フォーム 10-Q
1934年の証券取引法のセクション13または15 (d) に基づく四半期報告書
移行期間:             から             まで
10 Riverview Drive,Forge
Danbury, コネチカット
43 Church Street West
アメリカ 06810
Woking, Surrey GU21 6HT
(203) 837 - 2000
+44 14 83 242200

各クラスの名称取引シンボル  登録されている各取引所の名称
株式普通(株式の名目金額 0.001 ユーロ)リンデ ナスダック

申請者が(1)過去12ヶ月間(または申請者がそのような報告書を提出する必要があった期間の短縮期間)において、《証券取引所法》第13条または第15(d)条で提出する必要があるすべての報告書を提出しているか、および(2)過去90日間の間報告書の提出要件を満たしているかどうかを示す。はい       No  

登録者が直近12ヵ月間(または登録者がそのようなファイルを提出および投稿する必要があったよりも短い期間のため)に、Regulation S-tのルール405に基づいて提出が求められていたすべてのインタラクティブデータファイルを電子的に提出したかどうかをチェックマークで示してください。     はい       No  

「大口径の加速申請者」「加速申請者」「非加速申請者」「小規模報告会社」「新興成長企業」のいずれかとして登録者をチェックマークで示してください。Exchange ActのRule 1202の「大口径の加速申請者」「加速申請者」「小規模報告会社」「新興成長企業」の定義を参照してください。
大型加速ファイラー 加速度ファイラー 
非加速ファイラー 小規模報告会社 
取引所法第120項2に定義されるシェル企業であるかどうかをチェックマークで示してください。はい       No 
2024年9月30日には、 476,157,903 登録者の一般株式(0.001ユーロの割面額)の発行済優先株式は477,502,737株でした。

項目 1.
財務諸表s (未審査)
項目 1.

リンデは、状況の変化に応じて、いかなる前向きな声明も更新または修正する義務を負わないものとします。上記のリスクや不確実性については、リンデのフォーム10-k(2023年12月31日の財務年度に関する)のItem 1A.リスク要因に更なる詳細が記載されています。そこで リンデ社の前向きな声明を慎重に考慮してください。


リンデ PLC および子会社
売却$8,356 $8,155 
売上原価(償却費および減価償却費を除く)4,356 4,314 
販売・一般管理費用823 808 
減価償却費および償却費960 959 
研究開発37 36 
コスト削減プログラムおよびその他の費用145 2 
その他の収益(費用)、純額51 16 
営業利益2,086 2,052 
利息費用-純額68 40 
法人税および持分法投資による収益前の収益2,063 2,047 
所得税498 487 
持分法投資による収益前の収益1,565 1,560 
持分法投資からの収益38 41 
当期純利益(非支配持分を含む)1,603 1,601 
当期純利益 – リンデ$1,550 $1,565 
1株当たりデータ – リンデ株主
1株当たり基本利益$3.24 $3.21 
1株当たり希薄化後利益$3.22 $3.19 
基本株式数477,662 487,122 
希薄化後発行済株式480,898 491,076 

リンデ PLC および子会社
セールス$24,723 $24,552 
減価償却費を除く売上原価12,823 13,061 
販売、一般および管理2,523 2,463 
減価償却と償却2,867 2,867 
研究開発111 107 
コスト削減プログラムとその他の料金145 42 
その他の収入 (費用)-純額111 (16)
営業利益6,365 5,996 
支払利息-純額203 129 
税引前利益と株式投資控除前利益6,306 5,992 
所得税1,469 1,355 
株式投資前の収入4,837 4,637 
株式投資からの収入131 128 
純利益(非支配持分を含む)4,968 4,765 
当期純利益 — リンデ株式会社$4,840 $4,656 
1株当たりのデータ — リンデplcの株主
1株当たりの基本利益$10.09 $9.51 
希薄化後の1株当たり利益$10.02 $9.43 
発行済基本株式479,825 489,518 
希薄化後の発行済株式483,186 493,567 

リンデ PLC および子会社
当期純利益(非支配持分を含む)$1,603 $1,601 
外貨翻訳調整775 (772)
翻訳の調整773 (771)
ファンド状況 - 老後生活義務(注7):
当期純利益への再分類4 3 
所得税 3 
財政状況 - 老後の義務(13)3 
当期純利益への再分類6 6 
デリバティブ取引は流動性リスクがあるため、損失が不相応に増加する可能性があり、資金の運用成績に大きな影響を与えることがあります。4 (22)
その他包括利益(損失)764 (790)
包括利益(損失)(非支配株主持分を含む)2,367 811 
包括利益(損失) - リンデ$2,285 $788 

リンデ PLC および子会社
当期純利益(非支配持分を含む)$4,968 $4,765 
所得税4 2 
資金状況 - 老後生活義務(注7):
所得税7 68 
ファンド状況 - 老後の義務(5)(202)
当期純利益への再分類13 2 
デリバティブ取引は流動性リスクがあるため、損失が不相応に増加する可能性があり、資金の運用成績に大きな影響を与えることがあります。 (93)
包括利益(損失)(非支配株主持分を含む)4,718 3,833 
包括利益(損失) - リンデ$4,586 $3,762 

リンデ PLC および子会社
現金及び現金同等物$5,187 $4,664 
売掛金 - 当期純額4,871 4,718 
契約資産255 196 
在庫 2,087 2,115 
前払費用およびその他の短期資産1,060 927 
現在の総資産13,460 12,620 
有形固定資産 - 当期純額25,124 24,552 
のれん27,108 26,751 
その他の無形資産 - 純額12,113 12,399 
その他の長期資産4,741 4,489 
総資産$82,546 $80,811 
支払調整$2,845 $3,020 
短期債務3,509 4,713 
長期借入金の短期部分1,278 1,263 
契約負債1,727 1,901 
その他の流動負債4,690 4,820 
流動負債合計14,049 15,717 
新規買債務17,475 13,397 
その他の長期負債10,419 10,602 
純負債合計41,943 39,716 
償還可能な非支配持分13 13 
普通株式、€0.0011株の額面;承認済み株式数1,750,000,000 株式、2024年および2023年発行: 490,766,972普通株式
1 1 
追加の資本金39,573 39,812 
留保利益11,585 8,845 
新規売: 自己株式(取得原価)(2024年 - 新規売 株、2023年 - 新規売 株) 14,609,069 新規売: 自己株式(取得原価)(2024年 - 新規売 株、2023年 - 新規売 株) 8,321,827株)
リンデ 社株主資本の合計39,173 39,720 
非支配株主持分1,417 1,362 
株式ファンド40,590 41,082 
負債合計及び株主資本$82,546 $80,811 

9ヶ月の期間 9月30日まで
当期純利益 - リンデ$4,840 $4,656 
加算: 非支配持分128 109 
当期純利益(非支配持分を含む)4,968 4,765 
コスト削減プログラム及びその他の費用52 (91)
減価償却および償却2,867 2,867 
株式報酬120 102 
在庫32 (125)
営業活動によって提供された(使用された)純現金6,614 6,578 
売却、現金及び資産販売の純額154 34 
短期借入金(返済)- ネット(1,235)(245)
長期借入金4,836 2,123 
普通株式の発行28 25 
配当 - リンデの株主(1,996)(1,866)
現金及び現金同等物の増減523 (1,542)
期首の現金及び現金同等物4,664 5,436 
期末の現金及び現金同等物$5,187 $3,894 

簡潔な連結財務諸表の注記 - リンデ PLCおよびその子会社(監査されていない)

リンデ(「リンデ」とも「同社」とも呼ばれる)はアイルランドの法律に基づいて設立された株式会社です。リンデの登記所在地は、アイルランドのダブリン2、D02 T380にあるTen Earlsfort Terraceです。リンデの本社は、イギリスのサリー州ウォーキングのChurch Street West 43番地にあるForge、およびアメリカ合衆国コネチカット州ダンバリーのRiverview Drive 10番地にあります。
簡約された連結財務諸表の提示 - リンデの経営陣の見解では、添付の簡約された連結財務諸表には中間期における結果を公正に表明するために必要なすべての調整が含まれており、その調整は通常発生するものです。添付の簡約された連結財務諸表は、リンデの2023年度10-kフォームに掲載されたリンデplcおよび子会社の連結財務諸表の注記と併せて読む必要があります。2024年中に会社の重要な会計方針には重大な変更はありませんでした。
再分類 ― 以前の期間の一部が、今年度の表現に合わせて再分類されています。
報告セグメントの開示の改善 - 2023年11月、FASBは報告セグメントに関連する開示を強化するためのガイダンスを発行しました。新基準は2023年12月15日以降の決算年度に適用され、2024年12月15日以降の決算年度内の四半期にも適用されます。早期適用も認められています。この基準の適用は、企業の連結財務諸表内の開示にのみ影響を与え、企業はこのガイダンスがそれらの開示に与える影響を評価しています。リンデは2024年度にこのガイダンスを採用する予定です。
所得税開示の向上 2023年12月、FASBは所得税に関連した開示を強化するよう指針を発行しました。この基準により、所得税率の調整、支払った所得税の分解、およびその他いくつかの開示に追加または変更された開示が必要とされます。新しい基準は2024年12月15日以降の決算年度から適用され、早期適用も許可されています。この基準の適用は企業の合算財務諸表内の開示にのみ影響を及ぼし、企業はこの指針がそれらの開示に与える影響を評価しています。リンデは2025会計年度にこの指針を採用します。
2. 補足情報
Lindeは、売掛金の初回認識時に、生涯予想信用損失である損失率を適用します。これらの予想損失率は、地域の状況を考慮して、各企業の過去のデフォルト率の実際の分析に基づいています。必要に応じて、これらの過去のデフォルト率は、将来の見通しに関する情報を使用して、マクロ経済環境における現在の変化の影響を反映するように調整されます。損失率も、売掛金の回収可能性に関する担当経営陣の期待に基づいて評価されます。 1年未満経過した売掛金の総額は $4,825百万と $4,6672024年9月30日と2023年12月31日の時点でそれぞれ百万ドル、1年以上経過した売掛金の総額は374百万と $3542024年9月30日と2023年12月31日にはそれぞれ百万です。 その他の売掛金は $144百万と $1542024年9月30日と2023年12月31日にはそれぞれ百万です。1年以上経過した売掛金は、連邦政府によって裏付けられているような特定の事情で例外が認められない限り、通常は全額留保されます。
債権残高は、2024年9月30日時点で$、2023年12月31日時点で$ドルでした。期待される信用損失に対する引当金は、2024年9月30日時点で$ドル、2023年12月31日時点で$ドルでした。2024年9月30日までの9か月間における期待される信用損失の備えは、それぞれ2024年と2023年で$ドルでした。2024年9月30日までの9か月間における引当金活動は、回収金額の債務帳消しと通貨の動きを差し引いたものであり、それは無視できるほどの額ではありません。4,871 債権残高は、2024年9月30日時点で$ドル、2023年12月31日時点で$ドルでした。4,718期待される信用損失に対する引当金は、2024年9月30日時点で$ドル、2023年12月31日時点で$ドルでした。472引当金計上額は、2024年9月30日時点で$ドル、2023年12月31日時点で$ドルでした。457期待される信用損失に対する規定は2024年と2023年の9月30日までの9か月間でそれぞれ$ドルでした。130$百万の売上高を認識しました123引当金活動は、2024年9月30日までの9か月間における回収できない金額の債務帳消し、回収額の差引き、通貨の動きに関連しますが、それは無視できるほどの額ではありません。
原材料及び消耗品$580 $614 
仕掛品432 390 
製品1,075 1,111 
在庫総額$2,087 $2,115 

3. 債務
コマーシャルペーパー$3,278 $4,483 
その他の銀行借入(主に米国以外)231 230 
総短期借入金額3,509 4,713 
1.20% Euro建ての2024年満期のノート (c)
1.875% Euro建ての2024年満期のノート (b,e)
4.800% 2024年満期のノート
300 300 
4.700% 2025年満期のノート
599 599 
2.65% 2025年満期のノート
400 399 
1.625% Euro建ての2025年満期のノート
556 550 
3.625% Euro建ての2025年満期のノート
556 551 
0.00% Euro建ての債券2026年満期
781 774 
3.20% 債券2026年満期
725 724 
3.434% 債券2026年満期
199 198 
1.652% Euro建ての債券2027年満期
90 90 
0.25% Euro建ての債券2027年満期
834 827 
1.00% Euro建ての債券2027年満期
558 553 
1.00% Euro建ての債券2028年満期(b)
796 780 
3.00% Euro建ての債券2028年満期(d)
3.375% Euro建ての債券2029年満期
832 824 
1.10% 債券2030年満期
697 697 
1.90% Euro建ての債券2030年満期
115 114 
3.375% Euro建ての債券2030年満期 (f)
1.375% Euro建ての債券2031年満期
837 829 
3.20% Euro建ての債券2031年満期 (d)
0.55% Euro建ての債券2032年満期
831 823 
0.375% Euro建ての債券2033年満期
551 546 
3.625% Euro建て証券 2034年満期
720 714 
3.500% Euro建て証券 2034年満期 (f)
1.625% Euro建て証券 2035年満期
885 876 
3.40% Euro建て証券 2036年満期 (d)
3.55% 証券 2042年満期
666 666 
3.75% Euro建て証券 2044年満期 (f)
2.00% 証券 2050年満期
297 296 
1.00% Euro建て証券 2051年満期
762 755 
アメリカ以外の借入242 226 
その他10 10 
18,753 14,660 
合計長期債務 17,475 13,397 
総負債$22,262 $19,373 
(b)2024年9月30日および2023年12月31日には、金利スワップのヘッジ会計に関連する累積的な$36 百万円であり、$46 百万円の帳簿価値調整が含まれています。注4を参照してください。
(c)2024年2月、リンデは€550 百万の 1.20% の債券が満期になりました。
(d)2024年2月、リンデは€を発行しました700百万の 3.002028年に期限が切れる紙幣の割合、€850百万の 3.202031年に期限が切れる紙幣の%と €700百万の 3.402036年に期限が切れる紙幣の割合。
(e)2024年5月に、リンデは€を返済しました300 百万の 1.875% の借入金が満期になりました。
(f)2024年6月、リンデは€750 百万の 3.375%の2030年満期のノートを発行しました、€750 百万の 3.500%の2034年満期のノートを発行しました、€700 百万の 3.750%の2044年満期のノートを発行しました。
この会社は、$5ビリオンと$1.5 ビリオンの無担保リボルビング与信契約を銀行機関のシンジケートと結んでおり、それぞれ2027年12月7日及び2024年12月4日に満了となります。与信契約には財務維持約款は含まれていません。 いいえ 2024年9月30日時点で、与信契約の下で借入が残っていました。
短期借入金の加重平均金利は 3.9%と 4.8% 2024年9月30日および2023年12月31日現在、それぞれ。
4. 金融商品
RECUSIONには 会社が締結するデリバティブの種類は次のとおりです。(i) 公正価値のエクスポージャーに関するもの、(ii) キャッシュフローのエクスポージャーに関するもの、(iii) 外貨純投資のエクスポージャーに関するものです。公正価値エクスポージャーは認識された資産または負債、及び企業のコミットメントに関係し、キャッシュフローエクスポージャーは認識された資産または負債、または予測された取引に関連する将来のキャッシュフローの変動性に関連し、純投資エクスポージャーは、外国通貨で denominated された純資産の帳簿価値に対する外国通貨為替レートの変動の影響に関連します。

 名目金額資産 (a)負債 (a)
バランスシート項目$9,805 $4,567 $44 $46 $122 $26 
予測された取引 200 335 5 11 4 6 
合計$10,005 $4,902 $49 $57 $126 $32 
   予測された取引$578 $749 $11 $20 $5 $4 
  該当なし該当なし9 3 18 7 
金利スワップ 1,214  1  4 
合計ヘッジ$578 $1,963 $20 $24 $23 $15 
総合派生$10,583 $6,865 $69 $81 $149 $47 
(a)2024年9月30日および2023年12月31日時点の金額には、預金およびその他の流動資産として記録されている流動資産が$64 百万円であり、$73 百万; その他の長期資産として記録されている長期資産が$5 百万円であり、$8 百万; その他の流動負債として記録されている流動負債が$142 百万円であり、$41 百万; および長期負債が$7 百万円であり、$6 その他の新規買負債に記録されている百万。
さらに、2024年第3四半期中に、リンデは第三者の金融機関にクレジットデフォルトスワップ("CDS")を発行しました。このCDSは、その金融機関がメキシコの政府顧客に提供した担保付き借入に関連しており、リンデの未収債権の支払いに利用されました。CDSの名目金額は$2292024年9月30日現在、$百万であり、その期間にわたって毎月減少します。 24ヶ月 2024年9月30日現在、このデリバティブ負債の公正価値は重要ではありませんでした。
外国通貨契約は、予測された取引に関連し、外国通貨為替レートの変動に対するリスクを管理するために締結されたフォワード契約で構成されています。これは、(1) 資本関連設備およびサービスの予測購入、(2) 予測販売、または (3) 関連する営業部門の機能通貨以外の通貨で表されるその他の予測キャッシュフローに対して行われます。キャッシュフローヘッジとして指定された予測取引については、公正価値の調整が蓄積されたその他の包括利益(損失)に記録され、繰延額は関連する購入の損益計算書の影響と同じ期間で利益に再分類されます。キャッシュフローヘッジ関係が適用されない予測取引については、公正価値の調整が直接利益に記録されます。リンデは、最大期間の予測取引をヘッジしています。 3年間.

関連する購入の影響を受けた損益計算書と同じ期間の収益。リンデは、最大期間のベンチマーク契約をヘッジしています。 3年間.
2024年9月30日時点で、リンデは€18.4の総公正価値は$20.3十億)ユーロ建ての債券と社内融資、¥4.7 億($0.7 十億)CNY建ての社内融資と、C$1.4 億($1.0 十億)CAD建ての社内融資があり、これらは特定の海外事業における純投資ポジションのヘッジとして指定されています。ヘッジの開始以来、連結貸借対照表の包括利益(損失)の累積翻訳調整コンポーネントに記録された繰延損失は$305百万(繰延損失$758百万と$3492024年9月30日までの四半期および9か月の連結包括利益計算書において、それぞれ百万。
さらに、2023年12月31日時点で、リンデは€の名目価値を持つ金利スワップを使用して、金利リスクによる予測取引の将来のキャッシュフローの変動性をヘッジしていました。1金利スワップは2024年第1四半期に2月の債務発行とともに終了し、決済額は 重要ではありません.
利益に認識された *
 9月30日に終了した四半期9ヶ月の期間 9月30日まで
債務関連$(73)$33 $(90)$(50)
その他のバランスシート項目4 (3)(1)(5)
合計$(69)$30 $(91)$(55)
* バランスシート項目の損益は、基礎となるヘッジされた資産および負債に記録された損益によって相殺されます。したがって、デリバティブおよび負債項目に関連する基礎となるヘッジ資産および負債の損益は、連結損益計算書に金利費用-当期純利益として記録されます。その他のバランスシート項目および予想される当期純利益の損益は、一般的に連結損益計算書にその他の収益(費用)-当期純利益として記録されます。
5. 公正価値の開示
レベル1 – 同一の資産または負債のための活発な市場での引用価格
レベル2 – 活発な市場における類似の資産および負債の価格や観察可能な入力を参照したもの

レベル3 – 観測不可能な入力(例えば、仮定に基づくキャッシュフローモデリングの入力)
 レベル 1レベル 2レベル3
デリバティブ資産$ $ $69 $81 $ $ 
投資および証券*18 16   11 12 
合計$18 $16 $69 $81 11 $12 
デリバティブ負債$ $ $149 $47 $ $ 
* 投資および証券は、会社の簡略化された連結貸借対照表において、前払費用およびその他の流動資産、その他の新規買資産に記録されています。
長期債務の公正価値は、同様または類似の発行物の市場価格に基づいて推定されます。長期債務は公正価値階層のレベル2に分類されます。2024年9月30日現在、リンデの長期債務ポートフォリオの推定公正価値は$17,634百万で、帳簿価値は$18,753 百万です。2023年12月31日現在、リンデの長期債務ポートフォリオの推定公正価値は$13,337 百万で、帳簿価値は$14,660 百万です。帳簿価値と公正価値の差は、債務が発行された後の金利の変動および表示されたクーポン金利に関連しています。

6. 一株当たり利益 - リンデの株主
基本的および希薄化後の一株当たり利益は、当期純利益 – リンデの期間に対して、基本または希薄化後のシェアの加重平均株式数で割ることによって計算されます。
 2023年9月30日終了四半期9ヶ月の期間 9月30日まで
当期純利益 – リンデ$1,550 $1,565 $4,840 $4,656 
加重平均発行株式数476,813 486,578 479,077 488,986 
報酬プランに基づいて獲得可能な株式849 544 748 532 
基本的な一株当たり利益で使用される加重平均株式477,662 487,122 479,825 489,518 
ストックオプションおよび賞与3,236 3,954 3,361 4,049 
希薄化後の1株当たり利益に使用される加重平均株式数480,898 491,076 483,186 493,567 
基本1株当たり利益 $3.24 $3.21 $10.09 $9.51 
希薄化後株式当たり利益$3.22 $3.19 $10.02 $9.43 
希薄化後の1株当たり利益の計算から除外された希薄化後の証券の加重平均は 326,797 および 267,355 2024年9月30日までの四半期および9か月にそれぞれあたる。 なし それぞれの2023年の期間に希薄化後の証券がありました。
7. 老後生活プログラム
年金および年金以外の退職後の給付(「OPEB」)コストの部品は四半期ごとに 2024年9月30日をもって終了した3ヶ月及び9ヶ月間の および2023年は以下に示されています:
 9月30日に終了した四半期9ヶ月の期間 9月30日まで
サービスコスト$21 $21 $63 $63 
利息コスト91 94 273 280 
決済手数料 (a)6 12 6 12 
ネット定期給付費用 (給付)$(24)$(14)$(81)$(62)
(a) 2024年と2023年の第三四半期に、リンデは米国の非適格プランから支払われた一時金の給付金に関連して、税引き後の年金決済費用として$6 百万円であり、$12 百万($5 百万円であり、$10百万をそれぞれ記録しました。
老後生活のその他の投稿に関する純定期給付費用の部品は四半期のものであり、 2024年9月30日をもって終了した3ヶ月及び9ヶ月間の 2023年は重要ではありませんでした。

リンデは、2024年に必要な年金プランへの拠出が約$の範囲になると見込んでいます30 百万から $40 百万の範囲です29 そのうち、$百万は2024年9月30日までに行われました。

8. コミットメントと偶発的負債
2019年4月23日以降、元リンデAGの株主は地域裁判所(州裁判所)ミュンヘンI(ドイツ)で、リンデAGのすべての少数株主の現金合併圧迫に関連して支払われた現金対価の増加を求める評価手続きを提起しました。189.4614,763,113 リンデAGのすべての株式に適用され、現金合併圧迫が完了した2019年4月8日に発行されていた株式について適用されます。原告が請求を行う期間は2019年7月9日に終了しました。2023年11月、裁判所は原告の請求を全面的に却下し、現金合併圧迫対価が適切であると判断する決定を下しました。原告はこの決定に対して控訴しました。
2022年5月27日、ロシアにおけるリンデ・エンジニアリングの契約の履行は、適用される制裁に従って合法的に一時停止されました。2022年12月、サンクトペテルブルクに拠点を置くロシアの裁判所(「サンクトペテルブルク裁判所」)は、(i) ロシアにおけるリンデの子会社およびジョイントベンチャーの株式の販売を禁止し、(ii) その法人の資産のいずれもが関連会社の総資産価値を超えることを禁じる差止命令を発出しました。差止命令は、リンデ・エンジニアリングとの契約違反を理由に、2021年7月に締結されたロシアのガス処理プラント建設契約に基づく仲裁手続きに対する可能性のある賠償金の支払いを確保するために、ロシア化学連盟(RCA)によって要求されました。2023年3月、RCAはサンクトペテルブルクでリンデ・ GmbHに対し、契約に基づく前払い金の回収を求める請求(「GPP請求」)を提起し、続いて、(i) リンデおよび他のリンデ子会社を被告として追加し、(ii) リンデおよび保証銀行に対する損害賠償の支払いを求めています。2024年3月、RCAは2021年9月に締結されたロシアの液化天然ガスプラント建設契約に基づく契約違反に対し、リンデに対して返済および損害賠償を求める類似の請求(「LNG請求」、およびGPP請求と合わせて「ロシアの請求」)を提出しました。 5
契約の紛争解決条項に従い、2023年にリンデは香港国際仲裁センター("HKIAC")に対してRCAに仲裁通知を提出し、(i) RCAには支払いの権利がないこと、(ii) RCAのロシアの請求がHKIAC仲裁を要求する仲裁契約に違反していること、(iii) RCAは差し止めによってリンデに与えた損失や損害を補償しなければならないことを主張しました。2024年の間に、リンデはHKIACとの独占的管轄権に関する裁定を取得しました。
2024年1月、香港の裁判所はリンデの favor の最終的な判決を下し、(i) RCA に対して GPP 請求の停止と LNG 請求の開始を求める永続的な反訴命令を付与し、(ii) GPP 請求に関して RCA に対する永続的かつグローバルな反執行命令を付与し、(iii) サンクトペテルブルク裁判所が発行した命令を解除するよう命じた(「香港裁判所判決」)。

リンデは、2024年9月30日現在で記録された負債と、非連結ロシア子会社の残存投資価値が軽微であることを考慮し、この決定が利益に与える重大な悪影響を期待していません。2024年9月30日現在、リンデは、契約の履行が終了したプロジェクトに関連する契約負債に以前記録された前払金を表す、その他の新規買負債において、含み負債が$ billion記録されています。この契約の終了により、リンデはこれらのプロジェクトに対する将来の履行義務をもはや持っていません。1.2
9. セグメント
リンデ plc の事業セグメントの説明については、リンデ plc の2023年の年次報告書フォーム10-Kの財務諸表の注記18を参照してください。
9月30日に終了した四半期9ヶ月の期間 9月30日まで
米州$3,618 $3,629 $10,833 $10,721 
欧州2,111 2,105 6,293 6,442 
アジア太平洋地域1,716 1,639 4,964 4,920 
エンジニアリング611 467 1,694 1,502 
その他300 315 939 967 
総売上$8,356 $8,155 $24,723 $24,552 
9月30日に終了した四半期9ヶ月の期間 9月30日まで
米州$1,153 $1,074 $3,400 $3,169 
欧州703 634 2,094 1,871 
アジア太平洋地域497 459 1,418 1,354 
エンジニアリング108 116 304 372 
その他16 23 24 32 
セグメント営業利益2,477 2,306 7,240 6,798 
仕入れ会計の影響 - リンデ AG (b)(246)(252)(730)(760)
総営業利益 $2,086 $2,052 $6,365 $5,996 
(a)売上は外部売上のみを反映しています。エンジニアリングから産業ガスセグメントへのインターセグメント売上は、$504 百万円であり、$1,380 2024年9月30日に終了した四半期および9ヶ月間の売上はそれぞれ、 と$417 百万円であり、$1,046 2023年のそれぞれの期間の売上は$百万でした。

10. 資本
期間の初めの残高$38,179 $1,359 $39,538 $39,911 $1,324 $41,235 
当期純利益 (a)1,550 53 1,603 1,565 36 1,601 
その他の包括的収入(損失)735 29 764 (777)(13)(790)
追加(減少) (1)(1) (1)(1)
配当およびその他の資本変動 (23)(23) (19)(19)
リンデの普通株主への配当 ($1.39 2024年のシェア当たりの配当は$1.275 2023年のシェア当たりの配当は$
(662) (662)(620) (620)
従業員の貯蓄およびインセンティブプランのため(1) (1)(19) (19)
普通株式の購入(670) (670)(1,198) (1,198)
株式報酬42  42 36  36 
期間の終わりの残高$39,173 $1,417 $40,590 $38,898 $1,327 $40,225 
9ヶ月の期間 9月30日まで
期間の初めの残高$39,720 $1,362 $41,082 $40,028 $1,346 $41,374 
当期純利益 (a)4,840 128 4,968 4,656 109 4,765 
その他の包括的収入(損失)(254)4 (250)(894)(38)(932)
追加(減少) 10 10 (11)(6)(17)
配当およびその他の資本変動 (87)(87) (84)(84)
リンデの普通株主への配当 ($4.17 2024年の1シェアあたり$3.83 2023年の1シェアあたり$
(1,996) (1,996)(1,866) (1,866)
従業員の貯蓄及びインセンティブプランのため(142) (142)(117) (117)
普通株式の購入(3,115) (3,115)(3,000) (3,000)
株式報酬120  120 102  102 
期間の終わりの残高$39,173 $1,417 $40,590 $38,898 $1,327 $40,225 

Table of Contents    
The components of Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) are as follows:
(Millions of dollars)September 30,
December 31, 2023
Cumulative translation adjustment - net of taxes:
Other19 113 
Derivatives - net of taxes7 7 
Pension / OPEB (net of $67 million and $60 million tax benefit at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively)
11. Revenue Recognition
Revenue is accounted for in accordance with ASC 606. Revenue is recognized as control of goods or services are transferred to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which an entity expects to be entitled to receive in exchange for the goods or services.
Contracts with Customers
Linde serves a diverse group of industries including healthcare, chemicals and energy, manufacturing, metals and mining, food and beverage, and electronics.
Industrial Gases
Within each of the company’s geographic segments for industrial gases, there are three basic distribution methods: (i) on-site or tonnage; (ii) merchant or bulk liquid; and (iii) packaged or cylinder gases. The distribution method used by Linde to supply a customer is determined by many factors, including the customer’s volume requirements and location. The distribution method generally determines the contract terms with the customer and, accordingly, the revenue recognition accounting practices. Linde's primary products in its industrial gases business are atmospheric gases (oxygen, nitrogen, argon, rare gases) and process gases (hydrogen, carbon dioxide, helium, electronic gases, specialty gases, acetylene). These products are generally sold through one of the three distribution methods.
Following is a description of each of the three industrial gases distribution methods and the respective revenue recognition policies:
On-site. Customers that require the largest volumes of product and that have a relatively constant demand pattern are supplied by cryogenic and process gas on-site plants. Linde constructs plants on or adjacent to these customers’ sites and supplies the product directly to customers by pipeline. Where there are large concentrations of customers, a single pipeline may be connected to several plants and customers. On-site product supply contracts generally are total requirement contracts with terms typically ranging from 10-20 years and contain minimum purchase requirements and price escalation provisions. Many of the cryogenic on-site plants also produce liquid products for the merchant market. Therefore, plants are typically not dedicated to a single customer. Additionally, Linde is responsible for the design, construction, operations and maintenance of the plants and our customers typically have no involvement in these activities. Advanced air separation processes also allow on-site delivery to customers with smaller volume requirements.
The company’s performance obligations related to on-site customers are satisfied over time as customers receive and obtain control of the product. Linde has elected to apply the practical expedient for measuring progress towards the completion of a performance obligation and recognizes revenue as the company has the right to invoice each customer, which generally corresponds with product delivery. Accordingly, revenue is recognized when product is delivered to the customer and the company has the right to invoice the customer in accordance with the contract terms. Consideration in these contracts is generally based on pricing which fluctuates with various price indices. Variable components of consideration exist within on-site contracts but are considered constrained.
Merchant. Merchant deliveries generally are made from Linde's plants by tanker trucks to storage containers at the customer's

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site. Due to the relatively high distribution cost, merchant oxygen and nitrogen generally have a relatively small distribution radius from the plants at which they are produced. Merchant argon, hydrogen and helium can be shipped much longer distances. The customer agreements used in the merchant business are usually three-to seven-year supply agreements based on the requirements of the customer. These contracts generally do not contain minimum purchase requirements or volume commitments.
The company’s performance obligations related to merchant customers are generally satisfied at a point in time as the customers receive and obtain control of the product. Revenue is recognized when product is delivered to the customer and the company has the right to invoice the customer in accordance with the contract terms.
Packaged Gases. Customers requiring small volumes are supplied products in containers called cylinders, under medium to high pressure. Linde distributes merchant gases from its production plants to company-owned cylinder filling plants where cylinders are then filled for distribution to customers. Cylinders may be delivered to the customer’s site or picked up by the customer at a packaging facility or retail store. Linde invoices the customer for the industrial gases and the use of the cylinder container(s). The company also sells hardgoods and welding equipment purchased from independent manufacturers. Packaged gases are generally sold under one to three-year supply contracts and purchase orders and do not contain minimum purchase requirements or volume commitments.
The company’s performance obligations related to packaged gases are satisfied at a point in time. Accordingly, revenue is recognized when product is delivered to the customer or when the customer picks up product from a packaged gas facility or retail store and the company has the right to payment from the customer in accordance with the contract terms.
The company designs and manufactures equipment for air separation and other industrial gas applications manufactured specifically for end customers. Sale of equipment contracts are generally comprised of a single performance obligation. Revenue from sale of equipment is generally recognized over time as Linde has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date and performance does not create an asset with alternative use. For contracts recognized over time, revenue is recognized primarily using a cost incurred input method. Costs incurred to date relative to total estimated costs at completion are used to measure progress toward satisfying performance obligations. Costs incurred include material, labor, and overhead costs and represent work contributing and proportionate to the transfer of control to the customer. Changes to cost estimates and contract modifications are typically accounted for as part of the existing contract and are recognized as cumulative adjustments for the inception-to-date effect of such change.
Contract Assets and Liabilities
Contract assets and liabilities result from differences in timing of revenue recognition and customer invoicing. Contract assets primarily relate to sale of equipment contracts for which revenue is recognized over time. The balance represents unbilled revenue which occurs when revenue recognized under the measure of progress exceeds amounts invoiced to customers. Customer invoices may be based on the passage of time, the achievement of certain contractual milestones or a combination of both criteria. Contract liabilities include advance payments or right to consideration prior to performance under the contract. Contract liabilities are recognized as revenue as performance obligations are satisfied under contract terms. Linde has contract assets of  $255 million and $196 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. Total contract liabilities are $2,791 million at September 30, 2024 (current contract liabilities of $1,727 million and $1,064 million within other long-term liabilities in the condensed consolidated balance sheets). As of September 30, 2024, Linde has approximately $409 million recorded in contract liabilities related to engineering projects in Russia subject to sanctions. Total contract liabilities were $2,950 million at December 31, 2023 (current contract liabilities of $1,901 million and $1,049 million within other long-term liabilities in the condensed consolidated balance sheets). Revenue recognized for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 that was included in the contract liability at December 31, 2023 was $959 million. Contract assets and liabilities primarily relate to the Engineering business and customer prepayments for certain on-site supply agreements.
Payment Terms and Other
Linde generally receives payment after performance obligations are satisfied, and customer prepayments are not typical for the industrial gases business. Payment terms vary based on the country where sales originate and local customary payment practices. Linde does not offer extended financing outside of customary payment terms. Amounts billed for sales and use taxes, value-added taxes, and certain excise and other specific transactional taxes imposed on revenue producing transactions are presented on a net basis and are not included in sales within the consolidated statement of income. Additionally, sales returns and allowances are not a normal practice in the industry and are not significant.

Table of Contents    
Disaggregated Revenue Information
As described above and in Note 19 to Linde plc's 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K, the company manages its industrial gases business on a geographic basis, while the Engineering and Other businesses are generally managed on a global basis. Furthermore, the company believes that reporting sales by distribution method by reportable geographic segment best illustrates the nature, timing, type of customer, and contract terms for its revenues, including terms and pricing.
The following tables show sales by distribution method at the consolidated level and for each reportable segment and Other for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023.
(Millions of dollars)Quarter Ended September 30, 2024
Merchant$1,160 $704 $589 $ $48 $2,501 30 %
On-Site799 441 680   1,920 23 %
Packaged Gas1,602 954 371  8 2,935 35 %
Other57 12 76 611 244 1,000 12 %
Total$3,618 $2,111 $1,716 $611 $300 $8,356 100 %
(Millions of dollars)Quarter Ended September 30, 2023
Merchant$1,131 $685 $564 $ $53 $2,433 30 %
On-Site843 473 651   1,967 24 %
Packaged Gas1,599 936 352  8 2,895 35 %
Other56 11 72 467 254 860 11 %
Total$3,629 $2,105 $1,639 $467 $315 $8,155 100 %
(Millions of dollars)Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Merchant$3,455 $2,081 $1,686 $ $155 $7,377 30 %
On-Site2,388 1,294 2,016   5,698 23 %
Packaged Gas4,825 2,874 1,041  22 8,762 35 %
Other165 44 221 1,694 762 2,886 12 %
Total$10,833 $6,293 $4,964 $1,694 $939 $24,723 100 %
(Millions of dollars)Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Merchant$3,268 $2,089 $1,685 $ $161 $7,203 29 %
On-Site2,403 1,504 1,972   5,879 24 %
Packaged Gas4,875 2,810 1,072  40 8,797 36 %
Other175 39 191 1,502 766 2,673 11 %
Total$10,721 $6,442 $4,920 $1,502 $967 $24,552 100 %
Remaining Performance Obligations
As described above, Linde's contracts with on-site customers are under long-term supply arrangements which generally require the customer to purchase their requirements from Linde and also have minimum purchase requirements. Additionally, plant sales from the Linde Engineering business are primarily contracted on a fixed price basis. The company estimates the consideration related to future minimum purchase requirements and plant sales was approximately $59 billion. This amount excludes all on-site sales above minimum purchase requirements, which can be significant depending on customer needs. In the

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future, actual amounts will be different due to impacts from several factors, many of which are beyond the company’s control including, but not limited to, timing of newly signed, terminated and renewed contracts, inflationary price escalations, currency exchange rates, and pass-through costs related to natural gas and electricity. The actual duration of long-term supply contracts ranges up to twenty years. The company estimates that approximately half of the revenue related to minimum purchase requirements will be earned in the next six years and the remaining thereafter.

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Item 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations ("MD&A")
Non-GAAP Measures
Throughout MD&A, the company provides adjusted operating results exclusive of certain items such as Cost reduction program and other charges, purchase accounting impacts of the Linde AG merger and pension settlement charges. Adjusted amounts are non-GAAP measures which are intended to supplement investors’ understanding of the company’s financial information by providing measures which investors, financial analysts and management find useful in evaluating the company’s operating performance. Items which the company does not believe to be indicative of on-going business performance are excluded from these calculations so that investors can better evaluate and analyze historical and future business trends on a consistent basis. In addition, operating results, excluding these items, is important to management's development of annual and long-term employee incentive compensation plans. Definitions of these non-GAAP measures may not be comparable to similar definitions used by other companies and are not a substitute for similar GAAP measures.
The non-GAAP measures and reconciliations are separately included in a later section in the MD&A titled "Non-GAAP Measures and Reconciliations."

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Consolidated Results
The following table provides summary information for the quarters and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. The reported amounts are GAAP amounts from the Consolidated Statements of Income. The adjusted amounts are intended to supplement investors' understanding of the company's financial information and are not a substitute for GAAP measures:
Quarter Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(Millions of dollars, except per share data)20242023Variance20242023Variance
Sales$8,356 $8,155 %$24,723 $24,552 %
Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization$4,356 $4,314 %$12,823 $13,061 (2)%
As a percent of sales52.1 %52.9 %51.9 %53.2 %
Selling, general and administrative$823 $808 %$2,523 $2,463 %
As a percent of sales9.8 %9.9 %10.2 %10.0 %
Depreciation and amortization$960 $959 — %$2,867 $2,867 — %
Cost reduction program and other charges$145 $7,150 %$145 $42 245 %
Other income (expense) - net$51 $16 219 %$111 $(16)794 %
Operating profit$2,086 $2,052 %$6,365 $5,996 %
Operating margin25.0 %25.2 %25.7 %24.4 %
Interest expense - net$68 $40 70 %$203 $129 57 %
Net pension and OPEB cost (benefit), excluding service cost$(45)$(35)29 %$(144)$(125)15 %
Effective tax rate24.1 %23.8 %23.3 %22.6 %
Income from equity investments$38 $41 (7)%$131 $128 %
Noncontrolling interests$(53)$(36)47 %$(128)$(109)17 %
Net Income – Linde plc$1,550 $1,565 (1)%$4,840 $4,656 %
Diluted earnings per share$3.22 $3.19 %$10.02 $9.43 %
Diluted shares outstanding480,898 491,076 (2)%483,186 493,567 (2)%
Number of employees65,596 66,442 (1)%65,596 66,442 (1)%
Adjusted Amounts (a)
Operating profit$2,477 $2,306 %$7,240 $6,798 %
Operating margin29.6 %28.3 %29.3 %27.7 %
Effective tax rate23.6 %23.7 %23.3 %23.8 %
Net Income – Linde plc$1,896 $1,783 %$5,576 $5,236 %
Diluted earnings per share$3.94 $3.63 %$11.54 $10.61 %
Other Financial Data (a)
EBITDA$3,084 $3,052 %$9,363 $8,991 %
As percent of sales36.9 %37.4 %37.9 %36.6 %
Adjusted EBITDA$3,253 $3,074 %$9,575 $9,096 %
As percent of sales38.9 %37.7 %38.7 %37.0 %
(a)Adjusted Amounts and Other Financial Data are non-GAAP performance measures. A reconciliation of reported amounts to adjusted amounts can be found in the "Non-GAAP Measures and Reconciliations" section of this MD&A.
In the third quarter of 2024, Linde's sales were $8,356 million, $201 million above prior year. The increase in sales was driven by 2% higher price attainment. Engineering increased sales by 2% in the quarter. Volumes were flat in the quarter versus the 2023 respective period, as base volume declines were largely offset by new project start-ups. Currency translation decreased sales by 1% in the quarter driven primarily by the weakening of the Brazilian real and Mexican peso against the U.S. Dollar. Cost pass-through, representing the contractual billing of energy cost variances primarily to onsite customers, decreased sales by 1% in the quarter, with minimal impact on operating profit.
Reported operating profit for the third quarter of 2024 of $2,086 million, or 25.0% of sales, was 2% above prior year. The reported year-over-year increase was primarily driven by higher pricing and productivity initiatives which more than offset

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adverse impacts from cost inflation, cost reduction program and other charges and currency translation. The reported effective tax rate ("ETR") was 24.1% in the third quarter 2024 versus 23.8% in the third quarter 2023. Diluted earnings per share ("EPS") was $3.22, or 1% above EPS of $3.19 in the third quarter of 2023, primarily due to lower diluted shares outstanding partially offset by lower net income - Linde plc.
In the third quarter of 2024, adjusted operating profit of $2,477 million, or 29.6% of sales, was 7% higher as compared to 2023, driven by higher pricing, and productivity initiatives, partially offset by cost inflation and currency translation. The adjusted ETR was 23.6% in the third quarter 2024 versus 23.7% in the 2023 quarter. On an adjusted basis, EPS was $3.94, 9% above the 2023 adjusted EPS of $3.63, driven by higher adjusted net income - Linde plc and lower diluted shares outstanding.
Linde provides quarterly updates on operating results, material trends that may affect financial performance, and financial guidance via quarterly earnings releases and investor teleconferences. These updates are available on the company’s website, www.linde.com, but are not incorporated herein.

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Results of operations
The changes in consolidated sales compared to the prior year are attributable to the following:
 Quarter Ended September 30, 2024 vs. 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 vs. 2023
 % Change% Change
Factors Contributing to Changes - Sales
Volume— %— %
Cost pass-through(1)%(1)%
Acquisitions/divestitures— %— %
Sales increased $201 million or 2% for the third quarter of 2024 and increased $171 million, or 1% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 versus the respective 2023 periods. Higher pricing contributed 2% to sales in both the quarter and year-to-date periods. Engineering increased sales by 2% in the quarter and 1% in the year-to-date period. Currency translation decreased sales by 1% in the quarter primarily driven by weakening of the Brazilian real and Mexican peso, partially offset by a strengthening of the Euro against the U.S. Dollar. Currency translation decreased sales by 1% in the year-to-date period driven primarily by the weakening of the Brazilian real, Chinese yuan, and Korean won. Cost pass-through decreased sales by 1% in both the quarter and year-to-date periods, with minimal impact on operating profit. Volumes were flat in both the quarter and year-to-date periods versus the respective 2023 periods, as base volume declines were largely offset by new project start-ups.
Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization
Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization increased $42 million, or 1%, for the third quarter of 2024 primarily due to higher Engineering sales and decreased $238 million, or 2% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 primarily due to lower cost pass-through and productivity gains which more than offset cost inflation. Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization was 52.1% and 51.9% of sales, respectively, for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024 versus 52.9% and 53.2% for the respective 2023 periods. The decrease as a percentage of sales in the quarter was primarily due to higher pricing and lower cost pass-through.
Selling, general and administrative expenses
Selling, general and administrative expense ("SG&A") increased $15 million, or 2%, for the third quarter of 2024 and increased $60 million or 2% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 driven by higher costs. SG&A was 9.8% and 10.2% of third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024 sales, respectively versus 9.9% and 10.0% of the respective 2023 periods.
Depreciation and amortization
Reported depreciation and amortization expense increased $1 million for the third quarter of 2024 and remained flat for the nine months ended September 30, 2024.
On an adjusted basis, depreciation and amortization increased $10 million, for the third quarter of 2024 and increased $33 million for the year-to-date period driven by new project start ups.
Cost reduction program and other charges
Cost reduction program and other charges were $145 million for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and $2 million and $42 million for the respective 2023 periods. 2024 includes severance charges of $148 million and $165 million for

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the quarter and year to date periods, other cost reduction charges of $40 million and $23 million for the quarter and year to date periods, and other benefit of $43 million for the quarter and year to date periods related to a divestiture in APAC.
Other income (expense) - net
Reported other income (expense) - net was a benefit of $51 million for the third quarter of 2024 and $111 million for the year-to-date period, including a benefit of $36 million related to a settlement with a supplier in the Americas, recognized during the third quarter, and $43 million in insurance recoveries, primarily within the Other segment, recognized during the first quarter.
Operating profit
On a reported basis, operating profit increased $34 million, or 2%, for the third quarter of 2024 and increased $369 million, or 6%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The increase in the quarter and year-to-date periods of 2024 was primarily due to higher pricing, savings from productivity initiatives and, which more than offset the adverse impacts of cost inflation, cost reduction program and other charges and currency.
On an adjusted basis, which excludes the impacts of merger-related purchase accounting as well as cost reduction programs and other charges, operating profit increased $171 million, or 7% in the third quarter of 2024 and increased $442 million, or 7% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Operating profit growth was driven by higher pricing and productivity initiatives, which more than offset the effects of cost inflation and currency during the quarter and year-to-date periods of 2024. A discussion of operating profit by segment is included in the segment discussion that follows.
Interest expense - net
Reported interest expense - net increased $28 million for the third quarter of 2024 and increased $74 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The increase in both periods was driven primarily by higher interest rates on debt.
Net pension and OPEB cost (benefit), excluding service cost
Reported net pension and OPEB cost (benefit), excluding service cost were benefits of $45 million and $144 million for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, versus $35 million and $125 million for the respective 2023 periods. The increase in the benefit primarily relates to higher expected return on assets and lower amortization of deferred losses year-over-year.
Effective tax rate
The reported effective tax rate ("ETR") for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024 was 24.1% and 23.3% versus 23.8% and 22.6% for the respective 2023 periods. The increase in the quarter rate is primarily related to tax effects of cost reduction program and other charges. The increase in the year to date rate is primarily related to a prior year benefit from a net decrease in the company’s uncertain tax positions and a tax refund, partially offset by tax benefits from a repatriation in the current year. Effective January 1, 2024, Linde is subject to the 15% global minimum tax rate provisions of the OECD’s framework for Pillar Two, the implementation of which did not have a significant impact on the effective tax rate for the quarter or year-to-date periods.

On an adjusted basis, the ETR for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024 was 23.6% and 23.3% versus 23.7% and 23.8% for the respective 2023 periods. The decrease in the year-to-date rate is primarily due to tax benefits from a repatriation.

Income from equity investments
Reported income from equity investments for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $38 million and $131 million versus $41 million and $128 million for the respective 2023 periods.
On an adjusted basis, income from equity investments for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $56 million and $185 million versus $59 million and $182 million for the respective 2023 periods.
Noncontrolling interests
At September 30, 2024, noncontrolling interests consisted primarily of non-controlling shareholders' investments in APAC (primarily China). Reported noncontrolling interests income was $53 million and $128 million for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and included the impact of a divestiture in the APAC segment. Noncontrolling interest was $36 million and $109 million for the the respective 2023 periods.

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Net Income – Linde plc
Reported net income - Linde plc decreased $15 million, or 1%, for the third quarter of 2024 and increased $184 million, or 4%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 versus the respective 2023 periods. The decrease for the third quarter of 2024 was primarily driven by higher cost reduction program and other charges. The increase for nine months was driven by higher operating profit.
On an adjusted basis, which excludes the impacts of purchase accounting and cost reduction program and other charges, net income - Linde plc increased $113 million, or 6%, for the third quarter of 2024 and increased $340 million, or 6%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 versus the respective 2023 periods. The increase was driven by higher adjusted operating profit.
Diluted earnings per share
Reported diluted earnings per share increased $0.03, or 1%, for the third quarter of 2024 primarily due to lower diluted shares outstanding partially offset by lower net income. Reported diluted earnings increased $0.59, or 6%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 versus the respective 2023 periods. The increase is due to higher net income - Linde plc and lower diluted shares outstanding.
On an adjusted basis, diluted EPS increased $0.31 and $0.93 for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024, or 9% respectively. The increase is primarily due to higher adjusted net income - Linde plc and lower diluted shares outstanding.
The number of employees at September 30, 2024 was 65,596, a decrease of 846 employees from September 30, 2023 including the impact of ongoing cost reduction programs and a divestiture in APAC.
Other Financial Data
EBITDA was $3,084 million for the third quarter of 2024 as compared to $3,052 million in the respective 2023 period. EBITDA was $9,363 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to $8,991 million in the respective 2023 period. The increase was driven by higher operating profit versus prior year.
Adjusted EBITDA increased to $3,253 million for the third quarter 2024 from $3,074 million in the respective 2023 period. Adjusted EBITDA was $9,575 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to $9,096 million in the respective 2023 period. The higher EBITDA was primarily due to higher adjusted operating profit versus the respective prior periods.
See the "Non-GAAP Measures and Reconciliations" section for definitions and reconciliations of these adjusted non-GAAP measures to reported GAAP amounts.
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
Other comprehensive income for the third quarter of 2024 was $764 million and loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $250 million. The income in the quarter and loss for the year-to-date period resulted primarily from currency translation adjustments of $773 million and $245 million, respectively. The translation adjustments reflect the impact of translating local currency foreign subsidiary financial statements to U.S. dollars, and are largely driven by the movement of the U.S. dollar against major currencies including the Euro, British pound and the Chinese yuan. See the "Currency" section of the MD&A for exchange rates used for translation purposes and Note 10 to the condensed consolidated financial statements for a summary of the currency translation adjustment component of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) by segment.

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Segment Discussion
The following summary of sales and operating profit by segment provides a basis for the discussion that follows. Linde plc evaluates the performance of its reportable segments based on operating profit, excluding items not indicative of ongoing business trends. The reported amounts are GAAP amounts from the Consolidated Statements of Income.
Quarter Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(Millions of dollars)20242023Variance20242023Variance
Americas$3,618 $3,629 — %$10,833 $10,721 %
EMEA2,111 2,105 — %6,293 6,442 (2)%
APAC1,716 1,639 %4,964 4,920 %
Engineering611 467 31 %1,694 1,502 13 %
Other300 315 (5)%939 967 (3)%
Total sales$8,356 $8,155 %$24,723 $24,552 %
Americas$1,153 $1,074 %$3,400 $3,169 %
EMEA703 634 11 %2,094 1,871 12 %
APAC497 459 %1,418 1,354 %
Engineering108 116 (7)%304 372 (18)%
Other16 23 (30)%24 32 (25)%
Segment operating profit$2,477 $2,306 %$7,240 $6,798 %
Reconciliation to reported operating profit:
Cost reduction program and other charges(145)(2)(145)(42)
Purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG(246)(252)(730)(760)
Total operating profit $2,086 $2,052 $6,365 $5,996 

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 Quarter Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(Millions of dollars)20242023Variance20242023Variance
Sales$3,618 $3,629 — %$10,833 $10,721 %
Operating profit$1,153 $1,074 %$3,400 $3,169 %
As a percent of sales31.9 %29.6 %31.4 %29.6 %
 Quarter Ended September 30, 2024 vs. 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 vs. 2023
 % Change% Change
Factors Contributing to Changes - Sales
Volume%— %
Cost pass-through(1)%(1)%
Acquisitions/divestitures%— %
— %%
The Americas segment includes Linde's industrial gases operations in approximately 20 countries including the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil.
Sales for the Americas segment decreased $11 million in the third quarter and increased $112 million, or 1%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 versus the respective 2023 periods. Higher pricing contributed 2% to sales in the quarter and 3% in the year-to-date period. Volumes increased 1% in the third quarter and remained flat year-to-date largely due to project start-ups. Cost pass-through decreased sales 1% in the third quarter and year-to-date period with minimal impact on operating profit. Currency translation decreased sales by 3% in third quarter and 1% in the year-to-date period driven primarily by the weakening of the Brazilian real and Mexican peso against the U.S. Dollar.
Operating profit
Operating profit in the Americas segment increased $79 million, or 7%, in the third quarter and increased $231 million, or 7%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 versus the respective 2023 periods, driven primarily by higher pricing, continued productivity initiatives and a settlement gain with a supplier, which more than offset cost inflation.
 Quarter Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(Millions of dollars)20242023Variance20242023Variance
Sales$2,111 $2,105 — %$6,293 $6,442 (2)%
Operating profit$703 $634 11 %$2,094 $1,871 12 %
As a percent of sales33.3 %30.1 %33.3 %29.0 %

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 Quarter Ended September 30, 2024 vs. 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 vs. 2023
% Change% Change
Factors Contributing to Changes - Sales
Cost pass-through(3)%(4)%
Currency— %— %
Acquisitions/divestitures— %— %
— %(2)%
The EMEA segment includes Linde's industrial gases operations in approximately 45 European, Middle Eastern and African countries including Germany, United Kingdom, France, the Republic of South Africa and Sweden.
EMEA segment sales were flat in the third quarter and decreased $149 million, or 2%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the respective 2023 periods. Higher price attainment increased sales by 4% in the quarter and 3% in the year-to-date period. Currency translation was flat in the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024. Cost pass-through decreased sales by 3% in the quarter and 4% in the year-to-date period with minimal impact on operating profit. Volumes decreased sales by 1% in the quarter and year-to-date periods, primarily driven by the manufacturing and chemicals and energy end markets.
Operating Profit
Operating profit for the EMEA segment increased by $69 million, or 11%, in the third quarter and increased by $223 million, or 12%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the respective 2023 periods. The increase in operating profit in the third quarter and year-to-date period was driven primarily by higher pricing and continued productivity initiatives, partially offset by cost inflation and lower volumes.
 Quarter Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(Millions of dollars)20242023Variance20242023Variance
Sales$1,716 $1,639 %$4,964 $4,920 %
Operating profit$497 $459 %$1,418 $1,354 %
As a percent of sales29.0 %28.0 %28.6 %27.5 %
 Quarter Ended September 30, 2024 vs. 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 vs. 2023
 % Change% Change
Factors Contributing to Changes - Sales
Price/Mix— %— %
Cost pass-through%— %
Acquisitions/divestitures— %%
The APAC segment includes Linde's industrial gases operations in approximately 20 Asian and South Pacific countries and regions including China, Australia, India, and South Korea.
Sales for the APAC segment increased $77 million, or 5%, in the third quarter and increased $44 million, or 1%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 versus the respective 2023 periods. Volumes increased 3% in the quarter and increased 2%

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for year-to-date period including project start-ups in the electronics end market. Currency translation increased sales by 1%, in the quarter primarily driven by strengthening of the Australian dollar and Chinese yuan against the U.S. dollar and decreased 2% for the year-to-date period driven primarily by the weakening of the Australian dollar, Korean won and Chinese yuan against the U.S. dollar. Cost pass-through increased sales 1% in the third quarter and was flat in the year-to-date period. Pricing was flat in the quarter and year-to-date period.
Operating profit
Operating profit in the APAC segment increased $38 million, or 8%, in the third quarter driven primarily by productivity initiatives, which more than offset cost inflation. Operating profit increased $64 million, or 5%, in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 versus 2023 period, driven primarily by continued productivity initiatives, which more than offset cost inflation.
 Quarter Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(Millions of dollars)20242023Variance20242023Variance
Sales$611 $467 31 %$1,694 $1,502 13 %
Operating profit$108 $116 (7)%$304 $372 (18)%
As a percent of sales17.7 %24.8 %17.9 %24.8 %
 Quarter Ended September 30, 2024 vs. 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 vs. 2023
 % Change% Change
Factors Contributing to Changes - Sales
Currency%— %
Other30 %13 %
31 %13 %
Engineering segment sales increased $144 million, or 31%, in the third quarter and increased 192 million, or 13%, in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the respective 2023 periods driven by project timing. Currency translation increased sales by 1% in the quarter, primarily driven by the strengthening of the Euro against the U.S. dollar. Currency translation for the year-to-date period was flat.
Operating profit
Engineering segment operating profit decreased $8 million, or 7%, in the third quarter and decreased $68 million or 18%, in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the respective 2023 period due to prior year's benefit from higher margin on lawful wind down of projects subject to sanctions in Russia.
 Quarter Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(Millions of dollars)20242023Variance20242023Variance
Sales$300 $315 (5)%$939 $967 (3)%
Operating profit (loss)$16 $23 (30)%$24 $32 (25)%
As a percent of sales5.3 %7.3 %2.6 %3.3 %

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 Quarter Ended September 30, 2024 vs. 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 vs. 2023
 % Change% Change
Factors Contributing to Changes - Sales
Cost pass-through%— %
Currency— %— %
Acquisitions/divestitures— %— %
Other consists of corporate costs and a few smaller businesses including Linde Advanced Material Technologies (LAMT) and global helium wholesale, which individually do not meet the quantitative thresholds for separate presentation.
Sales for Other decreased $15 million for the third quarter and decreased $28 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 versus the respective 2023 periods. Underlying sales decreased 6% in the quarter and 3% in the year-to-date periods primarily due to lower volumes in global helium and LAMT. The impact of currency translation was flat in the quarter and year-to-date periods.
Operating profit
Operating profit in Other decreased $7 million in the third quarter and decreased $8 million, or 25%, in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 versus the respective 2023 periods. The decrease in the quarter was driven by higher costs due to helium, which was partially offset by an insurance recovery for the LAMT coatings business in the year-to-date period.
The results of Linde's non-U.S. operations are translated to the company’s reporting currency, the U.S. dollar, from the functional currencies. For most operations, Linde uses the local currency as its functional currency. There is inherent variability and unpredictability in the relationship of these functional currencies to the U.S. dollar and such currency movements may materially impact Linde's results of operations in any given periods.
To help understand the reported results, the following is a summary of the significant currencies underlying Linde's consolidated results and the exchange rates used to translate the financial statements (rates of exchange expressed in units of local currency per U.S. dollar):
Percentage of YTD 2024 Consolidated Sales
Exchange Rate for
Income Statement
Exchange Rate for
Balance Sheet
 Year-To-Date AverageSeptember 30,December 31,
Euro18 %0.92 0.92 0.90 0.92 
Chinese yuan%7.20 7.03 7.02 7.10 
British pound%0.78 0.80 0.75 0.79 
Australian dollar%1.51 1.50 1.45 1.47 
Brazilian real%5.23 5.00 5.45 4.86 
Mexican peso%17.67 17.78 19.69 16.97 
Canadian dollar%1.36 1.35 1.35 1.32 
Korean won%1,352 1,301 1,315 1,288 
Indian rupee%83.41 82.06 83.80 83.21 
South African rand%18.46 18.34 17.27 18.36 
Swedish krona%10.50 10.59 10.16 10.07 
Thailand bhat%35.68 34.51 32.17 34.14 

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Liquidity, Capital Resources and Other Financial Data
The following selected cash flow information provides a basis for the discussion that follows:
(Millions of dollars)Nine Months Ended September 30,
Net income (including noncontrolling interests)$4,968 $4,765 
Non-cash charges (credits):
Add: Depreciation and amortization2,867 2,867 
Add: Deferred income taxes(308)(172)
Add: Share-based compensation120 102 
Add: Cost reduction program and other charges, net of payments52 (91)
Net income adjusted for non-cash charges7,699 7,471 
Less: Working capital(916)(535)
Less: Pension contributions(29)(35)
Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities$6,614 $6,578 
Capital expenditures(3,247)(2,636)
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired(175)(842)
Divestitures, net of cash divested and asset sales154 34 
Net cash provided by (used for) investing activities$(3,268)$(3,444)
Debt increase (decrease) - net2,628 227 
Issuances (purchases) of common stock - net(3,120)(2,900)
Cash dividends - Linde plc shareholders(1,996)(1,866)
Noncontrolling interest transactions and other(261)(81)
Net cash provided by (used for) financing activities$(2,749)$(4,620)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents$(74)$(56)
Cash and cash equivalents, end-of-period$5,187 $3,894 
Cash Flow from Operations
Cash provided by operations of $6,614 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 increased $36 million, or 1% versus 2023. The increase was driven primarily by higher net income adjusted for non-cash charges, partially offset by higher net working capital requirements including lower inflows from contract liabilities from engineering customer advance payments and higher cash taxes.
Linde estimates that total 2024 required contributions to its pension plans will be in the range of approximately $30 million to $40 million, of which $29 million has been made through September 30, 2024.
Net cash used for investing activities of $3,268 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 decreased $176 million versus 2023, due to lower acquisitions, net of cash acquired, and higher divestiture proceeds, net of cash provided, largely offset by higher capital expenditures.
Capital expenditures for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 were $3,247 million, $611 million higher than the prior year due primarily to investments in new plant and production equipment for backlog growth requirements.

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At September 30, 2024, Linde's sale of gas backlog of large projects under construction was approximately $7.0 billion. This represents the total estimated capital cost of large plants under construction.
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired were $175 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and relate primarily to packaged gas businesses in the Americas. Acquisitions, net of cash acquired were $842 million, for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and related primarily to the acquisition of nexAir in the Americas.
Divestitures, net of cash divested and asset sales for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 were $154 million primarily related to $69 million in net proceeds for a divestiture in APAC and settlement with a supplier in the Americas. 2023 divestitures, net of cash divested and asset sales were $34 million.
Cash used for financing activities was $2,749 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to $4,620 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Cash provided by debt was $2,628 million in 2024 versus $227 million in 2023, driven primarily by higher net debt issuances. In February 2024, Linde repaid €550 million of 1.20% notes that became due and issued €700 million of 3.00% notes due in 2028, €850 million of 3.20% notes due in 2031 and €700 million of 3.40% notes due in 2036. In May 2024, Linde repaid €300 million of 1.875% notes that became due. In June 2024, Linde issued €750 million of 3.375% notes due in 2030, €750 million of 3.500% notes due in 2034 and €700 million of 3.75% notes due in 2044.
Net purchases of ordinary shares were $3,120 million in 2024 versus $2,900 million in 2023. For additional information related to the share repurchase programs, see Part II Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds.
Cash dividends of $1,996 million increased $130 million from 2023 driven primarily by a 9% increase in quarterly dividends per share from $1.275 per share to $1.39 per share, partially offset by lower shares outstanding. Cash used for Noncontrolling interest transactions and other was $261 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 versus cash used of $81 million for the respective 2023 period.
The company continues to believe it has sufficient operating flexibility, cash, and funding sources to meet its business needs around the world. The company had $5.2 billion of cash as of September 30, 2024, and has a $5 billion and a $1.5 billion unsecured and undrawn revolving credit agreement with no associated financial covenants. No borrowings were outstanding under the credit agreements as of September 30, 2024. The company does not anticipate any limitations on its ability to access the debt capital markets and/or other external funding sources and remains committed to its strong ratings from Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s.
Legal Proceedings
See Note 8 to the condensed consolidated financial statements.

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(Millions of dollars, except per share data)
The following non-GAAP measures are intended to supplement investors’ understanding of the company’s financial information by providing measures which investors, financial analysts and management use to help evaluate the company’s operating performance and liquidity. Items which the company does not believe to be indicative of on-going business trends are excluded from these calculations so that investors can better evaluate and analyze historical and future business trends on a consistent basis. Definitions of these non-GAAP measures may not be comparable to similar definitions used by other companies and are not a substitute for similar GAAP measures.
Quarter Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Adjusted Operating Profit and Operating Margin
Reported operating profit$2,086 $2,052 $6,365 $5,996 
Add: Cost reduction program and other charges145 145 42 
Add: Pension settlement charges— — — — 
Add: Purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG (c)246 252 730 760 
Total adjustments391 254 875 802 
Adjusted operating profit$2,477 $2,306 $7,240 $6,798 
Reported percentage change%%
Adjusted percentage change%%
Reported sales$8,356 $8,155 $24,723 $24,552 
Reported operating margin25.0 %25.2 %25.7 %24.4 %
Adjusted operating margin29.6 %28.3 %29.3 %27.7 %
Adjusted Depreciation and amortization
Reported depreciation and amortization$960 $959 $2,867 $2,867 
Less: Purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG (c)(240)(249)(717)(750)
Adjusted depreciation and amortization$720 $710 $2,150 $2,117 
Adjusted Other Income (Expense) - net
Reported Other Income (Expense) - net$51 $16 $111 $(16)
Add: Purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG (c)(6)(3)(13)(10)
Adjusted Other Income (Expense) - net$57 $19 $124 $(6)
Adjusted Net Pension and OPEB Cost (Benefit), Excluding Service Cost
Reported net pension and OPEB cost (benefit), excluding service cost$(45)$(35)$(144)$(125)
Add: Pension settlement charges(6)(12)(6)(12)
Adjusted Net Pension and OPEB cost (benefit), excluding service costs$(51)$(47)$(150)$(137)
Adjusted Interest Expense - Net
Reported interest expense - net$68 $40 $203 $129 
Add: Purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG (c)— 15 
Adjusted interest expense - net$68 $42 $206 $144 
Adjusted Income Taxes (a)
Reported income taxes$498 $487 $1,469 $1,355 
Add: Purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG (c)60 59 176 183 

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Quarter Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Add: Pension settlement charges
Add: Cost reduction program and other charges21 — 26 79 
Total adjustments 82 61 203 264 
Adjusted income taxes $580 $548 $1,672 $1,619 
Adjusted Effective Tax Rate (a)
Reported income before income taxes and equity investments$2,063 $2,047 $6,306 $5,992 
Add: Pension settlement charge12 12 
Add: Purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG (c)246 250 727 745 
Add: Cost reduction program and other charges145 145 42 
Total adjustments 397 264 878 799 
Adjusted income before income taxes and equity investments$2,460 $2,311 $7,184 $6,791 
Reported Income taxes $498 $487 $1,469 $1,355 
Reported effective tax rate24.1 %23.8 %23.3 %22.6 %
Adjusted income taxes $580 $548 $1,672 $1,619 
Adjusted effective tax rate23.6 %23.7 %23.3 %23.8 %
Income from Equity Investments
Reported income from equity investments$38 $41 $131 $128 
Add: Purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG (c)18 18 54 54 
Adjusted income from equity investments $56 $59 $185 $182 
Adjusted Noncontrolling Interests
Reported noncontrolling interests$(53)$(36)$(128)$(109)
Add: Purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG (c)(3)(3)(9)(9)
Add: Cost reduction program and other charges16 — 16 — 
Total adjustments13 (3)(9)
Adjusted noncontrolling interests$(40)$(39)$(121)$(118)
Adjusted Net Income - Linde plc (b)
Reported net income$1,550 $1,565 $4,840 $4,656 
Add: Pension settlement charge10 10 
Add: Cost reduction program and other charges140 135 (37)
Add: Purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG (c)201 206 596 607 
Total adjustments346 218 736 580 
Adjusted net income - Linde plc$1,896 $1,783 $5,576 $5,236 

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Quarter Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Adjusted Diluted EPS (b)
Reported diluted EPS$3.22 $3.19 $10.02 $9.43 
Add: Pension settlement charge0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 
Add: Cost reduction program and other charges0.29 — 0.28 (0.07)
Add: Purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG (c)0.42 0.42 1.23 1.23 
Total adjustments0.72 0.44 1.52 1.18 
Adjusted diluted EPS$3.94 $3.63 $11.54 $10.61 
Reported percentage change%%
Adjusted percentage change%%
Adjusted EBITDA and % of Sales
Net Income - Linde plc$1,550 $1,565 $4,840 $4,656 
Add: Noncontrolling interests53 36 128 109 
Add: Net pension and OPEB cost (benefit), excluding service cost(45)(35)(144)(125)
Add: Interest expense68 40 203 129 
Add: Income taxes498 487 1,469 1,355 
Add: Depreciation and amortization960 959 2,867 2,867 
EBITDA$3,084 $3,052 $9,363 $8,991 
Add: Cost reduction program and other charges145 145 42 
Add: Purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG (c)24 20 67 63 
Total adjustments169 22 212 105 
Adjusted EBITDA$3,253 $3,074 $9,575 $9,096 
Reported sales $8,356 $8,155 $24,723 $24,552 
% of sales
EBITDA36.9 %37.4 %37.9 %36.6 %
Adjusted EBITDA as a % of Sales38.9 %37.7 %38.7 %37.0 %
(a) The income tax expense (benefit) on the non-GAAP pre-tax adjustments was determined using the applicable tax rates for the jurisdictions that were utilized in calculating the GAAP income tax expense (benefit) and included both current and deferred income tax amounts.
(b) Net of income taxes which are shown separately in “Adjusted Income Taxes and Effective Tax Rate”.
(c) The company believes that its non-GAAP measures excluding Purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG are useful to investors because: (i) the 2018 business combination was a merger of equals in an all-stock merger transaction, with no cash consideration, (ii) the company is managed on a geographic basis and the results of certain geographies are more heavily impacted by purchase accounting than others, causing results that are not comparable at the reportable segment level, therefore, the impacts of purchase accounting adjustments to each segment vary and are not comparable within the company and when compared to other companies in similar regions, (iii) business management is evaluated and variable compensation is determined based on results excluding purchase accounting impacts, and; (iv) it is important to investors and analysts to understand the purchase accounting impacts to the financial statements.
A summary of each of the adjustments made for Purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG are as follows:
Adjusted Operating Profit and Margin: The purchase accounting adjustments for the periods presented relate primarily to depreciation and amortization related to the fair value step up of fixed assets and intangible assets (primarily customer related) acquired in the merger and the allocation of fair value step-up for ongoing Linde AG asset disposals (reflected in Other Income/(Expense)).
Adjusted Interest Expense - Net: Relates to the amortization of the fair value of debt acquired in the merger.
Adjusted Income Taxes and Effective Tax Rate: Relates to the current and deferred income tax impact on the adjustments discussed above. The income tax expense (benefit) on the non-GAAP pre-tax adjustments was determined using the applicable tax rates for the jurisdictions that were utilized in calculating the GAAP income tax expense (benefit) and included both current and deferred income tax amounts.
Adjusted Income from Equity Investments: Represents the amortization of increased fair value on equity investments related to depreciable and amortizable assets.
Adjusted Noncontrolling Interests: Represents the noncontrolling interests’ ownership portion of the adjustments described above determined on an entity by entity basis.

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Net Debt and Adjusted Net Debt
Net debt is a financial liquidity measure used by investors, financial analysts and management to evaluate the ability of a company to repay its debt. Purchase accounting impacts have been excluded as they are non-cash and do not have an impact on liquidity.
September 30,
December 31,
(Millions of dollars)  
Debt$22,262 $19,373 
Less: cash and cash equivalents(5,187)(4,664)
Net debt17,075 14,709 
Less: purchase accounting impacts - Linde AG(4)(7)
Adjusted net debt$17,071 $14,702 

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Supplemental Guarantee Information
On May 3, 2023, the company filed a Form S-3 Registration Statement with the SEC ("the Registration Statement").
Linde plc may offer debt securities, preferred shares, depositary shares and ordinary shares under the Registration Statement, and debt securities exchangeable for or convertible into preferred shares, ordinary shares or other debt securities. Debt securities of Linde plc may be guaranteed by Linde Inc and/or Linde GmbH. Linde plc may provide guarantees of debt securities offered by its wholly owned subsidiaries Linde Inc. or Linde Finance under the Registration Statement.
Linde Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Linde plc. Linde Inc. may offer debt securities under the Registration Statement. Debt securities of Linde Inc. will be guaranteed by Linde plc, and such guarantees by Linde plc may be guaranteed by Linde GmbH. Linde Inc. may also provide (i) guarantees of debt securities offered by Linde plc under the Registration Statement and (ii) guarantees of the guarantees provided by Linde plc of debt securities of Linde Finance offered under the Registration Statement.
Linde Finance B.V. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Linde plc. Linde Finance may offer debt securities under the Registration Statement. Linde plc will guarantee debt securities of Linde Finance offered under the Registration Statement. Linde GmbH and Linde Inc. may guarantee Linde plc’s obligations under its downstream guarantee.
Linde GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Linde plc. Linde GmbH may provide (i) guarantees of debt securities offered by Linde plc under the Registration Statement and (ii) upstream guarantees of downstream guarantees provided by Linde plc of debt securities of Linde Inc. or Linde Finance offered under the Registration Statement.
In September 2019, Linde plc provided downstream guarantees of all pre-existing Linde Inc. and Linde Finance notes, and Linde GmbH and Linde Inc., respectively, provided upstream guarantees of Linde plc’s downstream guarantees.
Linde plc has filed a base prospectus with the Luxembourg Stock Exchange for a €15.0 billion debt issuance program, under which Linde plc may offer debt securities. Linde Inc. and Linde GmbH have provided to Linde plc upstream guarantees in relation to debt securities of Linde plc offered under the European debt program.
For further information about the guarantees of the debt securities registered under the Registration Statement (including the ranking of such guarantees, limitations on enforceability of such guarantees and the circumstances under which such guarantees may be released), see “Description of Debt Securities – Guarantees” and “Description of Debt Securities – Ranking” in the Registration Statement, which subsections are incorporated herein by reference.

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The following tables present summarized financial information for Linde plc, Linde Inc., Linde GmbH and Linde Finance on a combined basis, after eliminating intercompany transactions and balances between them and excluding investments in and equity in earnings from non-guarantor subsidiaries.
(Millions of dollars)
Statement of Income DataNine Months Ended September 30, 2024Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2023
Sales$5,865 $8,143 
Operating profit1,140 1,656 
Net income(216)735 
Transactions with non-guarantor subsidiaries2,313 3,004 
Balance Sheet Data (at period end)
Current assets (a)$10,083 $4,423 
Long-term assets (b)14,083 13,833 
Current liabilities (c)9,564 10,882 
Long-term liabilities (d)68,407 56,546 
(a) From current assets above, amount due from non-guarantor subsidiaries$6,743 $1,753 
(b) From long-term assets above, amount due from non-guarantor subsidiaries694 816 
(c) From current liabilities above, amount due to non-guarantor subsidiaries2,003 1,684 
(d) From long-term liabilities above, amount due to non-guarantor subsidiaries47,337 39,458 
Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
Refer to Item 7A. to Part II of Linde's 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K for discussion.
Item 4. Controls and Procedures
(a)Based on an evaluation of the effectiveness of Linde's disclosure controls and procedures, which was made under the supervision and with the participation of management, including Linde's principal executive officer and principal financial officer, the principal executive officer and principal financial officer have each concluded that, as of the end of the quarterly period covered by this report, such disclosure controls and procedures are effective in ensuring that information required to be disclosed by Linde in reports that it files under the Exchange Act of 1934 is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules and forms, and accumulated and communicated to management including Linde's principal executive officer and principal financial officer, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
(b)There were no changes in Linde's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the quarterly period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, Linde's internal control over financial reporting.

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Linde plc and Subsidiaries
Item 1. Legal Proceedings
See Note 8 to the condensed consolidated financial statements for a description of current legal proceedings.
Item 1A. Risk Factors
Through the quarterly period covered by this report, there have been no material changes to the risk factors disclosed in Item 1A to Part I of Linde's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds
Purchases of Equity Securities- Certain information regarding purchases made by or on behalf of the company or any affiliated purchaser (as defined in Rule 10b-18(a)(3) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) of its ordinary shares during the quarter ended September 30, 2024 is provided below:
Total Number
of Shares
Price Paid
Per Share
Total Numbers of Shares
Purchased as Part of
Publicly Announced
Program (1)
Approximate Dollar
Value of Shares that
May Yet be Purchased
Under the Program (2)
July 2024389 $440.01 389 $13,750 
August 2024642 $455.42 642 $13,457 
September 2024441 $466.63 441 $13,251 
Third Quarter 20241,472 $454.71 1,472 $13,251 
(1)On October 23, 2023, the company's board of directors approved the repurchase of $15.0 billion of its ordinary shares ("2023 program") which could take place from time to time on the open market (and could include the use of 10b5-1 trading plans), subject to market and business conditions. The 2023 program began on October 23, 2023 and will terminate on the earlier of the date as the maximum authority under the 2023 program is reached or the board terminates the 2023 program.
(2)As of September 30, 2024, the company repurchased $1.7 billion of its ordinary shares pursuant to the 2023 share repurchase program. As of September 30, 2024, $13.3 billion of share repurchases remain authorized under the 2023 program.
Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities
Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures
Not applicable.
Item 5. Other Information

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Item 6. Exhibits
101.INS  XBRL Instance Document: The XBRL Instance Document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document.
101.SCH  XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema
101.CAL  XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase
101.LAB  XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase
101.PRE  XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase
101.DEF  XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase
*Indicates a management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement.

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Linde plc and Subsidiaries
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
  Linde plc 
Date: October 31, 2024
 By: /s/ Kelcey E. Hoyt
 Kelcey E. Hoyt
 Chief Accounting Officer