2024年10月31日 |
価格と出来高/ミックス増にバランスが取れた2 Q3に |
● | Q3の報告された売上高は、為替レートの影響が(4.9)%、M&Aが(1.8)%で278,000万ポンド、0.6%減少しました3 Q3のオーガニック売上高成長 |
● | 0.6%減少しました2 +6.1%の価格が+3.3%、出来高/ミックスが+2.8%増加しました。 |
● | 業績は、革新と市場での強力な実行力に支えられたポートフォリオの強さを反映しています。 |
● | 2024年度全セクターの有機的売上高成長率のガイダンスである4-6%の範囲内での達成を目指しています。 |
利益成長は、強力な実行と継続的なブランド投資を反映しています。 |
● | 第3四半期の営業利益は70500万ポンドで、前年比20.7%増の£12,100万を含む。これには、米国外でのニコチン補充療法(NRT)ビジネスの売却からの収支£12,100万が含まれています。 |
● | 第3四半期の営業利益率は25.4%で、前年比240ベースポイント増加しました。 |
● | 第3四半期の有機的な営業利益成長2 +7.4%の営業レバレッジが、粗利率の拡大と費用効率の向上に支えられて、強力なA&Pへの投資を可能にする4 |
● | 第3四半期の調整後営業利益率2 23.0%で、30ベースポイントの有機的な増加; 為替の影響(120 bps)とM&A(70 bps) |
● | 2024年度の高一桁の有機的営業利益成長を引き続き期待しています |
魅力的な株主利益を支える賢明な資本配分 |
● | ノンコア・ブランドの売却により約80億ポンドを調達、米国外のNRtビジネスを含む(9月に完了) ChapStick (5月に完了) |
● | 中国JVで追加で33%の株式を約50億ポンドで取得する合意に至り、Haleonの出資率を88%に引き上げ、残りの12%を取得するオプション |
● | 株主に対して合計10億ポンド以上を配当として還元、株式の買い戻しで50000万ポンド、配当で57000万ポンド |
報告された結果 | | 調整後の結果 | |||||
2023年9月30日までの期間(未監査) | 2024 | 2023年と比較 | | | 2023年と対比 | ||
3ヶ月の売上高 9ヶ月の売上高 | £278000万 £8,474百万 | (0.6)% (0.7)% | 3ヶ月の有機的な売上高成長2 九ヶ月間のオーガニック売上高成長2 | | 6.1% 4.4% |
● | オーガニック売上高の成長率は4〜6%になると見込んでいます |
● | 有機的な営業利益成長率は一桁高い水準になる見込みです。 |
● | M&Aの純影響により、2024年の売上高と調整後の営業利益はそれぞれ約1.5%と約4%ほど希釈される見込みです。これには、Lamisil、ChapStick、およびHaleonのNRtビジネスが米国外で売却されることが含まれます。 Lamisil, ChapStick およびHaleonのNRtビジネスが米国外で |
● | 約£32000万の純利息費 |
● | 24-25%の調整後実効税率 |
● | 年間の有機売上高成長率は4〜6%です。 |
● | 有機の営業利益成長は有機売上高の前にあります。 |
● | 純負債/調整後EBITDAは約2.5倍です。 |
● | 配当金は調整後利益と少なくとも同水準で成長する見込みです。 |
10月1日、HaleonはPfizer Inc.から普通株式6050万株を市場外で購入することに合意したと発表し、23000万ポンドの対価で取得しました。合計額のうち、11500万ポンド相当の株式は2024年の自社株買いに割り当てられた50000万ポンドの残りを表し、その後取り消されました。残りのPfizerから購入した株式(11500万ポンド相当)は、2025年の既存の従業員分配計画におけるHaleonの義務を履行するために treasury sharesとして保有されています。Haleonはまた、2024年2月29日に発表された自社株買いプログラムを終了したと発表しました。
2024年第3四半期の取引声明 2024年9月30日までの3か月間 | |
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Tobias Hestler氏(chief financialオフィサー)によるプレゼンテーションと質疑応答が、2024年10月31日の午前9時GMT(午前10時CET)に開催されます。詳細はwww.haleon.com/investorsでご覧いただけます。/.
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2024年度決算発表 | 2025年2月27日 |
2025年第1四半期取引報告書 | 2025年5月1日 |
投資家 | メディア | ||
ラケシュ・パテル | +44 7552 484646 | ゾーイ・バード | +44 7736 746167 |
エマ・ホワイト | +44 7823 523562 | ジェマ・トーマス | +44 7985 175048 |
Eメール: investor-relations@haleon.com | Eメール: corporate.media@haleon.com |
Haleon plcについて
Haleon(LSE / nyse: HLN)は、人間らしさを持ってより良い日常の健康を提供することを目的とする、消費者健康のグローバルリーダーです。 Haleonの製品ポートフォリオは、口腔保健、鎮痛、呼吸器健康、消化器健康、その他、ビタミン、ミネラル、サプリメント(VMS)の5つの主要カテゴリーにまたがります。Advil、Sensodyne、Panadol、Voltaren、Theraflu、Otrivin、Polident、parodontax、Centrumなどの長年にわたるブランドは、信頼される科学、イノベーション、深い人間理解に基づいています。
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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Operational review
Revenue by product category for the three months ended 30 September:
Revenue (£m) | | Revenue change (%) | |||
2024 | 2023 | | Reported | Organic1 | |
Oral Health | 810 | 790 | | 2.5% | 8.2% |
VMS | 407 | 410 | | (0.7)% | 3.7% |
Pain Relief | 628 | 636 | | (1.3)% | 3.1% |
Respiratory Health | 456 | 439 | | 3.9% | 9.1% |
Digestive Health and Other | 479 | 523 | | (8.4)% | 5.9% |
Group revenue | 2,780 | 2,798 | | (0.6)% | 6.1% |
1. Reported revenue is calculated at the average rate for the period. Organic revenue is calculated at constant currency. The difference between Reported and Organic revenue growth is predominantly due to adjustment to recalculate the reported results as if they had been generated at prior year exchange rates. Definitions and calculations of non-IFRS measures can be found in the Appendix
Key category performance was as follows:
Oral Health
Revenue grew 2.5% on a reported basis and included a negative impact of 5.7% from foreign exchange movements. Organic revenue growth was sustained in the high-single digit range, +8.2%. Excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements, high-single digit growth in Sensodyne was underpinned by performance in India, US and a number of European markets including UK and Germany. The roll-out of Sensodyne Clinical White continues to progress well, now in 11 markets with strong consumption growth. parodontax grew double digit excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements with strong performance across Middle East & Africa and Europe. We recently launched parodontax in China where early consumer feedback has been encouraging. Excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements, Denture Care was up mid-single digit with South East Asia & Taiwan and Central & Eastern Europe seeing good growth. Aquafresh declined low-single digit with a double digit decline in North America excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements.
Revenue declined 0.7% on a reported basis and included a negative impact of 4.4% from foreign exchange movements. Organic revenue grew 3.7%. Excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements, Caltrate grew double digit driven by China where sales were ahead of the market. Centrum was broadly flat driven by a tough comparative in the US (Q3 2023: +14%) and in China (Q3 2023: +22%) excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements. In both markets, share continued to grow. Elsewhere, Centrum grew double digit in Middle East & Africa and South East Asia & Taiwan. Emergen-C sales were up low single digit, excluding foreign exchange movements.
Pain Relief
Revenue declined 1.3% on a reported basis and included a negative impact of 4.4% from foreign exchange movements. Organic revenue growth of 3.1% was driven by mid-single digit growth in Advil. Excluding foreign exchange movements, Voltaren was flat with strength in Middle East & Africa broadly offset by a decline in Germany. Panadol declined mid-single digit excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements, against a strong comparative in Middle East & Africa and market weakness in Australia.
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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Excluding the impact of foreign exchange, across our Local Growth Brands, Fenbid in China grew strongly reflecting the proactive inventory management actions taken in Q3 2023 following the easing of COVID-19 related restrictions. Grand-Pa in South Africa also grew strongly excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements.
Revenue grew 3.9% on a reported basis and included a negative impact of 5.2% from foreign exchange movements Organic revenue increased 9.1%. The US benefitted from the shipment of reformulated products which do not include phenylephrine following proactive inventory reduction during H1 2024. Excluding foreign exchange movements, Theraflu and Robitussin were each up double digit. Excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements, Otrivin was up high single digit supported by innovation including Otrivin Nasal Mist and allergy revenue declined high-single digit reflecting normal inventory reductions following a weak season.
Digestive Health and Other
Revenue declined 8.4% on a reported basis and included a negative impact of 5.3% from foreign exchange movements and (9.0)% from net M&A arising from the divestments of Lamisil and ChapStick. Organic revenue grew +5.9% with Digestive Health up high-single digit, lapping the retailer destock seen in North America in the prior-year period. Within the category, and excluding foreign exchange movements, Tums grew double digit and ENO was up mid-single digit. Nexium revenue was flat, excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements. Smokers Health was up mid-single digit. Skin Health also grew mid-single digit with strength in Fenistil excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements.
Geographical segment performance
Performance by geographical segment for the three months ended 30 September:
| Revenue (£m) | | Revenue change (%) | |||||
2024 | 2023 | | Reported | Organic1 | | Price1 | Vol/Mix1 | |
North America | 997 | 1,018 | | (2.1)% | 4.8% | | 2.4% | 2.4% |
EMEA and LatAm | 1,136 | 1,155 | | (1.6)% | 6.1% | | 5.3% | 0.8% |
APAC | 647 | 625 | | 3.5% | 8.2% | | 1.1% | 7.1% |
Group | 2,780 | 2,798 | | (0.6)% | 6.1% | | 3.3% | 2.8% |
1. Reported revenue is calculated at the average rate for the period. Organic revenue is calculated at constant currency. The difference between Reported and Organic revenue growth is predominantly due to adjustment to recalculate the reported results as if they had been generated at prior year exchange rates. Price and Volume/Mix are components of Organic Revenue Growth. Definitions and calculations of non-IFRS measures can be found in the Appendix.
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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North America
● | Revenue was £997m (2023: £1,018m), a decline of 2.1% on a reported basis which included the negative impact of foreign exchange rates of (4.2)% and net M&A of (2.7)%. As a result, revenue grew in North America 4.8% on an organic basis, with +2.4% price and +2.4% volume/mix. |
● | Excluding the impact of foreign exchange and net M&A: Oral Health saw mid-single digit growth with Sensodyne up mid-single digit, driven by successful innovation and market activation of Sensodyne Clinical White underpinning market share gains. VMS continues to gain share and was up low-single digit with Centrum flat. Pain Relief grew mid-single digit with mid-single digit growth in Advil underpinned by continued momentum and share gains for Advil Targeted Relief. Voltaren was also up mid-single digit. Respiratory Health grew double digit helped by shipment of reformulated cold and flu products not containing phenylephrine and new innovations including Theraflu Soft Chews. Digestive Health and Other revenues were up mid-single digit with double digit growth in Digestive Health after lapping the impact from de-stocking in the prior-year period. Tums grew double digit and Nexium revenues were flat. This was partially offset by a decline in Smokers Health. |
Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) and Latin America (LatAm)
● | Revenue was £1,136m (2023: £1,155m), a decline of 1.6% on a reported basis which included the negative impact of foreign exchange rates of (6.4)% and net M&A of (1.3)%. As a result, organic revenue growth in EMEA and LatAm was +6.1%, with +5.3% price and +0.8% volume/mix. |
● | Pricing reflects c.3% price growth in Europe with a higher impact in emerging markets, in each case, excluding the impact of foreign exchange. |
● | Excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements and net M&A: Oral Health grew mid-single digit, with high-single digit growth in Sensodyne from innovation driving share gains. parodontax grew double digit with strength in Middle East & Africa. Denture Care was up mid-single digit. VMS grew mid-single digit with high-single digit growth in Centrum. Pain Relief revenues were flat with growth in Local Brands including Grand-Pa in South Africa offsetting a decline in Panadol and Voltaren. Respiratory Health was up high-single digit with strength in Otrivin driven by the roll out of Otrivin Nasal Mist. Digestive Health and Other was up double digit with double digit growth in Skin Health and Smokers Health. Digestive Health was up mid-single digit. |
● | Geographically, and excluding the impact of foreign exchange: Middle East and Africa grew double digit with Latin America and Central & Eastern Europe up high-single digit. Northern Europe and Germany were up mid-single digit whilst Southern Europe was broadly flat. |
Asia-Pacific (APAC)
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● | Revenue was £647m (2023: £625m), a growth of 3.5% on a reported basis which included the negative impact of foreign exchange rates of (3.5)% and net M&A of (1.2)%. As a result, organic revenue growth in APAC was +8.2%, with +1.1% price and +7.1% volume/mix. |
● | As expected, volume/mix accelerated in Q3 after passing the high comparative experienced in H1 from Fenbid and Contac in China. |
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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● | Excluding the impact of foreign exchange and net M&A: Double digit growth in Oral Health was driven by continued momentum in Sensodyne with strong performance in India and South East Asia & Taiwan. VMS grew mid-single digit with strength in Caltrate partly offset by a mid-single digit decline in Centrum which reflected a strong comparative. Pain Relief was up double digit with mid-single digit growth in Voltaren and significant growth in Fenbid more than offsetting a decline in Panadol. Respiratory Health grew mid-single digit. Digestive Health and Other was down low-single digit driven by a double digit decline in Smokers Health. |
● | Geographically, and excluding the impact of foreign exchange and net M&A: India and China grew double digit. South-East Asia & Taiwan, and North Asia were up mid-single digit. Australia/New Zealand grew low-single digit. |
Operating profit and margin
Reported operating profit increased by +20.7% at actual exchange rates to £705m (Q3 2023: £584m), and reported operating profit margin increased by 450bps to 25.4% at actual exchange rates (Q3 2023: 20.9%). This included £121m gain on disposal of the NRT business outside the US.
Adjusted operating profit declined 7.2% at actual exchange rates to £639m (Q3 2023: £689m). FX reduced adjusted operating profit by 10.0% (£69m) and net M&A reduced it by 4.6% (£30m). Organic operating profit growth was +7.4% driven by continued operating leverage, particularly through gross margin expansion, which enabled strong investment in A&P. The prior-year period included the benefit of a tax credit in North America which did not repeat. Adjusted operating profit margin was 23.0% (up 30bps organically and down 160bps at actual exchange rates).
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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Nine months ended 30 September 2024
The information included here is being made public this quarter in connection with the Registration Rights Agreement dated 1 June 2022 among Haleon and Pfizer.
Operational review
Revenue by product category for the nine months ended 30 September:
| Revenue (£m) | | Revenue change (%) | ||
2024 | 2023 | | Reported | Organic1 | |
Oral Health | 2,493 | 2,379 | | 4.8% | 9.3% |
VMS | 1,264 | 1,226 | | 3.1% | 7.3% |
Pain Relief | 1,931 | 2,041 | | (5.4)% | (2.1)% |
Respiratory Health | 1,244 | 1,278 | | (2.7)% | 1.6% |
Digestive Health and Other | 1,542 | 1,612 | | (4.3)% | 5.3% |
Group revenue | 8,474 | 8,536 | | (0.7)% | 4.4% |
1. Reported revenue is calculated at the average rate for the period. Organic revenue is calculated at constant currency. The difference between Reported and Organic revenue growth is predominantly due to adjustment to recalculate the reported results as if they had been generated at prior year exchange rates. Definitions and calculations of non-IFRS measures can be found in the Appendix.
Oral Health
Revenue grew 4.8% on a reported basis and included a negative impact of 4.5% from foreign exchange movements. Organic revenue grew 9.3%, with all three Power Brands delivering strong growth. Excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements, Sensodyne was up double digit due to strong performance in the US, India, Middle East & Africa, and China. parodontax grew double digit excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements. Denture Care grew high-single digit with particularly strong growth in Central & Eastern Europe, excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements.
Revenue grew 3.1% on a reported abasis and included a negative impact of 4.2% from foreign exchange movements. Organic revenue grew 7.3% with mid-single digit growth in Centrum underpinned by performance in the US, South-East Asia and Taiwan and Latin America. Excluding foreign exchange movements, Caltrate grew double digit with continued strong performance in China. Emergen-C sales grew mid-single digit, excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements.
Pain Relief
Revenue declined 5.4% on a reported basis and included a negative impact of 3.3% from foreign exchange movements. Organic revenue declined 2.1%. As expected, performance reflected tough comparatives from H1 2023 due to strong demand for Fenbid in China following the lifting of COVID-19 related restrictions, and with Advil in Canada from elevated demand in the prior year period. These impacts both fell away in the third quarter. Excluding foreign exchange movements, Panadol saw a mid-single digit decline largely driven by a tough comparative in Middle East & Africa along with shipping delays.
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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Respiratory Health
Revenue declined 2.7% on a reported basis and included a negative impact of 4.3% from foreign exchange movements. Organic revenue increased 1.6%. Performance reflected the lapping of strong cold and flu comparatives in the first half of the year and significantly elevated Contac demand in China in Q1 2023 from the lifting of COVID-19 related restrictions. Excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements, Theraflu was up mid-single digit with strength in Central & Eastern Europe and Latin America. Excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements, Otrivin grew mid-single digit underpinned by innovation including Otrivin Nasal Mist with double digit growth in Central and Eastern Europe. Allergy sales were down low-single digit, excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements, reflecting a soft season.
Digestive Health and Other
Revenue declined 4.3% on a reported basis and included a negative impact of 3.5% from foreign exchange movements and (6.1)% from net M&A arising from the disposals of Lamisil and ChapStick. Organic revenue was up 5.3%, with Digestive Health up mid-single digit driven by high-single digit growth in Tums and ENO, partly offset by a decline in Nexium, in each case, excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements. Excluding the impact of foreign exchange movements and net M&A, Smokers Health revenue increased mid-single digit and Skin Health brands grew high-single digit.
Geographical segment performance
Revenue by geographical segment for the nine months ended 30 September:
| Revenue (£m) | | Revenue change (%) | |||||
2024 | 2023 | | Reported | Organic1 | | Price1 | Vol/Mix1 | |
North America | 2,953 | 3,064 | | (3.6)% | 0.7% | | 2.9% | (2.2)% |
EMEA and LatAm | 3,553 | 3,478 | | 2.2% | 7.3% | | 6.1% | 1.2% |
APAC | 1,968 | 1,994 | | (1.3)% | 5.0% | | 1.9% | 3.1% |
Group | 8,474 | 8,536 | | (0.7)% | 4.4% | | 4.0% | 0.4% |
1. Price and Volume/Mix are components of Organic Revenue Growth. Definitions and calculations of non-IFRS measures can be found on pages 14 to 19.
2. Reported revenue is calculated at the average rate for the period. Organic revenue is calculated at constant currency. The difference between Reported and Organic revenue growth is predominantly due to adjustment to recalculate the reported results as if they had been generated at prior year exchange rates. Definitions and calculations of non-IFRS measures can be found in the Appendix.
All commentary below refers to organic revenue growth unless otherwise stated.
North America | |
● | Revenue was £2,953m (2023: £3,064m), a decline of 3.6% on a reported basis which included the negative effect of foreign exchange rates of (3.0)% and net M&A of (1.3)%. As a result, organic revenue growth in North America was 0.7%, with 2.9% price and (2.2)% volume/mix. |
● | The decline in volume/mix was influenced by a number of factors including a challenging comparative relating to the strong cold and flu season in 2022/2023 and inventory reduction by certain US retailers in Q1 2024. Consumption in the US remained strong for Haleon products through the period, increasing mid-single digit reflecting share gains. |
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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● | Excluding the impact of foreign exchange and net M&A: Oral Health increased mid-single digit, with Sensodyne up mid-single digit driving market share gains underpinned by strong in-market execution and innovation. parodontax was up double digit and Denture Care grew low-single digit. VMS was up high-single digit with double digit growth in Centrum benefitting from the activation of clinical claims on Centrum Silver. Emergen-C sales were up mid-single digit. Respiratory Health revenues declined high-single digit, with Robitussin particularly impacted by comparatives. Allergy sales were down mid-single digit given a soft season. Pain Relief declined mid-single digit with Advil down mid-single digit due to lapping the Canada comparative in the first quarter and changes in customer inventory levels. Digestive Health and Other saw low-single digit growth with mid-single digit growth in Digestive Health. Smokers Health and Skin Health both declined mid-single digit. |
Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) and Latin America (LatAm) | ||
● | Revenue was £3,553m (2023: £3,478m), a growth of 2.2% on a reported basis which included the negative impact of foreign exchange rates of (3.8)% and net M&A of (1.3)%. As a result, organic revenue growth in EMEA and LatAm was 7.3%, with 6.1% price and 1.2% volume/mix. | |
● | Excluding the impact of foreign exchange and net M&A: Oral Health and Digestive Health and Other both grew double digit. In Oral Health, all three Power Brands saw double digit growth with Sensodyne in particular benefiting from innovation and market share gains. VMS grew mid-single digit with Centrum up high-single digit. Pain Relief grew mid-single digit with Voltaren up mid-single digit with strength in Central & Eastern Europe and Middle East & Africa partly offsetting a decline in Germany. Respiratory Health was up mid-single digit with mid-single digit growth in each of Otrivin and Theraflu. Digestive Health and Other was driven by double digit growth in Smokers Health and Skin Health with Digestive Health sales flat. | |
● | Geographically, and excluding the impact of foreign exchange and net M&A: LatAm, Middle East & Africa, Central and Eastern Europe saw double digit growth. Northern Europe and Germany were up mid-single digit while Southern Europe was up low-single digit. | |
Asia-Pacific (APAC) | ||
● | Revenue was £1,968m (2023: £1,994m) a decline of 1.3% on a reported basis which included the negative impact of foreign exchange rates of 5.4% and net M&A of (0.9)%. As a result, organic revenue growth in APAC was 5.0%, with 1.9% price and 3.1% volume/mix. | |
● | Growth was impacted by the high comparative from Fenbid and Contac in China during H1 2023. | |
● | Excluding the impact of foreign exchange and net M&A: Double digit growth in Oral Health was driven by strong performance from Sensodyne particularly in India and China. parodontax and Denture Care were both up mid-single digit. VMS grew high-single digit with double digit growth in Caltrate and low-single digit growth in Centrum. Pain Relief declined high-single digit with high-single digit growth in Voltaren more than offset by a decline in Panadol and Fenbid. The former was impacted by overall weak category dynamics in Australia. Respiratory Health was up double digit driven by strong performance of Flonase in China. Digestive Health and Other grew mid-single digit with double digit growth in Skin Health. Digestive Health was up mid-single digit underpinned by double digit growth in ENO. Smokers Health was flat. | |
● | Geographically, and excluding the impact of foreign exchange and net M&A: China was up mid-single digit despite strong H1 comparatives arising from COVID-19 related demand in 2023. Growth in the region was driven by strength in Caltrate, Sensodyne and Voltaren. India grew double digit with strong performance across Sensodyne and ENO. North Asia and South East Asia & Taiwan grew mid-single digit. Australia/New Zealand declined mid-single digit. |
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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Operating profit and margin
Reported operating profit increased by 7.6% at actual exchange rates to £1,856m (9m 2023: £1,725m), and reported operating profit margin increased by 170bps at actual exchange rates to 21.9% (9m 2023: 20.2%). This included £121m gain on disposal of the NRT business outside the US.
Adjusted operating profit decreased by 1.4% at actual exchange rates to £1,932m (9m 2023: £1,960m). FX reduced adjusted operating profit by 7.8% (£153m) and net M&A reduced it by 3.3% (£60m). Organic operating profit increased 9.7%. Good operational leverage, particularly through gross margin expansion, as well as efficiencies enabled high-single digit growth in A&P at constant currency and excluding the net impact of M&A.
As a result of the above, adjusted operating profit margin was 22.8%, up 120bps organically and down 20bps at actual exchange rates.
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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| | 2024 | 2023 |
| Notes | £m | £m |
| |
Revenue | 2 | 2,780 | 2,798 |
Cost of sales | | (1,032) | (1,082) |
Gross profit | | 1,748 | 1,716 |
| | | |
Selling, general and administration | | (1,091) | (1,058) |
Research and development | | (76) | (75) |
Other operating income/ (expense) | | 124 | 1 |
Operating profit | 2 | 705 | 584 |
| | | |
Finance income | | 12 | — |
Finance expense | | (90) | (88) |
Net finance costs | | (78) | (88) |
| | | |
Net monetary gain arising from hyperinflationary economies1 | | (1) | — |
| | | |
Profit before tax | | 626 | 496 |
| | | |
Income tax | 5 | (127) | (122) |
| | | |
Profit after tax for the period | | 499 | 374 |
| | | |
Profit attributable to shareholders of the Group | | 485 | 365 |
Profit attributable to non-controlling interests | | 14 | 9 |
| | | |
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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| | 2024 | 2023 |
| Notes | £m | £m |
| |
Revenue | | 8,474 | 8,536 |
Cost of sales | | (3,178) | (3,270) |
Gross profit | | 5,296 | 5,266 |
| | | |
Selling, general and administration | | (3,346) | (3,320) |
Research and development | | (220) | (217) |
Other operating income/ (expense) | | 126 | (4) |
Operating profit | | 1,856 | 1,725 |
| | | |
Finance income | | 43 | 30 |
Finance expense | | (283) | (299) |
Net finance costs | | (240) | (269) |
| | | |
Net monetary gain arising from hyperinflationary economies1 | | 6 | — |
| | | |
Profit before tax | | 1,622 | 1,456 |
| | | |
Income tax | | (369) | (352) |
| | | |
Profit after tax for the period | | 1,253 | 1,104 |
| | | |
Profit attributable to shareholders of the Group | | 1,211 | 1,052 |
Profit attributable to non-controlling interests | | 42 | 52 |
| | | |
Basic earnings per share (pence) | | 13.2 | 11.4 |
Diluted earnings per share (pence) | | 13.2 | 11.3 |
1 Application of IAS 29 ‘Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies’ has been applied effective 1 January 2024.
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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Cautionary note regarding forward-looking statements
This document contains certain statements that are, or may be deemed to be, "forward-looking statements“ (including for purposes of the safe harbor provisions for forward-looking statements contained in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934). Forward-looking statements give Haleon’s current expectations and projections about future events, including strategic initiatives and future financial condition and performance, and so Haleon’s actual results may differ materially from what is expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements sometimes use words such as "expects“, "anticipates“, "believes“, "targets“, "plans", "intends“, “aims”, "projects“, "indicates", "may", “might”, "will", "should“, “potential”, “could” and words of similar meaning (or the negative thereof). All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this presentation are forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to future actions, prospective products or product approvals, delivery on strategic initiatives (including but not limited to acquisitions and disposals, realisations of efficiencies and responsible business goals), future performance or results of current and anticipated products, sales efforts, expenses, the outcome of contingencies such as legal proceedings, dividend payments and financial results.
Any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Haleon speak only as of the date they are made and are based upon the knowledge and information available to Haleon on the date of this document. These forward-looking statements and views may be based on a number of assumptions and, by their nature, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future and/or are beyond Haleon’s control or precise estimate. Such risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause Haleon’s actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, those discussed under “Risk Factors” on pages 193 to 201 in Haleon’s Annual Report and Form 20-F 2023. Forward-looking statements should, therefore, be construed in light of such risk factors and undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.
Subject to our obligations under English and U.S. law in relation to disclosure and ongoing information (including under the Market Abuse Regulations, the UK Listing Rules and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority), we undertake no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. You should, however, consult any additional disclosures that Haleon may make in any documents which it publishes and/or files with the SEC and take note of these disclosures, wherever you are located.
No statement in this document is or is intended to be a profit forecast or profit estimate.
Use of non-IFRS measures (unaudited)
We use certain alternative performance measures to make financial, operating, and planning decisions and to evaluate and report performance. We believe these measures provide useful information to investors and as such, where clearly identified, we have included certain alternative performance measures in this document to allow investors to better analyse our business performance and allow greater comparability. To do so, we have excluded items affecting the comparability of period-over-period financial performance. Adjusted Results and other non-IFRS measures may be considered in addition to, but not as a substitute for or superior to, information presented in accordance with IFRS.
Adjusted results
Adjusted results comprise adjusted gross profit, adjusted gross profit margin, adjusted selling, general and administration (SG&A), adjusted research and development (R&D), adjusted other operating income/(expense), adjusted operating profit, adjusted operating profit margin, adjusted income tax, adjusted effective tax rate, adjusted profit attributable to shareholders, adjusted diluted earnings per
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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share. Adjusted results exclude net amortisation and impairment of intangible assets, restructuring costs, transaction-related costs, separation and admission costs, and disposals and others, in each case net of the impact of taxes (where applicable) (collectively the Adjusting items).
Management believes that adjusted results, when considered together with the Group’s operating results as reported under IFRS, provide investors, analysts and other stakeholders with helpful complementary information to understand the financial performance and position of the Group from period to period and allow the Group’s performance to be more easily comparable.
Adjusting items
Adjusted Results exclude the following items (net of the impact of taxes, where applicable):
Net amortisation and impairment of intangible assets
Net impairment of intangibles, impairment of goodwill and amortisation of acquired intangibles excluding computer software. These adjustments are made to reflect the performance of the business excluding the effect of acquisitions.
Restructuring costs
From time to time, the Group may undertake business restructuring programmes that are structural in nature and significant in scale. The cost associated with such programmes includes severance and other personnel costs, professional fees, impairments of assets, and other related items.
Transaction related costs
Transaction related accounting or other adjustments related to significant acquisitions including deal costs and other pre-acquisition costs when there is certainty that an acquisition will complete. It also includes costs of registering and issuing debt and equity securities and the effect of inventory revaluations on acquisitions.
Separation and Admission costs
Costs incurred in relation to and in connection with Separation, UK Admission and registration of the Company’s Ordinary Shares represented by the Company’s American Depositary Shares (ADSs) under the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and listing of ADSs on the NYSE (the US Listing). These costs are not directly attributable to the sale of the Group’s products and specifically relate to the foregoing activities, affecting comparability of the Group’s financial results in historical and future reporting periods.
Disposals and others
Includes gains and losses on disposals of assets, businesses and tax indemnities related to business combinations, legal settlement and judgements, impact of changes in tax rates and tax laws on deferred tax assets and liabilities, retained or uninsured losses related to acts of terrorism, significant product recalls, natural disasters and other items. These gains and losses are not directly attributable to the sale of the Group’s products and vary from period to period, which affects comparability of the Group’s financial results. In addition, these gains and losses include net monetary gains or losses arising from hyperinflationary economics as this affects comparability of the Group’s financial results. From period to period, the Group will also need to apply judgement if items of unique nature arise that are not specifically listed above.
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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The following tables set out reconciliation between IFRS and Adjusted Results for the three months ended 30 September 2024 and 30 September 2023.
| | | | Net | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | amortisation | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | and | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | impairment of | | | | Transaction- | | Separation | | Disposals | | |
| | IFRS | | intangible | | Restructuring | | related | | and admission | | and | | Adjusted |
£m | | Results | | assets1 | | costs2 | | costs | | costs | | costs3 | | Results |
2024 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Revenue | | 2,780 | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 2,780 |
Operating profit | | 705 | | 7 | | 47 | | — | | 3 | | (123) | | 639 |
Operating profit margin % | | 25.4% | | | | | | | | | | | | 23.0% |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2023 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Revenue | | 2,798 | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 2,798 |
Operating profit | | 584 | | 7 | | 60 | | 1 | | 34 | | 3 | | 689 |
Operating profit margin % | | 20.9% | | | | | | | | | | | | 24.6% |
1. | Net amortisation and impairment of intangible assets: includes impairment of intangible assets of £(2m) (2023: nil), and amortisation of intangible assets excluding computer software £6m (2023: £7m). |
2. | Restructuring costs: In 2024 it includes £5m of non-cash costs. |
3. | Disposal and others: In 2024 it includes £(121)m gain from disposal of Nicotine Replacement Therapy business outside the US. |
Constant currency
The Group’s reporting currency is Pounds Sterling, but the Group’s significant international operations give rise to fluctuations in foreign exchange rates. To neutralise foreign exchange impact and to better illustrate the change in results from one year to the next, the Group discusses its results both on an “as reported basis” or using actual exchange rates (AER) (local currency results translated into Pounds Sterling at the prevailing foreign exchange rate) and using constant currency exchange rates (CER). To calculate results on a constant currency basis, prior year average exchange rates are used to restate current year comparatives except for the local currency of entities that operate in hyperinflationary economies. These currencies are translated into Pound Sterling using the prior year closing exchange rate. The principal currencies and relevant exchange rates in the key markets where the Group operates are shown below.
| | Nine months to 30 September | ||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
Average rates: | | | | |
US$/£ |
| 1.28 | | 1.24 |
Euro/£ |
| 1.18 |
| 1.15 |
CNY/£ |
| 9.19 |
| 8.75 |
Organic revenue growth and organic operating profit growth
Our organic growth measures take our adjusted results and further exclude the impact of divestments, acquisitions, manufacture and supply agreements (MSAs) relating to divestments and closure production sites, and the impact of foreign currency exchange movements including changes in currency and price growth in excess of 26% in hyperinflationary economies from one period to the next. Inflation of 26% per year compounded over three years is one of the key indicators within IAS 29 to assess whether an economy is deemed to be hyperinflationary.
The Group believes discussing organic revenue growth and organic operating profit growth contributes to the understanding of the Group’s performance and trends because it allows for a year-on-year comparison of revenue and operating profit in a meaningful and consistent manner.
Organic measures are calculated period to period as follows, using prior year exchange rates to restate current year comparatives except for the local currency of entities that operate in hyperinflationary economies. These currencies are translated into Pound Sterling using the prior year closing exchange rate.
– | Current year organic measures exclude revenue and operating profit from brands or businesses acquired in the current accounting period. |
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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– | Current year organic measures exclude revenue and operating profit attributable to brands or businesses acquired in the prior year from 1 January to the date of completion of the acquisition. |
– | Prior year organic measures exclude revenue and operating profit in respect of brands or businesses divested or closed in the current accounting period from 12 months prior to the completion of the disposal or closure until the end of the prior accounting period. |
– | Prior year organic measures exclude revenue and operating profit in respect of brands or businesses divested or closed in the previous accounting period in full. |
– | Prior year and current year organic measures exclude revenue and operating profit attributable to MSAs relating to divestments and closure of production sites taking place in either the current or prior year, each an Organic Adjustment. These adjustments are made because these agreements are transitional in nature and, with respect to production site closures, include a ramp-down period in which revenue attributable to MSAs gradually reduces several months before the production site closes. |
To calculate organic growth for the period, organic measures for the prior year are subtracted from organic measures in the current year and divided by organic measures in the prior year.
Organic revenue growth by individual geographical segment is further discussed by price and volume/mix changes, which are defined as follows:
– Price: Defined as the variation in revenue attributable to changes in prices during the period. Price excludes the impact to organic revenue growth due to (i) the volume of products sold during the period and (ii) the composition of products sold during the period. Price is calculated as current year net price minus prior year net price multiplied by current year volume. Net price is the sales price, after deduction of any trade, cash or volume discounts that can be reliably estimated at point of sale. Value added tax and other sales taxes are excluded from the net price. In determining changes in price, we exclude the impact of price growth in excess of 26% per year in hyperinflationary economies as explained above.
– | Volume/Mix: Defined as the variation in revenue attributable to changes in volumes and composition of products sold in the period. |
The following tables reconcile reported revenue growth and reported operating profit growth to organic revenue growth and organic operating profit growth, respectively, for the periods presented.
| | Geographical Segments | ||||||
Three months ended 30 September | | North | | EMEA and | | | | |
2024 vs 2023 (%) |
| America |
| LatAm | | APAC | | Total |
Revenue growth | | (2.1) | | (1.6) | | 3.5 | | (0.6) |
Organic adjustments |
| 2.7 | | 1.3 | | 1.2 | | 1.8 |
Effect of exchange rates |
| 4.2 | | 6.4 | | 3.5 | | 4.9 |
Organic revenue growth1 |
| 4.8 | | 6.1 | | 8.2 | | 6.1 |
Price |
| 2.4 | | 5.3 | | 1.1 | | 3.3 |
Volume/Mix |
| 2.4 | | 0.8 | | 7.1 | | 2.8 |
1 Excludes c.2% of price growth due to hyperinflation for the Group.
| | Geographical Segments | ||||||
Three months ended 30 September | | North | | EMEA and | | | | |
2023 vs 2022 (%) |
| America |
| LatAm |
| APAC |
| Total |
Revenue growth | | (7.5) | | 1.7 | | (4.6) | | (3.3) |
Organic adjustments |
| — | | — | | 0.1 | | — |
Effect of exchange rates |
| 6.0 | | 9.1 | | 10.4 | | 8.3 |
Organic revenue growth1 |
| (1.5) | | 10.8 | | 5.9 | | 5.0 |
Price |
| 2.6 | | 12.7 | | 2.9 | | 6.6 |
Volume/Mix |
| (4.1) | | (1.9) | | 3.0 | | (1.6) |
1 Includes c.1% of price growth due to hyperinflation for the Group.
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Product Categories | ||||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | Digestive Health and | | |
Three months ended 30 September |
| Oral | | |
| Pain | | Respiratory |
| | | |
2024 vs 2023 (%) | | Health | | VMS | | Relief |
| Health |
| Other | | Total |
Revenue growth |
| 2.5 | | (0.7) | | (1.3) | | 3.9 | | (8.4) | | (0.6) |
Organic adjustments |
| — | | — | | — | | — | | 9.0 | | 1.8 |
Effect of exchange rates |
| 5.7 | | 4.4 | | 4.4 | | 5.2 | | 5.3 | | 4.9 |
Organic revenue growth1 |
| 8.2 | | 3.7 | | 3.1 | | 9.1 | | 5.9 | | 6.1 |
1 Excludes c.2% of price growth due to hyperinflation for the Group.
| | Product Categories | ||||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | Digestive Health and | | |
Three months ended 30 September | | Oral | | |
| Pain | | Respiratory |
| | | |
2023 vs 2022 (%) | | Health | | VMS | | Relief |
| Health |
| Other | | Total |
Revenue growth |
| 0.4 | | (6.2) | | (1.9) | | (3.9) | | (7.1) |
| (3.3) |
Organic adjustments |
| — |
| — |
| 0.2 |
| — |
| (0.2) |
| — |
Effect of exchange rates |
| 9.0 |
| 7.6 |
| 7.9 |
| 8.1 |
| 8.2 |
| 8.3 |
Organic revenue growth 1 |
| 9.4 |
| 1.4 |
| 6.2 |
| 4.2 |
| 0.9 |
| 5.0 |
1 Includes c.1% of price growth due to hyperinflation for the Group.
| | Three months ended 30 September | ||
| 2024 vs 2023 (%) |
| 2023 vs 2022 (%) |
Operating profit growth | | 20.7 | | 2.6 |
Adjusted operating profit growth |
| (7.2) | | (5.0) |
Effect of exchange rates |
| 10.0 | | 13.9 |
Adjusted operating profit growth (CER) |
| 2.8 | | 8.9 |
Organic adjustments |
| 4.6 | | (0.1) |
Organic operating profit growth |
| 7.4 | | 8.8 |
Adjusted results for the nine months ended 30 September 2024 and 30 September 2023 (unaudited)
The following tables set out a reconciliation between IFRS and Adjusted Results for the nine-month periods ended 30 September 2024 and 30 September 2023:
| | | | Net | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | amortisation | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | and | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | impairment of | | | | Transaction- | | Separation | | Disposals | | |
| | IFRS | | intangible | | Restructuring | | related | | and admission | | and | | Adjusted |
£m | | Results | | assets1 | | costs2 | | costs | | costs | | others3 | | Results |
2024 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Revenue | | 8,474 | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 8,474 |
Operating profit | | 1,856 | | 3 | | 179 | | 4 | | 23 | | (133) | | 1,932 |
Operating profit margin % | | 21.9% | | | | | | | | | | | | 22.8% |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2023 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Revenue | | 8,536 | | — | | — | | — | | — | | — | | 8,536 |
Operating profit | | 1,725 | | 30 | | 90 | | 8 | | 94 | | 13 | | 1,960 |
Operating profit margin % | | 20.2% | | | | | | | | | | | | 23.0% |
1. | Net amortisation and impairment of intangible assets: includes impairment reversal of intangible assets of £(16m) (2023: nil), and amortisation of intangible assets excluding computer software £18m (2023: £30m). Impairment reversal of intangible assets relates to the divestment of ChapStick on 31 May 2024. |
2. | Restructuring costs: In 2024 it includes £64m of non-cash costs. |
3. | Disposals and others: In 2024 it includes £(121)m gain from disposal of Nicotine Replacement Therapy business outside the US. |
Q3 2024 Trading Statement Three months ended 30 September 2024 | |
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The following tables reconcile reported revenue growth and reported operating profit growth to organic revenue growth and organic operating profit growth, respectively, for the periods presented.
| | Geographical Segments | ||||||
Nine months ended 30 September | | North | | EMEA and | | | | |
2024 vs 2023 (%) |
| America |
| LatAm | | APAC | | Total |
Revenue growth | | (3.6) | | 2.2 | | (1.3) | | (0.7) |
Organic adjustments |
| 1.3 | | 1.3 | | 0.9 | | 1.2 |
Effect of exchange rates |
| 3.0 | | 3.8 | | 5.4 | | 3.9 |
Organic revenue growth1 |
| 0.7 | | 7.3 | | 5.0 | | 4.4 |
Price |
| 2.9 | | 6.1 | | 1.9 | | 4.0 |
Volume/Mix |
| (2.2) | | 1.2 | | 3.1 | | 0.4 |
1 Excludes c.2% of price growth due to hyperinflation for the Group.
| | Geographical Segments | ||||||
Nine months ended 30 September | | North | | EMEA and | | | | |
2023 vs 2022 (%) |
| America |
| LatAm |
| APAC |
| Total |
Revenue growth | | 3.0 | | 8.5 | | 4.9 | | 5.6 |
Organic adjustments |
| — | | 0.2 | | (0.1) | | — |
Effect of exchange rates |
| (0.6) | | 4.7 | | 4.8 | | 2.9 |
Organic revenue growth1 |
| 2.4 |
| 13.4 |
| 9.6 |
| 8.5 |
Price |
| 3.9 | | 13.0 | | 2.5 |
| 7.2 |
Volume/Mix |
| (1.5) | | 0.4 | | 7.1 |
| 1.3 |
1 Includes c.1% of price growth due to hyperinflation for the Group.
| | Product Categories | ||||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | Digestive Health and | | |
Nine months ended 30 September |
| Oral | | |
| Pain | | Respiratory |
| | | |
2024 vs 2023 (%) | | Health | | VMS | | Relief |
| Health |
| Other | | Total |
Revenue growth |
| 4.8 | | 3.1 | | (5.4) | | (2.7) | | (4.3) | | (0.7) |
Organic adjustments |
| — | | — | | — | | — | | 6.1 | | 1.2 |
Effect of exchange rates |
| 4.5 | | 4.2 | | 3.3 | | 4.3 | | 3.5 | | 3.9 |
Organic revenue growth1 |
| 9.3 | | 7.3 | | (2.1) | | 1.6 | | 5.3 | | 4.4 |
1 Excludes c.2% of price growth due to hyperinflation for the Group.
| | Product Categories | ||||||||||
| | | | | | | | | | Digestive Health and | | |
Nine months ended 30 September | | Oral | | |
| Pain | | Respiratory |
| | | |
2023 vs 2022 (%) | | Health | | VMS | | Relief |
| Health |
| Other | | Total |
Revenue growth |
| 6.9 | | (2.2) | | 7.6 | | 12.1 | | 2.9 |
| 5.6 |
Organic adjustments |
| — |
| (0.1) |
| 0.2 |
| — |
| (0.1) |
| — |
Effect of exchange rates |
| 3.4 |
| 2.5 |
| 2.8 |
| 2.7 |
| 2.5 |
| 2.9 |
Organic revenue growth 1 |
| 10.3 |
| 0.2 |
| 10.6 |
| 14.8 |
| 5.3 |
| 8.5 |
1 Includes c.1% of price growth due to hyperinflation for the Group.
| | Nine months ended 30 September | ||
| 2024 vs 2023 (%) |
| 2023 vs 2022 (%) |
Operating profit growth | | 7.6 | | 17.4 |
Adjusted operating profit growth |
| (1.4) | | 2.3 |
Effect of exchange rates |
| 7.8 | | 6.6 |
Adjusted operating profit growth (CER) |
| 6.4 | | 8.9 |
Organic adjustments |
| 3.3 | | 0.1 |
Organic operating profit growth |
| 9.7 | | 9.0 |