;


  · 我们治疗性DNA生产服务的监管批准和合规性,是我们业务策略所主要依赖的。


  · 我们是否能够实现从收购Spindle中预期的好处?


  · 政府规定通常的影响;


  · 我们对提交监管申请的时间以及监管批准可能获得的时间的期望。


  · 有关产品候选者及技术的期望;


  · 我们对业务模式重组的潜在期望;


  · 我们何时或是否会变得有利可图的期望;


  · 我们的LDT可能会因FDA的立法活动而需要遵循额外的监管要求,并且遵守这些规定可能会又贵又耗时,导致重大或意料之外的延迟;并


  · 未知未来市场对于 Linea Mpox 病毒 1.0 分析与相关的 mpox 测试服务的需求。


我们所有的前瞻性陈述都有可能被证明是错误的。它们可能受到我们可能做出的不准确假设或已知或未知的风险和不确定性影响。 实际结果与我们的前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的可能存在重大差异。可能影响未来结果的因素包括:


  · 根据我们尚未完全证明的新技术进行产品开发,存在著固有的不确定因素;


  · 对于在临床测试时似乎安全有效的配方和治疗对人体实际效果的风险和不确定性;


  · 利用我们的治疗性DNA制备服务的配方和治疗方案;


  · 与使用我们的治疗性DNA生产服务的产品候选者相关的临床试验所固有的不确定性;





  · 市场产品候选者获得监管清洁或核准的过程中所带来的固有不确定性,包括使用我们治疗性DNA生产服务的产品候选者;


  · 市场化产品存在著固有的不确定性,包括已获得监管机构批准的产品,其中包括使用我们的治疗性DNA生产服务的产品;


  · 与我们的PGx检测服务商业化相关的固有不确定性;


  · 一般经济和行业条件,以及我们特定市场的情况;


  · 我们股价的波动和下降;以及


  · 我们有能力取得必要的融资来支持我们的运营并实现我们的战略发展计划。

















我们估计完成我们的GMP Site 1的剩余CAPEX以进行DNA模板生产将少于30万美元。in vitro 如果我们要扩建我们的设施以实现GMP Site 2的Linea DNA的GMP生产,用于预定的生物制剂、药品原料和/或药品,CAPEX可能高达约1000万美元。我们目前正在现有的实验室空间内建设GMP Site 1。我们预计建立GMP Site 2需要我们收购额外的空间。



















每股公开发售价  $0.32 
2024年6月30日的历史净有形帐面价值每股  $0.94 
预计每股净资产相对于所有投资者下降  $(0.64)
在此次发售后我们普通股每股调整后的净账面价值  $0.30 
对参与本次发售的投资者每股稀释  $0.02 


上述讨论和表格并未考虑账户的进一步稀释,该稀释可能发生于已发行的期权和warrants行使时,包括在这次发行中提供的预先资助warrants,以及与此发行中每股公开发行价格较低的每股exrercise price的同时定向增发的Series Warrants。


发行后即时股份总数基于 2024 年 6 月 30 日时已发行的共计 31,233,036 股普通股(2024 年 6 月 30 日时已发行 10,299,385 股普通股,加上 2024 年 6 月 30 日后发行的股份,主要由于行使 20,933,651 张认股权证),不包括:


  ·   截至2024年6月30日,108,801股普通股可通过行使期权而发行,每股加权平均行使价为185.23美元。


  ·   截至2024年6月30日,12,774,426股普通股可通过行使认股权发行(更新至2024年6月30日后行使的认股权),加权平均行使价为每股3.21美元(其中包括11,487,821张2024年5月到期的认股权,其中2,257,052张具有替代免现行使机制,代表每张认股权有权获得3股普通股);


  ·   4062,500,000股普通股可通过行使Series warrants而发行,其行使需经warrant股东批准,其中20,312,500股设有替代无现金行使机制 代表拥有每张认股权证可收取1股普通股;并


  ·   截至2024年6月30日,根据我们的股权激励计划,预留了268,464股普通股用于未来授予或发行。


上述讨论和表格假设不出售预资助认股证,若出售将减少我们按一对一基础发行的普通股数目。-每一股股票 基准。











根据乙类股权证的借现金无现金行使选项,乙类股权证持有人有权收到股份总数,相等于( x )乙类股权证现金行使所能发行的普通股总数和( y ) 1.0 的乘积。此外,乙类股权证将包括条款,当我们的普通股进行逆向拆分时,重设它们各自的行使价格为( i ) 现时的行使价格和(ii) 未来进行逆向股份拆分时两方案中的较低成交量加权平均价格(VWAP) ,采用在进行逆向股票拆分之前五个交易日起和进行逆向股票拆分当天起的五个交易日期间的最低VWAP,同时对乙类股权证底下股份数量进行比例调整,但底价为0.0634美元。






















我们正在提供股份(或预先资助的认股权证) 在此发行中(以及不时可行使预先资助的认股权证以获得我们的普通股)











































我们已委托Craig-Hallum担任我们的专属 下单代理,根据一份关于此次发行的协议书,日期为2024年8月23日(「协议书」)。Craig-Hallum不会购买或出售我们在本招股说明书补充资料中提供的任何证券,但已同意尽最大努力安排出售本招股说明书补充资料中提供的股份(或预付warrants)。Craig-Hallum可能保留次级代理商和精选经销商以便进行此次发行。












   每股盈余   Per Pre-
公开发售价格  $0.32   $0.3199   $6,499,893.50 
承销商费用  $0.0192   $0.01919   $389,993.61 
在扣除开支之前,我们的收益  $0.3008   $0.3007   $6,109,899.89 












































有关此次发行的证券的有效性,将由我们的法律顾问McDermott Will & Emery LLP,在纽约,纽约州担保。Craig-Hallum在与此次发行有关的事宜中由Ellenoff Grossman & Schole LLP,在纽约,纽约州代表。




Marcum LLP,独立注册会计师事务所,已就我们截至2023年9月30日年度的综合财务报告进行审核,其报告已包含在我们在表格10-K中的年度报告中(该报告中包含有关应用DNA Sciences Inc.及其子公司是否具有持续营商能力存在重大疑虑的说明段落,如附注b所述),该报告已经被引用于招股说明书补充说明之中。我们的综合财务报表是在Marcum LLP报告的依据下并依靠其作为会计和审计专家的权威而被引用。




我们已向美国证券交易委员会提交了一份Form S-3(档案号333-272267)的登记声明,根据证券法,本说明书补充部分为其一部分。美国证券交易委员会的规定允许我们在本说明书补充部分和附随说明书中省略在登记声明中包括的某些信息。有关我们及本说明书补充部分和附随说明书所提供的证券的更多信息,您应参考登记声明以及随附在登记声明中提交的陈述书及资料。就本说明书补充部分和附随说明书中任何协议或其他文件的内容所包含的陈述,每次均因该协议或文件的全部文字有资格披露,复印本已作为登记声明的展示而提交。


我们根据交易所法案向证券交易委员会提交报告、代理委任书和其他资讯。证券交易委员会拥有一个网站,其中包含向证券交易委员会电子提交报告、代理委任书和其他资讯的发行人(包括我们)的相关资讯。该网站的网址是 www.sec.gov.






  ·   我们于2023年9月30日的财政年度向美国证券交易委员会提交的10-K表格年度报告。 2023年12月7日为何Corcept Therapeutics股票今天飙升? 2024年1月26日;


  ·   我们在2023年12月31日结束的每季度以10-Q表格提交给SEC。 2024年2月8日, 2024年3月31日结束的每季度以10-Q表格提交给SEC。 2024年5月10日于2024年6月30日提交给证券交易委员会 (SEC) 的文件。 2024年8月8日分别于对应日期提交;


  ·   我们关于Form 8-k目前的报告(除了根据Form 8-k的2.02或7.01条款提交的部分以及附带此等报告的与该等事项相关的附件)提交给委员会的报告。2023年11月7日提交的我们目前Form 8-k的报告。2023年12月6日2024年1月5日2024年1月31日2024年2月1日,包括附注99.1,我们的报告在2024年4月16日提交的6-k表格2024年4月19日申报者截至2023年12月31日止的年度报告10-K(档案号码001-39875),已向委员会提交。,根据修订条款2024年4月23日, 于2024年5月16日制定此计划, 2024年5月29日, 2024年6月18日, 2024年6月28日, 2024年7月15日, 2024年8月2日, If, on any monthly Observation Date, the Observation Value of , 2024年9月30日2024年10月31日并且


  ·   我们的资本股描述载于提交给委员会的8-A表格(文件编号001-36745)上的登记声明中。 2014年11月13日根据《交易所法》第12条(b)条款,包括为更新该描述而提交的任何修订或报告。





您可在SEC维护的网站上取得这些文件的副本。http://www.sec.gov或从我们免费获取(其他费用除外,除非此类文件的展示品被明确纳入此类文件中)方法是写信给我们的公司秘书,应用DNA Sciences公司,50 Health Sciences Drive,Stony Brook,纽约11790或访问我们的网站。http://www.adnas.com我们网站上包含的信息并未纳入本招股说明书补充内容,不应视为本招股说明书补充内容的一部分。































本招股说明书描述了可能适用于这些证券的一些一般条款。 当我们决定卖出特定类别或系列的证券时,我们将在一个或多个招股说明书补充中提供所述证券的具体条款。我们也可能授权一个或多个自由书面招股说明书与这些发行有关时提供给你。


说明书补充说明书以及任何已纳入其中的文件,可能会新增、更新或更改包含或纳入本说明书中的资讯。 但是,除非在生效时尚未注册并描述的证券在本说明书中,否则不得在任何说明书补充中提供证券。 在您投资前,您应仔细阅读本说明书以及任何说明书补充,以及纳入本说明书中的或被视为纳入本说明书中的文件以及任何自由书面说明。 除非附带有关所提供证券的说明书补充,否则本说明书不得用于提供或出售我们的证券。


我们的普通股在纳斯达克资本市场下的标的为“APDN”。每份说明书补充资料将包含相关信息,关于我们在任何证券交易所上市的证券。 我们未被关联方持有的流通普通股的总市值为$14,640,981,根据12,908,520股流通普通股,其中177,232股为关联方持有,每股价格为$1.15,这是我们普通股的最后报价价格,报导于2023年5月24日在纳斯达克资本市场。根据Form S-3的一般指示I.b.6,我们绝不会在任何12个日历月份期间出售超过我们公开流通股(由我们的非关联方持有的普通股市值)的三分之一价值的在公开首次发行的注册证券,只要我们的公开流通股保持在$7500万以下。 我们在此说明书日期之前12个日历月份内未根据Form S-3的一般指示I.b.6提供任何证券。截至2023年5月24日,我们的公开流通股的三分之一大约等于$4,880,000。




对我们证券的投资涉及高度风险。 请参见我们最近的年度10-k表格中标题为“风险因素”的部分,以及任何10-Q季度报告 以及任何8-k周期性报告,以及涉及这些特定发行的任何说明书补充或自由书写说明书。














目 录


关于本招股说明书 1
简式招股书概要 2
风险因素 3
前瞻性陈述 4
募集资金的用途 7
分红政策 8
我们可能提供股票的描述 8
配售计划 27
法律问题 29
专家 29
更多资讯可于以下地方找到 30
已纳入引用的信息。 30









这份招股说明书未包含我们向美国证券交易委员会提交的登记声明中提供的所有资讯。有关我们或本次证券发行的更多信息,您应参阅该登记声明,该登记声明可以根据下文描述的 “您可以找到更多信息的地方” 从美国证券交易委员会获得。




我们可能透过承销商或经销商、透过代理人、直接向买家或通过这些方法的任何组合出售证券。 我们及我们的代理保留接受或拒绝全部或部分任何拟议证券购买的唯一权利。我们每次提供证券时将准备并向SEC提交的招股说明书将列明参与证券销售的任何承销商、代理人或其他人的名称,以及与他们相关的任何适用的费用、佣金或折扣安排。请参见"配销计划"。


在本招股说明书中,除非另有说明,“登记机构”,“本公司”,“我们”,“我们”或“我们的”指的是Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.,一家特拉华州的公司及其合并子公司。













  购买普通股、优先股或认股权的权利; 以及


在一个或多个发行活动中,最高可达7500万美元。 本招股说明书向您提供我们可能提供的证券的一般描述。每次我们卖出证券时,我们将提供一份招股说明书,其中将包含有关该特定发行的条款的具体信息,并包括关于适用于该等证券的任何风险因素或其他特殊事项的讨论。 招股说明书还可以补充、更新或更改本招股说明书中包含的信息。您应该阅读这份招股说明书以及任何招股说明书,以及在“您可以找到更多信息”标题下描述的其他信息。












我们是一家特拉华州的公司,最初于1983年根据佛罗里达州法律成立为Datalink Systems,Inc。1998年,我们在内华达州重新组织,并于2002年将我们的名称更改为我们目前的名称,Applied DNA Sciences,Inc。2008年12月17日,我们从内华达州重新组建到特拉华州。


我们的企业总部位于纽约长岛高科技孵化器,位于纽约州石溪大学的斯托尼布鲁克,我们在此设立了DNA的制造和检测实验室,以支持我们不同的业务部门。此外,这个地点还设有我们纽约州卫生部(NYSDOH)临床实验室评估计划(CLEP)允许的临床实验室,并获得了临床实验室改善修订(CLIA)认证,我们在这里提供MDx测试服务。我们企业总部的邮寄地址是纽约州斯托尼布鲁克的Health Sciences Drive 50号,邮递区号11790,我们的电话号码是(631) 240-8800。







投资我们的证券涉及高度风险。 在决定是否投资我们的证券之前,您应仔细考虑和评估我们“风险因素”中讨论的具体因素。 年度报告表格10-k涉及截至2022年9月30日的财政年度于2022年12月14日提交,已被美国证券交易委员会修订,并任何后续年度报告表格10-k,季度报告表格10-Q和定期报告表格8-k中描述的任何更新均已被引用,并可能被我们将来提交的其他报告不时修改、补充或取代。我们描述的风险和不确定性并非我们面临的唯一风险。 目前尚不为我们所知或目前认为不重要的其他风险和不确定性也可能影响我们的业务运作。 这些已知或未知风险的发生可能导致您损失全部或部分投资。











前瞻性陈述通常可通过以下事实来识别,即它们与严格与历史或当前事实无关,并包括但不限于使用“can”、“may”、“could”、“should”、“assume”、“forecasts”、“believe”、“designed to”、“will”、“expect”、“plan”、“anticipate”、“estimate”、“potential”、“position”、“predicts”、“策略”、“guidance”、“intend”、“budget”、“seek”、“project”或“continue”等术语,或其否定形式或其他类似术语,关于信念、计划、期望或意图未来的证明。您应仔细阅读包含这些词语的陈述,因为它们:


  · 讨论我们对未来的期望;
  · 包含我们未来营运或财务状况的预测;以及
  · 陈述其他「前瞻性」资讯。






















我们目前在美国使用的商标包括Applied DNA Sciences®, SigNature®分子标签, SigNature® t分子标签, fiberTyping®, SigNify®, Beacon®, CertainT®, LinearDNA™, Linea™ COVID-19诊断试剂盒, safeCircleTMCOVID-19检测和TR8TM 药物基因测试。我们不打算使用或展示其他公司的商标来暗示我们与其他公司之间有关系,赞助或支援。本招股说明书中包含或参考的所有商标、服务标志和商标均为各自拥有者的财产。














我们从未宣布或支付我们的普通股现金分红派息。 我们不预期在可预见的将来支付任何现金股息给股东。此外,未来决定支付现金分红将由我们的董事会酌情决定,并取决于我们的财务状况、营运结果、资本需求以及董事会认为相关的其他因素。







  购买普通股、优先股或认股权的权利; 以及

























我们的公司组织章程规定,董事会可以通过决议,在未来指定优先股类别。 指定的优先股系列将具有决议中载明的权力、指定、偏好和相对、参与或可选或其他特殊权利和条件、限制或约束。 一旦经由我们的董事会指定,每个优先股系列将在管理优先股的文件中具有特定的财务和其他条款,其中包括我们的公司组织章程和我们的董事会可能采纳的任何指定证书。 在发行每个优先股系列的股份之前,根据DGCL及我们的公司章程,董事会必须采纳决议并向特拉华州州务卿提交指定证书。 每个类别或系列的指定证书确定了指定股份的设计、权力、偏好、权利、资格、限制和约束,包括但不限于以下一些或全部内容:


  · 该系列的股份数及该系列的特殊指定,此数目可能被董事会的行动不时增加或减少(但不得低于当时流通的股份数);
  · 该系列股份的股息率、支付股息的方式和频率,股利是否累积,如适用,从何时起;
  · 该系列是否具有表决权,除了法律规定的表决权之外,如适用,表决权的条款;
  · 该系列是否具有转换特权,如适用,转换的条件和条款,包括董事会可能判断的转换率调整条款;
  · 该系列股份是否可赎回,如适用,赎回的条件和条款;
  · 该系列是否具有用于赎回或购买该系列股份的沉淀基金,如适用,该沉淀基金的条款和金额;
  · 该系列股份是否优先于其他系列或类股份,或与其平级,或属于较低等地位,就任何方面而言;
  · 在公司自愿或强制清算、解散或结算时,该系列股份的权利,以及在支付该系列股份时的相对权利或优先权,如有。
  · 该系列的其他相关权利、偏好和限制。

















根据第203条,除非满足以下条件之一,否则禁止公司及有利益冲突股东之间的业务合并:在股东成为有利益冲突之前,董事会批准了或股东成为有利益冲突之原因的交易; 在股东成为有利益冲突的交易完成后,在交易开始时,有利益冲突股东至少拥有公司当时流通的85%的表决权股份,排除用于确定流通中的表决权股份的股东及同时为董事和主管的人士所持有的股票,以及员工股票计划,在某些情况下; 或在股东成为有利益冲突之后,在公司董事会批准并经股东年度或特别会议通过的投票中,至少有不少于由有利益冲突股东持有的表决权股份的三分之二的优厚投票。




董事将由股东大会出席的股份代表投票选举。我们的公司章程并未规定董事会分类或在董事选举中进行累积投票。根据公司章程第八条和公司章程的第3.13条,董事只能因达成原因被公司股东罢免,而且只有当时有投票权的公司股份持有人至少持有公司已发行和流通股份过半数的股票权时,方可进行投票章程中的董事选举。2015年12月21日,特拉华州切斯特郡法院依法废除了VAALCO Energy, Inc.公司的公司章程和组织细则中的某些条款。VAALCO In re VAALCO Energy, Inc.股东诉讼案, Consol. C.A. No. 11775-VCL(Del. Ch. Dec. 21, 2015),法院裁定,撤销VAALCO的“只有原因”董事罢免规定与特拉华公司法第141(k)条不符,因此无效。由于公司的公司章程和组织细则包含类似的“只有原因”董事罢免条款,而且公司没有分类的董事会或累积投票,因此公司不会试图执行上述“只有原因”董事罢免条款,遵循VAALCO判决。 VAALCO 的决定。


Size of Board of Directors and Vacancies


The authorized number of directors may be determined by the board of directors, provided the board shall consist of at least one (1) member. No decrease in the number of directors constituting the board of directors shall shorten the term of any incumbent director.


Vacancies occurring on our board of directors for any reason and newly created directorships resulting from an increase in the authorized number of directors may be filled only by a vote of a majority of the remaining members of the board of directors, although less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining director, at any meeting of the board of directors.







The Certificate of Incorporation may be amended by approval of the board of directors and vote of a majority of the outstanding stock entitled to vote (and vote of a majority of the outstanding stock of each class entitled to vote as a class, if applicable) pursuant to the Sections 141 and 242 of the DGCL. The board of directors is authorized to adopt, amend, alter or repeal the By-Laws by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the board of directors then in office. No amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation or the By-Laws may adversely affect any indemnification right or protection of any director, officer, employee or other agent existing at the time of such amendment, repeal or adoption of an inconsistent provision for or in respect of any act, omission or other matter occurring, or any action or proceeding accruing or arising prior to such amendment, repeal or adoption of an inconsistent provision.





Authorized but Unissued Shares of Common Stock and of Preferred Stock


We believe that the availability of the “Blank Check” preferred stock under our Certificate of Incorporation provides us with flexibility in addressing corporate issues that may arise. The board of directors has the power, subject to applicable law, to issue series of preferred stock that could, depending on the terms of the series, impede the completion of a merger, tender offer or other takeover attempt that some, or a majority, of the stockholders might believe to be in their best interests or in which stockholders might receive a premium for their stock over the then prevailing market price of the stock. Our board of directors may issue preferred stock with voting rights or conversion rights that, if exercised, could adversely affect the voting power of the holders of common stock.


The authorized shares of preferred stock, as well as shares of common stock, will be available for issuance without further action by our stockholders, unless action is required by applicable law or the rules of any stock exchange on which our securities may be listed. Having these authorized shares available for issuance allows us to issue shares without the expense and delay of a special stockholders’ meeting. We may use additional shares for a variety of purposes, including future public or private offerings to raise additional capital, to fund acquisitions and as employee compensation. The existence of authorized but unissued shares of common stock and preferred stock could render more difficult or discourage an attempt to obtain control of our company by means of a proxy contest, tender offer, merger or otherwise. The above provisions may deter a hostile takeover or delay a change in control or management of our company.


Advance Notice Procedure


Our By-Laws provide an advance notice procedure for stockholders to nominate director candidates for election or to bring business before an annual meeting of stockholders. Only persons nominated by, or at the direction of, our board of directors or by a stockholder of record who has given proper and timely notice to our secretary prior to the meeting at which such stockholder is entitled to vote and appears, will be eligible for election as a director. In addition, any proposed business other than the nomination of persons for election to our board of directors must constitute a proper matter for stockholder action pursuant to a proper notice of meeting delivered to us. For notice to be timely, it must generally be delivered to our secretary not less than 90 nor more than 120 calendar days prior to the first anniversary of the previous year’s annual meeting (or if the date of the annual meeting is more than 30 calendar days before or more than 60 calendar days after the anniversary date of the previous year’s annual meeting, not earlier than the 120th calendar day prior to such meeting and not later than either the 90th calendar day prior to such meeting or the 10th calendar day after public disclosure of the date of such meeting is first made by us). These advance notice provisions may have the effect of precluding the conduct of certain business at a meeting if the proper procedures are not followed or may discourage or deter a potential acquirer from conducting a solicitation of proxies to elect its own slate of directors or otherwise attempt to obtain control of us.


Special Meetings of Stockholders


Our By-Laws provide that special meetings of stockholders may be called only by the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer, or the board of directors pursuant to a resolution adopted by a majority of the board of directors.




The following description, together with the additional information we may include in any applicable prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus, summarizes the material terms and provisions of the warrants that we may offer under this prospectus and any related warrant agreement and warrant certificate. While the terms summarized below will apply generally to any warrants that we may offer, we will describe the specific terms of any series of warrants in more detail in the applicable prospectus supplement. If we indicate in the prospectus supplement, the terms of any warrants offered under that prospectus supplement may differ from the terms described below. Specific warrant agreements will contain additional important terms and provisions and will be incorporated by reference as an exhibit to the Registration Statement which includes this prospectus.







We may issue warrants for the purchase of common stock, preferred stock and/or debt securities in one or more series. We may issue warrants independently or together with common stock, preferred stock and/or debt securities, and the warrants may be attached to or separate from these securities.


We will evidence each series of warrants by warrant certificates that we may issue under a separate agreement. We may enter into a warrant agreement with a warrant agent. Each warrant agent may be a bank or trust company that we select which has its principal office in the United States. We may also choose to act as our own warrant agent. We will indicate the name and address of any such warrant agent in the applicable prospectus supplement relating to a particular series of warrants.


We will describe in the applicable prospectus supplement the terms of the series of warrants, including:


  the offering price and aggregate number of warrants offered;
  if applicable, the designation and terms of the securities with which the warrants are issued and the number of warrants issued with each such security or each principal amount of such security;
  if applicable, the date on and after which the warrants and the related securities will be separately transferable;
  in the case of warrants to purchase debt securities, the principal amount of debt securities purchasable upon exercise of one warrant and the price at, and currency in which, this principal amount of debt securities may be purchased upon such exercise;
  in the case of warrants to purchase common stock or preferred stock, the number or amount of shares of common stock or preferred stock, as the case may be, purchasable upon the exercise of one warrant and the price at which and currency in which these shares may be purchased upon such exercise;
  the manner of exercise of the warrants, including any cashless exercise rights;
  the warrant agreement under which the warrants will be issued;
  the effect of any merger, consolidation, sale or other disposition of our business on the warrant agreement and the warrants;
  anti-dilution provisions of the warrants, if any;
  the terms of any rights to redeem or call the warrants;
  any provisions for changes to or adjustments in the exercise price or number of securities issuable upon exercise of the warrants;
  the dates on which the right to exercise the warrants will commence and expire or, if the warrants are not continuously exercisable during that period, the specific date or dates on which the warrants will be exercisable;
  the manner in which the warrant agreement and warrants may be modified;
  the identities of the warrant agent and any calculation or other agent for the warrants;
  federal income tax consequences of holding or exercising the warrants;
  the terms of the securities issuable upon exercise of the warrants;
  any securities exchange or quotation system on which the warrants or any securities deliverable upon exercise of the warrants may be listed or quoted; and
  any other specific terms, preferences, rights or limitations of or restrictions on the warrants.


Before exercising their warrants, holders of warrants will not have any of the rights of holders of the securities purchasable upon such exercise, including:


  in the case of warrants to purchase debt securities, the right to receive payments of principal of, or premium, if any, or interest on, the debt securities purchasable upon exercise or to enforce covenants in the applicable indenture; or
  in the case of warrants to purchase common stock or preferred stock, the right to receive dividends, if any, or, payments upon our liquidation, dissolution or winding up or to exercise voting rights, if any.





Exercise of Warrants


Each warrant will entitle the holder to purchase the securities that we specify in the applicable prospectus supplement at the exercise price that we describe in the applicable prospectus supplement. Unless we otherwise specify in the applicable prospectus supplement, holders of the warrants may exercise the warrants at any time up to 5:00 P.M. eastern time on the expiration date that we set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement. After the close of business on the expiration date, unexercised warrants will become void.


Holders of the warrants may exercise the warrants by delivering the warrant certificate representing the warrants to be exercised together with specified information, and paying the required exercise price by the methods provided in the applicable prospectus supplement. We will set forth on the reverse side of the warrant certificate, and in the applicable prospectus supplement, the information that the holder of the warrant will be required to deliver to the warrant agent.


Upon receipt of the required payment and the warrant certificate properly completed and duly executed at the corporate trust office of the warrant agent or any other office indicated in the applicable prospectus supplement, we will issue and deliver the securities purchasable upon such exercise. If fewer than all of the warrants represented by the warrant certificate are exercised, then we will issue a new warrant certificate for the remaining amount of warrants.


Enforceability of Rights by Holders of Warrants


Any warrant agent will act solely as our agent under the applicable warrant agreement and will not assume any obligation or relationship of agency or trust with any holder of any warrant. A single bank or trust company may act as warrant agent for more than one issue of warrants. A warrant agent will have no duty or responsibility in case of any default by us under the applicable warrant agreement or warrant, including any duty or responsibility to initiate any proceedings at law or otherwise, or to make any demand upon us. Any holder of a warrant may, without the consent of the related warrant agent or the holder of any other warrant, enforce by appropriate legal action the holder’s right to exercise, and receive the securities purchasable upon exercise of, its warrants in accordance with their terms.


Warrant Agreement Will Not Be Qualified Under Trust Indenture Act


No warrant agreement will be qualified as an indenture, and no warrant agent will be required to qualify as a trustee, under the Trust Indenture Act. Therefore, holders of warrants issued under a warrant agreement will not have the protection of the Trust Indenture Act with respect to their warrants.


Governing Law


Each warrant agreement and any warrants issued under the warrant agreements will be governed by New York law.


Calculation Agent


Any calculations relating to warrants may be made by a calculation agent, an institution that we appoint as our agent for this purpose. The prospectus supplement for a particular warrant will name the institution that we have appointed to act as the calculation agent for that warrant as of the original issue date for that warrant, if any. We may appoint a different institution to serve as calculation agent from time to time after the original issue date without the consent or notification of the holders. The calculation agent’s determination of any amount of money payable or securities deliverable with respect to a warrant will be final and binding in the absence of manifest error.


Outstanding Warrants


As of May 24, 2023, we had outstanding 7,295,588 warrants to purchase 7,295,588 shares of our common stock at a weighted average exercise price of $3.65. Our Warrant Agent for registered warrants is American Stock Transfer & Trust Company.


Transfer and Exchange


Each warrant will be represented by either one or more global securities registered in the name of The Depository Trust Company (the “DTC” or the “Depositary”) or a nominee of the Depositary (we will refer to any warrant represented by a global warrant as a “book-entry warrant”), or a certificate issued in definitive registered form (we will refer to any warrant represented by a certificated security as a “certificated warrant”) as set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement. Except as set forth under the heading “Global Warrants and Book-Entry System” below, book-entry warrants will not be issuable in certificated form.





Global Warrants and Book-Entry System. Each global warrant representing book-entry debt securities will be deposited with, or on behalf of, the Depositary, and registered in the name of the Depositary or a nominee of the Depositary. Please see the section entitled “Global Securities” for more information.


Debt Securities


The following description, together with the additional information we include in any applicable prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus, summarizes certain general terms and provisions of the debt securities that we may offer under this prospectus. When we offer to sell a particular series of debt securities, we will describe the specific terms of the series in a supplement to this prospectus. We will also indicate in the supplement to what extent the general terms and provisions described in this prospectus apply to a particular series of debt securities. To the extent the information contained in the prospectus supplement differs from this summary description, you should rely on the information in the prospectus supplement.





We may issue debt securities either separately, or together with, or upon the conversion or exercise of or in exchange for, other securities described in this prospectus. Debt securities may be our senior, senior subordinated or subordinated obligations and, unless otherwise specified in a supplement to this prospectus, the debt securities will be our direct, unsecured obligations and may be issued in one or more series.


The debt securities will be issued under an indenture between us and a trustee named in the prospectus supplement. We have summarized select portions of the indenture below. The summary is not complete. The form of the indenture has been filed as an exhibit to the registration statement and you should read the indenture for provisions that may be important to you. In the summary below, we have included references to the section numbers of the indenture so that you can easily locate these provisions. Capitalized terms used in the summary and not defined herein have the meanings specified in the indenture.




The terms of each series of debt securities will be established by or pursuant to a resolution of our board of directors and set forth or determined in the manner provided in a resolution of our board of directors, in an officer’s certificate or by a supplemental indenture. (Section 2.2) The particular terms of each series of debt securities will be described in a prospectus supplement relating to such series (including any pricing supplement or term sheet).


We can issue an unlimited amount of debt securities under the indenture that may be in one or more series with the same or various maturities, at par, at a premium, or at a discount. (Section 2.1) We will set forth in a prospectus supplement (including any pricing supplement or term sheet) relating to any series of debt securities being offered, the aggregate principal amount and the following terms of the debt securities, if applicable:


  ·  the title and ranking of the debt securities (including the terms of any subordination provisions);
  · the price or prices (expressed as a percentage of the principal amount) at which we will sell the debt securities;
  · any limit on the aggregate principal amount of the debt securities;
  · the date or dates on which the principal of a particular series of debt securities is payable;
  · the rate or rates (which may be fixed or variable) per annum or the method used to determine the rate or rates (including any commodity, commodity index, stock exchange index or financial index) at which the debt securities will bear interest, the date or dates from which interest will accrue, the date or dates on which interest will commence and be payable and any regular record date for the interest payable on any interest payment date;
  · the place or places where principal of, and interest, if any, on the debt securities will be payable (and the method of such payment), where the debt securities of such series may be surrendered for registration of transfer or exchange, and where notices and demands to us in respect of the debt securities may be delivered;
  · the period or periods within which, the price or prices at which and the terms and conditions upon which we may redeem the debt securities;
  · any obligation we have to redeem or purchase the debt securities pursuant to any sinking fund or analogous provisions or at the option of a holder of debt securities and the period or periods within which, the price or prices at which and the terms and conditions upon which the debt securities of a particular series shall be redeemed or purchased, in whole or in part, pursuant to such obligation;
  · the dates on which and the price or prices at which we will repurchase debt securities at the option of the holders of debt securities and other detailed terms and provisions of these repurchase obligations;
  · the denominations in which the debt securities will be issued, if other than denominations of $1,000 and any integral multiple thereof;
  · whether the debt securities will be issued in the form of certificated debt securities or global debt securities;
  · the portion of principal amount of the debt securities payable upon declaration of acceleration of the maturity date, if other than the principal amount;





  · the currency of denomination of the debt securities, which may be U.S. dollars or any foreign currency, and if such currency of denomination is a composite currency, the agency or organization, if any, responsible for overseeing such composite currency;
  · the designation of the currency, currencies or currency units in which payment of principal of, and premium and interest on, the debt securities will be made;
  · if payments of principal of, or premium or interest on, the debt securities will be made in one or more currencies or currency units other than that or those in which the debt securities are denominated, the manner in which the exchange rate with respect to these payments will be determined;
  · the manner in which the amounts of payment of principal of, and premium, if any, and interest on, the debt securities will be determined, if these amounts may be determined by reference to an index based on a currency or currencies or by reference to a commodity, commodity index, stock exchange index or financial index;
  · any provisions relating to any security provided for the debt securities;
  · any addition to, deletion of or change in the Events of Default described in this prospectus or in the indenture with respect to the debt securities and any change in the acceleration provisions described in this prospectus or in the indenture with respect to the debt securities;
  · any addition to, deletion of or change in the covenants described in this prospectus or in the indenture with respect to the debt securities;
  · any depositaries, interest rate calculation agents, exchange rate calculation agents or other agents with respect to the debt securities;
  · the provisions, if any, relating to conversion or exchange of any debt securities of such series, including if applicable, the conversion or exchange price and period, provisions as to whether conversion or exchange will be mandatory, the events requiring an adjustment of the conversion or exchange price and provisions affecting conversion or exchange;
  · any other terms of the debt securities, which may supplement, modify or delete any provision of the indenture as it applies to that series, including any terms that may be required under applicable law or regulations or advisable in connection with the marketing of the securities; and
  · whether any of our direct or indirect subsidiaries will guarantee the debt securities of that series, including the terms of subordination, if any, of such guarantees. (Section 2.2)


We may issue debt securities that provide for an amount less than their stated principal amount to be due and payable upon declaration of acceleration of their maturity pursuant to the terms of the indenture. We will provide you with information on the federal income tax considerations and other special considerations applicable to any of these debt securities in the applicable prospectus supplement.


If we denominate the purchase price of any of the debt securities in a foreign currency or currencies or a foreign currency unit or units, or if the principal of, and premium, if any, and interest on, any series of debt securities is payable in a foreign currency or currencies or a foreign currency unit or units, we will provide you with information on the restrictions, elections, general tax considerations, specific terms and other information with respect to that issue of debt securities and such foreign currency or currencies or foreign currency unit or units in the applicable prospectus supplement.


Transfer and Exchange


Each debt security will be represented by either one or more global securities registered in the name of the Depositary or a nominee of the Depositary (we will refer to any debt security represented by a global debt security as a “book-entry debt security”), or a certificate issued in definitive registered form (we will refer to any debt security represented by a certificated security as a “certificated debt security”) as set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement. Except as set forth under the heading “Global Debt Securities and Book-Entry System” below, book-entry debt securities will not be issuable in certificated form.


Certificated Debt Securities. You may transfer or exchange certificated debt securities at any office we maintain for this purpose in accordance with the terms of the indenture. (Section 2.4) No service charge will be made for any transfer or exchange of certificated debt securities, but we may require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental charge payable in connection with a transfer or exchange. (Section 2.7)





You may effect the transfer of certificated debt securities and the right to receive the principal of, premium and interest on certificated debt securities only by surrendering the certificate representing those certificated debt securities and either reissuance by us or the trustee of the certificate to the new holder or the issuance by us or the trustee of a new certificate to the new holder.


Global Debt Securities and Book-Entry System. Each global debt security representing book-entry debt securities will be deposited with, or on behalf of, the Depositary, and registered in the name of the Depositary or a nominee of the Depositary. Please see the section entitled “Global Securities” for more information.




We will set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement any restrictive covenants applicable to any issue of debt securities. (Article IV)


No Protection in the Event of a Change of Control


Unless we state otherwise in the applicable prospectus supplement, the debt securities will not contain any provisions that may afford holders of the debt securities protection in the event we have a change in control or in the event of a highly leveraged transaction (whether or not such transaction results in a change in control) which could adversely affect holders of debt securities.


Consolidation, Merger and Sale of Assets


We may not consolidate with or merge with or into, or convey, transfer or lease all or substantially all of our properties and assets to, any person (a “successor person”) unless:


  · we are the surviving corporation or the successor person (if other than our company) is a corporation organized and validly existing under the laws of any U.S. domestic jurisdiction and expressly assumes our obligations on the debt securities and under the indenture;
  · immediately after giving effect to the transaction, no Default or Event of Default, shall have occurred and be continuing; and
  · certain other conditions are met.


Notwithstanding the above, any of our subsidiaries may consolidate with, merge into or transfer all or part of its properties to us. (Section 5.1)





Events of Default


“Event of Default” means with respect to any series of debt securities, any of the following:


  · default in the payment of any interest upon any debt security of that series when it becomes due and payable, and continuance of such default for a period of 30 days (unless the entire amount of the payment is deposited by us with the trustee or with a paying agent prior to the expiration of the 30-day period);
  · default in the payment of principal of any debt security of that series at its maturity;
  · default in the performance or breach of any other covenant or warranty by us in the indenture or any debt security (other than a covenant or warranty that has been included in the indenture solely for the benefit of a series of debt securities other than that series), which default continues uncured for a period of 60 days after we receive written notice from the trustee or our company and the trustee receive written notice from the holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series as provided in the indenture;
  · certain voluntary or involuntary events of bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization of our company; or
  · any other Event of Default provided with respect to debt securities of that series that is described in the applicable prospectus supplement. (Section 6.1)


No Event of Default with respect to a particular series of debt securities (except as to certain events of bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization) necessarily constitutes an Event of Default with respect to any other series of debt securities. (Section 6.1) The occurrence of certain Events of Default or an acceleration under the indenture may constitute an event of default under certain indebtedness of ours or our subsidiaries outstanding from time to time.


We will provide the trustee written notice of any Default or Event of Default within 30 days of becoming aware of the occurrence of such Default or Event of Default, which notice will describe in reasonable detail the status of such Default or Event of Default and what action we are taking or propose to take in respect thereof. (Section 6.1)





If an Event of Default with respect to debt securities of any series at the time outstanding occurs and is continuing, then the trustee or the holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series may, by a notice in writing to us (and to the trustee if given by the holders), declare to be due and payable immediately the principal of (or, if the debt securities of that series are discount securities, that portion of the principal amount as may be specified in the terms of that series) and accrued and unpaid interest, if any, on all debt securities of that series. In the case of an Event of Default resulting from certain events of bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization, the principal (or such specified amount) of and accrued and unpaid interest, if any, on all outstanding debt securities will become and be immediately due and payable without any declaration or other act on the part of the trustee or any holder of outstanding debt securities. At any time after a declaration of acceleration with respect to debt securities of any series has been made, but before a judgment or decree for payment of the money due has been obtained by the trustee, the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series may rescind and annul the acceleration if all Events of Default, other than the non-payment of accelerated principal and interest, if any, with respect to debt securities of that series, have been cured or waived as provided in the indenture. (Section 6.2) We refer you to the prospectus supplement relating to any series of debt securities that are discount securities for the particular provisions relating to acceleration of a portion of the principal amount of such discount securities upon the occurrence of an Event of Default.


The indenture provides that the trustee may refuse to perform any duty or exercise any of its rights or powers under the indenture, unless the trustee receives indemnity satisfactory to it against any cost, liability or expense that might be incurred by it in performing such duty or exercising such right or power. (Section 7.1(e)) Subject to certain rights of the trustee, the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of any series will have the right to direct the time, method and place of conducting any proceeding for any remedy available to the trustee or exercising any trust or power conferred on the trustee with respect to the debt securities of that series. (Section 6.12)


No holder of any debt security of any series will have any right to institute any proceeding, judicial or otherwise, with respect to the indenture or for the appointment of a receiver or trustee, or for any remedy under the indenture, unless:


  · that holder has previously given to the trustee written notice of a continuing Event of Default with respect to debt securities of that series; and
  · the holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series have made written request, and offered indemnity or security satisfactory to the trustee, to the trustee to institute the proceeding as trustee, and the trustee has not received from the holders of not less than a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of that series a direction inconsistent with that request and has failed to institute the proceeding within 60 days. (Section 6.7)


Notwithstanding any other provision in the indenture, the holder of any debt security will have an absolute and unconditional right to receive payment of the principal of, and premium and any interest on, that debt security on or after the due dates expressed in that debt security and to institute suit for the enforcement of payment. (Section 6.8)


The indenture requires us, within 120 days after the end of our fiscal year, to furnish to the trustee a statement as to compliance with the indenture. (Section 4.3) If a Default or Event of Default occurs and is continuing with respect to the securities of any series and if it is known to a responsible officer of the trustee, the trustee shall mail to each holder of the securities of that series notice of a Default or Event of Default within 90 days after it occurs or, if later, after a responsible officer of the trustee has knowledge of such Default or Event of Default. The indenture provides that the trustee may withhold notice to the holders of debt securities of any series of any Default or Event of Default (except in payment on any debt securities of that series) with respect to debt securities of that series if the trustee determines in good faith that withholding notice is in the interest of the holders of those debt securities. (Section 7.5)





Modification and Waiver


We and the trustee may modify, amend or supplement the indenture or the debt securities of any series without the consent of any holder of any debt security:


  · to cure any ambiguity, defect or inconsistency;
  · to comply with covenants in the indenture described above under the heading “Consolidation, Merger and Sale of Assets”;
  · to provide for uncertificated securities in addition to or in place of certificated securities;
  · to add guarantees with respect to debt securities of any series or secure debt securities of any series;
  · to surrender any of our rights or powers under the indenture;
  · to add covenants or Events of Default for the benefit of the holders of debt securities of any series;
  · to comply with the applicable procedures of the applicable depositary;
  · to make any change that does not adversely affect the rights of any holder of debt securities;
  · to provide for the issuance of and establish the form and terms and conditions of debt securities of any series as permitted by the indenture;
  · to effect the appointment of a successor trustee with respect to the debt securities of any series and to add to or change any of the provisions of the indenture to provide for or facilitate administration by more than one trustee; or
  · to comply with requirements of the SEC in order to effect or maintain the qualification of the indenture under the Trust Indenture Act. (Section 9.1)


We may also modify and amend the indenture with the consent of the holders of at least a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of each series affected by the modifications or amendments. We may not make any modification or amendment without the consent of the holders of each affected debt security then outstanding if that amendment will:


  · reduce the amount of debt securities whose holders must consent to an amendment, supplement or waiver;
  · reduce the rate of or extend the time for payment of interest (including default interest) on any debt security;
  · reduce the principal of or premium on or change the fixed maturity of any debt security or reduce the amount of, or postpone the date fixed for, the payment of any sinking fund or analogous obligation with respect to any series of debt securities;
  · reduce the principal amount of discount securities payable upon acceleration of maturity;
  · waive a Default or Event of Default in the payment of the principal of, or premium or interest on, any debt security (except a rescission of acceleration of the debt securities of any series by the holders of at least a majority in aggregate principal amount of the then outstanding debt securities of that series and a waiver of the payment default that resulted from such acceleration);
  · make the principal of, or premium or interest on, any debt security payable in currency other than that stated in the debt security;
  · make any change to certain provisions of the indenture relating to, among other things, the right of holders of debt securities to receive payment of the principal of, and premium and interest on, those debt securities and to institute suit for the enforcement of any such payment and to waivers or amendments; or
  · waive a redemption payment with respect to any debt security. (Section 9.3)


Except for certain specified provisions, the holders of at least a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of any series may on behalf of the holders of all debt securities of that series waive our compliance with provisions of the indenture. (Section 9.2) The holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of any series may on behalf of the holders of all the debt securities of such series waive any past default under the indenture with respect to that series and its consequences, except a default in the payment of the principal of, or any interest on, any debt security of that series; provided, however, that the holders of a majority in principal amount of the outstanding debt securities of any series may rescind an acceleration and its consequences, including any related payment default that resulted from the acceleration. (Section 6.13)


Defeasance of Debt Securities and Certain Covenants in Certain Circumstances


Legal Defeasance. The indenture provides that, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the applicable series of debt securities, we may be discharged from any and all obligations in respect of the debt securities of any series (subject to certain exceptions). We will be so discharged upon the deposit with the trustee, in trust, of money and/or U.S. government obligations or, in the case of debt securities denominated in a single currency other than U.S. dollars, government obligations of the government that issued or caused to be issued such currency, that, through the payment of interest and principal in accordance with their terms, will provide money or U.S. government obligations in an amount sufficient in the opinion of a nationally recognized firm of independent public accountants or investment bank to pay and discharge each installment of principal of, premium and interest on, and any mandatory sinking fund payments in respect of, the debt securities of that series on the stated maturity of those payments in accordance with the terms of the indenture and those debt securities.





This discharge may occur only if, among other things, we have delivered to the trustee an opinion of counsel stating that we have received from, or there has been published by, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service a ruling or, since the date of execution of the indenture, there has been a change in the applicable U.S. federal income tax law, in either case to the effect that, and based thereon such opinion shall confirm that, the holders of the debt securities of that series will not recognize income, gain or loss for U.S. federal income tax purposes as a result of the deposit, defeasance and discharge and will be subject to U.S. federal income tax on the same amounts and in the same manner and at the same times as would have been the case if the deposit, defeasance and discharge had not occurred. (Section 8.3)


Defeasance of Certain Covenants. The indenture provides that, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the applicable series of debt securities, upon compliance with certain conditions:


  · we may omit to comply with the covenant described under the heading “Consolidation, Merger and Sale of Assets” and certain other covenants set forth in the indenture, as well as any additional covenants that may be set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement; and
  · any omission to comply with those covenants will not constitute a Default or an Event of Default with respect to the debt securities of that series (“covenant defeasance”).


The conditions include:


  · depositing with the trustee money and/or U.S. government obligations or, in the case of debt securities denominated in a single currency other than U.S. dollars, government obligations of the government that issued or caused to be issued such currency, that, through the payment of interest and principal in accordance with their terms, will provide money in an amount sufficient in the opinion of a nationally recognized firm of independent public accountants or investment bank to pay and discharge each installment of principal of, premium and interest on, and any mandatory sinking fund payments in respect of, the debt securities of that series on the stated maturity of those payments in accordance with the terms of the indenture and those debt securities; and
  · delivering to the trustee an opinion of counsel to the effect that the holders of the debt securities of that series will not recognize income, gain or loss for U.S. federal income tax purposes as a result of the deposit and related covenant defeasance and will be subject to U.S. federal income tax on the same amounts and in the same manner and at the same times as would have been the case if the deposit and related covenant defeasance had not occurred. (Section 8.4)


No Personal Liability of Directors, Officers, Employees or Securityholders


None of our past, present or future directors, officers, employees or securityholders, as such, will have any liability for any of our obligations under the debt securities or the indenture or for any claim based on, or in respect or by reason of, such obligations or their creation. By accepting a debt security, each holder waives and releases all such liability. This waiver and release is part of the consideration for the issue of the debt securities. However, this waiver and release may not be effective to waive liabilities under U.S. federal securities laws, and it is the view of the SEC that such a waiver is against public policy.


Governing Law


The indenture and the debt securities, including any claim or controversy arising out of or relating to the indenture or the debt securities, will be governed by the laws of the State of New York.





The indenture will provide that we, the trustee and the holders of the debt securities (by their acceptance of the debt securities) irrevocably waive, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all right to trial by jury in any legal proceeding arising out of or relating to the indenture, the debt securities or the transactions contemplated thereby.


The indenture will provide that any legal suit, action or proceeding arising out of or based upon the indenture or the transactions contemplated thereby may be instituted in the federal courts of the United States of America located in the City of New York or the courts of the State of New York in each case located in the City of New York, and we, the trustee and the holder of the debt securities (by their acceptance of the debt securities) irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of such courts in any such suit, action or proceeding. The indenture will further provide that service of any process, summons, notice or document by mail (to the extent allowed under any applicable statute or rule of court) to such party’s address set forth in the indenture will be effective service of process for any suit, action or other proceeding brought in any such court. The indenture will further provide that we, the trustee and the holders of the debt securities (by their acceptance of the debt securities) irrevocably and unconditionally waive any objection to the laying of venue of any suit, action or other proceeding in the courts specified above and irrevocably and unconditionally waive and agree not to plead or claim any such suit, action or other proceeding has been brought in an inconvenient forum. (Section 10.10)


Outstanding Debt Securities


As of May 30, 2023, we had no outstanding debt securities.




We may issue rights to purchase common stock, preferred stock or warrants that we may offer to our security holders in one or more series. The rights may or may not be transferable by the persons purchasing or receiving the rights. In connection with any rights offering, we may enter into a standby underwriting or other arrangement with one or more underwriters or other persons pursuant to which such underwriters or other persons would purchase any offered securities remaining unsubscribed for after such rights offering. Each series of rights will be issued under a separate rights agent agreement to be entered into between us and a bank or trust company, as rights agent, that we will name in the applicable prospectus supplement. The rights agent will act solely as our agent in connection with the rights and will not assume any obligation or relationship of agency or trust for or with any holders of rights certificates or beneficial owners of rights. A copy of the form of rights agent or subscription agent agreement, including the form of rights certificate representing a series of rights, will be filed with the SEC in connection with the offering of a particular series of rights.


The prospectus supplement relating to any rights that we offer will include specific terms relating to the offering, including, among other matters:


  the title of the rights;
  the securities for which the rights are exercisable;
  the date of determining the security holders entitled to the rights distribution;
  the aggregate number of rights issued and the aggregate number of shares of common stock or preferred stock or warrants purchasable upon exercise of the rights;
  the extent to which the rights are transferable;
  the exercise price;
  any provisions for changes to or adjustments in the exercise price or number of securities issuable upon exercise of the rights;
  the conditions to completion of the rights offering;
  any applicable federal income tax considerations;
  if applicable, the material terms of any standby underwriting or other purchase arrangement that we may enter into in connection with the rights offering;
  the date on which the right to exercise the rights will commence and the date on which the rights will expire; and
  any other terms of the rights, including terms, procedures and limitations relating to the exchange and exercise of the rights.


Each right would entitle the holder of the rights to purchase for cash the amount of shares of common stock or preferred stock or warrants at the exercise price set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement. Rights may be exercised at any time up to the close of business on the expiration date for the rights provided in the applicable prospectus supplement. After the close of business on the expiration date, all unexercised rights will become void.





We may determine to offer any unsubscribed securities directly to persons other than our security holders, to or through agents, underwriters or dealers or through a combination of such methods, including pursuant to standby arrangements, as described in the applicable prospectus supplement.


Until a holder exercises the rights to purchase shares of our common stock or preferred stock or warrants, the holder will not have any rights as a holder of shares of our common stock or preferred stock or warrants, as the case may be, by virtue of ownership of the rights.




We may issue units consisting of one or more of the other securities described in this prospectus, in any prospectus supplement or a free writing prospectus in any combination. Each unit will be issued so that the holder of the unit is also the holder, with the rights and obligations of a holder, of each security included in the unit. The unit agreement under which a unit is issued may provide that the securities included in the unit may not be held or transferred separately, at any time or at any time before a specified date or upon the occurrence of a specified event or occurrence.


The applicable prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus will describe:


  the designation and terms of the units and of the securities comprising the units, including whether and under what circumstances those securities may be held or transferred separately;
  any unit agreement under which the units will be issued;
  any provisions for the issuance, payment, settlement, transfer or exchange of the units or of the securities comprising the units; and
  whether the units will be issued in fully registered or global form.


Global Securities


Book-Entry, Delivery and Form


Unless we indicate differently in any applicable prospectus supplement or free writing prospectus, the securities initially will be issued in book-entry form and represented by one or more global notes or global securities (collectively, “global securities”). The global securities will be deposited with, or on behalf of, DTC and registered in the name of Cede & Co., the nominee of DTC. Unless and until it is exchanged for individual certificates evidencing securities under the limited circumstances described below, a global security may not be transferred except as a whole by the depositary to its nominee or by the nominee to the depositary, or by the depositary or its nominee to a successor depositary or to a nominee of the successor depositary.


DTC has advised us that it is:


  · a limited-purpose trust company organized under the New York Banking Law;
  · a “banking organization” within the meaning of the New York Banking Law;
  · a member of the Federal Reserve System;
  · a “clearing corporation” within the meaning of the New York Uniform Commercial Code; and
  · a “clearing agency” registered pursuant to the provisions of Section 17A of the Exchange Act.


DTC holds securities that its participants deposit with DTC. DTC also facilitates the settlement among its participants of securities transactions, such as transfers and pledges, in deposited securities through electronic computerized book-entry changes in participants’ accounts, thereby eliminating the need for physical movement of securities certificates. “Direct participants” in DTC include securities brokers and dealers, including underwriters, banks, trust companies, clearing corporations and other organizations. DTC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (“DTCC”). DTCC is the holding company for DTC, National Securities Clearing Corporation and Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, all of which are registered clearing agencies. DTCC is owned by the users of its regulated subsidiaries. Access to the DTC system is also available to others, which we sometimes refer to as indirect participants, that clear through or maintain a custodial relationship with a direct participant, either directly or indirectly. The rules applicable to DTC and its participants are on file with the SEC.





Purchases of securities under the DTC system must be made by or through direct participants, which will receive a credit for the securities on DTC’s records. The ownership interest of the actual purchaser of a security, which we sometimes refer to as a beneficial owner, is in turn recorded on the direct and indirect participants’ records. Beneficial owners of securities will not receive written confirmation from DTC of their purchases. However, beneficial owners are expected to receive written confirmations providing details of their transactions, as well as periodic statements of their holdings, from the direct or indirect participants through which they purchased securities. Transfers of ownership interests in global securities are to be accomplished by entries made on the books of participants acting on behalf of beneficial owners. Beneficial owners will not receive certificates representing their ownership interests in the global securities, except under the limited circumstances described below.


To facilitate subsequent transfers, all global securities deposited by direct participants with DTC will be registered in the name of DTC’s partnership nominee, Cede & Co., or such other name as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. The deposit of securities with DTC and their registration in the name of Cede & Co. or such other nominee will not change the beneficial ownership of the securities. DTC has no knowledge of the actual beneficial owners of the securities. DTC’s records reflect only the identity of the direct participants to whose accounts the securities are credited, which may or may not be the beneficial owners. The participants are responsible for keeping account of their holdings on behalf of their customers.


So long as the securities are in book-entry form, you will receive payments and may transfer securities only through the facilities of the depositary and its direct and indirect participants. We will maintain an office or agency in the location specified in the prospectus supplement for the applicable securities, where notices and demands in respect of the securities and the indenture may be delivered to us and where certificated securities may be surrendered for payment, registration of transfer or exchange.


Conveyance of notices and other communications by DTC to direct participants, by direct participants to indirect participants and by direct participants and indirect participants to beneficial owners will be governed by arrangements among them, subject to any legal requirements in effect from time to time.


Redemption notices will be sent to DTC. If less than all of the securities of a particular series are being redeemed, DTC’s practice is to determine by lot the amount of the interest of each direct participant in the securities of such series to be redeemed.


Neither DTC nor Cede & Co. (or such other DTC nominee) will consent or vote with respect to the securities. Under its usual procedures, DTC will mail an omnibus proxy to us as soon as possible after the record date. The omnibus proxy assigns the consenting or voting rights of Cede & Co. to those direct participants to whose accounts the securities of such series are credited on the record date, identified in a listing attached to the omnibus proxy.


So long as securities are in book-entry form, we will make payments on those securities to the depositary or its nominee, as the registered owner of such securities, by wire transfer of immediately available funds. If securities are issued in definitive certificated form under the limited circumstances described below and unless if otherwise provided in the description of the applicable securities herein or in the applicable prospectus supplement, we will have the option of making payments by check mailed to the addresses of the persons entitled to payment or by wire transfer to bank accounts in the United States designated in writing to the applicable trustee or other designated party at least 15 days before the applicable payment date by the persons entitled to payment, unless a shorter period is satisfactory to the applicable trustee or other designated party.


Redemption proceeds, distributions and dividend payments on the securities will be made to Cede & Co., or such other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. DTC’s practice is to credit direct participants’ accounts upon DTC’s receipt of funds and corresponding detail information from us on the payment date in accordance with their respective holdings shown on DTC records. Payments by participants to beneficial owners will be governed by standing instructions and customary practices, as is the case with securities held for the account of customers in bearer form or registered in “street name.” Those payments will be the responsibility of participants and not of DTC or us, subject to any statutory or regulatory requirements in effect from time to time. Payment of redemption proceeds, distributions and dividend payments to Cede & Co., or such other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC, is our responsibility; disbursement of payments to direct participants is the responsibility of DTC; and disbursement of payments to the beneficial owners is the responsibility of direct and indirect participants.





Except under the limited circumstances described below, purchasers of securities will not be entitled to have securities registered in their names and will not receive physical delivery of securities. Accordingly, each beneficial owner must rely on the procedures of DTC and its participants to exercise any rights under the securities and the indenture.


The laws of some jurisdictions may require that some purchasers of securities take physical delivery of securities in definitive form. Those laws may impair the ability to transfer or pledge beneficial interests in securities.


DTC may discontinue providing its services as securities depositary with respect to the securities at any time by giving reasonable notice to us. Under such circumstances, in the event that a successor depositary is not obtained, securities certificates are required to be printed and delivered.


As noted above, beneficial owners of a particular series of securities generally will not receive certificates representing their ownership interests in those securities. However, if:


  · DTC notifies us that it is unwilling or unable to continue as a depositary for the global security or securities representing such series of securities or if DTC ceases to be a clearing agency registered under the Exchange Act at a time when it is required to be registered and a successor depositary is not appointed within 90 days of the notification to us or of our becoming aware of DTC’s ceasing to be so registered, as the case may be;
  · we determine, in our sole discretion, not to have such securities represented by one or more global securities; or
  · an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing with respect to such series of securities,


we will prepare and deliver certificates for such securities in exchange for beneficial interests in the global securities. Any beneficial interest in a global security that is exchangeable under the circumstances described in the preceding sentence will be exchangeable for securities in definitive certificated form registered in the names that the depositary directs. It is expected that these directions will be based upon directions received by the depositary from its participants with respect to ownership of beneficial interests in the global securities.







We may sell the securities offered pursuant to this prospectus from time to time in one or more transactions, including, without limitation:


to or through underwriters;
through broker-dealers (acting as agent or principal);
through agents;
directly by us to one or more purchasers (including our affiliates and stockholders), through a specific bidding or auction process, a rights offering or otherwise;
through a combination of any such methods of sale; or
through any other methods described in a prospectus supplement.


The distribution of securities may be effected, from time to time, in one or more transactions, including:


block transactions (which may involve crosses) and transactions on The Nasdaq Capital Market or any other organized market where the securities may be traded;
purchases by a broker-dealer as principal and resale by the broker-dealer for its own account pursuant to a prospectus supplement;
ordinary brokerage transactions and transactions in which a broker-dealer solicits purchasers;
sales “at the market” to or through a market maker or into an existing trading market, on an exchange or otherwise; and
sales in other ways not involving market makers or established trading markets, including direct sales to purchasers.


The applicable prospectus supplement will describe the terms of the offering of the securities, including:


the name or names of any underwriters, if, and if required, any dealers or agents;
the purchase price of the securities and the proceeds we will receive from the sale;
any underwriting discounts and other items constituting underwriters’ compensation;
any discounts or concessions allowed or re-allowed or paid to dealers; and
any securities exchange or market on which the securities may be listed or traded.


We may distribute the securities from time to time in one or more transactions at:


a fixed price or prices, which may be changed;
market prices prevailing at the time of sale;
prices related to such prevailing market prices; or
negotiated prices.


Only underwriters named in the prospectus supplement are underwriters of the securities offered by the prospectus supplement.


If underwriters are used in an offering, we will execute an underwriting agreement with such underwriters and will specify the name of each underwriter and the terms of the transaction (including any underwriting discounts and other terms constituting compensation of the underwriters and any dealers) in a prospectus supplement. The securities may be offered to the public either through underwriting syndicates represented by managing underwriters or directly by one or more investment banking firms or others, as designated. If an underwriting syndicate is used, the managing underwriter(s) will be specified on the cover of the prospectus supplement. If underwriters are used in the sale, the offered securities will be acquired by the underwriters for their own accounts and may be resold from time to time in one or more transactions, including negotiated transactions, at a fixed public offering price or at varying prices determined at the time of sale. Any public offering price and any discounts or concessions allowed or re-allowed or paid to dealers may be changed from time to time. Unless otherwise set forth in the prospectus supplement, the obligations of the underwriters to purchase the offered securities will be subject to conditions precedent, and the underwriters will be obligated to purchase all of the offered securities, if any are purchased.





We may grant to the underwriters options to purchase additional securities to cover over-allotments, if any, at the public offering price, with additional underwriting commissions or discounts, as may be set forth in a related prospectus supplement. The terms of any over-allotment option will be set forth in the prospectus supplement for those securities.


If a dealer is used in the sale of the securities, we, or an underwriter, will sell the securities to the dealer, as principal. The dealer may then resell the securities to the public at varying prices to be determined by the dealer at the time of resale. To the extent required, we will set forth in the prospectus supplement, document incorporated by reference or free writing prospectus, as applicable, the name of the dealer and the terms of the transactions.


We may sell the securities directly or through agents we designate from time to time. We will name any agent involved in the offering and sale of securities and we will describe any commissions we will pay the agent in the prospectus supplement.


We may authorize agents or underwriters to solicit offers by institutional investors to purchase securities from us at the public offering price set forth in the prospectus supplement pursuant to delayed delivery contracts providing for payment and delivery on a specified date in the future. We will describe the conditions to these contracts and the commissions we must pay for solicitation of these contracts in the prospectus supplement.


In connection with the sale of the securities, underwriters, dealers or agents may receive compensation from us or from purchasers of the securities for whom they act as agents, in the form of discounts, concessions or commissions. Underwriters may sell the securities to or through dealers, and those dealers may receive compensation in the form of discounts, concessions or commissions from the underwriters or commissions from the purchasers for whom they may act as agents. Underwriters, dealers and agents that participate in the distribution of the securities, and any institutional investors or others that purchase securities directly for the purpose of resale or distribution, may be deemed to be underwriters, and any discounts or commissions received by them from us and any profit on the resale of the common stock by them may be deemed to be underwriting discounts and commissions under the Securities Act. No FINRA member firm may receive compensation in excess of that allowable under FINRA rules, including Rule 5110, in connection with the offering of the securities.


We may provide agents, underwriters and other purchasers with indemnification against particular civil liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act, or contribution with respect to payments that the agents, underwriters or other purchasers may make with respect to such liabilities. Agents and underwriters may engage in transactions with, or perform services for, us in the ordinary course of business.


To facilitate the public offering of a series of securities, persons participating in the offering may engage in transactions that stabilize, maintain, or otherwise affect the market price of the securities. This may include over-allotments or short sales of the securities, which involves the sale by persons participating in the offering of more securities than have been sold to them by us. In addition, those persons may stabilize or maintain the price of the securities by bidding for or purchasing securities in the open market or by imposing penalty bids, whereby selling concessions allowed to underwriters or dealers participating in any such offering may be reclaimed if securities sold by them are repurchased in connection with stabilization transactions. The effect of these transactions may be to stabilize or maintain the market price of the securities at a level above that which might otherwise prevail in the open market. Such transactions, if commenced, may be discontinued at any time. We make no representation or prediction as to the direction or magnitude of any effect that the transactions described above, if implemented, may have on the price of our securities.


Unless otherwise specified in the applicable prospectus supplement, any common stock sold pursuant to a prospectus supplement will be eligible for trading as listed on The Nasdaq Capital Market. Any underwriters to whom securities are sold by us for public offering and sale may make a market in the securities, but such underwriters will not be obligated to do so and may discontinue any market making at any time without notice.


In order to comply with the securities laws of some states, if applicable, the securities offered pursuant to this prospectus will be sold in those states only through registered or licensed brokers or dealers. In addition, in some states securities may not be sold unless they have been registered or qualified for sale in the applicable state or an exemption from the registration or qualification requirement is available and complied with.





So long as the aggregate market value of our voting and non-voting common equity held by non-affiliates is less than $75,000,000 and so long as required by the rules of the SEC, the amount of securities we may offer hereunder will be limited such that the aggregate market value of securities sold by us during a period of 12 calendar months cannot exceed one-third of the aggregate market value of the voting and non-voting common equity held by non-affiliates.


To the extent required, this prospectus may be amended or supplemented from time to time to describe a specific plan of distribution.




The validity of the issuance of the offered securities will be passed upon for us by McDermott Will & Emery LLP, New York, New York.




Marcum LLP, independent registered public accounting firm, has audited our consolidated financial statements included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended September 30, 2022, as set forth in their report, which is incorporated by reference in the prospectus and elsewhere in this registration statement. Our consolidated financial statements are incorporated by reference in reliance on Marcum LLP’s report, given on their authority as experts in accounting and auditing.







This prospectus and any subsequent prospectus supplements do not contain all of the information in the Registration Statement. We have omitted from this prospectus some parts of the Registration Statement as permitted by the rules and regulations of the SEC. Statements in this prospectus concerning any document we have filed as an exhibit to the Registration Statement or that we otherwise filed with the SEC are not intended to be comprehensive and are qualified in their entirety by reference to these filings. In addition, we file annual, quarterly and current reports, proxy statements and other information with the SEC. The SEC maintains a website that contains reports, proxy and information statements and other information that registrants file electronically with the SEC, including us. The SEC’s website can be found at http://www.sec.gov. In addition, we make available on or through our website copies of these reports as soon as reasonably practicable after we electronically file or furnished them to the SEC. Our website can be found at http:www.adnas.com. Our website is not a part of this prospectus.




We have elected to incorporate certain information by reference into this prospectus. By incorporating by reference, we can disclose important information to you by referring you to other documents we have filed or will file with the SEC. The information incorporated by reference is deemed to be part of this prospectus, except for information incorporated by reference that is superseded by information contained in this prospectus. This means that you must look at all of the SEC filings that we incorporate by reference to determine if any statements in the prospectus or any document previously incorporated by reference have been modified or superseded. This prospectus incorporates by reference the documents set forth below that we have previously filed with the SEC, except in each case the information contained in such document to the extent “furnished” and not “filed”:


Our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2022, filed with the SEC on December 14, 2022, as amended by Form 10-K/A filed with the SEC on January 27, 2023.
Our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarterly periods ended December 31, 2022 and March 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on February 9, 2023 and May 11, 2023, respectively.
Our Current Reports on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on February 28, 2023, March 28, 2023, and May 5, 2023.
The description of our capital stock contained in our registration statement on Form 8-A (File No. 001-36745) filed with the Commission on November 13, 2014, pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Exchange Act, including any amendment or report filed for the purpose of updating such description.


We also incorporate by reference all documents we file in the future pursuant to Section 13(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act after the date of this prospectus and prior to the sale of all the securities covered by this prospectus (including all such documents filed with the SEC after the date of the initial filing of the Registration Statement that contains this prospectus and prior to effectiveness of the Registration Statement or after such effectiveness), except in each case the information contained in such document to the extent “furnished” and not “filed.”


You may obtain copies of these documents on the website maintained by the SEC at http://www.sec.gov, or from us without charge (other than exhibits to such documents, unless such exhibits are specifically incorporated by reference into such documents) by writing us at Corporate Secretary, Applied DNA Sciences, Inc., 50 Health Sciences Drive, Stony Brook, New York 11790 or visiting our website at http://www.adnas.com.


Any statement contained in a document incorporated or deemed to be incorporated by reference in this prospectus shall be deemed to be modified or superseded for the purposes of this prospectus to the extent that a statement contained herein, any prospectus supplement or in any other subsequently filed document which also is or deemed to be incorporated by reference herein modifies or supersedes that statement. Any statement so modified or superseded shall not be deemed, except as so modified or superseded, to constitute a part of this prospectus. 










19,247,498 Shares of Common Stock


Pre-Funded Warrants to Purchase 1,065,002 Shares of Common Stock









Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC


October 30, 2024