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关注Fis2024财年 关键指标的展望
2024年10月31日,马萨诸塞州尼达姆市 全球产品设计和科技公司SharkNinja,Inc.(“SharkNinja”或“公司”)(纽交所:SN)今天宣布截至2024年9月30日的第三季度财务业绩。

净销售额增长33.2%,至142660万美元,调整后的净销售额增长34.9%。 至142660万美元。





其他类别的净销售额增加了5030万美元,或71.4%,达到12080万美元,而去年同期为7050万美元。其他类别的调整后净销售额增加了5340万美元,或79.1%,从6750万美元增至12080万美元,主要受到个人护理产品和空气净化器的推动。 主要受到个人护理产品和空气净化器销售强劲的推动。

一般和行政费用下降了4.5%,达到11910万美元,占净销售额的8.3%,而去年同期为12470万美元,占净销售额的11.6%。这种减少主要是由于在去年同期产生的与JS Global分离和分配相关的交易成本,为4150万美元。这种减少被增加的合法费用抵消,包括涉及某些专利侵权索赔的1350万美元法律解决储备以及390万美元的专业和咨询费增加。







研究和发展费用增加了41.0%,至$25450万,占营收的6.8%,相较于去年同期的$18040万,占营收的6.3%。这主要是因为员工相关费用增加 $3340万,主要是由于增加了新产品类别和新市场扩展所需的人手,其中包括 $360万的股份报酬增加。增加的其余部分主要是由产品原型和测试成本增加 $2040万,专业和咨询费用增加 $1290万以支持业务整体增长,旅行成本增加 $320万,消费者洞察计划增加 $300万。
总务及行政支出增加17.7%至31040万美元,占净销售额的8.3%,较去年同期的26370万美元,占净销售额的9.2%。此增长主要是由于法律费用增加4490万美元,包括与某些专利侵权索赔相关的1350万美元法律和解准备金的增加;人员相关费用增加3250万美元,包括股份报酬增加1420万 股份报酬增加;专业和咨询费用增加1730万美元;科技支援成本增加1190万美元;信用卡处理和商户费用增加900万美元;产品责任和保险费用增加480万美元;折旧和摊提增加340万美元;抵消了与JS Global分家和次级上市相关的交易成本减少7650万美元。


净销售额预计较之前预期增加25%至26% 至22%







关于SharkNinja SharkNinja是家居用品行业的创新领导者,是国际知名品牌Shark和Ninja的创始者。SharkNinja提供最新易用的创新技术,拥有日益增长的Shark清洁和家庭护理产品系列以及Ninja厨房电器系列。产品在全球主要零售商和经销商销售。Ninja和Shark是SharkNinja Operating LLC的注册商标。SharkNinja是JS Global Lifestyle Company Limited(香港:1691)的子公司,JS Global Lifestyle Company Limited是小型家用电器创新领先者。
前瞻性声明 本新闻稿中包括的关于未来表现和结果、预期、规划、策略、重点、承诺和其他声明(包括与我们社会、环境和其他可持续性目标有关的声明)的非历史事实的前瞻性声明,是根据美国联邦证券法的定义而作出的前瞻性声明。本新闻稿中关于我们环境和其他可持续性计划和目标的前瞻性声明以及其他声明并不意味着这些声明对于投资者、我们的业务、运营结果、财务状况、前景或策略、对我们在可持续发展事项上的影响或其他当事方来说均是重要的,或者必须披露在我们向证券交易委员会(“SEC”)或其他监管机构的备案中。此外,历史、现有及未来涉及社会、环境和可持续性的相关声明可能是基于仍在发展的衡量进展的标准、不断演变的内部控制和流程以及假设,在将来可能会发生变化。前瞻性声明基于当前的信仰、期望和假设,并受到可能导致实际结果与前瞻性声明有实质性差异的重大风险、不确定性和情况变化的影响。
本新闻稿包含根据1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法案》意义上的“前瞻性声明”。这些前瞻性声明反映了我们关于未来事件、未来业务、财务状况、经营结果和前景以及2024财年展望的当前观点。这些声明通常是通过诸如“可能”、“应该”、“可能”、“预测”、“潜在”、“相信”、“可能会导致”,“期望”、“继续”、“将”、“预期”、“寻求”、“估计”、“打算”、“规划”、“预测”、“将” 和“前景”之类的词语或短语发表的,或这些词语或短语的否定形式或其他可比较的为未来或前瞻性质的词语或短语。这些前瞻性声明不是历史事实陈述,而是基于当前预期、评估和关于我们行业及管理层做出的某些假设的投射,其中许多本质上不确定且超出了我们的控制。这些前瞻性声明受许多已知和未知风险、不确定性和假设的影响,您应该仔细考虑和阅读,包括但不限于:


Arvind Bhatia,特许金融分析师
Anna Kate Heller

2024 年 9 月 30 日
2023 年 12 月 31 日
现金和现金等价物$127,948 $154,061 
应收账款,净额1,190,410 985,172 
库存1,076,246 699,740 
预付费用和其他流动资产121,721 58,311 
流动资产总额2,516,325 1,897,284 
财产和设备,净额196,002 166,252 
经营租赁使用权资产149,975 63,333 
无形资产,净额466,826 477,816 
善意834,781 834,203 
递延所得税资产19,713 12 
其他资产,非流动资产53,703 48,170 
总资产$4,237,325 $3,487,070 
应付账款$632,850 $459,651 
应计费用和其他流动负债640,947 620,333 
应纳税款22,025 20,991 
债务,当前214,344 24,157 
流动负债总额1,510,166 1,125,132 
债务,非流动745,975 775,483 
经营租赁负债,非流动152,100 63,043 
递延所得税负债3,750 16,500 
其他非流动负债30,795 28,019 
负债总额2,442,786 2,008,177 
14 14 
额外的实收资本1,012,407 1,009,590 
留存收益780,308 470,319 
累计其他综合收益(亏损)1,810 (1,030)
股东权益总额1,794,539 1,478,893 
负债和股东权益总额$4,237,325 $3,487,070 

(in thousands, except share and per share data)
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Net sales(1)
$1,426,566 $1,070,617 $3,741,452 $2,876,211 
Cost of sales731,559 583,124 1,918,929 1,591,254 
Gross profit695,007 487,493 1,822,523 1,284,957 
Operating expenses:
Research and development94,808 60,691 254,457 180,430 
Sales and marketing300,841 207,599 818,594 568,035 
General and administrative119,096 124,655 310,432 263,682 
Total operating expenses514,745 392,945 1,383,483 1,012,147 
Operating income180,262 94,548 439,040 272,810 
Interest expense, net(16,916)(13,003)(46,482)(28,523)
Other income (expense), net11,031 (5,865)14,968 (41,315)
Income before income taxes 174,377 75,680 407,526 202,972 
Provision for income taxes42,048 56,958 97,537 85,218 
Net income$132,329 $18,722 $309,989 $117,754 
Net income per share, basic$0.94 $0.13 $2.22 $0.85 
Net income per share, diluted$0.94 $0.13 $2.20 $0.85 
Weighted-average number of shares used in computing net income per share, basic140,114,282 139,073,181 139,818,196 139,059,206 
Weighted-average number of shares used in computing net income per share, diluted141,305,999 139,430,805 140,974,062 139,179,724 
(1) Net sales in our product categories were as follows:
 Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
($ in thousands)2024202320242023
Cleaning Appliances $527,453 $449,319 $1,415,488 $1,277,986 
Cooking and Beverage Appliances411,453 339,328 1,120,371 939,060 
Food Preparation Appliances 366,834 211,461 836,782 472,685 
Other 120,826 70,509 368,811 186,480 
Total net sales$1,426,566 $1,070,617 $3,741,452 $2,876,211 


(in thousands)
 Nine Months Ended September 30,
Cash flows from operating activities:  
Net income$309,989 $117,754 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization86,870 77,394 
Share-based compensation47,341 24,502 
Provision for credit losses3,744 2,266 
Non-cash lease expense15,963 9,688 
Deferred income taxes, net(32,420)3,905 
Other1,631 1,662 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Accounts receivable(193,151)(192,209)
Prepaid expenses and other assets(69,477)65,508 
Accounts payable162,019 343,603 
Tax payable1,034 883 
Operating lease liabilities(7,428)(9,280)
Accrued expenses and other liabilities(12,050)(90,914)
Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities(43,049)95,780 
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchase of property and equipment(95,232)(70,501)
Purchase of intangible asset(6,571)(6,905)
Capitalized internal-use software development(1,100)(683)
Cash receipts on beneficial interest in sold receivables— 16,777 
Other investing activities, net— (3,051)
Net cash used in investing activities(102,903)(64,363)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from issuance of debt, net of issuance cost800,915 
Repayment of debt(15,188)(437,500)
Net proceeds from borrowings under revolving credit facility175,000 — 
Distribution paid to Former Parent— (435,292)
Recharge from Former Parent for share-based compensation— (3,165)
Net ordinary shares withheld for taxes upon issuance of restricted stock units(50,011)— 
Proceeds from shares issued under employee stock purchase plan5,487 — 
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities115,288 (75,042)
Effect of exchange rates changes on cash4,551 (4,768)
Net decrease in cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash(26,113)(48,393)
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at beginning of period154,061 218,770 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period$127,948 $170,377 

Non-GAAP Financial Measures
In addition to the measures presented in our consolidated financial statements, we regularly review other financial measures, defined as non-GAAP financial measures by the SEC, to evaluate our business, measure our performance, identify trends, prepare financial forecasts, and make strategic decisions.
The key non-GAAP financial measures we consider are Adjusted Net Sales, Adjusted Gross Profit, Adjusted Gross Margin, Adjusted Operating Income, Adjusted Net Income, Adjusted Net Income Per Share, EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA Margin, and Adjusted Net Sales growth on a constant currency basis. These non-GAAP financial measures are used by both management and our Board, together with comparable GAAP information, in evaluating our current performance and planning our future business activities. These non-GAAP financial measures provide supplemental information regarding our operating performance on a non-GAAP basis that excludes certain gains, losses and charges of a non-cash nature or which occur relatively infrequently and/or which management considers to be unrelated to our core operations and excludes the financial results from our former Japanese subsidiary, SharkNinja Co., Ltd. (“SNJP”), and our Asia Pacific Region and Greater China ("APAC") distribution channels, both of which were transferred to JS Global Lifestyle Company Limited (“JS Global”) concurrently with the separation (the “Divestitures”), as well as the cost of sales from (i) inventory markups that were eliminated as a result of the transition of certain product procurement functions from a subsidiary of JS Global to SharkNinja concurrently with the separation and (ii) costs related to the transitional Sourcing Services Agreement with JS Global that was entered into in connection with the separation (collectively, the “Product Procurement Adjustment”). Management believes that tracking and presenting these non-GAAP financial measures provides management and the investment community with valuable insight into our ongoing core operations, our ability to generate cash and the underlying business trends that are affecting our performance. We believe that these non-GAAP measures, when used in conjunction with our GAAP financial information, also allow investors to better evaluate our financial performance in comparison to other periods and to other companies in our industry and to better understand and interpret the results of the ongoing business following the separation and distribution. These non-GAAP financial measures should not be viewed as a substitute for our financial results calculated in accordance with GAAP and you are cautioned that other companies may define these non-GAAP financial measures differently.

SharkNinja does not provide a reconciliation of forward-looking Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EBITDA to GAAP net income or of Adjusted Net Income Per Share to net income per share, diluted because such reconciliations are not available without unreasonable efforts. This is due to the inherent difficulty in forecasting with reasonable certainty certain amounts that are necessary for such reconciliations, including, in particular, the realized and unrealized foreign currency gains or losses reported within other expense. For the same reasons, we are unable to forecast with reasonable certainty all deductions and additions needed in order to provide forward-looking GAAP net income at this time. The amount of these deductions and additions may be material, and, therefore, could result in forward-looking GAAP net income being materially different or less than forward-looking Adjusted Net Income, Adjusted EBITDA, and Adjusted Net Income Per Share. See “Forward-looking statements” above.
We define Adjusted Net Sales as net sales as adjusted to exclude certain items that we do not consider indicative of our ongoing operating performance following the separation, including net sales from our Divestitures. We believe that Adjusted Net Sales is an appropriate measure of our performance because it eliminates the impact of our Divestitures that do not relate to the ongoing performance of our business.

The following table reconciles Adjusted Net Sales to the most comparable GAAP measure, net sales, for the periods presented:
 Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
($ in thousands, except %)2024202320242023
Net sales$1,426,566 $1,070,617 $3,741,452 $2,876,211 
Divested subsidiary net sales adjustment(1)
— (13,196)— (77,544)
Adjusted Net Sales(2)
$1,426,566 $1,057,421 $3,741,452 $2,798,667 

(1)Adjusted for net sales from SNJP and the APAC distribution channels for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, as if such Divestitures occurred on January 1, 2023.

(2)The following tables reconcile Adjusted Net Sales to net sales per product category, for the periods presented:

Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
($ in thousands, except %)Net salesDivested subsidiary adjustmentAdjusted Net SalesNet salesDivested subsidiary adjustmentAdjusted Net Sales
Cleaning Appliances$527,453 $— $527,453 $449,319 $(6,838)$442,481 
Cooking and Beverage Appliances411,453 — 411,453 339,328 (1,190)338,138 
Food Preparation Appliances366,834 — 366,834 211,461 (2,133)209,328 
Other120,826 — 120,826 70,509 (3,035)67,474 
Total net sales$1,426,566 $— $1,426,566 $1,070,617 $(13,196)$1,057,421 
 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
($ in thousands, except %)Net salesDivested subsidiary adjustmentAdjusted Net SalesNet salesDivested subsidiary adjustmentAdjusted Net Sales
Cleaning Appliances$1,415,488 $— $1,415,488 $1,277,986 $(49,392)$1,228,594 
Cooking and Beverage Appliances1,120,371 — 1,120,371 939,060 (6,161)932,899 
Food Preparation Appliances836,782 — 836,782 472,685 (8,289)464,396 
Other368,811 — 368,811 186,480 (13,702)172,778 
Total net sales$3,741,452 $— $3,741,452 $2,876,211 $(77,544)$2,798,667 

We define Adjusted Gross Profit as gross profit as adjusted to exclude certain items that we do not consider indicative of our ongoing operating performance following the separation, including the net sales and cost of sales from our Divestitures and the cost of sales from the Product Procurement Adjustment. We define Adjusted Gross Margin as Adjusted Gross Profit divided by Adjusted Net Sales. We believe that Adjusted Gross Profit and Adjusted Gross Margin are appropriate measures of our operating performance because each eliminates the impact our Divestitures and certain other adjustments that do not relate to the ongoing performance of our business.

The following table reconciles Adjusted Gross Profit and Adjusted Gross Margin to the most comparable GAAP measure, gross profit and gross margin, respectively, for the periods presented:
 Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
($ in thousands, except %)
Net sales$1,426,566 $1,070,617 $3,741,452 $2,876,211 
Cost of sales(731,559)(583,124)(1,918,929)(1,591,254)
Gross profit695,007 487,493 1,822,523 1,284,957 
Gross margin
Divested subsidiary net sales adjustment(1)    
— (13,196)— (77,544)
Divested subsidiary cost of sales adjustment(2)
— 7,628 — 45,116 
Product Procurement Adjustment(3)
9,571 23,574 37,876 53,369 
Adjusted Gross Profit$704,578 $505,499 $1,860,399 $1,305,898 
Adjusted Net Sales$1,426,566 $1,057,421 $3,741,452 $2,798,667 
Adjusted Gross Margin49.4%47.8%49.7%46.7%
(1)Adjusted for net sales from SNJP and the APAC distribution channels for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, as if such Divestitures occurred on January 1, 2023.

(2)Adjusted for cost of sales from SNJP and the APAC distribution channels for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, as if such Divestitures occurred on January 1, 2023.

(3)Represents cost of sales incurred related to the Product Procurement Adjustment. As a result of the separation, we purchase 100% of our inventory from one of our subsidiaries, SharkNinja (Hong Kong) Company Limited (“SNHK”), and no longer purchase inventory from a purchasing office wholly owned by JS Global. Thus, the markup on all inventory purchased subsequent to the separation is completely eliminated in consolidation. As a result of the separation, we pay JS Global a sourcing service fee to provide value-added sourcing services on a transitional basis under a Sourcing Services Agreement.
We define Adjusted Operating Income as operating income excluding (i) share-based compensation, (ii) certain litigation costs, (iii) amortization of certain acquired intangible assets, (iv) certain transaction-related costs and (v) certain items that we do not consider indicative of our ongoing operating performance following the separation, including operating income from our Divestitures and cost of sales from our Product Procurement Adjustment.

The following table reconciles Adjusted Operating Income to the most comparable GAAP measure, operating income, for the periods presented: 
 Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
($ in thousands)
Operating income$180,262 $94,548 $439,040 $272,810 
Share-based compensation(1)
13,785 21,337 47,341 24,502 
Litigation costs(2)
29,035 3,965 42,691 4,600 
Amortization of acquired intangible assets(3)
4,896 4,897 14,690 14,690 
Transaction-related costs(4)
— 41,455 1,342 76,549 
Product Procurement Adjustment(5)
9,571 23,574 37,876 53,369 
Divested subsidiary operating income adjustment(6)
— 287 — (8,456)
Adjusted Operating Income $237,549 $190,063 $582,980 $438,064 
(1)Represents non-cash expense related to awards issued from the SharkNinja and JS Global equity incentive plans.

(2)Represents litigation costs incurred and related settlements for certain patent infringement claims, false advertising claims, and any related settlement costs, which were recorded in general and administrative expenses.

(3)Represents amortization of acquired intangible assets that we do not consider normal recurring operating expenses, as the intangible assets relate to JS Global’s acquisition of our business. We exclude amortization charges for these acquisition-related intangible assets for purposes of calculating Adjusted Operating Income, although revenue is generated, in part, by these intangible assets, to eliminate the impact of these non-cash charges that are significantly impacted by the timing and valuation of JS Global’s acquisition of our business, as well as the inherent subjective nature of purchase price allocations. Of the amortization of acquired intangible assets, $0.9 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, and $2.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, was recorded to research and development expenses, and $4.0 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, and $11.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, was recorded to sales and marketing expenses.

(4)Represents certain costs incurred related to the separation and distribution from JS Global and the secondary offering transactions.

(5)Represents cost of sales incurred related to the Product Procurement Adjustment. As a result of the separation, we purchase 100% of our inventory from one of our subsidiaries, SNHK, and no longer purchase inventory from a purchasing office wholly owned by JS Global. Thus, the markup on all inventory purchased subsequent to the separation is completely eliminated in consolidation. As a result of the separation, we pay JS Global a sourcing service fee to provide value-added sourcing services on a transitional basis under a Sourcing Services Agreement.

(6)Adjusted for operating income from SNJP and the APAC distribution channels for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, as if such Divestitures occurred on January 1, 2023.
We define Adjusted Net Income as net income excluding (i) share-based compensation, (ii) certain litigation costs, (iii) foreign currency gains and losses, net, (iv) amortization of certain acquired intangible assets, (v) certain transaction-related costs, (vi) certain items that we do not consider indicative of our ongoing operating performance following the separation, including net income from our Divestitures and cost of sales from our Product Procurement Adjustment, (vii) the tax impact of the adjusted items and (viii) certain withholding taxes.

Adjusted Net Income Per Share is defined as Adjusted Net Income divided by the diluted weighted average number of ordinary shares.
The following table reconciles Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted Net Income Per Share to the most comparable GAAP measures, net income and net income per share, diluted, respectively, for the periods presented:

Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
($ in thousands, except share and per share amounts)
Net income
$132,329 $18,722 $309,989 $117,754 
Share-based compensation(1)
13,785 21,337 47,341 24,502 
Litigation costs(2)
29,035 3,965 42,691 4,600 
Foreign currency (gains) losses, net(3)
(11,156)3,862 (9,569)43,479 
Amortization of acquired intangible assets(4)
4,896 4,897 14,690 14,690 
Transaction-related costs(5)
— 41,455 1,342 76,549 
Product Procurement Adjustment(6)
9,571 23,574 37,876 53,369 
Tax impact of adjusting items(7)
Tax withholding adjustment(8)
— 19,474 — 19,474 
Divested subsidiary net income adjustment(9)
— 394 — (6,586)
Adjusted Net Income
$170,464 $132,976 $418,649 $317,145 
Net income per share, diluted
$0.94 $0.13 $2.20 $0.85 
Adjusted Net Income Per Share
$1.21 $0.95 $2.97 $2.28 
Diluted weighted-average number of shares used in computing net income per share and Adjusted Net Income Per Share(10)
(1)Represents non-cash expense related to awards issued from the SharkNinja and JS Global equity incentive plans.

(2)Represents litigation costs incurred and related settlements for certain patent infringement claims, false advertising claims, and any related settlement costs, which were recorded in general and administrative expenses.

(3)Represents foreign currency transaction gains and losses recognized from the remeasurement of transactions that were not denominated in the local functional currency, including gains and losses related to foreign currency derivatives not designated as hedging instruments.

(4)Represents amortization of acquired intangible assets that we do not consider normal recurring operating expenses, as the intangible assets relate to JS Global’s acquisition of our business. We exclude amortization charges for these acquisition-related intangible assets for purposes of calculated Adjusted Net Income, although revenue is generated, in part, by these intangible assets, to eliminate the impact of these non-cash charges that are significantly impacted by the timing and valuation of JS Global’s acquisition of our business, as well as the inherent subjective nature of purchase price allocations. Of the amortization of acquired intangible assets, $0.9 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, and $2.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, was recorded to research and development expenses, and $4.0 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, and $11.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, was recorded to sales and marketing expenses.

(5)Represents certain costs incurred related to the separation and distribution from JS Global and the secondary offering transactions.

(6)Represents cost of sales incurred related to the Product Procurement Adjustment. As a result of the separation, we purchase 100% of our inventory from one of our subsidiaries, SNHK, and no longer purchase inventory from a purchasing office wholly owned by JS Global. Thus, the markup on all inventory purchased subsequent to the separation is completely eliminated in consolidation. As a result of the separation, we pay JS Global a sourcing service fee to provide value-added sourcing services on a transitional basis under a Sourcing Services Agreement.

(7)Represents the income tax effects of the adjustments included in the reconciliation of net income to Adjusted Net Income determined using the tax rate of 22.0%, which approximates our effective tax rate, excluding (i) divested subsidiary net income adjustment described in footnote (9), and (ii) certain share-based compensation costs and separation and distribution-related costs that are not tax deductible.

(8)Represents withholding taxes associated with the cash dividend paid to JS Global in connection with the separation and related refinancing.

(9)Adjusted for net income (loss) from SNJP and the APAC distribution channels for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, as if such Divestitures occurred on January 1, 2023.

(10)In calculating net income per share and Adjusted Net Income Per Share, we used the number of shares transferred in the separation and distribution for the denominator for all periods prior to completion of the separation and distribution on July 31, 2023.
We define EBITDA as net income excluding: (i) interest expense, net, (ii) provision for income taxes and (iii) depreciation and amortization. We define Adjusted EBITDA as EBITDA excluding (i) share-based compensation cost, (ii) certain litigation costs, (iii) foreign currency gains and losses, net, (iv) certain transaction-related costs and (v) certain items that we do not consider indicative of our ongoing operating performance following the separation, including Adjusted EBITDA from our Divestitures and cost of sales from our Product Procurement Adjustment. We define Adjusted EBITDA Margin as Adjusted EBITDA divided by Adjusted Net Sales. We believe EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA Margin are appropriate measures because they facilitate a comparison of our operating performance on a consistent basis from period to period that, when viewed in combination with our results according to GAAP, we believe provide a more complete understanding of the factors and trends affecting our business than GAAP measures alone.

The following table reconciles EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA Margin to the most comparable GAAP measure, net income, for the periods presented:
 Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
($ in thousands, except %)
Net income$132,329 $18,722 $309,989 $117,754 
Interest expense, net16,916 13,003 46,482 28,523 
Provision for income taxes42,048 56,958 97,537 85,218 
Depreciation and amortization29,828 25,602 86,870 77,394 
EBITDA221,121 114,285 540,878 308,889 
Share-based compensation(1)
13,785 21,337 47,341 24,502 
Litigation costs(2)
29,035 3,965 42,691 4,600 
Foreign currency losses (gains), net(3)
(11,156)3,862 (9,569)43,479 
Transaction-related costs(4)
— 41,455 1,342 76,549 
Product Procurement Adjustment(5)
9,571 23,574 37,876 53,369 
Divested subsidiary Adjusted EBITDA adjustment(6)
— 264 — (11,020)
Adjusted EBITDA$262,356 $208,742 $660,559 $500,368 
Adjusted Net Sales$1,426,566 $1,057,421 $3,741,452 $2,798,667 
Adjusted EBITDA Margin18.4%19.7%17.7%17.9%
(1)Represents non-cash expense related to awards issued from the SharkNinja and JS Global equity incentive plans.    

(2)Represents litigation costs incurred and related settlements for certain patent infringement claims, false advertising claims, and any related settlement costs, which were recorded in general and administrative expenses.

(3)Represents foreign currency transaction gains and losses recognized from the remeasurement of transactions that were not denominated in the local functional currency, including gains and losses related to foreign currency derivatives not designated as hedging instruments.

(4)Represents certain costs incurred related to the separation and distribution from JS Global and the secondary offering transactions.

(5)Represents cost of sales incurred related to the Product Procurement Adjustment. As a result of the separation, we purchase 100% of our inventory from one of our subsidiaries, SNHK, and no longer purchase inventory from a purchasing office wholly owned by JS Global. Thus, the markup on all inventory purchased subsequent to the separation is completely eliminated in consolidation. As a result of the separation, we pay JS Global a sourcing service fee to provide value-added sourcing services on a transitional basis under a Sourcing Services Agreement.

(6)Adjusted for Adjusted EBITDA from SNJP and the APAC distribution channels for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, as if such Divestitures occurred on January 1, 2023. The divested subsidiary Adjusted EBITDA adjustment represents net (loss) income from our Divestitures excluding interest expense, income tax expense, depreciation and amortization expense and foreign currency gains and losses recorded at the subsidiary level.
We refer to growth rates in Adjusted Net Sales on a constant currency basis so that results can be viewed without the impact of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. These amounts are calculated by translating

current year results at prior year average exchange rates. We believe elimination of the foreign currency translation impact provides useful information in understanding and evaluating trends in our operating results.